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MONDAY, H,105. inline - Chronicling...

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v< . WV! H,105. NEW YORK, MONDAY, APRIL I, I8(>7. PUKE FOUR CENTS. EURO! un h m inline oin to baejb n. , .. . « .... .ill«CJ Of IL« ITALY. "** i' »'. I I m- RD maa* a,, ...i.a. LUXEMBURG. ¦¦'-¦¦ y_ytl -..- I »» «.¡¡I *-¦I ,.,. eta »'f 1»' ......;..".- TL. rrussiaa cm .., i -..* t.* t-. i - '"l"' til at » : .-If.'l-i eit'il».* '¦' r'H '-*'«... .jj i.VM. ok, March I»- v «1 tftSSTt *.*'""]''" \NE lliTïA iMIVOn Mr,,» li - V- tu-ri^ trtAlA. st« H,l...t.. I*.." '.'! "..'" N,H ^ »rr.vi.lli.;. 'I'-' .-...ii.-!.! IIAMI'THV, >* " ..... ' » -««iel. Wt Nea ÖiaiKilw lin. .' SSion Baa t.'», «I s .¡tliattl i J '-<.< ¦¦¦ " 1"1'1"" M..Í.« .f.il'.*.,'.tt.i..V'f.«rt..»'M" '.'*>..".. *' riNANCIAL AND U'MMl.Kt 1a,\ih,\ Mai-li lüi-^A-tfn---t "!;!"" I a-. tti tutoriiioBiW. AmencaTaeMitttl*« ara In rrquest, auel T,....-'.v'.i.'.>... ... BUtea f¡-,»e Twe-litv t.-ela.la. T.'.j. I . ¦"¦¦ »I» , ,, ... ». ..ins. 'i I'.:».! -*""..' ^..NKMla^Viirïli IO Noon.-Vi t»«1 eia-i, st 's. for tli»» *-.' i«*- " '."". A di»P*teh from 1 ..«,«¦ statastbut the i-.l !-: m,, inn.,-.>d m iii - '4i- I il 11 '.«-t. s- .r, l.ivrni'oe»! Mareil .i«--N.huí.-The Cotton iti.-.tle«t is lim«, mi.el maeis. and at D>» te.-el.V w11) it« 10,000 M ..I»!¡mir t plaïul tAie Hi.á.iitiirr» n..ii'n»t .- generally without change; Corn, how« vi :. Ira« taken an s«] higher The folio« ii« aro the qaotationi ! mu lil»! f««i West, na Wlt» Kfdaml Ami« .i«! I ;.i White. Cora. p.t.b )x r «,ti.i-: 'for Mixed WiMmi. »-Jarle* «VA. l*«rB Ima «|, I «s IK.SV ({ooted .ii i..i»- «t«. iiue-il t«»'.¿i . )>. r i.i'l. Baoon,49/. ,,!,., « Mai ki ,,,,., t «Spirits r*l « "iirti.« ii Roa n, i filai el l'«!t.,.i uti,. 1 '.. Spirit* Tarpenl DCerd 3.1. nil« ut 'i. a. « i.et. I ««..filil'ic la«.I. <i«M lim «I <'»l «.« - B1 « «« I,a.-«iii Oil, jtal» ut ta I.iiiseul, «i;. «h'iiale I t », r m- Ki.srn »k1« iiiiiiel. i .».¡il« - ¡it 11 Aftenieieni *-n,e.» The» «elie unit-, the Cotton umlieft ll.is .¦Hite dull, and i> .«i««,:f full au | for Middling Uplands It is m,st quoted at J'.-U. Othei ml\i M Stl «... « ( Hin! run ha i .. li: Wheat i-.« »» ; y. Floor, .,.,,, «s ni ,«, bil T«»ri,!i, wi.i.it. « Oatt « 'i Pork, 7Si Beef. ma. r«l Us«««;.. « ». Hplrit* I'« tt«>- leeilei.liel (Yinni. I'< tr>>>eiilit.is. tin] l-i -. -i i «I. «MS, Pot ASt.fS ti* « <¦' I I 1 44S. fell. I.Itl- IIO «I ( x .1 Cale« .», .i V. la.i,« Oil, au i .i Rosta, its. EY STEAMSHIP. 11 « hi an bteaio-w. ( it.v .».' Ki tPtnti ..->. (»ia:at BRITAIN. lil- j;i ni.'i «gil !-': i«»y It acf-iiis to lio now M-tt:»<i U-yoinl a!) WBOataVla doubt that thtre will he no Kiforui b..l c.vned ÉBBtBf |l«e present session, and tient ..¦ will be made to the present conMttuene«. «I luilianient before tlte »cpresentative*- fin,illy de» ..le how many of theunrepte- ^ntid i«,,.lu>ns may be laf« l.v ...linittetl within the vale sf the ( oustitntion. Lord Uertiy báselo» .are el that if bia atill is rejet ted by th» House at Commons Le will appeal to tie country, and..melvin-.' fr«.iu its leceptioii t.«, the llooie on tie evening of Monday, UM >:!: «j? M Vitai-urt- la already hOTlleasly «cia<i. tuned. MK. MB_A.U- BBCB The details o' the measure as propound«d by Mi Ia:»» ratli itérée exactly with the description W* have already yixtn, and nothing new hat» «»eeii eiirited CTrept that the extensions and alterations would add l,ouo,000VoterB~to lue boroua-h and 300,000 to the county constituent,!«"". I >i. the question of redistribution of seats tbç «Government Bdhered to the i>.hii ah. eh fonned patt al theil fiist attempt. They take :«.» neal****-! t\*x_y tram i«orcui?hs IisvanaaiMapulatit.il of ka«, than Io.ucki, and «ive 15 of them to county com-ütuon. « ». te. larg« boiouayhs. and l Ut the t'ttivenlty >.f ix.iuli.n The Chancellor rt tkc Ex- the«iuer ttromlied that ei»r»ies of ti», bill should m tlio Lands of i-eitiVaers ou tue f«.U«ewiiaír tiny, anil Invine "burne«] Ino hriJire» «lad boats," con« lude«! a ioii-f and .bl«» six«(ti in the fiallowJn-7 lat-Kua«.'« I hoi* that the House will candidly fiaissliV** this *ur«*ure. As far as wt» are cone tra eel, tti» luvra sj«;er« «1 no me then-Met. .nid hate» neit shrunk from ss»hat s*.as more important, perhaps, m eodeMYorlag ta bring It be- lore the House. I will not advert mine «essanly to the Citrumi-tanceH attendiiiir the fraiiiiiii* of this m»*asure which has now lu-e-ii tii'011-.'ht before Hie ll«mav: of Com- n-oiis, under very ürreat difficult lea ami at ry »vreat sa«-- rifites. I do not wish te» elia^ms«-» thut I have felt j-reat iliairrin and great mortification m connection with what Las taken place (hear, hearj; but I believe I have done my duty neera], and under the tireiitnstauces 1 do not think I could have done other than I have. [Hear.j In attempting to bring the- question to this poiol we have lost those whose abseii"e from our council« we moro than r«»- grtt; we have had to S****sial to a high-spirited party to make what no doubt to some wa^ to a certain extent asA«;- rlflce of principle, much siecrlflce of sentiment, and mu. h aacnfice of interest. (Hear J But we have not a¡»i»ealed In vain [hear], b©(Hi'dhe th«- member« of that party were auiiuated by the same feeling which liifltiinieef us.a seas* nf duty and tonsictlon; the-y felt that Hie time had «w»**,v«-d when tliis quest i »n must fbe dealt with and s«-t- tle«1 extenaively and completely. I hope, then feare, the House of Commons will give thi* measure a fair and enn- iid conaideration. We believe if la one which, if »vl-apted in spirit, will settle Ita long differences; and that It ia nuMified to meet the requirements of the country. I am told for cert»_n that there are objections against It, but I .beg to remind th« House of the dbetiuction which we draw between popular privilege and democratic right». I am t*»ld that in this measure there are checks aud counter¬ poise«, and that it assumes In this country the existence of e*»aaea. If there are cheeks and counterpoises In our .cheroe, we live nnd»-r a ( «institution of which we b<-<-«t tliat it is a Constitution of cheeks and counterpoises. I H»-ar, hear ] If the measure, beare some referenc»« to «'«ting classes In this country, why should we conceal "from (juraelvca, or omit from our discussions, the fact tnat this country is a country of classes, and a country af 1 lasses it will ever remain t [Hear, hear.) What we Kan» to do is to give every one who is worthy of it a ,k *T*Pt" "n thv' go'ernment of the country by means of lae elective franchise; but, at the same tim«, we have aj-en equally anxious to maintain the character of the riouaie, to amke propositions lu harmony with the circiui»- ~~aee« ef the country, bo prevent a preponderance of __,j cuma, aad to give a représentation io toe nation. MB. r.uifxiiro.NK'.s 8PBECIL Mr Gladstone mee immediately, amid the cheers of his a>*-ty, and proceeded to diaoaas the bill. He ridiculed Mr- viaraati's sadden roverenoe tor the principle of Rating, -"-minded him that the House in dealing with the county £***_* -*** Tear had decided against It; eonttr-anned tee Betattstrthution inadequate, though it might be «eau wit* m detail in «Oomtnittee, and denied altogether i_\T!_?*CT0,Mr "«^..ftBures. The groat ma-ari K«wo»A^^^V¿^^rf^'0ü0,*otu>o'r«tíi*< "*". ^¿Ä^y^T^S" .i"1* .Chem« "*** «I*»««» «BrVoiaetaiSiT-S^,^ *îïtê-'m}own-*o-»n<t h«aiaeholder«. .mt> arîA.^?ti__^_t'2£_*û' ******* ont in an eiah- iSttaSr mmtoM^Wdlffertadlftoreat btsmmgtu. *b**_ sutSi-^Tand i7!ï . tbe » ********** <* «he ^«-saoSb^B^i^iL""^*' ***** th« TOt« "«ub- fjhewedtoo7w_a_ îÏÏ5, ?,th* .b»r« »¦* increewed rat*a. He r-arda <rf thewn wÔ^w!^^ tf1-1-" The throe safe- tor» end eM_i^y¿L£^u,t'«*» "*''"«. «»«d Daal vot .ould aet very fa-wirfSlS* tV.ta'1'l" «Bowed that Rating be »clad*i, ,_Sfu^¿' ^A**11«*** «»--»ibsni might .ntcicarSSd aST.hiU^ b7}b* »< u»n of veetrtcs. *"d franchise would be' riftnaiit i«rrî<*»,'_*rfl/ *»«*ougha the **nilng the iCl T^tff,T|5ft2l,0,Kl «-«rage-and oon- î^rrtiBmidl^a^rt^V^tane emtihatk-ally dé¬ te it, tkm u ^SBri;A'1,.t h»r»» Implacably bostlis .».stion of it w?r",r^^MeHf|',t! »fMud, and the procia **** utb to ni ¡say» ¡g*. **f ¿pSaij^j personal payment of Batee wen nmctienJIy dead ..«. «.'»«* fiii.riln nil» iiilv, ¡anti «III» tin- ii<l<1ltii.n »if a lo.lpi r fran- ( li.««' no «loutit it mimili ii«- my advantageous Mil I"« ra f.." bat Row tbst party would treat 11 **»*« ». m --.mi fi.r fiituri« «(.nuili i at ¡»»ii. Mr «ludston» »«new . -. ... r (.y »as tii.it tar inf..Min« logged a«« it ni»»- bj Ml/( ¡ .l'y ii«,«!'» .:» 'ii»' (¡«i« '«"ii 01 « 'f*H ¦ V -'«i ti stripped of those «s.ift «i-iliitilH. H WRS il BBSJ8 «itiüi-y mill Kiiilii'itl measure than BO **<uilii 1»«* RtOSUBDOrt. Hi« tollu.I Ulf ü< 1C illCIliOSt fii.Uilig . 1- > speech! I will confess I w11« anni/ed and ¡tint -ed Si IB« f.icilit.V .».¡li v, I,,, |, the right li.iiini.it ile p i.i ¡«ii,.iii, look mc l..n h decleioM ««f tin- Douse of Commons i.-,.»; y .». arrived at mt li in »few Rights of eft« hut lui "ik In J>i°«' («f rstlni !n,i ti,. ..iii. r in fe vor of uUl m «I e rr** .«¦'«"' < r tin- i a. h «.f tue lion««- to which tin- raffrsR« »l^"1" ¦" The I'dii wluorabM gentleman ,..r ,r,.H, .Wultii Hi" at.-ii log at a sound scheme of re distil butlop > «»"-..«,""' ,|',,!\1", " of the question; bnttblH ingnttttti «¦>;¦ li «e n>.,> ce.it- 1, Hill] Illllth ""¦'' ¦.* (}*___ «*"" !" .'", tail 1 Mated tll.it _t HIV"!' 'not la* m'«s!,,»i, « h. ,, it wa* m rmcr or the «io.-«'""1"" '""' * ',';¦- «»""¦¦«¦'-- ..,:..: milli sdhera-<»-d st.wdhjrlt [H< -at hotI nasa bv also the ao/i««**«---'* *áx ín*' " the educational «i ,,.¦ A."i -.-,.«,,1..-- tank f .m. hise «l»i'I'- .'*/ U-.t- nay, baa rrown from IP, wubinZiÄtiilihi [AlauKh.l I pass by those fi «it «ii... a v-ctii tin* »Imple n-msrlt: while I. ©I rourse, n re in tu«' i'"»"i faith with which the Chnnrellor of the iwchequer gives us the resulta which ne expects from tJrose severs! fruin lust -, i mast entirely declino to m«. Without questioning the right honoi in » Rood faith, I look opon thone fl| ruin on.* «ml vision.m. Tospesk frankly, 1 look i three-fourths of tin enormous number ol rc-ters whom he paraded In dlfferenl regiments asM duct « dm ut 'nuil fiiiii« bl«M in» ii. » «'" fni-l Ti.i¦!., and XUv mt.|,ir»l.|ii,li -m.-.i Ml lilli,- «n«.i.- 11« uti n.« t. u. ».«.« k ram. [A laugh Hy objection la totbe estimate of the right lii'ii'n.ii'« :-¦ i.: man. The principle of tbone votra h oin ii tn a Krcat deal of (onnm ti* whit li in ed t"'* bl IS trounced now. Aft« t -speaking of the an-orni « Whlek would 1 I tt atfd bj 'Ik bill ni diftci't ht« borou-jahs «n coassqmsm c1 I'"' »i stems ti resting and teOng, Ki Glndsssssi pin, 11 dod ttiui' .in not one of IBOSS who lu lu vc the Constitution Of the ( ountry in dépendent upon the suffrage ha alwolntely .ni of Derby, a ho spoke tin other nlRbt of an ex- »uffrage involving tnc destruction ol the British l«onstltntlon. I kay» a Rival deal mon faith Is tin* HrltUb Constitution than to believe thal it dem nda upon ratlug oi upon Ra sxaet Mtlmate and the adding of mon* or m to !i»e conctitr.i les, < "beor*, l bellei s that we a . -. make ninny lint-takes, and t the Strong good m ...at- snd the whole traditions of tina country w.ii kc«p the Constitution »m ¡In lept». I! Is so season why we should tii.ike mistakes or slter the rustoinsrj nu ttiod of our legislation, or why ire should cstabl a), the m «t principle ol the lull, .if ti"- n-vl»' honorable v> "< man said the House of Commons did on the motion >«t orable member#or Gslway. Befors I secede to atna iiicii le ellis.« ii|inii universal ittftruse, equal to It or to manhood n r-i.l.i«t in suffrage, In those ural districts ¡are is no «small Tenements Act In operation,I Should like to ask mjrself firs! of all whether l sm im «pan ti i" endura the application of the principle lo all the county conetitucnclea of the country, be more preposterous than thsl you should way Ve »» peasant, «t common bodmsn, or dsj labor« r, earning one shilling slspi mc ur two »billings s day, in a town where no composition In force, "You shall h. franebtse for nothing and hs j it on Hie n g »ti witliout knowing it,'' vi lui«- In pn.it emiuunifies such as the east parUh.es «snd boroughs id laondoa, snd nmot other toiviia of the oiintrv, i «,u alifolutt ly fun« in tim. or -Boney» or bath, the reupound householder, who, at the same iniic, in a man wiioM perfect compotenc« i «. i> |. i.> poat i" reoampense by putting Into lui« hand ti - dual vote «i hu li Is Ki!«'' for the paj men! of din I las« Iha second «if these »-.ifi iruards, p. tons! rating, an the iiirht bouorsMe gentleman proposes It, 1 venture to pi*, doomed. It may bepossi«Me t" make personal lantiiru -condition at tko saffra«ge¡ the righi honorable get bat i-oiiileiiiiu ti the plan by wbich, perhaps, ii 11. ».- t Ik- .a personal tatton «Is s practleal conditu «' the snffrsge, wini«» it if regulated partly bj purs «accident, partly by the will «>f tin- local or parochial authority, and partly by the activity of political s**ents, aiid tlit'oiik-ii a Uheial u»*«- t.t aeaaoMateapurse,«eaanoi he eiui'odicU in an act to amend tia îcpn m ii!..t.ai. ot the people. Mi. «.ladiitoiie rnnclitded his reninrks upon "dual" voting In these words But, besides di b gigantle en¬ gine uf «fraud, this dual vote Is u great deal marr It in a proclamation of wai of flashes. [«Cheers.) Talk of the lititish Constitution! The author of this dual rots is who strikes st tbe British Constitution 'iiic British Constitution resti indi fi.'in lime iinineii.oi lal, upon the unit.tal good nil! and (.'iHil feeling of the people, n¡'"ti 'h'« equality m hlch th« y enjt v i«. fore ti««- ej ««t the law, bj «,., the nunn ti in « hu ti ti,ey lu.-.t in their pub reckoning as men and citiseiu», and enjoying equal priv¬ ilèges In that rap:n Hy. beers hut the day you place ,n tli«** hoads of the ia ii man, auder the notion of fortlfj Inghis position, this weapon, whkfa bon galnsl Ins paorer fellow . onntrj men. thal da] v.« m al the doom (.f the Iii r -li ( ol,t-tltiitii.il. i'Hi iii-m ii i'-Ii« i li- Vol .1 ¦> a .-.« «.-i eas «.-«.«I« ! <««i ,. »1 .. ¦. danes thal nnit-ee'all elssses "f the ommunltv tbst dsj. if lou on Id pass tins law. if you could pnimuItfSti it aa.ii. act of Parliament la the tornw in winch tbe ttigbi Hon. gentleman propo-vn it. you would liuiit uj. a flam« the moal dangerous and formWabl« that, mi mena« ed the safety of a eonatry, [Land -eheen .nly otber speiechesof import n«.e weretb« e of Mr. LOWS and Mr. Kocliuck. The former opjiimi d the proposal at OOV« na . With all the vrheiueiue which ehaiai teru-ed tiix open- lion to the scheme of Mr Oladstoue, He oondcmwd the rntinu franokise, as «icll ¡ia duality of rating, and expressed lilltiACIf as tin* illili)«/ to «I'l^iJiilt Ui«: 'Ivflilij' i "t .. try to the keepin»/ of an ilni.i idliii (lenVii'iVv Mr. i<o«i»iuk taunted Mr. Gladstone with yearnings tor office mid ]Miwer. and expressed hi* sppravsl of all the (imeminent propositions except "dual yoting Mr. ii«uley und Mr. Butler Johnston, both si the Con- senative side of the Houw, spoke la Ikrarof tin- in'-,i- sure, as did Mr. Bernai Osborne, from the ipfto-itiou benches. Tine.- prominent C'nrftriiC^eu, Lord Craabom«, Hir Wm BfcathcotOai^talfr Beresford Hopeoppoeed the hill. the latt-r .ug/fèatlnKanother "fancy franchise" t"tli¿ v. aaTiCel.Fir ..f tin Exchequer, the oMeet of which snouid If to tontet ft rots oii"tl(ketnt loora linn" The hill was lead a first time, lind lbs del.ate a«l : i.« d. IHK i-MKss (i\ uti KXFORM BILL. The prca', iiitii the axeeption of the («on-iuinent or- gaiia, condemn the measuto. The limit isyb: All sect lons of the House concur in con- d( minnie, if not the wlmie m herne, purl* u li!« li are de- elarad to bo SSSSntlsl to it; nor dowe mc ¡my hope of escape fron a peremptory rejection of the bill, except a n-i.oli.ite. endeavor on the bart of ti.«- Mmixtry Se rt.tr««-«« tUeir inej«*, anti, happily, tlielr pr«-vloii.s conduct kiii-sun no nanoo to «lespialr that they mil fnake any amount of concosstan to the clearly expressed opinion of the Hoiihc. lite Iktilu Stir* la of opinion that, If the measure Is to be proceeued with, the dual voting clause munt he with¬ drawn. .* Tilla done, it will he tor the lim eminent Mid the House to consider whether, by the suiistitutionof a lode»-« franchise, fur tin- matt oi-J.