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Money & banking lecture seven (mansoura university)

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AlMoatassem Mostafa Lecture Seven: November 2016 MONEY & BANKING
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AlMoatassem Mostafa

Lecture Seven: November 2016


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3. The Operation of Commercial


Credit RisksThe Balance

Sheet of Commercial


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The Balance Sheet of

Commercial Banks

Liabilities Assets

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A balance sheet contains all the operations conducted by a commercial bank. It is divided into two main sides.

The first side is allocated to assets, while the second one contains liabilities.

Commercial banks own assets on which they earn interest and have liabilities on which they pay interest.

All deposits are, therefore, listed as liabilities in a commercial bank’s balance sheet, while securities and loans are generally listed as assets in the balance sheet.

BALANCE SHEET OF COMMERCIAL BANKS 4ا4ل4ب4ن4و4ك م4ي4ز4ا4ن4ي4ة4 ا4و4 ح4س4ا4ب4 ك4ش4ف4


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A commercial bank’s liabilities include: Deposits; Borrowings; and Bank Capital.

In contrast, a commercial bank’s assets are generally composed of the following: Reserves; Cash items in process of collection; Securities; Loans; and Physical capital.


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Deposits Borrowings

Bank’s Capital

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Deposits, including transaction and nontransaction deposits, are regarded as liabilities to commercial banks because they are owned mainly by the depositors.

They, consequently, represent assets for the depositors.

They are also liabilities to commercial banks because depositors can withdraw funds from their accounts on demand and the bank is compelled to pay these funds

DEPOSITSو4ا4ل4و4د4ا4ئ4ع ا4ل4ح4س4ا4ب4ا4ت4

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A second liability on the balance sheet of a commercial bank is borrowing.

Commercial banks can borrow from the central bank, from other commercial banks, or from the private sector.

Loans borrowed from the central bank are called discount loans.

In addition, commercial banks borrow from each other in the federal funds market where commercial banks with excess reserves lend other commercial banks that are running short on reserves.

Borrowings are liabilities to commercial banks because they eventually have to repay them.

BORROWINGSا4ل4ب4ن4ك ع4ل4ي4ه4ا4 ي4ح4ص4ل4 ا4ل4ت4ي4 ا4ل4ق4ر4و4ض4

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Discount loans from central


Loans from other

commercial banks

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A commercial bank’s capital is the value of the shareholders’ investment in the bank.

A commercial bank is established mainly through selling stocks in its initial public offering.

When the bank operates and achieves profits, it is obligated to return a part of these profits to the shareholders as dividends. The rest of the profits is kept at the bank as retained earnings.

BANK’S CAPITALا4ل4ب4ن4ك م4ا4ل4 ر4أ4س4

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ReservesCash items in process

of collection

Securities Loans Physical Capital

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Reserves include a commercial bank’s deposits at the central bank plus vault cash.

All the commercial banks have deposits at the central bank because it is much easier to settle transactions between commercial banks through the central bank and no cash is required to be transferred between them.

Vault cash, in contrast, includes currency and coins held at a commercial bank’s vault. Although reserves pay no interest for commercial banks, the operation of commercial banks requires keeping these reserves.

Regulations that govern the activities of commercial banks require from them to keep a certain fraction for every Egyptian Pound of a checkable account. This kind of reserves is called required reserves.

RESERVESا4ل4ن4ق4د4ي4ة ا4إل4ح4ت4ي4ا4ط4ا4ت4

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The other type of reserves kept by commercial banks is called excess reserves; they keep these reserves in order to have enough liquidity to meet all the withdrawals from checkable accounts or in case of excessive withdrawals associated with public holidays, for instance.


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Suppose you are selling an item for someone else and this person, who has a checkable account at HSBC, issues a check for you on his account.

If you have an account at Banque Misr, for instance, you will simply deposit this check at your bank, then your bank will claim this check from HSBC for you.

This process might take a couple of days, and during this period, the check is regarded as a cash item in process of collection because the funds have not been transferred to your account yet.

Cash items in process of collection is an asset for your bank because it is a claim on the funds that exist in another bank and that will be paid within a couple of days.


ا4ل4ج4م4ع ق4ي4د4 ا4ل4ن4ق4د4ي4ة4 ا4ل4ب4ن4و4د4

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Commercial banks can also hold debt securities as assets.

These securities are issued either by the government, governmental organizations, private-sector corporations, or other commercial banks.

These debt securities are useful because commercial banks can obtain liquidity rapidly and at low cost by selling these securities at the market.

It must be noted, in addition, that securities held by commercial banks are restricted to debt securities rather than equity securities such as stocks.

SECURITIESا4ل4م4ا4ل4ي4ة ا4أل4و4ر4ا4ق4

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Loans are the most important asset for commercial banks because they are a major source of their profits.

Loans are assets for a commercial bank as a lender and liabilities for individuals and businesses as borrowers.

Loans are, however, the least liquid among all the other assets, because a bank can not obtain the loan until the loan is mature.

Banks are also vulnerable to the risk of nonpayment of loans; this explains why they impose higher interest rates on loans


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All the bank buildings, computers, chairs, offices, and other instruments are also regarded as assets of a commercial bank.

PHYSICAL CAPITALا4ل4م4ا4د4ي ا4ل4م4ا4ل4 ر4أ4س4

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Assets Liabilities + Capital

Reserves 10

Securities 250

Loans 600

Physical Capital 70

Total Assets 930

Transaction Deposits 70

Nontransaction Deposits 500



Equity Capital 70

Total Liabilities + Capital 790
