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n u n u o , HILWAtJKXE ANT> CHI- rsrA ?---4 The new and popular p a s m BE^BH H Efli FOUNTAIN CITT, OEO. PERK Nd .......................................... Mtewr Will k m the Cotnjwtiy'ii |)ock k u t <t llichiKiu •!., /or above port', on Tt ESIJAY EVENING, Julj 6th. at 8 o'clock. The Fountain Citv U the fartcrt and moat uuucnif- icent pa-*enjrrr ste- mer on the lake. ^F or freight or pa Mage apply to SHELDON PEASE, Mona* mg Agt., Office foot of Michigan -t. JEROME a WE8COTT. Ticket Agent*. W ESTERN TRANSPORTATION CO. People'* Line Steam- erf. For Cleveland, Detroit, rt 1 Milwaukee and Chicago. Tlie *piend<d lo*r procure paw n- ger tteamcr BADGER STATf, WM. DICKS' *N..................................... Marte-. will leave the Company’* D<>ck, foot of W ariiiu.ton rtreet, on TUESDAY EVENING, Julj fi, nt S P. M. The Badger State, with first cIom itawi.ger accommodation* in every respect,* an established favorite with the traveling public. For freight or pamnge apply at the office <•( tin* Western Transportation Company, Eric l asin, or foot of Washington street. JOHN ALLEN, Jr., President. R. St. CHOATF., Ticket Agent, Foot of Wardiington •*., BnlT • o. U NIGN STEAMBOAT COMPANY. For Lake Superior. Tho elegant passenger steamer rt ^ J r n PACIFIC. ^ ^ ^ J lfL r" ED. KELLY ........................MjsU •kill leave Buffalo, TUESDAY, July fi. at ;i o cl*« k P M., for Sault St. Marie, Marquette, end portage Lake, calling at Cleveland aud Detroit, and making claaa conn*ctton at Portage Lake, with the in unitt- mmkHmj n k n a a li to w hfii tore on lU lM li■ * .* * rmmm nntoTthe tSHt, whon k will again W o tam in l aome time at hia oonntsj place on the V adaon. NEUTRALITY. * The present policy will be adhered to of enforcing in aa quiet bat aa energ tic a way aa poaaible the neutrality laws. THE CABINET. There ia authority for stating that no cabinet changes are contemplated and that all which haa recently been aaicl on that subject in various newspapers ,t merely speculation. f MRS. MARTI E. WALKER. The Evening Star says the Thin Auditor of the Treasury. Hon. R. W. C’lyke, con- aent«*l to give Dr. Mary E. Walk r a clerk ship in his office, but the appoint t; v*nt being submitted to to the Secretary for^pproval, that official declined to do so, a|d for the preseut the matter »s held in abejmnce. THE TEST OATH. The President will submit to tbe Attor ney D'-neral the question whether the members elect of thfl Virginia L* gislature Will lie required to take the iron clad oath. Gen. Van Wyck left here for New York to night, having just returned From Vir ginia. He reports the contest iu t.iat State very excited and bitter, and that1the con stitution, without tii'' test oath, and dis- frachtsing clauses, will be adopted, and that th»; vote for Governor will be very heavy and close. •LUTING MACHINES.—THE BEST machine mi da, pries reduced. C* E. WALBRIDGE, 271 Main rt. RUIT JARS.—THE MOST DESIRA We atyles, at wholesale sad retail. C. E. WALBRIDGE, 5T1 Main vt. Nothing Beard from CoL Kyna and Party . MONDAY. JULY 5 1869. C. F.. WALBRIDGE, 271 Main st conclusion that if he wanted to make this sum at the bar he coold do an, but by tlie time he had done it he would be ao old that the romanoe of love would be all goae. For A.toeg ten days the young lawyer bemoaned his fate, aad then, alter obtaining a promise irotn the young lady that ahe would wait, he disappeared from New York, in early life the young lawyer had quick wit, and one day meeting a aagre minetrel manager named Dupres, the latter told him he had a talent which would make in five years. In the young lawyer’s frame of mind it did not take long to eenvinee him, and dropping Coke and Blackstooe he took to burnt cork, under the aeanmed name ef Lew Benedict. For a time the new buaineaa wee harder than the young lawyer bargained for, bnt he made money ao feat that hia prejudice waa soon overcome. At the end of the first year he had made five thousand dol lars, at the end of the second year ten thousand, and now it is said he has nearly reached his fignre of fifty thousand dollars in bonds. * All the time he has been in the bnrat cork trade he has improved his spare mo ments by a study of law books, and in an other year he will go back to New York with fifty thousand dollars in hia pocket, claim the hand of her he so fondly loves, and who has been so devoted to him, aud the same time again embark in the practice of law. sent 10 days or two weejts. Mr. Samuel Ward is here on account gif a; recent death in the family of Reverdj* Jrhnaon. Mr. Ward’s dinner to the latttr j eutleman, at which twelve prominent Repn.tbcan mem bers and twelve Democratic members ol Congress had accepted invitations to be present, is indefinitely postponed. b iw i m « N ew Y ork, June 3.—At tha meeting of the Trustees of the Feabofy Southern Edu cational Fond at Newport! li. L, on Thurs day last, a letter was read from Mr. Pea body donating an additional million dollars for educational purposes in tlie Southern States. THE CUBAN PRI!JON Kill*. Information relative to the changiag of the Cnlian prisoners from.<'the Vermont to tho Catharine Whiting, ays that the Mar shal was accompanied to the receiving whip by two deputies, oue of whott was Capt. Ackerman, who had been w ith the expedi tion bat had escaped at Npw London. This parson haa become a spy had informer, and as such he receives the gioana of hia former companions. There wait another person who became a spy, and yesterday morning went on board the Yentjpnt. When the boys saw him he waa set upon and must have fared badly hadnotfaomef f the guards hastened to his rescue. This person's name is French. The boys awrear t’hat if they ever see him they will asfiault Him. PERSONAL. Gen. Sheridan is expected here to-day. Mr. Colfax passed through the city yes ter. The Buffalo Ice Company are now pr* ply ctt-voner* with Lake Tea at tto low (ull supply guaranteed the m m tt Deli /ery Wagon* of taw company are and prominently tettmed “LAMB ICR.' tention of aw deliveries *>, d n r a t Sea, will tie correctert^^der^Ieft at wiU be promptly tlie* * 1 New York, July 4. Tha drum fish has made a destructive raid on the oyster beds between Staten 1aland and Keyport. I > am age from de struction of oysters and other shell fish ca- mated at $100,000. KM IO RANT*. One hundred and forty-two thousand two hundred and twenty-seven emigrants have landed at this port since January 1st, an irc -ease of 30,000 over corresponding period last year. PERSONAL. Lieut. Gen. Sheridan is in this city, at the Fifth Avenue Hotel. Gen. Garfield is at the Astor House. K ATE PISHER Vai caused the arrest of an actor named Wm. Stanton to auswerthe charge of slan der by calling her a thief. SPANISH n UN no IT. Another Spanish gunboat was launched to-day. released . The Cuban prisoners at the Navy Yard Were all released to day upon giving bonds to keep the jiea^^ and to appear when called tijMiii for trial. Dr. Kassora and Honor Al/eru are at the Tonilm in company with Gen. Ooicttra. Nothing has lie.cn beard from Col. Ryan yet, the revenue cut ter that went in search of him not having returned from Gardiners Jsland. THE KiFTH. Thousands left the city this afternoon t-> csoajH* the heat, noise and confusion of our streets on next Monday. All mails will close at the Poatoffice hero on Monday at twelve o'clock. The heat this afternoon has l*c< n opprcv si ve. A great crowd at the Central f'nk wero suddenly disp*-r,ed by a vi d- ut thunder storm. FATAL AKKRAV. Officer Campliell, while making au arrest in Greenwich street t.» night, was set upon by Richard Long and others, aud in self defence shot Long, who died shortly after wards while being conveyed to the hospital. FOURTH OF JULY. 1809. ‘0RKS AND SPOONS.