-ctlouable of the se< oiulary qualifications, and by some provision for enfran¬ chisement of eomjiouiid householders as such, a msstlSI able satisfactory settlement mii/lit not he arriv«t>d at." 77i« l'ont observes "that the (iovenimetit baie so fre¬ quently chained theil i-round, thal even now, alflioiiKli the hill is aetuully «printed, we should not be surprised at hean ni.', on the motion for the second loading, that Itt most distlnetlVS clauses will bo aliandoued in < oinudltie. The Ministry were entitled to have their measure brought in and read, but it would certainly have proved a aavni«x of much valuable time if it had received last ni^ht the quietus which awaits it at its next at-aj/e." Ihr Telegraph pronounce* the scheme as totaMv unac- cciitablo : "The hill is dead; it is time it were burled." The star says of the «ioveinment, "The manlv and rr-sin lute tone of .Mr. (¿lädst.me will have shown 'them how utteily impoasible it will lie to carry such a proposal in the I'.uliameiit of (¿reat Brit ian, aud that all theil hollow professions of adopting tim system of rating are well uudei'-st«o<.d and aa clearly doomed to complete exi-osure aa the measure Itself, so enid,-, unsatiafactory, and uar- row, ia certain to he iguomiulom,ly hurried to destruc¬ tion." The Pull Mall also denounce« the measure in its present state. The Day, the new "Conservative Lilmral" paper, the first number of which appeared ou the 19th, coudenius the time of Mr. Uladntone'a sjaiech, and supports the (loy eminent scheme. The Herald, ¿standard, itlobe, sud (ilote- teorrn support the proposals of the Cabinet. THE HOt'SX OF COMMONS OK TIIK KIGUT OF THE GllE.iT Hilka The benches of the House of Commons are not capable of accommodating the titi gentlemen who compose li, and on the 1-Sth of March, so great was the anxloty of every member to be present, that the House was crowded for half an heur before the -Speaker took the Chair. Those who have visited the English House of Commons will reoollect that there are several small «galleries, each distinct in itself. There la one appropriated to the ec- eluslve «se of peers of the realm; another from which the «fair eex gaze toronjil a braes grating at the " aaaembled wiedom of the nation." Then there Is the reporteM' gal¬ lery and the BpeakeCe Kallery. the latter occupied hy peraons who are so fortunate an to obtain aa order from that functionarr Last of all, there is the "stranrers* «caJlery," holding certainly uot less than aevety persona, out for admlaalea te which every member Is entitled to write one order It may be fairlv assumed that every tnemher availed himeelf of his privilege for the night of the lrtth of Msrch. and as only seventr of the ticket-hold- «re wena likely to obtain a seat, considerable cm-petition on«u««d. The police have orders Ui place the ticket-hold« era en Une aa they arrive at the doora of the House, and on the occaaien of the Reform debate the duties of the police cooinienc-4 mt li o'clo* k en ëunday night, the lTth. By S o'clock on Monday looming more ticket-holders had arrived than would fill the gallery, and all after that hour were Coo late, so that the majority of persons who occupied the "strängen' gallery" on the "onritlng night" had boon waiting slxtean hours for admission It should be added, however, as an esplaiiaiion, that nearly all of ttuim waited by deputy. Theee deputies, if foralahed with the pass, are allowed to luild thalr place In the line, and about an hour liefore the House meet«. the original holders arrive, take the pam and the place. the deputy retiring plus from two to three «uverelgns, according to agreement. ABSTRCT OF THF. REFORM BIM.. "The ReprasentatSiin of the People Act, 18*7," lntro- daced to Parliament hy Mr. .Disraeli on Mondiy March IS, having been prtntod, was laened to memla-rs of tiwi House of < oiiiii,.,n on Tuesday. March 19. The act ap¬ plies only to Kngland and \V.«.](.«<. and not to Scotland or .Hud. nor to the I/i-iiersllies of pilon! vi (.auibfid-fc. Cn der fin i,«' ,. n tnftWOi that «scry mai. who m of full age, not su:» ce : to rsy H§Bl lal apne ity, slimi >.. « ntitled to be regis!« i»-! ttpB tetar, i rd whan m-«'ered, to vo»e fora mi ml,« .»» i" '"' ' ." MMC '" WIlBBMBf far BJ I'oioiiirh vsliof-« «,1'iitifiiet nH f<»ll««vr*« "Ik «a,'lie Mat day of July ii. íiíiv s «.ii au«! BBS dm im" 'he sshol». of the prr- ci.( d ng tst, rsar« Bean aa inhabitant s. eupii i-.asownci or i' ti.' of any dwi Uiag tuross a .timinie boiough. ami baa during the' time of su« it en icnnatton been rated in ttfvrrl Ol the prenti««" nee upii'il t'y him tudu!, the boroqgh to all rat» h »if any', mad* for the rellel ef tia «bo« in respect «f nea pirmtaea: sad baa hefori tin mtbdaj if July in the onm« tem paid al! pour rafea that have t'» «onie payable by him in ii ipee t of the said premian up to th«- preceding at li day of January." In tne counties, subject to the «-oíd-. lions e,f ¡lire .-tuet legal capacity et« ry niiin »lull he «juali- fuel tu vote« sstie» ;ii] - ia on the tsat ity <'f ¡alt ra «say year, and has dm in«-* the 11 month* Immediately ii«ii'- iln.g lu e n the ci UBI! r, M OWm i "i ti nant of pre mlie-H of ..my tenure wltbtn til« eounty of Uti rat« able value Air» or upward anei has »luring th« time of rai fa ocetipaMon been i ntl il m rrspei t to the premises «¦<> occupied hy Mm to all rates tit ans j nade for the relief of the poor In sp*-» t til thSSSld pr.lii.i-. t-, illili has lit for» Ha ¦'.'( til «las of Jill*/ In the same sea-, |-:n«t ¡iii r«»or rate« thal has» become paya¬ ble by lum m resoe . ol rh» Mid premlsea ur to 'he pre- «In «f Mh «lay «if January " The educational franchisee sre th.it every »ian, either in niiintiiH or boroughs, shall «be . ntitled te« ia " .¦'!"<. ml. anil te» sod« tvho, [«'.| m «ii ti,«- mat «lav «'1 Joh In any sr,!. and Baa daring thi -, es Immediately preceding been resilient in each »e.tym borough, und is poaarasedsj any mm m »er* of the qualifii atioui folio** .hk " .¦*. nat haie beril «lunn-.' the ii.nl of fin li i< t-idi-n. e. S gisdiiate or ;t-mm int« ni nits of «any University ol l!i< I Oited KI"Ç* .lein ol' a imtl.. pera, n a ho Baa pam «I ,.t any ?.tr mid¬ dle rleSSa eiamtnatlon ol ans university «f the United King-ton | ia. nuil li. m lue t, elm ¡ni»' tin period ¡»fiel« said. ,.n .,i.i.ni » »l pi-ii «t m- deacon <.f tin Church of England; «,t ,t inin <st*-i of nnyofliet religious denomination sp¬ in.in'« ti lillie ni«.lie in '.'. itli not mole' than edie COlkSgM to th« chargeai ans- registered chapel <«r plaeeol «onhlp, ami a, amI baa been d.ir.ng nu« h riinl. i.ff latins in- the tiitiiiR»,-»- ihvM'of ; or oorvant-at-iaw, m barrieter-at-law ia .«i.vof tin- inns of <«,,.it in i.ugiaiiel. or ucertificated i ¡« ¡i,i« i oi certificated aanveyaucar: or a « rtifli .»ted ¦ittoi'iiey et- solicito! oi preatoi In l.iiiil.tttil or Wales ora duly qualified medlin! praciiiiouei ragtoterod undi r the Mi ii., ¡al Ai t. iK"eH. or a «< h«««« niiitst holding a certificats fruin til« Coin ti n (ti « of lie r Ma,e at s ( <n t,« ti »'ti i.dllca- i ton. l're.s nil «i. Hint no person a im li in entitled t<» be r«»*- Mered aa a voter er to vat« Inn -p.-«t rd any of the quall- fln I leal nu ir."i!i'l it. IMS »..tii'i., in BSasB than one plan The peennisry franchises are git en to the soterwho 'HI 'Has in ilur first day e>l .ln!y in aiiy Ti ST, and baa bad during the two years uamediatelj pim ««ling, a bal- .m.. of no1 les*, than fifty poonda d< posit« el in some hat Inga Bank b hie own sala aaaas and for hi« owa use ; <>r hollis «ni The fuit «lay of July in airy tear, and bus he-Id during tu o ve ai s immediately preceding, in the books of the Cue i tor mid « uiiipiiii)' of th«- Hank of longland or Inland ii» his own nols saan sad f<>¡ ins om» m-e any Parliament») atoeheoi fmata of the United Kingdom to the amount of not lern than flftj pounds; oi has, dining th«. '«»«is«« monthaimmediately nrcrerdlag the ¿tliday «id april in any year, «boen chargea with a mihi nut lass :ha.i t .sent;, shillings ,ti the w boll s i ,ir foi aaaeaeed lanes uni. « ¡'.'ii of «ti, h laxes, alni has l-efeire« tim Mtb ela} "f .lilly lil that te ;u J.iiid ;;:l nie li lill« S ellie from lum up to the preceding 6th day of January: pea s iii ii ii i -* that even person entitled to rote Ia raspad »efiitiv of the qualiflcstlona mentioned in this e-citn.n shall on or before the aoth daj ol .inly mi ich year etalm to ha r****taterod aa a s.,t.r secondly, thal «so panes shall ba entitled io be regíale ni as a voter, ca lo s «it«», it» re ipect of any of the qualifications tneationed la this scc- tniii for ti»«'« th.in one place." (<nit« it.i.-* the dual vote- ¡s th,.t I " A larson rigls- tered aa a voter »for a boerougb bj reason m lo-hating lasen. ii..:giti s«,tii and paid tin re**aaBtaettaemkeiaa- -. a-.. «1 '..\e a ml .IM-OWC tai, or «»ithe r 111« Il taxe«, «.liait not by reason of iteing »«> leglaterrd loee aay righi m a. li e I, ha- nany Pe» entitled »if oth»»J-.t !.«. duly iitl.'illfl«««l» *«" be i/nitered .is a rotor for tin- ra,».,, boraagn m sped «.I any fraiii-lriae involving occupation ol iiremlsea and payment ol ratea, and when so register»*-.! m tmefeoAot -ii« h double «i.ialifie-atioii he ah.tll o.» entitled t«. »-is«» two rotea for the mendier, or iii there i>. more than one) for each member t<> be »returned t»» "arve lu 1'arllaiuent for borough.*1 Theil ft llnwi a enatue gisin«-» a ml., r t«> tin- L-ivers- ;ts ..{ Landon, ..ml sll !.«¦- ¦- »iniei's the inn,i, pins .e.,,u* «,f th« Mil ma) be put lu for»e. appended to -.in« h are ta* Baam na«l» r which s_.mi M Hgiitra- t .t.I. It:.IV SS liililt«-. OB Var. Í. It. Mr J S Mill -nive ii.-rl.',- that in Com mit!«-»- »m ti.» Re pn at malton »»f ti»» People bill be ohouM ii.es«- t" substitute tiie word**perwa for' man;" bia intonttoi of conns, faelag t" saltad the fruncblm to tv (.r, ». ii To an interrogation by Mi Bright te» the propoa!«toa for du 'o- IMaraell pt. ti..»»« «I togivi an answer when the bil) ciaiii hefon theil« i»«<- f.-t i second readlaf. III Bl M lill S til..I tile. \ mi I On Wednesday, March io, In the llonse «.f fonimnn«-e. Mt Hardcastle moved the ».mt reading of the church »» « lion bill He advocated the t«*tal abolition of ti,«-, ratea,contending thal it st..ni.I nn\, »ia.- Katah- itshi-d «in.i«h. by e.,;i,ng forth the rolontar] efforts of ita wealty me miara e.la-, ision, Um »» ,- ., majority «.f '. In favor of the aecond i«».«i!hik ,»f the bill, s te-nlt d lotnl chears from the Oppoaitloa. ME» TINe. <»! I III I. II » "... al Gladstone convene«! a meeting of the Iih- lo agree on the couran ol «TeppoaiUaa i». iii« » ¦¦¦ < u.»»»» i»t Ketorm btlL M till or OH. I ITOGSTOBB BISBI I D 7Ar l.o.it-,i, Inri saj » the « ...s « nine ni ha« « is, ,| ills patches from Zaatlbar stating thal «the Arab amrehanta ¦then «lietieliet «. the riport ««t l»i l-lr1agtl"*m'i -I- .»th. st t TI. HI.« fcl-TION fata Victoria held a state reception on the lath at Kui kingham I'nlai-e. aft« i sa hie li ahc proeeeeled le» Marl !.',lr,agll JI ti 11 -e- t«a ll«;l the l'lllj. a cf \S'.,:, - * M.ss I'tiiii AU a BOM i ".nu. rA- /»«it/, the ueiv Conservatlve-I.llMTiil paper, ina-l» fb« api»« uranie em the tilth. Ita object ia to lound a new patts, to t»<- formed out of "Conservative-Liberals " mid .' Lil'tial ' oi,-« s.itltci" nURCE, «»rrailf«. tiY fi.'.t iiFR, Tiiirii"»«, h ii- itvRr. ash tynong, In thct'oips I.i'iii'.latif, Man li 16, M K«»iilnt. Min- iM« r of Htate, r-tpllcl eloeiiirntly to the Hpe-e« h of M. Thiers on foreign affairs He clsliu«-.! that tim war In Italy was a part of the la-rmaneiit poll, s .»f Irsnee, nsiiK-iv, te. v,'e-.ik»-n Austria in that ova try. ii»- Jaatlllad ti.« iiiiiM h.«i policy m tii>- Danish question, and ann! that ssln-ii the l.ui|>. toi p«.iiit'»'l oui t" England that to main tam the treaty so« urina Schleswig Holstein to l>»-niuark, vnr must be -ivuK'-'l by land nn w,»Il as l»v tvatot, Kngland sin tink from the contest. He declarad thal the bmperoi i.H«l «ion«» «li in lil« pom t to pn-vent th«) «-«inflict bet wren A list ih and Prussia, mel said that the !iiie-t]».-it...| result ra*the ixittle of Sadowa «had »massd "gust sgoay <>f miad" to the French Oovernment, and that it seemed l>e»tt*r to attempt the task of metdistleui rathol thau re¬ sol t io war or sullen inactivity. He affirmed that media lion had neat »anly oei'iitrd ¡>»»a«:e- hut had prevented the Prtisilans ft um capturing Vienna "In ptteetmo»m sold he "ol th»' partial r.allr.utioii of ihs mills of Germany, what is our duty I We must Ik> firm ami precise their must be nu bealtatton, and «so caaipremaae. if it be thought that Fruin e«| has lost a single centimetre of her right*) wt- must draw the sword. I prefei the aolaau storm of war to a morsid dls»itiietiidn, In which our strength and pioripenty would lie gradually eitin giiliht-d." Hi- aiKU»*il that Kran»«- wai in a l»rtt»-i n.nili non til,»n balore tas Prussian war, stnee the old (¿erman t'onfeelerittiou could with Austria, ari»u«e a population of 7'.,i«o(i,t«»o nieu agaiust France, but the new Cetnfederatlon had only !¿o,ooo.i«o, and would only have 37.000,000 if entirely united. He refuted the asiertiou of M. Tholrs that Frame had no allies. "The|dar that Pruaela threatsoa the squillbrlum «>f Kurom-, Frunce ami Kiiglaml will iintk«'her i-.oiiipreli.-nil that Hiedas of ambitious folliAn is past."' He did not believe that Prus- -al.M-iilertained the iKinlous «l.'slgti of aelvaming to Cou» stsnlinoitle. "If she," he added, "wen- to make rti- newrd attempts f«»r that obinct she aould encounter the weetara l*awera having tn<- nnuie tatoreeta, ti»»- aauie htn-ngth, the sam«« will." lu coueliisiun. he ssid the n-la lions of Frame with otheripowant ware of the most fiicmlly iliaraiter, and that no danger threatened hrr from without, that the coalition waa extiuct, and would not revive under the sceptre of Napoleon. M. Jules Fevre gun his reidy fe» M. P.otiher by saying that all these oxouses wore nullified by fact«, hy official Frene-h distaste bes, by the last spe»ech from the throne, and lliially by his own admlMiiiiis That although (lenuanr had lou,, de tired unity, the realization of theso hop«« might have been longdnferrod. AU hough the Ht-hloswlg- Holstein difficulty lad «Vonsplosleati.it was entirely the fault of the» tmporor. If not the resulto! his plotting. He (the Emperor) had aske-d England to join in a-eontlneu- tal war against Frussla. while he well kuew that this prop.,,*! would be ro|eotod. He liad opposed a com¬ bined naval demon-trattos of England nuil FraneM). sup¬ ported by Uiutaiia, tnsla»?ei«ly prefeiullag thai it would have been Insufflaient to have maintained the Iroatv with Denmark. M. Jules Favre bellevr-1 that the real object of Ula Emperor la this was to rotsUate upon En atUti'l for not hat mK comte, lut« tbn conaxreoo tia liad pro¬ posed, and to ral*« up a stale of things from which ho hoped to enlsrj-e til« territory. Hald he, " The spanch of the- Emperor Napoleon st A met re signified a ittmmoas to (iermany to give u.t the Rhine. Our programme, wbi<«h c««_itriaf»d the maintenance ef Austria In a grand r«e,*itiou In Uermsny. waa openly violate*], and ta permit his violation »rout programáis waa a policy unworthy of «Éranos The ambltlun of Prussia knows na bounds. Th«. Cawse or the présent situât I »a of affaira Is the ex¬ tinction of the «Legislative body l«y ths pewar of one mau. At the present time we ought to go to tha limita of etir rights We ought to repudiate all Idea of aaaaxation, but I would «T»Ak if the anneiatiuu of Belgium or l.uxein- ebouri- wore offered us wottld It be iV'iv^Keil V' M Uranierde (»sisgnae than delivered a apeech.lin which li.« said: "Wa must threaten no Fe»wer, but be srwed and await ths eoune of «ti «Mils. We wish for peace. If other Powers will have It so ; far war if It lie luipoood upon us." M. linera thou called the attention of the HiMiae to the preaeot-4ate of political affairs In Europe He saul " There are three linea of policy open to Fiance First, a policy of Insinuation, which would make Europe believe «that when we apeak of great agglomérations ws desire to tncree-e our own territory, lins Is the policy I should wl«h the (iovernment to raliniiiuih I should like to eee the formation of a great couservailve party In En- rope that would prevent all spoliation. Beeundly, a pol- ley of i-e-nfldeTice In our ruler. Thlrttly, n i»ollcy of wateh- fulneaa. winch would not nr-cssurily cause a completa se- orasuUation of our anus. but a new organization of our military fortes The policy I dr-jre tor Emn.