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    Encyclopedia Astronautica Navigation0ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZSearchBrowse

    Encyclopedia AstronauticaMolniya-1

    Molniya-1Credit: Mark Wade

    Molniya orbitCredit: RKK Energia

    Russian military communications satellite. 37 launches, 1964.06.04 (Molniya-1 s/n 2 Failure)to 1975.09.02 (Molniya 1-31). This was the first Soviet communications satellite, using the

    twelve-hour elliptical orbit later dubbed a 'Molniya orbit'.

    Korolev's OKB-1 began development of Molniya in 1960. It was initially intended as anexperimental spacecraft to test the utility of such a satellite for command and control of the

    armed forces. Existing tropospheric communication Gorizont ground stations required minimalmodification for use with Molniya. Initial flights proved Moscow-Vladivostok strategic

    communications in 1965 to 1967. It quickly proved the new technologies of automatic satellitecontrol and three-axis stabilization. The design was so successful that it was put into

    production for governmental and military use, and subsequent modifications continued inservice well into the 21st Century.

    Molniya orbits required less rocket power to achieve than a geosynchronous orbit, and were

    better suited to communications with northern latitudes. Since satellites in such an orbit movevery slowly at apogee, they appear to 'hover' for hours at a time over northern latitudes. The

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    disadvantage was that the sending/receiving dish must track the satellite, whereas for ageosynchronous satellite a fixed dish could be used.

    Preliminary work on the Molniya-1 communications satellite began in 1960. Full developmentwas authorized by government decree on 30 October 1960. Three such satellites could

    provide long-distance communications coverage for the entire Soviet Union. Original designedlife was 1.5 to 2.0 years. Development was completed in May 1963.

    The satellite consisted of a hermetically sealed, pressurized main section with 2.5 cubic

    meters internal volume. This kept the electronic components at a stable temperature duringthe day-night cycle. The spacecraft's orientation system pointed the solar panels at the sunand the antenna at the earth during communications session. Gyroscopic stabilizers pointed

    the spacecraft to within 10 degrees. An optical sensor was used for antenna pointing. The Alfaon-board retransmitter operated on the 10 m band in both simplex and duplex modes.

    Main propulsion was provided with an engine of 200 kgf, with AK-20 nitric acid and UDMHpropellants. Total impulse delivered by the three-chamber motor was 8,000 kg-sec, with a

    specific impulse of 290 seconds. The spacecraft had a span of 8 m across its solar panels andan initial mass on-orbit of 1650 kg.

    The first two launches, on 2 January and 6 June 1964, were unsuccessful. The first successfullaunch only came on 14 October 1965. After checks the spacecraft began work in January

    1966. The last communications session came on 18 February 1966; thereafter the solar cellsdeteriorated to the point of inoperability. The first spacecraft completed 30 hours worth of

    communications in 113 sessions.The system was transferred from Korolev's OKB to Reshetnev in Krasnoyarsk for further

    development and production.In 1968 operational use of Molniya 1 began. It provided strategic control of the RSVN, Long

    Range Aviation, Navy, through use of the satellite system Molniya 1-Korund and the Rucheycommunications system. The externally similar but internally upgraded Molniya 1T replaced

    the original model in production from 1975. The full constellation in Soviet times consisted ofeight spacecraft, in four orbital planes, with ascending node / 'hovering' points above 60

    degrees North every 90 degrees from 10 degrees East.Characteristics

    RCS total impulse: 78 kgf-sec. Electric System: 1.30 average kW.AKA: 11F67.

    Gross mass: 1,650 kg (3,630 lb).

    Height: 4.40 m (14.40 ft).Span: 8.20 m (26.90 ft).

    Thrust: 1.96 kN (441 lbf).Specific impulse: 290 s.

    First Launch: 1964.06.04.Last Launch: 1975.09.02.

    Number: 37 .

    More... - Chronology...

    Associated Countries

    Russia Russian Federation Space Systems More...

    Associated Engines

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    KDU-414 Isayev Nitric acid/UDMH rocket engine. 1.961 kN. Molniya 1, Mars 1,Venera 1, Zond 2-3 maneuvering engine. Out of Production. Spacecraft maneuvering

    engine. Isp=272s. More...

    See also

    Communications Category of spacecraft. More...

    KAUR-2 Family of spacecraft. More...

    Military communications sat Category of spacecraft. More...

    Molniya orbit Category of spacecraft. More...

    ProtonThe Proton launch vehicle has been the medium-lift workhorse of theSoviet and Russian space programs for over forty years. Although constantly criticizedwithin Russia for its use of toxic and ecologically-damaging storable liquid propellants,

    it has out-lasted all challengers, and no replacement is in sight. More...

    SoyuzThe Russian Soyuz spacecraft has been the longest-lived, mostadaptable, and most successful manned spacecraft design. In production for fiftyyears, more than 240 have been built and flown on a wide range of missions. The

    design will remain in use with the international space station well into the 21st century,providing the only manned access to the station after the retirement of the shuttle in

    2011. More...

    Associated Launch Vehicles

    Soyuz Russian orbital launch vehicle. The world's first ICBM became the mostoften used and most reliable launch vehicle in history. The original core+four strap-on

    booster missile had a small third stage added to produce the Vostok launch vehicle,with a payload of 5 metric tons. Addition of a larger third stage produced theVoskhod/Soyuz vehicle, with a payload over 6 metric tons. Using this with a fourth

    stage, the resulting Molniya booster placed communications satellites and early lunarand planetary probes in higher energy trajectories. By the year 2000 over 1,628 had

    been launched with an unmatched success rate of 97.5% for production models.Improved models providing commercial launch services for international customers

    entered service in the new millenium, and a new launch pad at Kourou was to beinaugurated in 2009. It appeared that the R-7 could easily still be in service 70 years

    after its first launch. More...

