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MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics...

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Page 1: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they

Please keep in mind the year of validity.








ECONOMICS (for students enrolled from winter term 2018/19)



Page 2: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Academic Director Prof. Michael Krause, Ph.D

Programme Director Dr. Christoph Scheicher

Editor Vice Dean of Studies Department - WiSo Faculty

Student Services

WiSo Student Services

+49 (0) 221 / 470 - 8818

[email protected]

Status Taking effect on 01/10/2019

Page 3: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



List of abbreviations

AM Advanced module PRES Presentation

AS Assignment PRP Project Report

C Course SI Studium Integrale

CC Compulsory course SM Specialisation module

CH Contact hours (= time spent in

class) SPM Supplementary module

CM Core module SPW Semester period per week

CP Credit Points (ECTS) SSt Self-study

CS Case Study TP Term paper

EC Elective Course TPF Time required for preparation and


OE Oral examniation TR Credit points transferred from an-

other university

PCR Practical component report WL Workload

PO Portfolio WT Written test

PR Project

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Table of contents

LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ...................................................................................... III

1 ECONOMICS ....................................................................................................... 1

1.1 Content and objectives of the programme ................................................................ 1

1.2 Requirements .......................................................................................................... 1

1.3 Programme structure ............................................................................................... 2

1.4 Double Master´s Programme in Economics ............................................................. 3

1.5 Study Abroad Option ................................................................................................ 3

1.6 Sample study plans .................................................................................................. 6

2 SUPPORT FOR STUDENTS ............................................................................... 7

2.1 Calculation of the overall mark ................................................................................. 7

2.2 Rules for failed attempts .......................................................................................... 7

2.3 Subject-specific and examination advice .................................................................. 7

2.4 Other sources of information and advice .................................................................. 8

3 CURRICULUM AND MODULE DESCRIPTIONS .............................................. 10

3.1 Core and advanced section ....................................................................................10

3.2 Specialisation section .............................................................................................11

3.5 Master’s thesis ........................................................................................................22

3.6 Module descriptions ................................................................................................23

3.6.1 Core and advanced section..................................................................................23

3.6.2 Specialisation section ...........................................................................................41

3.6.3 Supplementary section ....................................................................................... 205

3.6.4 Master‘s thesis ................................................................................................... 420

Page 5: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



1 Economics

The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they require

to perform economic and financial consultancy work as well as prepares them for roles involv-

ing the analysis and design of economic systems, treaty-making as well as negotiating institu-

tions and solutions to problems faced by specific markets. Graduates from the programme

understand macroeconomic and microeconomic processes and structures and are able to an-

alyse them using theoretical and empirical research methods and develop possible solutions

to economic problems on their own.

1.1 Content and objectives of the programme

Graduates enjoy various career opportunities in posts with an economic focus at public insti-

tutions such as government ministries, central banks, government offices and public admin-

istrations (such as regulatory authorities), European institutions (such as the EU Commission)

and international institutions (such as the OECD, IMF or World Bank). Research centres and

economics departments of private establishments (banks, consultancies, large industrial com-

panies, associations and media) are also potential employers. By combining certain speciali-

sation modules (e.g. energy, media or financial economics) with supplementary business ad-

ministration modules, students create additional opportunities for themselves on the job market

in business administration in the narrower sense of the term. Graduates can also find work in

consultancies, academic research institutes or higher education institutions. To be accepted

to the programme, students must hold a bachelor degree in a relevant area and meet the

requirements set out in the “Regulations concerning determination of aptitude” (Ordnung zur

Feststellung der besonderen Eignung).

1.2 Requirements

To be accepted for the Master Economics programme, applicants must have successfully com-

pleted a bachelor programme, on which they earned at least 180 ECTS credits, or an equiva-

lent programme. In accordance with the Regulations concerning determination of aptitude for

the Economics programme (Ordnung zur Feststellung der besonderen Eignung für den

Studiengang Economics) a programme is deemed successfully completed if the overall mark

was at least 2.7 or international equivalent.

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The Bachelor programme must also comply with the following subject-related criteria:

Variant a)

▪ at least 18 ECTS credits in the field of Economics and

▪ at least 48 further ECTS credits in the field of Economics and Social Sciences

▪ at least 15 ECTS credits in the field of Statistics and/or Mathematics (methodological

expertise only, no user expertise)

or Variant b)

• at least 40 ECTS credits in the field of Mathematics

Proof of English language skills to at least B2 in line with the Common European Framework

of Reference for Languages must also be supplied by the deadline for application. The gen-

erally established certificates (TOEFL, IELTS, etc.) are accepted.

If the number of applicants who meet the admission requirements is higher than the number

of places available on the programme, a selection process is conducted to rank the applicants.

The selection procedure is based on the result of the applicant’s bachelor degree or of a degree

recognised as being equivalent and the result of a voluntary study aptitude test (TM-WISO,


1.3 Programme structure

The master programme is modular in its structure and the standard period of study is four

terms. Students are required to accumulate 120 ECTS credits. They begin with core modules,

which contribute a total of 30 ECTS credits. In the supplementary module section, they can

accumulate 12 ECTS credits on courses in other subject areas offered by the Faculty. The

specialisation section consists of two subject areas (fields), each worth 18 ECTS credits. Fur-

thermore, the additional area ‘Selected Issues in Economics’ is compulsory in this section.The

students can choose their fields themselves, enabling them to decide which specific topics

they wish to focus on. Seven subject areas are available: Energy Economics, Economic De-

sign & Behavior, Markets & Institutions, Macroeconomics, Money and Financial Markets,

Growth, Labor and Inequality, Macroeconomics and Public Economics and Statistics & Econ-

ometrics. The master’s thesis to be written at the end of the programme carries 24 ECTS


In the specialization section, it is strongly recommended to complete the fields at first before

taking modules in the additional area ‘Selected Issues in Economics’ as a later transfer of

achieved credit points is not possible. Otherwise, it may be that students are not able to finish

a field if they have already chosen the missing module in the additional area.

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In the supplementary section, students have to be aware of the fact that there is only a limited

offer of English modules in some areas (e.g. Accounting and Taxation, Controlling, Business

Taxation, Audit). If you do not have knowledge of German language, please check the module

languages and cycles carefully before choosing an area in order to avoid a prolongation of

your study time.

1.4 Double Master´s Programme in Economics

The WiSo Faculty has established a Double Master's Programme in Economics in cooper-

ation with Keio University. Students admitted to the double degree track are spending one year

at Keio University and receive the master’s degrees of both universities after successful com-

pletion. The International Relations Center (ZIB WiSo) serves as point of information and

advice concerning the application process and the study plan.

1.5 Study Abroad Option

The WiSo Faculty offers a broad range of study abroad options within an excellent network of

prestigious partner universities worldwide. The so-called Study Abroad Programme (STAP)

includes ERASMUS exchanges and provides an opportunity for a single-term stay at one of

the WiSo Faculty's partner universities.

Successful STAP applicants benefit from direct contact and organisational support at the part-

ner university and are exempt from paying tuition fees there. The range of universities available

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depends on the master programme in which the student is enrolled – the possible options are

listed in the WiSo EXchange (WEX) International Outgoings Portal (access through the

student's UoC account only), along with detailed information on each university.

Every year, aside from the STAP programme, the WiSo Faculty organises an exclusive short-

term study option WiSo@NYC which takes place in New York City.

In addition to these options offered by the Faculty, master students can also apply for a non-

WiSo exchange, offered by Dezernat 9 – Internationales (Central International Office of the

University of Cologne) within the ‘fakultätsübergreifende Partnerschaften’ framework. Further

possibilities are going abroad as a freemover (i.e. as a student who organises his or her stay

abroad individually) or participating in short-term courses or summer schools offered under

separate terms and conditions.

For all study abroad options, the International Relations Center (ZIB WiSo) serves as point

of information and advice.

The Faculty’s Study Abroad Programme (STAP):

Master students should plan and submit their application for a term abroad at the beginning of

their master studies. The STAP main selection round takes place once a year with application

deadline December 1st and allows for an application either for fall term or spring term of the

following academic year. Detailed information on the selection criteria and the best preparation

for a STAP application can be found online in the STAP Master Application Manual. As an

exception, if a certain number of slots is still available for spring term, a secondary STAP se-

lection round will be offered in May, with a limited choice of exchange opportunities.

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Credit transfer options from studies abroad:

The WiSo Faculty has put a lot of emphasis on internationalisation in the design of its master

courses, offering broad credit transfer options for all kinds of study abroad options. Each mas-

ter course includes at least one "Studies Abroad" module, with a broad range of courses suit-

able for credit transfer. In addition, a single course-to-course credit transfer can be considered.

For more information on credit transfer rules and regulations, please go to WiSo Credit Trans-

fer Center > Information > Studies Abroad. For any questions regarding credit transfer, stu-

dents can contact the ZIB WiSo or the WiSo Credit Transfer Center.

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1.6 Sample study plans

M.Sc. Economics






1 CC Core module Microeconomics Core section 6

1 CC Core module Macroeconomics Core section 6

1 CC Core module Econometrics I Core section 6

1 CC Core module Mathematics Core section 6

1 CC Core module Methods Core section 6


2 EC Specialisation module I Field I Specialisation section 6

2 EC Specialisation module II Field I Specialisation section 6

2 EC Specialisation module I Field II Specialisation section 6

2 EC Specialisation module Seminar Field I Specialisation section 6

2 EC Supplementary module I Supplementary section 6


3 EC Specialisation module II Field II Specialisation section 6

3 EC Specialisation module Seminar Field II Specialisation section 6

3 EC Specialisation module Selected Issues I Specialisation section 6

3 EC Specialisation module Selected Issues II Specialisation section 6

3 EC Supplementary module II Supplementary section 6


4 EC Specialisation module Selected Issues III Specialisation section 6

4 CC Master´s Thesis Economics 24


1.6 Modules with mid-term examinations

Some modules have courses that only run for half a term and usually with twice the normal

number of classes. For these modules, the term is divided into two roughly equal halves. In

the fall, the mid-term usually ends at the beginning of December; in the spring, it is usually in

the middle or at the end of May. Often, the examinations for these courses are held mid-term,

enabling students to reduce their examination load at the end of term.

The information in the campus management system (KLIPS) regarding the dates of courses

and examinations is relevant in this context.

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2 Support for students

2.1 Calculation of the overall mark

The marks for core and advanced, supplementary as well as specialisation sections are cal-

culated as the weighted arithmetic mean of the marks for the respective modules, based on

the weighting system described in the annexes. In the case of end-of-module examinations

consisting of several components, the mark for the module is calculated as specified in the


The overall mark for the degree is calculated as the weighted arithmetic mean of the marks for

the subject categories and the mark for the master’s thesis. On the Economics programme,

the weighting for the contributions to the overall mark is as follows:

a) Mark for core and advanced section: 30 of 120 ECTS credits

b) Mark for specialisation section: 54 of 120 ECTS credits

c) Mark for supplementary section: 12 of 120 ECTS credits

d) Mark for master’s thesis: 24 of 120 ECTS credits

2.2 Rules for failed attempts

Students may retake module examinations that they have failed. The number of attempts is

limited to three per module. Modules offered by faculties other than the Faculty of Manage-

ment, Economics and Social Sciences (“WiSo Faculty”) may be subject to different rules.

After failing an exam three times, the WiSSPo provides information regarding the possibility

and the requirements to receiving additional resit attempts. If none of the first three examina-

tion attempts were failed due to cheating or to an offence, further two resit attempts can be

granted at any point of the programme. Students who have accumulated at least 90 credit

points can be granted a further additional attempt. If a student fails an examination in the two

additional attempts and the extra attempt for students with 90 points or more, they are deemed

to have failed the programme at the final attempt. Where a module examination consists of

several components, the candidate must obtain a “bestanden” (pass) mark, or at least an

“ausreichend (4,0)“ (sufficient) mark, in all of the examination components. All components

marked “mangelhaft (5,0)” or “nicht bestanden” (fail) must be retaken.

It is not possible to resit module examinations that have already been passed.

A failed master’s thesis can be retaken once, with a new topic. Students must register for their

second attempt within six months of the result of their first attempt being announced.

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2.3 Subject-specific and examination advice

The WiSo Student Services (WiSo-Studienberatungszentrum) provide general advice on

studies, including the possibilities available and the requirements for all programmes offered

by the WiSo Faculty. It offers subject-specific recommendations concerning students’ study

plan for their first term of the respective programme plus information on the structures of the

various programmes. The WiSo Student Services are also the first place to turn to for students

with other questions and problems related to their studies. It can be contacted by phone, in

person and, of course, via e-mail. The opening hours and contact information can be found on

the corresponding website.

Subject-specific advice is provided during the designated consulting hours by the Univer-

sity’s faculty members and associated teaching staff (“akademische Mitarbeiterinnen und Mi-

tarbeiter”) involved in the teaching of the programme. The designated times are announced

by means of notices in the institutes and on the departments’/institutes’ websites.

Legally binding information concerning examinations and examination procedures is provided

by the WiSo Faculty Examination Offices. These offices also issue transcripts of records in

German and English, ranking certificates and letters of assignment to the appropriate term of

the programme. All the necessary information, contact details and opening hours can be found

on the corresponding website.

2.4 Other sources of information and advice

International students who study at the WiSo Faculty for part of their programme can turn to

the International Relations Center (“Zentrum für Internationale Beziehungen” or “ZIB”)

for help with any questions they have. Cologne University students preparing to study abroad

can also contact the ZIB for support. The Center also runs a variety of summer schools, short

programmes and Business English courses. The services, courses and people to contact can

all be found on the website.

The Faculty’s Credit Transfer Centre (Zentrum für die Anrechnung auswärtiger Leis-

tungen) is responsible for recognising credits accumulated in other institutions. This applies

both to credits students have gained at other higher education institutions in Germany or

abroad prior to studying at the WiSo Faculty, and to (advance) transfer of credits that students

plan to accumulate abroad or have already accumulated abroad as part of a WiSo Faculty

programme. This system eliminates the need to make individual inquiries to departments/in-

stitutes and examination offices. Students can find out everything they need to know about the

transfer process on the corresponding website.

The WiSo Career Service offers advice and support, in cooperation with other partners, for

students from the WiSo Faculty looking for an internship or profession that is right for them. It

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also helps them as they plan their career and apply for jobs. In addition, the WiSo Career

Service organises seminars, presentations and special events in cooperation with employers

and external and internal experts.

The WiSo IT Service runs regular courses dealing with standard software and field-specific


KLIPS 2.0 is the central campus management system of the University of Cologne. At the

WiSo faculty, KLIPS 2.0 serves as a student organization tool. Students should use it as an

online course catalog, for registration and deregistration of courses and examinations, as well

as an overview of the complete study program and calendar. Information on current dates and

deadlines of the WiSo faculty, as well as video tutorials and FAQs about KLIPS can be found

on the homepage of WiSo-KLIPS-Support. If you have further questions, feel free to contact

WiSo-KLIPS-Support via e-mail ([email protected]). For account questions, contact the

central KLIPS support.

Students who are having difficulties with their studies or their personal lives can seek help from

the Psychosocial Counselling Service run by the Kölner Studierendenwerk. In addition to

counselling, it also provides advice on writing and learning skills plus support for pregnant

students and students who have children.

A further service is Nightline Köln, the listening and information helpline run by students for

students at all of Cologne’s institutions of higher education.

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3 Curriculum and module descriptions

3.1 Core and advanced section

In accordance with paragraph 30a (1), No. 1 of the Examination Regulations, the examina-tion candidate must obtain 30 ECTS credits in the core section.

Group Module ECTS CC/EC Re-



Mathematics Core Module Mathematics 6 EC 6

Core Module Mathematics (Research Track)1 6 EC

Microeconomics Core Module Microeconomics 6 EC 6

Core Module Microeconomics I (Research Track)1 6 EC

Macroeconomics Core Module Macroeconomics 6 EC 6

Core Module Macroeconomics I (Research Track) 1 6 EC

Econometrics Core Module Econometrics I 6 EC 6

Core Module Econometrics I (Research Track) 1 6 EC

Methods Core Module Methods 6 EC 6

Core Module Methods (Research Track) 1 6 EC

1 The Research Track modules will be offered in winter term 2019/20 and summer term 2020 for the last time. Starting with winter term 2020/21, modules of the Core Section are compulsory courses.

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3.2 Specialisation section

In accordance with paragraph 30a (1), No. 2 of the Examination Regulations, the examina-tion candidate must obtain 54 ECTS credits in three sub-groups of the specialisation section whereas the sub-group ‘Selected Issues in Economics’ is compulsory.

Group Module ECTS CC/EC Requi-




d I

ssues in




Core Module Research Track I1 6 EC 18

Core Module Research Track II1 6 EC

Core Module Research Track III1 6 EC

Core Module Econometrics II 6 EC

Specialisation Module Economic Engineering 6 EC

Specialisation Module Auction Theory 6 EC

Specialisation Module Contract Theory 6 EC

Specialisation Module Behavioral Economics 6 EC

Specialisation Module Topics in Design and Behavior A 6 EC

Specialisation Module Topics in Design and Behavior B 6 EC

Specialisation Module Topics in Design and Behavior C 6 EC

Specialisation Module Topics in Design and Behavior D 6 EC

Specialisation Module Matching and Market Design: Theory

and Practice

6 EC

Specialisation Module Foundations in Growth, Labor and Ine-

quality in the Global Economy A

6 EC

Specialisation Module Foundations in Growth, Labor and Ine-

quality in the Global Economy B

6 EC

Specialisation Module Foundations in Growth, Labor and Ine-

quality in the Global Economy C

6 EC

Specialisation Module Topics in Growth, Labor and Inequality

in the Global Economy

6 EC

Specialisation Module Seminar Markets and Institutions 6 EC

Specialisation Module Competition Policy 6 EC

Specialisation Module Specific Markets A 6 EC

1 The Core Modules Research Track I-III will be offered in winter term 2019/20 and summer term 2020 for the last time.

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Specialisation Module Specific Markets B 6 EC

Specialisation Module Topics in Markets and Institutions A 6 EC

Specialisation Module Topics in Markets and Institutions B 6 EC

Specialisation Module Topics in Markets and Institutions C 6 EC

Specialisation Module Economics of Innovation 6 EC

Specialisation Module Topics in Macroeconomics and Public


6 EC

Specialisation Module Time Series Analysis 6 EC

Specialisation Module Bayesian Econometrics 6 EC

Specialisation Module Statistical Analysis of Financial Data 6 EC

Specialisation Module Advanced Statistics (Stochastic Pro-


6 EC

Specialisation Module Advanced Statistics (Statistical Infer-


6 EC

Specialisation Module Topics in Statistics A 6 EC

Specialisation Module Topics in Statistics B 6 EC

Specialisation Module Topics in Econometrics C 6 EC

Specialisation Module Seminar Statistics and Econometrics 6 EC

1 The Specialisation Module Topics in Macroeconomics and Public Economics will be offered in winter term 2019/20 and summer term 2020 for the last time (according to the respective cycle).

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y E




Schwerpunktmodul Seminar in Energy, Resource and Environ-

mental Economics

6 CC 6 18

Schwerpunktmodul Energy Markets and Regulation (Master) 6 EC 12

Schwerpunktmodul Energy, Resources, Environment and the


6 EC

Schwerpunktmodul Topics in Energy Markets and Regulation A 6 EC

Schwerpunktmodul Topics in Energy Markets and Regulation B 6 EC

Schwerpunktmodul Topics in Energy, Resources, Environment

and the Economy A

6 EC

Schwerpunktmodul Topics in Energy, Resources, Environment

and the Economy B

6 EC



, L


and I



lity in t




l E



Schwerpunktmodul Seminar in Growth, Labor and Inequality in

the Global Economy

6 CC 6 18

Schwerpunktmodul Foundations in Growth, Labor and Inequal-

ity in the Global Economy A

6 EC 12

Schwerpunktmodul Foundations in Growth, Labor and Inequal-

ity in the Global Economy B

6 EC

Schwerpunktmodul Foundations in Growth, Labor and Inequal-

ity in the Global Economy C

6 EC

Schwerpunktmodul Topics in Growth, Labor and Inequality in

the Global Economy

6 EC



& I



Specialisation Module Seminar Markets and Institutions 6 CC 6 18

Specialisation Module Competition Policy 6 EC 12

Specialisation Module Specific Markets A 6 EC

Specialisation Module Specific Markets B 6 EC

Specialisation Module Topics in Markets and Institutions A 6 EC

Specialisation Module Topics in Markets and Institutions B 6 EC

Specialisation Module Topics in Markets and Institutions C 6 EC

Specialisation Module Economics of Innovation 6 EC

Specialisation Module Matching and Market Design: Theory

and Practice

6 EC

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ics, M


ey a

nd F



l M




Specialisation Module Seminar in Macroeconomics, Money

and Financial Markets1

6 CC 6 18

Specialisation Module Foundations in Macroeconomics, Money

and Financial Markets A1

6 EC 12

Specialisation Module Foundations in Macroeconomics, Money

and Financial Markets B1

6 EC

Specialisation Module Foundations in Macroeconomics, Money

and Financial Markets C1

6 EC

Specialisation Module Topics in Macroeconomics, Money and

Financial Markets1

6 EC




ics a



lic E




Specialisation Module Seminar in Macroeconomics and Public


6 EC 18

Specialisation Module Foundations in Macroeconomics and

Public Economics A2

6 EC

Specialisation Module Topics in Macroeconomics and Public


6 EC

Specialisation Module Economics of Innovation2 6 EC




ics a

nd P



y3 Specialisation Module Seminar in Macroeconomics and Public


6 EC 18

Specialisation Module Foundations in Macroeconomics and

Public Policy A3

6 EC

Specialisation Module Foundations in Macroeconomics and

Public Policy B3

6 EC

Specialisation Module Foundations in Macroeconomics and

Public Policy C3

6 EC

Specialisation Module Topics in Macroeconomics and Public


6 EC

1 The Field Macroeconomics, Money and Financial Markets will be offered in winter term 2019/20 and summer term 2020 for the last time. Starting with winter term 20/21 the modules are replaced by the Field Macroeconomics and Public Policy.

2 The Macroeconomics and Public Economics will be offered in winter term 2019/20 and summer term 2020 for the last time. Starting with winter term 20/21 the modules are replaced by the Field Macroeconomics and Public Policy.

3 Starting with winter term 20/21 the Field Macroeconomics, Money and Financial Markets und Macroeconomics and the Field Public Economics are replaced by the Field Macroeconomics and Public Policy.

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tistics &





Specialisation Module Time Series Analysis 6 EC 18

Specialisation Module Bayesian Econometrics 6 EC

Specialisation Module Statistical Analysis of Financial Data 6 EC

Specialisation Module Advanced Statistics (Stochastic Pro-


6 EC

Specialisation Module Advanced Statistics (Statistical Infer-


6 EC

Specialisation Module Topics in Statistics A 6 EC

Specialisation Module Topics in Statistics B 6 EC

Specialisation Module Topics in Econometrics C 6 EC

Specialisation Module Seminar Statistics and Econometrics 6 EC

Specialisation Module Multivariate Statistics 6 EC


n a

nd B



Specialisation Module Seminar Design and Behavior 6 CC 6 18

Specialisation Module Economic Engineering 6 EC 12

Specialisation Module Auction Theory 6 EC

Specialisation Module Contract Theory 6 EC

Specialisation Module Behavioral Economics 6 EC

Specialisation Module Topics in Design and Behavior A 6 EC

Specialisation Module Topics in Design and Behavior B 6 EC

Specialisation Module Topics in Design and Behavior C 6 EC

Specialisation Module Topics in Design and Behavior D 6 EC

Specialisation Module Matching and Market Design: Theory

and Practice

6 EC






Studies Abroad in Economics (Master) 18 CC 18

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3.3 Supplementary section

In accordance with paragraph 30a (1) No. 3 of the Examination Regulations, the examination candi-date must obtain 12 ECTS credits in a sub-group of the supplementary section.

Gruppe Modul LP P/WP Soll


Accounting a

nd T


Specialisation Module Corporate Taxation 12 EC 12

Specialisation Module Operative and Strategic Controlling 12 EC

Specialisation Module International Accounting and Corporate Val-


12 EC

Specialisation Module International Accounting2 6 EC

Specialisation Module Corporate Valuation2 6 EC

Specialisation Module Selected Issues in Business Taxation II 6 EC

Specialisation Module Value-based Controlling 6 EC

Specialisation Module Selected Issues in Accounting and Auditing I 6 EC




Specialisation Module Operative and Strategic Controlling 12 EC 12

Specialisation Module Value-based Controlling 6 EC

Specialisation Module Selected Issues in Controlling 6 EC

Specialisation Module Selected Issues in Business Taxation I 6 EC

Specialisation Module Finance 7 6 EC







Specialisation Module Business Ethics 6 EC 12

Specialisation Module Strategic Human Resource Management 6 EC

Specialisation Module Strategic Management 6 EC





Supplementary Module Introduction to Economic Psychology 12 CC 12



Specialisation Module Financial Theory 12 EC 12

Specialisation Module Financial Institutions Management 12 EC

Specialisation Module Finance 1 6 EC

2 The Specialisation Module International Accounting and Corporate Valuation (12 LP) will be offered in winter term 2019/20 and summer term 2020. Starting with winter term 2020/21, the modules Specialisation module International Accounting and Specialisation Module Corporate Valuation (à 6 LP) are offered instead.

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Specialisation Module Finance 5 6 EC

Specialisation Module Finance 7 6 EC

Specialisation Module Value-Based Management in Insurance 6 EC



Specialisation Module Marketing I 6 EC 12

Specialisation Module Marketing II 6 EC

Specialisation Module Marketing III 6 EC

Specialisation Module Marketing IV 6 EC


ia M




nt Specialisation Module Media and Technology Management: Enter-

prises, Markets, and Strategies (6 LP)

6 CC 12

Specialisation Module Media and Technology Management: Plat-

forms, Information Goods and Infrastructure (6 LP)

6 CC






and H


ry o




Supplementary Module Economic Methodology and History of


12 CC 12


ical S



Core Module Political Science I (Master) 6 EC 12

Core Module Political Science II (Master) 6 EC

Core Module Political Science III (Master) 6 EC

Core Module Political Science IV (Master) 6 EC

Core Module Political Science V (Master) 6 EC

Core Module Methods of Political Science 6 EC


l P



Supplementary Module Development of social environment and co-

operative system studies

12 EC 12

Supplementary Module Trans- and international perspective of so-

cial policy2

12 EC

Core Module Trans- and international perspective2 6 EC

Core Module Comparison of Health Care Systems2 6 EC

1 New enrollments are not possible. Outstanding exams can be taken for the last time in winter term 19/20 and summer term 2020.

2 The Supplementary Module Trans- and international perspective of social policy (12 ECTS) will be offered in winter term 2019/20 and summer term 2020. Starting with winter term 2020/21, the modules Core Module Trans- and international per-spective and Core Module Comparison of Health Care Systems (à 6 ECTS) are offered instead.

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Specialisation Module Supply Chain Innovation 6 EC 12

Specialisation Module Project Management 6 EC

Specialisation Module Supply Chain Operations¹ 12 EC

Specialisation Module Behavioral Operations (Adv.)² 6 EC

Specialisation Module Supply Chain Operations (6 LP)² 6 EC

Specialisation Module Production Management¹ 12 EC

Specialisation Module Supply Network Design² 6 EC

Specialisation Module Operative Supply Chain Planning² 6 EC


ess T


Specialisation Module Business Taxation 12 EC 12

Specialisation Module Selected Issues in Business Taxation II 6 EC

Core Module International Tax Law 6 EC

Core Module Business Taxation Law 6 EC

Core Module Selected Issues in Tax Law 6 EC




phy Supplementary Module Economic Geography I 6 EC 12

Supplementary Module Economic Geography II 12 EC

Supplementary Module Economic Geography III 6 EC



Specialisation Module International Accounting and Corporate Val-


12 EC 12

Specialisation Module International Accounting² 6 EC

Specialisation Module Corporate Valuation² 6 EC

Specialisation Module Selected Issues in Accounting and Auditing I 6 EC

Specialisation Module Selected Issues in Accounting and Auditing


6 EC

Specialisation Module Selected Issues in Business Taxation I 6 EC

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d I

ssues in




Core Module Econometrics II 6 EC 12

Specialisation Module Economic Engineering 6 EC

Specialisation Module Auction Theory 6 EC

Specialisation Module Contract Theory 6 EC

Specialisation Module Behavioral Economics 6 EC

Specialisation Module Topics in Design and Behavior A 6 EC

Specialisation Module Topics in Design and Behavior B 6 EC

Specialisation Module Topics in Design and Behavior C 6 EC

Specialisation Module Topics in Design and Behavior D 6 EC

Specialisation Module Matching and Market Design: Theory and


6 EC

Specialisation Module Foundations in Growth, Labor and Inequality

in the Global Economy A

6 EC

Specialisation Module Foundations in Growth, Labor and Inequality

in the Global Economy B

6 EC

Specialisation Module Foundations in Growth, Labor and Inequality

in the Global Economy C

6 EC

Specialisation Module Topics in Growth, Labor and Inequality in

the Global Economy

6 EC

Specialisation Module Seminar Markets and Institutions 6 EC

Specialisation Module Competition Policy 6 EC

Specialisation Module Specific Markets A 6 EC

Specialisation Module Specific Markets B 6 EC

Specialisation Module Topics in Markets and Institutions A 6 EC

Specialisation Module Topics in Markets and Institutions B 6 EC

Specialisation Module Topics in Markets and Institutions C 6 EC

Specialisation Module Economics of Innovation 6 EC

Specialisation Module Topics in Macroeconomics and Public Eco-


6 EC

Specialisation Module Time Series Analysis 6 EC

Specialisation Module Bayesian Econometrics 6 EC

Page 24: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Specialisation Module Statistical Analysis of Financial Data 6 EC

Specialisation Module Advanced Statistics (Stochastic Processes) 6 EC

Specialisation Module Advanced Statistics (Statistical Inference) 6 EC

Specialisation Module Topics in Statistics A 6 EC

Specialisation Module Topics in Statistics B 6 EC

Specialisation Module Topics in Econometrics C 6 EC

Specialisation Module Seminar Statistics and Econometrics 6 EC

Studies Abroad in Economics A 6 EC

Studies Abroad in Economics B 6 EC





Core Module Advanced Mathematics 6 EC 12

Core Module Advanced Experimental Methods 6 EC

Core Module Advanced Computational Methods 6 EC

Core Module Advanced Microeconomics I 6 EC

Core Module Advanced Microeconomics II 6 EC

Core Module Advanced Macroeconomics I 6 EC

Core Module Advanced Macroeconomics II 6 EC

Core Module Advanced Econometrics I 6 EC

Core Module Advanced Econometrics II 6 EC

Specialisation Module Market Design and Mechanism Design 6 EC

Specialisation Module Political Economics and Media Economics 6 EC

Specialisation Module Advanced Public Economics 6 EC

Specialisation Module Advanced Behavioral Economics 6 EC

Specialisation Module Frictions, Technology, and Inequality 6 EC

Specialisation Module Microeconometrics 6 EC

Specialisation Module Time Series Econometrics 6 EC

Specialisation Module Selected Issues in Economic Reserach I 6 EC

Specialisation Module Selected Issues in Economic Reserach II 6 EC

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Studies Abroad I (Master) 12 CC 12

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3.4 Extracurricular course programme

In addition to their regular studies Master's students have the opportunity to take part in extra-

curricular courses, in which both academic and vocational skills are taught. Thus it can have

an academic and a professional orientation, which serve the development of professional com-

petences. The extracurricular course programme intends to promote and impart competences

that go beyond specialist knowledge or concern basic scientific or personal attitudes: scientific

curiosity, systematic and analytical thinking, dealing with complexity, solution-orientation and

other skills, e.g. the ability to work in a team and foreign language skills. The extracurricular

course programme is offered jointly by the faculties and the Professional Centre of the

University of Cologne and enables students to pursue their own additional interests, to

gain insights into other subjects and faculties, to attend events of social importance, to

acquire professionally relevant skills and to attend language courses. In addition, stu-

dents are offered learning and study aids as part of the extracurricular programme, e.g.

for scientific work or literature research. Extracurricular courses are not credited, but

the participation is noted on the transcript of records.

3.5 Master’s thesis

The master’s thesis, which carries 24 ECTS credits, is written towards the end of the pro-

gramme. It is intended to show that the student is capable of conducting academic work on

and reflecting on a specific problem related to the subject matter covered on the programme,

using the necessary methods and within a specified period. The topic of the master’s thesis

must reflect the economic methods learned during the programme.

Group master’s theses are also permitted provided a clear distinction between and assess-

ment of each candidate’s contribution is possible. Objective criteria that make a clear distinc-

tion possible, such as sections, page numbers or topics, are used to indicate which student

made which contribution. The total workload required of each group member must exceed the

requirements for individual masters’ theses to an appropriate extent. The difficulty and content

of a group thesis must meet the same requirements as for theses undertaken individually and

independently. The contribution made by each individual must meet the requirements for mas-

ters’ theses.

To register to do their master’s thesis, students must have accumulated a minimum of 60 ECTS

credits. They may take no longer than six months to write the thesis. Further, more detailed

information on master’s theses can be found in the Examination Regulations.

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3.6 Module descriptions

3.6.1 Core and advanced section

Core Module Mathematics

Module code 1314BMMa01

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every 2nd

term - winter


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Mathematics for Economists


hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module content • Basic concepts of linear algebra • Linear systems of equations • Determinants • Eigenvalues and eigenvectors • Optimisation of functions with multiple variables • Difference equations • Differential equations • Systems of linear differential equations

3 Learning objectives Students... ... apply basic analysis and linear algebra methods correctly. ... express in mathematical terms economic problems that they come across in their

professional work. ... use technical jargon according to the respective target groups.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements none

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (90)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Regionalstudien Lateinamerika - Volkswirtschaftslehre: VWL MA Reg Lateinamerika Master of Science Geographie: VWL Master Geographie Regionalstudien China - Volkswirtschaftslehre:

Page 28: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



VWL MA Reg China Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Basis- und Aufbaubereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Regionalstudien Ost- und Mitteleuropa - Volkswirtschaftslehre: VWL MA Reg Osteuropa

9 Module manager Prof. Dr. Rainer Dyckerhoff

10 Miscellaneous

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Core Module Mathematics (Research Track)

Module code 1302BMMaR0

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every 2nd

term - winter


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Advanced Mathematics for



hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module content • Overview of elementary mathematical concepts • Metric and normed spaces • Linear algebra • Differential calculus and applications • Convex sets and concave functions • Optimisation

3 Learning objectives Students... ... apply mathematical argumentation and proof techniques properly. ... mathematically formulate and solve economic problems that occur during research.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements none

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (90)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Basis- und Aufbaubereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019)

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Martin Barbie

10 Miscellaneous 1The Research Track modules will be offered in winter term 2019/20 for the last time.

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Core Module Microeconomics

Module code 1289BMMi04

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every 2nd

term - winter


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Game Theory


hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module content • Non-cooperative game theory • Games in normal form • Games in extensive form, with perfect and imperfect information • Finitely and infinitely repeated games • Cooperative game theory • Kern, Shapley value, negotiation solutions • Evolutionary game theory • Social choice theory and elections • Condorcet’s paradox, Arrow’s theorem

3 Learning objectives Students... ... acquire basic knowledge of game theory. ... understand where game theory can be applied in political and social science. ... identify the links between game theory and experimental economics.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements none

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (60)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Basis- und Aufbaubereich Finance Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Business Administration - Supply Chain Management: Basis- und Aufbaubereich Supply Chain Management Ergänzungsbereich Supply Chain Management Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Regionalstudien Lateinamerika - Volkswirtschaftslehre: VWL MA Reg Lateinamerika

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Master of Science Geographie: VWL Master Geographie Regionalstudien China - Volkswirtschaftslehre: VWL MA Reg China Master of Science International Management: Ergänzungsbereich International Management Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Basis- und Aufbaubereich Corporate Development Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Basis- und Aufbaubereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Business Administration - Marketing: Basis- und Aufbaubereich Marketing Master of Arts Politikwissenschaft: Ergänzungsbereich Politikwissenschaft Master of Science Mathematik: VWL MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Wirtschaftsmathematik: VWL MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Business Administration - Media and Technology Management: Basis- und Aufbaubereich Media and Technology Management Ergänzungsbereich Media and Technology Management Master of Science Business Administration - Accounting and Taxation: Core and Advanced Section Accounting and Taxation Master of Science Sociology and Social Research: Ergänzungsbereich Sociology and Social Research Regionalstudien Ost- und Mitteleuropa - Volkswirtschaftslehre: VWL MA Reg Osteuropa

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Bettina Rockenbach

10 Miscellaneous

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Core Module Microeconomics I (Research Track)

Module code 1289BMMR00

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every 2nd

term - winter


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Core Microeconomics (Re-

search Track)


hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module content • Theory of budget and demand • Theory of the firm and of supply • Market equilibrium

3 Learning objectives Students... ... understand modern microeconomic concepts. ... are proficient in the main techniques used for microeconomic analysis, for example

analysis of individual decision-making behaviour. ... use mathematical models to examine pricing on markets. ... modify those models in order to identify their limitations and to analyse the effects of

political interventions.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements Recommended: Good basic knowledge of microeconomics and mathematics.

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (60)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Basis- und Aufbaubereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019)

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Johannes Münster

10 Miscellaneous 1The Research Track modules will be offered in winter term 2019/20 for the last time.

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Core Module Macroeconomics

Module code 1302BMMa04

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every 2nd

term - winter


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Macroeconomics


hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module content - Stylized facts on growth and cyclical fluctuations in employment, production and infla-

tion. - Growth models with exogenous technical progress (Solow model) and with endoge-

nous savings ratio (Ramsey model and the overlapping generation model). - endogenous technical progress (accumulation of human capital). - Stochastic fluctuations in the growth process and other shocks: the model of real

business cycles (RBC); the natural rate of interest and output. - Pricing of monopolistic companies and price rigidities. - The New Keynesian Model for the Analysis of Business Cycle and Economic Policy - Monetary policy: objectives, interest rate policy, and time consistency of optimal poli-

cies - Current economic policy issues

3 Learning objectives Students... ... understand the fundamental drivers of growth and economic activity. ... interpret major macroeconomic developments as general equilibrium phenomena in

the context of partial analytical perspectives. ... can select the models suitable for the respective questions ... understand the role of nominal and real rigidities in adjusting the economy to shocks

and policy interventions. ... can critically assess the models according to their strengths and weaknesses.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements Recommended: Fundamental knowledge on Bachelor level in Microeconomics, Macro-

economics, Mathematics (Analysis, Algebra) and Statistics

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (90)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Ergänzungsbereich Finance

Page 34: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Regionalstudien Lateinamerika - Volkswirtschaftslehre: VWL MA Reg Lateinamerika Master of Science Geographie: VWL Master Geographie Regionalstudien China - Volkswirtschaftslehre: VWL MA Reg China Master of Science International Management: Ergänzungsbereich International Management Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Basis- und Aufbaubereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Arts Politikwissenschaft: Ergänzungsbereich Politikwissenschaft Master of Science Mathematik: VWL MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Wirtschaftsmathematik: VWL MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Regionalstudien Ost- und Mitteleuropa - Volkswirtschaftslehre: VWL MA Reg Osteuropa

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Michael Krause, Ph.D.

10 Miscellaneous

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Core Module Macroeconomics I (Research Track)

Module code 1302BMMR01

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every 2nd

term - winter


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Advanced Macroeconomics I


hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module content • Stylized facts: growth and business cycyles • Dynamic optimization in continuous time and in discrete time under uncertainty • Stability and uniqueness of dynamic systems • The canonical neoclassical growth model • Exogenous and endogenous growth • Real business cycles (TFP and fiscal policy shocks) • Numeral solutions, simulation and evaluation of structural models • Calibration and introduction in structural estimation of model parameter

3 Learning objectives Students... ... analyze and solve the canonical models of Real Business Cycle and Growth Theory

at an advanced methodological level … apply the mathematical and numerical methods necessary to do so ... tailor and apply these models to answer positive and normative research questions

in the areas of growth and business cycle fluctuations … discuss the strengths and weaknesses of these models in terms of their assump-

tions and implications … parameterize models using filtered data und assess the goodness of fit ... develop analytical skills required for research activities and further studies (doctor-

ate) … gain an understanding of the most important strands of the literature that prepares

them for their own research at an advanced level

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements No recommendations

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (90)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Basis- und Aufbaubereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019)

Page 36: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Peter Funk Univ.-Prof. Dr. Johannes Pfeifer

10 Miscellaneous 1The Research Track modules will be offered in winter term 2019/20 for the last time.

Useful references are: - Acemoglu, Daron (2008). Introduction to modern economic

growth. Princeton University Press. - McCandless, George T. (2008). The ABC of

RBCs. Harvard University Press. - King, Robert G. and Sergio T. Rebelo (1999).

