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Moserbaer report

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A PROJECT REPORT ON OVERVIEW OF HR At Moser Baer India Ltd, Greater Noida Submitted By: RITU RANA M.B.A(HR)
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Moser Baer India Ltd, Greater Noida

Submitted By:



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The objective of this training work is to raise the level of performance in one or

more of its aspects and this may be achieved by providing new knowledge and

information relevant to a job.

Practical training is more important part of theoretical studies. It covers all that

remains in classroom i.e. without it our studies remains ineffective and


Also it is a well known fact that practical training plays a very important role in

future building of an individual. Only gaining theoretical knowledge is just not be

very beneficial for me in building my future.

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I would like to thank Mr. Rajiv Sahdev, Mr. Harsh Govil and Mr. S. Pathak and HR

training team for providing me a chance to work at this centre and interact with

highly learned professionals.

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Moserbaer, headquarter in New Delhi, is one of India’s leading technology

companies. Established in 1983, the company successfully developed cutting edge

technologies to become world’s second largest manufacturer of Optical Storage

media like CDs and DVDs. The company also emerged as the first to market next-

generation of storage formats like Blue-ray Discs and HD DVD. It is the first

storage media company in the world to ship HD,DVD’s using a special disk

structure using common materials Recently, the company has transformed itself

from a single business into a multi-technology organization, diversifying into

exciting areas of Solar energy, Home Entertainment and IT Peripherals &

Consumer Electronics. MoserBaer has a presence in over 82 countries, served

through six marketing offices in India, the US, Europe and Japan , and has strong

tie-ups with all major global technology players it is among top media

manufacturers in the world. It is the first in world to start volume shipments of

HD DVD-R. It is the lowest cost manufacturer of optical media in the world.

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Optical Storage Media:-

Recorded Compact Disks CD-R

Rewritable Compact Disks CD-RW

Prerecorded CD/DVD

Digital Versatile Disks DVD-R

Rewritable Digital Versatile Disks DVD-RW

Light Scribe- enabled media

Entertainment- Distribution of movies, film production & theatrical distribution.

IT- Peripherals & Consumer Electronics- Optical Disk Drives, Headphones,

Keyboards , Optical Mouse, DVD players.

Photovoltaic Cells- Crystalline Sillicon Cells & modules

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Values for MBIL employees-

Honesty, Empathy, Integrity, Commitment, Edge, Accountability, Celebration,

Motivation, Safety & Pursuit of excellence.

IMS at Moserbaer



Satisfy customer needs

Complying with regulations

Meeting environment objectives

5S followed in Moserbaer

It is a series of steps taken for ensuring proper organization neatness, cleanliness,

standardization and discipline in company’s housekeeping and workplace

management practices.

1. SEIRI(Short)

2. SEITON(Set)

3. SEIKETSU(Shine)

4. SHITSUKE(Standardisation)

5. SHITSUKE(Susatin)

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Any organization that would like to be dynamic and growth oriented has to pay

attention to development of its human resource. People working in the

organization must be helped to pay attention to the development of its human

resource. People working in the organization must be helped to acquire

capablilities for effective performance of new roles/functions/tasks that may arise

in the process of company’s growth and change in the environment. MBIL

endeavour’s to nurture environment , training, job progession, recreation etc to

ensure that they have a fruitful and mutually beneficial association with the


HR Goals

Improve employee engagement across the organization

Maintaining industrial harmony

To ensure that compensation, carrer growth and future path are

performance driven

To see to it that employee suggestions are forthcoming and frank, with the

organization giving it a clear ear and acting on wherever necessary


The HR department of MoserBaer has many tentacles. I will give in brief

about each thought I would like to make clear that MoserBaer India Limited

Human Resource.

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Department wise sub-division

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Recruitment is a dynamic and very much required as far as any organization

is concerned and MoserBaer tries to take the best candidates out of the

numerous employees’ curriculum vitae.

The recruitment process of MoserBaer happens by three modes either

from Naukri.com, through Walk-in or through employee referrals but all

have to go to through strict procedure. But as now company has surplus

manpower so its not recruiting candidates.

The recruitment happens at all levels from the level of DET to Engineer,

Managers, General Managers etc. HR executives look after the recruitment

process. And the department head takes the main interview, HR executives

need to maintain a MIS for the process as the top management is aware

regarding the same. Current situation of Moserbaer says that they have

manpower in excess so currently they don’t recruit employees.