    0 Molniya 8K78 Russian orbital launch vehicle. Four stage derivative of the R-7ICBM developed on a crash-program basis in 1960 for Soviet lunar and planetary deep

    space probe missions. The third stage found later use in the Voskhod and Soyuzlaunchers. By the 1970's mature versions of the launch vehicle were used almostentirely for launch of Molniya communications satellites and Oko missile early warning

    spacecraft into elliptical, 12-hour earth orbits. More...

    0 Molniya 8K78M Russian orbital launch vehicle. Improved Molniya, in variantswith Blocks ML, 2BL, or SO-L third stages according to payload. More...

    0 ProtonThe Proton launch vehicle has been the medium-lift workhorse of theSoviet and Russian space programs for over forty years. Although constantly criticizedwithin Russia for its use of toxic and ecologically-damaging storable liquid propellants,

    it has out-lasted all challengers, and no replacement is in sight. Development of theProton began in 1962 as a two-stage vehicle that could be used to launch large military

    payloads or act as a ballistic missile with a 100 megaton nuclear warhead. The ICBMwas cancelled in 1965, but development of a three-stage version for the crash programto send a Soviet man around the moon began in 1964. The hurried developmentcaused severe reliability problems in early production. But these were eventually

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    solved, and from the 1970's the Proton was used to launch all Russian space stations,medium- and geosynchronous orbit satellites, and lunar and planetary probes.


    0 Proton-K/DM Russian orbital launch vehicle. The original four stage Proton /Block D configuration was used until 1976, at which time it was replaced by a

    modernised version equipped with N2O4/UDMH verniers for precise placement ofpayloads in geosynchronous orbit and its own self-contained guidance unit. This was

    accepted into military service in 1978 with the first Raduga launch. The stage was firstdeveloped for launch of gesynchronous military communications and early warning

    satellites (Raduga, Ekran, Gorizont, Potok, SPRN). Its later versions continue in use forlaunch of MEO and geosynchronous comsats, and was Russia's most successful

    commercial launcher. More...

    Associated Manufacturers and Agencies

    0 MOM Russian agency overseeing development of spacecraft. Ministry ofGeneral Machine Building (Moskva, Russia), Moscow, Russia. More...

    0 Reshetnev Russian manufacturer of rockets and spacecraft. Reshetnev DesignBureau, Krasnoyarsk-26/Zhelenogorsk, Russia. More...

    Associated Programs

    0 Molniya First Soviet communications satellite network. More...

    Associated Propellants

    0 Nitric acid/UDMH Drawing on the German World War II Wasserfall rocket,nitric acid (HNO3) became the early storable oxidiser of choice for missiles and upperstages of the 1950's. To overcome various problems with its use, it was necessary tocombine the nitric acid with N2O4 and passivation compounds. These formulae were

    considered extremely secret at the time. By the late 1950's it was apparent that N2O4by itself was a better oxidiser. Therefore nitric acid was almost entirely replaced by

    pure N2O4 in storable liquid fuel rocket engines developed after 1960. UnsymmetricalDimethylhydrazine ((CH3)2NNH2) became the storable liquid fuel of choice by the mid-1950's. Development of UDMH in the Soviet Union began in 1949. It is used in virtuallyall storable liquid rocket engines except for some orbital manoeuvring engines in the

    United States, where MMH has been preferred due to a slightly higher density andperformance. More...


    0 McDowell, Jonathan, Jonathan's Space Home Page (launch records), HarvardUniversity, 1997-present. Web Address when accessed: here.

    0 JPL Mission and Spacecraft Library, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 1997. WebAddress when accessed: here.

    0 Semenov, Yuri P Editor, Raketno-kosmicheskaya korporatsiya 'Energia' imeni SP Koroleva, Moscow, Russia, 1996.

    0 Varfolomyev, Timothy, "Soviet Rocketry that Conquered Space - Part 5",

    Spaceflight, 1998, Volume 40, page 85.

    0 "Otmenenniy Start "Molniya-M"", Novosti Kosmonavtiki, 1997, Issue 1, page 29.

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    0 Voevodin, Sergey A, "Sergey A. Voevodin's Reports", VSA072 - SpaceApparatus, Web Address when accessed: here.

    0 Vladimirov, A, "Tablitsa zapuskov RN 'Proton' i 'Proton K'", Novostikosmonavtiki, 1998, Issue 10, page 25.

    0 Chertok, Boris Yevseyevich, Raketi i lyudi, Mashinostroenie, Moscow, 1994-1999.. Web Address when accessed: here.

    0 Kamanin, N P, Skritiy kosmos, Infortext, Moscow, 1995.

    0 Melnik, T G, Voenno-Kosmicheskiy Siliy, Nauka, Moscow, 1997..

    0 Siddiqi, Asif A, The Soviet Space Race With Apollo, University Press of Florida,2003.

    0 NASA Report, AES ''MOLNIYA-1'' TRANSMITS THE EARTH'S IMAGE, Web Addresswhen accessed: here.

    Associated Launch Sites

    0 Baikonur Russia's largest cosmodrome, the only one used for mannedlaunches and with facilities for the larger Proton, N1, and Energia launch vehicles. The

    spaceport ended up on foreign soil after the break-up of Soviet Union. The officialdesignations NIIP-5 and GIK-5 are used in official Soviet histories. It was also

    universally referred to as Tyuratam by both Soviet military staff and engineers, and theUS intelligence agencies. Since the dissolution of the Soviet Union the Russian

    Federation has insisted on continued use of the old Soviet 'public' name of Baikonur.In its Kazakh (Kazak) version this is rendered Baykonur. More...

    0 PlesetskPlesetsk was the Soviet Union's northern cosmodrome, used for polarorbit launches of mainly military satellites, and was at one time the busiest launch

    centre in the world. The collapse of the Soviet Union put the main launch site ofBaikonur in Kazakh territory. It now seems that once the Proton rocket is retired,Baikonur will be abandoned and Plesetsk will be Russia's primary launch centre.

