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Money Magic eBook Revised 2011 - Fairy Godmother Inc. · 2015. 12. 12. · In my work as a Fairy...

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© Fairy Godmother Inc. 2009 1 www.fairygodmotherinc.com Money Magic eBook A guide on how to shift your relationship to money to enable you to live the life of your dreams Introduction In my work as a Fairy Godmother one of the biggest excuses that I hear most often about people not living their dreams is ‘how am I going to make any money?’ or ‘I can’t just be an artist, I need to pay the bills’. Somewhere in our societies we have been fed false information that we can’t do what we love AND make money. Recently, I sent a survey to the 3000 people who are on my database and one of the questions that I asked was “What is the biggest challenge in living the life of your dreams” and a resounding 80% of people said MONEY. I was immediately inspired to put my wand to work to write Money Magic… to help you understand your relationship with money. Your Relationship to Money Consider that everything in life can be viewed in terms of relationship. Eg. how you relate to a person or thing. You have a relationship with your partner, your family member, friends but you also have relationships with other things like your home, your body, your work, your spirituality, your car etc. etc. In
  • © Fairy Godmother Inc. 2009 1 www.fairygodmotherinc.com

    Money Magic eBook

    A guide on how to shift your relationship to money to enable you to live the life of your dreams

    Introduction In my work as a Fairy Godmother one of the biggest excuses that I hear most often about people not living their dreams is ‘how am I going to make any money?’ or ‘I can’t just be an artist, I need to pay the bills’. Somewhere in our societies we have been fed false information that we can’t do what we love AND make money. Recently, I sent a survey to the 3000 people who are on my database and one of the questions that I asked was “What is the biggest challenge in living the life of your dreams” and a resounding 80% of people said MONEY. I was immediately inspired to put my wand to work to write Money Magic… to help you understand your relationship with money.

    Your Relationship to Money Consider that everything in life can be viewed in terms of relationship. Eg. how you relate to a person or thing. You have a relationship with your partner, your family member, friends but you also have relationships with other things like your home, your body, your work, your spirituality, your car etc. etc. In

  • © Fairy Godmother Inc. 2009 2 www.fairygodmotherinc.com

    this life of a human being on the physical plane everything is in relationship to everything else. And of course you have a relationship with Money. Money can be a warm and tender lover or she can be a stand-offish ice-queen. What is your relationship with money? Most people just consider that money is something that they get for a job that they do and something that they use to pay the bills at the end of the month. But money is so much more – she is a beautiful form of energy that enables amazing things to happen. She can be a loving and caring partner who takes care of your every need, want and luxurious desire. At times she can be a beguiling temptress, at other times she can be a good friend to help you in your time of need but she can also treat you with the scorn of a jilted lover. Which of these many faces of money do you experience? Your relationship with money follows exactly the same laws that apply to ANY relationship. It takes two to tango and it is the same with money. The way she treats you is a mirror of the way you treat her. So how do you treat her?

    � Do you care for her and nurture her and honour the relationship that you are in with her?

    � Are you careless with her, giving her very little time and attention? � Are you even at times abusive with her?

    The interesting thing about your relationship with money which is different to most of your relationships with people, is that you are in your relationship with money for LIFE. It is a life-long relationship and it is one of the most important relationships that you have. Consider the type of behaviour you would go through with a person that you are considering getting into a life-long relationship with… what are the steps? You hear about this wonderful person from friends and family. You meet the person and feel the attraction. Then the wooing stage of the relationship begins. Filled with bliss and butterflies you go on dates and learn about each other – your potential partner’s likes and dislikes and you have those moments of physical intimacy – mmmmmm. You commit more energy, time and effort into the new relationship – buying gifts, spending time with each other, positively affirming each other, doing little good deeds for your partner and many hours in bed together.