—ROGERS Bros, si vtr plated ware, guaranteed the brut in C. E. WALBRIDGE, 271 Main rt. ED&iE’S RELIABLE FILTERS ARE . the tost in use. Sold hy C. E. WALBRIDGE, 271 Main rt. B ra c k e ts —i m ita t ion o f b l ack Walnat; handsome, cheap and durable. CL E . WALBRIDGE, 271 Main rt. "W h OKS aLETRADE. FRUIT JARS FRUIT JARS. AT MAMUFACTUMEEft I M f , DELIVERED IN THE CITY. MASON'S IMPROVED GLAM COVERS, DEXTER AND UNION, Ketimicd soldiers of the lai* .war. SECOND DIVISION. Band. Delegates from the Order of Ooed Templar's and Soas Public Schools. THIRD DIVISION. Band. W orking Men's Union. Shoveler's Ass»*ciati<»n. Butcher's Asaociation. ATI ANTIC D i^alisfaction w ith the ^niem L <m I Irish C hurch K ill .ltlair* in Sjiaiii and Friuicr Progress of the New t able. W. 1 . WLENKY, HOW* Jt CO. (^KGIJKERY. CHINA AND GLASSWARE, Of E-rerv Deecription. AT THE TKKY LOWSST PRICES. SILVER PLATED WARE, A LARGE HI COMFLETE HUCK. GAS FIXTURES, GAS FIXTURES. A t R educed-Prices, AJO OP TBS NEWEST PATTERNS. BRONZES, PARIAN MARBLE, VASES, COLOGNE SETS, Ao. YOUNGKETCHUM Bkkst, .July 3.—At no<m on ^.aturday the Great Kaateni had run 1145 kiyitn from lircst and paid out 1ITS1 nuot* of cable. Lvcrything waa working welL the rrasfi nirnrH . Tin* Loudon / ’hrr ■<to-«lay nays th*' v<»te» in the House of Lords last evenuig have ha«l the cfleet to rtfndcr the Irish • hurch bill more favorable t > the Ks'^ablished t hurch and more offensively part ill in its provisions. Archbishop Cullen has addressed a letter to the officers of the Catholic College say ing that if the Irish Church bill i* mutila ted by the House of 1‘eers the nation must have a fuller measure of justice, r SPAIN. M adkid , July 4. — In the Corte* to-day tho Ministers of the luterior and Justice declared that the clergy and municipal au thorities were ready and willing to take the oath prescribed by the constitution. Admiral Topete, in reply to a question of Senor <Ireuze, said the idea of a republic was impossible now that a mona-ehy had l»cen voted and was represented b^ the re gent. The national troops have been dispatched against the Cardist conspirators iu Andalu sia aud Arragon. ANOTHER REVOLUTION. L isiion, -Inly 4.—A vessel which has just arrived here from Fayal brings intelligence that? serious disturbances had broken out m various parts of the Azores in conse quence of tlie increase of taxation. KKANiE. Paris , July 4.—M. Miral and several inemlicrs of the majority in the Corps Leg islate, propose to bring in a motion that greater development be given to the action and authority of the Corps Legislatif, that the address iu reply to the speech from the throne be re.'stablished, that the right and. practice of interpellation be organized ou a larger scale, that the right to amend pro jects of law be extended, and that the <'hamber have the right to elect its own President It is rumored that the govern ment will accept these reforms. Tho negotiations betwt y France and llcdgium for a cv*inmcrciai treaty have closed with a satisfactory understanding on all points. THK SPANISH CABINET. M ai * i-in, July 4 -Tho f.rthcoming changes in the ministry are frcrly can vas: ed. It is rumored that Ardanaz will lie appointed Minister of Finance, and Mar los Minister of Justice. The Government has explained that General l'ezuela, the Isaboliist, was arrested on charges of mili tary disobedience and conspiracy against the Government. '1’he silence which the < iovermnint has maintained concerning General Dulce’s report of his administra tion, and of the state of affairs in Cuba, causes much excitement. A strong Repub lican manifesto has been published in Se ville. Us appearance was simultaneous with the depaituro from the city of a party of Republicans, numbering one thousand. It is rumored tb it they have gone to Portu gal. and will ree'iter Spain through Kstra- madara. Tio qn have been sent in j*ursuit. A number of Cat lists have been arrested in Eviedo. CUBA. H avana , July 3. — PueJla has been or dered to relieve I^tons. the commanding General of the CeTtral Department. Ue sailed this evening with one thousand fresh troops for Nueviti'.s, whence he will proceed direct to Puerto Principe. 'J he Prrnna says the number of insurgents around the latter place has largely increased, but the cholera and yellow fever was making havoc among them. Nuevitas is as h7withy as usual this season. Captaiu-Genelal de Kedas is gaining general sympathy by his attempts to pacify all classes. ..Sanguinary designs have been falsely attributed to him. Ue is now busily engaged fo investigating the cases of prisoners confined in the forts, with the object of ordering the release of the in nocent. \ olunteers are offering themselves for active service in the Cinca Villas dis trict. Captain General du Rodas to-day rcv^iw- ud all the regular aud volunteer forces in and around the city, and was received by the volunteers with enthusiastic cheers. I he Captain General has released beveral political prisoners. Deputies elected to the Constituent Cortes from Porto Rico have sailed for Spain. Advices from St. Domingo to dune 3D have been received. It is reported that Gen. L&peron with tho steamer Telegrafo hail bombarded Puerto Plata, and subse quently captured Sam ana, after a short tight. On landing he issued a decree de claring that the bay of Samana is uo longer iu tin* jxissession of Baez, and consequent ly all treaties made by him with the Uni-, tod Statos Government for the cession or lease of the bay are null and void. AMcruian Rirret, Chairman Council Committee, Orator, Chaplain and Reader, in Barouelie. Common Council, City, County, Stat; Ofllcrr*, In CUBA Judge* of the United States, State, County and City PLUME HAVEL mu thk tm w n. litid c t, »-i>« i [HOU&UID t u r n mt Um WOKDKlin I KATIM or THK KT. LAWIHICE i:Y UATUOHT, IT T M MT4K1HU i m r n i o r rm t GRAM) TRUNK RAILWAY Roller Skating Assembly AT THE RINK Tuesday Morning and Ermine. MK. CHARLES SMITH O F NEW YORK, WILL Bit PRESENT AND ASSIST. CHOICE MUSIC BY THE KINK ORCHESTRA. Admi*sion—Morning, Gents, 25 cents; Ladies and Children free. Admission—Evening, Ge-ta, 50c; Ladles, 25c; Chil dren, 15c. / Tickets in packages oi 12, |3 00. 