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MODULE2 Microphones

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Classification of microphones
Department of Electronics and Media Technology 14MT2003 Audio Engineering MODULE 2: MICROPHONES
  • Department of Electronics

    and Media Technology

    14MT2003 Audio Engineering




    What is an Input Transducer

    Classification of Microphones

    How to interpret Microphones Specifications?

    Use of right Miking Techniques

    Microphone accessories

    Miking different musical instruments

  • Transducer

    A transducer is a device that converts a signal in one form of energy to another

    form of energy

    Microphones are input transducers that convert acoustical energy into electrical energy.

    Electromagnetic transducers

  • Transducer Types:

    Passive Transducers: Convert acoustical energy directly into electrical energy (and vice-versa) without the need for any external power feed. Includes Dynamic, magnetic and piezoelectric microphones, as well as condenser microphones using dc polarization

    Active Transducers: Convert electrical energy from an external source synchronously with the sound vibrations they receive. Carbon microphones and RF-condenser microphones make use of this principle.

    Velocity Transducers: Magnetic microphones operating on the basis of the law of induction. Their output voltage is proportional not to the extent, but to the velocity of the diaphragm displacement.

  • Classification of microphone types

  • Classification of Microphones

    Based upon Construction:

    Dynamic microphone

    Condenser microphone

    Ribbon microphone

    Electret condenser

    Based upon Polar Pattern:

    Omni Directional

    Uni Directional/ Cardiod

    Bidirectional/ Figure of Eight



    Shot Gun

  • Microphone Fundamentals

    Pressure transducers:

    Pressure gradient transducers:

    Only the front face of a pressure transducer is exposed to the sound field. Diaphragm responds equally to all sound pressure fluctuations occurring at its surface. Omnidirectional by nature.

    They respond to the momentary sound pressure difference occurring between two points A and B, which are a slight distance apart in the sound field. TF = TFo cos V

    TFo = field transmission factor (sensitivity) with sound arriving perpendicularly to the diaphragm. V = angle between the perpendicular to the diaphragm and the direction of sound incidence.

  • Classification Based Upon Construction

    Dynamic microphone

    It consists of a rigid diaphragm,

    typically 20 30 mm in diameter,

    which is suspended in front of a


    Cylindrical former is attached to the

    diaphragm on to which is wound a

    coil of very fine-gauge wire

    When the diaphragm is made to

    vibrate by sound waves the coil in

    turn moves to and fro in the magnets

    gap, and an alternating current flows

    in the coil, producing the electrical


    Operates on the Principle of variable magnetic inductance

  • Classification Based Upon Construction

    Dynamic microphone



    Big and Heavy

    Better Freq Response in Presence range

    Rapid fall-off in response above 8 or 10 kHz



    Pick up bass drum

    Outdoor Sound reinforcement

  • Classification Based Upon Construction

    Condenser microphone

    The capacitor consists of a flexible

    diaphragm and a rigid back plate,

    separated by an insulator

    The 48 volts DC phantom power

    charges the capacitor

    When sound waves move the

    diaphragm the capacitance varies,

    and thus the voltage across the

    capacitor varies proportionally

    Operates on the Principle of variable capacitance

  • Classification Based Upon Construction

    Condenser microphone


    Light Weight

    Higher sensitivity

    High Level Output

    Better immunity to interference



    Instruments pick-up

    Indoor/ Studio Recording

  • Consists of a long thin strip of conductive

    metal foil, pleated to give it rigidity and


    Opposing magnetic poles create a magnetic

    field across the ribbon

    The electrical output of the ribbon is very

    small, and a transformer is built into the

    microphone which steps up the output.

    Classification Based Upon Construction

    Ribbon microphone

  • Classification Based Upon Construction

    Ribbon microphone


    Capable of very high-quality results

    Low-frequency resonance at around 40 Hz

    Smooth High Freq response

    (but roll-off above 14 kHz)


    Miking Acoustic instruments

    Miking Classical ensemble

  • Directional Responses/ Polar Patterns

    The polar pattern of each microphone indicates how sensitive it is to sound

    coming from different directions.

