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Monster Rancher 3 b

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  • 7/30/2019 Monster Rancher 3 b



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    Monster Rancher 3(PS2)FAQ/Strategy GuideProject Started: 11/14/04Version Finalby strawhat

    Remember, the latest version of this FAQ can always be found at IGN orGameFAQs.

    Table of Contents==============================================================================To quickly find the section that you want, highlight a section name and number(without the spaces at the beginning) and copy. Press Ctrl + F and then Ctrl +V to paste in the section name. Find, and voila! There's your section.

    {1.0} Introduction{2.0} Basics

    [2.1] Storyline/Characters

  • 7/30/2019 Monster Rancher 3 b


    [2.2] Controls[2.3] Battling[2.4] Venturing

    {3.0} Raising Your Monster[3.1] Basics[3.2] Raise[3.3] Fatigue[3.4] Feeding[3.5] Aging

    {4.0} Locations[4.1] Shrine[4.2] Morx[4.3] Takrama[4.4] Kalaragi[4.5] Brillia[4.6] Goat

    {5.0} Multiplayer{6.0} Items

    [6.1] Depletable[6.2] Durable[6.3] Accessories

    {7.0} Abilities{8.0} Characteristics{9.0} Monster List

    {10.0} Tournaments{11.0} FAQ{12.0} End

    The last section has contact information.

    Disclaimer:==============================================================================This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal,private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributedpublicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any otherweb site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, andviolation of copyright.

    Sites this FAQ can be posted on:www.gamefaqs.comfaqs.ign.comwww.honestgamers.comwww.1up.comwww.supercheats.comwww.gamerhelp.com

    Version History==============================================================================

    Final: Everything in the guide is complete. If you still want to ask or add

    something, send me an E-mail.

    0.5: The outlines of the locations are done. I still need some more researchto complete the sections though.

    0.2: The basics and raising your monster sections are complete.

    +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+| {1.0} Introduction |

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    Monster Rancher 3 is in my opinion, one of the most underrated games ever.Even when I first played it at my friend's house, I expected it be terribleand about all that good and happiness that you can find on the Pokemon show.Of course, I was wrong.

    This game does not have the best of FAQs, so here I come along and try to addanother decent FAQ for the denied. This FAQ will include many storylinetopics, secret training areas, strategies to raising your monster, a list ofall the monsters in the game, and much more information. I hope this FAQ helpsand as always, let's forward on to the meat of the FAQ and my 18th filewritten.

    BTW, I am far from being an expert to this game, so please don't treat me assuch. I write to help people with what I know.

    +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+| {2.0} Basics |+~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+


    [2.1] Storyline/Characters==============================================================================

    In the world of Tochikan, people become breeders. They regenerate monstersfrom Saucer Stones. There are many different kinds of monsters all subject tochange and ready for training. They age and die just like humans and theyshare a bond with you. Your goal is to become the best breeder in Tochikan.This means raising many monsters that will battle in fierce tournaments aroundthe land and finally defeating the Big 5, the greatest breeders in the world.This requires a ton of training in many locations that you will find. Let theworld know your name, fight to become the best breeder in Tochikan!


    -----------You: The "apprentice" of Fleria, you are the silent person in the game. Youwill make the decisions in the game.

    Fleria: She's the talking character of the game. She'll ask you if you want tobattle or not, what your monster's feeling, and chat with rivals. Fleria willmake Grandpa Bragma revive monsters for you allowing you to become a TochikanBreeder.

    Grandpa Bragma: He's the guy at the shrine. He watches you resurrect monstersand keeps the monsters that you keep in hibernation in check. He hosts theTochikan Festas at the end of every season. He himself used to be a greatbreeder but couldn't attend the championships only because he had to take care

    of the shrine.

    Mucchi: A merchant. He'll buy and sell you items and accessories at any timeduring the game. He's often gullible and falls to Fleria's want of items. Healso appears at the start of every season to sell you Ran Rans.

    Gadamon: Fleria's biggest rival. She's an annoying redhead who constantlythinks that she is better than Fleria, but usually that's not the case. Showher up and beat her in a battle!

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    There are more characters in the game but they mainly revive around yourrivals and are not too important. You will undoubtedly meet more people as youcontinue to play the game.

    ==============================================================================[2.2] Controls


    Menu Mode:+------------------------------------------------------------+| Button | Effect ||------------------------------------------------------------|| Start | Skip scenes. || Select | Nothing. || X | Confirm, skip scenes, scroll through text. || Circle | Help. || Triangle | Cancel. || Square | View Monster Data(raising monster only). || R1 | Turn forward a page. || R2 | Nothing. || L1 | Turn back a page. || L2 | Nothing. || Control Pad | Select an option. |


    Venturing:+------------------------------------------------------------+| Button | Effect ||------------------------------------------------------------|| Start | Quit venturing. || Select | Nothing. || X | Search an area. || Circle | Nothing. || Triangle | Nothing. || Square | Nothing. || R1 | Nothing. |

    | R2 | Fixed-camera view. || L1 | Nothing. || L2 | Nothing. || Control Pad | Move your monster. |+------------------------------------------------------------+

    Battling:+------------------------------------------------------------+| Button | Effect ||------------------------------------------------------------|| Start | Pause/Forfeit. || Select | Nothing. || X | Select assigned move. |

    | Circle | Select assigned move. || Triangle | Select assigned move. || Square | Select assigned move. || R1 | Push opponent. || R2 | Nothing. || L1 | Push opponent. || L2 | Nothing. || Control Pad | Move left and right. |+------------------------------------------------------------+

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    ==============================================================================[2.3] Battling


    Battling is an important aspect to beating the game. You are forced to battlemany times during the game so you'd better have a good monster! The battlescreen has many important icons. Let's take a look at them.

    1. At the bottom left corner, you'll see a circle. It will slowly fill up withred. This is your guts meter. The higher your guts meter, the higher thechance of your attack hitting and your opponent's attack failing. Attacks alsorequire guts from this bar. The max guts is 99 and monsters recharge the meterat different rates.

    2. Also at the bottom left corner, you'll see a control pad. Each directionhas a different animation for the moves that you have. The moves you have canbe set prior to battle; see section [3.0] Raising Your Monster for moreinformation on that. Each direction corresponds to the four buttons on theright of your controller; X, Square, Triangle, and Circle. The blue barrepresents its accuracy and the number next to the picture is the amount ofguts that it uses.

    3. Right below the move indicator(#2), you'll see three frames and a little

    triangle above it. The triangle represents where you are. Any highlightedbuttons means that you can use that move in that frame. So for example, theindicator moves to the very left because I tap left on the control to move asleft as I can. On the very left frame, X is represented by down on the controlpad. So while I the indicator is in that frame, I can use the move that'sshown in that frame. Got it? You can see the same for your opponent on theright.

    4. At the top of the screen on both the left and right sides, you'll see twogreen bars. This represents your health. On top of the bars, you'll seenumbers. The first number means your current HP and the right means your maxHP. Once a monster's current HP is 0, that monster is KO'd. The left barrepresents you, the right bar represents your opponent.

    5. Between the HP bars, there's a number. This is your time limit. Once itgoes down to 0, the battle is over. The victor is judged by the PERCENTAGE ofHP it has left.

    There are different stats that determine the strength of your monster.

    1. HP: This is the total amount of HP you have. Self-explanatory.

    2. Strength: This is how powerful your monster's "physical" attacks are.Physical attacks are represented in yellow.

    3. Intelligence: Determines the strength of "intelligence" attack represented

    in green. Also determines how well your monster can fend of "intelligence"attacks.

    4. Speed: How well your monster can hit and dodge attacks. The MOST importantstat in the game.

    5. Defense: Reduces that amount of damage your monster takes from a "physical"attack.

    There are two modes of battle. The first is tournament and the second is

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    league. In tournament mode, you must win all the battles to win. In leaguemode, you must have the least amount of losses. I also think that KO's countas 4/3 of a win and is represented by a green circle.

    To enter a battle, go to the battle screen. Select a tournament that you wouldlike to enter. On that week, Fleria will alert you of that tournament. Go tothe battle screen again and select that tournament to enter.

    If you have a low bonding with your monster, it may enter the unknown state.This is basically the monster fooling around and not listening to you duringbattle. Your opponent will have a much higher accuracy while your monster isin the unknown state and viceversa. The unknown state can really screw you up.

    One more important strategy is the push. When you and your opponent's monstersare in close contact, a bar may appear between the two distance meters at thebottom. While this is in effect, tap L1 or R1 to push off your opponent. Thiswill give you both some distance. If your opponent is against a wall, pushingwill buy you some time. Your opponent can also push off, so beware.

    During battle, some attacks may change the status of your monster. These canbe dizzy, adooled, etc. but no one has really found definite effects. Peoplethink that dizzy makes the effected monster's accuracy lower. If you have anytheories, drop me an E-mail!

    A very important tournament that is held at the end of every season is theTochikan Festa. There is one for every rank. Beating this tournament willresult in prize money and your monster will advance to the next rank!Attending this tournament is not always recommended though because if yourmonster is too weak, it will NEVER be able to win any high level tournaments.

    A monster can only enter a tournament of its level or lower. Always enter atournament of your rank or a free tournament. Entering in low rankingtournaments will ruin your popularity and screw any chances of you being ableto train there.


    [2.4] Venturing==============================================================================

    At the start of every season(June, September, March, and December) the lightof Earth can be visible to the naked eye with a little bit of help from RanRans. With the Light of Earth, you can go searching for items and variousother things in the ground. There are four different Ran Rans that you canbuy:

    +--------------------------------------------------+| Name | Price | You start with... ||--------------------------------------------------|| Ran Ran Smell | 0 | 30 |

    | Ran Ran Leaf | 500 | 200 || Ran Ran Fruit | 1000 | 400 || Ran Ran Extract | 2000 | 600 |+--------------------------------------------------+

    In my opinion, Ran Ran Fruit is the best Ran Ran. Although it gives you lesstime to search, it is much cheaper than the extract and saves you some moneyto buy the really expensive items such as Holy Goblet.