8k ate Hire, RS ets; or by the nicntb, inclcdimr Bex rent, 82 CO. INDEPENDENCE DAY* STEAMER IVANHOE. Pleasure Excursions to OAKFIELD, FALC0NW00D AND Coal Wagons. Ac. The First Division will form on Niagara street, its right resting on Pearl rtreet. The Second Division will form on Genesee street, north ef Niagara square. The Third Division will form on Genesee rtrcet, south of Niagara iqusre. The Fourth Division will form on Delawftrf sf fset, Text of Ihc <>rant-llorie iTspondcnec. W. H. GLENNY, SON &C0, RNITURK FOR EVERYBODY ATA REDUCED PRICES. cot at Lewiston with the flnd- 1TORONTO for Toronto.where be made with the following of the Royal Mail Line . ....................................Capt. Bailey ...........................Capt. Carihi, lou I Capt. Dunlop ......................... Capt. Falnrrieve Capt. Sinclair ThoJPifth Division will form on Court street, south of Niagara square. The Divisions will form under the direction of the officers of Maj. Oon. R. L. Howard’s staff, as foil >ws; First Division—Col. John E. Marshall. FURNITURE, CHAIRS, CUBAN DISPATCHES UPHOLSTERY G 00 D& QN HAND. Third DivisionCol. Lyman K. Bass. Fourth Division—Lieut. CoL Charles O. Shepard. Fifth Division—Lieut. CoL Albert J. Barnard. Officer* in charge of organizations will see that their commands take the positions assigned to them in the procession promptly. At 5)j o'clock A. M , precisely, the Flrrt Division will move up Niagara to Pearl, down Pearl to the Terrace. As s >on as tbe left of the First Division uncovers the right of the Second, that Division will follow, aud the other Divisions the tame in numeri cal order. The procession will then move down Pearl rtreet te the Terrace, through the Terrace to Mein, ap Main to Virginia, counter-march down Main to Tupper, through Tupper to Delaware, down Delaware to Franklin 8quare. The various organisations will then be considered dismissed to their respective commands. Furniture made to order, a d npdrlaf. bo«taf, etc., done in the best manner. iajJ?) M-W-F I8AAC D. WHITE, Main et. A.. aiLliUT. uen. Agent n. m. u . anninw. H. 8 HACK ELL, Gen. AgentG. T. R., Montreal. J. WIIITMORE, Agent, Buffalo. Q £Q FBOFIJS’8 LINE STEAMERS EPBIGERATORS NAVY ISLAND FOR NEW YORK. ST. JOHN. W. H. CHRISTOPHER......................................... Captain Monday, Wedqes lay and Fridays DREW, 8. J. ROB ................................................. OMptain. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, At 8 | o'clock P. M , On arrival of trains of Mew York Central, Albany A Susquehanna, Rensselaer 4 Bwmtnga, and Boston k Albany Railroads, snd taka Champlain Steamers. Baggwa Wagons always in readinaas at Dej>ol U convey Baggage to the Boats free. II udaanRiver Railroad tiekete taken for Passage on the Boats, Including State Room Berth. Wben requested of Station Agents, Baggage will to Checked to New York by Boats.__________________ 1869. THE UNION STEAMBOAT COMPANY M j U m i J N il.in n r r iu ,AXD LAKK HirlCIUOA Monday, July 5th, 1869. r.VEE fill TIIE MOD TUI*. H CEBTS The IVANHOE w’-ll leave her Dock, foot of Main st., at 9 30 A. M , for Oakfield, returning at 1:^0 P. M.; leaving sgsin at 3:00 P. M. forOskfieid and round Navy !.valid, (opfmsfU Chippewa), returning to Buf falo at 7:3» P. M , Houchirg at Fakonwood both ways. W. h. MAI.COLM. Agent. Buffalo, J»»ly lrt . lofi9. pLAI ED FORK8 AMD AT REDUCED PRICES. Quality warranted Equal to any Made. Prayer by the Rev. Walcott Calkins. Singing by a Chorus of 150 Pupils of the Public Schools, under direction of Professor E. L. Baker. Reading of the Declaration of Independence, by Maj. Geo. Ii. Stowita. Singing. Oration by the Rev. G. W. Heacoek. Singing. Benediction. A BALLOON ABCKXSIOX Will take plade at three o'clock from Franklin 1869. C0AU 1869. J. T. HOOLE & CO., Office No . 4M. DivWon St. W e are now preoared to reoeivs orders for the best quality of PiUlla. WRahm ni L d a m n Cat. Which, until further notice, we will sell at the M - PURE AN D COLD FROM TIN LINED FOUNTAINS AT LYMAN'S, 296 MAIN STBEET. PURE FRUIT iYRUPSOFAfcL KINDS. Mass., with the balloon Hyperion, the largest on* in America, holding 65,000 cubic feet of gas, w ith two cars attached capable of carrying from e%ht to twelve persona Daring the Inflation Prof. King will send up * number of small balloon.*, represent ing men, animals, Ac. BOAT RACING. A prize Regatta will take place off the liglithctiee at 4 P M. by six boat clubs. A place in the procession will be assigned to any organized lnnly not mentioned in thu programme upon sufficient notice being given to the MarahaL Commandants of regiments, organimtione and societies will see that their respective command*, Ac., are promptly in their places at fifteen minutes before uiue A. JML The citizens are requested to dis|4ay their flags throughout the city, and ornament tliclr Vdldlngs, particularly along the route of the procession. HE NICEST, COOLEST AND BEST n the City is found 11 for steam purposes at low rotes. Onr teellitia* lor receiving, housing and dettver ng eon! are nasmr- passed, and we respectfully solicit a share of patron- kgeT J. T. HOOLE, E L. HEDBTEOM. c e w t s ’ n x im u n s , SUMMER GOODS. ."'I ENU1NE White and ftrown Duck Suits LACKAWANNA C 0 A Black Alpacca'Sacks. F ne Linen Dusters all their colors hoisted from sunrise to sunset. Survivors uf the was of 1812. resident in the dty, arc invited to leave their nanleJ at the Mayor’* office on or before the 3d, that they may be supplied a ith Linen :unl Otten Drawers. through which the procession is passing. The ordi nances in reference te the ffiirip of gone and pistole on the street* will be rigidly enforced. No carriages or persons on horseback aside from those in the procession will be allowed on the streets through which the procession is paming. Maj. Gen. R. L. Howard ...........................................Marshal Win. F. Rogers .................................................................Mayor conn mtu ok arranosiixxts. Wm. B. Sirrett, Paul Goembel, Geo. Chamber*, Frank Colligon, Geo. G. Newman, Jan. Van Buren, (ian/.r Merino Shirts. iauze Cot (on Shirts. NEW STYLES CHAPE SCARFS. NEW STYLES SILK CRAVATS. OOAL 1869 ANTHRACITE COAL CO SILK LliLR AND COTTON SOCKS. RUSUAN BRACES, COLLARS, Ac. M ain St. GEOKt vE B. TKIPP, MANUFACTU1 ER OF ALL KINDS OF SHIRTS, WRAPPERS, DRAWERS Liifien D irkid i, Bosoms, Collar's and Cuff-1 . HADE TO OB DEE AND FOE SALE AT No. 11 North Division nt. BUFFALO SAVINGS BANK, 00ft. WAfiHINOTOK AMD BATAVIA BTREETff. WM. H. SEWARD. NO. L BL 0 S 8BURG COAL BOTKN S CELEBRATED BOOTS-AND SHOES FOR ‘CENTLERIEH. DOUBLE SOLE FRENCH CALF BOOTS. SINGLE SOLE I BENCH CALF BOOTS. FINK FRENCH CALF WALKING SHOES. FINE FRENCH CALF COMOME8S BOOTS. FINE FRENCH CALF OXFORDS. FINE CALF K ill BUTTON UNIONS. FINE PATENT ‘-RATHER BUTTON UNIONS BUTLER A CO., fm ffirU ti and Jobbers of CB0CKEKY AND GLASSWARE, ram ja m , lam ps, tc. HARD AND SOFT COAL ThSSTSSTXTL-tSr ANDREW M. JOHNSTON, SOLE AGENCY AT JE W E T T ’S POPULAR SHOE STORE 406 RAIN STREET, DIED. CAMERON—July 4, Margaret Cameron, ageu 70 year* relict o: W alter Cameron. Funeral from btr late rtaaiJeuce, 103 Georgia -t., ou Tuesday, fith inrt., rt 10 A.M. Frieuda and ac quaintance* are mpeetlully rnv ted to be prasmt. SUGAR LOAF, LEHIGH, FflRM , IMXIWUH , UHH, SB AND CLEVELAND COAL. BUFFALO MOURNING STORE, Malleable Iron naado to order PRATT 4 LETCH WORTH, Propnetoro. Office 5S a id 51 T rrrw > it*. B iffalu, N. T. _________ _ G ia»a lain**. Gleat. 6 -» W indow Cias®. as*r.*ted PL \T t GLMBK FOR SToRiS AND i WE'.MNGS at I tLau E&atern Price*. 50,000 B a W HITE LEAL*. IO-' bbls. L l7-'SEED OIL Formic by A. REYNOLDS 4 CO.. 191 Main st. and 46 Lloyd at., Buffalo, N. Y. I a'U i EST r TEA* AND OUFFFBS, from tne OKTEXTAL TEA COMPANY, DF BOSTON. Ther have been trtral add wrorod to to tl» and chrapt-it TEAS and COFFEES ever off*i tha Public. Sole Agent fcr Buffalo, U~ JLVsEh, Druggist, 416 Main rt., Buffalo,(opposite tto Park).
Page 1: MONDAY. JULY 5 1869. W B U DEXTER AND UNION, SILVER …nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83030921/1869-07-05/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · Will lie required to take the iron clad oath. Gen. Van

