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Momentum mooc framework jam brief final

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MOOC Framework Jam | Nov. 20, 2013
Page 1: Momentum mooc framework jam brief final

MOOC Framework Jam | Nov. 20, 2013

Page 2: Momentum mooc framework jam brief final

MOMENTUM is hosted by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation with Knowledge in the Public Interest.

Collaborative events advance strategies for student success in higher education.

This Brief was prepared by Knowledge in the Public Interest.

MOOC Jam Brief by Knowledge in the Public Interest is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

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MOOCs have received unprecedented attention over the last 18–24 months. Certainly it is hard to cite another educational concept that has gained as much attention outside of the education sector. As we work to understand the impact of MOOCs it seems important to take stock of what we have learned through relevant research on distance learning, technology assisted learning and the like. This Jam will allow those of us in the online learning field to draw on this collective knowledge to critique a MOOC framework that encapsulates the kind of choices that those contemplating developing MOOCs should consider.

george siemens

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The Framework consists of nine components each existing "on a continuum."

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SECTION 01 The Jam

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The purpose of the Jam was to critique a draft MOOC Framework designed to guide institutions in mounting MOOCs.

The critique has two dimensions to it. One is macro and speaks to the focus and structure of the Framework itself. The second is micro and speaks to the definition or explanation of each element of the Framework.

The Jam 01

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The addition of a scope statement—a way to think about and use the Framework—could help the user. This statement might invite the institution to examine its motivation in developing a MOOC as the goal(s) could guide its decisions with respect to the Framework elements. The Framework could also encourage an institution to broaden its thinking about its MOOC sponsorship.

MACRO Take 1 — Add a Scope Statement


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I imagine that a key addition to the framework would be some sort of scope statement to indicate what is included and what is not. If putting some instructional videos on youtube, or running a learning community such as javaranch.com are not considered as MOOCs, then this sort of stuff should be clear to readers.

frank carver

There are many different reasons why an institution might want to run a MOOC. Freedom to experiment is one of them, but it's not the only one, and I think they're all valid. You could want a shop-window to attract students, that's fine. Or you could want to fulfill a social engagement function, and so on. The type of MOOC you create will depend very much on your aim.

martin weller

Scope Statement 02

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Currently universities hold an important position in cultural definitions of learning, to the extent that in situations where learners plan their own goals and actions, the activity is often not recognised as “learning”. Recognition of what constitutes learning needs to be broadened to encompass activity outside formal education. Organisations that support formal learning have to be encouraged to take a wide view of their place in the learning ecosystem as well and who / how they work with.

allison littlejohn

Scope Statement 02

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The Framework elements do not appear to be naturally sequenced. In this sense the elements might be thought of as “loosely coupled.” However, a truer characterization may be that the Framework can be entered at any point (design and pedagogy, learner profiles, knowledge) but that starting point will affect decisions made with respect to all the other Framework elements and vice versa.

02 MACRO Take 2 — Clarify Entry Points

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I hope that the framework is used for guidance, not as a tool. Perhaps the challenge will be in creating something that resonates with people running MOOCs. And then iterating as people make use of it and revise it for different contexts. Perhaps it's a bit like MOOCs—start somewhere, share with others, encourage others to iterate / improve, continue to learn / evolve.

george siemens

Entry Points 02

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The draft Framework is abstract and, with respect to some ele-ments, vague. Developing a set of questions to be considered with respect to each element could make the Framework more useful. There is substantial research on distance learning, online learning, learning analytics etc. Were this research to be invoked in the crafting of questions and the articulation of constraints in MOOC design, this could add clarity and confidence to the value of the Framework.

MACRO Take 3 — Add Questions 02

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I see the concepts outlined in the framework as relevant and applicable, but the process itself is vague, meaning if I am a designer wanting to apply the framework there is little structure or guidance of how to apply it by looking at it visually. I realize that is part of the nature of it, the non-sequential aspect, however it appears almost too abstract. If it is to be used as a tool, it seems there needs to be an element of instructiveness.

debbie morrison

Maybe we need a series of questions that a designer should work through around the various aspects which experience has shown to matter?

paige cuff

Add Questions 02

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Blurring boundaries, yes, but some designed constraints are useful (thinking of @Jenny's recent blog post on constraints). The best public squares are contained by well-proportioned buildings and have useful street furniture. A greenfield site (for free range learning) doesn't support crucial social engagements.

mark mcguire

Add Questions 02

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It may be unnecessarily constraining to limit the Framework to higher education. MOOCs seem to have applicability in K–12 and in the “training” / professional development arenas and the elements seem to be equally relevant in these spheres.

02 MACRO Take 4 — Beyond Higher Education

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This framework is more aimed at Higher Ed than other MOOC options (entrepreneurial / corporate / non-profit). The elements are the same even out of Higher Ed (although) maybe terms differ.

inge de waard

It is also extremely potentially impactful across K–12.

bruce dixon

K–12 02

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There are several concepts that seem central to MOOCs that are not yet articulated in the Framework. These are...

