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M.O.R.E LOCAL CIRCULATIO LOCAL ADVERTISIN LOCAL NEWS MATTE PHONE LE TIns 1mrportant step m the s measures of the three communi another of the 00 aperattve munlty services whloo the m pahttes of Grosse P.01nte enJo There are rno parts to the tract which has been drawn The first treats of the mutua agreement between the City an Park and the second deals W\l standby serV1ce of the Farms Because of an Inter CoroID telephone hne between the co 1tles for every fire 'Call excep~ m~nor ones the Cay wlll answ call m the City and the Park four men and one piece of appa The Park w 11 answer any c both commumtles Wlth SIX me one plece of apparatus It agreed upon tl at 10 men and pleces of aP'Paratus can handle fires but:lf such a fire cccurs reqmres sdd1tlonal men other (Contmued on Page 5) BY CARRIER lOc A MONTH J Dunton Barlow was elected <presldent of the Defer PTA at a meetmg held Tuesday n ght suc ceedmg Robert Butts who had held the offIce for the past t",o years Others elected at thIS hme are Mrs Fredenck Mohn first VIce presldent, Mrs Charles Wyhe sec ond vice president Mrs James Hoyt third vice presldent Mrs Harold Husband, secretary Ray mond Wertz, treasurer, and W CraIg Ketth, aud1tor Challenge Polic l Cut In Park J. Dunton Barlow Elected President of Defer PT A Farms To Stand B If Both Forces Answer Same Cal The contract fur tihe mutual aid of the fire departments of Grosse POi1Jlte Park and the uty of Grosse Poonte and the standby serVIce of Grosse Pomte FaTms 1S nOlW' In the process of bemg sIgned It was an :Iloo.n'Ced thiS week by off1Clals of the three communitIes Because of Tuesday being Me- monal Day, an news copy must be In The ReView office not la- ter than Saturclay morning, May 27 Want ad. wdl be taken up until three o'clock Wednesday. Early Copy 'Deadline' for June 1 Issue of Review - prmclple addres-s In addilbon to Mr Brucker var10US CtV1Cleadetrs of the communlty WIll als'O take part The mus~c for the ceremO'11les wlll be furn1shed by local bands The four Village presidents and the mayor of the city have proclaim ed \!fay 30 as dedicatIon day 1'1 Gl"1ossePomte and urge all CItIzehS to attend when the names of the serVIcemen and women W1Ilbe pre sented to tme pubbc on thetr sepa -rate plates ~ttached to the honor roll The poogu-am follows 10 30 am assemibly, band mUSIC by Grosse Pomte hilgh school Dew ey D Kalember d~rector ~ PIerce J Unlor high sohool Samuel M Tnckey d1l!'ector, VFW Algecr-Post Although June 1 1S fast approach. I tnat the stones of the propose ~o 995 Sons of Veterans bugle mg, bnngllllg about >bhetrme when were true j COlipS, Russell Jones dlrector I two pa1:rolmen are to be dlSmJssed Asked what the savmg to the Grosse Pomte Post No 303 Amen from the Grosse Pomte Park pohce payers would be per one tho can LegIon Sons of Veterans drum department no final achon has been dollars valuation ~f four men and bugle corps "fartm Nle1sen d taken by the VIllage commlsslOn to take 1 off the force Mr McAn rector I d smlss the men for the matter l~ \'vas told that the decrease 11 a m flag ralsmg by Command n the hands of the poke comm ~ be approximately 30 cents He ers Harry Vl-ells, VF\i\, and Ken s oner Homet rntsc! who 1as been It the dccrea~e ",a to be that 5 neth Thomas American Legion as out of the V'l11ageThe Revlew learn ne would pay the 30 cents per (Contmued on Page 6) ed Wednesday sand and keep the men on <the 1. Inqu1rmg at the vl1lage meetmg A compaMson was made to last Monday mght as to Vvhether er Heights OhIO a subuo1'bof C the 'CommlSSI-onstill mtends to go land ",hose number and typ through With the proposed cuttmg homes ~s slmllar to the Park a of the department Gerald McAn was found that the police forc drew of 905 Pemberton and John erates Hfy eff clentl} vdth the \1 tchel 1 of 915 Pe'11beT'tc"1 v,e"e "1UML""0'; off C'"s a r ... Tbc" s told not to ibe11eve everythmg they 10 the 1 patrolmen and three read m the newspapeTS but because ce'fS which the Park 1S to have McAndrew repeatedly brought up \1:cAndrew was further told t~ statements whlch were 1Jubhshed 111 was the qual ty of the pol ce The ReView, the commlSSIoners weTe -eers that counted and not finally pmned down' and adml1ted quantity - We wonder? ? WHAT? - NO INCREASE! Hungary People Although newspaper productIOn costs have been mcreased, there w1l1be no advance 1n Review clrculatlOn rates at the present tIme Your carrIer boy starts collectmg for the month of May thIS weekend He WIll gIve you a receIpt prmted on blue paper Kmdly pay only your regular carner Remember The 10 cents you pay each month for The RevIew pays your carrIer and helps defray the expense of s~ndlUg hundreds and hundreds of copIes of The RevIew to our boys and gIrls m the armed serVIces Fmal plans were comnleted thiS week by offlcbals of the Grosse Pornte Honor Roll AssoGJatl.On for the dedlcataon p.rogram whIch w1ll take place next Tuesday mormng MemorIal Dayan the Grosse Pom e high school grounds at whIch tlme the honor roll wI1l be unvel1ed As guest speaker the assoclahon has seculted \i\ Jibur M Brucker, ex governor of Mlchlgan to gtve the Dedica te Honor Roll Tuesday Eight Men to Leave for Military Service Next Tuesday 'vfrs G Roberts 775 Berkshire reported to Park pohce that !the lost five No 4 rahon books three Jsst1ed to members of her famuy and two belongllng to her employees Eight men four from thIS area w1l1 be mducted mto the army next Tuesday mornmg Memonal Da) at the mductlOn center T,hey wlH leave lmmedlately for Fort Shendan I1l Included In the group are Frank W Selewskl 19215 Keno~ha De trolt Raym10nd C Loeffler 2990 ".,hland Alfred W Bender Jr 715 Washmgton road, Arthur A Salle 1073 WayJburn avenue Don L Mad Ison 1018 N Huey street, SOl1th Bend Ind Charles F FreIburger Jr, 1011 Maryland avenue, Phelp.s Newberry Jr, 5700 HIllcrest Dq tr01t and Eugene C Howard 409 Cloverly road PAPER, BEFORE AND AFTER SALVAGE GROSSE POINTE PARK 30, MICHIGAN, fHURSDAY, MAY 25,1944 CIRCULATION PAID MONTHLY DEDICATION OF THE GROSSE POINTE HONOR ROLL MEMORIAL DAY, TUESDAY, MAY 30, 1944 By the president of Grosse Pointe Park, the mayor of the City of Gro""e Pointe; the president of the village of Grosse Pointe Shores; the president of the village of Grosse Pointe Farms; the president of the village of Grosse Pointe Woods. A JOINT PROCLAMATION WHEREAS Our nation is being gloriously defended by the thous- ands of our young men and women in the service of our country at home and on foreign battlefields; WHEREAS It is fitting that their fellow citizens pay homage and honor to those who are now serving, those who have served and those who have served and died in order that this community may continue to exist in spiritual and material free dom; NOW, THEREFORE, We as mayor and presidents of the five Grosse Pointe municipalities do hereby designate Me m 0 ria I Day, Tuesday, May 30,1944, as dedication day for the Grosse Pointe Honor Roll and SQ set aside that day as a public occasion for that dedication and the honoring of those whose names appear upon the Honor Roll; and we call upon all citizens of these Grosse Pointes to attend the dedi- cation ceremony and exercises in or der more fully to demonstrate our appreciation and humility to those whose strength, faith, lovalty, and self sacrifice make the preservation of this democracy possible. To this we hereunto set our hands this 15th day of May, 1944 S,gned' WARD S VANDEUSEN PresIdent VIllage of Grosse Pomte Park HUGH L DILL, Mayor CIty of Grosse Pomte JAMES K WATKINS, PresIdent, VIllage of Grosse POInte Farms ELROY 0 JONES, PresIdent, VIllage of Grosse POlUte Shores ALOIS A GHESQUIERE, PresIdent, VIllage of Grosse PaIUte Woods VOL 20-No 42 COMPLETE Only the REVIEW Gives Yon Coverage of ALL Homes in Grosse Pointe &: Gratiot Twps. Million Dollar Woods Business District Loom -Photo by Plenon '\\\ \ 2l PI otog aph NEIL BLONDELL, chairman of the aalvage commltt~ of Groue Pointe and Gratiot townships of the OeD IS shown VIeWing the Window dlspl at A WVS headquarters. 17027KereheyaJ avenue, where It demonstra,ted how 'Wa"tepaper IS salvaged at the City salvage plant, WIththe eomple II.l"bc:lollmade from sal"aged paper. Propose Shopping Center for Southern Part of G. P. Woods A huge sho'Ppmg center, second to none m Grosse Pomte or Detr01t was proposed at a meetmg of the Woods cornmIssmn Monday nlght by the attorney for the Parkwood Land company, who IS Edward H Yost to be bu~1t In the southern part of the village The spokesman appeanng before the commISSion explamed that be. fore the first step towards such a project could be made, the VIllage zomng oTd nance would have to be changed The proposed center would be on Mack avenue extendmg from the south boundary lme west of Mack avenue, to the south slde of New castle road ThJs mcludes a Wide e>.. panse of acreage WhICh1Sun develop oedexcept for a small farm The cen ter would extend approximately to the edge of the Country Club woods The center would cons~st of as pnmary plans were explaIned a theatre seating 3 500 people block Jf stores which would contam shops for weanng apparel household fur. lllshmgs and food The latest de (Contmued on Page 5 ) Hosteas package lee cream to take out. Steadman'. Drug Store, 20792 Ma.c.k Avenue.-Adv. St Clalr, has made the decilSlon that the general practIce of SW1m mmg be prevented m thIS area The same request was made of St Clau. Shores and DetrOit The reason why Grosse Pomiets will not smffi at least unohl the wa ten clear up IS due to the c10smg of the Lake ..hore 1l1terceptor which was constructed by the federal gov ernmeni to be used by 1he commulll- Nes of lower Macomb county The mterceptor was closed after some of bhe commUnItIes recrused to pay the sewage disposal rates which were oharged for Its operatIon Due to negotiabons, St Clair Shores and RoseY1l1e 'l.lnaOlmooslv accepted the ~5 per year rate for baSIC water users and Center Lme agreed to accept Warren town sJ119and East DetrOIt agreed How- ever, after some meetmgs East De- troit and Warren townshIp refram ed from any act'1On concernmg the ac'Ceptance of the rate Because of Mus deadlock sewage has been run (Contmued on Page 5) Thomas V Trombly, Clty pollee chIef requests aU reSIdents to call for the1r park and beach cards next Monday and Thursday ll1ghts be. tween seven and nme 0 clock and Sunday ntormng June 4 betwen mne and twelve At this trme, addIt!ond.l personnel w1l1 be on hand to take care of CIty reSIdents Cards are Issued however any tlme durmg the day or evening Ask Clty Residents to Call for Park Cards State Says N 0 S~~vimming Grosse Pomters w111not do any sW1mmmg tl111S summer If the state and load boards of health have any thing to do about 1t ThIS was the verdIct handed down to the Villages of Grosse Pomte Park Farms and Shores and the CJty thiS week by Dr Thomas S DaVIes head 0{ the townsh~p board 01 health A resolutlOn passed by the MICh- gan state st.ream control commhslO"1 Qn May 15 regardmg the swunmmg waters along the shorehne of Lake The s1xth annual oU1door musIC £estlVal of the Grosse Pomte pubhc schools Will be held pext Thursday nIght June 1 at e1ght 0 clock at the Grosse PO\I.ntehIgh seh-ool ath- letic field There will be nearly one thousand boys and gIrls partlclpat lUg represent1ng all schools m the dlstr!ct These groups are hsted ~s follows Combined elementary schools chorus numbenng 430 boys and grls Pierce JUnior hIgh chocus Brownell Jun lor high chorus high school girls Glee club hIgh school mIxed chorus and four bands, the All City ele mentary school band Brownell Plerte and h«gh school bands In event of ram the prognm will take place FrIday mgh1:, June 2 Tlckets may be obtamed from any mum: student at the Gro~se Pomte pubhc st:hools GARAGE FIRE . 6th Annual Outdoor Music Festival to Be Presented June 1st Park firemen answenng an alarm at the home of Frank J Berghoff 956 Barrmgton road last Monday mornmg found the garage on fire Announce 1944-45 Lecture Program Followmg a h1ghly successful sea thls year s audIence taken at the the varaous world theat1'es Wltn plus 70c federal tax----total $450 per son, the board 0& directors of Grosse final regular number of the current wh1ch they are- well versed through hcket ReservatJOns may be made P01llte Lectures have completed season W1th the favorable accept- bemg on the spot when It happen by calhng Forrest Geary, manager plans for an even more ausplCIOUS ance o.f th~s year s senes an.<fa spon. ed' of Grosse Pomte Lectuns Inc at program foe the 1944 45 season, to taneous mterest expressed m all An early reservabon of seats IS Grosse P01llte board of edu'CatlOn be held at the John P~erce auditor quarters, the commIttee have ar~ urged masmu'Ch as over 500 reSea"va. (Contmued on Page 6) urn Kercheval near Balfour ranged for the appearance of an hons have already been made fcr The selectIOn of the attractIOns for outstand1l1g glQUP of personaht es the oommg season by 1943 44 sed next seasoh was made by the speak who wtll brmg to the audlence first son tIcket holders The price for the era eomttlJttee followmg a po-ll of hand and authent1t: :l-tt10rmatJon from enUre serJ"lf6 oi five programs 15 $3 50 , I




TIns 1mrportant step m the smeasures of the three communianother of the 00 aperattvemunlty services whloo the mpahttes of Grosse P.01nte enJo

There are rno parts to thetract which has been drawnThe first treats of the mutuaagreement between the City anPark and the second deals W\l

standby serV1ce of the FarmsBecause of an Inter CoroID

telephone hne between the co1tles for every fire 'Call excep~m~nor ones the Cay wlll answcall m the City and the Parkfour men and one piece of appaThe Park w 11 answer any cboth commumtles Wlth SIX meone plece of apparatus Itagreed upon tl at 10 men andpleces of aP'Paratus can handlefires but:lf such a fire cccursreqmres sdd1tlonal men other

(Contmued on Page 5)


J Dunton Barlow was elected<presldent of the Defer PTA at ameetmg held Tuesday n ght succeedmg Robert Butts who had heldthe offIce for the past t",o years

Others elected at thIS hme areMrs Fredenck Mohn first VIcepresldent, Mrs Charles Wyhe second vice president Mrs JamesHoyt third vice presldent MrsHarold Husband, secretary Raymond Wertz, treasurer, and WCraIg Ketth, aud1tor

Challenge Policl

Cut In Park

J. Dunton Barlow ElectedPresident of Defer PT A

Farms To Stand BIf Both ForcesAnswer Same Cal

The contract fur tihe mutual aidof the fire departments of GrossePOi1Jlte Park and the uty of GrossePoonte and the standby serVIce ofGrosse Pomte FaTms 1S nOlW'In theprocess of bemg sIgned It was an:Iloo.n'Ced thiS week by off1Clals ofthe three communitIes

Because of Tuesday being Me-monal Day, an news copy mustbe In The ReView office not la-ter than Saturclay morning, May27 Want ad. wdl be taken upuntil three o'clock Wednesday.

Early Copy'Deadline' for June1 Issue of Review

-prmclple addres-s In addilbon to MrBrucker var10US CtV1Cleadetrs ofthe communlty WIll als'O take partThe mus~c for the ceremO'11les wlllbe furn1shed by local bands

The four Village presidents andthe mayor of the city have proclaimed \!fay 30 as dedicatIon day 1'1

Gl"1ossePomte and urge all CItIzehSto attend when the names of theserVIcemen and women W1Ilbe presented to tme pubbc on thetr sepa-rate plates ~ttached to the honorroll

The poogu-am follows10 30 am assemibly, band mUSIC

by Grosse Pomte hilgh school Dewey D Kalember d~rector ~ PIerceJ Unlor high sohool Samuel MTnckey d1l!'ector, VFW Algecr-Post Although June 1 1S fast approach. I tnat the stones of the propose~o 995 Sons of Veterans bugle mg, bnngllllg about >bhetrme when were true jCOlipS, Russell Jones dlrector I two pa1:rolmen are to be dlSmJssed Asked what the savmg to theGrosse Pomte Post No 303 Amen from the Grosse Pomte Park pohce payers would be per one thocan LegIon Sons of Veterans drum department no final achon has been dollars valuation ~f four menand bugle corps "fartm Nle1sen d taken by the VIllage commlsslOn to take 1 off the force Mr McAnrector I d smlss the men for the matter l~ \'vas told that the decrease

11 a m flag ralsmg by Command n the hands of the poke comm ~ be approximately 30 cents Heers Harry Vl-ells, VF\i\, and Ken s oner Homet rntsc! who 1as been It the dccrea~e ",a to be that 5

neth Thomas American Legion as out of the V'l11ageThe Revlew learn ne would pay the 30 cents per(Contmued on Page 6) ed Wednesday sand and keep the men on <the1.

Inqu1rmg at the vl1lage meetmg A compaMson was made tolast Monday mght as to Vvhether er Heights OhIO a subuo1'bof Cthe 'CommlSSI-onstill mtends to go land ",hose number and typthrough With the proposed cuttmg homes ~s slmllar to the Park aof the department Gerald McAn was found that the police forcdrew of 905 Pemberton and John erates Hfy eff clentl} vdth the\1 tchel1 of 915 Pe'11beT'tc"1 v,e"e "1UML""0'; off C'"s a r ...Tbc" stold not to ibe11eve everythmg they 10 the 1 patrolmen and threeread m the newspapeTS but because ce'fS which the Park 1S to haveMcAndrew repeatedly brought up \1:cAndrew was further told t~statements whlch were 1Jubhshed 111 was the qual ty of the pol ceThe ReView, the commlSSIoners weTe -eers that counted and notfinally pmned down' and adml1ted quantity - We wonder? ?


Hungary People

Although newspaper productIOn costs have beenmcreased, there w1l1be no advance 1n Review clrculatlOnrates at the present tIme

Your carrIer boy starts collectmg for the month ofMay thIS weekend He WIll gIve you a receIpt prmted onblue paper Kmdly pay only your regular carner

RememberThe 10 cents you pay each month for The RevIew

pays your carrIer and helps defray the expense of s~ndlUghundreds and hundreds of copIes of The RevIew to ourboys and gIrls m the armed serVIces

Fmal plans were comnleted thiSweek by offlcbals of the GrossePornte Honor Roll AssoGJatl.On forthe dedlcataon p.rogram whIch w1lltake place next Tuesday mormngMemorIal Dayan the Grosse Pom ehigh school grounds at whIch tlmethe honor roll wI1l be unvel1ed

As guest speaker the assoclahonhas seculted \i\ Jibur M Brucker, exgovernor of Mlchlgan to gtve the

Dedica te HonorRoll Tuesday

Eight Men to Leavefor Military ServiceNext Tuesday

'vfrs G Roberts 775 Berkshirereported to Park pohce that !thelost five No 4 rahon books threeJsst1ed to members of her famuyand two belongllng to her employees

Eight men four from thIS areaw1l1 be mducted mto the army nextTuesday mornmg Memonal Da) atthe mductlOn center T,hey wlH leavelmmedlately for Fort Shendan I1l

Included In the group are FrankW Selewskl 19215 Keno~ha Detrolt Raym10nd C Loeffler 2990".,hland Alfred W Bender Jr 715Washmgton road, Arthur A Salle1073 WayJburn avenue Don L MadIson 1018 N Huey street, SOl1thBend Ind Charles F FreIburgerJr, 1011 Maryland avenue, Phelp.sNewberry Jr, 5700 HIllcrest Dqtr01t and Eugene C Howard 409Cloverly road




By the president of Grosse Pointe Park, the mayor of the City of Gro""ePointe; the president of the village of Grosse Pointe Shores; thepresident of the village of Grosse Pointe Farms; the president ofthe village of Grosse Pointe Woods.

A JOINT PROCLAMATIONWHEREAS Our nation is being gloriously defended by the thous-

ands of our young men and women in the service of our country athome and on foreign battlefields;

WHEREAS It is fitting that their fellow citizens pay homage andhonor to those who are now serving, those who have served and thosewho have served and died in order that this community may continue toexist in spiritual and material free dom;

NOW, THEREFORE, We as mayor and presidents of the fiveGrosse Pointe municipalities do hereby designate Me m 0 ria I Day,Tuesday, May 30,1944, as dedication day for the Grosse Pointe HonorRoll and SQ set aside that day as a public occasion for that dedicationand the honoring of those whose names appear upon the Honor Roll;and we call upon all citizens of these Grosse Pointes to attend the dedi-cation ceremony and exercises in or der more fully to demonstrate ourappreciation and humility to those whose strength, faith, lovalty, andself sacrifice make the preservation of this democracy possible.

To this we hereunto set our hands this 15th day of May, 1944S,gned'

WARD S VANDEUSEN PresIdentVIllage of Grosse Pomte ParkHUGH L DILL, MayorCIty of Grosse PomteJAMES K WATKINS, PresIdent,VIllage of Grosse POInte FarmsELROY 0 JONES, PresIdent,VIllage of Grosse POlUte ShoresALOIS A GHESQUIERE, PresIdent,VIllage of Grosse PaIUte Woods

VOL 20-No 42

COMPLETEOnly the REVIEW Gives YonCoverage of ALL Homes in

Grosse Pointe &: Gratiot Twps.

Million Dollar Woods Business District Loom

-Photo by Plenon '\ \\ \ 2l PI otog aphNEIL BLONDELL, chairman of the aalvage commltt~ of Groue Pointe and Gratiot townships of the OeD IS shown VIeWing the Window dlsplat A WVS headquarters. 17027KereheyaJ avenue, where It demonstra,ted how 'Wa"tepaper IS salvaged at the City salvage plant, WIththe eompleII.l"bc:lollmade from sal"aged paper.

Propose ShoppingCenter for SouthernPart of G. P. Woods

A huge sho'Ppmg center, second tonone m Grosse Pomte or Detr01twas proposed at a meetmg of theWoods cornmIssmn Monday nlghtby the attorney for the ParkwoodLand company, who IS Edward HYost to be bu~1t In the southernpart of the village

The spokesman appeanng beforethe commISSion explamed that be.fore the first step towards such aproject could be made, the VIllagezomng oTd nance would have to bechanged

The proposed center would be onMack avenue extendmg from thesouth boundary lme west of Mackavenue, to the south slde of Newcastle road ThJs mcludes a Wide e>..panse of acreage WhICh1Sun developoedexcept for a small farm The center would extend approximately tothe edge of the Country Club woods

The center would cons~st of aspnmary plans were explaIned atheatre seating 3 500 people block Jfstores which would contam shopsfor weanng apparel household fur.lllshmgs and food The latest de

(Contmued on Page 5 )

Hosteas package lee cream to takeout. Steadman'. Drug Store, 20792Ma.c.k Avenue.-Adv.