n u n u o , HILWAtJKXE ANT> CHI-

rsrA? - - - 4T h e new an d p o p u la r p a s m B E ^ B H H E f l i

F O U N T A IN C IT T ,OEO. P E R K N d .......................................... M te w r

W ill k m th e Cotnjwtiy'ii |)ock k u t < t llic h iK iu • ! . , /o r above p o r t ', on T t ESIJAY E V E N IN G , J u l j 6 th . a t 8 o 'c lock.

T h e F o u n ta in C itv U th e fa r tc r t a n d m o a t uuucnif- icen t pa-*en jrrr ste- m e r o n th e lake.^ F o r f re ig h t o r pa Mag e a p p ly to

SH ELD O N P E A S E , Mona* m g A g t., Office fo o t o f M ichigan - t.

JE R O M E a W E8C O TT. T ic k e t Agent*.


e rf . F o r C lev e lan d , D e tro it , r t 1M ilw aukee and C hicago. Tlie *piend<d lo*r p ro c u re p a w n -g e r t te a m c r

BA D G ER S T A T f,WM. D IC K S ' *N..................................... M arte-.

w ill leave t h e C om pany’* D<>ck, foo t o f W a riiiu .to n r t r e e t , on TU E SD A Y EV E N IN G , J u l j fi, n t S P . M. T h e B ad g e r S ta te , w ith first cIom i ta w i .g e r accom m odation* in ev e ry r e s p e c t ,* an estab lish ed fav o rite w ith th e tra v e lin g p u b lic .

F o r f re ig h t o r pam nge ap p ly a t th e office <•( tin* W estern T ra n sp o rta tio n C om pany , E ric l a s in , o r fo o t o f W ash ing ton s tre e t.

JOHN ALLEN, J r . , President.R. St. CHOATF., T ick e t A g en t,

F o o t of W ardiing ton •* ., BnlT • o.

U N IG N S T E A M B O A T C O M P A N Y .F o r L ake S uperio r. Tho

e le g a n t p assen g er steam er r t ^ J r nP A C IF IC . ^ ^ ^ J l f L r "

ED. K E L L Y ........................Mjs U•kill leave Buffalo, TU E SD A Y , J u ly fi. a t ;i o cl*« k P M ., fo r S a u lt S t. M arie, M arq u e tte , end p o rtag e L ake , c a llin g a t C leveland a u d D e tro it, and m ak ing claaa con n * ctto n a t P o rta g e L ak e , w ith th e in u n itt-

m m k H m j n k n a a l i t o w h f i i to r e on l U l M l i ■ * . * * r m m m n n t o T t h e tSH t, w hon k w ill ag a in W o t a m i n l aome tim e a t h ia o o n n ts j p lace o n th e V adaon.