    Upgrades to existing launch facilities will allow advanced versions of the Soyuz rocketand the new Angara launch vehicle to be launched from Plesetsk. Plesetsk's major

    drawback was the lower net payload in geosynchronous orbit from a northern latitudelaunch site. However Russia is planning to remove the disadvantage by looping

    geosynchronous satellites around the moon, using lunar gravity to make thenecessary orbital plane change. More...

    0 Plesetsk LC43/4 R-7 launch complex. More...

    0 Baikonur LC31 R-7 launch complex. More...

    0 Baikonur LC1 R-7 launch complex. More...

    0 Baikonur LC81/24 Proton launch complex. More...

    Molniya-1 Chronology

    1960 October 30 - .

    0 Full development of Molniya-1 communications satellite authorised bygovernment decree. - . Nation: USSR. Spacecraft: Molniya-1. Summary: Threesuch satellites could provide long-distance communications coverage for the entire

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    Soviet Union. Original designed life was 1.5 to 2.0 years. Development was completedin May 1963..

    1961 October 30 - .

    0 Molniya-1 and Meteor-1 satellites authorised. - . Nation: USSR.

    Spacecraft: Molniya-1; Molniya-2; Meteor. Central Committee of the CommunistParty and Council of Soviet Ministers Decree 'On approval of work on the Molniya-1

    communications satellite and Meteor-1 weather satellite' was issued. Thedecreeauthorised work on the Molniya-1M production model, providing international

    communications on the centimetre band. But the protoype Molniya-1 worked so wellthat it was taken directly into service, and the -1M was skipped.

    1964 June 4 - . Launch Site: Baikonur. Launch Complex: Baikonur LC1. LV Family: R-7.Launch Vehicle: Molniya 8K78. LV Configuration: Molniya 8K78 R103-34. FAILURE: At T+104sec the tank draining of core Block A failed due to jamming of the servo-motored throttle andbreak down of the motor's circuit The launcher was destroyed on impact downrange from the

    pad.. Failed Stage: 0.

    0 Molniya-1 s/n 2 Failure - . Payload: Molniya-1 s/n 2. Mass: 1,600 kg (3,500lb). Nation: USSR. Agency: RVSN. Program: Molniya. Class: Communications.

    Type: Military communications satellite. Spacecraft: Molniya-1. COSPAR: F640604A.Summary: Unsuccessful first attempt to launch Molniya communications satellite..

    1964 August 22 - . 07:12 GMT - . Launch Site: Baikonur. Launch Complex: Baikonur LC1.LV Family: R-7. Launch Vehicle: Molniya 8K78. LV Configuration: Molniya 8K78 R103-36.

    0 Cosmos 41 - . Payload: Molniya-1. Mass: 1,500 kg (3,300 lb). Nation: USSR.

    Agency: Korolev. Program: Molniya. Class: Communications. Type: Militarycommunications satellite. Spacecraft: Molniya-1. Decay Date: 2004-04-09 . USAF Sat

    Cat: 869 . COSPAR: 1964-049D. Apogee: 39,169 km (24,338 mi). Perigee: 1,023 km(635 mi). Inclination: 68.4000 deg. Period: 714.50 min. Successful launch of first

    Soviet communications satellite. This is the second Molniya launch attempt. (the firstwas a launch failure). The failure of the antennae to deploy means the spacecraft can

    only be tested in a limited manner and cannot be used for the planned relay oftelevision.

    1965 April 23 - . 01:55 GMT - . Launch Site: Baikonur. Launch Complex: Baikonur LC1. LVFamily: R-7. Launch Vehicle: Molniya 8K78. LV Configuration: Molniya 8K78 U103-35.

    0 Molniya 1-01 - . Payload: Molniya-1. Mass: 1,600 kg (3,500 lb). Nation:USSR.Agency: MOM. Program: Molniya. Class: Communications. Type: Military

    communications satellite. Spacecraft: Molniya-1. Decay Date: 1979-08-16 . USAF SatCat: 1324 . COSPAR: 1965-030A. Apogee: 39,300 km (24,400 mi). Perigee: 538 km(334 mi). Inclination: 65.5000 deg. Period: 707.30 min. Summary: First announced

    launch of Soviet communications satellite. Television programme transmission andlong range two way multi channel telephone and telegraph communications. Orbital

    characteristics after correction of 2 May 1965..

    1965 October 14 - . 19:40 GMT - . Launch Site: Baikonur. Launch Complex: Baikonur LC1.

    LV Family: R-7. Launch Vehicle: Molniya 8K78. LV Configuration: Molniya 8K78 U103-37.

    0 Molniya 1-02 - . Payload: Molniya-1. Mass: 1,600 kg (3,500 lb). Nation:USSR.Agency: MOM. Program: Molniya. Class: Communications. Type: Military

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    communications satellite. Spacecraft: Molniya-1. Decay Date: 1967-03-17 . USAF SatCat: 1621 . COSPAR: 1965-080A. Apogee: 39,921 km (24,805 mi). Perigee: 487 km

    (302 mi). Inclination: 65.2000 deg. Period: 718.80 min. Summary: France - USSRcommunications link. Second communications satellite 'Molniya-1'. Television

    programme transmission and long-range, two-way multi-channel telephone,phototelegraph and telegraph communications..

    1966 March 27 - . Launch Site: Baikonur. Launch Complex: Baikonur LC31. LV Family: R-7. Launch Vehicle: Molniya 8K78M. LV Configuration: Molniya 8K78M N103-38. FAILURE: The

    booster failed during ascent. The launcher and payload broke up on impact with the ground..Failed Stage: U.

    0 Molniya-1 s/n 5 Failure - . Payload: Molniya-1 s/n 5. Mass: 1,600 kg (3,500lb). Nation: USSR. Agency: RVSN. Program: Molniya. Class: Communications.

