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MOTHER! LOOKAT CHILD'S TONGUE UNDERLYING · I-Janea, senior deacon; ... Dudley Brown, Petway Aaron,...

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COLD HITHER HALTS i GHEIIES IN EMPORIA : Subscription Dance on Tuesday Night Is h'njoyed by iMetnbers of Younger Set. w is doing at home Miss Gladys Virginia Cochran lie- comes Rrlde of Charles Hartley Halter.Masons Elect Officers for Hnsuiug Term. IMpeelal to The Times-Dispatch. ] CMPOKIA. VA., January 5..The un¬ usually eolil weather lias made social life here sotneWh.it dull during the pant w«cl(. A subscription dance given by the boys in Odd Fellows' Hall Tuesday night was a function enjoyed by the .voting people. The figures were led by Jack Sea¬ born. UwiOthK with .Miss Rose Friend, .<t Petersburg, and F. C. Slate, with Miss Joliff, also of Petersburg. A <julel marriage, with only the members of the immediate families present, was solemnized In tho home of Mr. and Mrs. ft. J. Cochran on Wed¬ nesday. when their daughter, Gladys Virginia, became the bride of Charles Hartley Baker. RcV. It. F. Staples, of the Baptist church, performed tho ceremony. After a trip to New Vork and other points North, they will be it home In Kmporla. A linen shower for Miss Cochran was given on Monday by Miss Marlon Baker at her home in Peachtree Street. Punch was served by Misses Crouch and Webb. Those present were: Misses Bertha Green, Ruth Waters, I^oulso Barham. Dora Bailey. Mary Rawles, Grace Poole, Mabel Cato, Alice Howe. CMIta Hastings, Anna Barham, Bettie IjOo. Carlotta Peebles, Mrs. A. J. Hlate, Mrs. It. T. McNalr. Mrs. J. 8. Wren. Mrs. William J. Oliver, Mrs. R. T. Barham and Mrs. L. M. Lee. A light luncheon course wan served. On December 27 Widow's Son Lodge. A. F. &t A. M.. celebrated the anniver¬ sary of St. John and held the annual election of ofliccrs. The following were nxrued. W. C. Davis, worshipful mas¬ ter; Thomas H. Sharp, senior warden; Fltz L. Palmer. Junior warden; K. K. I-Janea, senior deacon; A. F. Dodd. Ju¬ nior deacon; A. J. Daughtry, treasurer; W. W. Robertson. secretary. Owing to war conditions, no banquet was served. Miss Rulli Taylor, of Richmond, who has been visiting relatives h<-re. will leave for New York on January 15 and Will later sail with Dr. McGuire's hos¬ pital unit for France. Mrs. Anne Wear Smith Is visiting relatives in BlueheUl and Itoanoke. Bad weather has Interfered to soma extent with the Red Cross membership campaign, btit the service flag Is dis¬ played in many windows. The gram¬ mar school, with Henrietta Beman. as chairman, made a nice contribution to the fund and ordered the magazine for liie school library. Blount Goodwyn, Gordon Vincent and Willie Hquire. of the navy, spent a short time at home recently. The teachers of the public echool, «Mio went away for the holidays, have returned, but the school is closed, on account of frozen pipes. Among the students who have re¬ turned to their respective schools, are: Flornoy Tllinr. to Warhlngton and Lee: Gordon IX.ihtliigr. to the University of Virginia; Cooper Bailey and I'Anson Grlzzard, to Virginia Polytechnic Insti¬ tute; Pilcr Weaver, to Front Iloyal; Misses Mabel Cato ar.fi Charlotta Pee¬ bles, to Sweet Briar; MIffos Mary ahd Marjory Raw to Itandolph-Macon Woman's Cdll^g*. and M'.fs Kllzabetli Taylor, to C'hntham Mrs. FT 11. Taylor nnd Mias Blizabeth Taylor wrc visitors to Richmond Monday. Miss Martha Rob» rtson. w ho spent the holidn.\s hi Amherst. Iian returned to b'inporia. After spending Chrlstnfap with her mother, Mr.;. B. Turner. Mrs. Lucy Wilson Luke went to New Viorlc for a brief visit. BOIsT AIR*" [Special to The Times-Dispatch BON AIR. VA., January 6.-.One of the pleasant features of tho holiday season here was the New Year's dance held at the pavilion. The chaperons were Mr. and Mrs. Marve, Mr. and Mrs. Bulllngton. .Mr. nnd Mrs. Bas.-mr, Mr. and Mrs. Wherry, Mr. and ?.lrs. Holderbv and Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson. Among the young people present were Mfcses alary Bullihgton, Mary and Vir¬ ginia Cox, of Richmond; Miriam Lecliy, of Richmond; Alexander, Louise Wins¬ ton. of Richmond; Mary Ferguson. Julia Wherry, Frances Daird and Finck. Mao Pitt, Tom Miller. Dudley Brown, Petway Aaron, Henry Wluston. of Rich¬ mond; Ned Holderbv, Burton and Kd- ward Marye. Holt Bulllngton. Purccll Vaden, of Richmond, and Yschaner Watklns, of Dry Bridge. Fruit punch, coffee and sandwiches were served, and the evening vrao much enjoyed by all. Miss Florence Jones returned Mon¬ day from Buckner, Va. where she spent the holiday- with her cousin, B. G. Jones. Miss Mary Fcrgueon has returned to the Farmville Normal School, after spending the holidays at her home here. Misses Virginia Cox, Douiso Winston and Alexander were gueste recently of Miss Mary Bullington. Miss Floren.-e Kirtland. who has been Expressions of Admiration are voiced whenever a lover of the unusual views the. wonderful collection of rare antiques, reprodac¬ tions, objects of art, etc., displayed here. If you hare not visited us, cofne in and let's get acquainted. lOH N; 3.