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Moose Harvesting

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Moose Harvesting
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Northern Secwepemc te Qelmucw “to tell a story” Shuswap People of the North January 2012 - Pell7emetmin’ / Pellkwe’min ‘stay at home/underneath’ Lexey’em By Joël Benoit Communicaons Coordinator Provincial hunng stakeholders are pressuring the BC Government to implement a ‘spike-fork’ moose season. The BC Government is considering adopng the Omineca moose harvesng model proposed to increase harvest quotas and permits for spike- fork moose if approved. The NStQ Leadership Council spoke strongly against the proposal cing the steady decline of the moose popula- on in their territory and the lack of relevant informaon on which the government bases its decisions. As a result, NStQ pushed to develop a partnership with the BC Ministry of Lands and Natural Resource Operaons (MFLNRO) to conduct a study of actual moose harvest by the NStQ cizens. Wildlife Surveyors will be work- ing in each NStQ community to collect data to assist in determining if it will be feasible to increase loery allowances for Limited Entry Hunng permits for the 2012 Moose season. In this partnership the BC Government provided funding to the NStQ to launch the Northern Secwepemc te Qelmucw Harvest Study for 2011/2012 within NStQ Tradional Territory later this month. Gord Sterri, Fisheries Resource Manager for the Northern Shuswap Tribal Council (NSTC) and supervisor of the study, states, “the survey will provide informaon that the Ministry requires to make informed decisions as well as informa- on that the NStQ can ulize to make informed decisions on the management of their resources as well.” NStQ and the MFLNRO will meet February to discuss wildlife manageability of hunng where government intends to increase harvest quotas, parcularly amongst spike-fork or young Bull Moose. According to a government flight inven- tory taken in 2007, calf populaon esmates were higher than government targets. The MFLNRO esmated 6265 moose within the Cariboo in 2011, down nearly 10% from 2008 esmates. Annually, the chance of harvesng a moose dropped a staggering 48% since early 2000 according to MFLNRO harvest data. Despite calf growth; provincial findings have projected the 2016 moose populaon will be less than 50% of the starng 2012 moose populaon. Jamie Baldwin, one of four Wildlife Surveyors for the NStQ, states “For the first me in this area, NStQ cizens are taking the responsibility to conduct their own harvest surveys for provincial records. Finally the government is using First Na- on hunng data with their hunng guidelines, in providing harvesng permits to non-status and non-resident harvesters.” The Moose Harvest Management Procedures regulated by the province, determines the number of permits issued to non-NStQ hunters based on the number of moose harvested by First Naons’ for tradional use. Although this procedure exists this will be the first me the NStQ will formally conduct a harvesng survey for the provincial moose harvesng loery. Don Dixon, Canim Lake Band’s Natural Resource Coordinator, states that “the harvesng model, or the Omineca model, presented by the govern- ment was ulized in the Prince George region where environmental constraints and moose habitats differed and could invalidate the harvest regulaon process within the NStQ.” Moose habitat is impacted by pine beetle in- festaons and logging pracces have isolated moose populaons to densely populated wildlife ‘refuges’. This has increased hunter encounters amongst each other. With smaller game zones, there is limited availability of moose in primary hunng areas and compromising the safety of hunters having to hunt in close proximity of one another. MFLNRO studies and NStQ observaons have Inside This Issue NStQ Treaty News p. 2 T’exelc Treaty News p. 3 Xats’ull Treaty News p. 4 Ts’qescen’Treaty News p.5 Stswecem’c Xgat’tem Treaty News Northern Shuswap Tribal Council p. 6 FN News - Special Report p. 7 SXFN Community News p. 8 WLIB Community News p.9 Around Secwepemc7ulecw p. 10 First Naon New p.11 Secwepemc Cultural Page p.12 shown that isolang moose to selected forest shelters has made it easier for wolves to harvest, thereby increasing the wolf populaon, driving both species closer to communies. Consequently, moose related collisions have increased 400% between 1996 and 2005. The moose is an important part of the NStQ diet yielding as much as 300 kg of meat as a staple food. Moose are necessary in maintaining natural ecosystems and are vital in harmonizing wildlife habitats with other species and associ- ated predators. For more informaon contact Gordon Sterri at 250-392-7361. Cow moose feeding near Horsefly River. The proposed Omineca Harvest Model will be reviewed by NStQ to identify over- harvest risks. Declining moose populations worry NStQ
Page 1: Moose Harvesting

Northern Secwepemc te Qelmucw“to tell a story”Shuswap People of the North

January 2012 - Pell7emetmin’ /

Pellkwe’min ‘stay at home/underneath’Lexey’em

By Joël Benoit Communications Coordinator

Provincial hunting stakeholders are pressuring the BC Government to implement a ‘spike-fork’ moose season.

The BC Government is considering adopting the Omineca moose harvesting model proposed to increase harvest quotas and permits for spike-fork moose if approved. The NStQ Leadership Council spoke strongly against the proposal citing the steady decline of the moose popula-tion in their territory and the lack of relevant information on which the government bases its decisions. As a result, NStQ pushed to develop a partnership with the BC Ministry of Lands and Natural Resource Operations (MFLNRO) to conduct a study of actual moose harvest by the NStQ citizens. Wildlife Surveyors will be work-ing in each NStQ community to collect data to assist in determining if it will be feasible to increase lottery allowances for Limited Entry Hunting permits for the 2012 Moose season. In this partnership the BC Government provided funding to the NStQ to launch the Northern Secwepemc te Qelmucw Harvest Study for 2011/2012 within NStQ Traditional Territory later this month.

Gord Sterritt, Fisheries Resource Manager for the Northern Shuswap Tribal Council (NSTC) and supervisor of the study, states, “the survey will provide information that the Ministry requires to make informed decisions as well as informa-tion that the NStQ can utilize to make informed decisions on the management of their resources as well.”

NStQ and the MFLNRO will meet February to discuss wildlife manageability of hunting where government intends to increase harvest quotas, particularly amongst spike-fork or young Bull Moose. According to a government flight inven-tory taken in 2007, calf population estimates were higher than government targets.

The MFLNRO estimated 6265 moose within the Cariboo in 2011, down nearly 10% from 2008 estimates. Annually, the chance of harvesting a moose dropped a staggering 48% since early 2000 according to MFLNRO harvest data.

Despite calf growth; provincial findings have projected the 2016 moose population will be less than 50% of the starting 2012 moose population.

Jamie Baldwin, one of four Wildlife Surveyors for the NStQ, states “For the first time in this area, NStQ citizens are taking the responsibility to conduct their own harvest surveys for provincial records. Finally the government is using First Na-tion hunting data with their hunting guidelines, in providing harvesting permits to non-status and non-resident harvesters.”

The Moose Harvest Management Procedures regulated by the province, determines the number of permits issued to non-NStQ hunters based on the number of moose harvested by First Nations’ for traditional use. Although this procedure exists this will be the first time the NStQ will formally conduct a harvesting survey for the provincial moose harvesting lottery.

Don Dixon, Canim Lake Band’s Natural Resource Coordinator, states that “the harvesting model, or the Omineca model, presented by the govern-ment was utilized in the Prince George region where environmental constraints and moose habitats differed and could invalidate the harvest regulation process within the NStQ.”