St Clalr, has made the decilSlonthat the general practIce of SW1mmmg be prevented m thIS area

The same request was made ofSt Clau. Shores and DetrOit

The reason why Grosse Pomietswill not smffi at least unohl the waten clear up IS due to the c10smgof the Lake ..hore 1l1terceptor whichwas constructed by the federal governmeni to be used by 1he commulll-Nes of lower Macomb county Themterceptor was closed after some ofbhe commUnItIes recrused to pay thesewage disposal rates which wereoharged for Its operatIon

Due to negotiabons, St ClairShores and RoseY1l1e 'l.lnaOlmooslvaccepted the ~5 per year rate forbaSIC water users and Center Lmeagreed to accept 1£ Warren townsJ119and East DetrOIt agreed How-ever, after some meetmgs East De-troit and Warren townshIp reframed from any act'1On concernmg theac'Ceptance of the rate Because ofMus deadlock sewage has been run

(Contmued on Page 5)

Thomas V Trombly, Clty polleechIef requests aU reSIdents to callfor the1r park and beach cards nextMonday and Thursday ll1ghts be.tween seven and nme 0 clock andSunday ntormng June 4 betwen mneand twelve At this trme, addIt!ond.lpersonnel w1l1 be on hand to takecare of CIty reSIdents

Cards are Issued however anytlme durmg the day or evening

Ask Clty Residents toCall for Park Cards

State SaysN0 S~~vimming

Grosse Pomters w111not do anysW1mmmg tl111Ssummer If the stateand load boards of health have anything to do about 1t ThIS was theverdIct handed down to the Villagesof Grosse Pomte Park Farms andShores and the CJty thiS week byDr Thomas S DaVIes head 0{ thetownsh~p board 01 health

A resolutlOn passed by the MICh-gan state st.ream control commhslO"1Qn May 15 regardmg the swunmmgwaters along the shorehne of Lake

The s1xth annual oU1door musIC£estlVal of the Grosse Pomte pubhcschools Will be held pext ThursdaynIght June 1 at e1ght 0 clock atthe Grosse PO\I.ntehIgh seh-ool ath-letic field There will be nearly onethousand boys and gIrls partlclpatlUg represent1ng all schools m thedlstr!ct

These groups are hsted ~s followsCombined elementary schools chorusnumbenng 430 boys and grls PierceJUnior hIgh chocus Brownell Junlor high chorus high school girlsGlee club hIgh school mIxed chorusand four bands, the All City elementary school band BrownellPlerte and h«gh school bands

In event of ram the prognm willtake place FrIday mgh1:, June 2Tlckets may be obtamed from anymum: student at the Gro~se Pomtepubhc st:hools


6th Annual OutdoorMusic Festival to BePresented June 1st

Park firemen answenng an alarmat the home of Frank J Berghoff956 Barrmgton road last Mondaymornmg found the garage on fire

Announce 1944-45 Lecture ProgramFollowmg a h1ghly successful sea thls year s audIence taken at the the varaous world theat1'es Wltn plus 70c federal tax----total $450 per

son, the board 0& directors of Grosse final regular number of the current wh1ch they are- well versed through hcket ReservatJOns may be madeP01llte Lectures have completed season W1th the favorable accept- bemg on the spot when It happen by calhng Forrest Geary, managerplans for an even more ausplCIOUS ance o.f th~s year s senes an.<fa spon. ed' of Grosse Pomte Lectuns Inc atprogram foe the 1944 45 season, to taneous mterest expressed m all An early reservabon of seats IS Grosse P01llte board of edu'CatlOnbe held at the John P~erce auditor quarters, the commIttee have ar~ urged masmu'Ch as over 500 reSea"va. (Contmued on Page 6)urn Kercheval near Balfour ranged for the appearance of an hons have already been made fcr

The selectIOn of the attractIOns for outstand1l1g glQUP of personaht es the oommg season by 1943 44 sednext seasoh was made by the speak who wtll brmg to the audlence first son tIcket holders The price for theera eomttlJttee followmg a po-ll of hand and authent1t: :l-tt10rmatJon from enUre serJ"lf6 oi five programs 15$3 50


ge Two THE GROSSE POINTE REVIEW Thur,day. May 25, 1944






7410 W Seven MIle RdRAndolph 4656



.302 Davld Whtlney BuIldIngUN1versity 2 0343

Long recogmzed as masters inCold Wave Permanents and haIrgroomIng IndiVidual and txpert;ntentton

be dehvered by Dr Encks011, whoWllll talk on f'Psy<:hlatry as a War-TIme SClenc-e" Dr Er~ck~on 15recogmzed as a. natIonal authoflty mthIS field

14224 East Jefferson14331 Harper near Chalmers

March 20, 1945JOHN GOETTE

"Pacific War Theatn"



January 23, 1945ROBERT ST. JOHN

"Amerlca Today and Tomorrow"




Wayne Sigma XIPlans Initiation

for reading and otheractIVItIes, be sure thatyour glasses are rightHave 0 u r experiencedregIstered optometrISt examine your eyes and checkyour glasses He will tell you the true condItIon of youreyes No new glasses suggested unless they wIll protector Improve your vIsIon Plan to see hIm soon


Four Wayne u01versIty studentsand n ne members of the faculty wIllbe admItted to membersh p m SIgmaXI nahonal honorary SCIentific so-CIety at the first annual lllItlatlOnmeebng of the Vilayne umversI+ycha-pter whIch WIll be held at theWardell Sheraton tomorrow

The four students are RobertClass hatalle Ann Costrel1 WalterKosy and Eugene George Kovach

Faculty members mc1ude Dr Gor-don B Myers professor of medlcrne789 'V'estchester, Dr Paul H Notha.ssociate professor of meulcme 221M cKmley road Dr WIlham LBrosms, assistant professor of pathology Dr Harold F Chase, assIst-ant professor of pharmaeology andtherapeUtics Dr Milton H ErIck-son dIrector of psychIatrIC researc.hand tramlng at ElOIse hospItal andaSSIstant professor of p$lych~atry atWayne Dr Karl W FoUey aSSOCI-ate professor of mathematics, DrSylvester E Gould assIstant profes~sor of pa thology D!l" Thomas LPattetson professor O'f physIology,and Dr Werner F Vogel, aSSIstantpmfessor of engmeermg

¥am address of the ~venmg 'W1ll


Staled Prlce $3.50Federal Tax .TOTotal Prlce _ $4.20

Thirsty camels have been knov.nto go d rectly to water a. distanceof 100 miles 011 the desert

qUIte the tIung The south Island at-mosphere wIll be the them of theaffaIr whIch by the way wIll beheld on Grosse Pomte high school stennIs courts on Friday night June9 from 9 30 llil 1 30

Because there WIll be a limIt ofhags It Will be nec.essary for thefemmes to s gn up wltn ether LotsGehng or Barb Bla~r soon

Ba,rb Blatr chaIrman of the dancehas aJppomted her commIttees andh-ave begun thmkmg of all the deta4ls The four Barbs BlaN' Kl-enkDIll and Dgden a.re pool ng theIrIdea.s for refreshments and decorahons The mUSIC end of tJre danceWIll be taken care of by LesleyYaeger and publIclty by Nora Guy

June 9th Isn t very far away, soIf you want to let your' fella kno,",you still care for hIm Just a httle, Irecommend you statt't today and aSKhim

"Latin America"

November 28, 1944


February 20, 1945EDMUND STEVENS

"European Military Campaign"

N ft:1ft: ''" '",& 6i ¥ 9<&;* ',_W"" m.-» ..."...:>:;>- ~ .»"m,p:W ?~N'" t- i» 4:<-

f$ <$'.ff ~ .::> '" ~ 1>tV" '}"*-4 «';; ~ : t-r -?~ t~ f)"» *'JJ: '%& ;: '" W' t::: <:; #):- .:"" 0' <:> /' ~.,f ~ t~

g~ +f 4 1114* 3'1 ~* 4*d''b-Y«/&,L1,; ~ ~{~ ?-"" ~ <>

t f *~ 0' :;!;< 4!!< : ::.j ~I.~,:».i';" "0;;: :> ~ j 't~ ~ «' ~.,,-%> <>b » ~:«

LEE DONNELLY, daughter of Mr$ Kelly E Howarth of 273 MtVernon road, Groue POinte Farms, was marned Saturday, May 20, In

Jackson, Tenn to Cadet Clotalre De Meulem.eester, son of Mr andMrs CarnlelDe Meulemeester of 29128E Jefferson a.venue The couplewill hve In Jackson, where the groom IS now stationed

'TROPICANA THE NAMLthe JU010r AWVS ers dec ded to gIveto thell" annual hag dance, w1ll be


October 24, 1944 -LOUIS FISCHER and JAY ALLEN in a Joint Discussion of the Europeen Problem

Grosse Pointe Lectures, Inc.

AT 8:30 P. M.

Lecture Series

For Further Informatlon and Reservations

Call NIararB 2000, ExteDaioll 21

John D. Pierce Auditorium

Announces Its Second Annual



n Chuck McKean, Mary Jo Talt nRoger Walder Betty Eaton n Ted1v!Qnahan Man!yn Nash n CarrolChapman &leen Denner n J chunvLapp Pat 0 Ha r n \\ arren Paschall Mary Brandon n Bbb DenUyl AlIce Crabb n Bob BrandonMary Bell Wood n JIm Fry JoanRock", ell n Don Kuhn Sally Cnt-ton n Brll Cole ElIte Buh n BillMackey Ann Baldwm n ChuckCajn Elame Kramer 'n Han yDowner Mary Lou McGrane nMtlt Henkel Gluny Arnold n TomIng Ruthae DuffIeld n KennyGould Esabel Baxter n J 1m DuffyBev Brown n Don McPhaIl BarbGallarno n John roley Lael Amberg n M ke Bloy and MaryK:rentler n JIm May were only afew others who enjoyed themselve~

After the prO:m these mIghty senlors h1ked over to Eastwood wherethey took m all the ndes

• • •


Saturday, all the gals were dressedIn the1r very best for the settlorprom held tn the gIrls gym In spIteof the fact that there IS a s.hortageof really good bands, Shlr Kramershol'ped 3<found until she came outWIth John Titus and hIS mUsICmak-enli, who, by the way, were greatBobby Mackey, ohamnan of theprom saw to It that everythmg ransmoothly ami of course, 1t did EllyRoberts thought of the 11dea of aHawallallt theme and so 1t was Ha""au where all the gang speI1lt mostof theI!l" evenmg

Some of the S-e111orS there wereFranny Walker'n Bob Joseph ShIrlKramer 'n naval aIr cadet, BIll DavIS Bobby Mackey n Jack Coulton

IUSNR Joanne Lawson n DaveVandercloot U';NR Nancy Fmn 'nDIck Dumati, vSN, Fcanny Hannaa


MR AND MRS CHARLES H SHEPPARD of 43S Cloverly road,Groue Pomte Farms, announce the engagement of their daughter,Sergt MarJOrie I Sheppard to Daniel E Hurley of Curtis street,South Portland, Me Sergeant Sheppard ISa memher of the Wac andhas been in service for 18 months She received her baSICtrcunlng InDes MOInes,la, after which she was transferred to the First ServiceCommand, New England states, where she has heen dOingrecrUItingIn Portland, Ma, and she ISnow staboned In Boston, Mau Mr HurMley formerly a staff sergeant in the U S army for over three years,served In hattles In the South PaCIfic In the medical corps He haaJust recently received an honorable discharge Plans are bemg madefor the wedding which will he In the near future, however no definitedate has been set ,Th couple wdl he married. In Peace Lutheranchurch, Warren and Balfour, DetrOit, Mlch


open houses and teas last weekendproved to be oodles of fun for theGrosse Pomte crO'Wd

Jane Van Antwerp started ratherearly tal the week by havmg a teafor some of the gals Seen dressedup m thel<f bestus last Thursdaywere Lots \iehrtg, Elizabeth CookeMary Fran Peez Shdrley HeWittCorrllle Clemens Pat Flattery, E1leen HlckeY1 Nancy Jaos TeresaGorman Sally Reynolds Betty VanAntwerp Pat Kelly Joan Tayw"Pat Healy Joanne Maas JanIceOhvler Joan Roney, VIrgInIa Roneyand LOUIse Anhut

• •

Listen ...Gransle 'n DIck Schumann, PatJaekel n Bob Beyer Barb Borgmann Bdl Casteel and Butch Irelandn ShIrley Smtth

Over at the pepSI sand dunng mte<fmlSSlOn were Blxle MItchell nBdl Baker Kathy Stewart n Johnny B:racken Barb Ray n BruceLamg Manlyn ShIelds n Floyd"'Jlxon Bobble Hawksworth nDoc Strawbndge Bdl Maas n

Marge Wolfe George Schreck nPeggy Erne J ea-nne SImmons 'nLarry Diamond and Fred Seltzer nMarge Botts

Bob Benya 'n Madelon R1ckerJack Uhl n Cynthta Penoyar TomCastner n Bonn e Talt Jack WIlsonn Phil Monroe Jun Trousdale nLetty Kretchmar Pmky Pmkstonn J1m Badey, JIm WaldTon 'n PatBaumgarten, LO~lse WhItcomb 'nJohnny Bartemlerer Jack Seeber 'nBette Marchand LOIS Gehrig n

THE MAY FA1\TASY, THI: Drew SmIth and Manlyn Borgma"1last of Grosse POlOte hIgh school s n Art Brownell were takmg theS A dances marked last Saturday spothght WIth theIr smooth GrossenIght w1th much celebratIon P01nte JIVlll

The surreahstlc theme dreamed up Now that aU the S A dances areby Manlyn Lamb head of the deco over untIl next seme~ter, aU theratIon comm1ttee, was not ooly unus gang certamly owe the success ofual but very colorful BI11Maas and the dances to Ralph Steffek, super~ancy Moesta, co chaIrmen of the Viser of the gala affatrsdance saw to it that evef)One was '" '" *happy 0"" EVERYONE S SO C I A L

Saw Dave FaIrless 'n Bash SIck calendar next week should beels Bill Erne n Mary Lou Long GTOsse Pomte hIgh school s senlOrJanIe Heron n Jrm CuI berg Marge prom Next SaturJay wll! be the- - - I day The 12B class are deep tn

thought, plaoomg the decoratIOnsthat every prom must have

B111Mass'!llck Pat Slowm, BetteF!I'1cke, MaI1"41ynJohnson, DorothyJemal, Suzanne KUlvmen, Jean Fe-

Ilax ShIiI'1eyWIlls Pat Foster, JoyceRoland Manlyn ShIelds, Nancy An ..derson, Peggy Toncray, S.blrley

I:"nuth and Floyd NIXon have a veryunique 1dea for decoratmg the boys'3ym but the Idea 15 a deep dark sec-

I et as far as the SeniotS are con ..cerned

Dorothy Ghesqu1ere, DorothyComerford and Elmer Bell are Ulcharge of mVltatlOus Mr and MrsFloyd NIxon Mr and "frs WalterAlbrecht, Mr anJ Mes CharlesGhesqUlere parents of the class offI-cers, WIllIbe 1llVllted

The refreshment problem w111betaken care of by DIck Dossm, Wal ..ter Albrecht and Leon Alvarez

One thmg that the comm1tteemembers have revealed IS that themusIc w1l1 be furntshed by BIll Cole-man and hIS orchestra The musIC

Iwas taken care of by Taylor Manon,Cynthta Caruthers Shorty Taylor,Cow Cow Cameron and RonaldRaddle

Estate of:

Mr. Albert Kahn208 Mack Avenue, comer John R


SUNDAY, JUNE 25thAT 10:00 A. M.

262 Vendome RoadGrosse Pointe Farms

AppraiserCHERRY 9072


When the disease IS chllCoveredearly, the dlabebc who placeshimself complet~ly under thegtlldanceof hiSphYllclan__nd whofollows the detad. of diet, exer"clSe and Insulin .tattds a gO<ldchance of liVing as long .1 hecould reasonably expect to live Ifhe did not have diabetes Thediabebc can be certain of hav-ing hiSmsubn requirements filledhere We earry a freah stock ofInlulln In all strengths, and aafe-guard the potency by keepmg theinsulin under refngerabon at theproper temJ)erature We also havea...ailable, :needle., syringe., anddletebc foods.

SUNDAY, MAY 28thAT 10,00 A. M.

.Mrs. John K. McEvoy


Household Furnishings

Estate ofl

Mr. Julius Stroh


LEnllllt 0800

16608 E. Jefferson AvenueGrosse Pointe Park

Public Sales


SUNDAY, JUNE 11thAT 10:00 A. M.

To Visit Son


t the tIme when thIS homage was paId every prayer onps of all cItIzens was offered to Dlvme ProvIdence ask-~t when another Memonal Day was celebrated thes of thIS war would be home, however, thIS was not to behIS Memona! Day the people can pay tnhute to those who)me, to those eommg home, and to those who g"ave theIrIlliat Amenca may stIll be called the "Land of the Free"iVayin whIch we on the home front can show our truecl3;tion to these brave men and women IS by attendm"edicatIon ceremonIes on the Grosse Pomte hIgh schoolds next Tuesday mormng when the unveIlmR of ther Roll for men and women of the Pomte wh" are m sel v-II take place ThIS memonal wIll bear wItness down thl u$es of the men and women who are glvmg theIr all thatpuntry WIll never have to erect another lIke memorIal for• war dead


~EutJeff_1 S........ to Swlfl.S.ydep

Audubon Club MembersWalter NIckell research ormtho-

~d Urs F. J. ¥elssner, of logust and naturalist at the Cran~road, accompamed by Mr br-()ok InstItute of SCience WIll gIve

18. J J umke of GraytQ1l the final lectuTe Ul the DetrOit Au

k€ leaVIng thIS weekend for dubon club 1944 senes next MondayWIth thelr son In serVIce now mght at eight 0 clock m the Rack~ h dr41l€;kom. an operatIon at the am au 1tormm H1s subject will be,fJ;r-eneral hosptal, LOU1SVIlle'l ThIrty Thousand Years of Kellyj -expect to return the middle Isla,nd' Illustrated WIth colored mo-t we-ek mon plctures and shd-es;



t was one year ago when the CItIzens of tIllS communItynomage to the men and women who made the supreme~ce for theIr country, the war dead of World War II,iWar I, and all wars m whIch the UnIted States has taken



~s at 1512! Kercheval between Maryland and Lakepomte1e Only Weekly New'paper Covermg"<i.llthe Homes m

Grosse Pomte and GratIOt TownshIps"• B OLDHAM PUblISher~.J. BLACKBURN Edttor and Adverttsmg MOT?ager.ITA WALBY Soctal and News EditortJ.bscnptlon Rates By MatI $200 per year, 5, per (Opy

By Carner. 10 Cents a Month

~hed Every Thursday by The Grosse Pomte Prmtmg CoLENOX 1162-1163


kltchen door atfirst Job \\as Vvashmgsteammg and pl1ttmg awaymornmg d shes After that Iped tJ e floor and after that Ilunch ",pd a.ftc~ tl1a~ I scrubpots a HI pans for the afternoon,dftcr that I had to clean the gr,trap I fi Jlshed at seven ve'l"y tIrf

~o I "e t lame and did my lroUl

\nd that s the sp nt Pnvate SuJoyce HermIne Roby 'n Lee K

rPage Thr

No Increase in the Tax on WatchesUnder $65.00



You must be thmklng then of the rings thot winsymbolize your romance I These from many, aretypical of the rare beauty, the flawless perfection ofthe diamonds With which Mley are set . the ex-qUIsite, hand crafted settmg of 14 karat gold :

of the Waac and loved the serVIceenough to stick WIth lt come whatmay Yes they should be proud andthey deserve a wonderful celebrabon because they answered the callof thelr country a lot sooner thanwe !OOklCS d1d

And now for a dash of KP humor from Pnvate Sue Last rndayfor the first time S1l1ce I ve beenhere I pulled the gruewmc Job ofKP and some fun I walked mto tbe


As lIttle os $125 a weekUp to a full year to pay


* *

overseas trammg tn the atr corps asa tatl gunner at Langley FIeld Va

*Theodore M Templeton son of\fr and Mrs Alexander C Temple~ton, 1424 BIshop road, receIved hISwmgs Tuesday, at Mananna ArmvAtr Freld Matlanna, Fla, and WIllbe home thlS week on a 10 day furlough

*Robert J Hoyt statlOued m NewGumea, has been promoted to S CthIrd class "Valter R Hoyt speCIal1st (S), hiS father, 1S statIOned InDetrOlt

* IAmaWac *


Open Friday' and Saturday 'T.\ 9 p m.

One of the greatest JOYSof armyhie IS the thnll of a promotion.. Pn-vate Sue whom we recrUlted onlyfour months ago now has one stnpeHer letter glows WIth enthUSIasm a<lfollows Dld y-QUnohce the enve-lope my fnend or must I come r1ghtout and tell you the bIg news to-WItPnvate Sue 15 now PrIvate FtorstClass Sue In other words, I am nowmaking $4 00 more & month andthats goodl Yes, mam, that firststnpe tS the bIggest thrIll of all th ...ramngs because the others are onlya mattcro1 time or so It says here

And so Pnvate Sue 1S happy, herpatents are telhng the llelghbors andI am almost smug about the thIngbecause I had a hand In recrultmgher

I want to sneak tn a couple moreparagraphs from her letter 'becauset'1ey glve a ghmpse of the vanety ofarmy hie At the aIr base whe'l"e she1S servmg, Wacs who have beenthere a year were honored

f The celebration was a huge success, she wntes, and the old serv~Ice club reeked v.rath fun and laughter We had a grand band and caneed our legs off Towards the end ofthe evenmg you couldn t go twosteps w1th one man before somebodyelse cut m As the so-Idlers often saydarn them 'even the homely ones arepopular The Wa.c commandmg offlcer and the post commandant werethere to lead the grand march Thepost c.ommandant told us how muchwe were appreciated here and stuffhke £hat I don t know why I felt soproud 4>r I wasn t al10wed to weara pUf1lle nbhon as the ones that hadbeen here a whole year were ButI dId feel proud Just to be amongthem those who had been members

NEAR ADAMSCAdillac 1488

chosen group who had a year oryear and a half of college "'orklargely 111 mathemabcs

Studymg under the teadung staffof Hamllton cDl1ege he cbmpletedcourses m college algebra dlfferenbat equatwns, vector analys~s, andmechanIC:' Also mc1uded m the cur-tlculum were phYSICSgeography mc1udmg geo pohtJcs Engltsh composltJon and public speah.ll1g

Pnor to entenng the serVICe nFeb'l"uary 1943 Pnvate Charvat wasa. student at the UI11Ve!fSltyof Mlc~19an

*Sergt Thomas J Hanley s-on ofMr and Mrs Harry C Hanley of1253 Lakepomte arrIved helrne yesterday mornmg for a 10 day furlougb He has Just completed hIS


In the way of mterestmg facts andfigures, the men of the departmentsaId the hardest job they ever dId",as desIgnmg a rate mdIcator fora turret the eaSiest was drawmg d.