^RlCHMOiiO.V*: Tl.O Valentine CCo! L ^ ANTIQUE S i i O. visit In it her brother, Alfred KlrtUnd, 1 boa returned to Washington. Mls« Mary Dullln(ton and Miss Julia Wharry have left to resume thetr studies at llolllns College and Sweet llriar. Burton M&rye has returned to the Virginia Polytechnic Institute. Mr#. Robert Oridgeforth has returned from a visit to Mrs. Joseph Sadler, of Forest Hill. A watch night service was held at the Methodist parsonage on the last night of the old year. ARVONIA I Special to The Tlmes-DlHpatch.] A It VON I A. VA.. January 6..John W. Pierce. formerly of this place, more re«. ccntly of Newport Ncw«, spent Christ¬ inas here with l*!s mother, Mrs. l*hllt|> Jones. Miss Edith Marie Wilson, after a visit of ten days'at Hear Garden, New Can¬ ton, has returned to llollina College to resume her studies. Colonel Albert J. Terrell, member of the State prison board, was a visitor in Richmond this week. M!kB France* Brlggs, of Seottsvllle, recently paid a visit to the Misses Pitts, at "Bellevue." this place. Rev. Stanley While recently passed here on his way to Ilowardfiville, Va_, where he formerly preached, and where he went to visit friends and former parishioners. His home Is now »l Roa- tioke Ilaplds, N. C. D. Livingstone Pierce, of South Caro- Una, epent Christmas here at his old home. Miss Fannie Hasklns and John Has- kins, of nucklhgham, Were recent vlsi- tors at the home of Dr. and Mr?, Per- kinfi Glover. Mrs. Joe! Hannah, formerly Miss Winnie Pitts, who spent the holidays here at her old home, returned «.n Thursday of this woek to Cass, W. Va. J The young people of the vicinity cave | o dance at the Masonic Hall on Tues¬ day night of this week. Mrs. A. L. Pitts and Miss Klizabeth Pitta were recent visitors In Seotts¬ ville. Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Roberts spent ChrlstrnaH Day with the latter's father and sitters In Farnivllle. . Miss Gertrude Pierce, a student at Harrisonburg, who spent Christmas wlt.h her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Pierfce, has returned to h«-r school duties. The Arvorila High School resumed work on WodiiftidRy tf this week, all the teachers and many of the pupils '¦."ins in place for the br^innlng of lho nr-w year. II u n t r M. DnVal, United Stat<*? Army, lias returned to Cheyenne. Wyn. where he Is In a training camp. HEATHSVILLE [Special to The TlmM-Dispatrh ! HRAT1I8VILLE. VA.. January 5..Mr. and Mrs. J. Ilarpor Brent and HI Hunst. of Richmond. and Will S Brent. of ¦ *huckatuck. who have h'en vlalting nf'ur Heathsvlll*, left fir home by nu- tomoblle. via Fredericlfshurg. Tuesday. 1 »r. Meade S. Hrent. of Petersburg. \v n s also a visitor h«ro during the holidays. Miss S'e'tine nice has returned to Kri'dwicki'burg' Normal School, and Laurence Brrrst to It^'-dsvillo High School. Miss Marr.le Ptonehain. who spent the holidays at Motiask«vn. hss re¬ turned to i leathsville. Mr. and Mrs. Asa S. P.i.e and son. Rudolph, ham returned from a recent trip to Baltimore and Wa*hlnjfton. Senator C. Harding Walker returned this wirl! from a trip to Charlottes¬ ville and oilier points. Mr. and Mrs. decree Walker and little daughter. Eleanor. of "Poplar Plain." spent a portion of the holidays with Senator and Mrs. C. Hnrding Walker. Tiie dance at Wicomico was pro¬ nounced a charming alTair and perfect ?-.uccers. Numbers from different parts . .f the county were present, and danc¬ ing continued until a late hour. Those in attendance from Heathsville were Mrs. Randolph S. Brent, Misses Sarah Randolph Brent and Kathryne Nclms. Dr. Fred D. Hr<>nt anil I.aurenco Hrent. Harry I-.ee stone ham. of Lancaster, has been honorably discharged from CWmp J <c« on account of his health. | Waylan'd Dawson, of Accomac. is visiting his parent:* near Hcathsville. Andrew Lewis. Walnut l'oltit. and Earl Puscy, Hcatliflville. loft f'»r Mlch- j mond Monday. Mrc. H. 11. 1*. Hubbard and children, of White Stone, are gests of her mother. Mrn. Lloyd T. Smith, at "Sun- nyslde." | T. J. Downing and J. T. llazzard to Itlchmond this week. SUFFOLK [Special to The Tlmcs-Dlspatch.] SUPKobK, VA.. January 5..Lieuten¬ ant lr\ltiK Truitt. of Chickamauga i Park. is tlie guest of his parents. Mr. and Mrr. Irving Truitt, near Suffolk. | Dr. and .Mr*. William 1?. McCall, of LaCrange. tJa., nro guests of Mr. and Mrs. l-'Ioyd liradshaw. Miss Mattlo Williamson, of Wash- ! ington, is visltltiff her sister, Mrs. Jessie Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Krank Selig, of Nor- folk, and 10. hlnwood Lehman. of the University of Virginia. arc spending the holidays with Mr. and Mr*. Nathan Lehman. 