Moose habitat is impacted by pine beetle in-festations and logging practices have isolated moose populations to densely populated wildlife ‘refuges’. This has increased hunter encounters amongst each other. With smaller game zones, there is limited availability of moose in primary hunting areas and compromising the safety of hunters having to hunt in close proximity of one another.

MFLNRO studies and NStQ observations have

Inside This Issue

NStQ Treaty News p. 2 T’exelc Treaty News p. 3Xats’ull Treaty News p. 4 Ts’qescen’Treaty News p.5Stswecem’c Xgat’tem Treaty News Northern Shuswap Tribal Council p. 6 FN News - Special Report p. 7SXFN Community News p. 8WLIB Community News p.9Around Secwepemc7ulecw p. 10First Nation New p.11

Secwepemc Cultural Page p.12

shown that isolating moose to selected forest shelters has made it easier for wolves to harvest, thereby increasing the wolf population, driving both species closer to communities. Consequently, moose related collisions have increased 400% between 1996 and 2005.

The moose is an important part of the NStQ diet yielding as much as 300 kg of meat as a staple food. Moose are necessary in maintaining natural ecosystems and are vital in harmonizing wildlife habitats with other species and associ-ated predators.

For more information contact Gordon Sterritt at 250-392-7361.

Cow moose feeding near Horsefly River. The proposed Omineca Harvest Model will be reviewed by NStQ to identify over-harvest risks.

Declining moose populations worry NStQ

Page 2: Moose Harvesting

January 2012 p.2

Principal Negotiator’s Report NStQ Treaty News

Leadership Council Report

“Northern Secwepemc te Qelmucw” (NStQ) refers to the lands, people and communities of Canim Lake Band, Soda Creek Band, Williams Lake Band and the Stswecem’c-Xgat’tem First Nation. The “NStQ Leadership Council” (NStQLC) refers to the combined community councils of each of the four communities (total of 22 members) who meet monthly to guide the treaty process and to address items and issues of common concern. A Terms of Reference endorsed by the NStQLC, guides the process.

By Jim Doswell Principal Negotiator

Government-to-Government Agreement

The province has received the mandate to negotiate a government-to-government shared decision making agreement with the Northern Shuswap. The provincial negotiating team and members of the regional office made the announcement at our December negotiating session.

The agreement will outline how NStQ and BC will make decisions regarding land use and resource development within the territory and how they will minimize these developments impact upon NStQ title and rights.

There are only four agreements negotiated in BC

with ours to be the fifth. Some of these agreements are better than others. The Minister has written to NStQ that this agreement could be similar to the Mid Coast or Haida agreements. These agreements have so far set the benchmark for shared decision making agreements. We already set a schedule for negotiations and it is hoped that the negotiations will occur in conjunction with the treaty negotiations in order to save on travel expense. We clearly outlined our concerns with staff in the regional office; the province has assured us that they will be active in the negotiations and will monitor the activities of the local staff. This agreement could be a very important development in the relationship between NStQ and BC.

The Negotiations

Our negotiations were somewhat consumed with discussions of the “shared decision making agreement” but we were able to resolve some major issues of chapter language and move forward on a strategy to conclude the AIP by late spring or early summer of 2012.

Ranch Option

The Federal negotiator has updated me on the progress being made and I will report more thoroughly at the Leadership meeting on January 4th.

Next Meeting

February , 21-23 , 22nd in Deep Creek.

NStQ Relationship Agreement

As business and political activity increases in the territory, as well as to begin setting the stage for treaty, the NStQ Leadership Council sees the importance of clarifying and defining their relationships to one another and to areas of jurisdiction as NStQ communities.

There have been several general and preliminary discussions at their table and this month, NStQ Leadership Council delved in more detail on main points they would like to see as part of this agreement.

A framework of discussions that will hopefully lead to an agreement or protocol between the four communities includes the components of Guiding Principles, Relationship & Procedures, Roles & Responsibilities, and Resources. It is a positive first step and an introduction to how NStQ will operate as one government post-treaty.

Ultimately, the process of developing this agreement will assist to improve how the NStQ addresses the many issues that impact their lands, people and communities.

Further development is required and a scheduled 2 day session will be held in the near future to finalize the scope of their agreement to each other.

Revenue Resource Sharing

Another post-treaty area that requires pre-planning and consideration is the huge area of resource revenue-sharing.

Principal Negotiator, Jim Doswell, led a discussion with the Leadership Council on what the future could look like for the NStQ post-treaty. He identified many areas where the NStQ will need to establish future working relationships to develop, operate, and maintain an NStQ centralized government.

Jim reviewed how the NStQ Communities operate now, with program and service funding resourced directly to the communities, and how the four communities share a joint agreement for treaty funding, resourced through the Northern Shuswap Tribal Council & Treaty Society.

In post-treaty, NStQ will be identified as the governing body of the resources and raises the question of how does the NStQ Leadership foresee the future of this government?

What policies & procedures can we develop to ensure efficiency and effectiveness of a fair and successful NStQ Government for our citizens?

There are various impacts of post-treaty where it will require further attention from the communities at several levels including, political, management, operational and administrative levels.

This process has been identified from the NStQ Leadership council as a matter that will require input from all of the NStQ and worthy of presentation at the next NStQ Citizens Assembly on April 17 & 18, 2012.

Please keep posted on updates of the next NStQ Citizens Assembly, as we would like to see and hear input from the NStQ Citizens on the current direction of the Treaty.

Contact InformationNorthern Secwepmec te Qelmucw

Northern Shuswap Tribal Council 17 South First Avenue Williams Lake BC V2G 1H4 Ph: 250-392-7361 Toll free: 1-888-392-7361 Fax: 250-392-6158 Yvonne Smith – Executive Director Ardythe Wilson – Treaty Team Coordinator Joël Benoît - Communications Coordinator Tara Alfred – Executive Assistant Agness Jack - Communications Assistant

Stswecem’c/Xat’tem (Canoe Creek) General Delivery Dog Creek BC, VOL 1J0 Ph: 250-440-5649 Toll free: 1-888-220-4220 Fax: 250-440-5672 Ken Harry – Treaty Manager Allan Adams – Governance Allison Harry – Treaty Assistant/Comms.

Tsq’esecn’ (Canim Lake Indian Band) PO Box 1030 100 Mile House BC VOK 2E0 Ph; 250-397-2002 Toll free: 1866-797-2277 Fax: 250-397-2769 Elizabeth Pete – Treaty Manager Helen Henderson – Governance Irene Gilbert – Mapping Tech. & Communications

Xat’sull/Cmetem’ (Soda Creek Indian Band) 3405 Mountain House Road Williams Lake BC V2G 5L5 Ph: 250-989-2323 Fax: 250-989-2300 Gord Keener – Treaty Manager Cliff Thorstenson – Governance Advisor Kellie Louie – Treaty Assistant

T’exelc (Williams Lake Indian Band) 2672 Indian Drive Williams Lake BC V2G 5K9 Ph: 250-296-3507 Toll free: 1-877-856-3507 Fax: 250-296-4750 Chris Wycotte – Treaty Manager Charlotte Gilbert – Governance Kirk Dressler – Communications Judy Boston – Treaty Assistant

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Quesnel Lake

Quesnel River

0 5 102.5Kilometres



British Columbia


January 2012 p.3

Williams Lake Indian Band Reaches Historic Agreement with Mount Polley Mining Corporation

By Kirk Dressler WLIB Communications

[Editor’s note - the WLIB Agreement with Mount Polley Mining was negotiated as part of its consult & accommodate’ activities.]

