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November 2008


On www.easier.com,within the British onlineEasier Media Ltd, inthe “Travel Guides”section, an article onMontenegro has beenpublished. This is justone in a series of arti-cles run lately in vari-ous renownedmagazines and onweb pages.

The article points outthat Montenegro iscurrently the secondfastest growingtourism market in theworld and that World Travel and Tourism Council figures reveal that for thepast three years this emerging European destination has experienced ayear-on-year growth of 20 per cent per annum.

The article cites the Director of NTO Montenegro Saša Radović: “Montene-gro is committed to growth and maximisation of high quality investment inways which are socially, environmentally and economically sustainable forthe long term. As part of our commitment to develop inbound tourism, bythe end of 2008 we will open a new tourist office in London.”

In addition, the article emphasizes that close cooperation with world-knownhotel companies represents a significant factor of fast development of Mon-tenegro’s tourism offer. The luxury Aman Resorts have signed a 30-yearlease and management contract for the three most prestigious Montene-gro’s tourism destinations: Sveti Stefan island resort, opening in 2009; for-mer royal summer residence Miločer opening by the end of this year andQueen’s Beach resort opening in 2010. Four Seasons is also building a topclass hotel as part of a mixed development in the historic port of Tivat, whichwill incorporate a super yacht marina.

The article claims that sustainability lies at the heart of Montenegro’s hos-pitality and real estate strategy. An example provided is the 1,450 hectareVelika Plaza project which is the largest real estate development in the re-gion. An international competition was launched by the Government chal-lenging architects and planners worldwide - to put together proposals todevelop a sustainable community project for more than 60,000 inhabitantson a 13km stretch of the Adriatic coast. The winners of the competition willbe announced at a press conference to be held on Tuesday, 11 November2008 at the World Travel Market.

The article can be downloaded from: www.easier.com






Minister:Mr. Predrag Nenezić

Secretary of the Ministry:Mrs. Željka Radak Kukavičić

PR:Mrs. Jelena Paović

Address:Rimski trg 46

81000 PodgoricaMontenegro

Phones:+382 (0)20 482 333+382 (0)20 482 334+382 (0)20 234 116

Fax:+382 (0)20 234 168

E-mail:[email protected]

Web site:www.mturizma.gov.me




Managing Director:Mr. Saša Radović

Address:Rimski trg 47

81000 Podgorica Montenegro

Phone:+382 (0)20 235 155

Fax:+382 (0)20 235 159

Call center:1300

E-mail:[email protected]

Web site:www.montenegro.travel

Printed on recycled paper.

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November 2008


IIn accordance with the conclusions of theCoordination Body for the Preparationand Monitoring of Tourist Seasons, the

Minister of Tourism and Environmental Pro-tection Predrag Nenezić held a meetingwith the representatives of hotel and tourismindustry. The meeting was attended by theDirector of NTO Montenegro Saša Radović,President of the national carrier MontenegroAirlines Zoran Đurišić, President of theMontenegrin Tourism Association Predrag

Jelušić and Deputy Minister of FinanceKoviljka Mihajlović.

The issues discussed in the meeting in-cluded the forthcoming tourist season in thelight of the global financial crisis and PPPactivities to be undertaken between theGovernment, tourism companies and thenational carrier with a view to eliminating orcushioning the effects of the crisis on Montenegro. In this context, meas-ures were defined to be taken by way of preparation for the upcomingseason, which imply continual activity, continual monitoring throughoutthe year and prompt response.

The meeting was used to set up two oper-ative teams and appoint their members.The teams will deal with air traffic andtourism markets and define operatingmodes and principles in the forthcomingperiod. The second operative team will bein continual contact with the MontenegrinGovernment and the governments of theneighbouring countries, tour operators andother relevant factors in tourism business.

It was also concluded that a common campaign should be defined for themarkets in the Region (notably for Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herze-govina, Serbia, Macedonia, Kosovo); that tasks should be clearly as-signed and contacts used at all levels. Also, in cooperation with localtourism organizations and companies, and on the basis of the analysesof regional media ratings, NTO should work on signing partnership agree-ments with the most influential actors in the Region in order to promoteMontenegro’s new tourism offer in the most effective manner. Defining aspecial campaign for Montenegro’s tourism markets in the Western andCentral Europe, as well as Russia, was in focus, too.

It was agreed toconsider the possi-bility of formingmore competitiveprices of accommo-dation and air traffic,particularly in thepreseason andp o s t - s e a s o n ,through a reductionin operating costs

and possible support from the national level forthe operation of this strategic branch. It was alsosuggested that special arrangements and ad-vantages should be conceived in order to reducethe costs and budgets for the organization of

meetings, incentives, con-ferences and events(MICE), which are expectedto be particularly affected bythe global financial crisis.

It was also agreed to inten-sify the cheapest and mosteffective presentation andpromotion through the webportal, with updated infor-

mation and exact prices of services, and to offeraccommodation facilities for on-line booking withspecial prices for this type of reservation.

All representatives of tourism industry will be ad-vised to form the prices for the next season verycarefully and to be sensitive to the marketchanges.

Another meeting was agreed to be held withinfour weeks at the latest, where activities takenon the basis of the listed conclusions would beanalyzed.

The representatives of the Government, hotelsand tourism and transport companies agreed toset up two operative teams whose task would beto recommend measures within the next 90 daysaimed at cushioning the effects of the global eco-nomic crisis on the next tourist season.

The meeting was used to set up two opera-tive teams and appoint their members. Theteams will deal with air traffic and tourismmarkets and define operating modes andprinciples in the forthcoming period. The sec-ond operative team will be in continual con-tact with the Montenegrin Government andthe governments of the neighbouring coun-tries, tour operators and other relevant fac-tors in tourism business.

It was also suggested that special arrange-ments and advantages should be conceivedin order to reduce the costs and budgets forthe organization of meetings, incentives, con-ferences and events (MICE), which are ex-pected to be particularly affected by theglobal financial crisis.

