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More on basel iii regulating bank liquidity

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A set of slides discussing proposed Basel III agreements on the regulation of bank liquidity
Economics for your Classroom from Ed Dolan’s Econ Blog More on Financial Reform and Basel III: Regulating Bank Liquidity Revised March 2013 Terms of Use: These slides are provided under Creative Commons License Attribution—Share Alike 3.0 . You are free to use these slides as a resource for your economics classes together with whatever textbook you are using. If you like the slides, you may also want to take a look at my textbook, Introduction to Economics , from BVT Publishing.
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Economics for your Classroom fromEd Dolan’s Econ Blog

More on Financial Reform and Basel III: Regulating Bank

LiquidityRevised March 2013

Terms of Use: These slides are provided under Creative Commons License Attribution—Share Alike 3.0 . You are free to use these slides as a resource for your economics classes together with whatever textbook you are using. If you like the slides, you may also want to take a look at my textbook, Introduction to Economics, from BVT Publishing.

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Basel III and Liquidity

As a previous slideshow explained, bank regulators of individual countries coordinate their work through the Basel Committee on Bank Supervision, an international group that meets in Basel, Switzerland

The committee is now finalizing a new international agreement that will be called Basel III, replacing an earlier agreement, Basel II, that was found inadequate during the global financial crisis

The agreement will regulate bank capital, as discussed in the previous slideshow, and also bank liquidity, as discussed here Building of The Bank for International

Settlements in Basel, Switzerland, where BCBS meetings are held Photo source: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:BIZ_Basel_002.jpg

Revised version March 2013 Ed Dolan’s Econ Blog

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What is Liquidity?

A financial asset is said to be liquid if it can quickly and easily be converted to money without loss of nominal value

Coins and paper currency are the most liquid assets of all—they already are money

Safe, short-term government bonds and bank deposits are also very liquid

Assets like common stock, real estate, or production equipment are not very liquid Their market price (nominal value) is

uncertain and changes constantly They may take time to sell, and sales may

be subject to large fees or commissions Photo source: Nicole-Koehler, http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Faucet.JPG

Revised version March 2013 Ed Dolan’s Econ Blog

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Why do Banks Need Liquidity?

Banks need liquidity because they cannot always control the timing of their needs for funds. Examples:

Depositors may decide to withdraw funds from their accounts without advance notice

Bank creditors may decide not to renew short-term wholesale funding as it matures

Line of credit agreements give customers the right to take out loans on short notice

Off-balance-sheet operations like third-party loan guarantees and complex derivative transactions create additional needs for liquid funds Headquarters of the bank BNP-

Paribas in Paris, FrancePhoto source: Tangopaso, http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Siege_BNPP_rue_Taitbout.jpg

Revised version March 2013 Ed Dolan’s Econ Blog

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Liquidity Crises: Bank Runs

Bank runs are the classic form of liquidity crisis

If customers fear that a bank may not have enough assets to pay all depositors, the depositors run to the bank and stand in line to withdraw their money before the bank goes bust

As withdrawals deplete the bank’s liquid assets, the fear of failure can become self-fulfilling Bank run in Birmingham,

England, September 2007Photo source: Lee Jorndan, http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Birmingham_Northern_Rock_bank_run_2007.jpg

Revised version March 2013 Ed Dolan’s Econ Blog

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Deposit Insurance as Protection Against Runs

Most advanced countries now use deposit insurance to reduce the risk of bank runs

If people know their deposits are insured, they do not need to worry about being first in line

However, insurance only covers deposits of retail customers. It does not protect large depositors or non-deposit liabilities like interbank loans

An FDIC deposit insurance sign from the 1930s. The maximum insurance is now $250,000 per depositorPhoto source: Mathew Bixsantz, http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:FDIC_5000_sign_by_Matthew_Bisanz.JPG

Revised version March 2013 Ed Dolan’s Econ Blog

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Liquidity Crises: Fire Sales

During a liquidity crisis, a bank may deplete its reserves of liquid assets

The bank may be then forced raise new liquid funds by selling less liquid assets, like long-term securities and loans, at “fire sale prices”—prices below the value they would have if the bank held them to maturity