Over the last few months, there has been extensive discussion about mining activity in Williams Lake Indian Band (WLIB) territory, and in NStQ generally. This includes a number of existing mines, none of which had previously resolved issues in relation to Aboriginal title and rights.

One such mine is Mount Polley, located near Likely, approximately 55 kilometres northeast of Williams Lake.

In August of last year, Mt. Polley obtained permits from the government of British Columbia allowing for the expansion of Mt. Polley. WLIB was extremely concerned about this expansion, especially given that no Traditional Use Study was ever conducted on the Mt. Polley site to determine the potential to affect or disrupt traditional practices such as hunting and gather or use of spiritual sites.

WLIB expressed its concern to the government of British Columbia, and has been aggressively lobbying for changes in the governments consultation practices. That battle is still being fought today, and on January 17, 2012, Chief Ann Louie will be meeting with the Minister of Aboriginal Relations and Reconciliation to discuss a variety of matters – including the general failings of the government’s consultation process.

“At the treaty table we have been negotiating for a shared decision

making framework, and recently we have begun discussions with the province that could result in the implementation of such a framework prior to the conclusion of a treaty.”The good news in the here and now is that WLIB has recently reached an agreement with Mt. Polley that addresses some of its concerns with respect to the mine’s operation and with its proposal for expansion.

The agreement also provides WLIB with a

number of benefits, and opens the door to building a more cooperative relationship with Mt. Polley.

To briefly summarize, the agreement covers the following subjects:

• Training and education: Mt. Polley agrees to support training and development of WLIB members and to maximize opportunities for WLIB members at the mine. MPMC will make

an annual payment to WLIB to provide scholarships and bursaries for WLIB members.

• Contribution to Community Devel-opment: Mt. Polley agrees to make a significant annual payment to WLIB to fund community development, which includes any initia-tive by the band to promote the eco-nomic, cultural or social welfare of the community.

• Employment and Contracting: Mt. Polley agrees to consider WLIB mem-bers for employment opportunities at the mine, and to provide a number of direct award contract opportunities to WLIB. For contracts which go out to tender, the evalua-tion of those contracts will include the extent to which the bid involves WLIB employment.

• Environmental: Mt. Polley agrees to hire a WLIB member as an environmental monitor at the mine, and to provide financial capacity for WLIB to review permit applications that are being filed by the mine. The mine agrees to make efforts to address the concerns of WLIB with respect to all permits that are being filed

• Traditional Use Study: Mt. Polley has commit-ted to doing a comprehensive traditional use study of the mine site, to be coordinated by WLIB and Xat’Sull. This study will allow us to assess the impacts of the mine on traditional uses and to make efforts to ensure that those impacts are minimized. The study will also provide the opportunity for elders and other to provide input and participate in the pro-cess.

The WLIB/MPMC Participation Agreement is the first of its kind that we are aware of in British Columbia.

WLIB will be recognizing the completion of this important agreement at a signing ceremony at WLIB on February 6, 2012.

The agreement also signifies that WLIB is actively negotiating, and it is possible for those companies working in Secwepemculecw, and which have a legitimate desire to do so, to address issues in relation to Aboriginal title and rights.

Just because we have reached an agreement with Mt. Polley, it does not mean that the government of BC should be, or is, off the hook.

We will continue to demand improvements to the government’s consultation process, and will still pursue the province to ensure that it delivers on its commitment to share with WLIB the mineral tax collected from Mt. Polley.

For more information on the WLIB/MPMC Participation Agreement, please contract Kirk Dressler at (250) 296-3507 ext. 116 or at [email protected]

T’exelc Treaty News

Mount Polley Mine is located southwest of Likely, in the Quesnel Lake area. Polley Lake is located just to the east of the minesite and Bootjack Lake is to the west.

1- 2 Col. Ad

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Xats’ull Treaty News January 2012 p.4

By Cliff Thorstenson

There is definitely a “gold rush” going on right now in the Cariboo. And it’s not just gold, either. Copper, molybdenum, silver, magnetite and other metals are all in great demand.

The Northern Secwepemc have experienced a gold rush before, and the experience was not a good one.

In 1862, Billy Barker found gold near the current town of Barkerville. This event led to a huge influx of miners and others to Secwepemc7ulecw. Prior to this time, the policy of the British Crown was to make treaties with First Nations. Between 1850 and 1864, Governor James Douglas of the British Colony of Vancouver Island negotiated 14 treaties with Island First Nations. By the time of the Cariboo Gold Rush, the Crown was changing their policy from one of treaty-making to one of creating reserves and attempting to assimilate First Nations. Governor Douglas was eventually replaced by Joseph Trutch, an outright racist who not only prohibited First Nations from acquiring lands outside reserves but reduced the size of existing reserves.

The extent to which the nineteenth century gold rush was a root cause of the destructive colonization of BC First Nations is arguable, but it is understandable why many Northern Secwepemc do not view the mining industry with much fondness.

The 1862 gold rush eventually died down and it hasn’t been until recently that huge increases in the price of commodities like gold, coupled with improvements in technologies for mineral exploration and extraction have made it economical to mine in a big way. Access to potential mining sites in Secwepemc7ulecw has been made easier by all of the forest roads that were cut through the territory over the past decades.

Antiquated BC Mining legislation gives free miners extensive rights to enter onto “mineral lands” (including private property) to develop and produce minerals or placer minerals. Individuals can now stake mineral claims in Secwepemc7ulecw for about $75 without leaving the comfort of their home.

As a result of the factors mentioned above, mineral exploration and mining are booming in Secwepemc7ulecw, especially in what the mining industry calls the “Quesnel Trench”, which includes the Spanish Lake, Quesnel Lake and Horsefly Lake areas.

There are basically two types of mining: “placer”, which is panning and sluicing surface alluvial material, and “hard rock”, which is extracting minerals from an open pit or underground rock. And there’s plenty of both going on in the territory.

There are many concerns with placer mining—the lack of regulation and monitoring, the use (and misuse) of streams, and the sheer concentration of activity (dozens of placer claims

in the Spanish Lake area alone). However, the remainder of this article will focus on hard rock mining.

In Xat’sull’s Stewardship Area, there are currently three active hard rock mines: Gibraltar Mine (copper and molybdenum), QR Mine (gold) and Mt. Polley Mine (gold, copper and magnetite). There are also several hard rock mineral exploration activities around Quesnel River, Quesnel Lake and Horsefly Lake. The most advanced exploration is the Spanish Mountain Gold project just north of Likely, BC, between Quesnel Lake and Spanish Lake.

Hard rock mining is a pretty simple process. You break huge rocks into smaller rocks using drills or dynamite. You then crush this rock into smaller and smaller pieces with a series of machines until it is powder. You then float the powder in water and chemicals until the desired minerals (gold, copper, etc.) separate from the rest. In most cases, the good stuff is then sent by truck, train and ship to refineries (many of them in Asia). The materials you don’t want, which are called tailings, are then stored on site.

Unfortunately, the process of hard rock mining creates a number of significant environmental challenges. The mains ones are probably metal leaching and acid rock drainage (ML-ARD). Rock that is half a billion years old and in a natural state tends not to be a problem. However, if you blow it up and grind it down, much of it tends to create acids that can be extremely destructive. Even if the rock is not potentially acid generating (PAG), it can be harmful.

