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MOTI^m, JMSPATCH. ^ialsTolJ)-EHTABLISBED...Rislnl.'.H Hie pr. d.'iiiiii inc. of arialoeiatic *- _...

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ll* MOTI^m, JMSPATCH. *tr Wf-t DISPATCH COMPANY. twa ISAILT liisr ATi'M ta eeMrara fl ta eab- aBiaasB al firrti* i bmx* ats- warn,payable to tto esrvvrr wxatlT Mallee at M par bbbbib; SI MM*-BBftlbsl Sl.tlO for Ikres w-vn-hi; 80c.fer SVk_1bM.-WFFi.LY DISPATCH Bl 83 per bb- BflBt, ff Bl fe* SIB Bsniath*. TbeMFFSLV DISPATCH at Bl per bbbbbi. Bslnelirl"- la all csa** paya.rl». Iii advaac-, aaa fir. t*na e ntl nani siter lbs .iplrstmn of thc tlese sal4 tm. Send paxM-sxfllne tnoney-ocdh-r. r-heck. or ratlMrreit Inter, t'arreacy sent by mall williwa! tb* flak of lb* lesser. s»l»»rrih*r***i*1,- iBfT Hail' | asst-..P. <.> laxnr.-d n.-a .Ive U.rlr old a* Well b. Uielr Bew t>osi *.sBa-e. Bainultcop!.*" free. adv»:bti*iin.i RAT-U, IIUHV.IH'" I IIBllx..I BO B Hats. 1 0<» 8 i.wes. 1 "0 euaiea. 8 7(. IS Uiaas. 8 vto I ia l ii.... 8 BB 8 a-vulBs. 85 00 BiaaUBsT tiollee. In rradlnr-mxller type, A linea er (a*_a Bl: H> Barnie i«\x.k<1 7.1 cctita. lara el rales for nacre apace inrnlilie.! en app'l- cai .* ________ All Miers a«<1 teleSTifet must be a-lalrrteefl Ka _|!K HIM'ATI ll <i'MI'AXY. n*_f-fir*l cfvaiBi«nlc»i:,ani will nest ls- return. 1. TIU'BBDAY.sKPTKMHKIt M. ts*I. Sectional tasnoB. Ib reproducing and commenting up.n tbe unfriendly utterancee of northern Ita- publtrsn Journal* concerning iii ol thc Mouth, we bate I wo object* in mind, 1. As we copy the snides from our ex- chsnges. sud kBOM that our comment a will lie seer, by those unfriendly northern edi¬ tors, we write these cnmmrnU to let them know Ibat they ure daniarrin;. their own cause In lins section. We hope thu. to open their eve* lo the Impalley of de¬ nouncing the southern people, aud alto hope Ibu* to indue.- Diem to refrain from abusing us. We seek to lead ibem bl do for politic nason* what they seem not to lie willing to do for better nason*. 8. We strive to let our own jaeople know that they eannoi safely nor wisely eutrust their interests info lite keeping of a party whose orators sud organs lu (benoni).rn Slates habitually bring thc most unjuttitia- Ide charge* against the peopl* ol nil the southern Hate*, t'p la the BRM winn Geneisl laJAMsBB determined to make capl- t;d i Uh. r for or with the north' rn Kcpubli- cans by pleading Hie DaUvflte tmu'.le* nf Isat yisrns thc tulse nf hi* inglorious dc'esl in Virgin.*, ut the BRBM year, tlie Demo¬ crats ol Virginia bad usually been cx- irupied from Um eunsnu of easphiriag ellhrr force or fi ind in order to carry the ilections; sud i ven now we notice that Virgin's I* MM always included aaaasg the Statis which Blsj mule tim subj,-ts m' north, rn stectloaeailBg lit el*. Hut still it is true Hint \ irgtala li toe alica tactaded wiih them. Lei ii* tay, bowever, that Virginia doe* md wish to eninv an BX- emption nut accnnled lu her s'stef B0_th- cru State* so lang a* she beli.-v.-* ihein te lie ss guilds** i* herself of suv tavaatou of the lights of Bm negro voter*. Am! bflRf appear.* th- BflUns Of nil our trotibbs. It is Bm ih _;rn. Knr Mkaafl vi sr* Ihe norlin rn Itejaii'ili. iii press Bas coolly assumed that He fut thal a rotor N B ne.no is proof unsltfTa that BS i< a Be> publban.surely a poor reason, and, be* Kldes, a sorry compliment to the negri. t'lM.n this :.*»i'iii!'ti"ii are based moat o( tbe chart,-.'* which are brought BBRjafll the Billilli rn I »t i:uui ut* wlu-nev ra pre-l.l.ii- liai * lection, or a ei.in.-i. ssional election, or an Important State election, is paadlng Was lier such Injustice heard of, Vptm (bis asvumpdon i* based Bm claim that tue Mates cf I.diiisima, Suuth Caruliiia, Missis¬ sippi, sud I luiidi are undeniably I.cpu!.li¬ e-in. And what 1* Ibe teaching of this as¬ sumption:'' It teaches that the negro ls unlit to be entrusted with Ibu bsllot. lt is as clear a cballeng ol bis right to v >te as wa* ever made by Hie most prejudice I "f .. Hom bun* " It Implies that all aJetuBoSM ought to lie dune away with In the Slates named, and that tip-l!< publican can- dul.-tei or iia.iiilnie* for public offices of everygn.de ou^ht to be d*-elar*-(I in 80-88 not elect, d to them, fur Ihe c.-.u-iiptinn I, fat elictinis are RaneeflflflBiry, The I ruieh chamber of licpulies SSMS ( r par- liai * nure than once) declared Itself cn r>«r- BBARsfljjM, Tlie Long Parliament in l.ng- land acted as ll it vi a* entitled lu an luimnr- talily ur>on earth. s-o In Louisiana. Flor¬ ida, Sa,nth Carolina, and Mi-.sis.ippl tho I'.-'iiblii'-ans uiight ta dei Inc (hem*, iv. - BSSnSBSM nt ly in cilice if their assiiinpli rn Ik- true Ibat those S"-..tcx are l.cpiihlican by rearon of the race, color,and UawTtoBR B0B> dltlon ol a majority of their vuters. For these reasons BM coiiadiile lint we are doing a patriotic work win ti we show BBSS He K.-publi.an party lin- upon pra- IBbMbRB engendered liv a iBBta of war. an J Ibat if a genuine ira of i*ood feeling I* aver lo dawn upon thi* country again, it must Isp iish*n-d in I y (heetorttoa nf a Iiciip, ra! to bc rresldint ol the United (rtotff Korry ure ari nial any uotttofl nf Bm pout br rn people should Join bunds wiih tlie unju-t (tepid.ii.SUM *if tbe North, finally would we prefer that the lottie, white i"ml bink, nnrtlicrti and smithern, f.cpiihllcan and I), moa at ic, should divide upon any oilier line than that al seetiuiial- irni. Hut we of lin BUBRA: are not to be cm-ure-d f)r the existing ei.nditi.m of things, lt ls a clear cw lhat the weak r tectlon lt not going to Ih- the first In at¬ tempt lo carry n election upon sectteaal BuMBa. Let ti- hoi* tJkM the BtawSRBM Ben- li' n will be taught next November that the whole 1'nion ls stronger than any one part ol Ibe I'uinn. ^_ Delusive Hopes. Thc Providence (lt. Ll Jaaarmal s-.vs .tbe Richmond Dispatch Ihiiik* the Val¬ ley Virginian is Winn,' winn lt Hay* that the Itcpiildlcan* have ten thousand mdnrity c-I Ibe rolers of Virginia, but Hie D_4*aa._s. (ail. tn adduce svidemBJ to show the falsity of tbeisseitlon.*' Kvideni'c* Win ev ut BM 1* si. ph ntifili as ld ii kl.cn ie*. Th. BftoBte IieU that the wtiite voter* ol the Stite trrgel; outnumber the eolon-d voters; that aiia-e the det-t *|U**H..n ha* BCBO ellmtnated from our j ml i: ie* the whites un- united, a* demor.stn.ted kt BBS BnJ election, and that tbe msjnrby of the K-publican |aarly are negitaea, afford, we tamk, evidence sutll- ctent. Hut spi-uking ol BVlisMlM, there j. pretty goed evidence thal tbe .lourntt only took the JUtjxitch up in order to work it- sell up tn Ibe blowing off point. Li-ten: .. Tbe Bepublicans are certainly imt without ie in.nat h- hops ol Cstrrylug tbe old IKiiuinlon, and, with an t-trna.«. 11- vato and a tull and uutntim'.date.l vote, 'Virvt'illi ought to give a suhnttntlal ms- Jerliy lor Itlaine and Logan. Su.ii a r* ault would be a H Luke lu the Bourbon fiu-- lloi). w lilcb lu* at.that,,red to restrain tbe b'.