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November 2008

The Minister of Tourism and Environmental ProtectionPredrag Nenezić and the Director of the Directorate forPublic Works Žarko Živković made a tour of the Mojko-vac dumpsite on the occasion of the construction of anew waste water treatment plant.

Funds for the realization of the Project have been en-sured by the Government of Montenegro, through theMinistry of Tourism and Environmental Protection andthe Directorate of Public Works of Montenegro, with partof the funds being provided through foreign donations,too: notably the Czech Government within the donor aidand the Dutch Government within the Western BalkansRegional Environmental Hot Spots Programme.

Activities on the realization of the Project of reconstruc-tion and recultivation of the dumpsite of the lead and zinc minein Mojkovac have been planned and realized in two phases.

I PHASE – encompassing the preparation of project docu-mentation, construction of a collector for the protection of thedumpsite from atmospheric waters, reconstruction and addi-tional construction of a section of the sewage system and con-struction of a waste water treatment plant.

So far, an amount of around € 3 770,000.00 has been spenton the realization of this capital ecological project, with the fol-lowing distribution according to the sources of funding: theMontenegrin Government, through the Ministry of Tourism andEnvironmental Protection and the Directorate of Public Workshas ensured € 2 614,454.00 from the Budget of Montenegro;the Government of the Czech Republic has provided around€ 905,546.00 in the form of donors’ aid; and the Dutch Gov-ernment has granted € 250,000.00 within the WesternBalkans Regional Environmental Hot Spots Programme, re-alized through the UNDP Office in Podgorica.

II PHASE – encompassing works on the final reconstructionand recultivation of the dumpsite

Phase II includes thefollowing activities:

Works on sludge solid-ification, with the for-mation of animpermeable mem-brane out of solidifiedsludge from the dump-site. The works are ex-pected to commenceimmediately after thesigning of the agree-ment, scheduled for19.9.2008. The con-

tractor will be theCzech company“Vodní zdroje” fromPrague. The selectedcontractor will carryout works until theend of this year’sbuilding season andcomplete them by theend of 2009. Theagreed value of theworks amounts to € 3994,134.30, with the13-month timeframe.

For the realization ofthe works in 2008 thetotal of € 1 950,000have been provided:€ 1 000,000 throughthe capital budget ofMontenegro for 2008and € 950,000through the UNDPOffice in Podgorica.

Construction of a drainage and covering vegetation layer,formation of a plateau and cultivation of the terrain areplanned to take place throughout the building season in2010.

The total estimated value of the realization of Phases Iand II of this project is around € 10 720, 000.00

After extensive works performed within Phase I, we arepleased to state that in near future Mojkovac will solve theproblem of the dumpsite and it will be the first town in thenorth of Montenegro to gain a modern sewage system.


I PHASE – encompassing thepreparation of project docu-mentation, construction of acollector for the protection of

the dumpsite from atmos-pheric waters, reconstructionand additional construction ofa section of the sewage sys-

tem and construction of awaste water treatment plant.

So far, an amount of around €3 770,000.00 has been spent

on the realization of this capi-tal ecological project

II PHASE – encompassingworks on the final recon-

struction and recultivation ofthe dumpsite

Phase II includes the follow-ing activities:

Works on sludge solidifica-tion, with the formation of animpermeable membrane outof solidified sludge from the


Construction of a drainageand covering vegetation

layer, formation of a plateauand cultivation of the terrain

are planned to take placethroughout the building sea-

son in 2010.

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November 2008


Financial and physicalindicators realized inthe period from January

to October undoubtedly pointto the conclusion that thisyear’s tourist season hasbeen a good one, character-ized by very good winter sea-son in the north and in thesouth of the country alike, byexcellent pre-season, relaxedpeak season and successfulpost-season. Montenegro hasclearly defined its strategy,which is: top quality destina-tion, financial indicators risingfaster than the physical ones, the physi-cal ones rising thanks to the extendedseason, and a balanced regional devel-opment. By a wise policy and substan-tial efforts of the private sector, localself-governments and the Governmentitself, through efficient management andprojection of the season, we have man-aged to achieve all that we have plannedup to the present moment.

In the first ten months this year incomegenerated by tourism in Montenegroamounted to 500 million euros ex-ceeding the last year’s figure in thesame period by 10.7 percent. A fastergrowth of financial indicators as com-pared to the physical ones has beenachieved, too. The season has beenextended, and the peak season mademore relaxed. This year’s offer included300 categorized hotels, 36 of which arenew. The number of employees intourism has risen by 11.3

percent in comparison to thelast year figure. EighteenMontenegrin beaches havebeen awarded the Blue Flagas a symbol of high ecologicstandards. From January toOctober, a rise was recordedin arrivals from EU memberstates with a good image ofMontenegro in the interna-tional market.

These are the basic featuresof this year’s tourist seasonfor the first ten month, pre-sented by the Minister of

on profits rose by 57 %,total taxes by 32 %, andtotal contributions by 30%. Computed VAT inhotel industry exceededthe last year’s figure by178 % and contributionsby 14.7 %.

In the first ten monthsgood results wererecorded by the Airportsof Montenegro with a 16% rise in airplaneturnover and an 8.4 %rise in passenger

turnover. Montenegro Airlines producedsimilar results with a 17.2 % rise in thenumber of passengers, while the vehi-cle turnover at border crossings ex-ceeded the last year’s turnover by 4.5percent.

NTO Director Saša Radović stated thatpromotional activities - presentation intrade shows and campaigns on globalTV networks, had produced good ef-fects, mentioning that Montenegro’sfirst tourist office had been opened inFrankfurt and that another one wassoon to be opened in London. Mon-tenegro’s affirmation in the internationaltourism market was particularly con-tributed to by the renowned worldmedia which had published stories andarticles on Montenegro.

