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LOS ANGELES HERALD: SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 28, 1905. W. W. ASTOR BUYS ITALIAN VILLA BEARS NAME OF LES ROCHES GRISES FUNERAL OF MRS. YOEGER PpwMal Cabl« to Th« HeraM. hAPLGS, May 27.—Owing to the rail- way strike the Duca U'Aost.i, who hud intended arriving tomorrow, has post- poned his journey. The Duca and Duchcssa d'Aosta, with their children, \u25a0will reside at the royal palace of Capo- dlmonte during their visit to Naples, which will not be of very long dura- lion, as the duca willbe called to Rome at the end of the year as general In- spector of cavalry. W. W. Astor acquired during his last sojourn at Sorrento Baronessa La- bonla's villa, Les Roches Grlses, and the neighboring old Jesuits' convent, which he Intends to alter greatly, building a fine residence on the lovely cliff at the Gulf of Naples. Principe and Princlpessa dl Sonnlno Colonna and family intend spending the bathing season at Poslllppo, and have therefore been here lately looking for a villa. Millionaire Intends to Erect a Fine Residence on the Cliff Over- looking the Gulf of Naples WILL ALTER OLD CONVENT The funeral of Mrs, Maggie Toeger, of 771 Central avenue, who died Wed- nesday morning, after an illness of five weeks, will be held at the German Lutheran church, Crocker and Agatha streets, at 1:45 o'clock this afternoon, followed by Interment ln Evergreen cemetery. . The funeral sermon will be delivered by- Rev. Mr. Scholz. The music will consist of songs by the Hermann sis- ters and Mrs. Bryson and Miss Lack- wood. An orchestra willrender "Sun- beams and Shadows," and, while the friends view the remains, \u25a0will play a selection entitled "Hearts and Flow- ers." Mrs. Toeger -was a sister of Mrs. H. Schoneman, was 40 years old and a native of London, but had resided in Los Angeles for the past eighteen years. This Afternoon Remains to Be Interred at Evergreen It above competition Las Palma« cigar. 4 The gateway to the great gold re> \ . \ I gions of Nevada. BARGAINS in r.ir MIW - L v^ n x. ff^ ~7 ffgt^, ft +m,% , ... , , \,, .»i, WMffltn L CLARK'S LJIS VEGAS TOWNSITE \ - —^= 5= '^ ' SE V r while they last, beginning at 9 '" * fill * L * NT ' -- \u25a0 """"""" \ i o'clock MONDAY MORNING, *-*->— m \ ... \u25a0— "—"" " . \ | MAY 29. _^_ \ n ,.v ' V Jv ' / s s main sTßeer \ I I We are selling lets cheap In this townslte. You must be quick In 1 fill PJJ 11 111 111 1 IM111 Rl^ IHI 1 I 1 111 1 11 1 11 , [ 1 1*| |||I iI - [[["ill 11 1 | 1 1||'| |II 11 11 11 Ml 1111111 if ] 11 1 1 ' 1 1 lIIN f «\ II order to take advantage of the rapidly Increasing values. Lots that II J I1 1 11 1 1 1 1 11111 111 II j I i|\i 111 Tj 1 11 1 11 111 1 | 1 T 1111111 mi 1111 iI i 111 1111111 111 '""ft 1 ' '*' 'I"II11I II 11 f 111 11 111 \T 111 \ "II were bought at auction prices on May 15 have sold for 100 per cent I'tlTl I ithTllt II IMJITTITr TTf Tl K'nTrhH" T "" T" tf[ffffff """""" +Pf4^pfrr ""•""" |ff|fHf !^^ fffff TT|ffl TmrrM MnT f\ I advance, and the demand for building material has been greater \ _»«,-- (jjjj_U_u_Ll_l_LU±J '''''"__- "' " --- - J-L 1 ' Vf «' ~\ as than can be shipped In. Las Vegas Is the natural gateway to the 11111 I I11 11111 ] Tl fll 111 I M I'l 1 l\l ll' 11 IIII 111111 1 II 1 1 II II 1 1*1 11111 III 11 1 11 I'l III'MII I'l 111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 111 11* **** "^ f'* 1 1 111111 I f1 1 I 11 111 1 1 1 111 II 11 1 -' \ /•/ richest mineral territory the world has ever known. Thousands of |j PrnTrn' T* 1 *T 'lj W«W4«"["»" > »* »• ' P"nT"f* rTfrH 1 I '" T Ht" "T """1 tl rHlTrr ** **' T * 'I rrrrn ("T* I i\u25a0 Ij \u25a0•'!! ""'** TT U mTn""tm*H* H* i b \x*^\ tons of freight and hundreds of people are going through this place jj| ~ppp| 2) ffy^ ' '^ '^mTTTm k t 'IS TTTTTn If r= % = U\\\\\\, ' j ' \ to Bullfroa, Rhyollte and Goldfleld. This will be the main dlv.slon |j LlUl-liMlLfl \ \ L|JIILIMiLLI| fe LPliliiUllllLy J; LLLU-UU-LLULLLLU IMtt ffl "* \ LiLIiLUU h RIMiLIMB \ \ of the San Pedro, Los Angeles &. Salt Lake railroad from Los An- 11111 I I 111 11 1 11 1 1 MM11111 Ml IMI NIIIIII II II I II 111 Mi'MIIII I Mil111 I 111 II 11111 I I I 111 *"* IMI 111 111 I t^jr-j HH MMIII II 1 1 I 1111 Ml)tlffl I 1 1 v \ geles to Salt Lake. Contracts are being let by the railroad company \ secOA/o &TREET *<T for roundhouse, station and shops. 