In addition, much of this crushed and discarded material (PAG or not) releases heavy metals such arsenic, cadmium and manganese. Some of these substances can be very destructive to the environment. Cadmium, for example, accumulates in the organs of fish and can make them toxic to humans.

The standard procedure for dealing with hard rock mine tailings is to cover them with water and store them in a tailings pond. Provided the tailings stay covered with water, acid rock drainage is limited. However, tailings ponds leak

and there is always at least some seepage.

During the operating life of a mine and for years afterwards, water around the mine site is carefully monitored for any changes. Mining companies post bonds (large sums of money) for mine closure and reclamation.


Even geochemists who work for the mining industry will tell you that acid rock drainage is pretty much a “forever” problem. Long after the bond has expired, the mine company has moved elsewhere and the current provincial government has left office, the potential for ML-ARD will persist.

Who then will be left to deal with the problem? You got it—the Northern Secwepemc.

This is not intended to be an “anti-mining” article. It is pretty hard to imagine a 21st century human existence without metals. However, rather than approaching mining with the blinkered zeal of Premier Christy Clark and her government, shouldn’t the province:

• Update current mining legislation and regulated practices to conform with world-wide best practices for mining and mineral exploration?

• Properly engage First Nations and incor-porate First Nations Traditional Knowl-edge in decision-making and standard-setting for mining and mineral explora-tion, including adequate funding for First Nations to participate in this aspect of stewardship?

• Make sure that mining activities do not take place in the absence of complete information about the potential effects of those activities?

• Limit exploration and development until it can complete a comprehensive study on the potential cumulative effects of all the mining activity in Secwepemc7ulecw and place a cap on the number and size of mines that can be developed here?

• Ensure that the Northern Secwepemc receive an appropriate and substantial share of any revenue and benefits com-ing from mining activity in the territory?

• Make a formal commitment to future generations?

• Publicly acknowledge that water is far more valuable than gold?

• Gain some wisdom from the Cree prophesy: ‘Only after the last tree has been cut down, only after the last river has been poisoned, only after the last fish has been caught, only then will you realize that money cannot be eaten.’

The Challenge of Mining

Open pit mining - Xat’sull file photo

Page 5: Moose Harvesting

January 2012 p.5Tsq’escen’ Treaty News

By Elizabeth Pete Treaty Manager

I have been invited to attend and to participate in the NStQ constitution meet-ings organized by the Governance Working Group. My role is to assist with the Secwepemctsin dis-cussions on the constitution development. It is a privilege to work with the Elders is this regard.

I have attended two community meetings to date – the first one at Xgat’tem and the second at T’exelc. Previously, I had attended a Constitution Steering Committee meeting at the tribal council board-room. At that meeting, T’exelc Elder Jean William, and Xgat’tem Elder Mary Boston presented their work on Secwepemctsin terminology.

I have organized the information provided into a number of headings. What I learned is that there exists within our language terms and concepts for ‘Power, Chief, Respect, Leadership, Decision Mak-ing, Rights, Laws and Tools – which, among others, will be included in the foundation work for the constitution.

A few examples of these words are: Txexe7 – “the highest power”; Yucwenmin’men – “Hunt-ing Chief” or the “Caretaker”; Tkw’enme7iple7 – “to take charge, to institute law”; Stkw’enme7iple7ten – “law”.

For my part in this, the next step will be to con-tinue to present the information, and to encour-age feedback from Elders about the terminology and translations. It is also my intention, with the assistance of the Elders, to develop the root words for each of the Secwepemc terms, and to provide a sentence using each of the terms. This work has already begun.

I extend my appreciation to the Elders who have taken on the ‘translation’ work and who continue to share their knowledge.

On another note, during the time of Pierre Trudeau’s term of office, he proposed and carried out the repatriation of Canada’s constitution. This was the early 1980’s, and there was immediate re-sponse from Aboriginal people across the country around this.

A paper had been drafted by Aboriginal national leaders and the paper had made its way to many Band offices at that time including our own. It had been suggested that the message be translated into the languages of the Aboriginal population ensuring those who only spoke their own language understood the issues around the repatriation.

At Canim Lake, May Dixon (1920 – 1994) translated that message, and had also recorded the message on a tape recorder. At that time, she also person-

ally brought the taped message to Elders at their homes at Canim Lake. That tape from 1981 was re-

cently put on a CD disc and at this time, Elders of one community has been able to hear that message. Canim Lake’s Secwepemctsin teach-ers, Antoinette Archie and Elsie Archie have been working with the message (disk). From their work and from the feedback of the Elders at T’exelc, it seems there were terms used in the CD from the 1981

message that are no longer used, or in the words on one Elder, “that we haven’t used for years”.

I look forward to the next meetings and in time, will organize the terminology in a format that we will be able to share. [editor’s note: May Dixon, Elizabeth Pete’s mother, worked with Aert Kiupers on the language with a number of other NStQ Elders. Like many mothers and grandmother’s of today May always had a kind word of encourage-ment for everyone, and enjoyed sharing a good laugh with her friends.]

It is a Priviledge Working with the Elders on Translation of the Constitution

Elder May Dixon

By Allan Adams Self Government Coordinator

The NStQ Self Government team has now completed community and urban consultation meetings on the Eligibility and Enrolment (E & E) Scenarios. The team went to each community and presented four scenarios and had the NStQ

members discuss these in great detail.

For the urban meetings we split the two days with E&E and Constitution Steering Committee (CSC) work.

The urban meetings were held in Kamloops on November 30th and December 1st, and in Vancouver on December 7th and 8th. One of our team members combined all the notes from each meeting and we now have a complete summary of what our members want to see in the E&E Chapter.

We recently held a Constitution Steering Committee meeting in Dog Creek on January

5th. The meeting began with implementing Secwepemctsin into the constitution. This is very important to our members who want to learn more of their cultural values and who feel that our Constitution should be in Secwepemctsin and then translated into English.

This language work conducted with our Elders has shown our younger generation how important it is to maintain and practice our culture and language.

The Elders enjoyed this work as well because it brought them together to speak the language, and to interact with other community members.

Following the Secwepemctsin implementation was the Constitution Consultation which was a success. The information received motivates the CSC in moving forward with the community


On January 19th our treaty team will be having a meeting in Dog Creek for an all around treaty update. There will also be other department updates.

Stswecem’c Xgat’tem Treaty News

Treaty Team Meeting to Discuss the NStQ Constitution and Eligibility & Enrolment

The Stswecem’c Xgat’tem team is hosting the Negotiations on Thursday, January 26th in Canoe Creek at the Edward Billy Centre, and it is open to all NStQ members.

The Stswecem’c Xgat’tem treaty team would like to acknowledge their members for their attendance at these meetings, the rise in attendance shows that we are receiving valuable community input.

The Stswecem’c Xgat’tem treaty team will be having treaty meetings every third Thursday, which will be rotating between Canoe Creek and Dog Creek.

[back] Rose Harry[front] Rose Wilson, Kyle Rosette, Harley Tenale & Bert Samson.

[ l-r] Anita & Kirk Sargent, Mary Boston

[l-r] Cliff Thorstenson [Soda Creek Governance], Allison Harry [Stswecem’ Xgat’tem Trea-ty Assitant]& Allan Adams [SXFN Self Governemnt Coordinator ].

Page 6: Moose Harvesting

January 2012 p.6

Upcoming Event: Mark your Calendars!!