1 Lieutenant 1,. Pretlow Holland left Thursday for his post at Kdccwood. Md. It. II. Allen, who left last week to spend the holidays with his son, Bols- scau Allen, arrived at home Sunday nifcht from Annlston. i Mrs. Harold lludgins. who «pent j Christmas with her husband at Camp McClellan. Anniston, Ala., arrived at horn# Monday. Alma Briggs entertained a number of her little friends Saturday after¬ noon at her home on Washington Street in honor of her fourth birthday. «\ Klrkpatrick, who has been in charge of the Chamber of Commerce work in Suffolk, left Monday for New York. W. Elam left Monday for Norfolk. Lawrence H*ve« Is the gu«»st <>f Suf¬ folk relatives. Sidney Maxcy, of Norfolk, in the guest of Suffolk friends. Mrs. Mora Rollins, of Suffolk, has returned from a visit to Smlthflehl. PichardBon Joyner. who has been ! spending the holidays in Suffolk, ro- turned Tuesday to Bultimore to resume Ills studies. Mtss Mary Stalllngs, who has been in Suffolk for the holidays, will re¬ turn to Harrisonburg Normal School Wednesday for the remainder of the pension. Mr. nnd Mrs. M. T. Elliott left on Monday for New York City to attend th»> automobile show. Mr. an<l Mrs. Hampton have returned from a visit to Water Lily, N. C. Miss Cora Chapman, of Smithfield. left Tuesday for a visit to Norfolk. Miss Hebl<* Moyker, of Franklin, who has been visiting Mrs. James L. Mc- I."tnfrr. has returned to her h'-rne. DURHAM {Special to The Times-Dispatch.1 i Dl'ItHAM, N. January 5..Mrs. j Mory Toms wns hostess to a number ' of her young friends Tuesday evening at the home of hir parents. Mr. and Mm. W. Toms. Music was furnished during the evening by the Bryant trio. Complimentary to Miss Clarence Winder, of Elizabeth City, N. C., gu^st of Miss Martha Adams. Miss Lilly Ncl- fron Mason entertained Tuesday after¬ noon at a knitting party at the heme of her parents. Mr. and Mrs, J. K. Mason, on Chapel Hill Street. Miss Catherine Baker. of Jackson- v|ll«\ l'la.. is the guest of Mies Annie j Cobb, on Morehead Heights. Mrs. Elizabeth Jones has returned ;frorn a visit of several weeks to Nor- folk. Mlra Patlie Knight, who has been visiting Miss Martha Latham, In Dan- vine, ha? returned to her home in Dur¬ ham. Miss Margaret Louise Carr enter¬ tained a number of her friends at a very delightful dance Monday even¬ ing from S:20 to 12 fit the home of her parents. Mr. and Mr*. J. S. Carr. j Jr. A salad cour:-e was served. Mr. and Mis. <}. C. Bolsseau. who have been the guests of Mr. and Mr*. P. L. Baldwin, on VickTS Avenue, have re¬ turned to their home In Lawrenceville. li. L. Baldwin Is on a visit to Itoanoke. Captain E. If. Miller, of the t'nlver- MOTHER! LOOKAT YOUR CHILD'S TONGUE I j Give "California Syrup of Figs" If Cross, Feverish Sick, Bilious, Constipated.They love it I Watch Children Now! Guard Against Colds, Grippe: Sore Throat and Sickness by Keeping Liver and Bowels Free from Poisons A laxative to-day Bavcs'a sick'child i to-morrow. Children simply will not tako. the time from play to empty theif bowels, which becomo clogged up with waste, liver aets Bluceish; stom¬ ach sour. Look at the tongue, mother! Tf coated. or your child la listless, cross, feverish, breath bad, restless, doesn't cut heartily, full of cold or has the grippe or a soro throat or any other children's ailmeht, give a tcaspOOnful of "California Syrup of Flos-'." then don't worry, bccauso It is perfectly hartnlcns. and in a few hours all this constipation poison, sour bile and fer- nentlng "waste will gently move out of tlio bowels, and you have a well, playful child again. A thorough "in¬ side cleansing" is ofttimes all that la necessary. It should be the first treat¬ ment given In any sickness. Beware of counterfeit fig ayrupa. Ask your druggist for a bottle of "California Syrup of Fifes," which has full directions for babies, children of all ages and for grown-ups plainly printed on the bottle. See that it Is made by tho "California Fig Syrup Company." Don't merely ask for Syrup of Figs, but ask for "California Syrup of Fine." Remember, "Califor¬ nia.".Adv. slty of Virginia hospital unit, who ha* born vlr.it inn at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. II. It. I.yon, ha« returned to his homo In Danville. Mr. and Mr?. William I-onr:. of Phila- delphla, who have be#»n spending the holidays with T. IV Kulle- Mrs. Long's brother, have returned home. Mr. and Mrs. \V. A. Erwln. Mis# Sfcrah Krwin, Mrs. Hamilton A. Jone« and littlo son. Hamilton, ill., hare gonft to St. Petersburg. Kla., where thi?y will spend the rest of the winter. Mrs. J. It. Mason and little son are in Baltimore. the fruests of Mm. Mason's mother, Mrs. Shatter. Miss Quelle Bahlwin has returned from Kartnville, where she was the maid of honor at the wedding of her sister. Miss Mary Baldwin, to Ur, A. M. Bvtium, of Richmond, which took place on December il. f.he in now the guest of her brother, R. L Baldwin, la this iclly' , Miss Valinda Illll entertained Thurs¬ day afternoon at th«> home of her parents, Mr. and Mrn. .lohn Hprunt Hill, on Duke Street. A ai*-course luncheon was served. Mrs. Ij. A. Tonilinson. on Duke Street, j has as h«vr Burst Mrs. W. P. Whltaker, of Wilson; Mrs. W. I-J. Woathefly. of Baltimore, and Mrs. Carroll, of Raleigh. Miss IClsie Lloyd lias returned fron\ Petersburg, where she has been the g 'lest of her uncle. Uufus I*ee. MANASSAS Imperial to The Times-Dispatch.] MANASSAS, VA.. January B.