11111 11111 I11 1 lIJII I j 1 11111 II || lIIJ II 11111 11 lIjI IIMl "" " 1 1 11111 TTI '' ? '-"''" \IIIII I 11 L^ LTI 11 II T The depot, which will be located on this townslte, will be on ['['[I'TTIItITMTmI p[jj'[j|°|'|j'| > [j < |j'|j Qjj^JjH "l *I XQJXLI lltlttP'l' 111111 1 T,b.™«rv.«. ftmTl 11] =t =: EE \ T Hjjji'll Itltltrl' f iTlfl'l the mission style, similar to the depots of that railroad at Pomona 11 I I11 1 MT fTTI 1 11 II II 111 IU I 11 1 11 1 I'l l\i nII1111 1 1111111 ml l 1 111 1 *\u25a0\u25a0 " •\u25a0^- 1111 1 1 1 im I " -i 1 11 11 111 11 11111 Tl Tl and Riverside. The Armour car lines has constructed an Immense nTTITTTT "** """ HTH l 'n7TH r nTTrl riTTITTr """ "* "" r'TiT TTTTTnTTll rrf'rrrrTn —^— ' i ""' 'tTTTtM rrnTT""' """"""' Icing plant. There are already about 2000 people there and since 1111 III 1 11 1111 111 11111 IIIII 111 lIJI 11 111 I H i^l 1111 Itl 1111111111 I I,II I 11 I \u25a0 " » 1 111111 11 11 1 J^« I .U, "3 1 111111 II1 1 111 1 11111 II I I 1111. the auction about fifty buildings nave been built. There are three 1111111 I 11 III 1111 II I'l 11111 I 11 I I 11 1 11 II nTm 111 1 1 Ililll I ll I uTnni^f^ \i' '" ')i i iTl'i lIITITI I I'll 111 111 banks; one having been established over a month has a deposit •) LUJJJn J.Jt \u0084«»t, L JJ,J,,L JJ,,,. . », , v JJJJ« [• Ji r L|J<LL• 0 .L.m. J. LL m,t i J LLUiJu J.LL JiLLL ,1 I'll" LLL epJ - 1— [••• ' •»**• 'I i PmTT' "*** s " M^ of over $70,000.00. The Las Vegas Land and Water company has $ gfc g Effl 0* I ITT II j,UlIT 11 1 SIIMI I 111 II 111 1 1 (j IT II II I LUi I''') 1 1 § JI-HiT.JQI =p: 5 =%£ I1 IITU1 1 W 1111111^1 111111 | arranged a complete water service for domestic and fire purposes, lIJ JJ. 11l >Ll I ill ULL II li U.J II J J lINJ ••! II | HIM XL L I 111 II k»TI LLIJ1^ 111 —I \u25a0\u25a0 ;- ' I TTTT" ]OIM M LL JTJ (II 111 W and will grade, curb and oil all the streets In the townsite, and ° miT "flf""""""" O llTiTlTllT """""" 11 M mTITI'MTTII '""""ff]'" "'""' | jl'll TTr TrnTH ° 1111111 IM ~f~ "T" TTTT I \\\\\ \\ Til' ttlMI*> establish a complete electric light plant. The Salt Lake railroad v roi/RTH \ *^ amccr *^* will do everything that Is possible to encourage the upbuilding of """ •"'"""TT jTITIT ""! ' Til 111 || \ """till 11111 II 1111 1 11 1 1111 11 ||f\u25a0 T -| '-^- 11111 I T" 111 1111111 111 I M I the town. The Borax Smith Company will commence work Monday, Ut " jf 'Jwf /•"•'•"••jwMjj' \ ' WMi .|.W. Wm\ fTT |4t "|t'| e!E rrHJ TM I rj*! I ITT' May 29, on the railroad from Las Vegas to Bullfrog. T "" = " f^ 'tTTTTT 'fTT TT' I Hill' * P v^'* TTrTTT'^® : TTTI ' '^1 ~~^~ '"\u25a0'''' r' |! : :::: n I til' II IT : We refer you to any official of the Balt Lake railroad as to our j. ..»,.,,lLl|i.Ll „.„»„„„ 11 jJJJij. «^Wv TrTT Tl'" TfT 1 'TTTtTT' *I" 1 ""I"*" ~hz\'" n """""""' "* \t\ ' \t[t \\\° '} standing and as to the lots we are offering. .. . \u25a0r1.1.f.1.1.P.1.1.1.f 1.1.1.f ,'JF . iill 11 1 UJll.l 11 1 1L-»- > . 11111 1 1 IT 11 111 11 11111 1 11 M !{; \u25a0j_ I C-37J I )l II 1 11 11 1 11 111 11 1 11 I 1111 1 ; . % m : m^Sp 1 ok I For further information call on or T?irix~&'&\ .— X^^ , I Vr 1 MSr a M r<»s CHK.S *. BROWN, Man. (LARKSXAS VEGAS TOWASITE ... \u25a0 aa«t*«l'>'«lo, LAS VEGAS IMPROVEMENT COMPANY SCSSiWu: PELVIC CATARRH, A PREVALENT \ STUBBORN MALADY. One of the Greatest Triumphs iln Modern Medicine Is the Success of Pe-ru-na^lri" 'Jhese I _Cases. j «i *"""^^*^^*^"^'-' y "'"'''''p 1 ' . / and strength lam only too glad to tell very beneficial to take after my son urer Sons of Temperance, writes: j* j* «\u25a0»«»»_ « 1. 