SImple clrele The longest Job tooka month the shortest 20 seconds

The hoys m the department havethe courage to say f We have neversaId No to any job yet If one ofus tan t do It the other can or wecan do It together

S Sergt Frank H Horn one ofthe first men m the new field IS III

hiS fourth )'ear III the army aucorps drraftmg department He hadbeen dOIng thIS work bef01e he leftfor the serVIa HIS parents hve at951 Roslyn road, Grosse PomteWoods





The draftmg department of thedepartment of tra1Umg has been 111

opentlOn since Dee 5 1941 At thebegmnmg It had but one memberand at one tlme grew to a strengthof seven men At the preS'ent OIUyfive men are ill the department

The work that the department hasdone has mcluded construct drawmgs for school trammg eqUJpmentsheet metal draftmg topographtcalmaps 1l1struchon charts commercIallllustratlons and layouts fin4'Jhedlettenug mechamcal draftmg SI&lllettertng morale postet's pa.tnotr...posters cartoons for student morale and Tyndall target and artwork


Qmton N Y - Fvt LoUIS WCharvat 20 son'" of \1r and MrsLo'\.us F Charvat 1104 YorkshIrewad Grosse Poante graduated thISweek frQIIt).a year 5 acadenl1c cQUrseconducted by the army atr forcestrammg command at HamIlton col..lege here

CompletIng speclallzed t'l"ammgthat before the war would have requ red two year:. of col ege studvPnvate Charvat tS now prepared toenter one of several branches of thearmy mcludmg communicatIonsweather observatJOu, and vanedphases of a1rpo-rt and aIrways orperahons

ReqUJrements for the course ofstudy Just completed were hIg1:lCharvat began hIS s~udIes 111 May1943 as a member of a carefully

ed to the 14th Atr Force now 1U and always looked forward to Tuescombat III Chma day when my ReYIeW would arrive* at camp I am now aSSIgned to the

Somewhet e In the South PaCific 25th dlVlSlon somewhere 10 the SouthMay 5, 194-+ PaCIfic

Dear SIr My new malhng address IS mI thought I d drop you a few hnes eluded m tl11Sletter I would appre

to thank you for sendmg me The I clate 1t very much If you could sen jGrosse POInte Revlew whlle I was 1n me the paper now that I am so farTexas for my trammg Ifrom home

I certamly enjoyed rea dang all of Smcerely yoursthe news from back home each week Pvt Albert J S}oen

Hugh Scott Cla~k a naval aVIationcadet, IS now stattoned at the naviltramIng center In Corpus ChnstITex.

*Curtis Keegm to correct an errorm the last Issue of The ReVIew, 18now a flight engmeer, aRd 15attach


Royal Puddings or GelatinDesserts . . . . .. 3 pkgs. 20cTenderleaf BlackTea ... ..1.4 lb. pkg. 26cLibby's Deep Brown in Tomato SauceBeans. .2 17-oz. jars 25cCross &: Blackwell-8% oz.Chow Chow ... jar 29cTexas Cooking

Onions.. ..... 5 lbs. 25c50 pound bag $2.19

For Belter Salads-Large SizeCalavos . . . . . . . . 2 forC:~At>

0" 'NO~pPf/4

~~'!.~rJo~ •• o•• crrJ ~~ 0.° •Large Box 23c


Cabbage SaladVegetable SaladMacaroni SaladBaked Beans

Cooked Spaghetti

.lb. 32clb. 39c

.lb. 33c

. lb. 35c

Grosse Pomte hIgh ScllOOI and fromthe DetrOIt Institute of Technologyas a mecha11lcat el1gmeer Enhsted Inthe air force and attended YaleUnIVerSIty, New Haven Conn wherehe receIved his commISSIon as a sec-ond heutenant At present he IS sta-tioned at Elgin FIeld Fla

SFIRE BROS. - Successors to,c

Keep"",, S"'oolgi,I Complexi."3 bars for 20c

Turkey Pies With GravyChicken Pies With GravySteak PiesCorn Beef Hash

Fresh Dressed Stewing

Fresh Dressed TurkeysQuantities Limited - Purchase Yours Now - Call for It Later

Fresh Dressed


Gold MedalFlour. . .. 25 lb. sack $1.19

.. 46 oz. 21c.3 cans 25c

Harbauer PureTomato Juice

:f';~t."lb. 39c ~~'C;

lb. 39c /!:;JiCottage Hams . , ... lb. 49c

All Meat - No WasteArmour's Star, Swift's or Hormel'sPure Lard ... lb. 17cTop Quality

Oleomargarine .lb. 25cFresh Daily

Cottage Cheese .... lb. 19cFresh Ground

....... lb. 19c Dog Food ...... 2 lbs. 25cFULL ASSORTMENT OF FINEST QUALITY

Lunch Meats Not Ratioed



Fresh Caught Trout. White Fish . Blue Pickerel • YellowPickerel and Yellow Perch



Campbell'sTomato SoupMaxwell HouseCoffee.. .... lb. 31c.Fels NaphthaSoap ......... .4 bars 22cGiant Package

Wheaties 2 12-oz. pkgs. 29c


Our Foods Are Prepared in Our Own G &: R McMillan Kitchen - FRESH DAILYl

For Your Holiday Dinner

Prices Effective Thursday, May 25 Thm Wednesday, May 31

Our Dairy Department Features a Complete Line of Sharp, Medium and Mild CheesePhiladelphia Cream. Cottage. Lieder Krantz. Camembert. Edam. Bondost • Blue.Gorgonzola.



IUU KERCHEVAL AVENUEaao We.t McNlcholt-Phone UN. 1..'700

Sugar Cured, Best QualitySlab Bacon ....Ready to Eat-WholeCooked Hams .Pork Roast, Solid MeatBoston ButtShoulder CutRoast Lamb .Fine for Stuffing

Veal Breast

Lieutenant Zenker graduated from

Thursday, May 25 1944

Word has been receIved by Mrand Mrs R Zenker of 714 Wash-mgton road Grosse Pomte thatthetf son, RIchard L, has been pro-moted to the rank of first lieutenantin the AAF

I~ Fouri

THE GROSSE POINTE REVIEW Thursday, May 25, 1944

NI. 5053

",d They were JUd1th Dutereq 566NO'tte Dame, bruIsed left kneel andMarlon Reaume o£ 571 St CllUt whosuffered head IDJunes

The tht-rd wc>man Mrs MathIlda.MIller, of 748 Notre Dame, was g!V"

en first ald at a do-ctor s offIce fo.-an InJured leg

The df1ver of the bus, HalvotJohnsen of 3208 Drexel, was un1n ..Jured

Eckhardt admitted that he ranthe stop street



Will Conduct A

17008 Kercheval Avenue

20% Federal Tax Included

•••• A Limited St1>ck

Platinum MountingsWith

Fine Center DiamondsPriced $150 to $1,500

------ THE --- _

July 11,1944


At the Grosse Pointe HUllt Club tor Boys and GirlsAges Two to 12 Years

Opening Date: June 26th, 1944ENROLL NOW

You Must Be Registered

J:DW. J. PONC£ACZ. J~.'W~arulg~

To a\>'oiddelay, if you liave not regis-,tered, call at the township office as soon aapossible, but not later than

HENRY LAVERS,Clerk, Grosse Pointe Township .

which is the last day of registration for thePrimary Election.

To inaure the right to vote at the Pri-mary Election to be held

Wed. June 21, 1944

as a voter in the Township of Grosse Pointe,Wayne County, Michigan. Kindly checkyour registration status, if you have movedsince last voting, or if you have failed tovote recently, or if you are not sure of prop-er registration, by calling the TownshipClerk's Office, Lenox 2177 or calling at hisoffice at the Municipal Building, 15115 E.Jefferson avenue, Grosse Pointe Park,Michigan,

TUxedo 1.0320

Important NoticeTo Voters


Lloyd A Eckhardt of 9342 GratIOt,\\as tIcketed by Park pollee lastThursday night for runnng a stopstreet and causIng an aCCIdent Hecrashed mto a Lake Shore coach onCharlevolx at Harvard

Three passenger were 1UJured although two o£ them refused medIcal


Defer SchoolN-EwW-S

W. L. ChambersDies After AccidentWhile in Service

Seaman FJrst Class WIlham LeeCham.bers son of Mr and Mrs Raymond Gh""'bm "f 744 Rivard bou-levard dIed Sa.turday, May 20 In thenaval hospital on Treasure Islandas the result of 111jUries smtamedWh~h a motor tcooter he Was: drlv-mg t:olhded WIth a tnoV1l1gtru-ck onthe docks at San Francls<:6; CklHHe entered SerVlte ht APril aftergraduatmg irom Grosse Pomte hIghsohool

Dr. Carl E. KircherResigns as Pastor atEastrninster Church

'rhe SA s have an aquarrnm In

whtch tney had SIX ganter snakesThe aquarIUm was emrpty except iotrthe stones on the bottom and twosmall Jars full or Watel"

In one of the glass Jars there wasan Egyptlan papy1fUS plant It wasalmost lolled be-cause the sftakescrowded mto the Jal" to he ttl thewater Sometimes three got m atonce Every once m a whde a snakewould get caught m the e011~of th~other snakes under the water butit dJdn:t Seem to do any hanll tothem

The .nak.. oldn t g<> I41to !'heother Ja.rf perhaps because therewaSil t any plant The last weekendin Apnl one of the snakes shed Itssktn The next night another shedItS skm

About a week later we deeldtd toretea..se them We notlc€Jd a whJtefilm over two of the snakes' eyesWe wondered If that was a new eyecoatIng if the snakes had gone blmdor If those Were two snakes Whowere gttUl1g t-eady to shed theirSk.ltts

Susanne H.ys. lA has entered our' Runs Stop Street.school from Plttshurghl Pa ,

The playg>round has been organ- Rams Into LakeIzed to allow a more flexIble andvaned pr<>gram of athletic play and Shore Motor Coachgames Markers for dIfferent gamessuch as Paddle tennt'S goal hIwasher pItchIng hIgh Jump and ropeJumpmg have been set up aroundthe playground ThIS atlots a defi-nIte space for each ,aetlvtty for allthe grades The boys of the fifth andSIXth grades helped pamt the mark-ers, and are responsIble for keeptng tlhem m place

Dt Carl It l(ttchet reSIgned rhe --------- _pMtorate 01 Eastthlnster Presb)'lter.Ian church last Sunday morningMay 21

He wl1l leave jult 1 to accept thepa:stt:>rate of the FIrst Presbytenanchu.rOh of Redlands, Cahf RedlandsIS a suburb of Los Angeles and at'htlVlng CIty In the very heart of theCJtrUs mdustry It s ~ls.o the seat of:Redlands UniversIty

Dr and Mrs Kifcher ha.ve: beenWith Eastmmster thu't'ch lOr over 13yeatS The <:huroh has grown 1ll thISpet~Od ftom SOO meilibers to Over1,300 adherent.. 'rhe property haabeen <:lea.ted of debt a.nd many Im-provements !have been ma.de

The pastor 15 h'lOderatbr of thePresbytemw cthurth of th-e Syrtod{if MIchIgan and secretary. treasUrer of the Southeastern DetrOItMlnlstenal ASSocIMlon and a metn~ber of the RiverSide KIwanIS clubMrs Kircher has been very active 111

m'tlslcal and hterary Circles Ul De ..trc)lt In addItion to her church work

Dr Clarence Kircher a brothtt 18

at Sacramento Caltf He was formerly pastor of the Cadillac Bo-ule..v<tJidPresbytenan church of DertroltThe father Dr Charles Kitcher 1),

1ft Nebnska and was at one tunepastor orf the FIr!lt Presbyterianehufoh at Sal1ne Mlch


Hardware Floor Covering

9941 Hayes Blvd.

Trombly SchoolN-EwWwS



:Free U.. of Gun with Purchase of Caulking


Caulking Compound, gallon

Guaranteed House Paint,Outside Spat Varnish, galloll

10 Minute Drive From Gro.se Pointe or Gratiot Township

American LegionAUXILIARY

Combination Doors - Combina-tion Storm Sash and Screens

Neighborhood ClubNwEwWwS

-'rhe 5B .nd SA art class., hovemade spnng hats far a Hat Bar'crillthe Trombly 8(:ho01 art room Thehat model fa.<:es are Itrtade froro ty-lInders of dl.rdboard SOttH!:have longeyel-ashes and curvmg red hps Ourcoll~ctl'On of hats i! 8h~wn onblondes, brttrtettes and even rMdhead 5 long' paper hair Some ofthese creations outdo even the Ideasof LIlly Dache and John FredttItksHat destgners, look to yOWl" laurelsfor a new crop ~5 com1ng Uip, whomay gwe you Some tompetltlOn!

An ortg-Ihal play, 'The BUTnedTreasure' was presented by the 6Bgroup on Friday, May 12 The plotwas centered around the dIscoveryof some of Captalft KJdd'.g treasureUnhke most treasure finders, theseboys and gJrls t,g the amazeme.nt ofthe audience deCIded t.o gwe the,treasure to inendly organlzaht01'lSsuch as the Red Cross and others

The IA 2B chl1dren made .hadow!plctures --lor Mother'. Day Eachchdd .had an attractlve profiled tillhouette of hlmself to take home Af'Ogut $ gaJlery IS also m rhe roomT:hese $llhouettes ate. th~de of colOf/ild paper and can. be r6a.dily recog-n1J~ed

Myrna Fl,ilmsll ,n 4A ha. retlll1'1ed to ISthool after speftdlng severa.lmOlHihs 1fi Florada

-'1'1,. best new. "f the week """'.,from Mary De! Barba, -OUtpreSIdentjto the effect that her .on In-l.w,Lleut Wdharn JOy 15 a ptl:soner ofwar 1fi Gerfilafly

The plans are already f<>r Me-mortal :Day and though cards ateto be sefit to post members thIS ISto renund )rou that ud'l.1tmembers areexpected ot attend also The g.roupwill meet at 10 30 at the corner ofFIsher toad and Maumee for thededlcabbn of the honor roll, ourdrum and bugle COtp. will IIlay Aftel" theS'~ ceremonies Are Over thegraves In St Paul s umetery wlllhe taken cate of by post members,after which, all th<ose Who care toMe welconH: to ViMt OUr dub roomOn Maok aVenue for a caleteNIi stylelunch before atarNng d()Wtltown forIhe parade The lad,., will holdopen h<iuse all afternoon and evetHng utd serve those Who come bilckaga111, hungry A very nominalo'halfge WillI be made for the meals

Our meehng on May 15 Was wellattellded (though it t.. l1y couldhave been bette'l") and We had a niCetea party afterward!, realty keepulgscandalous hours; utd a. lot of plansWere made for the com1hg monthafid it was voted to send two ch:tl-d:ren to the Grate 13etlt1y tamp forcfllppled chddren thIS summer, anda gqrl or bur un1t to GIrlS State

Doll t lorget, 10 30 MemOrial Dayat GrOSSe Pointe high SChooL

Mom*le and POpdi;; Night-Here It is I A pa.rty for the ;"hole

family That s rIght fun and .enter~tamment for all The gym at theNeIghborhood club WIll be transformed 1nto a mght -club and theclubs and classe~ of the Nelghbor-hood club WIll put on a programwhich Includes a dance by the TmyTots ballet class under Mrs Jose t aCamp FIre gIrlS sketch, an Insh tap'by the sehlor tap class, a MaIrzyDoats routme by the beglnhers tapclass a P1rates dance by the mter-medaates and folk dances by tlhe Jun.wr gtrls gym class Then there WIllbe games and smgmg In whIch allcan paru<:apate We are oexpedmg tosee you at the club Wednesday mght,May 31 at 7 30



10 30 am. Mornmg worshIp ser-thon theme What Shall We Do?Acts :2 37 The JUnIor and mtermernate departments of the church schODlWIll attend part o{ the service.

10 30 a m Church school7 30 pm The TUX1S club will meet

at the home of Elmer Knope Jr1658 AnJta avenue

Wednesday May 31 11 00 • mThe Plonter GUIld of the Women sAssomatlon WIll n1ett at the home 0.£1fts Ge1()rge Dreher, 1323 Hamptonroa,.(f

OhIldren's Day WIll be observer!on Sunday June 25 WIth the hapN.sm of httle ch[lrlren

To remove hard water il<:ale ors:tams from porcelaln enameled warebot! amId solutIon of s()da In ~t

penodlcally A mlxtU1"e of salt andlemon Jutce, rubbed on the utensiland WIped off WIth a wet rag Willalso do the tnck.



Church schoolj 10 30 a tnChurch serVI-ee, 11 00 amSermon subject, Sunday May 28

The Bug a Boo of Fe.,.The board bf trustees meetIng has

been postponed one week It w111beheld next Thursday mght at eIghto'Clock at the church house

The DIscussIOn Group WIll meetunder the lea.dershJ.r>of MaJDIfMacBrtde next Sunday nIght at eighto clock m the church house

All day sewmg on Wednesdaysfor the InvaslOn -countrIes oegm'i.lfig at 10 30 a m IS now 111 prog-ress Do your bit amr6t1g pleasantsU!ifoundIngs to help thII$ worthwh~le war project Bring your lunchailld your f1'dends Coffee WIll beserved at noon




I AnCIent and Modern Nettomancy allas MesmerIsm and Hyp ..nottSn1 Denounced Will be the SUb-Ject of the lesson sermOn In allChrIstIan SCIence -churches throughout the world on SU11'dayjMay 28

The Golden Text (Roman, 16 1920) IS I would have you WIse untothat Whl-ch IS good and SImple con-cerning >ewl And the God of peaceshall bTUJSe Satan Under your feetshortly I

Among the BIble cHat10ns IS thISpassage (Jeremiah 17 14) Heal meo Lord and I shall be healed I sMeme, and I shall be saved for thouart my praIse

Correlatlve passages to be readfrom the 011'Ist1an SCience textbookSClen-ce and Health W1th Key to

the ScrIptures j by Mary Baker Etldy ,ndude the follOWing (p 102)There IS but one real Mtract1on1

that of SP1f1t The Pbltl.trttg of theneedle to the pole symbolIzes thISall embraclllg power or the attrae ..hon of Gbd diVIne M~f1d

The Work of the Holy Spmt IS

the sermon subject of the RevGeorge E Kurz pastor at the servIce next Sunday beginnmg at 11 00a m In the Punch and Judy theatreNext Sunday 15 the Pentecost festlval commemoratmg the outpounngof the Holy Sp1tlt Oil the early dISClples 50 da:H af1er Easter ThereWIll aliso be confirmatwn at thIS serv-Ice The Sunday s'Chool meets at 9 45am

Pastor Kurz announces that SamtJames congregat1on WIll hold a speclal serVIce of prayel" and hutt1uhatlon on the Sunday followlllg an-notmcement of the European 1m aSlon People ill the communIty WIthout a church of theIr own are tordlally InVIted to worshIp at St Jameschurch and send thea' chatdten to theSunday school

Six Pointe Police Officer.Graduated From Law Course

SIX P()lnte patrolmen were re ..cently graduated from a 21 weel..course tn cnmmal law 1iV'hlchwassponsored by Wayne umversltyThey are A~bert Wyffels, AndrewT.eetaert, John Onstwedder andJames Flanmgan, from the Ctty,Elme1" Laba41e the Farms) and Ge-rard Kes teloot, the Park.



MmlsterFriday, May 26 7 30 pm ChO>"

reheMsal at the home of Wdharn\1 :Browne 276 Lewaston

Sunday May 28,11 00 a m Churchschool

11 00 am Worshdp serVIce3 30 pm JOl:nt meetm.g of the

)~oungpeoiple of the Evangehcal andReformed church and the Coo.g-re-gatlOnal ohurches at FIrst Congre ..gatlonal church Austlfi Grant wI'1be the guest speaker

At the board of ttttsttes meetmgheld last week the followmg of:hcersof the board were elected J Sta1'1-ley Richardsoo., chaI!t'rrian and J ame!>G Cunmngham secretary


Southeast Corner of kercheval andLakewood Avenues A H A Lo~ber pastor 1434 Lakewood Av~ni.l.e:Telephone LEnox 2121.

The i'esbval ()If Pefitecostj t1soknown as the :festival of thil! Hol)Spmt wl11he celebr;lted lift the servces on the coa.n11lgSunday May 28T le early serVIce Wilt begm at 8 00alld the late service at 10 3 a'l'11

The Sunday 5011.001w111 assembleat 9 15 0 clook

You are tnVJ1ted to attend thIs senIce WhIch begms at 10 30 am Kmderga'l"ten SU'r1day school and Bibleclasses precede the serVIce at 9 30am


SpecializesResurlacing.Factory FloorsDriveways. Parking Lots

All Types of JobsPhone Townsend 9-0323

Or Tuxedo 2.5:11022119 Shady Lane

St. Clair Shores, Michigan

Dr. Bertha L. HapkeOsteopathic Physician


13145 E. Jefferson Avenueat Drexel

Telephone Lenox 5990for Appointment

John E. Lewis Co.Contractor

SIxth Church of ChrIstSCIentIst. Detroit

14730 Kercheval AvenueSunday SerVIce,

1030 am _ S 00 pmSJ.nday School

FIrst SeSSIon 10 30 amSecond Session 11 50 a In.

Wednesday Evenmg TestutloniaJMeeting 8 00 PIlL

Readlna Room open week day.11 00 am. 10 9 00 p m.-Sunday230loSOOpm.

,. 1'1'


One Block South of Harperat B.se Line Road


9:45 A. M. Sunday school11:00 A. M. Morning worship

Special musi ..A eordial invitation is extended

to All.


The RedeemerMethodist Church

before returnmg to COnCQrdla Semmary 10 5t loUIs to comple~e hISstudIes £.01" the tn1ll1stry He haschosen as hl$ sermon theme TheBirthday Message From Our Lord


IS one of the most Important fesbvalsof the church year m WhICh we celebrrate the bIrthday of the ChristIanchurch and the outpouring of th.eHoly Spirit upon the disciples ofChnst In this serVIce V leat HaroldKrach will preach h~s last sermon


tell' DrIve East at ChatsworthOSWALD RIESS, Pastor

t Sunday Bethany Lutheranh will observe Pentecost Thb

or your porch or terrace!* 3-Piece Willow Suites, $129.


* Occasional Tables, $10.95 up.

* Glass.top Dinette Table, $65.

at Grinnell's


Representative4G PenaL.cot Bldg. Tel Randolph 0448 Detroit, M1Ch


Postwar Casualty?

WIll your chIld be a victim of this war-after it's over?

W,ll she grow up 10 a depressIOn-ridden half-SIck coun.tryl Don't buy a future depreSSIOn Buy War Bonds m.

stead so that our na!lon WIll be the finest 10 the worldfor your chIld - and You.

This is one of a seriesof ads prepared by

Shepler's, Inc.DRY CLEANERSHarper at Grayton



17048 Kercheval, Gros .. Pointe

Come in and see this smart Summer furniture • • •at Grinnell'. Grosse Pointe store I

* Dinette Chairs, $25 eaeh.


