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Morning Star Fishermen Winter 2014 Magazine

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Winter 2014







Page 2: Morning Star Fishermen Winter 2014 Magazine

Update from MSF Director Phil Reasons

We all go through difficult times. When we make it

through, it is important to look back and learn from our

experience. It is also important to look ahead and see

how we can grow from the obstacles we have


Last year was a year of achievements for the staff here

at Morning Star Fishermen. We are excited about our

accomplishments with our new training center in

Kpalime, our new solar powered aquaponics

system in Bodje West Africa and many many others.

While experiencing these achievements we have

also encountered many obstacles that we have had

to overcome. The obstacles have made us smarter,

stronger and more prepared to deal with the chal-

lenges of life. They have prepared us to better equip

our students that we will have this year and the years

to come.

I hope your experi-

ence of 2013 was one of

accomplishments, challenges and

obstacles and hopefully you were

able to overcome most of the obsta-

cles to accomplish your purpose in life.

Appreciating our achievements, reminds

us of our potential. Every new day offers opportunities

to actualize our potential. It is up to us to make the most of

each new day.

I am looking forward to 2014 and the yet unknown accomplishments and obstacles that I will

face. My prayer is that your struggles through 2013 will equip you for greater accomplishments

in 2014.

Thank you for partnering with us.

Page 3: Morning Star Fishermen Winter 2014 Magazine

andandandand inininin


Page 4: Morning Star Fishermen Winter 2014 Magazine

Morning Star’s 1st graduate

in Togo, Africa

Asong Lovelyne is a wonderful inspiration to us here at

Morning Star Fishermen. She is a graduate of the Fisher-

ies School in Cameroon, holding a diploma in Aquaculture

and a US Embassy scholarship winner to study Aquacul-

ture at Gadsden State Community College in Alabama.

Her desire to learn about cost effective, high food produc-

tion systems for her home country - would lead her on a

journey of faith and achieving her dreams of becoming a

“Fish Farmer”.

Asong's journey began over 2 years ago when she gradu-

ated from the Fisheries School in Cameroon. In 2011, she

was awarded an Exchange Scholarship from the US

Embassy in Cameroon to study abroad for one year.

It was also at this time that she passed her exam with the

Cameroon Public Service under the Dept. of Fisheries and

she was faced with a very difficult decision – further her

education or accept a position in her field of education.

Following her faith – she decided to accept the scholar-

ship and traveled to the United States to further her

education. It was during her studies at Gadsden State

Community College that she became aware of MSF.

Unable to extend her student visa and study at MSF in

Florida, Asong returned to Africa to receive her formal

aquaponics education at MSF’s new Training Center in

West Africa “God always has better plans for us.” MSF

introduced Asong to Dr. Philip Ndum, a Florida based

Cameroonian Medical Doctor, who was looking for some-

one to help set-up an aquapnoic system in Cameroon.

On December 21st

of 2013, Asong traveled back to Camer-

oon from her time of training in Togo and on January 3rd

began her job as Project Manager at the Cameroon

Aquaponics Facility.

“While faced with challenges God always gives

me the strength. Growing up I always wanted

to be a fish farmer and through MSF and Dr.

Philip's encouragement – my dream has come

true in my career.”

Page 5: Morning Star Fishermen Winter 2014 Magazine

Compact Fluorescent Lights (CFLs)


• According to the

Environmental Protec-

tion Agency (EPA) and

the U.S. Department of

Energy (DOE), CFLs

use 75% less energy,

produce 75% less heat

and last up to ten

times longer than the

average incandescent


• They save users more

than $40 in electricity costs over the span of

the light bulb's lifetime (two to three years).

• Bulbs are available at most retailers, including

supermarkets and drug stores.

• They are relatively inexpensive, averaging

around $4.00 a bulb for commercial brands

and even less for generic store brands.

• One bulb can help reduce greenhouse gas

emissions by hundreds of pounds.


• In a recent five-year study by the Program for

the Evaluation and Analysis of Residential

Lighting (PEARL), data showed that some CFLs

dimmed over a short period of time.

• CFLs contain about 4 to 5 mg of toxic mercury,

which can be harmful to humans and the envi-

ronment if bulbs are not disposed of properly.

• Depending on the type of bulb, CFLs require a

warm-up period between one minute to three

minutes before they achieve full brightness.

Light-Emitting Diodes (LEDs)


• LEDs last up to 50,000 hours, which is eight times

longer than CFLs.

• They contain no hazardous materials.

• The bulbs create less heat during use, which can

lead to lower cooling costs.

• Over the course of its lifespan, one LED will

prevent approximately a half ton of greenhouse

gas emissions from entering the atmosphere.