N EU TRA LITY . *T h e p rese n t policy w ill b e ad h e red to of

en fo rcing in aa q u ie t b a t aa e n e rg t ic a way aa poaaible th e n e u tra li ty law s.

T H E C A B IN E T .T h e re ia a u th o r i ty for s ta tin g th a t no

c ab in e t changes a re c o n te m p la te d and th a t a ll w h ich h aa recen tly been aaicl on th a t su b je c t in v a rio u s new spapers , t m erely speculation . f

M RS. MARTI E. W ALKER.T h e Evening S ta r says th e T h in A ud ito r

of th e T reasu ry . Hon. R. W . C’ly k e , con- aent«*l to g ive Dr. M ary E. W alk r a c le rk ­sh ip in h is office, b u t th e appo in t t; v*nt being su b m itted to to th e Secre ta ry fo r^ p p ro v a l, th a t official declined to do so, a |d fo r th e p reseu t th e m a tte r »s h e ld in abejm nce.

T H E TEST OATH.T he P resid en t w ill su b m it to tb e A tto r­

ney D '-neral th e question w h e th e r th e m em bers e lec t of thfl V irg in ia L* g isla tu re Will lie requ ired to tak e th e iron clad oa th .

G en. Van W yck le ft h e re for N ew Y ork to n igh t, h av in g ju s t re tu rn ed From V ir­ginia. H e rep o rts th e c o n te s t iu t . i a t S ta te v ery ex c ited an d b itte r , and th a t1 th e con­s titu tio n , w ith o u t t ii '' te s t oath, an d dis- frach tsing clauses, w ill be ad o p ted , and t h a t th»; vote for G overnor w ill be very heavy an d close.

• L U T I N G M A C H I N E S . — T H E B E S Tm ach in e m i d a , pries red u ced .

C* E. W A L B R ID G E , 271 M ain rt.

RUIT JARS.—THE MOST DESIRAWe a ty les, a t w holesale sad re ta il.

C. E. W A L B R ID G E , 5T1 M ain vt.Nothing B e a r d fro m C oL K y n aa n d P a r t y . MONDAY. JULY 5 1869.

C. F.. W A LB R ID G E, 271 M ain stconclusion that if he wanted to make this sum a t the bar he coold do an, but by tlie time he had done i t he would be ao old that the romanoe of love would be all goae. For A .t o e g ten days the young lawyer bemoaned his fate, aad then, alter obtaining a promise irotn the young lady th a t ahe would wait, he disappeared from New York, in early life the young lawyer had quick wit, and one day meeting a aagre minetrel manager named Dupres, the latter told him he had a talent which would make in fiveyears. In the young lawyer’s frame of mind it did not take long to eenvinee him, and dropping Coke and Blackstooe he took to burnt cork, under the aeanmed name ef Lew Benedict.

For a time the new buaineaa wee harder than the young lawyer bargained for, bnt he made money ao feat th a t hia prejudice waa soon overcome. A t the end of the first year h e had made five thousand dol­lars, a t the end of the second year ten thousand , an d no w it is said he has nearly reached his fignre of fifty thousand dollars in bonds. *

A ll th e tim e h e has been in th e bnrat cork trade he h a s improved h is spare mo­m ents by a s tu d y of law books, and in an­o th e r y e a r h e w ill go b a c k to New York w ith fifty th o u sa n d d o lla rs in hia pocket, claim th e h a n d of h e r he so fondly loves, and w ho has been so devoted to h im , aud th e sam e tim e again e m b a rk in th e p rac tice of law.

se n t 10 d a y s o r tw o w eejts. M r. Sam uel W ard is h e re on a cco u n t gif a; recen t d ea th in th e fam ily o f Reverdj* J rh n a o n . M r. W a rd ’s d in n e r t o t h e l a t t t r j e u tle m a n , a t w h ich tw e lv e p ro m in en t R ep n .tb can m em ­bers a n d tw e lv e D em ocratic m em bers ol C ongress h ad accep ted in v ita tions to be p resen t, is ind efin ite ly postponed.

b i w i m «N ew Y o rk , J u n e 3 .—A t th a m eetin g of

th e T ru stees of th e F e a b o fy S o u th e rn E d u ­ca tio n a l F o n d a t N ew port! l i . L , on T h u rs ­d ay la s t, a l e t te r w as rea d from M r. P ea ­b od y d o n a tin g a n ad d itio n a l m illion dollars for e d u catio n al p u rposes in tlie S ou thern S ta tes .

T H E C U B A N P R I!JO N Kill*.In fo rm atio n re la tiv e to th e ch an g iag of

th e Cnlian p risoners from.<'the V erm ont to th o C a th a rin e W h itin g , a y s t h a t th e M a r­shal w as accom panied to th e receiv ing whip by tw o d ep u ties , oue of w hott w as Capt. A ckerm an , w ho h a d b een w i th th e exped i­tion b a t h a d escaped a t Npw London. T h is parson haa become a s p y h a d inform er, and a s su ch h e receives th e gioana of h ia form er com panions. T h e re wait a n o th e r person w ho becam e a sp y , an d y e s te rd ay m orning w en t on board th e Y en tjpn t. W h en th e b oys saw him h e w aa set upon and m u st have fared b ad ly h ad n o tfao m ef f th e g uards h asten ed to h is rescue. T h is p erson 's nam e is F rench . T h e boys awrear t’h a t if th ey ev e r see h im th e y w ill asfiault Him.

PERSONAL.G en. S h erid an is expected h e re to -day .

M r. Colfax passed th ro u g h th e c ity yes ter.

T h e B uffalo Ice C om pany a re now pr* ply c tt-voner* w ith Lake Tea a t t t o low (u ll su p p ly g u a ra n te e d th e m m t t D eli /ery Wagon* of ta w co m p an y a re a n d p ro m in en tly te ttm e d “ LAM B IC R .' te n tio n o f a w d e liver ies * > , d n r a t S ea, w ill tie c o r r e c t e r t ^ ^ d e r ^ I e f t a t

wiU be prom ptly t l i e * * 1

N ew Y o r k , J u ly 4.T h a d ru m fish h a s m ade a d e s tru c tiv e

ra id on th e o y s te r beds b e tw een S ta te n 1 a land a n d K ey p o rt. I > am age from d e ­s tru c tio n of o y ste rs an d o th e r she ll fish ca- m ated a t $100,000.

KM IO RANT*.O ne h u n d red an d fo rty -tw o th o u sa n d tw o

h u n d re d a n d tw e n ty -se v en em ig ran ts have lan d e d a t th is p o r t s ince J a n u a ry 1st, an i r c -ease of 30,000 over co rrespond ing period la s t year.

PERSONAL.Lieut. G en. S h e rid a n is in th is city , a t

th e F if th A venue H otel.G en . G arfie ld is a t th e A s to r House.