~re You A Family Man ?rite problem of providing a comfortable living for your~mily in wartime is diffIcult to solve. But think how theyrould fare if you were not there to care for them.lssure your family of protection through adequate life~surance. I will be pleased to discuss with you, withoutbligation, a plan that will suit your own personal require.ents. ~

Page Flv



Operated by the Founder

ITo protect yarn or small wool

artIcles from moths put 1:hem In

tIghtly covered glass Jar or tm cThe Jar IS preferable as 1t enabone to see ImmedIately ....hat It c:tams

Park Appoints NewVdIage Attorney

Village offlClals announce thepomtment of Fredenck McGraw,11377 DevonshIre as the new vIllattorne\ for the Park Mr \{cGrwho w 11assume hIS new duties J1, succeeds LeslIe Alexanderhas held the pas tlon for approlmately 10 months

To Attend MeetingWIlham J Jo~nson Park cont I

ler was gIVen permlSSlOn to attthe MunICipal Fmance Officerssac atIon meetmg to be held ICleveland Oh 0 June 7 8 and 9

9671 GRATIOT AVE.A Horper

Others $2 45 u~



J. B. STETSON$4-$5

100% Virgin Wool


N~w straws with that "Heads Up" appea'ance totop off your summer in style and comfort.


fundamentally sound and WIll gIvemuch better fire protectIon to thereSIdents mvolved '

ThIS ts no merger of the fire departments and means only "hat eachcommumty Wlll aId the other

(ContlUued from Page One)lllng mto Lake St ClaIr at NmeMile road, pollutmg the waters andshorehne

Dr DaVIes has been requested bythe CIty to make dally checks of thewater and Issue bulletms regardmgthe punty of the water so that attimes, SWlmmmg may be perml~SIble

The South Macomb communitIesnow hold the trump card for untdthey accept the rate charges Pomters WIll mIsS theIr dally dIp


Wide selection of elever patterns and colors.


16300 MACK AVENUE, at Outer DriveNIAGARA 6000

AU Wool


$2.50 up

J . .(. Jton'B CO.

Mlchigan's Largest Undertakmg Estabhshment Rankmg WIth Fmest m Amenca

Free Alterations

Make coats and pants do "" ..b'" •extra coats and .Iacks

54.95 to $12.50



Establtshed 38 Years


Near St. Jean

$9.50 upZelan Jackets

$2.95 upGabardine Jackets


In new colors. Long or short sleeves.Open or closed collars.


• eaturing a glorious array of new colors andpatterns for sport or dres ..

3 pairs $1.25ALL WOOL

SWEATERSButton, Zipper, sleeveless, crew necks, pull.overs and others. Beautiful patterns and col.or ..

New ideas in styling, new colors. Everyman needs one.


(Continued from Page One)WIll .then be sought

ThIS pohcy of the City and ParKwtll become an every day routmematter In the poolmg of manpowerand eqUIpment

The Farms fire department 'Undelthe terms of the contract agTees torespond to extra hazardous fires andfor emergencIes, and whtle the Cltyand Park are engaged lU a call theFarms WIll standby' 1{ there 15 asecond alarm {rom the Park or C1tyThe Park and Ctty m turn agTee tomake any call requested of them tothe Farms

J M Leonard, bureau of governmental research located In the BuhlbUlldmg said of thIS contract Thegeneral pnnclple of mutual aid Ii)


'What to Do WithBishop Road' Againin Headlines Here

Bike Riders CrashInto Autos Here

The questIon, 'What to do WIththat part of BJshop road lymg be.tween Jefferson avenUe and LakeSt Clalrf" was agam brought be.fore the Park commISSIOn Mondaymght when a request was made byLydIa M BUhl, Gan M Stroh anrJJohn W Stroh to barncade, at theIrown expense, the dead end streetwhIch bes between the Buhl prop.erty and the Stroh estate

The request was made on theg.rounds that allOWing th1s street toremam open constltutes a nUIsanceto the two famIlies They said thatadults and ch~ldren create a diStUTb.ance M all tJmes of the day andnIght, tohat they throw stones Intothe pnvate property, attempt tosWim In rbhe prlvate sWimming poolsand talk and Sing loudly ...

Because of the fact that all theproperty lymg south of BIShop 15

owned by the BuhJs and the proper.ty 1ynngnorth belongs to the Strohs,repeated attempts have been madeby the two famihes to have thecomnusslon vacate the road

The questIon was tumed over toComm1Ssioners Sage and Morelandand E B Lane {or further study

A restralUlUg order was Issueddurmg the past week by CIrcUltJudge DeW1tt H Merrlamj ofWayne county ordering the vl11ageof Grosse Pomte Park not to takeany further steps lU vacatmg thatpart of Goethe avenUe lymg fromMaryland avenue to the alley waybetween Charlevon ...and Mack ave~nue and turnmg It o"'ler to the FIrs"Ch1'lsttan Reformed ohurch to useas a playground fat' the GrossePornte Chnstlan Day school children

The W!lt was 1ssued at the requestof Leonard RIchards of 1451 Lakepomte and SebastIan Mocen of 1449Lakepomte who are opposmg thedOSing of Goethe

Judge MerrIam ordered the ParkoffICials to answer fully the1r rea.sons for vacatmg Goethe In hIScourt, tomorrow afternoon at twoo'clo-<:k

Gerhart Gaenssle of 320 FISherroad, age 13 rode hIS bIcycle intoa car dnven by L E Arnold of 341McKmley road on May 17

Mr Arnold was dnvmg east 0'1

Goethe and was about to enterBeaupre road when the boy hit thecar The youth was cut on the elbow and was taken to Cottage hos.pItal for first aId, returnmg to hiShome after treatment.

Last FrIday, Edward McCauley,of 78 Kenwood road age 9, rode In

front of a car d1'1ven by Manon LIV~mgstone, 29 Lakeshore road whtleshe was drlV10g on Grosse Pomteboulevard The lad was uninjuredand Mrs LIvmgstone took hm home

Park SergeantAwarded Oak Leafin South Pacific

Restraining OrderIssued on Vacationof Goethe Avenue

Headquaxters U S Army Forces1111 South Paclfic - By the directtonof the PresIdent, the Oak Leaf C1us.ter m heu of an add1uonal AIr Med.at was awarded by Lleut Gen MII~lard F Harmon, command1ng U. Sarmy forces In the South Paclficarea on May 1 to Staff SergtGeorge A Wagner of 1301 Somersetroad, Grosse Pomte Park, as aer1algunner from Feb 22 to March 7

A bronze Oak Leaf Cluster 15

awarded for mentOTlOUS achleve-ment whIle partICIpating tn sustatnedcomba.t operattonal mISSl0ns of ahazMdous nature dU~1UgWhICh -enf'~my oPP.os~tlon 15 met, or durtngwhach an area 15 traversed whereenemy antI aarcraft fire 15 effecttveor whe1'"e enemy fighter patrols arehwbItually encountered The mISSIonsfor WhlCh the award was gIven werewltb tbe 13th AAF.

Park Guest Discover,Fender Skirts Missing

When Fred Klldol, 01 1940 HIgh-land avenue, Detr01t, left SOO Bar-rmgton road last Thursday ntght, hISson dlSi:OVered that the fender skIrtswere mIssmg

A Priority ItemSanley Enders of the Park polIce,

arrlved at the statIon last Thursdayafternoon WIth a 1a.W'1lmowerwhIchhe found on the Sidewalk at Ker.cheval and Wayburrt However,shortly after, the owner, \V N. Fritz,1068 Wa~burn, called and claImedsame

Approves License TransferThe CIty counCIl approved the

~ransfer of a state hquor lIcense ofSchettler s Drugs from their J effer.son avenue locatIon to 337 Fisherroad.


Board of EducationFiles Suit AgainstCity in Tax Dispute

The City attorney lnlonn.d t'lecounCIl meetmg Monday ntght thatthe board of educatIOn IS fihng 5U1tagamst the C1ty for 'CollectIon ofwhat ts known as the exceSSIve tax1'011wh~ch 1t was explamed, totalsapproxImately nme hundred dollarscollected over a perIOd of severalyears

The CIty's P'OsltIon 10 the matterhowever, 1S that If the townshlp 1:.

allowed to keep Its excess1Ve rollthe C1ty should be allowed the samepnvIlege The ex'Cessive roll 1Smadeup of the difference of what theschools ask for and what is spt'eauon the tax rolls

The law governmg such actionwas passed when cIiles, such as theCIty of Grosse Pomte, was not meXistence and for thu reason, theBoard of EducatIon m.akes demandfor the exceSS4ve mantes.

~ 4-& *'~~{;4-} ""'4~ =LIEUT. GEORGE T. HUNTER

Mrs G T Hunter, 1126 BerkshIreroad He graduated from DUS andattended Ohvet college and the Um.versIty of MIchIgan While at s'Choolhe played football, basketball, andbaseball He entered mlhtary serVIceHl February, 1943 and was COltllmIS"s~oned at B1g Spnngs, Tex, In Aug-ust, 1943 He left for overseas dutyIn January of thIS year, •

LIeutenant Hunteit' is engaged toDaISY Baub~e who attends school atEdgewood Park, BrIarclIff, N YH~s brother 1'11 law 15 Dr MatthewA Houghton, who IS also statIonedm Italy

Wave of BicycleThefts Hit Pointe

FIfteenth Army AIr Force Italy- Second Lleut Georg.e T Hunter23 of 1126 BerkshIre road GrossePomte Park who 15 now a bombardler on a LIberator bomber hasbeen awarded the Air Medal It Wasannounc~d recently

ThIS honor was bestowed on hImfor mentonous achIevement 111

aenal fbght whIle partIclpatmg Ul

sustamed 0 per a t 1 0 nal actlVlbesagamst the enemy LleutenantHunter IS statlOned Ml Italy wtth anAAF bomber group whIch have beenbombmg enemy targets In Austna,Rumanta and northern Italy

LIeutenant Hunter IS the son of

The Farms and Pa.rk pohce s<ta.tIons were flooded thlS past weekWIth calls irom reSIdents reportmgbIcycles stolen

Mrs D Steenrod 01 976 NottIng-ham road, told Park pollee herdaughter's bIcycle was stolen ironttheIr home last Thursday. BarbaraJean Hart ocr333 VcMIl1an reportedher bike stolen Thursday, howeverIt was rewvered Sunday

Saturday, Sally Whlteh.ead re-ported her b1cyc1e had been damagedwhtle 1t was 1!1 the Country Dayschool yard

Mrs Koebel of 203 Cloverly, reported that her <1a,ughters bIcyclewas stolen {ram the school yardhowever It was returned

Three other b1kes were stolenfrom theIr owners, Teddy Johnson314 Touratne, F R McManus 811Beaconsfield, and a daughter of theVernier famIly, 158 Moran road

Park CommissionAgrees on Rotationfor Justices of Peace

When off1Clal actton was taken bythe Farms board of trustees on May15, regardmg the rotatton of thetownsht.p JustIces of the peace, andpassed a resolutton statmg that theaval1aible Jusbces should dlvlde theirwork evenly among themselves, cop.les were sent to the VIllage clerks0{ the Park, Shores and Woods

The Park commIssIon acknowl.edged receIpt of the resolutIon, butdeemed It unnecessary to pass aresolutIOn of their own They were1U futI agreement \\Ith the Farm<;1'C1ea and WIll co operate "heneverpossill1e.

$10000500025 0025002500250025002000200015001500150015001000100010 001000100010001000100010001000100010 0010 001000100010 0010001000500500500500500500500500500500500500500500500500500500300300200200100


Local Justices HearTraffic ViolationVictims; Give Fines

-HONOR ROLL- Park BombardierAwaded Air Medalin Italian Theatre

Farms firemen were called to afire at 84 Moross road 1("1 Thurs-da;y morn'11&'. f

__ -L

Atppeanng in the Fa.rms jushcecourt before Jus1:lce Thomas ort Ma)17, Duart E Ball, 24, of 4506 Trumbull avenue, was found gullty ofdrunk and reckless dnvng He wasfined $100 and $5 cost,

The followmg offenders appearedbefore JustIce VIctor DeBaeke mPark JustIce court yesterday mornlng'

Ju11.o Parduccl, 21 Colon~al road,faIlure to stop for stop street, $5

PJuhp D Menge, St Cla1r Shores,speedmg, $5

Jusbce LeslIe Young Issued thefollowmg fines Tuesday nght Ul theCIty court

Manon Mok, St Clair Shores,I,peedIng, $10+ Fredenck Seltzer, 1151 Kensmg.

ton, speedmg $10Joseph Mazzara, 4400 Ohalmers,

runnmg stop street $5Robert Westcock, 953 Trombly,

reckless d1'lvmg, $25 and operator'shcense revoked for SIX months

(Contmued irom Page One)slsted by the two drum and buglecorps

The natIonal anthem by bandsand audIence

InvocatIon by the Rev F:rank Fltt'InformatIon Statistics HIstory

and Hopes of the AssocIa<tlOn WIIham J Watkms chaIrman

IntroductIon of guests and dlgmtanes by Mr \Vatkms followed byMayor Hugh D111who wIll presentthe guest speaker Mr Brucker W1thhls address

Concert by bands and drum corpsTnbute to those who have gwen

theIr hves and the readmg of theIrnames by Chades Parcells followedby roll call of World War I dead byveterans groups

Taps veterans gTOUps drum corp:.BenedIctIon by the Rev Father

Edward J Sweeney OSA, assIstantpastor of St Clare church

Unvelltng MISS Florence Seversand Mrs Alger Shelden

DIsmIssal, band mUSICContnhutionl_

Paul I Moreland, assocIatIontTeasul1'e1',announced thIS week that978 mdilV1duals. and .organt2lalnonshave contnbuted $11 53830 WhIClJ.,subject to unforeseen contmgenciesshould be suffICIent to defray all ex-penses of the construetlOn and up-keep on the honor roll unt11 suchhme as a permanent memorIal ISdeCided upon and constructed HesaId that on the baSIs of presentestlltllates, approxImately twentyfive hundred dollars W11lbe avaIlable for a permanent postwar memonal

Fait" the week endmg May 22, $656was receIved from 54 contrIbutorsHOiVever, contrIbutIOns are stIll bemg accepted by the treasurer, athIs home 1164 Harvard Road GrossePomte Park 30, MICh

ContnbutIons are a<:knowledgedas {allowsMr & Mn D M Ferry JrFred M ZederMrs James J Phelan JrHerberl J WoodalIF L Jacobso R SkeltonH S FmkenstaedtMr and Mrs A J TowarMlI"s Ralph FletcherMr & Mot's Herbert MorleyMrs E P HammondAnonymousMr and Mrs D M Wh~tneyMr and Mrs E 0 CaldweIIo Krauss, DecoratorsDr C C MerkelMrs J H French JrMr & Mrs T 5 BmdshedlerMr and Urs A Vander ZeeMrs Herlbert V BookLt Cmdr & Mr' 0 C Fro,tMrs M T FoutMr and Mrs M S RandaIIW H DucharmeR W Ja<ksOJ1Mr and Mrs E L M<:PheeM'fs J. Deane RuckerMrs Laure B HigbIeThomas T PetzoldMrs Walter RundleF!1'ances W SIbleyLt & Mrs M B SnowJ J Van TIOOl SrMr & Mrs F C SchlOTffMT and Mrs A DuyneJonckMr and Mrs J E KlmeMrs Claude MulkeyLt EdWin D ClarkeBernhard Stroh JrMr & Mrs S J JohnstonMr and Mrs W C JooesMr and Mrs F TOO1ple

,Mr and Mrs A C McFellIn,M!1"and Mrs B D WoodMr and Mrs E C StablMr and Mrs R JacobsMr and Mrs H Sleeper.Mr and Mrs G S Curr~eF C KdnerMr and Mrs W C DouglasMrs James T KeenaMr and Mrs H WleseMrs W C BIshopMrs Alex K Gage Jr

Compare •••

26 Years' Experience



Pre-war materials, treated forrot and mildew, now avail-able.

Leaded Cla.. Rep~irin,Replacing Broken Cia ..Reilivering MUTora









Grosse PointeHARDWARE


7601 E. JEFFERSON 0pp. U.s. Naval Armory

••• '8 _ ...

Have Fun at Home ..own aVelvety Scott Lawn

Come in and let us advise you and show you our line oflawn and garden supplies.


* Vigoro, Etc.

Headquarters forHousecleaning & Painting Needs

Lawn and Garden


Always An Appropriate Gift

Mantle Mirror. - Frame Mirrors

SUNNY LAWN SEED3 lbs -$200

5 lb, 43 25 10 lbs -$6 25

SHADED LAWN SEED1 lb -79. 3 lbs -$2.30


25 lbs -$1.45 50 lbs -$2.35

Good tunes begm when yousurround your home WIth &sparkhng green Swtt lawn _makes the perfect spot for ex-clt1ng outdoor games and pIC-nICS

frt"hursday May 25 1944------ -





Thursday, May 25, 1944

-of the foreign correspondents inChma representing InternatIonalNews SerVIce He 1S the author ofJade Ware and Japan FIghts for

ASIa and IS one of the :few c'Orre-spondents accredlted to the JapaneSe army before Pearl Harbor Hewent \V'lth the Japanese army pdo"son bombmg mISS-1onsover Chma andwas held as prIsoner by the J d.paneseuntll repatnated With AmbassadorGrew aboard the Gnpsholm CoJouel Carlos Romulo of General

MacArthur s staff and veteraq ofBatao ha'S thiS statement to makeabout John Goette I HIS was oneof the vOices unheeded before Pea~IHaI"hor It wIll be WISdom to lIsten to hIm now '



Other Straw Hats $2.85 - $3.95 to $7.50Open Every Evening Until 9100 r. M.

Tuesday and Wednesday Until 6:00 P. M.

A straw for your smartest Summer hours, re-ftectmg the cre.t of the new trend, in its estra.WIde brim, its very low crown, its popularWIdth of braid. And comfort, always, by its 111:-

c!USIvesize adjuster, "SlZor"'. .T....II'"





Decoration Day


$35\J $5°0 to $10°0

over 25 countnes Famous for suchNBC programs as I Snapshots bySt John War Telescope PeopIe and ftOr hlS five tlmes a weekhl"oadcast News of the World Acted as master of ceremonies forNBC s ChrIstmas reunwn broadcas"

Feb 2O-Edmund Stevens (Euro-pean Mlhtary CampaIgn) Mr Stev-ens IS the ChristIan SCIence MoUltor s rovmg correspondent and hasbeen through all of the great cam-paigns of the present World warHe IS now WIth the Russ1an armIesand has covered the Important Teheran and CaIro conferences actmgas mterpret~r and techmcal adVIsor

March 20- John Goette (PaCIficWar Theatre) Mr Goette IS dean


BELDING'SCleaners & Dyers

Monday and Tuesday,May 29th and 30th

Belding's Cleaners & DyersKercheval at Lakepointe Grosse Pointe Park

Shopping Center.

.* *

(Corttmued from Page One)'II 2000 ext 25

A sh01't sketch of each speakerh1Sbackground and the subject to bedltseussed follows

Oct 24-LoUls Ftscher and JayAllen-JolOt d~Scusslon (EuropeancountrIes Involved m the war andpostwar relatIonshap of all coun-tnes) Lams FIscher IS an authontyon RUSSia Indm and England JayAllen 4Sa famous war correspondentwho has gathered h1SmformatlOn bybelig there wren 1t ~appened Hewas threatened WIth e),.ecutlon bythe NaZIS after the fall of Franc'"landed WIth Amencan troops tn Afncal'i mvaslO.n and IS one of the out-standmg authorItles on FTanceSpam and the centnl Europeancou.ntnes

Nov 2S-Edward Tomlmson (LatIn Amencan countnes) Mr Tomhn-son 15 an outstandmg mter-preter ofthe hfe and poliCIes of the LatInAme.ncan re'Pubhcs He IS recogn z.ed as one of the few Amencansthoroughly famlhar WIth OUIl" SouthAmerican nelgrhbors

Jan 23-Robert 5t John (Amenca Today and Tomorrow) Wa.r cor~cespondent NBC commentator, au ..thor of I From the Land of S lentPeople bombed m Belgrade,wounded In Greece reported thebattle. Qf Crete London Bhtz Wit..nessed the clashmg of armIes In


13318 Kerche .. l Ave at CophnREV A L. LEACH, Pastor

9 45 I m Sunday BIble .choo1(classes for each age and group)

11 00 a m Morn1ng worshIp6 30 p m Young Peoples serV1ce7 30 pm Peoples evemng evange-

li,tle; servIce730 pm Monday, Intercessory

prayer service730 pm Wedn .. day, mIdweek

prayer and pra1sC scrV1CC7 30 p m Thursday, chOlr rehears-

.1Fnday night, Young People. cot ..

tale prayer serviceLJ.ten to your Nazarene Nelghbor,

eTery Saturday mornIng, 8 30 to 9 00o'clock Over stat10n WEXL, 1340ItJloeyele'

KEEP ON' ••••••* ** t!tu6littTk.4ttaek/ •• •• WITH WAR BONDS •


(Contmued from Page One)Slgns and methods would be usedfor the constru<:hon Flllancmgwould rea<:h two or three mtlhondollars

Under the present zomng ordnance no busmess establ/lshmeUlfacmg Mack avenue may ex.tend b"yond 300 feet from the street whereas the proposed project would reqUlre 600 feet from Mack avenue

Of the few reSIdents who att~nded the meeting or who have beEncontacted regardmg the proJect,about half have expressed dlsapprova1 whIle the remainder have agreedthat thIS IS a step In the nght dlret:tlon auef ObjectIon seemed to bethe n01se and traffIC hazards

Sa.n An.toniO AY1atlon Cadet un.ter, Tex - At the San AntonioAVIatIon Cadet Center future pIlOiSbombar-ci1ers and navlgators are :re-ceIvmg prefhght courses to preparethem £.or aenal Instructmon

The cadets begm pre1hght trammtg as a Sl'ngle group They are sepa-rated for specla11zed tralllmg as oomwbardlers, navIgators and pllots mdway through the 10 week course

The present prefhght class in-

cludes 306 from M4<:hlgan, four ofthem. are from Grosse Pomte Theyfollow Carl M Fromm, 19, 321Kerby road, WJlham R Taylor Jr,19. 418 Belanger, Harold B Donnelly, 18 735 Loncoln !"<O.d DonalJA Dykska, 22, 834 West<:hester

Many workers are unaware of t-heJob the~r employers do lJ\ helpmgcarry out the provmons of the !o-<:ta1secunty act

The employer not only collects andpay.g soclal securIty contrlbuhons but15 :requIred to @we wage rece~pts toall persons m IDS employ, that 1$ 1£the work 1Scovered by the proVISIonsof the SOCIalseCUrlty act

The wage receLpts or wage state-ments must be tn wntmg and musthe m a form WhICh the employeescan keep A salary check bearmg therequ1red Information atbout an em-pLoyee s wa.g~ !s not enough, be-cause the worker has to rehnqtl1shthe check when he cashes It

Often !however the employer gwesthe worker hIS check WIth a. det~ch-able stub W!!th the wage statementon the stub

The MlIployer Ut a wage state-ment. IS requJred to gwe hts name,the worker s name and soclial secur-Ity account number, the amount ofwages, th~ penod for whIch thewages were pa.td a..n{l the amount 'Qftbe employee s soctal se01.mty co,n-tnbutton

Tille statement must cover at lea$tone three.month pe1"1od (calendarquarter) and not more than oneyear It must be furnl1shed to theelI1lPloyee not lat-er than the last dayof the second calendar month followtng the penod corvered by thestatement, eXlCeptwhen the em?1''Oyeeleaves h~s Job In that -event, the finalstatement must be proV1ded when thewage payment IS made

For further mformatlon get intouch WIth F:rarnCIs L Pendergast,manager of the SOCialS-eCUa'lty boardaffliCe at 8037 Harper avenue, at VanDyke, Plaza 8714