-o would be oenaers stive abroad, and liberal at home." M. Kouher leplled to theo*« new argument«« e.f M Thiers, and sahl "Tliu (i.»vernm»nt does not think to Impede abroad the principio of the sovi-reigutv of the people win, h it holds at home L'niraiwusuffrage sais tieine-d Ute» Imperial Ijuvi-nim» lit whh h was Inaiiguiiiti «I on !>«¦< '»> ¦' Mr Thirrs (laterruptiiiK Mr K..til..11, " I^-t U^foxget." iLvud interruption» and «cat am iiomm»» > Mr Ronlier con- luded thus: "What le re<iuired "f usl Wari I*»«, one thinks of it. Violent annexations! No one baa prepesad tli« in. A «policy of watchfulness! That is Hie | y et th«< «lovernmetit. Our isolation has been nil.- ted «At will hu« «. no exclusive allian.ee. To-day. h.' . >«. the allies of Kiiiriiiiid ; to-morrow, of Prussia at Aust.ia; and that, not with the object of conquest, but to solve !,/ oneiUatory diploT«uatic interférence, the various (iuest ona ¿,«. they «arise. We seek great meanstoullay frsM storms "' lie ^nreaun of the Chamber have refused to author:*'.: the Interpellation «f Mr. Picard sn tin« rctent «fieuatu» tuan, Ii. soMSfMMI itiaunot be presented. imuiT. II!B l.r.MAK 1A1U.IAM1.NT AND THF. POl ISlI 111*1 III«« HI HAHKf til « (»I N I «IMIAIl« M. In the N,t th (li rman Parliament March IB, Couut liisuiank speke against the protest of the Folish depu tiea, ciuceriiiug the Itu-orporatton of fenner Polish terri¬ tory with the Nor!h «.( nil,in i oiifi delation, and said that I hat protest wi,*- directed sol against the OeafOdcration buf against the unity of Prussia, and, therefore, ought r.itlri to be addressed to the Prussian Diet. He said that the J'ollsh deputies were not attthonted by their electors lu bring in such a protest, as a majority of the Pru«MO-Po¬ lish population, especially the ueatuuite, were satisfied Witk theft* condition, that the clergy and nobility of Po¬ land only cat it d on political notation. " It is time '' said he, " that the higher clergy di«l their duty. The restoration of Poland Is not to he tfceugtlt of " Ile also oj.posed the protest of the deputies favorable to binuiftrk, agaiuet the incorporât Ion of North hchleswlir with the Co-ofe«leration, la. speech tal wlti.-h he suld¡ "The Kniperor of Austria aloM has tia light, by virtue of the ..nitro Prussian treaty, to re«|iiire that a tots should ho taken in North H!i,.si-.i. to determine the future position ef the north« tini'.m« is of t li tit Dinby. The portion of K lil» «wig toa» will lu- ceded l»i mnark will be smaller than the "' » op» nli,ist ii nniigine. Count HisuiarcU, in re plying »oInquiries .if Herr P'-hrops from Dresden, In re Karil is the relations of lu \. in boarg and I.iinbnrg, statte thiii Prussia had never ttiraateaaS*»UbUniMfe£h«gl it wa» a .if nail* agreed between Prussia and Holland,.-it tin* ia tOicnk of the war, to remain at peace. "We rannst fuie- tl'.e "oven i »fill, of those IHirtil.n to Join the Nuit li <.enn-iii < ..iifi il.-rstioii. We «hall put no pressure .ni linn «ml in that tespect sime we might otherwise evoke it I'aiif-opeaii question." He aflerwsnl s.ud, dilling the discs» nu, that the r< l.ilions between the Mouth and Ndr.i'ut «.eriiiany lud been insured by treaty limned: atelj after the ((»nil liston of peace; and he endeaion ii io ninnie tbe apprehensions that -Mouth Germany im^-lit cn (. i ni, an! understanding with foreign pim its. In tae North «,erin,in Parliament on .Mun h 70, the amendments te the draft of the Constitution, proposing fii-edoui to the press and the rights of public Meeting« .¦sere m (cited. _ R 1*8.**-IA. Tie Journal de St Pttertbottrg ol March 1? t-Ay», commenting on the «jiee« h of M. Ollivier in the French Assembly: " Friendship between «.rrmany and France has nothing alarming for us. On tin- contrury, no Kussiuii wislic«« It disturb«-«!. Though «lermiiny may be proud of tin lunrtesies with ills, h she is treated by French ora turn, »be will ss little as Kunai» believe that her relations hsie become 1»»» friendly toward this country, which i\.is al wai s in, lalli ti.ü. ni «.ermany, and baa hmmn \,_p ally m flint of »lanifer." HUXQAST. SOS-I Til UN Al *«rHlA AM» III VtiAKV. The Vu nun ('< i rt-.pt .tlrm; lias lot el led i ()||l|lil|- uleatlon of a letter addn tard by l.ouia Kossuth to nue of m~ fi 'ends at l'i «th. ami dated February 27. In this do, ii on nt he disi ussi s the tan situation «of Hungary, and «:.!«; nut baa always Imen of opinion that tbelawaof IMS «ould triumph In fin- end, but that he lind not fore »a t o ihat «the ahmet <«f Vicuna would act with so mu. li ci ler*'r an.) prüden« a Koasuth s|m ,,«_.. uImi of the forma lion of a " Uaiiiil.i.ui « oaf« deration/' and of the «not esatty "f Isatgnif the word "liberty " forevei inactlbed on the nf Hungary Ho clares that he mil end ins life l«i a foreign lund, aud adda "Von know that lean liol .-nd ought not, !".n . nt iiu amnesty. And, beside, .,f uti.«, further use could I fiel The bittei j-ars of exils hav» broken my stri'11-.'th.' KISMA. iHM«n. is mi ii« 111 m « «I that tin* Fiii|M-inr «if Kin.«, ia lias n t .-mied an ami .st > lo nil the K r»-nt Innen who «vere eiiled «la tor 11,lupin itj in the late Polish rebellion. ITALY. i k<n i.am n!u*i Ai.ii-.s-f list', '.vi-- A precíametlou has been leaned at Prastmore offering a reward af Soo acodl for ever) brigand captured, dead or d l.iCO amil f.«r every capture of a chief of a KM ill AMXRJCA. THE WAH IN PAKA«.« AY. I .Lilli- nee it-.eii.il .it Lisbon, ileriied fruin I'ara- «." - ii «. averts that two Brazilian iron« lads have bess piu.i.i kera<<. tantana ne,ir Ciirtipn'li The .mur¬ re« i "it in tin pmi na. s .,f the Argentin« Confed« ration i«-..id to t..« estending Twotboueaad five hundred ir bun !... o taken fi. ni the allied arm- !.. ..j.pose tlie Inanrjrenta Prreldent Mit.i ha* n-tiini.-d to Huenos kyree with a thud >.f ins «-untingeiit. t'rqtilia is hostile to the roTolutionlats in thal Wat.- The Brasilien squad¬ ron has piisse.l «'iiriipaitv, ami is exploring the upper afflnents of the Parana F. I Et TIOR lATF.I.LK, ES( K MICHIGAN. Tin- State eliiiii.ii iii .Michigan occura today. A Justice of the Huprrtue Court, two Keginni of tin* Foi vemty, and lis legate* to a State Constitutional Con¬ vention, Intrusted with the luiiM>it.-mt dut! of revUuig the H tit to « '«institution, are to la* elected. The followlug are the rival State tickets : Hrj.vhUrnn. It »no-cm, Jmrfct rayerai Coori fli-ti1»unq K l.r»ir« |i|i.l««t«l U l,rxi v.um Juren I i >.'.'¦.«'.<.'"><.. £****¦ " ___" >' * * I li.i.i«, .1 ll.it KI »o«a«»r IA tilt Vie following Is lbs vote in the State for «iovernor m i-', «i- oinp.ui .1 mt h tin- uti ii'i Regoat lu I«-«,-., i. lui thePresidcntl.il roto Of I»-«.* i sim. ison. I mii. '. Kerntet littulrnt « rai-'Hrj. )....»6.;«i Wilkrr llrp. H.aH Jaun-ln -"1.511 W il,«m,l|l»«u. j f.: Tim !!>;!.. »I»«--» j lH.l.fi Mr« lilian.il.ttl* Brp »»J.. f-ii.nt Hep any...Jl.90» H«p. mil.16.917 T, ti rats Uli,Coi T..U1 ..»«¦ ..-.. IBU T-til .ut«- I», III lu ians tin- «luestioii of a Constitutional Convention was sui muted to the people, and wa« carried by a vote of VJ.kn against MUM. a majority fur revision of 60.H8**. The prsaent election of delegates is thus held lu oliedlcuce to th. express.»! will of the jieople. Judging from the pres- eiiitoinp'.exion of the Leglslatuie, the Hepublicans will hare at least a three fourths majority lu the Convcution. OHIO. THF SPRING EI.r.lTKiMS. The Spring ele« tiona in Ohio, for township, village, an! city officers, take place to-day. ruLITICAL. CONNECTICUT. TrntSaaWord (Conn.) Time» publishes the full«)wing telegram: WAEtOanYtOW, T> *"-. March as.-The report in Tur. Tanti ni. in untrue. I have Information that theelectlou of Mr Kugluih Is certain. This Is my hop;* and belief. .1 l-ll« 1»! _ON. WISCONSIN. fUlI.KOAD MATTKRÜ IN IHK UWWilWÜ st tin«««»« ra rai raiama Madison, March 30..The Assembly, after a sharp fifht, by a large majority has concurred In the Mensto bill to facilitate the construction, by tbe rrarle Du Chlsn Railroad Company, of the railroad from Monroe to Du- buque, anthoritlng mortgages, bonds, and the issue of stock to replace fund* and preferred stocks. The bill la somewhat amended, but ia substantially In the form de¬ al rod by the present managers of the road, and opposed by !.. H. Meyer, representing the preferred stock holders. It repeals the law of last Winter, regulritig the assent of each class of stockholders to tbe couaolldation or siten- sloo, with a proviso that the repeal shall not take effect until the bonds pro-rlded for »hall have been dulyere- catod and delivered. The limitation to the power of the Directors to Issue stock Is pen-. t ¡rally removed. The Assembly has rejected, by a vote of 33 to 44, the bill makin« adultery the only ground of divorce. WestUerbv, the Democratic candidate for Hupreme Judff«», has with¬ drawn The Hsiiata» Committee on Vederel Relations have n.poTfe.1 in favor of psylng S M. Booth .1*,<X», expenses asd lueses in suits growing oat «of assistance to fugitive slaves. _ TÜR PACIFIC COAST. THE JA-TAXe« COMMISSION «N ROUTK POk SP.W- V«)KK.LAYINO t»F A COR_H_S-8T0N_:. ¦t vst BURAra tu vaa raiaoira. San Francii*co. Cal.. March 80..The JapsntN* Coramlaslen and suite sailed to day In the steamer Uolden Age for New-York. During their etay here they visited the fortifications lu the bsrW. the various tallltsry ata- tlom the Government works, sod tit« ettenaive manufac¬ turing establishment* of the city. They were received by- several pronilnet (It I tens, and appa^ntl-r were highly .*retlfi"<f «»1th the many attentions shown them. The laying of the corner stone of the new Mercantile Library biilldinf in this city Unlay Was sn Imposing affair. Ths ( ercinoulee were under the direction of the Maaouio f a ternlty. The full (iraud Udge of the Stat« wa« ia at teudanoe._ III I'1. A tu H V FUND. si riuiiri Teraa vaiatiga I'liiiMiiRM K. K. I.. March ¡Mi.-Tlio Iîev. Or. Resrs baa resigned the l-ie-udency of the llrowu University to a«-cept, it is understoo«!, the ( kihi ni kgbuey of the Pea- boday Oouthcra ^ducsU-Xifti movemcut THE RUSSIAN TREATY. RUM-IAN AMERICA ("TDED TO THE UNITED ëTATl». Washington, March Sl.-s-The President haa «oin- n. in;« ated to thf «Senate, In Its Executive Besaton, atraaty with Hue«,a, by wini h that power eurrei.dem to th» 1 'nited States ita sovereignty over all ol Russian America and the adjacent islands. It especially includes the strip too miles long, which cxt« nds down the coast, thus ex¬ cluding Rritiah America from the Ocean. The Treaty waa laid on the table, and will be taken up next week. The Treaty waa concluded between the Secretary of State, on behalf of the Presidentof the United Statea.and the Rus¬ sian representative«, on bchsff of the Emperor of Russia. The Russian (iovernmetit agree« to convey to the United Htatea Government all ita po«"»esslona on the American Continent, known aa Russian America, in consideration of the payment of |7,i*ijC,íK)0. The negotiation was discussed at a Cabinet meeting on Friday night. The Russian Minister afterward visited the State Depart mint to arrange the terms, and at an early hour on Hatuiday morn.n>_- the arrangement waa definitely perfected. The Euglah tpttat ntatives here arc deeply « hagriiie «1, and it is said that Sir Frederick Ilrticc will telegraph to Kail Derby for instructions to protest against its acceptance by our Government. Tilla acijulsition more, than double i> the- L't ited Hat« a "..»«¦* ou the Pacific, which now extends from bS*n-i* California to Behring"s Htraits. with the no-pt. n of the nairosv strip e'oniprising Itntish t'oluml»la. The tcrnto.v o nd by Russia comprises the whole e»f thet'ontinent of North America west of longitude Ml*. It li boundeel by British America and the Pa« if,» ¡ii,,'. Ar«f.«- Oceana It iiaclitdeaa irr« at numb«-i of islands, and la < f the highest importunes M a nat al «I« pot, ami for stratégie i urpoaea. It isa valuable fur country, miel embraee* a s asi lection of rritory, the possession <«f which will Influence m our favor the vast trad« of the Pacific. The pun-baaed territory covers un- s-anl of MUN i».|iinr«» ie,t!«»n, and continue about aa,ueo inhabitants, hall of whom ar«» Eaouimaux, Th«' fisheries an- etty extensive, bat the pi.ne.pal eom- merclal wealthaf the country ih m Ita fin ii.i.i««, which would, henceforth, bo altogetlu r controlie el hy An mer. liant«,. TI,«. a<'«'iiisit;«»n f this territory .rsemlil give tur Oovcrnmeiit the «oiitrol of the Boaalan American lalagraph, la cass the we,ik sboald be otnahpketei. \\ASiilN«,Te»N IKltltne.liY AM) IHK III SHAN POSBF8- sI««N«. WaaaOBBBMai, March .'il.~A small rcniest lia« been largely answer»»«!, as the following palltll sent from Washington Territory, ttatm to lint» Ixen more than gratified, in tin» negotiatione yesterday, of the treaty coneludeel between the United Míi!«*« SBd the Russian .««»i» minent, for the pincha«,« «»f the Rut»»-.an American I'ossessloni». To Ilit T.ieelleney Ani rlw 3nns*t<H, PtttUtBt of the United Slatey; Ia refere «. t<« the cod and othhi fiahsnes yourmemo- rlaliste, the legislative Assembly ot Washington Terri¬ tory, bei»' le-nve to «.how that iiliundatice «if Icad-flSh, hal- Ibut.and »alliie.n e»f excellent quality have; t'l'eti fonad .ilotig the shiTi s of the Russian Poeitemlona. Your rae- me»nali»»ta respeetm-'y re.|tie at your Exe ellency to obtain such rights and prmlfgca of the Government of Ruksi» ns will enable our flsh.ng ve ssels to visit th«-port* and harbor», of its poeseeslons, to the end that fuel, water, and provision« muy i.. aáalljr atstalaad| tltat our sick anti «llsabled fishermen may «»btani sanifiiry as¬ sistance, toejetker with t!i<« privilege of em ng fi«h ami repairing vessels lo n««d «.f repairs. Your mc» iiiorialiat»» farther request that the Treasury Depart¬ ment )«e- Instructed '«» forward to the'collector ofCuatosM of this (Paget Bound) <lii-tn. t, «inch fishing i.« «'tis«.a, ;,i -tr el ami log-books, M will enable our hardi «fishermen t«> obtain the bounties ne»w provided alni paid to th« f;«li»'nii« ii In the Atlantis State««. Your no mortallts «finally prnj s our I. m « Hi ney t.» supply inch »Inps m may Le spared ft«un the Pacifl i ;«¦ .. fleet, In exploring and surveying the flahlng hunks known to navigatora to ex lal al, ng the Fa« .fie eoaat from the Cot» tea Hanks t«» Behring« Strait«, ami m Iii duty bound, your memorialists will «ter tuns' «Passed th.- Book of Represe ntatives Jan. io, : list ami« KiiKii'i i. speaker of the House» of Repa. russell the "iti.iil Jan 13, ia»<-j. Huts ki K Misi.«, President of the Council. The petition is accompaiiieel l>y tlie certificate ol the Secretary eaf tin- T«-ir.t«-i y a- .<> Ita bi'lng a true copy. The i" titlon tis ¦< « n. was pa*m ¦' ¦ ra than s year ..».«». and is (he- foui .!..':» 11 ol be trent] DOW .«'»' Siting the rati flcstion <«f tin- Senate. Tiir: ( l.l-H» TEBBnOBT. Tin' i «-«.ion of Russian North America to the rnitcii States, it « iiiiMiuiniHted, will I»«- the most importaat inter¬ national event affecting this continent which baa oc- » ttrred in many years. Suth an unimportant part nul«, »I has Russian Aim ii'a play« «1 in the affairs of na¬ tions and of men that, wh« sn offer for its cession from mu l'oi«',-t (., mi«.'j,« i is u,u U, ki-os« ii, the announcement ronlurra uji In the mlnu of uCaily evixy one v i í:.*^*» a* .i c»»i»l, barren, ami uniahabltod region, converging about Behring! Stralta, and «-«lebratod only because lice« !.y ami Sir Joiiii Franklin voyaged eui ita» «'«easts. But, ni tin« n-stls« itali.ui of IK lie.nl «1 u y iiu-li.e.ric.«. i.r <»s « ti Iii a »'asnal glanera at th»' map of tile » outiiu-nt it- wir. the unist Important part»» of the» territory would most nkely escape notice. Thiess arc the Peninsula eaf Alaska snd the sirbipelsgses known as (««-orge lil. ami Prince of Wales, rather peculiar names for a aeries «>f islands forming part of UM poaeeSSlOUS »f the Russian Bear. It is notifiable, host ever,that the Russians know tile islands hy other Beames, sad the one named George III. by Van¬ couver, form i na pint of the archipelago generally known hy tlM name of that monarch, is by them call««d Harnuov. Tnese islands uro formed by inlets of the ocean, ami are more- properly a narrow strip of land «-xteuiling for nearly ino miles along the «mast of the Pacific, broken by narrow causeways ami amis of the sea extcmLng in every direc¬ tion. The principal settlements are in these Islands, the largest town la-iiia New Al» liana,-»!, ou the Inland of Sitka, which has u population of only i.ono. On tia» islaml ailed («ieorge III, or Haranos. is the seut of the (¡uveruor of nil the establishments t»f Russian America. It ha« a i mt cr not s i,-«i,!, h, i- Kini fortifie atioiis, au«) msgailnes built of vtixal, ami on ita coasts is usually a fleet of two frigates iiml f.t o «.