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Morris Chapel United Methodist Church, Inc. Need to get in...

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Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage Paid Walkertown, NC Permit #4 Morris Chapel United Methodist Church, Inc. P.O. Box 57 Walkertown, NC 27051 ADDRESS SERVICES REQUESTED Need to get in touch with us? Address 2715 Darrow Road; PO Box 57; Walkertown, NC 27051 Office Phone (336) 595-8101 Administrative Assistant Amy Whicker Email [email protected] Website www.morrischapel.org Live 11am Service www.ustream.tv/channel/morrischapel Pastor Dan Lyons [email protected] Director of Children’s Ministries Sam Wesley [email protected] Director of Youth Ministries Katie Gaffner [email protected] Ministerial Intern Michael Conner [email protected] Director of Music Del Curling [email protected] Organist Sheila Bennett (11:00am) Pianist Judy Benedek (8:45am) Organist Grant Beard (8:45am) Stephen Ministry Doris Wilson at 992-6356 Ministers Every Member Sunday Worship Times 8:45am-Chapel; 9am-Crossroads; 11am-Traditional Morris Chapel is a Stephen Ministry Church. When someone is in need of care a Stephen Minister is available to offer confidential Christian care & support. Contact Doris Wilson at 992-6356 for further information. NEWSLETTER DEADLINE: If you have something to be included in an upcoming Monday issue of Chapel Echoes, your news item must be received in the church office no later than 12:00pm the Friday prior to the Monday publication. Information may be emailed to: [email protected], , brought by in person, or you may call the church office at 595-8101. Chapel echoes July 1, 2013 / Issue 22 Morris Chapel United Methodist Church, Inc. Inside this issue: ~ Prayer Chain Page 2 ~ Special Gifts Page 3 ~ Upcoming Events & Announcements Page 4-5 ~ Calendar Page 6-7 ~ July Celebrations Page 8 ~ July Ministry Teams Page 9 ~ Children/Youth News Page 10-11 ~ Stewardship Page 11 Praise the Lord! Jesus promised us that “where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them” (Matthew 18:20). From this promise John Wesley, the Methodist movement founder, understood that God’s presence was real in worship, study groups, visitation, mission engagement, and holy conferencing. When God is present God is active in bestowing divine grace for understanding, inspiration, healing, reconciliation, comfort, growth, and all of many other ways God’s grace ministers in our lives. Not only are we the recipients of God’s grace, but the Holy Spirit speaks through our mouths and hands into the lives of the others with whom we have gathered. Every June for the past 57 years the people called Methodist in Western North Carolina assemble for Annual Conference at Lake Junaluska, a United Methodist conference and retreat center in the NC mountains (www.lakejunaluska.com). Annual Conference is part retreat, part business meeting, part revival, part family reunion. We are reminded in our Wesleyan Methodist experience that this is “holy conferencing” for the 2,000 plus delegates and their families who attend. The “official” activities of Annual Conference are reports of what God is doing through the churches and other ministries, inspirational worship, challenging Bible studies, and consideration of faithful expressions of faith in official actions of the Conference body. Somewhere through all those agenda items along with conversations under the oaks and over meals the Spirit of God moves within us to move us closer to God and closer to Christian perfection. Specific highlights of the Western North Carolina Annual Conference for me: Hearing how God made pro-visions for a vision of a risk-taking mission in a small local church Celebrating the progress of the United Methodist Church’s $75 million initiative to eradicate malaria (Imagine No Malaria). When we began addressing this health issue in 2007 a child died every 30 seconds. We have now cut this in half to one every 60 seconds. We are making progress. The conference collected over $21,000 in a worship offering you can contribute through Morris Chapel, please designate your check “Imagine No Malaria” Honoring 40 retiring clergy who gave a combine 1172 years of ministry Considering the theme “To Serve the Present Age” through the theme text from Micah 6:8, “The LORD, has told you what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? For other news, the Conference produced video newscast that can be viewed at wnccumc.org/news/news-show-replaces-annual-conference-digest Annual Conference closes with Sunday worship and commissioning to our appointments. Refreshed, renewed, and reinvigorated I am happily returning to Morris Chapel for another year of “missional engagement” in community. We were challenged to connect more people with Christ, to expand our missional reach, and grow in our understanding God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. I hope you will join me to “grow the family of God” through Morris Chapel during the next twelve months. Renewed, Pastor Dan Lyons PASTOR’S MESSAGE: From the Mouth of Lyons
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Non-Profit Organization

U.S. Postage Paid

Walkertown, NC

Permit #4

Morris Chapel United Methodist Church, Inc.