“Resuscitating real business cycles”. Handbook of macroeconomics. Ed. by John B.

Taylor and Michael Woodford. Vol. 1. Elsevier, 927–1007. - Chow, Gregory C.

(1997). Dynamic economics: optimization by the Lagrange method. Oxford: Oxford Uni-

versity Press. - Ljungqvist, Lars and Thomas J. Sargent (2012). Recursive macroeco-

nomic theory. 3rd ed. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. - Stokey, Nancy, Robert E. Lu-

cas, and Edward C. Prescott (1989). Recursive methods in economic dynamics. Har-

vard University Press.

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Core Module Econometrics I

Module code 1314BMEc01

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every 2nd

term - winter


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Core Econometrics I


hours 45h

Self-Studies 135h

Course Language English

2 Module content • Linear regression model and OLS method • Generalised linear regression model with heteroskedastic/autocorrelated errors and

(F)GLS method • Endogeneity and instrumental variables • Maximum likelihood method

3 Learning objectives Students... ... acquire basic knowledge of econometric methods, understand scientific contributions

in the field of empirical economic research and conduct empirical studies on economic

issues independently. ... create econometric models and choose between alternative model specifications. ... can estimate parameters of linear and generalised regression models, models for dis-

crete and limited dependent variables and time series models, using suitable inference

methods, and conduct hypothesis tests. ... generate forecasts for economic variables.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements none

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (60)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Basis- und Aufbaubereich Finance Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Business Administration - Supply Chain Management: Basis- und Aufbaubereich Supply Chain Management Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Regionalstudien Lateinamerika - Volkswirtschaftslehre: VWL MA Reg Lateinamerika

Page 38: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Master of Science Geographie: VWL Master Geographie Regionalstudien China - Volkswirtschaftslehre: VWL MA Reg China Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Basis- und Aufbaubereich Corporate Development Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Basis- und Aufbaubereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Business Administration - Marketing: Basis- und Aufbaubereich Marketing Ergänzungsbereich Marketing Master of Arts Politikwissenschaft: Ergänzungsbereich Politikwissenschaft Master of Science Mathematik: VWL MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Wirtschaftsmathematik: VWL MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Business Administration - Media and Technology Management: Basis- und Aufbaubereich Media and Technology Management Ergänzungsbereich Media and Technology Management Master of Science Business Administration - Accounting and Taxation: Core and Advanced Section Accounting and Taxation Ergänzungsbereich Accounting and Taxation Master of Science Sociology and Social Research: Ergänzungsbereich Sociology and Social Research Regionalstudien Ost- und Mitteleuropa - Volkswirtschaftslehre: VWL MA Reg Osteuropa

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Roman Liesenfeld

10 Miscellaneous

Page 39: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Basismodul Econometrics I (Research Track)

Module code 1314BMER03

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every 2nd

term - winter


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Advanced Econometrics: The-



hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module content • Classic linear model • Tests in the classic linear model • Specification of econometric models • Generalized Linear Models (GLM) • Panel data regression • Methods in time series analysis • Instrumented variables / GMM • Asymptotical inference

3 Learning objectives Students... ... understand academic papers in empirical economic research and evaluate the quan-

titative methods used. ... model economic interrelations with econometric methods and choose appropriate

modul specifications. ... estimate parameters with suitable methods and execute hypothesis testings.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements none

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (90)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the exam

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Basis- und Aufbaubereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019)

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jörg Breitung

10 Miscellaneous 1The Research Track modules will be offered in winter term 2019/20 for the last time.

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This course presents econometric tools with which to analyse cross-sectional data, time

series and panel data at PhD level.

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Core Module Methods

Module code 1289BMMe00

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every 2nd

term - winter


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses a) Experimental Methods b) Computational Methods


hours a) 60h b) 60h

Self-Studies a) 120h b) 120h

Course Language a) English b) English

2 Module content Experimental Methods (spring term): • Experimental methods in economics • Experimental design • Performance of experiments • Evaluation of data from economic experiments

Computational Methods (spring term): • Programming of numerical algorithms • Numerical approximation • Numerical solution of root and optimisation problems • Application to canonical economic problems • Parameterisation, solution and simulation of structural economic models

3 Learning objectives Students... ... apply numerical methods and programs to solve and simulate quantitative structural

economic models (Computational Methods). ... apply and assess different methods and applications of experimental economic re-

search and interpret experimental data (Experimental Methods). ... adapt the terminology of the field to the target audience.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements none

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (60)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test for one course. Only one course must be attended; the exami-

nation for refers to the topic of only one course.

8 Other programmes that use the module Regionalstudien Lateinamerika - Volkswirtschaftslehre: VWL MA Reg Lateinamerika Master of Science Geographie:

Page 42: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



VWL Master Geographie Regionalstudien China - Volkswirtschaftslehre: VWL MA Reg China Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Basis- und Aufbaubereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Regionalstudien Ost- und Mitteleuropa - Volkswirtschaftslehre: VWL MA Reg Osteuropa

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Bettina Rockenbach

10 Miscellaneous

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Core Module Methods (Research Track)

Module code 1289BMMeR0

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every second

semester -



Duration 1 Term

1 Courses a) Experimental Methods (Re-

search Track / spring term) b) Computational Methods (Re-

search Track / Spring term)


hours a) 60h b) 60h

Self-Studies a) 120h b) 120h

Course Language a) English b) English

2 Module content Experimental Methods (spring term): • experimental methods used in economics • experimental design • performance of economic experiments • evaluation of the data from economic experiments.

Computational Methods (spring term): • Programming of numerical algorithms • Numerical approximation • Numerical solution of root and optimisation problems • Application to canonical economic problems • Parameterisation, solution and simulation of structural economic models

3 Learning objectives Students... ... apply numerical methods and programs to solve and simulate quantitative structural

economic models (Computational Methods). ... know different methods and applications of experimental economic research, apply

and assess the methods and interpret experimental data (Experimental Methods). ... adapt the terminology of the field to the target audience.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements none

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (60)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Basis- und Aufbaubereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019)

Page 44: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Bettina Rockenbach

10 Miscellaneous 1This Research Track module will be offered in winter term 2019/20 for the last time. In

SoSe 2020, the module will only be available for crediting purposes.

Literature Experimental Methods: Friedman and Sunder, Experimental Methods: A Pri-

mer for Economists, Cambridge University Press (1994)

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3.6.2 Specialisation section

Core Module Research Track I

Module code 1287BMRT01

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every 2nd

term - winter


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Advanced Microeconomics II


hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module content • Static games of complete information: Nash equilibrium, mixed strategies • Dynamic games of complete information: subgame perfect Nash equilibrium, one-

shot devia-tion principle, negotiations, forward induction • Static games of incomplete information: Bayesian Nash equilibrium, auctions • Dynamic games of incomplete information: Perfect Bayesian Nash equilibrium and re-

fine-ments, signalling games • Current developments in game theory

3 Learning objectives Students... ...acquire and consolidate methodical knowledge relating to modern game theory. ...discuss the latest developments in game theory.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements No recommendations

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (60)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019)

9 Module manager N.N.

10 Miscellaneous

Page 46: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Core Module Research Track II

Module code 1287BMRT02

Workload 179h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every 2nd

term - winter


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Advanced Macroeconomics II


hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module content • Complete markets and representative agents • Incomplete markets and heterogenous agents • Fiscal policy, public debt, and optimal taxation • Transaction frictions and monetary policy • Open economy macroeconomics • New Keynesian macroeconomics • Labor market frictions and Labor market fluctuations

3 Learning objectives Students... ...master core macroeconomic concepts for solving positive and normative problems

and acquire skill for innovative research ... deepen their knowledge of short- and medium-run macroeconomic developments

and of efficient conduct of policy measures …evaluate and discuss the impact of empirically relevant frictions in goods, financial

and labor markets … recognize possibilities to enhance social welfare in a general equilibrium framework

with incomplete markets ... Identify the optimal implementation of macroeconomic instruments under relevant

policy trade-offs ... question and assess societal developments, in particular, inequality and unemploy-

ment, and reflect current policy measures with regard to potential research projects

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements No recommendations

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (60)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019)

Page 47: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Michael Krause, Ph.D. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andreas Schabert

10 Miscellaneous

Page 48: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Core Module Research Track IIi

Module code 1287BMRT03

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every second

semester -

summer term

Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Advanced Econometrics (Appli-



hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module content - Evaluation of causal effects - Fixed effects and difference-in-difference estimators - Regression discontinuity designs - Robust standard errors and clustering - Structural estimation with experimental data

3 Learning objectives Students... ...implement estimation and test methods. ...discuss estimation and test methods. ...apply suitable econometric models and the relevant inference methods. ...conduct empirical studies in modern macro- and microeconometrics. ...present their approaches and results to other student.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements none

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (60)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the exam

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019)

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jörg Breitung

10 Miscellaneous This course presents econometric tools with which to analyse cross-sectional data, time

series and panel data at PhD level.

Page 49: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Core Module Microeconomics I

Module code 1289BMMi01

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every 2nd

term - winter


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Microeconomics I: Demand,

Supply, Equilibria


hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module content • Budget theory • Company theory • Competitive market theory • General equilibrium theory • Welfare economics

3 Learning objectives Students... ... are familiar with the fundamental definitions and concepts in microeconomics. ... identify how demand, supply and pricing work on perfect competition markets. ... solve microeconomic problems. ... analyse microeconomic models.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements No recommendations

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (60)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economics: Basis- und Aufbaubereich Economics

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Marc Oliver Bettzüge

10 Miscellaneous

Page 50: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Core module Microeconomics II

Module code 1289BMMi02

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every 2nd

term - winter


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Game Theory


hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module content • Non-cooperative game theory • Games in normal form • Games in extensive form, with perfect and imperfect information • Finitely and infinitely repeated games • Cooperative game theory • Kern, Shapley value, negotiation solutions • Evolutionary game theory • Introduction • Social choice theory and voting • Condorcet’s paradox, Arrow’s theorem

3 Learning objectives Students... ...acquire basic knowledge of game theory. ...understand where game theory can be applied in political and social science. ...identify the links between game theory and experimental economics.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements No recommendations

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (60)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economics: Basis- und Aufbaubereich Economics

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Bettina Rockenbach

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10 Miscellaneous

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Core Module Macroeconomics I

Module code 1302BMMa01

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every 2nd

term - winter


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Macroeconomics I (Master)


hours 30h

Self-Studies 150h

Course Language English

2 Module content • Stylised facts concerning growth, cross-country differences in income and long-term

income convergence • Fundamental models of growth theory and dynamic macroeconomics: Solow-Model

and extensions (exogenous technological progress), Ramsey-Cass-Koopmans-Model

(Infinite-Horizon-Model with endogenous savings) and Diamond-Model (Overlapping-

Generations-Model with endogenous savings) • Fundamental models of endogenous technological progress (R&D model, learning-

by-doing model, human capital model) • Growth accounting and fundamental findings of empirical research on cross-country

income differences and the relevance of institutional frameworks • Introduction to Investment Theory (Baselind model of demand for investment and To-

bin’s-q) • Basic insights in public debt and fiscal policy from a dynamic perspective (debt

measures, ricardian equivalence, tax smoothing)

3 Learning objectives Students... ... know important stylized facts about long-term development central variables in dy-

namic macroeconomics and growth theory. ... gain an overview of and understand the key models of dynamic macroeconomics

and growth theory and analyse problems with the underlying essential theoretical con-

cepts. ... are introduced to the connected fundamental empirical approaches (e.g. regression

analysis and growth accounting) and assess to which extent the theoretical models are

capable to explain empirical facts and special cases concerning growth. ... discuss basic growth policy options resulting from theoretical and empirical insights. ... analyse and understand how public debt comes about and discuss and assess fiscal

policy measures on the basis of dynamic approaches. ... apply practical tasks (assignments) connected to the forementioned theoretical and

empirical approaches.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements No recommendations

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (90)

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7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economics: Basis- und Aufbaubereich Economics

9 Module manager N.N.

10 Miscellaneous

Page 54: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Core Module Macroeconomics II

Module code 1302BMMa02

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every 2nd

term - winter


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Macroeconomics II


hours 30h

Self-Studies 150h

Course Language English

2 Module content • Real Business Cycle (RBC) Model • Price rigidities: exogenous price rigidities, microfoundations of price rigidities • The basic Newkeynesian model for the analysis of the economy and economic policy • Unemployment: efficiency wages, employment contracts, search unemployment • Inflation and monetary policy: aims of monetary policy, optimum monetary policy, time

inconsistency • Current issues in economic policy

3 Learning objectives Students... ... understand the main macroeconomic models for price rigidity, unemployment and in-

flation. ... verify the models based on appropriate empirical data. ... derive recommendations for economic policy and evaluate their effects on the pro-

tagonists affected. ... assess the recommendations by scrutinising the prerequisites for them.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements Recommended: Macroeconomics I

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (90)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economics: Basis- und Aufbaubereich Economics

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Michael Krause, Ph.D.

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10 Miscellaneous

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Core Module Econometrics II

Module code 1314BMEc02

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every 2nd

term - winter


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Core Econometrics II


hours 45h

Self-Studies 135h

Course Language English

2 Module content • Generalised moment method • Models for discrete and limited dependent variables • Univariate and multivariate time series models • Panel models

3 Learning objectives Students... ... acquire basic knowledge of econometric methods, understand scientific contributions

in the field of empirical economic research and conduct empirical studies on economic

issues independently. ... create econometric models and choose between alternative model specifications. ... can estimate parameters of linear and generalised regression models, models for dis-

crete and limited dependent variables and time series models, using suitable inference

methods, and conduct hypothesis tests. ... generate forecasts for economic variables.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements none

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (60)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Basis- und Aufbaubereich Finance Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Business Administration - Supply Chain Management: Basis- und Aufbaubereich Supply Chain Management Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Regionalstudien Lateinamerika - Volkswirtschaftslehre: VWL MA Reg Lateinamerika Master of Science Geographie:

Page 57: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



VWL Master Geographie Regionalstudien China - Volkswirtschaftslehre: VWL MA Reg China Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Basis- und Aufbaubereich Corporate Development Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Business Administration - Marketing: Basis- und Aufbaubereich Marketing Ergänzungsbereich Marketing Master of Arts Politikwissenschaft: Ergänzungsbereich Politikwissenschaft Master of Science Mathematik: VWL MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Wirtschaftsmathematik: VWL MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Business Administration - Media and Technology Management: Basis- und Aufbaubereich Media and Technology Management Ergänzungsbereich Media and Technology Management Master of Science Business Administration - Accounting and Taxation: Core and Advanced Section Accounting and Taxation Ergänzungsbereich Accounting and Taxation Master of Science Sociology and Social Research: Ergänzungsbereich Sociology and Social Research Regionalstudien Ost- und Mitteleuropa - Volkswirtschaftslehre: VWL MA Reg Osteuropa

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Roman Liesenfeld

10 Miscellaneous

Page 58: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Specialisation Module Economic Engineering

Module code 1289SMEE00

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every fourth


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Economic Engineering


hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module content - Evaluation of the roles of theory and laboratory/field experiments in the development

of markets and incentive systems - Analysis of relevant behavioural phenomena and institutional details of particular im-

portance for specific designs - Discussion of practical applications of economic engineering in matching markets,

auctions and other markets

3 Learning objectives Students... ... apply their theoretical and empirical skills to real markets. ... identify problems in markets and develop and discuss possible solutions. ... deal with current economic challenges and present own research ideas.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements No recommendations

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Combined examination: PRES, TP

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Business Administration - Supply Chain Management: Ergänzungsbereich Supply Chain Management Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics Master of Arts Politikwissenschaft:

Page 59: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Ergänzungsbereich Politikwissenschaft Master of Science Business Administration - Media and Technology Management: Schwerpunktbereich Media and Technology Management Ergänzungsbereich Media and Technology Management Master of Science Sociology and Social Research: Ergänzungsbereich Sociology and Social Research Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Axel Ockenfels

10 Miscellaneous

Page 60: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Specialisation Module Auction Theory

Module code 1289SMAT00

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every 2nd

term - winter


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Auction Theory


hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module content - Auctions with “private values”: second-price auctions, first-price auctions, reservation

prices, revenue equivalence theorem, extensions - Mechanism design: revelation principle, optimal mechanisms, efficient mechanisms - Auctions with “interdependent values“: comparisons of auction proceeds , linkage


3 Learning objectives Students... ... acquire a deeper understanding of the economic theory of auction design.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements None

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (120)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Business Administration - Supply Chain Management: Ergänzungsbereich Supply Chain Management Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics Master of Arts Politikwissenschaft: Ergänzungsbereich Politikwissenschaft Master of Science Business Administration - Media and Technology Management:

Page 61: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Ergänzungsbereich Media and Technology Management Master of Science Sociology and Social Research: Ergänzungsbereich Sociology and Social Research Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

9 Module manager Prof. Dr. Peter Cramton

10 Miscellaneous

Page 62: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Specialisation Module Contract Theory

Module code 1289SMVe00

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage German


availability every second

semester -

summer term

Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Vertragstheorie


hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language German

2 Module content - Principal/agent models - Mechanism design - Hold-up problem - Incomplete contracts

3 Learning objectives Students... ... recognise the concepts of information economics. ... describe and model situations with information asymmetries between several parties. ... analyse and discuss causal relationships in contract theory. ... apply methods for solving contract theory problems.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements No recommendations

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (60)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Business Administration - Supply Chain Management: Ergänzungsbereich Supply Chain Management Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics Master of Arts Politikwissenschaft:

Page 63: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Ergänzungsbereich Politikwissenschaft Master of Science Business Administration - Media and Technology Management: Ergänzungsbereich Media and Technology Management Master of Science Sociology and Social Research: Ergänzungsbereich Sociology and Social Research Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Patrick W. Schmitz

10 Miscellaneous Compulsory reading will be announced each term.

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Specialisation Module Behavioral Economics

Module code 1289SMBE00

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every second

semester -

summer term

Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Behavioral Economics


hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module content Using the concept of the homo economicus, the module presents behavioural theory

concepts that are based on findings from empirical and experimental research. The lec-

tures provide an introduction to bounded rationality theories, focusing on those theories’

criticism of the homo economicus concept.

3 Learning objectives Students... ... understand behavioural models and formal arguments. ... apply advanced microeconomic concepts. ... challenge arguments critically.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements Recommended: Core modules in Microeconomics

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (60)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Business Administration - Supply Chain Management: Ergänzungsbereich Supply Chain Management Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science International Management: Ergänzungsbereich International Management Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics

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Master of Arts Politikwissenschaft: Ergänzungsbereich Politikwissenschaft Master of Science Business Administration - Media and Technology Management: Ergänzungsbereich Media and Technology Management Master of Science Sociology and Social Research: Ergänzungsbereich Sociology and Social Research Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

9 Module manager Dr. Thomas Lauer Univ.-Prof. Dr. Bettina Rockenbach

10 Miscellaneous

Page 66: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Specialisation Module Topics in Design and Behavior A

Module code 1289SMTD01

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage German and



availability every fourth


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Topics in Design and Behavior



hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language German and English

2 Module content Latest issues in institution and market design, plus methods and theories used in be-

havioural economics and applied microeconomics.

3 Learning objectives Students... ...investigate current theoretical and applied issues in market and institution de-

sign with the methods and theories used in behavioural economics and microeconom-

ics. ...examine and assess the applicability of various economic concepts. ...discuss the results in written form and in class with other course participants.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements No recommendations

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (60)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

9 Module manager Dr. Thomas Lauer Univ.-Prof. Dr. Bettina Rockenbach

10 Miscellaneous Relevant reading will be announced at the beginning of each term.

Page 67: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Specialisation Module Topics in Design and Behavior B

Module code 1289SMTD02

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage German and



availability every fourth


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Topics in Design and Behavior



hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language German and English

2 Module content Latest issues in institution and market design, plus methods and theories used in be-

havioural economics and applied microeconomics.

3 Learning objectives Students... ...investigate current theoretical and applied issues in market and institution de-

sign with the methods and theories used in behavioural economics and microeconom-

ics. ...examine and assess the applicability of various economic concepts. ...discuss the results in written form and in class with other course participants.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements No recommendations

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (60)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Axel Ockenfels Univ.-Prof. Dr. Bettina Rockenbach

10 Miscellaneous Relevant reading will be announced at the beginning of each term.

Page 68: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Specialisation Module Topics in Design and Behavior C

Module code 1289SMTD03

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage German and



availability every fourth


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Topics in Design and Behavior



hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language German and English

2 Module content Latest issues in institution and market design, plus methods and theories used in be-

havioural economics and applied microeconomics.

3 Learning objectives Students... ...investigate current theoretical and applied issues in market and institution de-

sign with the methods and theories used in behavioural economics and microeconom-

ics. ...examine and assess the applicability of various economic concepts. ...discuss the results in written form and in class with other course participants.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements Recommendations: Core modules Microeconomics

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (60)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Axel Ockenfels Univ.-Prof. Dr. Bettina Rockenbach

10 Miscellaneous Relevant reading will be announced at the beginning of each term.

Page 69: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Specialisation Module Topics in Design and Behavior D

Module code 1289SMTD04

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage German and



availability every fourth


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Topics in Design and Behavior



hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language German and English

2 Module content Latest issues in institution and market design, plus methods and theories used in be-

havioural economics and applied microeconomics.

3 Learning objectives Students... ...investigate current theoretical and applied issues in market and institution de-

sign with th methods and theories used in behavioural economics and microeconom-

ics. ...examine and assess the applicability of various economic concepts. ...discuss the results in written form and in class with other course participants.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements No recommendations

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (60)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Axel Ockenfels Univ.-Prof. Dr. Bettina Rockenbach

10 Miscellaneous Relevant reading will be announced at the beginning of each term.

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Specialisation module Matching and Market Design: Theory and Practice

Module code 1289SMMD00

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every 2nd

term - winter


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Matching and Market Design:

Theory and Practice


hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module content • One-sided matching: House allocation and organ exchange • Two-sided matching: Entry-level labor markets • School choice and random assignment • Matching with contracts: Distributional constraints and internet-ad auctions • Large matching markets • Combinatorial assignment and course allocation

3 Learning objectives Students... ... define theoretical models of matching markets. ... use a mixture of theory, experiments, and empirics to analyze existing matching

mechanisms and, if necessary, design better ones

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements No recommendations

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Combined examination: PRES, TP

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the combined examination.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Business Administration - Supply Chain Management: Ergänzungsbereich Supply Chain Management Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics

Page 71: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Master of Arts Politikwissenschaft: Ergänzungsbereich Politikwissenschaft Master of Science Business Administration - Media and Technology Management: Ergänzungsbereich Media and Technology Management Master of Science Sociology and Social Research: Ergänzungsbereich Sociology and Social Research

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Alexander Westkamp

10 Miscellaneous More detailed information is available here: http://www.matching.uni-koeln.de/de/lehre

Page 72: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Specialisation module Foundations in Growth, Labor and Inequality in the Global Economy A

Module code 1302SMFG01

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every second

semester -

summer term

Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Growth, Inequality and Struc-

tural Change


hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module content 100 years of technological progress have tenfold increased the per capita income of

OECD countries. In less than one hour, a worker with average productivity produces

the per capita consumption of one day in 1917. Will labor become obsolete in the fu-

ture? If so, is this a blessing or a curse? Does a competitively organized market econ-

omy pay increasingly abundant workers worse and worse? What happened and will

happen to labor’s share in national income? While technical progress raised average

wages, the labor earnings distribution became more and more unequal. Is technical

change inherently biased against some types of skills? Is there a race between technol-

ogy and education? If so, how to win? Biased technical progress changes the relation-

ship between capital and labor, between work and leisure, between skills, between edu-

cation levels, between agriculture, industry and services, between the market and the

state, between the economy and the environment, between regions and countries. This

course presents empirical facts about technical change, structural change and inequal-

ity. It grants an insight into modern growth theory and uses its tools to explain these

stylized facts and to speculate about the future. It studies causes and consequences of

technical change in particular for the affluent society. Topics include (not necessarily in

this order): • Reminder: Neoclassical Growth • The Rate and the Direction of Technical Change • Automation, Work and Leisure. • Sectorial Change (Deindustrialization, Services, Real Estate, Rise of the State) • Technical Change and Persistent Inequality • Labor and Capital: - When does capital accumulation reduce labor’s share? - When does technical change reduce labor’s share? • Labor and Real Estate: How productivity growth generates abundance and poverty • Skilled Labor, Unskilled Labor and the Skill Premium • Globalization and Institutions • Capital-Skill Complementarity • Biased Technical Change • The Affluent Society and its Economic Problems.

3 Learning objectives Students... ... describe the elementary empirical facts concerning the topics covered in the respec-

tive course. ... understand the economic theory models relating to those topics. ... explain the empirical facts using those models. ... use the models to structure and answer current economic policy questions taking into

account the empirical facts.

Page 73: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements Recommended: Core Macroeconomics or Core Macroeconomics I (Research Track)

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (90)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Regionalstudien Lateinamerika - Volkswirtschaftslehre: VWL MA Reg Lateinamerika Master of Science Geographie: VWL Master Geographie Regionalstudien China - Volkswirtschaftslehre: VWL MA Reg China Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics Master of Arts Politikwissenschaft: Ergänzungsbereich Politikwissenschaft Master of Science Mathematik: VWL MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Wirtschaftsmathematik: VWL MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Regionalstudien Ost- und Mitteleuropa - Volkswirtschaftslehre: VWL MA Reg Osteuropa Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Peter Funk

10 Miscellaneous

Page 74: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Specialisation module Foundations in Growth, Labor and Inequality in the Global Economy B

Module code 1302SMFG02

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every second

semester -

summer term

Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Macroeconomics of the Labor



hours 45h

Self-Studies 135h

Course Language English

2 Module content - Dynamic development of work and employment - Search behaviour of employees - Structural and frictional unemployment - cyclical fluctuations in employment and unemployment - Wage setting models - Theoretical motivation of unemployment insurance and dismissal protection - labour market policies

3 Learning objectives Students... ... describe the elementary empirical facts on the topics of the course. ... understand the relevant economic theoretical models on these topics. ... explain selected empirical facts with the help of these models. ... use the models to structure and answer current economic policy questions. ... understand selected scientific papers on the topics of the lecture.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements Recommended: Core Module Macroeconomics

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (90)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Regionalstudien Lateinamerika - Volkswirtschaftslehre: VWL MA Reg Lateinamerika Master of Science Geographie: VWL Master Geographie Regionalstudien China - Volkswirtschaftslehre: VWL MA Reg China

Page 75: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics Master of Arts Politikwissenschaft: Ergänzungsbereich Politikwissenschaft Master of Science Mathematik: VWL MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Wirtschaftsmathematik: VWL MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Regionalstudien Ost- und Mitteleuropa - Volkswirtschaftslehre: VWL MA Reg Osteuropa Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Peter Funk

10 Miscellaneous

Page 76: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Specialisation module Foundations in Growth, Labor and Inequality in the Global Economy C

Module code 1302SMFG03

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every fourth


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses a) Inequality b) Development Economics


hours a) 60h b) 45h

Self-Studies a) 120h b) 135h

Course Language a) English b) English

2 Module content The course will be composed of two parts. a) The focus of the first part will be on introducing some of the most important theoreti-

cal models of collective choice (basics of social choice, models of voting and electoral

competition, political agency, special interest politics, corruption, conflict). In the second

part of the course the models and tools developed in the first part will be used to dis-

cuss questions surrounding the topics inequality and redistribution.

b) The course deals with micro- and macroeconomic issues of development econom-

ics based on the results of theoretical and empirical research. The macroeconomic part

will deal with work on the topics of growth and development on an aggregated level as

well as growth factors such as institutions, education and technology. In the microeco-

nomic part, the main topics are health, education, risk and insurance, credit and sav-

ings, and political economy.

3 Learning objectives Students... ... a) apply the approach of new political economy and scrutinize the most important

theoretical models of collective choice and social choice. ... formalize and analyze questions of redistribution and inequality within these models. ... discuss and evaluate the outcomes of different institutional setting with the tools of

collective choice. ... b) ...understand the basic questions and analytical methods in the field of develop-

ment, poverty and inequality. ...discuss and evaluate empirical results and various methods of microeconometric pro-

gram evaluation. ...communicate and apply the appropriate methods for the economic analysis of de-

velopment issues.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements a) none b) Recommended: Core Module Econometrics

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (90)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

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8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics Master of Arts Politikwissenschaft: Ergänzungsbereich Politikwissenschaft Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Peter Funk

10 Miscellaneous a) Lectures will mostly be based on research articles. Students will be provided with

problem sets, the solutions of which will be (briefly) discussed in class. b) The course

"Development Economics" contains an exercise that requires an increased degree of


Page 78: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Specialisation module Topics in Growth, Labor and Inequality in the Global Economy

Module code 1302SMTG00

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage German and



availability every fourth


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses a) Determinants of Growth in

Economic History (DGEH) b) Growth, Energy, Climate



hours a) 60h b) 60h

Self-Studies a) 120h b) 120h

Course Language a) English b) English

2 Module content Depending on the chosen course: • Micro- and macroeconomics of economic development (Development Economics) • Topics concerning growth, energy and climate change

3 Learning objectives Students... ... describe the elementary empirical facts concerning the topics covered in the respec-

tive course. ... understand the economic theory models relating to those topics. ... explain the empirical facts using those models. ... use the models to structure and answer current economic policy questions taking into

account the empirical facts.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements Core module Econometrics I or Core Module Econometrics (Research Track) (DGEH)

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (90)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test. Only one course must be attended; the examination refers to

the topic of only one course.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics Master of Arts Politikwissenschaft: Ergänzungsbereich Politikwissenschaft

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Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Peter Funk

10 Miscellaneous

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Specialisation module: Seminar Markets and Institutions

Module code 1302SMSI00

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every term

Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Seminar Markets and Institu-



hours 30h

Self-Studies 150h

Course Language English

2 Module content Current issues relating to microeconomic theory, empirical microeconomics, experi-

mental economics, markets and institutions in general.

3 Learning objectives Students... ...discuss the current issues in theory and applied practice, applying the microeconomic

knowledge they have acquired on the programme. ...read the theoretical and practical literature on the subject and discuss it in a critical

manner. ... summarise their findings in an essay, present them in class and discuss them with

the other participants. ...engage in academic discourse about specific markets and institutions.

4 Teaching and learning methods seminar

5 Module entry requirements No recommendations

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Combined examination: PRES, TP

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the combined examination.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science International Management: Ergänzungsbereich International Management Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Johannes Münster Univ.-Prof. Dr. Susanne Prantl

10 Miscellaneous

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Specialisation module Competition Policy

Module code 1289SMCP00

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every second

semester -

summer term

Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Competition Policy


hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module content • Institutional background: competition policy in Germany, the EU and the US • Market power: theory and measurement • Unilateral abuse of market power: horizontal and vertical restraints on competition • Multilateral abuse of market power: cartels and implicit agreements

3 Learning objectives Students... ... recognise, based on models of competition theory, how competitive markets work. ... discuss the causes of market power and its effects in terms of welfare economics. ... assess, evaluate and debate cases that illustrate competition policy in practice and

use competition theory to analyse them.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements No recommendations

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (90)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Business Administration - Supply Chain Management: Ergänzungsbereich Supply Chain Management Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Regionalstudien Lateinamerika - Volkswirtschaftslehre: VWL MA Reg Lateinamerika Master of Science Geographie: VWL Master Geographie Regionalstudien China - Volkswirtschaftslehre: VWL MA Reg China Master of Science International Management: Basis- und Aufbaubereich International Management

Page 82: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics Master of Arts Politikwissenschaft: Ergänzungsbereich Politikwissenschaft Master of Science Mathematik: VWL MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Wirtschaftsmathematik: VWL MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Business Administration - Media and Technology Management: Schwerpunktbereich Media and Technology Management Ergänzungsbereich Media and Technology Management Regionalstudien Ost- und Mitteleuropa - Volkswirtschaftslehre: VWL MA Reg Osteuropa Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

9 Module manager N.N.

10 Miscellaneous

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Specialisation Module Specific Markets A

Module code 1289SMSM01

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every 2nd

term - winter


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Media Economics (Markets &



hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module content • The relevant actors on these markets, their objectives and constraints • The interaction between these actors • Market equilibrium, efficiency and frictions

3 Learning objectives Students... ... study methods of economics used for analyzing specific markets, such as, for exam-

ple, health markets or media markets. ... acquire a range of instruments to help them answer questions in connection with

these markets. ... understand basic characteristics of platform markets and markets with network ef-

fects. ... reproduce the relevant theories from Economics and Strategic Management theory. ... apply theory to current questions in platform markets on strategy and public policy.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements none

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (60)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test. One course has to be chosen.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Business Administration - Supply Chain Management: Ergänzungsbereich Supply Chain Management Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science International Management: Ergänzungsbereich International Management Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19:

Page 84: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics Master of Arts Politikwissenschaft: Ergänzungsbereich Politikwissenschaft Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Johannes Münster

10 Miscellaneous

Page 85: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Specialisation Module Specific Markets B

Module code 1289SMSM02

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every 2nd

term - winter


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Information problems in

healthcare markets (Master



hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module content • Relevant players on these markets, their objectives and factors of relevance to deci-

sion-making • Relationships between the players and implications for healthcare market design • Analysis of existing healthcare systems within and outside the European region

3 Learning objectives Students... ... understand economic methods that can be used for theoretical analysis of

healthcare markets. ... evaluate health policy measures independently.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements No recommendations

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (60)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Business Administration - Supply Chain Management: Ergänzungsbereich Supply Chain Management Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics Master of Arts Politikwissenschaft:

Page 86: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Ergänzungsbereich Politikwissenschaft Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

9 Module manager N.N.

10 Miscellaneous

Page 87: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Schwerpunktmodul Topics in Markets and Institutions A

Module code 1302SMTM02

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every fourth


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Topics in Markets and Institu-

tions A


hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module content • What is regulation? Which industries are regulated and why? • Institutional background of selected industries (e.g. electricity, telecommunication) • Natural monopolies and “essential facilities” • Access to one-sided networks (electricity, fixed-line network, rail) • Access to two-sided networks (mobile telecommunication) • Consumer protection and regulation • Selected current issues in regulation

3 Learning objectives Students... ... describe why certain industries are regulated. ... analyse the possibilities and limitations of regulation. ... apply theoretical knowledge to real cases and industries.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements No recommendations

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (90)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

9 Module manager N.N.

10 Miscellaneous The courses will be held weekly during term or in the form of block tuition.

Page 88: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Specialization Module Topics in Markets and Institutions B

Module code 1302SMTM03

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage German and



availability every fourth


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses a) Topics in Markets and Insti-

tutions B b) Empirical Industrial Organi-

zation (Research Track)


hours a) 60h b) 60h

Self-Studies a) 120h b) 120h

Course Language a) English b) English

2 Module content • Empirical industrial economics • Empirical modelling, econometric methods and economic theory • Competition policy and regulation • Use of statistical and econometric software

3 Learning objectives Students... ... practise applying and assessing empirical methods used in the field of industrial eco-

nomics, based on fundamental and current research contributions (e.g. demand esti-

mation, structural estimation of production functions, models of market entry). ... thereby gain advanced knowledge of econometric methods, apply selected models

used in theoretical industrial economics and assess intervention through competition

policy and regulation.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements Recommendations: Core module Econometrics or Econometrics (Research Track),

core module Microeconomics I or Microeconomics I (Research Track)

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (60)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test. Only one course must be attended; the examination refers to

the topic of only one course.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

Page 89: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Susanne Prantl

10 Miscellaneous The "Empirical Industrial Organization (Research Track)" course consists of lectures

and integrated exercise units. In the latter, the students learn how to use statistical and

econometric software and practise applying empirical methods used in industrial eco-

nomics. Additional information will be provided at the beginning of the term in the rele-

vant online systems.

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Specialisation Module Topics in Markets and Institutions C

Module code 1302SMTM04

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every 2nd

term - winter


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Information and Strategy (WS



hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module content • asymmetric information: its implications for markets and strategic interactions in

terms of efficiency, welfare and strategic choices • settings with monetary transfers (like bilateral trade) and without monetary transfers

(like informal advice or voting) • strategic communication and information transmission • information design and Bayesian persuasion

3 Learning objectives Students... ... understand and explain the effects and creation of asymmetric information using

game theoretic tools. ... Students analyze strategic situations that feature information asymmetries. ... Students explain and evaluate current developments in information economics.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements No recommendations.

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Combined examination: PRES, TP

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Christoph Schottmüller

10 Miscellaneous More detailed information is available on the website of the chair.

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Specialisation Module Economics of Innovation

Module Code 1302SMEI00

Workload 180h


dits 6


Language English



lity every 2nd

term - sum-

mer term

Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Economics of Innovation


Hours 60h


dies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module Content • Pivotal and current empirical research on selected topics in economics of innovation: - ideas and knowledge production, adoption and diffusion of technologies, mobility of in-

novators - competition in product markets, innovation and economic growth - intellectual property rights, science and basic research, design of incentive mechanisms

for innovators - bounded rational and rational decisions of innovators, firms and consumers in new mar-

kets • Methods of empirical modeling, econometric methods, economic theory and data

sources • Instruments of research policy, innovation policy and growth policy

3 Learning Objectives Students... ... analyse and assess advanced empirical approaches to identifying causal relationships

in the area of economics of innovation. ... use quantitative methods for the evaluation of research, innovation, or growth policy in-

terventions in innovation processes and markets. ... advance their knowledge of econometric methods and build on their knowledge of eco-

nomic theory. ... study the relevance of core characteristics of the relevant data and get to know im-

portant data sources. ... scrutinize current scientific literature ... are introduced to new research questions and guided to develop original research


4 Teaching and Learning Methods lecture practice

5 Module Entry Requirements Recommended: Core Modules Econometrics I, Microeconomics, and Macroeconomics in

the M.Sc. Economics or the Core Modules Advanced Econometrics I, Advanced Microeco-

nomics I, and Advanced Macroeconomics I in the M.Sc. Economic Research

6 Mode of End-Of-Module Examination Written test: WT (60)

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7 Prerequisites for Awarding of Credit Points Passing the written test.

8 Other Programmes that Use the Module Master of Science Economics: Specialization Section Economics (since Wintersemester 2018/2019) Supplementary Section (since Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Supplementary Section Finance Master of Science Business Administration - Supply Chain Management: Supplementary Section Supply Chain Management Master of Science Information Systems: Supplementary Section Information Systems Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Supplementary Section Corporate Development Master of Arts Political Science: Supplementary Section Political Science

9 Module Manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Susanne Prantl

10 Miscellaneous See the relevant online systems and www.ieam.uni-koeln.de for further information.

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Specialisation Module Topics in Macroeconomics and Public Economics

Module code 1302SMTM00

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage German and



availability every fourth


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Advanced Taxation Theory


hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module content • Optimal non-linear taxation: methods • Justification for optimal linear taxes from an information economics point of view • Optimal tax structure: direct versus indirect taxation • Optimal taxation of capital income • Current trends in the literature

3 Learning objectives Students... ...know how to describe an optimal taxation problem in formal terms., ...know how to use the mathematical methods to solve these models, ...describe the established conclusions of optimal tax theory, ...adopt, classify and assess the latest research findings.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements Recommended: basic knowledge of public economics

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Portfolio: PO

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points A pass in the written test. Furthermore, students have to submit problem sets which

make up 25 % of the grade.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Felix Bierbrauer

10 Miscellaneous

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Specialisation Module Time Series Analysis

Module code 1314SMTS00

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every fourth

term - winter


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Time Series Analysis


hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module content • Seasonality and trend • ARIMA models • Estimation and forecasting of ARIMA processes • Goodness of fit and model selection • Stationary tests • GARCH processes • Dynamic regression models • Cointegration and Granger causality • Co-integrated time series

3 Learning objectives Students... ... deepen their knowledge of statistical econometric methods for analysing time series

data. ... specify ARIMA processes as well as estimate and interpret ARIMA parameters. ... predict economic time series. ... model time-varying volatility. ... analyse the dynamic relation between multivariate time series with vector autoregres-

sive models, estimate the effects of economic shocks and interpret the results.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice project

5 Module entry requirements Core Module Econometrics I

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (90)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development:

Page 96: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Business Administration - Marketing: Ergänzungsbereich Marketing Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics Master of Arts Politikwissenschaft: Ergänzungsbereich Politikwissenschaft Master of Science Business Administration - Media and Technology Management: Ergänzungsbereich Media and Technology Management Master of Science Business Administration - Accounting and Taxation: Ergänzungsbereich Accounting and Taxation Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jörg Breitung Univ.-Prof. Dr. Roman Liesenfeld

10 Miscellaneous

Page 97: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Specialisation Module Bayesian Econometrics

Module code 1314SMBE00

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every fourth


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Bayesian Econometrics


hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module content • Basic Principles of Bayesian Econometrics • Bayesian Estimators and Numerical Integration • Importance Sampling and Markov-Chain-Monte-Carlo • Gaussian Linear Regression Model with Conjugate Priors • Gaussian Linear Regression Model with Non-Conjugate Priors • Linear Regression Model with General Error Covariance Matrix • Time Series Models • Models for disrcrete dependent variables • Students will practice the use of the methods using econometric software to analyse

economic data

3 Learning objectives Students... ... describe the main Bayesian inference concepts and methods for econometric mod-

els. ... implement Bayesian methods to analyse linear regression and time series models. ... implement modern Monte-Carlo integration methods (MCMC and importance sam-

pling) to analyse a posteriori distributions. ... use Bayesian approaches to compare models and to forecast and test parameter re-

strictions. ... operate Bayesian analyses independently.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice project

5 Module entry requirements Recommended: Core module Econometrics I and/or specialisation module Advanced

Statistics (Stochastics Processes) or Advanced Statistics (Statistical Inference)

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Oral examination: OE (30)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the oral examination.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Information Systems:

Page 98: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Business Administration - Marketing: Ergänzungsbereich Marketing Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics Master of Arts Politikwissenschaft: Ergänzungsbereich Politikwissenschaft Master of Science Business Administration - Media and Technology Management: Ergänzungsbereich Media and Technology Management Master of Science Business Administration - Accounting and Taxation: Ergänzungsbereich Accounting and Taxation Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Roman Liesenfeld

10 Miscellaneous Reading list: • Bauwens, L., Lubrano, M., Richard, J.F. (1999), Bayesian Inference in

Dynamic Econometric Models, Oxford University Press, New York. • Geweke, J. (2005),

Contemporary Bayesian Econometrics and Statistics, John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken. •

Koop, G. (2003), Bayesian Econometrics, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester.• Koop,

G., Poirier, D.J., Tobias, J.L. (2007), Bayesian Econometric Methods, Cambridge Uni-

versity Press, Cambridge. • Lancaster, T. (2004), An Introduction to Modern Bayesian

Econometrics, Blackwell Publishing, Malden. • Robert, C.P., and G. Casella (2004),

Monte Carlo Statistical Methods, Springer-Verlag.