1 »>. v what cured me. . . .... . snor t "I suffered for over two years with- Suffered With BacKache Five Years "I. was a sufferer for years, and bOr "' " m * UP A WnndPi-ful M»ilirtn» fnr Wnman'c T1I« irregular and painful periods. My,. _ although I tried many doctorß and time# A "OnaeMUl MedlCine lOr WOmail S 11IS health was ln a very precarious condi- . \u0084 , ... . \u25a0 \u0084. "I keep Peruna ln the house all the mmmmm^^^^ —^— - tion and I was very anxious to find Mrs. A. Williams, 233 Tremont street, Boston, Mass., medicines, nothing seemed to lilt my time to take in case of a cold or when something to restore my health and writes: case unt || | too |< p eru na, and this was one is feeling worn out and tired. Mrs. P. P. Zelnert, 824 North Dayton street, Madison, strength. "While I have, as a rule, no faith ln patent medi- only after life had become a burden to "I have used many remedies, Wls., writes: H oiLh£d ta'nn'd'that' it'wa^dotaSr™ clnes. Peruna is a noteworthy exception I have used / d b| t ta d but never found anything to equal "Peruna Is certainly a wonderful medicine for ted to flnd that " WaS d °' nS m9 . it myself and In my family for the past five years and me ana 1 was unaoio 10 swnu on my p eruna / gooa. „\u25a0»,„„ nm» I consider lt far superior to anything I have ever feet for any length of time. _, woman's ills, and to restore health and strength. "Icontinued to use it for a little over known or tried, especially for the diseases peculiar to .. After tak|n& one bottle x felt mucn Recommends Pe-rU-na tO Suf- ;.j bcgan uslnff lt wnen x wag hardly able to be .. WOmen ' improved. I kept on taking it until I ferine Women about. A cold which I had contracted caused cessa- "I consider it a splendid medicine and". "Five years ago I suffered a severe fall, not only had taken nine bottles and then con- ° d h month t CTew wea ker snall never be without lt, taking a dose spraining my ankle, but causing prolapsus uteri. I sldered myself cured. Miss Esther Lee 322 Madison street, "on of the meMe* and each month I grew weaker x fgel run down and tlred ... suffered with constant backache, bearing down pains, "I can now do my work with ease Topeka Kansas Secretary Triple Tie and weaker and was In dreadful pain. . MaAirina and sometimes for davs Iwas unable to stand on mv and can walk as well aa J ever could &oclal club - writes: "After a few weeks' use of Peruna I began to An Ideal PiedlCine .\u0084; ana somcimeu ion u*ya w s unaoic 10 mana on my &nd &t nl&h( . on]y fegl a natuml tlre(J . "Fourteen months ago I began to be mend, and for seven weeks I used it regularly. I was Mlsa LoUiseL0U i se Mather, 13 Church street, lecl> ness. troubled with female weakness, which ' rewarded for my efforts by being restored into a heal- Burlington, Vt., Vice President Bureau "Peruna came like a veritable godsend into »nr "I sleep the night through, while be- left me Pale > weak and nervous. thy woman, instead of a miserable, sickly being with of Exchange, writes: home. I gradually grew better with the use of eight fore I could not sleep longer than an "Peruna was recommended to me. I no desire to live. "Your medicine Is an Ideal woman's bottles and within four months I was completely hour at a time. kept growing stronger and in three 'Igive it my best Indorsement and hope that it may medicine and by far the beat I have cured. I have enjoyed excellent health ever since." "1 am thankful to Peruna for my months I was in my usual normal con- benefit many." \u0084''.., known to restore lost health and „„___„_______„„ ___ _ __^____ __^^ health." dition." \u25a0"'•' '\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0 I ' strength." .' . . . ,