-Mf#. W. Fewell Merchant and her young son. John Holt Merchant, have been vledt- Ine Captain Men hnnt, at Camp Lee. *nd relatives in lllchinond and Chattanooga. Tenn. Miss "Willette Myers spent the week In Petersburg, wiiere she was the guest of her brother and s:ster-in-!aw, Rev. and Mrs. ilarwooij 1'. Myers. M'.sa Kloise Armistead Glddtng*. of Manassas, and Miss Maud Giddinirs, of Germantown. Md., have been guests at the honn; oT Mrs. Charles <5. Glddingp. of LeosburR. Richard C. Haydon. of Hound Hill, Loudoun County, spent the week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Haydon. Serjeant George C. I..yon. of Camp Hancock. On., has been viBitihg his parents. Mr. and Mrs. George T. Lyon. Mi. and Mrs Albert MofTett Crlglel*. I of Baltimore. were recent geusts of Mrs. i Crigler'.i brother and elster-ln-law, Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Waters. Miss Mary Scott ha.s been visiting In Amherst County. Mi?.! Fugenia >1. Osbourn hah re¬ turned from a hhort stay in Baltimore. Malcolm S. Kelley, of Harrisburg. Pa., was the recent truest of his brother and sister. Rev. Alford Kelley and Miss Isabel Kelley, at the manse, en route to Tampa, Fla., and Havana. Mrs. S. S. Simpson, of Hopewell, has b»en visiting her mother and sister. Mr*. Hftt tie Harrison And M18S Lucy Harrison. Paul I . William*, United States Army, of Hnttl«»sburar. Miss., has been the Kiiem of hi* parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ij. JI. Williams. WEST POINT {Special to The Times-Dispatch.1 WEST POINT, VA., January 6..Mrs. J. Ij. Bland entertained the Auction Bridge Club on Thursday aftefttooni Presiding fclder Kihley CJayle. of the Rappahannock district, has appointed Rev. Mr. Balderson. of Urbftnna. to take the place In the local Mcthodlot Church made vacant by the death of the pastor. Mev. J. W. S. noblns. Charles Todd Bagby. III., spent the week-end In Baltimore, the fruest of Harry Baker. NORWOOD (Special to Tne Times-Dispatch ] NORWOOD. VA., January 5..On Wednesday last the episcopal Sunday School gave a Christmas tree party at Christ Church. Rev. Frank Messlck. the rector, was present and gave a talk j to tlie children. The Red Cross Society rave a dance in the Town Hall on Thufsdny night. In which the t?um of 138 was realized. I Miss Anee Cabell, of Aletapdrla, spent the holidays at the "Norwood House." the homo of her parents here. She re¬ turned on Monday last to her school in Washlhgton. Mr. and Mrs. Suddath. of Richmond, after spending a few days with Mrs. T. B. Denton, have returned to their home. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Scruggs and chll- | dren. Who have spent some time in Run- *mmmsswwwa Send Her Only the Best.Flow¬ ers "of Guaran¬ teed Freshness " Hammond .< <Z7ie SouthV Oreit FloTist. 'ZH.Mad sell County, have returned to their: home here. Mrs. It. Q. Youn# wan a week-end visitor in Lynchburg. Mre. B. K. Or? and Miss Lillian Golla- day. of BufTalo, Saturday spent New Year'a Day la the home of Mr. and Mrs.. Oeortre W. Melton. Mr. and MH». Joseph Harford and children, of Sabot* spent Christmas with Mrs. F*nnle Harfofd fcnd Mrs. T. H.; Kltfd. Mr. and Mrt. Curtlii Bolton, of Ohio. were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. 8. It. Bolton last week. John Dixon, of Newport News, is with his family here. Marl Bnnton, of the navy, reached here on Monday lust. Mrs. Georfe TV. Cabell Is vlsltlnr In Salem. j Miss Bertha Dolen, after spending the werk of ChriPtnins at "Sunhyside," her hom# here, has returned to Charlotte vllle and taken ui> her school d'utt4t7 Mr. and Mrs. fainter and children, Glascow, are with Mr. and Mrs. Q. Melton. I \V. A. Dolen. of West Virginia, and 8nm Dolen vinlted their home her* last week. Mortimer Cabell, of Detroit, Mlcfc., after spendln* a week at hi# home h»r%, returned oil Monday last. Aylett Callaway. Dr. and Mr#. PutnO and Miss Clarence (Jarlan spent lift4 week at "C.lenmdre," the horri# of Df, O. C. Callaway. The Mtssei llorsley, of Midway Mills, nnd Tom Graves, of Westliam, h&vfe/ turned to their homes aftftr visiting Mrs. John Dixon. Mian Ijila Somerrllle, ®f Lynchbtiffc, spent the week at "Montezuma," l{%( hom*> here. Advance Announcement! INCREASE IN PRICES ON AND AFTBR Monday, February 4, 1918 noo voMnsiiFT consuls. to. m. as. m m trntm. MjM. tHH to ADTANCMJ Ml o nrup.aiBDtKSNti coiurtfrs. w.. «*. Mtr KM, wM be AOVANCBO I '.Fir >15 roc/ W57BT AM Ooe4 ¦SBQ^SBBBBS IjOO *1jBO 'SilverGrain Spruced ?/ 'W PS 41 IH i i V. 1 'i«a SiLe* ¦£*1 .? .V ; v. ; J*1 ¦/"' UNDERLYING the design and construction of all musical instruments lis certain funda¬ mental laws, mastery of which is achieved solely with maturity of experience. To seek the evolution of any musical instrument with but lim¬ ited knowledge of these laws and their devious applications is but to toss from wave to wave upon the sea of Experiment. Before the Starr Phonograph came into being, nearly five decades of evolving the world's highest quality pianos had ripened the understanding of basic music laws in the vast Starr workshops. That is the reason the Starr's "Singing Throat" and Sounding Board Horn, the tone chambers, are made of well-seasoned Silver Grain Spruce. Hence the "Dif¬ ference in the Tone." Prom scientifically constructed Sound Box to a beautiful piano finish the Starr has been created a master¬ piece and has attained distinction of leadership With which the ma¬ turity of Starr musical knowledge could not help but endow. PHONOGRAPH CO. Factory Distributor, 220 N- SECOND STREET, Richmond, Va. STYLE Yin Ten ptbtr A en otuer | tetbUMItjrttt
Page 1: MOTHER! LOOKAT CHILD'S TONGUE UNDERLYING · I-Janea, senior deacon; ... Dudley Brown, Petway Aaron, Henry Wluston. of Rich ... to resume her studies. Colonel Albert J. Terrell, member



