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Mothers Love

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Witch Hunter™ and Witch Hunter: Revelations™ are trademarks of Paradigm Concepts, Inc. Adventure Content is © 2014 by Paradigm Concepts, Inc. All rights reserved.
Page 1: Mothers Love

Witch Hunter™ and Witch Hunter: Revelations™ are trademarks of Paradigm Concepts, Inc.

Adventure Content is © 2014 by Paradigm Concepts, Inc. All rights reserved.

Page 2: Mothers Love


Hero Points in Witch Hunter: The Invisible

World Second Edition work a little differently

from the previous edition. All PCs start each

module with a number of Hero Points equal

to their True Faith score. Points earned in

play can be used as regular Hero Points, to

Purchase True Faith, or attempt to lose

Damnation. A player must decide how he

wants to use that point as it is given. All

unspent Hero Points at the end of the

module are lost. The Grand Master should

award Hero Points as per the rules on Page

139 of the Witch Hunter: The Invisible World:

Second Edition rulebook.

So far, the PCs have been playing more of a

defensive game. In A Mother’s Love, the

PCs take on an offensive role. The Court of

Whispers has pulled together various bits of

information from the various Orders and

has discovered more about what happened

to Mary Hark in Bedlam prison. They have

tracked the mother she was ripped from at

so young an age to Long Island in the Grave

New World. The Council wants the Witch

Hunters to travel through the Invisible

World to Long Island and confront her in

an attempt to gain her assistance in ending

whatever plan Mary has in play. Sadly, the

woman once known as Catherine Melinda

Hark is now part of the same organization

that stole her child, the Coven of the Dark

Canticle. Talking her into saving a child she

gave into their dark embrace may not be an

easy task.

It is a beautiful day in London. You have been called again to meet with Tom Hargetty to discuss your next mission as a Witch Hunter. What is unusual about this call is that the meeting is not to take place in Tom’s office in the Court of Whispers, but at a nearby local café.

The PCs arrive to find Tom Hargetty

already waiting. The table is set up for

afternoon tea and he is clearly expecting

them. He will wait to speak until the entire

party has arrived and settled in. If anyone

asks him why they are meeting in a

different location from normal, he will

simply shake his head and indicate that it is

not important right now, but he has his

reasons. When the PCs are ready for their

briefing, he will continue.

“We have discovered some new information about Mary Hark. Specifically we now know who her mother is. Catherine Hark, the poor woman, was sent to Bedlam when she became pregnant by the young scion of the noble house she served. The noble family could not take the scandal and so sent her there to keep their secret. Catherine did all she could to keep the child safe in those years, including making a deal with dark forces. We all may have done the same thing in her shoes. I’m not trying to make excuses for the woman, but it is important that you not judge her too harshly. You see, we have found her.”

“Catherine Hark joined the Coven of the Dark Canticle out of the need to protect her child. She now lives as part of a coven called the Long Island Coven, or Long Coven. The name Catherine Hark has been lost and she is now known as Sybil Archer.

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We need you to go to the New World and speak with her.”

“This will not be an easy task. Sybil has willingly joined the Adversary. What we need is for you to convince her to join our side, and in doing so, possibly save her child. This mission is dangerous and I would not fault you for choosing not to go. You must not let fear take advantage of you here. If you cannot do so, it will be best you not go. What say you?”

The PCs can choose not to take part in the

mission. If the PC that declines makes a

true appeal for role-playing reasons, award

them 4 SP for doing so. If they do not make

such an appeal, they will only receive 2 SP.

Most likely, they will all choose to take part

in the mission.

Tom Hargetty can answer several questions

should the PC have them.

How are we going to get to the New


“We do not have the luxury of time, sadly.

We have poked at a few hornet’s nests here

and it is only a matter of time before the

Dark Canticle attacks us. Therefore, we

cannot wait for a ship to cross the ocean.

You will have to use a passage known as

The Underworld.”

What is the Underworld?

“The Underworld is a passage through the

Invisible World that leads from Paris to

New Amsterdam. I will not lie to you; this

passage is not safe. Several Witch Hunters

have been lost in the attempt to cross and

strange things have been seen along the

way. One of the things you will need to

prepare for is crossing the River Styx.”

How do we cross the River?

“There will be several ferrymen on the

River. You will need to arrange passage

with them.”

Is this the real River Styx??

“The truth is… we don’t know. It could be,

but more likely is just a representation of

the River.”

Where do we enter the Underworld?

“There’s a graveyard in Paris that sits above

the entrance. You will need to go to the

crypt that holds the entrance to the

Underworld. We have a few agents

stationed there to keep an eye on the

entrance and to give support to those who

must use it for travel.”

How do we contact the Coven once we get


“This will not be easy. The locals are

terrified of the group as they have been

known for truly evil acts over time. You

will have to find some way of calling to

them as no one appears to know where

exactly their lair lies.”

We need more information about….

“I obviously do not have all the answers

you need. I have granted you access to our

archives in the Court of Whispers. You may

search there if you need any further

information. I will warn you against telling

anyone your mission.

Why shouldn’t we tell anyone?

”Just trust me on this. I cannot speak on the

matter just yet.”

