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MOLLIE WALSH, RIP - St Thomas...

Date post: 30-Oct-2019
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Next Weekend’s Readings: 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C)…. Ex 17:8-13 2 Tim 3:14-4:2 Lk 18:1-8 Parish Priest: Fr Wayne Davis Secretary: Rossana Terpolilli Address: 2 College Road Claremont WA 6010 Telephone: 9384 0598 Email: [email protected] Web: www.claremontparish.com.au Office Hours: Tue/Wed/Fri: 9.15am-2.45pm Safeguarding Officer: Mr Ralph Goodman Contact phone: 0419 740 443 MASS TIMES: Saturday Vigil: 5.30pm Kids’ Mass Sunday: 7.30am, 9.30am, 6.30pm Tue, Thu, Fri, Sat: 9.00am Mass Wednesday: 12.30pm Mass RECONCILIATION: Sat: 8.30-9.00am YEAR OF MERCY 8 DECEMBER 2015 TO 20 NOVEMBER 2016 BLESSING ON OUR SPECIAL MINISTERS OF COMMUNION: May our Dear Lord guard you and bless you as you bring His Eucharist and our love to our brothers and sisters who are unable to be with us today at Mass. We ask this through Christ our Lord, Amen. We welcome into the parish community through the Sacrament of Bapsm this weekend: Luca Robert Dunn We ask for God’s blessing upon Luca, his parents and godparents, as they journey through life. CLAREMONT WA THE WEDNESDAY LUNCH CLUB hosts a Light Lunch in the Parish Centre each Wednesday aſter the 12.30pm Mass. You are cordially invited to join this friendly group. All welcome. Good food, great companion-ship. Come along and have some fun. See you there! 28TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME (YEAR C) 8-9 OCTOBER 2016 THE OLIVE GROVE…. For Memorial Plaques and the Burying of Ashes, please contact Rossana at the Parish Office on 9384 0598 or Marg Carman on 0406 663 354 for details. This week’s Sanctuary Lamp burns for: Mollie Walsh, Luigi Terpolilli, Dorothea Herne If you wish to dedicate the Sanctuary Lamp for a week, please put the details and $10 in an envelope and place it in the collecon basket. A MELBOURNE CUP LIGHT LUNCH will be held on Tuesday, 1 November at 11.00am. Those wishing to attend, please bring a plate to share. This lunch will replace the usual Wednesday Lunch for that week only. Sweeps will be available. All welcome. Lunch will be held before the race watched on the big screen in Fr Wayne’s lounge. Please phone the parish office to let us know you are coming and what plate you are bringing. Thank You. MOLLIE WALSH, RIP The deepest sympathy of the parish community is extended to the Family of Mollie Walsh, a resident at Alfred Carson, who passed away during the week. Mollie received regular Sunday visitaons from our Special Ministers which she really looked forward to and appreciated. Mollie’s family extend their sincere thanks to all those Special Ministers who brought Mollie, not only the Blessed Eucharist, but love and friendship as well.

Next Weekend’s Readings: 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C)…. Ex 17:8-13 2 Tim 3:14-4:2 Lk 18:1-8

Parish Priest: Fr Wayne Davis Secretary: Rossana Terpolilli Address: 2 College Road Claremont WA 6010

Telephone: 9384 0598 Email: [email protected] Web: www.claremontparish.com.au Office Hours: Tue/Wed/Fri: 9.15am-2.45pm

Safeguarding Officer: Mr Ralph Goodman Contact phone: 0419 740 443

MASS TIMES: Saturday Vigil: 5.30pm Kids’ Mass Sunday: 7.30am, 9.30am, 6.30pm Tue, Thu, Fri, Sat: 9.00am Mass Wednesday: 12.30pm Mass

RECONCILIATION: Sat: 8.30-9.00am



BLESSING ON OUR SPECIAL MINISTERS OF COMMUNION: May our Dear Lord guard you and bless you as you bring His Eucharist and our love to our brothers and sisters who are unable to be with us today at Mass. We ask this through Christ our Lord, Amen.