Page 99: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Specialisation Module Statistical Analysis of Financial Data

Module code 1314SMSF00

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every fourth

term- summer


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Statistical Analysis of Financial



hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module content • Financial market time series and their properties • Linear time series models • Empirical analysis of the efficiency of securities markets and the predictability of re-

turns on securities • Empirical analysis of the capital asset pricing model • Empirical analysis of intertemporal asset pricing models • Volatility models • Market microstructure and high-frequency data • The students apply the methods they have learned in computer-aided exercises using

econometric software to analyse financial market data

3 Learning objectives Students... ... describe the stylised facts relating to financial market data. ... use financial market econometrics models. ... conduct empirical analysis and studies of financial market time series independently. ... understand and critically assess current academic contributions to empirical financial

market research. ... apply statistical econometric methods with which to forecast and model univariate

and multivariate financial market time series.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements Recommended: Core Module Econometrics and/or Specialisation Module Advanced

Statistics I and II.

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (90)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems

Page 100: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Business Administration - Marketing: Ergänzungsbereich Marketing Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics Master of Arts Politikwissenschaft: Ergänzungsbereich Politikwissenschaft Master of Science Business Administration - Media and Technology Management: Ergänzungsbereich Media and Technology Management Master of Science Business Administration - Accounting and Taxation: Ergänzungsbereich Accounting and Taxation Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Roman Liesenfeld

10 Miscellaneous Reading list: - Campbell, J.Y., Lo, A.W. and A.C.MacKinlay (1997), The Econometrics

of Financial Markets, Princeton University Press, Princeton. - Gourieroux, C. and J.

Jasiak (2001), Financial Econometrics, Princeton University Press, Princeton. - Schmid,

F. and M. Trede (2005), Finanzmarktstatistik, Springer, Berlin. - Taylor, S. (1986), Mod-

elling Financial Time Series, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester. - Taylor, S. (2005), Asset

Price Dynamics, Volatility, and Prediction, Princeton University Press, Princeton. - Tsay,

R. (2010), Analysis of Financial Time Series, 3rd. ed., John Wiley & Sons, New York.

Page 101: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Specialisation module Advanced Statistics (Stochastic Processes)

Module code 1314SMAS03

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every second

semester -

summer term

Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Advanced Statistics II (Stochas-

tic Processes)


hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module content • ANOVA • Interval estimation • Bootstrap • Non-parametric tests (Independence tests, rank tests) • Stochastic processes (Martingale, Markov strings)

3 Learning objectives Students... ... deepen their knowledge of probability theory and stochastic modelling. ... calculate and interpret probabilities and tests. ... model economic phenomena with the aid of random variables and stochastic pro-


4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements Recommended: Solid basic knowledge of probability theory gained in bachelor degree,

Core Module in Mathematics (BSc in Economics/Business Administration) and core and

advanced modules in Statistics (BSc in Economics/Business Administration).

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (90)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Basis- und Aufbaubereich Finance Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Business Administration - Supply Chain Management: Basis- und Aufbaubereich Supply Chain Management Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Basis- und Aufbaubereich Corporate Development Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19:

Page 102: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Business Administration - Marketing: Basis- und Aufbaubereich Marketing Ergänzungsbereich Marketing Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics Master of Arts Politikwissenschaft: Ergänzungsbereich Politikwissenschaft Master of Science Business Administration - Media and Technology Management: Basis- und Aufbaubereich Media and Technology Management Ergänzungsbereich Media and Technology Management Master of Science Business Administration - Accounting and Taxation: Core and Advanced Section Accounting and Taxation Ergänzungsbereich Accounting and Taxation Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dominik Wied

10 Miscellaneous

Page 103: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Specialisation Module Advanced Statistics (Statistical Inference)

Module code 1314SMAS01

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every 2nd

term - winter


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Advanced Statistics (Statistical



hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module content • Sampling • Theory of point and interval estimation and estimation methods • Theory of hypothesis testing and test procedures • Estimation and testing for stochastic processes

3 Learning objectives Students... ... deepen their knowledge of parameter estimation and testing of statistical hypotheses. ... outline the fundamentals of statistical data collection methods. ... conduct point and interval estimation and hypothesis testing. ... perform special parametric and non-parametric estimations and tests. ... perform statistical inference analysis of stochastic models.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements Recommended: Solid basic knowledge of probability theory gained in bachelor degree,

Core Module in Mathematics (BSc in Economics/Business Administration) and core and

advanced modules in Statistics (BSc in Eco-nomics/Business Administration).

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (90)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Basis- und Aufbaubereich Finance Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Business Administration - Supply Chain Management: Basis- und Aufbaubereich Supply Chain Management Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Basis- und Aufbaubereich Corporate Development Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19:

Page 104: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Business Administration - Marketing: Basis- und Aufbaubereich Marketing Ergänzungsbereich Marketing Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics Master of Arts Politikwissenschaft: Ergänzungsbereich Politikwissenschaft Master of Science Business Administration - Media and Technology Management: Basis- und Aufbaubereich Media and Technology Management Ergänzungsbereich Media and Technology Management Master of Science Business Administration - Accounting and Taxation: Core and Advanced Section Accounting and Taxation Ergänzungsbereich Accounting and Taxation Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dominik Wied

10 Miscellaneous

Page 105: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Specialisation Module Topics in Statistics A

Module code 1314SMTS01

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage German and



availability every fourth


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Topics in Statistics A


hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language German and English

2 Module content • Latest statistical and econometric methods • Applications in business administration, management studies and economics and so-

cial sciences

3 Learning objectives Students... ... deepen their knowledge of special statistical and econometric methods and how they

are applied in empirical economic research.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice project

5 Module entry requirements Recommended: Core Module Econometrics I

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (90)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Business Administration - Marketing: Ergänzungsbereich Marketing Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics Master of Arts Politikwissenschaft: Ergänzungsbereich Politikwissenschaft Master of Science Business Administration - Media and Technology Management: Ergänzungsbereich Media and Technology Management

Page 106: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Master of Science Business Administration - Accounting and Taxation: Ergänzungsbereich Accounting and Taxation Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jörg Breitung

10 Miscellaneous

Page 107: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Specialisation Module Topics in Statistics B

Module code 1314SMTS02

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage German and



availability every fourth


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Topics in Statistics B


hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language German and English

2 Module content • Latest statistical and econometric methods • Applications in business administration, management studies and economics and so-

cial sciences

3 Learning objectives Students... ... deepen their knowledge of special statistical and econometric methods and how they

are applied in empirical economic research.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice project

5 Module entry requirements Recommended: Core Module Econometrics I

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (90)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Business Administration - Marketing: Ergänzungsbereich Marketing Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics Master of Arts Politikwissenschaft: Ergänzungsbereich Politikwissenschaft Master of Science Business Administration - Media and Technology Management: Ergänzungsbereich Media and Technology Management

Page 108: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Master of Science Business Administration - Accounting and Taxation: Ergänzungsbereich Accounting and Taxation Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Roman Liesenfeld

10 Miscellaneous

Page 109: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Specialisation Module Topics in Econometrics C

Module code 1314SMTE03

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage German and



availability every fourth


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Topics in Econometrics C


hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language German and English

2 Module content • Latest statistical and econometric methods • Applications in business administration, management studies and economics and so-

cial sciences

3 Learning objectives Students... ... deepen their knowledge of special econometric and statistical methods and how they

are applied in empirical economic research.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice project

5 Module entry requirements Recommended: Core Module Econometrics I

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (90)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Business Administration - Marketing: Ergänzungsbereich Marketing Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics Master of Arts Politikwissenschaft: Ergänzungsbereich Politikwissenschaft Master of Science Business Administration - Media and Technology Management: Ergänzungsbereich Media and Technology Management

Page 110: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Master of Science Business Administration - Accounting and Taxation: Ergänzungsbereich Accounting and Taxation Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dominik Wied

10 Miscellaneous

Page 111: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Specialisation Module Seminar Statistics and Econometrics

Module code 1314SMSS00

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage German and



availability every second

semester -

summer term

Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Seminar in Statistics and Econ-



hours 30h

Self-Studies 150h

Course Language German and English

2 Module content The seminar covers topics from areas such as: • Time series analysis • Microeconometrics • Macreconometrics • Panel econometrics • Financial market econometrics and statistics • Bayesian econometrics and statistics • Non-parametric methods • Analysis of stochastic processes • Statistical inference

3 Learning objectives Students... ... analyse specialist literature on the subject. ... critically assess contemporary statistical and econometric methods. ... apply contemporary statistical and econometric methods independently in practice to

analyse real data. ... write and present a paper in accordance with academic standards.

4 Teaching and learning methods seminar

5 Module entry requirements Recommended: Core module Econometrics I and/or specialisation module Advanced

Statistics (Stochastics Processes) or Advanced Statistics (Statistical Inference)

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Combined examination: PRES, TP

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the combined examination.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19:

Page 112: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Business Administration - Marketing: Ergänzungsbereich Marketing Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics Master of Arts Politikwissenschaft: Ergänzungsbereich Politikwissenschaft Master of Science Business Administration - Media and Technology Management: Ergänzungsbereich Media and Technology Management Master of Science Business Administration - Accounting and Taxation: Ergänzungsbereich Accounting and Taxation

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jörg Breitung Univ.-Prof. Dr. Roman Liesenfeld Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dominik Wied

10 Miscellaneous

Page 113: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Specialisation Module Seminar in Energy, Resource and Environmental Economics

Module code 1289SMSE00

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every term

Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Seminar in Energy, Resource

and Environmental Economics


hours 30h

Self-Studies 150h

Course Language English

2 Module content Varying topics from the areas of: • Energy economics • Environmental economics • Resource economics • Climate change economics

3 Learning objectives Students... ... acquire the skills necessary for independent conceptual work in the fields of energy,

environ-mental, resource or climate change economics. ... independently analyse current issues in research and practice, using the economics

knowledge gained on the programme. ... critically examine the subject-specific, scientific and applied literature, summarise

their findings in a piece of written work, present the results in a seminar and discuss

them with the other seminar participants.

4 Teaching and learning methods seminar

5 Module entry requirements No recommendations

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Combined examination: PRES, TP

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the combined examination.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Supply Chain Management: Ergänzungsbereich Supply Chain Management Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics Master of Arts Politikwissenschaft: Ergänzungsbereich Politikwissenschaft Master of Science Business Administration - Media and Technology Management: Ergänzungsbereich Media and Technology Management

Page 114: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Marc Oliver Bettzüge

10 Miscellaneous

Page 115: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Specialisation Module Energy Markets and Regulation (Master)

Module code 1289SMER02

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every 2nd

term - winter


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Energy Markets and Regulation


hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module content - Economic and technical fundamentals of the energy sector - Energy markets - Functioning of the electricity market - Transmission grids - Regulation

3 Learning objectives Students... ...acquire the skills necessary for work in the media, parties, research institutes, banks

and other institutions where a good understanding of energy markets and regulation is

useful. ...prepare for more advanced research in these areas. ...use empirical facts and main institutions related to examine the subject matter dealt

with and ...assess them critically to determine their relevance. ...study the theoretical, empirical and applied literature on said subject matter. ...discuss and assess the subject matter dealt with, using the economic knowledge they

have gained on the programme.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements No recommendations

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (90)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Supply Chain Management: Ergänzungsbereich Supply Chain Management Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science International Management: Ergänzungsbereich International Management Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019)

Page 116: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics Master of Arts Politikwissenschaft: Ergänzungsbereich Politikwissenschaft Master of Science Business Administration - Media and Technology Management: Ergänzungsbereich Media and Technology Management Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Marc Oliver Bettzüge

10 Miscellaneous

Page 117: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Specialisation Module Energy, Resources, Environment and the Economy

Module code 1289SMER00

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every second

semester -

summer term

Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Energy, Resources, Environ-

ment, and the Economy


hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module content - Economic and technical principles of the energy industry - Energy markets - Resource economics - Environmental economics

3 Learning objectives Students... ...acquire the skills necessary for work in the media, parties, research institutes, banks

and other institutions where a good understanding of energy markets and regulation is

useful. ...prepare for more advanced research in these areas. ...use empirical facts and main institutions related to examine the subject matter dealt

with and ...assess them critically to determine their relevance. ...study the theoretical, empirical and applied literature on said subject matter. ...discuss and assess the subject matter dealt with, using the economic knowledge they

have gained on the programme.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements No recommendations

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (90)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module International Master of Environmental Sciences: Wiso-Module IMES Regionalstudien Lateinamerika - Volkswirtschaftslehre: VWL MA Reg Lateinamerika Master of Science Geographie: VWL Master Geographie Regionalstudien China - Volkswirtschaftslehre: VWL MA Reg China Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19:

Page 118: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics Master of Science Mathematik: VWL MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Wirtschaftsmathematik: VWL MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Regionalstudien Ost- und Mitteleuropa - Volkswirtschaftslehre: VWL MA Reg Osteuropa Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research Master of Arts Politikwissenschaft: Ergänzungsbereich Politikwissenschaft

9 Module manager PD Dr. Dietmar Lindenberger

10 Miscellaneous

Page 119: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Specialisation Module Topics in Energy Markets and Regulation A

Module code 1289SMTE01

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every fourth


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Topics in Energy Markets and

Regulation A


hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module content - Economic and technical fundamentals of the energy sector - Energy markets - Functioning of the electricity market - Transmission grids - Regulation

3 Learning objectives Students... ... acquire the skills necessary for work in the media, parties, research institutes, banks

and other institutions where a good understanding of energy markets and regulation is

useful. ... prepare for more advanced research in these areas. use empirical facts and main in-

stitutions related to examine the subject matter dealt with and assess them critically to

determine their relevance. ... study the theoretical, empirical and applied literature on said subject matter. ... discuss and assess the subject matter dealt with, using the economic knowledge they

have gained on the programme.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements No recommendations

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (90)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Supply Chain Management: Ergänzungsbereich Supply Chain Management Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics Master of Arts Politikwissenschaft:

Page 120: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Ergänzungsbereich Politikwissenschaft Master of Science Business Administration - Media and Technology Management: Ergänzungsbereich Media and Technology Management Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Marc Oliver Bettzüge

10 Miscellaneous

Page 121: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Specialisation Module Topics in Energy Markets and Regulation B

Module code 1289SMTE02

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every fourth


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Topics in Energy Markets and

Regulation B


hours 30h

Self-Studies 150h

Course Language English

2 Module content - Econometric models of energy economics - Energy markets - Regulation

3 Learning objectives Students... ... qualify themselves for independent conceptual work in the fields of Energy Markets

and Regulation. ... assess current scientific and applied issues independently, using the economic

knowledge they have gained on the programme. ... study the theoretical, empirical and applied literature on said subject matter. ... summarise their findings in a written paper,present their results and discuss them

with the other particpants.

4 Teaching and learning methods seminar

5 Module entry requirements No recommendations

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Combined examination: PRES, TP

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the combined examination.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Supply Chain Management: Ergänzungsbereich Supply Chain Management Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics Master of Arts Politikwissenschaft: Ergänzungsbereich Politikwissenschaft Master of Science Business Administration - Media and Technology Management: Ergänzungsbereich Media and Technology Management Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

Page 122: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Marc Oliver Bettzüge

10 Miscellaneous

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Schwerpunktmodul Topics in Energy, Resources, Environment and the Economy A

Module code 1289SMTE03

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every fourth


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Model UNFCCC – Climate

Change Strategy Role Play


hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module content - Economic and technical fundamentals of the energy sector - Economics of climate change - Resource economics - Environmental economics

3 Learning objectives Students... ...acquire the skills necessary for work in the media, parties, research institutes, banks

and other institutions where a good understanding of energy markets and regulation is

useful. ...prepare themselves for more advanced research in these areas. ...use empirical facts and main institutions related to examine the subject matter dealt

with and ...assess them critically to determine their relevance. ...study the theoretical, empirical and applied literature on said subject matter. ...discuss and assess the subject matter dealt with, using the economic knowledge they

have gained on the programme.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements No recommendations

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Portfolio: PO

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the exam.

8 Other programmes that use the module International Master of Environmental Sciences: Wiso-Module IMES Master of Science Business Administration - Supply Chain Management: Ergänzungsbereich Supply Chain Management Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics

Page 124: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Master of Arts Politikwissenschaft: Ergänzungsbereich Politikwissenschaft Master of Science Business Administration - Media and Technology Management: Ergänzungsbereich Media and Technology Management Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Marc Oliver Bettzüge

10 Miscellaneous

Page 125: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Specialisation Module Topics in Energy, Resources, Environment and the Economy B

Module code 1289SMTE04

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every fourth


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Topics in Energy, Resources,

Environment, and the Economy



hours 30h

Self-Studies 150h

Course Language English

2 Module content - Economic and technical fundamentals of the energy sector - Energy markets - Resource economics - Environmental economics

3 Learning objectives Students... ... qualify for independent conceptual work in the fields of Energy Markets and Regula-

tion ... assess current scientific and applied issues independently, using the economic

knowledge they have gained on the programme. ... study the theoretical, empirical and applied literature on said subject matter. ... summarise their findings in a written paper, present their results in a seminar and dis-

cuss them with the other particpants.

4 Teaching and learning methods seminar

5 Module entry requirements No recommendations

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Combined examination: PRES, TP

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the combined examination.

8 Other programmes that use the module International Master of Environmental Sciences: Wiso-Module IMES Master of Science Business Administration - Supply Chain Management: Ergänzungsbereich Supply Chain Management Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics Master of Arts Politikwissenschaft: Ergänzungsbereich Politikwissenschaft

Page 126: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Master of Science Business Administration - Media and Technology Management: Ergänzungsbereich Media and Technology Management Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

9 Module manager PD Dr. Dietmar Lindenberger

10 Miscellaneous

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Specialisation module Seminar in Growth, Labor and Inequality in the Global Economy

Module code 1302SMSG00

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage German and



availability every term

Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Seminar in Growth, Labor and

Inequality in the Global Econ-



hours 30h

Self-Studies 150h

Course Language German and English

2 Module content The content is based on key or current issues and methods used in academic work.

3 Learning objectives Students... ... independently investigate current issues in research and applied practice in the area

of growth, labour and inequality and ... apply the theoretical and empirical skills they have acquired on the programme when

conduct-ing their investigation. ... critically study the theoretical and practical literature on the subjects. ... summarise their findings in a written paper, present their results and discuss them

with the other seminar participants.

4 Teaching and learning methods seminar

5 Module entry requirements No recommendations

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Combined examination: PRES, TP

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the combined examination.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Peter Funk

10 Miscellaneous

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Specialisation module Foundations in Growth, Labor and Inequality in the Global Economy A

Module code 1302SMFG01

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every second

semester -

summer term

Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Growth, Inequality and Struc-

tural Change


hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module content 100 years of technological progress have tenfold increased the per capita income of

OECD countries. In less than one hour, a worker with average productivity produces

the per capita consumption of one day in 1917. Will labor become obsolete in the fu-

ture? If so, is this a blessing or a curse? Does a competitively organized market econ-

omy pay increasingly abundant workers worse and worse? What happened and will

happen to labor’s share in national income? While technical progress raised average

wages, the labor earnings distribution became more and more unequal. Is technical

change inherently biased against some types of skills? Is there a race between technol-

ogy and education? If so, how to win? Biased technical progress changes the relation-

ship between capital and labor, between work and leisure, between skills, between edu-

cation levels, between agriculture, industry and services, between the market and the

state, between the economy and the environment, between regions and countries. This

course presents empirical facts about technical change, structural change and inequal-

ity. It grants an insight into modern growth theory and uses its tools to explain these

stylized facts and to speculate about the future. It studies causes and consequences of

technical change in particular for the affluent society. Topics include (not necessarily in

this order): • Reminder: Neoclassical Growth • The Rate and the Direction of Technical Change • Automation, Work and Leisure. • Sectorial Change (Deindustrialization, Services, Real Estate, Rise of the State) • Technical Change and Persistent Inequality • Labor and Capital: - When does capital accumulation reduce labor’s share? - When does technical change reduce labor’s share? • Labor and Real Estate: How productivity growth generates abundance and poverty • Skilled Labor, Unskilled Labor and the Skill Premium • Globalization and Institutions • Capital-Skill Complementarity • Biased Technical Change • The Affluent Society and its Economic Problems.

3 Learning objectives Students... ... describe the elementary empirical facts concerning the topics covered in the respec-

tive course. ... understand the economic theory models relating to those topics. ... explain the empirical facts using those models. ... use the models to structure and answer current economic policy questions taking into

account the empirical facts.

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4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements Recommended: Core Macroeconomics or Core Macroeconomics I (Research Track)

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (90)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Regionalstudien Lateinamerika - Volkswirtschaftslehre: VWL MA Reg Lateinamerika Master of Science Geographie: VWL Master Geographie Regionalstudien China - Volkswirtschaftslehre: VWL MA Reg China Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics Master of Arts Politikwissenschaft: Ergänzungsbereich Politikwissenschaft Master of Science Mathematik: VWL MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Wirtschaftsmathematik: VWL MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Regionalstudien Ost- und Mitteleuropa - Volkswirtschaftslehre: VWL MA Reg Osteuropa Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Peter Funk

10 Miscellaneous

Page 130: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Specialisation module Foundations in Growth, Labor and Inequality in the Global Economy B

Module code 1302SMFG02

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every second

semester -

summer term

Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Macroeconomics of the Labor



hours 45h

Self-Studies 135h

Course Language English

2 Module content - Dynamic development of work and employment - Search behaviour of employees - Structural and frictional unemployment - cyclical fluctuations in employment and unemployment - Wage setting models - Theoretical motivation of unemployment insurance and dismissal protection - labour market policies

3 Learning objectives Students... ... describe the elementary empirical facts on the topics of the course. ... understand the relevant economic theoretical models on these topics. ... explain selected empirical facts with the help of these models. ... use the models to structure and answer current economic policy questions. ... understand selected scientific papers on the topics of the lecture.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements Recommended: Core Module Macroeconomics

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (90)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Regionalstudien Lateinamerika - Volkswirtschaftslehre: VWL MA Reg Lateinamerika Master of Science Geographie: VWL Master Geographie Regionalstudien China - Volkswirtschaftslehre: VWL MA Reg China

Page 131: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics Master of Arts Politikwissenschaft: Ergänzungsbereich Politikwissenschaft Master of Science Mathematik: VWL MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Wirtschaftsmathematik: VWL MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Regionalstudien Ost- und Mitteleuropa - Volkswirtschaftslehre: VWL MA Reg Osteuropa Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Peter Funk

10 Miscellaneous

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Specialisation module Foundations in Growth, Labor and Inequality in the Global Economy C

Module code 1302SMFG03

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every fourth


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses a) Inequality b) Development Economics


hours a) 60h b) 45h

Self-Studies a) 120h b) 135h

Course Language a) English b) English

2 Module content The course will be composed of two parts. a) The focus of the first part will be on introducing some of the most important theoreti-

cal models of collective choice (basics of social choice, models of voting and electoral

competition, political agency, special interest politics, corruption, conflict). In the second

part of the course the models and tools developed in the first part will be used to dis-

cuss questions surrounding the topics inequality and redistribution.

b) The course deals with micro- and macroeconomic issues of development econom-

ics based on the results of theoretical and empirical research. The macroeconomic part

will deal with work on the topics of growth and development on an aggregated level as

well as growth factors such as institutions, education and technology. In the microeco-

nomic part, the main topics are health, education, risk and insurance, credit and sav-

ings, and political economy.

3 Learning objectives Students... ... a) apply the approach of new political economy and scrutinize the most important

theoretical models of collective choice and social choice. ... formalize and analyze questions of redistribution and inequality within these models. ... discuss and evaluate the outcomes of different institutional setting with the tools of

collective choice. ... b) ...understand the basic questions and analytical methods in the field of develop-

ment, poverty and inequality. ...discuss and evaluate empirical results and various methods of microeconometric pro-

gram evaluation. ...communicate and apply the appropriate methods for the economic analysis of de-

velopment issues.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements a) none b) Recommended: Core Module Econometrics

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (90)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

Page 133: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics Master of Arts Politikwissenschaft: Ergänzungsbereich Politikwissenschaft Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Peter Funk

10 Miscellaneous a) Lectures will mostly be based on research articles. Students will be provided with

problem sets, the solutions of which will be (briefly) discussed in class. b) The course

"Development Economics" contains an exercise that requires an increased degree of


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Specialisation module Topics in Growth, Labor and Inequality in the Global Economy

Module code 1302SMTG00

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage German and



availability every fourth


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses a) Determinants of Growth in

Economic History (DGEH) b) Growth, Energy, Climate



hours a) 60h b) 60h

Self-Studies a) 120h b) 120h

Course Language a) English b) English

2 Module content Depending on the chosen course: • Micro- and macroeconomics of economic development (Development Economics) • Topics concerning growth, energy and climate change

3 Learning objectives Students... ... describe the elementary empirical facts concerning the topics covered in the respec-

tive course. ... understand the economic theory models relating to those topics. ... explain the empirical facts using those models. ... use the models to structure and answer current economic policy questions taking into

account the empirical facts.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements Core module Econometrics I or Core Module Econometrics (Research Track) (DGEH)

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (90)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test. Only one course must be attended; the examination refers to

the topic of only one course.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics Master of Arts Politikwissenschaft: Ergänzungsbereich Politikwissenschaft

Page 135: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Peter Funk

10 Miscellaneous

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Specialisation module: Seminar Markets and Institutions

Module code 1302SMSI00

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every term

Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Seminar Markets and Institu-



hours 30h

Self-Studies 150h

Course Language English

2 Module content Current issues relating to microeconomic theory, empirical microeconomics, experi-

mental economics, markets and institutions in general.

3 Learning objectives Students... ...discuss the current issues in theory and applied practice, applying the microeconomic

knowledge they have acquired on the programme. ...read the theoretical and practical literature on the subject and discuss it in a critical

manner. ... summarise their findings in an essay, present them in class and discuss them with

the other participants. ...engage in academic discourse about specific markets and institutions.

4 Teaching and learning methods seminar

5 Module entry requirements No recommendations

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Combined examination: PRES, TP

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the combined examination.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science International Management: Ergänzungsbereich International Management Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Johannes Münster Univ.-Prof. Dr. Susanne Prantl

10 Miscellaneous

Page 137: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Specialisation module Competition Policy

Module code 1289SMCP00

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every second

semester -

summer term

Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Competition Policy


hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module content • Institutional background: competition policy in Germany, the EU and the US • Market power: theory and measurement • Unilateral abuse of market power: horizontal and vertical restraints on competition • Multilateral abuse of market power: cartels and implicit agreements

3 Learning objectives Students... ... recognise, based on models of competition theory, how competitive markets work. ... discuss the causes of market power and its effects in terms of welfare economics. ... assess, evaluate and debate cases that illustrate competition policy in practice and

use competition theory to analyse them.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements No recommendations

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (90)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Business Administration - Supply Chain Management: Ergänzungsbereich Supply Chain Management Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Regionalstudien Lateinamerika - Volkswirtschaftslehre: VWL MA Reg Lateinamerika Master of Science Geographie: VWL Master Geographie Regionalstudien China - Volkswirtschaftslehre: VWL MA Reg China Master of Science International Management: Basis- und Aufbaubereich International Management

Page 138: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics Master of Arts Politikwissenschaft: Ergänzungsbereich Politikwissenschaft Master of Science Mathematik: VWL MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Wirtschaftsmathematik: VWL MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Business Administration - Media and Technology Management: Schwerpunktbereich Media and Technology Management Ergänzungsbereich Media and Technology Management Regionalstudien Ost- und Mitteleuropa - Volkswirtschaftslehre: VWL MA Reg Osteuropa Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

9 Module manager N.N.

10 Miscellaneous

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Specialisation Module Specific Markets A

Module code 1289SMSM01

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every 2nd

term - winter


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Media Economics (Markets &



hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module content • The relevant actors on these markets, their objectives and constraints • The interaction between these actors • Market equilibrium, efficiency and frictions

3 Learning objectives Students... ... study methods of economics used for analyzing specific markets, such as, for exam-

ple, health markets or media markets. ... acquire a range of instruments to help them answer questions in connection with

these markets. ... understand basic characteristics of platform markets and markets with network ef-

fects. ... reproduce the relevant theories from Economics and Strategic Management theory. ... apply theory to current questions in platform markets on strategy and public policy.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements none

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (60)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test. One course has to be chosen.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Business Administration - Supply Chain Management: Ergänzungsbereich Supply Chain Management Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science International Management: Ergänzungsbereich International Management Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19:

Page 140: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics Master of Arts Politikwissenschaft: Ergänzungsbereich Politikwissenschaft Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Johannes Münster

10 Miscellaneous

Page 141: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Specialisation Module Specific Markets B

Module code 1289SMSM02

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every 2nd

term - winter


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Information problems in

healthcare markets (Master



hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module content • Relevant players on these markets, their objectives and factors of relevance to deci-

sion-making • Relationships between the players and implications for healthcare market design • Analysis of existing healthcare systems within and outside the European region

3 Learning objectives Students... ... understand economic methods that can be used for theoretical analysis of

healthcare markets. ... evaluate health policy measures independently.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements No recommendations

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (60)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Business Administration - Supply Chain Management: Ergänzungsbereich Supply Chain Management Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics Master of Arts Politikwissenschaft:

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Ergänzungsbereich Politikwissenschaft Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

9 Module manager N.N.

10 Miscellaneous

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Schwerpunktmodul Topics in Markets and Institutions A

Module code 1302SMTM02

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every fourth


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Topics in Markets and Institu-

tions A


hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module content • What is regulation? Which industries are regulated and why? • Institutional background of selected industries (e.g. electricity, telecommunication) • Natural monopolies and “essential facilities” • Access to one-sided networks (electricity, fixed-line network, rail) • Access to two-sided networks (mobile telecommunication) • Consumer protection and regulation • Selected current issues in regulation

3 Learning objectives Students... ... describe why certain industries are regulated. ... analyse the possibilities and limitations of regulation. ... apply theoretical knowledge to real cases and industries.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements No recommendations

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (90)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

9 Module manager N.N.

10 Miscellaneous The courses will be held weekly during term or in the form of block tuition.

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Specialization Module Topics in Markets and Institutions B

Module code 1302SMTM03

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage German and



availability every fourth


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses a) Topics in Markets and Insti-

tutions B b) Empirical Industrial Organi-

zation (Research Track)


hours a) 60h b) 60h

Self-Studies a) 120h b) 120h

Course Language a) English b) English

2 Module content • Empirical industrial economics • Empirical modelling, econometric methods and economic theory • Competition policy and regulation • Use of statistical and econometric software

3 Learning objectives Students... ... practise applying and assessing empirical methods used in the field of industrial eco-

nomics, based on fundamental and current research contributions (e.g. demand esti-

mation, structural estimation of production functions, models of market entry). ... thereby gain advanced knowledge of econometric methods, apply selected models

used in theoretical industrial economics and assess intervention through competition

policy and regulation.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements Recommendations: Core module Econometrics or Econometrics (Research Track),

core module Microeconomics I or Microeconomics I (Research Track)

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (60)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test. Only one course must be attended; the examination refers to

the topic of only one course.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

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9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Susanne Prantl

10 Miscellaneous The "Empirical Industrial Organization (Research Track)" course consists of lectures

and integrated exercise units. In the latter, the students learn how to use statistical and

econometric software and practise applying empirical methods used in industrial eco-

nomics. Additional information will be provided at the beginning of the term in the rele-

vant online systems.

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Specialisation Module Topics in Markets and Institutions C

Module code 1302SMTM04

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every 2nd

term - winter


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Information and Strategy (WS



hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module content • asymmetric information: its implications for markets and strategic interactions in

terms of efficiency, welfare and strategic choices • settings with monetary transfers (like bilateral trade) and without monetary transfers

(like informal advice or voting) • strategic communication and information transmission • information design and Bayesian persuasion

3 Learning objectives Students... ... understand and explain the effects and creation of asymmetric information using

game theoretic tools. ... Students analyze strategic situations that feature information asymmetries. ... Students explain and evaluate current developments in information economics.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements No recommendations.

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Combined examination: PRES, TP

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Christoph Schottmüller

10 Miscellaneous More detailed information is available on the website of the chair.

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Specialisation Module Economics of Innovation

Module Code 1302SMEI00

Workload 180h


dits 6


Language English



lity every 2nd

term - sum-

mer term

Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Economics of Innovation


Hours 60h


dies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module Content • Pivotal and current empirical research on selected topics in economics of innovation: - ideas and knowledge production, adoption and diffusion of technologies, mobility of in-

novators - competition in product markets, innovation and economic growth - intellectual property rights, science and basic research, design of incentive mechanisms

for innovators - bounded rational and rational decisions of innovators, firms and consumers in new mar-

kets • Methods of empirical modeling, econometric methods, economic theory and data

sources • Instruments of research policy, innovation policy and growth policy

3 Learning Objectives Students... ... analyse and assess advanced empirical approaches to identifying causal relationships

in the area of economics of innovation. ... use quantitative methods for the evaluation of research, innovation, or growth policy in-

terventions in innovation processes and markets. ... advance their knowledge of econometric methods and build on their knowledge of eco-

nomic theory. ... study the relevance of core characteristics of the relevant data and get to know im-

portant data sources. ... scrutinize current scientific literature ... are introduced to new research questions and guided to develop original research


4 Teaching and Learning Methods lecture practice

5 Module Entry Requirements Recommended: Core Modules Econometrics I, Microeconomics, and Macroeconomics in

the M.Sc. Economics or the Core Modules Advanced Econometrics I, Advanced Microeco-

nomics I, and Advanced Macroeconomics I in the M.Sc. Economic Research

6 Mode of End-Of-Module Examination Written test: WT (60)

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7 Prerequisites for Awarding of Credit Points Passing the written test.

8 Other Programmes that Use the Module Master of Science Economics: Specialization Section Economics (since Wintersemester 2018/2019) Supplementary Section (since Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Supplementary Section Finance Master of Science Business Administration - Supply Chain Management: Supplementary Section Supply Chain Management Master of Science Information Systems: Supplementary Section Information Systems Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Supplementary Section Corporate Development Master of Arts Political Science: Supplementary Section Political Science

9 Module Manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Susanne Prantl

10 Miscellaneous See the relevant online systems and www.ieam.uni-koeln.de for further information.

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Specialisation module Matching and Market Design: Theory and Practice

Module code 1289SMMD00

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every 2nd

term - winter


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Matching and Market Design:

Theory and Practice


hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module content • One-sided matching: House allocation and organ exchange • Two-sided matching: Entry-level labor markets • School choice and random assignment • Matching with contracts: Distributional constraints and internet-ad auctions • Large matching markets • Combinatorial assignment and course allocation

3 Learning objectives Students... ... define theoretical models of matching markets. ... use a mixture of theory, experiments, and empirics to analyze existing matching

mechanisms and, if necessary, design better ones

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements No recommendations

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Combined examination: PRES, TP

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the combined examination.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Business Administration - Supply Chain Management: Ergänzungsbereich Supply Chain Management Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics

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Master of Arts Politikwissenschaft: Ergänzungsbereich Politikwissenschaft Master of Science Business Administration - Media and Technology Management: Ergänzungsbereich Media and Technology Management Master of Science Sociology and Social Research: Ergänzungsbereich Sociology and Social Research

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Alexander Westkamp

10 Miscellaneous More detailed information is available here: http://www.matching.uni-koeln.de/de/lehre

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Specialisation module Seminar in Macroeconomics, Money and Financial Markets

Module code 1302SMSF00

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every term

Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Seminar in Macroeconomics,

Money and Financial Markets


hours 30h

Self-Studies 150h

Course Language English

2 Module content The content is based on fundamental or current issues and covers academic work


3 Learning objectives Students... ...acquire the skills needed for jobs requiring independent conceptual work in the field of

"Macro-economics, Money and Financial Markets". ...independently investigate current issues in research and applied practice in macroe-

conomics, money and financial markets ...apply the theoretical and empirical skills they have acquired on the programme while

doing so. ...critically study the theoretical and practical literature on the subjects. ...summarise their findings in a written paper, present their results and discuss them

with the other seminar participants. ...engage in academic discourse.

4 Teaching and learning methods seminar

5 Module entry requirements No recommendations

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Combined examination: PRES, TP

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the combined examination.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science International Management: Ergänzungsbereich International Management Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andreas Schabert

10 Miscellaneous

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Specialisation module Foundations in Macroeconomics, Money and Financial Markets A

Module code 1302SMFM04

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every second

semester -

summer term

Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Money and Financial Markets


hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module content • Central banks and money supply • Monetary policy instruments • Money demand concepts • Monetary transmission • Financial intermediation and banks • Financial market imperfections • Regulation of financial markets and banks

3 Learning objectives Students... ... learn about fundamental theoretical concepts in monetary policy and financial mar-

kets at a level that reflects practice. ... apply basic model analysis and policy assessment methods. ... understand key aspects of financial intermediation and how they are regulated as

well as how they are linked to macroeconomic issues.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements No recommendations

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (60)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science International Management: Ergänzungsbereich International Management Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics

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Master of Arts Politikwissenschaft: Ergänzungsbereich Politikwissenschaft Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andreas Schabert

10 Miscellaneous

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Specialisation module Foundations in Macroeconomics, Money and Financial Markets B

Module code 1302SMFM05

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every 2nd

term - winter


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses International Macroeconomics


hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module content • Institutional background knowledge • Monetary model of exchange rate determination • Lucas model • International real business cycles • Currency market efficiency • Mundell-Fleming model • New international macroeconomics • Balance of payments crises

3 Learning objectives Students... ... outline fundamental theoretical concepts in international macroeconomics at the ap-

plied level. ... apply fundamental methods used in empirical models and policy assessment. ... understand how exchange rates are determined, how economic shocks are transmit-

ted, under-stand monetary policy in open economies and balance of payments difficul-

ties. ... understand the structure of fundamental economic and empirical knowledge in the

field of "In-ternational Macroeconomics".