P.O. Box 57

Walkertown, NC 27051


Need to get in touch with us? Address 2715 Darrow Road; PO Box 57; Walkertown, NC 27051

Office Phone

(336) 595-8101

Administrative Assistant Amy Whicker

Email [email protected]

Website www.morrischapel.org

Live 11am Service www.ustream.tv/channel/morrischapel

Pastor Dan Lyons [email protected]

Director of Children’s Ministries Sam Wesley [email protected]

Director of Youth Ministries Katie Gaffner [email protected]

Ministerial Intern Michael Conner [email protected]

Director of Music Del Curling [email protected]

Organist Sheila Bennett (11:00am)

Pianist Judy Benedek (8:45am)

Organist Grant Beard (8:45am)

Stephen Ministry Doris Wilson at 992-6356

Ministers Every Member

Sunday Worship Times 8:45am-Chapel; 9am-Crossroads; 11am-Traditional

Morris Chapel is a Stephen Ministry Church. When someone is in need of care a Stephen Minister is available to

offer confidential Christian care & support. Contact Doris Wilson at 992-6356 for further information.

NEWSLETTER DEADLINE: If you have something to be included in an upcoming Monday issue of Chapel

Echoes, your news item must be received in the church office no later than 12:00pm the Friday prior to the

Monday publication. Information may be emailed to: [email protected], , brought by in person, or

you may call the church office at 595-8101.

Chapel echoes July 1, 2013 / Issue 22 Morris Chapel United Methodist Church, Inc.

Inside this issue:

~ Prayer Chain

Page 2

~ Special Gifts

Page 3

~ Upcoming Events

& Announcements

Page 4-5

~ Calendar

Page 6-7

~ July Celebrations

Page 8

~ July Ministry Teams

Page 9

~ Children/Youth News

Page 10-11

~ Stewardship

Page 11

Katie’s Message- Peace in the ChaosKatie’s Message-

Praise the Lord! Jesus promised us that “where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there

among them” (Matthew 18:20). From this promise John Wesley, the Methodist movement

founder, understood that God’s presence was real in worship, study groups, visitation, mission

engagement, and holy conferencing. When God is present God is active in bestowing divine

grace for understanding, inspiration, healing, reconciliation, comfort, growth, and all of many other ways God’s grace ministers in our lives. Not only are we the recipients of God’s grace, but

the Holy Spirit speaks through our mouths and hands into the lives of the others with whom we have gathered.

Every June for the past 57 years the people called Methodist in Western North

Carolina assemble for Annual Conference at Lake Junaluska, a United Methodist conference and retreat center in the NC mountains (www.lakejunaluska.com).

Annual Conference is part retreat, part business meeting, part revival, part family reunion. We are reminded in our Wesleyan Methodist experience that this is “holy

conferencing” for the 2,000 plus delegates and their families who attend. The “official” activities of Annual Conference are reports of what God is doing through the churches

and other ministries, inspirational worship, challenging Bible studies, and consideration of faithful

expressions of faith in official actions of the Conference body. Somewhere through all those agenda items – along with conversations under the oaks and over meals – the Spirit of God moves

within us to move us closer to God and closer to Christian perfection.

Specific highlights of the Western North Carolina Annual Conference for me:

† Hearing how God made pro-visions for a vision of a risk-taking mission in a small local


† Celebrating the progress of the United Methodist Church’s $75 million initiative to eradicate malaria (Imagine No Malaria). When we began addressing this health issue in

2007 a child died every 30 seconds. We have now cut this in half to one every 60

seconds. We are making progress. The conference collected over $21,000 in a worship

offering – you can contribute through Morris Chapel, please designate your check “Imagine No Malaria”

† Honoring 40 retiring clergy who gave a combine 1172 years of ministry

† Considering the theme “To Serve the Present Age” through the theme text from Micah 6:8,

“The LORD, has told you what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?