We welcome into the parish community through the Sacrament of Baptism this weekend: Luca Robert Dunn We ask for God’s blessing upon Luca, his parents and godparents, as they journey

through life.


THE WEDNESDAY LUNCH CLUB hosts a Light Lunch in the Parish Centre each Wednesday after the 12.30pm Mass. You are cordially invited to join this friendly group. All welcome. Good food, great companion-ship. Come along and have some fun. See you there!


THE OLIVE GROVE…. For Memorial Plaques and the Burying of Ashes, please contact Rossana at the Parish Office on 9384 0598 or Marg Carman on 0406 663 354 for details.

This week’s Sanctuary Lamp burns for: Mollie Walsh, Luigi Terpolilli, Dorothea Herne If you wish to dedicate the Sanctuary Lamp for a week, please put the details and $10 in an envelope and place it in the collection basket.

A MELBOURNE CUP LIGHT LUNCH will be held on Tuesday, 1 November at 11.00am. Those wishing to attend, please bring a plate to share. This lunch will replace the usual Wednesday Lunch for that week only. Sweeps will be available. All welcome. Lunch will be held before the race watched on the big screen in Fr Wayne’s lounge. Please phone the parish office to let us know you are coming and what plate you are bringing. Thank You.

MOLLIE WALSH, RIP The deepest sympathy of the parish community is extended to the Family of Mollie Walsh, a resident at Alfred Carson, who passed away during the week. Mollie received regular Sunday visitations from our Special Ministers which she really looked forward to and appreciated. Mollie’s family extend their sincere thanks to all those Special Ministers who brought Mollie, not only the Blessed Eucharist, but love and friendship as well.

MARRIAGES & BAPTISMS…. Marriages by appointment: 6 months’ notice required. *Baptisms: 10.00am each Saturday, except for the 3rd weekend of the month when Baptisms are held during the 9.30am Mass on Sunday. Contact Rossana (Parish Office) for more details. *PLEASE NOTE: The Catholic Church requires that baptismal godparents have been baptised in the Christian faith as they are required to make a promise that they believe in God.

6.30PM SUNDAY, 16 OCTOBER —AFRICAN CHOIR MASS AND SUPPER…. Please join the African Choir for Hot Soup and Bread Rolls in the Parish Centre after the 6.30pm Mass on Sunday, 16 October next weekend. Come along and meet up with some fellow parishioners while enjoying a hot supper.

ADVANCED NOTICE: I will be away from 28 October until 5 November in NSW for my nephew’ s wedding. Fr Stephen Truscott will celebrate the weekend Masses for you all. Communion Services will be held during the week if possible. Please note that there will be no Masses for the Feasts of All Saints and All Souls. We will endeavour to publish Mass times for these two feasts for the parishes surrounding us. Fr Wayne

You Fit in with Jesus…. I knew a young man who started high school sure he wouldn’t fit in. He remembered how kids made fun of him in primary school. He remembered they always chose him last for teams. He felt so out of place there that he doubted he’d fit in anywhere. I wish he was rare. But there are many young people that feel like outcasts. They find it hard to fit in with friends because of weight, acne, insecurity, the wrong clothes … The list goes on. You might feel that way now. That’s why this week’s Gospel is so important. The Samaritan leper was a double outcast. First, he was a leper. Leprosy in the Gospel isn’t the disease that causes limbs to decay. It caused flaky or scaly skin. The Jewish religious laws told Jewish people to avoid contact with people who had it. The Samaritan was also outcast because of his ethnic background. Many Jews rejected Samaritans because they descended from Jews who married non-Jews. Notice how Jesus reacted to those outcasts. He stopped, noticed their pain, and healed them. That means they could now fit in. People would welcome them. Care about them. Also notice that the Samaritan was the only one who returned to thank Jesus. Jesus took note that only this “foreigner” seemed grateful. The point for us? First, if you feel like you don’t fit in anywhere, call out to Jesus for help like the lepers in the Gospel. Call out through prayer. Call out by talking to an adult whom you trust. Call out by getting involved in serving other people who suffer. You’ll find that God will answer your prayers. You’ll find a place to fit in and friends who care. Second, Jesus points out that the Samaritan, the double outcast, shows more faith than anyone. That means we all need to respect and learn from the people we think don’t fit in. Have you ever felt like an outcast or reached out to someone who felt that way?