««rvetti-e l'l'.e ss lie.le- re-gion along these coasts, in« luding tlie ai «mp» lair«» of Kneliae- ami the penlnaeuJa of Alaska, is exceedlngl) mountalnoue,helng a succession m leifty peaks, most of thuin Tide itiii,', one »>f them reaching nearly 13,000 fe-e-t m bight, aud another being little. Inferior In altitude. The part .»f the mainland'south of Mt. St. hila«,ono of the vi lciiulc peaks Infore referred to, ami the loftCSt summit on the continent, Is nowhere more than 33 miles wide. The islands and coast*, of the mainland have generally been well explored, but the liiterlor of the country, which looms up protniiu-ntly on the map, is almost entirely un¬ known. Tin-estimated area ««f the whole buntory Is about 394,1.00 s»(iiare miles. It has an as Singe length aud breadth of «100 miles. The longest linee tli.it can be el»,..vu aere.M the country, from CapePriassSof Waleeon Kchnngs Straits through tue narrosv strip bordering on British Columbia and the Pacific (K'«au,to the extreme southern polnt of the Russian possessions, is 1,600 milos. But It will be seen from |lta average length ami breadth that the mass of the.ce.untry Is tolerably compact. From sev¬ eral expeditions that have been pn»Ject««d into the inte rlor, it se-ams that the western part ol tlie territory is ele¬ vated and uneven, while the part extending along the Arctic Ocean Is generally flat. The north coast waa dis¬ covered early In the present century, ('apt. Cook having frevlously, as early us 1778, penetrated as far north as ey Cape. In It«« Capt. Beechv reached Point Barrow, and at the same time the lamented Sir John Franklin, th. n Capt. Franklin, traced the coast from the mouth of tim Mackeuzie Klvor to Return Reef. The population e,f Russian America ia about «0.000, of whom at least tVi.OUO aro Enq uimaux. Tlie remaining portion of the inhabitants are Russians, Creoles, Kodiaks and Aleoots. The principal pursuits and chief de-pt-inl» nee of the Inhabitants are the fisheries and fur hunting Lit¬ tle attention is glveu to agricultural pursuits; but to view this vast territory aa wholly forbidding and barren Is to fall Into a grave error. For, its shores being washed by the warm Pacific atreuni, which «weeps up from the China Sea aud breaks near the extreme north-west polut ol the conti uent, ita atmesphere is toned down t<> the salubrity of i>oint« on the Atlantic coast which are many degrees fur¬ ther from tim pole. Far Inland there In a region of almost perpetual snow ; but on the coast, and as far inland aa the breetoa from off the China Boa current may reach and modify the rigor« of the rJimatc, the land is fruitful and the country inviting. The fur product of the country ha« for many yeera been made a monopoly by the Russian Government, but the United State«? and lireat Britain succeeded ia obtaining a lease for the territory from 80° W north latitude to U, and the exclusive privilege of supplying the Knsalane with agricultural produce and pruvisloua waa granted to the Hudson's Bay Company. The monopoly of the other territory remains with the Russian American Couipauy. It la noticeable that, by the treaties with the United BUtes and (¿rent Brltalu m*te In tiru, the late Ruaaiau possessions oomprshend sll tho American coast of tho Pacific, and the atljacent islauds north of ths parallel of St to north latitude, and the whole of the mainland west of the meridian of 1110 weat lonaitueh», which passes through Mount «St. Ella«. This boundary treaty wa« accepted aud made binding «o long ago m 1834. EXECUTIVE APPOINTMENTS. r*a at niMiiri va vaa rair-csa. Washington, March 31..The Senate in Ex»«cutive .étalon yesterday confirmed the following nomination«: Coltittori of Imlrrmal Rrvtnae-Qta. Janes B. Rt«_ais of Oki«, Fa-it UiiUlct of LobIiUss lieorj A. Qttranj to IL« Klijiitostith »is- trle-t of risoij-lrisll. -, -. . .t . ni Jtmnort of Internat fUr-enm.ioho M. Fr_W lo th« Fïrit !>».- triitrfPfSBiil-soi», ("slvia W. Mc-insU On Tsslfc Out. i .»f lill- matt. ro*lmaittri-V7m Crotawsll. St Dl«v»--_»gl«»o, III Ssmuil G R«Hh. Pen», lil ¡Iiitotl Brown. SiUh«. Mi«, i H«ron»tts DsjUs. C«Uts bsi Uli* i bosUs CâBiios, Tslledisiis«, g- ; Osorí« PhUlip«, Soy WmI fu. mauler of ¡and OÄn-Nitsmle»! S (¡ou. it HoaWdt Kibisi. Raletni Of ImKltt Ä<*i»-ni«|,t P »¦mirt of Hsrnholelt. Kssim. T»lViO(e*>vl VnltreJStatt* Infantry.Capi. Iisold S. Me-Sem-is of tk« Corni of Itostnoan. _. . Te mCmpmim I'nUnl Stolei f««ai».lr»-.Ji«»i-b H ^It Coltrtlor ./ Oa*tam»~rtUt<i A «luIn, Dlit-tcl of Miion. Obi«. êurvrporof Cmttrmr.Jtim H. Ilarrlsos. RuIibob«. U«*_ .arsis. of M*nhttm4i»t-tiaaioi Vslisllse, PortUsel, He- The »Senate re.)eot«»d tit« following nominations: **<tinsii«»i>-' «Tsiliel Statt* Armp.Wm. H. Jobuitott«, litt 1'ijrwsit«» of VolniUffi. ,, . |»r.,7<i«le*r «;*»»lrrti *.* flritwi-Bra'it Col. Jamn B. 9rr. Mijlilrr of Laut .!>«->-Abrita h. Wselswotll». st trsT««-s» Cltj, HMUeUtr, of Inleraml Reitnue-Cbir'-eiW Bil»» Vlllih Illili.«! »! Si« loila Tkuinsi Mitirith IVtli lu.lrie I «.f Pruuirlflüii. imitai ¿lattt Mer***t-Aaa*l ti. vimat I»i»Ui«l of ktimtnAvmUm THE SOUTHERN STATES. BOOTI] CAROLINA. OR!«!* <)F IHK < II A R I. K STOW mgTrtBA!« S XoM^ii «K, March 29..The Ktbel nport f.om Charleston about negro disturbances la false. Tue freed- n on.y j,, lad outrageous K»-l»el attacks npon them. The mcetluir va« one of remarkable onler. A IIEJ1U. Al < OUNT OF THB BIOT. The CrXwrhtton Courier gives the following account el the trouble: Yesterday, after the adjournment of the mass meetlaa of freed me. i, a rep%rt of which elsewhere appear«, a sn iniiigly well organise effort waa made by the freed- men who had participate«* iU that affair, to teat the!* right to ride upon the stiret ear* m violatieu of the rules of the Company. The ringleader tn the matter, who la a resident of Meeting-st.,op|H.Hiti Burna'* «lane, nud a barbet by profession, thrust hlium If into the -tar of Conductor Fala-r, »nd ujion being politely- regácete! ty him to go out, refused to do so. Mr. taber Informell Ulm of tho ruli h of Hie Company, and uiau-tcd ii|k.u his avlag the iii.-ideof the ear, wlien his frienda, «finding that he waa liable to Ix- fon-inly ejected, it resistance was offered, per- mailed him to rome not. I p.,ti tin» return of Mr. Palier'« »ar to the seno, waa ¡i aasilltti lu Meeting, between Oeorge and Hociety st*., a large crowd of negioea rush«-.J into ii, to tlie great discomfort of the white paeeenaere, and although nmoiistiatid with and appealed to by th« (-ondiit toi. dei Imod to go on«. Mr. Falter Um n stepped to the front platform and rc<iucsted the driver to r.in tne car off th«' track, as this was ins only alternative. The effort to c.imply with lu« rsqaeat failed, and the driver, at the suggestion of Mr. Pater, unhitched Ins bone, and. leaving the car on the mick, went up to the Com- l riiy's Mabie. Finding theaieelve« disup. oint.-d, the rioters cnd( .i\aired to push the car forward, when Mr. Fuller put donu the brake and stuck to hi« post,although he wa-* tin« atened by one of the number who had stolen the non by wini It the switches are tin nul, and held It in u striking attitude over his head, while others strur« puil Mr. i'aber away from the b.ake. At this Juncture the Hi ral of Um pática «sslired lui«, .tom his embarraaslng siiuafion. in th.- meanwhile the cara ol M. i-M-i KoiiuiiUat, Rives and Ht. A uni ml had been iova- d in Iii.: saaae way, und in some iustauces the lady pae- SSBCSIS were coiupelled to leave th. ni for fear of personal insult and injury. When tile rioters found that the con¬ ductors could not be awed into ac<*iilesceüce with their Acamada to be permitted to ride on an equality with the white passengers, they tried to Interrupt the travel of the ears by placing stones «a tin- tra«k. luformaUon of these facts having been communicated tu the L'p|»ei and Lower Guard Houses, detaehnssats wen scut from each to the scene of the di-tm ¡».ince, and hythe influence of their presence, and the aid of -,i s.|iiad of regular «soldier* who wen- dispaii ln«l fjoni the Citadel, the riot wa« ended and the rioters dmpersed. BKCDNSTIUl.TIOS IN «Hil Til CAROMWA. The following is the test of (len. Sickles'* reply to the address presented to him ou Tuesday last by the Charles¬ ton merchants: Ornum It affords me great satisfaction to receive this visit and to hear tin* granting sentiments which have ticen expreeaed. I feel ess-ored that the citiiene »rim nilly will iloeverythitg m th. r j ewer to sustain th« laws an»! aid me la the dim linrgc of tht) duties which I am to perform. The gem ral mt« rests and prosperity of North and Bouth Carolina have been the object of my earnestsoÑeitude since I have been in command in this Department) and what l han- iloia- in this regard in the p.i-t, I will continue to do in the future. The «solu- lion of the present political difficulties reste nilli the citizens themselves. The military author¬ ities will nut Interfere m narttsaas in mili¬ tary movements or organlx ita na, we will endeavor im¬ partially and fairly to protnot.- the reorganization of the i »vii government in th«« two l*t«tr». Ample protection win te given to lite, iii», ni-, and property, u-, conclu¬ sion, gentlemen, be aasured that 1 »nail always l»e glad to hear any expression of >on, sentiments^ and to comply with your suggestions so far H may comport with my seuec of «lut j. DESTITUTION AT THE .SOTTTH. LErn-.It tttOtt MA.I"l: i.lM-ll.U. THOMAS. Tío following l'ü'i* hem Majoi-fit-ii. Oeorge Ti. Thomas toa prominent citizen of Chicago, is published in the journals of that city LoctSVOXK, Ki-., March ti, .M7. Ifr. Carter H. Haiiki-'.s, i hieaao. III.-Dear Sir: I re¬ ceived lour favor of th>* !'. tb hist this iuorning, for which I am much obliged, as it will «nal le me to point oiita locality lu cu«tg:.i and Alabama where the people of both bide» of tin question al «presen! dividing the connlry are In extreme want foi provisions, and many who have means to do so wib be comp« lied fo unit their homes, un« h «s they can get subsistence enough to enable «herald make crops this year. The pondo of Carroll. n«»r»l+ftn. Polk. Pauldlng, Campbell, «.'orvet.i, and Heard, (la., and Randolph,Calboun,and< lurok«*, Ala., are represented to moss not having provisions to laet them until May n-ixt ; aud great nunine-**. who have the means to move « ill bo compelled to do so, unless Um tau procure provi¬ sions fruin abmad. AU rlasaea of the citizens are alike dartltate, the rich a-» well «a« th« poor, aud both must starve if tin ! iel. am lu th.« country, utiles« provlaions an- sent to tiieui. The nell an* pci*f<-rtly willing to pur¬ chase if any oin-will tend them provl ai is, and wait for tin m to g.tthtr In their crops before demshdiug pay- lUcl.t. iii aiding ti . is opie, I !;i ow you will doing «mod servios In rellci lug. disît-e*-*1 which is common througneut the -«-.mttt. and uni also pci'itr igenient to peo» I«., who will appreciate the relief afforded them in tneir Hint of need. lam,dir, lery respectfully, your obedient ssi i «ni. (¡i« ii Tiu-ua«. 1*. 8.Corn aud bacon arc arti« les most es.sent);»l, .'« the people absolutely need sonn thing to enable them .o re- malu at home and cultivate their crop«». Anything sent t-> Mr w*. II Mi Danu l,< stroll County, (la., via Newman, Oa., on the Atlanta and West Foin! k.nlroad, will reach Fi m safely, lie is the autnori.* d igent of the citisan« of ( ai roll County. I can «end you the uauies of agent« for the other counties, should von desire them. It will te necesssry to write to those couuti« », however, to get the other names._ o.B.r. IIECOA'STRCCTIOA. I.F.TTER KItOM OFN. ItFAt'liKtiAltl*-.HIS VIEW« OJt THE Pi-U'lK Al -1TI .llli'N. Tlie iolloiviug letter inun the KeUl Gen. llenare«* gani ia published, addressed to the editor of Th* fitm- (JrUani louts: New Orleans. March 03, MST. Dkab tim : You have done mc the honor to call for ni/ ojuuioii relative to the action of the rk»uth under the Military lull. Having seldom taken any part lu politic«, I do not feel well «piaUfied to advise ou «o momentous a question; ueverth. less, as the same desire to obtain my views has been manifested from »anous quarters. I shall not shrink from the responsibility of expressing them, in the hope that they niav tend to compose the public mind, so Justly alarmed at this moment. In my bumble opinion we have but one of two things to do.resint or submit. The first is inadmissible In our painfully e\hatute«l «oou-dl- tion. Four years of a desperate war have taught us that the argument of the sword can no louder be resorted by u-t to redress our grievances. We must, tbertft-re, submit, but with that calm dignity becoming our man¬ hood und lost Independence. Having been ovcrpowre.l m the hit«« struggle we can submit to the harsh aud un¬ generous tenus of our couquerors without dishonor, and we must adopt the least of two evils. A futile resistance would only cause our rivets to be driven closer. We must, then, acquiesce or leave the country. But love too dearly the land of our birth to abandou it in ita hour of sorest triaL We should avoid, also, brin«ging it. by Internal dissensions, to the condition of poor Mexico and the unfortunate South American republics. With n-gard to the suffrage of the freednien, how eve» objectionable it may be present it U au element of stn«ngf h for the future; if properly handled and directed we shall defeat our adversaries with their own weapon. Tho negro ia Southern born ; with a little education and some property qualifications he can be made to take suf¬ ficient interest in the affaire and prosperity of the South to iusure an intelligent vote. In our future political con¬ tests with the North on protective tariff, Internal im¬ provements, Ac., the freedmen of the South will side with the whltesof the South and Weet, and they will thus contribute to give us back the influence w-e formerly had in the coun¬ cils of the nation. Our people should understand that the radicals can remain in power only so long aa the pub¬ lic excitement is kept up. As with the turbid water» ox the Mississippi River, the sedimentary particle« are kept up at the surface, only so long as the waters are in mo¬ tion, the Instant the current Is checked these particles fall to the bottom. Thus it will bo with the radicals when peace aud virtue are reatored to the country. The conser¬ vatives will then take the relus In their own hands, and the constitutional laws of the land will once more pre valL Respectfully. G- T. Beaureoasd. ¦ « m ALABAMA. Pursuant to a call signed by the Governor, th« Bute Auditor and Treasurer, the Postmaster, and Mayor of Montgomery. Gan. Wager Bwayne, and «orne 100 othei leading men of *the State of all nationalities a hug« tai harmonious meeting of citiiens of the Stete, wa» **_.*} the capitol in Montgomery on the evening of ataren IS. TAe _-lrerfw«r of that city, lu noticing the .*!*_)Wag«, "¦.".The yard and every portion of the building that could afford a view of the proceeding» nmUO tWhtg. apjgg* many colored people were in attendance, and there wera. also.In the pechad cro»wd. many mt the ti-ueeSand most substantial mea of Montgoiuc**. who showed. ¦* takably. bow deeply they had tbe Interest of faauanWf at heart. The Hall of the Heus« **ss decorsted with flags of the Union.S« »tare." «_..._ T - Address« were dellyfed .* Messrs. h_t Feldsr, J_C¡ K,-ff»«r M m Mr H (' ôemtile, (Jen. Wager »«wayne aia othetn. »-ÍWu¿0U.,Zi_T.ní g thV^Z^LÄ cltisents to " oar/ out with earnestness and harmony th« Z Ants.* IheReconstnicU-J. W"*«^ only " for in*- «--'«li known to have inflexibly st heart th« po«aîrs/' were unanlmoualy adopted. A f**-».i»l-'e_: Iiob at the capítol, of the Union men of th« »Ute. gut rerowuiendwirand an Executive Committee sjipolnted and authorised to call the meeting together Sgal«» tor the purpose of taking preliminary atepa lu tnat direotion. THE PESIA*'*. HKTtRaV OK THE CAMPO BKI-LO alBM««. »v *»La»a-J»> va t_b «iii«"" *P*A«TiH)kT Me.. Matfh ».-Col. Rnnsom. in copi- nSd?lHsSlu'van at thisP«í"^Eff*TA«ÍS from the War Pepartment t»» Htirreude» to Mr. *«TtK«» of NewYi-rk all tbe anns, ammunition, »nd/««_¦**: ¦luUawful parpo««.
Page 1: MONDAY, H,105. inline - Chronicling Americachroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1867-04-01/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · NEWYORK, MONDAY, APRIL I, I8(>7. ... BUtea f¡-,»e Twe-litv t.-ela.la.