The resulting loss of value of assets, in turn, depletes the bank’s capital. When capital falls to zero or less, the bank becomes insolvent Photo source: Julia Manzerova,


Revised version March 2013 Ed Dolan’s Econ Blog

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Liquidity Crisis and Insolvency: Example

Suppose depositors unexpectedly withdraw $20,000 from a bank that starts with a healthy balance sheet

The first $10,000 of withdrawals can be covered from liquid cash reserves

Suppose the next $10,000 must be raised by selling loans, but under “fire sale” conditions, they only bring half of their previously listed book value

The loss from selling loans previously valued at $20,000 in order to raise just $10,000 in cash reduces capital from $8000 to -$2,000

With less than zero capital, the bank is insolvent

Revised version March 2013 Ed Dolan’s Econ Blog

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How a Liquidity Spiral Spreads the Crisis

At the beginning of a crisis, liquidity problems may force a few weak banks to sell assets at fire sale prices

As market prices of loans, securities, and other assets fall, more banks suffer losses and erosion of capital

Those banks, in turn, are forced to sell assets in an attempt to safeguard their balance sheets

The spiral of losses, forced sales, and plunging market prices can create a liquidity crisis that spirals out of control

In the fall of 2008, a liquidity spiral of this kind helped spread the financial crisis throughout the world from its start in the U.S. subprime mortgage market

This dramatic NASA experiment used colored smoke to show how an airplane’s wingtip creates a rapidly spreading spiral vortex. Photo source: NASA, http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Airplane_vortex_edit.jpg

Revised version March 2013 Ed Dolan’s Econ Blog

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What Kind of Regulations can Reduce Liquidity Risk?

Asset-side liquidity regulations Excessive holdings of assets whose

market value may plunge in a crisis are a source of liquidity risk

Regulations can require banks to hold minimum amounts of liquid assets Official reserves (cash and deposits

at central banks) are banks’ first line of defense against liquidity problems

Additional liquid assets like short-term, high-quality government bonds provide further protection

Liability-side liquidity regulations Liability-side liquidity risks arise

when banks depend too much on “volatile” sources of funding Uninsured deposits Short-term wholesale borrowing

that may not be renewed in a crisis Regulations can require minimum

levels of stable funding Retail deposits protected by

deposit insurance Medium and long-term borrowing Capital

Revised version March 2013 Ed Dolan’s Econ Blog

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Basel III: Proposed Liquidity Coverage Regulation

Proposals for the Basel III agreement include a regulation requiring a liquidity coverage ratio sufficient to guarantee that a bank could survive a 30-day stress period, allowing recovery or orderly wind-up

The liquidity coverage ratio is the ratio of liquid assets to estimated cash outflows under stress conditions

Estimation of cash outflows is based on a stress test that considers what would happen in a crisis involving events such as:

Outflows of insured retail deposits Downgrade of the bank’s credit

rating Loss of access to markets for short-

term wholesale funding (e.g., interbank loans)

Collateral calls on derivatives or other off-balance-sheet obligations

Revised version March 2013 Ed Dolan’s Econ Blog

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Basel III: Proposed Net Stable Funding Regulation

A further Basel III proposal has been a regulation requiring a net stable funding ratio of 100% or more

The net stable funding ratio is defined as the ratio of available stable funding to required stable funding

Available stable funding is a weighted average of liabilities, in which stable sources of funding, like insured retail deposits and capital, have high weights, and volatile funding, like short-term wholesale borrowing, have low weights

Required stable funding is a weighted average of assets, in which liquid assets like cash and government bonds have low weights and illiquid assets like loans and risky private securities have high weights

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Will Basel III Succeed in Reducing Liquidity Risk?

The broad outlines of Basel III were agreed upon at the end of 2010

Final regulations are the object of tough negotiations among national governments and fierce lobbying by banking interests

Banks have won a delay in introduction of the liquidity coverage ratio which will be phased in from 2015 to 2019

The net stable funding ratio will be phased in starting in 2018 subject to further study

Revised version March 2013 Ed Dolan’s Econ Blog

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Related Slideshow: What is Basel III and Why Should we Regulate Bank Capital?

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