  • © Fairy Godmother Inc. 2009 3 www.fairygodmotherinc.com

    Then you have your tiffs and fights as boundaries get crossed and through those fights and the repairing of the relationship afterwards you learn how your partner wishes to be treated. What is acceptable behaviour in the context of this relationship and what is not. Through experience the rules get set for how the relationship will be run and continued. And then that romantic moment, when he gets down on one knee, pops a ring on your finger and viola…. there is a life-long commitment. You go to be counseled before the wedding day and learn more about each other, then you have a big party and celebrate with your friends and then the real work begins of keeping and tending to a life-long relationship that flourishes and grows, that is based on respect, admiration and love for the other person. Unfortunately as divorce statistics show having a life-long commitment to a relationship with someone doesn’t mean a fabulous relationship forever. The steps above are the steps of any relationship whether it is your spouse, a friend or money

    1. Meeting and forming an opinion 2. Learning about each other 3. Commit Time, Energy and Effort to the Relationship 4. Create and Learn the rules through trial and error 5. Make a Life-Long Commitment of time, energy and effort 6. Habituate behaviour that will allow the relationship to grow and flourish

    So here is the big AHA moment of Money Magic…. The reason why most people have a poor relationship with money is because they never move past step 1 (Meeting and Forming and opinion) in the development of their relationship with money. Why don’t they get past the first step? Often their first opinion about money is negative. Would you want to get into a committed relationship with someone that you have a negative opinion about? No way!

    1. Meeting and Forming an Opinion about Money We first meet money in our childhood years and our opinions and beliefs about money are firmly entrenched in those formative years based on what we saw, heard or experienced in our families, with friends and what adults told us and taught us about money.

  • © Fairy Godmother Inc. 2009 4 www.fairygodmotherinc.com

    There are thousands of beliefs and opinions about money. From the extremely negative “Money is the root of all evil”; to the scarce “Money doesn’t grow on trees” or “There is never enough to go around” ; to the opinions about people with money “only greedy people have money” or “Money can’t but happiness”; the general “Money makes the world go around”’ or the more positive “Money is a great enabler” or “Money can be used to make a massive difference in the world”. If you write a list of ‘money’ beliefs that exist in the world you will probably find that your list is weighted more on the negative side than the positive. The problem is that our initial opinions and beliefs about money that are formed in our childhood then govern our relationship to money for the rest of our lives. Said in another way…

    Our beliefs create our realties and our results.

    Let’s take a look at this. Consider that everything in life could be seen a result eg. you reading this e-book is a result, the job you are currently in is a result, your home is a result, your current bank balance is a result. So what gives us our results? Our ACTIONS. We take an action and then we produce a result. So what makes us take our actions? Our Thoughts. If you are anything like me you will have random thoughts popping into your mind every second and we are by no means controlling these, so where do these seemingly random thoughts come from? They come from our Beliefs. These beliefs are formed mostly in childhood through what we saw, heard and experienced. If you look at the Diagram will see that our Beliefs have a direct impact on our Results in life. Diagram: Results and Belief

  • © Fairy Godmother Inc. 2009 5 www.fairygodmotherinc.com

    If you are achieving negative results in your life in terms of money it is because you have negative beliefs about money and because of this negative belief you have not formed a committed life-long relationship with money.

    Real Life Story: One of my most vivid money memories was when I was about 6 years old of my father and I going to open my first bank account. My father made a big deal of it, telling me that I was now a big girl and it was time to open a savings account. I remember walking into the green bank, my little hand held in my father’s and feeling so special, privileged and adult. Mostly I remember the colouring-in book that I was given and sitting at home colouring-in the money tree - green and yellow. That experience was one of my firmest memories of meeting money and through it I formed the opinion that money is important, it is very adult and that it is important to save it. It was a very positive personal money experience.