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The PCs have been given access to the

entirety of the archive within the Court of

Whispers. They may take this opportunity

to do a little research on any topic they

wish. This adventure assumes that they

will be looking up matters concerned to the

module at hand. Should they wish to look

something else up have them contact

campaign staff at [email protected].

D1: The Underworld is a passage

between Paris and New Amsterdam,

shortening the trip to the New World

to just a few days.

D2: The passage is never the same twice.

However, whatever is encountered

within the passage is themed around

an infernal cave passage. What you

meet along the way will most likely

be what you would expect there. The

River Styx lies about halfway along

the journey. You will have to

bargain with the ferrymen to travel

to the other side as the water has

been known to be fatal.


As one of the longer passages

through the Invisible World, it is not

unknown for travelers to come across

strange phenomena.

Examples of such are hellish regions,

strange demons and even Witch

Hunters of unknown origin.

D1: The River Styx is a

mythological river that is the

boundary between the underworld

and the real world. The River Styx

in the Underworld passage between

Europe and the New World was

named such as it shares many of the

same aspects as the mythological

river: there are ferrymen that can

take you across for a price and the

waters themselves are deadly to the


D2: You will have to pay a price to the

ferrymen to cross the river. That

price seems to vary from ferryman

to ferryman. Some have demanded

coinage while others have made

darker demands. As such, it is

believed that there are different

kinds of ferrymen and choosing the

right one may be the only way to

cross safely.

D3: You should always pay the

ferryman after you have received

your trip across the river. Several

ferrymen have taken advantage of

those who have already paid their

due. Some ferrymen will refuse to

make the trip before receiving

payment. Be cautious of those that


D1: The Long Coven is a group of seven

women who have lived in the area

since it was settled in the early 1600s.

They are known for their longevity:

whether this is due to truly long

lives or replacing members as they

fall is unknown.

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D2: Most locals try to stay out of the way

of the Long Coven as they have been

known to exact tolls on certain

villages at random times, asking for

strange payments from the locals

whether in supplies or even children.

Those that have opposed them have

always met with disaster.

D3: At least two separate Witch Hunter

groups have faced off against them

at different times. They were never

seen again and the Coven seemed

no worse for wear after they faced

them. As such Witch Hunters tend

to treat them with fear and respect.

As they have been known to deal

with Witch Hunters in the past that

did not wish to interfere, many

consider them a workable evil.

D1: The Ferrymen on the River Styx

appear to not be the same person

each time they are encountered as

different ferrymen have asked for

different kinds of payment.

D2: The standard payment for an

average Ferrymen is a simple silver

coin. Other kinds of payment vary

from rare items to items with

sentimental meaning to those that

hold them. A very few number of

ferrymen have requested pieces of

the passenger’s soul. It is generally

believed to be a good idea to pay for

the passage after one crosses as

several ferrymen are thought to

have killed their passengers half

way across the river or even taken

them somewhere else entirely.

D3: As a general rule, the more pleasant

the ferryman looks, the more

dangerous he is. The more he looks

like the mythological ferryman, the

more likely he is to be what you

expect from the myth.

The PCs can gather any other resources that

are available according to the Campaign

Guide. They shouldn’t need anything in

particular but they may have an idea of

what to get as payment for the ferrymen.

Anything that seems reasonable should be

available for them to purchase for 1 – 3

resource points. A silver coin should cost 1

Resource Point while something more

elaborate should cost 3.

While they are searching the stacks for

information, the PCs should be approached

at least once by several people offering

assistance in finding the information they

seek. They will also be trying to wheedle

the information about their mission from

them. Should the PCs accept this assistance

they will gain a +1d bonus to the research

rolls above but also gain the reward of

‘Loose Lips’ on the Adventure Journal at

the end of the module.

The first part of this trip is the journey to

Paris. The Council of Whispers has already

arranged for the PCs to travel to Paris on a

ship that normally ferries passengers

between the two cities. They will have most

of the day to speak with each other and the

passengers on the ship before they arrive in

Paris to continue their journey.

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There are several passengers that the PCs

can interact with:

• Marguerite Dubois – This

Frenchwoman is returning home

with her daughter, Gabrielle

Dubois after visiting with her

husband who is working as a

merchant in Paris.

• Marcán Gedding – An Irishman

travelling to Paris looking for work.

His family died due to disease and

he is looking to start a new life.

• Cecily Mann – Cecily is fleeing

from the law after having attacked

a man who tried to rob her. She has

been charged with theft and


• Hanna Mobbs – Hanna is visiting

Paris with her daughter Agnes

Mobbs and husband Christopher

Mobbs. They are simple tourists.

As the journey continues and the PCs have

gotten to know a few of the passengers,

they will hear a series of screams.

Investigating the matter, the PCs find that

both Gabrielle Dubois and Agnes Mobbs

have gone missing. The two mothers beg

anyone who shows any interest in the

disappearances for help finding the little


Gabrielle Dubois went missing when she

went looking for sweets. When her mother

noticed she was missing she began to panic.

Speaking with the mother, the PCs can

learn that the girl has a habit of running off

and getting herself into mischief. This

normally isn’t a problem at home as they

live in a decent neighborhood where people

look out for each other. Losing her on a

boat has frightened her immensely.