-ovsnt snd prt'greisive element in tic snetent OoaMtMmwealtb, to amut'ier lbs lib¬ eral s'litimcut of the maj iriiv. and t Rislnl.'.H Hie pr. d.'iiiiii inc. of arialoeiatic *- and oligarchical Ideat and priadple.. ¦_ Viigini-i "intered too much in Hie war to Mohr governed now by tbe ghost* .>! ih. h.u » mWde, UU ,1 Ly ihe war. Ker people can sesae tr Into Baa with Hu-great BRBtotet* Hie N .rt'., ixdlHeally ss well tut industrially, aiid Ws lieiiive tint they will. As for Weat Vir- Finis. every frr-l.ng of gratitude Bad of in- l.r.si ougbt to bind that mouutaii) state to MM Kt-piiblii-jii party, and il. alHbaliuii with tbe jany of slavery and of rebeUiofl ha* berti one of tbe |>otit Ii- tl ph* nniiPti 1 of the see. The l.ep.ihllcaii* appear to be eonddent of mk-ci %. in Weat Virginia, and tbey have at least good eau*, for hope ii. Ibe .Dottier Commonwealth." Bow we re*|*eliu.ly auteuil that such -.taresakias m "a full aud uulntluiidi.cd tote," * to smother the liberal Mntimt*nt af the mBjorlty," ..the parly of .lavery and letMlliou,'' i.e., tn wry ugly. Iu fact, they make cbargM by Implication that have no teund-tion. Yet, esu*emiog tbe Jouruni m we do for Ita many gemd qualities, we eitrsct eouaolation from the remark of Um good old Jr'ricod who hesrd s younje , iii rmi if "i .1" ' '*" aaa tasBihttig if softs very blghh*eolor- ed hagiitsr. " It ls tetter sot ot thee than to thee," hs said. Periodically the Jour¬ nal geaerites . ipecluc imount ol venom against tue South, and If lt did not get rid of lt lhere would !.*. an explosion. How- tvcr, as usiiil, tho Journal's pt*.lin re¬ coil* upon IL It come* with a very Ind gr*.** from any organ of Hie Republican pity, ind ptidcularly from the Journal, to talk about thc ghosts of tatura decided by the war. In every campaign since tin- close of thc brm H,e BBRRfttflfff party has ts-en rlghllnfr the, war over. Kvcrv lime Ihe ives) le of tho South have endeavored t lay the gho«'« thc Journal refer* to, our I'rovidcr.ce coutcnntiorary sud other Stib v'sri |)tper* baye pasSRSaRaf ff raise them ly ii nvlng thcbliody shirt and Indulgiii* in certain political inctntstlon* oil-u- Isicel ls hie the northern heart. It lt rretty well established that JffCe A. l.ooAM was put upon the Republics:, tlckft cn account of his supplied power to (all (hem up. Certainly hi* Maurils*. mmi ns nest Incnntatton blink vcr.ic as nnyibin-.'in modern literature. Aa to Ibf-liopo* of thc Republican* sfssr* rylng Virgltiiatiid West Virginia, wc would say to thc ./. Bras. Itel never wen- hope* likf ly lo prove more delusive. If thc/ournaf w ill ( xainino tin- facia and BfOrSSlB OOtt Statis for ilielf, and nive unprejudiced judgment, if raaaot bat agrss with Bm fjjfsj Bsa) on Iiii* point at lc;t*t. Mahone's Petition. Thc l'hilndclphls Time.* ot y.stordii BM thc follow lng article : In the Ttln.-t nf ali tte excitement aliout du- ( cattaiutid yesterday two Aguie* were poahef through thc Bintb-ttreet eatraaee whieb nit flied d noe- attention. Tbs s-oM kteiiificniit ti: tn cf tte two wm Gsaeral Mahmie, of Vlrgtah The other oas Oreen H Baan, ox-i oa-B-lsshaer of latoraaj Revel lie. Roth TQftllSTSn tfd wore *cii! in rooms (.n tte first lloor. Very BSOfl Ibereiifbr Mahotic we* in (-(imul'tfltiou, willi S(nat'.r Don OSMSSBB snd Baum, with senile of Mr. Maim'» liianasror*. The objeel of Oeeetal Msbnaii*i ti*lt wm lo j re»cnt lae sit'i-tioii in Virginia le tte leaders af tte partv. Bs stw tte atadl. dato and all tte Wadim, and both Cameron .-.pd Haiim s|Kiko for bate, What MshoBl said to nil of them may batt h) Inferred Tit .iii what BS said I the 'Timi's: "Yes, OM Iniic l .'O'ul ("hitlio I carr.' IBS State ht HI tine. Oue batt tbs t-ffoi-. nntl money apeotea bobm Bortharn -Bat, put toto Virginia would Insure Ita ci el m! volo is tte Republican nonlneee, 1 bare ih va r soi n our people i. better eoodltloa nr Btore dst, iiiiino.i t> w in a victor*." .'How Bavay coagreatlooal dlatricUwill you curry*" "WoullL'ht !.. hllio lit OUt Of th) I'). nm! cniihi, pct timt BttRiber ll the National i oiBflttttes ii nu d take proper hold of tbe lunation. We will -,'. t f.uir In any event." .. w hat di.,-- ti,, (resend nf and Wi liam hick amount tor" '. Nilibili--. '1 hoy h iv Leen acting with the I>e|]ine|-'it:e party fat taroo V MIS BB hove in. indium e. Tip- discord imi be of tip her, i* a great deal nore important thsn in lae Mni -. We are getting more m-nnN troM tbs DeOMHrTStlC pirti dun there aro prodhals from os. We an- lin¬ ing around and htre a good ch nice. Yir- -ililit is nun h lin.!", Ih in a doub-fttl St i!¦-." Moaeyl Money I Moser I Bu! lu-won'! get lt. Mr. Joass und Mr, i.'ik!*.*- know ino will the state of thin,'* in Virginia to lie misled by (ii ni ral MABOBS'SStatofl-Cat-: hi'i!<f lbs i'. ni'si ii.mi "haden" Mr. I'M- i* tte h.ad-ana, of Nabobs'! tantlldalc, Ii-r "lii.-n s*,not moro Hi iii two will bs i-l(cte,l, ws ire raa-adent, 'i' ]-'ir*t, Third, Fifth, sixth, thveotb,Eighth, r.nd in-think ive tiny m.vi add thc Vnth tad TSBlh dialri'!- aro safe for tbs Deno- crHts. fad as to tte food ebanee tbe Mi- teoettsa profeM to tera fur carrying vii-- gish for Rf.aim-', it i. all bosh. Tho Demo, erst* will carry the State by twenty, thirty, or j i rteffl forty thousand Majority, Bead: "Oas batt IteafAttl sod MONBT -pt nt nu Koine northern state* put Into Vtrgtah mciilil insure if* electoral vote to tin ld publican it iininees " | Was svrar saab boasting heard ot? Tes, ('ilieral M--BORB, ts IfBB, |Ott before thl j.r.-id. iiti.il (lcc1ii.ii. at which hi* ticket rees hen only lt.0_fi vote*, tagged his Basts toa jxijier s.tiiii- forth that In* ticket would cirri" tho Mite of Virginia. Tbs otter twa Uehxti sot respectively taLfOO mid SI,(HM) vadis! Federal Interlerence. The Democrat- of the whole c-iuiitry mayas well in.iko up llioir minds linton or bi-forc tte 4tli dav of BoWB-tef next tiny will everywhere have ttl submit tn tbs ISOM humiliation* la which tte Republican oii'i* ia!- tera already sB-drc-ted the election u coi* in Now Ortesos, m ihown In our BRSM Bl yesterday. Mr, BsBRSTBB, th) stale elcction-oiiioer. wa.