    Type: Military communications satellite. Spacecraft: Molniya-1. COSPAR: F660327A.

    1966 April 25 - . 07:12 GMT - . Launch Site: Baikonur. Launch Complex: Baikonur LC31.

    LV Family: R-7. Launch Vehicle: Molniya 8K78M. LV Configuration: Molniya 8K78M N103-39.

    0 Molniya 1-03 - . Payload: Molniya-1. Mass: 1,600 kg (3,500 lb). Nation:USSR.Agency: MOM. Program: Molniya. Class: Communications. Type: Military

    communications satellite. Spacecraft: Molniya-1. Decay Date: 1973-06-11 . USAF SatCat: 2151 . COSPAR: 1966-035A. Apogee: 39,414 km (24,490 mi). Perigee: 546 km

    (339 mi). Inclination: 65.0000 deg. Period: 709.80 min. Summary: Also transmittedcloud cover images. Television programme transmission and long-range two-way multi-

    channel telephone, phototelegraph and telegraph communicaitons. .

    September 1966 - . LV Family: N1; R-9; RT-2.

    0 N1 two-launch moon scenario proposed - . Nation: USSR. RelatedPersons: Korolev; Bushuyev. Program: Lunar L3; Lunar L1; Soyuz. Spacecraft: LK;

    Soyuz 7K-LOK; Soyuz 7K-OK; Soyuz 7K-L1; Molniya-1. Bushuyev proposed a twolaunch variation on Korolev's single-launch scheme. The increased-payload version of

    the N1 with six additional engines was not planned to fly until vehicle 3L. 1L and 2Lwere to be technology articles for ground test with only the original 24 engine

    configuration. At that time the first Apollo test flight was planned by the end of 1966,and the US moon landing no later than 1969. The Soviets expected the first test of

    their LK lander in 1969, and concluded they could not expect to land a Soviet man onthe moon until 1972. Additional Details: here....

    1966 October 20 - . 07:55 GMT - . Launch Site: Baikonur. Launch Complex: Baikonur LC1.LV Family: R-7. Launch Vehicle: Molniya 8K78M. LV Configuration: Molniya 8K78M N103-40.

    0 Molniya 1-04 - . Payload: Molniya-1. Mass: 1,600 kg (3,500 lb). Nation:USSR.Agency: MOM. Program: Molniya. Class: Communications. Type: Military

    communications satellite. Spacecraft: Molniya-1. Decay Date: 1968-09-11 . USAF SatCat: 2501 . COSPAR: 1966-092A. Apogee: 39,689 km (24,661 mi). Perigee: 500 km

    (310 mi). Inclination: 65.3000 deg. Period: 714.40 min. Summary: Televisionprogramme transmission and long-range two-way multi-channel telephone,

    phototelegraph and telegraph communicaitons..

    1967 May 24 - . 22:50 GMT - . Launch Site: Baikonur. Launch Complex: Baikonur LC1. LVFamily: R-7. Launch Vehicle: Molniya 8K78M.

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    0 Molniya 1-05 - . Payload: Molniya-1. Mass: 1,600 kg (3,500 lb). Nation:USSR.Agency: MOM. Program: Molniya. Class: Communications. Type: Military

    communications satellite. Spacecraft: Molniya-1. Decay Date: 1971-11-26 . USAF SatCat: 2822 . COSPAR: 1967-052A. Apogee: 35,690 km (22,170 mi). Perigee: 90 km (55

    mi). Inclination: 64.6000 deg. Period: 627.00 min. Summary: Further developmentand experimental operation of long-range two-way television and telephone-telegraph


    1967 August 31 - . 08:00 GMT - . Launch Site: Baikonur. Launch Complex: Baikonur LC1.Launch Pad: LC1/LC31?. LV Family: R-7. Launch Vehicle: Molniya 8K78M.

    0 Cosmos 174 - . Payload: Molniya-1. Mass: 1,600 kg (3,500 lb). Nation: USSR.Agency: MOM. Program: Molniya. Class: Communications. Type: Military

    communications satellite. Spacecraft: Molniya-1. Decay Date: 1968-12-30 . USAF SatCat: 2925 . COSPAR: 1967-082A. Apogee: 39,796 km (24,728 mi). Perigee: 430 km

    (260 mi). Inclination: 64.9000 deg. Period: 715.00 min. Summary: Probable commsatfailure. Investigation of the upper atmosphere and outer space..

    1967 October 3 - . 05:00 GMT - . Launch Site: Baikonur. Launch Complex: Baikonur LC1.Launch Pad: LC1 or LC31. LV Family: R-7. Launch Vehicle: Molniya 8K78M.

    0 Molniya 1-06 - . Payload: Molniya-1. Mass: 1,600 kg (3,500 lb). Nation:USSR.Agency: MOM. Program: Molniya. Class: Communications. Type: Military

    communications satellite. Spacecraft: Molniya-1. Decay Date: 1969-03-04 . USAF SatCat: 2973 . COSPAR: 1967-095A. Apogee: 39,709 km (24,673 mi). Perigee: 508 km

    (315 mi). Inclination: 64.7000 deg. Period: 714.90 min. Summary: Operation of asystem of long range telephone-telegraph radiocommunication, and transmission of

    USSR Central Television programmes to the stations of the Orbita network..

    1967 October 22 - . 08:40 GMT - . Launch Site: Baikonur. Launch Complex: Baikonur LC1.Launch Pad: LC1 or LC31. LV Family: R-7. Launch Vehicle: Molniya 8K78M.

    0 Molniya 1-07 - . Payload: Molniya-1. Mass: 1,600 kg (3,500 lb). Nation:USSR.Agency: MOM. Program: Molniya. Class: Communications. Type: Military

    communications satellite. Spacecraft: Molniya-1. Decay Date: 1969-12-31 . USAF SatCat: 3008 . COSPAR: 1967-101A. Apogee: 39,709 km (24,673 mi). Perigee: 508 km

    (315 mi). Inclination: 64.8000 deg. Period: 714.90 min. Summary: Operation of asystem of long range telephone-telegraph radiocommunication, and transmission of

    USSR Central Television programmes to the stations of the Orbita network..