This season’s major event was cer-tainly Madonna’s concert which gener-

ated an income of 6.5million euros, with80,000 nights realizedand the occupancy rateof 60,000 visitors. Duringthe promotional activitieson global TV networks,among other things, thespot entitled “ExperienceWild Beauty" was broad-cast on CNN 1,300 timeswith a total of 187 millionviewers; the same spotwas broadcast on TravelChannel 1,300 times,too, with nine millionviewers.

Tourism and Environmental ProtectionPredrag Nenezić and Director of NTOMontenegro Saša Radović at the pressconference held on 7 November 2009in Podgorica.

Stating that the goals projected by theGovernment’s Economic Policy for thisyear had been realized, MinisterNenezić and Director Radović an-nounced that the income generated hadexceeded the last year’s income; thatthe tourist turnover expressed in arrivalsby the end of October had amounted to1153,395; and that tourists had realized7.6 million nights, thus surpassing thecomparable last year’s figure by nearly6 percent.

Good results of the season reflectedalso on the budget and economy. In thefirst nine months, budget revenues in-creased by 21 % and VAT by 34 %. Tax

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November 2008



On 17 November2008, the Ministerof Tourism and En-

vironmental ProtectionPredrag Nenezić andMarco Cremonini, theleader of the group formedby D’Appolonia S.p.A. –SGI Studio Galli IngegneriaS.p.A. – Favero & Milan In-gegneria S.r.l. – DFS Mon-tenegro Engineering,signed the Agreement onthe provision of consultancyservices for the develop-ment of the Master Plan forsustainable tourism devel-opment in the municipalityof Kolašin, which is devel-oped within the activities onthe implementation of theNational Strategy of Sus-tainable Development ofMontenegro.

The Master Plan (Preliminary strategy – sustainable tourismdevelopment in Kolašin), is part of the joint "EnvironmentalCooperation" project realized by the Montenegrin Ministryof Tourism and Environmental Protection and the Ministry ofthe Environment, Land and Sea of the Republic of Italy.

The project is being realized in Kolašin as this municipalityhas initiated its realization. The agree-ment will ensure the development of astudy which will promote Kolašin as a fu-ture summer and winter tourist centreand it marks the beginning of the processof planning our towns in a modern andinnovative manner looking into the future,employing green technologies, a newmodern way of space use and a new ap-proach to the promotion of the town itself.The Master Plan is to be completed inthe first half of 2009, the funds for its realization being se-cured by the Italian Government.

Montenegro intends to take the leading position in theMediterranean tourism offer, in which emphasis will beplaced on the development of sustainable mountain tourismin the north of Montenegro. This will certainly contribute to anincrease in investments and the generation of new jobs.

In future, Montenegro’s tourism offer will continue to be signifi-cantly based on raising thequality of the overall and hotelinfrastructure alike, diversifiedsustainable tourism offer, cul-tural and historical heritageand environmental protection.

In Montenegro’s overalltourism offer Kolašin occu-pies a special place, amongother things thanks to itsuniquely diversified offer

throughout the year, its vicinity of the Biogradska Gora NationalPark, Jezerine ski centre as well as other facilities in its imme-diate vicinity.


he agreement will ensure the developmentof a study which will promote Kolašin as a

future summer and winter tourist centreand it marks the beginning of the processof planning our towns in a modern and in-novative manner looking into the future,

employing green technologies, a new mod-ern way of space use and a new approach

to the promotion of the town itself.

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November 2008


Adopting the Law on Waste Management, Montenegro es-tablished a legislative framework within which this area is reg-ulated in line with the EU standards and directives. In theperiod from the day of its adoption to the day of its applica-tion, a number of factors pointed to the need to embark on theprocedure of its changes and amendments.

There are two major reasons which created the need to writethe Law on Changes and Amendments to the Law on WasteManagement.

The first reason is the necessity in the process of European in-tegration to harmonize our legislation with that of the Euro-pean Union in certain areas. In the area of wastemanagement, the fact is that since the adoption of the Law onWaste Management, five very important directives have beeninnovated or have taken effect in the EU, having a significantimpact on the waste management policy in Montenegro, too.This primarily refers tothe consolidated ver-sion of the frameworkDirective on waste(2006), as well as fourDirectives on specialtypes of waste, i.e.waste products: Di-rective on packagingand packaging waste;Directive on end-of-life vehicles; Directiveon waste electricaland electronic equip-ment; Directive onbatteries and accu-mulators and wastebatteries and accu-mulators.

The other major rea-son is the fact that theapplication of the Lawon Waste Manage-ment is based on the realization of activities envisaged by theStrategic Master Plan for waste management at the nationallevel whose implementation requires between € 110 and 120million. By 1 November 2008, when the implementation of theLaw was to commence, the following activities were supposedto be carried out: the necessary infrastructure was to be de-veloped, landfills in the first place; national and local wastemanagement plans and bylaws were to be adopted; municipalregulations were to be harmonized with this law; waste man-agement companies were to be strengthened both in techni-cal terms and in terms of professional staff, etc. However, dueto the lack of funds, some of these obligations have not beenfulfilled. Landfills are expensive projects and their construc-tion creates the conditions for the implementation of EU di-

rectives which, due to the fact that they demand substan-tial investments, are also referred to as “heavy directives”.Here we should add obligations on the development of proj-ect documentation, as well as obligations on the creationof the necessary spatial and planning prerequisites, i.e.conditions for the (time-consuming) provision of the re-quired approvals and licenses through the spatial and gen-eral plans of the municipalities on the territory of which theconstruction of a landfill is planned, as well as through de-tailed urban plans or location studies. Starting from the factthat the construction of landfills and their use represent con-ditions for the comprehensive implementation of the Lawon Waste Management, the changes and amendments en-visage the postponement of the application of some of theirprovisions by 1 January 2010. By postponing the deadlinefor their application, local self-governments would be givena chance to create the prerequisites for the full implemen-tation of the Law.