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements No recommendations

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (60)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019)

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Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics Master of Arts Politikwissenschaft: Ergänzungsbereich Politikwissenschaft Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andreas Schabert

10 Miscellaneous

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Specialisation module Foundations in Macroeconomics, Money and Financial Markets C

Module code 1302SMFM06

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every fourth


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Public Debt


hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module content • Basic methods: OLG model • Theory of public debt (closed and open economy) • Ricardian equivalence • Theory of provions for old age • Optimal public debt under distortionary taxation

3 Learning objectives Students... ... analyse elementary empirical facts concerning public debt. ... perform analytical assessments of the allocative effects of public debt. ... perform analytical assessments of the welfare effects of public debt. ... analyse the impact of state debt under altruism. ... analyse the similarities in the way in which public debt and pay-as-you go retirement

pensions work.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements No recommendations

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (90)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics Master of Arts Politikwissenschaft: Ergänzungsbereich Politikwissenschaft Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

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9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andreas Schabert

10 Miscellaneous

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Specialisation module Topics in Macroeconomics, Money and Financial Markets

Module code 1302SMTM01

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage German and



availability every fourth


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Financial Intermediation Theory


hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language German and English

2 Module content • recent and advanced topics in the field of Macroeconomics, Money and Financial


3 Learning objectives Students... ... outline the elementary empirical facts in the area of financial markets and monetary

policy. understand the economic theory models relating to those topics. ... explain the empirical facts using those models. ... use the models to structure and answer current economic policy questions taking

into account the empirical facts.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements No recommendations

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (60)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics Master of Arts Politikwissenschaft: Ergänzungsbereich Politikwissenschaft Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andreas Schabert

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10 Miscellaneous

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Specialisation Module Seminar in Macroeconomics and Public Economics

Module code 1302SMSP00

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage German and



availability every term

Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Seminar in Macroeconomics

and Public Economics


hours 30h

Self-Studies 150h

Course Language English

2 Module content • Theory of optimal taxes, particularly optimal income tax rate design and optimal mix

of direct and indirect taxes. • Addition of dynamic aspects to these models to facilitate analysis of questions re-

garding optimum design of public debt and design of social insurance systems • Political economics of tax and transfer systems on the one hand and publicly pro-

vided goods on the other • Empirical examination of the effects of tax and transfer systems • Theory of public goods and theory of externalities • Fiscal federalism, soft budget constraints and tax competition

3 Learning objectives Students... ... independently investigate current issues in research and applied practice in the area

of macro-economics and public economics ... apply the theoretical and empirical skills they have acquired on the programme when

conducting their investigation. ... critically study the theoretical and practical literature on the subjects. ... summarise their findings in a written paper, present their results and discuss them

with the other seminar participants. ... engage in academic discourse.

4 Teaching and learning methods seminar

5 Module entry requirements No recommendations

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Combined examination: PRES, TP

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the combined examination.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019)

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Felix Bierbrauer

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10 Miscellaneous

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Specialisation Module Foundations in Macroeconomics and Public Economics A

Module code 1302SMFM01

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every 2nd

term - winter


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Tax Policy


hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module content • Optimal taxation of income and products • Optimal tax structure: direct versus indirect taxation • Optimal tax policy, public goods and eco-taxes • New dynamic public finance • Political economics of tax policy • Tax competition

3 Learning objectives Students... ... are aware of current research findings in the theory of taxation and its implications

for current tax policy issues. ... apply the information economics principles of modern tax theory. ... read specialist journals critically.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements No recommendations

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (60)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Felix Bierbrauer

10 Miscellaneous

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Specialisation Module Topics in Macroeconomics and Public Economics

Module code 1302SMTM00

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage German and



availability every fourth


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Advanced Taxation Theory


hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module content • Optimal non-linear taxation: methods • Justification for optimal linear taxes from an information economics point of view • Optimal tax structure: direct versus indirect taxation • Optimal taxation of capital income • Current trends in the literature

3 Learning objectives Students... ...know how to describe an optimal taxation problem in formal terms., ...know how to use the mathematical methods to solve these models, ...describe the established conclusions of optimal tax theory, ...adopt, classify and assess the latest research findings.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements Recommended: basic knowledge of public economics

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Portfolio: PO

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points A pass in the written test. Furthermore, students have to submit problem sets which

make up 25 % of the grade.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Felix Bierbrauer

10 Miscellaneous

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Specialisation Module Economics of Innovation

Module Code 1302SMEI00

Workload 180h


dits 6


Language English



lity every 2nd

term - sum-

mer term

Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Economics of Innovation


Hours 60h


dies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module Content • Pivotal and current empirical research on selected topics in economics of innovation: - ideas and knowledge production, adoption and diffusion of technologies, mobility of in-

novators - competition in product markets, innovation and economic growth - intellectual property rights, science and basic research, design of incentive mechanisms

for innovators - bounded rational and rational decisions of innovators, firms and consumers in new mar-

kets • Methods of empirical modeling, econometric methods, economic theory and data

sources • Instruments of research policy, innovation policy and growth policy

3 Learning Objectives Students... ... analyse and assess advanced empirical approaches to identifying causal relationships

in the area of economics of innovation. ... use quantitative methods for the evaluation of research, innovation, or growth policy in-

terventions in innovation processes and markets. ... advance their knowledge of econometric methods and build on their knowledge of eco-

nomic theory. ... study the relevance of core characteristics of the relevant data and get to know im-

portant data sources. ... scrutinize current scientific literature ... are introduced to new research questions and guided to develop original research


4 Teaching and Learning Methods lecture practice

5 Module Entry Requirements Recommended: Core Modules Econometrics I, Microeconomics, and Macroeconomics in

the M.Sc. Economics or the Core Modules Advanced Econometrics I, Advanced Microeco-

nomics I, and Advanced Macroeconomics I in the M.Sc. Economic Research

6 Mode of End-Of-Module Examination Written test: WT (60)

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7 Prerequisites for Awarding of Credit Points Passing the written test.

8 Other Programmes that Use the Module Master of Science Economics: Specialization Section Economics (since Wintersemester 2018/2019) Supplementary Section (since Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Supplementary Section Finance Master of Science Business Administration - Supply Chain Management: Supplementary Section Supply Chain Management Master of Science Information Systems: Supplementary Section Information Systems Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Supplementary Section Corporate Development Master of Arts Political Science: Supplementary Section Political Science

9 Module Manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Susanne Prantl

10 Miscellaneous See the relevant online systems and www.ieam.uni-koeln.de for further information.

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Specialization Module Seminar in Macroeconomics and Public Policy

Module code 1302SMPP01

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every term

Duration 1 Term

1 Courses




Course Language

2 Module content

3 Learning objectives Students...

4 Teaching and learning methods seminar

5 Module entry requirements

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Combined examination: PRES, TP

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019)

9 Module manager

10 Miscellaneous

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Specialization Module Foundations in Macroeconomics and Public Policy A

Module code 1302FMPP01

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every second

semester -

summer term

Duration 1 Term

1 Courses




Course Language

2 Module content

3 Learning objectives Students...

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (60)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019)

9 Module manager

10 Miscellaneous

Page 169: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Specialization Module Foundations in Macroeconomics and Public Policy B

Module code 1302FMPP02

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every 2nd

term - winter


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses




Course Language

2 Module content

3 Learning objectives Students...

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (60)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019)

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Felix Bierbrauer

10 Miscellaneous

Page 170: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Specialization Module Foundations in Macroeconomics and Public Policy C

Module code 1302FMPP03

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every fourth


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses




Course Language

2 Module content

3 Learning objectives Students...

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (90)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019)

9 Module manager

10 Miscellaneous

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Specialization Module Topics in Macroeconomics and Public Policy

Module code 1302TMPP01

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every fourth


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses




Course Language

2 Module content

3 Learning objectives Students...

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (60)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019)

9 Module manager

10 Miscellaneous

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Specialisation Module Time Series Analysis

Module code 1314SMTS00

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every fourth

term - winter


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Time Series Analysis


hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module content • Seasonality and trend • ARIMA models • Estimation and forecasting of ARIMA processes • Goodness of fit and model selection • Stationary tests • GARCH processes • Dynamic regression models • Cointegration and Granger causality • Co-integrated time series

3 Learning objectives Students... ... deepen their knowledge of statistical econometric methods for analysing time series

data. ... specify ARIMA processes as well as estimate and interpret ARIMA parameters. ... predict economic time series. ... model time-varying volatility. ... analyse the dynamic relation between multivariate time series with vector autoregres-

sive models, estimate the effects of economic shocks and interpret the results.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice project

5 Module entry requirements Core Module Econometrics I

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (90)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development:

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Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Business Administration - Marketing: Ergänzungsbereich Marketing Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics Master of Arts Politikwissenschaft: Ergänzungsbereich Politikwissenschaft Master of Science Business Administration - Media and Technology Management: Ergänzungsbereich Media and Technology Management Master of Science Business Administration - Accounting and Taxation: Ergänzungsbereich Accounting and Taxation Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jörg Breitung Univ.-Prof. Dr. Roman Liesenfeld

10 Miscellaneous

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Specialisation Module Bayesian Econometrics

Module code 1314SMBE00

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every fourth


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Bayesian Econometrics


hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module content • Basic Principles of Bayesian Econometrics • Bayesian Estimators and Numerical Integration • Importance Sampling and Markov-Chain-Monte-Carlo • Gaussian Linear Regression Model with Conjugate Priors • Gaussian Linear Regression Model with Non-Conjugate Priors • Linear Regression Model with General Error Covariance Matrix • Time Series Models • Models for disrcrete dependent variables • Students will practice the use of the methods using econometric software to analyse

economic data

3 Learning objectives Students... ... describe the main Bayesian inference concepts and methods for econometric mod-

els. ... implement Bayesian methods to analyse linear regression and time series models. ... implement modern Monte-Carlo integration methods (MCMC and importance sam-

pling) to analyse a posteriori distributions. ... use Bayesian approaches to compare models and to forecast and test parameter re-

strictions. ... operate Bayesian analyses independently.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice project

5 Module entry requirements Recommended: Core module Econometrics I and/or specialisation module Advanced

Statistics (Stochastics Processes) or Advanced Statistics (Statistical Inference)

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Oral examination: OE (30)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the oral examination.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Information Systems:

Page 175: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Business Administration - Marketing: Ergänzungsbereich Marketing Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics Master of Arts Politikwissenschaft: Ergänzungsbereich Politikwissenschaft Master of Science Business Administration - Media and Technology Management: Ergänzungsbereich Media and Technology Management Master of Science Business Administration - Accounting and Taxation: Ergänzungsbereich Accounting and Taxation Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Roman Liesenfeld

10 Miscellaneous Reading list: • Bauwens, L., Lubrano, M., Richard, J.F. (1999), Bayesian Inference in

Dynamic Econometric Models, Oxford University Press, New York. • Geweke, J. (2005),

Contemporary Bayesian Econometrics and Statistics, John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken. •

Koop, G. (2003), Bayesian Econometrics, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester.• Koop,

G., Poirier, D.J., Tobias, J.L. (2007), Bayesian Econometric Methods, Cambridge Uni-

versity Press, Cambridge. • Lancaster, T. (2004), An Introduction to Modern Bayesian

Econometrics, Blackwell Publishing, Malden. • Robert, C.P., and G. Casella (2004),

Monte Carlo Statistical Methods, Springer-Verlag.

Page 176: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Specialisation Module Statistical Analysis of Financial Data

Module code 1314SMSF00

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every fourth

term- summer


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Statistical Analysis of Financial



hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module content • Financial market time series and their properties • Linear time series models • Empirical analysis of the efficiency of securities markets and the predictability of re-

turns on securities • Empirical analysis of the capital asset pricing model • Empirical analysis of intertemporal asset pricing models • Volatility models • Market microstructure and high-frequency data • The students apply the methods they have learned in computer-aided exercises using

econometric software to analyse financial market data

3 Learning objectives Students... ... describe the stylised facts relating to financial market data. ... use financial market econometrics models. ... conduct empirical analysis and studies of financial market time series independently. ... understand and critically assess current academic contributions to empirical financial

market research. ... apply statistical econometric methods with which to forecast and model univariate

and multivariate financial market time series.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements Recommended: Core Module Econometrics and/or Specialisation Module Advanced

Statistics I and II.

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (90)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems

Page 177: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Business Administration - Marketing: Ergänzungsbereich Marketing Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics Master of Arts Politikwissenschaft: Ergänzungsbereich Politikwissenschaft Master of Science Business Administration - Media and Technology Management: Ergänzungsbereich Media and Technology Management Master of Science Business Administration - Accounting and Taxation: Ergänzungsbereich Accounting and Taxation Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Roman Liesenfeld

10 Miscellaneous Reading list: - Campbell, J.Y., Lo, A.W. and A.C.MacKinlay (1997), The Econometrics

of Financial Markets, Princeton University Press, Princeton. - Gourieroux, C. and J.

Jasiak (2001), Financial Econometrics, Princeton University Press, Princeton. - Schmid,

F. and M. Trede (2005), Finanzmarktstatistik, Springer, Berlin. - Taylor, S. (1986), Mod-

elling Financial Time Series, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester. - Taylor, S. (2005), Asset

Price Dynamics, Volatility, and Prediction, Princeton University Press, Princeton. - Tsay,

R. (2010), Analysis of Financial Time Series, 3rd. ed., John Wiley & Sons, New York.

Page 178: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Specialisation module Advanced Statistics (Stochastic Processes)

Module code 1314SMAS03

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every second

semester -

summer term

Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Advanced Statistics II (Stochas-

tic Processes)


hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module content • ANOVA • Interval estimation • Bootstrap • Non-parametric tests (Independence tests, rank tests) • Stochastic processes (Martingale, Markov strings)

3 Learning objectives Students... ... deepen their knowledge of probability theory and stochastic modelling. ... calculate and interpret probabilities and tests. ... model economic phenomena with the aid of random variables and stochastic pro-


4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements Recommended: Solid basic knowledge of probability theory gained in bachelor degree,

Core Module in Mathematics (BSc in Economics/Business Administration) and core and

advanced modules in Statistics (BSc in Economics/Business Administration).

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (90)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Basis- und Aufbaubereich Finance Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Business Administration - Supply Chain Management: Basis- und Aufbaubereich Supply Chain Management Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Basis- und Aufbaubereich Corporate Development Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19:

Page 179: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Business Administration - Marketing: Basis- und Aufbaubereich Marketing Ergänzungsbereich Marketing Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics Master of Arts Politikwissenschaft: Ergänzungsbereich Politikwissenschaft Master of Science Business Administration - Media and Technology Management: Basis- und Aufbaubereich Media and Technology Management Ergänzungsbereich Media and Technology Management Master of Science Business Administration - Accounting and Taxation: Core and Advanced Section Accounting and Taxation Ergänzungsbereich Accounting and Taxation Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dominik Wied

10 Miscellaneous

Page 180: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Specialisation Module Advanced Statistics (Statistical Inference)

Module code 1314SMAS01

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every 2nd

term - winter


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Advanced Statistics (Statistical



hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module content • Sampling • Theory of point and interval estimation and estimation methods • Theory of hypothesis testing and test procedures • Estimation and testing for stochastic processes

3 Learning objectives Students... ... deepen their knowledge of parameter estimation and testing of statistical hypotheses. ... outline the fundamentals of statistical data collection methods. ... conduct point and interval estimation and hypothesis testing. ... perform special parametric and non-parametric estimations and tests. ... perform statistical inference analysis of stochastic models.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements Recommended: Solid basic knowledge of probability theory gained in bachelor degree,

Core Module in Mathematics (BSc in Economics/Business Administration) and core and

advanced modules in Statistics (BSc in Eco-nomics/Business Administration).

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (90)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Basis- und Aufbaubereich Finance Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Business Administration - Supply Chain Management: Basis- und Aufbaubereich Supply Chain Management Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Basis- und Aufbaubereich Corporate Development Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19:

Page 181: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Business Administration - Marketing: Basis- und Aufbaubereich Marketing Ergänzungsbereich Marketing Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics Master of Arts Politikwissenschaft: Ergänzungsbereich Politikwissenschaft Master of Science Business Administration - Media and Technology Management: Basis- und Aufbaubereich Media and Technology Management Ergänzungsbereich Media and Technology Management Master of Science Business Administration - Accounting and Taxation: Core and Advanced Section Accounting and Taxation Ergänzungsbereich Accounting and Taxation Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dominik Wied

10 Miscellaneous

Page 182: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Specialisation Module Topics in Statistics A

Module code 1314SMTS01

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage German and



availability every fourth


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Topics in Statistics A


hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language German and English

2 Module content • Latest statistical and econometric methods • Applications in business administration, management studies and economics and so-

cial sciences

3 Learning objectives Students... ... deepen their knowledge of special statistical and econometric methods and how they

are applied in empirical economic research.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice project

5 Module entry requirements Recommended: Core Module Econometrics I

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (90)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Business Administration - Marketing: Ergänzungsbereich Marketing Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics Master of Arts Politikwissenschaft: Ergänzungsbereich Politikwissenschaft Master of Science Business Administration - Media and Technology Management: Ergänzungsbereich Media and Technology Management

Page 183: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Master of Science Business Administration - Accounting and Taxation: Ergänzungsbereich Accounting and Taxation Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jörg Breitung

10 Miscellaneous

Page 184: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Specialisation Module Topics in Statistics B

Module code 1314SMTS02

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage German and



availability every fourth


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Topics in Statistics B


hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language German and English

2 Module content • Latest statistical and econometric methods • Applications in business administration, management studies and economics and so-

cial sciences

3 Learning objectives Students... ... deepen their knowledge of special statistical and econometric methods and how they

are applied in empirical economic research.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice project

5 Module entry requirements Recommended: Core Module Econometrics I

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (90)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Business Administration - Marketing: Ergänzungsbereich Marketing Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics Master of Arts Politikwissenschaft: Ergänzungsbereich Politikwissenschaft Master of Science Business Administration - Media and Technology Management: Ergänzungsbereich Media and Technology Management

Page 185: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Master of Science Business Administration - Accounting and Taxation: Ergänzungsbereich Accounting and Taxation Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Roman Liesenfeld

10 Miscellaneous

Page 186: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Specialisation Module Topics in Econometrics C

Module code 1314SMTE03

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage German and



availability every fourth


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Topics in Econometrics C


hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language German and English

2 Module content • Latest statistical and econometric methods • Applications in business administration, management studies and economics and so-

cial sciences

3 Learning objectives Students... ... deepen their knowledge of special econometric and statistical methods and how they

are applied in empirical economic research.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice project

5 Module entry requirements Recommended: Core Module Econometrics I

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (90)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Business Administration - Marketing: Ergänzungsbereich Marketing Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics Master of Arts Politikwissenschaft: Ergänzungsbereich Politikwissenschaft Master of Science Business Administration - Media and Technology Management: Ergänzungsbereich Media and Technology Management

Page 187: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Master of Science Business Administration - Accounting and Taxation: Ergänzungsbereich Accounting and Taxation Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dominik Wied

10 Miscellaneous

Page 188: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Specialisation Module Seminar Statistics and Econometrics

Module code 1314SMSS00

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage German and



availability every second

semester -

summer term

Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Seminar in Statistics and Econ-



hours 30h

Self-Studies 150h

Course Language German and English

2 Module content The seminar covers topics from areas such as: • Time series analysis • Microeconometrics • Macreconometrics • Panel econometrics • Financial market econometrics and statistics • Bayesian econometrics and statistics • Non-parametric methods • Analysis of stochastic processes • Statistical inference

3 Learning objectives Students... ... analyse specialist literature on the subject. ... critically assess contemporary statistical and econometric methods. ... apply contemporary statistical and econometric methods independently in practice to

analyse real data. ... write and present a paper in accordance with academic standards.

4 Teaching and learning methods seminar

5 Module entry requirements Recommended: Core module Econometrics I and/or specialisation module Advanced

Statistics (Stochastics Processes) or Advanced Statistics (Statistical Inference)

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Combined examination: PRES, TP

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the combined examination.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19:

Page 189: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Business Administration - Marketing: Ergänzungsbereich Marketing Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics Master of Arts Politikwissenschaft: Ergänzungsbereich Politikwissenschaft Master of Science Business Administration - Media and Technology Management: Ergänzungsbereich Media and Technology Management Master of Science Business Administration - Accounting and Taxation: Ergänzungsbereich Accounting and Taxation

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jörg Breitung Univ.-Prof. Dr. Roman Liesenfeld Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dominik Wied

10 Miscellaneous

Page 190: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Specialisation Module Multivariate Statistics

Module code 1314SMMS00

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every 2nd

term - winter


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Multivariate Statistics


hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module content • Analysis of Variance • Eigenvalues • Principal Component Analysis • Factor Analysis • Canonical Correlation Analysis • Discriminant Analysis • Cluster Analysis • Multidimensional Scaling • Correspondence Analysis

3 Learning objectives Students... ...deepen their knowledge of various multivariate techniques. ...apply multivariate techniques in empirical economic research. …understand and critically assess current contributions to research in multivariate sta-


4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements Recommended: Core module Econometrics I and/or specialisation module Advanced

Statistics (Stochastics Processes) or Advanced Statistics (Statistical Inference)

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Oral examination: OE (30)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the oral examination.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019)

Page 191: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Master of Science Business Administration - Marketing: Ergänzungsbereich Marketing Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics Master of Arts Politikwissenschaft: Ergänzungsbereich Politikwissenschaft Master of Science Business Administration - Media and Technology Management: Ergänzungsbereich Media and Technology Management Master of Science Business Administration - Accounting and Taxation: Ergänzungsbereich Accounting and Taxation Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

9 Module manager Dr. Bastian Gribisch Univ.-Prof. Dr. Roman Liesenfeld

10 Miscellaneous

Page 192: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Specialisation Module Seminar Design and Behavior

Module code 1289SMSD00

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every term

Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Seminar Design and Behavior


hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module content Current issues in design, behavioural and experimental economics

3 Learning objectives Students... ...independently investigate current issues in research and applied practice in design

and behavioural economics, applying the microeconomic knowledge they have ac-

quired on the programme. ...critically study the theoretical and practical literature on the subjects. ...summarise their findings in a written paper, present their results and discuss them

with the other seminar participants.

4 Teaching and learning methods seminar

5 Module entry requirements No recommendations

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Combined examination: PRES, TP

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the combined examination.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science International Management: Ergänzungsbereich International Management Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Bettina Rockenbach

10 Miscellaneous Relevant reading will be announced at the beginning of each term.

Page 193: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Specialisation Module Economic Engineering

Module code 1289SMEE00

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every fourth


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Economic Engineering


hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module content - Evaluation of the roles of theory and laboratory/field experiments in the development

of markets and incentive systems - Analysis of relevant behavioural phenomena and institutional details of particular im-

portance for specific designs - Discussion of practical applications of economic engineering in matching markets,

auctions and other markets

3 Learning objectives Students... ... apply their theoretical and empirical skills to real markets. ... identify problems in markets and develop and discuss possible solutions. ... deal with current economic challenges and present own research ideas.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements No recommendations

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Combined examination: PRES, TP

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Business Administration - Supply Chain Management: Ergänzungsbereich Supply Chain Management Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics Master of Arts Politikwissenschaft:

Page 194: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Ergänzungsbereich Politikwissenschaft Master of Science Business Administration - Media and Technology Management: Schwerpunktbereich Media and Technology Management Ergänzungsbereich Media and Technology Management Master of Science Sociology and Social Research: Ergänzungsbereich Sociology and Social Research Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Axel Ockenfels

10 Miscellaneous

Page 195: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Specialisation Module Auction Theory

Module code 1289SMAT00

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every 2nd

term - winter


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Auction Theory


hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module content - Auctions with “private values”: second-price auctions, first-price auctions, reservation

prices, revenue equivalence theorem, extensions - Mechanism design: revelation principle, optimal mechanisms, efficient mechanisms - Auctions with “interdependent values“: comparisons of auction proceeds , linkage


3 Learning objectives Students... ... acquire a deeper understanding of the economic theory of auction design.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements None

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (120)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Business Administration - Supply Chain Management: Ergänzungsbereich Supply Chain Management Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics Master of Arts Politikwissenschaft: Ergänzungsbereich Politikwissenschaft Master of Science Business Administration - Media and Technology Management:

Page 196: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Ergänzungsbereich Media and Technology Management Master of Science Sociology and Social Research: Ergänzungsbereich Sociology and Social Research Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

9 Module manager Prof. Dr. Peter Cramton

10 Miscellaneous

Page 197: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Specialisation Module Contract Theory

Module code 1289SMVe00

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage German


availability every second

semester -

summer term

Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Vertragstheorie


hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language German

2 Module content - Principal/agent models - Mechanism design - Hold-up problem - Incomplete contracts

3 Learning objectives Students... ... recognise the concepts of information economics. ... describe and model situations with information asymmetries between several parties. ... analyse and discuss causal relationships in contract theory. ... apply methods for solving contract theory problems.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements No recommendations

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (60)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Business Administration - Supply Chain Management: Ergänzungsbereich Supply Chain Management Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics Master of Arts Politikwissenschaft:

Page 198: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Ergänzungsbereich Politikwissenschaft Master of Science Business Administration - Media and Technology Management: Ergänzungsbereich Media and Technology Management Master of Science Sociology and Social Research: Ergänzungsbereich Sociology and Social Research Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Patrick W. Schmitz

10 Miscellaneous Compulsory reading will be announced each term.

Page 199: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Specialisation Module Behavioral Economics

Module code 1289SMBE00

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every second

semester -

summer term

Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Behavioral Economics


hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module content Using the concept of the homo economicus, the module presents behavioural theory

concepts that are based on findings from empirical and experimental research. The lec-

tures provide an introduction to bounded rationality theories, focusing on those theories’

criticism of the homo economicus concept.

3 Learning objectives Students... ... understand behavioural models and formal arguments. ... apply advanced microeconomic concepts. ... challenge arguments critically.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements Recommended: Core modules in Microeconomics

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (60)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Business Administration - Supply Chain Management: Ergänzungsbereich Supply Chain Management Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science International Management: Ergänzungsbereich International Management Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics

Page 200: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Master of Arts Politikwissenschaft: Ergänzungsbereich Politikwissenschaft Master of Science Business Administration - Media and Technology Management: Ergänzungsbereich Media and Technology Management Master of Science Sociology and Social Research: Ergänzungsbereich Sociology and Social Research Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

9 Module manager Dr. Thomas Lauer Univ.-Prof. Dr. Bettina Rockenbach

10 Miscellaneous

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Specialisation Module Topics in Design and Behavior A

Module code 1289SMTD01

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage German and



availability every fourth


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Topics in Design and Behavior



hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language German and English

2 Module content Latest issues in institution and market design, plus methods and theories used in be-

havioural economics and applied microeconomics.

3 Learning objectives Students... ...investigate current theoretical and applied issues in market and institution de-

sign with the methods and theories used in behavioural economics and microeconom-

ics. ...examine and assess the applicability of various economic concepts. ...discuss the results in written form and in class with other course participants.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements No recommendations

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (60)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

9 Module manager Dr. Thomas Lauer Univ.-Prof. Dr. Bettina Rockenbach

10 Miscellaneous Relevant reading will be announced at the beginning of each term.

Page 202: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Specialisation Module Topics in Design and Behavior B

Module code 1289SMTD02

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage German and



availability every fourth


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Topics in Design and Behavior



hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language German and English

2 Module content Latest issues in institution and market design, plus methods and theories used in be-

havioural economics and applied microeconomics.

3 Learning objectives Students... ...investigate current theoretical and applied issues in market and institution de-

sign with the methods and theories used in behavioural economics and microeconom-

ics. ...examine and assess the applicability of various economic concepts. ...discuss the results in written form and in class with other course participants.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements No recommendations

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (60)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Axel Ockenfels Univ.-Prof. Dr. Bettina Rockenbach

10 Miscellaneous Relevant reading will be announced at the beginning of each term.

Page 203: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Specialisation Module Topics in Design and Behavior C

Module code 1289SMTD03

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage German and



availability every fourth


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Topics in Design and Behavior



hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language German and English

2 Module content Latest issues in institution and market design, plus methods and theories used in be-

havioural economics and applied microeconomics.

3 Learning objectives Students... ...investigate current theoretical and applied issues in market and institution de-

sign with the methods and theories used in behavioural economics and microeconom-

ics. ...examine and assess the applicability of various economic concepts. ...discuss the results in written form and in class with other course participants.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements Recommendations: Core modules Microeconomics

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (60)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Axel Ockenfels Univ.-Prof. Dr. Bettina Rockenbach

10 Miscellaneous Relevant reading will be announced at the beginning of each term.

Page 204: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Specialisation Module Topics in Design and Behavior D

Module code 1289SMTD04

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage German and



availability every fourth


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Topics in Design and Behavior



hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language German and English

2 Module content Latest issues in institution and market design, plus methods and theories used in be-

havioural economics and applied microeconomics.

3 Learning objectives Students... ...investigate current theoretical and applied issues in market and institution de-

sign with th methods and theories used in behavioural economics and microeconom-

ics. ...examine and assess the applicability of various economic concepts. ...discuss the results in written form and in class with other course participants.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements No recommendations

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (60)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Axel Ockenfels Univ.-Prof. Dr. Bettina Rockenbach

10 Miscellaneous Relevant reading will be announced at the beginning of each term.

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Specialisation module Matching and Market Design: Theory and Practice

Module code 1289SMMD00

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every 2nd

term - winter


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Matching and Market Design:

Theory and Practice


hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module content • One-sided matching: House allocation and organ exchange • Two-sided matching: Entry-level labor markets • School choice and random assignment • Matching with contracts: Distributional constraints and internet-ad auctions • Large matching markets • Combinatorial assignment and course allocation

3 Learning objectives Students... ... define theoretical models of matching markets. ... use a mixture of theory, experiments, and empirics to analyze existing matching

mechanisms and, if necessary, design better ones

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements No recommendations

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Combined examination: PRES, TP

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the combined examination.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Business Administration - Supply Chain Management: Ergänzungsbereich Supply Chain Management Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics

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Master of Arts Politikwissenschaft: Ergänzungsbereich Politikwissenschaft Master of Science Business Administration - Media and Technology Management: Ergänzungsbereich Media and Technology Management Master of Science Sociology and Social Research: Ergänzungsbereich Sociology and Social Research

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Alexander Westkamp

10 Miscellaneous More detailed information is available here: http://www.matching.uni-koeln.de/de/lehre

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Studies Abroad in Economics (Master)

Module code 1014SAEc00

Workload 540h

ECTS credits 18

Module Lan-



availability every term

Duration 1 Term

1 Courses




Course Language

2 Module content Depends on chosen course.

3 Learning objectives Students... ... describe approaches used in economics from an international perspective. ... explain international economics issues. ... discuss and compare different theories and approaches used in economics. ... describe approaches to business administration, economics and social sciences from

an inter-national perspective. ... explain international issues in the areas of business administration, economics and

social science. ... discuss and compare different theories and approaches in business administration,

economics and social science. ... develop new intellectual perspectives with regard to their own education. ... recognize the dynamic, global dimensions of their professional future.

4 Teaching and learning methods depending on course choice

5 Module entry requirements Recommendations: Depends on chosen course

6 Mode of end-of-module examination TR - depending on course selection

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Depends on chosen course.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics

9 Module manager

10 Miscellaneous Language: Can be offered in English or in any language possible at the host university.

This module can be studied at a higher education institution in another country. There is

a stand-ardised crediting procedure for such cases. Information about course crediting

(deadlines and procedures) can be obtained from the Credit Transfer Centre (WiSo

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Credit Transfer Centre: https://www.anrechnungwiso.uni-koeln.de/) This module can

also be taken as part of a summer school organised by the WiSo Faculty. In this case,

students must register for the examination in accordance with the rules of the WiSo

Faculty prior to embarking on the module.

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3.6.3 Supplementary section

Specialisation Module Corporate Taxation

Module code 1016SbeUn0

Workload 360h

ECTS credits 12

Module Lan-

guage German


availability every 2nd

term - winter


Duration 2 Terms

1 Courses a) Corporate Taxation I (WiSe) b) Corporate Taxation II (SoSe)


hours a) 45h b) 45h

Self-Studies a) 135h b) 135h

Course Language a) German b) German

2 Module content • Significance of taxation in terms of business administration • Taxation of partnerships and corporations • Choice of legal structure based on current national and transnational taxation practice • Optimisation of legal structure; special legal structures • Taxation of transnational business operations and international tax planning • Problem of double taxation and dealing with measures designed to prevent tax arbi-

trage • Tax planning for corporate restructuring and takeovers • German Reorganisation Tax Act • Exercises to deepen knowledge of subject matter covered in class

3 Learning objectives Students... ... are familiar with problems and methods in business taxation. ... understand how taxes influence choice of legal structure. ... gain an insight into taxation of transnational business operations. ... understand how taxes influence national and transnational decisions for companies. ... apply the expertise they have acquired to specific case studies.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements Recommended: Basic knowledge of tax law.

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Portfolio: PO

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written tests. Both courses must be attended; the examinations refer to top-

ics of both courses.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Information Systems:

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Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science Geographie: BWL Master Geographie Regionalstudien China - Betriebswirtschaftslehre: BWL MA Reg China Master of Education Wirtschaftspädagogik/Lehramt an Berufskollegs: Ergänzungsbereich Wirtschaftspädagogik Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Business Administration - Marketing: Ergänzungsbereich Marketing Master of Science Economics: Ergänzungsbereich Economics Master of Science Mathematik: WiWi MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Wirtschaftsmathematik: WiWi MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Business Administration - Media and Technology Management: Ergänzungsbereich Media and Technology Management Master of Science Business Administration - Accounting and Taxation: Specialization Section Accounting and Taxation Ergänzungsbereich Accounting and Taxation

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Michael Overesch

10 Miscellaneous The module can be started in the spring term as well. However, a start in the fall term is


Page 211: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Specialisation Module Operative and Strategic Controlling

Module code 1016SOSCo0

Workload 360h

ECTS credits 12

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every 2nd

term - winter


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses a) Operative Controlling (1.

Term) b) Strategic Controlling (2.



hours a) 60h b) 60h

Self-Studies a) 120h b) 120h

Course Language a) English b) English

2 Module content Operative controlling: • Fundamentals of controlling • Theory, strategies and methods to support controlling activities • Controlling instruments

Strategic controlling: • Introduction to strategic controlling • Conventional cost management instruments • More recent cost management instruments • Benchmarking

3 Learning objectives Students... ... identify the main controlling strategies. ... learn about different types of interdependency and assess analytical and heuristic

methods with which to coordinate said interdependencies. ... deepen their knowledge of different “conventional” cost accounting techniques (in-

cluding actual and standard costing, full-cost accounting and variable costing). ... learn methods for conducting cost variance analyses. ... understand the Peinreich-Lücke theorem and the relationship between investment

appraisal and cost accounting. ... use linear programming for production planning and dynamic programming for meas-

uring inter-temporal interdependencies. ... examine the benefit of additional information under uncertainty using the concept of

“information value”. ... analyse the principal-agency theory and use controlling instruments to help solve any

incentive problems that arise. ... learn the main controlling strategies for solving coordination problems. ... compare the pros and cons of proactive cost management and early cost budgeting. ... examine the more recent instruments of cost management (including lifecycle, target

and activity-based costing). ... discuss the basics of benchmarking. ... conduct case studies using the skills they have acquired.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

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5 Module entry requirements Recommended: Basic knowledge of internal and external accounting, investment, fi-

nancing and decision theory.

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Portfolio: PO

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the examination. Both courses must be attended. The module is tested in two

written examination elements.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Business Administration - Supply Chain Management: Ergänzungsbereich Supply Chain Management Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science Geographie: BWL Master Geographie Regionalstudien China - Betriebswirtschaftslehre: BWL MA Reg China Master of Education Wirtschaftspädagogik/Lehramt an Berufskollegs: Ergänzungsbereich Wirtschaftspädagogik Master of Science International Management: Ergänzungsbereich International Management Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Business Administration - Marketing: Ergänzungsbereich Marketing Master of Science Economics: Ergänzungsbereich Economics Master of Science Mathematik: WiWi MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Wirtschaftsmathematik: WiWi MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Business Administration - Media and Technology Management: Ergänzungsbereich Media and Technology Management Master of Science Business Administration - Accounting and Taxation: Specialization Section Accounting and Taxation Ergänzungsbereich Accounting and Taxation Master of Science Gesundheitsökonomie: Ergänzungsbereich Gesundheitsökonomie

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Carsten Homburg

10 Miscellaneous Required reading will be announced at the beginning of the respective term.

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Specialisation Module International Accounting and Corporate Valuation

Module code 1016SIRUb0

Workload 360h

ECTS credits 12

Module Lan-

guage German and



availability every term

Duration 2 Terms

1 Courses a) Corporate Valuation b) International Accounting


hours a) 60h b) 60h

Self-Studies a) 120h b) 120h

Course Language a) German b) German

2 Module content International accounting: • Doctrinal and conceptual principles of IFRS • IASB framework • Rules for recognising assets and liabilities • measurement rules • Special problems in IFRS separate and consolidated financial statements

Business valuation: • Reasons, purposes, history of doctrines • Equivalence principles • Forecasting rules and instruments • Risk/benefit approach to business valuation • Capital market oriented valuation methods

3 Learning objectives Students... ... gain confidence in balance sheet preparation using international accounting stand-

ards [IFRS]. ... acquire expertise on how to interpret standards in line with the system being used. ... apply to real-life cases what they have learned about accounting rules. ... apply business valuation approaches when preparing IFRS balance sheets. ... acquire expertise on how to differentiate between different reasons for and purposes

and doctri-nal concepts of business valuation. ... apply the basic rules of investment valuation theory to business valuation problems. ... produce cash flow forecasts. ... acquire expertise on how to use the different variants of the DCF method and other

modern valuation methods based on the aims being pursued.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements No recommendations

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (120)

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7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test. Both courses must be attended; the examination refers to top-

ics of both courses.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science Geographie: BWL Master Geographie Regionalstudien China - Betriebswirtschaftslehre: BWL MA Reg China Master of Education Wirtschaftspädagogik/Lehramt an Berufskollegs: Ergänzungsbereich Wirtschaftspädagogik Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Business Administration - Marketing: Ergänzungsbereich Marketing Master of Science Economics: Ergänzungsbereich Economics Master of Science Mathematik: WiWi MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Wirtschaftsmathematik: WiWi MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Business Administration - Media and Technology Management: Ergänzungsbereich Media and Technology Management Master of Science Business Administration - Accounting and Taxation: Specialization Section Accounting and Taxation Ergänzungsbereich Accounting and Taxation

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Christoph Kuhner

10 Miscellaneous An exam is offered in every semester.

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Specialization Module International Accounting

Module code 1016SMIR01

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage German


availability every second

semester -

summer term

Duration 1 Term

1 Courses International Accounting


hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language German

2 Module content • Theoretical as well as institutional foundations of IFRS • IASB-Framework • Recognition and measurement of different classes of assets and liabilities • Special issues of individual and consolidated IFRS reports

3 Learning objectives Students... ... gain confidence in reporting according to international financial reporting standards

[IFRS] with respect to recognition as well as measurement issues. ... acquire knowledge enabling them to interpret IFRS in light of their principle-based

character. ... solve new problems and cases, using the subject-related and methodological compe-

tence taught in the module.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements No recommendations

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (60)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science Geographie: BWL Master Geographie Regionalstudien China - Betriebswirtschaftslehre: BWL MA Reg China Master of Education Wirtschaftspädagogik/Lehramt an Berufskollegs: Ergänzungsbereich Wirtschaftspädagogik Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development

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Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Business Administration - Marketing: Ergänzungsbereich Marketing Master of Science Mathematik: WiWi MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Wirtschaftsmathematik: WiWi MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Business Administration - Accounting and Taxation: Specialization Section Accounting and Taxation Ergänzungsbereich Accounting and Taxation

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Christoph Kuhner

10 Miscellaneous

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Specialization Module Corporate Valuation

Module code 1016SMUb01

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage German


availability every 2nd

term - winter


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses




Course Language

2 Module content • Occasions, purposes and dogma history of corporate valuation • Principles of equivalence • Forecasting rules and instruments • Individual risk equivalence approach in business valuation • Capital-market oriented methods of measurement

3 Learning objectives Students... ... gain competence in distinguishing different occasions, purposes and underlying con-

cepts of corporate valuation. ... apply basic principles of investment theory in the context of corporate valuation. …produce cash-flow-forecasts. ...acquire expertise to context-specifically distinguish and apply different variants of the

DCF-method and further modern valuation approaches.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements No recommendations

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (60)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science Geographie: BWL Master Geographie Regionalstudien China - Betriebswirtschaftslehre: BWL MA Reg China Master of Education Wirtschaftspädagogik/Lehramt an Berufskollegs: Ergänzungsbereich Wirtschaftspädagogik Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development:

Page 218: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Business Administration - Marketing: Ergänzungsbereich Marketing Master of Science Mathematik: WiWi MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Wirtschaftsmathematik: WiWi MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Business Administration - Accounting and Taxation: Specialization Section Accounting and Taxation Ergänzungsbereich Accounting and Taxation

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Christoph Kuhner

10 Miscellaneous

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Specilisation Module Selected Issues in Business Taxation II

Module code 1016SMSB02

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage German and



availability every 2nd

term - winter


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses a) International Tax Planning

(1. Term) b) Taxation of Corporate



hours a) 30h b) 30h

Self-Studies a) 60h b) 60h

Course Language a) English b) German

2 Module content Selected Issues in Business Taxation

3 Learning objectives Students... ... gain methodological competence in tax law. ... acquire a deeper understanding of tax law. ... learn how to solve new cases using the knowledge they have acquired.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture

5 Module entry requirements Recommended: Basic knowledge of corporate taxation

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Combined examination: WT (30), OE (30)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the combined examination. Both courses must be attended; the examiniation

refers to topics of both courses.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science Geographie: BWL Master Geographie Regionalstudien China - Betriebswirtschaftslehre: BWL MA Reg China Master of Education Wirtschaftspädagogik/Lehramt an Berufskollegs: Ergänzungsbereich Wirtschaftspädagogik Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Business Administration - Marketing: Ergänzungsbereich Marketing

Page 220: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Master of Science Economics: Ergänzungsbereich Economics Master of Science Mathematik: WiWi MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Wirtschaftsmathematik: WiWi MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Business Administration - Media and Technology Management: Ergänzungsbereich Media and Technology Management Master of Science Business Administration - Accounting and Taxation: Specialization Section Accounting and Taxation Ergänzungsbereich Accounting and Taxation

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Michael Overesch

10 Miscellaneous

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Specialisation module Value-based Controlling

Module code 1016SVbCo0

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every second

semester -

summer term

Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Value-based Controlling


hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module content • Basics of value-based controlling (including traditional financial indicators) • Characteristics of capital markets • Effect of capital structure on business value • Shareholder value approach • Discounted cash flow (DCF) method • Value-based indicators • Implementation of a value-based strategy • The Ohlson model

3 Learning objectives Students... ... identify the disadvantages of traditional financial indicators. ... assess capital market characteristics and their implications in terms of valuation. ... apply investment calculuses to business valuations. ... distinguish between valuation techniques, especially with regard to the underlying as-

sumptions. ... draw up estimates for forecasting cash flow and profit and determining cost of capital. ... examine published financial statement data and adapt to economic standards. ... determine business value based on multiplier, DCF and EVA methods.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements Recommended: Basic knowledge of "Kosten- und Leistungsrechung", "Bilanz- und Er-

folgsrechnung", "Investition und Finanzierung", as well as " Entscheidungstheorie" from

the bachelor studies should be present.