Agnes Mobbs simply wanted to get

away from her parents. Hanna and

Christopher will claim not to know why

the girl wandered off, but will admit, if

pressed, they have been arguing a lot

recently and Agnes had a habit of trying

to avoid their fights by getting away.

They blame themselves for her


What really happened:

The girls are about the same age, and as

kids are likely to do, became friends by

necessity and proximity. Even though they

did not speak the same language, they

spoke the same language of

mischievousness. They ventured into the

bowels of the ship where Agnes slipped

and fell down a staircase, breaking her

neck. Gabrielle, not realizing that her new

friend is dead, is attempting to get her

friend to respond.


The PCs can begin by questioning the

passengers on the boat:

• Marguerite is hysterical and unable

to answer any questions save those

noted above.

• Marcán saw the girls go into the

ship proper but doesn’t want to get

involved. It will take a D2

Command check to get him to

admit to this. He makes it apparent

that he is just trying to avoid trouble

as he doesn’t need it following him

to a new place. He saw them head

below decks.

• Cecily is incredibly paranoid and

any PC that makes a D2 Empathy

check can tell this. What she is

scared of is being taken back to

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England where she faces hanging.

She didn’t see what happened to the

girls as she was too busy keeping an

eye on the other passengers,

especially Marcán, thinking he

might be a policeman in disguise.

• Hanna blames Christopher for

everything. They have been fighting

for several weeks about the trip they

are taking (Hanna wanted to go to

Germany). If they had simply done

what she wanted to, none of this

would have happened.

• Christopher is just exhausted. He is

tired of the fighting and the arguing.

He had to choose Paris over

Germany due to financial concerns

but did not want the family to

discover that their finances were not

as he had painted them. He is

incredibly worried about his

daughter and blames himself and

his wife for the disappearance.

Finding the girls is a simple matter of

questioning the NPCs and following their

clues. There are a few red herrings but

nothing that should deter experienced

Witch Hunters very long. Much to their

surprise, they will find nothing

supernatural about this disappearance.

What they find is utterly heartbreaking.

Heading below decks, it doesn’t take you long to discover what has happened to the girls. Agnes is lying at the bottom of the stairs, her neck twisted in an unnatural matter. Gabrielle is clutching her shoulder, shaking her occasionally, ”Réveilles-toi! Réveilles-toi!” Gabrielle looks up at you, noticing you for the first time. “Elle ne veut pas se réveiller…”*

*French for “Wake up! Wake up!” and “She won’t wake up…”

Agnes is dead. Sadly, there is nothing that

the PCs can do for her but return her to her

family. When the PCs return with the girls,

the passengers look on in silence.

Marguerite begins sobbing in relief while

Hannah breaks down in wails, running to

the PCs to retrieve her daughter’s body.

Christopher attempts to console the woman

but she will have nothing of it, screaming at

him until he leaves her be. He will

approach the PCs and thank them for

returning their daughter’s body to him even

as their lives dissolve in front of the PCs.

The PCs will not have much time for

sightseeing but if they do want to take a

look around the city, the GM can use

information from Cities of Mystery to flesh

out any information. When the PCs are

ready, they can find the entrance to the

Underworld fairly easily.

After making your way through the cemetery, you find yourself in the tomb that hold the entrance to the Underworld. Two Witch Hunters are stationed at the entrance into the Invisible World, clearly expecting you.

This is the final chance the PCs have to

gather any equipment they may need before

venturing into the Underworld. The two

Witch Hunters can give the PCs some

advice as to what to expect. This will be the

same info that they can get on the path as if

they had 2 successes on the Research roll on

the Underworld in the archives.

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When they are ready to enter the

Underworld, go to Scene 3.

Entering the Underworld makes the name for the passage obvious. This portion of the Invisible World appears as a deep cavern, fangs of rock hanging from the ceiling and jutting from the floor. It seems much like any other cave complex you may have entered, save that there is a constant red glow in the background as well as the slight stench of sulfur.

The PCs will now need to find their way

through the Invisible World. Obviously the

ability of the Apostles of the New Dawn

will come in handy, though, truth be told,

the path at this point is fairly easy to follow

as it is well-travelled. The PCs will

encounter a group of imps and the River

Styx along their journey. The Grand Master

can choose to have these events occur in

either order.

The journey will take place over the course

of 2 or 3 days.

As the PCs turn a corner within the caves,

they stumble upon a group of imp-like

creatures playing devilish games. Each hurl

fireballs at each other attempting to cause

the most damage to one another. Of course,

the first creature to die loses.

Turning a corner, you see a strange sight. Several small demonic creatures hurl balls of fire at one another in a deadly game.

The PCs can approach this in a few different


Finding another path:

The PCs can attempt to find a way around

the imps. Doing so will take them off the

path they are familiar with and requires a

D3 Survival (Tracking) check to catch up

to it further into the cave.

Negotiating with the imps:

The players may attempt to negotiate with

the imps with a D3 Charm check. What the

imps are after is pure fun. They want one

of the PCs to play with them. Any PC can

make that attempt but melee-based

characters may be at a disadvantage in this

ranged game. If the PCs seem to be having

trouble deciding who to pick, the imps

should urge a ranged-based combat

character to join in with them.