MICRO Take 03

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If the “message” of the Framework is that a MOOC, irrespective of where it fits within the Framework spectrum, is a “different” teaching and learning experience, then faculty need support in overall design and specifically with regard to the adaptation of pedagogy. The requirement for and nature of this support could be made explicit in the Framework.

03 MICRO Take 1 — Prepare and Support Instructors

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Instructor Support / Professional Development


Assisting people (faculty) in how to facilitate (a MOOC) effectively is a key area and one that is often missed in the rapid leap on the bandwagon. Many universities have downsized or marginalized their learning and teaching support areas, and yet we know that instructor / facilitator behavior has an impact on student outcomes.

grace lynch

If we start thinking of integrating reflective practice (on the learner's own terms, not the course's terms) into the process, professional development / growth as a practitioner—becomes a core element of learning and of design—not a marginalized add-on.

roy williams

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The Framework recognizes the need to design for and support learners of varied backgrounds. It also cites in pedagogy the continuum from teacher-led to participatory approaches and relates these to individual, networked and community learning. Nonetheless a stronger “learner voice” in the Framework could convey the possibility and value of the learner feeling in control of the experience. This would be reinforced if informally garnered learning were also acknowledged.

03 MICRO Take 2 — Acknowledge the Learner

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It requires a mature and skilled learner to know how to exercise their autonomy. jenny mackness

Many learners need to be given permission / taught / guided to own their own learning.

george siemens

If we offer a single entry, but on entry you get some opportunity to guided 'self-assessment' to define your own needs on this particular topic, then select what support you want as learner.

paige cuff

Learner as Actor 03

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Pace seems a significant omission from the framework—choosing not just what and when and where but how fast you learn matters. Pace is hugely significant in control (fast reduces control, for example).

Jon dron

DE literature tells us that interaction is one of the most critical components of effective online learning (the COI model, Equivalency Theorem etc.) so that is why I was wondering if it should be a separate aspect of the framework.

Robert Lawson

I would enable some kind of accreditation (badges for now) for informal learning. I feel this would help less experienced learners or learners with less self-esteem.

Inge de Waard

Learner as Actor 03

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The Framework speaks to assessment in terms of opining on or characterizing the learner’s learning. MOOCs by their digital nature accumulate data on learning that could be of value to leaders and participants during a MOOC and equally of value to institutions and researchers on an aggregated basis.

03 MICRO Take 3 — Call for Learning Analytics

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One component I feel is missing from the Framework is an evaluation component, both from a learner and stakeholder perspective. Aside from student assessment activities, what mechanisms are in place that let both learners and facilitators / professors, gauge the effectiveness of the course?

shaun kellogg

I want to get to a point where learners have a better understanding of where they are and how they are progressing, better feedback loops etc, I use the trite example of Angry Birds, mastering the 3 stars for levels, progressing through the game where some levels you ace and some you don't, system helps you go back and focus on the low level attainment—no waiting for exams to see how you have done. It's about getting "flow" right in how you design the environment.

jon harman

Learning Analytics 03

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Design can be turned around, to integrate with learner reflection. We use a different framework (footprints-of-emergence) which enables designers to map out and visualize how they think the learner will respond, and enables the learner to map out they way they actually respond—with dynamic changes over the course—then designer and learner(s) can get together and work on aligning design and actual experience (cognitive, affective, ontological, professional) and adapting it on an ongoing basis.

roy williams

Learning Analytics 03

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Student support is explained in terms of tutors and peer learning strategies. To this could be added the digital skills necessary to fully engage in a MOOC. The same can be said of the digital skill needs of MOOC leaders—all those engaged in a MOOC learning experience need to be supported in developing the knowledge and skills that are foundational to an online learning experience.

03 MICRO Take 4 — Support Digital Skill-building

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Addition for the framework: digital skills including tech skills, as well as social-media skills, even digital communication skills to the learner profile part.

inge de waard

A MOOC leader needs to understand the similarities and differences from the teaching situations they have experienced before. Blundering ahead based on internalized models and simplistic metaphors is not the best way forward.

frank carver

Learner / Leader Digital Skills 03

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I see a big problem in UK for having enough teachers with digital pedagogic experience or knowledge, but we should work on that as there are so many great teachers with the right transferable skills. I'd like to see some competency / skills framework for leading and teaching within a MOOC or online learning. There is a big skills gap. Maybe a MOOC that allows people to move through these com-petency levels (badged and accredited to a recognized standard?) a MOOC driving test so to speak.

jon harman

03 Learner / Leader Digital Skills

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Two factors (distinguish a MOOC from other online educationally oriented experiences): massive (i.e. large number of learners that enable different ped-agogies than a class of 30 or 40) and openness (generative, recreation, newness, mixing, etc.). If we have a class of 30 learners, we can all learn together and cover each other’s knowledge gaps. But we have limits because it is too small. Once we hit scale, something like Dunbar's number, new learning options emerge. We can't process things only cognitively and we look for technical approaches for sense-making and way-finding. That's where the experience qualitatively changes from a regular course. (Having said this, if something's designed to be open and networked it has the potential to be massive. It doesn't need to actually garner a particular critical mass to count.

george siemens

Coda — What is a MOOC? 04

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