    The polar diagram is a form of two-dimensional contour map, showing the

    magnitude of the microphones output at different angles of incidence of a

    sound wave.

    Large membrane microphone Side Fire

    Small Membrane microphone End Fire

  • Omnidirectional Pattern

    Picks up sound equally from all directions.

    Achieved by leaving the microphone diaphragm open at the front, but completely

    enclosing it at the rear.

    High frequencies are picked up less well to the rear and sides of the mic.

    Most immune to handling and wind noise since they are only sensitive to absolute

    sound pressure

  • Omnidirectional Pattern

    Typical polar diagram of an omnidirectional microphone at a number of frequencies


    To record a choir

    Lapel/ Lavallier/ Collar Microphones


    Extended and open bass response

    Omni will always sound more natural and open

    Less proximity effect


    More prone to Feedback

  • Figure of eight or bidirectional pattern

    A microphone with a figure of eight polar pattern picks up the sound from in front

    of the microphone and from the rear but not the side

    Microphones with this Figure of Eight polar pattern are typically ribbon or Large

    Diaphragm Microphones

    The output produced by a sound which is picked up by the rear lobe of the

    microphone will be 180 out of phase compared with an identical sound picked up

    by the front lobe

  • Figure of eight or bidirectional pattern

    Typical polar diagram of a bidirectional microphone at a number of frequencies


    Record a dialogue.

    Used in Midside stereo recording


    Reduces unwanted room ambience

    Maintains natural sound

    Excellent for acoustic instrument miking


    High Cost and delicate

    Prone to Proximity effect

  • Cardioid or Unidirectional pattern

    Cardioid may be considered theoretically as a product of omni and figure of eight


    A cardioid microphone has the most sensitivity at the front and is least sensitive at

    the back

    It isolates from unwanted ambient sound

    Much more resistant to feedback than omnidirectional microphones

  • Cardioid or Unidirectional pattern

    Typical polar diagram of a Cardioid microphone at a number of frequencies


    Loud on stage Live Sound

    Stereo Miking

    Instrument miking


    Immunity to feedback

    Ideal for handheld application


    Suffers from proximity effect

    Prone to Handling, pop & wind noise

  • Hypercardioid Pattern

    It is described mathematically by the formula 0.5 +cos. It is a combination of an

    omni attenuated by 6 dB, and a figure-eight.

    It is very directional and eliminates most sound from the sides and rear.

    The hypercardioid has the highest direct-to-reverberant ratio of the patterns.

    Good for excluding unwanted sounds such as excessive room ambience or unwanted


  • Applications:

    Isolating the sound from a subject or direction

    when there is a lot of ambient noise

    Picking up sound from a subject at a distance


    Good Isolation


    By removing all the ambient noise,

    unidirectional sound can sometimes be a little unnatural

    Need to be careful to keep the sound consistent

    Hypercardioid Pattern

  • Super-cardioid Pattern

    Supercardioid microphones offer a narrower pickup than cardioids and a greater

    rejection of ambient sound

    They also have some pickup directly at the rear

    They are the most resistant to feedback.

  • Shot gun polar Pattern

    They offer very narrow pick up in the front to a significant distance.

    They also have some pickup directly at the rear and sides

    Used for recording on-location sounds in movies (Boom Mic).

  • Comparison of Polar patterns

  • Classification according to Ease Of Use

  • Handheld microphones

    Most common & convenient type of Microphone

    Used by the Stage artists, Presenters etc.