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riNANCIAL AND U'MMl.Kt UÜ1a,\ih,\ Mai-li lüi-^A-tfn---t "!;!"" I a-. tti

tutoriiioBiW. AmencaTaeMitttl*« ara In rrquest, auelT,....-'.v'.i.'.>... ... BUteaf¡-,»e Twe-litv t.-ela.la. T.'.j. I . ¦"¦¦ »I»


,,...». ..ins. 'i I'.:».! -*""..'

^..NKMla^Viirïli IO Noon.-Vi t»«1eia-i, st 's. for tli»» *-.' i«*- " '."". A di»P*teh from1 ..«,«¦ statastbut the i-.l !-:

m,, inn.,-.>d m iii - '4i-I il 11 '.«-t. s- .r,

l.ivrni'oe»! Mareil .i«--N.huí.-The Cotton iti.-.tle«t is

lim«, mi.el maeis. and at D>»te.-el.V w11) it« 10,000

M ..I»!¡mir t plaïulI» tAieHi.á.iitiirr» n..ii'n»t .- generally without change; Corn,how« vi :. Ira« taken ans«] higher The folio« ii« aro the qaotationi !

mu lil»! f««i West, na Wlt»Kfdaml Ami« .i«! I ;.i White. Cora.p.t.b )x r «,ti.i-: 'for Mixed WiMmi. »-Jarle* «VA. l*«rBIma «|, I «s IK.SV ({ooted

.ii i..i»- «t«. iiue-il t«»'.¿i . )>. r i.i'l. Baoon,49/.,,!,., « Mai ki

,,,,., t «Spirits r*l « "iirti.« ii Roa n, ifilai el l'«!t.,.i uti,. 1 '.. Spirit* Tarpenl DCerd 3.1.nil« ut 'i. a. « i.et. I ««..filil'icla«.I. <i«M lim «I <'»l «.« - B1 « «« I,a.-«iii Oil,

jtal» ut ta I.iiiseul, «i;. «h'iialeI t », r m- Ki.srn »k1« iiiiiiel. i .».¡il« - ¡it 11

Aftenieieni *-n,e.» The» «elie unit-, the Cotton umlieft ll.is.¦Hite dull, and i> .«i««,:f full au | for

Middling Uplands It is m,st quoted at J'.-U. Othei ml\i MStl «... « ( Hin! run ha

i .. li: Wheat i-.« »» ; y. Floor,.,.,,, «s ni ,«, bilT«»ri,!i, wi.i.it. « Oatt « 'i Pork, 7Si Beef. ma.r«l Us«««;.. « ». Hplrit* I'« tt«>-leeilei.liel (Yinni. I'< tr>>>eiilit.is.

tin] l-i -. -i i «I. «MS, PotASt.fS ti* « <¦' I I 1 44S. fell. I.Itl-IIO «I ( x .1 Cale« .», .i

V. la.i,« Oil, au i .i Rosta, its.


11 « hi an bteaio-w. ( it.v .».' Ki

tPtnti ..->.(»ia:at BRITAIN.

lil- j;i ni.'i «gil !-': i«»y

It acf-iiis to lio now M-tt:»<i U-yoinl a!) WBOataVladoubt that thtre will he no Kiforui b..l c.vned ÉBBtBf|l«e present session, and tient ..¦ will be madeto the present conMttuene«. «I luilianient before tlte»cpresentative*- fin,illy de» ..le how many of theunrepte-^ntid i«,,.lu>ns may be laf« l.v ...linittetl within the valesf the ( oustitntion. Lord Uertiy báselo» .are el that if biaatill is rejet ted by th» House at Commons Le will appealto tie country, and..melvin-.' fr«.iu its leceptioii t.«, thellooie on tie evening of Monday, UM >:!: «j? MVitai-urt- la already hOTlleasly «cia<i. tuned.

MK. MB_A.U- BBCBThe details o' the measure as propound«d by Mi Ia:»»

ratli itérée exactly with the description W* have alreadyyixtn, and nothing new hat» «»eeii eiirited CTrept that theextensions and alterations would add l,ouo,000VoterB~tolue boroua-h and 300,000 to the county constituent,!«"". I >i.the question of redistribution of seats tbç «GovernmentBdhered to the i>.hii ah. eh fonned patt al theilfiist attempt. They take :«.» neal****-! t\*x_y tram i«orcui?hsIisvanaaiMapulatit.il of ka«, than Io.ucki, and «ive 15 ofthem to county com-ütuon. « ». 1« te. larg« boiouayhs. and lUt the t'ttivenlty >.f ix.iuli.n The Chancellor rt tkc Ex-the«iuer ttromlied that ei»r»ies of ti», bill should U» m tlioLands of i-eitiVaers ou tue f«.U«ewiiaír tiny, anil Invine"burne«] Ino hriJire» «lad boats," con« lude«! a ioii-f and.bl«» six«(ti in the fiallowJn-7 lat-Kua«.'«

I hoi* that the House will candidly fiaissliV** this*ur«*ure. As far as wt» are conetra eel, tti» luvra sj«;er« «1 no

me then-Met. .nid hate» neit shrunk from ss»hat s*.asmore important, perhaps, m eodeMYorlag ta bring It be-lore the House. I will not advert mine «essanly to theCitrumi-tanceH attendiiiir the fraiiiiiii* of this m»*asurewhich has now lu-e-ii tii'011-.'ht before Hie ll«mav: of Com-n-oiis, under very ürreat difficult lea ami at s« ry »vreat sa«--rifites. I do not wish te» elia^ms«-» thut I have felt j-reatiliairrin and great mortification m connection with whatLas taken place (hear, hearj; but I believe I have donemy duty ;« neera], and under the tireiitnstauces 1 do notthink I could have done other than I have. [Hear.j Inattempting to bring the- question to this poiol we have lostthose whose abseii"e from our council« we moro than r«»-grtt; we have had to S****sial to a high-spirited party tomake what no doubt to some wa^ to a certain extent asA«;-rlflce of principle, much siecrlflce of sentiment, and mu. haacnfice of interest. (Hear J But we have not a¡»i»ealedIn vain [hear], b©(Hi'dhe th«- member« of that party wereauiiuated by the same feeling which liifltiinieef us.aseas* nf duty and tonsictlon; the-y felt that Hie time had«w»**,v«-d when tliis quest i »n must fbe dealt with and s«-t-tle«1 extenaively and completely. I hope, then feare, theHouse of Commons will give thi* measure a fair and enn-iid conaideration. We believe if la one which, if »vl-aptedin spirit, will settle Ita long differences; and that It ianuMified to meet the requirements of the country. I amtold for cert»_n that there are objections against It, but I.beg to remind th« House of the dbetiuction which we drawbetween popular privilege and democratic right». I amt*»ld that in this measure there are checks aud counter¬poise«, and that it assumes In this country the existence ofe*»aaea. If there are cheeks and counterpoises In our.cheroe, we live nnd»-r a ( «institution of which we b<-<-«ttliat it is a Constitution of cheeks and counterpoises.I H»-ar, hear ] If the measure, beare some referenc»« to«'«ting classes In this country, why should we conceal"from (juraelvca, or omit from our discussions, the facttnat this country is a country of classes, and a countryaf 1 lasses it will ever remain t [Hear, hear.) What weKan» to do is to give every one who is worthy of it a,k *T*Pt" "n thv' go'ernment of the country by means oflae elective franchise; but, at the same tim«, we haveaj-en equally anxious to maintain the character of theriouaie, to amke propositions lu harmony with the circiui»-~~aee« ef the country, bo prevent a preponderance of__,j cuma, aad to give a représentation io toe nation.

MB. r.uifxiiro.NK'.s 8PBECILMr Gladstone mee immediately, amid the cheers of his

a>*-ty, and proceeded to diaoaas the bill. He ridiculed Mr-viaraati's sadden roverenoe tor the principle of Rating,-"-minded him that the House in dealing with the county£***_* -*** Tear had decided against It; eonttr-annedtee Betattstrthution a« inadequate, though it might be«eau wit* m detail in «Oomtnittee, and denied altogetheri_\T!_?*CT0,Mr "«^..ftBures. The groat ma-ari

K«wo»A^^^V¿^^rf^'0ü0,*otu>o'r«tíi*< "*".^¿Ä^y^T^S" .i"1* .Chem« "*** «I*»««»«BrVoiaetaiSiT-S^,^ *îïtê-'m}own-*o-»n<t h«aiaeholder«..mt> arîA.^?ti__^_t'2£_*û' ******* ont in an eiah-

iSttaSr mmtoM^Wdlffertadlftoreat btsmmgtu.*b**_ sutSi-^Tand i7!ï .

tbe» ********** <* «he^«-saoSb^B^i^iL""^*' ***** th« TOt« "«ub-

fjhewedtoo7w_a_ îÏÏ5, ?,th* .b»r« »¦* increewed rat*a. He

r-arda <rf thewn wÔ^w!^^ tf1-1-" The throe safe-tor» end eM_i^y¿L£^u,t'«*» "*''"«. «»«d Daal vot.ould aet very fa-wirfSlS* tV.ta'1'l" «Bowed that Ratingbe »clad*i, ,_Sfu^¿' ^A**11«*** «»--»ibsni might.ntcicarSSd aST.hiU^ b7}b* »< u»n of veetrtcs. *"dfranchise would be' riftnaiit i«rrî<*»,'_*rfl/ *»«*ougha the**nilng the iCl T^tff,T|5ft2l,0,Kl «-«rage-and oon-î^rrtiBmidl^a^rt^V^tane emtihatk-ally dé¬te it, tkm u ^SBri;A'1,.t h»r»» Implacably bostlis.».stion of it w?r",r^^MeHf|',t! »fMud, and the procia

**** utb to ni ¡say» ¡g*. **f ¿pSaij^j

personalpayment of Batee wen nmctienJIy dead ..«. «.'»«*

fiii.riln nil» iiilv, ¡anti «III» tin- ii<l<1ltii.n »if a lo.lpi r fran-( li.««' no «loutit it mimili ii«- .» my advantageous Mil I"«

ra f.." bat Row tbst party would treat 11 **»*«

». m --.mi fi.r fiituri« «(.nuili i at ¡»»ii. Mr «ludston» »«new. -. ... r (.y »as tii.it tar inf..Min« logged a«« it ni»»- bj Ml/(

¡ .l'y ii«,«!'» .:» 'ii»' (¡«i« '«"ii 01 « 'f*H ¦ V -'«i

ti stripped of those «s.ift «i-iliitilH. H WRS il BBSJ8«itiüi-y mill Kiiilii'itl measure than BO **<uilii 1»«*

RtOSUBDOrt. Hi« tollu.I Ulf ü< 1C illCIliOSt fii.Uilig. '« 1- > speech!

I will confess I w11« anni/ed and ¡tint -ed Si IB« f.icilit.V.».¡li v, I,,, |, the right li.iiini.it ile p i.i ¡«ii,.iii, look mc l..n h

decleioM ««f tin- Douse of Commons i.-,.»; y .».

arrived at mt li in »few Rights of eft« hut lui "ik In J>i°«'(«f rstlni !n,i ti,. ..iii. r in fevor of :¦ uUl m «I e rr** .«¦'«"'

< r tin- i a. h «.f tue lion««- to which tin- raffrsR« »l^"1" ¦"

The I'dii wluorabM gentleman,..r ,r,.H, .Wultii Hi" at.-ii log at

a sound scheme of re distilbutlop > «»"-..«,""' ,|',,!\1", "

of the question; bnttblH ingnttttti «¦>;¦ li «e n>.,> ce.it-

1, Hill] Illllth ""¦'' ¦.* (}*___ «*"" !" .'",tail 1 Mated tll.it _t HIV"!' 'not la* m'«s!,,»i, « h. ,, it

wa* m rmcr or the «io.-«'""1"" '""' * ',';¦- «»""¦¦«¦'--

..,:..: milli sdhera-<»-d st.wdhjrlt [H< -at hotInasa bv also the ao/i««**«---'* *áx ín*' " the educational

«i ,,.¦ A."i -.-,.«,,1..--

tank f .m. hise «l»i'I'- .'*/ U-.t- nay, baa rrown from .« IP,wubinZiÄtiilihi [AlauKh.l I pass by thosefi «it «ii... a v-ctii tin* »Imple n-msrlt: while I. ©I rourse,

n re in tu«' i'"»"i faith with which the Chnnrellorof the iwchequer gives us the resulta which ne expectsfrom tJrose severs! fruin lust -, i mast entirely declino to

m«. Without questioning the right honoiin » Rood faith, I look opon thone fl|

ruin on.* «ml vision.m. Tospesk frankly, 1 looki three-fourths of tin enormous number ol rc-ters

whom he paraded In dlfferenl regiments asM duct« dm ut 'nuil fiiiii« bl«M in» ii. » «'" fni-l Ti.i¦!., and

XUv mt.|,ir»l.|ii,li -m.-.i Ml lilli,- «n«.i.- 11« uti n.« t. u. ».«.« k

ram. [A laugh Hy objection la totbe estimate of theright lii'ii'n.ii'« :-¦ i.: man. The principle of tbone votrah oin ii tn a Krcat deal of (onnm ti* whit li in ed t"'* bl IStrounced now.

Aft« t -speaking of the an-orni H« « Whlek would 1 I tt atfd

bj 'Ik bill ni diftci't ht« borou-jahs «n coassqmsm c1 I'"'

»i stems ti resting and teOng, Ki Glndsssssipin, 11 dod ttiui'

.in not one of IBOSS who lu lu vc the Constitution Ofthe ( ountry in dépendent upon the suffrage ha alwolntely

.ni of Derby, a ho spoke tin other nlRbt of an ex-»uffrage involving tnc destruction ol the British

l«onstltntlon. I kay» a Rival deal mon faith Is tin*HrltUb Constitution than to believe thal it dem nda uponratlug oi upon Ra sxaet Mtlmate and the adding of mon*

or I« m to !i»e conctitr.i n« les, < "beor*, l bellei s that wea . -. make ninny lint-takes, and y» t the Strong goodm ...at- snd the whole traditions of tina countryw.ii kc«p the Constitution »m ¡In lept». I! Is so seasonwhy we should tii.ike mistakes or slter the rustoinsrjnu ttiod of our legislation, or why ire should cstabl a), them «t principle ol the lull, .if ti"- n-vl»' honorable v> "< man

said the Houseof Commons did on the motion >«torable member#or Gslway. Befors I secede to atna

iiicii le ellis.« ii|inii universal ittftruse, equal to Itor to manhood n r-i.l.i«t in suffrage, In those ural districts

¡are is no «small Tenements Act In operation,IShould like to ask mjrself firs! of all whether l sm

im «pan ti i" endura the application of the principle lo allthe county conetitucnclea of the country,be more preposterous than thsl you should way Ve »»

peasant, «t common bodmsn, or dsj labor« r, earning one

shilling slspi mc ur two »billings s day, in a town whereno composition In force, "You shall h.

franebtse for nothing and hs j it on Hie n g »ti witlioutknowing it,'' vi lui«- In pn.it emiuunifies such as theeast parUh.es «snd boroughs id laondoa, snd nmot othertoiviia of the oiintrv, i «,u alifolutt ly fun« in tim. or

-Boney» or bath, the reupound householder, who, at thesame iniic, in a man wiioM perfect compotenc« i «. i> |. i.>

poat i" reoampense by putting Into lui« hand ti - dualvote «i hu li Is Ki!«'' for the paj men! of din I las« s» Ihasecond «if these »-.ifi iruards, p. tons! rating, an the iiirhtbouorsMe gentleman proposes It, 1 venture to pi*,doomed. It may bepossi«Me t" make personal lantiiru

-condition at tko saffra«ge¡ the righi honorable getbat i-oiiileiiiiu ti the plan by wbich, perhaps, ii 11. ».- t Ik-

.a personal tatton «Is s practleal conditu «'

the snffrsge, wini«» it if regulated partly bj purs«accident, partly by the will «>f tin- local or parochialauthority, and partly by the activity of political s**ents,aiid tlit'oiik-ii a Uheial u»*«- t.t aeaaoMateapurse,«eaanoihe eiui'odicU in an act to amend tia îcpn m ii!..t.ai. ot thepeople.Mi. «.ladiitoiie rnnclitded his reninrks upon "dual"

voting In these words But, besides b« di b gigantle en¬

gine uf «fraud, this dual vote Is u great deal marr It in a

proclamation of wai of flashes. [«Cheers.) Talk of thelititish Constitution! The author of this dual rots is

who strikes st tbe British Constitution'iiic British Constitution resti indi

fi.'in lime iinineii.oi lal, upon the unit.tal good nil!and (.'iHil feeling of the people, n¡'"ti 'h'«

equality m hlch th« y enjt v i«. fore ti««- ej ««t the law, bj «,.,

the nunn ti in « hu ti ti,ey lu.-.t in their pubreckoning as men and citiseiu», and enjoying equal priv¬ilèges In that rap:n Hy. ;« beers hut the day you place,n tli«** hoads of the ia ii man, auder the notion of fortlfjInghis position, this weapon, whkfa bon galnslIns paorer fellow . onntrj men. thal da] v.« m al the doom(.f the Iii r -li ( ol,t-tltiitii.il. i'Hi iii-m ii i'-Ii« i li- Vol.1 ¦> a .-.« «.-i eas «.-«.«I« ! <««i ,. »1 .. ¦.

danes thal nnit-ee'all elssses "f the ommunltv tbst dsj.if lou on Id pass tins law. if you could pnimuItfSti it aa.ii.act of Parliament la the tornw in winch tbe ttigbi Hon.gentleman propo-vn it. you would liuiit uj. a flam« themoal dangerous and formWabl« that, mi mena« ed thesafety of a eonatry, [Land -eheen

.nly otber speiechesof import n«.e weretb« e ofMr. LOWS and Mr. Kocliuck.The former opjiimi d the proposal at OOV« na . With

all the vrheiueiue which ehaiai teru-ed tiix open- lion tothe scheme of Mr Oladstoue, He oondcmwd the rntinufranokise, as «icll ¡ia duality of rating, and expressedlilltiACIf as tin* illili)«/ to «I'l^iJiilt Ui«: 'Ivflilij' i "t ..

try to the keepin»/ of an ilni.i idliii (lenVii'iVvMr. i<o«i»iuk taunted Mr. Gladstone with yearnings tor

office mid ]Miwer. and expressed hi* sppravsl of all the(imeminent propositions except "dual yotingMr. ii«uley und Mr. Butler Johnston, both si the Con-

senative side of the Houw, spoke la Ikrarof tin- in'-,i-

sure, as did Mr. Bernai Osborne, from the ipfto-itioubenches.Tine.- prominent C'nrftriiC^eu, Lord Craabom«, HirWm BfcathcotOai^talfr Beresford Hopeoppoeed the hill.the latt-r .ug/fèatlnKanother "fancy franchise" t"tli¿v. aaTiCel.Fir ..f tin Exchequer, the oMeet of which snouidIf to tontet ft rots oii"tl(ketnt loora linn" Thehill was lead a first time, lind lbs del.ate a«l : i.« d.