    Beliefs = Results

    Actions Thoughts


    Beliefs formed by Parents Teachers Siblings Friends What we experienced Religion The Media


  • © Fairy Godmother Inc. 2009 6 www.fairygodmotherinc.com

    When I was growing up my father was a successful entrepreneur and he made money. My mother worked for him as his secretary and always laughed that she earned a very small salary. The belief that I formed in my childhood mind through that environment was that men are way better at making money than women. When I was 6 my father semi-retired and he built a home office in the garden. When I came home from school every afternoon I would see my parents hard at work and they often told me “you need to work hard to make money.” A firm belief was formed in my mind that hard work = money and before I uncovered this belief later on in adult life guess how hard I had to work to make money? Very hard.

    Exercise 1: What were your first vivid money memories? Were they positive or negative? What opinions or beliefs did you form around money at the time? What direct result is that belief having in your life right now? My first Vivid Money Memory

    What opinion or belief did you create at the time about money?

    What is the direct result right now of having that belief?

    My second Vivid Money Memory

  • © Fairy Godmother Inc. 2009 7 www.fairygodmotherinc.com

    What opinion or belief did you create at the time about money?

    What is the direct result right now of having that belief?

    Exercise 2: To unearth some further beliefs that you have about money and wealth answer these questions write down the first thing that pops into your head. Money is…… ___________________________________________________________ Money is…… ___________________________________________________________ Money is…… ___________________________________________________________ Money is…… ___________________________________________________________

  • © Fairy Godmother Inc. 2009 8 www.fairygodmotherinc.com

    Wealth is…… ___________________________________________________________ Wealth is…… ___________________________________________________________ Wealthy people are…_____________________________________________________ Wealthy people are…… ___________________________________________________ I can’t become massively wealthy because…. Some of the negative or bad things about striving for wealth or being wealthy are… The things that scare me most about money and creating wealth are… The worst thing about money is…

    After doing the exercises above you now know what your opinions and beliefs are about money. So how do you change them?

  • © Fairy Godmother Inc. 2009 9 www.fairygodmotherinc.com

    Re-introducing you to Money Imagine that you met a childhood playmate when you were 5 years old and at that stage you didn’t quite get on – she wanted to play with dolls and didn’t want to join you in your rough-and-tumble cowboys and Indians games. So you left the experience with a negative opinion of this playmate. Fast forward 20 or 30 years and you are on the dating scene and you meet this gorgeous blonde bombshell, you have a great time together and then to your amazement you find out that this gorgeous woman is the playmate that you had such a negative opinion about when you were 5. Now seeing her through 25 year old eyes and perceptions and needs and desires your opinion of her is altered. It is the same with money and it is time to introduce you to the beautiful and amazing energy that Money actually is in the world.

    Exercise 3: Imagine meeting Money again for the first time, write down all the reasons why Money is such a beautiful, amazing energy in the world and all the positive traits about money and having money. Write down at least 20 things here to begin your re-introduction to money. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

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    13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

    Through the exercise above you have begun to shift your opinion about Money - like shifting your 5 year old opinion of the irritating playmate to suddenly seeing this person as a potential partner who has many desirable qualities. The next step is to look at the limiting and disempowering beliefs that you have about money (as per exercise 1 and 2 above) and change them into empowering and positive beliefs. Why would you want to do this, because we only tend to be in relationship and stay in relationship with people or things that we are positive about. In my book “The Fairy Godmother’s Guide to Getting What you Want” I write about how to change our disempowering beliefs and stories that we tell ourselves into positive stories that empower us – here is an excerpt:

    Creating empowering stories about Anything Start with one positive thought. If you repeat that thought over and over again and focus on it enough, the mind will latch onto it and do its smart work of looking around the physical world for other thoughts to match it. It creates a thread of thought that becomes a story as more thoughts corroborate the first. Many teachers have written about this technique over many years – it is called affirmation. An affirmation is a made-up, empowering thought. Repeat out loud to yourself as you get ready in the morning. Write it on post-it notes and stick these wherever you will come across them in your daily life – on your fridge, your desk, your bathroom mirror. In a few days, weeks or months your mind will take the sentence and create a story out of it with other thoughts

  • © Fairy Godmother Inc. 2009 11 www.fairygodmotherinc.com

    that it finds in the world. You will find you are living in a new story and have thus created a new reality of the mind, which in turn creates a new reality in the physical world. Affirmations should be constructed and repeated in the present tense. Here are some examples of affirmations:

    • I deserve to be wealthy. • I am a being of light and whoever I touch feels inspired. • I attract loving, caring men into my life. • I take excellent care of my body and crave only healthy food and

    beverages. • I am young and successful earning at least $15 000 a month.