Subscription Dance on Tuesday NightIs h'njoyed by iMetnbers of

Younger Set.

w is doing at home

Miss Gladys Virginia Cochran lie-comes Rrlde of Charles HartleyHalter.Masons Elect Officers forHnsuiug Term.

IMpeelal to The Times-Dispatch. ]CMPOKIA. VA., January 5..The un¬

usually eolil weather lias made sociallife here sotneWh.it dull during the pantw«cl(. A subscription dance given bythe boys in Odd Fellows' Hall Tuesdaynight was a function enjoyed by the.voting people.The figures were led by Jack Sea¬

born. UwiOthK with .Miss Rose Friend,.<t Petersburg, and F. C. Slate, withMiss Joliff, also of Petersburg.A <julel marriage, with only the

members of the immediate familiespresent, was solemnized In tho homeof Mr. and Mrs. ft. J. Cochran on Wed¬nesday. when their daughter, GladysVirginia, became the bride of CharlesHartley Baker. RcV. It. F. Staples,of the Baptist church, performed thoceremony. After a trip to New Vorkand other points North, they will beit home In Kmporla.A linen shower for Miss Cochran

was given on Monday by Miss MarlonBaker at her home in Peachtree Street.Punch was served by Misses Crouchand Webb. Those present were: MissesBertha Green, Ruth Waters, I^oulsoBarham. Dora Bailey. Mary Rawles,Grace Poole, Mabel Cato, Alice Howe.CMIta Hastings, Anna Barham, BettieIjOo. Carlotta Peebles, Mrs. A. J. Hlate,Mrs. It. T. McNalr. Mrs. J. 8. Wren. Mrs.William J. Oliver, Mrs. R. T. Barhamand Mrs. L. M. Lee. A light luncheoncourse wan served.On December 27 Widow's Son Lodge.

A. F. &t A. M.. celebrated the anniver¬sary of St. John and held the annualelection of ofliccrs. The following werenxrued. W. C. Davis, worshipful mas¬ter; Thomas H. Sharp, senior warden;Fltz L. Palmer. Junior warden; K. K.I-Janea, senior deacon; A. F. Dodd. Ju¬nior deacon; A. J. Daughtry, treasurer;W. W. Robertson. secretary. Owing towar conditions, no banquet was served.

Miss Rulli Taylor, of Richmond, whohas been visiting relatives h<-re. willleave for New York on January 15 andWill later sail with Dr. McGuire's hos¬pital unit for France.

Mrs. Anne Wear Smith Is visitingrelatives in BlueheUl and Itoanoke.Bad weather has Interfered to soma

extent with the Red Cross membershipcampaign, btit the service flag Is dis¬played in many windows. The gram¬mar school, with Henrietta Beman. aschairman, made a nice contribution tothe fund and ordered the magazine forliie school library.Blount Goodwyn, Gordon Vincent and

Willie Hquire. of the navy, spent ashort time at home recently.The teachers of the public echool,

«Mio went away for the holidays, havereturned, but the school is closed, onaccount of frozen pipes.Among the students who have re¬

turned to their respective schools, are:Flornoy Tllinr. to Warhlngton andLee: Gordon IX.ihtliigr. to the Universityof Virginia; Cooper Bailey and I'AnsonGrlzzard, to Virginia Polytechnic Insti¬tute; Pilcr Weaver, to Front Iloyal;Misses Mabel Cato ar.fi Charlotta Pee¬bles, to Sweet Briar; MIffos Mary ahdMarjory Raw to Itandolph-MaconWoman's Cdll^g*. and M'.fs KllzabetliTaylor, to C'hntham

Mrs. FT 11. Taylor nnd Mias BlizabethTaylor wrc visitors to RichmondMonday.Miss Martha Rob» rtson. w ho spent

the holidn.\s hi Amherst. Iian returnedto b'inporia.

After spending Chrlstnfap with hermother, Mr.;. B. Turner. Mrs. LucyWilson Luke went to New Viorlc fora brief visit.

BOIsT AIR*"[Special to The Times-Dispatch

BON AIR. VA., January 6.-.One ofthe pleasant features of tho holidayseason here was the New Year's danceheld at the pavilion. The chaperonswere Mr. and Mrs. Marve, Mr. andMrs. Bulllngton. .Mr. nnd Mrs. Bas.-mr,Mr. and Mrs. Wherry, Mr. and ?.lrs.Holderbv and Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson.Among the young people present wereMfcses alary Bullihgton, Mary and Vir¬ginia Cox, of Richmond; Miriam Lecliy,of Richmond; Alexander, Louise Wins¬ton. of Richmond; Mary Ferguson.Julia Wherry, Frances Daird and Finck.Mao Pitt, Tom Miller. Dudley Brown,Petway Aaron, Henry Wluston. of Rich¬mond; Ned Holderbv, Burton and Kd-ward Marye. Holt Bulllngton. PurccllVaden, of Richmond, and YschanerWatklns, of Dry Bridge. Fruit punch,coffee and sandwiches were served, andthe evening vrao much enjoyed by all.Miss Florence Jones returned Mon¬

day from Buckner, Va. where she spentthe holiday- with her cousin, B. G.Jones.

Miss Mary Fcrgueon has returnedto the Farmville Normal School, afterspending the holidays at her homehere.

Misses Virginia Cox, Douiso Winstonand Alexander were gueste recently ofMiss Mary Bullington.