The draft Law onChanges andAmendments to theLaw on Waste Man-agement envisagesthe development ofa number of bylawswhich will regulatecertain issues inthis area moreclosely. With a view toachieving continuityin the implementa-tion of the Law onWaste Manage-ment, the Government will propose that the MontenegrinParliament adopt the Law on Changes and Amendmentsto the Law on Waste Management in summary mannerand that it take effect on the day of its publication.

In the area of waste manage-ment, the fact is that since theadoption of the Law on WasteManagement, five very impor-tant directives have been inno-vated or have taken effect in theEU, having a significant impacton the waste management pol-icy in Montenegro, too. This pri-

marily refers to theconsolidated version of the

framework Directive on waste(2006), as well as four Directives

on special types of waste, i.e.waste products: Directive on

packaging and packagingwaste; Directive on end-of-lifevehicles; Directive on waste

electrical and electronic equip-ment; Directive on batteries andaccumulators and waste batter-

ies and accumulators.

Starting from the fact that theconstruction of landfills and

their use represent conditionsfor the comprehensive imple-

mentation of the Law on WasteManagement, the changes and

amendments envisage thepostponement of the applica-

tion of some of their provi-sions by 1 January 2010. Bypostponing the deadline fortheir application, local self-

governments would be given achance to create the prerequi-sites for the full implementa-

tion of the Law.

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November 2008


The first Ministerial Thematic Conference onCombating Climate Change in South-East Eu-rope was held in Sarajevo, in the organization ofthe Regional Cooperation Council and the Re-gional Environmental Centre for Central andEastern Europe. The conference was attended bythe representatives of Montenegro, Albania,Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia and Serbia,as well as the representatives of the EuropeanCommission and relevant international organiza-tions involved in environmental cooperation. Facing the need to take measures to combat andcushion the adverse effects of climate change onthe environment, particularly in terms of its threatto biodiversity, as well as its impact on the eco-nomic and social development, SEE countriesrecognized the severity of this global problem, un-derlining it in their national policies and in regionalcooperation. Starting from the projection of impacts of climatechange given by the Intergovernmental Panel on ClimateChange and accepted at the UN level, action has been takenon the establishment of regional coordination, in order tostrengthen the position of the region in negotiations which areto follow after the meeting of the Parties to the UN FrameworkConvention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), in December2008 in Poznan, i.e. during the negotiations on the post-Kyotoperiod.

During the opening ceremony, the Minister of Tourism and En-vironmental Protection Predrag Nenezić gave a talk on thedefinition of a Framework for environmental cooperation inSEE. He pointed to the significance of the involvement of cli-mate change issues in the platform for action of the RegionalCooperation Council (RCC) as an institutional framework pro-viding support in the realization of developmental projects andthe creation of political climate for the implementation of proj-ects of wider regional character. In the context of positive re-sults achieved in the period of reconstruction and stabilization,under the auspices of the Stability Pact, RCC is of particularimportance in ensuring political support in the context of Euro-Atlantic integration of SEE region. As Minister Nenezić pointedout, goals defined within the UN Convention on Biological Di-versity, UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, as

well as within the UN Mil-lennium Declaration andthe Johannesburg Plan ofImplementation, shouldbe priorities in the nationalenvironmental policies ofthe countries of the re-gion. Defining action inthe national context in thismanner, it is possible toachieve efficiency in theimplementation of meas-ures whereby the national

systems adjust to the adverse effects of climate changeand reduce the funds necessary to allocate for the adap-tation of national economies.

Starting from the importance of regional cooperation, Min-ister Nenezić expressed Montenegro's readiness to coor-dinate regional activities towards adaptation measures inthe area of tourist and coastal zones. At the same time,readiness was expresses to support the establishment ofthe Regional Climate Change Forum for the Balkans, inorder to establish a dialogue on the political level aimed atoffering support to a more effective participation of the rep-resentatives of the SEE countries in the negotiationswithin UNFCCC and the Kyoto Protocol. Viewed as posi-tive, the proposal was embraced by the Conference par-ticipants. This refers to highly significant negotiations atthe international level, within which obligations of all coun-tries will be defined upon the expiry of the timeframe forthe Kyoto Protocol implementation, including the countriesfrom our region, especially in terms of the obligation to re-duce greenhouse gas emissions and the accompanyingmeasures in the sectors of economic development. There-fore, the establishment of a regional forum at the politicallevel is a necessary prerequisite for effective action at theexpert level.

Minister Nenezić placed a special emphasis on the im-portance of using the new RENA instrument, to be usedunder the patronage of the European Commission to pro-vide support to the countries from the region in theprocess of association and stabilization, including priori-ties in the area of climate change. On the basis of goodpractices realized during the running of the Regional En-vironmental Reconstruction Programme, as well as the re-sults achieved and expected within numerouscomplementary regional initiatives such as: Dinaric Arc Ini-tiative, Adriatic-Ionic Initiative, Initiative for the de-pollutionof the Mediterranean – “HORIZON 2020”, and through co-operation within the Barcelona process “Union for the

Minister Nenezić placed aspecial emphasis on the im-portance of using the new

RENA instrument, to beused under the patronage ofthe European Commissionto provide support to the

countries from the region inthe process of associationand stabilization, includingpriorities in the area of cli-

mate change.

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November 2008

Mediterranean”, Trilateral Commission for the Adriatic and theSava Commission, Minister Nenezić stressed that guidelinesshould be defined for environmental cooperation in the SEEregion.

Starting from the significance of the coordinated action of sub-jects within the national borders, under the auspices of the “En-vironment for Europe” process, the development of a regionalaction plan has been initiated for climate change adaptationmeasures. Within the morning session, chaired by MinisterNenezić, the regional action plan was discussed which hadbeen prepared with the support of the Regional Environmen-tal Centre for Central and Eastern Europe. It is a comprehen-sive action plan which on the basis of the assessment of thecurrent state of affairs and projections for the period to comedefines special programmes to be realized in eight highly sig-nificant sectors: health, safety and urgent action; water re-source management, water resource availability and waterquality; agriculture and forestry; use of land, urbanization andtransport; tourism; coastal zones; biodiversity and ecosystems;and energy. By a statement at the ministerial level, the regionalaction plan was adopted, with the definition of mechanisms forthe coordination of implementation and with the support of theVirtual Centre for Climate Change with its seat in Belgrade, setup with the support of the Serbian Government and REC.