Mass next Thursday, 13 October will be held at the Alfred Carson Home at 10.30am. Because of this, there will be no 9.00am Mass at St Thomas Church on that day.

WE WELCOME BACK TO SCHOOL FOR TERM 4 the parish children and their teachers. We hope you had a wonderful holiday and have come back refreshed and eager to take on the remainder of the school year.

QUICK SALMON AND RICE-A-LEEKIE…. Ingredients: 1 leek, finely sliced 500 ml vegetable stock, sea salt & freshly ground pepper 300 gm basmati rice 500 gm salmon steaks, bones & skin removed, cut into chunks grated rind & juice of 1 lemon 3-4 tbsp chopped fresh parsley Method: Place the leek with 4 tbsp stock and seasonings in a bowl. Cover with kitchen plastic wrap, pierce a couple of times with a small knife and cook in the microwave on high for 5 mins. Then add the rice with the remaining stock. Stir, cover again with plastic wrap and pierce a couple of times. Cook in the microwave for 10 mins, stirring half way through. Add the salmon and gently stir. Cover again with plastic wrap, pierce a couple of cuts and cook in the microwave for about another 5 mins. Then add the lemon zest and juice with 1-2 tbsp chopped parsley. Carefully stir, taste for seasoning and set aside for 2 mins, before serving with a sprinkling of parsley on top and a simple green salad on the side.

PROJECT COMPASSION 2016…. We have been informed by Caritas that the total figure donated by St Thomas parishioners for 2016 is $8,558.95. Well done to all who contributed.

NEW PARISHIONERS, and those not so new, please complete the Census Cards which are available in the back of the Church (one for each member of your family) and hand the completed cards to Fr Wayne or one of the acolytes after Mass. It is very important for all new parishioners to register with the Parish and for existing parishioners to update their registration details so that the Parish Office is able to keep accurate records. Please be assured that ALL INFORMATION WHICH YOU SUPPLY IS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL AND FOR PARISH USE ONLY in accordance with the Privacy Act of Australia 1997.

A WELCOME TO NEW PARISHIONERS: We take this opportunity to welcome all new parish members. We hope that you find St Thomas the Apostle a friendly parish community. Please join us after Mass for a ‘cuppa’ in

the parish centre. Say hello to Father, meet some

new/old friends, sit down and have a chat.

THE ST VINCENT de PAUL SOCIETY: Vinnies are urgently requiring Coles GIFT vouchers for their charity work. These can be placed in any of the collection baskets at the weekend Masses. Thank you.

THOMAS CARE: If you are in need of emergency assistance, with no family to help you, please contact Sharon on 0400 453 311; Trish on 0434 570 403 or Rossana during Office Hours on 9384 0598.