K A T E P I S H E R V ai caused th e a rre s t of an ac to r named W m . S ta n to n to a u s w e r th e charge of s lan ­d e r by ca llin g h e r a thief.

SPA N ISH n UN n o IT.A n o th e r Span ish gunboat w as launched

to -day .r e l e a s e d .

T h e C uban prisoners a t th e N av y Y ard Were a ll released to day upon g iv ing bonds to k eep th e jiea^^ an d to ap p ear w hen c a l l e d tijMiii for tria l. Dr. Kassora and Honor Al/eru are a t th e Tonilm in com pany w ith Gen. O oicttra. N o th in g has lie.cn beard from Col. Ryan y e t, th e revenue c u t ­te r th a t w en t in search of him n o t having re tu rn ed from G ard in ers Js lan d .

T H E KiFTH.T ho u san d s le ft th e c ity th is afternoon t->

csoajH* th e h ea t, noise and confusion of our s tre e ts on n e x t M onday.

A ll m ails w ill close a t th e Poatoffice hero on M onday a t tw elv e o 'clock.

T h e h e a t th is afternoon has l*c< n o pprcv si ve.

A g rea t crow d a t th e C en tra l f 'n k w ero su dden ly disp*-r,ed by a vi d- u t th u n d e r storm .

FATAL AKKRAV.Officer Cam pliell, w h ile m aking au a rre s t

in G reenw ich s tre e t t.» n ig h t, was se t upon by R ichard Long and o th ers , au d in self defence sh o t Long, who d ied sh o rtly a f te r ­w ard s w hile being conveyed to th e hospital.

F O U R T H O F J U L Y . 1809.‘0 R K S A N D S P O O N S .— R O G ER S

Bros, si v t r p la ted w are, g u a ran teed th e b ru t in

C. E. W A L B R ID G E , 271 Main r t.

E D & iE ’S R E L IA B L E F IL T E R S A R E. th e t o s t in use. Sold hy

C. E. W A L B R ID G E , 271 M ain r t.

Br a c k e t s —i m i t a t io n o f b l a c kW a ln a t ; h an d so m e, c h eap a n d d u rab le .

CL E . W A L B R ID G E , 271 M ain r t.






K e tim ic d so ld iers o f th e la i* .w ar.


Band.D elega tes f ro m th e O rd e r o f O oed T em p la r 's a n d S oas

P ublic Schools.

T H IR D D IV ISIO N .B and.

W o rk in g M en's U nion.S hoveler 's Ass»*ciati<»n.B u tc h e r 's A saociation.


D i ^ a l i s f a c t i o n w i t h t h e ^ n i e m L

<m I I r i s h C h u r c h K i l l . l t l a i r *

i n S j i a i i i a n d F r i u i c r P r o g r e s s

o f t h e N e w t a b l e .



O f E-rerv Deecription.A T T H E T K K Y L O W S S T P R I C E S .



A t R e d u c e d - P r i c e s ,

A J O O P T B S N E W E S T P A T T E R N S .

B R O N Z E S , P A R I A N M A R B L E ,

V A S E S , C O L O G N E S E T S , A o .

YOUNG KETCHUMB k k st, .July 3 .—A t no<m on ^ .a turday

the G rea t K aateni had run 1145 kiyitn from lirc st and p a id out 1 ITS 1 nuot* of cable. L v c ry th ing waa w orking welL

t h e r r a s f i n i r n r H .Tin* Loudon / ’hrr ■< to-«lay nays th*' v<»te»

in the House of Lords la s t evenuig have ha«l th e cfleet to rtfndcr th e Irish • hu rch bill more favorable t > th e Ks'^ablished t hu rch and m ore offensively p a rt i ll in its provisions.

A rchbishop Cullen h as addressed a le t te r to th e officers of th e C atho lic College sa y ­ing th a t if th e Irish C hurch b ill i* m u tila ­ted by th e H ouse of 1‘eers th e n a tio n m u st have a fu ller m easure of ju stice , r

SPA IN .M a d k i d , J u ly 4 . — In th e Corte* to -d ay

tho M in iste rs of th e lu te r io r and Ju s tic e declared th a t th e c lergy and m unicipal a u ­th o ritie s w ere read y and w illing to ta k e th e o a th prescribed by th e con stitu tio n .

A dm iral T opete , in rep ly to a question of Senor < Ireuze, sa id th e idea of a republic was im possible now th a t a m ona-ehy had l»cen v o ted an d w as rep resen ted b ^ th e re ­gent.

T h e n a tio n a l tro o p s have been d ispatched ag a in st th e C ard is t consp ira to rs iu A n d a lu ­sia au d A rragon.

A N O T H E R R E V O L U T IO N .L isiion , -Inly 4 .— A vessel w hich has ju s t

a rriv ed here from Fayal b rings in te lligence th a t? serious d istu rb an ces h ad b ro k en o u t m various p a rts of th e A zores in conse­quence of tlie increase of tax a tio n .

KKANiE.Pa r is , J u ly 4 .— M. M iral and several

inem licrs of th e m ajo rity in th e Corps Leg­is la te , propose to bring in a m otion th a t g rea te r developm ent be g iven to th e action and au th o rity of th e Corps L egisla tif, th a t th e address iu rep ly to the speech from the th ro n e be re.'s tab lished , t h a t th e r ig h t and. p ractice of in te rp ella tio n be organized ou a larg er scale, th a t th e r ig h t to am end p ro ­jec ts of law be ex tended , and th a t th e< 'ham ber have the r ig h t to e lec t i ts own P resid en t I t is rum ored th a t th e g o v ern ­m en t w ill a ccep t these reforms.

Tho negotia tions be tw t y F ran ce and llcdgium for a cv*inmcrciai t re a ty have closed w ith a sa tisfac to ry u n d e rs tan d in g on all points.

T H K S P A N IS H C A B IN E T .M a i* i-in , J u ly 4 -Tho f .r th co m in g

changes in th e m in istry a re f rc r ly c a n ­vas: ed. I t is rum ored th a t A rdanaz w ill lie appoin ted M in iste r of F inance, and M ar los M in is te r of Ju s tic e . T he G overnm ent has exp lained th a t G eneral l'e zu e la , th e Isaboliist, w as a rre s te d on charges of m ili­ta ry d isobedience and conspiracy ag a in st th e G overnm ent. '1’he silence w h ich th e< io v e rm n in t has m ain tain ed concerning G eneral Dulce’s rep o rt of h is ad m in istra tio n , and of th e s ta te of affairs in Cuba, causes m uch ex c item en t. A s tro n g R epub­lican m anifesto has been published in Se­ville. U s appearance was sim ultaneous w ith th e d ep a itu ro from th e c ity of a p a rty of R epublicans, n um bering one thousand . I t is rum ored tb i t th e y have gone to P o r tu ­gal. and w ill re e 'i te r S pa in th ro u g h Kstra- m adara. T io q n h ave been sen t in j*ursuit. A n u m b er of Cat lis ts h av e been a rre s te d in Eviedo.