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (60)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Business Administration - Supply Chain Management: Ergänzungsbereich Supply Chain Management

Page 222: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science Geographie: BWL Master Geographie Regionalstudien China - Betriebswirtschaftslehre: BWL MA Reg China Master of Education Wirtschaftspädagogik/Lehramt an Berufskollegs: Ergänzungsbereich Wirtschaftspädagogik Master of Science International Management: Ergänzungsbereich International Management Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Business Administration - Marketing: Schwerpunktbereich Marketing Ergänzungsbereich Marketing Master of Science Economics: Ergänzungsbereich Economics Master of Science Mathematik: WiWi MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Wirtschaftsmathematik: WiWi MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Business Administration - Media and Technology Management: Ergänzungsbereich Media and Technology Management Master of Science Business Administration - Accounting and Taxation: Specialization Section Accounting and Taxation Ergänzungsbereich Accounting and Taxation Master of Science Gesundheitsökonomie: Ergänzungsbereich Gesundheitsökonomie

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Carsten Homburg

10 Miscellaneous Required reading will be announced at the beginning of the respective term.

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Specialisation Module Selected Issues in Accounting and Auditing Issues I

Module code 1016SAFRW0

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage German and



availability every 2nd

term - winter


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses a) Unternehmenspublizität und

Jahresabschlussanalyse b) Konzernbilanzen (1. Term)


hours a) 30h b) 30h

Self-Studies a) 60h b) 60h

Course Language a) German b) German

2 Module content • Regulation of capital market information • Value relevance studies • Company rating techniques • KPI-based analysis • Special problems in group accounting

3 Learning objectives Students... ... acquire expertise on how to assess the legal and strategic aspects of modern capital

market communication. ... acquire experise on how to assess the motives behind accounting policies and to an-

alyse the instruments used in accounting policies. ... assess from various perspectives the usefulness of accounting data as a decision-

making aid. ... acquire expertise on how to use business valuation methods when analysing annual

financial statements, based on the aims being pursued. ... gain confidence in group accounting using national and international standards. ... analyse real-life accounting problems.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture

5 Module entry requirements No recommendations

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (60)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test. Both courses must be attended; the examination refers to top-

ics of both courses.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science Geographie: BWL Master Geographie

Page 224: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Regionalstudien China - Betriebswirtschaftslehre: BWL MA Reg China Master of Education Wirtschaftspädagogik/Lehramt an Berufskollegs: Ergänzungsbereich Wirtschaftspädagogik Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Business Administration - Marketing: Ergänzungsbereich Marketing Master of Science Economics: Ergänzungsbereich Economics Master of Science Mathematik: WiWi MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Wirtschaftsmathematik: WiWi MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Business Administration - Media and Technology Management: Ergänzungsbereich Media and Technology Management Master of Science Business Administration - Accounting and Taxation: Specialization Section Accounting and Taxation Ergänzungsbereich Accounting and Taxation

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Christoph Kuhner

10 Miscellaneous

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Specialisation Module Operative and Strategic Controlling

Module code 1016SOSCo0

Workload 360h

ECTS credits 12

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every 2nd

term - winter


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses a) Operative Controlling (1.

Term) b) Strategic Controlling (2.



hours a) 60h b) 60h

Self-Studies a) 120h b) 120h

Course Language a) English b) English

2 Module content Operative controlling: • Fundamentals of controlling • Theory, strategies and methods to support controlling activities • Controlling instruments

Strategic controlling: • Introduction to strategic controlling • Conventional cost management instruments • More recent cost management instruments • Benchmarking

3 Learning objectives Students... ... identify the main controlling strategies. ... learn about different types of interdependency and assess analytical and heuristic

methods with which to coordinate said interdependencies. ... deepen their knowledge of different “conventional” cost accounting techniques (in-

cluding actual and standard costing, full-cost accounting and variable costing). ... learn methods for conducting cost variance analyses. ... understand the Peinreich-Lücke theorem and the relationship between investment

appraisal and cost accounting. ... use linear programming for production planning and dynamic programming for meas-

uring inter-temporal interdependencies. ... examine the benefit of additional information under uncertainty using the concept of

“information value”. ... analyse the principal-agency theory and use controlling instruments to help solve any

incentive problems that arise. ... learn the main controlling strategies for solving coordination problems. ... compare the pros and cons of proactive cost management and early cost budgeting. ... examine the more recent instruments of cost management (including lifecycle, target

and activity-based costing). ... discuss the basics of benchmarking. ... conduct case studies using the skills they have acquired.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

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5 Module entry requirements Recommended: Basic knowledge of internal and external accounting, investment, fi-

nancing and decision theory.

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Portfolio: PO

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the examination. Both courses must be attended. The module is tested in two

written examination elements.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Business Administration - Supply Chain Management: Ergänzungsbereich Supply Chain Management Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science Geographie: BWL Master Geographie Regionalstudien China - Betriebswirtschaftslehre: BWL MA Reg China Master of Education Wirtschaftspädagogik/Lehramt an Berufskollegs: Ergänzungsbereich Wirtschaftspädagogik Master of Science International Management: Ergänzungsbereich International Management Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Business Administration - Marketing: Ergänzungsbereich Marketing Master of Science Economics: Ergänzungsbereich Economics Master of Science Mathematik: WiWi MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Wirtschaftsmathematik: WiWi MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Business Administration - Media and Technology Management: Ergänzungsbereich Media and Technology Management Master of Science Business Administration - Accounting and Taxation: Specialization Section Accounting and Taxation Ergänzungsbereich Accounting and Taxation Master of Science Gesundheitsökonomie: Ergänzungsbereich Gesundheitsökonomie

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Carsten Homburg

10 Miscellaneous Required reading will be announced at the beginning of the respective term.

Page 227: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Specialisation module Value-based Controlling

Module code 1016SVbCo0

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every second

semester -

summer term

Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Value-based Controlling


hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module content • Basics of value-based controlling (including traditional financial indicators) • Characteristics of capital markets • Effect of capital structure on business value • Shareholder value approach • Discounted cash flow (DCF) method • Value-based indicators • Implementation of a value-based strategy • The Ohlson model

3 Learning objectives Students... ... identify the disadvantages of traditional financial indicators. ... assess capital market characteristics and their implications in terms of valuation. ... apply investment calculuses to business valuations. ... distinguish between valuation techniques, especially with regard to the underlying as-

sumptions. ... draw up estimates for forecasting cash flow and profit and determining cost of capital. ... examine published financial statement data and adapt to economic standards. ... determine business value based on multiplier, DCF and EVA methods.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements Recommended: Basic knowledge of "Kosten- und Leistungsrechung", "Bilanz- und Er-

folgsrechnung", "Investition und Finanzierung", as well as " Entscheidungstheorie" from

the bachelor studies should be present.

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (60)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Business Administration - Supply Chain Management: Ergänzungsbereich Supply Chain Management

Page 228: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science Geographie: BWL Master Geographie Regionalstudien China - Betriebswirtschaftslehre: BWL MA Reg China Master of Education Wirtschaftspädagogik/Lehramt an Berufskollegs: Ergänzungsbereich Wirtschaftspädagogik Master of Science International Management: Ergänzungsbereich International Management Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Business Administration - Marketing: Schwerpunktbereich Marketing Ergänzungsbereich Marketing Master of Science Economics: Ergänzungsbereich Economics Master of Science Mathematik: WiWi MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Wirtschaftsmathematik: WiWi MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Business Administration - Media and Technology Management: Ergänzungsbereich Media and Technology Management Master of Science Business Administration - Accounting and Taxation: Specialization Section Accounting and Taxation Ergänzungsbereich Accounting and Taxation Master of Science Gesundheitsökonomie: Ergänzungsbereich Gesundheitsökonomie

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Carsten Homburg

10 Miscellaneous Required reading will be announced at the beginning of the respective term.

Page 229: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Specialisation Module Selected Issues in Controlling

Module code 1016SMAC00

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every term

Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Ausgewählte Fragen des Con-



hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language German

2 Module content Students are advised of the current content each term. The following areas are usually

covered: • Legal provisions for risk management systems • Establishment and implementation of an early warning system • Establishment of a risk management system • German Corporate Governance Code • Auditing of the risk management system by the internal auditing department • Auditing of the risk management system by the external auditor • Application of the competencies gained to realistic case studies

3 Learning objectives Students... ... discuss current issues in controlling and develop appropriate solutions. ... analyse selected businesses‘ controlling problems. ... apply the specialist knowledge they have acquired in a business environment. ... discuss and investigate problems that arise when implementing controlling tools. ... assess the advantages and disadvantages of recent controlling tools. ... learn how to solve realistic cases using the expertise and methodological compe-

tence taught on the programme.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements Recommended: Coremodule Accounting, Coremodule Finance,as well as Coremodule

Decision Theory or similar courses from the bachelor programme

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (60)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Supply Chain Management: Ergänzungsbereich Supply Chain Management Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Business Administration - Marketing:

Page 230: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Ergänzungsbereich Marketing Master of Science Economics: Ergänzungsbereich Economics Master of Science Business Administration - Media and Technology Management: Ergänzungsbereich Media and Technology Management Master of Science Business Administration - Accounting and Taxation: Specialization Section Accounting and Taxation Ergänzungsbereich Accounting and Taxation

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Carsten Homburg

10 Miscellaneous

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Specilisation Module Selected Issues in Business Taxation I

Module code 1016SMSB01

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every second

semester -

summer term

Duration 1 Term

1 Courses a) Tax Accounting b) Financial Service and Real

Estate Taxation (1. Term) c) Taxation of Family Business


hours a) 30h b) 30h c) 30h

Self-Studies a) 60h b) 60h c) 60h

Course Language a) English b) English c) German

2 Module content Selected Issues in Business Taxation

3 Learning objectives Students... ... acquire methodological competence in the area of tax law. ... acquire subject expertise to deepen their understanding of tax law. ... learn how to solve new cases using the subject expertise and methodological compe-

tence they have acquired.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture

5 Module entry requirements Recommended: Basic knowledge of business taxation

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (60)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test. Two courses must be attended; the examination refers to top-

ics of two courses.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Education Wirtschaftspädagogik/Lehramt an Berufskollegs: Ergänzungsbereich Wirtschaftspädagogik Master of Science International Management: Ergänzungsbereich International Management Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Business Administration - Marketing: Ergänzungsbereich Marketing Master of Science Business Administration - Media and Technology Management: Ergänzungsbereich Media and Technology Management Master of Science Business Administration - Accounting and Taxation:

Page 232: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Specialization Section Accounting and Taxation Ergänzungsbereich Accounting and Taxation Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Business Administration - Supply Chain Management: Ergänzungsbereich Supply Chain Management

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Michael Overesch

10 Miscellaneous

Page 233: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Specialisation module Finance 7

Module code 1259SMFi07

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage German


availability every second

semester -

summer term

Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Rechnungslegung von Versi-

cherungsunternehmen nach



hours 30h

Self-Studies 60h

Course Language German

2 Module content • Accounting systems • Sources of law • HGB, IAS/IFRS accounting methods • Full fair value accounting

3 Learning objectives Students... ... analyse insurance companies’ annual financial statements based on different ac-

counting rules. ... value claims reserves, claims equalization reserves and actuarial reserves. ... explore the impact of different accounting rules on how balance sheet items are val-

ued. ... implement risk-based auditing strategies for insurance companies.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements no recommendations

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (60)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Schwerpunktbereich Finance Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Business Administration - Supply Chain Management: Ergänzungsbereich Supply Chain Management Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science Geographie: BWL Master Geographie Regionalstudien China - Betriebswirtschaftslehre: BWL MA Reg China

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Master of Education Wirtschaftspädagogik/Lehramt an Berufskollegs: Ergänzungsbereich Wirtschaftspädagogik Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Business Administration - Marketing: Ergänzungsbereich Marketing Master of Science Economics: Ergänzungsbereich Economics Master of Science Mathematik: WiWi MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Wirtschaftsmathematik: WiWi MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Business Administration - Media and Technology Management: Ergänzungsbereich Media and Technology Management Master of Science Business Administration - Accounting and Taxation: Ergänzungsbereich Accounting and Taxation

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Heinrich R. Schradin

10 Miscellaneous

Page 235: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Specialisation Module Business Ethics

Module code 1253SBuEt0

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every 2nd

term - winter


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Business Ethics and Continen-

tal Philosophy (1. Term)


hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module content • Ethical approaches and how they are applied in business • Reflection on current business ethics debates (e.g. concerning globalisation, sustain-

ability, corporate responsibility, pay systems) • Independent presentation of approaches developed • Discussion of case studies from a normative and practical perspective

3 Learning objectives Students... ... identify and distinguish between ethically relevant issues based on philosophical ap-

proaches. discuss normative arguments and use this as a basis upon which to evaluate

case studies from the world of business. ... identify their responsibility as players in companies and other areas of business. ... develop and explain the rationale behind effective strategies for enhancing ethical

conduct in companies. ... accumulate a sound knowledge of philosophical perspectives and ethical debates on

business conduct.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements No recommendations

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (60)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Supply Chain Management: Ergänzungsbereich Supply Chain Management Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science Geographie: BWL Master Geographie Regionalstudien China - Betriebswirtschaftslehre: BWL MA Reg China Master of Education Wirtschaftspädagogik/Lehramt an Berufskollegs:

Page 236: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Ergänzungsbereich Wirtschaftspädagogik Master of Science International Management: Basis- und Aufbaubereich International Management Ergänzungsbereich International Management Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Schwerpunktbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Business Administration - Marketing: Ergänzungsbereich Marketing Master of Science Economics: Ergänzungsbereich Economics Master of Science Mathematik: WiWi MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Wirtschaftsmathematik: WiWi MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Business Administration - Media and Technology Management: Ergänzungsbereich Media and Technology Management Master of Science Business Administration - Accounting and Taxation: Ergänzungsbereich Accounting and Taxation Master of Science Gesundheitsökonomie: Ergänzungsbereich Gesundheitsökonomie Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Bernd Irlenbusch

10 Miscellaneous This course provides students with a sound knowledge of philosophical perspectives

and ethical debates on business conduct.

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Specialisation Module Strategic Human Resource Management

Module code 1253SSHRM0

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every 2nd

term - winter


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Strategic Human Resource

Management (2. Term)


hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module content • Corporate strategy – an economic perspective • Human capital and value creation • Talent management and careers • Performance management • HR development • Corporate culture • Measurement of value contributed and evidence-based HR management

3 Learning objectives Students... ... acquire an understanding of the value contributed by HR work and analyse potential

drivers. develop standards by which to assess different HR strategies. ... discuss instruments for talent and performance management and develop recom-

mendations for applying them. ... evaluate the interests of different stakeholders based on corporate case studies and

can explain the reasons behind them. ... design and evaluate employee surveys. ... analyse HR management indicator systems. ... determine the contribution corporate culture makes to an organisation’s perfor-


4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements No recommendations

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (60)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Supply Chain Management: Ergänzungsbereich Supply Chain Management Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science Geographie:

Page 238: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



BWL Master Geographie Regionalstudien China - Betriebswirtschaftslehre: BWL MA Reg China Master of Education Wirtschaftspädagogik/Lehramt an Berufskollegs: Ergänzungsbereich Wirtschaftspädagogik Master of Science International Management: Ergänzungsbereich International Management Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Schwerpunktbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Business Administration - Marketing: Ergänzungsbereich Marketing Master of Science Economics: Ergänzungsbereich Economics Master of Science Mathematik: WiWi MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Wirtschaftsmathematik: WiWi MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Business Administration - Media and Technology Management: Ergänzungsbereich Media and Technology Management Master of Science Business Administration - Accounting and Taxation: Ergänzungsbereich Accounting and Taxation Master of Science Gesundheitsökonomie: Ergänzungsbereich Gesundheitsökonomie Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dirk Sliwka

10 Miscellaneous The module teaches students how HR management creates economic value and helps

implement corporate strategies.

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Specialisation Module Strategic Management

Module code 1253SStMa0

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every 2nd

term - winter


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Strategic Management (1.



hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module content • Fundamentals of strategic management • Strategic positioning • Strategy processes • Contexts

3 Learning objectives Students... ... understand different explanations for strategic positioning. ... analyse the influence of sectors and corporate resources on the choice of strategy. ... can distinguish between different forms of strategy development. ... apply theoretical knowledge to practical case studies and industry contexts.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements No recommendations

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (60)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Supply Chain Management: Ergänzungsbereich Supply Chain Management Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science Geographie: BWL Master Geographie Regionalstudien China - Betriebswirtschaftslehre: BWL MA Reg China Master of Education Wirtschaftspädagogik/Lehramt an Berufskollegs: Ergänzungsbereich Wirtschaftspädagogik Master of Science International Management: Basis- und Aufbaubereich International Management Ergänzungsbereich International Management Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development:

Page 240: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Schwerpunktbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Business Administration - Marketing: Ergänzungsbereich Marketing Master of Science Economics: Ergänzungsbereich Economics Master of Science Mathematik: WiWi MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Wirtschaftsmathematik: WiWi MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Business Administration - Media and Technology Management: Ergänzungsbereich Media and Technology Management Master of Science Business Administration - Accounting and Taxation: Ergänzungsbereich Accounting and Taxation Master of Science Gesundheitsökonomie: Ergänzungsbereich Gesundheitsökonomie Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Matthias Heinz

10 Miscellaneous

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Supplementary Module Introduction to Economic Psychology

Module code 1320EMIE00

Workload 360h

ECTS credits 12

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every second

semester -

summer term

Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Introduction to Economic Psy-



hours 60h

Self-Studies 300h

Course Language English

2 Module content Selected topics and current issues in economic psychology: • Basic concepts in economic psychology (e.g., decision anomalies, descriptive decision theories, lay theories of economic con-

cepts) • Economic psychology and its application in consumer markets, labour markets, and

financial markets (e.g., purchase decisions, entrepreneurship, investments) • Economic psychology and its application in macroeconomic contexts (e.g., tax evasion, unemployment, wealth and happiness)

3 Learning objectives Students... … differentiate psychological aspects of economic contexts. ... apply psychological theories and concepts when analyzing economic issues. … define independently a problem area. ... gather results of recent research, assess them critically and summarize them. … present their findings individually. … identify critical points and discuss these with the group.

4 Teaching and learning methods seminar

5 Module entry requirements No recommendations

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Combined examination: WT (60), PRES

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the combined examination.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science International Management: Basis- und Aufbaubereich International Management Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Business Administration - Marketing: Ergänzungsbereich Marketing

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Master of Science Economics: Ergänzungsbereich Economics Master of Science Business Administration - Media and Technology Management: Schwerpunktbereich Media and Technology Management

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Erik Hölzl

10 Miscellaneous Compulsory reading will be announced each semester.

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Specialisation Module Financial Theory

Module code 1259SFiTh0

Workload 360h

ECTS credits 12

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every 2nd

term - winter


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses a) Capital Market Theory (1.

Term) b) Corporate Finance Theory

(1. Term)


hours a) 60h b) 60h

Self-Studies a) 120h b) 120h

Course Language a) English b) English

2 Module content • Capital markets and consumption • Investment decisions given certainity and uncertainity • Portfolio theory • Asset pricing models • Analysis and valuation of forwards, futures, and options • Equity valuation models (in particular Discounted Cash Flow methods, models of re-

sidual income, Multiples approach) • Impact of financial policies • M&A activities and defensive strategies • Aspects of balancing of accounts and financial realisation of mergers and acquisi-


3 Learning objectives Students... …analyse investment decisions. …understand asset pricing models. …determine the value of securities and derivatives. …use different methods of valuing companies and individual assets. …learn how to analyse annual accounts in order to extract value relevant information. …recognize different theories explaining M&A‐activities. …analyse manager interests in mergers and acquisitions.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements no recommendations

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (120)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test. Both courses must be attended; the examination refers to top-

ics of both courses.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance:

Page 244: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Schwerpunktbereich Finance Master of Science Business Administration - Supply Chain Management: Ergänzungsbereich Supply Chain Management Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science Geographie: BWL Master Geographie Regionalstudien China - Betriebswirtschaftslehre: BWL MA Reg China Master of Education Wirtschaftspädagogik/Lehramt an Berufskollegs: Ergänzungsbereich Wirtschaftspädagogik Master of Science International Management: Basis- und Aufbaubereich International Management Ergänzungsbereich International Management Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Business Administration - Marketing: Ergänzungsbereich Marketing Master of Science Economics: Ergänzungsbereich Economics Master of Science Mathematik: WiWi MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Wirtschaftsmathematik: WiWi MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Business Administration - Accounting and Taxation: Ergänzungsbereich Accounting and Taxation

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dieter Hess Univ.-Prof. Dr. Alexander Kempf Dr. Alexander Pütz

10 Miscellaneous

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Specialisation Module Financial Institutions Management

Module code 1259SFIMa0

Workload 360h

ECTS credits 12

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every 2nd

term - winter


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses a) Insurance Economics b) Risk Management (2. Term)


hours a) 60h b) 60h

Self-Studies a) 120h b) 120h

Course Language a) English b) English

2 Module content Module content 1. Risk Management • Risk control on perfect and imperfect financial markets • Risk and risk measures • Management of liquidity risk • Management of interest rate risk • Management of default risk

2. Insurance Economics • Insurance demand theory • Production theory in insurance • Market balance in regard to information symmetry and asymmetry • Basics of sector-specific tariff calculation and reserve creation • Claim settlement • Introduction to solvency standards

3 Learning objectives Students... ... analyse various risk measures in terms of effective risk/return management. ... apply risk measures to decision-making problems in bank operations. ... assess regulatory standards intended to limit risk. ... are familiar with the methods for measuring market and default risks. ... assess instruments for controlling market and default risks. ... analyse insurance supply and demand. ... can explain information symmetry and asymmetry. ... assess the institutional parameters for insurance markets. ... calculate premiums and reserves in life and indemnity insurance.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements no recommendations

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (120)

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7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test. Both courses must be attended; the examination refers to top-

ics of both courses.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Schwerpunktbereich Finance Master of Science Business Administration - Supply Chain Management: Ergänzungsbereich Supply Chain Management Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science Geographie: BWL Master Geographie Regionalstudien China - Betriebswirtschaftslehre: BWL MA Reg China Master of Education Wirtschaftspädagogik/Lehramt an Berufskollegs: Ergänzungsbereich Wirtschaftspädagogik Master of Science International Management: Ergänzungsbereich International Management Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Business Administration - Marketing: Ergänzungsbereich Marketing Master of Science Economics: Ergänzungsbereich Economics Master of Science Mathematik: WiWi MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Wirtschaftsmathematik: WiWi MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Business Administration - Accounting and Taxation: Ergänzungsbereich Accounting and Taxation Master of Science Gesundheitsökonomie: Ergänzungsbereich Gesundheitsökonomie

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Thomas Hartmann-Wendels Univ.-Prof. Dr. Heinrich R. Schradin

10 Miscellaneous

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Specialisation module Finance 1

Module code 1259SMFi01

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every 2nd

term - winter


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Application of Capital Market

Theory (2. Term)


hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module content • Portfolio theory and practical application thereof • Performance measurement and attribution • Trading strategies using derivatives • Risk management • Financial engineering

3 Learning objectives Students... ...put together and implement optimum securities portfolios. ...analyse investment performance and its causes. ...control risks using derivatives. …answer critical questions confidently. ...create new financial instruments. ...work on practical exercises in small groups to discuss the knowledge and methods

learned in class. …agree on suitable methods for solving the practical exercises within the small groups

and justify their decision. …students reflect their own learning success by solving case studies independently.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements Recommended: Supplementary Module Financial Theory

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (60)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Schwerpunktbereich Finance Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Business Administration - Supply Chain Management: Ergänzungsbereich Supply Chain Management Master of Science International Management: Ergänzungsbereich International Management

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Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Business Administration - Marketing: Ergänzungsbereich Marketing Master of Science Economics: Ergänzungsbereich Economics Master of Science Business Administration - Accounting and Taxation: Ergänzungsbereich Accounting and Taxation

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Alexander Kempf Dr. Alexander Pütz

10 Miscellaneous Within this module, at least one course is offered which takes place either until the mid-

dle of the fall/spring term (1. term) or from the middle of the fall/spring (2. term) on-

wards. You can find this information in the field “Courses” of the module descriptions. In

general, the 1. term of the fall term ends in December and the 1. term of the spring term

ends in May. The corresponding examinations of the 1. term courses are often offered

in the middle of the fall/spring term.

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Specialisation Module Finance 5

Module code 1259SMFi10

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage German


availability every second

semester -

summer term

Duration 1 Term

1 Courses a) Versicherungskonzern und

Rückversicherung (Teil A:

Rückversicherung und ART) b) Versicherungskonzern und

Rückversicherung (Teil B: Kon-

zernsteuerung und Gegensei-



hours a) 30h b) 30h

Self-Studies a) 60h b) 60h

Course Language a) German b) German

2 Module content • Decision models applying to individual economic units • Modelling of stochastic cash flows in insurance companies • Corporate and risk management in insurance companies • Capital stocks of insurance companies • Development and trends of the insurance industry • Evaluation of life insurances and non-life insurance Companies • Organization of insurance holding structures • Risk management instruments in insurance holdings • Types of reinsurance • Financial reinsurance • Alternative risk transfer

3 Learning objectives Students... ... have a thorough knowledge of the levels of management in insurance companies. ... investigate value-based management of insurance companies. ... model payment flows in insurance companies. ... analyse insurance companies' risk situation. ... apply different models for calculating capital requirements. ... determine which areas of a business have which capital requirements. ... use methods for valuing personal insurance companies and property and casualty in-

sur-ance companies. ... have a thorough knowledge of the fundamentals of asset liability management and

capital management. ... work within the legislative framework for insurance groups. ... assess the group structures found in the insurance industry. ... understand how different types of reinsurance work. ... analyse how risk management instruments are used to meet company objectives.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements no recommendations

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6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (60)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test. Both courses must be attended; the examination refers to top-

ics of both courses.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Schwerpunktbereich Finance Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Business Administration - Supply Chain Management: Ergänzungsbereich Supply Chain Management Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Education Wirtschaftspädagogik/Lehramt an Berufskollegs: Ergänzungsbereich Wirtschaftspädagogik Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Business Administration - Marketing: Ergänzungsbereich Marketing Master of Science Economics: Ergänzungsbereich Economics Master of Science Mathematik: WiWi MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Wirtschaftsmathematik: WiWi MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Business Administration - Accounting and Taxation: Ergänzungsbereich Accounting and Taxation

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Heinrich R. Schradin

10 Miscellaneous

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Specialisation module Finance 7

Module code 1259SMFi07

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage German


availability every second

semester -

summer term

Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Rechnungslegung von Versi-

cherungsunternehmen nach



hours 30h

Self-Studies 60h

Course Language German

2 Module content • Accounting systems • Sources of law • HGB, IAS/IFRS accounting methods • Full fair value accounting

3 Learning objectives Students... ... analyse insurance companies’ annual financial statements based on different ac-

counting rules. ... value claims reserves, claims equalization reserves and actuarial reserves. ... explore the impact of different accounting rules on how balance sheet items are val-

ued. ... implement risk-based auditing strategies for insurance companies.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements no recommendations

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (60)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Schwerpunktbereich Finance Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Business Administration - Supply Chain Management: Ergänzungsbereich Supply Chain Management Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science Geographie: BWL Master Geographie Regionalstudien China - Betriebswirtschaftslehre: BWL MA Reg China

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Master of Education Wirtschaftspädagogik/Lehramt an Berufskollegs: Ergänzungsbereich Wirtschaftspädagogik Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Business Administration - Marketing: Ergänzungsbereich Marketing Master of Science Economics: Ergänzungsbereich Economics Master of Science Mathematik: WiWi MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Wirtschaftsmathematik: WiWi MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Business Administration - Media and Technology Management: Ergänzungsbereich Media and Technology Management Master of Science Business Administration - Accounting and Taxation: Ergänzungsbereich Accounting and Taxation

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Heinrich R. Schradin

10 Miscellaneous

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Specialisation Module Value-Based Management in Insurance

Module code 1259SMVB00

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every 2nd

term - winter


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Value-Based Management in

Insurance - Theory and Prac-



hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module content • Introduction in Insurance Management • Insurance Risk and Production Technology • Risk Modelling and Risk Measurement • Risk Management and Shareholder Wealth • Risk-based Capital Allocation • Decision-making in a Value-Based Management Framework • Trends and Challenges in the Insurance Industry • Trends and Challenges in the Insurance Industry

3 Learning objectives Students... ... learn methods for managing and evaluating insurance companies. ... learn methods of value-based management in insurance companies. ... model cash flows of insurance companies. ... analyze the risk situation of insurance companies. ... assess different methods for calculating the capital requirements. ... assess different methods for risk capital allocation. ... learn fundamentals of asset liability management.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements none

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (60)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written examination.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Schwerpunktbereich Finance Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Business Administration - Supply Chain Management: Ergänzungsbereich Supply Chain Management Master of Science Information Systems:

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Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Education Wirtschaftspädagogik/Lehramt an Berufskollegs: Ergänzungsbereich Wirtschaftspädagogik Master of Science International Management: Ergänzungsbereich International Management Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Business Administration - Marketing: Ergänzungsbereich Marketing Master of Science Economics: Ergänzungsbereich Economics Master of Science Mathematik: WiWi MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Wirtschaftsmathematik: WiWi MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Business Administration - Accounting and Taxation: Ergänzungsbereich Accounting and Taxation

9 Module manager Dr. Muhammed Altuntas Univ.-Prof. Dr. Heinrich R. Schradin

10 Miscellaneous

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Specialisation Module Marketing I

Module code 1266SMark1

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every second

semester -

summer term

Duration 1 Term

1 Courses a) New Product Management b) Cases in Digital Marketing


hours a) 60h b) 60h

Self-Studies a) 120h b) 120h

Course Language a) English b) English

2 Module content The module covers elements that are conceptual and applied elements, including

presentations by students, case studies, discussions and guest speakers from industry.

Students are expected to do their own reading in addition to the lectures and exercises.

3 Learning objectives Students... ... deepen their understanding of fundamental marketing theories, concepts and meth-

ods, using specific marketing tools as examples, and gain more advanced skills in as-

sessing marketing activities independently. ... describe theories, concepts and methods for solving decision-making problems in

marketing. analyse and assess the advantages of alternative decisions, using specific

marketing tools as examples. ... formulate and discuss alternative marketing strategies and activities, using specific

marketing tools as examples.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements Recommended: Basic knowledge of marketing and multivariate methods

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Oral examination: PRES

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the oral examination.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Supply Chain Management: Ergänzungsbereich Supply Chain Management Master of Science Geographie: BWL Master Geographie Regionalstudien China - Betriebswirtschaftslehre: BWL MA Reg China Master of Education Wirtschaftspädagogik/Lehramt an Berufskollegs: Ergänzungsbereich Wirtschaftspädagogik Master of Science International Management: Ergänzungsbereich International Management

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Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Business Administration - Marketing: Schwerpunktbereich Marketing Master of Science Economics: Ergänzungsbereich Economics Master of Science Mathematik: WiWi MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Wirtschaftsmathematik: WiWi MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Business Administration - Media and Technology Management: Ergänzungsbereich Media and Technology Management Master of Science Business Administration - Accounting and Taxation: Ergänzungsbereich Accounting and Taxation

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Franziska Völckner

10 Miscellaneous

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Specialisation Module Marketing II

Module code 1266SMark2

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every 2nd

term - winter


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses a) Retailing (1. Term) b) Practical Applications in Re-

tailing (1. Term)


hours a) 60h b) 60h

Self-Studies a) 120h b) 120h

Course Language a) English b) English

2 Module content The module includes conceptual and applied elements, including presentations by the

students, case studies, discussions and guest speakers from the world of marketing.

Students are required to do their own reading independently in addition to attending lec-

tures and participating in exercises.

3 Learning objectives Students... ... develop a profound understanding of current marketing strategies and activities in re-

tail value chains (national/international, physical/online, manufacturer/retailer) on the

basis of conceptual and empirical input. ... identify, interpret and discuss tools, frameworks and theories with which to under-

stand, analyse and assess companies’ retail and distribution functions. ... appreciate the significance of the retail function and the retail sector and identify and

evaluate current trends and best practice. ... understand the impact of altered consumer behaviour and of technological advances

on how the retail function is managed. ... demonstrate the skills they have learned with regard to how the strategy process is

applied in retail.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements Recommended: Basic knowledge of marketing and multivariate methods

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (60)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Supply Chain Management: Ergänzungsbereich Supply Chain Management Master of Science Geographie: BWL Master Geographie Regionalstudien China - Betriebswirtschaftslehre: BWL MA Reg China

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Master of Education Wirtschaftspädagogik/Lehramt an Berufskollegs: Ergänzungsbereich Wirtschaftspädagogik Master of Science International Management: Basis- und Aufbaubereich International Management Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Business Administration - Marketing: Schwerpunktbereich Marketing Master of Science Economics: Ergänzungsbereich Economics Master of Science Mathematik: WiWi MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Wirtschaftsmathematik: WiWi MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Business Administration - Media and Technology Management: Ergänzungsbereich Media and Technology Management Master of Science Business Administration - Accounting and Taxation: Ergänzungsbereich Accounting and Taxation

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Werner Reinartz

10 Miscellaneous

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Specialisation Module Marketing III

Module code 1266SMark3

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every second

semester -

summer term

Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Services and Media Marketing

(2. Term)


hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module content The module includes conceptual and applied elements, including case studies, discus-

sions and guest speakers from the world of marketing. Students are required to organ-

ise their own learning and working processes independently and self responsible in ad-

dition to attending lectures and participating in exercises.

3 Learning objectives Students... ...acquire a wide range of skills (e.g., strategic, quantitative) with which to manage spe-

cific products or services. ...identify, interpret and discuss theories, strategies and methods related to the manage-

ment of various products/services. ...analyse and assess the planning and implementation of the marketing mix based on

examples of specific products/services. ...compare the challenges involved in managing specific products/services and identify

and evaluate current trends and best practice. ...apply the acquired skills for managing specific products/services (e.g., in case stud-


4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements Recommended: Basic knowledge of multivariate methods.

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (60)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Supply Chain Management: Ergänzungsbereich Supply Chain Management Master of Science Geographie: BWL Master Geographie Regionalstudien China - Betriebswirtschaftslehre: BWL MA Reg China Master of Education Wirtschaftspädagogik/Lehramt an Berufskollegs: Ergänzungsbereich Wirtschaftspädagogik

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Master of Science International Management: Ergänzungsbereich International Management Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Business Administration - Marketing: Schwerpunktbereich Marketing Master of Science Economics: Ergänzungsbereich Economics Master of Science Mathematik: WiWi MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Wirtschaftsmathematik: WiWi MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Business Administration - Media and Technology Management: Ergänzungsbereich Media and Technology Management Master of Science Business Administration - Accounting and Taxation: Ergänzungsbereich Accounting and Taxation Master of Science Gesundheitsökonomie: Ergänzungsbereich Gesundheitsökonomie

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Marc Fischer

10 Miscellaneous

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Specialisation Module Marketing IV

Module code 1266SMark4

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every second

semester -

summer term

Duration 1 Term

1 Courses a) Brand Management (1.

Term) b) Sustainability in Marketing

and Consumer Behavior (1.



hours a) 60h b) 60h

Self-Studies a) 120h b) 120h

Course Language a) English b) English

2 Module content The module includes conceptual and applied elements, including case studies, discus-

sions and guest speakers from the world of marketing. Students are required to do their

own reading in-dependently in addition to attending lectures and participating in exer-


3 Learning objectives Students... ... deepen their understanding of fundamental theories, concepts and methods in mar-

keting, using specific marketing instruments as examples, and consolidate their ability

to critically and independently assess marketing strategies and activities that are based

on such theories, concepts and methods. ... describe marketing as the management of assets (e.g. brands) in line with the con-

cept of value-based marketing. ... describe and analyse theories, concepts and methods related to value-based market-

ing. ... analyse, assess and discuss the advantages of various value-based options that can

be taken to manage such assets effectively, using specific marketing instruments as ex-


4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements Recommended: Basic knowledge of marketing and multivariate methods

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (60)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Supply Chain Management: Ergänzungsbereich Supply Chain Management Master of Science Geographie: BWL Master Geographie

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Regionalstudien China - Betriebswirtschaftslehre: BWL MA Reg China Master of Education Wirtschaftspädagogik/Lehramt an Berufskollegs: Ergänzungsbereich Wirtschaftspädagogik Master of Science International Management: Ergänzungsbereich International Management Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Business Administration - Marketing: Schwerpunktbereich Marketing Master of Science Economics: Ergänzungsbereich Economics Master of Science Mathematik: WiWi MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Wirtschaftsmathematik: WiWi MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Business Administration - Media and Technology Management: Ergänzungsbereich Media and Technology Management Master of Science Business Administration - Accounting and Taxation: Ergänzungsbereich Accounting and Taxation

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Franziska Völckner

10 Miscellaneous If more than one course is offered, only one course can and needs to be taken.

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Specialisation Module Media and Technology Management: Enterprises, Markets, and Strategies

Module code 1284SMTEMS

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage German and



availability every 2nd

term - winter


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Media and Technology Man-

agement: Enterprises, Markets,

and Strategies


hours 30h

Self-Studies 150h

Course Language German and English

2 Module content • Overview of the different media and telecommunication sectors • Selected compa-

nies and institutions and the related rules and potential •Business management fea-

tures specific to media and telecommunication markets and business models • Busi-

ness processes and management tasks in the different media, IT and telecommunica-

tion sectors and companies • Strategy development and evaluation • Innovation man-

agement • Technology management • Entrepreneurship • Application of the concepts

covered to selected media, IT and telecommunication innovations and corporate strat-

egies based on them, providing a more in-depth look at said concepts.

3 Learning objectives Students... ...are familiar with the entire range of media, IT and telecommunica-tion companies op-

erating in Germany and abroad and the markets of relevance to them. ...analyse the

various business models and can assess certain companies’ strategies based on stra-

tegic approaches they have practiced using. ...are familiar with national and interna-

tional providers of and technologies behind various media, IT and telecommunication

innovations. ...analyse the business administration side of these innovations against

the backdrop of existing and evolving standards and competition. ...develop corporate

strategies and assess such strategies. ...devise innovative appli-cations and assess

their chances on the market.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements none

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (60)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Education Wirtschaftspädagogik/Lehramt an Berufskollegs: Ergänzungsbereich Wirtschaftspädagogik

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Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Business Administration - Marketing: Ergänzungsbereich Marketing Master of Science Economics: Ergänzungsbereich Economics Master of Arts Medienwissenschaft: MA Medienmanagement/Medienökonomie

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Claudia Loebbecke, M.B.A.