Miss Floren.-e Kirtland. who has been


Admirationare voiced whenever a

lover of the unusual views

the. wonderful collection of

rare antiques, reprodac¬tions, objects of art, etc.,

displayed here.

If you hare not visited

us, cofne in and let's get


lOH N; 3.^RlCHMOiiO.V*:

Tl.OValentine CCo!L ^ANTIQUES i i O.

visit In it her brother, Alfred KlrtUnd, 1boa returned to Washington.

Mls« Mary Dullln(ton and Miss JuliaWharry have left to resume thetrstudies at llolllns College and Sweetllriar.Burton M&rye has returned to the

Virginia Polytechnic Institute.Mr#. Robert Oridgeforth has returned

from a visit to Mrs. Joseph Sadler, ofForest Hill.A watch night service was held at

the Methodist parsonage on the lastnight of the old year.

ARVONIAI Special to The Tlmes-DlHpatch.]A ItVON I A. VA.. January 6..John W.

Pierce. formerly of this place, more re«.ccntly of Newport Ncw«, spent Christ¬inas here with l*!s mother, Mrs. l*hllt|>Jones.

Miss Edith Marie Wilson, after a visitof ten days'at Hear Garden, New Can¬ton, has returned to llollina Collegeto resume her studies.Colonel Albert J. Terrell, member of

the State prison board, was a visitorin Richmond this week.M!kB France* Brlggs, of Seottsvllle,

recently paid a visit to the Misses Pitts,at "Bellevue." this place.

Rev. Stanley While recently passedhere on his way to Ilowardfiville, Va_,where he formerly preached, and wherehe went to visit friends and formerparishioners. His home Is now »l Roa-tioke Ilaplds, N. C.

D. Livingstone Pierce, of South Caro-Una, epent Christmas here at his oldhome.Miss Fannie Hasklns and John Has-kins, of nucklhgham, Were recent vlsi-

tors at the home of Dr. and Mr?, Per-kinfi Glover.Mrs. Joe! Hannah, formerly MissWinnie Pitts, who spent the holidayshere at her old home, returned «.nThursday of this woek to Cass, W. Va.J The young people of the vicinity cave| o dance at the Masonic Hall on Tues¬day night of this week.Mrs. A. L. Pitts and Miss KlizabethPitta were recent visitors In Seotts¬ville.Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Roberts spentChrlstrnaH Day with the latter's father

and sitters In Farnivllle. .

Miss Gertrude Pierce, a student atHarrisonburg, who spent Christmaswlt.h her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J.Pierfce, has returned to h«-r schoolduties.The Arvorila High School resumedwork on WodiiftidRy tf this week, allthe teachers and many of the pupils'¦."ins in place for the br^innlng oflho nr-w year.II u n t r M. DnVal, United Stat<*?Army, lias returned to Cheyenne. Wyn.where he Is In a training camp.

HEATHSVILLE[Special to The TlmM-Dispatrh !HRAT1I8VILLE. VA.. January 5..Mr.and Mrs. J. Ilarpor Brent and HI Hunst.of Richmond. and Will S Brent. of¦ *huckatuck. who have h'en vlaltingnf'ur Heathsvlll*, left fir home by nu-tomoblle. via Fredericlfshurg. Tuesday.1 »r. Meade S. Hrent. of Petersburg.\v n s also a visitor h«ro during theholidays.

Miss S'e'tine nice has returned toKri'dwicki'burg' Normal School, andLaurence Brrrst to It^'-dsvillo HighSchool.Miss Marr.le Ptonehain. who spentthe holidays at Motiask«vn. hss re¬turned to i leathsville.Mr. and Mrs. Asa S. P.i.e and son.Rudolph, ham returned from a recenttrip to Baltimore and Wa*hlnjfton.Senator C. Harding Walker returnedthis wirl! from a trip to Charlottes¬ville and oilier points.Mr. and Mrs. decree Walker andlittle daughter. Eleanor. of "PoplarPlain." spent a portion of the holidayswith Senator and Mrs. C. HnrdingWalker.Tiie dance at Wicomico was pro¬nounced a charming alTair and perfect?-.uccers. Numbers from different parts

. .f the county were present, and danc¬ing continued until a late hour. Thosein attendance from Heathsville wereMrs. Randolph S. Brent, Misses SarahRandolph Brent and Kathryne Nclms.Dr. Fred D. Hr<>nt anil I.aurenco Hrent.Harry I-.ee stoneham. of Lancaster,

has been honorably discharged fromCWmp J <c« on account of his health.

| Waylan'd Dawson, of Accomac. isvisiting his parent:* near Hcathsville.Andrew Lewis. Walnut l'oltit. and

Earl Puscy, Hcatliflville. loft f'»r Mlch-j mond Monday.

Mrc. H. 11. 1*. Hubbard and children,of White Stone, are gests of hermother. Mrn. Lloyd T. Smith, at "Sun-nyslde."

| T. J. Downing and J. T. llazzardto Itlchmond this week.

SUFFOLK[Special to The Tlmcs-Dlspatch.]

SUPKobK, VA.. January 5..Lieuten¬ant lr\ltiK Truitt. of Chickamaugai Park. is tlie guest of his parents. Mr.and Mrr. Irving Truitt, near Suffolk.

| Dr. and .Mr*. William 1?. McCall, ofLaCrange. tJa., nro guests of Mr. andMrs. l-'Ioyd liradshaw.Miss Mattlo Williamson, of Wash-

! ington, is visltltiff her sister, Mrs.Jessie Jones.

Mr. and Mrs. Krank Selig, of Nor-folk, and 10. hlnwood Lehman. of theUniversity of Virginia. arc spendingthe holidays with Mr. and Mr*. NathanLehman.