    After purchasing a Ran Ran, you can start your venture. Just walk around and

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    wait for the little black strip at the bottom to say Light of Earth. Press Xto search the area. Each place can give you different items. Each "type" ofitem takes away some time from your timer at the top. Walking around alsotakes away a little bit of time. There are three different levels of an item.There's normal, good, and great. You want to get those great items. There arealso items that increase your stats. The most important thing that you canfind in a venture though is a Noisy Hall.

    Noisy Halls are the only place where you can improve the level of yourattacks. When you find one, you can select a move and you will gain someexperience. When you have enough experience, the move will gain a level andits stats will increase. A monster will not gain as much experience when ithas just came out of hibernation though. There are three Noisy Halls in eacharea.

    Another thing found only during ventures are lords. If you have a bit or orb,the lord will teach you a new move. The same items will give you the samemoves for the same creature. If you're unlucky, you can run into an Evil Leechalong the way. This will cause your stats to drop or for your monster to gettired.

    On rare occasions, you will get into a battle. This will take A LOT of timeaway from your venture and are really annoying. If you win, you might get arare item(if you're at a high rank). If you lose, you get nothing. The monster

    will always be the subtype of that area.

    Fleria can also alert you if she has a bad feeling. Confirm that you want tosearch that area and you will find an item that can give you a move. There arethree spots in each area that can be a "Bad Feeling" spot. Fleria will notalways have that bad feeling though.

    Sometimes, an area will have a secret path or a continuation of a path. Watchthe black bar below. If Fleria says that you can do something, tap X.

    The last thing that you can find in a venture are new training methods. Yourmonster will be "inspired" to do so. Inspiration spots are always the same,but your monster may not always find them. You must find them in a certain

    order. Sometimes your monster must be a certain rank in order to be inspiredto find these new training methods. These new methods of training will greatlyraise one stat, raise another stat slightly, and drop one stat. These areexcellent training methods because it's 2 for 1, pretty obvious.

    All the Light of Earth places will be in the same spots during each venture.Noisy Halls and Lords will always stay in the same spot. Memorize the spot ofeach Light of Earth and find the quickest route to find everything that youwant, particularly the Noisy Halls.

    +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+| {3.0} Raising Your Monster |


    To raise your monster, first you have to get one. To get one, you must go theShrine. Revive one from the Encyclopedia or a Saucer Stone. Read the Shrinesection for more information on it.

    OK, so now you have the monster that you want to raise so lovingly andcarefully. Right? Er...well, the thing that you'll be spending the most timeis training. Before that though, let's take a look at the screen. There areseveral things that you should know about.

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    ==============================================================================[3.1] Basics


    1. The heart meter. This shows the monster's affection towards you. Try tokeep this full by making your monster happy.

    2. The bonding meter. This is the bar at the left of the screen. Keep thishigh if you plan to have a strong monster that listens to you. The higher thebar is, the higher the chance of your monster succeeding in its training forthe week and the more it listens to you in battle.

    3. Your training philosophy. At the bottom right, you'll see Fleria's facealong with an adjective such as "hard" or "Easier." This represents yourtraining philosophy. A monster that you are strict on will always listen toyou, but live a short life and vice-versa. To change this, just be eithernice or mean to your monster when you have to say something to it. I try tokeep my philosophy at normal.

    4. You monster's personality is located on the bottomright corner. Thisrepresents...your monster's personality. View its section for moreinformation.

    5. On the topright, there's the calendar. This tells you which week and monthit is, just like a real one.

    If you press Square, you'll view a bunch of stats. You can see your moves andyour monster's personality. Another thing is how fat your monster is. A fatmonster means that it will avoid less attacks, but take a bit less damage andvice-versa.

    OK, so now if you take a look at the right, there's a bunch of options. Let'stake a look at them from bottom to top.

    1. Move. This gives you the option to move from place to place. At the

    beginning of the game, you can only go to Morx and the Shrine. As you gainpopularity by winning tournaments in specific locations, you will have accessto more and more places. Read the locations section{4.0} for more details.

    2. System. This lets you save your game, load another file, save your currentmonster's stats for VS. Data, or adjust the volume and screen in the optionssection. Make sure you save often! Especially in Kalaragi, read its sectionfor more details.

    3. Item. This allows you to use items on your monster, buy items andaccessories, sell your items, and check your items.

    4. Battle. This brings up a calendar showing different tournaments for

    different ranks. To enter/sign up for a tournament, press X on it and confirm.

    5. Rest. If your monster is tired, it is very important to give it some rest.Not resting can result in a sick monster.

    6. Raise. See below.

    ==============================================================================[3.2] Raise

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    As said before, you're going to be spending most of your time here. Thischoice leads you to a whole bunch of different exercises for your monster todo during the week(which is actually like a day.) Each exercise raises adifferent stat by a little, a lot, or a lot for one stat and drops a littlefor a different stat. To have a good monster, you must have high stats for themost important stats.

    Each place that you go to will have different exercises. You first start outat Morx which has the worst things. But that's OK for now. Concentrate onraising the speed stat for your monster. Speed is ALWAYS helpful because itallows you to land a hit and avoid a hit. If you can do the two of thesethings, you will never become damaged and you can always damage the opponentresulting in many KO's.

    Of course, you will always get hit at one point or another. That's why youmust also have decent to high life. A Rank E monster should have around 150 HPand rising by 50-75 HP for every rank. The third most important stat is eitherAttack or Intelligence depending on your monster. If you monster uses mostlyIntelligence based attacks, raise that and ignore the other. If you havemostly physical attacks, raise attack and ignore Intelligence. The other statsI don't care too much about, but it's good to keep them above 200 especiallyat high levels.

    You start out with 5 exercises. These five are all basic. There is a cycle ofhow much your monster will raise in stats. At birth, the monster will onlyraise about 5 points for a small boost. As it gets older, the number willslowly climb. When it reaches the time of its life that its "in its prime",your monster should be getting at least 15 points in stat boosts for eachtraining session. When it gets older, the stat boosts start dropping again.

    Your monster will not always succeed in its training. When bonding is low,your monster may fail many times at an exercise. The same thing happens whenyour monster is old. You can always say something afterwards, so do so. Yourmonster can also sometimes get a great status. This will improve your statseven more. You can also say something to your monster after you get this


    Raising your monster is not the only way to improve stats, but it's certainlythe best way. Getting a high number of wins in a tournament also increasesyour stats. Sometimes, rivals may come by. If you choose to battle them andboth monsters are close in rank, you monster will gain some stats. Venturingat the start of every season will also get you some stat raising items ifyou're lucky.

    ==============================================================================[3.3] Fatigue


    After doing strenuous tasks, your monster will always become fatigued. Thisincludes raising, battling, and venturing. Monsters live much longer if youlet them rest. Even if you monster is just "a little tired", you should let itrest for the week. Something you never want to do is make Fleria sad and saythat "you have to do something."

    If your monster is REALLY tired, it will request a rest if you try to make ittrain or battle. Say yes. This will make your monster and prevent it fromgetting sick.

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    And yes, your monster can get sick. This will shorten the life of your monsterand you will be unable to do anything for a few weeks. This is devastating andshould be avoided at all costs.

    ==============================================================================[3.4] Feeding


    At the beginning of your first month, Fleria will say that it's important foryou to feed your monster, but it's not really THAT necessary. You have to feedyour monster at the first week of every month. There are eight different foodsthat you can feed your monster.

    Each food has two bars. There's the nutrition and favorites. You want both ofthese to be high so your monster will be very happy and not get any weirdcondition. It's up to you what you want to feed your monster. You have to paya small amount of money for the food. If you feed your monster something itlikes but is not nutritious, it may come down with a weird condition likeEasily Tired and your training philosophy will lean towards easier. If youfeed your monster something it hates but is nutritious, it will be angry butwon't get weird conditions. You can also feed it nothing at all, but then yourmonster will get pissed at you more than if you feed it something it dislikes.

    If you have been feeding your monster stuff that it dislikes, it may ask youto feed it something else. This is up to you what you.

    The last option before nothing will vary from place to place. This is thetown's local food. If you feed your monster that food(no matter if it likes itor not) for over five months before it "ages", then it will evolve into amonster of that place! Not all monsters will evolve in every location though.

    The last thing about foods that you need to know is how much they fill up yourmonster. Some foods fill up your monster more than others. Sometimes thecaption under the food tells you, other times it doesn't. I can tell you thatmost of the "meat" items such as feet and chicken will make your monster nice

    and fat. IMO, try to keep it skinny. If you have a really fat monster, somediet grass may need to be used. Yam Rice Cakes also help make your monsterskinnier.

    NOTE: Peppers from Takrama leaves your monster in worse shape than beforefeeding. It will leave you with a "your monster is healthy" message instead of"Your monster is full of energy." I still fed them though. :P

    ==============================================================================[3.5] Aging


    Your monster can age just like humans. Their lifespan ranges between 2 1/2years to up to 5 years if you take really good care of it. An average lifespanshould fall around 4 years.

    To check your monster's age, press square and go to monster data. Tap L1 once.There are sequences throughout the game that tell you if your monster hasgrown. You can tell how well you are taking care of your monster by thesesequences. Fleria will usually say something like: "Hm, monster has been noisylast night. I wonder if it...". Then the monster comes out. The stages shouldoccur annually.

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    Those sequences are also the time your monster changes. To make your monster"evolve", feed it tons of the place's natural food such as Morx Mushrooms inMorx.

    There are some factors that effect the lifespan of your monster. First is KOs.If your monster has been KO'd a lot, you can count on a short life. Yourraising philosophy is also a factor. If you are easy on the monster, its lifewill be a bit longer and vice-versa. The last thing is the amount of time yourmonster rests. If it NEVER EVER gets tired(not even "just a little") yourmonster will live quite a while. If it gets a little tired often, it'll havean average life. If it's often very tired, it'll die early.

    You'll want your monster to live as long as possible while being able to trainit, so I recommend you never get KO'd(restart when you do), let your monsterdrop to "a little tired" only, and try to buy some good items such as HolyGoblet if you can afford it. Keep your raising philosophy at normal or easier.

    +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+| {4.0} Locations |+~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+

    During the game, you will be able to have access to many different places. At

    the beginning, you'll only be able to go to Morx and the Shrine. Theselocations don't really effect anything except if the monster will evolve intoa subtype and also the things that you can get during ventures.