- arrested by thees R,.pablhan otBcislsoa aaa_Bdavt< obarglog him with bh-tterlng sod prareatlBg then from fftf attendiince st the place of ri_ri-- triition of voters in tte psrishof Oilcan*, and from a frc- oxtininution BBd Inspect toa of the ncon'-imuk- of such res*btrathn< nnd frniii makin.,' true mid correct lists therefrom, and fruin verifying tbs sun-. and from peifuinlBgsetsrcqalred of then a* such sapsrThar* of eteetha by tbs hwi Si tte 1 nit'd Spites. Thc jieoji'c of Bl-hS-Ond iitiU-r-1 uni ex¬ actly ivliat all that nn-aii*. Two yean ago some of our oleotluti-nllie rs wile arro.tod nu a fiivnlniis ebsrge, sad arri -ted, loo, is lbs middle of thc day of ehetton sad mari bod ott a mile or nore te 1.i- amiiieii " by other RepuhChan oftehb on Ihat Mv-bhas ebsrge, These eteetiou- Hil els lo whom wo nf.r were reooiviii-" votes ut IBS precinct iv hi-ll nive* a lar,'(-r white majiTity than any other precinct in lin- eily. Turn SOt the party which bueaponslbh for these sufinges, Mr. Randall. Wc sro vlad that the Cleveland. Hen- dricks, ami Daniel chili of Lynchburg, purpose to visit BsMBSMB) (ill :ls a body "ii MM Mil (>f October ti hear Mr. I.tsntii. sjiak. Thc distinguished l'olipsvll alli in i.a* mt tilt d all tte boaon thal tte psoph rf tte 1 'lided States could bSBtOW UpOS Lim. Particuhiriy dues thc South owe him a ddt of |*ratttod* whieb can Bern bc paid i.ur i von tiiiiilnisli'-d. Air. IUM'ai.i. I* a man of tine jin* .ncc. He i* thc foreum-i paTltanitBtarlSB bl tte world, wc suppose; and, therefore, liutiri- vallcd ss a " S'le-nko, " 'willi a <. ijiit il S). Rut a* a s*,M-aker (with a small *) ho is inferior to eevcral of our Vir.-it:ta oratora, We mean BMSSt] Iii 1'ollit ed BUBUMT. nd Battler, We mean that BS i* uni putioulark clo (|in-nt; sml yet hs doe* not nek ii int is i ulled .' liia.iiotiMP." And M I ) ral merit, hi-. *| co-la, will comjiarc favorably with tfSRM cf any MSB i:, the I'liitcil Mat BS, Ile can .tStS a BtwfOSitiSfl of-l ind as clear- li i* any nliui niau can st_to HM sam- in writing. Os sud heir tte hlitelB|n|B18 Rammi.i.. ¦te BRM tir-t eba ted to (iMttfTSM tvvcntv- BfttySSnsffO] who has nil, i iH-t-n out of that bash ktOSS BS Vfl Irtt sent there: ulm wa* Mart biforc Hi um: iva*, and li i* remained lhere for year* alter Hi.ainu's r, tirement, but who is now pearn tealsrayi was. The Ctntrat Presbyterian ol thl* week is full tf anti-evolu'ioti ttfRtflBaff, .. M." who claim* to bc only one of thc unlearned. bi ile. an article which even Dr. Woon¬ ton might with beuetR ponder. Tho dis¬ cus.pm which bal grown out of Dr. Wfftts Kow'h teSSfBanfftel proved that HM CVnfraf Presbyterian ls a w atchmun upon the Ij wer. Ita .. science " tells now. We do not know that there- ls any State a titi) can boast of religions BfBffl NfM* rior to these of th's city. Non ho.sinim tantas ctmponere lites. But lt is (.oiernor C'AMKitus'b. It is his to '..ettie the bash " of Hm pt. lt 1* within hit power to put an end to Mahonb'h ma¬ chine politics by t-tkiug the stump foi the nan who hut for thc Governor* counte- iBtt.ee end tnrwuraasjnMaiwould protjaMv be now delivering letters and p^pari in Peteisbnrg Instead of delivering srrei-liei to tbs «. colored troops" of tbe Fourth d!«* IriPt._ Tonrgee'a Latest Exploit. If Bri lt I iIA.vpi.lb really deal rei to do Ihe Bepuhllctn porty a service he will send Ihe Bear nnd thc Thetis In search of a de¬ fender of Mr. Ui.AiMt who ha* no record. Judge IwSBnjSJfl sffordsthe latest ll lu itr.i- lion of Ihe fsct Hint such RB expedllbn wou',1 be dcslrsble. A few days ag), at Dunkirk. N. Y. Ibe Judge appeared asa BURBS champion In a Jolatdiseusdoii with Colonel Fas I ona, al New York, who ad- vocal ed (i.ivm.ANii. TotuoKi. ip.kelii-t and at lenrth. Fallows followed, and during his speech read an edilorial publ-V ed In the Continent, TounoflK's magazine In that article Tohruee sUrtMl off with the nat* inert Hint "if the Kcpubllcan party ¦ k* to commit hari-kari, the ajntalMI I Bfl «i:i.-t iinihed fur it to do soi* by fie nom¬ ination o! lAMMd. aaUWBlBf the lire,i- demy." This was followed by the state- m. nt ihaf'bl* dlsabilitl**s a.* a candidate ire radlc.'.l and incurable." Thin cam.* a bill of particulars, opening with this: '. In Ike tirst pliee, lie ls the Incarnation of nfl the reprehensible element* of the K'-pu'dican uarfy, itel* apoBtieten in Hu- low bbuss in which theterm i* u-ed. To hi* mind *tati-- in:iii*!ilp I* synonymous with trickery." Tin Sprint'tlebl RepiJAicin says Hu'Hie worthy aliidge " WM obliged to retire from the (rntest wor-ted and amid the derisive -I., er* and laughter of the audience." Th" nepnblioin does not state where Bfl retired to, bul the presumption is Hut aftf-rindiilg- lag in such B " Foul* Krrand " and SUek an uttMiipi to aaake.«Brleka wlthonl straw,'- li, sought (I.vvvi.KV, IIo.vh, and Tc*BB-PB- .'ilie MclioNAii), and (ell OB their benURM Bad want _ A Straw. The New York Timi | *avs that among Ihe unusual devetepnients <.f Um ra^esenl political eaayaM i* te be noted the reeo_u> baa of the .M*thndist Cnnfareaw of Illinois lo give Its support a* a body to Sr. Joi is and DaBIBL, This being true, it Insures tip- el. ii,.. of ('Aimil ii.vitiiisns to be QoTernor and secures the electoral rote af Illinois fur lu vi pam. if th''*" ate northern bfetbo- di*ts, ol Whoa nine tenth* iii- Bepubll- BUS, Hut thi* movctneal i* a straw thal Bkowi how the wind i- Idewiii'.' In Ohio, Indi mi, Killi-..-. Iowa, Bfld Wi-iiiii-in, m well a- iiiinuis. We ii iv c nut recorded a riiore en¬ couraging "devi..j iiiepi " ttoce the cnn- t rif_ii open. d. Burrah for ("i.::vi:i.am. an I Bl KUBICSB. TbM dd niblin, or clowa, or whslever ( Ne yen i linu-e lo eal! hitn. l!.'ii*t BtTTLSB rec. eily Mid in a public speech "Pul anything like a man In tbe presW dent lal chair and there would bc n .such thing a* a I lui ville or copiili tn tasacre, sn .very n.aii engaged in one would ia prison." Well. BtTTLKfl i* a* little 'Mik:' a lil in " as any other paadldate tbs! could be found la Ibe Initial Ma!,*. Be i- a n.misler lu v. iv resp. el Hendricks cannot biol out hi* dlsloval i.e.id. Be wm m disloyal m .1:1. Davis. ('.i-i inna ¦¦ nette. Twenty gran after the war ead d. tnt is tbe kind ol talk which northern Bepub- ileani Indulge In a* Ihe best means of getting vniis for Bepublleau nominees. And tin-re are Virginians who are working for thc siieei -s ol the Bepublican pirtv. HOB.TBQM-1 8. Huiiii K eilli'd ll'* Mi in ye*1( rd..v.lite Hrs! mm we ever lie ir.1 make b i>isi>ii<- speccb, and who then BM te' une ni the mn*t efTectlve we have ever listened t". There are few sn 'li oraton a* BocncBWM lu hi* prtaM. Long may bs bc spari .11" ii- native State, The Cincinnati Cnmmnrci,il'G<netl<' of September ___(! publisbM the Mn.muan letters. It tunk oar Buckeye oontemp .- rai) a long time to screw* it* courage il]) to the publishing pniiit. Rea Hook. A NaturaHsfs Rammttt About Home, Hy ch im.ks C. Abbott. New York: D. Aiii.nnN A- Co. issi. The price is imt-tated, but the hoik i* worth whatever is a.*ked for lt. It isa I.k nf what used to ho elle,1 " Anim it Nature," *,r Nat nial Blstorv. Mr. Abbott wii'.s rn), an,,.rv concerning opoMums, ' ird-, vvii-.is. iniiik-, Ac. Ac. He writes fl*om actual personal knowl-ul:-e. and Iii* i--:.vs are a* Interesting a, stell essays oould be made, For sale by Wk*t, John-ids a) (!o, BRIEF COMMENT. Celine.- ieut is losing h.-r prestige. Thiie bu-iii been a myMerioui murder ta the State for a month. 'I h.