1 Lieutenant 1,. Pretlow Holland leftThursday for his post at Kdccwood. Md.

It. II. Allen, who left last week tospend the holidays with his son, Bols-scau Allen, arrived at home Sundaynifcht from Annlston.i Mrs. Harold lludgins. who «pentj Christmas with her husband at CampMcClellan. Anniston, Ala., arrived athorn# Monday.Alma Briggs entertained a number

of her little friends Saturday after¬noon at her home on Washington Streetin honor of her fourth birthday.

«\ Klrkpatrick, who has been incharge of the Chamber of Commercework in Suffolk, left Monday for NewYork.W. Elam left Monday for Norfolk.Lawrence H*ve« Is the gu«»st <>f Suf¬

folk relatives.Sidney Maxcy, of Norfolk, in the

guest of Suffolk friends.Mrs. Mora Rollins, of Suffolk, has

returned from a visit to Smlthflehl.PichardBon Joyner. who has been! spending the holidays in Suffolk, ro-

turned Tuesday to Bultimore to resumeIlls studies.

Mtss Mary Stalllngs, who has beenin Suffolk for the holidays, will re¬turn to Harrisonburg Normal SchoolWednesday for the remainder of thepension.

Mr. nnd Mrs. M. T. Elliott left onMonday for New York City to attendth»> automobile show.Mr. an<l Mrs. Hampton have returned

from a visit to Water Lily, N. C.Miss Cora Chapman, of Smithfield.

left Tuesday for a visit to Norfolk.Miss Hebl<* Moyker, of Franklin, who

has been visiting Mrs. James L. Mc-I."tnfrr. has returned to her h'-rne.

DURHAM{Special to The Times-Dispatch.1

i Dl'ItHAM, N. January 5..Mrs.j Mory Toms wns hostess to a number' of her young friends Tuesday eveningat the home of hir parents. Mr. andMm. W. Toms. Music was furnishedduring the evening by the Bryant trio.Complimentary to Miss Clarence

Winder, of Elizabeth City, N. C., gu^stof Miss Martha Adams. Miss Lilly Ncl-fron Mason entertained Tuesday after¬noon at a knitting party at the hemeof her parents. Mr. and Mrs, J. K.Mason, on Chapel Hill Street.Miss Catherine Baker. of Jackson-

v|ll«\ l'la.. is the guest of Mies Anniej Cobb, on Morehead Heights.

Mrs. Elizabeth Jones has returned;frorn a visit of several weeks to Nor-folk.Mlra Patlie Knight, who has been

visiting Miss Martha Latham, In Dan-vine, ha? returned to her home in Dur¬ham.Miss Margaret Louise Carr enter¬

tained a number of her friends at avery delightful dance Monday even¬ing from S:20 to 12 fit the home ofher parents. Mr. and Mr*. J. S. Carr.j Jr. A salad cour:-e was served.Mr. and Mis. <}. C. Bolsseau. who have

been the guests of Mr. and Mr*. P. L.Baldwin, on VickTS Avenue, have re¬turned to their home In Lawrenceville.li. L. Baldwin Is on a visit to Itoanoke.Captain E. If. Miller, of the t'nlver-


j Give "California Syrup of Figs" If Cross, FeverishSick, Bilious, Constipated.They love it

I Watch Children Now! Guard Against Colds, Grippe:Sore Throat and Sickness by Keeping

Liver and Bowels Free from Poisons

A laxative to-day Bavcs'a sick'child i

to-morrow. Children simply will nottako. the time from play to emptytheif bowels, which becomo clogged upwith waste, liver aets Bluceish; stom¬ach sour.

Look at the tongue, mother! Tfcoated. or your child la listless, cross,feverish, breath bad, restless, doesn'tcut heartily, full of cold or has thegrippe or a soro throat or any otherchildren's ailmeht, give a tcaspOOnfulof "California Syrup of Flos-'." thendon't worry, bccauso It is perfectlyhartnlcns. and in a few hours all thisconstipation poison, sour bile and fer-

nentlng "waste will gently move outof tlio bowels, and you have a well,playful child again. A thorough "in¬side cleansing" is ofttimes all that lanecessary. It should be the first treat¬ment given In any sickness.Beware of counterfeit fig ayrupa.Ask your druggist for a bottleof "California Syrup of Fifes," whichhas full directions for babies, children

of all ages and for grown-ups plainlyprinted on the bottle. See that it Ismade by tho "California Fig SyrupCompany." Don't merely ask forSyrup of Figs, but ask for "CaliforniaSyrup of Fine." Remember, "Califor¬nia.".Adv.

slty of Virginia hospital unit, who ha*born vlr.it inn at the homo of Mr. andMrs. II. It. I.yon, ha« returned to hishomo In Danville.

Mr. and Mr?. William I-onr:. of Phila-delphla, who have be#»n spending theholidays with T. IV Kulle- Mrs. Long'sbrother, have returned home.

Mr. and Mrs. \V. A. Erwln. Mis# SfcrahKrwin, Mrs. Hamilton A. Jone« andlittlo son. Hamilton, ill., hare gonft toSt. Petersburg. Kla., where thi?y willspend the rest of the winter.

Mrs. J. It. Mason and little son arein Baltimore. the fruests of Mm. Mason'smother, Mrs. Shatter.

Miss Quelle Bahlwin has returnedfrom Kartnville, where she was themaid of honor at the wedding of hersister. Miss Mary Baldwin, to Ur, A. M.Bvtium, of Richmond, which took placeon December il. f.he in now the guestof her brother, R. L Baldwin, la thisiclly'

,Miss Valinda Illll entertained Thurs¬day afternoon at th«> home of herparents, Mr. and Mrn. .lohn Hprunt Hill,on Duke Street. A ai*-course luncheonwas served.Mrs. Ij. A. Tonilinson. on Duke Street,j has as h«vr Burst Mrs. W. P. Whltaker,of Wilson; Mrs. W. I-J. Woathefly. ofBaltimore, and Mrs. Carroll, of Raleigh.Miss IClsie Lloyd lias returned fron\Petersburg, where she has been the

g 'lest of her uncle. Uufus I*ee.