† For other news, the Conference produced video newscast that can be viewed at


Annual Conference closes with Sunday worship and commissioning to our

appointments. Refreshed, renewed, and reinvigorated I am happily returning to Morris Chapel for another year of “missional engagement” in community. We were challenged to connect more

people with Christ, to expand our missional reach, and grow in our understanding God the

Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. I hope you will join me to “grow the family of God” through Morris Chapel during the next twelve months.


Pastor Dan Lyons

PASTOR’S MESSAGE: From the Mouth of Lyons

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The Week of July 1, 2013

For those in need of Hope & Healing:

Wayne Hester, Pam Taylor Morphis, Lohr Younts, Randall Myers, Bonnie Leed, Barbara Boyd, Judy Norman Whicker, Casey & Ryan Elrod, Jessie & Delois Dull, Marianne Heath, Nancy Laws (Joe & Kyle Laws’ mother), Bob Hammons, Martha Fare, Susan Colvard Carter, J.T., John Lambros, Melody Leslie, Linda Esquival, Lois Redmon, Loretta Parnell, Sharon Nelson, Ted Khuns, Dean Hardaway, Robert Butler, Tammy Gabard, Bob Verdinek Sr., Linda Goodman, Jim Westmoreland, Linda & James Joyce, Norma Whitaker, Amy Macy, Dot Peacock, Henry Bennett, Harvey Neal, Sylvia Stockton, Sylvia Parham, Mary Alice Campbell, Pat Butler, Phyllis Sisk, Phyllis Peddycord, Chris Logan, Steve Smith, Susan Gillis, Lincoln Dyson, Stan Harmon, Sarah Solis, Max Thompson, Debbie Esposito, Emma Crutchfield, Debra Rascoe, Marlene Dalton, Robah Watson

For those Who Grieve:

The Family of Loretta Linville, The Family of Ruby Waggoner, The Family of Betty McNeill, The Family of Patsy Webster, The Family of Bill Medlin

* Donation Items Needed *

Food Pantry Peanut butter,

spaghetti sauce,

canned soups, boxed

meals, paper towels,

toilet paper

Operation Christmas Child

Washcloths &

Unscented Bar Soap

Crisis Control

Natural Peanut Butter and Jelly


Week of June 30, 2013

Budget Receipts this week $ 6,877

Receipts to Date $ 205,756

Budgeted to Date $ 235,542

Ahead/(Behind) $ (29,786)

Building Fund Receipts this week $ 1,594

Building Fund Receipts YTD $ 52,487

Capital/Building Fund Balance $ 10,158













OUR PRESENCE Attendance for

June 30, 2013

Sunday School: 171

Worship Services:

8:45am: 35

9:00am: 96

11:00am: 131

Total: 262

NEXT CHAPEL ECHOES: Monday, July 8th

DEADLINE FOR ITEMS: Friday, July 5th by 12noon!

**Any items submitted AFTER the Friday deadline may be included

in the following week’s issue based on space availability**

A Message from the Long Range Planning Committee:

Thank you to everyone who attended the 5th Sunday Presentation, your

discussions and feedback are valued and appreciated. For anyone that was

unable to attend, information packets can be obtained from the Church Office

or from the church website. Also, if anyone did not receive a feedback card,

they are available in the Church Office or any Sunday School room (upon

completion, please return cards to the office or they can be given to any LRPC

member. Again, thank you for your patience and help as plans are made for

the future of our church.

Serving in Ministry on 7/7/2013 8:45am Service

Greeters - Eddie Campbell, Robin Neal;

Worship Leader - Steve Pegram

9am Service

Crib Nursery - Margie Howard & Jennifer King

Toddler Nursery - Heather Pierce

11am Service

Greeters - Faith in Action Class

Worship Leader - Spencer Evans

Ushers - Harvey Dillon (C), Sammy Clodfelter, Don Jones, Jim Martin,

Hank Read, Tim Shoaf, Richard Teague

Acolytes - Jessie Hutchings & Taylor Wilson

Children’s Church (For children Age 3 thru 5th grade) - Samantha Wesley

Crib Nursery - Tracy Vogler & Brooklyn Whitney

Toddler Nursery - Debbie & Mike Causby

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~ Children’s News ~

A HUGE thank you to all

our 80 plus volunteers that helped make VBS so successful! A huge thank you to the Morris Chapel family for all your support and prayers,

they were very much appreciated!