The Imps are basic minions as per the

statistics below. As soon as one of the imps

is dead, the game is over. Of course, the

imps will be ecstatic at their new friend

joining them. About half of the imps will

target their new player while the others will

target random other players in the game at

the GM’s discretion.

Fighting the imps:

Of course, the PCs may just want to power

their way through the imps. There are two

groups of five imps. When they attack the

imps squeal out at the attackers with

accusations of “Cheater!”, which will attract

Big Brother Imp to join them after 2 rounds

to see what is going on. Big Brother Imp

will not be happy to find the PCs picking on

the other imps and will attack. Its first

attack is usually an Ambush Attack on the

most vulnerable looking PC (using its

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claws). If the PCs have mostly dealt with

the imps, you may wish to have Big Brother

Imp already in his Monstrous Form when

he arrives. Big Brother Imp does have an

area attack and will use it even though it

does damage the other imps. After all, it’s

okay for a big brother to hurt his siblings:

just not the PCs.

Threat Rating: 2

Hell’s Favor: 0

Pace: 3

Special Attacks: Ranged (Fireball) +2/+1

Fear Rating: 4

Hell’s Favor: 2

Initiative: 6d

Pace: 3

Melee: Claw 7d (+4 Damage)

Ranged: Fireball 7d (+4 Damage)

Defenses: Avoidance: 3; Discipline: 2;

Fortitude: 4

Armor: None

Talents: Ambush Attack, Fury, Slam

Suggested Skills: Endurance 6d, Notice 8d,

Resolve 6d, Stealth 10d, Survival (Forage,

Track) 6d

Health Track: 8/8/8

Fundamental Powers / Prices: Blast Attack

(Fireball) / Impaired Travel (The


Additional Powers & Prices:

• Carnivate / Allergen (ice)

• Monstrous Form / Vulnerability (cold)

After their journey through the Underworld

the PCs finally reach the River Styx.

You can hear the water long before you finally enter the vast cavern that holds the River Styx. The cavern is so wide, in fact, that you cannot see the other side of the river from your current location. There are several of the infamous ferrymen. Of note, three of the ferrymen wait on the edge of the river, looking to you to be their new passengers.

The PCs must now choose how they will

cross the River Styx. Should the PCs

attempt to swim the River Styx (players can

do crazy things), they discover that the

water is so foul that they cannot stomach to

be around it and must make a Fear Check

against a Fear Rating of 5 immediately that

affects the water itself (including that

already on their skin). Regardless of the

check, PCs who enter the water take a full

injury level’s worth of damage for each

round they spend in the water.

If the PCs attempt to take some of the water

to use later for more nefarious purposes,

they will find that its bitter taste makes it

ineffective as a poison, and it is unlikely

that they will be able to obtain a large

amount without accidentally spilling some

on themselves. Still, some Orders may yet

find a use for such water…

The PCs will most likely want to study each

of the ferrymen. This is easily done as the

ferrymen do not react to the PCs, save to

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speak with them about payment for


This ferryman is shrouded in a dark black cloak with glowing red eyes peering from beneath the cowl.

The payment that this ferryman wants is a

silver coin. He will take payment either

before or after the journey across the River

Styx. Either way, he will deliver the PCs to

the other side without any hassle.

This ferryman wears a light gray cloak. He smiles pleasantly at you, large white teeth glowing.

The payment this ferryman requires is a

piece of the player’s souls. By willingly

accepting a point of Damnation he will take

them across the river.

This ferryman wears a dark red robe, leaving only a bony chin visible beneath.

This ferryman will accept anything that the

PCs wish to offer him. He has no intention

of delivering them to their destination.

Halfway across the River Styx he will turn

on the PCs and attack them (use dice to

make it seem dramatic, but the PCs should

win this fight). The PCs will then have to

pilot the boat themselves, requiring a D2

Navigation or Sail check to reach the shore


After crossing, the rest of the route is fairly

tame and passes without incident.

The PCs have crossed into the New World

and enter New Amsterdam, a city very

different from what they are used to in

Europe. As with the Paris entrance to the

Underworld, this entrance has two Witch

Hunters guarding the gateway.

If the PCs ask about where to find the Long

Coven, they will point to Long Island as

they do not have much influence over the

New Amsterdam area. They will also be

quite disturbed that the PCs are asking

about the Coven, and will strongly urge

them not to seek out the Coven as those

who have are usually met with an ill fate. If

the PCs insist, then they are told to head

east into Long Island, and they will

eventually find what they seek.

It will not take them long to reach one of the

villages of Long Island where the PCs can

get some information on the Long Coven.

That town is Middenburgh (currently

Elmhurst, NY). The PCs can speak with the

locals and investigate the area.

Middenburgh is a Dutch settlement on the

eastern side of Long Island. The inhabitants

of this small village are Dutch and most

only speak that language. There should be

a sense of tension among the villagers.

Several of them believe that at least 2 evils

now walk among them and they grow

increasingly closer to doing something

about it.

Should the PCs want to question generic

villagers about what’s going on, they will

get very little. They all fear the Long Coven

to speak too much about that topic. They

all believe the Pastor that Cornelis is a

murderer and that Mechteld is a witch.