    ==============================================================================[4.1] Shrine


    Here is where you do most of the technical stuff with your monster. You cancreate monsters, split with them, hibernate, and much more. Here's a list ofthe options:

    -------------1. Regenerate-------------a. From a Saucer Stone----------------------

    Regenerating from a Saucer is a simple process. First, you must have a bunchof CDs, DVDs, or PS2/PSX games. Actually, anything that the PS2 can read is OKto use. You will be prompted to open the disc tray. When it opens, take outthe Monster Rancher 3 disk and replace it with another disk. Close the disktray and let the game read the disc. When the game opens the disc tray againfor you, take out your disc and replace it with the Monster Rancher 3 disk.Close the disk tray and wait some more for the PS2 to read the disk. Whenthat's done, watch the scene and a new monster will be born.

    This is no doubt the easiest way to fill up your encyclopedia. You can get anykind of monster. I don't know the exact process, but there's some kind of codein discs that can be translated into monsters. The stats will also be higherthat a standard of that type. If a disc is unreadable of you use the MonsterRancher 3 disc, a Mocchi with standard stats will be revived.

    If you have four of the same saucer stone pieces ingame, you will be able tocreate that monster.

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    b. From Your Encyclopedia-------------------------

    If you have monsters in your encyclopedia, you will be able to revive them atany time. At the beginning of the game, you start with only three differentspecies. Every different specie of monsters will be recorded into theencyclopedia.

    c. A Few More Things--------------------

    When you obtain a new monster, its encyclopedia page will be added. Same goesif your monster evolved into a subtype that you have never seen. If you getanother of the same type of monster, you will be given the choice whether youwant to copy your new data over your old. Evolved monsters' new encyclopediapages will always have standard stats and personalities.

    ------------2. Hibernate------------As you can probably tell when you first start the game, you can only carry onemonster at a time with you. You can have a total of six monsters at a timethough. To change which monster you are carrying with you, just go to theHibernate menu and put the monster to sleep. Now select the wake up option towake up a different monster.

    Just to warn you though, if you have five monsters asleep and regenerate asixth monster, you won't be able to trade in monsters until the one that youhave with you dies or splits with you.

    --------3. Split--------You split up with your monster. You'll never, ever see it again EXCEPT if oneof your rival picks it up. ;) It will have the same stats and moves, so becareful if you want to split with a powerful monster.

    --------4. Piece

    --------Piece together the ingame saucer stones of the same kind to get a monster.

    ==============================================================================[4.2] Morx


    Morx is the first area that you start out in. It's a green environment filledwith mushrooms and trees.

    Training Exercises:+----------------------------------------------------------+

    | Exercise | Status Changes: ||----------------------------------------------------------|| Trampoline | +Life || Picking | +Power || Blocking | +Intelligence || 3 Step Jump | +Speed || Nut Catch | +Toughness || Lightlearn | ++Intelligence, +Speed, -Power || Tunnel | ++Life, +Intelligence, -Speed || Hit Moles | ++Speed, +Power, -Toughness |

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    Secret Training Method Locations:---------------------------------Lightlearn can be gotten by walking forward and left and searching around thatarea during a venture.

    Tunnel is gotten by moving back and searching the tree stump during a venture.

    Hit Moles is learned by searching the open field found by walking straight upduring a venture.

    Noisy Hall Locations:---------------------1. Near the white flower by walking straight and a bit to the right.2. The first Light of Earth you find by hugging the right wall after NoisyHall #1.3. Walk back from your starting point and to the right up the big tree root.Go in the hole TWICE, then onto the branch.

    The lord for this area is in the southwest corner, the flower.

    Native Characters:------------------

    GadamonGrandma MoshaTazMitiaYuikyo

    Storylines:-----------1. Lost Mushrooms:------------------One day while you are training, all of your mushrooms will disappear from theforest! Your monster will pick up a letter that it found near a stump. Wait afew more weeks and you'll get another scene where Grandma Mosha comes by and

    asks what's wrong. Fleria tells her that her mushrooms are missing. Moshalaughs and leaves. A few more weeks after that, you'll meet Taz. He will saythat he stole the mushrooms here because it's his training spot and you stoleit. A battle will commence. Whether you beat him or not, he won't give backthe mushrooms and escape once again. A few more weeks after that, Mosha willcome by saying that Taz is her nephew and gives back your mushrooms. Thelast event will be when Taz comes by to apologize and gives back you a gift.

    Note: During this event, you won't be able to use any of your mushroom-basedtraining such as Picking.

    2. Bragma's Crush:------------------

    If you remember at the beginning of the game, Fleria says that Bragma used tosend love letters to someone. Can you guess who? One day at Morx, Bragma willcome by and comment on Fleria. When he leaves, you learn that Grandma Moshawas listening to you and him in the bushes. She says that she knows Bragma.Now go back to the shrine. Bragma will be surprised that you know Mosha. He'llask you to ask for a "treasure" from Mosha which she took many years ago.Agree to this and go back to Morx. Mosha will be back in a few more weeks.Fleria will ask for the treasure and Mosha says that she did not take it fromhim. She will say she beat him in a battle and won it. If you want it back,you have to battle her. Decline the battle and go back to the shrine. Bragma

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    will give you a free Energy Ball. Go back to Morx and Mosha will appear a fewdays later asking for a battle. Agree to this one. Beat her.

    When you beat her, Mosha will give up the treasure. It happens to be a letter!Fleria reads it and discovers that Bragma used to like Mosha. Return to theshrine and Bragma will get a little angry at you, but sly Fleria makes himgive up a Large Egg as a thank you. This ends the scene.

    ==============================================================================[4.3] Takrama


    Takrama is home to desert type monsters who can take the heat. Raising yourmonster here for a while will be sure to get it the Resist Heatcharacteristic.

    Training Exercises:+----------------------------------------------------------+| Exercise | Status Changes: ||----------------------------------------------------------|| Sand Swim | ++Life || Rock Push | ++Power, -Intelligence || Balance | ++Intelligence, -Defense |

    | Slide | ++Speed, -Power || Cactus | ++Toughness, -Speed || Tornado | ++Life, +Defense, -Speed || Real Thing | ++Intelligence, +Defense, -Power |+----------------------------------------------------------+

    Secret Training Method Locations:---------------------------------Tornado can be found in the northeast section near the rocks during a venture.

    Real Thing is found at the arch below Noisy Hall #2.

    Noisy Hall Locations:

    ---------------------1. From your starting point, walk back and to the left. It's between the stoneand the cactus.2. On the right side of the pond.3. The bones on the northwest side.

    This area's lord is straight in the center at the very top. It's the cave.

    Native Characters:------------------HazLuzShimuka

    Storylines:-----------1. Stray Golem:---------------One day, a man named Haz will come by and warn you of a stray Golem that hasbeen attacking people. Wait a week or so and a man named Shimuka will come.He'll think that you own the Golem that has been attacking people and attack.After the battle, you'll see the Golem. You'll start another battle rightaway. Whether you win or lose, Shimuka will see that you are not the Golem's

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    trainer and give you a rare item as an apology. He'll then say something aboutLuz owning the Golem and walk away. A few weeks later, Haz will return. Fleriawill tell him about Luz owning the Golem and who he is. Haz will say that itcan't be Luz. After that, Luz will come by. Fleria will accuse Luz of owningthe stray Golem, but Luz says that he doesn't. Battle Luz, then the strayGolem will appear again. Fight it. The Golem will run away again. In a fewweeks, Haz will come again and be glad that Luz doesn't own the stray Golem.Right then, Haz will warn you that the Golem is coming. The Golem runs awayafter being spotted and you hear an "Uh-oh!" It sounds familiar to Fleria.

    In a week or so, the Golem will come again. This time, you have to defeat it.If you don't the Golem will run away and you'll have to fight it again thenext time it comes around. If you defeat the Golem, you'll catch Gadamon. Soshe's been the Golem owner! After this, Haz will come in a few week to end thestoryline.

    ==============================================================================[4.4] Kalaragi


    Kalaragi is a nice, lush jungle which is hot and humid. It's a pretty place.BEWARE OF THE KALARAGI BUG! READ THE STORYLINE SECTION FOR DETAILS.

    Training Exercises:+----------------------------------------------------------+| Exercise | Status Changes: ||----------------------------------------------------------|| Repeat Jump | +Life || Hippo | ++Power, -Speed || Waterfall | ++Intelligence, -Power || Lotus | ++Speed, -Toughness || Dive | ++Toughness, -Intelligence || Fishing | ++Speed, +Intelligence, -Toughness || Life Risk | ++Speed, +Life, -Power || Chase | ++Life, +Speed, -Intelligence |+----------------------------------------------------------+

    Secret Training Method Locations:---------------------------------Fishing is found right behind the waterfall when you hold R2.

    Life Risk is found at the first spot after the waterfall.

    Chase is found by walking straight down from your starting point.

    Noisy Hall Locations:---------------------1. The corner after the lilypads on the path to the left.2. The first branch after the waterfall on the path to the left.

    3. The end of the path to the right of your starting point.

    This area's lord is in the small pond. To find it, take the path to the rightfrom your starting location. Search on the first lilypad.

    Native Characters:------------------JimseyLekSansha

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    Storylines:-----------1. Thief--------THIS STORYLINE HAS A DEVASTATING BUG. SAVE WHEN YOU FIRST START IT. Fleriawill alert you that some of your money is missing. About half of it will begone. Wait a few weeks and Fleria will hear a noise. She'll move about andfind the thief! The thief battles you and runs away. A few more weeks and Lekwill appear. He'll say that he knows the thief. He says that his name isJimsey and that he's a good breeder, but lately he's been stealing things.Hmm. OK, the next event is when Gadamon appears. She'll have Jimsey by thetail catching him stealing her stuff. Fleria will tell her to let him go.Being the arrogant witch that she is, Gadamon says no. So now the battlecommences. MAKE SURE YOU BEAT HER. Her monster will be very powerful, havestats in the 300+ zone.

    If you don't beat her, you'll have to search for a rare Dodorin Fruit. Lekwill come by and tell you to search. AFTER THIS, THE STORY WILL NEVER END.Without this ending, you will NEVER be allowed to start another storylineagain. This is why you must beat Gadamon.

    If you beat Gadamon, then she'll let go of Jimsey. He'll run off again WITHOUTreturning your money. A few weeks after, Jimsey will return and give you a

    Dodorin Fruit and the money he stole.