• The DOE estimates that lighting accounts for 20%

of electricity use in the average home. LEDs can

decrease that to amount to 5%, which can result in

huge savings in individual energy bills.


• LEDs are more

expensive, with bulbs

averaging from $10

to $30.

• At the present time,

they are not widely

sold, making it more

difficult to find re-


• While there are downsides to both alternatives, if

used properly they are still a major improvement

over incandescent bulbs.

LEDs may cost more, but those who can afford them

will find that the option is actually cheaper in the long

run. Most LEDs will last up to 15 years, but when

they’ve expired they can go with the regular garbage

or be recycled

Switching out standard incandescent light bulbs for an energy-saving alternative is an easy way to save money and help the environment.

Both compact fluorescent lights (CFLs) and light-emitting diodes (LEDs) will lower electricity bills, require fewer bulb replacements and

reduce carbon emissions. With every energy efficient option though, it is always best to weigh the pros and cons to determine the best choice.

Article brought to you by: www.greenerPittsburgh.com

Page 6: Morning Star Fishermen Winter 2014 Magazine

To fully explain what biochar is, we would need to return to the ancient

Amazon basin, circa 450 a.d. It was here that indigenous peoples prac-

ticed a type of slash and char agriculture; basically, they would roast

wood and leafy greens in “smothered” fires that created charcoal

instead of ash. This charcoal was then buried in the fields where the

crops were grown. The soil that was created from this system has

become known as Terra Preta – meaning black soil. Terra Preta soil is

300% more productive than the very best modern efforts without the

use of any chemical fertilizers or huge equipment. When gardeners add

biochar to garden soil, we are, in effect attempting to follow in the foot-

steps of the originators of Terra Preta.

“Biochar” is a new word created in 2008 to identify charcoal made to put

in soil; thus creating a new age of Terra Preta. Biochar is fine-grained

charcoal, high in stable organic carbon, suited to put in soil.

Biochar is not a fertilizer, nor a nutrient. Rather, biochar delivers other

essential services to soil, cells and plants. The three most important

Biochars benefits to soil are:

1. Biochar micropores are a super sponge to soak up water, then very

slowly release it back into soil. Thus, biochar keeps soil wetter longer.

Biochar expands any soil’s water cycle capacity.

2. Biochar attracts and holds atoms with electric charge: ions. We know

charcoal has strong adsorption potential to pull “pollutant” ions out of

water. But in soil, ions are “nutrients.” Biochar adsorbs nutrients to cap-

ture their electric charges. Soil with any carbon—especially biochar—has

huge capacity to store electric charge, thus is prepared to power plant


3. Biochar is a habitat for microbes. With water, nutrients and empty

space, microbes move in. Fungi, bacteria and all their buddies by the bil-

lions. We don’t eat our houses, and microbes don’t eat biochar. They live

in it.

Biochar is super-stable for 1500+ years, so microbes build symbiotic com-

munities with complex infrastructures. Thus, biochar allows soil to be-

come fully alive with these least of all life forms. Like coral reefs in the

sea, a similar “soil reef” effect on land—blossoming the Soil Food Web.

Soil comparison with and without Terra Preta or biochar

Biochar Biochar Biochar an ancient technology, that is new again.an ancient technology, that is new again.an ancient technology, that is new again.an ancient technology, that is new again.an ancient technology, that is new again.an ancient technology, that is new again.an ancient technology, that is new again.an ancient technology, that is new again.an ancient technology, that is new again.an ancient technology, that is new again.an ancient technology, that is new again.an ancient technology, that is new again.

Page 7: Morning Star Fishermen Winter 2014 Magazine

I would like to introduce you to Helga Tan-Fellow.

Helga is a 2013 Alumni of Morning Star Fishermen. Helga is now participating in the greening of

the First Coast by cultivating actual greens — and employing a team of fish as her unofficial share-


Six months ago, Helga was inspired to establish GYO Greens, an aquaponic farm and educational

center, in Palm Valley Florida because of her passion for promoting environmentally sustainable


“I am a big fan of environmental practices, and I love gardening and education, so this seemed like

a good fit,” she said.

Helga, a former engineer in medical device manufacturing who’s spent time as a volunteer in Lon-

don at the Royal Botanical Gardens in Kew, has a simple mission for GYO Greens: Grow fresh,

natural organic vegetables while educating the community about aquaponics farming. Students

from Ponte Vedra High School, Landrum and Bolles have visited her farm to learn about the process.

GYO Greens has been in operation for six months. The farm is what Helga refers to as a “young system,” growing a lot of greens. As the

system matures, staff will begin growing tomatoes, cucumbers, beans and other crops. For now, they are focusing on the winter-hardy

crops including arugula, Swiss chard, spinach and herbs such as cilantro and sage. They also grow onions and edible flowers.