    When you begin the first tentative mumblings of affirmations, you may feel silly, and some of these affirmations may conflict with existing stories and beliefs suspended somewhere in the sky of your mind. When you say an affirmation, it may conflict with a ‘bigger, stronger story’ (i.e. one that has more thoughts attached to it). The bigger, stronger story doesn’t like this pesky new-thought-on-the-block and will try to quickly punch it out of existence as it fights to maintain its place in the mind. This is because the mind does not like to encounter contradictory thoughts; it wants to be ‘right’, and how can it be right if two contradictory stories are both true? As you repeat the words, ‘I am now and always will be responsible with my money,’ the contradictory story may chatter in your mind. The bigger, disempowering story will try to squash this new thought by bringing up evidence, examples and thoughts about why this new thought is not the truth. ‘Don’t be ridiculous! You, responsible with money? Why do you have R40 000 worth of credit card debt if you are so responsible, huh?’

    The trick at this stage of the affirmation game is twofold:

    1. Become the observer of your thoughts and realise both thoughts are stories and neither is the truth. The disempowering story is in a fight for its survival.

    2. Keep repeating the new affirmation – as often as possible. Have it

    around you as much as possible. Write it often. Repeating the affirmation or thought will create the sticky glue that it needs to attach itself to other thoughts and thus form the chain that creates a new story.

    If you continue to do this, at some stage you will notice the old story simply

    disappears because the new story has enough corroborating thoughts to make it grow bigger and become ‘the truth’. And that beautiful thing about creating

  • © Fairy Godmother Inc. 2009 12 www.fairygodmotherinc.com

    empowering ‘truths’ is that your reality will begin to match whatever your mind believes to be true. Create an affirmation for Money now. Get out those post-it notes, write it down. Repeat it out loud while driving, in the shower or before you go to sleep at night and watch as your life magically transforms in the area of Money. Yes – the magic is that simple!

    Real Life Story: Wanda is a man who embodies spirit incarnated into physical form to have fun. As a result, the stories he tells himself are fun stories and the resulting life? You guessed it! Fun with a capital ‘F’! When Wanda, a high-profile CEO and up-and-coming black-empowerment whiz-kid, met me for the first time we were in the conservative confines of a boardroom environment. As I declared “I am a Fairy Godmother”, proudly handing over my glittery, sparkling, fairy-dusted business card, I could see his mind mulling over my unusual job description while he flipped my card back and forth between his fingers. Something clicked. He looked up at me, grinned and said “hey, I want you to be my Fairy Godmother!” I think, in his mind, having a Fairy Godmother would be a fun accessory in his story called life. For me, the mischievous glint in his eyes sealed the deal. I became Wanda’s Fairy Godmother. Over a cup of coffee one morning I regaled Wanda about Affirmations and Mediation as tools to tame the mind – I shared with him the affirmation “I am a money magnet” and the story about how interestingly enough I was attracting money. These affirmations sounded like fun to Wanda and he began with one the following morning. As he woke up, he blinked his eyes and exclaimed out loud to no one in particular, “I am one of the luckiest people alive!” and he has been doing every morning since. In the last 18 months, Wanda has become one of the luckiest men alive. He has expanded his existing business into Kenya and the US - through ‘lucky’ chance-meetings with some amazing people. His company in SA has won the bid to do the opening ceremony for the 2010 FIFA World Cup. He has luckily met a gorgeous lover who he takes away to exotic destinations. He has luckily been tipped off about some potentially disastrous businesses he was about to get involved in. His life is one big, exciting, lucky-packet because he has created it that way through one simple affirmation that he repeats to himself throughout each day.