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They are pretty ambivalent on any other


The Salt Cod is the local Inn and Pub. If the

PCs are looking for a base of operations

they will be directed to the Salt Cod. The

proprietor is a woman by the name of

Hester Frumault. Hester is a large woman

in her early thirties. She wears a rather

conservative outfit and carries a judging

look in her eye for all who come into the

Salt Cod, especially new faces such as the


She will be cleaning glasses from lunch

when the PCs arrive. She will nod sharply

at them when they enter and motion them

to a table. She will approach about five

minutes after they have sat down and speak

to them in Dutch (if no PC is able to

understand Dutch she will try again in

English). “We got a little leftover porridge

from this morning and a vegetable stew

leftover from lunch. Not much else to offer

for food. Beer we got lots of. What’ll you


She will take the PCs’ orders and return in

roughly 15 minutes. If the PCs have not

tried to pick her brain before then, she will

try to pick theirs. “What brings you folk to

Middenburgh?” If the PCs make up a

reason for their journey here, she will

simply shrug. She honestly doesn’t care for

why they are here, only if they mean

trouble for the village.

If the PCs tell her the real reason for the

visit (that they are here looking for the Long

Coven) she eyes the group warily. “We are

a quiet folk here. We don’t want to borrow

any more trouble than we already get.

Don’t go poking around and stirring up

trouble for us.” The PCs can convince her

to be more helpful. It will take a D2 Charm

check or D3 Command (Intimidate) check

to convince her to talk. She is less thrilled

with those who try to bully the information

out of her. If PCs are concerned with why

she might be trying to keep the information

away from them or simply gauge her mood

at the moment, they can make a D3

Empathy check to read that she is

genuinely scared for the village, less so for


If the PCs succeed on this check she will

respond as follows: “Listen folks, we don’t

need any more trouble from the Long

Coven. I don’t think you quite realize who

you’re messing with. These people are

dangerous. I’ve heard of entire villages

wiped out due to their influence, so you can

see why I’m a tad loathe to speak of them.

If you want to know more about the Coven

though, go speak to Old Mechteld who lives

just outside town. She has had dealings

with them before they say. Some call her a

witch but she seems nice enough to me. “

If the PCs used the Intimidate foci, she will

be unwilling to let them a room, regardless

of the price they offer. They have marked

themselves to her as troublemakers, and she

will slowly spread the word once she is

done speaking with them, increasing the

difficulty of all other Interaction skills

within Middenbugh (except for Empathy).

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At this location the PCs can purchase any

equipment under 10 Resource Points.

Loys Samijn runs this store for the local

mayor/headman. He himself doesn’t make

much money but feels himself to be

rewarded by being the flunky of one of the

most important people east of New

Amsterdam and by getting his nose deep

into anyone’s business. As such he is

probably the best source of information in

town, though he is also a source of danger

due to his gossipy nature (especially should

the PCs have dealings with the local priest,

see below). He is also the only person in

town that will not be affected by the penalty

from attempting to intimidate Hester as it

just piques his interest in the PCs.

As soon as the PCs enter the building, he

will take an instant interest in everything

they are doing, almost like he is taking

mental notes of everything they are looking

at and everything they are wearing. This is

easy to notice without needing a check

(Loys feels quite secure in his position as

the mayor’s lapdog).

When the PCs interact with him, Loys will

have a large, almost creepily wide smile. (If

PCs suspect something evil, they would be

sad to discover his darkest pit is merely a

dearth of actual character). “Welcome to

Middenburgh! It is always good to meet

with new friends!”

The PCs can ask him about any of the locals

as well as any place they wish. Should they

make a D2 Charm (Gossip) check they will

get the information presented below in the

section marked with **.

The Salt Cod

The Salt Cod serves decent meals at a fair


Hester Frumault

Hester is suspicious of strangers so watch

what you say around her.

** Hester’s husband was killed by a thief

who tried to rob the Salt Cod.

Mechteld Vivien/Old Mechteld

Mechteld is a Witch! Stay far from her!

** I saw her dancing naked around a fire in

the woods myself! She must be in league

with Satan!

Horatio Palavicino (the Mayor)

The Mayor is a great man!

Daniel Becker

The priest is a kind and generous soul.

** Since he arrived, Pastor Becker has been

preaching about the evils of the devil. If

there is evil to be found in our village, he

will root it out!

Cornelis Janssens

That man is nothing but trouble!

** Cornelis is a murderer and a liar! Pastor

Becker told us all about the vile things he

did in the Netherlands. It is only a matter

of time before he faces punishment.

The Long Coven

You don’t want anything to do with them.

Those witches have caused nothing but

trouble for us over the years.

** A few years ago they took all the winter

stores from one of the nearby villages.

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Some of them starved and other had to

leave. Nothing but a ghost town there now.