    IMPORTANT NOTE:---------------I was told by someone that they were able to solve the storyline even thoughthey lost to Gadamon. I can't verify this, but here's part of the E-mail soyou can check it out. Thanks for telling me this Daniel!

    "I lost to Gadamon in Kalragi, but I was able to free Jimsey regardless.After I lost, she told me to get a Dodoron fruit. I searched for it in oneseason change without any luck. A few weeks later, one of the othercharacters from the region (a guy) stopped by and asked how we were doing.We explained the problem, and he said something about "you know those are

    really rare, right? well, good luck" and left. A little while later, thegirl who fishes stopped by, and when Fleria related our tale of woe, she said"oh, look over there." The camera swung over to focus on a particular bush,and when I searched there at the next season change, lo and behold, I found aDodoron fruit. The sequence that followed was rather amusing, but I won'tspoil it for you; I'll just say that I got Jimsey back and he gave me anotherDodoron."

    If anyone has information about this topic, please E-mail me.

    This was verified by CyNNa.

    ==============================================================================[4.5] Brillia


    Brillia is an icy cold place. In my opinion, it's the best place to trainbecause of the beautiful scenery and just the best damn music ever. It alsohas excellent training areas.

    Training Exercises:

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    +----------------------------------------------------------+| Exercise | Status Changes: ||----------------------------------------------------------|| Snowball | +Life || Knock Down | ++Power, -Speed || Bloom | ++Intelligence, -Power || Icicle | ++Speed, -Toughness || Avalanche | ++Toughness, -Intelligence || Cross Seal | ++Life, +Speed, -Toughness || Dodge Seal | ++Speed, +Intelligence, -Power || Dig Seal | ++Intelligence, +Power, -Speed |+----------------------------------------------------------+

    Secret Training Method Locations:---------------------------------Cross Seal is found all the way at the back of the hill.

    Dodge Seal is found going north from your starting spot and searching at thecorner of the hill.

    Dig Seal is found at the top right before the slope. It's the second crystaldown.

    Noisy Hall Locations:

    ---------------------1. Go up the slope to the left and walk all the way right into the corner.2. The southwest corner.3. Walk up the path to the right. Jump across when you reach the end of thepath. The Noisy Hall will be at the bottom.

    This area's lord is in the snowy tree. Walk up the path to the right as youdid with Noisy Hall 3. Jump across the area and the tree will be up at thetop.

    Native Characters:------------------Rip and Rap


    Storylines:-----------1. First Meeting----------------This is technically not a storyline, but it's worth a mention anyway. When youfirst enter Brillia, You will meet Maya. Battle, then wait a few weeks. Youwill meet her brother Taya, a shy little boy. Fleria will make him morearrogant and ask for a battle. During the next month or so, Taya will keepappearing wanting a battle until one day, he just comes right up and says he

    wants to battle unlike his old shy self. This is the end of the "storyline."

    2. Zan Storyline----------------This is the storyline to unlock the legendary Zan. One week, Maya will come bywarning you of a monster with an accessory that attacked her monster. Shewarns Fleria, then leaves. In a few weeks, a monster will show up and attackyours. Defeat it and it runs away. The monster will attack again in a fewweeks. Defeat it to see Gadamon. She'll mention that she'll become strongerafter doing some more modifications. Fleria will ask her what she's doing, but

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    Gadamon will run away before answering.

    Soon, Taya will come by and warn you about the accessory wearing monster.He'll also say that a loud lady was with it. A few more weeks and Gadamon willreturn. Fight, then Gadamon will say a Master Nahze has been doingmodifications for her monster and also that she still doesn't have enoughmodifications. SAVE AFTER THIS FIGHT. Soon after, Nahze himself will appear.He'll have a powerful-looking Zan with him. You MUST defeat him if you want toget a Zan. You will never ever have another chance to get a Zan if you lose tohim. Hopefully, you win. Nahze will say that he came to fight you becauseGadamon said you beat up her monster. Nahze will apologize by giving you aSaucer Stone for a Zan. Bring it to the Shrine and Bragma will conductresearch on it. He says that he'll tell you when he's done, but he never does.After that scene, you'll be able to revive Zans whenever you want.

    ==============================================================================[4.6] Goat


    Another great place to train your monster. Goat is a large ocean. The placeyou train at has a high amount of oxygen so you can train underwater. I knowthat that doesn't make sense at all, but it's cool anyway.

    Training Exercises:+----------------------------------------------------------+| Exercise | Status Changes: ||----------------------------------------------------------|| Hole | +Life || Starfish | ++Power, -Intelligence || Bubbles | ++Intelligence, -Toughness || Moray | ++Speed, -Power || Fish | ++Toughness, -Speed || Blowfish | ++Speed, +Power, -Intelligence || Search | ++Life, +Speed, -Toughness || Swirl | ++Power, +Intelligence, --Speed |+----------------------------------------------------------+

    Secret Training Method Locations:---------------------------------Blowfish is found on the rock to the right of the Octopus Statue.

    Search is found below the octopus statue.

    Swirl is found at the Octopus Statue.

    Noisy Hall Locations:---------------------1. In the middle of the shell at the very top of the region.2. Seaweed at the southeast corner.

    3. The corner formed above the hole containing a lord.

    This area's lord is in a hole. Walk to the left of your starting point andit's already there.

    Native Characters:------------------BurnMs. JennaKai

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    Storylines:-----------Joker:------When you first enter Goat, you will meet a feisty breeder named Lord Burn. Hewill challenge you to a battle. The next week, Ms. Jenna will appear. You willlearn that she is a famous breeder in the area and that Fleria knows her.Battle her and she will warn you about Kai. She says not to listen to anythinghe says because he is a bad guy. A few weeks after that, Kai will come byasking you to join the Anarami Battle Royal tournament. He will pay you 2000Gto lose. Fleria declines knowing about Kai's reputation. Kai becomes angry andattacks you. Whether you lose or win, Kai will leave. Burn will then come backin another week and again warn you about Kai. After a while, Kai will returnasking if you are ready to enter his tournament. Fleria will again decline andKai will try to force you to enter by battling. Whether you win or lose,Kai will just run off again.

    OK, so a few more weeks pass by. Kai returns giving you an item telling you toshow it at the Luna Battle at the second week of November. If you win thebattle, you will be able to regenerate a Joker. Jokers are incredibly rare.

    Fleria's not sure if he is telling the truth. After some more time, Jennacomes back and warns you YET AGAIN about Kai and not believing him aboutJoker. She says she heard something about a Joker from Grandma Mosha. Head toMorx. Mosha will appear the following week and tell you that she had seen aJoker just once before. Fleria will ask if you would want to go to the totournament. Answer anything, the battle's optional anyway.

    Now all you have to do is wait until the second week of November. Make sureyou have a strong monster. Be in Goat and Fleria will tell you that it's thenight of the Luna Battle Kai told you about. She'll ask if you want to go ornot. Say yes of course. At the arena, Kai will come out. Fleria will discoverthat he tricked her and that the item he bought was just a normal accessory.Well, that's what he thought. The items starts to glow and a man appears.

    He'll have a Joker with him and kick the crap out of Kai's monster. He runsaway, then Jokerman comes towards you and asks if you want to battle. If youwin, you'll be able to revive a Joker. If you lose, you'll lose a bit of yourmonster's lifespan. Say yes to battle(unless you don't think you can win) andfight. If you win, go to the shrine the next day. Bragma will lecture you andsay that the man was Dagga and he's dangerous. Whatever, we can revive Jokernow so if you're lucky enough to have a Joker disc, you can get it!

    +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+| {5.0} Multiplayer |+~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+

    This game comes with a multiplayer option. You and a friend can duke it outwith up to five monsters in 1-on-1 combat until someone has all of theirmonster knocked out.

    Your monsters won't automatically appear though. First, you must record itinto your VS. Data. To do that, load up your game. Go to the system option inany place and go to VS. Data. Save the current monster's stats onto a slot forVS. Data and you're all set. When a monster dies, this option willautomatically be given to you. You can only save FIVE monsters onto your VS.Data though.

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    +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+| {6.0} Items |+~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+

    There are several items available for you to use at any point in the game. Tocheck what items you have, go to the items menu at any location except theShrine. Go to check. You can also buy items, sell items, and also check youraccessories.

    ==============================================================================[6.1] Depletable


    Depletable items are the most common type of items. You will get them fromrivals, during ventures, and also winning tournaments. You can also just buythem. You can hold a total of ten depletable items. Note: Some items are worth0G when you try to sell them. These are one time items only! You cannot getthem anywhere else. Depletable items are one time use only.

    +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+| Name | Price | Effect |

    |--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| Bitter Garlic | 400G | Changes training philosophy towards hard. || Black Pearl | 500G | Makes your monster happy if it likes it. || Coral | 800G | Makes your monster happy if it likes it. || Diet Grass | 120G | Drastically makes your monster skinnier. || Dodorin Fruit | 0G | Many monster love it. || Energy Ball | 1000G | Cures many bad conditions. || Gao Gao Nut | 0G | Many monster love it. || Gassy Potato | 200G | Adds squares for nutrition when feeding. || Honey Candy | 120G | Makes your monster happy if it likes it. || Large Egg | 2000G | Cures many bad conditions. || Moak Soup | 300G | ??? Heals certain conditions? || Monster Nip | 150G | Makes your monster happy if it likes it. |

    | Nitro Juice | 300G | ??? Makes your monster recover energy? || Pretty Flower | 100G | Makes your monster happy if it likes it. || Saucer Fruit | 0G | Most monsters love it. || Scorpion Claw | 800G | Cures colds. || Spiced Cookie | 200G | Makes your monster happy if it likes it. || Yam Rice Cake | 200G | Makes your monster a little skinnier. |+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+

    ==============================================================================[6.2] Durable


    Durable items will always be there unless you buy another one that is better.There is one slot for a stone, one for a goblet, one for a Medicine Box, onefor the Aroma Pot/Herbal Incense, and the last for a Tech Bit/Stone/Orb. Allof these items are in effect immediately and give you a tech/make your monsterless fatigued/stressed.