    1968 April 21 - . 04:20 GMT - . Launch Site: Baikonur. Launch Complex: Baikonur LC1.Launch Pad: LC1 or LC31. LV Family: R-7. Launch Vehicle: Molniya 8K78M.

    0 Molniya 1-08 - . Payload: Molniya-1. Mass: 1,600 kg (3,500 lb). Nation:USSR.Agency: MOM. Program: Molniya. Class: Communications. Type: Military

    communications satellite. Spacecraft: Molniya-1. Decay Date: 1974-01-29 . USAF SatCat: 3209 . COSPAR: 1968-035A. Apogee: 40,099 km (24,916 mi). Perigee: 405 km

    (251 mi). Inclination: 64.0000 deg. Period: 720.80 min. Summary: Operation of asystem of long range telephone-telegraph radiocommunication, and transmission of

    USSR Central Television programmes to the stations of the Orbita network..

    1968 July 5 - . 15:25 GMT - . Launch Site: Baikonur. Launch Complex: Baikonur LC1.Launch Pad: LC1 or LC31. LV Family: R-7. Launch Vehicle: Molniya 8K78M.

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    0 Molniya 1-09 - . Payload: Molniya-1. Mass: 1,600 kg (3,500 lb). Nation:USSR.Agency: MOM. Program: Molniya. Class: Communications. Type: Military

    communications satellite. Spacecraft: Molniya-1. Decay Date: 1971-05-15 . USAF SatCat: 3310 . COSPAR: 1968-057A. Apogee: 39,806 km (24,734 mi). Perigee: 396 km

    (246 mi). Inclination: 65.1000 deg. Period: 714.70 min. Summary: Operation of asystem of long range telephone-telegraph radiocommunication, and transmission of

    USSR Central Television programmes to the stations of the Orbita network..

    1968 October 5 - . 00:32 GMT - . Launch Site: Baikonur. Launch Complex: Baikonur LC1.Launch Pad: LC1 or LC31. LV Family: R-7. Launch Vehicle: Molniya 8K78M.

    0 Molniya 1-10 - . Payload: Molniya-1. Mass: 1,600 kg (3,500 lb). Nation:USSR.Agency: MOM. Program: Molniya. Class: Communications. Type: Military

    communications satellite. Spacecraft: Molniya-1. Decay Date: 1976-07-16 . USAF SatCat: 3469 . COSPAR: 1968-085A. Apogee: 39,596 km (24,603 mi). Perigee: 498 km

    (309 mi). Inclination: 64.9000 deg. Period: 712.50 min. Summary: Operation of asystem of long range telephone-telegraph radiocommunication, and transmission of

    USSR Central Television programmes to the stations of the Orbita network..

    1968 December 16 - . 09:15 GMT - . Launch Site: Baikonur. Launch Complex: BaikonurLC1. Launch Pad: LC1 or LC31. LV Family: R-7. Launch Vehicle: Molniya 8K78M.

    0 Cosmos 260 - . Payload: Molniya-1. Mass: 1,600 kg (3,500 lb). Nation: USSR.Agency: MOM. Program: Molniya. Class: Communications. Type: Military

    communications satellite. Spacecraft: Molniya-1. Decay Date: 1973-07-09 . USAF SatCat: 3619 . COSPAR: 1968-115A. Apogee: 39,573 km (24,589 mi). Perigee: 506 km

    (314 mi). Inclination: 65.0000 deg. Period: 712.20 min. Summary: Investigation of theupper atmosphere and outer space..

    1969 April 11 - . 02:30 GMT - . Launch Site: Baikonur. Launch Complex: Baikonur LC1.Launch Pad: LC1 or LC31. LV Family: R-7. Launch Vehicle: Molniya 8K78M.

    0 Molniya 1-11 - . Payload: Molniya-1. Mass: 1,600 kg (3,500 lb). Nation:USSR.Agency: MOM. Program: Molniya. Class: Communications. Type: Military

    communications satellite. Spacecraft: Molniya-1. Decay Date: 1974-04-17 . USAF SatCat: 3885 . COSPAR: 1969-035A. Apogee: 39,595 km (24,603 mi). Perigee: 483 km

    (300 mi). Inclination: 64.9000 deg. Period: 712.10 min. Summary: Operation of asystem of long range telephone-telegraph radiocommunication, and transmission of

    USSR Central Television programmes to the stations of the Orbita network..

    1969 July 22 - . 12:55 GMT - . Launch Site: Baikonur. Launch Complex: Baikonur LC1.Launch Pad: LC1 or LC31. LV Family: R-7. Launch Vehicle: Molniya 8K78M.

    0 Molniya 1-12 - . Payload: Molniya-1. Mass: 1,600 kg (3,500 lb). Nation:USSR.Agency: MOM. Program: Molniya. Class: Communications. Type: Military

    communications satellite. Spacecraft: Molniya-1. Decay Date: 1971-06-18 . USAF SatCat: 4043 . COSPAR: 1969-061A. Apogee: 39,526 km (24,560 mi). Perigee: 496 km

    (308 mi). Inclination: 64.9000 deg. Period: 711.00 min. Summary: Operation of asystem of long range telephone-telegraph radiocommunication, and transmission of

    USSR Central Television programmes to the stations of the Orbita network..

    1970 February 19 - . 18:57 GMT - . Launch Site: Plesetsk. Launch Complex: PlesetskLC43/4. LV Family: R-7. Launch Vehicle: Molniya 8K78M.