If you would like to follow Helga you can find her at www.gyogreens.com or www.facebook.com/gyogreensPVB

“Last year this time, we had an overgrown acre of weeds and anthills. One year later, 147 Canal Blvd has been transformed into a vibrant Aquaponics Farm full of fish and greens. GYOGREENS sprung to life largely due to the efforts of Morning Star Fishermen.”

Page 8: Morning Star Fishermen Winter 2014 Magazine

“These cookies are my favorite healthy treat! I substitute the oil for applesauce and add nuts, cinnamon, cranberries and raisins. I am not a big fan of dates so I leave them out. I have made these at least 10 times already using all different sorts of dried fruit combinations. They are even good with dried blueberries.”

Ingredients Original recipe makes 2 large burritos • 2 (10 inch) flour tortillas • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil • 1 small onion, chopped • 1/2 red bell pepper, chopped • 1 teaspoon minced garlic • 1 (15 ounce) can black beans, rinsed and drained • 1 teaspoon minced jalapeno peppers • 3 ounces cream cheese • 1/2 teaspoon salt • 2 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro


1. Wrap tortillas in foil and place in oven heated to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Bake for 15 minutes or until heated through.

2. Heat oil in a 10-inch skillet over medium heat. Place onion, bell pepper, garlic and jalapenos in skillet, cook for 2 minutes stirring occasionally. Pour beans into skillet, cook 3 minutes stirring.

3. Cut cream cheese into cubes and add to skillet with salt. Cook for 2 minutes stirring occasionally. Stir cilantro into mixture.

4. Spoon mixture evenly down center of warmed tortilla


• 3 ripe bananas

• 2 cups rolled oats

• 1 cup dates, pitted and chopped

• 1/3 cup vegetable oil

• 1 teaspoon vanilla extract


1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).

2. In a large bowl, mash the bananas. Stir in oats, dates, oil, and vanilla. Mix well, and allow to sit for 15 minutes. Drop by teaspoonfuls onto an ungreased cookie sheet.

3. Bake for 20 minutes in the preheated oven, or until lightly brown.


Banana CookiesBanana CookiesBanana Cookies

Both recipes brought to you by: www.allrecipes.com


Black Bean BurritosBlack Bean BurritosBlack Bean Burritos

Page 9: Morning Star Fishermen Winter 2014 Magazine

Ways To Support • Financial Donation

• Sponsor a Student

• Adopt a Tank

• Help Support One of Our 3 Offsite Facilities

• And Many More!

• Keep Us in Your Prayers

• Become a Volunteer or Intern

• Take a Class

• Become a Friend of MSF by Joining our Mailing List

Our Mission

Give a man a fish and he eats for one day. Teach a man to

raise fish and grow vegetables and the whole community

eats for a lifetime.

Contact Us

(352) 523.2722

[email protected]


Address to MSF

33336 Old Saint Joe Road

Dade City, Florida 33525

About Morning Star Fishermen

The best place to start making a difference is right in

your own home. Learn how you can rethink, reduce,

reuse and recycle materials to decrease household

waste! Tips below will help you get started.


• Feed your soil with compost; make compost at home, or buy it in bags or bulk. Compost helps sandy soils hold nutrients and water, loosens clay soils, and feeds the organisms that are beneficial to soil.

• Mow higher and leave the clippings. Modern mulch-ing lawn mowers make "grasscycling" even easier. Homeowners can reduce their mowing time by 30 to 40 percent by not having to bag clippings.

• Choose the right plant for the right place. Select plants that grow well in your area of the country and fit the amount of sun, type of soil and water available in your yard.

• Give plants a good start. Prepare the soil by mixing one to three inches of compost into soil in planting beds.

• Water deeply, but infrequently. Most plants do best if the soil is allowed to partially dry out between waterings.

Article brought to you by: www.epa.gov

• Reduce food waste by using up the food you already

bought and have in the house instead of buying

more. You already paid for it - so use it!

• Non-perishable and unspoiled perishable food can

be donated to local food banks, soup kitchens,

pantries, and shelters.

• Reuse items around the house such as rags and

wipes, empty jars and mugs, party decorations, and

gift wrap.

• Buy products in concentrate, bulk, and in refillable

containers. They reduce packaging waste and can

save you money!

• Return used car tires to retailers or wholesalers that

recycle or retread them. Tires are banned from most

landfills, and illegally dumped tires become breeding

grounds for mosquitoes and other pests.

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Lawn and GardenLawn and GardenLawn and GardenLawn and Garden

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