‘Hosted by Aboriginal Victim Services’

Many Voices, Many PathsAn informative workshop

dedicated to YOUTH

Date: March 2nd

Time: 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Location: To be Confirmed,

Williams Lake BC

Age: 13-18 years old Keeping youth in mind, this workshop will be presented in a fun atmosphere while bringing attention to the numerous resources available to youth.

No-cost although pre-registration is required, as space is limited.

Lunch and Snacks Provided

A huge Door Prize with mini prizes throughout the day.For more information contact: Sharon Taylor or Sarah Hood at 250-305-2350 or come in and see us at the Northern Shuswap Tribal Council, 17 South First Avenue, Williams Lake, BC

In youth we learn. In age we understand. Marie Von Ebner

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Northern Shuswap Tribal CouncilFear of invasive bass species spreadingBy Joël Benoît

The NStQ and the Cariboo Region Ministry of Forest, Land and Natural Resource Operations (MFLNRO) are continuing efforts to eradicate the invasive small mouth bass (SMB) species in the Cariboo.

First discovered in Beaver Creek in 2006, the bass have been found in Big Lake migrating into the Beaver Creek system with strong potential to move into the Quesnel River system.

Local salmon, trout and other / native fish species are at risk due to the voracious nature of bass and greater survivability in areas of high reproductivity and long life spans. The Northern Shuswap Tribal Council Fisheries have not yet assessed the direct effects on salmon stocks though warn salmon stocks from the Quesnel Watershed are vulnerable to added ecosystem strains. Should the SMB migrate further into the Fraser Watershed, other salmon stocks are subject to the same vulnerabilities.

The MFLNRO recognize that salmon stock is fundamental to NStQ cultural heritage and economy as well as to other First Nations up and down the river. The local and wider Pacific Coast economies would be directly impacted by SMB, affecting the entire ecosystem” notes Northern Shuswap Tribal Council Fisheries Resource Manager, Gord Sterritt .

The Ministry and BC Conservation Trust have erected fish screen barriers to limit the migration and all involved parties continue with on-site eradication of the small mouth bass . As many as 12 to 20 bass are caught on a single survey expedition, notes Sterrit, responsible for conducting the survey. Samples of captured bass are provided to the Department of Fisheries and Oceans and UNBC Fisheries Research Department for analysis, research and studies. The Ministry is reviewing options of extermination and seeking funding for the chemical extermination using Rotenone, a natural pesticide. Though problems in its expense and the consequences of having to rebuild local fish populations as studied within its use in the Thompson and Okanagan regions, the government sees this as a viable remediation tool for the afflicted area..

(Above)Cheryl Meshue holding a small mouth bass caught in Beaver Lake. (Below) Two bass recovered bass

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January 2012 p.7 First Nation News - Special Report

Meeting Schedule NStQ Negotiations 2012February 21 – 23, February 22 - Deep Creek

March 20 – 22, March 21 – Sugar Cane

April 16 – 19, April 17 – Canim Lake

May 22 – 24, May 23 - Dog Creek

June 19 - 21, June 20 - Deep Creek

NStQ Leadership - 2012February 1 & 2

March 7 & 8

April 4 & 5

First Nations Summit & Chief Negotiators MeetingsFebruary 29 - March 2, First Nations Summit

Squamish - Chief Joe Mathias Centre, 1000 Capilano Rd., North Vancouver

June 6 – 8, First Nations Summit

Squamish - Chief Joe Mathias Centre, 1000 Capilano Rd., North Vancouver

Published by the Salmon Arm ObserverA signing ceremony for the second Aboriginal Education Enhancement Agreement between the Ministry of Education (MoE), School District #83 and the First Nations Education Council was held on Monday, January 16 at the Sullivan Campus of Salmon Arm Secondary.

These agreements are a commitment by school districts, local Aboriginal communities, and the Ministry of Education, to work together in support of Aboriginal students. North Okanagan-Shuswap’s first Agreement was signed in 2005.

The First Nations Education Council include four southern Shuswap communities - Adams Lake Band, Neskonlith Band, Little Shuswap Band and Splatsin Nation, the Metis were also represented.

The initiative has been successful in the Salmon Arm school district with a six-year completion rate for Aboriginal students in this district being well above provincial completion rates.

Former trustee Teresa Hebert, Gina Johnny Adams Lake Band rep; Neskonlith Chief Judy Wilson; Brian Finlay, Little Shuswap Band, Trustee Bobbi Johnson, (front) Splatsin Nation Chief Wayne Christian; Metis rep Eldon Clair-mont; Shuswap MLA George Abbott and Super-intendant Dave Witt at a signing ceremony for the second Aboriginal Education Enhancement Agreement

Four Secwepemc communities sign Aboriginal Enhance-ment Agreement with the Ministry of Education and School

By Joël Benoît

Assembly of First Nations, National Chief Shawn Atleo and Prime Minister Steven Harper announced their position on the legitimacy of Indian Act on improving the state First Nations governance.

The stance on the Indian Act amongst First Nations was clearly voiced in its removal.

First Nation chiefs in attendance, agreed in principle, that First Nations amongst themselves are politically diverse and they must be able to decolonize themselves.

Harper speech cited the consensual needs of First Nations skills development in remote communities to accommodate a growing workforce for Canada’s youngest population segment.

Siding along behalf of many First Nations issues, he agreed on the ‘pitfalls’ of the Indian Act.

Mutual sentiment shifted with Harper’s statement that “the government cannot rewire the Indian Act. Instead it must find creative ways to consult with governments in providing options to work within or around the Act.”

Regional BC Chief Jody Wilson-Raybould’s speech she stated “the Indian Act does not support the economy of First Nations and restricts development of self government. The Indian Act cannot legislate First Nations

moving away from Canada’s paternalistic nature.”

Raybould addressed economic prosperity of First Nation groups but also gaps in poverty, citing low living standard quality in Attawapiskat and Pikangikum.

Atleo noted that ‘government dollars have been wasted with little change but First Nations are ready to take on the challenges with the help of Canada in developing self-


Atleo stated “Active skills development and training of First Nations will benefit Canada entirely. Building sustainable economic programs through logistical government involvement can only be attained by working together with First Nations themselves.”

In rejection of the Kelowna Accord, the Harper government has been left with a deluge of problems in advancing First Nations governance issues.

Atleo concluded that “First Nations must all work on reformation of recognized treaty boundaries to advance certainty of program resolutions and prove self sufficiency in Canada. These are the next steps in removing the Indian Act, establishing new mechanisms to enable self sustainability.”

First Nations show True Feelings on the ‘Indian Act’

AFN Chief Shaw Atleo and Prime Minister Stephen Harper take part in opening smudge ceremony at the Crown First Gathering held in Ottawa on Tuesday, January 23.

Weykt! The Western Theatre presents For the Pleasure of Seeing Her Again staring acclaimed First Nations performers Lorne Cardinal and Mar-go Kane! Band members, Elders and/or students, group rates are available for booking in advance to attend the student matinee on Wednesday, Febru-ary 1, 2010 at 10:30 am; the public matinee on Saturday, February 4, 20112 ($7 students 18 and under; $10 adults and/or Elders), or talk Back Tuesday on January 31, 7:30 pm at two for one discount @ Sagebrush Theatre, Kamloops

For more information please contact: Kamlooops Live! Box Office

1025 Lorne St. Kamloops, BC, V2C 6K5Telephone: 250-374-5483

Page 8: Moose Harvesting

Stswecem’c Xgattem Community News January 2012 p.8

By Allison Harry

On Wednesday, January 11th there was a Loonie Auc-tion, along with a Spaghetti Dinner for $5 a plate, at the Dog Creek Community Center. This was held in support of Ariane Alphonse and Patrick Harry. Ariane was in a car accident the week before at Springhouse on Dog Creek road. She was flown to the Royal Inland Hospital in Kamloops, where she underwent surgery on both of her legs and her left arm.