    +---------------------------+| Name | Price ||---------------------------|| Silver Goblet | 5000G |

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    | Golden Goblet | 25000G || Holy Goblet | 125000G || Glow Rock | 5000G || Shining Rock | 25000G || Beaming Rock | 125000G || Medicine Box | 4000G || Aroma Pot | ? || Herbal Incense | ? |+---------------------------+

    All Tech items can be found during ventures.

    ==============================================================================[6.3] Accessories


    These are all things that you can put on your monsters to change theirappearance. I don't think that they have any effect in battle, but it's funto dress 'em up anyway. Most of these accessories can be bought. Some can befound while venturing and others by battle.

    Note: Some of the descriptions in the game had typos which were correctedhere.

    List of Accessories:+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+| Name | Cost | Description ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| 10-ton Weight | 5000 | A tool used to train the body. || Armor | 8000 | Some shoulder armor. Decent protection. || Bandage | 2000 | Works to prevent slipping. || Bat Emblem | 8000 | An emblem shaped like a bat. || Bat Tail | 12000 | A bat-shaped tail accessory. || Beetle Jaws 3 |Venture| Beetle mandibles. Type number three.| Beret | 2000 | A slightly fashionable hat. || Blue Jewel | 5000 | A jewel containing the power of water. |

    | Bone Plate | 8000 | A chest ornament arranged with bones. || Bow Tie | 8000 | A fashionable bow tie. || Bracelet | 3000 | A bracelet with a beautiful crest. || Breastplate | 8000 | Chest armor for Raiden. A strong, fine article. || Breastplate(G) | 8000 | Some sturdy armor. Very heavy. || Breastplate(Z) |Zan St.| A breastplate designed by an unknown inventor. || Brooch | Battle| A simple, yet beautiful brooch. || Chain Choker | 3000 | A necklace made of chains. || Chef's Hat | 5000 | Cleanliness first. || Choker | 20000 | A cute necklace. A little expensive. || Circlet | 8000 | The head ornament is a little posh. || Clown Nose | 5000 | A bright red nose. Why do they wear such things?|| Color's Eyes | 8000 | Makes it easy to see enemy movements. |

    | Crown | 12000 | A very luxurious crown. Very expensive. || Diamond | 5000 | A costly jewel. Kind of heavy too. || Diaper | 8000 | A baby's one-piece jumpsuit. || Dish |Zan St.| An antenna designed by an unknown inventor. || Dog Collar | 3000 | A necklace with thorns. || Dora's Wings | 8000 | Wings that may make one move faster. || Dumpling Ears | 3000 | A cute ornament to put on one's head. || Eagle Emblem | 8000 | An emblem shaped like an eagle. || Earmuffs | 8000 | Warm earmuffs. Strong against the cold. || Earmuffs(Mogi) | 8000 | Earmuffs that prevent hearing external sounds. |

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    | Fancy Shield | 8000 | A fancy shield with a beautiful crest. || Fang Necklace | 5000 | A necklace of arranged fangs. || Flame Sphere | 8000 | A large ball said to belong to dragons. || Fork | 5000 | A toy used to surprise opponents. || Glasses 1 | 5000 | Belongs to a flighty individual. || Glasses 2 | 3000 | Gaudy, funny-shaped glasses. || Glasses 3 | 5000 | Very strong glasses. May tire one's eyes. || Glasses 4 | 5000 | Dark, protective glasses. || Glasses 5 | 3000 | Glasses that make one look smart. || Grey Box |Zan St.| A machine of some sort. || Hair | 3000 | An odd hairstyle. A little scary. || Head Jewel | 5000 | A really cool forehead ornament. || Head Sword | 5000 | A forehead ornament shaped like a sword. || Helmet | 8000 | Head armor put together by Raiden. || Henger Shield | 5000 | A shield usable only by Henger. || Horn Ornament | 5000 | A horn ornament made of steel. || Horns | Battle| A type of horn that grows on both sides. || Iron Ball | 5000 | A tail accessory usable as a weapon. || Knuckles | Battle| An iron fist used to break massive rocks. || Large Topknot | 8000 | A large topknot with a ribbon. || License Plate | 5000 | A strange wooden board with numbers written on || | | it. || Mask | 500 | You can play with many faces. || Mocchi's Hat | Battle| A hat worn only by a ship's captain. |

    | Modified Horn |Zan St.| A man-made horn made by an unknown inventor. || Moon Emblem | 20000 | A very impressive moon-shaped ornament. || Mustache 1 | 1000 | A classis, fake mustache. || Mustache 2 | 2000 | An important-looking fake mustache. || Mustache 3 | 1000 | A small mustache. || Mustache 4 | 2000 | A large mustache. || Mystic Mask | 2000 | A mask for a costume ball. || Necklace | 2000 | An accessory shared among Gitans. || Nest | ????? | No one knows what type of eggs these are. || Noodle Bowl | 5000 | A noodle bowl. Breaks easily. || Ornament | 8000 | A gorgeous forehead ornament. || Ornament 3 | ????? | A device used by doctors. || Pan Horn | 8000 | Horns used for attacking. |

    | Patrol Light | 5000 | It is said to shine during emergencies. || Pigtails | 8000 | A cute hairstyle. Very popular. || Pockets | 3000 | A large pocket. || Pointy Hat | 2000 | A hat that has a large design. || Pot Helmet | 5000 | A helmet made from a pot. || Propeller | 5000 | A propeller made fro Henger. Not really made for|| | | flying. || Pylon | 5000 | A strange item that is often found lying on the || | | road. || Rare Watch | 12000 | An item popular among young people. || Red Jewel | 5000 | A jewel containing the power of flame. || Ribbon | 8000 | A cute ribbon. || Rice Bowl | 5000 | A bowl with beautiful patterns. |

    | Sand Castle | 5000 | A sandcastle. Easily destroyed. || Santa Hat | 5000 | A warm, fuzzy hat. || Sash | 5000 | Shared between Ogyos. || School Cap | 3000 | Helps one do well in school. || Sedge Hat | 8000 | Provides protection against the sun. || Silk Hat | 8000 | A gentleman's hat. Very elegant. || Skirt 1 | 8000 | A seductive skirt. Scares opponents. || Skirt 2 | 8000 | A fashionable skirt. Octopee's favorite. || Skull | 2000 | A fake skull to intimidate the opponent. || Snake Emblem | 8000 | An emblem shaped like a snake. |

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    | Snakes | 3000 | Three snakes that like the top of the Gitan's || | | head. || Spooky Mask | 5000 | A mask that conceals one's face. Scary. || Straw Hat | 8000 | A large, well-ventilated hat. || Suezo's Eye | 5000 | Makes it easy to see enemy movements. || Sumo Cloth | 12000 | A large, decorated sumo belt. || Talisman | 8000 | A talisman said to have magical powers. || Tie | 3000 | A necktie with Mocchi designs. || Totem Pole | Battle| Statues of Moochi, Suezo, and Jell. || Ukulele | Battle| It is said to make beautiful sounds. || Visor | 5000 | A sunlight-blocking item exclusively for Zan. || Waistband | 5000 | Warms your stomach. || White Ribbon | Battle| A cute, white ribbon. || Wig | 8000 | A fashionable item thought to be quite stylin'. || Wind Ornament | Battle| A chest ornament with a wing motif. || Wings | 8000 | An ornament that is shaped like wings. || Yokozuna Band | 8000 | Belongs to a strong individual. || Zan Topknot | 3000 | A topknot that only matches Zan. |+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+

    +-------------------------------------------------+| Monster | Accessory Name ||-------------------------------------------------|| Baku | Beret |

    | | Chef's Hat || | Crown || | Glasses 1 || | Glasses 2 || | Glasses 3 || | Glasses 4 || | Glasses 5 || | Hat || | Helmet || | Large Topknot || | Laurel || | Mask || | Mustache 1 |

    | | Mustache 2 || | Mustache 3 || | Mustache 4 || | Ornament 1 || | Pointy Hat || | Santa Hat || | School Cap || | Silk Hat || Beaklon | Bat Emblem || | Beret || | Chef's Hat || | Crown || | Helmet |

    | | Horn || | Mask || | Ornament 1 || | Pockets || | Pointy Hat || | Santa Hat || | School Cap || | Tie || Colorpandora | Beetle Jaws 3 || | Color's Eyes |

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    | | Dora's Wings || | Mask || | Pan Horn || Dakkung | Beret || | Chef's Hat || | Crown || | Glasses 1 || | Glasses 2 || | Glasses 3 || | Glasses 4 || | Glasses 5 || | Hair 1 || | Helmet || | Laurel || | Mask || | Ornament || | Pigtails || | Pointy Hat || | Santa Hat || | School Cap || | Silk Hat || | Tie || | Topknot || Dragon | 10-ton Weight |

    | | Bat Emblem || | Bat Tail || | Crown || | Flame Sphere || | Iron Ball || | Mask || | Mustache 1 || | Mustache 2 || | Mustache 3 || | Mustache 4 || Durahan | Blue Jewel || | Bone Plate || | Crown |

    | | Dura-Arms || | Eagle Emblem || | Head Jewel || | Horn || | Horns || | Laurel || | Mask || | Moon Emblem || | Ornament || | Red Jewel || | Snow Goggles || | Wing Ornament || Gitan | Clown Nose |

    | | Mask || | Necklace || | Skull || | Snakes || | Wig || Golem | Armor || | Breastplate || | Crown || | Glasses 1 || | Glasses 2 |

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    | | Glasses 3 || | Glasses 4 || | Glasses 5 || | Hair 1 || | Helmet 1 || | Helmet 2 || | Laurel || | Mask || | Mustache 4 || | Mustache 5 || | Ornament 1 || | Pigtails || | Santa Hat || | School Cap || | Silk Hat || | Tie || Hare | Beret || | Chef's Hat || | Earmuffs || | Glasses 1 || | Glasses 2 || | Glasses 3 || | Glasses 4 || | Glasses 5 |

    | | Helmet || | Mask || | Ornament 1 || | Pot Helmet || | Ribbon || | Santa Hat || | School Cap || | Silk Hat || | Tie || Hengar | Bracelet || | Crown || | Dish || | Eagle Emblem |

    | | Fancy Shield || | Grey Box || | Henger Shield || | Laurel || | Mask || | Ornament || | Propeller || Jell | Crown || | Fork || | Laurel || | Ornament 1 || | Ornament 3 || | Parrot |

    | | Totem Pole || | Sand Castle || Joker | Beret || | Blue Jewel || | Glasses 1 || | Glasses 2 || | Glasses 3 || | Glasses 4 || | Glasses 5 || | Mask |