- best way fur BELVA LOCAWOOO to get support i* to condini ber campaign wit!: a Bl ii' * ol feint-. "l.AitnicHiiiK maka |10B,fajo a rear ont nf Truth." The Blasts organ, might 1 retlt by this InformaMon. Tin- Philadelphia Press preaeats a pfc> hire nf "Mr. Blaisb wi ie wing the parade in thal eily." Mr. iii.um. ibouldsuetbc Prtst for lil.i 1. Wlthonl expreMlng anv opinion a- to tbe merits of tbe conflict between Mayor Cab* him.nv nil Councilman Bowin, vv think tbs hiter ls to bs Mntnaended for gettlni. a* deep into the mud a* tbe workmen were in the mire. A Phil-nidi bia oontemporary, irieaklng Ol thc Hi.aink iliiiiuiistralinii in thal city. Mys Mr. Blairs wa* mular the electric light. We hud thought that Mr. Hi.usi; wa* under the electric light all over Up¬ country. " Thc mure I told them I had." say* (icm ral Hi tl.ti:, "the iin.i',' they told UM toots* out." Ya-, Bbtot. it wa* nu banns] crowd, and lhere i- supp- question ii, tn bow you -rut iii..«t ..( yours.silverware particularly. " Nut the lens! ebeering *i'.'ht in fronl of the l nioii Lea|tte las* nigh! wm thespee- tac'i ol Jambs <¦. B-abm quietly beating Hine willi lils loot In Hu- Ullisi,- nf thfl binni." vv s ii,,, h;iij,i phrytng the Multi- gas Qnardaf The IJaliiinnri ARMTlOIB .»:iy-: "T!i- (.(.ininiiin uti, n ti..in Bon. Gnoaos Bli published in our Hews e.,hunns tin, i.i.ni- tag, refntoa r*oaehitlrely the charge thal has Leen linnie that Judge Foi.uki: wa* hus- tile to Mr. Hi.aisk'* candida-y." VTheB Hu- .lH.iM'cin *. ii!.,.lnwn to the arel-of ¦JftttBfl of a pice of frito satire ii ii lally Mieii'd-. Feraonal. The Bafsaael .state of the hate BMtoD Sin.|ispn i* slated to be Tallied al irO.l.iJS.!. Cnn rn! Mae Adam*, who ls thought fn 11 Bm Bated .. Number One," kan rcit.Med st. Loni* (rom aRJBwpe. Father Hyacinthe, on bis return to Purl* wiih his American m\m%\ wa. yelled and li.,, .1 at on hi* first appi-iranee in tbe pul- pi I ly a party af Paris rough*, who wanted bim lo "divide." A statue ol John Harvard, the benefactor ol Harvard University, will be unveiled shortly al the college. It a bronze IgiSS au J has cost BVLUtXi. The bronze will Ik* rmi In place on a base west of Memorial Dil at Cambridge. Sarah Wlnncniiiera, daughter of a chief of the Plutee, recently jrave a lecture nt Virginia City, Nevada, on "People I Met lull..- Kant." She wai dressed in Indi tn cosiume. Not an Indian attended tbe lec¬ ture. Thc Plutos are said to think that she 7%gTo%^tMLtr --R>*- -fvi-k-'rn -Mi a iass*"' ¦**¦ ¦ ¦'" .¦¦¦-¦" has descended in the tchotslvtltsiUon hy wearing usually Hie ooatuSte of Willie women. Hbe ls laboilngio fft money to csiabllih *n Independent Indian scoool at Pyramid Reservation. Ephraim Reiser, a voimr ardtt. who ic home i* In BilHinurc. but who i* now In Kt me, liss beef designated by Mr. I- relm-,-. biiivn ssthe wulplorof tbe monument to lls'roii Da Kalb, to Ik* ercct-d In Annapolis under the net i-f Congress ot 18S.1. Balor William DtekeT. who was a mem¬ ber of Hie Maine LSfbilttSTI In lill lo. foic ssfaf morttls of this dav and BSB-IB- Hon were Itorn. ls Ih* "Father of th- Hollie" now. Ile goes to Augusta In the wtnti r ss a Democrat of the hickory air.. Professor Dr. Foster, the wcll-.nnwn Kut.H'h'1 iBtiBRahtttt,artedMdst Aix-li- ( haisl'e. MM ti collection of lilied* winch. flem it* jwrfeclinn sad bSflOty, stiu,I* al¬ li ssl unrivalled, the insect* not only _S)Baf pit pared in th* MB*f useful mumer, Im; ah** cn wetly dssnttksl in accordance wlti si icr.tiflc rules. _ Ktiirlt of IB* BIBI* Prssis. Sum Ik Ht rolil: lt dies.. lifer* are illiM- tratlons of what he (Blaine) did oath (tpesterof tba Boom, what would bs not m.a.* E-resMeal of tte Baited state** I.jrcldmrg .Vrir.*.- The control w',i. h Mr. Ulallie ba* over one set of hi- .. in¬ stinctive slit inkings" HW the control which untidier set nf hi* " InStlactlva sin inkings" ha* over dim arc truly rc- iniilkiible. Nfdfolk ljrth;er: The ikies aro hn.-ht and brfghirniiig. and. if flfS du Bot ri 11 iv nvor-conti'hnoo to Ix-trav BS into tho He¬ eled of those thin.'* (hat are absolutely 11 *-:iry for lacOi -, vv. ihstl Steel our presidential ticket, irn-i'- SM MU majority In thc House of HojtrosciiLi'ivos, and take charge of die Senate. I.vnolii urg Virginian: Wc see a rep<*tf- Hoi.'of lld* his'nrv, iv lii.h i- .. phil..* .;,iy- fi aching by oxatiiplo." in tte course of the Independent (tepBlnlatas ol to-day. who prefer tbe beoett Ooreiaorof Bew Tori Ul tte bririaiit man sf their own party, vvhniii they di-'rus! bsCBOM of hi* uiir.il (inokidnes*. It is enough tu know thll Jbbm-sG, Btt-hf mil never be tenta inti th) "tltidolioo of lif'l-fnill" llli,linn* ol pf >. j i,-. and i linn, i bo President Bf tbs United States, brilliant tteogh bs he. COMPULSORY Ol MNA8TICS. BafMctas io OM Law nt frtaeilaa ttgaa BRM Views of Ihe Halter. A PilBeetoii iN. J.) spcefal Myi: Tbs faculty and tnttteeeof the college tor some tine have I.,, ii cushion:,- tin- expediency i f m:.I.in-: a emir h tin- gymnasium com¬ pulsory tor tte student*. To-day it was l.l illloed thal tte nile WOUld bc ¦¦tlf.ro I, and tte Irnbmen and sophoaiaBn will be¬ gin work tn-ipiifrmi. Atnbers! wassmont the i.i-t of .inn icm Institutions to taki ii:i**itp in physical disctpHas, white In- pet ut to tbe nov, men! wm given bj Prlnc .- tonycansgo. In If70,woes ttegynna- «iiiiii WM built herc, a law WM in TOgll n ((niling each atud. Bl to ip ad a number ol basin s weal working h tbs building, under the direction "f Br, (ioltlin, ibo Issttuctor. lor Mrerslyears tho arrangement, on tte who!", S talisfactory. A proper Istercal vv i* no! lacking,: ml do n was bo particular ditli- nin- IngeUing il undenrr iduates t-i con- form to Un reguhtiof. Just al dii- juno, inn- tho attoiiiiincc ii college rsi greatly I,;, d. and then tbe ace intnodatl oi* of the a] mnatiun were hun to be In ide- quote. Tbe hw, however, wm not rei) rel, alt bough Itt efficacy had been p -r n i- neatly balked, Tbe decision of the Is | In rgaln putting Hm compulsory hw in loreeervated nueb surprise. It wm well t.i mvp ibat il re wa* sot roon ta thc building for tte four ola-*--, and ¦*) tbe « i.,!. nts argue d that thc scheme would hil III., II tl.i* fuel wa* lillee Ulldel'st'i'id. i'll f nin. bowen e. '"iiii'inmisod tbe natter hy making th ir decision -feel onlj tbe two (OW, I ol -,--, -. A gr I iii niau ulm is'i'iihii-il I ip th OB Ibetabjictssld: "TbeadTantegei ifcon- I'l'l-ni > exercises of tbli kind nnot l'-iiisiuil. To lome thc Idea larepnlslvc. 'lin'< doubthM srlses fu-n thc fact tb human naturi-, and especially young human nature, panrain a deep-rooted di-lik.-ti being ii'id ll wiwf do anything, Tte aetion nf tte college otfenh ott so nuch h i', favor Ibat tl detent** a cheerful respoai ll is -aid th i! nen a ill -eek and li ni exi . che a* iln-y feel lt- Bord. Anongthose iinw in college tin re areprobably ons hun¬ dred of whom thia nigh! lie truthfully as- -' Hi d. Hut to MSUne that it il true of all is ibaord. Tbs gynoaslun open be* Iwein toa lu,ur* of ll and i. .', aad ii. nnd during lteie iniii val* the teudcaey is to losf. A* a rah tbe tine hi 'hu* ip nt or occupied hi r< itiliiiL'; sonctimes, per-uuM. In Bsbottiv.dk, which i* i: real phjttcaj , xerdon. This pjrognnBM !. followed oul by two thirds of tte -indents, while lhere ar* many who donut *,.