MANASSASImperial to The Times-Dispatch.]MANASSAS, VA.. January B.-Mf#. W.Fewell Merchant and her young son.John Holt Merchant, have been vledt-Ine Captain Men hnnt, at Camp Lee. *ndrelatives in lllchinond and Chattanooga.Tenn.

Miss "Willette Myers spent the weekIn Petersburg, wiiere she was the guestof her brother and s:ster-in-!aw, Rev.and Mrs. ilarwooij 1'. Myers.M'.sa Kloise Armistead Glddtng*. ofManassas, and Miss Maud Giddinirs, ofGermantown. Md., have been guests atthe honn; oT Mrs. Charles <5. Glddingp.of LeosburR.Richard C. Haydon. of Hound Hill,Loudoun County, spent the week withhis parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Haydon.Serjeant George C. I..yon. of CampHancock. On., has been viBitihg his

parents. Mr. and Mrs. George T. Lyon.Mi. and Mrs Albert MofTett Crlglel*.I of Baltimore. were recent geusts of Mrs.i Crigler'.i brother and elster-ln-law, Mr.and Mrs. O. D. Waters.Miss Mary Scott ha.s been visitingIn Amherst County.Mi?.! Fugenia >1. Osbourn hah re¬

turned from a hhort stay in Baltimore.Malcolm S. Kelley, of Harrisburg. Pa.,

was the recent truest of his brotherand sister. Rev. Alford Kelley and MissIsabel Kelley, at the manse, en route toTampa, Fla., and Havana.Mrs. S. S. Simpson, of Hopewell, has

b»en visiting her mother and sister.

Mr*. Hftt tie Harrison And M18S LucyHarrison.Paul I . William*, United States Army,

of Hnttl«»sburar. Miss., has been theKiiem of hi* parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ij.JI. Williams.

WEST POINT{Special to The Times-Dispatch.1

WEST POINT, VA., January 6..Mrs.J. Ij. Bland entertained the AuctionBridge Club on Thursday aftefttooni

Presiding fclder Kihley CJayle. of theRappahannock district, has appointedRev. Mr. Balderson. of Urbftnna. totake the place In the local McthodlotChurch made vacant by the death ofthe pastor. Mev. J. W. S. noblns.Charles Todd Bagby. III., spent the

week-end In Baltimore, the fruest ofHarry Baker.

NORWOOD(Special to Tne Times-Dispatch ]NORWOOD. VA., January 5..On

Wednesday last the episcopal SundaySchool gave a Christmas tree party atChrist Church. Rev. Frank Messlck.the rector, was present and gave a talkj to tlie children.The Red Cross Society rave a dance

in the Town Hall on Thufsdny night.In which the t?um of 138 was realized.I Miss Anee Cabell, of Aletapdrla, spentthe holidays at the "Norwood House."the homo of her parents here. She re¬turned on Monday last to her school inWashlhgton.

Mr. and Mrs. Suddath. of Richmond,after spending a few days with Mrs.T. B. Denton, have returned to theirhome.

Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Scruggs and chll-| dren. Who have spent some time in Run-

*mmmsswwwaSend Her Only

the Best.Flow¬ers "of Guaran¬teed Freshness "

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sell County, have returned to their:home here.

Mrs. It. Q. Youn# wan a week-endvisitor in Lynchburg.Mre. B. K. Or? and Miss Lillian Golla-

day. of BufTalo, Saturday spent NewYear'a Day la the home of Mr. and Mrs..Oeortre W. Melton.

Mr. and MH». Joseph Harford andchildren, of Sabot* spent Christmas withMrs. F*nnle Harfofd fcnd Mrs. T. H.;Kltfd.Mr. and Mrt. Curtlii Bolton, of Ohio.

were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. 8. It.Bolton last week.John Dixon, of Newport News, is

with his family here.Marl Bnnton, of the navy, reached

here on Monday lust.Mrs. Georfe TV. Cabell Is vlsltlnr In

Salem. jMiss Bertha Dolen, after spending thewerk of ChriPtnins at "Sunhyside," her

hom# here, has returned to Charlottevllle and taken ui> her school d'utt4t7Mr. and Mrs. fainter and children,Glascow, are with Mr. and Mrs. Q.Melton. I\V. A. Dolen. of West Virginia, and8nm Dolen vinlted their home her* lastweek.Mortimer Cabell, of Detroit, Mlcfc.,after spendln* a week at hi# home h»r%,returned oil Monday last.Aylett Callaway. Dr. and Mr#. PutnOand Miss Clarence (Jarlan spent lift4week at "C.lenmdre," the horri# of Df,O. C. Callaway.The Mtssei llorsley, of Midway Mills,nnd Tom Graves, of Westliam, h&vfe/turned to their homes aftftr visitingMrs. John Dixon.Mian Ijila Somerrllle, ®f Lynchbtiffc,spent the week at "Montezuma," l{%(hom*> here.

Advance Announcement!INCREASE IN PRICES


Monday, February 4, 1918noo voMnsiiFT consuls. to. m. as. mm trntm. MjM. tHH toADTANCMJMl

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Before the Starr Phonograph came into being,nearly five decades of evolving the world's highestquality pianos had ripened the understanding ofbasic music laws in the vast Starr workshops.That is the reason the Starr's "Singing Throat"and Sounding Board Horn, the tone chambers, aremade of well-seasoned SilverGrain Spruce. Hence the "Dif¬

ference in the Tone." Promscientifically constructed SoundBox to a beautiful piano finish theStarr has been created a master¬piece and has attained distinctionof leadership With which the ma¬turity of Starr musical knowledgecould not help but endow.


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