PpwMal Cabl« to Th« HeraM.hAPLGS, May 27.—Owing to the rail-

way strike the Duca U'Aost.i, who hudintended arriving tomorrow, has post-poned his journey. The Duca andDuchcssa d'Aosta, with their children,

\u25a0will reside at the royal palace of Capo-

dlmonte during their visit to Naples,which will not be of very long dura-lion, as the duca willbe called to Romeat the end of the year as general In-spector of cavalry.

W. W. Astor acquired during his lastsojourn at Sorrento Baronessa La-bonla's villa, Les Roches Grlses, andthe neighboring old Jesuits' convent,

which he Intends to alter greatly,

building a fine residence on the lovely

cliffat the Gulf of Naples.Principe and Princlpessa dl Sonnlno

Colonna and family intend spendingthe bathing season at Poslllppo, andhave therefore been here lately lookingfor a villa.

Millionaire Intends to Erect a Fine

Residence on the Cliff Over-

looking the Gulf ofNaples


The funeral of Mrs, Maggie Toeger,

of 771 Central avenue, who died Wed-nesday morning, after an illness of fiveweeks, will be held at the German

Lutheran church, Crocker and Agathastreets, at 1:45 o'clock this afternoon,followed by Interment ln Evergreen

cemetery. .The funeral sermon willbe delivered

by- Rev. Mr. Scholz. The music willconsist of songs by the Hermann sis-

ters and Mrs. Bryson and Miss Lack-wood. An orchestra willrender "Sun-beams and Shadows," and, while thefriends view the remains, \u25a0will playa selection entitled "Hearts and Flow-ers."

Mrs. Toeger -was a sister of Mrs. H.Schoneman, was 40 years old and a

native of London, but had resided inLos Angeles for the past eighteenyears.