    Can be used for Vocal as well as Instruments

    Rugged design

  • Lavalier/ Collar Microphone

    Allows Hands-free Operation

    Used for TV, Theatre or public speaking applications

    Used as wired or wireless

  • Headworn Microphone

    Allows Hands-free Operation

    Used for Sports & Speech


    Used as wired or wireless

  • Boundary Microphone

    Used in Theatres & Conference rooms

    Can be used in less-than-ideal acoustic spaces

  • Gooseneck Microphone

    Directional Microphones used for Speech

    Used Conference systems & Podiums

  • Large Diaphragm Microphone

    Majorly Large Diaphragm are Condenser Microphones

    High sensitivity and a good high-frequency response

    Fixed on Stands & Shock mounts

  • Boom Mic

    Used for ENG

    Used for Film Sound

    Can pick up sound from

    long distance

  • USB Microphone

    Easy to use Plug & Play

    Suitable for Home recording

    Built in A to D convertor

  • Wireless Microphones

    Electromagnetic waves are the carrier medium for information in wireless systems

    Every WMS has to operate on one specific frequency

    Transmitter and receiver of a system need to work on the same frequency

    Two transmitters cannot be used with one receiver at the same time

    Two systems operating on close frequencies at the same time can cause

    interference problems

  • Parabolic Microphones

  • Hydrophone

    Used underwater for recording or listening to underwater sound.

    Based on a piezoelectric transducer that generates electricity when

    subjected to a pressure change.

  • Miking Techniques

    Mono Microphone Techniques

    Distant Miking

    Close Miking

    Ascent Miking

    Ambient Miking

    Stereo Miking Techniques

    Spaced Pair

    Coincident Pair

    Near Coincident Pair

  • Mono Microphone Technique

    Distant Microphone Technique

    Positioning of one or more mics at 3 feet or more from the sound source

    Picks up a tonally balanced sound from the instrument or ensemble and also picks up the acoustic environment ie reflected sound

    Close Miking Technique:

    The mic is placed 1" to 3' from the source.

    Only direct, on - axis sound is captured.

    Creates a tight present sound quality which effectively excludes the acoustic environment.

    Miking too close may colour the recorded tone quality of a source.

    Common technique when close miking is to search for the instrument's "sweet spot"

  • Accent Miking A not too close miking technique used to

    highlight an instrument in an ensemble which is being picked by distant mikes.

    The accent mike will add more volume and presence to the highlighted instrument when mixed together with the main mic.

    Ambient Miking An ambient mike is placed at such a distance

    that the reverberent or room sound is more prominent than the direct signals.

    Restore natural reverb to a live recording

    Used to pick up audience reaction in a live concert.

    In a studio, used to add the studio rooms acoustic back in to a close miked recording

    Mono Microphone Technique

  • Stereo Miking Techniques AB or Spaced Pair

    The two mics (Omni or cardioid) are placed quite

    far from each other to preserve a L/R spread or


    Works on the arrival time differences between the

    two mics to obtain the stereo image

    In placing AB mics use the 3:1 Rule

    The AB stereo method can give an exaggerated

    stereo spread and can suffer from a perceived hole

    in the center effect.

    The sound can be warm and ambient but off


    Sources can seem diffuse i.e not properly located.

  • The stereo image is obtained by intensity

    differences produced by the sound source

    on each mic.

    Two cardioid mics (Top angled L ,bottom

    R) set at an angle of between 90 and 135


    The angle increases the intensity

    differences and widens the stereo image.

    2 omni mics can be used for more


    Stereo Miking Techniques

    XY or Coincident Pair

  • The stereo image is obtained by intensity

    differences produced by the soundsource

    on each mic.

    Utilizes a cardioid and a bidirectional


    The side picks up ambient sound while

    the mid picks up the direct sound.

    May also by done on three channels of a

    console with the 3rd channel containing

    the reverse phase of the bidirectional mic.

    Stereo Miking Techniques MS miking Technique

  • Works on the principle of IID as well as


    Two Techniques: NOS and ORTF

    Microphone pair is separated by a

    distance similar to that between the 2


    Uses the best features of AB and XY to

    produce a soundstage with sharply

    focused images and an accurate stero


    Stereo Miking Techniques

    Near Coincident or OSS (Optimal Stereo Sound)



  • Stereo Miking Techniques

    Dummy head microphone

  • Microphone Specifications

    Pick up patterns

    Frequency Response

    Proximity effect

    Transcient response

    Output level or Sensitivity



  • Pick up patterns

  • The frequency response of microphone is a measure of the consistency with which it translates a given sound pressure level into a given audio signal level at

    different frequencies.

    Good quality microphones have uniform frequency response off axis also.

    Presence peak can help to increase the intelligibility of sound.

    On-axis and Diffused field responses vary especially in the higher frequency range.