Patrick and their two sons spent the week in Kam-loops to be there with Ariane. They received help with living expenses from family and friends and also from the Three Corners Health Services Society, and Esk’etem’c First Nation, where Ariane is from.

Not knowing how long she will be in the hospital, Pat-rick’s family decided to do a fundraiser to help them out with their living expenses and travel.

There was a tremendous amount of support from family, friends and community members. There were even family and friends from Esk’et who came for the dinner and loonie auction.

There were a lot of great prizes donated, which ranged from gift cards, a $50 & $100 money prizes, movie passes, an mp3 player, a CD player, a book on Canoe Creek, afghans, miscellaneous household items, tire pumps, pickup truck loads of firewood;

Fund Raiser in Dog Creek – Loonie Auction and Spaghetti Dinner Was a Huge Success

large bags of sugar, flour and rice; coffee, home made bread, pies and other great prizes.

We raised over $200 from the spaghetti dinner, which included garlic bread, water and coffee. There was another $1,300 plus on raised from the Loonie Auction. In total there was close to $1,600 raised.

The family then donated $100 to the Rosette family who are also spending time at the Royal Inland Hospi-tal due to an illness in their family.

On Sunday, January 15th Ariane was moved to the Cariboo Memorial Hospital in Williams Lake. She still has a ways to go in her recovery but is doing better every day.

Thank you to the boys and girls from the family who helped collect tickets for the loonie auction. When Allison and her sister Chas took over the ‘ticket col-lecting’ from the children, they were so glad to be relieved of their duties, with shouts of ‘we’re free’ they quickly disappeared into the gym where the other children were playing.

We cannot thank everyone enough for their generos-ity, prayers and support during this time of need, It Is Very Much Appreciated, Thank You!

To: The Stswecem’c Xgat’tem members

The Band Administration office would like to have you current mailing addresses.

The reason we require this information is that there will be an Election held in the summer of 2012 for Chief and Council.

You can get this information to the Band by phone, fax, e-mail, or in the mail:

Phone: 250 440 – 5645 or 1-888-220-4220 Fax:250-440-5672

E-mail: to [email protected]

Mail to: Canoe Creek Indian Band, General Delivery, Dog Creek,BC VOL 1J0 * please

Canoe Creek Indian Band General Delivery, Dog Creek, BC VOL 1J0

Stswecem’c / Xgat’tem First Nation

By Phyllis Webstad

This boulder with images carved into it (petroglyphs) was originally located on the Fraser River at a site known as Crow’s Bar within the First Nation shared territory of Stswecem’c Xgat’tem and High Bar. A gold prospector, H. S. Brown, came upon the rock on one of his claims and brought it to the attention of Park board Commissioner Bill Shelley who, in 1926, arranged to have the rock removed to Stanley Park as part of an outdoor museum of Northwest Coast artifacts. The petroglyph was taken without permission from First Nations.

After 66 years of exposure, in Stanley Park, the boulder was moved, in 1992, to the Museum of Vancouver (MOV) to protect it from vandalism. It took one month with a team of 10 horses to get it to the railway then to the coast.

It is believed that rocks such as this one were used for depicting historical events and marking territories. Another possibility is that the marks were made by boys when they were fasting on their right of passage from boyhood to manhood.

In September 2010, Chief Hank Adam and the Band Council went to see the petroglyph for the first time and repatriation discussions started a month later. The MOV has removed the petroglyph from its’ collections in April 2011. The MOV staff visited the site in August 2011 where a sister rock was found. A MOV media person will assist with media and a documentary will be done by Robert Broad (Fraser River Journey). Repatriaiton dates are being reviewed by the end of May. It will take 2 weeks to clean the moss

and other debris off of the rock and one day to move from inside the MOV courtyard to the truck loading dock. A community delegation will travel to MOV for a ceremony prior to moving.

I will be seeking community input throughout January 2012 to get a decision as to where the petroglyph should go. The possibilities are:Crow’s Bar – Placing it back where it came from, left to be in the open and unattended.

Churn Creek for Tourism - In the vicinity of the Pit-house style kiosk. A wheelchair accessible trail will also being considered for this.area. An agreement with BC Parks will need to be negotiated and an $8000 glass encasing will need to be purchased.

Northern Shuswap Cultural Centre - Will be left at MOV until the centre is open in about 2+ years. Only available space is outside.

Community meetings will be held in Dog Creek on Thursday, January 19th and in Canoe Creek on Tuesday, January 31st . Call Phyllis at 250-989-2222 for more information. Band members’ ideas and suggestions are requested.

The Cariboo Regional District Heritage Steering Committee and the Friends of Churn Creek Protected Area Society support the return of this important petroglyph rock to traditional Secwepemc territory.

Petroglyph rock at Museum of Vancouver - Has to Come Home, the Question is Where

Chief & council visit the rock in September 2010. [l-r] Dean Tenale, Harold Harry, Chief Hank Adam & Gertrude Harry.

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January 2012 p.9

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WLIB Community News

Sugar Cane FM Radio Station

Job Postings – Two Full Time Positions

Sugarcane FM is a low power First Nations radio station serving the

South end of Williams Lake with music and local news and events. The station is run under the

auspices of the Sugarcane Community Diversity Association, with assistance from the Williams

Lake Indian Band (WLIB).

Reporter – Producer

The WLIB is currently seeking individuals who are interested in working as reporters/producers at Sugarcane FM.

The position would be best suited to those who have above average literacy skills, are interested in band history, economic development and telling a story.

No radio experience is required, but we are seeking personality’s who follow the news, have an ability to write for broadcast and are interested in radio.

The basics of radio journalism will be offered by an industry veteran with many years experience, who will be acting as instructor and program manager.

Successful applicants will have a high school diploma and examples of recent writing. They should also be able to work under a deadline, communicate ideas well, and interact with staff and the public in a respectful manner.

Reporter – Program Assistant

The WLIB is currently seeking an individual who is interested in working as a reporter and program assistant at Sugarcane FM.

The position would be best suited to those who have above average literacy skills, are interested in band history, economic development and telling a story.

We are seeking personality’s who follow the news, have an ability to write for broadcast and are interested in radio. They will also be responsible for the day to day operation of the station, and will report to the Program Manager.

The basics of radio journalism will be offered by an industry veteran with many years experience, who will be acting as instructor and program manager.

Successful applicants will have a high school diploma and some radio experience. They should also be able to work under a deadline, communicate ideas well, and interact with staff and the public in a respectful manner.

Please submit resume & cover letter with 3 references to:

Marg Shelley, Band Administrator Williams Lake Indian Band 2672 Indian Drive Williams Lake, BC V2G 5K9

Email: [email protected]

The Little Chiefs Primary School moved

into a a new facility next to the Education building last spring and it is fully equipped with the latest in primary school learning.

Little Chiefs Primary School consists of 4 full time and 2 part time staff members.

