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More Ways to Add Fruits and Vegetables to Your Diet · pequeños trozos de zanahorias); mezclarlo...

Date post: 01-Oct-2018
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1. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 2. 3. 4. 5. Involve the whole family. Let everyone pick at least one fruit and/or vegetable for the whole family to enjoy together. Rotate every time you shop at the market. Buy in season. Select fruit and vegetables that are in season - they taste better and are usually cheaper. Set a goal. Try adding one more piece of fruit or vegetable a day. When you are accustomed to that, try adding one more. Try something new. Instead of always having apples, oranges, carrots, and romaine lettuce - switch those out for apricots, persimmons, beets, and kale. Get creative with your preparation. Try your fruits and vegetables raw, sliced, grated, roasted, mashed or baked. Start off right. For example at breakfast trade your pastry and coffee for an omelette with chopped spinach, bell peppers, and onions; have this with a small bowl of blueberries and plain yogurt. Get sneaky. Try adding grated carrots or zucchini to muffin or cake mixes, pureéd vegetables like summer squash, tomatoes, or onions to pasta sauces, and mushrooms and bell peppers to meat patties. Salute the snack. Wash and slice fruits and vegetables ahead of time so snacking is easy. Having pre-sliced carrots/celery/jicama/etc. makes it easy to grab when you’re hungry and is quick to throw into a lunch bag. Keep a bowl of fresh fruit on the counter at home or in the refrigerator at work. Swap your afternoon soda with some sparkling water flavored with fresh basil, mint, and strawberry slices. Blend it in. Make a smoothie with fresh, frozen, or canned (in natural or unsweetened juice) fruit and/or vegetables (try kale, spinach, or even small pieces of carrots); blend it with reduced fat milk or yogurt and ice. Feed the sweet tooth with nature’s candy. During the summer, freeze fruit on a skewer (or dip into plain yogurt before freezing) for a refreshing snack. Make fruit based desserts (such as a peach crumble or baked, poached, or stewed fruit) and serve with reduced fat custard. Spread it on. Use different vegetables to make spreads; try making kale pesto by following a standard pesto recipe and adding some kale to it for added vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Another easy one is to smash some avocado and mix with lemon juice, sea salt, and red pepper flakes and spread onto veggie sticks or onto bread for sandwiches. Make it a double! Doubling the amount of vegetables in a recipe for soups, salads, pastas, or cassaroles will enhance the flavor, nutritional value, and your daily vegetable intake. Why not throw a little extra in since you’re already doing the prep work! More Ways to Add Fruits and Vegetables to Your Diet BROUGHT TO YOU BY













Involve the whole family. Let everyone pick at least one fruit and/or vegetable for the whole family to enjoy together. Rotate every time you shop at the market.

Buy in season. Select fruit and vegetables that are in season - they taste better and are usually cheaper.

Set a goal. Try adding one more piece of fruit or vegetable a day. When you are accustomed to that, try adding one more.

Try something new. Instead of always having apples, oranges, carrots, and romaine lettuce - switch those out for apricots, persimmons, beets, and kale.

Get creative with your preparation. Try your fruits and vegetables raw, sliced, grated, roasted, mashed or baked.

Start off right. For example at breakfast trade your pastry and coffee for an omelette with chopped spinach, bell peppers, and onions; have this with a small bowl of blueberries and plain yogurt.

Get sneaky. Try adding grated carrots or zucchini to muffin or cake mixes, pureéd vegetables like summer squash, tomatoes, or onions to pasta sauces, and mushrooms and bell peppers to meat patties.

Salute the snack. Wash and slice fruits and vegetables ahead of time so snacking is easy. Having pre-sliced carrots/celery/jicama/etc. makes it easy to grab when you’re hungry and is quick to throw into a lunch bag. Keep a bowl of fresh fruit on the counter at home or in the refrigerator at work. Swap your afternoon soda with some sparkling water flavored with fresh basil, mint, and strawberry slices.

Blend it in. Make a smoothie with fresh, frozen, or canned (in natural or unsweetened juice) fruit and/or vegetables (try kale, spinach, or even small pieces of carrots); blend it with reduced fat milk or yogurt and ice.