Employers Aid TheirEmployees WithSocial Security Job

Michigan Plans fOrPostwar Dairy Markets

The 1090000 daIry cows of M1ch-Igan not only produce enough mIlkto take care of the needs of thestate but also dunng c-ertam seasonso:f the year there JS a surplus supplysilllpped to other state~ reportsCharles Flgy commISSIOner of thestate department of agncu1ture

More extens!ve arrangements haveJust been made for Inspecbon of ml1kand cream suppltes to be shippedfrom Mmchlgan to eastern ma-rketsW W White, superV1sor, bureau ofmIlk sanltatton of the state O'f Penn-sylvama, had been confernng WithF M SloJver, dm~ctor of the bu-reauof da1rymg of the department ofa,gnculture on plans for 1tlspectlon i»fmIlk to be sNpped to Pennsylvamamarkets Mr White stated that somemarkets 1ft Penn.gylvanm had beenshort of mmlk durmg the past wUt-ter and antICIpated shortages againHe strateodcons1derable cream IS nowshtpped f~ M:tchlgan to Pennsyl-vama. and that mdk mIght be shIppedfor bottling purposes ComnusnonerF~gy stated that some Mlchlganplants are nO'W approved for theshipment of sweet cream to easternmarkets and that whole m11kmay beShIPPed to some O'f these marketsQ.\mng shortage pe1'll.oos

To wash oot1on blankets washone at a time m lukewarm waterand enough mIld soap to make atwo mch standmg suds Rmse 1111 several lukewarm waters Dry m theshade Press bmdmg wltl, 11. warm1ron

It 1S a si\mple matter to spreadfrench dres~tng und<>rtnly over asalad by wmg a dothes sprtnklerof the cock necked bottle top vanety When fimshed the sprmklercan be mserted In a hot water faucet and qUickly cleaned



Phdadelphia - .'ThIS C1ty has asuper market where no ration pomtsare nee-ded It IS the PhiladelphIaquartermaster army center WhlChpurchases 1000 for PeunsylvamaDelaware and some New Jersey mll-Itary posts The center wh~ch h'l.sbranches :Ill BrIdgeton N J, andDover. Del, also ShIPS processedfoods overseas

If you use electnc extenS10U cords,check them frequently :for frayedplaces Never handle a cord WIthwet hands and handle a wet co-rdonly WIth a thI<:k pad or dry cloth

When the sweetness of cream 1S

doubtfud stIr In a pmch of sodaThms will prevent curdlmg even Inhot coffee


The manager of a local food sto~eturned a Kerby road resldeht overto Ctty polIce after she had lefth1s store With mecchandlse and ne-glected to pay for same The manager refused ot sign a complamtand the woman was released

BICYCLE FISIiERMEN?Officers LaBrosk1 and Crooks of

the Faxms pohce department wentfishmg last Thursday at 111 Lakeshore and at the end of their polecaught a bIcycle Rlchard Doetschof 356 Newport fell mto the la~eand after gettmg out called thebluecoats to retrIeve hiS bicycle

age C many hands make hght workand the Red Cross needs your support


FLOOR ENAMELUmu"a ••• d lor Ifttenor or .,.,.,.,.. ..wood or conet... 1I00rs Co,,,,, I" .11,clJulat colonDn•• Clulckly 10 •rich high tlou,

.... k.bl. R.llk,

~Semi-Gloss WALL lONA


B.autlfu11".trou. woshaltle bbh forl:tnutUylng furft!lure, woll" WOI .. rIe,etc. Oul.k to dry f 1•• ,yl •• "ly No S 55brush mark. 0' lapeWork. Ilk. ,,",Iel QUART

Many colo".


M•• iMu", protecli." Otlel .... ut., fo,your pro,trty. Goe. ,.riher, look ••• tter.tl4 10'" lon•• r•M .... o.ly of .110 S3~oflu.t ",at,nal, ..Co.,.. I. III .,od_ GAL.

..... colOfl

~WALL-lONA (Flat)

Th. _""Oefat .r Iftterior A,,1fh"-for11,,1"1,tIt"I". a"d&,drOOIll' Soh ,a.1.h." •• thlt I••" 7 0d.Itf"ciion to ev,,., C,,..lIIt. £•• y t....... y. W...... I.. QUA'"'

leIeal lot ~Ite:htnand bothroom wall"clIlln ... end woodwork Dries 'Wltft theItopular I(ltch", 9 5,Ion W,II •• llb C.orb "'0", d"t or... 1'1.", ... ",obl. qUART



The new water-thinned paint for waUs.Excellent for Basement WaUs.


16369 East Warren at Courville

• BalancedNouri.hment

• FastResulto

• Easy toU.e

• Free fromWeed Seed



~'5 Gift and,........7 Toy Shop1.11 20313 Mack at Lochmoor Blvd.

For Your Outdoor PicniC ••• Decoration Day

BARBECUE RACKS ••• CBJI be used on your own lawn Wehaft everything you need for a .ucce.afttl barbecue ••• Individualcasseroles, wooden bowl. for your salada, gla••ea for your cooldrinks, snack jara, luncheon cloth., de.

Roberts RadIO Shop has what It take. to live you the be.t workman.hlp In radiO repaIring-year. of expenence plu. a la.boratoryWIththe finest testing equipment made Bring your ,et, here!

Open 9 A.M. to 6 P.M.

_ ..... _-_ ..~.~,~._~,-----------------

In some packages are baby recelvmg b'ankets made from dIscarded blankets vll1uch need featherst1tchmg These are tlre-pared byMrs Ben Marsh s committee for thewG-rkshop whIch sews each weekThen there are layettes already cutby Mrs C H Haberkorn s groupand done up ready for fimshmgThe packages of clothes mc1udmghttle skIrts blouses f<tc are fromMrs Harrmgton Walker s commIttee on clothes for the cupboard

It 15 not necessary to be a member 01 AWV5 to help WIth thlSnecessary work Just stop In andpick up a package or two when youare lU the C ty Remember t'1e ad-


I Tax: ud Report Service :Pederal. State and CanacliaJI I

Notary Publl., with Seal :Harry Haas, Tax Consultant =1

: 14841 KERCHEVAL AVE •,•Corner Alter Road LEnox 7812:............................................ 1


Have thePAINTS!


DJd you know It IS possible to doworthwhile Red Cross emergencycupboard sewing at home? If youhaven t the tIme to spend a dayaway from home but could do a bltof sewing In your spare momentsstop In at the AWVS workshop17027 Kercheval near Sanders andtBake home Il package to work onat your le1sure

Women Wantedfor Leisure TimeAWVSSewing

___ ~'_'M'~'~'_'





Afnca 15 the most tropIcal of con-tments

Four fifths of the varieties I)f:flQwers possess no fragrance

2S lb.. $1.45

SO lb.. $235 Gallon $2.98100 lb.. $3.70_....-...-......-... Kern Tone'- . . .





lOSE .. $3.75,0 Ft. Rubber Garden







PM. for the purpose of reviewmg the

Roll for year pf 1944

of 9 00 o'clock A M and 6 00 o'clock

Office m the MUnlcipal BU11dmg at Mary-

Board of ReView of Grosse Pomte Town-


Township of Grosse POinte Assessment

ship w111be m seSSIOn on June 6, 1944,

POlnte Park, Michigan, between the hours

and June 12 and 15 1944, at the Township


Notice ofBOARD OF


Garden SeedsLawn SeedAnd Tools for YourVictory Garden!

With.tands aU kind.of weather. GaUon

RogersQuality House


Open Evening.Until 9


Lawn andGarden


Men'. and Ladle,' S\l.ltI tailored to order-Alter.hon.,rehnang, cleanIng and pre.. ing

14931Ea.t Jeff'er.on at City Limit.Freel M St;hutltan E.tabh.hed 1$25 Open evening. bU 8 PM

r-Grosse Pointe Township

lare Sfx

-ucatan has Increased shtpments

grass baske<ts to the United




nlursday, May 25, 1~4 THE GROSSE POINTE REVIEW

On last Tuesday, at the request of The Detroit News Station WWJ, Mrs. Myrtle John.son, an employee of Great Lakes Steel Corp. stepped before a microphone for the firsttime in her life, to tell Detroit about her job.

Mrs. Johnson is fifty years old. She works seven days a week doing the housework inher home at Wyandotte, Mich. She works seven days a week at the Great Lakes plantin Ecorse, Mich.

She is a woman steelworker.Besides working, Myrtle Johnson worries about the welfare of her family whieh-ther - is thinking about her country.Mrs. Myrtle Johnson, of Wyandotte, tells below what she is doing for her country anher family.


Mi•• Fran Harri. (WWJ Interviewer): Stano-Mr. andMrs. Listener--here's Mrs. Myrtle Johnson--Mrs. John-son, hereis Mr. and Mrs. Listener--

Mrs. Myrtle John.on: Hello Mr. and Mrs. Listener--Announcer: Hello. And getting right down to business

--where do you work, Mrs. Johnson?Mrs. Johnson: Great Lakes Steel--Announcer: Great Lakes Shiel Corporation-win the of.

fice, of course--

Mr,. Johnson: Now-inthe mill ••Announcer: In the m.--- What? A lady steel worker?

Can't be.

Miss Fran Harris: She is, though; she's proof positivethat women can work in steel mills and like it.As a mat-ter of fact, there's a goodbig percentage of women work-ing down at Great Lakes Steel--

Announcer: I'll be darned. What do you do, Mrs. J 04n-son ~

Mrs. Johnson: I'm a bander--Announcer: What was that?Mrs. Johnson: I'm a bander-wI put bands around piles of

steel str~ps--get them ready for shipping--Miss Harris: Stan looks-about worn out by now-wit's just

too much for him. You see, the legend has grown upabout the steel industry that it's strictly a man's busi-ness--not an ordinary man's business, either-wit's a jobfor a big, strong, powerful man--

Mrs. John.on: And it's upset everything to have womenwalk into steel mills and go to work. Of course, weshould say they don't do the heavy jobs--they don'twork with the furnaces--

,Announcer: If I can recover enough, I'll ask it--what dowomen do in the steel mills--besides banding, and Idon't know what that is either--

Mrs. Johnson: Some of the girls operate cranes--Announcer: Ohmygosh; you mean, they operate over.

head cranes that pIck up loads of steel?Mi.s Harri~ You should see them, Stan. They run the

crane down to a load of redhot steel strips--they manip-ulatethe levers to pick up the steel and carry it over to aclean place where it can cool.

Announcer: Women drivers on overhead cranes. Thinkwhat would happen if some of that redhot steel hit any-body. .

Mr •• John.on: The steel industry wQuldn't have womenon the job if the boss didn't think they'd do well--wom-en crane operators are just as careful as men--

Announcer: What else do women do at a steel mill?Mrs. Johnson: Some of them are electricians--Announcer: Think of it ~


f Mrs. Johnson: Some of them are machinists--some ofthem are inspectors--there are table operators--

Announcer: What's that?•

Mrs. Johnson: They have to do with the operation ofrunning sheets of steel out onto what they call "tables"to be cut-.


* * *Miss Harris: Back to your particular job, though, Mrs.

J ohnson--exactly what is banding?

Mrs. Johnson: Wrapping bands of flexible steel aroundgreat piles of steel strips--getting them ready for ship-ping--

Miss Harris: I know--but you don't pick up a bundle ofsteel strips and tie them together--how do you do it?

Mrs. Johnson: Oh--I see what you mean. We have foursteel bands which go around a pile of steel strips--thepile is governed by the order which has to be filled, ofcourse-owe lay the bands out on wooden blocks on thefloor--two lengthwise, two crosswise--

Announcer: Just like wrapping parcel post--

Mrs. Johnson: Yes, then the crane brings the strips andputs them down on the bands-owe simply bring thebands up around the bundle of steel, jack them up tight,and crush the ends together The crane carries the pack-age to the freight car--of course, sometimes we do putspecial wrapping paper around the steel--that's when!t's of higher grade--

Announcer: The way you tell about the crane doing allthe heavy work, it doesn't sound so bad--

Miss Harris: Two women work together--that makes iteasier. It's still making steel men gasp to go through themills and see women on the job.

Announcer: How'd you happen to get interested inworking at Great Lakes Steel, Mrs. Johnson?

Mrs. Johnson: Most natural thing in the world--my hus-band and two sons work there--

Miss Harris: You'll be in terested in Mrs. Johnson's fam-ily--she has another son who's going to graduate fromWyandotte High School this J une--he's only sixteen,too--

Announcer: He's smart.

Mrs. Johnson: He is. He works hard, too, now he's work-ing with a window cleaning company after school--mydaughter works in the Ecorse Bank--and I have anotherdaughter who's married and lives in Grosse Pointe--

Miss Harris: What does the family think of your work-ing?

Mrs. JohnsoDt They like !to-we're interested in winningthe war--soon.

Miss Harris: The whole family iso-the Johnsons havequite a lot of land down in Ecorse, and they have a superdeluxe victory garden--how many ears of corn did yousell last year?

Mrs. Johnson: We averaged SO dozen a day during theseason--then I put up a lot of vegetables, too--600quarts.

Announcer; Were you working for Great Lakes Steelthen? @

Mrs. Johnson: Certainly. Now this year we're getting-the garden ready again--my husband has a tractor--it'~one of those that hangs together by willpower but he'salready plowed up 18 lot~ for our neig-hbors--and he'sjust beginning on ours

Miss Harris: The four of you who work in the mill mustbe on the same shift, then--

Mrs. Johnson: No, we all work different turns--

Announcer: Do you say turns instead of shifts?

Mrl. Johnson: You do in the steel business--just as yousay mill instead of plant We take turns each week--oneweek we'll be on in the daytime, another week will hefrom 4 00 to 12 OO--another will be at midnight tillmorning.

Miss Harris: But if everybody's on different turns, howdo you ever see each other? I

Mrs. Johnson: We always have one big meal a day. Welsimply schedule it out. My married son is on the sameturn with mew-the other son and my husband are on theturn just after mine, so we manage.

Miss Harril: How do you handle housework and such?

Mrs. Johnson: On schedule--for instance, Monday is aI-Iways wasliday--maybe I do the washing in the morn-ing and work in the afternoon. If my daughter is on Idays-wI do the washing at night. Tuesday, my daughterdoes the ironing and I clean the house. Wednesday I tryto bake up a lot of things for the week ahead It's just It Iquestion of planning. I

Announcer: And in between times, the J ohnsons workin the Victory garden What a family.

Miss Harris: You like your job, though, don't you, Mrs.Johnson?

Mrs. Johnson: Yes I do. Once you work with steel it getsyou; anything else seems insignifieant--there's greatpower in steel--there's beauty--steel is the beginning of

~1I kinds of industry-wit's the fundamental materialthat's needed fora machine age--

Miss Harris: There's a great magnificence about a steelmill, too--huge equipment--great weights are handled--there's great heat in melting steel--it's a sight you nev-er forget to see them pour the molten metal into moulds.

lVIrs.Johnson: A steel mill is one place where you knowyou're workIng to win the war--working just as direct-ly as though you were handling a gun--because withoutthat steel, there'd be no gun.

Announcer: What kind of steel do they make down thereat Great Lakes, Mrs. Johnson? Is it fine steel for pre-cision tools? or what?

Mrs. Johnson: It's heavier steel--some of it goes intolandIng mats for airplanes--some of it goes to make th~caterpillar treads on tanks and half traeks--some of itgoes to make the Navy Quonset huts--metal houses, youknow--

lVIissHarri.: You must get a deep sense of satisfactionout of working with such vital material, Mrs. J ahuson?

lVIrs. Johnson: I do. I feel a part of things-wI wouldn'ttrade jobs with anybody in the world

Miss Harris: You're a lucky person to ha ve a job you likeso well--thanks a lot for coming down to tell about it. I Iwouldn't be surprised if a lot of women look into thepossibilities of working at Great Lakes Steel.

Mrs. Johnson: It's a very gratifying experience. I

The above raclio Interview Is publi.hed by Great Lake. Steel Corporation. with penni&&lon of Station WW J, from "Fran Ham. Report."

Great Lakes Steel Corporation, Ecorse, Detroit, Michigan



~, ~c

• It

4"• ~,


TUxedo 2-2760

15311 E. Jefferson

May 26 and 27Ronald Coleman

Claudette Colbert In

"Under TwoFlags"

FI'!, Sat May 26, 27ALIce Faye, Fred MacMurray


PlusArthur Lake J all1S Carter


WALKS ALONE"Mystery With laughs I I , I I IColor Cartoon Senal Phantom"ComICS to the klds Saturday Mat

Sun., Mon Two Days OnlyCharles LaughtonJ Donna Reed

BlOme Barnes In


Lum and Abnerm


Tuesday, Wednesday, ThursdayMay 30, 31, ~une 1

Memorial Day Matinee at 3 pm.-No Matinee Wedne.day-John Wayne Martha. Scott


PlusMarsha Hunk


Cartoon - News

Wed, Thurs. Are DI.h Nlghta


Thursday, May 25-Laat TimesToftlght Vera Vague, Allan.Jenks In ~'Rosle the Riveter"plus Sonja Henle, Glenn Millerand HIS Orchestr~ John PayneIn "Sun Valley Serenade" Car-toon, News

reopen hiS bus mess after It had beendluolved over a year ago ThIS wasthe CIty counctl s deCISIon at theIrMonday nIght meebng

Because of lapse of tIme, Parentlost the prlV111ege o£ operatIng lit

busmess 10 the reSIdentIal sectton,allowmg the property to revert backInto a reSIdentIal dIstrIct.

11:30 A. M. to 9:00 P.M.




Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday May 30, 31, June 1Lynn Ban, John Sutton Spencer Tracy, Na~cy Kelly

~ In

"Moon Over I 1 "Stanley andHer Shoulder" Livingston"

Friday and SaturdayJimmy Lyndon, Joan Mortimer

"Henr/ Aldrich I IBoy Scout"

Sunday and MOl'day May 2~ and 29Walter Huston .. Gloria Warren - Kay FratiClS m

"ALWAYS IN MY HEART"Pat O'Bnen _ Ruth Warrick in


18740 Mack Avenue at KerbyTUxedo 1.9775

A C Parent former proprtetorof a- grocery store at 344 R1Vardboulevard was dellled a request to

Allotrher of those popular dancesWIll be held in Mason school tomot~row night at eIght 0 clockJ which WIllbe sponsored by the Grosse PomteKlwams club Soft drmks and otherrefreshmoots wIll be furnished freeafter a small admlSSIo.n fee will becharged

Pat Mohan and W111a,rd Kraus.eare In charge of all detaIls for theparty

Full Eight-CourseSunday Dinners* * *Steaks - Chops - Flsh

Barbecues - ChickenSandWIches - Salad.We Cater to Parties

Proprietor Denied Requestto ReoDen Business Place

Kiwanians Plan AnotherMason School Dance

We Will Discontinue



Due to conditions beyond our control.

Announcing ..A New Food Service Policy* Starting June 1st *

Our Food Service Days and Hours Will Be As Follows:

Enjoy Dancing

* * *Reg Thorntonand His Band

* * *Dick Drake

Comedy M. C.

* * *Nora MannersSongstress

Thanking our many Sunday dinner patrons for their pastpatronage ••• We Are extremely sorry to be forced to makethis change.

- SID McQUEEN, Proprietor.


East Warren at Barham



* * *Arlene May'

Dancer ~PIlls Surrounding

Stellar Talent

First Farms' Police-Firemen's Ball FinalPlans Completed

The ball will benefit the polIceand firemen s pensIon fund

Among the features to be offeredthroughout the evenmg of fun andentertq.mment are muS-lCby PhIl 01sen s orchestra a floor showJ dancmg and the awardIng of a $50 war Ibond and two $25 war bonds Theclub 15 located at Mack and SevenMl1e road

Filla! plans have been completedfor the first a.nnual pottee and firemen s ball which WIll be held tOlllgl,tat Club MayfaIr announced Elmer TLabadie chaIrman of the affair Atthough a great number have notifiedhim of theIr mtentlons to attend\Ir LabadIe saId that a greater re-sponse IS needed to make the partya success


Wherever you areyou are

not very farfrom a deliciousbottle of Stroh's!

Restaurant andSea Food House

Beers, Wines and LJquors

Listed In Duncan Hines'"Adventures In Good Eating"

For HisEnjo ent!

Jam sessdOns wth rhythmalds f'Tomt'he Fraser StudIOS of the GrossePOInte School of MusIc are so populat" that thlS talented group are 10

constant demand TheIr May showsat the Manne hospttal on Alter r'OarlRomulus AIr Base and Selfndg~FIeld made new fnends for themTo wmd up the season they are be~mg the speCIal guests of the MP sat Rouge Park

Open Every Day 'Ttl 2 Il.mSundays and Hohdays Open

From 100 pm.

CLflord 0434 CAddl.. 2230

Good Food You'll Remell'lber

1564 BroadwayAt Orand Circul Park

FolloWinghiS successful screen ap.pearanees as a flier In •Bombardler" and as the boxer In "Behlud the RISing Sun," Robert Ryau, above, IS cast In an Importantfeatured role In support of PatO'Bnen In RKO RadiO's "TheIron Major" which comes to theEsqUire Theatre Sunday and Mon.day

Rhythmaids Close VerySuccessful Season


Park Firemen to ReceiveTwenty-Day Vacation

The Park commission announcedMonday nIght that the vJ1lage fir.e-men WIll be gllVen a 20 day vacatIOnthIS year The vacatIOn mc1udedKelly off and work days


Served from 6 P. M to 1 A M

M,xed Drinks our SpeCIalty WIth a fullline of Beers, chOIce Wines and LIquors

14948 E JEFFERSON, Grosse POinte 'ParkMUrray 9289

BRUNTON, Prop ... lor LOUIS GIRARD, M•• a.er




tap'l Shumway'sCocktail Lounge Marine Room Grille

Tuesday, Wednesday, ThursdayMay 30, 31, June 1

Charles Laughton, Bmme Barnesm


PlusLum and Abner




... EYW7 T y. Wednesday.... Th y.