• Sheilah Nairn, Early Childhood Educator

• Kirby Fawcett, Early Childhood Educator

• Faren Rouse, Early Childhood Educator

• Lisa Boyd, Kindergarten Teacher

• Jean William, Secwepemc Language & Culture

• Marcella Wynja, Secwepemc Culture

Little Chiefs are fortunate to have Early Childhood Education students Konnie Solomon and Tina Dick to volunteer their time at the school to gather hours towards their training in the Early Childhood Educator Program at TRU. Thanks to Dana Alphonse for offering her assistance with the children in December, 2011 during the holiday rush.

Student Enrollment

There are currently 15 students enrolled at Little Chiefs Primary School. Childcare seats are available. The school is now accepting applications for Kindergarten enrollment for September 2012. If you are interested in having your child attend please contact me at 250 296-3507 ext. 115.

Little Chiefs Primary School StaffThe hours of operation at the school are from 8 am to 5 pm, Monday to Friday excluding statutory holidays. We are also open during District Professional Development/Not In Service Days and during Spring Break.

School Certification

The opportunity to certify Little Chiefs Primary School under the First Nations School Association has been introduced and initiated and will be completed by June, 2012. With the assistance of Sue Gower, Regional Principal and Jill Horsman, ‘Mentor certification’ would include the preschool side in addition to the kindergarten class. This is a wonderful opportunity and a very exciting time for the School. It will then mean that the school has adopted and utilizes standards of education.

Secwepemc Language and Culture

Little Chiefs Primary School is fortunate to have two language and culture teachers, they are T’exelc Elders Jean William and Marcella Wynja. The students are learning their numbers, animals, hunting, salmon, drumming and itsy bitsy spider.

We have language and culture classes Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. The students had a Christmas Concert where they sang jingle bells in Secwepemc and did the opening drum song for the Community Forest Agreement Community meeting on December 15, 2011.

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Around Secwepemc7ulecw January 2012 p.10

Stsmemelt Project

Project News – Looking Forward

On December 9th, MCFD Minister Mary McNeil met with the Project’s Working Group for an update and dialogue. Next steps: to solidify a working relationship through a Political and Operational Tripartite Agreement. The Minister believes that “we are heading in the right direction” and encourages a partnership as she feels the Project’s work will have an impact in the long term.

In March 2012, the Tek’wemiple7 unit, Doreen and 2 youth are going to the University of Saskatchewan to present at an Indigenous Law Making Conference. A wonderful time to meet with other First Nations in Canada who are doing similar work!

Community Engagement

We’d like to introduce Barb McLean; Community Engagement Facilitator! She will work with the Southern Secwepemc communities and has the same job responsibilities as Amy Sandy. Amy will concentrate on her work with Elder and Language Councils to produce a Child and Family Secwépemctsín dictionary.

The Project’s plans to move forward into Year 3 are underway! The team is especially excited about the reveal of some individual community plan frameworks on January 17 by the respective community coordinators.

Tek’wémiple7 Research Unit

2012 will be a big year for Troy Hunter and Kelly Connor in the Tek’wemiple7 Research Unit. They will continue to gather information on traditional Secwepemc customs. A top priority will be to begin drafting a legal framework to obtaining jurisdiction for Secwepemc children and families using research findings.

Planning a future for our children and families Contact: Stsmémelt Project,680 West Athabasca Street, Kamloops, BC V2H 1C4Jody Beckett, Admin. Assistant,Phone: 778.471.8210 Fax: 778.471.5804E-mail: [email protected]: www.shuswapnation.org/departments/stsmémelt

Séwem ell s7éytsen Séwem: Who is Barb McLean, the new Community Engagement Facilitator? S7éytsen: I’m excited about joining the Stsmémelt Project and am pleased to bring forward my years of experience in preventative community programming to support this important work.

During the past 10 years I’ve been involved with Aboriginal Head Start Programs on Reserve and other Early Years initiatives. I’m currently working towards my Masters but at heart I’m an Early Childhood Educator and I fully embrace the philosophy that it does take a village to raise a child. - Barb

Kukpi7 Mike Archie, Canim Lake Band; Kukpi7 Judy Wilson, Neskonlith; Kukpi7 Terry Porter, Bonaparte; Hon. Mary McNeil, Kukpi7 Wayne Christian, Splat’sin; Kukpi7 Fred Robbins, ‘Esk’et; Kukpi7 Bev Sellars, Soda Creek Band & Kukpi7 Ann Louie, Williams Lake Band.

The Lexey’em is brought to you by the Northern Shuswap Tribal Council and The Williams Lake Tribune

Publisher: Lisa Bowering The TribuneEditors: Agness Jack & Joël Benoît NSTCAdvertising: The Williams Lake Tribune

Lexey’em is an independent community news-paper, published monthly, by the Williams lake Tribune and the Northern Shuswap Tribal Council.

The circulation is 1,500, and it is distributed to the NStQ members through the community treaty of-fices, Three Corners Health Services Society, The Knucwentwec Child and Family Services Society, and it is mailed out to the NStQ members through-out B.C. and North America.

You can also find it at the Chief William Gas Bar, the Cariboo Friendship Society, the Williams Lake Public Library, and through other First Nation organizations.

It is also available by e-mail to NStQ members, by sending e-mail information to [email protected].

To have your information included, see the ‘contact’ person for your community, see the list below.

Northern Shuswap Tribal Council Marg Casey, Contact person Ph: 250-392-7361, Ext, 206 Fax: 250-392-6158 Canim Lake (Tsq’escen’) Jesse Archie Ph: 250-397-2227 Fax: 250-397-2769 E-mail: [email protected]

Stswecem’c Xat’tem First Nation Loni Fastlin Ph: 250-440-5645 Fax: 250-440-5679 E-mail: [email protected]

Soda Creek (Xats’ull) Roxanne Stobie Ph: 250-989-2323 Fax: 250-989-2300 E-mail: [email protected]

Williams Lake (T’exelc) Shawna Philbrick Ph: 250-296-3507 Fax: 250-296-4750 E-mail: [email protected]

The Citizen Data Base will assist in the planning for funding needs for Citizen training & education programs.

The NStQ Citizen Data Base is up and running and we would like your current information.

Citizen Data Base Contacts

Page 11: Moose Harvesting

Inside This Issue - First Nation News January 2012 p.11

Coast Salish Territory, Vancouver, BC, January 10, 2012

The First Nations Leadership Council is greatly troubled by recent comments by Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Minister of Natural Resources Joe Oliver advocating for the proposed Enbridge Gateway pipeline to proceed even before the Joint Review Panel’s environmental review has begun.

Grand Chief Edward John states, “Federal politicians advocating for and promoting the proposed Enbridge project before the environmental review commences puts the entire review process in jeopardy. We question how the three National Energy Board panellists, who were appointed by the federal government, can fairly review this proposal when the Prime Minister and Minister of Environment openly promote what they perceive as the necessary outcome? In the end, it will be the federal government which decides on the panel’s report, a decision that has apparently already been made”.

“The federal government has a clear legal responsibility to consult with First Nations. Given the long list of Supreme Court decisions on the range of consultation options and given the magnitude of the potential impacts of Enbridge’s proposal, the necessary consultation standard must be to seek the informed consent of First Nations’ whose Aboriginal title and rights will be impacted by this proposed project”, added Chief John.