CUBA.H a v a n a , J u ly 3 . — PueJla has been o r­

dered to relieve I ^ to n s . th e com m anding G eneral of th e C eTtral D epartm ent. U e sailed th is evening w ith one th o u san d fresh troops for Nueviti'.s, w hence he w ill proceed d irec t to P u e rto P rinc ipe . 'J he Prrnna says th e n um ber of in su rg en ts a round th e la t te r place h as largely increased , b u t th e cholera and yellow fever w as m ak ing havoc am ong them . N u ev itas is as h7withy as usual th is season. C ap ta iu -G en ela l d e K edas is gain ing general sy m p a th y b y his a tte m p ts to pacify all classes. ..Sanguinary designs have been falsely a ttr ib u te d to him . Ue is now busily engaged fo in v estig a tin g th e cases of prisoners confined in th e fo rts , w ith th e ob jec t of o rd erin g th e release of th e in ­nocent. \ o lun teers a re offering them selves for ac tive service in th e Cinca V illas d is­tric t.

C ap ta in G eneral du R odas to -day rcv^iw- ud all th e reg u la r aud vo lu n tee r forces in and a ro u n d th e c ity , a n d w as received by th e vo lun teers w ith en th u s ia s tic cheers.I he C ap ta in G eneral has released beveral political prisoners. D eputies e lec ted to the C o n s titu en t C ortes from Porto R ico have sailed for Spain.

A dvices from S t. Domingo to d u n e 3D have been received. I t is rep o rted t h a t Gen. L&peron w ith th o steam er Telegrafo hail bom barded P uerto P la ta , an d su b se­q u en tly c a p tu re d Sam ana, a fte r a sh o rt tight. On lan d in g h e issued a decree d e ­c laring th a t th e bay of S am ana is uo longer iu tin* jxissession of Baez, an d c o n seq u en t­ly all trea tie s m ade by h im w ith th e U ni-, tod S ta to s G overnm ent for th e cession or lease of th e bay are n u ll and void.

A M cruian R irre t, C h a irm an C ouncil C om m ittee , O ra to r , C h ap la in a n d R ead e r, in B arouelie.

C om m on C ou n c il, C ity , C o u n ty , S t a t ; O fllcrr*, InC U BA

Ju d g e* o f th e U n ited S ta te s , S ta te , C o u n ty a n d C ity

PLUME HAVELm u t h k t m w n . l i t i d c t , » - i> « i [H O U & U ID t u r n m t Um W O K D K lin I

K A T IM o r T H K KT. L A W IH IC E i:Y U A T U O H T , I T T M M T 4 K 1 H U

i m r n i o r r m t

GRAM) TRUNK RAILWAYRoller Skating Assem bly


Tuesday Morning and Ermine. M K . C H A R L E S S M I T H




A dm i*sion—M orn ing , G en ts , 25 cen ts ; L ad ies a n d C h ild ren free.

A dm ission—E ven ing , G e -ta , 50c; Ladles, 25c; Chil d re n , 15c. /T ickets in packages o i 12, | 3 00. 8k ate H ire, RS ets;

o r b y the n icntb , inclcdim r B ex ren t, 82 CO.


Pleasure Excursions to



Coal W agons. Ac.

T h e F ir s t D ivision will fo rm o n N iag a ra s t r e e t , its r ig h t re s tin g o n P ea rl r tre e t.

T h e S econd D ivision will fo rm o n G enesee s t r e e t , n o r th e f N iag a ra sq u a re .

T h e T h ird D iv ision w ill fo rm o n G enesee r t r c e t , so u th o f N iag a ra iq u s re .

T he F o u r th D ivision w ill fo rm on D elaw ftrf sf f s e t ,

Text of Ihc <>rant-llorie iTspondcnec. W. H. GLENNY, SON &C0,

RNITURK FOR EVERYBODYA T A REDUCED PR IC E S. c o t a t Lewiston w ith th e flnd -

1 T ORONTO fo r T o ro n to .w h ere b e m ad e w ith th e follow ing

o f th e R oyal M ail L ine .....................................C ap t. Bailey

...........................C ap t. Carihi, lou I C ap t. Dunlop ......................... C apt. F a ln rriev e C a p t. S inc la ir

T h o JP ifth D ivision w ill fo rm o n C o u rt s t re e t , s o u th o f N iag a ra sq u a re .

T h e D ivisions w ill fo rm u n d e r th e d ire c tio n of th e officers o f M aj. Oon. R. L. H ow ard ’s staff, a s fo il >ws;

F ir s t D ivision—Col. J o h n E. Marshall.



T h ird D ivision—Col. L y m an K. Bass.F o u r th D iv ision—L ieu t. CoL C harles O. S hepard .F if th D ivision— L ieu t. CoL A lb e r t J . B arn ard .Officer* in ch a rg e o f o rg an iza tio n s w ill see th a t

th e ir com m ands ta k e th e p o sitio n s a ssigned to th e m in th e procession p ro m p tly .

A t 5)j o 'c lock A. M , p recisely , th e F l r r t D ivision will m ove u p N iagara to P e a r l , dow n P ea rl to th e T errace . As s >on as tb e le f t o f th e F ir s t D ivision uncovers t h e r ig h t o f th e S econd, t h a t D ivision will follow , aud th e o th e r D ivisions th e ta m e in n u m e ri­cal o rder.

T h e procession w ill th e n m ove dow n P ea rl r t r e e t t e th e T errace , th ro u g h th e T errace to M ein , a p M ain to V irg in ia , co u n te r-m arch dow n M ain to T u p p e r , th ro u g h T u p p e r to D elaw are, dow n D elaw are to F ra n k lin 8 quare .

T h e v a rio u s o rg an isa tio n s w ill th e n b e considered dism issed to th e i r respec tive com m ands.

Furniture m ade to order, a d n p d r la f . b o « ta f ,e tc ., done in th e best m an n e r. ia jJ? )

M-W-F I8A A C D. W H IT E , Main et. A.. a iL liU T . uen . Agent n . m. u . a n n in w .H . 8 HACK ELL, Gen. A gentG . T. R ., Montreal.

J . W IIITMORE, A gen t, Buffalo.

Q £ Q F B O F I J S ’8 L I N E S T E A M E R S


F O R N E W Y O RK .

ST. JOHN.W. H . CHRISTOPHER ......................................... C aptain

M onday, W edqes lay and Fridays

D R E W ,8 . J . R O B ................................................. OMptain.

Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday,A t 8 | o'clock P. M ,

On arrival o f trains o f Mew York C entral, A lbany A Susquehanna, Rensselaer 4 Bwmtnga, and Boston k A lbany Railroads, snd ta k a Champlain Steamers.