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    | | Mustache 2 || | Mustache 3 || | Pointy Hat || | Red Jewel || | Santa Hat || | School Cap || | Silk Hat || | Spooky Mask || | Talisman || Lesione | Crown || | Laurel || | Mask || | Mustache 1 || | Mustache 2 || | Mustache 3 || | Mustache 4 || | Ornament || | Pointy Hat || | Red Hat || | Silk Hat || | Tie || Mocchi | Crown || | Eyebrows 1 || | Fork |

    | | Laurel || | Mask || | Mocchi's Hat || | Noodle Bowl || | Ornament || | Pigtails || | Ribbon || | Rice Bowl || | Sedge Hat || | Straw Hat || Mogi | Bow Tie || | Earmuffs || | Glasses 1 |

    | | Glasses 2 || | Glasses 3 || | Glasses 4 || | Glasses 5 || | Mask || | Mustache 1 || | Mustache 2 || | Mustache 3 || | Mustache 4 || | Rare Watch || | Tie || Momo | Crown || | Glasses 1 |

    | | Glasses 2 || | Glasses 3 || | Glasses 4 || | Glasses 5 || | Mask || | Mustache 1 || | Mustache 2 || | Mustache 3 || | Parasol || | Ribbon |

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    | Naga | Bat Emblem || | Charm Choker || | Crown || | Dog Collar || | Glasses 1 || | Glasses 2 || | Glasses 3 || | Glasses 4 || | Glasses 5 || | Iron Ball || | Mask || | Mustahce 2 || | Mustache 3 || | Pointy Hat || | Santa Hat || | Snake Emblem || | Tie || Octopee | Diaper || | Mask || | Ribbon || | Silk Hat || | Skirt 1 || | Skirt 2 || | Sumo Cloth |

    | | Waistband || Pancho | Caterpillar || | Doodle || | Eyebrows 1 || | Eyebrows 2 || | Eyebrows 3 || | Mask || | Mustache 1 || | Mustache 2 || | Mustache 3 || | Nameplate || | Notice || | Warning Sign |

    | Pixie | Beret || | Chef's Hat || | Choker || | Crown || | Glasses 1 || | Glasses 2 || | Glasses 3 || | Glasses 4 || | Glasses 5 || | Hairband || | Helmet || | Laurel || | Mask |

    | | Ornament || | Pointy Hat || | Santa Hat || | School Cap || | Silk Hat || Psiroller | Chef's Hat || | Crown || | Helmet || | Glasses 1 || | Glasses 2 |

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    | | Glasses 3 || | Glasses 4 || | Glasses 5 || | Laurel || | License Plate || | Mask || | Mustache 1 || | Mustache 2 || | Mustache 3 || | Mustache 4 || | Ornament || | Patrol Light || | Pylon || | School Cap || | Silk Hat || | Ukelele || Ogyo | Circlet || | Diamond || | Mask || | Mystic Mask || | Ogyo Crown || | Sash || Raiden | Breast Plate || | Helmet |

    | | Mask || | Nest || Suezo | Crown || | Hair || | Laurel || | Mask || | Ornament || | Pigtails || | Silk Hat || | Suezo's Eye || | Wings || Suzurin | Dumpling Ears || | Glasses 3 |

    | | Glasses 5 || | Mask || | Mustache 1 || | Mustache 3 || | Pigtails || | Ribbon || Tiger | Barrel || | Crown || | Glasses 1 || | Glasses 2 || | Glasses 3 || | Glasses 4 || | Glasses 5 |

    | | Handbag || | Iron Ball || | Laurel || | Mask || | Ornament || | Ribbon || | Tie || Zan | Bandage || | Blue Jewel || | Breastplate |

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    | | Crown || | Fancy Shield || | Head Sword || | Laurel || | Mask || | Modified Horn || | Ornament || | Red Jewel || | Visor || | Zan Top Knot || Zoom | Beret || | Chef's Hat || | Crab || | Crown || | Fang Necklace || | Glasses 1 || | Glasses 2 || | Glasses 3 || | Glasses 4 || | Glasses 5 || | Iron Ball || | Laurel || | Mask || | Mustache 1 |

    | | Mustache 2 || | Mustache 3 || | Mustache 4 || | Ornament 1 || | Tie || | Yokozuna Band |+-------------------------------------------------+


    +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+| {7.0} Abilities |+~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+

    Abilities are very important to your monsters. To level them up, you must findNoisy Halls during ventures. To obtain new moves, you must find a bit, stone,or orb. Bits are found during ventures. Stones are won in all FreeTournaments. Orbs are found during battles in ventures, but are very rare. I'mnot going to preach which techniques are good and which are not. That's foryou to decide. I often find myself using high hitting techniques, but it allmatters in your style of play.

    Baku:=====Ear Slap--------Type: BeatRecieved From: Jade BitGuts Used: 10Damage: 10Guts Down: 6

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    Critical: 1Hit: 50Max Level: 10Range: CloseGrowth Pattern: Hit +1

    Lick----Type: WaterRecieved From: Aqua BitGuts Used: 15Damage: 8Guts Down: 27Critical: 4Hit: 42Max Level: 6Range: MiddleStat Used: IntelligenceGrowth Pattern: Damage +1

    Sneeze------Type: WindRecieved From: Aurora Bit

    Guts Used: 18Damage: 13Guts Down: 15Critical: 13Hit: 52Max Level: 7Range: MiddleStat Used: IntelligenceGrowth Pattern: Guts Down +2

    Baku Advance------------Type: Beat

    Recieved From: Flare BitGuts Used: 23Damage: 33Guts Down: 23Critical: 10Hit: 35Max Level: 8Range: LongStat Used: PowerGrowth Pattern: Hit +1


    Type: WindRecieved From: Aurora StoneGuts Used: 36Damage: 28Guts Down: 28Critical: 8Hit: 54Max Level: 6Stat Used: IntelligenceRange: Long

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    Growth Pattern: Guts Down +1, Damage +1

    Jidanda-------Type: EarthRecieved From: Jade StoneGuts Used: 29Damage: 27Guts Down: 26Critical: 2Hit: 42Max Level: 8Stat Used: PowerRange: MediumGrowth Pattern: Hit +1Effect: Dizzy

    Roll Breath-----------Type: BeatRecieved From: Flare StoneGuts Used: 40Damage: 60Guts Down: 11

    Critical: 9Hit: 35Max Level: 10Stat Used: PowerRange: MediumGrowth Pattern: Critical +1, Damage +1

    Suck----Type: WindRecieved From: Aqua StoneGuts Used: 50Damage: 50

    Guts Down: 36Critical: 5Hit: 45Max Level: 10Stat Used: PowerRange: CloseGrowth Pattern: Hit +1

    Play----Type: WindRecieved From: Aurora OrbGuts Used: 40

    Damage: 40Guts Down: 25Critical: 4Hit: 40Max Level: 10Stat Used: IntelligenceRange: CloseGrowth Pattern: Guts Down +1, Damage +1Effect: Miss/Self-Destruct

  • 7/30/2019 Monster Rancher 3 b


    Sleep-----Type: HeartRecieved From: Jade OrbGuts Used: 29Damage: 0Guts Down: 0Critical: 0Hit: -Max Level: -Stat Used: IntelligenceRange: Medium/CloseGrowth Pattern: -Effect: Life Recovery

    Sea of Tears------------Type: WaterRecieved From: Aqua OrbGuts Used: 34Damage: 40Guts Down: 36Critical: 1Hit: 38

    Max Level: 8Stat Used: IntelligenceRange: LongGrowth Pattern: Guts Down +1, Damage +1

    Beaklon=======Beaban------Type: BeatRecieved From: Jade BitGuts Used: 16Damage: 12

    Guts Down: 2Critical: 4Hit: 50Max Level: 10Stat Used: PowerRange: CloseGrowth Pattern: Hit +1

    Horn Sweep----------Type: CutRecieved From: Aurora BitGuts Used: 25

    Damage: 10Guts Down: 8Critical: 22Hit: 56Max Level: 10Stat Used: PowerRange: CloseGrowth Pattern: Critical +3Effect: Dizzy

  • 7/30/2019 Monster Rancher 3 b


    Back Fist---------Type: BeatRecieved From: Aqua BitGuts Used: 27Damage: 24Guts Down: 6Critical: 7Hit: 40Max Level: 6Stat Used: PowerRange: CloseGrowth Pattern: Damage +1

    Super Charge------------Type: BeatRecieved From: Flare BitGuts Used: 36Damage: 26Guts Down: 12Critical: 5Hit: 46Max Level: 7

    Stat Used: PowerRange: MediumGrowth Pattern: Damage +1

    Vibrato-------Type: WindRecieved From: Aurora StoneGuts Used: 30Damage: 9Guts Down: 30Critical: 0Hit: 50

    Max Level: 9Stat Used: IntelligenceRange: Medium/LongGrowth Pattern: Guts Down +1Effect: Addled

    Beattack--------Type: PoundRecieved From: Aqua StoneGuts Used: 55Damage: 36Guts Down: 9

    Critical: 33Hit: 44Max Level: 10Stat Used: PowerRange: MediumGrowth Pattern: Hit +1

    Kachiage--------Type: Earth

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    Recieved From: Jade StoneGuts Used: 40Damage: 40Guts Down: 23Critical: 5Hit: 32Max Level: 10Stat Used: PowerRange: CloseGrowth Pattern: Damage +1

    Galulubang----------Type: BeatRecieved From: Flare StoneGuts Used: 46Damage: 32Guts Down: 7Critical: 6Hit: 52Max Level: 8Stat Used: PowerRange: CloseGrowth Pattern: Damage +1

    Beakrocket----------Type: PoundRecieved From: Aurora OrbGuts Used: 50Damage: 50Guts Down: 5Critical: 5Hit: 38Max Level: 10Stat Used: PowerRange: Long

    Growth Pattern: Damage +1

    Beaklariat----------Type: BeatRecieved From: Flare OrbGuts Used: 32Damage: 24Guts Down: 0Critical: 7Hit: 45Max Level: 10Stat Used: Power