- Hi in. Ide nf th" gynnaslun inure ihan ad,«/' ii tineas view, Tbe faculty, ai last, have bosm tu know these beta. Vigorous, vet aol rtohttt, ex- eia-i-i- insures -'nnd health, -itid grtally re- duels th,- ebsneesof sttudent'i luffertog from tte slab nlary life which i* alni .*' thrust upon bim. Tb* faculty, I dunk, have utod llln*t ll i---'y." While tin re is lbs general feeling thal flu- new law i* just, ii i* aaactted in" tome that tho faculty lm* bo right ti Duke work in tte gynnasluo- extra work. Tbej tty thal tho sell, (lull-nf recitation requlrea a certain number ot Innis i wuk fur lec¬ ture*, atudy, etc., and thal du- is all tin- is mi 'in o iiini ibotdd I"- m.uh' unless the Bunbrrof redtttioni i- reduced. .1 CHILD KILLED BY Al.COHOL. be Pr rems (iel cn a Spree with it sm.I tin- Linii- Obs lirips if,, ip. >. iv Tort ih rsl 1.1 . 'orom r liv,ui .vu- rural toned to bo! I an nquesl yesterday al Cteppaqui upon the death ol a four-year-old -mi ol Du id Bee, a .-hut maker, and th re be "Iii j h.i th dead bi dj he hand Blas Gabrielle Gre* ley, thc only -inliving daughter ol ll ira Greeter. She wai irranglnj. wUd flowers around th corpse, which liv In a long prac box, tbe parents being too poor . provide a cidliii. Tte child bad died ..f tuc ibollsm, and tte Interest evinced bi .Mi** Greelev in tte little ons wm nuteo br tbe fae! tint lbs WM ill godmother, .'ind tbs little boy's lister Emma, ten yean old, waa h.. in'.or of the Sunda] tt-bool ch a of which Mias Greeley i*a tJjaeher. Tho stnry told by thi- littl,- g\r\ before tte coroner's j ..ry brought f.-sr* to theeyn nf -lino ,,i ihe-lalwiirt jurvin-ii. She Bald that un Saturday her father und mertber wo nt in While Phiaa sad easts boa*- very draak, carrying s kerosene csa Oiled wits alcohol. .. All tiny Minday." abs -lil, .. papa and nianiii.it and Hiram Torkidrank ileonol and -jot very drunk, snd I took lae caa sad hld it np-.fair* In tte coner bi my little bed. 1 hid tte licobol liecaoso. dithi'i srsol papa and Luanna to eli ink bb* illino. Mv little brother fouud tte caa aad drank BOOM of tte SteOOOt, I MW him coaM doors -tain, sod bs rttggered aero** lbs room and fell ea my Inp. 1 smelle_ alcohol on hi* breath. 1 'raised him Up OB mv lip, .alni in nj *n.di be .pi! down tod fell on tte ii'inr. Be went to steep there lilli! lieu I1 linke ||[ ." M-MGreeky took tte rsastiasof tteehM to thc cid (irt-eliy f inii-lpaus vosterdiv if- fornccn. nm! the fiimr:.! will take place from Ibera to-dsy, Tte oiiniur's jurv rendered a rerdlci i entunag the pr, ntl for criminal ea i. --. rad a* Mn. Bee i* In rt detlesl eondl- lion ihe oas fldrissd to go lione to her i' i. which -he will do to-dsy. Mi** (.rn ley will take ebsrge of tbe tari malting children.caa a hauy, twa an l i ball ti .in I'ld; i igbl yean, mid kinma, ag, d -..- and will lend th rn to sch o'. < IteSSfBBf n lo rt ii ne ofB'.-'iO.OOO. A Hartford .< te i.) ip elsi sn -: Th ire is il L n at -Hr BBMHlgtbe CuBBiagbant, of Hartford, eu account of a reper! that i for- loaeol a'1'iaiter nf aniUlondolbur i*io e,lii idi d muong tte faitii'y. An adTrr- !:«i n.eit appeared is s tVovldsn -.- pap r i few months ago nkhg laforatittoa coo- eera hg the bein ol BstoCaBBtogbtu*, who (liiignited si,ii,,-yt ar* ago from Wsteriord, Irehnd, to Auttnlfai and reeeaUy died. hii'iig an .slit.-.,t i-.-iO.iKM). It st em- th it tte < nnninsbam hnily, nf Hard ird, eass* (iriL-itiallv Iron Waterford, and Inve-tig.i- 1i< u h: d* then lo -BUSTS thal they ar.- the rightful hers of the Amfrallun widow. Bte separated from lier husband and u- KBged in ttesbnp whlBf BfriBOM in Au« tr.dia, by which menu* she ann**,.<! her for¬ tune anil died without heir*. One of the ('.innipgliams, of Windsor, t onn., went to treated taJa-Mtlre into tbs rtSatiosship but bs gained no satisfactory infuromtion. Ti., Hartford branch will make every effort to -i.il'li-h their cl lim*. T«ta«-1 A raoul In tba Rsa All Richi. A flaMMS) tpccisl »ays: On Saturdty Isit a Ptuiii'.'iiese started in an open In nt, about fifteen feet long, from New Redford for Cut¬ ty hunk, to tell another Portuguese, engaged In lobstering, that hi* child in New Redford wai drud. On hil way down thc boat wai eai'ghi in a mjuall about 7 o'clock and cip- sl/eil. hut did not sink, and the man clung to tbe craft Hil the came tgalutt tbe outer stakes ot fleury Alteu'i tiihtrapi ott the harbor NMbawena. The . .... .latin* fana( ll,. ,11.... FOILED BY I HF SHERIFF. A (lever Jail liVllsrif |. Raeklaad CeBtity llrlrrlrd |D ih<< -.Irk of Tlmr. AMo'lMoor (New York) SfMSWH sass: In the tittle barnie! nf >,,.., ,.,,,-. w!li .., j, th*-cnnnly town of Boekrand .'-oiiiily, are thecoiiniy building.. eoastettag af a eon- tr,i building, te iii.1 floor and bn-m-.it of which I* u-"l ni tba rsridaaoe af the ttertft', and Hie Bflcead floor a, the ci-'i-t- i.i.iii. on iii- north i* x wing t aa stories in height which i- flied ax i jul; on the xi.nih I* Hu- new wini.-, in which are .itu .nd Hie e..un!y OUMM and siirr.- C.iliN Coull, lil the J tri t!p,r,. ure Bl ;i -.nt some pieven priaoaers, among anani arc tames r -n, who wai <imt a vv.ck;.'-" st Moase- byBtaMT IL John- fan, A r.lerehilit ttl -ill Yen, WhOM M t lad Imii br. k' ii lalo aa robb il br M u> pan; Mitel Bovie, wbo is to be tr aianslBUgbler in earning the death of a tel- I'.w-lalionr in ;. lu '-v .'-I MBtonv Polnl bv striking bim un tbe bead wltbaoord- v pal sii'k lu Alu us! Ii,t. and Knl.-.i M ,r. mv. who mm eaughl ia cu- c itnmlaslon of * bnrghuT al the b* um "f Hr. .v. H. .1 wk- 11 an. in Nvmk, un the '.'.'hi of A H'.-n-t li,t. 1 I,.re are several then Who are e iiiiu I nu vii ii- ehar.'. *, iTim-ipilly drunk an I disorderly. l-'or Meerai dayi thc theriif, Jahn ,v. llniriiig. had noticed a growing intimacy between Brassil, Murray, and _toyte,aad p. caine -uti-c. .1 (bal (he wounds of Reagsa well lint th- ell!', OBUM "f tin* a-sidu '- aympatby dtspisyed, and thal bb old j ni- hlrvTl of ihe experience of li-' ena ism very llki ;> io batch some ptel thal would resiifl in causing irnubic Far a few days the shel ii! kepi a careful a:d unsuspected - ali '1' 11 tl"' workings "t thens three w rr- (Mes,and suljeequeul eventi hive -'1 ex t'ii hi* prudence did uni display Itself loo boob. Puring tbe absence. Of tl.e -lpn.r nil Sllll.liv ]. i'liliar ll.is , u. re h.:.rd like (he gn iwlngol rats, which ri I.- ri ported to tbe tbi riff on hi, rel ira, and lu-'. doubt, d bli ex. rti ins to peeve il ¦i > m.. ri ob the |Mii el the m - i.ui_; irs tad iiu;i'!'fi' from ky-tdlnr to success. Everytbing wm qui. until 1:80 .-'ci.. I, mi iiie,.lay morning, when the mv-i. r-nii- gnawins of rats wm agun b. srd, ind a -. ere! wal -ii n 1* se! oa Ibe pi I. in vv i,ieii Murray and !'¦ ij le a ere co .- tned. Abeu! I o'clock (bo cell-do r swung e|" 11 noiselessl) on n- bin rcs, snd Murray l.-it (be .