10 Miscellaneous

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Specialization Module Media and Technology Management: Platforms, Information Goods and

Infrastructure (6 LP)

Module code 1284SMTP06

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every second

semester -

summer term

Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Media and Technology Man-

agement: Platforms, Infor-

mation Goods and Infrastruc-



hours 30h

Self-Studies 150h

Course Language English

2 Module content • Economics of digital goods • Managerial peculiarities of digital markets and platforms • Design and regulation of digital markets, platforms, and infrastructures • Media, IS, and Telecommunication technologies and their applicability as well as limi-

tations • Selected application areas of digital Media, IT, and Telecommunication technologies • “Big Data Analytics”: business strategies, economic potential and societal impact

3 Learning objectives Students... ... understand the economic features of digital goods and services as well as resulting

managerial pricing strategies. ... acquire deeper knowledge of MTM infrastructures and regulations and understand

their impact on MTM business models, companies and social welfare. ... recognize entrepreneurial shaping options on digital platforms and understand deci-

sion strategies (search strategies, pricing strategies, sharing strategies). ... recognize the mechanisms and the design of various digital markets and understand

their economic, political, and social impact factors as well as their societal conse-


4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements No recommendations

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Portfolio: PO

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Arts Medienwissenschaft: MA Medienmanagement/Medienökonomie Master of Science Information Systems:

Page 266: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Education Wirtschaftspädagogik/Lehramt an Berufskollegs: Ergänzungsbereich Wirtschaftspädagogik Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Business Administration - Marketing: Ergänzungsbereich Marketing Master of Science Economics: Ergänzungsbereich Economics

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Claudia Loebbecke, M.B.A. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Christian-Mathias Wellbrock

10 Miscellaneous Mode of end-of-module examination will be specified in the first session. See


Page 267: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Supplementary Module Ökonomische Methodologie und Ideengeschichte

Module code 1289EMOM00

Workload 360h

ECTS credits 12

Module Lan-

guage German


availability every term

Duration 2 Terms

1 Courses a) Spezielle Fragen zur Metho-

dologie und Ideengeschichte

der Ökonomik (WiSe) b) Methodologie der ange-

wandten Ökonomik (SoSe)


hours a) 30h b) 60h

Self-Studies a) 150h b) 120h

Course Language a) German b) German

2 Module content Wissenschaftstheorie, Elemente der ökonomischen Ideengeschichte, Theorien der so-

zialen Gerechtigkeit, Ordnungsökonomik, Institutionenökonomik

3 Learning objectives Students... …setzen sich mit wissenschaftstheoretischen Voraussetzungen der Entwicklung und

Beurteilung wirtschaftspolitischer Vorschläge auseinander. ...erarbeiten eine intersubjektiv überprüfbare normative Referenz zur ordnungspoliti-

schen Beurteilung wirtschaftlicher und gesellschaftlicher Abläufe. ...erkennen und bewerten die zentralen Unterschiede planwirtschaftlicher und markt-

wirtschaftlicher Wirtschaftssysteme. ...erarbeiten sich kritische Analysefähigkeit ...wenden die theoretischen Konzepte auf aktuelle Fragen der Wirtschafts- und Sozial-

politik an. ...entwickeln Urteilsfähigkeit zu wirtschaftspolitischen Problemen und lernen, ihre Posi-

tionen in Diskussionen zu begründen und weiterzuentwickeln. ...entwickeln ein Verständnis für Entwicklung und Entstehung ökonomischer Methoden

und Ideen und erhöhen die Fähigkeit, dieses Wissen für heutige Problemzusammen-

hänge zu nutzen. ...führen im Seminar den wissenschaftlichen Diskurs.

4 Teaching and learning methods seminar lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Oral examination: OE (30) Combined examination: PRES, TP

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019)

Page 268: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Master of Science Economics: Ergänzungsbereich Economics

9 Module manager Dr. Steffen J. Roth

10 Miscellaneous As the courses are not consecutive, students can begin with the course ‘Selected Is-

sues in Economic Methodology and History of Thought’ in the fall term as well.

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Core Module Political Science I (Master)

Module code 1336BPoWi1

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every 2nd

term - winter


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Comparative Political Instituti-



hours 30h

Self-Studies 150h

Course Language English

2 Module content • Institutionalism and neoinstitutionalism • Veto player and veto point theory • Theory of structure-induced equilibria • Problem areas: aggregation of individual preferences, coordination of individual deci-

sions, collective action, delegation relationships and risk of agency loss • Time consistency and commitments • Endogeneity of institutions and institutional reform • Empirical findings of conventional international comparative studies

3 Learning objectives Students... ... identify and can distinguish between the theoretical paradigms, concepts and meth-

ods used in institutional comparison in political science. ... recognise and identify institutional commonalities and differences. ... judge the empirical content, logical consistency and scope of the various concepts. ... apply comprehensive factual and conceptual knowledge to current problems and

analyses. ... develop their own research approaches. ... communicate their findings to other students and interested parties.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture

5 Module entry requirements No recommendations

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (60)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points A pass in the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Regionalstudien Lateinamerika - Sozialwissenschaften: SoWi MA Reg Lateinamerika Master of Science Geographie: SoWi Master Geography Regionalstudien China - Sozialwissenschaften: SoWi MA Reg China Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19:

Page 270: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economics: Ergänzungsbereich Economics Master of Arts Politikwissenschaft: Basis- und Aufbaubereich Politikwissenschaft Regionalstudien Ost- und Mitteleuropa - Sozialwissenschaften: SoWi MA Reg Osteuropa Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. André Kaiser

10 Miscellaneous Relevant reading will be announced at the beginning of each term.

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Core Module Political Science II (Master)

Module code 1336BPoWi2

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every second

semester -

summer term

Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Comparative Political Economy


hours 30h

Self-Studies 150h

Course Language English

2 Module content • Approaches used in political economics and comparative research into government

activity • International comparison of political economics of markets • International comparison of political and institutional change in certain areas • Specific research methods in comparative political economics

3 Learning objectives Students... ... identify at an advanced level hypotheses, methods and empirical findings concerning

links between politics and economics based on an international comparison. ... analyse current developments in political economies in selected areas based on an

international comparison. ... independently conduct empirical research into political economies. ... apply advanced methodological knowledge in the empirical analysis of political econ-

omies ... based on conventional studies.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture

5 Module entry requirements No recommendations

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (60)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points A pass in the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Regionalstudien Lateinamerika - Sozialwissenschaften: SoWi MA Reg Lateinamerika Master of Science Geographie: SoWi Master Geography Regionalstudien China - Sozialwissenschaften: SoWi MA Reg China Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economics: Ergänzungsbereich Economics

Page 272: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Master of Arts Politikwissenschaft: Basis- und Aufbaubereich Politikwissenschaft Regionalstudien Ost- und Mitteleuropa - Sozialwissenschaften: SoWi MA Reg Osteuropa Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Christine Trampusch

10 Miscellaneous Relevant reading will be announced at the beginning of each term.

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Core Module Political Science III (Master)

Module code 1336BPoWi3

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage German and



availability every second

semester -

summer term

Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Political theory


hours 30h

Self-Studies 150h

Course Language German

2 Module content • Traditional and contemporary approaches and methods in political theory • Interpretation and analysis • Interdisciplinary, intercultural and comparative approaches and methods

3 Learning objectives Students... ... research relevant approaches in political theory through reading and by interpreting

key texts. ... describe, analyse and compare approaches and methods in political theory. ... examine the problems facing current political science research. ... research the link between the political problem in question and the approaches pro-

posed by theory. ... apply their theoretical knowledge to selected past cases and current problems.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture

5 Module entry requirements No recommendations

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (60)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points A pass in the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Regionalstudien Lateinamerika - Sozialwissenschaften: SoWi MA Reg Lateinamerika Master of Science Geographie: SoWi Master Geography Regionalstudien China - Sozialwissenschaften: SoWi MA Reg China Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economics: Ergänzungsbereich Economics Master of Arts Politikwissenschaft: Basis- und Aufbaubereich Politikwissenschaft Regionalstudien Ost- und Mitteleuropa - Sozialwissenschaften:

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SoWi MA Reg Osteuropa Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

9 Module manager N.N.

10 Miscellaneous Relevant reading will be announced at the beginning of each term

Page 275: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Core Module Political Science IV (Master)

Module code 1336BPoWi4

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage German and



availability every 2nd

term - winter


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses International relations


hours 30h

Self-Studies 150h

Course Language German and English

2 Module content • International politics • Foreign policy • Transnational politics • Conflict research • Cooperation research • International regulatory policy • Security policy • Information and communication • Fields of international politics • Levels of analysis in international politics

3 Learning objectives Students... ... analyse advanced issues in international relations, based on secondary and primary

literature. ... understand and problematise these issues, taking into account theoretical concepts

in this field ... and empirical research findings. ... determine where these issues play a role in the field of international relations. ... investigate theoretical and empirical questions and hypotheses as the starting point

of their own research. ... apply the knowledge they have acquired in order to conduct empirical research work. ... present the findings in verbal and written form. ... verify the initial questions and hypotheses based on the findings.

4 Teaching and learning methods seminar

5 Module entry requirements No recommendations

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Combined examination: PRES, TP

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points A pass in the combined examination.

8 Other programmes that use the module Regionalstudien Lateinamerika - Sozialwissenschaften: SoWi MA Reg Lateinamerika

Page 276: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Master of Science Geographie: SoWi Master Geography Regionalstudien China - Sozialwissenschaften: SoWi MA Reg China Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economics: Ergänzungsbereich Economics Master of Arts Politikwissenschaft: Basis- und Aufbaubereich Politikwissenschaft Regionalstudien Ost- und Mitteleuropa - Sozialwissenschaften: SoWi MA Reg Osteuropa Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Thomas Jäger

10 Miscellaneous Relevant reading will be announced at the beginning of each term

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Core Module Political Science V (Master)

Module code 1336BPoWi5

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every 2nd

term - winter


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Comparing European Democra-



hours 30h

Self-Studies 150h

Course Language English

2 Module content • European integration theories • EU strategies and scenarios in the various phases of its development • Conceptual approaches to analysing the long-term development of the EU system • The constitutional and institutional architecture of the European Union • Modes of political and system design in the EU

3 Learning objectives Students... ... identify and explain the key milestones of the integration process. ... classify the current developments in the EU system in theoretical, strategic and con-

ceptual terms. ... analyse the fundamental trends in the development of the EU’s political system. ... can distinguish between and assess fundamental modes of political and system de-

sign in the EU. ... discuss current, relevant political science issues concerning the deepening and ex-

pansion of the EU. ... put forward their arguments on the basis of texts written in English and using special-

ist vocabulary.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture

5 Module entry requirements No recommendations

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (60)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points A pass in the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Regionalstudien Lateinamerika - Sozialwissenschaften: SoWi MA Reg Lateinamerika Master of Science Geographie: SoWi Master Geography Regionalstudien China - Sozialwissenschaften: SoWi MA Reg China Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019)

Page 278: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Master of Science Economics: Ergänzungsbereich Economics Master of Arts Politikwissenschaft: Basis- und Aufbaubereich Politikwissenschaft Regionalstudien Ost- und Mitteleuropa - Sozialwissenschaften: SoWi MA Reg Osteuropa Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Sven-Oliver Proksch

10 Miscellaneous Relevant reading will be announced at the beginning of each term.

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Core Module Methods of Political Science

Module code 1336BPoWi6

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every 2nd

term - winter


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses




Course Language

2 Module content • Forschungsfragen • Konzeptualisierung • Hypothesenbildung • Forschungsdesigns • Strategien der Fallauswahl • Datenerhebung- und Analyse • Vorgehensweisen klassischer und aktueller vergleichender Studien

3 Learning objectives Students... ... identifizieren und differenzieren die verschiedenen Abschnitte eines Forschungspro-

jekts ... erkennen und bestimmen Stärken und Schwächen verschiedener Forschungsdes-

igns in der Vergleichenden Politikwissenschaft ... setzen sich mit klassischen und aktuellen Studien auseinander und diskutieren ihre

methodische Vorgehensweise. ... präsentieren ihre Erkenntnisse im Team und beteiligen sich aktiv an Diskussionen. ... bauen eigene wissenschaftliche Zugänge auf. ... wenden ihre Erkenntnisse auf eigene Forschungsfragen an.

4 Teaching and learning methods seminar

5 Module entry requirements No recommendations

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Combined examination: PRES, TP

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points A pass in the combined examination.

8 Other programmes that use the module Regionalstudien Lateinamerika - Sozialwissenschaften: SoWi MA Reg Lateinamerika Master of Science Geographie: SoWi Master Geography Regionalstudien China - Sozialwissenschaften: SoWi MA Reg China Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19:

Page 280: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economics: Ergänzungsbereich Economics Master of Arts Politikwissenschaft: Basis- und Aufbaubereich Politikwissenschaft Regionalstudien Ost- und Mitteleuropa - Sozialwissenschaften: SoWi MA Reg Osteuropa

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. André Kaiser Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ingo Rohlfing

10 Miscellaneous

Page 281: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Supplementary Module Social Regional Development and Co-Operatives

Module code 1320EMSG00

Workload 360h

ECTS credits 12

Module Lan-

guage German and



availability every term

Duration 1 or 2 Term(s)

1 Courses a) Vorlesung: Kooperatives

Wirtschaften im Sozialraum (fall

term) b) Seminar Sozialraumentwick-

lung und Genossenschaftswe-

sen (spring term) c) Seminar Economic Coopera-

tion in Developing Countries

(spring term)


hours a) 30h b) 30h c) 30h

Self-Studies a) 150h b) 150h c) 150h

Course Language a) German b) German c) English

2 Module content The content of the courses in the “Social Space Development and Co-Operatives”

module is based on a predominantly “bottom up” approach, looking at how social environments

develop through cooperative forms of self-help. Modern social environment systems are cre-

ated and shaped by social interactions, influencing their place in cultural history and social con-

struction, and by constant reinvention. Students are introduced to systems of thought and behaviour

and investigate different concepts used in the analysis of social orders, the third sector,

NPOs, civil society and social capital. Academic discussion of social reform (usually re-

stricted to legal analyses of the regulatory frameworks and economic analyses of the

incentive structures) are supplemented by political analyses of the institutional settings,

sociological research that uses data to clarify social problems and psychological stud-

ies on sociopolitical processes. The impacts of collective forms of self-help are analysed using concepts relating to personal circumstances, the capabil-

ity approach and empowerment. The module gives students an understanding of cooperative systems, taking into ac-

count the various socioeconomic challenges. With a social environment perspective, they ex-

plore a wide range of areas, from local cooperative forms of self-help to welfare state policy in the

traditional sense, to European issues and issues in development economics. The approach is

consistently interdisciplinary and ranges from comparative methods to examination of the guiding

anthropological principles.

3 Learning objectives Students... ... independently structure forms of economic cooperation in different contexts, based

on theory. ... recognise and discuss advantages and problems of different forms of cooperation.

Page 282: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



... examine various reform options and weigh up the advantages and disadvantages.

... formulate research questions in the seminars and present their arguments inde-

pendently. ... combine the information to form a new context, through term papers and a presenta-

tion, and practise using presentation techniques. ... receive suitable preparation for their master thesis and work in an international con-

text, by writing papers independently in German and English.

4 Teaching and learning methods seminar lecture

5 Module entry requirements none

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Combined examination: PRES, TP Written test: WT (60)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points 1.) A pass in the written test of course a) 2.) A pass in the combined examination of

course b) or c)

8 Other programmes that use the module Regionalstudien Lateinamerika - Sozialwissenschaften: SoWi MA Reg Lateinamerika Master of Science Geographie: SoWi Master Geography Regionalstudien China - Sozialwissenschaften: SoWi MA Reg China Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economics: Ergänzungsbereich Economics Master of Arts Politikwissenschaft: Ergänzungsbereich Politikwissenschaft Regionalstudien Ost- und Mitteleuropa - Sozialwissenschaften: SoWi MA Reg Osteuropa

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Frank Schulz-Nieswandt

10 Miscellaneous The examination components contribute equally to the end-of-module mark.

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Supplementary Module Trans- and international perspective of social policy

Module code 1320EMSt00

Workload 360h

ECTS credits 12

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every 2nd

term - winter


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses a) European Social Policy b) International Comparison of

Health Care Systems


hours a) 30h b) 30h

Self-Studies a) 150h b) 150h

Course Language a) English b) English

2 Module content The “Trans- and international perspective of social policy” module combines courses

that deal with the European influence on social policy interventions and courses that

conduct an international comparison of institutional solutions. The aim is for students to familiarise themselves with the whole gamut of social policy

arrangements and to identify examples of best practice. Policy change and diffusion issues are also covered. The module takes an interdisciplinary approach, comprising various perspectives (in-

cluding integration theory and comparative welfare state research as well as social pol-

icy concepts that include economic factors).

3 Learning objectives Students... ... apply and examine in more detail fundamental aspects of social policy in various ar-

eas of study with international and European components. ... acquire competence to conduct theory-based problem analysis in complex, multidis-

ciplinary, international and European contexts. ... independently identify areas of study and formulate research questions. ... combine the information in a new context in the form of term papers and formulate al-

ternative solutions. ... receive suitable preparation for their master thesis by writing papers independently.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture

5 Module entry requirements No recommendations

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (120)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points A pass in the joint examination.

8 Other programmes that use the module Regionalstudien Lateinamerika - Sozialwissenschaften: SoWi MA Reg Lateinamerika Master of Science Geographie: SoWi Master Geography Regionalstudien China - Sozialwissenschaften:

Page 284: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



SoWi MA Reg China Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economics: Ergänzungsbereich Economics Master of Arts Politikwissenschaft: Ergänzungsbereich Politikwissenschaft Master of Science Sociology and Social Research: Ergänzungsbereich Sociology and Social Research Regionalstudien Ost- und Mitteleuropa - Sozialwissenschaften: SoWi MA Reg Osteuropa

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Frank Schulz-Nieswandt

10 Miscellaneous Both courses must be taken. The courses will be examined jointly.

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Core Module Trans- and international perspective

Module code 1282BTInP0

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every 2nd

term - winter


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Philosophy of Inclusion and

Community Building


hours 30h

Self-Studies 150h

Course Language English

2 Module content The “Trans- and international perspective of social policy” module focuses on the influ-

ence of the European multi-level system on social policy interventions. The course is

mainly concerned with analysis of the European law underlying social policy, covering

both spill-over effects of internal market integration and the EU Charter of Fundamental

Rights. Specific governance instruments (such as the Open Method of Coordination)

are presented as part of a European social model and examined within the context of

national reform agendas. Policy change and diffusion issues are also covered. The

module takes an interdisciplinary approach, comprising various perspectives (including

integration theory and comparative welfare state research as well as social policy con-

cepts that include economic factors).

3 Learning objectives Students... ... apply and deepen their knowledge of basic principles of social policy in various areas

of learning related to Europe. ... analyse complex multi-level systems using theory-led and multidisciplinary problem

analyses. ... independently identify areas of study and formulate research questions. ... outline and assess the information in familiar and new contexts and formulate alter-

native solu-tions.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture

5 Module entry requirements

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (60)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Education Wirtschaftspädagogik/Lehramt an Berufskollegs: Ergänzungsbereich Wirtschaftspädagogik Master of Science Gesundheitsökonomie: Basis- und Aufbaubereich Gesundheitsökonomie Regionalstudien Lateinamerika - Sozialwissenschaften: SoWi MA Reg Lateinamerika

Page 286: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Master of Science Geographie: SoWi Master Geography Regionalstudien China - Sozialwissenschaften: SoWi MA Reg China Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Arts Politikwissenschaft: Ergänzungsbereich Politikwissenschaft Master of Science Sociology and Social Research: Ergänzungsbereich Sociology and Social Research Regionalstudien Ost- und Mitteleuropa - Sozialwissenschaften: SoWi MA Reg Osteuropa

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Frank Schulz-Nieswandt

10 Miscellaneous

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Core Module Comparison of Health Care Systems

Module code 1282BCHCS0

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage German and



availability every 2nd

term - winter


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses International Comparison of

Health Care Systems


hours 30h

Self-Studies 150h

Course Language German and English

2 Module content The “Comparison of Health Care Systems” module sets out to compare health care

systems on the basis of theories and typologies. The aim is for students to familiarise

themselves with and be able to assess the whole gamut of health policy arrangements

and identify examples of best practice. Policy change and diffusion issues are also cov-

ered. The module takes an interdisciplinary approach, comprising various perspectives

(including comparative welfare state research as well as social policy concepts that in-

clude economic fac-tors).

3 Learning objectives Students... ... independently structure complex health care systems from different country-specific

contexts, guided by theory. ... identify and discuss advantages and problems of different health care systems. ... examine various reform options and weigh up advantages and disadvantages. ... formulate research questions and put forward their own arguments.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture

5 Module entry requirements No recommendations

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (60)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Education Wirtschaftspädagogik/Lehramt an Berufskollegs: Ergänzungsbereich Wirtschaftspädagogik Master of Science Gesundheitsökonomie: Basis- und Aufbaubereich Gesundheitsökonomie Regionalstudien Lateinamerika - Sozialwissenschaften: SoWi MA Reg Lateinamerika Master of Science Geographie: SoWi Master Geography Regionalstudien China - Sozialwissenschaften: SoWi MA Reg China Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19:

Page 288: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Arts Politikwissenschaft: Ergänzungsbereich Politikwissenschaft Master of Science Sociology and Social Research: Ergänzungsbereich Sociology and Social Research Regionalstudien Ost- und Mitteleuropa - Sozialwissenschaften: SoWi MA Reg Osteuropa

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Frank Schulz-Nieswandt

10 Miscellaneous The language of the lecture will be determined at the beginning of the semester.

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Specialisation Module Supply Chain Innovation

Module code 1271SMSChI

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every 2nd

term - winter


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Supply Chain Innovation (2.



hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module content • Innovation strategy in supply chains • Innovation management in supply chains • Supply Chain Innovation Processes: Idea generation, idea selection, idea implemen-

tation • Collaborative supply chain innovation • Applications of supply chain innovation strategy • Current technological changes and effective supply chain strategies

3 Learning objectives Students... …analyse supply chain innovations, and understand their implications. Discuss and pre-

sent implications in groups, to the class, and in written reports. …understand the need for innovations for competing supply chains. Critically reflect on

peer analyses of supply chain innovations. …conceptualise supply chain innovation strategies. …engage in a scientific discourse on the emergence and management of disruptive in-

novations. …detect and craft approaches as well as responses to disruptive innovations individu-

ally and in group work. Present approaches to classmates. …analyse innovation systems to nurture the creative potential operations’ and supply

chains’ …assess the value of supply chain innovation projects …conceptualize processes for the implementation of innovations …understand and independently reflect on challenges of current technological changes

in supply chains

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements Recommended: At least 12 CP in the section Foundation Knowledge (Specialisation

Section SCM)

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Portfolio: PO

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

Page 290: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Supply Chain Management: Schwerpunktbereich Supply Chain Management Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science Geographie: BWL Master Geographie Regionalstudien China - Betriebswirtschaftslehre: BWL MA Reg China Master of Education Wirtschaftspädagogik/Lehramt an Berufskollegs: Ergänzungsbereich Wirtschaftspädagogik Master of Science International Management: Ergänzungsbereich International Management Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Business Administration - Marketing: Ergänzungsbereich Marketing Master of Science Economics: Ergänzungsbereich Economics Master of Science Mathematik: WiWi MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Wirtschaftsmathematik: WiWi MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Business Administration - Media and Technology Management: Ergänzungsbereich Media and Technology Management Master of Science Business Administration - Accounting and Taxation: Ergänzungsbereich Accounting and Taxation

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Fabian Sting

10 Miscellaneous

Page 291: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Specialization Module Project Management

Module code 1271SMPrjM

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every second

semester -

summer term

Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Project Management


hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module content • project definition and scoping • project risk analysis and risk management • resource allocation and budgeting • project scheduling • project monitoring • project portfolio management • managing human behavior in projects

3 Learning objectives Students... …understand the strategic relevance of project management across industries. …understand, recognise, and discuss the importance of project complexity, project un-

certainty and human behavior in managing projects. …engage in group and class discourses to evaluate how different project planning and

execution approaches are contingent on project environments …reflect on their own developed project management skills by applying these in project

groups and case studies. Critically reflect on own and peer developed project manage-

ment solutions. …apply modern methods of project planning and project execution such as agile or

help-based project management systems …apply real options thinking to determine the value of uncertain projects. …recommend project approaches to cope with uncertainty, complexity, and human be-

havior while accounting for the multidimensional goals of project stakeholders

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements Recommended: at least 12 ECTS credits from the group Foundation Knowledge

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Portfolio: PO

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Supply Chain Management: Schwerpunktbereich Supply Chain Management

Page 292: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Master of Science Geographie: BWL Master Geographie Regionalstudien China - Betriebswirtschaftslehre: BWL MA Reg China Master of Education Wirtschaftspädagogik/Lehramt an Berufskollegs: Ergänzungsbereich Wirtschaftspädagogik Master of Science International Management: Basis- und Aufbaubereich International Management Ergänzungsbereich International Management Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Business Administration - Marketing: Ergänzungsbereich Marketing Master of Science Economics: Ergänzungsbereich Economics Master of Science Mathematik: WiWi MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Wirtschaftsmathematik: WiWi MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Business Administration - Media and Technology Management: Ergänzungsbereich Media and Technology Management Master of Science Business Administration - Accounting and Taxation: Ergänzungsbereich Accounting and Taxation

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Fabian Sting

10 Miscellaneous

Page 293: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Specialisation module Supply Chain Operations

Module code 1271SMSC03

Workload 360h

ECTS credits 12

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every second

semester -

summer term

Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Operations Management


hours 120h

Self-Studies 240h

Course Language English

2 Module content • Inventory Management • Contract Design • Capacity and Revenue Managment • Data Processing in Supply Chains • Behavioral Operations

3 Learning objectives Students... ... devise strategies for controlling companies’ operations. ... apply mathematical methods to determine companies’ optimum inventory levels. ... apply these methods in order to optimise contracts between companies. ... are introduced to revenue management methods and use them to analyse various

supply chain management issues. ... use their knowledge in case studies devise and discuss their solutions with the rest

of the team and compare them with alternative solutions. ... identify behaviour-based aspects in supply chain management. ... use the findings to enhance existing models.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements None

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Portfolio: PO

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Supply Chain Management: Schwerpunktbereich Supply Chain Management Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science Geographie: BWL Master Geographie Regionalstudien China - Betriebswirtschaftslehre: BWL MA Reg China

Page 294: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Master of Education Wirtschaftspädagogik/Lehramt an Berufskollegs: Ergänzungsbereich Wirtschaftspädagogik Master of Science International Management: Ergänzungsbereich International Management Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Business Administration - Marketing: Ergänzungsbereich Marketing Master of Science Economics: Ergänzungsbereich Economics Master of Science Mathematik: WiWi MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Wirtschaftsmathematik: WiWi MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Business Administration - Media and Technology Management: Ergänzungsbereich Media and Technology Management Master of Science Business Administration - Accounting and Taxation: Ergänzungsbereich Accounting and Taxation

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ulrich W. Thonemann

10 Miscellaneous

Page 295: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Specialization Module Behavioral Operations (Adv.)

Module code 1271BOAd01

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every second

semester -

summer term

Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Behavioral Operations


hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module content • Behavioral Decision Making • Behavioral Contracting • Behavioral Forecasting • Behavioral Inventory Management • Behavioral Operations Management

3 Learning objectives Students... ... Professional skills ... Students... ... read scientific articles and gain an understanding of decision processes in companies ... transfer these methods to optimize contracts between companies, forecast demand

and manage inventories ... apply their knowledge to design experiments, analyze results, come up with and dis-

cuss solutions in teams and compare them to alternatives ...identify behavioral aspects in supply chain management ...use these insights to develop extensions of existing models ... ... Personal skills ... Students... ... work together in teams ... present and discuss topics in supply chain management ... realize which consequences result from decisions ... learn how to act responsibly and in a sustainable way ... design their learning and working process independently

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements Recommended: Specialization Module Supply Chain Operations

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Portfolio: PO

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

Page 296: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Supply Chain Management: Schwerpunktbereich Supply Chain Management Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science Geographie: BWL Master Geographie Regionalstudien China - Betriebswirtschaftslehre: BWL MA Reg China Master of Education Wirtschaftspädagogik/Lehramt an Berufskollegs: Ergänzungsbereich Wirtschaftspädagogik Master of Science International Management: Ergänzungsbereich International Management Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Business Administration - Marketing: Ergänzungsbereich Marketing Master of Science Mathematik: WiWi MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Wirtschaftsmathematik: WiWi MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Business Administration - Accounting and Taxation: Ergänzungsbereich Accounting and Taxation

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ulrich W. Thonemann

10 Miscellaneous

Page 297: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Specialization Module Supply Chain Operations (6 LP)

Module code 1271SCOp01

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every second

semester -

summer term

Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Supply Chain Operations


hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module content • Inventory Management • Contract Design • Capacity and Revenue Management • Supply Chain Management

3 Learning objectives Students... ... Professional Skills ... Students... ... design concepts to operate companies. ... apply mathematical models to optimize inventory. ... transfer these methods to optimize contracts between companies. ... learn about revenue management methods and use them to analyze various topics in

supply chain management. ... apply their knowledge in case studies, create and discuss solution approaches in

teams and compare them with other solution approaches. ... ... Personal skills ... Students... … work cooperatively in teams, … present and discuss topics in supply chain management, … recognize the effects of their decisions, … learn responsible and sustainable behaviour and … design their learning and work processes independently.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements No recommendations

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Portfolio: PO

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Supply Chain Management:

Page 298: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Schwerpunktbereich Supply Chain Management Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science Geographie: BWL Master Geographie Regionalstudien China - Betriebswirtschaftslehre: BWL MA Reg China Master of Education Wirtschaftspädagogik/Lehramt an Berufskollegs: Ergänzungsbereich Wirtschaftspädagogik Master of Science International Management: Ergänzungsbereich International Management Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Business Administration - Marketing: Ergänzungsbereich Marketing Master of Science Mathematik: WiWi MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Wirtschaftsmathematik: WiWi MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Business Administration - Accounting and Taxation: Ergänzungsbereich Accounting and Taxation

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ulrich W. Thonemann

10 Miscellaneous

Page 299: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Specialisation module Production Management

Module code 1271SPrMa0

Workload 360h

ECTS credits 12

Module Lan-

guage German


availability every 2nd

term - winter


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses a) Supply Chain Management

und Produktion II (2. Term) b) Supply Chain Management

und Produktion I (1. Term)


hours a) 60h b) 60h

Self-Studies a) 120h b) 120h

Course Language a) German b) German

2 Module content • Site planning • Production infrastructure design • Flow production system design (under deterministic and stochastic conditions) • Central Production design (flexible manufacturing systems) • Forecasting methods (including time series analysis) • Aggregated planning • Master production planning • Resource planning for workshop production • Resource planning in central productions • Quality control • Maintenance planning

3 Learning objectives Students... ... acquire knowledge about the problems that occur in production and supply chain

management and methods for solving them. ... learn about the relationships between the relevant decision variables and are able to

develop and implement proposals for practical solutions to specific decision problems,

based on solid theoretical foundations.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements no recommendations

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (120)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test. Both courses must be attended; the examination refers to top-

ics of both courses.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Supply Chain Management: Schwerpunktbereich Supply Chain Management Master of Science Information Systems:

Page 300: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science Geographie: BWL Master Geographie Regionalstudien China - Betriebswirtschaftslehre: BWL MA Reg China Master of Education Wirtschaftspädagogik/Lehramt an Berufskollegs: Ergänzungsbereich Wirtschaftspädagogik Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Business Administration - Marketing: Ergänzungsbereich Marketing Master of Science Economics: Ergänzungsbereich Economics Master of Science Mathematik: WiWi MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Wirtschaftsmathematik: WiWi MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Business Administration - Media and Technology Management: Ergänzungsbereich Media and Technology Management Master of Science Business Administration - Accounting and Taxation: Ergänzungsbereich Accounting and Taxation

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Horst Tempelmeier

10 Miscellaneous Guided and structured self-study in groups.

Page 301: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Specialization Module Supply Network Design

Module code 1271SNDe01

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage German and



availability every 2nd

term - winter


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Supply Chain Management and

Production: Network Design


hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language German

2 Module content • Site planning • Production infrastructure design • Flow production system design (under deterministic and stochastic conditions) • Central Production design (flexible manufacturing systems)

3 Learning objectives Students... ... Professional skills ... acquire knowledge about the problems that occur in production and supply chain

management and methods for solving them. ... learn about the relationships between the relevant decision variables and … are able to develop, implement and evaluate proposals for practical solutions to spe-

cific decision problems, based on solid theoretical foundations. ... Personal skills ... Students... ...work cooperatively in teams, ...discuss and present Supply Chain Management topics, ...recognize the consequences of decision-making, ...learn to act in a responsible as well as sustainable way and ...organize autonomously their learning and working processes.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements No recommendations

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (60)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Supply Chain Management: Schwerpunktbereich Supply Chain Management Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science Geographie:

Page 302: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



BWL Master Geographie Regionalstudien China - Betriebswirtschaftslehre: BWL MA Reg China Master of Education Wirtschaftspädagogik/Lehramt an Berufskollegs: Ergänzungsbereich Wirtschaftspädagogik Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Business Administration - Marketing: Ergänzungsbereich Marketing Master of Science Mathematik: WiWi MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Wirtschaftsmathematik: WiWi MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Business Administration - Accounting and Taxation: Ergänzungsbereich Accounting and Taxation

9 Module manager AD Dr. Johannes Antweiler Univ.-Prof. Dr. Horst Tempelmeier

10 Miscellaneous Guided and structured self-study in working groups with active presentation of results.

Registration in ILIAS is required. Mandatory reading will be announced in ILIAS.

Page 303: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Specialization Module Operative Supply Chain Planning

Module code 1271OSCP01

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage German and



availability every 2nd

term - winter


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Supply Chain Management and

Production: Operative Planning


hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language German

2 Module content • Aggregated planning • Master production planning • Lotsizing and resource planning for workshop production • Lotsizing and resource planning for flowshop production • Resource planning in central productions • Maintenance planning • Quality control

3 Learning objectives Students... ... Professional skills ... Students... ... acquire knowledge about the problems that occur in production planning and supply

chain management and methods for solving them. ... learn about the relationships between the relevant decision variables and … are able to develop, implement and evaluate proposals for practical solutions to spe-

cific decision problems, based on solid theoretical foundations. ... ... Personal skills ... Students... ...work cooperatively in teams, ...discuss and present Supply Chain Management topics, ...recognize the consequences of decision-making, ...learn to act in a responsible as well as sustainable way and ...organize autonomously their learning and working processes.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements No recommendations

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (60)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

Page 304: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Supply Chain Management: Schwerpunktbereich Supply Chain Management Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science Geographie: BWL Master Geographie Regionalstudien China - Betriebswirtschaftslehre: BWL MA Reg China Master of Education Wirtschaftspädagogik/Lehramt an Berufskollegs: Ergänzungsbereich Wirtschaftspädagogik Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Business Administration - Marketing: Ergänzungsbereich Marketing Master of Science Mathematik: WiWi MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Wirtschaftsmathematik: WiWi MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Business Administration - Accounting and Taxation: Ergänzungsbereich Accounting and Taxation

9 Module manager AD Dr. Johannes Antweiler Univ.-Prof. Dr. Horst Tempelmeier

10 Miscellaneous Guided and structured self-study in working groups with active presentation of results.

Registration in ILIAS is required. Mandatory reading will be announced in ILIAS.

Page 305: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Specialisation Module Corporate Taxation

Module code 1016SbeUn0

Workload 360h

ECTS credits 12

Module Lan-

guage German


availability every 2nd

term - winter


Duration 2 Terms

1 Courses a) Corporate Taxation I (WiSe) b) Corporate Taxation II (SoSe)


hours a) 45h b) 45h

Self-Studies a) 135h b) 135h

Course Language a) German b) German

2 Module content • Significance of taxation in terms of business administration • Taxation of partnerships and corporations • Choice of legal structure based on current national and transnational taxation practice • Optimisation of legal structure; special legal structures • Taxation of transnational business operations and international tax planning • Problem of double taxation and dealing with measures designed to prevent tax arbi-

trage • Tax planning for corporate restructuring and takeovers • German Reorganisation Tax Act • Exercises to deepen knowledge of subject matter covered in class

3 Learning objectives Students... ... are familiar with problems and methods in business taxation. ... understand how taxes influence choice of legal structure. ... gain an insight into taxation of transnational business operations. ... understand how taxes influence national and transnational decisions for companies. ... apply the expertise they have acquired to specific case studies.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements Recommended: Basic knowledge of tax law.

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Portfolio: PO

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written tests. Both courses must be attended; the examinations refer to top-

ics of both courses.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science Geographie:

Page 306: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



BWL Master Geographie Regionalstudien China - Betriebswirtschaftslehre: BWL MA Reg China Master of Education Wirtschaftspädagogik/Lehramt an Berufskollegs: Ergänzungsbereich Wirtschaftspädagogik Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Business Administration - Marketing: Ergänzungsbereich Marketing Master of Science Economics: Ergänzungsbereich Economics Master of Science Mathematik: WiWi MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Wirtschaftsmathematik: WiWi MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Business Administration - Media and Technology Management: Ergänzungsbereich Media and Technology Management Master of Science Business Administration - Accounting and Taxation: Specialization Section Accounting and Taxation Ergänzungsbereich Accounting and Taxation

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Michael Overesch

10 Miscellaneous The module can be started in the spring term as well. However, a start in the fall term is


Page 307: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Specilisation Module Selected Issues in Business Taxation II

Module code 1016SMSB02

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage German and



availability every 2nd

term - winter


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses a) International Tax Planning

(1. Term) b) Taxation of Corporate



hours a) 30h b) 30h

Self-Studies a) 60h b) 60h

Course Language a) English b) German

2 Module content Selected Issues in Business Taxation

3 Learning objectives Students... ... gain methodological competence in tax law. ... acquire a deeper understanding of tax law. ... learn how to solve new cases using the knowledge they have acquired.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture

5 Module entry requirements Recommended: Basic knowledge of corporate taxation

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Combined examination: WT (30), OE (30)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the combined examination. Both courses must be attended; the examiniation

refers to topics of both courses.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science Geographie: BWL Master Geographie Regionalstudien China - Betriebswirtschaftslehre: BWL MA Reg China Master of Education Wirtschaftspädagogik/Lehramt an Berufskollegs: Ergänzungsbereich Wirtschaftspädagogik Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Business Administration - Marketing: Ergänzungsbereich Marketing

Page 308: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Master of Science Economics: Ergänzungsbereich Economics Master of Science Mathematik: WiWi MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Wirtschaftsmathematik: WiWi MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Business Administration - Media and Technology Management: Ergänzungsbereich Media and Technology Management Master of Science Business Administration - Accounting and Taxation: Specialization Section Accounting and Taxation Ergänzungsbereich Accounting and Taxation

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Michael Overesch

10 Miscellaneous

Page 309: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Core Module International Tax Law

Module code 1015BMIS00

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage German


availability every 2nd

term - winter


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Internationales Steuerrecht


hours 30h

Self-Studies 150h

Course Language German

2 Module content • Außensteuergesetz (German Foreign Transaction Tax Act) • Double taxation agreements

3 Learning objectives Students... ... acquire methodological competence in the area of international tax law. ... acquire subject expertise to deepen their understanding of international tax law. ... learn how to solve new cases using the subject expertise and methodological compe-

tence they have acquired.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture

5 Module entry requirements No recommendations

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (120)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economics: Ergänzungsbereich Economics Master of Science Business Administration - Accounting and Taxation: Specialization Section Accounting and Taxation Ergänzungsbereich Accounting and Taxation

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Johanna Hey

10 Miscellaneous

Page 310: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Basismodul Bilanzsteuerrecht

Module code 1015BMBi00

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage German


availability every 2nd

term - winter


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Bilanzsteuerrecht (WiSe)


hours 30h

Self-Studies 150h

Course Language German

2 Module content • German Commercial Code • German Fiscal Code/Income Tax Act/Valuation Act • International accounting standards • Tax accounting legal issues • Case studies

3 Learning objectives Students... ... acquire methodological competence in the area of tax accounting law. ... acquire subject expertise to deepen their understanding of tax accounting law. ... learn how to solve new cases using the subject expertise and methodological compe-

tence they have acquired.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture

5 Module entry requirements No recommendations

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (120)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economics: Ergänzungsbereich Economics Master of Science Business Administration - Accounting and Taxation: Core and Advanced Section Accounting and Taxation

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Joachim Hennrichs

10 Miscellaneous

Page 311: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Core Module Selected Issues in Tax Law

Module code 1015BMAu00

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage German


availability every second

semester -

summer term

Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Ausgewählte Fragestellungen

des Steuerrechts


hours 30h

Self-Studies 150h

Course Language German

2 Module content Selected Issues in Tax Law

3 Learning objectives Students... ... gain advanced knowledge in specific areas of tax law. Since they choose a specialist

subject from among the subjects offered by the University’s Institute of Tax Law, they

can acquire competence in areas such as group tax law and reorganisation tax law. ... who take group tax law as a subject examine the special features of taxation of

groups of com-panies. In addition to taxation itself, the focus is on fiscal units, company

acquisitions and divesti-tures, utilisation of losses, intra-group transactions, groups in

tax treaty law and group reporting. ... who take reorganisation tax law as a subject learn about the various reorganisation

processes. The course covers both the civil law provisions applicable to such processes

and the special features of their taxation as specified in the German Reorganisation Tax

Act. Students gain an overview of the tax treatment of mergers, demergers, capital con-

tributions, reorganisation, accre-tion, share swaps and international reorganisation.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture

5 Module entry requirements Recommended: basic knowledge of income tax law and corporate tax law.

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (120)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economics: Ergänzungsbereich Economics Master of Science Business Administration - Accounting and Taxation: Specialization Section Accounting and Taxation Ergänzungsbereich Accounting and Taxation

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Johanna Hey

Page 312: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



10 Miscellaneous

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Supplementary Module Economic Geography I

Module code 1343EMWi01

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every 2nd

term - winter


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Enterprises and Regional De-

velopment in the European Un-



hours 30h

Self-Studies 150h

Course Language English

2 Module content • Theories and empirical developments at locations in the European Union • Examples of regional development processes in European Union countries • Regional structures and stakeholders that interact with international and EU-wide de-

cision pro-cesses

3 Learning objectives Students... ... analyse subnational regional processes, decisions and stakeholder networks against

the backdrop of global economic developments impacting on the region in various coun-

tries of the European Union. ... are familiar with decision-making processes concerning business locations in the Eu-

ropean Union. ... explore the processes with which transnational (industrial) enterprises and global

value chains distribute capacity and expertise within the European Union. ... understand how regional development processes in the European Union interact with

the Global South. ... combine what they have learnt with interdisciplinary perspectives. ... interpret and critically assess selected case studies of regional development pro-

cesses in the European Union, based on theoretical concepts. ... apply their findings in practice. ... engage in academic discourse.

