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Monomial Hyperovals in Desarguesian Planes

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Monomial Hyperovals Attempts at Classifying Monomial Hyperovals Monomial Hyperovals in Desarguesian Planes Timothy Vis [email protected] University of Colorado Denver March 29, 2009 Timothy Vis [email protected] Monomial Hyperovals in Desarguesian Planes

Monomial HyperovalsAttempts at Classifying Monomial Hyperovals

Monomial Hyperovals in Desarguesian Planes

Timothy [email protected]

University of Colorado Denver

March 29, 2009

Timothy Vis [email protected] Monomial Hyperovals in Desarguesian Planes

Monomial HyperovalsAttempts at Classifying Monomial Hyperovals

IntroductionClassificationEquivalent Forms



In a projective plane of even order q, a hyperoval is a set of q + 2points, no three collinear.


In the plane PG(

2, 2h)

, every hyperoval is projectively equivalent

to the set of points

D (f ) ={

(1, x , f (x)) |x ∈ GF(


∪ {(0, 1, 0) , (1, 0, 0)} .

In this description of a hyperoval, f is called an o-polynomial.

Timothy Vis [email protected] Monomial Hyperovals in Desarguesian Planes

Monomial HyperovalsAttempts at Classifying Monomial Hyperovals

IntroductionClassificationEquivalent Forms

Monomial Hyperovals

If a hyperoval has a monomial o-polynomial, it is called amonomial hyperoval. We have two reasons for studying these:

1 Classifying all hyperovals is too hard, but classifying monomialhyperovals might be within reach, and

2 Monomial hyperovals have nice groups.

Theorem (O’Keefe, Penttila 1994)

A q − 1 arc with a transitive homography stabilizer is a monomial

(q − 1)-arc or q = 212e+2.

We write D (k) for D(



Timothy Vis [email protected] Monomial Hyperovals in Desarguesian Planes

Monomial HyperovalsAttempts at Classifying Monomial Hyperovals

IntroductionClassificationEquivalent Forms


The currently known monomial hyperovals are in four families:

Translation hyperovals: D(


, (i , h) = 1

Segre hyperovals: D (6), h odd

Glynn II hyperovals: D (σ + γ), γ4 = σ

2 = 2, h odd

Glynn III hyperovals: D (3σ + 4), σ2 = 2, h odd.

Timothy Vis [email protected] Monomial Hyperovals in Desarguesian Planes

Monomial HyperovalsAttempts at Classifying Monomial Hyperovals

IntroductionClassificationEquivalent Forms

1-Bit and 2-Bit Monomial Hyperovals

Theorem (Segre 1957)

If D(


is a hyperoval, it is a translation hyperoval.

Theorem (Cherowitzo-Storme 1998)

If D(

2i0 + 2i1)

is a hyperoval, it is a translation hyperoval, Segre

hyperoval, or Glynn II hyperoval.

Timothy Vis [email protected] Monomial Hyperovals in Desarguesian Planes

Monomial HyperovalsAttempts at Classifying Monomial Hyperovals

IntroductionClassificationEquivalent Forms

Monomial Hyperovals in Small Planes

Theorem (Glynn 1989)

For h ≤ 28, the only monomial hyperovals are the translation

hyperovals, Segre hyperovals, and Glynn hyperovals.

More recently, unpublished work has extended the upper bound onh to something around 50.


The only monomial hyperovals are the translation hyperovals,

Segre hyperovals, and Glynn hyperovals.

Timothy Vis [email protected] Monomial Hyperovals in Desarguesian Planes

Monomial HyperovalsAttempts at Classifying Monomial Hyperovals

IntroductionClassificationEquivalent Forms

The 3-Bit Classification

Theorem (V.)

If D(

2i0 + 2i1 + 2i2)

is a hyperoval in PG(

2, 2h)

, it is a translation

hyperoval, Segre hyperoval, or Glynn hyperoval.


A torturous cases argument that currently stretches 60 pages,

making extensive use of Glynn’s Criterion.

Timothy Vis [email protected] Monomial Hyperovals in Desarguesian Planes

Monomial HyperovalsAttempts at Classifying Monomial Hyperovals

IntroductionClassificationEquivalent Forms

Equivalent o-Monomials

By permuting the points (0, 0, 1), (0, 1, 0), and (1, 0, 0), (orequivalently permuting the coordinates) we obtain six projectivelyequivalent o-monomials for a given k:

e k

(012) 1 −1



1 − k

(01) 1 − k


k − 1



Timothy Vis [email protected] Monomial Hyperovals in Desarguesian Planes

Monomial HyperovalsAttempts at Classifying Monomial Hyperovals

IntroductionClassificationEquivalent Forms


Every known monomial hyperoval has at least one representationin at most three bits. Thus, it might make sense to explore whatthe other forms of anything in at most three bits are.