-ell. followed bv Boyle. Il raised the (-rating from tbe register-pipe, inn1, arefully folding bil .'"at in tbeolpc sn as not i" scratch bli body, prepare 1 to slide in the cellar and prospective m. At this nc.':.- ni the sheriff 0 tb. "in do* inri tl di* ipnointed | .1- oiled f'-r their cell Ukefrlghl rats. Ii iv-, found -hal Ihej tl li ... .11 some no -t. 1: -us w iy, -up;.li.-d with a b wc ind iel a.f taws, fl i'i which Ur j ii id saw eP.-lill.!-!-!,uli'-it.ell bull Which f l-l it'd the door ol ihe cell. The prisoner* have be in placed in a. in te .-!;- and are to li-' lu¬ ll) (h. grand Jory, noa In - Although ll .ur .ii i- till suffering levere- |y from lu h."itii i-"-, ii is thought I would lu,ve attempted to mak hi-1 vaiiii the ntl,1: t'.i " i tbe pipe. Von *ii.:;..*¦ nt l!.t_r-t*. Vt iii lie!'' village ol Ba il :, dtuati il Hie . hw Mid X'ii'il lille Ol I'.Ul'V iv. an iu i,':" anton "f st. G iii, tb. r i- so- Journii world ki, wu. *.iv* a (.cn,-vi correspondenl ¦>( the London Daily Netts. Marshal von Moltke 111,'. il iii Switz, ri md a few order thal be mig it teki th w iten finn-.-. Bag it/ -:-ri 11 ¦. iii- only consist, d of two Ml ts, Hi bi, personal hsggagc mlgh! easily have Lien li.ni .I in .t child's whe. i.irroa, v London morning papei recently state I thai th.' ri ieiiT.il fn lunn ttrategisl wa* men- II x xml physically broken np. This is lui tbe ca-e. for, -ave in those dgni which tonis! :.mpaaj etgbty-four ie u-, ol ...' he having b.. n born on tb Sri li nf 0 *©¦ i..r. 1*.hi.( ..lint ron Moltks pres.nts no sjiciai symptoms "f decay, while bi* Int ii ci i, lienr, briflbL and unimpaired. A till lunn, xii. vv bal bon e I, with a rugge I (ac -, I., en, il<. p»sel ye* overhung by sb iggy eye. brows, n.-.s-ire forehead, and a ii r.n. - il- dierly tread, von Moltke would bec. nspicu- niix vin among tbotuandi of other eon* .picuoufl (Jgurr*. lu bi, manner an I hahn* Usiis taiiijjple and frugal as vv.;- iii - great "On!.'- of LVelllngton, un I li" has a borrer cf b. lng made a 1bow of. N ituraily lacliuru, ll ls seldom he enters i'i eon- rersalton, especially with strjngers, and in.-, t bim win 11 you will he alway. 1. to he wrapped ta thought. Ile use-inly, md gm , 11n.it!' ndi d to t1. (Juellenh if, when the waler* are .Iran;., li iv In?I iii"i (he Brst gi ian, a* by mle pretcribe 1. he folds bi* bands behind bis back and I ncc* up ind down, walebing with keen In- i.iast the wiiier-iirink.-r*, and .miling oc¬ casion! Ill ss mme lyre t iking hi- Hrs! d <¦¦¦ puckers bil Ieee up in dlsgusi m the strong sulpburous fumes. These water- rise in tin Pfsffer'i gorge, three mil- away, lt is one of tl. markahle gorges In the wi, le d Sn ii/, lani. The fiil'i' ul* river Tannin, lia* carved a waj for Itself through a -tup. ml. i- di Bl -. [fl no place i* tlili chasm mon than twelve yal ;, wide, whin ..verb, ad tbe ns ..- mea t, 1 fi sj op. lure ami il.' rc admitting the li.'lit. H .- ;..vv the river bolls with Incredible fury, and *" i' rrtflc .1 ,1 un. uthly »eeon the nui*a', oa ing to the rea. rbei it lo .- e. be. -. tii.t ii visitor 1 d' tbe _rs( tim can v n press .1 (. ling o( alarm. one -ide ni tbi, weird r ivi rn 1 wool tralb ry bImhi! rlghti j inti In length bas i",i ti built, "lin .' -111-.* utetl bj ni rn, if imii black. 1- li I Into tbe p rp. n licular wall ol rock. Be wbo would traverse thi* 1. with dry skin mus! "lethe him* -if fmui bead t" fool in mackintosh, for tbs irater pours down (rom shove in endleu -11.ii.1-. The bot i| bubble Bp fl .HI) tin- ll ,,r ul' :, c i- vern at tin- end ol tl. gallery, and run Into in enormous mervoir. Tbs cavern Ism in-! and the fun -1 i the sulphur -.. strong (bat tbe purioui vi-it.,,-. beta tpprebensive nf :.-j.ii\ Mi. in a! -1 -ji edy retreat. From thc gorge tbe watei are conveyed by 1::-'.'.,'iiiii -; 0 the v diane, and,owing lo tho ( real talland tbi rapidity with which Ibe winer flows, ii arrives at Its destination willi tin iou ol only 1 f .v degree* ol b iL li i-av.r.i nowt ifni lulpburaudlrona iter, j in I ls said to vvnrk mindel lue 1 ol rheu¬ matism snd gout. Th'- village of Bigatz i- ilia.tiihceiiHy -lin! I in ac ,- ll Irue Alpine grandeur, li itands l.ltJ-J foe! al,nve Hm- -1 a. and lo* (0 th< ip (he Tallinn i Bbine. lt- n ttu- ral ultra.-tiutis and Hi. repute ol Its waters annually Bttreel Bb n ten thousand .tran- _. i.. Conni viii Mo Ike bat been In th I.: lil .f visiting Bagatz for tome v. ,r-. II general.] srrives unexpectedli iii takes tbe plainest bed-aroom he can geL for any- tbiag tike luxury be totally Mcti n Vi n Melik.. i- an exec -dingly frugal .1. r, wine be »iid'.ni touches, but bow and agata be takes a little beer, Hs i- a good Wilkel' -till ill spite nf hi* lulu,'' .!¦ (our years, lie promenades al..ne, and wi'.l.eut even tbe BMlsteaee of a ttl ,. Bit habitual attitude is with hi hands be¬ hind I..I.'. I!'- walks stewly, ind with h - th beni f irward. in the eve¬ ning, lei ditiiii r, be spends sn boar in t .- s lon ol Ibe i'm Hetih"!. where daaetag and -au - -tv ii 'ml.-' d iii. and though be I iki - no art. in- manifests greal Interest in all Ibat goM "... At 'i o'clock li" returns to i,1- hot. I, and hall au hour Later retk tbe n'ghL ll -,...-..1'* lire.-..I l*ri'2>ar_t!on it ibe cheapest baktag powder mtde. '1 iv it. VI MlUlAl.l.a. vMu.Hs.'N- mill)-vi in ie i. mi the I8ih.sl il, reildeoceof the h'lde, r»y itu- in r.4. ., e. a,U i- li.A VSI)KH*iiS"...l thli ci:-.. ID air. i-.vi I. Bl l-l',, r vv.. Starry, vii. * \| s|i>V-l)i)lV HTS.-Mirri.-], by ll,.- I.-.-,. r. ¦-¦ iii -I iy .< alfir. -- :. -. aber i.i. I«,e4. at Ute n-uh la.-e of tbe bride's f*'.l-«r. lr ii,HS IL ALS Ii .%'. nf 11 .clim -ii I. I/a , aad Mis IMII V ANN HOW L...V rilciiti ,, .-____-_-_¦_______. ni: at un. pi,wu: -IMajsLatUM rrsi hil,.r Ita BVaatV ii tl st .a!--, -liiiiies W.Neilin). .. Vlmiln, ,. ii.|f)...in iniiiiiy. SeplemlH-r 88, Issi, |.i(_li- H!|. Ix VV.. Jr.. mill child r,f Kr-lcrl k VV uni M"l. ra ll. Pow, r; ajo-il Ave year, anal aeveu *"i tfei BSllS (i.lldreu MSSSM bbM Mi!,fjrof .i.rii i- ii.* lianasa- of Masesa." Sm P.ll and I yiuiihttrir pip-rs pl.-a-ar enpy. .al VIITIX. .ld*"!. Sepleinh.r .1 1.1, ItORKHTA HANLVl .Nl'hKL. infant ilauxiiler of Haltia- -. am! Waller K. Marda. fruneral at thc ruahttticr or her parent*. No. 8 wail iranKiln .hui, Till* MoHMjUl at u O'cOlt^_I_ . .«¦.¦-..¦...}¦"¦^.¦.¦a^aaaaawa.aaaa. ll wiifk ni til H. \V. PK'KltELL, LDMBBB-DBAL- Z _. w. ricaKEi.L. Tara! oracr Brja.l aarl Lstuel iirva.-ts. iv(J-3-u LJ-SJC-jTsB ' e«t7t 1CO*. PBOHITBLY PCHK. 1)T T AA l OTT A A I O 0 T AAA 1. OO T t AI.UJ 8BB a «¦ * '"ii w .iou BBB t A KK [IS KIHI I B AAA K K Bf RN'" OO till -UN "* .»¦ ri* OO W Vf WHOO KK*KKH PO OW WW WI) DH I B i'll' o o w w w w n dis sss PO 5) WW WW 1) O V R H.- F oo w w dod mn a.. w li: MM.a. Alf T1IE MBMBERsi OF M Ht . 'ivi 1 IV! ri ('Kv clan n. MBtt- . ,- VivMill ar' DSMiiCKVTIC Cl.CH. i d'a'f, .'.. in ,., V, io-auler* f.-rlli,. an ..Her- ,ii, n tic mi. -a-o * wt"- b.vj sot c't- .¦.iJn't.e.ri.smJ.wi.l -..'ea.'- atSBI-«a.