This team takes care of the performance appraisal of the employee it is

very important as this is the team which finds whatever training and

appraisals increments and promotion has to be given to the particular

employee it maintains all the database as well has complete authorization.

The entire process is looked after by them. This is important as people can

never be satisfied with their salary as well as the position so with the

performance they are promoted or given increment so they work in the

present organization. Even the employees are given production incentive

by which they feel very motivated as their salary keeps on increasing

annually according to their performance.

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MIS is short for management information system or management information services. Management information system, or MIS, broadly refers to a computer-based system that provides managers with the tools to organize, evaluate and efficiently manage departments within an organization. In order to provide past, present and prediction information, a management information system can include software that helps in decision making, data resources such as databases, the hardware resources of a system, decision support systems, people management and project management applications, and any computerized processes that enable the department to run efficiently.

The role of the management information system (MIS) manager is to focus

on the organization's information and technology systems. The MIS

manager typically analyzes business problems and then designs and

maintains computer applications to solve the organization's problems.

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Manpower Budget

Manpower Budget is approved by the business/ plant head and the

requirement for the manpower is catered through annual budget. There is

specific manpower budget for each and every department in the


Manpower Budget In MBIL

It forecasts following:

Additional number of manpower requirement

Additional number of lines required in plant for budgeted production

Grades of manpower employed

Slabs of manpower employed

Manpower on roll or tempraray

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Role & Functions of ER

Maintaining Harmonious relations with Internal & External Stakeholders.

Employees Grievance Redressal

Discipline Management Check & Balance Pressure Groups Liaison with Government Authorities / District Administration Vigilance & preventive actions for possible IR situations. Employees Engagement Initiatives. To provide effective Communication Forums, to record & resolve issues

proactively. Statutory Compliances Handling Legal Cases

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Managing Internal Environment

Business & Information Sharing

1. Open House by Senior Leadership Team

2. Plant Open House

Communication Forums

1. Communication Meetings

2. Cafeteria Committee Meeting

3. Transport Committee Meeting

4. Plant Safety Committee Meeting

5. Sports Committee Meeting

6. Town Hall Meetings

Grievance Redressal Mechanism

1. HR Helpdesk 2. Live Helpdesk 3. Global Helpdesk 4. Kiosks on Shop Floor 5. Query Window at Time Office 6. Know Your Policy Programs 7. Grievance Redressal Procedure

Associates Interface

1. Moser Baer Intranet Portal

2. Moser Baer Rainbow

3. Team News Boards

4. Panorama Advisory Board

5. Anti Harassment Committee

6. Corporate Business News

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Bonding with Families

1. Family Visit to Plant

2. Meritorious Children Award

3. Girl Child Scholarship Award

4. Attending Happy & Sad Occasions

5. Family Health Checkup Camps

6. Wedding Gift with Congratulation Letter

7. Employees & Families Get-together

Managing External Environment & related stake-holders

1. Networking with Industries in Vicinity

2. Close Vigilance of Industrial Unrest/Agitation in the Vicinity.

3. Tracking existence of Trade Unions in Vicinity

4. Studying & gathering inputs from IR History of vicinity

5. Scheduled interaction with IR Officials of industries in vicinity

6. Share-in & Share-out of the IR information with neighbouring industries.

7. Due support to vicinity industries in critical situations.

8. Studying IR Potential threats & taking preventive measures

9. Identifying areas of Disharmony & acting proactively

10. Maintaining laision with influential Political Leaders

11. Close vigilance on changing Political Scenario in the State & local.

12. Attending “Udyog Bandhu” Meetings regularly.

13. Capturing News on changing Administrative Scenario

14. Liaison with all Govt. Officials & other Administrative Authorities

15. Compliance to Laws of the Land.

16. CSR Initiatives.

17. Blood Donation Camps.

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Objective of R&R:

To create an environment where people strive from within to excel in

meeting their stake-holders expectation.

To build a performance culture driven by team work, process and

systems that can be sustained over a long period of time.

To build a culture of appreciation within MBIL.

The Key Drivers

Reward Schemes

Eligibility Frequency

Achieving Excellence

Employee of the month

Up to Sr. Engineer/Sr. Officer Level


Employee of the Year

Upto Sr. Engineer/Sr. Officer Level


Achiever’s Award

AM – Mgr Level who have gone

through at least one appraisal cycle


Outstanding Manager

of the Year Sr. Managers – DGM Annual, June

Innovation Suggestion

scheme All Employees

Quarterly, Starting Jan

every quarter.