Timothy Vis [email protected] Monomial Hyperovals in Desarguesian Planes

Monomial HyperovalsAttempts at Classifying Monomial Hyperovals

Equivalent FormsTranslation HyperovalsPermutation PolynomialDerivation

Equivalent Forms for 1-Bit

For a single bit 2i the easy forms are:

k =2i



1 − k =




1 −1





Timothy Vis [email protected] Monomial Hyperovals in Desarguesian Planes

Monomial HyperovalsAttempts at Classifying Monomial Hyperovals

Equivalent FormsTranslation HyperovalsPermutation PolynomialDerivation

1 − k in General

In general, 1 − k is easy to determine:

Write k = 2i +∑h−1

c=i+1 ac2c with ac ∈ {0, 1}

Let bc = 0 if ac = 1 and let bc = 1 when ac = 0

Then 1 − k = 2i +∑h−1

c=i+1 bc2c .


k =001001101100010000

1 − k =110110010011110000

Unfortunately, no general formula exists for computing inverses.

Timothy Vis [email protected] Monomial Hyperovals in Desarguesian Planes

Monomial HyperovalsAttempts at Classifying Monomial Hyperovals

Equivalent FormsTranslation HyperovalsPermutation PolynomialDerivation


for 1-Bit

For a single bit, 1 − k is just a string of consecutive bits.

Theorem (V.)

Let k = 2i . Then 11−k


c=1 2c(h−i), where m (h − i) ≡ 1mod h.

Essentially, this leads to an algorithm: place a one in the 2h−i

position and in every position i to the right until the 2 position isreached.

Timothy Vis [email protected] Monomial Hyperovals in Desarguesian Planes

Monomial HyperovalsAttempts at Classifying Monomial Hyperovals

Equivalent FormsTranslation HyperovalsPermutation PolynomialDerivation


for 2-Bit

We can also determine 1k

for two bits.

Theorem (V.)

If 1(2i+2j )

is defined and (h, j − i) = d, the quotient hd

= 2k + 1 is

odd and


(2i + 2j)= 2d−1−i +






2m+j−i + 2d−1+2(j−i)



Timothy Vis [email protected] Monomial Hyperovals in Desarguesian Planes

Monomial HyperovalsAttempts at Classifying Monomial Hyperovals

Equivalent FormsTranslation HyperovalsPermutation PolynomialDerivation

Other Forms

The two forms demonstrated have essentially one parametereach


for a two bit and 1k

for a three bit have essentially twoparameters each


for a three bit has essentially three parameters

The remaining forms can be determined using the knownformula for 1 − k.

Given the difficulty with just one parameter, other ideas willprobably be required.

Timothy Vis [email protected] Monomial Hyperovals in Desarguesian Planes

Monomial HyperovalsAttempts at Classifying Monomial Hyperovals

Equivalent FormsTranslation HyperovalsPermutation PolynomialDerivation

A More Subtle Observation

Consider the 1 − k form for a Glynn III monomial hyperoval:

1 − k =




α = 2h−1


Given this representation, all known monomial hyperovals have arepresentation as

∑mc=1 α

c , where α = 2i , (i , h) = 1.


c=1 αc


c=1 αc

α = 2

Glynn II∑2

c=1 αc

α = γ, γ4 = 2

Glynn III∑h−4

c=1 αc

α = 2h−1


Timothy Vis [email protected] Monomial Hyperovals in Desarguesian Planes

Monomial HyperovalsAttempts at Classifying Monomial Hyperovals

Equivalent FormsTranslation HyperovalsPermutation PolynomialDerivation

A Yet More Subtle Observation

For α + α2, notice that if α = γ, we have a Glynn II

hyperoval; if α = γ2 = σ, we have a translation hyperoval; if

α = γ4 = σ

2 = 2, we have a Segre hyperoval.



c=1 αc , if α = 1

σ, we have a Glynn II hyperoval; if

α = 12 , we have a translation hyperoval; if α = 1

4 , we have aSegre hyperoval.