This AfternoonRemains to Be Interred at Evergreen

It i» above competition—

Las Palma«cigar.


The gateway to the great gold re> \ . • \ Igions of Nevada. BARGAINS in r.irMIW

-L v n̂ x.ff^ ~7 ffgt^,ft +m,% ,... , , \,, .»i,WMffltnL


while they last, beginning at 9 '"*fill *L*NT' --—\u25a0

"""""""\ i

o'clock MONDAY MORNING, *-*->— m \... \u25a0—"—""

—" . \ |

MAY 29._^_ \ n,.v

' V Jv '

/ ss main sTßeer \ I I

We are selling lets cheap In this townslte. You must be quick In 1 fillPJJ 1 1 111 111 1 IM111 Rl^IHI1 I 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 , [1 1*| |||I iI-

[[["ill11 1 |1 1||'| |II 1 111 1 1 Ml1111111 if]1111 ' 11lIINf «\ IIorder to take advantage of the rapidly Increasing values. Lots that IIJ I11 11 111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1IIjIi|\i 111 Tj 11 1 1 1 1 111 1| 1 T 11 1 1 1 1 1 mi 1 1 1 1 iIi111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 111 '""ft1' '*' 'I"II11III1 1 f 11 1 11 111 \T 111 \ "IIwere bought at auction prices on May 15 have sold for 100 per cent I'tlTlIithTlltII IMJITTITr TTfTl K'nTrhH"T

""T" tf[ffffff"""""" +Pf4^pfrr ""•""" |ff|fHf!^^ fffffTT|ffl TmrrM MnTf\ I

advance, and the demand for building material has been greater \ _»«,--(jjjj_U_u_Ll_l_LU±J '''''"__-

"' " --- -J-L1'

Vf «' ~\ as

than can be shipped In. Las Vegas Is the natural gateway to the • 11111 II1 1 11111 ] Tl fll111 IMI'l1l\lll' 11IIII111111 1II1 1 IIII11*111111 III11 11 1I'lIII'MIII'l111 1 1 1 11 11 111 11*****"^ f'* 1 1 111111 I f1 1 I1 1 111 1 11 111II11 1 -' \ /•/

richest mineral territory the world has ever known. Thousands of |j PrnTrn' T*1*T 'ljW«W4«"["»" > »*»• ' P"nT"f*rTfrH1I '"THt""T"""1tl rHlTrr* * **'

T* 'I rrrrn("T*I i\u25a0 Ij \u25a0•'!! ""'**

TT U mTn""tm*H*H*ib \x*^\tons of freight and hundreds of people are going through this place jj|~ppp| 2) ffy^ ' '^ '^mTTTm k t 'IS TTTTTn If r=%

= U\\\\\\, 'j '\

to Bullfroa, Rhyollte and Goldfleld. This will be the main dlv.slon |jLlUl-liMlLfl\ \ L|JIILIMiLLI|fe LPliliiUllllLyJ; LLLU-UU-LLULLLLU IMttffl"*\ LiLIiLUUhRIMiLIMB\ \

of the San Pedro, Los Angeles &. Salt Lake railroad from Los An- 11111 II1 1 1 111 111 1 MM11111 Ml IMI NIIIIIIIIIIIII111 Mi'MIIIIIMil111 I111 II11111 III111*"*

IMI1 1 1 111 It^jr-j HHMMIIIII1 1 I1 1 1 1 Ml)tlfflI1 1 v \geles to Salt Lake. Contracts are being let by the railroad company \ secOA/o &TREET *<Tfor roundhouse, station and shops. 11111 111 1 1 I1 11lIJIIIj1 111 1 1 II||lIIJII 11 1 1 1 11 lIjIIIMl

"" "111 1 1 1 1 TTI ''

?'-"''" \IIIIII11 L L̂TI 1 1 II T

The depot, which will be located on this townslte, willbe on ['['[I'TTIItITMTmI p[jj'[j|°|'|j'|>[j<|j'|j Qjj^JjH"l*IXQJXLI lltlttP'l'111111 1 T,b.™«rv.«. ftmTl 11] =t=: EE \THjjji'll Itltltrl'fiTlfl'lthe mission style, similar to the depots of that railroad at Pomona 11II111 MT fTTI 11 1IIII111 IUI1 1 1 11 1I'll\inII1 1 1 1 1 11111 1 1 ml l1 11 1 1 *\u25a0\u25a0