-,. of ,i,e ( lab al H.. lr hall. B '*, '''!',- ir ....,.... w hall asd ( ny. 1.114.' . ,,.' fTr |.;V»MM..'iM'.'.»' e.-c:.A. *rl]_2^,^n,rt' ,.i Vcr Hi, l-i, no te,! ..Hi.r I'U.i"'-, -.1 Imf) ri- s!,"r.'",V ,'..,...! ... Lei every DsM to et'" il"1 "i'"1 '.''' '"'¦ ">¦¦.¦¦¦"¦. I'"'"!",':{,!KSH.TIV'.I)H. .e.r.-ft AV NH I'.KM: I'HI.Mi ABD SO- If Cl VI. -iKlK Tl .-(.Ulcers and monti-irs ..r . ,,.,r-',..t.il-.'-..'i'-a'i'|- *»;¦.""_ merlina *. L*u»»'s ll'"i .'':""*-,v, '*,:,.,, ll,, ad-'.,-ia. THURSDAY 1 -lt V My- *'" lujr, l. al -* o'ttottt. IcU B "I iBMBrS *»'l ". P.ir- '-"-I- .,., ttosattetv. af rrj 1. /AWI Sl.WIHT*. H UMONDMOZAB.'A. " IATIOB. The rrsa-tt waskly soiree allljtoke M./ar-. Il.lllllh (thursday) VKrsTMo -. .- I- ¦¦.lr »y iii-i'i'' .¦''¦¦;- " . rltaU'iii-eanb. which moil I"- presented si tn- .;, , vp |. ra rall bl III billi BlnB-rir.il "a inn m c. i v'r";;\vT j sin-ct.ur KV*-'* A v 1,01 j Rata ''.'.'. " -.' " IMBIKAN4K 4 OH PART. TMKdlNIA STATE IN-I'KAM B CO. ma n » -loee, Mais stbbbt, i:i ins >*n- tRl 0BPOR i run in l-sff, ASH CAPITA!.W i\,n:i> niiii.i.!M.-.-i'».:*.:-. Mi i: ll is'- INO Ol II BB PROPERTY bbb! ii' . Illina nut-: j. p. in. -., Preil i. ui Mci ¦¦ ,i n i: -M u. ii axj , Jambs Ai rasn **o.*ss, BO. RH I'll:!' ."'*. JOH a B. OB \v- '¦'. V nv ' ll ll. i.. ".] '. i Bol hm Bli rn all ii"- prom HOPE. i vri;v rm. "".. -ii it ni: wi- i e. rm riM io.' lac CARI V VI". I!'-. lind tli-' l-l t¦¦ JOHN' lilli I) -.t ..i lu. ! tu, ,v SOS! BATER fJfFI .;. Im Nave*, a v..inn.- maui near here.had seas- -.-.ali -, h id i eil pail ,,i lil* iiii*-., and iva, v.tca ,,,,_ np tn Ills v.... v ,' I"- vr*., pul sj, rilli lin Iv enrol bi n. H.- s I* all hew led ll.'-h and hi. I, .-.I'll I* .\o la l.t. |l,.'li."l'rl*v r W. r". t KUM!.Kl . M. H . v. ii 16,1881. (i-lctli.rp--... i. KIBOV1I,. riMlE RHANCIJ OFFICE OF THE 1 v MNBU I DBI '. SET r.v.is,. ,'.l- I'lNI eli n red frsi 1 IO -flt h *-. v.-n-l, ill! MAIN s rK.:i r. * He Bank '¦eon can be I ad ll eta. * tn tim wink* ni ill perrnaa liailn* b-alti-ntw A. M. tn ii I'. J. ¦ii., i iv nm:., hit. vMir cm;ini; t impa- vv. » mi iii, a r*.-.un.-... Uirlr lion-and Ile pu reaeratly. at the low- tat prti ' llr.rsl. I' -t -. r.Dglh**. Ilnllrra, Ks*- .".! (irlsrM.II*, ll-um. t a r inri tenrnl Mtrhli erv .v!w.,i _ tings nf eve- ,v let' i.tlnn. Wnrl « ... nail* >¦¦¦ l's ,-. i e -li. r. yr. nlnj pi the a*.- ia _:. ile, '. ( ats! a.__. I.' .-'. ¦>. VI ILLI Ml r I \ *4*-.ll. lt vi ii.i in ):. Itu;i i ii.' \ '.mu i: li, i. m.'. , r nhmdsol i-ii'iH:-* lt mn. RI I'All: V ORK SOLICITED. Iw ALL nin:;: tiC.vi: fsTKCIi. c OI.lt I'.-OIL. 101 l'.vii:;'- OLI) _. OIL. IV. I,-i re !"-i re -lt.-1 fr un stesmee a i REBII LOT ul- TH'* CKLBBR vl.'.ii m.lVK- mi.. We hare mid rilli (in. for many year*] -. vv- Ha uni. ri ,r 'pi tiny i, a* reentallieod-*" il '.. ol -. for i.uI'HlII- 1-8 "I.IVI--CI,.. ni I .' .- .-il. :¦; lt LL, LAUD J mi, Te n :, ilesale Dr-inn-ts. S( IIO'HiS. RTA i*IORCBT. St*. CIIOOL- B no li .-. v.. .;.. i :, r -ii-.iit ii.,- towan priees-s fall Um >f ¦ATHOOL-BOOKS public and pr!*,li nr,:.i*. -ii,, iu -I tad r mptly tilca led p>. WfsT, ii ill',-, Ti is iii, ¦ ll 'Jil Main *lr-i. I VT. BABDOLFU & EBGLlsTI. -4 i-i Mtreet, i. ildst IH Hi* BO 'Kr, .- ie. Bm i-'i'.iii- aaa prtvsle sc lt., beat luiw UV* Mrgetl a-,. rUu-iti lu Virginia. ,: mv." ARD OLD in. >i. * la-van 'tpin-i-iu "i nt, i uiire. fiea. ll ¦-.;.. IBO, malledtoani li .. Mfa S_i HOOL BOOKS. i~ We hat, ii' in Tiff ii"' - ass la Bi ibbS- INiVBll -, hool ai c Bli iel price*, e Invite the at- ¦!' p-iriii,., I.-I. li. i. m.! p BECKWITH ,v lil'! m. Mil.:.:.-ni mc. la.Mii: I.i-Ml SIC. sri .*! Mi ck fa lix Hy. Uberal dlseooati to les se I.. , alain) C. T.JOHR8TOX, ¦al* Mala rect, UKIIlsv Mrpi(-|BJttM.Me. fBB A HHIt KKK K K | H AA lt lt I R K HUH A A HUH KK KK H H AAA lt H )' K K BBIl A A BUB KKK K K T I PollTtVf ( ii."i: ros lin.uni. kkvi'U AND AliC):-C.uit.il!,sii...1,ii,.|l,... ,r,..l,- ,.- .-,v ouiip.ain.l-. Im- sal,. py BODEKRH BROTHERS mid otBtt 'ir,i,.i,u :vt .;,) esau par ''!"'-_.__»u '.' i*«.w|m II ALI'S IMPBOVBD CLEANIBG lt RhAM.rorreeovsilBB etotlw*, remuvlDc *.."'...' " i vlrtis-jtliu .mt dealer* aen. rttlV. 1.. | hoi ,-. H.iDKKLlt lllt.iTIII li's. I ADl^.Peooyroysl PlUs (MChhtes. t J n -t¦.* i DxUah 'ii,ie vtau th tpe,- w,.l<ul ,. r,.,, lui' ;. t, t:- ..1 ii--, le. iiu,-i....r (.-hetaiesi Col 111. V eiram-.|,.i,e, l*lillii,|,.|,,tl,,. "r,u,0*» -»-l _._,_»u sf-Ts, I h.Sa.VSu 1 o,it V Lilli. AM) ItliAIN ritKATMEN-7!' II lt.: t.l.lVKvr-'.I'MtvNIKHl-iiK. ll Ml I*kept Iii stock f.ir mill ll,,- wl,.|..,,|e audr... Will adel) IMIDEKJIR B-tOTHERs, 1414 llsln mrm* sa'J I lOII.KT ARI14LK*. 'Vv/Af\ 11 Ml: Hill -lil's. fff Wff f-RfJ .IMKIHCAN-. tjf-fAT VAHIKTV STYLK sj-iilAI.lt y MT'CKH.K. I.H.ill-Hin-in.s (IMBBBBR BM MtMBSl I sr.- -,1,1111,.ll un,I,- |. our .^^.ij ,|,,n|K- HIM siiri.,,,w .ti!.., plain and MBBMOMM Ililli.!« in. I'clVHKIl-HOXKS,P.iVVDKKl-l'Krt* te*** J- BLAIR, Draff|.i, ¦* ._tor^r Ninth and Broad .trivet*. .l..\^l_S_sU>A,TU« Ws»AtCff l-Rt.NT- jm. inlett. Bn«IA&MI|fM^^Vsyxers/ ^ialsTolJ)-EHTABLISBED HU-M MA1WTAIM* IT* BEFI-TATIO*. -n.F. nr.vT OOOfM AT tOB LOWtWT MICKS. ,, T( A*l(MKBKl*,lB Bil colnr_.Btl«V.»rwa l£$$M,nWAW't\W*~ ^tfWllf.te fn^^-*__* ..|l,,^w"-H,v,v.-e..s.Bn,.y.,f.!*'.>w.th.n!..Us, stel.VJA a isair wutil. S- I .... ^¦iv,^^!,vrn,:-vn;ni:^.v,.rn.w..yi-- .^V^rvvA'sirVoi-Lis .i av- ar-r- .ZT&arJ t,. ie. ism. "'.....-*». .<- .** ¦ ,.,-/.',.',., ri.ARWF.LSM(Bi.B*»Bs*snS#xMal nfr;i',;,'ni,tv,--,:iUVMi,r.l1*'« rrn^S-F.''"^- *'HV.SL<»i,rV'n'l -<"" n\i itu-: ki inf i. All i.;i,';:A,:.iH.V,'^..M^^vll.^^!Hal^e.w,,t.. MtH-atrSLIN KK lit* .< ISB- firmerlVa-M tA^V&Mi* I. Cl FICHOB, B**"" ."'' M^^T.H.Vu.C^iv/^^-^a''^'''' L.^r.^ |,| I ... I *' 1.1 tl' ww" nt ".. t;|.'¦<¦ V.'.';*¦.-ahini) bebe*!¦.¦«- i'^;^'e,v:^v.l.r.:u,,:r,v'u'ii^''-''-'1^ .i-Jv^-'-iivvv^^iltV''--''-7-' ..^riM'-i'i'. KKlThtD VVHUSTKH KB^'fetfg^**^ ....,.. ... ... ml I"1 hi- HT- t;< rjr*\\\,'.V'\v.^::-VM.%i:w.-..Ki.:viM; i/,,V^.iv^s1v:-i:'';-.V,,\;.,n'i-:vvr:- i,.V^r^^h!-n,.v,i.''.' ;.., TjT-THAi.iit-Mi:it MOTHBBal paT,.! ...-ii r-c Iv:... l"'ils"< NEW ami DI -H.'VLi.i: ..'»'»i)s . sad am aaa rsa-tito rarer llei p.i rn . -I "' ni!''. "". kRD 8 '. LBS I v BUR PFF P t\ IS:,;' iii' JK ? h ooS aAa ii E !. Sun «FAf-: RRR H <.'¦'¦ B*^ Il K ll I '. " KUI: U te| HUI . lt K UTJ «, ". h:».s\ DOD HUH I' I" " ' ii :> i: ii c (1 RI ii Bimi, rc o gu j 1) ii h. UL' r I. i.e. (. (.'i il DM. il il L'U OOO (MW Kl !' I 'V-aS cute, i.i.1 h.-liig i" l x.|i:i MM OW FIOUBI -. CARPI 11 V ni AND LAID Al »!l Mil v.ii i. i:. , DRESS (."'H*. DBBS8 li" "H-. ir, Mi. rtlE SI .v vmmii -ii: IBLEkTTLES, iU I. VI!..1 I'll! li V i I. MH* ll. ll 1.1 H( 1'-, ill. VU ')!.i.-xi.,)')!)*- I-..!.xl ¦!"' S va. ii IX x. VI.VM Xl V, Bl Vi.l's. Ci: Mi - IS (illili A! li* H. M VI VU l's V LOWER FIG BF.8 in vs kv;::. J KKK BRU ."als III V Y gSBfl ., H il ¦. ., B B V Y 5 ¦ .' KK BRR SSS PK VY '-,s_. j .i r ii ii . , i! y _~2 m J.1J KKK lt il ¦VS-' KKK V "ss"' _, A 1 Mn.i LIM. vi I'H.i RI -\i! EQUALLED. -ii -, -ii. ¦.