The local church is a Lutheran institution

ran by Pastor Daniel Becker, a stark-looking

gentleman in his early twenties. Daniel

looks up to the Jesuits, having travelled

with one on his trip to the Grave New

World. He all but converted to Catholicism

leading to a strange mix of Lutheranism

and Catholic belief. Still considering

changing faiths, and converting the entire

village if possible, he wants to impress his

new Jesuit friend who stayed in New

Amsterdam by rooting out any evils within

the community. As such, he has been

extremely harsh to those within the

community thought to be minions of the


One of the things that Pastor Becker would

absolutely love is to reveal Witch Hunters

within the community. This makes him

extremely suspicious of all strangers. When

the PCs enter town, it isn’t long before the

Pastor hears about it and if the PCs do not

head straight for the Church he is already

keeping an eye out for the new visitors.

The Pastor will be more likely to have a

peaceful interaction if it is a Lutheran or

Catholic PC that speaks with him, giving

them the benefit of the doubt over any other

denomination. Those he is suspicious of

have all difficulties of Interaction skills

increased by 1 (this stacks with the penalty

from Hester above).

When the PCs approach Pastor Becker

looking for information on any of the locals,

he will ask them why they are looking for

the information. If the PCs reveal that they

are Witch Hunters his eyes grow wide and

he begins to declare them evil agents of the

devil. If he is alone at the time (which is

most likely unless the PCs do something

such as calling all the villagers together to

speak to them as a group), the Pastor can

answer the following questions:

Are there any evil forces in your village?

Mechteld Vivien is a witch. She has had

dealings with Satan himself and she will

burn for her crimes. Cornelis Janssens has

killed men before and it is only a matter of

time before he does so again. His soul is as

dark as the night.

Who is Mechteld Vivien?

The witch consorts with evil beings. Best

stay far from her house just east of town.

People have heard her speaking with

creatures in the woods and Loys Samijn

once saw her dancing naked in front of a


Who is Loys Samijn?

A good man who works at the General

Store. Not much misses his gaze. He has

been of great service to his community and

his church.

What did Loys Samijn see?

You should ask him. He tells the tale far

better than I.

Who is Cornelis Janssens?

The man is pure evil that walks. He came to

the New World to avoid justice for his

crimes in Rotterdam.

How do you know about Cornelis?

It was in the papers before I came to the

New World. To find the craven in the

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village I tend to is too much! He will pay

for his crimes.

You are sure the man is guilty?

I am as sure as any man can be. I know his

kind, a man of evil. The Lord shall strike

him down and if he be willing, I will be his


They mentioned him in the papers?

They described the villain. I knew the first

time I saw him that he was the one. You

can see it in his eyes.

Where is Cornelis?

He owns a small farm to the southeast. The

people of the village would not have him

live among them and barely tolerate his

presence as is.

What can you tell us of the Long Coven?

The Pastor will blanch at that and then

refuse to speak any more with the PCs.

After the PCs have asked a few questions,

Pastor Becker begins to increase his

suspicions. He will ask the PCs why they

want to know about the goings-on of the

village, who they are, and what they are

doing here. The worst thing possible is for

the PCs to tell the truth, but as Witch

Hunters they should be accustomed to

keeping their mouths shut among


The PCs will need to make a D2 Charm

(Charm) check in order to alleviate his

suspicions (keep in mind the penalty(ies) to

Interaction rolls that the PCs may be

suffering from as noted above. Should they

fail, the Pastor will stop cooperating.

The mayor of Middenburgh (Horatio

Palavicino), is as corrupt as officials come.

His secretary will not allow the PCs to

speak with him unless they are willing to

pay a bribe of at least 5 Resource Points.

The players can attempt to enter by force if

they wish, but this will cause complications

as he will have the small number of militia

in the town hunt for the PCs at an

inopportune time (when is up to the GM:

use the stats provided below).

Once the PCs do get in to speak with the

mayor, he will answer whatever questions

they have below.

Are there any evil forces in your village?

Of course not! We do have a few residents

that believe it to be so, but I swear it is not!

My people are godly!

Who is Mechteld Vivien?

The villagers claim she is a witch, but that is

business for the Pastor. When it comes to

matters of God, I leave things well in his


Where can we find Mechteld?

East of town. She has a small house on her


Who is Daniel Becker?

The local Pastor. Only been in town about a

year, he’s much more expressive in his

sermons than the last one we had. Tends to

rile people up more than his predecessor.

Who is Loys Samijn?

Loys is a simple man, but he has his uses.

He has his fingers on the pulse of the


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Who is Cornelis Janssens?

A farmer on the outside of town. I know

the Pastor doesn’t care much for the man

but he does not cause much trouble for us

in the village the few times a month he

ventures in.

Where is Cornelis?

His farm is to the southeast.

What can you tell us of the Long Coven?

You don’t need to be dealing with those

witches. Leave them alone! We don’t need

any trouble!


Threat Rating 2

Hell’s Favor: 0

Pace: 3

Special Attacks: Sword, Broad +1/+2

Talents: None

Fundamental Powers / Prices: None

Suggested Skills: Resolve 5d, Notice 6d

Cornelis’ small farm is just southeast of the

city. As the PCs approach read the


As you near the farm of Cornelis Janssens, you can see that it is quite small, barely large enough to provide any food beyond the needs of one man. In the fields a tall, thin man watches you as you approach. He moves toward a small shed before walking towards you, now carrying a small sword.

He approaches you, his face blank, but the sword at the ready, “What do you want?”