THE ROAD TO BETHLEHEM AND CHRISTMAS LITURGIES: Anyone wishing to join the Choir for the Road to Bethlehem or Christmas Liturgies, please contact Silvia Kinder at [email protected]

"Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow." - Melody Beattie "The world is a looking glass, and gives back to every man the reflection of his own face. Frown at it, and it will look sourly upon; laugh at it and with it, and it is a jolly, kind companion." - William Thackeray "To educate yourself for the feeling of gratitude means to take nothing for granted, but to always seek out and value the kind that will stand behind the action. Nothing that is done for you is a matter of course. Everything originates in a will for the good, which is directed at you. Train yourself never to put off the word or action for the expression of gratitude." - Albert Schweitzer "Gratitude is something of which none of us can give too much. For on the smiles, the thanks we give, our little gestures of appreciation, our neighbours build their philosophy of life." - A. J. Cronin "Life is huge! Rejoice about the sun, moon, flowers, and sky. Rejoice about the food you have to eat. Rejoice about the body that houses your spirit. Rejoice about the fact that you can be a positive force in the world around you. Rejoice about the love that is around you. If you want to be happy, commit to making your life one of rejoicing." - Author Unknown

APOSTLES’ CREED…. I believe in God, the Father almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried; he descended into hell; on the third day he rose again from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty; from there he will come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting. Amen.

GLORIA…. Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to people of good will. We praise you, we bless you, we adore you, we glorify you, we give you thanks for your great glory, Lord God, heavenly King, O God, almighty Father. Lord Jesus Christ, Only Begotten Son, Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us; you take away the sins of the world, receive our prayer; you are seated at the right hand of the Father, have mercy on us. For you alone are the Holy One, you alone are the Lord, you alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit, in the glory of God the Father. Amen.

THIS WEEKEND”S SCRIPTURE READINGS…. First Reading: A reading from the second book of the Kings Naaman the leper went down and immersed himself seven times in the Jordan, as Elisha had told him to do. And his flesh became clean once more like the flesh of a little child. Returning to Elisha with his whole escort, he went in and stood before him. ‘Now I know’ he said, ‘that there is no God in all the earth except in Israel. Now, please, accept a present from your servant.’ But Elisha replied, ‘As the Lord lives, whom I serve, I will accept nothing.’ Naaman pressed him to accept, but he refused. Then Naaman said, ‘Since your answer is “No,” allow your servant to be given as much earth as two mules may carry, because your servant will no longer offer holocaust or sacrifice to any god except the Lord.’ The Word of the Lord.

Responsorial Psalm: (R.) The Lord has revealed to the nations his saving power. 1. Sing a new song to the Lord for he has worked wonders. His right hand and his holy arm have brought salvation. (R.) 2. The Lord has made known his salvation; has shown his justice to the nations. He has remembered his truth and love for the house of Israel. (R.) 3. All the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God. Shout to the Lord all the earth, ring out your joy. (R.) Second Reading: A reading from the second letter of St Paul to Timothy Remember the Good News that I carry. ‘Jesus Christ risen from the dead, sprung from the race of David’; it is on account of this that I have my own hardships to bear, even to being chained like a criminal – but they cannot chain up God’s news. So I bear it all for the sake of those who are chosen, so that in the end they may have the salvation that is in Christ Jesus and the eternal glory that comes with it. Here is a saying that you can rely on: If we have died with him, then we shall live with him. If we hold firm, then we shall reign with him. If we disown him, then he will disown us. We may be unfaithful, but he is always faithful, for he cannot disown his own self. The Word of the Lord.

Gospel Acclamation: Alleluia, alleluia! For all things give thanks to God, because this is what he expects of you in Christ Jesus. Alleluia!

Gospel: A reading from the holy Gospel according to Luke On the way to Jerusalem Jesus travelled along the border between Samaria and Galilee. As he entered one of the villages, ten lepers came to meet him. They stood some way off and called to him, ‘Jesus! Master! Take pity on us.’ When he saw them he said, ‘Go and show yourselves to the priests.’ Now as they were going away they were cleansed. Finding himself cured, one of them turned back praising God at the top of his voice and threw himself at the feet of Jesus and thanked him. The man was a Samaritan. This made Jesus say, ‘Were not all ten made clean? The other nine, where are they? It seems that no one has come back to give praise to God, except this foreigner.’ And he said to the man, ‘Stand up and go on your way. Your faith has saved you.’ The Gospel of the Lord.