Charl.yois at WayhuraPho •• TU. I.UI5

DetrOIt - The MIchIgan PGAtournament commIttee meetmg WIt,officers of the DetrOIt DIstnct GolfAssoclatlon and representatIves ofthe Orchard Lake Country club announced Saturday that the MlchlganOpen Tournament would be held atthe Orchard Lake Country clubAug 5 and 6 a

ThlS 15 the outstandIng Mlch1gantournament of the year and a verylarge field IS expected for the 54-hole event The tournament w111beplayed 18 holes on Saturday Aug 5and 36 holes on SundaYJ Aug 6Purses and the openmg date fo~aceeptmg entrIes WIll be announced Ilater I

A cormmttee of eight appomted

~~eh~?~a::o~sl~~d ~~~~y c~a~~~ Inon of PGA Hal A WhIte of the IDIstract Golf ASSOCIatIon and J~mStandish Jr, of the MichIgan Std.teG<>1£ league

RemaIlling members of the comm1ttee Include C;arl A Underh111C L Miller, and P R Weir of theOrchaq:l. Lake Country club andMIdge Murray PGA Tournamentsecretary

Sun , Mon~ May 28, 29Randolph Scott, Joan Bennett


PlusBela LugOSI, the East Slde !{[ds


'Guadalcanal Diary'Scheduled for ColonySunday and Monday

"Guadalcana1 DIary" one of th~most stIrnng stones to come to theAmerlcan audIence from the mud~covered tel'ram In the SouthwestPaCIfic Will be shown to the patronsof the Colony theatre, 15635 Mackavenue next Sunday and Mon'dayThlS IS the story of the battlewhIch the U S Mannes put upagamst the NIpponese on the sunbaked blood soaked tern tory WhIChwdll go down III hIStory as a famousbattle of the present war

With thlsJ Jimmy Lydon thatpopular lad who gets Into aU thetrouble he can find, stars In anothe"of a senes, Henry Aldnch BoyScout"

ecause of Memonal Day TuesdCb.Ythe doors of the Colony WIll open 1.t12 45 pm The Kansan and SIngA J lOgIc are scheduled

Fri, Sat. May 26, 27Ronald Reagan George Murphy



War DocumentaTY F1lm on thefamous plane

1944 Michigan OpenTournament DatesSet for Aug. 5, 6

* Maria FriejoSword Swallower*Mel Steckleyand HIs. Orchestra

The Craziest Cuysin Town

Supplementary ListGiven for NextTown Hall Series

15635 MACK AVE.TU. Z.Z3Z4

In some parts of ASIa there arestrange trees that pray bendIngtoward the ground once every 24ho'UfS

DetrOIt Town Hall at the Cassth~atre wh1ch has announced aohange m pol~cy only for the dura-tIon glvtng 12 Instead of 20 lectures for the Fnday mornmg serIeshas su.pplemented their 11stof s:peak~ers w1th two now In the newsmen Edmund Stevens, the ChrIShan SCIence Monitor s staff correspondent now in RUSSIa (who willreturn next December) and HenryJ TaylorJ the whIrlWInd wrIter forThe New York Telegram who hasibeen commutmg to the battle frontsall dUrIng th4S war Dorothy Thompson m.1l open the senes m Octoberf.ollowed by Sir Norman Angell,PIerre Clemeneeau Milton Hmdu!:>,Ethel Barrymore Colt, Harold JKennedy and Hubert Lamg the aubborrty on Chmese eoonom~eJ mIlI-tary and polItIcal problems For acomplete lIst of speakers and thechanged lJ:l!l'1ces,call Cadillac 6993room 749 Book CadIllac hotel

One of the most spectacular productlOttlSto leave the leg1t1mate stageand head for Hollywood to be mademto a mO'Vl1eWIll be shown on theAlo.ma screen Friday and Saturday

ThiS mOVIe, done up nght In thebeautiful tones of techmcolor IsThiS Is the Army/' stars IrVIng

Berhn famous composer RonaldReagan George Murphy, Joan Les-he, Allan Hale and a score of oth~er stars, beSIdes the numerous members of the army who make up therest of the huge cast

Some of the popular songs whichare sung are 1m Gettmg Tired SoI Can Sleep Oh, How I Hate toGet Up III the Mornmg and ThISIs ilie ArmYJ Mr Jones' all werewntten for thIS show 'by Mr Ber1m

Included on this bIll IS a documentary war fi1m tItled MemphI!>Belle

May 26, 27


W,thBetty Grable, ROibert Young

In techmc010rPlus


Pat OJBr~enCartoon .. Comedy

Continuous Saturday from 12 45

Sun, Mon. May 28, 29"GUADALCANAL


Preston Foster, Lloyd NolanPlus


W.thJImmy Lydon

C<lJrtoon - NewsConhnuoul Sunday from 12 45

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thur.dayMay 30, 31, June 1


R1chard DtxPlus


Allan JonesJ June VmcentMemOrIal Day: Doors Open 12.45

Free D.shes to the Ladles EveryWednesday and Thursday

'This Is the Army'Comes to AlomaFriday and Saturday


Come - Bnn.

Jour friend. Jom

in the fun nightly.

Cass Theatre

SIR NORMAN ANGELLRenowned WOl'ker ...for Peace

Nobel Prize Wittner

MILTON HINDUSLIterary Cntlc, Editor of

Atlantic Monthly ~ook$helf

ETHEL BARRYMORE COLTActress"Opera Singer Daughterof famous actrel8 Ethel Barry ..more

Good and Goody* Eddy Shepherd, M. C.

* Ethel ShepherdDetrOIt's FIrat Lady ot Song

The program WhICh the managpment has arranged for the holidavnext Tuesday Memonal Day willstart at three 0 clock Two top notchpIctures WIll be bIlled for Tuesda). JWednesday and Thursday ThereWIll not be a matInee next Wed-nesday

'In Old Oklahoma m whIch JohnWayne and Martha Scott co starIS one 0& the f~atured attractIonsJ cohn and hIS WInsome smile andMartha w~th her fine actm'g abIhtymake thIS p1cture one whIch yo 1

shouldn t mIss seemg

The second picture 15 a storywhlchJ m make beheve land takesplace after the war 15 over and theNaZI murderers are up for tnal fortheIr elmes commIted durIng theprevil.QUS10 or 15 years The pictureIS tItled None Shall Escape

Memorial DayMatinee at ThreeO'Clock at Shores



* * *

2 Vaudeville Shows Nightly, 9:15 and 12:30ii!li!!!WiilJj;J!lI!!ffill!!r;!!~ AIR.CoNDITIONl!:D

Always Serving the VeryFinest Beer, Wine, Liquor, •

Mixed Drinks

Cqmplete Dinnersat $1.75 to $3.00

, Smorgasbord DannersServed DlUly3'00 to 9,00

Sunday 5 00 to 1900

Other SpeakersHENRY J TAYLORAce Correspondent of

New York World TelearamPIERRE CLEMENCEAU

Member of French NabonalComllJoittee in Washmgton

EDMUND STEVENSc:hnsban SCience Monitor'.

Staff Correspondent In RUSSIa

HAROLD J. KENNEDY,rC"rrent Broadway Plays"DR. IRA HILTON JONES HUBERT LAINGDlstll)g'UlShedSClent1.t and Writer on MIlitary, PobtJeal and

Chemist Economic Affairs In ChinaFor Complete List of Speakers _ and Changed Pnces Call

CnddIac 6993 - Room 749 Book Cadillac Hotel

Don Ramon



Still Presenting the Biggest, Most Entertaining Show on the East Side- FEAtURING __

Announces Change of Policy for the Duration12 Friday Moming Lectures Instead of 20

16th Season - 1944.1945OPENING WITH




~g~!,g~.t __ " .:T...:H:.:...::E=-.G::..:R:--=:O...:S::.-:::.S.:::.EPOI N T ERE V I E W

pome 30 per cent of the men ,andItt'ltenof the hie Insurance mdustry• serw.ng In 0U1" armed forces

And HisLatin-American

OrcheatraDirect From Engagemenu at Canino La Conga and

Grand Terrace C... lno.

Nqw Playing for Dancing Nightly Wednesday ThroughSunday - Including Sunday Matinee

Courville CafeI 16340 Harper





I The K.B BARI Owned and Operated by Philip, formerly of Courville Cafe

Formerly Located at Mack and Newport

I Has Moved to 14439 Mack Mal"~::u.hI WATCH FOR OUR GRAND OPENING

['Old on to your sIdes folks GoodGoody, the craZIest fellows In

n have been let loose at the Clubvadora They throw all dIgnItybe WInds when they go Into theIrfl0US comedy antICS such as thenee contest" , acrobats andymg of spoons along WIth theirIsens1cal chatter If the talk lags

Go?C1yalways recovers a laughh some darn cute muggmg Shar-plaudIts WIth them 15a cute !tttles Marla Fl'leJo, who does anaung performance of swallowmgotus size swords endmg up WIthl11ummaied neon tube that can ben through her body as she swaI-lS It Gerry Statler after a longence as a specIalty dancer offersl1-rut routme m abbr-evlated C05-ne that IS generally show stop~g Harry WhItney shares the8lh honors of the show and be~ne$ a. mor-e solid favorite as hees along Ethel Shepherd 15 sullgutg 'em an<l SWIngmg 'em Cus-ner$. comments are that she 15

tter than ever The Pearl Magley~vadoTa!bles have some new rou~es well costumed and performeJ

ood and Goodyow Playing at1StSide Club

Bryan FootHealth SerYICe


Foot CorrectlOnist

It Is Not Necessaryto Suffer With YourFeet.

Page Nine

717 GrISwold BUlldmgPhone CA 6214After 400 P M

SUrVIV1l1g are the WIdow Flor-ence five children Evelyn Erma,Samuel EnSIgn Clmton and Mr-s1I,.1bert\Verth three brothers James IJ\. Doctor Samuel both of DetrOIt,and Jo~ ah J of Mamtoba two SlS~ters Mrs M11ton Wray and MrsJ \f Rae of Alberta Canada

The deceased was a member ofthe Masons and the Orangeman-Lodge



YOUR Edison bill willsoon begin to come to you inpost card form.

It will be simpler - easier toread - a convenient size - andmote practical in several ways.It will be small enough to slipinto your pocket WIth all its ad.\fantages, it wl1l also help thewar effort.

For one thing, the new bill willsa..e paper Envelopes are elimi.nated, and this saves 25,544pounds of paper a year. InaddItion, the new post card billwill save manpower and trans-pOl"tation.

This is a wartime emergencymeasure. But we are sure youwill like the new bill for Its owngood features-even WIthout thepaper and manpower sa\fing itmakes possible. It is a goodmethod that has been tested andproved. People hke it.

We believe you will, too.

Funeral Services forPark Resident Today

pels and a sIx..gored sldrt Fdr sum ..mer 15 prO'\'1ded an attractive grayand WhIte ptn~strlped seersuckerwork unfortn and a WhIte dress Untform

Other parts of the Wave unIformmclude whItt and dark blue shIrtsover shoulder leather pouch bagswhJte and black ~loves work coveraUs slacks and smocks for speCIalJobs and a blue overcoat

The Wave umform IS regarded bymany as the smartest 01 the \\O~

men 5 serVice umforms

Funeral 5erVlces were held thISafternoon at two 0 clock from theVerheyden funeral home Mack a\~nue at Outer drIvel for Charles HNIcholl of 916 Grand MaraIS W1.0d ed last Monday




Waves Wear SmartUniforms Designedfor Style, Work

DeSigned to flatter all women whoweat" 1t the navy blue Wave umformIS I tops In smartness from the softrolled bnm hat down to the trimblack oxfords

Women Who 10m the Waves saygood bye to clothmg wornes f.or assoon as they arnve at Hunter eo1lege N Y for l:l1doctrmatlon trammg they are g1Ven a $200 allowancefor umfotms and other apparel TheOfflC a1 UnIform costs about $180 andthe balance may be used for underclotihmg and mCldentals

After one yearr s serVice they recelve generous cash unIfot1n allotments each yearr for replacements

The navy blue wool SUlt has aJacket wHh shghtly bUllt ..Up shauld~s rounded collar and pOinted law

There S scar~ely any sort of worka Wave cahnot be -tfained lor Afew of the1r Jobs are AccountantsaVlatlOt! mach4nlsts bakers busm€:,smachme operators, chaplam s asslstants chauffeurs, cooks dentaltethnloans draftsmen, electnclans,file c1eorks finan~lal ass1stants, hos~pcrtal techmclarts, 1tbranans, mallclerks, metal workers, tneteorolog~Ists parachute workers pharmacIsts'mates, photographers, radiO techmClans, iteceptiOllI!;ts, stenographersta.lJars telephone operators, teletypeoperatoifs therapy te<:hnIclans welders, wobdetaft Wotk~rs a-hd X faytechniCians

tlke thousands 0:£ other Wavesalteady at work ashore the newestWave recrUit logged m at US SHunter" starts a ileW course at theend of Itldo.cttmauon, famIliar WIthnary tratHtton and tourtesy, alert tocoh1mands, trIm of figure and nea.tof dress and bnght wlth hbpe

SelectIon oItlcers give careful cansIderittlon to every reasoh fot your'Choace and your mmd Mid energiesare directed to the lrttportafit Jobyou can do as a Wave

The Wa~ graduatmg :from thet U S SHunter' 1S secure m theknowledge tha.t she has t-o-t'fiethruthe first splash,of navy hie WIth tra~dltlonal navy e:fflc[enty

To1tiorrow perhaps she WIll beamong hun-d<teds o£ Waves ~n routeto spe.cIahst schools located. through~oot th~ Uruted States Then: she 'WIllfecelve further tnstructtotl to betic!"h~r skIlls Or the Wave Just leavmgthe naval tta1l11tl.g scho.ol 111 thel1ronx may be 00 her way to a. dU'eetassl1gnment

In the broad field '" f",ure ad-V"ahces the Wave of the ranks mayI\htl after six months tha.t oibed1enc~,mdustry and H1Ibabve wIll help her?In the way to W1'l1mfig aft offlcerlsstrIpe

Bride of May 6th ReturnsAfter Eastern Trip

The ntatrlag-e (}If Matgare't Fresa.rdand NIcholas ShoGk took place onSaturday, May 6 at St Qare <WMontdalco church wath the RevEdward SW"n<y 6fltc,.t1n~ Thebnde was gIVen In fl1a.rn!g~by hetuncle Joseph (Ruehel

A weddmg 'breakfast was gwenal Ihe Whlltl.r hotel lor 100relatIves a.:l1d 1fi'1mediate ft1enm A re~ceptIoo WQSheld 1h the afternoon atthe home of the brIde's mother for250 gtlest,

SInce theIr return from theIr weddlihg tnp m the Easi Mr and MrsShock are nralctng their home on'Three-MtieDtIYe

50 fast for those remamlng on BonSecour that 'Whether any are left1S doubtful The house movm~which was delaytng plantmg on thelower Bo'n Secour sectiOn got under way Monday before an audlence of the entlre Cadieux terrace

The Farms gardens have startedthe season In gala fashmn WIth flagsand the champlOnshlp pennant flyIng Due to some changes there arestill a few vacancies on the Radno"Lothrop and Kerby plots for thoseapplymg promptly All garden$ 6nOak street are taken

Due to transportatton difficultiesand the demands on the time of voltmteer Judges It was deCided toJudge the 11 communIty plots andthe 499 mdIV'ldual gardens In thePark City and Farms only oncethIS summer The plots Will compete for the championship pennant

;;:o~h~el~~tb~a~:~~':"I':;:~ ;:~~I JOHN C. LaBELLE Iwill receive awards b£ ment The Sodding, Seeding Or Gradingdate and lIst 01 J"dges WIllbe in Everything for the Gardener"""need later TUXEDO 2-8274

Plans were dIscussed for holdmgthe VIctory Garden Harvest shfYW ~at the NeIghborhood club agam In

conJunct1on WIth the Grosse Pomteand Eastern MIchigan Hortlcu1tut1.1Society on Sept 9 and 10 MrsLynn McNaughton who has dIrected the show so slWcessfully for thepast two years, has been namedtemporary chaIrman to organize thecommittee for 1944

Outlook for StateFAirs Brighter Now

Establish MethodistChurch in Woods-Gratiot Township

TIle ,,"tlook lor towtl,h,p cOUrtty8;1Hl distnd fatr.s throughout thestate of Mttchlgan and a sutcessfulcOfttmuablQn of the showmg of theMrch1g'an State FaIr hve:sto(1k 1tst atcounty fall'S IS brtghter than it hasbdn at any hm~since the startItig01 the w"', Sly, Ch>rle' Fl~y e"m-ftln&Slonerof agntu1ttlre

Overfifty 611h. le.dmg f.lti havea.lready mdltated theIr intention tohold a £aIT durIng the 1944 faIr seaSOft and. m aU pTobablhty others VI' 11tome later 'thls hum.bef does hot mdude some tlufl:y 6pec11\l!Jsuch ispotato shows, breeder shows ett

A t CiittOfi) sup~'i'vtsOrof MICh ..!gan £aars states that the state s contrillbutlOfJ.Ih the payment of oo.e halfthe pte>mmff1s awarded -oft agrlGultural and lnd"~thal ~lIihlbltS at tOwn~sh4p county and {bstnet faIrS wdl bem the neIghborhood of one hundredthousand doQllarsand the payment ofthe total ptefiio1utns awarded 00 statefair e>tihlblts wdl be twenty ..fivcthousand dollars

Through the e!fad' of Dr tklmhuibet the executIve secretary 0t theMethodist UrllOlt of Greater betrOltthe board of m1SSlDns has selectedGratiot townshIp Rl1d Grosse Pon'1teWoods as the field for a. new nilSslouary proJect

The first serVIC@Sw~re held oftltaster Sunday ""Jih Sunday schoolat 9 45 i m a"d pr>achmgat 11 00a tn The Rev Ben HolliS has beena~poll1t~d pastaf In charge

The 5ervie~s have beeh wen at~tehdet1 and 1fiterest is st:ud~ly 10

oreasmg We are flOW Jill need oft~llrChers and workers

Tht<l\lghIhe courtesy01 th~ Gratlct T<>Wfiill,pdub we hive b~.nmeetIng In thear dU.bho-use, Rostyf1at Base Ltne road In the very nearfuture we hope to M 111 our perwmAnent quartets to be loca~d 00Harper lv@nti~

The name selected for {he ne\\ch.urch IS th~R~deemer MethodIstchurch MtI'flberi Of the .llurehtroQrd $a)!"; Ilcame tl'ld W6tship With116fiext SUhday monhng and tenda hind WIthIlllswortll"hlle proJ.~t.'

Victory Gardeners Busily at Work inPointe; Council Reports Few Plots Left

Pointe Girl ScoutsHold Swimming Meet

Wayne County RoadsMaintenance Higher

Lafi"ng - TM !tOt. h,gll"'.y de-parfune"tw,tl spend $406 932 00 dur-lfig the present fiscal year endingJune 30, 1944, on mamtenance ofstate trunklme highways 1.11 Waynee<>u"'ty,an l!llefe's' of $9256700""er the $31446500spent lor thesa'tne purpOse durmg the 1942 43 :fiscal yeM" Charles M Zleglet state1hlihwayc~ulont:r, reports


WIth all of the eommull1ty VIctorygarden plots e.x.cept Kerby readyfor cultivation Grosse POInters canlook forward to the most promlstnggrwing season 1n theIr three yearsof cr0t' productIon The Kerby plotIS under constant mspectlOn so thatas soon as the d~scer can operatethere aI:>pllcants Wilt be notIfiedEven 1£ It had been poss1ble to dISCKerby 1t is still t{)o w~t to workThe nchness of the SOil there shouldcornpel.1sate for the d~lay III pla1'lt~mil'

The Park r-.epresentahves reporte<l at the Garden council meetmgon May 19, Ihat aIf of the garden,are reserved on both the Harcourtand Cadi.eujc plots a.nd planhng hd.sstarted. It WIll be PDs~lble to l)bt~llisome ltdd1tlOnal lahtl 1n the Vleml~yof both plots for late cothers whoseapphcatlOns are received prOirtiptly

In the CIt¥ of Grosse Pomte twoa.<f.d.lhonal locatIons on Lakelandsouth of Kerchveal, have bMn prepared to take cate oJ' the overflowfrom the onginal Lakeland plotThere are a few gardens stIll avatl~able on one of these; .one gardenooly on Cadleux ..Kercheval Placeand reservations have been receIved

The Grosse Pomte: Girl Scoutshave had weekly SWun:ntlillg meetsthis past Winter Tuesday nIght May16, the final meH of the season was J b S I cti'onholdal Gro"e I'omte htgh 'chool 0 e eParMt, a"d Irlend, "'ere mVlted10 and Graduationattend WhlC\ resulted tn nme of the35 reglStrants "'mnmg ,,,'mmmg for the Wavesba-dges Th~y are Joan Cane Mar I _garel Atm Dalzell Nancy Doherty, EDITOR'S NOTE The follo",.rube Ford, Nancy Gotschall Joan I 1ng IS one of a senes of storIesHoughton, Janet Johnstone, Bar- abCtUt life at the Waves tt'a.tn1tl~

bara Oho and Garol)'llRobn,o" .ehMI. l'f"nt.r college,N y ItIn addItion to the meet there was was prepated by young WGmen at

11Uyl~ show whlch 1fiEluded 13etty thIS ~thObl where aU Waves, 10"Gray" 1870 Jean !'>tfitt, 1880 clud,ng Iho.e from Mlch,gan gelSlllly }.jeff, 1890, LoIs H6ltz l~O theIr tnitial SIX w~eks' Ihdbttrl~13everly Martall'I 1905 and Manlee nationo Bnen 1944 An exhJblt10n by the """"'--'"Grosse ramte h1g'h ~thool water ball "the bpportuiilty to express yourwas al!tQ p.te.llented, perso.nahty ialents mtelhgence ex

These classes were under th~ (11 per~ence and deSIres comes 1ft. ~er~ctton of Mrs~ Clarence Pmkstoii ! tectton tests gIven to duscover hIdformer Olymplc ehamplOn artd chalf qeh quahficatiofi~ )l'ou didn t knOwman "I th> A A U y"" had a"d brtng O"t thooeyoore

sure you do haveYou are Itlter'Wi!wed by experts 1"1

petsofihd cla~sificat!611 Whi:l!;~ attt!':nbve eat!; hSien as you diSCUSS theJob you would lIke to follow 1!11 thonavy








17516 Harper TU. 2.2670

My HusbandSays I'm Smart

163$4 Harper

This year, 1I10rethan anyother, It ia our solemn dutyto encourage those lacingthe dark daya ahead, byshowing our devotion tothose others - the nation'sheroie dead.

I've not only eacaped the"Hot Stnve" l""gue. By ""t.Ing at Ma~'s we ~ still en.joying de1ie~ua lood, BIldit', juat all llleaaMt as be-ing at home.

Keep youll"dnver's telephone num-beit' Nobfy bm 1£ you cannot meeth,m

Don't expect f1taxl serVIce Walkor use pubhc transporrtatlOll to aconvenIent pickup pomtIE You Are A DrlveJ"-o

l:!61d to your schedule Don't keepyour passengelI"s waItIng

Be sure to noUfy y.our rldets 1£una-ble to drive

Easl WarrenIICourville



Trumpet•• Bass• Guitar

A PagePictureQuiz


Th. d./I y Delro'lr.m~,b,lng, you27 World Famou.

CCH'llc:s20 Neltonel!y Notld

ColumninsAnd Other Future.M.ke ,I • habit 10,tad the T,m's.



ployeesIf You Are A Rider-

Conduct yourseH 111 YOUT host scaras YOU would expect a visitor t6 behave In your home Remem.ber hiStat must last for the duratIon

t'ay your sha.re of the operatmg~Xlpehses

Be p<rompt In :reporbng at the plck~up pomt

Don t ask sp'~clal £avO-tosthat wouldIncOt'1vemertce other tnetnb~rs o£ thec1"b

••• I

Hollywood I It's a worldfilled With cmema kmgsand queens and prInceSand prmcesses How manydo YOU know when yousee them pictured? EachSaturday, Nat Dallmger,noted "Inslde HollYwood"photographer, presents tn.trIgumg mov,e star \l:c-tures for ')'ou to Identtfy.


~O 30% TAX

The Alger Cate Is Now Under

NEW MANAGEMENTYour Hosts •Edward DeMercurio, Jim Calt

To the Music of


Every Monday Night Is MUlliclana',Bartenders' and Waitresses' Night


Arrange for Home Dell'very by l>honlng CHe\'t')' 8800



On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday


Presents New Policy. New Band 1


Write for Fr;.;B;;'.klel MW 38and Dafe C>f H~xt CLINIC Neorest



CoMmuntt, Nat') !kink • '.htl~ MWt.