Later on, issues were discussed of relevance for the par-ticipation of SEE countries in the forthcoming session ofthe contracting parties to the UNFCCC Convention to beheld from 1-12 December 2008 in Poznan, Poland. TheConference ended in the adoption of a Statement at theministerial level whereby, through the adoption of the re-gional action plan for climate change adaptation measuresand the establishment of an Open Group for coordinatingparticipation of Balkan countries in negotiations under theauspices of UNFCCC and the Kyoto Protocol, the proposalwas accepted to establish a regional forum for climatechange with the support of the Montenegrin Government.This not only enables enhanced regional cooperation butalso the building of national capacities, especially in the re-alization of priorities within the future implementation of theFirst National Communication on Climate Change, as therealization of CDM projects and climate change adaptationmeasures in the sectors of tourism and coastal zone man-agement.

Coordination of the work of the Regional Forum by Mon-tenegro will enable the promotion of the national policy inthe regional and global contexts, which is of importance forthe availability of funds within the Global EnvironmentFund, EU funds, as well as through bilateral support by de-veloped countries, UNFCCC members.


In cooperation with theMontenegro Airlines andBianca Resort and Spahotel, NTO Montenegrohas launched a competi-tion on one of the mostwidely-watched channels -Travel Channel. For thispurpose, a 30-second spothas been made, which willbe broadcast around 200times in November invitingviewers to visit the Travel Channel web-site www.travelchannel.co.uk, where aspecial page has been created aboutMontenegro with detailed information ofthe prize itself www.travelchannel.co.uk.

By entering the right answer to a ques-tion about Montenegro, viewers be-

million homes in over 116countries in Europe, theMiddle East and Africa withover 6.7 million viewers permonth. In the first half of2008, NGO Montenegro’spromotional spot wasbroadcast on this channelaround 1,300 times and, ac-cording to the EMS data,the spot was seen byaround 9 million viewers, i.e.

it was seen around 58.6 million times.

With a view to promoting the competi-tion more effectively, NTO Montenegrodesigned a postcard which was distrib-uted to all visitors to the stand of theNTO Montenegro and Travel Channelat WTM held last week in London.

come potential winners of a ten-dayholiday in Kolašin.

According to the report of the Euro-pean Media & Marketing Survey,Travel Channel is one of the mostwidely-watched and successful inter-national TV channels in Europe. TravelChannel is currently watched in 73.9

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November 2008

The Minister of Tourism and Environmen-tal Protection Predrag Nenezić, accom-panied by the directors of the Fund forDevelopment and Employment Agency –Dragan Lajović and Zoran Jelić, deputydirector of the Directorate for Small andMedium-Sized Enterprises Marija Il-

ičković and the representative of the Min-istry of Agriculture, Forestry and WaterManagement Vukota Stanišić, has vis-ited the municipalities of Žabljak and Ko-lašin within the presentation of the resultsof the “Job for You” programme.

In accordance with its programme, the Mon-tenegrin Government provided support for em-ployment stimulation in Montenegro, with aspecial emphasis on the northern region. TheGovernment defined measures and activitiesaimed at continual stimulation of employmentand entrepreneurship, provision of support to en-trepreneurs in the sector of agriculture, forestryand water management, start-up support and fi-nancing the development of SMEs. The maingoals of the project running under the slogan"Job for You" include: reducing unemployment,cushioning the socio-economic consequences oftransition and stimulating a balanced and evendevelopment of Montenegro. The listed activitiesare realized through the Ministry of Agriculture,Forestry and Water Management, Directorate forthe Development of Small and Medium-SizedEnterprises, Fund for Development and Mon-tenegro Employment Agency.

During the first visit in the Municipality of Žabl-jak, at the meeting with Mr Isail Šljivančanin -the Mayor, the issues discussed included thecurrent state of affairs in the municipality, theplanned infrastructure projects of significancefor this municipality, and preparations for thewinter and summer seasons. It is encouragingthat in this municipality new accommodation ca-pacities will be available for the next season,

mostly in small hotelsand private accommo-dation, and that recon-struction of largerhotels has started, too.Ministar Nenezić in-formed Mayor Šlji-vančanin that theAction Plan for thepreparation of the win-ter tourist season wasbeing deliberatedunder the Governmentprocedure, whereby

measures and activities had been defined in order for the municipality tobe prepared for the forthcoming tourist season.

After the meeting in the Mayor’s Cabinet, Minister Nenezić, together withthe Mayor and the Director of the Montenegro Employment Agency, dis-tributed decisions on credit to the users of Employment Agency credits. The total value of the funds approved in the municipality of Žabljakamounts to 930,000 euros, for projects which will create 63 new jobs. Theprojects are mostly related to the area of tourism, as well as wood-pro-cessing and building industry. The following day in Kolašin, 14 decisionson credits were presented and distributed; it was announced that anotherseventeen projects were currently in the procedure and should be delib-erated by the end of this year. Through the realization of these projectsaround one hundred new jobs will be created in the municipality of Kolašinand around half a million euros will be approved by the state.

In the meeting with Mr Mileta Bulatović - the Mayor of Kolašin, the issuesdiscussed were the current state of affairs in the municipality and theplanned infrastructure projects. It was stated that in the past period a largenumber of activities had been realized and that the municipality of Kolašin

had very ambitious plans. The mayor and his associates, amongother things, informed Minister Nenezić of the development of thespatial plan documentation, pointing out that sixteen location stud-ies were already being realized. This creates conditions for sus-tainable development of tourism and other complementaryactivities which in a broader context will position this municipality asthe centre of winter and summer mountain tourism.