B aggw a W agons a lw ays in readinaas a t Dej>ol U convey B aggage to th e Boats free.

II udaanR iver Railroad tiekete taken for Passage on th e B oats, Including S tate R oom Berth.

W ben requested o f S tation A gents, Baggage w ill t o Check ed to N ew York b y Boats.__________________

1869.T H E U N IO N


M j U m i J N i l . i nn r r i u ,A X D L A K K H ir lC IU O A

Monday, July 5th, 1869. r.VEE fill TIIE MOD TUI*. H CEBTS

T h e IV A N H O E w’-ll leave h e r D o ck , fo o t of M ain s t . , at 9 30 A. M , fo r O akfield , re tu rn in g a t 1:^0 P. M .; leav ing sg s in a t 3:00 P. M. fo rO sk fie id a n d ro u n d N avy !.v a lid , (opfm sfU C hippew a), r e tu rn in g to Buf fa lo a t 7:3» P . M , H o u c h irg a t F ak o n w o o d bo th w ays. W. h . M AI.COLM . A gen t.

B u f f a lo , J»»ly l r t . lo fi9 .


AT R ED U C E D PRICES. Q ua lity w a rra n te d E qual to any Made.

P ra y e r by t h e R ev . W alco tt C alk ins.S ing ing b y a C h o ru s o f 150 P u p ils o f th e P ublic

Schools, u n d e r d irec tio n o f P ro fesso r E. L. B aker.R ead ing of th e D ec la ra tio n of In d ep en d en ce , by

Maj. G eo. I i . Stow ita.S inging.O ra tio n by th e R ev. G . W. H eacoek.S inging.B enediction .

A BALLOON ABCKXSIOX W ill t a k e p lade a t th r e e o 'c lock fro m F ra n k lin

1869. C0AU 1869.J . T. H O O L E & CO.,

Office N o . 4M . DivW on St. W e are now preoared to reoeivs orders for th e best quality of

PiUlla. WRahm n i Ldam n Cat.W hich, until further notice, we will sell a t th e M -



P U R E F R U IT iY R U P S O F A fc L K IN D S.M ass., w ith th e balloon H y p e rio n , t h e la rg es t o n* in A m erica, h o ld in g 65,000 cu b ic fe e t o f g a s , w ith tw o c ars a tta c h e d capab le of c a rry in g fro m e % h t to tw elve p e rso n a D a r in g th e In fla tion P ro f. K ing will send u p * n u m b e r of sm all balloon.*, re p re se n t­ing m en , an im als , Ac.

BOAT RACING.A prize R e g a tta w ill ta k e p lace off th e lig lithc tiee

a t 4 P M. by six b o a t c lubs.A p lace in th e procession w ill be assigned to an y

o rganized lnn ly n o t m en tio n ed in t h u p rog ram m e u pon suffic ien t no tice b e in g g iven to th e M arahaL

C o m m an d an ts o f reg im en ts , o rg an im tio n e and societies w ill see t h a t th e i r resp ec tiv e com m and*, A c., a re p ro m p tly in th e ir places a t fifteen m in u te s before u iu e A. JML

T he c itizen s a re req u ested to d is |4 ay th e ir flags th ro u g h o u t th e c ity , a n d o rn a m e n t t l ic lr V d ld ln g s, p a rticu la rly a lo n g th e ro u te o f th e procession.

H E N IC E S T ,


n th e C ity is fo u n d 11

for steam purposes a t low rotes. O nr teellitia* lo r receiving, housing and dettver n g eon! are nasmr- passed, and w e respectfu lly so lic it a share o f patron- kgeT J . T . HOOLE,


c e w t s ’ n x i m u n s ,


W hite and ftrown Duck SuitsLACKAWANNA C0 A

Black A lp acca 'S ack s.

F ne Linen Dusters

all their co lors hoisted f ro m sunrise to sunset.S u rv iv o rs uf th e w as of 1812. resident in th e d t y ,

a rc in v ited to leave th e ir nan leJ a t th e M ayor’* office on o r before th e 3d, th a t th e y m ay be supp lied a ith

Linen :unl Otten Drawers.th ro u g h w hich th e procession is passing. T he ordi­n ances in reference t e th e ffiirip of go n e and pistoleo n th e stree t* w ill be r ig id ly enforced.

N o carriages o r persons on h o rseback aside from th o se in th e procession w ill be a llow ed on th e s tree ts th ro u g h w hich th e procession is pam ing.Maj. G en . R . L. H o w a rd ...........................................M arshalW in. F . R o g ers .................................................................M ayor

c o n n m t u ok arranosiixxts.W m. B. S ir re tt , P aul G oem bel,Geo. C ham ber* , F ra n k Colligon,Geo. G. N ew m an , Jan . V an B u ren ,

(ian/.r Merino Shirts.

iauze Cot (on Shirts.

N E W S T Y L E S C H A P E S C A R F S .

N E W S T Y L E S S IL K C R A V A T S .O O A L1869



M a in S t .G E O K t vE B . T K I P P ,


SHIRTS, WRAPPERS, DRAWERS L iif ie n D i r k id i , B o so m s ,

Collar's an d Cuff-1.H A D E TO OB D E E AND FO E SALE AT

N o. 11 N o r th D ivision nt.











B U T L E R A C O .,fm ff ir U t i and Jobbers of

CB0CKEKY AND GLASSWARE,ram j a m , l a m p s , t c .






DIED.C A M ER O N —J u ly 4, M argaret C am eron , ageu 70

year* re lic t o: W a lte r C am eron.F u n e ra l from b t r l a te rtaaiJeuce, 103 G eorg ia - t . , ou

T uesday , f ith in r t . , r t 10 A .M . F rieuda and ac­qua in tance* a re mpeetlully rnv te d to be p ra s m t.



M alleab le I ro n naado t o o rd e r P R A T T 4 L ETCH W O RTH , P ro p n e to ro . Office 5S a i d 51 T r r rw > it*.B iffalu , N . T . _________ _

G i a » a l a i n * * . G l e a t .6 - » W indow Cias®. as*r.*ted P L \ T t

GLMBK FO R S T o R iS A N D i W E '.M N G S a t I tL au E&atern Price*. 50,000 B a W H IT E LEAL*.IO-' bb ls. L l7-'S E E D OIL F o r m ic by

A. R EY N O LD S 4 CO..191 M ain s t. a n d 46 L loyd a t ., Buffalo, N. Y.

I a' U i E S Tr T E A * A N D O U FFFB S,


D F BOSTON.T h e r h ave been trtral add wrorod to t o tl»

and ch ra p t- it T E A S and C O F F E E S ever off*i th a P ub lic . Sole A g en t fc r Buffalo,

U~ J L V s E h , D ru g g ist,416 Main rt., B uffa lo ,(opposite t t o Park).