" •\u25a0^- 1111 1 1 1 im I"

-i1 11 11 111 111 1 1 1 1 Tl Tland Riverside. The Armour car lines has constructed an Immense nTTITTTT

"** """ HTHl'n7THrnTTrl riTTITTr""""* ""

r'TiTTTTTTnTTll rrf'rrrrTn—^—'


""' 'tTTTtM rrnTT""'""""""'

Icing plant. There are already about 2000 people there and since1111 III1 11 1111 1 1 1 11111 IIIII1 1 1 lIJI 1 1 111 IH i^l1111 Itl 1111111111 II,II I1 1 I \u25a0

" » 11 1 1 1 1 1 11 111 J^«I.U, "31 111111 II1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 IIII1111.the auction about fifty buildings nave been built. There are three 1111111 I1 1 III1 1 1 1 III'l11111 I1 1II1 1 1 11IInTm 111 1 1 IlilllIll I uTnni^f^ \i'

'"')i i iTl'i lIITITIII'll111 111

banks; one having been established over a month has a deposit •) LUJJJn J.Jt \u0084«»t, LJJ,J,,L JJ,,,..»,, v JJJJ« [•Ji • rL|J<LL• 0•.L.m. J.LLm,t i J LLUiJuJ.LL JiLLL,1 I'll"LLL epJ —-1— [•••'•»**•'IiPmTT'

"***s"M^of over $70,000.00. The Las Vegas Land and Water company has $ gfc g Effl 0* IITTIIj,UlIT11 1 SIIMI I111 II111 1 1 (jITIIIIILUiI''')1 1 § JI-HiT.JQI =p: 5 =%£ I1IITU1 1 W1111111^1 111111|arranged a complete water service for domestic and fire purposes, lIJJJ. 11l >LlIillULL IIliU.J IIJ J lINJ ••! II| HIM XLL I111 IIk»TILLIJ1^ 111 —I \u25a0\u25a0 ;-


and will grade, curb and oil all the streets In the townsite, and°miT "flf"""""""O llTiTlTllT

""""""11MmTITI'MTTII '""""ff]'""'""'

|jl'llTTr TrnTH °1111111 IM~f~ "T"TTTT I \\\\\ \\ Til'ttlMI*>

establish a complete electric light plant. The Salt Lake railroad v •roi/RTH \ *^ amccr


will do everything that Is possible to encourage the upbuilding of"""

•"'"""TT jTITIT""!'Til111 || \ """till11111 II1111 1 111 11 1 1 11 ||f\u25a0 T -| '-^- 11111 I T" 11 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 111IMI

the town. The Borax Smith Company will commence work Monday, Ut" jf'Jwf /•"•'•"••jwMjj' \ 'WMi.|.W. Wm\ fTT|4t "|t'| e!E rrHJ TMIrj*!IITT'May 29, on the railroad from Las Vegas to Bullfrog. T""= " f '̂tTTTTT 'fTTTT' IHill'

*P v^'* TTrTTT'^® :TTTI

' '^1~~^~'"\u25a0'''' r' |!:::::n Itil' IIIT

: We refer you to any official of the Balt Lake railroad as to our j...»,.,,lLl|i.Ll „.„»„„„11jJJJij. «^Wv TrTT Tl'"TfT1 'TTTtTT' *I"1 ""I"*" ~hz\'" n """""""' "*\t\ '\t[t\\\°'}standing and as to the lots we are offering. ...\u25a0r1.1.f.1.1.P.1.1.1.f 1.1.1.f ,'JF.iill11 1UJll.l11 1 1L-»- > . 11111 1 1IT11111 11 11111 111 M !{;\u25a0j_ I C-37J I)lII1 11 111 11 1111 1 11 1 I1111 1 ;.