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    0 Molniya 1-13 - . Payload: Molniya-1. Mass: 1,600 kg (3,500 lb). Nation:USSR.Agency: MOM. Program: Molniya. Class: Communications. Type: Military

    communications satellite. Spacecraft: Molniya-1. Decay Date: 1975-09-29 . USAF SatCat: 4336 . COSPAR: 1970-013A. Apogee: 39,170 km (24,330 mi). Perigee: 461 km

    (286 mi). Inclination: 65.4000 deg. Period: 703.10 min. Summary: The first launch ofthe 8K78M vehicle from the Plesetsk launch site. Operation of a system of long range

    telephone-telegraph radiocommunication, and transmission of USSR Central Television

    programmes to the stations of the Orbita network..

    1970 June 26 - . 03:23 GMT - . Launch Site: Plesetsk. LV Family: R-7. Launch Vehicle:Molniya 8K78M.

    0 Molniya 1-14 - . Payload: Molniya-1. Mass: 1,600 kg (3,500 lb). Nation:USSR.Agency: MOM. Program: Molniya. Class: Communications. Type: Military

    communications satellite. Spacecraft: Molniya-1. Decay Date: 1976-02-16 . USAF SatCat: 4430 . COSPAR: 1970-049A. Apogee: 39,172 km (24,340 mi). Perigee: 459 km

    (285 mi). Inclination: 65.5000 deg. Period: 703.10 min. Summary: Operation of asystem of long range telephone-telegraph radiocommunication, and transmission of

    USSR Central Television programmes to the stations of the Orbita network..

    1970 September 29 - . 08:14 GMT - . Launch Site: Plesetsk. LV Family: R-7. LaunchVehicle: Molniya 8K78M.

    0 Molniya 1-15 - . Payload: Molniya-1. Mass: 1,600 kg (3,500 lb). Nation:USSR.Agency: MOM. Program: Molniya. Class: Communications. Type: Military

    communications satellite. Spacecraft: Molniya-1. Decay Date: 1976-03-20 . USAF SatCat: 4569 . COSPAR: 1970-077A. Apogee: 39,296 km (24,417 mi). Perigee: 492 km

    (305 mi). Inclination: 65.2000 deg. Period: 706.30 min. Summary: Operation of asystem of long range telephone-telegraph radiocommunication, and transmission of

    USSR Central Television programmes to the stations of the Orbita network..

    1970 November 27 - . 15:47 GMT - . Launch Site: Plesetsk. LV Family: R-7. LaunchVehicle: Molniya 8K78M.

    0 Molniya 1-16 - . Payload: Molniya-1. Mass: 1,600 kg (3,500 lb). Nation:USSR.Agency: MOM. Program: Molniya. Class: Communications. Type: Military

    communications satellite. Spacecraft: Molniya-1. Decay Date: 1975-11-25 . USAF SatCat: 4779 . COSPAR: 1970-101A. Apogee: 39,895 km (24,789 mi). Perigee: 463 km

    (287 mi). Inclination: 65.5000 deg. Period: 717.80 min. Summary: Operation of asystem of long range telephone-telegraph radiocommunication, and transmission of

    USSR Central Television programmes to the stations of the Orbita network..

    1970 December 25 - . 03:50 GMT - . Launch Site: Baikonur. Launch Complex: BaikonurLC1. Launch Pad: LC1 or LC31. LV Family: R-7. Launch Vehicle: Molniya 8K78M.

    0 Molniya 1-17 - . Payload: Molniya-1. Mass: 1,600 kg (3,500 lb). Nation:USSR.Agency: MOM. Program: Molniya. Class: Communications. Type: Military

    communications satellite. Spacecraft: Molniya-1. Decay Date: 1975-12-22 . USAF SatCat: 4829 . COSPAR: 1970-114A. Apogee: 39,881 km (24,780 mi). Perigee: 474 km

    (294 mi). Inclination: 65.0000 deg. Period: 717.80 min. Summary: Operation of asystem of long range telephone-telegraph radiocommunication, and transmission of

    USSR Central Television programmes to the stations of the Orbita network..

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    1971 July 28 - . 03:29 GMT - . Launch Site: Plesetsk. LV Family: R-7. Launch Vehicle:Molniya 8K78M.

    0 Molniya 1-18 - . Payload: Molniya-1. Mass: 1,600 kg (3,500 lb). Nation:USSR.Agency: MOM. Program: Molniya. Class: Communications. Type: Military

    communications satellite. Spacecraft: Molniya-1. Decay Date: 1977-07-19 . USAF SatCat: 5367 . COSPAR: 1971-064A. Apogee: 39,877 km (24,778 mi). Perigee: 478 km

    (297 mi). Inclination: 65.4000 deg. Period: 717.80 min. Summary: Operation of asystem of long range telephone-telegraph radiocommunication, and transmission of

    USSR Central Television programmes to the stations of the Orbita network..

    1971 December 19 - . 22:50 GMT - . Launch Site: Plesetsk. LV Family: R-7. LaunchVehicle: Molniya 8K78M.

    0 Molniya 1-19 - . Payload: Molniya-1. Mass: 1,600 kg (3,500 lb). Nation:USSR.Agency: MOM. Program: Molniya. Class: Communications. Type: Military

    communications satellite. Spacecraft: Molniya-1. Decay Date: 1977-04-13 . USAF SatCat: 5712 . COSPAR: 1971-115A. Apogee: 39,126 km (24,311 mi). Perigee: 522 km

    (324 mi). Inclination: 65.0000 deg. Period: 703.50 min. Summary: Operation of a

    system of long range telephone-telegraph radiocommunication, and transmission ofUSSR Central Television programmes to the stations of the Orbita network..

    1972 April 4 - . 20:38 GMT - . Launch Site: Plesetsk. Launch Complex: Plesetsk LC43/4. LVFamily: R-7. Launch Vehicle: Molniya 8K78M.