4 Teaching and learning methods seminar

5 Module entry requirements none

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Combined examination: PRES, TP

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the combined examination.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Regionalstudien Lateinamerika - Sozialwissenschaften: SoWi MA Reg Lateinamerika

Page 314: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Regionalstudien China - Sozialwissenschaften: SoWi MA Reg China Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economics: Ergänzungsbereich Economics Master of Arts Politikwissenschaft: Ergänzungsbereich Politikwissenschaft Master of Science Sociology and Social Research: Ergänzungsbereich Sociology and Social Research Regionalstudien Ost- und Mitteleuropa - Sozialwissenschaften: SoWi MA Reg Osteuropa

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Martina Fuchs

10 Miscellaneous

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Supplementary Module Economic Geography II

Module code 1343EMWi02

Workload 360h

ECTS credits 12

Module Lan-

guage German


availability every second

semester -

summer term

Duration 1 Term

1 Courses a) Wissen, Innovation und Re-

gionalentwicklungen b) Aktuelle Fragen und Metho-

den der Raumforschung


hours a) 60h b) 60h

Self-Studies a) 300h b) 300h

Course Language a) German b) German

2 Module content • Theories and empirical developments concerning knowledge-based and innovation-

oriented regional development • Case studies of regional development processes • Economic geography methods

3 Learning objectives Students... ... interpret current theories on knowledge-based regional development and innovation-

oriented regional policy. ... analyse selected regions and businesses in Germany. ... specify a theoretical question relating to a case study, e.g. in the federal state of

North Rhine-Westphalia. ... recognise and assess the significance of innovation and knowledge for local regional

devel-opment. ... critically apply theoretical concepts to empirical case studies. ... develop their own study on regional development opportunities. ... conduct independent research using primary and secondary data. ... analyse current research questions in economic geography. ... apply critically selected methods to examine a case study. ... explore cartographic methods, including GIS. ... present their results (text, chart, map).

4 Teaching and learning methods project

5 Module entry requirements No recommendations

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Combined examination: PRES, TP

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the combined examination. Only one course must be attended; the examina-

tion refers to the topic of only one course.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems

Page 316: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Regionalstudien Lateinamerika - Sozialwissenschaften: SoWi MA Reg Lateinamerika Regionalstudien China - Sozialwissenschaften: SoWi MA Reg China Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economics: Ergänzungsbereich Economics Master of Arts Politikwissenschaft: Ergänzungsbereich Politikwissenschaft Master of Science Sociology and Social Research: Ergänzungsbereich Sociology and Social Research Regionalstudien Ost- und Mitteleuropa - Sozialwissenschaften: SoWi MA Reg Osteuropa

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Martina Fuchs

10 Miscellaneous

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Supplementary Module Economic Geography III

Module code 1343EMWi03

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every 2nd

term - winter


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Global South, Emerging Econo-

mies and New Global Growth



hours 30h

Self-Studies 150h

Course Language English

2 Module content • Theories and empirical developments in regions and businesses located outside Eu-

rope, par-ticularly Latin America, East Asia, Central/Eastern Europe • Examples of regional development processes • Regional structures, institutions and players and their interaction with transnational

decision-making processes

3 Learning objectives Students... ... analyse selected regions and businesses located outside Europe, particularly Latin

America, East Asia, Central/Eastern Europe. ... define conditions for economic growth. ... recognise and assess the significance of innovation, technology and knowledge for

regional development in emerging economies and the Global South. ... discuss the role of institutions, organisations and networks. ... identify sectoral and industry-related differences. ... critically apply theoretical concepts to empirical case studies. ... develop their own point of view concerning regional development opportunities aris-

ing from global value chains and training. ... conduct independent research on a secondary basis. ... engage in academic discourse.

4 Teaching and learning methods seminar

5 Module entry requirements none

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Combined examination: PRES, TP

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the combined examination.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Regionalstudien Lateinamerika - Sozialwissenschaften: SoWi MA Reg Lateinamerika Regionalstudien China - Sozialwissenschaften:

Page 318: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



SoWi MA Reg China Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economics: Ergänzungsbereich Economics Master of Arts Politikwissenschaft: Ergänzungsbereich Politikwissenschaft Master of Science Sociology and Social Research: Ergänzungsbereich Sociology and Social Research Regionalstudien Ost- und Mitteleuropa - Sozialwissenschaften: SoWi MA Reg Osteuropa

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Martina Fuchs

10 Miscellaneous

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Specialisation Module International Accounting and Corporate Valuation

Module code 1016SIRUb0

Workload 360h

ECTS credits 12

Module Lan-

guage German and



availability every term

Duration 2 Terms

1 Courses a) Corporate Valuation b) International Accounting


hours a) 60h b) 60h

Self-Studies a) 120h b) 120h

Course Language a) German b) German

2 Module content International accounting: • Doctrinal and conceptual principles of IFRS • IASB framework • Rules for recognising assets and liabilities • measurement rules • Special problems in IFRS separate and consolidated financial statements

Business valuation: • Reasons, purposes, history of doctrines • Equivalence principles • Forecasting rules and instruments • Risk/benefit approach to business valuation • Capital market oriented valuation methods

3 Learning objectives Students... ... gain confidence in balance sheet preparation using international accounting stand-

ards [IFRS]. ... acquire expertise on how to interpret standards in line with the system being used. ... apply to real-life cases what they have learned about accounting rules. ... apply business valuation approaches when preparing IFRS balance sheets. ... acquire expertise on how to differentiate between different reasons for and purposes

and doctri-nal concepts of business valuation. ... apply the basic rules of investment valuation theory to business valuation problems. ... produce cash flow forecasts. ... acquire expertise on how to use the different variants of the DCF method and other

modern valuation methods based on the aims being pursued.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements No recommendations

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (120)

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7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test. Both courses must be attended; the examination refers to top-

ics of both courses.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science Geographie: BWL Master Geographie Regionalstudien China - Betriebswirtschaftslehre: BWL MA Reg China Master of Education Wirtschaftspädagogik/Lehramt an Berufskollegs: Ergänzungsbereich Wirtschaftspädagogik Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Business Administration - Marketing: Ergänzungsbereich Marketing Master of Science Economics: Ergänzungsbereich Economics Master of Science Mathematik: WiWi MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Wirtschaftsmathematik: WiWi MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Business Administration - Media and Technology Management: Ergänzungsbereich Media and Technology Management Master of Science Business Administration - Accounting and Taxation: Specialization Section Accounting and Taxation Ergänzungsbereich Accounting and Taxation

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Christoph Kuhner

10 Miscellaneous An exam is offered in every semester.

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Specialization Module International Accounting

Module code 1016SMIR01

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage German


availability every second

semester -

summer term

Duration 1 Term

1 Courses International Accounting


hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language German

2 Module content • Theoretical as well as institutional foundations of IFRS • IASB-Framework • Recognition and measurement of different classes of assets and liabilities • Special issues of individual and consolidated IFRS reports

3 Learning objectives Students... ... gain confidence in reporting according to international financial reporting standards

[IFRS] with respect to recognition as well as measurement issues. ... acquire knowledge enabling them to interpret IFRS in light of their principle-based

character. ... solve new problems and cases, using the subject-related and methodological compe-

tence taught in the module.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements No recommendations

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (60)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science Geographie: BWL Master Geographie Regionalstudien China - Betriebswirtschaftslehre: BWL MA Reg China Master of Education Wirtschaftspädagogik/Lehramt an Berufskollegs: Ergänzungsbereich Wirtschaftspädagogik Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development

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Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Business Administration - Marketing: Ergänzungsbereich Marketing Master of Science Mathematik: WiWi MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Wirtschaftsmathematik: WiWi MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Business Administration - Accounting and Taxation: Specialization Section Accounting and Taxation Ergänzungsbereich Accounting and Taxation

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Christoph Kuhner

10 Miscellaneous

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Specialization Module Corporate Valuation

Module code 1016SMUb01

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage German


availability every 2nd

term - winter


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses




Course Language

2 Module content • Occasions, purposes and dogma history of corporate valuation • Principles of equivalence • Forecasting rules and instruments • Individual risk equivalence approach in business valuation • Capital-market oriented methods of measurement

3 Learning objectives Students... ... gain competence in distinguishing different occasions, purposes and underlying con-

cepts of corporate valuation. ... apply basic principles of investment theory in the context of corporate valuation. …produce cash-flow-forecasts. ...acquire expertise to context-specifically distinguish and apply different variants of the

DCF-method and further modern valuation approaches.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements No recommendations

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (60)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science Geographie: BWL Master Geographie Regionalstudien China - Betriebswirtschaftslehre: BWL MA Reg China Master of Education Wirtschaftspädagogik/Lehramt an Berufskollegs: Ergänzungsbereich Wirtschaftspädagogik Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development:

Page 324: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Business Administration - Marketing: Ergänzungsbereich Marketing Master of Science Mathematik: WiWi MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Wirtschaftsmathematik: WiWi MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Business Administration - Accounting and Taxation: Specialization Section Accounting and Taxation Ergänzungsbereich Accounting and Taxation

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Christoph Kuhner

10 Miscellaneous

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Specialisation Module Selected Issues in Accounting and Auditing Issues I

Module code 1016SAFRW0

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage German and



availability every 2nd

term - winter


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses a) Unternehmenspublizität und

Jahresabschlussanalyse b) Konzernbilanzen (1. Term)


hours a) 30h b) 30h

Self-Studies a) 60h b) 60h

Course Language a) German b) German

2 Module content • Regulation of capital market information • Value relevance studies • Company rating techniques • KPI-based analysis • Special problems in group accounting

3 Learning objectives Students... ... acquire expertise on how to assess the legal and strategic aspects of modern capital

market communication. ... acquire experise on how to assess the motives behind accounting policies and to an-

alyse the instruments used in accounting policies. ... assess from various perspectives the usefulness of accounting data as a decision-

making aid. ... acquire expertise on how to use business valuation methods when analysing annual

financial statements, based on the aims being pursued. ... gain confidence in group accounting using national and international standards. ... analyse real-life accounting problems.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture

5 Module entry requirements No recommendations

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (60)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test. Both courses must be attended; the examination refers to top-

ics of both courses.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science Geographie: BWL Master Geographie

Page 326: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Regionalstudien China - Betriebswirtschaftslehre: BWL MA Reg China Master of Education Wirtschaftspädagogik/Lehramt an Berufskollegs: Ergänzungsbereich Wirtschaftspädagogik Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Business Administration - Marketing: Ergänzungsbereich Marketing Master of Science Economics: Ergänzungsbereich Economics Master of Science Mathematik: WiWi MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Wirtschaftsmathematik: WiWi MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Business Administration - Media and Technology Management: Ergänzungsbereich Media and Technology Management Master of Science Business Administration - Accounting and Taxation: Specialization Section Accounting and Taxation Ergänzungsbereich Accounting and Taxation

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Christoph Kuhner

10 Miscellaneous

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Specialisation Module Selected Issues in Accounting and Auditing Issues II

Module code 1016SMAR02

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage German and



availability every second

semester -

summer term

Duration 1 Term

1 Courses a) Sonderprüfungen b) Methoden und Institutionen

der Jahresabschlussprüfung


hours a) 30h b) 30h

Self-Studies a) 60h b) 60h

Course Language a) German b) German

2 Module content • Audit regulation • System and analytical audits • Tests of detail • Audit planning and procedure • Industry-specific and ad hoc audits

3 Learning objectives Students... ...acquire competence in the assessment of the legal and institutional aspects of audits

of annual financial statements. ...gain methodological competence in the application of modern auditing techniques

...operationalise business analysis strategies when auditing annual financial state-

ments. ...acquire competence in the assessment and design of proper procedures for carrying

out ad hoc audits.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture

5 Module entry requirements No recommendations

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (60)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test. Both courses must be attended; the examination refers to top-

ics of both courses.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economics: Ergänzungsbereich Economics Master of Science Business Administration - Accounting and Taxation: Specialization Section Accounting and Taxation Ergänzungsbereich Accounting and Taxation

Page 328: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Christoph Kuhner

10 Miscellaneous

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Specilisation Module Selected Issues in Business Taxation I

Module code 1016SMSB01

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every second

semester -

summer term

Duration 1 Term

1 Courses a) Tax Accounting b) Financial Service and Real

Estate Taxation (1. Term) c) Taxation of Family Business


hours a) 30h b) 30h c) 30h

Self-Studies a) 60h b) 60h c) 60h

Course Language a) English b) English c) German

2 Module content Selected Issues in Business Taxation

3 Learning objectives Students... ... acquire methodological competence in the area of tax law. ... acquire subject expertise to deepen their understanding of tax law. ... learn how to solve new cases using the subject expertise and methodological compe-

tence they have acquired.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture

5 Module entry requirements Recommended: Basic knowledge of business taxation

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (60)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test. Two courses must be attended; the examination refers to top-

ics of two courses.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Education Wirtschaftspädagogik/Lehramt an Berufskollegs: Ergänzungsbereich Wirtschaftspädagogik Master of Science International Management: Ergänzungsbereich International Management Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Business Administration - Marketing: Ergänzungsbereich Marketing Master of Science Business Administration - Media and Technology Management: Ergänzungsbereich Media and Technology Management Master of Science Business Administration - Accounting and Taxation:

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Specialization Section Accounting and Taxation Ergänzungsbereich Accounting and Taxation Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Business Administration - Supply Chain Management: Ergänzungsbereich Supply Chain Management

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Michael Overesch

10 Miscellaneous

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Core Module Econometrics II

Module code 1314BMEc02

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every 2nd

term - winter


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Core Econometrics II


hours 45h

Self-Studies 135h

Course Language English

2 Module content • Generalised moment method • Models for discrete and limited dependent variables • Univariate and multivariate time series models • Panel models

3 Learning objectives Students... ... acquire basic knowledge of econometric methods, understand scientific contributions

in the field of empirical economic research and conduct empirical studies on economic

issues independently. ... create econometric models and choose between alternative model specifications. ... can estimate parameters of linear and generalised regression models, models for dis-

crete and limited dependent variables and time series models, using suitable inference

methods, and conduct hypothesis tests. ... generate forecasts for economic variables.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements none

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (60)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Basis- und Aufbaubereich Finance Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Business Administration - Supply Chain Management: Basis- und Aufbaubereich Supply Chain Management Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Regionalstudien Lateinamerika - Volkswirtschaftslehre: VWL MA Reg Lateinamerika Master of Science Geographie:

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VWL Master Geographie Regionalstudien China - Volkswirtschaftslehre: VWL MA Reg China Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Basis- und Aufbaubereich Corporate Development Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Business Administration - Marketing: Basis- und Aufbaubereich Marketing Ergänzungsbereich Marketing Master of Arts Politikwissenschaft: Ergänzungsbereich Politikwissenschaft Master of Science Mathematik: VWL MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Wirtschaftsmathematik: VWL MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Business Administration - Media and Technology Management: Basis- und Aufbaubereich Media and Technology Management Ergänzungsbereich Media and Technology Management Master of Science Business Administration - Accounting and Taxation: Core and Advanced Section Accounting and Taxation Ergänzungsbereich Accounting and Taxation Master of Science Sociology and Social Research: Ergänzungsbereich Sociology and Social Research Regionalstudien Ost- und Mitteleuropa - Volkswirtschaftslehre: VWL MA Reg Osteuropa

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Roman Liesenfeld

10 Miscellaneous

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Specialisation Module Economic Engineering

Module code 1289SMEE00

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every fourth


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Economic Engineering


hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module content - Evaluation of the roles of theory and laboratory/field experiments in the development

of markets and incentive systems - Analysis of relevant behavioural phenomena and institutional details of particular im-

portance for specific designs - Discussion of practical applications of economic engineering in matching markets,

auctions and other markets

3 Learning objectives Students... ... apply their theoretical and empirical skills to real markets. ... identify problems in markets and develop and discuss possible solutions. ... deal with current economic challenges and present own research ideas.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements No recommendations

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Combined examination: PRES, TP

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Business Administration - Supply Chain Management: Ergänzungsbereich Supply Chain Management Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics Master of Arts Politikwissenschaft:

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Ergänzungsbereich Politikwissenschaft Master of Science Business Administration - Media and Technology Management: Schwerpunktbereich Media and Technology Management Ergänzungsbereich Media and Technology Management Master of Science Sociology and Social Research: Ergänzungsbereich Sociology and Social Research Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Axel Ockenfels

10 Miscellaneous

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Specialisation Module Auction Theory

Module code 1289SMAT00

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every 2nd

term - winter


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Auction Theory


hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module content - Auctions with “private values”: second-price auctions, first-price auctions, reservation

prices, revenue equivalence theorem, extensions - Mechanism design: revelation principle, optimal mechanisms, efficient mechanisms - Auctions with “interdependent values“: comparisons of auction proceeds , linkage


3 Learning objectives Students... ... acquire a deeper understanding of the economic theory of auction design.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements None

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (120)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Business Administration - Supply Chain Management: Ergänzungsbereich Supply Chain Management Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics Master of Arts Politikwissenschaft: Ergänzungsbereich Politikwissenschaft Master of Science Business Administration - Media and Technology Management:

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Ergänzungsbereich Media and Technology Management Master of Science Sociology and Social Research: Ergänzungsbereich Sociology and Social Research Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

9 Module manager Prof. Dr. Peter Cramton

10 Miscellaneous

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Specialisation Module Contract Theory

Module code 1289SMVe00

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage German


availability every second

semester -

summer term

Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Vertragstheorie


hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language German

2 Module content - Principal/agent models - Mechanism design - Hold-up problem - Incomplete contracts

3 Learning objectives Students... ... recognise the concepts of information economics. ... describe and model situations with information asymmetries between several parties. ... analyse and discuss causal relationships in contract theory. ... apply methods for solving contract theory problems.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements No recommendations

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (60)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Business Administration - Supply Chain Management: Ergänzungsbereich Supply Chain Management Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics Master of Arts Politikwissenschaft:

Page 338: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Ergänzungsbereich Politikwissenschaft Master of Science Business Administration - Media and Technology Management: Ergänzungsbereich Media and Technology Management Master of Science Sociology and Social Research: Ergänzungsbereich Sociology and Social Research Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Patrick W. Schmitz

10 Miscellaneous Compulsory reading will be announced each term.

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Specialisation Module Behavioral Economics

Module code 1289SMBE00

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every second

semester -

summer term

Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Behavioral Economics


hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module content Using the concept of the homo economicus, the module presents behavioural theory

concepts that are based on findings from empirical and experimental research. The lec-

tures provide an introduction to bounded rationality theories, focusing on those theories’

criticism of the homo economicus concept.

3 Learning objectives Students... ... understand behavioural models and formal arguments. ... apply advanced microeconomic concepts. ... challenge arguments critically.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements Recommended: Core modules in Microeconomics

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (60)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Business Administration - Supply Chain Management: Ergänzungsbereich Supply Chain Management Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science International Management: Ergänzungsbereich International Management Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics

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Master of Arts Politikwissenschaft: Ergänzungsbereich Politikwissenschaft Master of Science Business Administration - Media and Technology Management: Ergänzungsbereich Media and Technology Management Master of Science Sociology and Social Research: Ergänzungsbereich Sociology and Social Research Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

9 Module manager Dr. Thomas Lauer Univ.-Prof. Dr. Bettina Rockenbach

10 Miscellaneous

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Specialisation Module Topics in Design and Behavior A

Module code 1289SMTD01

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage German and



availability every fourth


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Topics in Design and Behavior



hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language German and English

2 Module content Latest issues in institution and market design, plus methods and theories used in be-

havioural economics and applied microeconomics.

3 Learning objectives Students... ...investigate current theoretical and applied issues in market and institution de-

sign with the methods and theories used in behavioural economics and microeconom-

ics. ...examine and assess the applicability of various economic concepts. ...discuss the results in written form and in class with other course participants.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements No recommendations

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (60)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

9 Module manager Dr. Thomas Lauer Univ.-Prof. Dr. Bettina Rockenbach

10 Miscellaneous Relevant reading will be announced at the beginning of each term.

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Specialisation Module Topics in Design and Behavior B

Module code 1289SMTD02

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage German and



availability every fourth


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Topics in Design and Behavior



hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language German and English

2 Module content Latest issues in institution and market design, plus methods and theories used in be-

havioural economics and applied microeconomics.

3 Learning objectives Students... ...investigate current theoretical and applied issues in market and institution de-

sign with the methods and theories used in behavioural economics and microeconom-

ics. ...examine and assess the applicability of various economic concepts. ...discuss the results in written form and in class with other course participants.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements No recommendations

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (60)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Axel Ockenfels Univ.-Prof. Dr. Bettina Rockenbach

10 Miscellaneous Relevant reading will be announced at the beginning of each term.

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Specialisation Module Topics in Design and Behavior C

Module code 1289SMTD03

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage German and



availability every fourth


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Topics in Design and Behavior



hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language German and English

2 Module content Latest issues in institution and market design, plus methods and theories used in be-

havioural economics and applied microeconomics.

3 Learning objectives Students... ...investigate current theoretical and applied issues in market and institution de-

sign with the methods and theories used in behavioural economics and microeconom-

ics. ...examine and assess the applicability of various economic concepts. ...discuss the results in written form and in class with other course participants.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements Recommendations: Core modules Microeconomics

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (60)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Axel Ockenfels Univ.-Prof. Dr. Bettina Rockenbach

10 Miscellaneous Relevant reading will be announced at the beginning of each term.

Page 344: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Specialisation Module Topics in Design and Behavior D

Module code 1289SMTD04

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage German and



availability every fourth


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Topics in Design and Behavior



hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language German and English

2 Module content Latest issues in institution and market design, plus methods and theories used in be-

havioural economics and applied microeconomics.

3 Learning objectives Students... ...investigate current theoretical and applied issues in market and institution de-

sign with th methods and theories used in behavioural economics and microeconom-

ics. ...examine and assess the applicability of various economic concepts. ...discuss the results in written form and in class with other course participants.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements No recommendations

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (60)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Axel Ockenfels Univ.-Prof. Dr. Bettina Rockenbach

10 Miscellaneous Relevant reading will be announced at the beginning of each term.

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Specialisation module Matching and Market Design: Theory and Practice

Module code 1289SMMD00

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every 2nd

term - winter


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Matching and Market Design:

Theory and Practice


hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module content • One-sided matching: House allocation and organ exchange • Two-sided matching: Entry-level labor markets • School choice and random assignment • Matching with contracts: Distributional constraints and internet-ad auctions • Large matching markets • Combinatorial assignment and course allocation

3 Learning objectives Students... ... define theoretical models of matching markets. ... use a mixture of theory, experiments, and empirics to analyze existing matching

mechanisms and, if necessary, design better ones

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements No recommendations

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Combined examination: PRES, TP

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the combined examination.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Business Administration - Supply Chain Management: Ergänzungsbereich Supply Chain Management Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics

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Master of Arts Politikwissenschaft: Ergänzungsbereich Politikwissenschaft Master of Science Business Administration - Media and Technology Management: Ergänzungsbereich Media and Technology Management Master of Science Sociology and Social Research: Ergänzungsbereich Sociology and Social Research

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Alexander Westkamp

10 Miscellaneous More detailed information is available here: http://www.matching.uni-koeln.de/de/lehre

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Specialisation module Foundations in Growth, Labor and Inequality in the Global Economy A

Module code 1302SMFG01

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every second

semester -

summer term

Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Growth, Inequality and Struc-

tural Change


hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module content 100 years of technological progress have tenfold increased the per capita income of

OECD countries. In less than one hour, a worker with average productivity produces

the per capita consumption of one day in 1917. Will labor become obsolete in the fu-

ture? If so, is this a blessing or a curse? Does a competitively organized market econ-

omy pay increasingly abundant workers worse and worse? What happened and will

happen to labor’s share in national income? While technical progress raised average

wages, the labor earnings distribution became more and more unequal. Is technical

change inherently biased against some types of skills? Is there a race between technol-

ogy and education? If so, how to win? Biased technical progress changes the relation-

ship between capital and labor, between work and leisure, between skills, between edu-

cation levels, between agriculture, industry and services, between the market and the

state, between the economy and the environment, between regions and countries. This

course presents empirical facts about technical change, structural change and inequal-

ity. It grants an insight into modern growth theory and uses its tools to explain these

stylized facts and to speculate about the future. It studies causes and consequences of

technical change in particular for the affluent society. Topics include (not necessarily in

this order): • Reminder: Neoclassical Growth • The Rate and the Direction of Technical Change • Automation, Work and Leisure. • Sectorial Change (Deindustrialization, Services, Real Estate, Rise of the State) • Technical Change and Persistent Inequality • Labor and Capital: - When does capital accumulation reduce labor’s share? - When does technical change reduce labor’s share? • Labor and Real Estate: How productivity growth generates abundance and poverty • Skilled Labor, Unskilled Labor and the Skill Premium • Globalization and Institutions • Capital-Skill Complementarity • Biased Technical Change • The Affluent Society and its Economic Problems.

3 Learning objectives Students... ... describe the elementary empirical facts concerning the topics covered in the respec-

tive course. ... understand the economic theory models relating to those topics. ... explain the empirical facts using those models. ... use the models to structure and answer current economic policy questions taking into

account the empirical facts.

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4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements Recommended: Core Macroeconomics or Core Macroeconomics I (Research Track)

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (90)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Regionalstudien Lateinamerika - Volkswirtschaftslehre: VWL MA Reg Lateinamerika Master of Science Geographie: VWL Master Geographie Regionalstudien China - Volkswirtschaftslehre: VWL MA Reg China Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics Master of Arts Politikwissenschaft: Ergänzungsbereich Politikwissenschaft Master of Science Mathematik: VWL MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Wirtschaftsmathematik: VWL MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Regionalstudien Ost- und Mitteleuropa - Volkswirtschaftslehre: VWL MA Reg Osteuropa Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Peter Funk

10 Miscellaneous

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Specialisation module Foundations in Growth, Labor and Inequality in the Global Economy B

Module code 1302SMFG02

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every second

semester -

summer term

Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Macroeconomics of the Labor



hours 45h

Self-Studies 135h

Course Language English

2 Module content - Dynamic development of work and employment - Search behaviour of employees - Structural and frictional unemployment - cyclical fluctuations in employment and unemployment - Wage setting models - Theoretical motivation of unemployment insurance and dismissal protection - labour market policies

3 Learning objectives Students... ... describe the elementary empirical facts on the topics of the course. ... understand the relevant economic theoretical models on these topics. ... explain selected empirical facts with the help of these models. ... use the models to structure and answer current economic policy questions. ... understand selected scientific papers on the topics of the lecture.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements Recommended: Core Module Macroeconomics

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (90)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Regionalstudien Lateinamerika - Volkswirtschaftslehre: VWL MA Reg Lateinamerika Master of Science Geographie: VWL Master Geographie Regionalstudien China - Volkswirtschaftslehre: VWL MA Reg China

Page 350: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics Master of Arts Politikwissenschaft: Ergänzungsbereich Politikwissenschaft Master of Science Mathematik: VWL MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Wirtschaftsmathematik: VWL MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Regionalstudien Ost- und Mitteleuropa - Volkswirtschaftslehre: VWL MA Reg Osteuropa Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Peter Funk

10 Miscellaneous

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Specialisation module Foundations in Growth, Labor and Inequality in the Global Economy C

Module code 1302SMFG03

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every fourth


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses a) Inequality b) Development Economics


hours a) 60h b) 45h

Self-Studies a) 120h b) 135h

Course Language a) English b) English

2 Module content The course will be composed of two parts. a) The focus of the first part will be on introducing some of the most important theoreti-

cal models of collective choice (basics of social choice, models of voting and electoral

competition, political agency, special interest politics, corruption, conflict). In the second

part of the course the models and tools developed in the first part will be used to dis-

cuss questions surrounding the topics inequality and redistribution.

b) The course deals with micro- and macroeconomic issues of development econom-

ics based on the results of theoretical and empirical research. The macroeconomic part

will deal with work on the topics of growth and development on an aggregated level as

well as growth factors such as institutions, education and technology. In the microeco-

nomic part, the main topics are health, education, risk and insurance, credit and sav-

ings, and political economy.

3 Learning objectives Students... ... a) apply the approach of new political economy and scrutinize the most important

theoretical models of collective choice and social choice. ... formalize and analyze questions of redistribution and inequality within these models. ... discuss and evaluate the outcomes of different institutional setting with the tools of

collective choice. ... b) ...understand the basic questions and analytical methods in the field of develop-

ment, poverty and inequality. ...discuss and evaluate empirical results and various methods of microeconometric pro-

gram evaluation. ...communicate and apply the appropriate methods for the economic analysis of de-

velopment issues.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements a) none b) Recommended: Core Module Econometrics

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (90)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

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8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics Master of Arts Politikwissenschaft: Ergänzungsbereich Politikwissenschaft Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Peter Funk

10 Miscellaneous a) Lectures will mostly be based on research articles. Students will be provided with

problem sets, the solutions of which will be (briefly) discussed in class. b) The course

"Development Economics" contains an exercise that requires an increased degree of


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Specialisation module Topics in Growth, Labor and Inequality in the Global Economy

Module code 1302SMTG00

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage German and



availability every fourth


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses a) Determinants of Growth in

Economic History (DGEH) b) Growth, Energy, Climate



hours a) 60h b) 60h

Self-Studies a) 120h b) 120h

Course Language a) English b) English

2 Module content Depending on the chosen course: • Micro- and macroeconomics of economic development (Development Economics) • Topics concerning growth, energy and climate change

3 Learning objectives Students... ... describe the elementary empirical facts concerning the topics covered in the respec-

tive course. ... understand the economic theory models relating to those topics. ... explain the empirical facts using those models. ... use the models to structure and answer current economic policy questions taking into

account the empirical facts.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements Core module Econometrics I or Core Module Econometrics (Research Track) (DGEH)

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (90)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test. Only one course must be attended; the examination refers to

the topic of only one course.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics Master of Arts Politikwissenschaft: Ergänzungsbereich Politikwissenschaft

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Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Peter Funk

10 Miscellaneous

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Specialisation module: Seminar Markets and Institutions

Module code 1302SMSI00

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every term

Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Seminar Markets and Institu-



hours 30h

Self-Studies 150h

Course Language English

2 Module content Current issues relating to microeconomic theory, empirical microeconomics, experi-

mental economics, markets and institutions in general.

3 Learning objectives Students... ...discuss the current issues in theory and applied practice, applying the microeconomic

knowledge they have acquired on the programme. ...read the theoretical and practical literature on the subject and discuss it in a critical

manner. ... summarise their findings in an essay, present them in class and discuss them with

the other participants. ...engage in academic discourse about specific markets and institutions.

4 Teaching and learning methods seminar

5 Module entry requirements No recommendations

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Combined examination: PRES, TP

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the combined examination.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science International Management: Ergänzungsbereich International Management Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Johannes Münster Univ.-Prof. Dr. Susanne Prantl

10 Miscellaneous

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Specialisation module Competition Policy

Module code 1289SMCP00

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every second

semester -

summer term

Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Competition Policy


hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module content • Institutional background: competition policy in Germany, the EU and the US • Market power: theory and measurement • Unilateral abuse of market power: horizontal and vertical restraints on competition • Multilateral abuse of market power: cartels and implicit agreements

3 Learning objectives Students... ... recognise, based on models of competition theory, how competitive markets work. ... discuss the causes of market power and its effects in terms of welfare economics. ... assess, evaluate and debate cases that illustrate competition policy in practice and

use competition theory to analyse them.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements No recommendations

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (90)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Business Administration - Supply Chain Management: Ergänzungsbereich Supply Chain Management Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Regionalstudien Lateinamerika - Volkswirtschaftslehre: VWL MA Reg Lateinamerika Master of Science Geographie: VWL Master Geographie Regionalstudien China - Volkswirtschaftslehre: VWL MA Reg China Master of Science International Management: Basis- und Aufbaubereich International Management

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Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics Master of Arts Politikwissenschaft: Ergänzungsbereich Politikwissenschaft Master of Science Mathematik: VWL MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Wirtschaftsmathematik: VWL MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Business Administration - Media and Technology Management: Schwerpunktbereich Media and Technology Management Ergänzungsbereich Media and Technology Management Regionalstudien Ost- und Mitteleuropa - Volkswirtschaftslehre: VWL MA Reg Osteuropa Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

9 Module manager N.N.

10 Miscellaneous

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Specialisation Module Specific Markets A

Module code 1289SMSM01

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every 2nd

term - winter


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Media Economics (Markets &



hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module content • The relevant actors on these markets, their objectives and constraints • The interaction between these actors • Market equilibrium, efficiency and frictions

3 Learning objectives Students... ... study methods of economics used for analyzing specific markets, such as, for exam-

ple, health markets or media markets. ... acquire a range of instruments to help them answer questions in connection with

these markets. ... understand basic characteristics of platform markets and markets with network ef-

fects. ... reproduce the relevant theories from Economics and Strategic Management theory. ... apply theory to current questions in platform markets on strategy and public policy.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements none

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (60)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test. One course has to be chosen.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Business Administration - Supply Chain Management: Ergänzungsbereich Supply Chain Management Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science International Management: Ergänzungsbereich International Management Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19:

Page 359: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics Master of Arts Politikwissenschaft: Ergänzungsbereich Politikwissenschaft Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Johannes Münster

10 Miscellaneous

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Specialisation Module Specific Markets B

Module code 1289SMSM02

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every 2nd

term - winter


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Information problems in

healthcare markets (Master



hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module content • Relevant players on these markets, their objectives and factors of relevance to deci-

sion-making • Relationships between the players and implications for healthcare market design • Analysis of existing healthcare systems within and outside the European region

3 Learning objectives Students... ... understand economic methods that can be used for theoretical analysis of

healthcare markets. ... evaluate health policy measures independently.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements No recommendations

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (60)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Business Administration - Supply Chain Management: Ergänzungsbereich Supply Chain Management Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics Master of Arts Politikwissenschaft:

Page 361: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Ergänzungsbereich Politikwissenschaft Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

9 Module manager N.N.

10 Miscellaneous

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Schwerpunktmodul Topics in Markets and Institutions A

Module code 1302SMTM02

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every fourth


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Topics in Markets and Institu-

tions A


hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module content • What is regulation? Which industries are regulated and why? • Institutional background of selected industries (e.g. electricity, telecommunication) • Natural monopolies and “essential facilities” • Access to one-sided networks (electricity, fixed-line network, rail) • Access to two-sided networks (mobile telecommunication) • Consumer protection and regulation • Selected current issues in regulation

3 Learning objectives Students... ... describe why certain industries are regulated. ... analyse the possibilities and limitations of regulation. ... apply theoretical knowledge to real cases and industries.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements No recommendations

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (90)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

9 Module manager N.N.

10 Miscellaneous The courses will be held weekly during term or in the form of block tuition.

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Specialization Module Topics in Markets and Institutions B

Module code 1302SMTM03

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage German and



availability every fourth


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses a) Topics in Markets and Insti-

tutions B b) Empirical Industrial Organi-

zation (Research Track)


hours a) 60h b) 60h

Self-Studies a) 120h b) 120h

Course Language a) English b) English

2 Module content • Empirical industrial economics • Empirical modelling, econometric methods and economic theory • Competition policy and regulation • Use of statistical and econometric software

3 Learning objectives Students... ... practise applying and assessing empirical methods used in the field of industrial eco-

nomics, based on fundamental and current research contributions (e.g. demand esti-

mation, structural estimation of production functions, models of market entry). ... thereby gain advanced knowledge of econometric methods, apply selected models

used in theoretical industrial economics and assess intervention through competition

policy and regulation.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements Recommendations: Core module Econometrics or Econometrics (Research Track),

core module Microeconomics I or Microeconomics I (Research Track)

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (60)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test. Only one course must be attended; the examination refers to

the topic of only one course.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

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9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Susanne Prantl

10 Miscellaneous The "Empirical Industrial Organization (Research Track)" course consists of lectures

and integrated exercise units. In the latter, the students learn how to use statistical and

econometric software and practise applying empirical methods used in industrial eco-

nomics. Additional information will be provided at the beginning of the term in the rele-

vant online systems.

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Specialisation Module Topics in Markets and Institutions C

Module code 1302SMTM04

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every 2nd

term - winter


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Information and Strategy (WS



hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module content • asymmetric information: its implications for markets and strategic interactions in

terms of efficiency, welfare and strategic choices • settings with monetary transfers (like bilateral trade) and without monetary transfers

(like informal advice or voting) • strategic communication and information transmission • information design and Bayesian persuasion

3 Learning objectives Students... ... understand and explain the effects and creation of asymmetric information using

game theoretic tools. ... Students analyze strategic situations that feature information asymmetries. ... Students explain and evaluate current developments in information economics.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements No recommendations.

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Combined examination: PRES, TP

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Christoph Schottmüller

10 Miscellaneous More detailed information is available on the website of the chair.

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Specialisation Module Economics of Innovation

Module Code 1302SMEI00

Workload 180h


dits 6


Language English



lity every 2nd

term - sum-

mer term

Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Economics of Innovation


Hours 60h


dies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module Content • Pivotal and current empirical research on selected topics in economics of innovation: - ideas and knowledge production, adoption and diffusion of technologies, mobility of in-

novators - competition in product markets, innovation and economic growth - intellectual property rights, science and basic research, design of incentive mechanisms

for innovators - bounded rational and rational decisions of innovators, firms and consumers in new mar-

kets • Methods of empirical modeling, econometric methods, economic theory and data

sources • Instruments of research policy, innovation policy and growth policy

3 Learning Objectives Students... ... analyse and assess advanced empirical approaches to identifying causal relationships

in the area of economics of innovation. ... use quantitative methods for the evaluation of research, innovation, or growth policy in-

terventions in innovation processes and markets. ... advance their knowledge of econometric methods and build on their knowledge of eco-

nomic theory. ... study the relevance of core characteristics of the relevant data and get to know im-

portant data sources. ... scrutinize current scientific literature ... are introduced to new research questions and guided to develop original research


4 Teaching and Learning Methods lecture practice

5 Module Entry Requirements Recommended: Core Modules Econometrics I, Microeconomics, and Macroeconomics in

the M.Sc. Economics or the Core Modules Advanced Econometrics I, Advanced Microeco-

nomics I, and Advanced Macroeconomics I in the M.Sc. Economic Research

6 Mode of End-Of-Module Examination Written test: WT (60)

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7 Prerequisites for Awarding of Credit Points Passing the written test.