IHK i-MKss (i\ uti KXFORM BILL.The prca', iiitii the axeeption of the («on-iuinent or-

gaiia, condemn the measuto.The limit isyb: All sectlons of the House concur in con-

d( minnie, if not the wlmie m herne, purl* u li!« li are de-elarad to bo SSSSntlsl to it; nor dowe mc ¡my hope ofescape fron a peremptory rejection of the bill, except a

n-i.oli.ite. endeavor on the bart of ti.«- Mmixtry Se rt.tr««-««tUeir inej«*, anti, happily, tlielr pr«-vloii.s conduct kiii-sunno nanoo to «lespialr that they mil fnake any amount ofconcosstan to the clearly expressed opinion of the Hoiihc.

lite Iktilu Stir* la of opinion that, If the measure Is tobe proceeued with, the dual voting clause munt he with¬drawn. .* Tilla done, it will he tor the lim eminent Midthe House to consider whether, by the suiistitutionof alode»-« franchise, fur tin- matt oi-J.-ctlouable of the se<oiulary qualifications, and by some provision for enfran¬chisement of eomjiouiid householders as such, a msstlSIable satisfactory settlement mii/lit not he arriv«t>d at."

77i« l'ont observes "that the (iovenimetit baie so fre¬quently chained theil i-round, thal even now, alflioiiKlithe hill is aetuully «printed, we should not be surprised athean ni.', on the motion for the second loading, that Ittmost distlnetlVS clauses will bo aliandoued in < oinudltie.The Ministry were entitled to have their measure broughtin and read, but it would certainly have proved a aavni«xof much valuable time if it had received last ni^ht thequietus which awaits it at its next at-aj/e."

Ihr Telegraph pronounce* the scheme as totaMv unac-cciitablo : "The hill is dead; it is time it were burled."The star says of the «ioveinment, "The manlv and rr-sin

lute tone of .Mr. (¿lädst.me will have shown 'them howutteily impoasible it will lie to carry such a proposal inthe I'.uliameiit of (¿reat Brit ian, aud that all theil hollowprofessions of adopting tim system of rating are a» welluudei'-st«o<.d and aa clearly doomed to complete exi-osureaa the measure Itself, so enid,-, unsatiafactory, and uar-row, ia certain to he iguomiulom,ly hurried to destruc¬tion."The Pull Mall also denounce« the measure in its present

state.The Day, the new "Conservative Lilmral" paper, the

first number of which appeared ou the 19th, coudeniusthe time of Mr. Uladntone'a sjaiech, and supports the (loyeminent scheme. The Herald, ¿standard, itlobe, sud (ilote-teorrn support the proposals of the Cabinet.THE HOt'SX OF COMMONS OK TIIK KIGUT OF THE GllE.iT

HilkaThe benches of the House of Commons are not capable

of accommodating the titi gentlemen who compose li,and on the 1-Sth of March, so great was the anxloty ofevery member to be present, that the House was crowdedfor half an heur before the -Speaker took the Chair.Those who have visited the English House of Commons

will reoollect that there are several small «galleries, eachdistinct in itself. There la one appropriated to the ec-

eluslve «se of peers of the realm; another from which the«fair eex gaze toronjil a braes grating at the " aaaembledwiedom of the nation." Then there Is the reporteM' gal¬lery and the BpeakeCe Kallery. the latter occupied hyperaons who are so fortunate an to obtain aa order fromthat functionarr Last of all, there is the "stranrers*«caJlery," holding certainly uot less than aevety persona,out for admlaalea te which every member Is entitled towrite one order It may be fairlv assumed that everytnemher availed himeelf of his privilege for the night ofthe lrtth of Msrch. and as only seventr of the ticket-hold-«re wena likely to obtain a seat, considerable cm-petitionon«u««d. The police have orders Ui place the ticket-hold«era en Une aa they arrive at the doora of the House, andon the occaaien of the Reform debate the duties of thepolice cooinienc-4 mt li o'clo* k en ëunday night, the lTth.By S o'clock on Monday looming more ticket-holders hadarrived than would fill the gallery, and all after thathour were Coo late, so that the majority of persons whooccupied the "strängen' gallery" on the "onritlngnight" had boon waiting slxtean hours for admission

It should be added, however, as an esplaiiaiion, thatnearly all of ttuim waited by deputy. Theee deputies, ifforalahed with the pass, are allowed to luild thalr placeIn the line, and about an hour liefore the House meet«.the original holders arrive, take the pam and the place.the deputy retiring plus from two to three «uverelgns,according to agreement.

ABSTRCT OF THF. REFORM BIM.."The ReprasentatSiin of the People Act, 18*7," lntro-

daced to Parliament hy Mr. .Disraeli on Mondiy MarchIS, having been prtntod, was laened to memla-rs of tiwiHouse of < oiiiii,.,n on Tuesday. March 19. The act ap¬plies only to Kngland and \V.«.](.«<. and not to Scotland or

.Hud. nor to the I/i-iiersllies of pilon! vi (.auibfid-fc.

Cnder fin i,«' ,. n tnftWOi that «scry mai. who m of full

age, not su:» ce : to rsy H§Bl lal apne ity, slimi >.. « ntitledto be regis!« i»-! ttpB tetar, i rd whan m-«'ered, to vo»e

fora miml,« .»» i" '"' ' "¦ ." MMC '" WIlBBMBf far BJ

I'oioiiirh vsliof-« «,1'iitifiiet nH f<»ll««vr*« "Ik «a,'lie Mat dayof July ii. íiíiv s «.ii au«! BBS dm im" 'he sshol». of the prr-ci.( d ng tst, rsar« Bean aa inhabitant s. eupii i-.asownci or

t« i' ti.' of any dwi Uiag tuross a .timinie boiough. ami baa

during the' time of su« it enicnnatton been ratedin ttfvrrl Ol the prenti««" nee upii'il t'y himtudu!, the boroqgh to all rat» h »if any',mad* for the rellel ef tia «bo« in respect «f nea

pirmtaea: sad baa hefori tin mtbdaj if July in the onm«tem paid al! pour rafea that have t'» «onie payable by himin ii ipee t of the said premian up to th«- preceding at li

day of January." In tne counties, subject to the «-oíd-.lions e,f ¡lire .-tuet legal capacity et« ry niiin »lull he «juali-fuel tu vote« sstie» ;ii] - ia on the tsat ity <'f ¡alt ra «sayyear, and has dm in«-* the 11 month* Immediately ii«ii'-

iln.g lu e n the ci UBI! r, M OWm i "i ti nant of pre mlie-H of..my tenure wltbtn til« eounty of Uti rat« able value Air» or

upward anei has »luring th« time of rai fa ocetipaMon beeni ntl il m rrspei t to the premises «¦<> occupied hy Mm to allrates tit ans j nade for the relief of the poor In r» sp*-» t tilthSSSld pr.lii.i-. t-, illili has lit for» Ha ¦'.'( til «las of Jill*/ Inthe same sea-, |-:n«t ¡iii r«»or rate« thal has» become paya¬ble by lum m resoe . ol rh» Mid premlsea ur to 'he pre-

«In «f Mh «lay «if January "

The educational franchisee sre th.it every »ian, eitherin niiintiiH or boroughs, shall «be . ntitled te« ia " .¦'!"<. ml.anil te» sod« tvho, [«'.| m «ii ti,«- mat «lav «'1 Joh In anysr,!. and Baa daring thi -, es Immediately preceding beenresilient in each »e.tym borough, und is poaarasedsjany mm m »er* of the qualifii atioui folio** .hk

" .¦*. nathaie beril «lunn-.' the |« ii.nl of fin li i< t-idi-n. e. S gisdiiateor ;t-mm int« ni nits of «any University ol l!i< I Oited KI"Ç*.lein ol' a imtl.. pera, n a ho Baa pam «I ,.t any ?.tr mid¬dle rleSSa eiamtnatlon ol ans university «f the UnitedKing-ton | ia. nuil li. m lue t, elm ¡ni»' tin period ¡»fiel« said.,.n .,i.i.ni » »l pi-ii «t m- deacon <.f tin Church of England;«,t ,t inin <st*-i of nnyofliet religious denomination sp¬in.in'« ti lillie ni«.lie in '.'. itli not mole' than edie COlkSgMto th« chargeai ans- registeredchapel <«r plaeeol «onhlp,ami a, amI baa been d.ir.ng nu« h i« riinl. i.ff latins in- thetiitiiiR»,-»- ihvM'of ; or oorvant-at-iaw, m barrieter-at-lawia .«i.vof tin- inns of <«,,.it in i.ugiaiiel. or ucertificatedi ¡« ¡i,i« i oi certificated aanveyaucar: or a « rtifli .»ted¦ittoi'iiey et- solicito! oi preatoi In l.iiiil.tttil or Wales ora

duly qualified medlin! praciiiiouei ragtoterod undi r theMi ii., ¡al Ai t. iK"eH. or a «< h«««« niiitst holding a certificatsfruin til« Coin ti n (ti « of lie r Ma,e at s e» ( <n t,« ti »'ti i.dllca-i ton. l're.s nil «i. Hint no person aim li in entitled t<» be r«»*-

Mered aa a voter er to vat« Inn -p.-«t rd any of the quall-fln Ileal nu ir."i!i'l it. IMS »..tii'i., in BSasB than one

planThe peennisry franchises are git en to the soterwho

'HI 'Has in ilur first day e>l .ln!y in aiiy Ti ST, and baabad during the two years uamediatelj pim ««ling, a bal-.m.. of no1 les*, than fifty poonda d< posit« el in some hat

Inga Bank b hie own sala aaaas and for hi« owa use ; <>r

hollis «ni The fuit «lay of July in airy tear, and bus he-Idduring tu o ve ai s immediately preceding, in the books ofthe Cue i tor mid « uiiipiiii)' of th«- Hank of longland or

Inland ii» his own nols saan sad f<>¡ ins om» m-e anyParliament») atoeheoi fmataof the United Kingdom tothe amount of not lern than flftj pounds; oi has, diningth«. '«»«is«« monthaimmediately nrcrerdlag the ¿tliday«id april in any year, «boen chargea with a mihi nut lass:ha.i t .sent;, shillings ,ti the w boll s i ,ir foi aaaeaeed lanes

uni. « ¡'.'ii of «ti, h laxes, alni has l-efeire«tim Mtb ela} "f .lilly lil that te ;u J.iiid ;;:l nie li lill« S elliefrom lum up to the preceding 6th day of January: peas iii ii ii i -* that even person entitled to rote Ia raspad»efiitiv of the qualiflcstlona mentioned in this e-citn.nshall on or before the aoth daj ol .inly mi ich year etalmto ha r****taterod aa a s.,t.r secondly, thal «so panes shallbaentitled io be regíaleni as a voter, ca lo s «it«», it» re

ipect of any of the qualifications tneationed la this scc-tniii for ti»«'« th.in one place."

(<nit« it.i.-* the dual vote- ¡s th,.t I " A larson rigls-tered aa a voter »for a boerougb bj reasonm lo-hatinglasen. ii..:giti s«,tii and paid tin re**aaBtaettaemkeiaa--. a-.. «1 '..\e a ml .IM-OWC tai, or «»ithe r oí 111« Il taxe«, «.liaitnot by reason of iteing »«> leglaterrd loee aay righi ma. li e I, ha- nany Pe» entitled »if oth»»J-.t !.«. duly iitl.'illfl«««l» *«"be i« i/nitered .is a rotor for tin- ra,».,, boraagn m t« sped«.I any fraiii-lriae involving occupation ol iiremlsea andpayment ol ratea, and when so register»*-.! m tmefeoAot-ii« h double «i.ialifie-atioii he ah.tll o.» entitled t«. »-is«» tworotea for the mendier, or iii there i>. more than one) foreach member t<> be »returned t»» "arve lu 1'arllaiuent for

borough.*1Theil ft llnwi a enatue gisin«-» a m« ml., r t«> tin- L-ivers-

;ts ..{ Landon, ..ml sll !.«¦- ¦- »iniei's theinn,i, pins .e.,,u* «,f th« Mil ma) be put lu for»e. appendedto -.in« h are ta* Baam na«l» r which s_.mi M Hgiitra-t .t.I. It:.IV SS liililt«-.OB Var. Í. It. Mr J S Mill -nive ii.-rl.',- that in Com

mit!«-»- »m ti.» Re pn at malton »»f ti»» People bill be ohouMii.es«- t" substitute tiie word**perwa for' man;" biaintonttoi of conns, faelag t" saltad the fruncblm totv (.r, ». iiTo an interrogation by Mi Bright a» te» the propoa!«toa

for du 'o- IMaraell pt. ti..»»« «I togivi an answerwhen the bil) ciaiii hefon theil« i»«<- f.-t i second readlaf.

III Bl M lill S til..I tile. \ mi IOn Wednesday, March io, In the llonse «.f fonimnn«-e.

Mt Hardcastle moved the ».mt reading of the church»» « lion bill He advocated the t«*tal abolition of

ti,«-, ratea,contending thal it st..ni.I nn\, »ia.- Katah-itshi-d «in.i«h. by e.,;i,ng forth the rolontar] efforts ofita wealty me miara e.la-, ision, Um t» »» ,- ., majority«.f '. In favor of the aecond i«».«i!hik ,»f the bill, s te-nlt

d lotnl chears from the Oppoaitloa.ME» TINe. <»! I III I. II »

"... al Gladstone convene«! a meeting of the Iih-

lo agree on the couran ol «TeppoaiUaa i». iii« » ¦¦¦ < u.»»»» i»t

Ketorm btlLM till or OH. I ITOGSTOBB BISBI I D

7Ar l.o.it-,i, Inri saj » the « ...s « nine ni ha« i« « is, ,| illspatches from Zaatlbar stating thal «the Arab amrehanta¦then «lietieliet «. the riport ««t l»i l-lr1agtl"*m'i -I- .»th.

st t TI. HI.« fcl-TION

fata Victoria held a state reception on the lath at

Kui kingham I'nlai-e. aft« i sa hie li ahc proeeeeled le» Marl!.',lr,agll J I ti 11 -e- t«a ll«;l the l'lllj. a a» cf \S'.,:, -

* M.ss I'tiiii AU a BOM i".nu.

rA- /»«it/, the ueiv Conservatlve-I.llMTiil paper, ina-l» fb«api»« uranie em the tilth. Ita object ia to lound a new

patts, to t»<- formed out of "Conservative-Liberals " mid.' Lil'tial ' oi,-« s.itltci"

nURCE,«»rrailf«. tiY fi.'.t iiFR, Tiiirii"»«, h ii- itvRr. ash

tynong,In thct'oips I.i'iii'.latif, Man li 16, M K«»iilnt. Min-

iM« r of Htate, r-tpllcl eloeiiirntly to the Hpe-e« h of M.Thiers on foreign affairs He clsliu«-.! that tim war InItaly was a part of the la-rmaneiit poll, s .»f Irsnee,nsiiK-iv, te. v,'e-.ik»-n Austria in that ovatry. ii»- Jaatllladti.« iiiiiM h.«i policy m tii>- Danish question, and ann! thatssln-ii the l.ui|>. toi p«.iiit'»'l oui t" England that to maintam the treaty so« urina Schleswig Holstein to l>»-niuark,vnr must be -ivuK'-'l by land nn w,»Il as l»v tvatot, Knglandsin tink from the contest. He declarad thal the bmperoii.H«l «ion«» «li in lil« pom t to pn-vent th«) «-«inflict betwrenA list ih and Prussia, mel said that the !iiie-t]».-it...| resultra*the ixittle of Sadowa «had »massd "gust sgoay <>fmiad" to the French Oovernment, and that it seemedl>e»tt*r to attempt the task of metdistleui rathol thau re¬sol t io war or sullen inactivity. He affirmed that medialion had neat »anly oei'iitrd ¡>»»a«:e- hut had prevented thePrtisilans ft um capturing Vienna "In ptteetmo»m soldhe "ol th»' partial r.allr.utioii of ihs mills of Germany,what is our duty I We must Ik> firm ami precise theirmust be nu bealtatton, and «so caaipremaae. if it bethought that Fruin e«| has lost a single centimetre of herright*) wt- must draw the sword. I prefei the aolaaustorm of war to a morsid dls»itiietiidn, In which ourstrength and pioripenty would lie gradually eitingiiliht-d." Hi- aiKU»*il that Kran»«- wai in a l»rtt»-i n.nilinon til,»n balore tas Prussian war, stnee the old (¿ermant'onfeelerittiou could with Austria, ari»u«e a population of7'.,i«o(i,t«»o nieu agaiust France, but the new Cetnfederatlonhad only !¿o,ooo.i«o, and would only have 37.000,000if entirely united. He refuted the asiertiou ofM. Tholrs that Frame had no allies. "The|darthat Pruaela threatsoa the squillbrlum «>f Kurom-, Frunceami Kiiglaml will iintk«'her i-.oiiipreli.-nil that Hiedas ofambitious folliAn is past."' He did not believe that Prus--al.M-iilertained the iKinlous «l.'slgti of aelvaming to Cou»stsnlinoitle. "If she," he added, "wen- to make rti-newrd attempts f«»r that obinct she aould encounter theweetara l*awera having tn<- nnuie tatoreeta, ti»»- aauiehtn-ngth, the sam«« will." lu coueliisiun. he ssid the n-lalions of Frame with otheripowant ware of the mostfiicmlly iliaraiter, and that no danger threatened hrrfrom without, that the coalition waa extiuct, and wouldnot revive under the sceptre of Napoleon.M. Jules Fevre b» gun his reidy fe» M. P.otiher by saying

that all these oxouses wore nullified by fact«, hy officialFrene-h distaste bes, by the last spe»ech from the throne, andlliially by his own admlMiiiiis That although (lenuanrhad lou,, de tired unity, the realization of theso hop««might have been longdnferrod. AU hough the Ht-hloswlg-Holstein difficulty lad «Vonsplosleati.it was entirely thefault of the» tmporor. If not the resulto! his plotting. He(the Emperor) had aske-d England to join in a-eontlneu-tal war against Frussla. while he well kuew that thisprop.,,*! would be ro|eotod. He liad opposed a com¬bined naval demon-trattos of England nuil FraneM). sup¬ported by Uiutaiia, tnsla»?ei«ly prefeiullag thai it wouldhave been Insufflaient to have maintained the Iroatvwith Denmark. M. Jules Favre bellevr-1 that the realobject of Ula Emperor la this was to rotsUate upon EnatUti'l for not hat mK comte, lut« tbn conaxreoo tia liad pro¬posed, and to ral*« up a stale of things from which hohoped to enlsrj-e til« territory. Hald he, " The spanch ofthe- Emperor Napoleon st Amet re signified a ittmmoasto (iermany to give u.t the Rhine. Our programme,wbi<«h c««_itriaf»d the maintenance ef Austria In a grandr«e,*itiou In Uermsny. waa openly violate*], and ta permithis violation »rout programáis waa a policy unworthy

of «Éranos The ambltlun of Prussia knows na bounds.Th«. Cawse or the présent situât I »a of affaira Is the ex¬tinction of the «Legislative body l«y ths pewar of one mau.At the present time we ought to go to tha limita of etirrights We ought to repudiate all Idea of aaaaxation,but I would «T»Ak if the anneiatiuu of Belgium or l.uxein-ebouri- wore offered us wottld It be iV'iv^Keil V'M Uranierde (»sisgnae than delivered a apeech.lin

which li.« said: "Wa must threaten no Fe»wer, but besrwed and await ths eoune of «ti «Mils. We wish for peace.If other Powers will have It so ; far war if It lie luipooodupon us." M. linera thou called the attention of theHiMiae to the preaeot-4ate of political affairs In EuropeHe saul " There are three linea of policy open to FianceFirst, a policy of Insinuation, which would make Europebelieve «that when we apeak of great agglomérations wsdesire to tncree-e our own territory, lins Is the policy Ishould wl«h the (iovernment to raliniiiuih I should liketo eee the formation of a great couservailve party In En-rope that would prevent all spoliation. Beeundly, a pol-ley of i-e-nfldeTice In our ruler. Thlrttly, n i»ollcy of wateh-fulneaa. winch would not nr-cssurily cause a completa se-orasuUation of our anus. but a new organization of ourmilitary fortes The policy I dr-jre tor Emn.-o would beoenaers stive abroad, and liberal at home."M. Kouher leplled to theo*« new argument«« e.f M