    0 Molniya 1-20 - . Payload: Molniya-1 s/n 27. Mass: 1,600 kg (3,500 lb). Nation:USSR.Agency: MOM. Program: Molniya. Class: Communications. Type: Military

    communications satellite. Spacecraft: Molniya-1. Decay Date: 1974-01-30 . USAF SatCat: 5927 . COSPAR: 1972-025A. Apogee: 40,006 km (24,858 mi). Perigee: 343 km(213 mi). Inclination: 65.7000 deg. Period: 717.60 min. Summary: Operation of the

    long-range telephone and telegraph radiocommunications system in the USSR;transmission of television programmes to stations in the Orbita network..

    1972 October 14 - . 06:16 GMT - . Launch Site: Plesetsk. LV Family: R-7. Launch Vehicle:Molniya 8K78M.

    0 Molniya 1-21 - . Payload: Molniya-1. Mass: 1,600 kg (3,500 lb). Nation:USSR.Agency: MOM. Program: Molniya. Class: Communications. Type: Military

    communications satellite. Spacecraft: Molniya-1. Decay Date: 1977-11-01 . USAF SatCat: 6231 . COSPAR: 1972-081A. Apogee: 34,684 km (21,551 mi). Perigee: 494 km

    (306 mi). Inclination: 65.4000 deg. Period: 615.40 min. Summary: Uncertain if

    Molniya-1T model was Molniya-1 or Molniya-1T. Operation of the long-range telephoneand telegraph radiocommunications system in the USSR; transmission of television

    programmes to stations in the Orbita network..

    1972 December 2 - . 04:39 GMT - . Launch Site: Baikonur. Launch Complex: Baikonur LC1.Launch Pad: LC1 or LC31. LV Family: R-7. Launch Vehicle: Molniya 8K78M.

    0 Molniya 1-22 - . Payload: Molniya-1. Mass: 1,600 kg (3,500 lb). Nation:USSR.Agency: MOM. Program: Molniya. Class: Communications. Type: Military

    communications satellite. Spacecraft: Molniya-1. Decay Date: 1976-02-11 . USAF SatCat: 6294 . COSPAR: 1972-095A. Apogee: 39,608 km (24,611 mi). Perigee: 462 km

    (287 mi). Inclination: 64.0000 deg. Period: 712.00 min. Summary: Uncertain ifMolniya-1T model was Molniya-1 or Molniya-1T. Operation of a system of long rangetelephone-telegraph radiocommunication, and transmission of USSR Central Television

    programmes to the stations of the Orbita network..

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    1973 February 3 - . 05:48 GMT - . Launch Site: Baikonur. Launch Complex: Baikonur LC1.Launch Pad: LC1 or LC31. LV Family: R-7. Launch Vehicle: Molniya 8K78M.

    0 Molniya 1-23 - . Payload: Molniya-1. Mass: 1,600 kg (3,500 lb). Nation:USSR.Agency: MOM. Program: Molniya. Class: Communications. Type: Military

    communications satellite. Spacecraft: Molniya-1. Decay Date: 1977-10-23 . USAF SatCat: 6356 . COSPAR: 1973-007A. Apogee: 39,602 km (24,607 mi). Perigee: 476 km

    (295 mi). Inclination: 65.0000 deg. Period: 712.20 min. Summary: Uncertain ifMolniya-1T model was Molniya-1 or Molniya-1T. Operation of a system of long range

    telephone-telegraph radiocommunication, and transmission of USSR Central Televisionprogrammes to the stations of the Orbita network..

    1973 August 30 - . 00:07 GMT - . Launch Site: Plesetsk. LV Family: R-7. Launch Vehicle:Molniya 8K78M.

    0 Molniya 1-24 - . Payload: Molniya-1. Mass: 1,600 kg (3,500 lb). Nation:USSR.Agency: MOM. Program: Molniya. Class: Communications. Type: Military

    communications satellite. Spacecraft: Molniya-1. Decay Date: 1979-12-05 . USAF SatCat: 6805 . COSPAR: 1973-061A. Apogee: 39,893 km (24,788 mi). Perigee: 463 km

    (287 mi). Inclination: 65.5000 deg. Period: 717.80 min. Summary: Uncertain ifMolniya-1T model was Molniya-1 or Molniya-1T. Operation of a system of long range

    telephone-telegraph radiocommunication, and transmission of USSR Central Televisionprogrammes to the stations of the Orbita network..

    1973 November 14 - . 20:40 GMT - . Launch Site: Baikonur. Launch Complex: BaikonurLC1. Launch Pad: LC1 or LC31. LV Family: R-7. Launch Vehicle: Molniya 8K78M.

    0 Molniya 1-25 - . Payload: Molniya-1. Mass: 1,600 kg (3,500 lb). Nation:

    USSR.Agency: MOM. Program: Molniya. Class: Communications. Type: Militarycommunications satellite. Spacecraft: Molniya-1. Decay Date: 1979-05-26 . USAF Sat

    Cat: 6932 . COSPAR: 1973-089A. Apogee: 39,607 km (24,610 mi). Perigee: 461 km(286 mi). Inclination: 64.0000 deg. Period: 712.00 min. Summary: Operation of a

    system of long range telephone-telegraph radiocommunication, and transmission ofUSSR Central Television programmes to the stations of the Orbita network. .

    1973 November 30 - . 13:08 GMT - . Launch Site: Plesetsk. LV Family: R-7. LaunchVehicle: Molniya 8K78M.

    0 Molniya 1-26 - . Payload: Molniya-1. Mass: 1,600 kg (3,500 lb). Nation:

    USSR.Agency: MOM. Program: Molniya. Class: Communications. Type: Militarycommunications satellite. Spacecraft: Molniya-1. Decay Date: 1985-06-09 . USAF Sat

    Cat: 6958 . COSPAR: 1973-097A. Apogee: 40,829 km (25,369 mi). Perigee: 619 km(384 mi). Inclination: 62.9000 deg. Period: 740.00 min. Summary: Uncertain if

    Molniya-1T model was Molniya-1 or Molniya-1T. Operation of a system of long rangetelephone-telegraph radiocommunication, and transmission of USSR Central Television

    programmes to the stations of the Orbita network..