The kids of VBS collected 962 food items for

the Morris Chapel Food Pantry which will feed

over 330 families!!! Praise be to God!

Thanks as well to Hayworth-Miller Funeral Home for providing the pizza

for our closing night VBS program for VBS families and volunteers. Your kindness and generosity was appreciated by all who attended!


Morris Chapel Kids! Mark your calendars for Sunday, July 21st ….we will

be delivering a comfort blanket after the 11am worship service and then

on to AIR BOUND trampoline park! More details to come!!!!

Youth News

Youth Group, July 7th and 14th will be from 4-6pm (no snack served).

Wednesday, July 10th; We will be volunteering at the Second Harvest

Food Bank and leaving from the church at 9am. Bring a bag lunch. We'll

return to church by 2pm. You must be 12 years old or older and fill out

the volunteer application which can be found on the youth bulletin

board by the youth room.

July 14th; All high school students and chaperones leaving for CCC

should be at the church by 7:30am. This mission team will be staying at

Camp Loy White in Casar, NC and will be gone July 14-20. Please be in

prayer as these students and adults prepare to serve!

Page 3













Thank you to all the people at

Morris Chapel Church for the

prayers, cards, visits and gifts you

have showered me with. I feel so

blessed to be a member of such a

loving and caring church.

Thank you with all my heart.

Don Hartle

~ Special Gifts ~


In Memory Of: Loretta Linville

Given By: Doris Wilson (New Bus)

In Memory Of: Troy Neal

Given By: Nancy Carmichael (Cemetery)

In Memory Of: Rose Harris

Given By: David Harris (Cemetery Endowment)

In Memory Of: Nancy Shore

Given By: Steve & Tammy Fulp (Children’s Budget)

In Memory Of: Riley June Clarke

Given By: Gary, Margaret, David, Dana & Dayle Mundy (Project

Angel Lunch)

31 units collected!


On behalf of the American Red

Cross and, more importantly, the

patients and families that depend

on your efforts, thank you!

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Fall Bazaar Canning & Food Preparation

Thank you to all of the volunteers that worked so hard last week preparing squash casseroles and canning green beans & beets. Over 240 jars of greens beans were processed and many squash casseroles were prepared. This Monday and Tuesday, 7/1 & 7/2, volunteers will be working on chow-chow, green beans and cucumber pickles. If you have time, please consider helping during this busy time so that all vegetables can be processed and used at the Fall Bazaar. Green bean breaking/stringing will begin at 8:30am and 1pm each day. Thank you so much!

“Christmas in July”

for Gifts of Grace

The month of July's Mission focus is the Gift of Grace. This mission is a free

shopping day for families in our community who are in need of assistance at Christmas. Families can come to our church and shop from new and gently

used items such as clothes, toys, household items, Christmas decorations etc. Last year we served 124 families with these items and they also received a bag

of food. We had an overwhelming response and it was a truly amazing day!

This year the Gifts of Grace Committee is sponsoring “ Christmas in July" and we are asking for your help. We will have a Christmas tree in the narthex and

outside of the Family Life Center. These trees will have tags on them with

suggested new items for the Gifts of Grace Project. You may choose a tag (or as many tags as you wish), purchase the gifts and then place the items under

the trees by the end of July.

Thank you for your continuous support. The Gifts of Grace Committee

If you have any questions, please contact Sharon Burnette, Rhonda Day, Kim Dobish, Angie Swain, Sarah-Anne Mikles,

Debbie Causby or Mike Causby

Gifts of Grace

Page 9















Greeters (8:45am): Eddie Campbell, Robin Neal

Worship Leader (8:45am): Steve Pegram

Crib Nursery (9am): Margie Howard & Jennifer King (7/7);

Patricia & Lauren Evans (7/14);

Lisa & Morgan Meredith (7/21);

Shane & Ann Parker (7/28);

Toddler Nursery (9am): Heather Pierce (7/7); Sharon Burnette (7/14);

Heather Pierce (7/21); Marianne Heath (7/28)