    Range: MediumGrowth Pattern: Critical +2

    Colorpandora============Pinball-------Type: BeatRecieved From: Flare BitGuts Used: 10

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    Damage: 10Guts Down: 5Critical: 2Hit: 52Max Level: 10Stat Used: PowerRange: MediumGrowth Pattern: Critical +1, Hit +1Effect: Wince

    Rolling-------Type: BeatRecieved From: Jade BitGuts Used: 20Damage: 28Guts Down: 3Critical: 3Hit: 48Max Level: 8Stat Used: PowerRange: LongGrowth Pattern: Damage +1

    Swing-----Type: BeatRecieved From: Aqua BitGuts Used: 12Damage: 16Guts Down: 6Critical: 3Hit: 45Max Level: 4Stat Used: PowerRange: CloseGrowth Pattern: Damage +1

    Go Go Go--------Type: BeatRecieved From: Aurora BitGuts Used: 15Damage: 24Guts Down: 4Critical: 1Hit: 37Max Level: 7Stat Used: PowerRange: Medium

    Growth Pattern: Damage +1Effect: Dizzy

    Big Spin--------Type: NoneRecieved From: Jade StoneGuts Used: 33Damage: 36Guts Down: 33

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    Critical: 4Hit: 59Max Level: 9Stat Used: PowerRange: CloseGrowth Pattern: Damage +1

    Thundader---------Type: NoneRecieved From: Flare StoneGuts Used: 30Damage: 41Guts Down: 11Critical: 12Hit: 42Max Level: 10Stat Used: PowerRange: MediumGrowth Pattern: Hit +1

    Koro Rocket-----------Type: Beat, Flame

    Recieved From: Aurora StoneGuts Used: 50Damage: 55Guts Down: 41Critical: 10Hit: 45Max Level: 10Stat Used: PowerRange: LongGrowth Pattern: Damage +1, Guts Down +1


    Type: NoneRecieved From: Aurora OrbGuts Used: 50Damage: 49Guts Down: 0Critical: 3Hit: 40Max Level: 10Stat Used: IntelligenceRange: MediumGrowth Pattern: Hit +1Effect: Drain

    Meeting-------Type: HeartRecieved From: Aurora OrbGuts Used: 23Damage: 0Guts Down: 0Critical: 0Hit: 49Max Level: 5

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    Stat Used: IntelligenceRange: Medium/LongGrowth Pattern: Guts -1

    Balibo------Type: BeatRecieved From: Flare OrbGuts Used: 27Damage: 29Guts Down: 8Critical: 8Hit: 55Max Level: 10Stat Used: PowerRange: MediumGrowth Pattern: Critical +3

    Dakkung=======Bow---Type: BeatRecieved From: Jade Bit

    Guts Used: 11Damage: 7Guts Down: 5Critical: 2Hit: 51Max Level: 5Stat Used: PowerRange: CloseGrowth Pattern: Guts Down +1

    Head Throw----------Type: Beat

    Recieved From: Flare BitGuts Used: 21Damage: 21Guts Down: 15Critical: 5Hit: 32Max Level: 6Stat Used: PowerRange: LongGrowth Pattern: Damage +1

    Ab Boomerang------------

    Type: CutRecieved From: Aurora BitGuts Used: 16Damage: 12Guts Down: 3Critical: 10Hit: 48Max Level: 9Stat Used: IntelligenceRange: Medium

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    Growth Pattern: Critical +3

    Bad Feeling-----------Type: HeartRecieved From: Aqua BitGuts Used: 20Damage: 6Guts Down: 24Critical: 0Hit: 46Max Level: 8Stat Used: IntelligenceRange: Medium/LongGrowth Pattern: Hit +1Effect: Addled

    Random Hit----------Type: FlameRecieved From: Aurora StoneGuts Used: 32Damage: 34Guts Down: 17

    Critical: 22Hit: 29Max Level: 9Stat Used: IntelligenceRange: LongGrowth Pattern: Damage +1

    Three Piece-----------Type: BeatRecieved From: Jade StoneGuts Used: 44Damage: 31

    Guts Down: 12Critical: 6Hit: 50Max Level: 8Stat Used: PowerRange: LongGrowth Pattern: Damage +1

    Head Swing----------Type: BeatRecieved From: Aqua StoneGuts Used: 30

    Damage: 26Guts Down: 11Critical: 7Hit: 40Max Level: 9Stat Used: PowerRange: MediumGrowth Pattern: Hit +1


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    ----Type: FlameRecieved From: Flare StoneGuts Used: 38Damage: 54Guts Down: 20Critical: 10Hit: 24Max Level: 9Stat Used: IntelligenceRange: MediumGrowth Pattern: Damage +1, Critical +1

    Self Bomb---------Type: FlameRecieved From: Flare OrbGuts Used: 60Damage: 54Guts Down: 20Critical: 10Hit: 48Max Level: 9Stat Used: Intelligence

    Range: CloseGrowth Pattern: Damage +1, Critical +1Effect: Self-Destruct

    Self Bomb---------Type: WindRecieved From: Aurora OrbGuts Used: 27Damage: 13Guts Down: 25Critical: 6Hit: 42

    Max Level: 6Stat Used: IntelligenceRange: MediumGrowth Pattern: Damage +1Effect: Dizzy

    Dragon======Dragon Tail-----------Type: BeatRecieved From: Aqua BitGuts Used: 10

    Damage: 11Guts Down: 5Critical: 3Hit: 43Max Level: 10Stat Used: PowerRange: CloseGrowth Pattern: Hit +1Effect: Dizzy

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    Dragon Bite-----------Type: PoundRecieved From: Jade BitGuts Used: 15Damage: 25Guts Down: 6Critical: 8Hit: 36Max Level: 7Stat Used: PowerRange: CloseGrowth Pattern: Damage +1

    Fire----Type: FlameRecieved From: Flare BitGuts Used: 21Damage: 21Guts Down: 18Critical: 4Hit: 50Max Level: 7

    Stat Used: IntelligenceRange: LongGrowth Pattern: Damage +1

    Wing Storm----------Type: WindRecieved From: Aurora BitGuts Used: 18Damage: 15Guts Down: 8Critical: 3Hit: 55

    Max Level: 9Stat Used: IntelligenceRange: MediumGrowth Pattern: Hit +1Effect: Dizzy

    Mega Stomp----------Type: BeatRecieved From: Jade StoneGuts Used: 30Damage: 30Guts Down: 26

    Critical: 20Hit: 45Max Level: 9Stat Used: PowerRange: LongGrowth Pattern: Damage +1Effect: Dizzy


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    Type: FlameRecieved From: Flare StoneGuts Used: 50Damage: 50Guts Down: 42Critical: 15Hit: 50Max Level: 8Stat Used: IntelligenceRange: MediumGrowth Pattern: Damage +1, Guts Down +1

    Inferno-------Type: PoundRecieved From: Aqua StoneGuts Used: 35Damage: 62Guts Down: 19Critical: 12Hit: 32Max Level: 8Stat Used: PowerRange: Close

    Growth Pattern: Hit +1

    Wing Blade----------Type: CutRecieved From: Aurora StoneGuts Used: 40Damage: 36Guts Down: 12Critical: 30Hit: 55Max Level: 6Stat Used: Power

    Range: LongGrowth Pattern: Hit +1, Critical +3

    Salamander----------Type: Flame, BeatRecieved From: Flare OrbGuts Used: 50Damage: 70Guts Down: 40Critical: 21Hit: 35Max Level: 9

    Stat Used: PowerRange: LongGrowth Pattern: Hit +1, Critical +3

    Zero Gravity------------Type: EarthRecieved From: Jade OrbGuts Used: 25Damage: 33

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    Guts Down: 18Critical: 4Hit: 42Max Level: 10Stat Used: PowerRange: MediumGrowth Pattern: Hit +1

    Durahan=======Twin Legs---------Type: BeatRecieved From: Jade BitGuts Used: 10Damage: 10Guts Down: 5Critical: 3Hit: 40Max Level: 9Stat Used: PowerRange: CloseGrowth Pattern: Hit +1

    Lightning---------Type: CutRecieved From: Flare BitGuts Used: 18Damage: 25Guts Down: 5Critical: 5Hit: 32Max Level: 6Stat Used: PowerRange: MediumGrowth Pattern: Damage +1

    Thunder Wind------------Type: CutRecieved From: Aurora BitGuts Used: 15Damage: 12Guts Down: 3Critical: 3Hit: 55Max Level: 10Stat Used: PowerRange: Close

    Growth Pattern: Hit +1

    Avalanche---------Type: BeatRecieved From: Aqua BitGuts Used: 20Damage: 15Guts Down: 3Critical: 4

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    Hit: 48Max Level: 5Stat Used: PowerRange: MediumGrowth Pattern: Damage +1

    Whirlwind---------Type: CutRecieved From: Flare StoneGuts Used: 32Damage: 40Guts Down: 4Critical: 10Hit: 35Max Level: 8Stat Used: PowerRange: MediumGrowth Pattern: Hit +1

    Gust----Type: Cut, WindRecieved From: Aurora Stone

    Guts Used: 25Damage: 20Guts Down: 6Critical: 7Hit: 50Max Level: 10Stat Used: IntelligenceRange: LongGrowth Pattern: Hit +1Effect: Wince

    Stray Bolts-----------

    Type: PoundRecieved From: Jade StoneGuts Used: 48Damage: 41Guts Down: 10Critical: 9Hit: 49Max Level: 10Stat Used: PowerRange: CloseGrowth Pattern: Hit +1

    Stray Bolts

    -----------Type: CutRecieved From: Aqua StoneGuts Used: 42Damage: 37Guts Down: 0Critical: 36Hit: 42Max Level: 5Stat Used: Power

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    Range: MediumGrowth Pattern: Damage +1, Critical +2

    Heaven Bolt-----------Type: CutRecieved From: Flare OrbGuts Used: 50Damage: 67Guts Down: 10Critical: 10Hit: 32Max Level: 7Stat Used: PowerRange: LongGrowth Pattern: Hit +1

    Mine----Type: Pound, EarthRecieved From: Jade OrbGuts Used: 38Damage: 37Guts Down: 16

    Critical: 15Hit: 38Max Level: 10Stat Used: IntelligenceRange: LongGrowth Pattern: Damage +1