In fact, for every such representation of a Glynn hyperoval (ofeither type), replacing α with α

2 yields a translation hyperovaland for every such representation of a Segre hyperoval

replacing α with α12 yields a translation hyperoval.

Timothy Vis [email protected] Monomial Hyperovals in Desarguesian Planes

Monomial HyperovalsAttempts at Classifying Monomial Hyperovals

Equivalent FormsTranslation HyperovalsPermutation PolynomialDerivation

An Objective

It seems a worthy pursuit to search for some “geometric”meaning to this characteristic of the known monomialhyperovals.

Since the group of a monomial hyperoval acts transitively onthe points off the triangle of reference, a focus on the triangleof reference may be appropriate.

Timothy Vis [email protected] Monomial Hyperovals in Desarguesian Planes

Monomial HyperovalsAttempts at Classifying Monomial Hyperovals

Equivalent FormsTranslation HyperovalsPermutation PolynomialDerivation

A Related Permutation Polynomial

Consider the line through (1, x , xn) and (1, 1, 1). This line

intersects the line [1, 0, 0] in the point(

0, 1,∑n−1

c=0 xc)


(1, x , xn)

(1, 1, 1)

(0, 1, 0)

(0, 0, 1)


0, 1,∑n−1

c=0 xc)

[1, 0, 0]


c=0 xc must be apermutation polynomial if D (n)is a hyperoval.Conversely, if

∑n−1c=0 xc is a

permutation polynomial, D (n) isa hyperoval.

Timothy Vis [email protected] Monomial Hyperovals in Desarguesian Planes

Monomial HyperovalsAttempts at Classifying Monomial Hyperovals

Equivalent FormsTranslation HyperovalsPermutation PolynomialDerivation

Another Thought

What if we could find some way of mapping a monomialhyperoval to a related translation hyperoval?

The derivation technique due to Basile and Brutti (1979) maybe the key if we can generalize it.

Timothy Vis [email protected] Monomial Hyperovals in Desarguesian Planes

Monomial HyperovalsAttempts at Classifying Monomial Hyperovals

Equivalent FormsTranslation HyperovalsPermutation PolynomialDerivation


Given a projective plane π that is (P ,P)-transitive for some pointP , and a set of points S intersecting each line through P exactlyonce, let π

′ be the geometry whose points are points of π andwhose lines are lines of π through P and images of S under allelations with center P .

Theorem (V.)

π′ is a projective plane isomorphic to π.

The proof merely observes that the assumption that S be an ovalin Basile and Brutti’s work is not necessary.

Timothy Vis [email protected] Monomial Hyperovals in Desarguesian Planes

Monomial HyperovalsAttempts at Classifying Monomial Hyperovals

Equivalent FormsTranslation HyperovalsPermutation PolynomialDerivation

Deriving a Desarguesian Plane

In PG (2, q), we may assume P = (0, 0, 1) and then

S = D (f ) \ {P} .

Then derivation is equivalent to the point map σ, where

(1, x , y)σ = (1, x , y − f (x) − x (f (0) − f (1)) + f (0))

(0, 1, y)σ = (0, 1, y − f (0) + f (1))

(0, 0, 1)σ = (0, 0, 1)

Timothy Vis [email protected] Monomial Hyperovals in Desarguesian Planes

Monomial HyperovalsAttempts at Classifying Monomial Hyperovals

Equivalent FormsTranslation HyperovalsPermutation PolynomialDerivation

Composing Derivations

If we derive with respect to D (f ) and then with respect toD (g), the result is simply a derivation with respect toD (f + g).

Thus, we can map D (f ) to D (g) by deriving with respect toD (f − g).

In particular, we can map a monomial hyperoval D (k) to a(seemingly related) translation hyperoval D (k ′) by deriving

with respect to D(

xk + xk′



Is there anything noteworthy about D(

xk + xk′



Timothy Vis [email protected] Monomial Hyperovals in Desarguesian Planes

Monomial HyperovalsAttempts at Classifying Monomial Hyperovals

Equivalent FormsTranslation HyperovalsPermutation PolynomialDerivation

The End of the Matter...for Today

I don’t know yet.

Timothy Vis [email protected] Monomial Hyperovals in Desarguesian Planes

Monomial HyperovalsAttempts at Classifying Monomial Hyperovals

Equivalent FormsTranslation HyperovalsPermutation PolynomialDerivation

The End of the Matter...for Today

I don’t know yet.


Timothy Vis [email protected] Monomial Hyperovals in Desarguesian Planes