Greeters (11am): Faith in Action Class

Worship Leader (11am): Spencer Evans

Ushers (11am): Harvey Dillon (C), Sammy Clodfelter, Don Jones,

Jim Martin, Hank Read, Tim Shoaf, Richard Teague

Acolytes (11am): Jessie Hutchings & Taylor Wilson (7/7);

Rett Lyons, Shelby Scott & Hannah Kiger (7/14);

Belle Martin & Ashlyn Butler (7/21);

Brandon Nelson & Zach Freeman (7/28)

Children’s Church Samantha Wesley (7/7); Debra Freeman (7/14);

3/4/5 ages & K/1/2 grades (11am): Jennifer & Chad Butler (7/21); Betsy & Lauren Wilson (7/28)

Crib Nursery (11am): Tracy Vogler & Brooklyn Whitney (7/7);

Dana & Emily Webster (7/14);

Doris Wilson & Jennifer Boles (7/21);

Elaine & Joe Laws (7/28)

Toddler Nursery (11am): Debbie & Mike Causby (7/7);

Stephanie Westmoreland & Amy Whicker (7/14);

Betsy & Darron Southern (7/21);

Jane & Amy Whicker (7/28)

Evangelism Visitor Angie & Dean Swaim (7/7);

Follow up: Steve Pegram & Pastor Dan (7/14);

Patricia & Sammy Evans (7/21);

Janet & Robert Neal (7/28)

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Celebrations ~ July 2013

Page 5














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JULY 2013

1 8am - Fall Bazaar FLC Kitchen Prep

8:30 & 1pm - Green Bean Help


7:30pm - Men’s Basketball (FLC)


2 8am - Fall Bazaar FLC Kitchen Prep

8:30 & 1pm - Green Bean Help


10-11am - Food Pantry Open

6pm - Boy Scouts (FH)

6:30pm - Wesley Circle (39)

3 7:15-8:45pm - Chancel Choir

4 - Independence Day Church Office Closed

10-11am - Food Pantry Open



7 4pm - Youth Open Gym (FLC)

5-6pm - Youth (FLC / Youth Room)

8 8am - Fall Bazaar Canning (FLC)

7pm - Church Council (43)

*June/July Combination Meeting *

7:30pm - Men’s Basketball (FLC)

9 8am - Fall Bazaar Canning (FLC)

10-11am - Food Pantry Open

6:30pm-VBS Wrap-up Meeting (22)

6:30pm - Boy Scouts (FH)

10 9am - Kitchen Committee (39)

9am-2pm - “Chaos with Katie”

(Second Harvest Food Bank)

6pm - Weekday Ministries Advisory

Committee (22)

7pm - Property & Facilities (Office)

7:15-8:45pm - Chancel Choir

11 10-11am - Food Pantry Open

6pm - Weekday Ministries

Advisory Committee (22)

7pm - Praise Band Practice (FLC)

12 8:30am - Ramblers Breakfast @



14 7:30am - Departure time for High

School Mission Trip (CCC)


15 8am - Fall Bazaar Canning (FLC)

7pm - Men’s Chorus Practice

7:30pm - Men’s Basketball (FLC)

16 8am - Fall Bazaar Canning (FLC)

10-11am - Food Pantry Open

6pm - Missions Committee (21)

6:30pm - Boy Scouts (FH)

17 7:15-8:45pm - Chancel Choir

18 10-11am - Food Pantry Open

7pm - Praise Band Practice (FLC)


20 High School students return from


3-8pm - FH Reserved (Randleman)

Noon-6pm - FLC Kitchen/Hospitality

Room Reserved (E. Whicker)

21 12:15pm - Children’s Blanket Delivery &

Trip to Airbound Trampoline Park

4pm - Youth Open Gym (FLC)

5-6pm - Youth (FLC / Youth Room)

22 8am - Fall Bazaar Canning (FLC)

7:30pm - Men’s Basketball (FLC)

23 8am - Fall Bazaar Canning (FLC)

10-11am - Food Pantry Open

6:30pm - Boy Scouts (FH)

24 9am-Noon - “Chaos with Katie”

(Scavenger Hunt)

7:15-8:45pm - Chancel Choir

25 10-11am - Food Pantry Open

7pm - Praise Band Practice (FLC)

26 FLC Reserved - ALL DAY

(J. Swaim)

27 2-5pm - FH Reserved (L. Evans)

28 Middle School Mission Trip to The

Children’s Home in W-S

29 8am - Fall Bazaar Canning (FLC)

7:30pm - Men’s Basketball (FLC)

30 8am - Fall Bazaar Canning (FLC)

10-11am - Food Pantry Open

6:30pm - Boy Scouts (FH)

31 7:15-8:45pm - Chancel Choir

The Men’s Chorus will not practice

on Monday, July 1st.