    1974 April 20 - . 20:53 GMT - . Launch Site: Plesetsk. LV Family: R-7. Launch Vehicle:Molniya 8K78M.

    0 Molniya 1-27 - . Payload: Molniya-1. Mass: 1,600 kg (3,500 lb). Nation:USSR.Agency: MOM. Program: Molniya. Class: Communications. Type: Militarycommunications satellite. Spacecraft: Molniya-1. Decay Date: 1983-11-17 . USAF Sat

    Cat: 7260 . COSPAR: 1974-023A. Apogee: 39,752 km (24,700 mi). Perigee: 606 km

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    (376 mi). Inclination: 63.0000 deg. Period: 717.80 min. Summary: Uncertain ifMolniya-1T model was Molniya-1 or Molniya-1T. Operation of a system of long range

    telephone-telegraph radiocommunication, and transmission of USSR Central Televisionprogrammes to the stations of the Orbita network..

    1974 July 29 - . 12:00 GMT - . Launch Site: Baikonur. Launch Complex: Baikonur LC81/24.LV Family: Proton. Launch Vehicle: Proton-K/DM. LV Configuration: Proton-K/DM 287-01.

    0 Molniya 1-S - . Payload: Molniya 1 s/n 38. Mass: 800 kg (1,760 lb). Nation:USSR.Agency: MOM. Program: Molniya. Class: Communications. Type: Military

    communications satellite. Spacecraft: Molniya-1. Completed Operations Date: 1974-07-01 . USAF Sat Cat: 7392 . COSPAR: 1974-060A. Apogee: 35,848 km (22,274 mi).

    Perigee: 35,738 km (22,206 mi). Inclination: 14.8000 deg. Period: 1,436.40 min.Evidently a unique experimental satellite. Arrangements for experimental televisionbroadcasts and establishment of long-range radio-communications. As of 29 August

    2001 located at 104.72 deg E drifting at 0.115 deg W per day. As of 2007 Mar 10located at 41.05E drifting at 0.029W degrees per day.

    1974 October 24 - . 12:39 GMT - . Launch Site: Plesetsk. LV Family: R-7. Launch Vehicle:Molniya 8K78M.

    0 Molniya 1-28 - . Payload: Molniya-1 s/n 26. Mass: 1,600 kg (3,500 lb). Nation:USSR.Agency: MOM. Program: Molniya. Class: Communications. Type: Military

    communications satellite. Spacecraft: Molniya-1. Decay Date: 1985-12-29 . USAF SatCat: 7480 . COSPAR: 1974-081A. Apogee: 40,633 km (25,248 mi). Perigee: 607 km

    (377 mi). Inclination: 62.8000 deg. Period: 735.80 min. Summary: Decay datesuspect Uncertain if Molniya-1T model was Molniya-1 or Molniya-1T. Operation of a

    system of long range telephone-telegraph radiocommunication, and transmission ofUSSR Central Television programmes to the stations of the Orbita network..

    1975 April 29 - . 10:24 GMT - . Launch Site: Plesetsk. LV Family: R-7. Launch Vehicle:Molniya 8K78M.

    0 Molniya 1-29 - . Payload: Molniya-1. Mass: 1,600 kg (3,500 lb). Nation:USSR.Agency: MOM. Program: Molniya. Class: Communications. Type: Militarycommunications satellite. Spacecraft: Molniya-1. USAF Sat Cat: 7780 . COSPAR:

    1975-036A. Apogee: 38,379 km (23,847 mi). Perigee: 1,983 km (1,232 mi).Inclination: 63.8000 deg. Period: 717.90 min. Summary: Uncertain if Molniya-1T

    model was Molniya-1 or Molniya-1T. Operation of the long-range telephone andtelegraph radiocommunications system in the USSR; transmission of television

    programmes to stations in the Orbita network..

    1975 June 5 - . 01:38 GMT - . Launch Site: Plesetsk. LV Family: R-7. Launch Vehicle:Molniya 8K78M.

    0 Molniya 1-30 - . Payload: Molniya-1 s/n 24. Mass: 1,600 kg (3,500 lb). Nation:USSR.Agency: MOM. Program: Molniya. Class: Communications. Type: Military

    communications satellite. Spacecraft: Molniya-1. Decay Date: 1987-08-12 . USAF SatCat: 7903 . COSPAR: 1975-049A. Apogee: 38,307 km (23,802 mi). Perigee: 121 km

    (75 mi). Inclination: 63.4000 deg. Period: 679.10 min. Summary: Uncertain ifMolniya-1T model was Molniya-1 or Molniya-1T. Operation of the long-range telephone

    and telegraph radiocommunications system in the USSR; transmission of television

    programmes to stations in the Orbita network..

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    1975 September 2 - . 13:09 GMT - . Launch Site: Plesetsk. LV Family: R-7. LaunchVehicle: Molniya 8K78M.

    0 Molniya 1-31 - . Payload: Molniya-1. Mass: 1,600 kg (3,500 lb). Nation:USSR.Agency: MOM. Program: Molniya. Class: Communications. Type: Military

    communications satellite. Spacecraft: Molniya-1. Decay Date: 1985-11-19 . USAF SatCat: 8187 . COSPAR: 1975-079A. Apogee: 40,598 km (25,226 mi). Perigee: 633 km

    (393 mi). Inclination: 62.9000 deg. Period: 735.60 min. Summary: Uncertain ifMolniya-1T model was Molniya-1 or Molniya-1T. Operation of the long-range telephone

    and telegraph radiocommunications system in the USSR; transmission of televisionprogrammes to stations in the Orbita network..

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