BC Assembly of First Nations Regional Chief Jody Wilson-Raybould states, “The proposed Enbridge pipeline is highly controversial and is one of the biggest issues facing First Nations and Canada. How this process unfolds will be far-reaching with respect to the environment, Aboriginal title and rights, and the economy. It is imperative that the environmental review process which is established under law remain impartial and free from political interference.” Grand Chief Stewart Phillip, President of the Union of BC Indian Chiefs, stated, “Clearly water is the issue. Indigenous Peoples have the sacred duty and inherent obligation to defend the health and well-being of their communities as well as the environmental integrity of their territories. The fleeting, short-term economic

gain promised by government and industry proponents of mega-projects like the Enbridge Pipeline, expansion of Kinder Morgan’s Trans Mountain Pipeline, Taseko Mines’ New Prosperity Mine and BC Hydro’s Site C are being vehemently opposed by Indigenous Peoples who are thinking of the detrimental long-term impacts on their territories and on their communities.”

The First Nations in British Columbia are reminding governments that substantive changes to the environmental review process without engaging First Nations governments contradicts the doctrines set out by the Supreme Court of Canada in Haida Nation v. British Columbia and to the principles set out in the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. Any changes must be made on a tripartite basis with First Nations being fully engaged in meaningful consultation. It is the intention of the BC First Nations’ leadership to raise the environmental assessment processes in the upcoming meeting with the Prime Minister and Cabinet at the Crown-First Nation Gathering on January 24, 2012 in Ottawa.

For more information please contact:,

Grand Chief Stewart Phillip, President, Union of BC Indian Chiefs, 250-490-5314

Grand Chief Edward John , Political Executive; First Nations Summit, 778-772-8218

Courtney Daws, Director of Operations, BC Assembly of First Nations, 604-922-7733

Federal Government comments damaging to the Impartiality of the joint review process

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Enbridge Pipeline map taken from the Enbridge Pipeline website.

Health Connection Transit Bus - Wiiliams

Lake to KamloopsMondays:

Leave Williams Lake 7:30 am

Arrive 100 Mile 9:00 am

Clinton 9:45 am

Cache Creek 10:15 am

Kamloops 11:30 am

Leave Kamloops 3:00 pm

Cache Creek 4:15 pm

Clinton 4:45 pm

100 Mile 5:30 pm

Williams Lake 7:00 pm

One Way Fare is $5.00

Please call ahead to book your seat. Medical Appointment clients have priority over shoppers.

To Book your seat Call 398-7812

Williams Lake to 100 Mile 3 x /week Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays

Page 12: Moose Harvesting

January 2012 p.12

The Canim Lake Band is seeking a Registered Nurse to fill a

temporary part time position. As part of the Band’s-White Feather Family Centre health team, the successful applicant will fill the role as community health nurse (CHN). The White Feather Family Centre is located 32 kms east of 100 Mile House and prides itself on providing excellent health services and programming to its 300 plus members residing in the community.

The CHN will provide health promotion and prevention programs for individuals and families in a rural community setting.

Responsibilities and qualities:• Ensure provision of the communicable

disease control program and health education, pre & post natal care, school based health programs, and chronic illness services

• Be able to identify limitations and challenges and refer cases to appropriate agencies and/or medical specialists

• Ability to work effectively within a multidisciplinary team

• Ensure maintenance of reporting and record systems

• Excellent communication skills• Proficiency in the use of computers,

internet applications, and reporting systems

• Knowledge and appreciation of diverse First Nations populations’ values, traditions and history

Qualifications:• A Degree in Nursing including

community health nursing or Registered Nurse with Public Health/Community Health Diploma

• Licensed to practice under the College of Registered Nurses Association of BC

• Experience as a Community Health Nurse in a First Nations context

• Current Immunization certification• Criminal record check• Valid BC Driver’s License and driver’s


Application Deadline: January 31st, 2012 Please submit your resume and handwritten cover letter to: Sheila Dick, Health Administrator White Feather Family Centre Canim Lake Band. Box 1030, 100 Mile House, BCPhone: (250)397-2717 Fax: (250)397-4155 Email: [email protected]

Employment OpportunityCommunity Health Nurse

Canim Lake Band

Secwepemc Cultural Page

**** The answer for the crossword will be in the February issue of Lexey’em.

Winter time was a time when the Secwepemc people would spend much of their time in their winter homes, or pit houses. It was a time when stories would be told; creation stories, hunting, fishing and gathering stories, stories of loved ones no longer around and the Coyote stories.

The following is one of the many Coyote stories.

Story of Porcupine

A large number of people live together at one place. Their Chief was Swan. At another place --- distant long day’s journey, and beyond a high range of mountains ---- lived another band of people, who were sometimes called the Deer People.

They consisted of the Deer, Caribou, Moose, Goat, Sheep and others, and their Chief was the Elk. The two groups of people had been enemies for a long time. Each tried to interfere with the other and to make their means of procuring a living as difficult as possible.

Each group of people had a different kind of government and lived and worked differently. What one did well the other did badly. The birds acted in some ways like mammals and the mammals like birds.

The Swan wished to remedy the defects of both parties and to enable them to live without mutual interference. He believed their troubles all arose from ignorance.

One day in the winter time, when the snow lay very deep on the mountains, he assembled his people, and after explaining to them his plans, asked if any one of them would carry his message of invitation to Elk. Whoever would undertake the journey was to receive a large present of dentalia.

Coyote volunteered to go and prepared for the journey by putting on his finest clothes, embroidered moccasins and all his dentalia and necklaces. At dusk he left his house but not caring to face the deep snow, he ran around the under ground house all night, admiring himself, and was still running in the morning when the people awoke.

Swan asked him why he had not gone and Coyote answered, ” I was just playing and running around for practice. I will start tonight.” When evening came, the people saw him leave and watched him till he was out of sight. Coyote soon found the snow too deep, returned after dark and lay down underneath the top of the ladder, where he fell asleep.

When the people awoke in the morning, they found him fast asleep, and Swan asked him why he had not gone. Coyote answered, “Oh I was playing became tired and lay down to sleep. I will start tonight.”

Then Swan asked the people which one of them was best able to undertake the journey and they all agreed that Porcupine was the fittest person, for he was accustomed to walking in the high mountains where there was much deep snow.

Porcupine was thus selected, and after sewing his moccasins all night, and dressing himself warmly, he left at daybreak. When Coyote saw him leave, he laughed, and said, “When even I could not go, how such a poor, slow, short legged creature can

be able to travel through the deep snow?”

That night Porcupine reached Elk’s house in a exhausted condition, and all covered with ice and snow. After warming himself, he delivered his message to Elk, and asked for sinew and awl with which to sew his moccasins. After he has done so, he left for home, bearing Elk’s reply, who promised to visit Swan on the following morning together with all his people.

When Elk and his people arrived, Swan feasted them and, and when the feast was over, he and all his people knelt down before Elk, and Swan related to them all he knew of the affairs of both people, and told him in what way he thought they did wrong. Thus he gave Elk all his knowledge and all his advice.

Then Elk and his people all knelt down before Swan, and Elk gave him all his ideas and knowledge. Thus each people gained full knowledge of the other and together became able to devise means for doing what was right. After this they lived much easier and happier than ever before, and the methods of one party did not come into conflict with those of the other.

The laws made at the council are those which govern animals and birds to the present day. Porcupine got his rich present of detalia and was much envied by Coyote.

The Story of Porcupine . . .