Feed the sweet tooth with nature’s candy. During the summer, freeze fruit on a skewer (or dip into plain yogurt before freezing) for a refreshing snack. Make fruit based desserts (such as a peach crumble or baked, poached, or stewed fruit) and serve with reduced fat custard.

Spread it on. Use different vegetables to make spreads; try making kale pesto by following a standard pesto recipe and adding some kale to it for added vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Another easy one is to smash some avocado and mix with lemon juice, sea salt, and red pepper flakes and spread onto veggie sticks or onto bread for sandwiches.

Make it a double! Doubling the amount of vegetables in a recipe for soups, salads, pastas, or cassaroles will enhance the flavor, nutritional value, and your daily vegetable intake. Why not throw a little extra in since you’re already doing the prep work!

More Ways to Add Fruits and Vegetables to Your Diet














Involucre a toda la familia. Que cada uno escoja al menos una fruta y / o verdura para toda la familia para disfrutar juntos. Gire cada vez que compre en el mercado.

Comprar en la temporada. Elija frutas y verduras de temporada - saben mejor y son generalmente más baratos.

Establecer una meta. Trate de añadir una pieza más de fruta o verdura al día. Cuando ya se allá acostumbrado, trate de añadir uno más.

Intenta algo nuevo. En lugar de tener siempre las manzanas, naranjas, zanahorias y lechuga romana – cambie esos por albaricoques, nísperos, remolacha, y la col rizada.

Sea creativo con su preparación. Pruebe sus frutas y verduras crudas, en rodajas, rallados, en el microondas, en puré o al horno.

Empezar el día bien. Por ejemplo en el desayuno cambiar sus panecitos y café por una omelette con espinacas picadas, pimientos y cebolla; tener esto con un pequeño tazón de arándanos y yogur natural.

Sea creativo. Trate de añadir las zanahorias o calabacín rallado en Muffins o mezclas para pasteles, puré de verduras como calabaza de verano, los tomates, las cebollas o salsas para pasta y champiñones y pimientos a empanadas de carne.

Comience a merendar. Tener verduras y frutas picadas en el refrigerador para facilitar las meriendas. El tener rodajas de zanahoria, apio, jícama, entre otras verduras y frutas facilita el comerlas cuando se tiene hambre o ponerlas en una bolsa para llevar de lonche. Mantenga un plato de fruta fresca en el mostrador en la casa o en el refrigerador en el trabajo. Cambie su refresco por la tarde por un poco de agua con gas con sabor a albahaca, menta y rodajas de fresa.

Mezcla. Hacer un batido con frutas y / o verduras frescas, congeladas o enlatadas (en jugo natural o sin azúcar) (pruebe la col rizada, espinacas, o incluso pequeños trozos de zanahorias); mezclarlo con leche baja en grasa o yogur y hielo.

Satisface a los antojos con la dulzura de la naturaleza. Durante el verano, congelar la fruta en una brocheta (y si quiere cúbralos con yogurt antes de congelarlos) para tomar un aperitivo refrescante. Hacer postres a base de frutas (como un melocotón en pedacitos o al horno, escalfados o jalea de frutas) y sirven con una natillas bajas en grasa.

Cubra sus comidas. Utilice diferentes verduras para hacer aderezos; trate de hacer pesto kale siguiendo una receta pesto estándar y añadiendo un poco de col rizada a ella para las vitaminas, minerales y antioxidantes. Otra fácil es machacara un poco de aguacate y mezclar con el jugo de limón, sal marina y pimienta roja y esparza sobre rodajas de vegetales o sobre pan para bocadillos.

¡Que sea un doble! Duplique la cantidad de verduras en cualquier receta para sopas, ensaladas, pastas, o cacerolas mejorará el sabor, valor nutritivo y su consumo de verduras al día. ¡¿Por qué no echar un poco más al fin y al cabo que ya está haciendo el trabajo de preparar la comida?!

Más Formas de Agregar Frutas y Verduras a su Dieta