Through the realization of the "Job for You" programme, the mu-nicipalities of Kolašin and Žabljak will be allocated around 1.5 mil-lion euros, for projects which will generate over 150 new jobs,which can be regarded as a satisfactory result with the statementthat there is more space and funds available for new applications.


The Montenegrin Government provided support for employ-ment stimulation in Montenegro, with a special emphasis on

the northern region. The Government defined measures and ac-tivities aimed at continual stimulation of employment and en-trepreneurship, provision of support to entrepreneurs in the

sector of agriculture, forestry and water management, start-upsupport and financing the development of SMEs.

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November 2008

The Ministry of Tourism and Environmental Protection, incooperation with UNESCO and UNDP as an implementa-tion and executive agency, organized an introductory work-shop for the project: “Sustainable Use of Dinaric KarstAquifer System (DIKTAS)”. The workshop was opened bythe representatives of international agencies which will be incharge of the implementation of DIKTAS project: MrVladimir Mamaev on behalf of UNDP, and Mr Holger Trei-del on behalf of UNESCO. On behalf of the Ministry ofTourism and Environmental Protection the participants werewelcomed by Jelena Knežević, independent advisor.

During the two-day workshop, a platform for a dialogue wasestablished between the countries in which the DIKTASproject will be implemented: Albania, Bosnia and Herze-govina, Croatia and Montenegro, with the possibility of in-volving other countries, too (Serbia, Macedonia).

National experts from the four countries presented thehydro-geological status of the aquifer system, as well asthe legal and institutional framework for sustainable man-agement and protection of water ecosystems. On the otherhand, representatives of international institutions presentedthe ongoing and planned projects aimed at capacity-build-

ing and promotion ofregional cooperationtowards the preserva-tion and sustainableuse of water resources– surficial and under-ground aquifers andthe sea. The necessityto employ the ecosys-tem principle was em-

phasized, in terms of integrated protection and use ofwaters.

The basic results of the introductory workshop include:defining the work dynamic of the preparatory phase ofthe DIKTAS project, which encompasses the Trans-boundary Diagnostic Analysis and Strategic Action Plan,which will define the activities to be realized during theimplementation phase of the project. The Strategic Ac-tion Plan must be agreed upon between the imple-menting countries, which will confirm the commitmentof each individual country to the DIKTAS project goals.The project will be prepared for approval by the GlobalEnvironment Fund (GEF) – with the expected donationfor the four-year implementation amounting to 2.6 mil-lion dollars. Donor support of individual countries is ex-pected, too. Activities planned within the preparatoryphase of the DIKTAS project are to be completed byJune 2009.

The recommendation of the introductory workshop is thatthe implementation of the project should include the in-volvement of competent ministries and executive and ex-pert institutions dealing with both water management andthe protection of water ecosystems and sustainable devel-opment.

National experts from thefour countries presented thehydro-geological status ofthe aquifer system, as well

as the legal and institutionalframework for sustainable

management and protectionof water ecosystems.


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November 2008

ShermansTravel, the leading publisher offering advice on top desti-nations to visit, has included Montenegro among the top 10 hot spotsof 2009. ShermansTravel hot spot list has been taken over by a num-ber of most widely-read web portals, including the most influentialYahoo- travel.

According to ShermansTravel:”Montenegro has come a long way since its shaky days following Yu-goslavia's breakup. With medieval cities and ancient monasteries,over 200 miles of coastline, a plethora of beaches, soaring DinaricAlps, four national parks, and two UNESCO World Heritage Sites,this gem of a country — often overshadowed by fashionable neigh-bour Croatia — offers travellers a spectrum of outdoor and cultural ex-periences — at much more reasonable rates. Why Go In 2009:Currently ranked as the second fastest growing tourism market in theworld (falling just behind China), you’ll need to head here fast, beforerates rise to match Montenegro's mounting popularity. Luckily, travelwill be easier than ever as of June 2009, when Montenegro Airlinesexpands its service to Tivat via London Gatwick. Meanwhile, AmanResorts is slated to celebrate the opening of its newly branded SvetiStefen island resort, a former fishing village and modern-day celebrityretreat that closed for the Aman takeover and luxury makeover lastyear. This highly anticipated development has consequently sparkedother luxury hotel negotiations in the region (the Four Seasonsamong them), as well as the pending transformation of Tivat's PortMontenegro into a marina for mega yachts.” Apart Montenegro, 10hot spots of 2009 include: Tasmania, Victoria Falls (Zimbabwe), SanJuan (Puerto Rico), Cappadocia (Turkey), Austin (Texas), Tel Aviv (Is-rael), South Korea, Salvador (Brazil), Willamette Valley (Oregon).

This is a continuation of a series of highly affirmative texts on Mon-tenegro, in print and on-line editions alike. In the period ahead, NTOMontenegro will pay special attention to the communication with in-fluential web portals, as they are in expansion and the influence theyhave on potential tourists is much bigger than that of the conventionalcommunication modes.


In the period from 29-31 October 2008, in the or-ganization of the Council of Europe in Belgrade, ameeting was held on the theme “Cultural Corridorsin South East Europe: Improving the Concept andDeveloping Pilot Projects”, which was attended bythe NTO Montenegro.

The concept of cultural corridors was initiatedwithin the Regional Programme for Cultural andNatural Heritage in South East Europe (RPSEE),whose activities are partly carried out as joint pro-grammes of the Council of Europe and EuropeanCommission.

Cultural corridors represent a new approach tosustainable and just economic development,based upon cultural exchange and networkingwhich extend beyond sectoral and geopoliticalborders.

The key element in the Council of Europe's ap-proach to regional development is an emphasis ondiversity and dialogue between cultures.

Cultural Corridors Programme will be based uponfour processes: confirmation of the regional con-text, identification of the existing initiatives /net-works/ of regional projects as potential culturalcorridors, evaluation of the nominations of suchinitiatives and identification of the existing gaps orneeds hindering their development as cultural cor-ridors, involvement in major actions: (expert guid-ance, training and education, awareness-raisingcampaigns, networking-related events, financingconcrete projects and activities, technological andlegal support, etc.) in order to help such nomina-tions to achieve the full scope of goals connectedto the concept of cultural corridors.