The Church Office will be closed

on July 4, 2013 in recognition of

Independence Day.

The Stephen’s Ministry Committee and the Praise Band will not

meet on Thursday, July 4th.

The Food Pantry will be open on July 4th.


JULY 2013

1 8am - Fall Bazaar FLC Kitchen Prep

8:30 & 1pm - Green Bean Help


7:30pm - Men’s Basketball (FLC)


2 8am - Fall Bazaar FLC Kitchen Prep

8:30 & 1pm - Green Bean Help


10-11am - Food Pantry Open

6pm - Boy Scouts (FH)

6:30pm - Wesley Circle (39)

3 7:15-8:45pm - Chancel Choir

4 - Independence Day Church Office Closed

10-11am - Food Pantry Open



7 4pm - Youth Open Gym (FLC)

5-6pm - Youth (FLC / Youth Room)

8 8am - Fall Bazaar Canning (FLC)

7pm - Church Council (43)

*June/July Combination Meeting *

7:30pm - Men’s Basketball (FLC)

9 8am - Fall Bazaar Canning (FLC)

10-11am - Food Pantry Open

6:30pm-VBS Wrap-up Meeting (22)

6:30pm - Boy Scouts (FH)

10 9am - Kitchen Committee (39)

9am-2pm - “Chaos with Katie”

(Second Harvest Food Bank)

6pm - Weekday Ministries Advisory

Committee (22)

7pm - Property & Facilities (Office)

7:15-8:45pm - Chancel Choir

11 10-11am - Food Pantry Open

6pm - Weekday Ministries

Advisory Committee (22)

7pm - Praise Band Practice (FLC)

12 8:30am - Ramblers Breakfast @



14 7:30am - Departure time for High

School Mission Trip (CCC)


15 8am - Fall Bazaar Canning (FLC)

7pm - Men’s Chorus Practice

7:30pm - Men’s Basketball (FLC)

16 8am - Fall Bazaar Canning (FLC)

10-11am - Food Pantry Open

6pm - Missions Committee (21)

6:30pm - Boy Scouts (FH)

17 7:15-8:45pm - Chancel Choir

18 10-11am - Food Pantry Open

7pm - Praise Band Practice (FLC)


20 High School students return from


3-8pm - FH Reserved (Randleman)

Noon-6pm - FLC Kitchen/Hospitality

Room Reserved (E. Whicker)

21 12:15pm - Children’s Blanket Delivery &

Trip to Airbound Trampoline Park

4pm - Youth Open Gym (FLC)

5-6pm - Youth (FLC / Youth Room)

22 8am - Fall Bazaar Canning (FLC)

7:30pm - Men’s Basketball (FLC)

23 8am - Fall Bazaar Canning (FLC)

10-11am - Food Pantry Open

6:30pm - Boy Scouts (FH)

24 9am-Noon - “Chaos with Katie”

(Scavenger Hunt)

7:15-8:45pm - Chancel Choir

25 10-11am - Food Pantry Open

7pm - Praise Band Practice (FLC)

26 FLC Reserved - ALL DAY

(J. Swaim)

27 2-5pm - FH Reserved (L. Evans)

28 Middle School Mission Trip to The

Children’s Home in W-S

29 8am - Fall Bazaar Canning (FLC)

7:30pm - Men’s Basketball (FLC)

30 8am - Fall Bazaar Canning (FLC)

10-11am - Food Pantry Open

6:30pm - Boy Scouts (FH)

31 7:15-8:45pm - Chancel Choir

The Men’s Chorus will not practice

on Monday, July 1st.

The Church Office will be closed

on July 4, 2013 in recognition of

Independence Day.

The Stephen’s Ministry Committee and the Praise Band will not

meet on Thursday, July 4th.

The Food Pantry will be open on July 4th.