    Frequency Response

  • On-and off-axis responses of DPA 4011 measured in 30 cm

    Frequency Response

  • Proximity effect

    Proximity effect is an increase in low frequency response when a microphone is very close to the sound source.

    It is an inherent characteristics of directional microphones.

    Sometimes causes preamplifier overload and cause distortion.

    A low cut filter usually is an effective way to cure this problem.

  • Transient Response

    Measure of microphones ability to render very sharp, fast musical attacks and signal peaks.

  • Sensitivity

    The ratio of the analog output voltage or digital output value to the input pressure

    Typically measured with a 1 kHz sine wave at a 94 dB SPL, or 1 pascal (Pa) pressure.

    In the data sheets the sensitivity always applies to the frequency 1 kHz, unless otherwise noted.

    Reference: 94 dBSPL 1 pascal = 10 bars = 10 dynes/cm2

    Auditory threshold: 0 dBSPL 0.00002 Pa = 0.0002 dyne/cm2

    The bar found in some non-European specifications refers to 74 dBSPL (20 dB less than 1 Pa) and the sensitivity or the sensitivity factor is not expressed

    as transfer factor in the usual form of "mV/Pa" as open circuit voltage rating.

  • Overload

    Distortion in sound is often blamed on microphone overload.

    Overloading typically takes place in the amplifier stage and not in microphone stage.

    A good quality microphone should be able to withstand SPL of 140dBSPL or more without overloading.

    With condenser mic overload point will be reduced if the battery power is reduced.

    Relation of microphone sensitivity to overload: Eg: Mic sensitivity is -47dB SPL at 94dB SPL

    The output level then would be -47 + (140-94) = -1dBV

    This will surely overload the mixers preamplifier stage unless a PAD is used to drop the

    signal level.

  • Impedence

    Impedance is an electronics term which measures the amount of opposition a device has to an AC current ( measured in ohms) Often Mics with a hard-wired cable and 1/4" plug are high impedance

    Mics with separate balanced audio cable and XLR connector are low impedance

    This is a measurement of the AC resistance looking back into the microphone Low (50-1,000 ohms)

    Medium (5,000-15,000 ohms)

    High (20,000+ ohms)

    There is a limit to how much cable should be used between a high-impedance microphone and its input. Losses will be evident in high frequencies and output voltage levels above a distance of 20feet.

    Low-impedance microphones and cable, microphone cables can be almost any practical length, with no serious losses of any kind.

    Low impedance microphones have better noise immunity.

  • Microphone Specifications


    Behringer XM1800s

    Behringer C2

    Samson CO2

    Behringer B2-Pro

  • Microphone Accessories


    Blimp Windshield

    Dead Cat

    POP Filters

    Microphone cables (Balanced and Unbalanced)

    Boom Pole

    Mic Stand

    Handy Pistol Grip Mounts

    Reflection Filters

    Shock mounts

  • Windscreens

  • Blimp Windshield/ Dead Cat

  • POP Filter

  • Microphone Cables

  • Boom Pole

  • Mic Stand

  • Handy Pistol Grip Mounts

  • Reflection Filters

  • Shock Mounts

  • Miking Musical Instruments

    Acoustic Guitar

    Timbre and position

    Large diaphragm condensers

    The guitar's sweet spot

    Close-miking with miniature condensers

    Instrument clip mics for live situations

  • Miking a drum kit Overhead


    Snare drum

    Bass drum


  • Trumpet

    The trumpet can generate sound with very high levels and also compresses and accelerates the speed of sound.

    Choose a microphone that can handle high levels comfortably

    For a well balanced sound, position the microphone 30 to 50 cm from the bell, slightly off axis.

  • Violin Supercardioid microphone directionality pattern can be used

    The position will always be a compromise trying to capture the whole instrument with a narrow pick up pattern.

  • Miking Flute and Recorder

    Approx. 5-10 cm away from the instrument, aim the mic halfway between the mouthpiece and the left hand.

    Omni directional microphone may be an advantage, due to their lower sensitivity to wind and pop.

    Due to its polar character, the flute can also be spot-miked behind and slightly above the head of the player, pointing at the finger holes.