Thiers, and sahl "Tliu (i.»vernm»nt does not think toImpede abroad the principio of the sovi-reigutv of thepeople win, h it holds at home L'niraiwusuffrage saistieine-d Ute» Imperial Ijuvi-nim» lit whh h was Inaiiguiiiti «Ion !>«¦< '»> ¦' Mr Thirrs (laterruptiiiK Mr K..til..11, " I^-tU^foxget." iLvud interruption» and «cat am iiomm»» >

Mr Ronlier con- luded thus: "What le re<iuired "f uslWari I*»«, one thinks of it. Violent annexations! No onebaa prepesad tli« in. A «policy of watchfulness! That isHie | y et th«< «lovernmetit. Our isolation has beennil.- ted «At will hu« «. no exclusive allian.ee. To-day.h.' . >«. the allies of Kiiiriiiiid ; to-morrow, of Prussia atAust.ia; and that, not with the object of conquest, but tosolve !,/ oneiUatory diploT«uatic interférence, the various(iuest ona ¿,«. they «arise. We seek great meanstoullayfrsM storms "'

lie ^nreaun of the Chamber have refused to author:*'.:the Interpellation «f Mr. Picard sn tin« rctent «fieuatu»

tuan, Ii. soMSfMMI itiaunot be presented.imuiT.

II!B l.r.MAK 1A1U.IAM1.NT AND THF. POl ISlI 111*1 III««

HI HAHKf til « (»I N I «IMIAIl« M.

In the N,t th (li rman Parliament March IB, Couutliisuiank speke against the protest of the Folish deputiea, ciuceriiiug the Itu-orporatton of fenner Polish terri¬

tory with the Nor!h «.( nil,in i oiifi delation, and said thatI hat protest wi,*- directed sol against the OeafOdcrationbuf against the unity of Prussia, and, therefore, oughtr.itlri to be addressed to the Prussian Diet. He said thatthe J'ollsh deputies were not attthonted by their electorslu bring in such a protest, as a majority of the Pru«MO-Po¬lish population, especially the ueatuuite, were satisfiedWitk theft* condition, that the clergy and nobility of Po¬land only cat it d on political notation. " It istime '' said he, " that the higher clergy di«ltheir duty. The restoration of Poland Is not tohe tfceugtlt of " Ile also oj.posed the protest ofthe deputies favorable to binuiftrk, agaiuet theincorporât Ion of North hchleswlir with the Co-ofe«leration,la. speech tal wlti.-h he suld¡ "The Kniperor of AustriaaloM has tia light, by virtue of the ..nitro Prussiantreaty, to re«|iiire that a tots should ho taken in NorthH!i,.si-.i. to determine the future position ef the north«tini'.m« is of t li tit Dinby. The portion of K lil» «wigtoa» will lu- ceded t« l»i mnark will be smaller than the

"' » op» nli,ist ii nniigine. Count HisuiarcU, in re

plying »oInquiries .if Herr P'-hrops from Dresden, In re

Karil is the relations of lu \. in boarg and I.iinbnrg,statte thiii Prussia had never ttiraateaaS*»UbUniMfe£h«glit wa» a .if nail* agreed between Prussia and Holland,.-ittin* ia tOicnk of the war, to remain at peace. "We rannstfuie- tl'.e "oven i »fill, of those IHirtil.n to Join the Nuit li<.enn-iii < ..iifi il.-rstioii. We «hall put no pressure .ni

linn «ml in that tespect sime we might otherwise evokeit I'aiif-opeaii question." He aflerwsnl s.ud, dilling thediscs» nu, that the r< l.ilions between the Mouth andNdr.i'ut «.eriiiany lud been insured by treaty limned:atelj after the ((»nil liston of peace; and he endeaion ii io

ninnie tbe apprehensions that -Mouth Germany im^-lit cn

(. i ni, an! understanding with foreign pim its.

In tae North «,erin,in Parliament on .Mun h 70, theamendments te the draft of the Constitution, proposingfii-edoui to the press and the rights of public Meeting«.¦sere m (cited.


R 1*8.**-IA.Tie Journal de St Pttertbottrg ol March 1? t-Ay»,

commenting on the «jiee« h of M. Ollivier in the FrenchAssembly: " Friendship between «.rrmany and Francehas nothing alarming for us. On tin- contrury, no Kussiuiiwislic«« It disturb«-«!. Though «lermiiny may be proud of

tin lunrtesies with ills, h she is treated by French ora

turn, »be will ss little as Kunai» believe that her relationshsie become 1»»» friendly toward this country, whichi\.is al wai s in, lalli ti.ü. ni «.ermany, and baa hmmn \,_pally m flint of »lanifer."


The Vu nun ('< i rt-.pt .tlrm; lias lot el led i ()||l|lil|-

uleatlon of a letter addn tard by l.ouia Kossuth to nue ofm~ fi 'ends at l'i «th. ami dated February 27. In this do, ii

on nt he disi ussi s the tan situation «of Hungary, and«:.!«; nut h« baa always Imen of opinion that tbelawaofIMS «ould triumph In fin- end, but that he lind not fore»a t o ihat «the ahmet <«f Vicuna would act with so mu. lici ler*'r an.) prüden« a Koasuth s|m ,,«_.. uImi of the formalion of a " Uaiiiil.i.ui « oaf« deration/' and of the «not esatty"f Isatgnif the word "liberty " forevei inactlbed on the

nf Hungary Ho d« clares that he mil end inslife l«i a foreign lund, aud adda "Von know that leanliol .-nd ought not, !".n . nt iiu amnesty. And, beside, .,futi.«, further use could I fiel The bittei j-ars of exilshav» broken my stri'11-.'th.'


I« is mi ii« 111m « «I that tin* Fiii|M-inr «if Kin.«, ia lias nt .-mied an ami .st > lo nil the K r»-nt Innen who «vere eiiled

«la tor 11,lupin itj in the late Polish rebellion.

ITALY.i k<n i.am n!u*i Ai.ii-.s-f list', '.vi--

A precíametlou has been leaned at Prastmore offering a

reward af Soo acodl for ever) brigand captured, dead ord l.iCO amil f.«r every capture of a chief of a


I .Lilli- nee it-.eii.il .it Lisbon, ileriied fruin I'ara-«." - ii «. averts that two Brazilian iron« lads havebess piu.i.i kera<<. tantana ne,ir Ciirtipn'li The .mur¬re« i "it in tin pmi na. s .,f the Argentin« Confed« rationi«-..id to t..« estending Twotboueaad five hundred ir

bun !... o taken fi. ni the allied arm- !.. ..j.posetlie Inanrjrenta Prreldent Mit.i ha* n-tiini.-d to Huenoskyree with a thud >.f ins «-untingeiit. t'rqtilia is hostileto the roTolutionlats in thal Wat.- The Brasilien squad¬ron has piisse.l «'iiriipaitv, ami is exploring the upperafflnents of the Parana


MICHIGAN.Tin- State eliiiii.ii iii .Michigan occura today. A

Justice of the Huprrtue Court, two Keginni of tin* Foi

vemty, and lis d« legate* to a State Constitutional Con¬

vention, Intrusted with the luiiM>it.-mt dut! of revUuigthe H tit to « '«institution, are to la* elected. The followlugare the rival State tickets :

Hrj.vhUrnn. It »no-cm,Jmrfct rayerai Coori fli-ti1»unq K l.r»ir« |i|i.l««t«l U l,rxi

v.um Juren I i >.'.'¦.«'.<.'"><.. £****¦ " ___" >'* * I li.i.i«, .1 ll.it KI »o«a«»r IA tilt

Vie following Is lbs vote in the State for «iovernor m

i-', «i- oinp.ui .1 mt h tin- uti ii'i Regoat lu I«-«,-., i. lui

thePresidcntl.il roto Of I»-«.*i sim. ison. I mii.

'.Kerntet littulrnt« rai-'Hrj. )....»6.;«i Wilkrr llrp. H.aH Jaun-ln -"1.511W il,«m,l|l»«u. j f.: Tim !!>;!.. »I»«--» j lH.l.fi Mr« lilian.il.ttl*

Brp »»J.. f-ii.nt Hep any...Jl.90» H«p. mil.16.917T, ti rats Uli,Coi T..U1 ..»«¦ ..-.. IBU T-til .ut«- I», III

lu ians tin- «luestioii of a Constitutional Convention was

sui muted to the people, and wa« carried by a vote ofVJ.kn against MUM. a majority fur revision of 60.H8**. The

prsaent election of delegates is thus held lu oliedlcuce to

th. express.»! will of the jieople. Judging from the pres-eiiitoinp'.exion of the Leglslatuie, the Hepublicans will

hare at least a three fourths majority lu the Convcution.


The Spring ele« tiona in Ohio, for township, village,an! city officers, take place to-day.


CONNECTICUT.TrntSaaWord (Conn.) Time» publishes the full«)wing

telegram:WAEtOanYtOW, T> *"-. March as.-The report in Tur.

Tanti ni. in untrue. I have Information that theelectlouof Mr Kugluih Is certain. This Is my hop;* and belief.

.1 l-ll« 1»! _ON.


st tin«««»« ra rai raiama

Madison, March 30..The Assembly, after a sharpfifht, by a large majority has concurred In the Mensto bill

to facilitate the construction, by tbe rrarle Du ChlsnRailroad Company, of the railroad from Monroe to Du-buque, anthoritlng mortgages, bonds, and the issue ofstock to replace fund* and preferred stocks. The bill lasomewhat amended, but ia substantially In the form de¬al rod by the present managers of the road, and opposedby !.. H. Meyer, representing the preferred stock holders.It repeals the law of last Winter, regulritig the assent ofeach class of stockholders to tbe couaolldation or siten-sloo, with a proviso that the repeal shall not take effectuntil the bonds pro-rlded for »hall have been dulyere-catod and delivered. The limitation to the power of theDirectors to Issue stock Is pen-. t ¡rally removed.The Assembly has rejected, by a vote of 33 to 44, the bill

makin« adultery the only ground of divorce. WestUerbv,the Democratic candidate for Hupreme Judff«», has with¬drawn The Hsiiata» Committee on Vederel Relations haven.poTfe.1 in favor of psylng S M. Booth .1*,<X», expensesasd lueses in suits growing oat «of assistance to fugitiveslaves. _



¦t vst BURAra tu vaa raiaoira.

San Francii*co. Cal.. March 80..The JapsntN*Coramlaslen and suite sailed to day In the steamer Uolden

Age for New-York. During their etay here they visitedthe fortifications lu the bsrW. the various tallltsry ata-tlom the Government works, sod tit« ettenaive manufac¬turing establishment* of the city. They were received by-several pronilnet (It I tens, and appa^ntl-r were highly.*retlfi"<f «»1th the many attentions shown them. Thelaying of the corner stone of the new Mercantile Librarybiilldinf in this city Unlay Was sn Imposing affair. Ths( ercinoulee were under the direction of the Maaouio f a

ternlty. The full (iraud Udge of the Stat« wa« ia at

teudanoe._III I'1. A tu H V FUND.

si riuiiri Teraa vaiatigaI'liiiMiiRM K. K. I.. March ¡Mi.-Tlio Iîev. Or. Resrs

baa resigned the l-ie-udency of the llrowu University to

a«-cept, it is understoo«!, the ( kihi ni kgbuey of the Pea-boday Oouthcra ^ducsU-Xifti movemcut


ëTATl».Washington, March Sl.-s-The President haa «oin-

n. in;« ated to thf «Senate, In Its Executive Besaton, atraatywith Hue«,a, by wini h that power eurrei.dem to th»1 'nited States ita sovereignty over all ol Russian Americaand the adjacent islands. It especially includes the striptoo miles long, which cxt« nds down the coast, thus ex¬

cluding Rritiah America from the Ocean. The Treaty waa

laid on the table, and will be taken up next week. TheTreaty waa concluded between the Secretary of State, onbehalf of the Presidentof the United Statea.and the Rus¬sian representative«, on bchsff of the Emperor of Russia.The Russian (iovernmetit agree« to convey to the UnitedHtatea Government all ita po«"»esslona on the AmericanContinent, known aa Russian America, in considerationof the payment of |7,i*ijC,íK)0.The negotiation was discussed at a Cabinet meeting on

Friday night. The Russian Minister afterward visitedthe State Depart mint to arrange the terms, and at an

early hour on Hatuiday morn.n>_- the arrangement waa

definitely perfected. The Euglah r« tpttat ntatives herearc deeply « hagriiie «1, and it is said that Sir FrederickIlrticc will telegraph to Kail Derby for instructions to

protest against its acceptance by our Government. Tillaacijulsition more, than double i> the- L't ited Hat« a "..»«¦* outhe Pacific, which now extends from bS*n-i* California to

Behring"s Htraits. with the no-pt. n of the nairosv stripe'oniprising Itntish t'oluml»la. The tcrnto.v o nd byRussia comprises the whole e»f thet'ontinent of NorthAmerica west of longitude Ml*. It li boundeel by BritishAmerica and the Pa« if,» ¡ii,,'. Ar«f.«- Oceana It iiaclitdeaairr« at numb«-i of islands, and la < f the highest importunesMa nat al «I« pot, ami for stratégie i urpoaea. It isa valuablefur country, miel embraee* a s asi lection of t« rritory, thepossession <«f which will Influence m our favor the vasttrad« of the Pacific. The pun-baaed territory covers un-s-anl of MUN i».|iinr«» ie,t!«»n, and continue aboutaa,ueo inhabitants, hall of whom ar«» Eaouimaux,Th«' fisheries an- etty extensive, bat the pi.ne.pal eom-merclal wealthaf the country ih m Ita fin ii.i.i««, whichwould, henceforth, bo altogetlu r controlie el hy Anmer. liant«,. TI,«. a<'«'iiisit;«»n f this territory .rsemlil givetur Oovcrnmeiit the «oiitrol of the Boaalan Americanlalagraph, la cass the we,ik sboald be otnahpketei.\\ASiilN«,Te»N IKltltne.liY AM) IHK III SHAN POSBF8-


WaaaOBBBMai, March .'il.~A small rcniest lia« beenlargely answer»»«!, as the following palltll sent fromWashington Territory, ttatm to lint» Ixen more thangratified, in tin» negotiatione yesterday, of the treatyconeludeel between the United Míi!«*« SBd the Russian.««»i» minent, for the pincha«,« «»f the Rut»»-.an AmericanI'ossessloni».To Ilit T.ieelleney Ani rlw 3nns*t<H, PtttUtBt of the

United Slatey;Ia refere u« «. t<« the cod and othhi fiahsnes yourmemo-

rlaliste, the legislative Assembly ot Washington Terri¬tory, bei»' le-nve to «.how that iiliundatice «if Icad-flSh, hal-Ibut.and »alliie.n e»f excellent quality have; t'l'eti fonad.ilotig the shiTi s of the Russian Poeitemlona. Your rae-me»nali»»ta respeetm-'y re.|tie at your Exe ellency to obtainsuch rights and prmlfgca of the Government of Ruksi»ns will enable our flsh.ng ve ssels to visit th«-port* andharbor», of its poeseeslons, to the end that fuel, water,and provision« muy i.. aáalljr atstalaad| tltat our sickanti «llsabled fishermen may «»btani sanifiiry as¬sistance, toejetker with t!i<« privilege of em ng fi«hami repairing vessels lo n««d «.f repairs. Your mc»iiiorialiat»» farther request that the Treasury Depart¬ment )«e- Instructed '«» forward to the'collectorofCuatosM of this (Paget Bound) <lii-tn. t, «inch fishingi.« «'tis«.a, ;,i -tr el ami log-books,M will enableour hardi «fishermen t«> obtain the bounties ne»w providedalni paid to th« f;«li»'nii« ii In the Atlantis State««.Your no mortallts «finally prnj s our I. m « Hi ney t.» supplyinch »Inps m may Le spared ft«un the Pacifl i ;«¦ .. fleet,In exploring and surveying the flahlng hunks known tonavigatora to ex lal al, ng the Fa« .fie eoaat from the Cot»tea Hanks t«» Behring« Strait«, ami m Iii duty bound, yourmemorialists will «ter tuns'«Passed th.- Book of Represe ntatives Jan. io, :

list ami« KiiKii'i i. speaker of the House» of Repa.russell the "iti.iil Jan 13, ia»<-j.

Huts ki K Misi.«, President of the Council.The petition is accompaiiieel l>y tlie certificate ol the

Secretary eaf tin- T«-ir.t«-i y a- .<> Ita bi'lng a true copy.The i" titlon tis ¦< « n. was pa*m ¦' ¦ ra than s year ..».«».

and is (he- foui .!..':» 11 ol be trent] DOW .«'»' Siting the ratiflcstion <«f tin- Senate.