% m:m^Sp


ok IFor further information call on or T?irix~&'&\—


... • \u25a0 aa«t*«l'>'«lo,


PELVIC CATARRH, A PREVALENT \ STUBBORN MALADY.One of the Greatest Triumphs iln Modern Medicine Is the Success of Pe-ru-na^lri" 'Jhese I_Cases. j

«i *"""^^*^^*^"^'-'y"'"'''''p 1' ./ and strength lam only too glad to tell very beneficial to take after my son urer Sons of Temperance, writes:r« j* j* «\u25a0»«»»_ « 1. 1 »>. v

what cured me. . . .... . snor t "I suffered for over two years with-Suffered With BacKache Five Years "I.was a sufferer for years, and

bOr"'" m*UPA WnndPi-ful M»ilirtn» fnr Wnman'c T1I« irregular and painful periods. My,._ although Itried many doctorß and

time# A "OnaeMUl MedlCine lOr WOmail S 11IS health was lna very precarious condi-.\u0084, ... . \u25a0

\u0084. "Ikeep Peruna ln the house all the mmmmm^^^^ —^—- tion and Iwas very anxious to find

Mrs. A. Williams, 233 Tremont street, Boston, Mass., medicines, nothing seemed to lilt my time to take in case of a cold or when something to restore my health andwrites: case unt|| | too |< peru na, and this was one is feeling worn out and tired. Mrs. P. P. Zelnert, 824 North Dayton street, Madison, strength.

"While Ihave, as a rule, no faith ln patent medi- only after life had become a burden to "I have used many remedies, Wls., writes:HoiLh£d ta'nn'd'that' it'wa^dotaSr™clnes. Peruna is a noteworthy exception Ihave used / d b| t ta d but never found anything to equal "Peruna Is certainly a wonderful medicine for ted to flnd that

"WaS d

°'nS m9.

itmyself and In my family for the past five years and me ana 1 was unaoio 10 swnu on my peruna .» / gooa.„\u25a0»,„„ nm»

Iconsider lt far superior to anything Ihave ever feet for any length of time. _, „ woman's ills, and to restore health and strength. "Icontinued to use it fora little overknown or tried, especially for the diseases peculiar to ..After tak|n& one bottle x felt mucn Recommends Pe-rU-na tO Suf- ;.j bcgan uslnff lt wnen x wag hardly able to be ..WOmen' improved. Ikept on taking it untilI ferine Women about. A cold which Ihad contracted caused cessa- "Iconsider it a splendid medicine and".

"Five years ago Isuffered a severe fall, not only had taken nine bottles and then con-°

d h month t CTew wea ker snall never be without lt,taking a dosespraining my ankle, but causing prolapsus uteri. I sldered myself cured. Miss Esther Lee 322 Madison street, "on of the meMe* and each month Igrew weaker x fgel run down and tlred...suffered with constant backache, bearing down pains, "I can now do my work with ease Topeka Kansas Secretary Triple Tie and weaker and was In dreadful pain. .

MaAirinaand sometimes for davs Iwas unable to stand on mv and can walk as well aa J ever could &oclal club

-writes: "After a few weeks' use of Peruna Ibegan to An Ideal PiedlCine . \u0084;ana somcimeu ionu*ya w s unaoic 10 mana on my

&nd &t nl&h(. on]y fegl a natuml tlre(J. "Fourteen months ago Ibegan to be mend, and for seven weeks Iused it regularly. Iwas Mlsa LoUiseL0Uise Mather, 13 Church street,lecl> ness. troubled with female weakness, which

' rewarded for my efforts by being restored into a heal- Burlington, Vt., Vice President Bureau"Peruna came like a veritable godsend into »nr "Isleep the night through, while be- left me Pale > weak and nervous. thy woman, instead of a miserable, sickly being with of Exchange, writes:

home. Igradually grew better with the use of eight fore Icould not sleep longer than an "Peruna was recommended to me. I no desire to live. "Your medicine Is an Ideal woman'sbottles and within four months Iwas completely hour at a time. kept growing stronger and in three 'Igiveitmy best Indorsement and hope that it may medicine and by far the beat Ihavecured. Ihave enjoyed excellent health ever since." "1 am thankful to Peruna for my months Iwas in my usual normal con- benefit many." \u0084''.., known to restore lost health and„„___„_______„„____

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