Cornelis believes the villagers (especially

the pastor) have finally gone and talked

someone into doing their dirty work for

them, having hired the PCs as mercenaries

or talked them into doing the ‘Lord’s work’.

He will keep his responses to the PCs, short,

crisp and vague unless they can convince

him that they do not mean him any harm

with a D3 Charm (Persuade) check. The

PCs do not suffer the penalties they would

for speaking to the rest of the villagers.

Once they have convinced him that they

mean him no harm or are not here to cause

him trouble he will open up to them,

putting his sword down.

What can you tell us of the Long Coven?

They killed my wife. I used to live in a

small town to the northeast of this village.

They came to town and made us give them

the entirety of our winter stores. Many of

the villagers left the town to search for ways

to survive that winter, but my wife did not

want to leave and I was stubborn, not

wanting to give into the witches by giving

up my home. That winter she starved.

Where can we find the Coven?

I don’t know. Some say there is a way to

call one of their number to you, but I do not

know of it. I do not have the heart to face

them on my own. All who have no longer


Are you a murderer?

No! That pastor comes here speaking of

murders and how I am the one to have not

committed them in Rotterdam. I have not

been in the Netherlands since my family

came here when I was a child. The villagers

choose to believe him because I came here

from another village and they are a

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suspicious sort. I try to leave them be so

they will leave him be.

How do we find information about the


I do not know. The villagers claim the

Mechteld is a witch, but they treat me as a

pariah as well. You can speak with her if

you wish, it may lead somewhere. Like as

not, she is as innocent of wrongdoing as I.

The PCs can make a D2 Empathy check to

tell that while he is emotional, Cornelis is

not holding anything back. He is torn apart

on the inside from his family’s death and

there is a certain amount of anger there, but

he does not seem to be a danger to others.

If the PCs want Cornelis to join them when

they finally go to face the coven so that he

can face the people that took everything

from him, he will join them willingly (if not,

Cornelis will find his way there on his own:

see Summoning a Witch below.)

Mechteld isn’t doing herself any favors with

the villagers by living as she does. Her

hovel looks the epitome of a ‘witch’s hut’.

Read the following as the PCs approach.

As you approach the small hut you saw in the distance it certainly looks the part of a witch’s home. It is a small, one-roomed hovel with a variety of herbs and ground plants hanging from the eaves. You can smell the various plants drying in the sun as you get nearer.

When you do reach what constitutes a yard, the door opens and an older woman steps out wearing only a very thin dress and covered in dirt. “I knew I would have

guests, but not such strong young ones. Be at ease, I wish you no harm. I can feel the power within you and know you as folks who are not to be trifled with but now this: neither am I. I know a few small magics that will keep me safe. If you bring in violence, it will only be reflected on you.”

For the most part, Mechteld is playing the

part of the strange old woman. She has

made deals with beings of both the

Adversary and the local Nature Spirits in

the past so she is much more aware of the

Invisible World than most people. She is

certainly not powerless. She has cast a rite

upon the grounds that reflects half of all

damage that she takes back upon the one

who commits it. This is an extremely

powerful rite that she discovered in her

dealings within a grimoire of power that

she has hidden away, far from the village

and her home.

She is also quite aware of Witch Hunters

and does not fear them. While she has

made deals in the past that would earn her

the wrath of the Witch Hunters, she has

remained quite balanced in her dealings.

She does have several ranks of Damnation,

but an equal amount of True Faith to

balance it.

Mechteld will sit in the only chair in the

hovel and gesture for the PCs to take a seat

upon the surrounding ground. She will

then ask what she can do for them If the

PCs are interested in how she knew they

were coming, she will just struggle and

smile mischievously (she didn’t but it’s part

of the role she is playing.)

What can you tell us of the Long Coven?

“Oh, the Coven is a dark group of broken

women. They serve an evil master and prey

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upon the people of this island. They are not

a force to be messed with if one is smart. “

Where can we find the Coven?

“They usually find you, but there are ways

of asking for a meeting with them. I know

of one of these ways and can summon the

Coven for you, but there will be a price. “

What is the price?

(If there is a caster in the group): She looks

at the caster and smiles. “Teach me one of

your rites and I shall do this thing. “

(If there is no caster or the caster is

unwilling to make the deal): Mechteld

seems disappointed. She will do it for the

equivalent of 5 resource points and a

promise to return in several years to visit.

Let’s do this!

“We will need to go to where the Coven has

been in the past. There is a village to the

northeast that now is a town of ghosts.

There we will be able to ask for a meeting.

Prepare yourselves before we go as there

may be no time for you afterwards. “

If the PCs attack the witch the mod is

essentially over. There is no other way for

the PCs to contact the Long Coven on their

own. Allow the PCs a round of combat

(remembering the rite she has in effect

above) before she falls to the ground,

leaving nothing but the dress she was

wearing on the ground (Think Obi-Wan in

A New Hope)

The PCs will return to London in failure

(See Ending A)

The PCs have the opportunity now to make

whatever preparations they want and to

finish up any loose ends remaining. Allow

them to do so as they will.

When they are ready the PCs can

accompany Mechteld to the ‘ghost town’

about 10 miles away from Middenburgh.