Tiir: ( l.l-H» TEBBnOBT.Tin' i «-«.ion of Russian North America to the rnitcii

States, it « iiiiMiuiniHted, will I»«- the most importaat inter¬national event affecting this continent which baa oc-

» ttrred in many years. Suth an unimportant partnul«, »I has Russian Aim ii'a play« «1 in the affairs of na¬tions and of men that, wh« i» sn offer for its cession frommu l'oi«',-t (., mi«.'j,« i is u,u U, ki-os« ii, the announcementronlurra uji In the mlnu of uCaily evixy one v i í:.*^*» a* .i

c»»i»l, barren, ami uniahabltod region, converging aboutBehring! Stralta, and «-«lebratod only becauselice« !.y ami Sir Joiiii Franklin voyaged eui ita»«'«easts. But, ni tin« n-stls« itali.ui of IK lie.nl «1 u y iiu-li.e.ric.«.i.r <»s « ti Iii a »'asnal glanera at th»' map of tile » outiiu-nt it-wir. the unist Important part»» of the» territory would mostnkely escape notice. Thiess arc the Peninsula eaf Alaskasnd the sirbipelsgses known as (««-orge lil. ami Princeof Wales, rather peculiar names for a aeries «>f islandsforming part ofUM poaeeSSlOUS »f the Russian Bear. Itis notifiable, host ever,that the Russians know tile islandshy other Beames, sad the one named George III. by Van¬couver, form i na pint of the archipelago generally knownhy tlM name of that monarch, is by them call««d Harnuov.Tnese islands uro formed by inlets of the ocean, ami aremore- properly a narrow strip of land «-xteuiling for nearlyino miles along the «mast of the Pacific, broken by narrowcauseways ami amis of the sea extcmLng in every direc¬tion.The principal settlements are in these Islands, the

largest town la-iiia New Al» liana,-»!, ou the Inland of Sitka,which has u population of only i.ono. On tia» islaml ailed(«ieorge III, or Haranos. is the seut of the (¡uveruor of nilthe establishments t»f Russian America. It ha« a i mt cr

not s i,-«i,!, h, i- Kini fortifie atioiis, au«) msgailnes built ofvtixal, ami on ita coasts is usually a fleet of two frigatesiiml f.t o «.««rvetti-e l'l'.e ss lie.le- re-gion along these coasts,in« luding tlie ai «mp» lair«» of Kneliae- ami the penlnaeuJa ofAlaska, is exceedlngl) mountalnoue,helng a successionm leifty peaks, most of thuin Tide itiii,', one »>fthem reaching nearly 13,000 fe-e-t m bight, audanother being little. Inferior In altitude. Thepart .»f the mainland'south of Mt. St. hila«,ono of thevi lciiulc peaks Infore referred to, ami the loftCSt summiton the continent, Is nowhere more than 33 miles wide.The islands and coast*, of the mainland have generallybeen well explored, but the liiterlor of the country, whichlooms up protniiu-ntly on the map, is almost entirely un¬

known. Tin-estimated area ««f the whole buntory Is

about 394,1.00 s»(iiare miles. It has an as Singe length audbreadth of «100 miles. The longest linee tli.it can be el»,..vuaere.M the country, from CapePriassSof Waleeon KchnngsStraits through tue narrosv strip bordering on BritishColumbia and the Pacific (K'«au,to the extreme southernpolnt of the Russian possessions, is 1,600 milos. But Itwill be seen from |lta average length ami breadth thatthe mass of the.ce.untry Is tolerably compact. From sev¬

eral expeditions that have been pn»Ject««d into the interlor, it se-ams that the western part ol tlie territory is ele¬vated and uneven, while the part extending along theArctic Ocean Is generally flat. The north coast waa dis¬covered early In the present century, ('apt. Cook having

frevlously, as early us 1778, penetrated as far north as

ey Cape. In It«« Capt. Beechv reached Point Barrow,and at the same time the lamented Sir John Franklin,th. n Capt. Franklin, traced the coast from the mouth of

tim Mackeuzie Klvor to Return Reef.The population e,f Russian America ia about «0.000, of

whom at least tVi.OUO aro Enq uimaux. Tlie remainingportion of the inhabitants are Russians, Creoles, Kodiaksand Aleoots. The principal pursuits and chief de-pt-inl» neeof the Inhabitants are the fisheries and fur hunting Lit¬tle attention is glveu to agricultural pursuits; but to viewthis vast territory aa wholly forbidding and barren Is to fallInto a grave error. For, its shores being washed by thewarm Pacific atreuni, which «weeps up from the China Seaaud breaks near the extreme north-west polut ol the contiuent, ita atmesphere is toned down t<> the salubrity ofi>oint« on the Atlantic coast which are many degrees fur¬ther from tim pole. Far Inland there In a region of almostperpetual snow ; but on the coast, and as far inland aa thebreetoa from off the China Boa current may reach andmodify the rigor« of the rJimatc, the land is fruitful andthe country inviting.The fur product of the country ha« for many yeera been

made a monopoly by the Russian Government, but theUnited State«? and lireat Britain succeeded ia obtaining a

lease for the territory from 80° W north latitude to M° U,and the exclusive privilege of supplying the Knsalanewith agricultural produce and pruvisloua waa granted tothe Hudson's Bay Company. The monopoly ofthe otherterritory remains with the Russian American Couipauy.

It la noticeable that, by the treaties with the UnitedBUtes and (¿rent Brltalu m*te In tiru, the late Ruaaiaupossessions oomprshend sll tho American coast of thoPacific, and the atljacent islauds north of ths parallel ofSt to north latitude, and the whole of the mainland west

of the meridian of 1110 weat lonaitueh», which passesthrough Mount «St. Ella«. This boundary treaty wa«accepted aud made binding «o long ago m 1834.


at niMiiri va vaa rair-csa.

Washington, March 31..The Senate in Ex»«cutive.étalon yesterday confirmed the following nomination«:

Coltittori of Imlrrmal Rrvtnae-Qta. Janes B. Rt«_ais of Oki«,Fa-it UiiUlct of LobIiUss lieorj A. Qttranj to IL« Klijiitostith »is-

trle-t of risoij-lrisll. -, -. . .t . ni

Jtmnort of Internat fUr-enm.ioho M. Fr_W lo th« Fïrit !>».-

triitrfPfSBiil-soi», ("slvia W. Mc-insU On Tsslfc Out. i .»f lill-matt.ro*lmaittri-V7m Crotawsll. St Dl«v»--_»gl«»o, III Ssmuil G R«Hh.

Pen», lil ¡Iiitotl Brown. SiUh«. Mi«, i H«ron»tts DsjUs. C«Utsbsi Uli* i bosUs CâBiios, Tslledisiis«, g- ; Osorí« PhUlip«, SoyWmI fu.mauler of ¡and OÄn-Nitsmle»! S (¡ou. it HoaWdt Kibisi.Raletni Of ImKltt Ä<*i»-ni«|,t P »¦mirt of Hsrnholelt. Kssim.

T»lViO(e*>vl VnltreJStatt* Infantry.Capi. Iisold S. Me-Sem-is of

tk« Corni of Itostnoan. _. .

Te mCmpmim I'nUnl Stolei f««ai».lr»-.Ji«»i-b H ^ItColtrtlor ./ Oa*tam»~rtUt<i A «luIn, Dlit-tcl of Miion. Obi«.

êurvrporof Cmttrmr.Jtim H. Ilarrlsos. RuIibob«. U«*_.arsis. of M*nhttm4i»t-tiaaioi Vslisllse, PortUsel, He-

The »Senate re.)eot«»d tit« following nominations:**<tinsii«»i>-' «Tsiliel Statt* Armp.Wm. H. Jobuitott«, litt 1'ijrwsit«»

of VolniUffi. , , .

|»r.,7<i«le*r «;*»»lrrti *.* flritwi-Bra'it Col. Jamn B. 9rr.

Mijlilrr of Laut .!>«->-Abrita h. Wselswotll». st trsT««-s» Cltj,

HMUeUtr, of Inleraml Reitnue-Cbir'-eiW Bil»» Vlllih Illili.«! »!

Si« loila Tkuinsi Mitirith IVtli lu.lrie I «.f Pruuirlflüii.imitai ¿lattt Mer***t-Aaa*l ti. vimat I»i»Ui«l of ktimtnAvmUm


OR!«!* <)F IHK < II A R I.KSTOW mgTrtBA!« SXoM^ii «K, March 29..The Ktbel nport f.om

Charleston about negro disturbances la false. Tue freed-m« n on.y r« j,, lad outrageous K»-l»el attacks npon them.The mcetluir va« one of remarkable onler.

A IIEJ1U. Al < OUNT OF THB BIOT.The CrXwrhtton Courier gives the following account el

the trouble:Yesterday, after the adjournment of the mass meetlaa

of freed me. i, a rep%rt of which elsewhere appear«, asn iniiigly well organise effort waa made by the freed-men who had participate«* iU that affair, to teat the!*right to ride upon the stiret ear* m violatieu of the rulesof the Company. The ringleader tn the matter, who la aresident of Meeting-st.,op|H.Hiti Burna'* «lane, nud a barbetby profession, thrust hlium If into the -tar of ConductorFala-r, »nd ujion being politely- regácete! ty him to goout, refused to do so. Mr. taber Informell Ulm of thoruli h of Hie Company, and uiau-tcd ii|k.u his I« avlag theiii.-ideof the ear, wlien his frienda, «finding that he waaliable to Ix- fon-inly ejected, it resistance was offered, per-mailed him to rome not. I p.,ti tin» return of Mr. Palier'«»ar to the seno, waa ¡i aasilltti lu Meeting, betweenOeorge and Hociety st*., a large crowd of negioea rush«-.Jinto ii, to tlie great discomfort of the white paeeenaere,and although nmoiistiatid with and appealed to by th«(-ondiit toi. dei Imod to go on«. Mr. Falter Um n stepped tothe front platform and rc<iucsted the driver to r.in tne caroff th«' track, as this was ins only alternative. The effortto c.imply with lu« rsqaeat failed, and the driver, atthe suggestion of Mr. Pater, unhitched Ins bone,and. leaving the car on the mick, went up to the Com-l riiy's Mabie. Finding theaieelve« disup. oint.-d, therioters cnd( .i\aired to push the car forward, when Mr.Fuller put donu the brake and stuck to hi« post,althoughhe wa-* tin« atened by one of the number who had stolenthe non by wini It the switches are tin nul, and held It inu striking attitude over his head, while others strur« t«puil Mr. i'aber away from the b.ake. At this Juncturethe Hi ral of Um pática «sslired lui«, .tom hisembarraaslng siiuafion. in th.- meanwhile the cara olM. i-M-i KoiiuiiUat, Rives and Ht. A uniml had been iova-1« d in Iii.: saaae way, und in some iustauces the lady pae-SSBCSIS were coiupelled to leave th. ni for fear of personalinsult and injury. When tile rioters found that the con¬ductors could not be awed into ac<*iilesceüce with theirAcamada to be permitted to ride on an equality with thewhite passengers, they tried to Interrupt the travel ofthe ears by placing stones «a tin- tra«k. luformaUon ofthese facts having been communicated tu the L'p|»ei andLower Guard Houses, detaehnssats wen scut from eachto the scene of the di-tm ¡».ince, and hythe influence oftheir presence, and the aid of -,i s.|iiad of regular «soldier*who wen- dispaii ln«l fjoni the Citadel, the riot wa« endedand the rioters dmpersed.

BKCDNSTIUl.TIOS IN «Hil Til CAROMWA.The following is the test of (len. Sickles'* reply to the

address presented to him ou Tuesday last by the Charles¬ton merchants:Ornum It affords me great satisfaction to receive

this visit and to hear tin* granting sentiments whichhave ticen expreeaed. I feel ess-ored that the citiiene»rim nilly will iloeverythitg m th. r j ewer to sustain th«laws an»! aid me la the dim linrgc of tht) duties which Iam to perform. The gem ral mt« rests and prosperityof North and Bouth Carolina have been the object of myearnestsoÑeitude since I have been in command in thisDepartment) and what l han- iloia- in this regard in thep.i-t, I will continue to do in the future. The «solu-lion of the present political difficulties restenilli the citizens themselves. The military author¬ities will nut Interfere m narttsaas in mili¬tary movements or organlx ita na, we will endeavor im¬partially and fairly to protnot.- the reorganization of thei »vii government in th«« two l*t«tr». Ample protectionwin te given to lite, iii», ni-, and property, u-, conclu¬sion, gentlemen, be aasured that 1 »nail always l»e glad tohear any expression of >on, sentiments^ and to complywith your suggestions so far H may comport with myseuec of «lut j.


Tío following l'ü'i* hem Majoi-fit-ii. Oeorge Ti.Thomas toa prominent citizen of Chicago, is publishedin the journals of that city

LoctSVOXK, Ki-., March ti, .M7.Ifr. Carter H. Haiiki-'.s, i hieaao. III.-Dear Sir: I re¬

ceived lour favor of th>* !'. tb hist this iuorning, for whichI am much obliged, as it will «nal le me to point oiitalocality lu cu«tg:.i and Alabama where the people ofboth bide» of tin question al «presen! dividing the connlryare In extreme want foi provisions, and many who havemeans to do so wib be comp« lied fo unit their homes, un«h «s they can get subsistence enough to enable «heraldmake crops this year. The pondo of Carroll. n«»r»l+ftn.Polk. Pauldlng, Campbell, «.'orvet.i, and Heard, (la., andRandolph,Calboun,and< lurok«*, Ala., are representedto moss not having provisions to laet them until Mayn-ixt ; aud great nunine-**. who have the means to move« ill bo compelled to do so, unless Um tau procure provi¬sions fruin abmad. AU rlasaea of the citizens are alikedartltate, the rich a-» well «a« th« poor, aud both muststarve if tin ! iel. am lu th.« country, utiles« provlaionsan- sent to tiieui. The nell an* pci*f<-rtly willing to pur¬chase if any oin-will tend them provl ai is, and wait fortin m to g.tthtr In their crops before demshdiug pay-lUcl.t.

iii aiding ti . is opie, I !;i ow you will b« doing «modservios In rellci lug. disît-e*-*1 which is common througneutthe -«-.mttt. and uni also pci'itr igenient to peo»I«., who will appreciate the relief afforded them in tneirHint of need. lam,dir, lery respectfully, your obedientssi i «ni. (¡i« ii Tiu-ua«.

1*. 8.Corn aud bacon arc arti« les most es.sent);»l, .'« thepeople absolutely need sonn thing to enable them .o re-malu at home and cultivate their crop«». Anything sentt-> Mr w*. II Mi Danu l,< stroll County, (la., via Newman,Oa., on the Atlanta and West Foin! k.nlroad, will reachFi m safely, lie is the autnori.* d igent of the citisan« of( ai roll County. I can «end you the uauies of agent« forthe other counties, should von desire them. It will tenecesssry to write to those couuti« », however, to get theother names._ o.B.r.


I.F.TTER KItOM OFN. ItFAt'liKtiAltl*-.HIS VIEW« OJtTHE Pi-U'lK Al -1TI .llli'N.

Tlie iolloiviug letter inun the KeUl Gen. llenare«*gani ia published, addressed to the editor of Th* fitm-(JrUani louts:

New Orleans. March 03, MST.Dkab tim : You have done mc the honor to call for ni/

ojuuioii relative to the action of the rk»uth under theMilitary lull. Having seldom taken any part lu politic«,I do not feel well «piaUfied to advise ou «o momentous aquestion; ueverth. less, as the same desire to obtain myviews has been manifested from »anous quarters. I shallnot shrink from the responsibility of expressing them, inthe hope that they niav tend to compose the public mind,so Justly alarmed at this moment. In my bumble opinionwe have but one of two things to do.resint or submit.The first is inadmissible In our painfully e\hatute«l «oou-dl-tion. Four years of a desperate war have taught us thatthe argument of the sword can no louder be resorted t«by u-t to redress our grievances. We must, tbertft-re,submit, but with that calm dignity becoming our man¬hood und lost Independence. Having been ovcrpowre.lm the hit«« struggle we can submit to the harsh aud un¬

generous tenus of our couquerors without dishonor, andwe must adopt the least of two evils. A futile resistancewould only cause our rivets to be driven closer.We must, then, acquiesce or leave the country. But w«

love too dearly the land of our birth to abandou it in ita

hour of sorest triaL We should avoid, also, brin«ging it.by Internal dissensions, to the condition of poor Mexicoand the unfortunate South American republics.With n-gard to the suffrage of the freednien, how eve»

objectionable it may be a» present it U au element ofstn«ngf h for the future; if properly handled and directedwe shall defeat our adversaries with their own weapon.Tho negro ia Southern born ; with a little education andsome property qualifications he can be made to take suf¬ficient interest in the affaire and prosperity of the Southto iusure an intelligent vote. In our future political con¬tests with the North on protective tariff, Internal im¬provements, Ac., the freedmen of the Southwill side with the whltesof the South and Weet,and they will thus contribute to give us backthe influence w-e formerly had in the coun¬

cils of the nation. Our people should understand thatthe radicals can remain in power only so long aa the pub¬lic excitement is kept up. As with the turbid water» ox

the Mississippi River, the sedimentary particle« are keptup at the surface, only so long as the waters are in mo¬tion, the Instant the current Is checked these particlesfall to the bottom. Thus it will bo with the radicals whenpeace aud virtue are reatored to the country. The conser¬vatives will then take the relus In their own hands, andthe constitutional laws of the land will once more pre valL

Respectfully. G- T. Beaureoasd.¦ « m

ALABAMA.Pursuant to a call signed by the Governor, th«

Bute Auditor and Treasurer, the Postmaster, and Mayorof Montgomery. Gan. Wager Bwayne, and «orne 100 othei

leading men of *the State of all nationalities a hug« taiharmonious meeting of citiiens of the Stete, wa» **_.*}the capitol in Montgomery on the evening of ataren IS.

TAe _-lrerfw«r of that city, lu noticing the .*!*_)Wag«,

"¦.".The yard and every portion of the building that couldafford a view of the proceeding» nmUO tWhtg. apjgg*many colored people were in attendance, and there wera.

also.In the pechad cro»wd. many mt the ti-ueeSand mostsubstantial mea of Montgoiuc**. who showed. ¦*takably. bow deeply they had tbe Interest of faauanWfat heart. The Hall of the Heus« **ss decorsted with flagsof the Union.S« »tare." «_..._ T -

Address« were dellyfed .* Messrs. h_t Feldsr, J_C¡K,-ff»«r M mMr H (' ôemtile, (Jen. Wager »«wayne aia

othetn. »-ÍWu¿0U.,Zi_T.ní g thV^Z^LÄcltisents to " oar/ out with earnestness and harmony th«

Z Ants.* IheReconstnicU-J. W"*«^only " for in*- «--'«li known to have inflexibly st heart th«

po«aîrs/' were unanlmoualy adopted. A f**-».i»l-'e_:Iiob at the capítol, of the Union men of th« »Ute. gutrerowuiendwirand an Executive Committee sjipolntedand authorised to call the meeting together Sgal«» tor the

purpose of taking preliminary atepa lu tnat direotion.



»v *»La»a-J»> va t_b «iii«""

*P*A«TiH)kT Me.. Matfh ».-Col. Rnnsom. in copi-

nSd?lHsSlu'van at thisP«í"^Eff*TA«ÍSfrom the War Pepartment t»» Htirreude» to Mr. *«TtK«»of NewYi-rk all tbe anns, ammunition, »nd/««_¦**:

¦luUawful parpo««.