The participants in the meeting assessed thatthere was potential for Enological Tourism Ex-change as a cultural corridor matching the majorconcept of using cultural treasures (vine and wine-making culture and tradition) as a core aroundwhich a large and diverse network develops theinitiatives which may lead to transboundary andinter-sectoral exchange, bringing economic gainto all parties engaged and functioning as a spring-board for regional development.



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November 2008


This year's World Travel Market (WTM) in London tookplace from 10 to 13 November. The world's major traveltrade show brought together around 5,000 presentersfrom over 200 countries.

This year around 48,500 tourism professionals turnedup from all over the world, out of which 48% from GreatBritain and 52% from other countries. Every year, thetravel trade show is attended by a host of media com-panies; this year over 3,000 media representatives at-tended the event. Also, this year's WTM was attended by highofficials from all over the world, managers of world-known compa-nies and renowned economic analysts.

Montenegro's tourism offer was presented by the Ministry of Tourismand Environmental Protection and NTO Montenegro in cooperationwith their strategic partners and tourism companies. Presented atthe 74.25m2 stand were the strategic partners of the Ministry ofTourism and NTO Montenegro: "The Queen of Montenegro" hotel,“Beppler & Jacobson”, "Budvanska Rivijera”, as well as the repre-sentatives of Montenegro's tourism companies: hotel group "Mon-tenegro Stars", hotel "Princess", tourist agencies "MontenegroAdventures" and "Adriatic Express", and local tourism organizationsof Budva, Kotor, Podgorica and Žabljak.

During the travel trade show, Minister Predrag Nenezić and NTODirector Saša Radović met with the Secretary General of UNWTOFrancesco Frangialli, as well as with the President of the WorldTravel and Tourism Council Jean-Claude Baumgarten. They alsogave a large number of interviews to the representatives of themajor British media, such as: CNN, BBC, Travel Mole, ABTA etc.

Within the activities of the Montenegro Convention Bureau duringthe trade show, numerous meetings were held with tourist agenciesspecializing in MICE tourism, as well as with a large number ofmedia representatives, with a view to promoting MICE offer in Mon-tenegro in a more effective way, since this type of tourism is ex-pected to be particularly affected by the global economic crisis. Atthe same time, interest in Hiking & Biking in Montenegro proved tobe exceptionally high and a great number of agencies specializingin this kind of offer visited Montenegro's stand.

According to the official statistical data, by the end of Septemberthis year Montenegro recorded over 11,000 arrivals from GreatBritain with around 63,500 nights realized. Bearing in mind that on15 June the national carrier Montenegro Airlines opened a directMontenegro-London route running three times a week, NTO Mon-tenegro expects a rise in arrivals from the British market. In addition,in the coming period NTO Montenegro plans to open a tourist officein London.

Montenegro's tourism offer is included in the programmes of the fol-lowing British tour-operators and tourist agencies: Thomson, Holi-day Options, Balkan Holidays, Saga Holidays, Inghams, BosmereTravel, Original Travel, Cosmos, Mercian Travel Centre, RegentHolidays, Adriatic Adventures, Exodus, So Montenegro, as well asthe Irish tour-operators Concord Travel and Croatia Tours.



From 10-12 November this year, a workshop washeld on the Process of Developing a Manage-ment Plan for the Protected Area of the HistoricalCore of Cetinje. The major aim of the Workshopwas to familiarize the participants with the princi-ples, practice and methodology of planning as thestarting point for the process of developing aManagement Plan. The presented methodologyfor developing a Management Plan was based onthe following: methodology given in the Manage-ment Guidelines for World Cultural Heritage(Feilden, B.M., Jokilehto, Jukka, ICCROM, Rome,1998); comparative experience in developing theManagement Plan of Kotor; experience so far indeveloping Management Plans for the countriesof the region; international experiences; and Eu-ropean principles for the protection of immobilecultural heritage.

During the workshop, consensus was achievedon the values and vision of the protected area ofthe Historical Core of Cetinje, as well as factorswhich threaten the values and development po-tential. With the general management goals de-fined, the creation of the Preliminary Content andAction Plan, a general framework was providedfor further development of the Management Planof the Historical Core of Cetinje. On the last dayof the Workshop, a presentation was organizedfor all participants on the premises of the Ministryof Culture, Sports and the Media in Podgorica.The guests were Mr Damir Dijaković, UNESCOBRESCE Office, Venice; Prof. Gianclaudio Mac-chiarela, University of Venice; and Prof. MaurizioBoriani, University of Milan. Through the presen-tations of the Italian professors, the participantshad an opportunity to hear some concrete pro-posals for the future valorisation of Cetinje.

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November 2008

NTO Montenegro and Montenegro Airlineshave organized a study visit to Montenegro forrepresentatives of the Italian media and tour-operators. During their stay, the group fromItaly visited the major hotels in our tourism in-dustry: Bianca Resort & Spa, Rivijera inPetrovac, Queen of Montenegro, Maestral,Splendid, Avala Resort & Spa etc.

On 15 November, on the occasion of their ar-rival, a joint press conference was held byMontenegro Airlines and NTO Montenegro,where the media representatives were ad-dressed by the President of Montenegro Air-lines Dr Zoran Đurišić and the Director of NTOMontenegro Saša Radović.

Mr Saša Radović acquainted the media withthe current state of affairs as well as with somenew initiatives undertaken in order to continuethe successful growth and development ofMontenegrin tourism (hiking & biking, develop-ment of MICE market, new modern Internetportal www.montenegro.travel and other majorprojects). Also, guests were informed aboutgood traffic links between Italy and Montene-gro (Montenegro Airlines flights to Milan andRome, as well as ferry routes Bar – Bari andBar – Ancona), and, of course, about the his-torical connections between the two countries.Italian journalists and tour-operators showedgreat interest both in Montenegro's naturalbeauties and in cooperation with Montenegrinhotels and tourism companies. This was con-firmed by a large number of interviews andquestions that the Director of NTO Montene-gro answered.