    Gitan=====Thuk Thuk---------Type: PoundRecieved From: Aqua Bit

    Guts Used: 11Damage: 7Guts Down: 6Critical: 2Hit: 45Max Level: 8Stat Used: PowerRange: CloseGrowth Pattern: Varies

    Thunderbolt-----------Type: Thunder

    Recieved From: Jade BitGuts Used: 16Damage: 9Guts Down: 16Critical: 4Hit: 48Max Level: 8Stat Used: IntelligenceRange: MediumGrowth Pattern: Varies

  • 7/30/2019 Monster Rancher 3 b


    Ear Slap--------Type: BeatRecieved From: Aurora BitGuts Used: 18Damage: 10Guts Down: 4Critical:Hit: 54Max Level: 10Stat Used: PowerRange: MediumGrowth Pattern: Varies

    Gang Raid---------Type: MagicRecieved From: Flare BitGuts Used: 24Damage: 15Guts Down: 10Critical: 10Hit: 38

    Max Level: 8Stat Used: IntelligenceRange: LongGrowth Pattern: Varies

    Flame Breath------------Type: FlameRecieved From: Flare StoneGuts Used: 32Damage: 34Guts Down: 24Critical: 16

    Hit: 34Max Level: 7Stat Used: IntelligenceRange: MediumGrowth Pattern: Varies

    Turn Stab---------Type: PoundRecieved From: Aurora StoneGuts Used: 26Damage: 20Guts Down: 20

    Critical: 4Hit: 41Max Level: 7Stat Used: PowerRange: CloseGrowth Pattern: Varies

    Javelin-------Type: Pound

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    Recieved From: Aqua StoneGuts Used: 36Damage: 38Guts Down: 8Critical: 12Hit: 32Max Level: 9Stat Used: IntelligenceRange: LongGrowth Pattern: VariesEffect: Wince

    Skewer------Type: PoundRecieved From: Jade StoneGuts Used: 32Damage: 34Guts Down: 1Critical: 26Hit: 33Max Level: 10Stat Used: PowerRange: Medium

    Growth Pattern: Varies

    Gang Bomb---------Type: FlameRecieved From: Flare OrbGuts Used: 46Damage: 43Guts Down: 10Critical: 10Hit: 50Max Level: 8Stat Used: Power

    Range: LongGrowth Pattern: Varies

    Gang Dance----------Type: Heart, MagicRecieved From: Aurora OrbGuts Used: 28Damage: 17Guts Down: 24Critical: 26Hit: 48Max Level: 8

    Stat Used: IntelligenceRange: MediumGrowth Pattern: VariesEffect: Addled

    Balloon Pop-----------Type: Pound/MagicRecieved From: Aqua OrbGuts Used: 38

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    Damage: 18Guts Down: 43Critical: 8Hit: 44Max Level: 9Stat Used: IntelligenceRange: LongGrowth Pattern: Varies

    Crane-----Type: BeatRecieved From: Jade OrbGuts Used: 42Damage: 50Guts Down: 36Critical: 10Hit: 39Max Level: 8Stat Used: PowerRange: LongGrowth Pattern: VariesEffect: Dizzy

    Golem=====Finger Flick------------Type: BeatRecieved From: Jade BitGuts Used: 10Damage: 11Guts Down: 4Critical: 5Hit: 51Max Level: 8Stat Used: Power

    Range: CloseGrowth Pattern: Hit +1, Critical +1

    Mega Kick---------Type: BeatRecieved From: Flare BitGuts Used: 20Damage: 36Guts Down: 3Critical: 2Hit: 35Max Level: 9

    Stat Used: PowerRange: CloseGrowth Pattern: Damage +1

    Slap----Type: BeatRecieved From: Aqua BitGuts Used: 16Damage: 18

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    Guts Down: 8Critical: 4Hit: 45Max Level: 9Stat Used: PowerRange: CloseGrowth Pattern: Hit +1Effect: Wince

    Rocket Punch------------Type: BeatRecieved From: Aurora BitGuts Used: 24Damage: 25Guts Down: 5Critical: 14Hit: 52Max Level: 9Stat Used: PowerRange: LongGrowth Pattern: Critical +3

    Rock Slide

    ----------Type: BeatRecieved From: Aqua StoneGuts Used: 27Damage: 36Guts Down: 5Critical: 2Hit: 46Max Level: 9Stat Used: PowerRange: MediumGrowth Pattern: Damage +1

    Magnifist---------Type: EarthRecieved From: Jade StoneGuts Used: 24Damage: 18Guts Down: 11Critical: 5Hit: 55Max Level: 10Stat Used: IntelligenceRange: LongGrowth Pattern: Hit +1

    Effect: Wince

    Atomic Punch------------Type: BeatRecieved From: Flare StoneGuts Used: 32Damage: 52Guts Down: 8Critical: 10

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    Hit: 35Max Level: 7Stat Used: PowerRange: CloseGrowth Pattern: Damage +2

    Tornado Punch-------------Type: BeatRecieved From: Aurora StoneGuts Used: 48Damage: 56Guts Down: 7Critical: 9Hit: 50Max Level: 6Stat Used: PowerRange: CloseGrowth Pattern: Damage +1, Hit +1

    Olega Meteor------------Type: Beat, FlameRecieved From: Flare Orb

    Guts Used: 50Damage: 68Guts Down: 18Critical: 18Hit: 40Max Level: 9Stat Used: PowerRange: CloseGrowth Pattern: Damage +1, Hit +1

    Pitch-----Type: Beat

    Recieved From: Aurora OrbGuts Used: 22Damage: 17Guts Down: 22Critical: 25Hit: 45Max Level: 9Stat Used: PowerRange: LongGrowth Pattern: Hit +1Effect: Addled

    1000 Tons

    ---------Type: BeatRecieved From: Jade OrbGuts Used: 20Damage: 41Guts Down: 7Critical: 9Hit: 28Max Level: 10Stat Used: Power

  • 7/30/2019 Monster Rancher 3 b


    Range: MediumGrowth Pattern: Damage +1

    W Chop------Type: BeatRecieved From: Aqua OrbGuts Used: 35Damage: 56Guts Down: 11Critical: 10Hit: 35Max Level: 8Stat Used: PowerRange: CloseGrowth Pattern: Hit +1

    Hare====Mini Punch----------Type: BeatRecieved From: Jade BitGuts Used: 10

    Damage: 9Guts Down: 6Critical: 1Hit: 48Max Level: 10Stat Used: PowerRange: CloseGrowth Pattern: Hit +1

    Muhha-----Type: WindRecieved From: Aurora Bit

    Guts Used: 20Damage: 9Guts Down: 24Critical: 8Hit: 53Max Level: 7Stat Used: IntelligenceRange: LongGrowth Pattern: Guts Down +2Effect: Wince


    Type: BeatRecieved From: Aqua BitGuts Used: 18Damage: 21Guts Down: 15Critical: 5Hit: 35Max Level: 7Stat Used: PowerRange: Medium

  • 7/30/2019 Monster Rancher 3 b


    Growth Pattern: Damage +1

    Spin Bang---------Type: BeatRecieved From: Flare BitGuts Used: 25Damage: 27Guts Down: 10Critical: 6Hit: 42Max Level: 10Stat Used: PowerRange: CloseGrowth Pattern: Hit +1

    Jidanda-------Type: BeatRecieved From: Aqua StoneGuts Used: 32Damage: 43Guts Down: 23Critical: 5

    Hit: 32Max Level: 10Stat Used: PowerRange: CloseGrowth Pattern: Damage +1, every two levels +1 Critical

    Bullet Head-----------Type: BeatRecieved From: Flare StoneGuts Used: 50Damage: 40Guts Down: 10

    Critical: 13Hit: 53Max Level: 10Stat Used: PowerRange: MediumGrowth Pattern: Hit +1

    Surprise--------Type: HeartRecieved From: Aurora StoneGuts Used: 30Damage: 11

    Guts Down: 45Critical: 1Hit: 50Max Level: 8Stat Used: IntelligenceRange: MediumGrowth Pattern: Guts Down +1, Effect +1Effect: Wince

    Spring Kick

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    -----------Type: BeatRecieved From: Jade StoneGuts Used: 44Damage: 40Guts Down: 17Critical: 34Hit: 40Max Level: 10Stat Used: PowerRange: MediumGrowth Pattern: Damage +1

    Spin Upper----------Type: BeatRecieved From: Jade OrbGuts Used: 36Damage: 35Guts Down: 15Critical: 9Hit: 45Max Level: 9Stat Used: Power

    Range: LongGrowth Pattern: Damage +1

    Furry Fury----------Type: HeartRecieved From: Aqua OrbGuts Used: 20Damage: 11Guts Down: 46Critical: 0Hit: 35Max Level: 8

    Stat Used: IntelligenceRange: MediumGrowth Pattern: Hit +1

    Hengar======Drill Punch-----------Type: BeatRecieved From: Jade BitGuts Used: 9Damage: 10Guts Down: 4

    Critical: 1Hit: 50Max Level: 8Stat Used: PowerRange: CloseGrowth Pattern: Hit +1, Critical +1

    Beam----Type: Thunder

  • 7/30/2019 Monster Rancher 3 b


    Recieved From: Flare BitGuts Used: 12Damage: 12Guts Down: 5Critical: 3Hit: 56Max Level: 10Stat Used: IntelligenceRange: LongGrowth Pattern: Critical +3

    Mega Blade----------Type: Cut, LightningRecieved From: Aurora BitGuts Used: 15Damage: 25Guts Down: 6Critical: 8Hit: 34Max Level: 7Stat Used: PowerRange: CloseGrowth Pattern: Damage +1

    Core Attack-----------Type: BeatRecieved From: Aqua BitGuts Used: 18Damage: 22Guts Down: 5Critical: 3Hit: 43Max Level: 10Stat Used: PowerRange: Medium

    Growth Pattern: Hit +1Effect: Dizzy

    Remote Punch------------Type: BeatRecieved From: Jade StoneGuts Used: 21Damage: 27Guts Down: 3Critical: 4Hit: 48Max Level: 10

    Stat Used: PowerRange: MediumGrowth Pattern: Hit +1

    Ion Cannon----------Type: ThunderRecieved From: Flare StoneGuts Used: 50Damage: 54

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