  • © Fairy Godmother Inc. 2009 13 www.fairygodmotherinc.com

    Exercise 4 – Developing a Money Affirmation Develop 1 Empowering Affirmation about Money. Write it down here: Write this affirmation on 5 post-it notes and stick these post-it notes all over your life – your fridge, car, bathroom mirror, office desk etc. etc. These reinforce your affirmation.

    Now that you have discovered your negative thoughts and opinions about money and you have been re-introduced to her. You will be feeling more excited about moving into a relationship with money and starting to take that relationship to the next level. Which moves us on to Step 2 of forming your relationship with money.

    Step 2: Learning about each other When you go into any relationship with someone you learn things about them and often in the beginning of the relationship we are fascinated by our new partner. The next step with money is to get fascinated by her!

    When you get fascinated about money, money will get fascinated by you.

    Below is a brief synopsis of Money’s likes and dislikes. Money loves

    � To be respected and honoured � To be with people who respect and honour themselves � To be spent wisely � To multiply (and she is so good at this) � To be learned about � To be saved � To be invested

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    � To be spent on good causes that serve others � To be thought about positively � To be talked about in positive ways � To be managed wisely

    Money hates

    � To be ignored � To be misused and abused � To be promised to someone else when she isn’t even yours to give away

    Money loves to be respected and honoured. This does not mean putting money on a pedestal above all else but it certainly means having a healthy respect for and honouring the relationship that you have with money and what it can do for you. Many people lament about money and say “I wish I had or I earned more money” but even when they do get a raise and earn more money, it still seems that most people come out with no money or in debt at the end of the month. The key to being wealthy and having money in your life is to become good at managing the money you already have. Once you are able to manage the money you have you will find that magically more money begins to flow to you. As you can see from the list above “Money likes to be managed wisely” Want to have money to support you in living your dreams? Manage the money you have. How do you actually conduct your current relationship with money? Do you spend very little time with her or do you devote quality time to getting to know more about her? Do you even know how you spend her?

    Exercise 5: The Money Diary To determine how you currently conduct your relationship with money you need to understand how you actually spend her and use her. Most people do not have a monthly budget, or even if they do, they don’t stick to it. I used to have no idea what I spent my money on and often regardless of what I earned in the month by the end of the month it would be gone. Do you find that? For a month keep a Money Diary. Keep a pocket notepad or little book with you and whenever you spend any money write down the amount spent, what you spent it on and the method you used to spend it. Eg.

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    R 73.70 Woolworths Food Credit Card R 21.00 Kauai Food Cash R 350 Shell Petrol Credit Card R 1050 Discovery Medical Aid EFT Do this every day for a month. I find it easiest to do get into the habit of writing it down whenever you make a purchase. At the end of the month use an excel spreadsheet to record all of your spending. Tally up all of the Budget items eg. food, petrol, clothing, rent etc. and you will begin to have a VERY good idea of what you actually spend your money on.

    When people are asked how much they need to live on in a month they normally underestimate the amount by between 10% - 30%. By doing the Money Diary exercise you will

    � see how you spend your money in reality – rather than what you think you spend it on

    � be spending time learning about your money � bring a daily awareness to money that did not exist before. � begin to develop an understanding and respect for the money in your life � spark ideas about how to manage your money better � be better empowered to manage the money that you do have � start honouring and respecting the money that you do have.

    This Money Diary Exercise is pivotal before you move onto the next phases of forming a relationship with money so that you know where you currently are.

    Developing your Money Relationship Further If you would like to further develop your relationship with money so that you are not only understanding your relationship to money but also learning how to manage the money you have and attracting more to you, then the Fairy Godmother’s 12 week Money Magic Program is for you. In this program we cover in details ALL 6 stages of developing your relationship with Money. Information on the program is available at http://www.fairygodmotherinc.com/money-magic-wealth-creation/ or see the details below.

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