Great interest in Montenegro was proved by thelarge number of journalists and tour-operators,the most important of whom include: GiorgiaGovernale from ANSA, Carla Pagliai from RAI,Igor Righetti and Massimo Curti from Radiouno,Laura lo Turco from Tourismo & Attualita,Katiuscia Laneri from Giornale del Tourismo,Chiara Caprio from Travel Quotidiano etc.

The major tour-operators included: BeatriceGianni and Sergio Sbrana from Cedok Italia,Alessandra Galioto from La Sicilia, MariaPaola Quaglia from Trenda, Antonella PinoD’Astore from Travelling Interline, Emiliano DeCarolis, Vivere Sette Tourismo, Libero, Est-land, Pentatur, Teconotourism, Edreams, Last-minute.com, Opodo, Expedia, Eurotravel andothers.


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November 2008

With a view to raising the consciousness and enhancing commitment of touristagents, active participants who have successfully completed the training andpassed the exams organized at the end of the course, will be given an opportu-nity to win a journey - a free holiday in Montenegro. These incentive travelswould not be possible without the support of the partners in the project fromMontenegro’s tourism industry.

The German version of the programme will be released on 1.12.2008 while theEnglish, Italian and French versions are expected to appear between Januaryand March 2009.

This project announces 2009 as the year of E –marketing in NTO Montenegro.

NTO Montenegrohas selectedFVW Medien-gruppe fromHamburg to im-plement the E-L e a r n i n gprogramme formajor interna-tional markets ofrelevance forMontenegro, forthe minimum pe-riod of one year.

FVW is one ofthe leadingtourism magazines both in its print andelectronic editions and one of the cre-ators of the public opinion in tourism inGermany.

The aim of E-Learning Montenegro is topresent Montenegro as a new and at-tractive tourist destination with some-thing to offer for any taste: sun andbeaches, nature-oriented tourism, activeholiday, cultural sights etc. Its main goalis to train programme participants –sales agents in numerous Europeantourist agencies, in order for them to be-come specialists in Montenegro who willbe able to sell arrangement in our coun-try in a qualified and motivated manner.

The launching of the programme will beaccompanied by adequate media cov-erage, in the print editions of FVW andTravel Talk magazine, as well as on theofficial FVW website as the most fre-quented German tourism site amongprofessionals.

Attendance at the programme is totallyfree of charge. The only condition is reg-istration in order for a tourist agent to beassigned a username and password toaccess E – Learning programme.


The aim of E-Learning Mon-tenegro is to present Montene-

gro as a new and attractivetourist destination with some-

thing to offer for any taste:sun and beaches, nature-ori-ented tourism, active holiday,

cultural sights etc. Its maingoal is to train programme

participants – sales agents innumerous European tourist

agencies, in order for them tobecome specialists in Mon-

tenegro who will be able to sellarrangement in our country ina qualified and motivated man-


FVW is one of the leading tourism magazinesboth in its print and electronic editions and one

of the creators of the public opinion in tourism inGermany.

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November 2008



The Minister of Tourism andEnvironmental ProtectionPredrag Nenezić, accompa-nied by the representativesof the public enterprise “Re-gionalni vodovodCrnogorsko primorje” (Re-gional Water Company forthe Montenegrin Coast) andthe Electric Power Com-pany of Montenegro, hasvisited the construction siteat the Bolje Sestre waterspring of the regional watersupply system for the Mon-tenegrin coast in order togain field information aboutthe realization of the projectdefined by the MontenegrinGovernment as one of toppriorities.

Starting from the signifi-cance of the regional watersupply system for the life and work of all citizens and busi-ness companies on the Montenegrin coast, but also for thedevelopment of tourism as Montenegro's strategic line of de-velopment, the Montenegrin Government has providednearly 60% of the total funds necessary for the constructionof the system, whosevalue has been esti-mated at around 100 mil-lion euros. The remainingfunds have been securedthrough very favourableloans from the EuropeanBank for Reconstructionand Development andthe World Bank.

Works on the construction of the regional water supply sys-tem are planned to be completed by 1 June 2009, while thesystem should be put into operation in September 2009.The entire system is planned to be completed in 2010. Uponthe completion of the project, Montenegrin coastal munici-palities will be receiving 1,000 l/s from this system in thefirst phase and another 500 l/s in the second phase, the re-alization of which is planned for 2020.

The Government has undertaken a number of measures inorder to help the system to be completed within the stipulatedtimeframe. A special team, headed by Minister Nenezić, hasbeen set up to monitor the construction of the system.

According to the words of Minister Nenezić, the waterspring is the “heart” of the entire system and the worksthere are being carried out at the pace which should en-sure the observance of timeframes. Works at the waterspring and the construction of other facilities in the re-gional water supply system (pump stations, reservoirsand the like) have been entrusted to the “Jedinstvo” com-pany from Užice.

Apart from this company, another five contractors havebeen included in the construction of the regional water sup-ply system: “Integral Inženjering” - Banja Luka, carries outworks on the installation of pipelines for the northern part ofthe coast; “Gintas” Turkey, for the southern part; and“Shtrabag” Austria, for the continental part. The recon-struction of the hydro-technical tunnel “Sozina” has beenentrusted to the Austrian company “Alpine”, while the ex-amination of the existing pipelines from Budva to Tivat isperformed by a specialized Hungarian company. Electro-magnetic plants for the needs of the regional water supplysystem will be constructed by the Electric Power Companyof Montenegro. Works are under way at 15 locations.

The Montenegrin Govern-ment has provided nearly

60% of the total funds nec-essary for the constructionof the system, whose value

has been estimated ataround 100 million euros.

Works on the construction of the regional watersupply system are planned to be completed by 1

June 2009, while the system should be put into op-eration in September 2009.