You approach the remnants of a small village. A few years have left the remaining houses exposed to the elements, leaving crumbling facades and caved-in roofs. In some places you can tell that other inhabitants have made their homes in the remaining ruins, from animals to travelers, but now the town is incredibly quiet and empty.

Old Mechteld will take her time to set up

the ritual space. When night begins to fall,

she will begin. The PCs can investigate

during this time. If Cornelis was not asked

to join them, then they can notice that they

may not be alone with a D3 Notice check.

It will take a D3 Survival (Tracking) check

to find him hiding in one of the crumbling

houses. Confronting him, he can tell the

PCs the information from the above

meeting. He will also tell them that he

followed them for a chance for revenge.

The PCs can talk him out of it with a D3

Command (Intimidate) check or a D3

Charm check. The PCs can also allow him

to join them in the meeting, but doing so

will make him a source of disruption.

The ritual takes about 10 minutes for

Mechteld to perform. Afterwards she will

turn to the PCs:

“There, it is done. One of the Coven is coming. I must go now for this is not my fight. Good luck.”

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About an hour after full dark has struck, you see a woman approaching from the north. She stops at the edge of the firelight and stares at you. After a few moments, she approaches within the ring of firelight.

“Who are you that would seek to commune with the Long Coven?”

Allow the PCs their response.

“I am Sybil Archer of the Coven. Tell me what it is you seek.”

Before the PCs is the very person they came

to the New World to speak to. This will

mainly be a role-playing challenge for the

PCs to convince her to assist them. The

main points that should be touched upon

are as follows:

• Her daughter is alive.

• Her daughter is in London, running

the Coven of the Dark Canticle


• The PCs want her help to stop

whatever plan she is up to.

• The Witch Hunters are more

interested in saving her soul than in

killing her.

• Can she assist them in doing so?

Sybil is shocked to find out that her

daughter is still alive in London. She only

joined the Coven in the hopes that she

would someday see her child again. She is

willing to help the PCs and perhaps saving

her own soul in the process but the Witch

Hunters will need to tread carefully as she

does not trust them.

Respond with Sybil in any way you feel is

appropriate as a GM as the methods the

PCs might attempt to convince her to do

this are far too varied to cover in this


When they have made their case the players

that took part in the discussion can make a

Charm check. They will need a total of 6

successes to convince her to join them. If

the PCs do not make the successes

necessary she refuses to assist them, but

may become of use later. The players will

earn ending B. If the PCs succeed, she will

return to London with them, earning the

PCs ending C.

If at any time the PCs try to intimidate or

act aggressively towards Sybil, they will

enrage her and force a combat. Use the

stats for Sybil below.

Fear Rating: 2

Hell’s Favor: 3

Pace: 4

Initiative: Reflexes 5d

Melee: Dagger 5d (+4 damage)

Ranged: Pistol 5d (+6 damage) or Hellfire

7d (+6 damage)

Defenses: Avoidance: 3; Discipline: 4;

Fortitude: 3

Armor: None

Health Track: 8/8/8

Talents: Disorienting Attack,

Suggested Skills: Charm (Deceive,

Persuade) 6d, Command (Leadership) 5d,

Empathy 7d, Endurance 6d, Heal

(Herbalist) 8d, Mysticism (Myth and

Lore, Occult) 8d, Notice 6d, Resolve 8d

Fundamental Power/Price: Hexcraft 8d /

Contracted Soul

Additional Powers & Prices:

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Nature Control 7d / Mystical Limitation

(This witch can only use her powers while

wielding her wand or staff.)

Blast Attack 8d / Prey Exclusion (children)

After the fight the PCs will have failed in

their mission. See ending A.

Read the following to the PCs:

The return to London is uneventful. You have returned empty handed and Tom Hargetty is not pleased by your failure. A possible ally has been lost in the fight against the Coven of the Dark Canticle.

The PCs earn Enemy of the Long Coven.

The return to London is uneventful. While you were unable to secure the assistance of Sybil Archer, Tom Hargetty thanks you for your attempt. “Even though you could not get Sybil’s help, the message has been delivered. Perhaps it is not too late for her.”

The return to London is uneventful. Witch Hunters at the Council of Whispers take charge of Sybil Archer with promises that they will take care of her. Tom Hargetty was thrilled with your success and raised a toast in your honor. “With this vital new piece on the chessboard, we may just win this one yet!”

The PCs earn The Lost Mother on the

Adventure Journal

Agreeing to go on the adventure: 2SP

Good roleplaying: 2SP

Travelling to the New World: 2SP

Tracking down the ritual to find the Long

Coven: 2SP

Convincing Sybil to help them: 2SP

Total Possible: 10SP

If the PCs successfully dealt with Old

Mechteld, they gain her as an ally.

Old Mechteld: Old Mechteld is believed to

be a witch in Middenburgh near New

Amsterdam. While she was eminently

helpful, there was much more to her than

met the eye.

Loose Lips: Some knowledge is dangerous

to share.

Enemy of the Long Coven: You have made

yourself an enemy of the Long Island

Coven. Should you venture into their area

of influence again, your safety cannot be


The Lost Mother: You convinced Sybil

Archer to return to London and assist in

saving her child.