- IAlway a Gay Time af


Every Friday, Saturday, Sunday

Telephoner Office TU ] ..1800Resldenee NI 0551

Dr. MargaretVerbrugghe

Osteopathic Physicianand Surgeon

1843 LancasterOffice hours 2 to 4. and 7 to 9

Except Thursday and SundaySunday by Appointment OnlyCrosse POinte Wood, 30, Mich


*MEL THOMPSONAnd lIls N oVllehl>rd

A New SaturdayFeature!

StraIghtened usually "otIe afRce vItIt-.ofely, permanentfy No t\l'ttlng of

muscle. or cordsIn'.fv/.wI 9 0'. m. un'" t p. m.Ana Atbor, beetbom. Jackson, MI. Creekr

I Ktlfol'lic;:roo,Lonll"lff GroftcIM:ot»ld' MUIldltett.'orl Hurol'l_ Soglnew, flint, '(oledo, 0'1fori WCt\'tti, 'nil Uma, 0 , Soolh BenetDR. WALTER G. CONNOR

Osteopathic Physician Iand Surgeon I

11319 East Jefferson ,. tNear St. JeanLE. 4776 Res. PL. 3838

Tinyls Playhouse13311 MACK AVE. ne~tCOPLIN

Now Under the NewManagement of

E. L. HOLLICK, Prop.- Featuring _


A plant transportatIOh comm1tteein the Detroit district mlrneographt.dand <bstnbuted a copy of the follow ..mg 10 suggestIons to their emw

Thursday, May 25 1944\

Etiquette Pointersfor Share-the-RideDrivers and Riders






Clean stoker worm andpack same w.th oilsoaked sawdust

Pick up a bag of SAW.DUST - FREE


DraIn od

Just 4 Things to Do

Have your furnace, orb 0 i I e r, chimney andpipes cleaned

2619 Conner Avenue-

Thursday, May 25. 1944






Warren and Balfour -:

HE~~~~T GK~~~~r:d';st~ICar :•~;

Warn Youths Who'Borrow' Bikes for A Ride

Park pollee released t"o eIght.year old youths Fnday after they ~~ere alPprehended for borrowmg"bIcycles lust to go for a nde Th.boys sa..td that they rode the blCyc1elafter they would find them sup-posedly abandoned In front ofstores and homes

They were sent home after bem,gwen a warnIng by pohce

Protectyour Stoker

IS a novel ,Juatrecently pubbshed

It is wrltlen by a local woman -Clarabelle Eberle Rundell, -and .... story of a POinte family whowent "..II out" to win the war,and delerves a permanent plac.eon your bookshelf If your hoolc:shop cannot lupply you, leaveyour order and you will be nob~fied as fast ... they come fromthe pre ..

CartwrIght, Mueller, Benjaminand Robinson

901 Lafayette BUilding

On Memorial Sunday \fay 28,Peace- Lutheran ch.urch Wilt haH asspec al guests 111 the 11 a ill serVlce\ eterans ()£ the 32nd Red Ar OVv DI- ..","1:.100 The Re\ Enno G Claus, :pastor wlll preach on the heme, ""ThIS h the VictoryThe first sernce takes place at

the usual t~me 8 30 q m Holy Com~rniU1110nWIll be celebrated at thISservIce Announcement IS to be madeat the pastor s study or by callIng ~TlJ 2 0254 on Fnday aft.ernoon or "evenmg (

Sunday school for all ages at 9 4S ~a m For the commg weeks PeaceSunday school has a campalgn fornew members Enroll your chIldnow!



Sweet Liberty

Additional Want Adson Page 12

FOR SALE-MiscellaneousSCREENS-For llx17 porch only

used one season TU 2 6736

-FOR AVON - Products call MrsKonar 1\ lagara 7079

A COLLECTION-of hlown de<o.rated barher bottles palrs and

smgles, chma cabmet small uprightp-tano lamps colored bronze andmetal, colored prints Buy sell,trade The AttiC 6410 E JeffersonFItzroy 8966

MODERN-Two pIece hVLng roomsmte III fi:rst class condltlon 1290

Belvedere MU 4185 Call Sunday


Our 61yearl of contlnuoul sernce to home owners In DetrOit IIyour a.. urance of co~tent, friendly adVice Let us estimatethe pt'1Ce your home will bnng III today'. favorable market.No obb,abon Just ltop in or pnone ...



CANADIAI1'<-Gottage. Aux Sahlenver and Lake Huron Memorial

Day weekend June or July NI 5169

WANTED-Real Estate

Or tricycles reg-ardless ofcond'tlon B,lI's B'ke ShopLenox 4130

FOR SALE-Real Estate

INVISIBLE _ CombmatlOn screenand storm se.s1 Change both top

and bottom s~chon from InSIde ofhouse 1\1 3665 MIller Screen andSash Co 17801 Mack Ave

- --- ---SIX BURh ER _ Gas stove ty,()

ovens and blOlier splendId condllion $175 NI 2821

STANDARD-Underwood typewnter, $35 Tuxedo 2 2-536

TWFED - Jacket sIze 11, tweedSUIt Vfl1J1 three quarter length

coat polo coat Size 14 white enamel Mnk fOf left hand corner and nghthand dram hIg'h splash back ve)gOQd cond~hon NI 0767

DIlIJI""G _ Room st1lte daTk oaktable buffet and five chaIrs, $30

50 lb ICe box $10 NI 8331

CHILD S - Or youth s bed \, Ithspnng and mattress ~I 8615

h.ELVI\ATOR-Ga' range washtng machme elght piece \\alnu~

dmmg sUIte 9 by 12 taupe rug davenoort $300 Also boy s Qtke s1'C1.e'\\ alk bIke, trtcy.cle No d~alers NI6774

CINDERS-For sale and coal orclers taken Call Reno, TU 2 0554

after 51),. ..

BOY S- Tuxedo SIze 36 $10 Tu"{t~do 2 7862

FORTY - Acres near Lexmgtonfive room house barn chIcken

house, brooder gramery two mIle,;to lake off FISher Road $4750 $2000down InqUIre at 1326 Nottl11ghamRoad Grosse P01nte Park

IMMEDIATE - PossesslOn YorkshIre road We have the finest bUIlt

home we ever offered Must be qUick~ale Three faml1y bedrooms threebaths and maId s room Fiddle backwalnut fimsh Real log recreatlOnroom Every feature that could bedesm:d Three car brIck g1l'rageShown only by appomtment WardS Van Deusen CA 5005, also Nt5512

FO!t SALE-MiscellaneousHIGHCHAIR - Play pen bassm

ette teeter babe breaWfast setton cannel coal Tu*edo 2 6862

PREWAR - ConstructIon sohdown construcbon dark green tip

holster ng period plece 'Will sacrlfice also large stu'rdy dog housefloor lamp and MajeSltlc cabmet radlo recondItIoned TU 2 5963

BLIND MADE-Bou.sehold .rbelesIronmg board pads and covers

mattress p<1ds ha"1,d lootI"ed throw Irugs ta.ble pads etc Helen Kutner1325 Waytburn DR 5479 D~stnbt1tor for the Independent ~hnd Workers o£ MIchtg:an

GEJ\ UI~ E-Slh er fox lacket fingertlp length hke new NI 0184 be

~3~an~OOpm-r-_ 1LADY S - Beautlful black Enghsh

nthng boots new ...,,",om tWICe SIze6D smalt leg gIrl s blaCk western IbooB sIze 4~ very good condl1:10ngirl s bla('k patent leather low hedpumps hke new, ,SIze 5%B Tuxedo1 1834


NEW-Two or three bedroom houseau1:otnatl1<:heat Must be up to the

mmute VE 6 2248

FOR SALE-Used CarsPLYMOUTH, 1933 - Coupe excel-

lent runnmg conditIOn $85 343Moselle Place NI 6536 after 5 pm

WANTED-To BuyWANT-To buy chIld'S play yard atleast 10 feet square TU 28465

WOULD - Like nice large sizewardrobe trunk TU 2 7862

WOULD - Like a Warll1g steamIron NI 7386



HUDSON'SCHe...,. 5100, extension 425

em and in A.l condition.Phone for appraisal.

The Music Store will pur.

cha.e a limited number of

USED RADIOS, fairly mod.


Continental MotorsCorporation

Must Have USES ReferralALSO

Unskilled Workers


CHILD S-Sand box wagon smallsIze tncyde, porch glIder Tuxedo

2 5963

fOWER - Lawnmower Tuxedo2 6862

GARDENER - Older man full orpart-hme private place 1009

Three Mile DrIve, Grosse PomtePark TU 2 3089

PLEASANT - Summer and somewages to -elderly man for lIght

servIces at beautiful country QomeMurray 0370

FURNISHED ROOM-Nell< cornerof Kercheval and Maryland Ann s

Chicken Snack 15102 Kercheval

MODERN-Garage apartment forwh1te couple In return for lIght

servlt::es w1l1 not mter£ere Withman s work Located 111 Faorms\\I1"Ite Box E B co Grosse PomteReVIew 15121 Kercheval Avenue Grosse P0111te Park 30 M1Ch

DETROIT - Teacher deSires fiveroam house lower l11come or frat

Two well behaved chIldren DR5479

Y' SECRETARY-Want, lOUT orfive room apal"tment or mcome

furn shed or unfurntshed QUIetfamIly o.f three Call 1frs Pratt, CA9220 days CO 3426 evc;01ngs

'-fOTHER-And daughter both emplo~ ed want unfurntshed apart

ment 0-'1" mcome east of Alter NI2996EXECUTIVE_Draft exempt de

Sires five .or SIX 'l'oom house exceUe:nt care, fine ref!;reuces TuxtPo1 2125

TWO-Q~ three bedroom !urnl.heJhcmse Oil" apa1'tment NI 4637

NEW-Two or t1ree bedroom houseautomatic heat VE 62248

vvOMAN--Wants f6uf to five roommcome or 'apartment Prospeot


MIDDLE AGED-Couple draft ex-empt deSIre foult pteferably fiye

room apartrment {)r small h<lmc: inG~O,:,:.ePomte :C.a~tJeftelson 01 "1-Ctnlty of hine '\111e and HooverRoad Permanent DetrOlt reSidentsR~fe'1"ences,-Tuxedo 2 9641

THREE-Bedroom two bath houseor duplex Three adults Best rei

erences NI 9278

ATTENTION-Won t someone ta1..ePIty on two httle chIldren and rent

the~r parents five or Slx rooms wtthyard $50 to $70 T,Ier 7 9879


TRICYCLE-Small SIze TU 2 0407

12801 E. Jefferson AvenueNEEDS

Toolmakers and ToolRoom Thread andSurface Grinders

Apply Employment Office


•A PARTY-Wants t les-e ~tett1lS\"111

pay these prtces StudlO $25 smallradIO, $20- vacuum Hooyer, $25washer' $60 two fuece hvmg roomSUlte $30 seW1ng ma.chll1e Smger$15, electnc fan, $5 rol1away bed$12 c11est of drawers chrome kltch4en 'Set mangle $35 electnc Ironboy s bIcycle $25 trIcycle $12 Other furnIture of quahty C SchramFltzr@y 5810

LOST-Boy s maroon bIcycle lUnto'":SIze,made by Pope Reward LE

6437TWO-=C<>1he dogs, dark sabJt: and

wh~te one male one female L()~tor strayed VICinIty of Neff Road andJ efterson Reward hI 3758


HI~i"l "rlC.' paid for m.n's 'UltS I EXCHANGE, INC.and shoes Telephone call WIll brmg L

IT~l::lr6is:mmedlately Telephone I _:4~_~~~~~._._._~"~GRE:~~OOII~ _~L

Jewelry, China,Knick Knacks,



PLaza 6622R & G Construction Co.






Pier and Cement WorkNO MONEY DOWN

We Do Electric Repairsand Gutter Work

.Let us give you an estlmoteexpert workmanship, Immedlote service

FHA. Requlr.m.nts




OL 9100Member of Castern DetrOit

Realty Assoclatton

15313 Mack AvenueOpen I 00 PM to 8M PM.

Saturday 11 00 a m. to 6 00 p m.



IG«ll :c. w...... nJ_at 01der Dri". Z."SI

..... 1 ~, • A • • p ..•••• Wet! ... Sat.. w __ ..'Odl.P._ .......-


Let us tell you how much we callget for }our property today Youmay be pleasantly surprised NoQlbltga.ttonto sell For tnformatIoncall-


YOUNG-Grosse Pomte housewtieWIll care for chddren part tIme

NI 6722

COM P T 0 METER _ Operatorsstenographers and tYPists Cont1~

nental Mot01'S Corporation 12801 EJefferson Avenue

WOMAN-ExperIenced 111 the careof chtldren to come regularly two

days a month also by the hour eve~mngs VIClOlty Chatsworth andWaveney TU 24422

No OneHas Handwntmg

L,ke Yours

Because your handwfltlllgexpresses your own mdl~v,dual personahty

You May Hav.

a 2 pag-e profess'onal anal-ys,s of your handwntmgfor $1 00Cltp th,s ad to a pag-e ofyour nand\\ I1t1t1g and mallto


DALI: DUNNGtaplw-Allalyst

161 GenevaH ghland Park 3 MIchIgan

LADY-To assIst cook Ann's C1llck-en Snack 15102 Kercheval

MAID-General housework Goodhome good pay References re ..

qUired Grosse Pomte Phone Niaga-ra 2214

EXPERIENCED - Bookkeeper forrelIable lewelry store Excellent

oprportumty Phone Lenox 5376 forappomtment

Review Waot-. Ads

Situations Wanted-F emal.

Plumbing and Heating

Complete Floor Covering.I Window Shadel ..Venetlan Blinds

I 15006Harper AvenueA.Rlln.loD 1080

IPLVMBI"JG-Heatmg rep~l.1rs ShopI on wheels Expert serVIce No ,ob


too large none too sma,J1 1\JI 0831Joseph C Eger 15830 Charlevon ..


II Ladies' and Children'. IClothing - EspeciallyLarge Women'. Size.


Grosse PointeWindow Cleaning


Interior-ExteriorPamtmg - Decorat11lg

We Must Be RlghtCall for EstImate



F. D. Reisener

Expert PalIitlng and Decoratmg

Full Insurance

ALL - Pamtlng, decora.tlng, wallwash111g, paper c1eanmg guaran ..

teed Ste::tm remover MU 1471


Nt 4255

Painting and Decorating5260 CourvilleNIagara 5944

INTERIOR _ Decorating Guaran ..teed workmanshIp and materIal

(plus 30 years experience) Estl~mates free Have your work donenow FHA tIme payments If deSIredWllham Loader Tuxedo 2-7143 orNIagara 4407


HIGHLY _ Recommended rehablewall wa.sh111g SerVIce by refined

whIte men Call Arhngton 4192

1\fake your reservatwn forthe Fmer Pamtmg and Dec4

oratmg- of your home Beassured of our serVIce at}our convenIence


For 25 Ye,ars We HaveBeen Servl11g Grosse POl11te


JOHN EVANS & CO -Inter;o. andextenor palOters and decorators

Estlmates furmshed AR 9223

Wall Washingand I

Wallpaper CleanedWhite Workers

AR. 7185 OR PRo 2644

CALL MUMFORDtS-Arhngton7080 for Window shade cleanmi'venetian blandl, new shadel andshade repairs We allo rent pamtspraYlnfl equipment. :Mumford'i15006 Harper

PAINTING-And decoratIng F DRe1sener 5260 CourVille NI 5944

PAINTI~-G-And decoratmg Interlor and extenor .Call Temple

2 5738 after 7 00 pm

WHY PAINT?-Let us wash theoutSIde of your home Sparklmg

newness restored Clean efflclentwork For free esttmate call MrLong IV 8088


Black Dirt and Sod


Immediate DehveryTU 29079


NI. 7777

PIA~O TUNI~G-Electnc cleanmg C L Edwards, 1377 Phlllp

Ave MUrray 5236

LA \VN-CUttlllg and complete ga.r-den sen~ce Tuxedo 2 2853

BASE PLuGS - Ele<:tncal repaIrs,fluorescent lights tv 2 8105




V\ mdows cleaned Stonn \\mdO'\\Sremoved Screens washed and put upAwnmgs serVIced

COM P LET E - Framlng .....ice avadable on prmts, pictures,

pamtlngs etc Prompt and excellentscrVIce Golden Basket Bookshop16820 K.rcheval NI 6553

TOP SOIL-And all landscapmgArlmgton 3160

YOV~G MAN-Desires gardenlllgwork throughout Gd'osse Pomte

Tuxedo 2 6947




New ConstructionCommercial and Shop



All tlectrical



Free Esbmates m Your HomeParts for All \:takes

17 YEARS EXPERIENCEAll V\ ark Guarantf'ed


LEnox 3775


and Vacuum leanersPHONI: MR GRAVES

TUxedo 2-5044at 4174 Maryland






IWI",DOW CLEA"lI",G - StormWashing Machine Repairing sash removed and screens mstallecl

Prompt serYlce Phone LE 5052


MILLER-Employment agency FI3808 Domestlc help Women for

laundry and cleanmg Part~tlme orweekly Good laundresses and c1ean~ers

RADIOS-RepaIred whtle parts areavailable 5t111 our guaranteed

serVIce Brmg radiOS to shop Gasohne shortage prohIbIts pickup serv~Ice Super Tone RadIO, 17209 MarkAvenue at Notre Dame TU 2 7660

Brick and Cement Repairs

BEFORE-Buymg screens see genMUlne Kaufman all steel trIple use

combmatlons Free $urvey LE 8114

Furnace Repairing-- ---- -- -FURNACES-Vacuum cleaned and

r~lred Al$o stoker SerVll:e 13434Gratlot Av. MO 7703 or ljR. 5650

Gen. R. A. & Cot. F. M.Alger Post 995 V. F. W.

A I CEME'\T-\\ork Garages sIdedrtve'S and terazza floors E.xrpert

workmansll1p TV 2 7009

STEPS-P1ers, porches SIde drl\esand walks Drexel 1163

BRICK-RepaIrs All kmds SpecJalmg m fireplaces NI 7932

CRACKED-Porches broken step~If It s wrecked \\ e 11 fix It Satls

factIon guat"ante~d Grosse' POlUtedIstrtCt Get estImate now Tuxedo2.3774


Brick RepairExpertly Done

NI. 8986

BUILDING - Repalrs, alterattonsadditions and all types of carpen

t.ry TU 2 6804

HAVE-Your awn111gs looked overnow Be prepared for those warm

days Remember thIS number forserVIce Tyler 5 3919

St~rm Sash and Screens

Phone TU. 2-1254





ALL CEMENT-Carpenter and cab-met work B & H ConstructIon

Co 1%77 Avon Lane TU 1 3768

ANY-RepaIr work on homes storesor apartments FIrst class work

and prompt serVIce S E Barber20380 NesbIt N lagara 6784

Meell Second and FO\ll'th MondaysEa.ch Month at 17145Et Paul AYe~nue, Grolle Pomte, Michigan.

All VFW and Potential MemhenWelcome

V\ ILL-Lady \\'ho arnved III DetrOItMay 19 fr-nm New Orleans and

shared ta},.~ WIth lady and smallchIld kmdly call \1elrose 2513 I


See Ember 111 phone directoryFItzroy 8966

Reader healIng spm.tual consult1tlOn Call for appointment 6408 Ea tJefferson at Meldrum, upstairs Detro t 7 M1C1


d~slgned dress and surgical garm>ents over 12 yearS e:xpenence"\faude Bannert 'N"1 4027 or TO7 4312 368 \lcKmley



Arlington '08102710


BUILT.UP ••••Ready to Use!

Size 818

Ideal for children'. playroom, ch1cken. house, toolahed, storage space, etcCompletely Inlulated Seeone any tll~e~


ROLL ROOFINQ35 Pound $1.399()..Pound Slate '$2.29

IDS Pound Dlam Pt $340New Shipment.

Committe, to StudyWaterfront Park Policies

Ward S Van Deusen Park VillagepresIdent a~pomted Howard Par ...shall Joel Sage and E B Lane VIIlagc manager to study future poh-Cies regardl11g the waterfront parkThIs actlOn was taken after a request was receIved from :Mrs LeeHunter 1023 Lakepomte to anow agroup of cl1l1dren from FaIth Luthcran church to hold a plCUlC In t~epark The request stated that someof the chIldren lived m the Park

In order to forestall an avalancheof sll11111arrequests a report WIll bemade by the committee to the commISSion

• • • We render service o~.11makes of cars.




We Pick Upand

DeliverOpen 9 to 6






Chairs settees tablea rn.oderateIypnced and bUilt to last a hfetlmeMade of WhIte Pine and CedarOn show at our yard

210.LB 3.1 STRIPBIu ... - Red - Green

Blends of ColorFull Stock, Sq. $525

HEXAGON-Ideal for reroof JobsComplete for 24x24 home

ZONOLITE INSULATION NOW AVAILABLE-PER BAli >$1.20Garden Sttcks for Tomato Planta, Etc, 40c Per Large Bundle

Sawdust and ShaVings for Sale



All hQdt~up In 8 sections com- 4 foot long, 'Pomted tOPI, inplete~'l"eadyto set up No pamt stock Come In and take alan ..reqUIred. On display at our Speclal-l}4xH4 narrow pick ..yard. eta, 48 high, pOinted Each 5c


'Ye., the big lervice plant of the Fisher.Record Com.pany is ready to give you an estimate on any work yourcar may need. The workmanship is always highly dep",d.ablel

Walton's10711 WHITTIER



TUxedo 1.2610

A. M. Schneider!!Jneral Home






Page Ten

* ON AJ.,L MAKES OF CARS *Protect Your Car

WE SPECIALIZE IN• Simonizing • Painting • Bumpinl

RadUinize or Glittel' Glaze FinishWe Are Open Evenings by ApPOintment \



16600 HARPER AVENUEat Kensfngton

Detroit, Michigan


SpeCIal Attention Given to Shirt..menta to All Parts of the UnitedStates and Canada

ApprOXImately 142 mIllion tons vfvater evaporate from the surfacef Great Bntalll annually accordng to sClentlsts

Page Eleven





600>:1616Grade $ 05

One PlusTax

• These tires tarry theFIrestone lifetime guaranteeagainst defects In workmanship and material as well asNed s own money back guarantee

• Let Ned s OPA m.spectorshelp you with your replacement tire problems

• Your certifIcate wUl ,tveYOU the world 11finest tire iftaken to the world 8 largestFlrestone dealer

The rate of total 1nCom.~ for a.llpersons 10 the "Lmted States :14'1-

creased on an annual bas15 morethan 60 per cent between Ap1'11, 1941and Apnl 1943

preSident ()f the Delta Tau Delta. Ira.terlllty

11 ss Toncray \HS a member ofthe Alpha Chi Omega natIOnal soror ty and the BlOlogy club She wasCited for dlst nctlon 10 honors\..ourses m bIOlogy at the ttm~ ofgraduatlon




37~ChOice of 616 or 116 5,z

• An opportumty to get fillfor your holIday outlng

• Handy ffialllng contamelWIth postage prepaId mcluded for sendmg your :filmto be developed at speCIallow cost

• Pamt your screens WIthout clogging the opemngs• May be used as dusterand pamter both

REPAIR.4 Patches

• Assorted SIzes 10'• Repa>rs 8m all

holes qUlckly andeaSIly


15305 East JelferlO!I Avenue


QUICK SCREEN PAINTERPreserve Your Screens for the Duratian

8 Exposure RollsOnly One to a Customer

At Ned s SpeCial Price _ Only



At New Low Price

commencement ceremOllles May 22-when Gov Harry 1 Kelly dehveredthe address to the graduates Elgh yother candIdates n..celved the bachelor s degree at tlls time two themas tel s degree and four honorarydegrees

Remter completed the reqUIrements for the bachelor s degree lU

January \\ hlle at Alblon he was d.

member of the Forum club the\Tavy club the Pre Law club theInterfraternity Counnl and Vlce-




Re9ular$22.86 Value

2 WOODS,1'!o 1and No 2, 5mONS, No 2, 5,7, 9 and Putler

l....c •••• A."""")