8 Other Programmes that Use the Module Master of Science Economics: Specialization Section Economics (since Wintersemester 2018/2019) Supplementary Section (since Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Supplementary Section Finance Master of Science Business Administration - Supply Chain Management: Supplementary Section Supply Chain Management Master of Science Information Systems: Supplementary Section Information Systems Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Supplementary Section Corporate Development Master of Arts Political Science: Supplementary Section Political Science

9 Module Manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Susanne Prantl

10 Miscellaneous See the relevant online systems and www.ieam.uni-koeln.de for further information.

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Specialisation Module Topics in Macroeconomics and Public Economics

Module code 1302SMTM00

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage German and



availability every fourth


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Advanced Taxation Theory


hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module content • Optimal non-linear taxation: methods • Justification for optimal linear taxes from an information economics point of view • Optimal tax structure: direct versus indirect taxation • Optimal taxation of capital income • Current trends in the literature

3 Learning objectives Students... ...know how to describe an optimal taxation problem in formal terms., ...know how to use the mathematical methods to solve these models, ...describe the established conclusions of optimal tax theory, ...adopt, classify and assess the latest research findings.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements Recommended: basic knowledge of public economics

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Portfolio: PO

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points A pass in the written test. Furthermore, students have to submit problem sets which

make up 25 % of the grade.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Felix Bierbrauer

10 Miscellaneous

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Specialisation Module Time Series Analysis

Module code 1314SMTS00

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every fourth

term - winter


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Time Series Analysis


hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module content • Seasonality and trend • ARIMA models • Estimation and forecasting of ARIMA processes • Goodness of fit and model selection • Stationary tests • GARCH processes • Dynamic regression models • Cointegration and Granger causality • Co-integrated time series

3 Learning objectives Students... ... deepen their knowledge of statistical econometric methods for analysing time series

data. ... specify ARIMA processes as well as estimate and interpret ARIMA parameters. ... predict economic time series. ... model time-varying volatility. ... analyse the dynamic relation between multivariate time series with vector autoregres-

sive models, estimate the effects of economic shocks and interpret the results.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice project

5 Module entry requirements Core Module Econometrics I

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (90)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development:

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Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Business Administration - Marketing: Ergänzungsbereich Marketing Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics Master of Arts Politikwissenschaft: Ergänzungsbereich Politikwissenschaft Master of Science Business Administration - Media and Technology Management: Ergänzungsbereich Media and Technology Management Master of Science Business Administration - Accounting and Taxation: Ergänzungsbereich Accounting and Taxation Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jörg Breitung Univ.-Prof. Dr. Roman Liesenfeld

10 Miscellaneous

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Specialisation Module Bayesian Econometrics

Module code 1314SMBE00

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every fourth


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Bayesian Econometrics


hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module content • Basic Principles of Bayesian Econometrics • Bayesian Estimators and Numerical Integration • Importance Sampling and Markov-Chain-Monte-Carlo • Gaussian Linear Regression Model with Conjugate Priors • Gaussian Linear Regression Model with Non-Conjugate Priors • Linear Regression Model with General Error Covariance Matrix • Time Series Models • Models for disrcrete dependent variables • Students will practice the use of the methods using econometric software to analyse

economic data

3 Learning objectives Students... ... describe the main Bayesian inference concepts and methods for econometric mod-

els. ... implement Bayesian methods to analyse linear regression and time series models. ... implement modern Monte-Carlo integration methods (MCMC and importance sam-

pling) to analyse a posteriori distributions. ... use Bayesian approaches to compare models and to forecast and test parameter re-

strictions. ... operate Bayesian analyses independently.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice project

5 Module entry requirements Recommended: Core module Econometrics I and/or specialisation module Advanced

Statistics (Stochastics Processes) or Advanced Statistics (Statistical Inference)

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Oral examination: OE (30)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the oral examination.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Information Systems:

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Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Business Administration - Marketing: Ergänzungsbereich Marketing Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics Master of Arts Politikwissenschaft: Ergänzungsbereich Politikwissenschaft Master of Science Business Administration - Media and Technology Management: Ergänzungsbereich Media and Technology Management Master of Science Business Administration - Accounting and Taxation: Ergänzungsbereich Accounting and Taxation Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Roman Liesenfeld

10 Miscellaneous Reading list: • Bauwens, L., Lubrano, M., Richard, J.F. (1999), Bayesian Inference in

Dynamic Econometric Models, Oxford University Press, New York. • Geweke, J. (2005),

Contemporary Bayesian Econometrics and Statistics, John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken. •

Koop, G. (2003), Bayesian Econometrics, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester.• Koop,

G., Poirier, D.J., Tobias, J.L. (2007), Bayesian Econometric Methods, Cambridge Uni-

versity Press, Cambridge. • Lancaster, T. (2004), An Introduction to Modern Bayesian

Econometrics, Blackwell Publishing, Malden. • Robert, C.P., and G. Casella (2004),

Monte Carlo Statistical Methods, Springer-Verlag.

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Specialisation Module Statistical Analysis of Financial Data

Module code 1314SMSF00

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every fourth

term- summer


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Statistical Analysis of Financial



hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module content • Financial market time series and their properties • Linear time series models • Empirical analysis of the efficiency of securities markets and the predictability of re-

turns on securities • Empirical analysis of the capital asset pricing model • Empirical analysis of intertemporal asset pricing models • Volatility models • Market microstructure and high-frequency data • The students apply the methods they have learned in computer-aided exercises using

econometric software to analyse financial market data

3 Learning objectives Students... ... describe the stylised facts relating to financial market data. ... use financial market econometrics models. ... conduct empirical analysis and studies of financial market time series independently. ... understand and critically assess current academic contributions to empirical financial

market research. ... apply statistical econometric methods with which to forecast and model univariate

and multivariate financial market time series.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements Recommended: Core Module Econometrics and/or Specialisation Module Advanced

Statistics I and II.

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (90)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems

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Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Business Administration - Marketing: Ergänzungsbereich Marketing Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics Master of Arts Politikwissenschaft: Ergänzungsbereich Politikwissenschaft Master of Science Business Administration - Media and Technology Management: Ergänzungsbereich Media and Technology Management Master of Science Business Administration - Accounting and Taxation: Ergänzungsbereich Accounting and Taxation Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Roman Liesenfeld

10 Miscellaneous Reading list: - Campbell, J.Y., Lo, A.W. and A.C.MacKinlay (1997), The Econometrics

of Financial Markets, Princeton University Press, Princeton. - Gourieroux, C. and J.

Jasiak (2001), Financial Econometrics, Princeton University Press, Princeton. - Schmid,

F. and M. Trede (2005), Finanzmarktstatistik, Springer, Berlin. - Taylor, S. (1986), Mod-

elling Financial Time Series, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester. - Taylor, S. (2005), Asset

Price Dynamics, Volatility, and Prediction, Princeton University Press, Princeton. - Tsay,

R. (2010), Analysis of Financial Time Series, 3rd. ed., John Wiley & Sons, New York.

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Specialisation module Advanced Statistics (Stochastic Processes)

Module code 1314SMAS03

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every second

semester -

summer term

Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Advanced Statistics II (Stochas-

tic Processes)


hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module content • ANOVA • Interval estimation • Bootstrap • Non-parametric tests (Independence tests, rank tests) • Stochastic processes (Martingale, Markov strings)

3 Learning objectives Students... ... deepen their knowledge of probability theory and stochastic modelling. ... calculate and interpret probabilities and tests. ... model economic phenomena with the aid of random variables and stochastic pro-


4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements Recommended: Solid basic knowledge of probability theory gained in bachelor degree,

Core Module in Mathematics (BSc in Economics/Business Administration) and core and

advanced modules in Statistics (BSc in Economics/Business Administration).

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (90)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Basis- und Aufbaubereich Finance Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Business Administration - Supply Chain Management: Basis- und Aufbaubereich Supply Chain Management Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Basis- und Aufbaubereich Corporate Development Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19:

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Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Business Administration - Marketing: Basis- und Aufbaubereich Marketing Ergänzungsbereich Marketing Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics Master of Arts Politikwissenschaft: Ergänzungsbereich Politikwissenschaft Master of Science Business Administration - Media and Technology Management: Basis- und Aufbaubereich Media and Technology Management Ergänzungsbereich Media and Technology Management Master of Science Business Administration - Accounting and Taxation: Core and Advanced Section Accounting and Taxation Ergänzungsbereich Accounting and Taxation Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dominik Wied

10 Miscellaneous

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Specialisation Module Advanced Statistics (Statistical Inference)

Module code 1314SMAS01

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every 2nd

term - winter


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Advanced Statistics (Statistical



hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module content • Sampling • Theory of point and interval estimation and estimation methods • Theory of hypothesis testing and test procedures • Estimation and testing for stochastic processes

3 Learning objectives Students... ... deepen their knowledge of parameter estimation and testing of statistical hypotheses. ... outline the fundamentals of statistical data collection methods. ... conduct point and interval estimation and hypothesis testing. ... perform special parametric and non-parametric estimations and tests. ... perform statistical inference analysis of stochastic models.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements Recommended: Solid basic knowledge of probability theory gained in bachelor degree,

Core Module in Mathematics (BSc in Economics/Business Administration) and core and

advanced modules in Statistics (BSc in Eco-nomics/Business Administration).

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (90)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Basis- und Aufbaubereich Finance Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Business Administration - Supply Chain Management: Basis- und Aufbaubereich Supply Chain Management Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Basis- und Aufbaubereich Corporate Development Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19:

Page 379: MODule Catalogue - WiSo-Fakultät...MODULE CATALOGUE - ECONOMICS - MASTER OF SCIENCE 1 1 Economics The Master in Economics programme gives students the sound academic training they



Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Business Administration - Marketing: Basis- und Aufbaubereich Marketing Ergänzungsbereich Marketing Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics Master of Arts Politikwissenschaft: Ergänzungsbereich Politikwissenschaft Master of Science Business Administration - Media and Technology Management: Basis- und Aufbaubereich Media and Technology Management Ergänzungsbereich Media and Technology Management Master of Science Business Administration - Accounting and Taxation: Core and Advanced Section Accounting and Taxation Ergänzungsbereich Accounting and Taxation Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dominik Wied

10 Miscellaneous

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Specialisation Module Topics in Statistics A

Module code 1314SMTS01

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage German and



availability every fourth


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Topics in Statistics A


hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language German and English

2 Module content • Latest statistical and econometric methods • Applications in business administration, management studies and economics and so-

cial sciences

3 Learning objectives Students... ... deepen their knowledge of special statistical and econometric methods and how they

are applied in empirical economic research.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice project

5 Module entry requirements Recommended: Core Module Econometrics I

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (90)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Business Administration - Marketing: Ergänzungsbereich Marketing Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics Master of Arts Politikwissenschaft: Ergänzungsbereich Politikwissenschaft Master of Science Business Administration - Media and Technology Management: Ergänzungsbereich Media and Technology Management

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Master of Science Business Administration - Accounting and Taxation: Ergänzungsbereich Accounting and Taxation Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jörg Breitung

10 Miscellaneous

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Specialisation Module Topics in Statistics B

Module code 1314SMTS02

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage German and



availability every fourth


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Topics in Statistics B


hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language German and English

2 Module content • Latest statistical and econometric methods • Applications in business administration, management studies and economics and so-

cial sciences

3 Learning objectives Students... ... deepen their knowledge of special statistical and econometric methods and how they

are applied in empirical economic research.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice project

5 Module entry requirements Recommended: Core Module Econometrics I

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (90)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Business Administration - Marketing: Ergänzungsbereich Marketing Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics Master of Arts Politikwissenschaft: Ergänzungsbereich Politikwissenschaft Master of Science Business Administration - Media and Technology Management: Ergänzungsbereich Media and Technology Management

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Master of Science Business Administration - Accounting and Taxation: Ergänzungsbereich Accounting and Taxation Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Roman Liesenfeld

10 Miscellaneous

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Specialisation Module Topics in Econometrics C

Module code 1314SMTE03

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage German and



availability every fourth


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Topics in Econometrics C


hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language German and English

2 Module content • Latest statistical and econometric methods • Applications in business administration, management studies and economics and so-

cial sciences

3 Learning objectives Students... ... deepen their knowledge of special econometric and statistical methods and how they

are applied in empirical economic research.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice project

5 Module entry requirements Recommended: Core Module Econometrics I

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (90)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Business Administration - Marketing: Ergänzungsbereich Marketing Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics Master of Arts Politikwissenschaft: Ergänzungsbereich Politikwissenschaft Master of Science Business Administration - Media and Technology Management: Ergänzungsbereich Media and Technology Management

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Master of Science Business Administration - Accounting and Taxation: Ergänzungsbereich Accounting and Taxation Economic Research: Supplementary Section Economic Research

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dominik Wied

10 Miscellaneous

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Specialisation Module Seminar Statistics and Econometrics

Module code 1314SMSS00

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage German and



availability every second

semester -

summer term

Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Seminar in Statistics and Econ-



hours 30h

Self-Studies 150h

Course Language German and English

2 Module content The seminar covers topics from areas such as: • Time series analysis • Microeconometrics • Macreconometrics • Panel econometrics • Financial market econometrics and statistics • Bayesian econometrics and statistics • Non-parametric methods • Analysis of stochastic processes • Statistical inference

3 Learning objectives Students... ... analyse specialist literature on the subject. ... critically assess contemporary statistical and econometric methods. ... apply contemporary statistical and econometric methods independently in practice to

analyse real data. ... write and present a paper in accordance with academic standards.

4 Teaching and learning methods seminar

5 Module entry requirements Recommended: Core module Econometrics I and/or specialisation module Advanced

Statistics (Stochastics Processes) or Advanced Statistics (Statistical Inference)

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Combined examination: PRES, TP

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the combined examination.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19:

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Schwerpunktbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Business Administration - Marketing: Ergänzungsbereich Marketing Master of Science Economics: Schwerpunktbereich Economics Master of Arts Politikwissenschaft: Ergänzungsbereich Politikwissenschaft Master of Science Business Administration - Media and Technology Management: Ergänzungsbereich Media and Technology Management Master of Science Business Administration - Accounting and Taxation: Ergänzungsbereich Accounting and Taxation

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jörg Breitung Univ.-Prof. Dr. Roman Liesenfeld Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dominik Wied

10 Miscellaneous

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Stduies Abroad in Economics A

Module code 1428STiE01

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-



availability every term

Duration 1 Term

1 Courses




Course Language

2 Module content

3 Learning objectives Students...

4 Teaching and learning methods depending on course choice

5 Module entry requirements

6 Mode of end-of-module examination TR - depending on course selection

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019)

9 Module manager

10 Miscellaneous

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Stduies Abroad in Economics B

Module code 1428STiE02

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-



availability every term

Duration 1 Term

1 Courses




Course Language

2 Module content

3 Learning objectives Students...

4 Teaching and learning methods depending on course choice

5 Module entry requirements

6 Mode of end-of-module examination TR - depending on course selection

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019)

9 Module manager

10 Miscellaneous

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Core Module Advanced Mathematics

Module code 1314BMAMa0

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every 2nd

term - winter


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Advanced Mathematics for



hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module content - Overview of elementary mathematical concepts - Metric and standardized spaces - Linear algebra - Differential calculus and applications - Convex sets and concave functions - Optimisation

3 Learning objectives Students... ... apply mathematical argumentation and proof techniques correctly. ...formulate economic problems occurring in research mathematically and solve them.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements No recommendations

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (90)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Economic Research: Core and Advanced Section Economic Research Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Business Administration - Supply Chain Management: Ergänzungsbereich Supply Chain Management Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Business Administration - Marketing: Ergänzungsbereich Marketing Master of Science Business Administration - Media and Technology Management: Ergänzungsbereich Media and Technology Management

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Master of Science Business Administration - Accounting and Taxation: Ergänzungsbereich Accounting and Taxation Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019)

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Martin Barbie

10 Miscellaneous

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Core Module Advanced Experimental Methods

Module code 1289BMAEM0

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every 2nd

term - winter


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Advanced Experimental Me-



hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module content - Experimental Methods in economic sciences - Experimental design - Practical execution of experiments - Evaluation of data from economic experiments

3 Learning objectives Students... ... understand different methods and know application areas of experimental economic

research. ... apply the methods, evaluate them, and interpret experimental data. ... use the technical language in a manner appropriate to the addressee.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements No recommendations

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (60)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Economic Research: Core and Advanced Section Economic Research Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Business Administration - Supply Chain Management: Ergänzungsbereich Supply Chain Management Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Business Administration - Marketing: Ergänzungsbereich Marketing Master of Science Business Administration - Media and Technology Management: Ergänzungsbereich Media and Technology Management

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Master of Science Business Administration - Accounting and Taxation: Ergänzungsbereich Accounting and Taxation Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Economic Research: Specialization Section Economic Research

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andreas Schabert

10 Miscellaneous Literatur Experimental Methods: Friedman and Sunder, Experimental Methods: A Pri-

mer for Economists, Cambridge University Press (1994)

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Core Module Advanced Computational Methods

Module code 1289BMACM0

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every 2nd

term - winter


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Computational Methods


hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module content - Programming numerical algorithms - Numerical approximation - Numerical solution of zeroing and optimization problems - Application to canonical economic problems - Parametrization, solution and simulation of structural economic models

3 Learning objectives Students... ...apply numerical methods and programs for the solution and simulation of quantitative

structural economic models. ... interpret results of the application of numerical models. ...use the technical language in a way that is appropriate for the target group.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements No recommendations

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (60)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Economic Research: Core and Advanced Section Economic Research Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Business Administration - Supply Chain Management: Ergänzungsbereich Supply Chain Management Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Business Administration - Marketing: Ergänzungsbereich Marketing Master of Science Business Administration - Media and Technology Management:

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Ergänzungsbereich Media and Technology Management Master of Science Business Administration - Accounting and Taxation: Ergänzungsbereich Accounting and Taxation Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Economic Research: Specialization Section Economic Research

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andreas Schabert

10 Miscellaneous

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Core Module Advanced Microeconomics I

Module code 1289BMAMi1

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every 2nd

term - winter


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Advanced Microeconomics I


hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module content - Theory of household and demand - Theory of the enterprise and the supply - Market equilibrium

3 Learning objectives Students... ... understand modern microeconomic concepts. ... are proficient in the most important techniques of microeconomic analysis, such as

the analysis of individual decision-making behaviour. ... use mathematical models to investigate price formation in markets. ... modify these models to recognize their limitations and to analyze the effects of politi-

cal interventions.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements Recommended: Good basic knowledge of microeconomics and mathematics.

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (60)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Economic Research: Core and Advanced Section Economic Research Specialization Section Economic Research Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Business Administration - Supply Chain Management: Ergänzungsbereich Supply Chain Management Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Business Administration - Marketing: Ergänzungsbereich Marketing

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Master of Science Business Administration - Media and Technology Management: Ergänzungsbereich Media and Technology Management Master of Science Business Administration - Accounting and Taxation: Ergänzungsbereich Accounting and Taxation Master of Science Mathematik: VWL MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Wirtschaftsmathematik: VWL MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019)

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Johannes Münster

10 Miscellaneous

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Core Module Advanced Microeconomics II

Module code 1289BMAMi2

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every second

semester -

summer term

Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Advanced Microeconomics II


hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module content - Static games with complete information: Nash Equilibrium, Mixed Strategies - Dynamic games with complete information: subgame perfect Nash Equilibrium, one-

shot deviation principle, bargaining, forward induction - Static games with incomplete information: Bayesian Nash Equilibrium, auctions - Dynamic games with incomplete information: Perfect Bayesian Nash Equilibrium and

refinements, signaling games - Mechanism design and social preferences aggregation - Current developments in game theory and mechanism design

3 Learning objectives Students... ...acquire and deepen methodological knowledge in the field of modern game theory

and machinism design. ...discuss the latest developments in game theory.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements No recommendations

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (60)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Economic Research: Core and Advanced Section Economic Research Specialization Section Economic Research Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Business Administration - Supply Chain Management: Ergänzungsbereich Supply Chain Management Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development

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Master of Science Business Administration - Marketing: Ergänzungsbereich Marketing Master of Science Business Administration - Media and Technology Management: Ergänzungsbereich Media and Technology Management Master of Science Business Administration - Accounting and Taxation: Ergänzungsbereich Accounting and Taxation Master of Science Mathematik: VWL MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Wirtschaftsmathematik: VWL MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019)

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Christoph Schottmüller

10 Miscellaneous

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Core Module Advanced Macroeconomics I

Module code 1302BMAMa1

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every 2nd

term - winter


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Advanced Macroeconomics I


hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module content - Stylized facts: growth and business cycyles - Dynamic optimization in continuous time and in discrete time under uncertainty - Stability and uniqueness of dynamic systems - The canonical neoclassical growth model - Exogenous and endogenous growth - Real business cycles (TFP and fiscal policy shocks) - Numeral solutions, simulation and evaluation of structural models - Calibration and introduction in structural estimation of model parameter

3 Learning objectives Students... ... analyze and solve the canonical models of real business cycle and growth theory at

an advanced methodological level. … apply the mathematical and numerical methods necessary to do so. ... tailor and apply these models to answer positive and normative research questions

in the areas of growth and business cycle fluctuations. … discuss the strengths and weaknesses of these models in terms of their assump-

tions and implications. … parameterize models using filtered data und assess the goodness of fit. ... develop analytical skills required for research activities and further studies (doctor-

ate). … gain an understanding of the most important strands of the literature that prepares

them for their own research at an advanced level.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements No recommendations

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (60)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Economic Research: Core and Advanced Section Economic Research

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Specialization Section Economic Research Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Business Administration - Supply Chain Management: Ergänzungsbereich Supply Chain Management Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Business Administration - Marketing: Ergänzungsbereich Marketing Master of Science Business Administration - Media and Technology Management: Ergänzungsbereich Media and Technology Management Master of Science Business Administration - Accounting and Taxation: Ergänzungsbereich Accounting and Taxation Master of Science Mathematik: VWL MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Wirtschaftsmathematik: VWL MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019)

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Peter Funk Univ.-Prof. Dr. Johannes Pfeifer

10 Miscellaneous Useful references are: - Acemoglu, Daron (2008). Introduction to modern economic

growth. Princeton University Press. - McCandless, George T. (2008). The ABC of

RBCs. Harvard University Press. - King, Robert G. and Sergio T. Rebelo (1999).

“Resuscitating real business cycles”. Handbook of macroeconomics. Ed. by John B.

Taylor and Michael Woodford. Vol. 1. Elsevier, 927–1007. - Chow, Gregory C.

(1997). Dynamic economics: optimization by the Lagrange method. Oxford: Oxford Uni-

versity Press. - Ljungqvist, Lars and Thomas J. Sargent (2012). Recursive macroeco-

nomic theory. 3rd ed. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. - Stokey, Nancy, Robert E. Lu-

cas, and Edward C. Prescott (1989). Recursive methods in economic dynamics. Har-

vard University Press.

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Core Module Advanced Macroeconomics II

Module code 1302BMAMa2

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every second

semester -

summer term

Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Advanced Macroeconomics II


hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module content - Complete markets and representative agents - Incomplete markets and heterogenous agents - Fiscal policy, public debt, and optimal taxation - Transaction frictions and monetary policy - Open economy macroeconomics - New Keynesian macroeconomics - Labor market frictions and Labor market fluctuations

3 Learning objectives Students... ...master core macroeconomic concepts for solving positive and normative problems

and acquire skill for innovative research. ... deepen their knowledge of short- and medium-run macroeconomic developments

and of efficient conduct of policy measures. …evaluate and discuss the impact of empirically relevant frictions in goods, financial

and labor markets. … recognize possibilities to enhance social welfare in a general equilibrium framework

with incomplete markets. ... Identify the optimal implementation of macroeconomic instruments under relevant

policy trade-offs. ... question and assess societal developments, in particular, inequality and unemploy-

ment, and reflect current policy measures with regard to potential research projects.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements No recommendations

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (90)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Economic Research: Core and Advanced Section Economic Research Specialization Section Economic Research

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Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Business Administration - Supply Chain Management: Ergänzungsbereich Supply Chain Management Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Business Administration - Marketing: Ergänzungsbereich Marketing Master of Science Business Administration - Media and Technology Management: Ergänzungsbereich Media and Technology Management Master of Science Business Administration - Accounting and Taxation: Ergänzungsbereich Accounting and Taxation Master of Science Mathematik: VWL MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Wirtschaftsmathematik: VWL MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019)

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Michael Krause, Ph.D. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andreas Schabert

10 Miscellaneous Useful references are Ljungqvist, Lars and Thomas J. Sargent (2012). Recursive mac-

roeconomic theory. 3rd ed. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press; Gali, J. (2015) Monetary Pol-

icy, Inflation, and the Business Cycle An Introduction to the New Keynesian Framework

and Its Applications, 2nd ed., Princeton University Press. Schmitt-Grohe, S., and Uribe

M. (2017). Open Economy Macroeconomics, Princeton University Press

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Core Module Advanced Econometrics I

Module code 1314BMAEc1

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every 2nd

term - winter


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Advanced Econometrics: The-



hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module content - The classic linear model - Tests in the classical linear model - Specification of econometric models - Generalized linear model - panel data regression - Time series econometric methods - Instrument Variables / GMM - Asymptotic Inference

3 Learning objectives Students... ...have basic knowledge of econometric methods, which enable them to understand sci-

entific contributions in the field of empirical economic research and to assess the prop-

erties of quantitative methods. ...model economic relationships econometrically and choose between alternative model

specifications. ...estimate parameters with suitable methods and carry out hypothesis tests.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements No recommendations

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (60)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test

8 Other programmes that use the module Economic Research: Core and Advanced Section Economic Research Specialization Section Economic Research Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Business Administration - Supply Chain Management: Ergänzungsbereich Supply Chain Management Master of Science Information Systems:

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Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Business Administration - Marketing: Ergänzungsbereich Marketing Master of Science Business Administration - Media and Technology Management: Ergänzungsbereich Media and Technology Management Master of Science Business Administration - Accounting and Taxation: Ergänzungsbereich Accounting and Taxation Master of Science Mathematik: VWL MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Wirtschaftsmathematik: VWL MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019)

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jörg Breitung

10 Miscellaneous This course presents econometric tools for the analysis of cross-sectional data, time se-

ries and panel data at doctoral level.

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Core Module Advanced Econometrics II

Module code 1314BMAEc2

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every second

semester -

summer term

Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Advanced Econometrics: Appli-



hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module content - Evaluation of causal effects - Fixed effects and difference-in-difference estimator - Regression discontinuity designs - Robust standard errors and clustering - Structural estimates with experimental data

3 Learning objectives Students... ... implement estimation methods and test procedures. ... discuss situation estimation and testing procedures. ... apply appropriate econometric models and the corresponding inference methods. ... carry out empirical studies in modern macro- and microeconometrics. ... report on their approach and their results.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements No recommendations

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: TP

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test

8 Other programmes that use the module Economic Research: Core and Advanced Section Economic Research Specialization Section Economic Research Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Business Administration - Supply Chain Management: Ergänzungsbereich Supply Chain Management Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Business Administration - Marketing:

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Ergänzungsbereich Marketing Master of Science Business Administration - Media and Technology Management: Ergänzungsbereich Media and Technology Management Master of Science Business Administration - Accounting and Taxation: Ergänzungsbereich Accounting and Taxation Master of Science Mathematik: VWL MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Wirtschaftsmathematik: VWL MA Mathe/Wirtschaftsmathe Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019)

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jörg Breitung

10 Miscellaneous This course presents econometric tools for the analysis of cross-sectional data, time se-

ries and panel data at doctoral level.

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Specialization Module Market Design and Mechanism Design

Module code 1289SMMD01

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every second

semester -

summer term

Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Matching and Market Design:

Theory and Practice


hours 30h

Self-Studies 150h

Course Language English

2 Module content Matching Markets, Mechanism Design with and without monetary transfers

3 Learning objectives Students... ... understand leading theoretical models of mechanism market design with and without

monetary transfers. ... analyze existing mechanism market designs based on a portfolio of theories, experi-

ments and empirical analyses. ... improve existing mechanism market designs.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements Recommended: Knowledge of game theory

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Combined examination: PRES, TP

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the combined examination

8 Other programmes that use the module Economic Research: Specialization Section Economic Research Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019)

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Christoph Schottmüller Univ.-Prof. Dr. Alexander Westkamp

10 Miscellaneous

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Specialization Module Political Economy and Media Economics

Module code 1289SMPE00

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every second

semester -

summer term

Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Political Economics and Media



hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module content - Aggregation of preferences and information on socially relevant issues - Models of political competition in democracies, e.g. on social issues, taxation and re-

distribution - Behavioural economic aspects of political competition - Interaction of media markets and politics

3 Learning objectives Students... ... know classical and current research results in the field of Political Economics. ...understand formal models of political competition in democracies. ...explain empirical findings with the help of these models. ...discuss the current state of research and implications for society.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements Recommended: Knowledge of game theory, knowledge of consumer behaviour theory

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (90)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Economic Research: Specialization Section Economic Research Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019)

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Matthias Messner Univ.-Prof. Dr. Johannes Münster

10 Miscellaneous

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Specialization Module Advanced Public Economics

Module code 1302SMAPE0

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every second

semester -

summer term

Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Advanced Public Economics


hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module content - Optimal income taxation - Optimum excise duties - Optimal combination of direct and indirect taxes - Taxation of capital income - Corporate taxation - Political economy of redistributive taxes - Sufficient statistics approaches - perturbation method - Mechanism design

3 Learning objectives Students... ... analyse tax and expenditure policy. ... discuss conflicts between efficiency and distribution targets. ... apply methods for the formal analysis of optimal tax systems. ... apply methods for the formal analysis of tax reforms.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements Recommended: basic knowledge of differential calculus, optimization problems with

constraints, knowledge of consumer theory, knowledge of game theory

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Portfolio: PO

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test

8 Other programmes that use the module Economic Research: Specialization Section Economic Research Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019)

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Felix Bierbrauer

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10 Miscellaneous

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Specialization Module Advanced Behavioral Economics

Module code 1289SMABE0

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every second

semester -

summer term

Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Behavioral Economics


hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module content Departing from a general treatment effects framework, this module focuses on econo-

metric methods that are of particular use to behavioural economists. Examples are

sampling and power analysis, treatment effects with and without randomization, dis-

crete choice, Bayesian updating, mediation analysis, treatment effect decompositions

as well as more structural behavioural methods.

3 Learning objectives Students... ... understand what statistical/econometric considerations to take into account when

generating their own data in a lab or field experiment. ... know how to choose appropriate estimators to tackle questions in behavioural eco-

nomics. ... know how to evaluate societally relevant policies (e.g. social or gender policies) from

a behavioural economic perspective. ... know how to read/judge empirical papers in behavioural economics.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements Recommended: Core Module Microeconomics I

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Portfolio: PO

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Economic Research: Specialization Section Economic Research Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019)

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Pia Pinger

10 Miscellaneous

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Specialization Module Frictions, Technology, and Inequality

Module code 1302SMFTI0

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every second

semester -

summer term

Duration 1 Term

1 Courses a) Technical Change, Labor,

and Inequality b) Fragile Financial Markets


hours a) 60h b) 60h

Self-Studies a) 120h b) 120h

Course Language a) English b) English

2 Module content LV a) • Balanced and imbalanced growth and the dynamics of inequality in standard models

with capital, skilled labor, and unskilled labor. • Directed technical change, balanced growth and persistent inequality. • Automation in models with directed technical change: Causes and implications. Ro-

bots: Curse or Blessing? Robots and Taxes. • Persistent inequality and the dynamics of skill acquisition and labor supply. • Polarization in models with occupations and tasks. Assignment models. • Technical change and labor market issues: labor reallocation, unemployment, and

public policy. • Empirical analysis of the causes and consequences of technological change and

earnings inequality. • Episodes of fundamental technical change as quasi-experimental settings for causal


LV b) • Asymmetric information and financial acceleration • Limited enforcement und endogenous financial constraints • Pecuniary externalities in financial markets and fire sales • Financal regulation and corrective policies

3 Learning objectives Students... … develop the analytical skills to apply theoretical models dealing with the issues of this

specialization … master advanced methods to explain empirical facts and relevant social develop-

ments (e.g. automation, financial instability) and to reflect policy measure …discuss distributional aspects of technological change, market incompleteness, and

externalities ... communicate and apply the appropriate methods for the economic and econometric

analysis of issues in this specialization ... discuss and evaluate empirical results and econometric methods for hypothesis test-

ing and causal inference

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

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5 Module entry requirements Recommended: Core Module Advanced Macroeconomics I, Core Module Advanced

Econometrics I; Core Module Advanced Macroeconomics II kann parallel gehört werden

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (90)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Economic Research: Specialization Section Economic Research Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019)

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Peter Funk Univ.-Prof. Dr. Erik Hornung Univ.-Prof. Michael Krause, Ph.D. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andreas Schabert

10 Miscellaneous

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Specialisation Module Microeconometrics

Module code 1314SMMi00

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every fourth


Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Microeconometrics


hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module content - Limited dependent variables - Identification and estimation of causal effects (treatment effects) - Analysis of panel data - Quantile regression and distribution regression - Nonparametric density estimation and regression.

3 Learning objectives Students... ... deepen their knowledge of microeconometric methods for discrete and limited de-

pendent variables required for empirical analysis of corporate, household or customer

behaviour based on individual data. ... conduct empirical studies on (micro)economic questions independently. ... understand and critically assess current contributions to research in applied microe-


4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice project

5 Module entry requirements Recommended: Core Module Econometrics I, Advanced Econometrics I

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (90)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Economic Research: Specialization Section Economic Research Master of Arts Politikwissenschaft: Ergänzungsbereich Politikwissenschaft

9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jörg Breitung Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dominik Wied

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10 Miscellaneous

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Specialization Module Time Series Econometrics

Module code 1314SMTSE0

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage English


availability every second

semester -

summer term

Duration 1 Term

1 Courses Time Series Econometrics


hours 60h

Self-Studies 120h

Course Language English

2 Module content - Uni- and multivariate linear time series processes - Vector Autoregressive (VAR) Models - Structural analysis in the context of VARs - Bayesian VARs - state-space models - Uni- and multivariate volatility models

3 Learning objectives Students... ... deepen their knowledge of econometric methods for the analysis of time series. ... specify ARMA, VAR and state space processes and analyze their theoretical proper-

ties. ... investigate the dynamic dependencies between time series with the help of impulse

response functions and interpret them. ...gain knowledge in classical and Bayesian methods for inference in time series mod-

els and implement them. ... use time series models to forecast economic time series. ... model time-varying dynamic volatility.

4 Teaching and learning methods lecture practice

5 Module entry requirements Recommended: Core Module Econometrics I and II, Advanced Econometrics I

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (90)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the exam.

8 Other programmes that use the module Economic Research: Specialization Section Economic Research Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Arts Politikwissenschaft: Ergänzungsbereich Politikwissenschaft

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9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Dr. Robinson Kruse-Becher Univ.-Prof. Dr. Roman Liesenfeld

10 Miscellaneous Literature: Bauwens, L., Lubrano, M., Richard, J.-F., (1999), Bayesian Inference in Dy-

namic Econ-ometric Models, Oxford University Press, New York. Hamilton, J.D. (1994),

Time Series Analysis, Princeton University Press, Princeton. Lütkepohl, H. (2006), New

Introduction to Multiple Time Series Analysis, Springer, Berlin

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Specialization Module Selected Issues in Economic Research I

Module code 1287SMER01

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage German and



availability irregular


1 Courses




Course Language

2 Module content depending on course choice

3 Learning objectives Students... ... depending on course choice

4 Teaching and learning methods depending on course choice

5 Module entry requirements depending on course choice

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test: WT (90)

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points depending on course choice

8 Other programmes that use the module Economic Research: Specialization Section Economic Research Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019)

9 Module manager N.N.

10 Miscellaneous Can be offered in English or any other language at the host university. This module can

be studied at a foreign university. In this case there is a standardized crediting proce-

dure. Information on course crediting (deadlines and procedures) can be obtained from

the Crediting Centre (WiSo Crediting Centre: https://www.anrechnungwiso.uni-ko-

eln.de/). This module can also be attended as part of a summer school organised by

the WiSo Faculty. In this case, the prior registration for the exam must be carried out in

accordance with the WiSo Faculty regulations.

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Specialization Module Selected Issues in Economic Research II

Module code 1287SMER02

Workload 180h

ECTS credits 6

Module Lan-

guage German and



availability irregular


1 Courses




Course Language

2 Module content depending on course choice

3 Learning objectives Students... ... depending on course choice

4 Teaching and learning methods depending on course choice

5 Module entry requirements depending on course choice

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Combined examination: PRES, TP

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points depending on course choice

8 Other programmes that use the module Economic Research: Specialization Section Economic Research Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019)

9 Module manager N.N.

10 Miscellaneous Can be offered in English or any other language at the host university. This module can

be studied at a foreign university. In this case there is a standardized crediting proce-

dure. Information on course crediting (deadlines and procedures) can be obtained from

the Crediting Centre (WiSo Crediting Centre: https://www.anrechnungwiso.uni-ko-

eln.de/). This module can also be attended as part of a summer school organised by

the WiSo Faculty. In this case, the prior registration for the exam must be carried out in

accordance with the WiSo Faculty regulations.

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Studies Abroad I (Master)

Module code 1014SAEr01

Workload 360h

ECTS credits 12

Module Lan-



availability every term

Duration 1 Term

1 Courses




Course Language

2 Module content Depends on chosen course

3 Learning objectives Students... ... describe approaches to business administration, economics and social sciences from

an international ... perspective. ... explain international issues in the areas of business administration, economics and

social science. ... discuss and compare different theories and approaches in business administration,

economics and ... social science. ... develop new intellectual perspectives with regard to their own education. ... recognize the dynamic, global dimensions of their professional future.

4 Teaching and learning methods depending on course choice

5 Module entry requirements No recommendations

6 Mode of end-of-module examination TR - depending on course selection

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Depends on chosen course

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Business Administration - Finance: Ergänzungsbereich Finance Master of Science Business Administration - Supply Chain Management: Ergänzungsbereich Supply Chain Management Master of Science Information Systems: Ergänzungsbereich Information Systems Master of Education Wirtschaftspädagogik/Lehramt an Berufskollegs: Ergänzungsbereich Wirtschaftspädagogik Master of Science Business Administration - Corporate Development: Ergänzungsbereich Corporate Development Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Ergänzungsbereich Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Business Administration - Marketing: Ergänzungsbereich Marketing

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Master of Science Economics: Ergänzungsbereich Economics Master of Arts Politikwissenschaft: Ergänzungsbereich Politikwissenschaft Master of Science Business Administration - Media and Technology Management: Ergänzungsbereich Media and Technology Management Master of Science Business Administration - Accounting and Taxation: Ergänzungsbereich Accounting and Taxation Master of Science Sociology and Social Research: Ergänzungsbereich Sociology and Social Research

9 Module manager

10 Miscellaneous Language: can be held in English or in any language offered at the host university. This

module can be studied at a higher education institution in another country. There is a

standardised crediting procedure for such cases. Information about course crediting

(deadlines and procedures) can be obtained from the Credit Transfer Centre (WiSo

Credit Transfer Centre: https://www.anrechnungwiso.uni-koeln.de/) This module can

also be taken as part of a summer school organised by the WiSo Faculty. In this case,

students must register for the examination in accordance with the rules of the WiSo

Faculty prior to embarking on the module.

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3.6.4 Master‘s thesis

Master's Thesis in Economics

Module code 1302MaEc00

Workload 720h

ECTS credits 24

Module Lan-

guage German and



availability every term

Duration 1 Term

1 Courses




Course Language

2 Module content The topic of the master’s thesis must reflect the economic methods learned during the


3 Learning objectives Students... ... are familiar with current debate on economic theories and methods and make use of

it through their own independent research work. ... identify questions and issues that meet academic requirements. ... work on these questions independently, using the main primary and secondary litera-

ture. ... formulate theoretical and methodical (qualitative and/or quantitative) approaches to

academic research. ... draw up a research plan and implement it independently. ... organise and design an academic research process. ... independently collect relevant data and evaluate them in a methodically competent

manner. ... discuss theoretical and methodical problems in depth with teaching staff, other stu-

dents and persons with an interest in the field. ... critically assess research findings and derive conclusions from them that are relevant

to research and society.

4 Teaching and learning methods Masterthesis

5 Module entry requirements 60 ECTS credits obtained

6 Mode of end-of-module examination Written test 6 months

7 Prerequisites for awarding of credit points Passing the written test.

8 Other programmes that use the module Master of Science Economics ab WS 18/19: Masterarbeit Economics (ab Wintersemester 2018/2019) Master of Science Economics: Masterarbeit

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9 Module manager Univ.-Prof. Michael Krause, Ph.D.

10 Miscellaneous The master’s thesis may be written in German or English.