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Innovation Award

All Employees Annual, August

Business Leadership, Team Work

Quest For Excellence

All completed projects utilizing six sigma


Annual, August

Team Work

Appreciation Award

All Employees Annual , March

On the Spot Award

All employees up to Mgr Level

Anytime (on the spot)

MBIL Values TIPS All roll employees Half Yearly

Longevity Service Award All employees Annual, Jan


Learning & Development- Training

We are a company that has a number of pioneering credits to its name-HD,

DVDs and blue-laser discs standards being the more recent successes that

we have had on a global scale. We now intend to create history in the fast

emerging field of solar energy and photovoltaic. Being at the cutting edge

and having created international standards, we would know these

technologies inside out. Thus, we believe comprehensive and high quality

training is critical to maintain our leadership status. On a continuous basis,

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our people undergo a series of training programs that encompass technical

and functional training, behavior skills and other Management

Development programs. This department looks after different types of

training happening in MoserBaer India Limited.

Training is the most important function that directly contributes to the

development of human resources. Training is essential because technology

is developing continuously and at a fast rate. Organisation should create

conditions in which people acquire new knowledge & skills & develop

healthy patterns of behavior and style.

The different types of training involves-

Mandatory Training

Behavioral Training

Process improvement Training

Functional Training

There are more than 200 types of training programs that happen in this


These are some part of training-

Mandatory Training- It includes induction of employees as well as UST, Integrated

management system, vision, mission & values.

Behavioural Training- It includes staying ahead , motivational training, behavior,

communication, team work etc

Process Improvement- It includes kaizen, Six sigma, 5s, TQM.

Functional Training- It includes Microsoft Excel, CDR etc.

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Provident Fund

A compulsory, government-managed retirement savings scheme used in

India, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Mexico and other countries that is similar

to the United States Social Security program. It is run by a government for the

benefit of its citizens. A provident fund is a form of social safety net into which

workers must contribute a portion of their salaries and employers must

contribute on behalf of their workers. The money in the fund is then paid out to

retirees, or in some cases to the disabled who cannot work.

Form 19- Withdrawl

Form 10C- Pension

Form 31- Advance Withdrawl

Form F- Gratuity

Form 5- Declaration

Form 2- Nomination

Form 13- PF Transfer

Form 19 & 10C- Resign 2 months later(LWD)

Form 13- Transfer

Form 31- Advance PF

Cases for provident fund

(i) Purchase of property- Form 31+ Declaration+ Proof of property

Eligibility- 5 years of service

Amount- 80-90%

(ii) Marriage- Form 31+ Proof of marriage

Eligibility- Minimum 7 years of service .

Amount- 50%

(iii) Severe Illness- Form 31+ Medical Paper

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This department teams looks after the attendance of all the employees working in

the plant. Secondly it solves all the issues related to the same and also takes care

of all the grievances regarding the leaves applicable to the employees whether it

is sick leave or casual leave or earned leave.

It also looks after and maintains the compensation record of the employees, theit

employee provident fund, pension scheme, employee state insurance- sickness,

maternity and employee injury benefits.


MBIL also has an organization-wide 'TIPS for Success' reward scheme to recognize

individuals who uphold Moser Baer Values and become 'ambassadors of the

organisation. So far 15 such people have been awarded and their success stories

shared with people through Intranet, magazines etc. We have a 360 degree

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leadership survey for all our senior management employees which has specific

questions on Values. This is an index that helps us to measure the value alignment

of our senior management employees. The organization demonstrates significant

strength across all values and particularly on the value of 'Integrity' with a score of

3.22 on a scale of 4 It is also a part of our Performance Management System and

the values assessment has a bearing on any decision that is taken as an outcome

of PMS exercise. While these practices encourage employees to adhere to values,

we also take strict action on any value violation to send a strong message to the


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I joined Moserbaer on 19oct for a week’s training, from the very first day I feel a

great experience their, each and every person was very cooperative friendly and

helping in nature. I found there a great working environment and new innovative

work styles. I met with lot of effective persons who really motivated me to be

successful and effective in life. I really appreciate the system of Moserbaer in any

work life from entry to exit. Cafeteria to work place every place is very systematic

and well equipped.