• Chrome/ plat-ed, step ~downs haft Forgedhead H,gh gradeleather handlegrlPS


Open Mon, Tues, Wed Evenmgs TIll 7, Thurs, Fri, Sat "vellings Till 9

Wa,hln9tan BIYd., John R'IE• Jeffersonl Gratlat IwaOdWOrdj MiChigan/ Gratiottor Cor Cor At ClIr Cor Mt.

Mkh~a.n 4... Ne'Vad&Ave Manistique 7 Mile Rd Calvert Seb.aefer Rd ClemeMRA '615 TO. 9-4400 LE 4400 AR. 4000 TO 6-4400 OR 4400 4'51


(........ v •••• " ••• ~

Walter H Remter son of \Ir and\1rs Walter E Remter of 725Wash1Dgton road and Jean EstherToncray daughter of \1r a ld \Irs\1111ard H Toncray of 1222 Buckmgham receIved theIr bachelor ofarts degrees f!'om AlbIOn college at

Walter H. Remter.TeanE. Toncray!\Ibion Graduates

Display the FlagFLAG SETS

Comes b a xed and mcludeshardwood pole, rope and holderStrIpes are sewed, stars prmtedGuaranteed fast colors

~':el $179 ~~t

HAND SEWNStars and strIpes sewedof fast color bunting

• Flbre and slmulated leather• Tape bmdmg on all edges• ReversIble may be used both

LAWN CHAIR CUSHIONNed's $198Sale Price

CAR FLAG• Three 4 by 6

Inch flags• Suchon cup holder

May Be Attached ta Any Smaoth Surface

TUxedo 1.2140


E. J. Sullivan Studios

Make a selectIOn froma complete stockleather or duck llght-weIght or heavy



Island one of the hIghlights 0'; thetrip he e"{plamed

ThIs} ear the weekend \..rUlseSWleave 011 Fnday evenmgs lUstead ofSaturday afternoons as pre\ lOuslyIt was explamed ThIS longer schedule WIll permit a full day s cru S'"through Georg an Bay before thesteamer docks at Mackmac IslanJon ~ul,1dl;l.ymO(nllg The weekendcrUl,~e returns to DetrOlt on Manday mornmg at 5e~en oclock


Start Condemnationfor Medical Center

Openmg of the 1944 D&.C crUIseseason IS scheduled Ior MondayJune 19 When the steamer WesternStates salls for Mackmac IslandHarbor Spnngs MIdland Ontanoand the Georgtan Bay area accordlUg to James McMlllan generalmanager tlf the DetrOit and Cleveland ~av1gahon company

ThlS ll111d..week crUIse which leavesDett-cl1t on Monday and returns Frtday mIl be followed by s1ttlllar mIdweek crUliSes each week throughoutthe season accordmg to the schedule Just released Weekend crU1s-esleaV1Jl1gDetrOIt on Fr~day and returnIng Monday morning wlll startJune 30

I A longer schedul~ for both themid week and weekend crtnses 1Sex-pected to add conSiderable JrIterestto thIS year s cruises M c\hllah explamed uPrevlously the hud weekcrU1Se left DetrOIt on Monday eve-n ngs ThiS yea!l" It w111leave Monday a,fternoons at 2 30 thus pernut-tIng an mten:.stlng kIp throughLake St ClaIr the St ClaIr river andon Into Lake Huron before darkThiS advanced schedule also WIllpelnut & longer stop at Macklna-e

A recOl111mendatlon that t>hecorporatIon counsel be authonzed to proceed Wlth condemnatlon of a SIte forthe fioriSt11Jlltof the Wayne Uilllverslty medIcal SC1ense center was approved by the board of -deucatlon atIts l~t regular meetlng

The al ea mcludes the two blockslymg bet\', een Farnsworth and TheadDfe and running from BeaubIen to IHastmgs as well as a thIrd blockbounded by Fredenck St AntomeFa1'nsworth, and Beaub~en Thethree blocks are to be u'Sed as a SItefor the Wayne ulllversity coun yhospdtal

The board actIOn was taken uponthe recommendatlon ()f a committeemdudmg ~epresentat1Ves of the D"trott CIty p'lan commiSSIOn the Detl"Olt hOUSIng COffimtsslon the ooarJof tt'll.1Steesof the Wayne un<1VersItycounty hospItal, the board of dlrectors of the Wa}:ne UniverSIty medIcalsCience center and the Wayne unvers1ty foundatlon It was agreedthat the actIon be based on theundeTStandlng that none (Jf thebuildIngs an the condemned area \\ 111be demolIShed or tenants movedfrom them untll the war 1S ended orunhl such earller tlme as the houslug 6Ltuabon IS relIeved'

The entlre dlstnct bounded byWarren Brush, Ha..shngs and FerryWIth I a gross area of S3 aaes waspreVllOusly ea.rma!l."kedfor the developdn'6nt Of the center

Do you know how benefits arefiguted? You are aware of the factthat benefits are based on your avcalendar quarters must you haveworked and how much must youhave earned m these quarters m or-der' to qualify as an Insured workeri> What would you re.celve If youretIred today? If you retired In 10years? Vvhat amount would be comIng In monthly payments to those\\ ho depend upon y'OUfor su?port Iferage monthly earnmgs How manyyou $hould dle? What of a manwho was over 60 when he marneda WIdow WIth young children, canthese' tIl1ldren receive monthly Insttra,ce benefits when he retires

You and the other workmg members of you'!" famIly wdl have queshons like these to 'ask If, as youshould, you Will guve thought tolearnmg about you'!" nghts yourbene.fits and your reapon'lbdlhe.under the Soc1al Secunty act Weltwhy not ask the questlons? Youcan have the answers easdv enough

And not any guess w€l!I'k eItherYou can be fully and accurately mformed about the soclal se'Curlty actby mv1tmg FranCls L Pendergastmanager of the Harper avenue fieldoff1ce of the SOCialsecunty board tocome to a meet ng of your club orlodge to explam the act It 1$ no~nCJ:essary that the gathenng be alarge one He wIll be glad to accepty.our ImItatIOn and 11 you ask hImhe Will brmg along plaHlly worded~xplanatory bulletms for dlstnbutlOnto your membe'!"s, and posters foryour offIce or meetlrng hall Mr PendergMt can be reached by phomngPlaza 8714 or wf1tmg to the Sac alSecunty Board 8037 Ha!fper avenueDetrolt 13, M1Ch

D&C Cruise SeasonScheduled OpeningSet for June 19

Learn About YourSocial SecurityBenefits Says Head


, i

LEnox 5376




Graduation-The Thing She Has

Always Wanted-

Prices Include 20% Federal Tax

RALPH M. CLARK, Secretary,Board of Education, Rural AgriculturalSchool Di.trict No. I, Grosse PointeTown.hip, Wayne County, Michigan.

The Gift She'lIl(e~p forA Lifetime!


An unusually fine selection of handsome.Iy mounted brilliant stones ••• boughtespecially for graduation giving. Seetheml

Many other Diamonds to• choose from

---- ALSO ----

Beautiful Assortment of Watches, Billfolds, Birthstone and Cameo Ring.

A. J. FORSTER14400 Charlevoix at Chalmers

Dated May 16th, 1944


On SATURDAY, the27th Day of May, A.D. 1944AND

On SATURDAY, the 3rd Day of June, A.D. 1944from 3:00 o'clock P.M., to 9:00 o'clock P.M., Eastern War Standard Tim"l on both ofwhich days all unregistered qualified school "Iect'lrs of the District may register forthe annual el""tion of the School District to be held on Jun" 12, A.D. 1944, and forother elections, general or special, in the District, until a general re-registration is or-der"d according to law.

Notice is also given that provision has been made by the I!oard of Education forthe registration of all unregistered and qualified school electors of the district at anytim" during office hours by the principals of the above named elementary schools, and!or the Sec."tary, and! or the Superintendent of Schools, and! or the Purchase Agent ofthe Board of Education, at the office of the Board of Education, 389 St. Clair Avenue,Grosse Pointe CIty, Michigan.

Notice of RegistrationUnregistered Qualified School Electorsof Rural Agricultural School District No. I, of the Township of Grosse Poirlte, WayneCounty, Michigan, for

GROSSE POINTE PUBLIC SCHOOLSNotice is hereby given that there will be a registration of the

unregistered qualified electors of Rural Agricultural School Dis-trict No.1, Grosse Pointe Township, Wayne County, Michigan,at the polling places of the several precincts of the district, to-wit: •

PRECINCT No I-Vollng place a' ,h. Rohert TROMBLY SCHOOL, 8ZGBeacon.fi.ld,Grosse POInte Park, Michigan Precinct to IDclucle the mldd~ of Jefferson Avenue, therear lot lIne on the eut aide of Whittier Road, Lake 5t Clatr, the City 1Im1t.PRECINCT No 2-Vobng place at the George DEFER SCHOOL, 15425Kercheval Ave..nue, Grosse POInte Park, Michigan Precln"Ctto Include the middle of Mack Avenue, rearlot bne on the east Iide of Three Mde Drive, middle of Jefferlon Avenue, the C,ltybnut.(IJldludeaboth Sides of Wayburn Avenue)PRECINCT No 3-Vobng place at the Lewis E MAIRE SCHOOL, 740 Cadieux Road,City of Grosse POinte, Michigan Precmct to Include the. middle of Mack AVl!nul!,rear lothne on the east IlCle of Neff Road, La~e 5t Clalt, rea,r lot line c)tt the welt Side of AudubonAvenuePRECINCT No 4-Votin, place at the Pere Gabriel RICHARD SCHOOL, 176 McKinleyRoad, Groue POinte Farml, Michigan Precinct to Include the middle of Mack AverulB,:rear Jot I... ....nthe north Iide of Moran Road, Lake 5t Clair, rear lot hne on weat aide ofLakeland Avenue. .,,. t1Jll~PRECINC.t No S-Vobng place at the KERBY SCHOOL, 104 Kerby Road, GrossePOinte Farms, MIchigan Precinct to lnclude all territory between Welr Lane on the north,and the rear lot line of Merriweather on the louth, and from Lake 5t Clair on the ea,tto the m~ddleof Dufflo Road beyond the FarmsPRECINCT No 6-Votmg place at the VERNIER SCHOOL, 36 VernIer Road, Grosl.Pomte Shores, Michigan Precinct to Include all territory north of Weir Lane and theCounty Lute anel,from Lake 5t Clair to the Vlt Iide of Marter RoadPRECINCT No 7-Vol1ng place at the MASON SCHOOL, 1840Vernier Road, Gro...POinte Wood., Michigan PrecInct to Indude all territory north of Weir Lane and theCounty Line and from the rear lot hne of Marter Road on the east to the middle of DuffloRoad

Thursday May 25 1944

"irst Lake Ride to TakePlace Next Tuesday


Icordmg to off1clals of the DetrOIt tnp on Labor Day It IS saId I thiS year \v t 1 gasohne and tlres Stland Cleveland NaVIgatIOn company These Sunday lake ndes have be on the ration hsb there IS everyThIS first lake ride wlll be followed come an unusually popular featu e reason to beheH tl at they WIll be

The first of the popular D&C lake Iby another bn Sunday June 4 and of D&C serVICe dur ng the past few even more popular than ever'ndes of the summer season 15sched thereafter each Sunday durmg June years James Mc\1111an general Th1S Jear 5 D&C lake ndes \\111

_ uled for \1emonal Day May 30 ac July and August endmg \\1th a find! manager of the D&C hnes says and offer pd.ssengers a pleasant relax--~---------------------~----------------- mg trlp of .sIX hours duration dOVvn

nver past Bob Lo Island Amherstburg and all ll1to Lake Ene beforereturmng to DetrOit Each tnp ISscheduled to leave at 11 am aJldleturn at 5 pm It was saId


Page Twelve THE GROSSE POINTE REVIEW 'rhursday, May %5.1944







I \

LEnox 9800

@is ~---







CQmplete Service on All Makes of Car* BUMPING *PAINTINGComplete CollISIOn Work


Largest East SideFORD DEALER

Come In-whether you wantto buy a car, whether youwant to .ell a car-and proveto your own satisfaction thatthis is "AufomofJve Tronspor'fq-',on Heaaquarte"." ••• lilt paysto see the leader and get theleader's ofFed" ••• Come In-tOdayf HWe buy and seU allmakes and models."


Nutto Elec. Ser. Co.14934MACK AVENUE



14259 Mack Avenue at Lakewood

Lewis F. Brown1900 E. Grand Blvd. PL. 0065

WANTED-Used Cars WANTED-Used ear.

Wanted- WE NEEDUsed Cars USED CARS

1938 - 1939 - 1940 Highest prices paid for Gen.eral Motors, Ford and Chry.

Models sler products.



1040 ASHLAND AVE.Chevrolet Sales &: Servtee

LENOX 84008811E. Jefferson LE.11&3



6430 E Jeffraon, corner Meldrum

SeUlt to Us!

We Need 25

Our Buyer Will Call


Sell Your Car

Station Wagon

14615 E Jefferson Avenue

Call Fitzroy 6122RILEY MOTOR SALES

If You Aren't U.ing Your


And MORE to Men Entering theService



9 45 a m Sunday school, PaulHM"r, sU1penntendent We haveclasses for all ages Come and spenda profitable hou! m BIble study

11 00 am Mornmg worshIpTh1s wtll be a patnot1c serVIce WeWill have the Alger Post and Cana-dIan Leglon :No 100 as our gllestsTihere WIll also be a delegatton ofBoy and GIrl Scouts present DrKt1rcher WIll preach on the subjectThe Struggle of GUlf Globe'6 30 pm Youth groups7 30 pm Evenmg worshIp Ern

est Ma.<rks executive secretary ofChr1shan Endeavor for the state 0'£Mlchagan WIll be our guest speakerThIS WIll be YQuth N,ght and theyoung people WIllhave charge of thevanOtUsparts of the serVIce

We-dnesday, May 31, mtdweekpnlse sel!'Vtce We wdl contmue thesenes of • Questtons Jesus Answered


LE. 5777

ReSidence1339Balfour Phone Nt 9292

I am a good prospect for anyClean Automobile



Manlsttque Near JeffersonCARL E KIRCHER, Pastor

Or See Me at15000 Kercheval

Before Seiling YOW'Car toAnybody



We Pay More - Cash Waiting


You Do Not Care to sen. Let Us Repair Your CarTry Our E..Z Time Payment Plan..



1934'. II 1935'.$25 to $125 $50 to $175

1936'. )[ 1937'.$75 to $300 $125 to $400

1938'. 1939'.$225 to $500 I $300 to $700



NOrthlawn 9200

Operated by "Bill" FarberTU.2.4230 15301.05 Mack

Kercheval at Chalmers

LEnox 8042

* * *

Fox tails, choice .19Pedals, per pair .89

Good Parking FacilitiesRepairing We Trade

Chain Store Price.

Balloon Tires $1.88


Grosse PointeBicycle Co.

New Prewar

* * *AI's Bicycle Shop

Rebuilt and RepaintedNo Priority

Rebuilt, Newly Painted



Review Want AdsLenox 1162 For Better Results Lenox 1163

We Specialize in

Cleaning CarpetsOn Your F\oorWork GuaranteedPrompt Sel"Vlee

For Free Estimates

Phone Tuxedo 1.1260

Ford Mercury Lincoln.Zephyr Sales & Service• 16901 MACK AVENUE at Grayton NIagara 4000

We are now accepting or..ders for 12.inch trieyeIesand 16.inch chain drive triocyeles.



LargeWire BasketsSheepskinSeat Covers

First Grade




Cash - c.rr, _II Sa"

COMBINATION - Porches screenporches combmatlOn basement

screens and storm sasb hI 366SMIller Soreen and Sash Co 17801Mack Avenue

FOR SALE-Miscellaneous IAMAZING-Rare flowenng plant

Aetually watch It bloom In twommutes, blooms contmuously for2~ months Up to 70 flowers open atonce EntertaJn YOUit' frends LImIt-ed number at $2 50 Private homeTU 21373

Send us your drapes and .lipcovers. You'll hke our BetterService. "AlgerizingU doesmake a difference. Try it Now I

Elec:trolux eleaners .oon avail.able. Limited orders are taken.I. Osiwala, authorized dealerand serviceman. Ivanhoe 3372.

New-Electrolux cleaners availablesoon LlmJted orders are bemg

taken L OSlwala Author1zed dealerand service man IV 3372

BOY S-Sport coat blue tweed, hkenew, s~ze 14 $5. gaIbardme ram-

coat size 12 $2 reverstble size 12,$3, :tee skates SIze 5 $3 00, gymshoes sttze 7 shu ..ts NI 3800

TWo-Blcydes boy s full size hkenew DR 3563 or 869 Beaconsfield

LADY S - Evemng dress, sIze 12,aqua su«table foil' brIdesmatd orgra.duat1on TV 2-3619

COMPLETE _ Furmshmgs Salestarts Thursday, 10 am 55 Mus-

koka Road Grosse POInte Farms

BLACK-DIrt fill In dtrt and CIn-ders Prompt dehvery East SIde

NT 4121 or 1748 AnIta Grosse POInteWoods



SEVEN PIECE - Walnut veneerdmette two odd pIeces, kItchen

set chrome TV 1 0051

HYBRID-Delphmmms hardy hhesperenll1als 139 Oak Street, Grosse

Pomte Farms NI 0768

I GE.'Wl'\1E _ EIghteen mch blackLeather club bag leather hned

Bargam at $11 75 Nl 9021

SAXOPHONE - E flat alto andcase, perfect eondt.tton $45 NT

I ~~~ STOVE-DetrOIt Jewel, whIteand gray hIgh oven In good can

dltlOn $30 503 St ClaIr, GrossePo nte

DOUBLE-Bed and mattress Tablelamp~ Phu.1co radIO, table model

TU 29247

"VfcGREGOR-Go1f dubs and 1eather bag $25 WInchester 1892 rtfle I

$30 Double barrel Da sy aIr rIfi$5 youth ~ bed complete lIke ne¥.antlque field drum $15 DR 1535

CO\1PLETE- Vacuum refngen-tor and washmg machme No Item

sold separately Drexel 1535

TO\1:ATO - Plants home grown!best vaifl~tles pnced reasonable

98 Oak Street, evenulgs, 5 30 to 8 30pm

LADY S-G<>1f cluhs blue figuredBIgelow rtlg' 11 by 12 bunk beds,rnlscella.neous p;teces TU 2 8913

BUY _ Comibmatwn screens andstorm sash now Pay after Nov 1

NT 3665 MIner Screen and Sash0:> 17801 Mack Ave

FRENCH-Hand carved halt con-sole, cost ongmally $400 WIll take

muah less Cogswell chat!, davenport Nl 2880

LARGE-Davenport prewar custom Ib1.u1t be1ge and brown, sacrrfice

1756 Hollywood Road

CARPETING-Stud~o couch dmmgroom sUIte Duncan Phyrfe dInette

taMe Duncan Phyfe coffee tableTwo pIeCe maple SUIte DR 7237

STRICTLY-Modern bleached soltdma-hogany "lvIlhtptano penect con-dItion $450 Call FrIday Tuxedo



26 Years In Detroit

No One Can Beat Our Price.Order Now for Spring - Just a Few Sample. Left



Evenings _ Sunday

Opportunityfor Art Collectors

MEGUIAR AWNING COMPANYAwnlnl{s Taken DoWll, Repaired, Stored, Insured and Put UP

* Inthecompoundingofpre.lICnptlOns, we accept nothIngless than absolute accuracy.For human hfe may he theeost of compromIse. But youpay no premIum for thlB pre-CISIon Our prIces are no hIgh.er So-come confidently tothIS pharmacy 'WIth yourPhySICIan's prescrIptions

Insulin AvailabJein All Quantities


Painting. Some by

JulIus RoI.hovenThoma. MoranD. Arthur TeedGu.tava Clmlott!:Henry M RangerWilham WendtAlbert LynchHenn Le RolleHomer D MartinCooper HendersonWalter UferFrank Tenny JohnsonGeorge Inness Jrdhver D GroverSauo FerratoR. A BlakelockJ FranCIS MurphyAlex H WyantW M Chase

8711 E. Forrest

9 30 am Ohurch school11 00 am Mornmg WorShIP The

Sacrament of Holy Communtonwl1th sermon by the pastor God tnUs

Pentecost May 28 ma.rks thebll1"thday of the Chmtlan church ItIS a holy day treasured as areChmtmas and Easter by all Chnstlans You are tnvlted to Jom IngWlng thanks for the gIft of God sSpmt to man If YOU have no otherchurch home we extend a speCIalplea to you to worsh~:pw1th us

BOB'SALGER CLEANERSDRUG S 16922 Kerch_I. 1631. E. W ...... n

M S843~4'Puritan21034 ack TU.l.2420 TU 2.4800, TU 2.1600, UN 2.3300;


TUxedo 2.4800


Built to withstand rain,.un, hard usage. Just

the thing for open airparti ...

,Everything for the Builder


Night Calls NIagara 8601 or Roseville 2304.J

Broedell Plumbing and HeatingCOMPLETE REPAIR SERVICE

Have Your



WASHER ServiceHI.g.r. 0995

Call Mo.,(inga or EftningaFloor Lampe



Ready for Next Winter


by Electric Sewer CleanerHave Your Sewers Cleaned by Electric Sewer Cleaner.

Toilet. and Lavatorie. Now AvailableAlso Sump Pumps on Hand

TU. 2.3737 - TU. 2.3738






FournierUpholstering CO.11805 HARPER, Near CONNER OL 8480


1531.Ea,t Jeffer,oll

Parts for All MakesPickup IU1dDelivery


Powers Lumber &Supplies

C F1Il'Il1ture Postl BrI.... en.. 1icket Feaclna Z by 4'. Plant Stick. CementW...k Bea.h .. Trelh.ea Inlalation Nail.Cloth .. P .... Cloth •• Prop.

Window. Roofing D..... HardwarePlealc Table. TU. PalDt Angle Iron

19743 Harper Avenue






(5 Call Us Now. Estimates Free. Prices Right. No DelayGutters and NO RISK TO YOU

Our employees are covered by CompensationConductors Installed Insurance for your protection as well as ours.

All work guaranteed. Prompt service.

I '15132 Mack Ave. TU. 2.5830 Grosse Pointe1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111[111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111'


Kercheval at LakepomteHUBER F KLEMME, MlIll,ter