-. -iii-. IN Hi Vi i. ISH ( ll "ll! H. I. M l STOCK,aarl S .VRL- .1 n> I"ii I. vi: I'i:!' in .LUI MER iiipiiiti BS', - 2 - i.i uAI ' 'vi*. ni i'd f. mm; isjBMI v (.1.(1 xl",, ii 1 F. I! xvi. ll iii, lr ia. |K-U ii :-- il 1848.1 'Pin; BBAJU-TBEET MEBCASTILE .Vii mt, rtlEOBADBTBEBT! ORPARV.PBOratflToas, EXECLTIVE ulli'!*. 870, SSI, ARD III UBOADWAT. SEW Villa. Ofltecs In .-.ll Ihe pi Mal - Cai tata; la Lund a, Coulta, nra, ai.i .v. mallan com ¦. V"Ii vuM 1-sM Ki> QUARTI BLT. Sheet! f Chant. semi-werklv. Constant rev t ri ll.u-le lawyer, wu., nuke collei ti ni -i ". Ita null Ita lill.-r 11 ii .i .. .' an.I limier a.na- m ,..,. Tan :.u respectful!] invltealt.reit.Bate. anS ll HU.' . -'. il. Billilli rea. lin BMORDOrm I B. .1018M vi*, * n.i i i. J.H. WHIT IV. ¦S 7 rliiteiialeiit. valwin SlnOMIa Jil.Al lil I 1. UlLT-BDOE WOOD. Bl .1, and ros xviii my it. i'" M., U..u|l,.i.,,I I'livK.all kind-. Elba C. -ii-v Plas ,trrei«. vv. -. i-ii h: i:, u LT. i I WILL ( M.N11M i; TO SELL BEST 1 vv un: vi n ken ii. u 13 par I ,,,: sTLIS i. a) I. '.. In *i.e' M.I r ii Ml*. 13.40 t. st.:-'. .ali klnitSOl Vlllill) eel 1V..IM ..ii ,-i prleeafor eaab. Broad .*_4 Mottoa a..-J j-'.'. t. Telephuuc ld,',, ie -M CIIARLEB li. I'Vi.i ( '¦MAI. Il IV Aim;: .,1 V..Ii! OMI. FROM S. ll. ll WV KV, ,. M.-M.l V Vin!!. CLI-AN COAL! * I t v VI hi M*Ll M. FACTOBY! VV..,, savx. aual ipUl anv ila. ,,r li nilli mr kindling. -. tl. il IW fr¬ ill, p',1,,nc .',7. i m,e, Kl*.-!, ti* ulli ant rarv -t:'- I. -."il JM.EVATEI) (MAL.-ALI. ol' (MU J COAL i- ELEVATED OVER TRESTLE! din an.r vird and tlu,r,tuxlily BtrBtaM Isefnre ala- llvety to e.:-i.m.. r.. Ii. puull. I, invilr-1 I., cal! alDraw-Brlatet,fool of BevvtBlraatb -irc-i, aad Will i¦-, Hie >.| crail.ie, and .1." I., ptirchise Meir .I.i-pix ..rc.iaL. with ile aasiirsBcr of .¦etna -alt*- faetoallv H. !'. I ATHKOI* A .'.). 1'iirelas.r, will bs f.ir. .sl.cd slrrel-r.illwa) t. .'It¬ el- P. rel urn. .efl c.') -sr. Tin: BBIUHT-#QF-/n; Ol). / tJ.lnil'K U4II.VV ayom-tO. / O PANT bara decided ui-flier tarli Ki.K.u: x TKXi UBATE COAL at88-78 per '..a.. -I, ,t«,¦,,. i. f,* Ile mouth of itrpteSfber, This li the L-ai and ctsBBPa.t arate lael sear a_asM BS cnuxiiiiier* of .: ii. Kif liinond. Wc Kiuruntni y.>u Mtlafaa-Una or Daa ".ale. i.d.|.|...,ie Meas, SIS ard 177. OSaas. T08 SSS! vi.in .turi. li.i.i.i.i N. KORTHEM. E. ... THAW. ¦awWBBlPUl I uiiinierrlal Aaetlt._ar.4-.Oe8 /AL'klBBBLAND (OAL.-I am rjreaafi 1 \j la BU erOers for heal iioalliy (1KOROUS CRE1K CCMHF.lLAM) COAL ba'll,,: cantu er 111 Int* fn,tri l.-n ,. nriy p.ti, at llallliivirr a td i,i..r«.lnwii ,|Uailatl>its. AN MIK Vt UK COAL all na*! WISC V 111..IMA «l'I.INl' and CLO- V KL -HILL Mill' COAL ftirnlxrie.1 si Inweel market rate*. WIBT BOBEHTS. otBce anil yard coruer 1sevBUUs_ilU au'l Cars iU wt* TtkphDuo Ko., Ill, ly io-3 m _,__a_BS__Bfl *rrW.I»«'*'H'U'''U< ..HSSMABBorttSBT. w mtmut,mt |>art*w. -poTHBtlT A CO.. TOR LBADIVO LOW-sPRICB rasn a. IR'"T**<*ENT mMm IR TDK CITT. ia*fBf c««)WDED rKon bRWalfRJ tua NlMlir. AND AIL (.rlTTIM. tlAUtiMX-*- Rewcmhet, we wl'l-eily-'..»"' " 0»t y>« may -ard.lu-h " itrnitckk. c.ttnvi-. 'i.i.-is'inn ci i.s. ISO .1 '.'.**. et .otb low rf-U k* AMI -""lici-. uiat bm ."« te' "'i"11""1 l »af " * ..! **. f,*xU and lesrnl-it nor '.-rm*. Wi aft I Of Ci"'J'-, sc-l MB** BISan-BBtn , all tnt rs .no fi '".¦ ns co. BOTHKRT I ' .. ... IC LEA I Etti in PRK Bf 1 '. ' ri BM*. - i nu iti i¦-1 I U-i ;.i:ii-: ir HY I !."-! Ll I INI..M IN' IM) ii.I 1 IPI s , I I.NI l ,: 1 H;v CHEAP POR t ASH 1ST IB -l iLMl N -. l.t.r I UK "M. I -!. U IH tl vt,il. oNVINi lt i H il! MA Ul Mil . IC :. - K THE CITY. V ..I- AV' Sh N v US! 11 ic:. r'.x.ll Wc ai *-*<." HW i' il)I I.e.* ».. .Ti \\* I. *.' HI rilli il-- H ii Vi miller. Pirloi ll' I'ltni'iisiis v-.,i i; TO Bl I, !'¦ W rous tl.ED .". i, '. N I, ll RU ll Ml IND, 1 l. ... ," fl ( nv Y'.'l (I K. i: Mil' PBOPOM M.- --1 al 1 ta* reeeived tl MOM DA V M E Xl . I". '!.. ii: -n I i.i I-. PROV Mil and il, *> li v *.l II. i ". ... c-.ntl I r e '. .1 f Siddi r ¦' rreTi r. K,n. ..'-.- . . sill-. ill!. etl Orrie* I I I)i:ori-.\l- i'd: THE REMo\ vi, 1 ni- ur .ii iMM il- irv . n --- iv- 1 ai ll TRIDAY. Kim v.i.hit Si . M. Infer' J. ti v'. li Pre*] h-allh. BEWBPAPKtt iou *>tl.t. TCOBSALE, lill: riDEW UKI*. Lil'!.- ;: ii m.vi i'll"! i i.nii "i i. : i. ¦-,.:: .' n j two i:, p I: n i ipi ri tries. A| -! mi i.rW'ftfc it ri: aim n vi i.i kv 1) I c il RES, Pl i (JUE : lt -MKs). MIRRORS, ta BttORZl *.; a iii -- , - - ini.i; ii in ,, r n-sr- IV.-. , ,'ATHR-COl * ..iii w f!*eree ; IstO l-l!' -1.... . lil rttAMI a lt_A«w I.-, i ARIKI )-. dllll.oi:-. p. II,, / IUrT.1 I a ai ! l.'"N/r . V 4">, il'.nl alf af -- QOODS tOBntol th ern IM, ll BES FRAMED ll ,v-,y *i, paMU t. Be «.. sud niniral w- A **,,,; ...4-iiilttlit ,ef ARTIST ll PP sit DIBS. .. i i I) K VT I HI M. J.1KM.Y C. Jo.M.-. i). D. s. grm Dssta: "I .1. a: tl iv, ll i * ,1.*;ar _,,,. HU*, i I,i.ur- !.¦ u. IA. Mat* c. ¦ M *.,-_. TORN MAllONT, DI ni 1ST, (.' "n.r f WsTSf " iSs-Til Orrie t: asl Mst* ea sntii aa tevsalB. Richmond. Va. -i Wood .t (owAR!'IN sfjjm, bave rein,.i N WT i-i Maia btri t ,. _Ht, If*,..,.,! Y I'AV I-i iN .v. goss, n ni I*I*. OrsK k* Bes, *,.7 aaa ,, ... ,a«l Hat, ,i ^ ., ,M, -aBKBTAHCK*. JOSEPH IV. I u (ii JfCltMelllN.. I SDRRTAR.RB cob.n.b vm*r ino Bs.iADatsBsra, WWI) AMI UK."mm; BCKUI.-i !-__, and..u!,">'H> ****«- "'' Trleee. , !¦'"-O''si'i'MU at LBWBS * ITI*. Tdetraptilc aud cuuutrv ortUn wlJctle.!. ._.._--_-__-_-_-______^ an '.-.--I I T. ( ll KIS PIAN, ¦¦ ' rMr?Nl'ailil5U ' H'»»--TAaKi:.^*-»'' ^ "u "tficVioSKvV.""'' CA*s\'sr'T-V-Kl-SlV'li,',tf,^''H"'»".' BS-.T ALLIC kKr1-.t:.Vi'i'iw;>,;;_!"u,,n uloth »a> !..^1;Uv',l.e.:i';,,l.le«ri¦.5no,4*" *""UB*a!l -st*a*M*1 Mteet, patrei A eta.' I V*J!m!!*USt""*'"Uic'. ^arnlabeti 'sl'vl ItltuZ i^-»» ^'*"¦*¦ *d-r *c\_a*,. I J- BIN Ko RD A BATTBMB^bSBBBM TAKHBn!^_artH*,S,,,*U - ^ o'H .**-t-SsB» -*nV_akl Kl_tvV1 IU,!' ""»". «*«.«»» .».¦ m^issMea^^
Page 1: MOTI^m, JMSPATCH. ^ialsTolJ)-EHTABLISBED...Rislnl.'.H Hie pr. d.'iiiiii inc. of arialoeiatic *- _ and oligarchical Ideat and priadple.. Viigini-i "intered too muchin Hie war to Mohrgoverned


twa ISAILT liisr ATi'M ta eeMrara fl ta eab-aBiaasB al firrti* i bmx* ats- warn,payable to

tto esrvvrr wxatlT Mallee at M par bbbbib; SIMM*-BBftlbsl Sl.tlO for Ikres w-vn-hi; 80c.fer

SVk_1bM.-WFFi.LY DISPATCH Bl 83 per bb-

BflBt, ff Bl fe* SIB Bsniath*.TbeMFFSLV DISPATCH at Bl per bbbbbi.

Bslnelirl"- la all csa** paya.rl». Iii advaac-,

aaa fir. t*na e ntl nani siter lbs .iplrstmn of thc

tlese sal4 tm. Send paxM-sxfllne tnoney-ocdh-r.r-heck. or ratlMrreit Inter, t'arreacy sent by mallwilliwa! tb* flak of lb* lesser. s»l»»rrih*r***i*1,-iBfT Hail' | asst-..P. <.> laxnr.-d n.-a .Ive U.rlr old a*

Well b. Uielr Bew t>osi *.sBa-e. Bainultcop!.*" free.

adv»:bti*iin.i RAT-U,IIUHV.IH'"

I IIBllx..I BOB Hats. 1 0<»8 i.wes. 1 "0euaiea. 8 7(.

IS Uiaas. 8 vtoI ia l ii.... 8 BB8 a-vulBs. 85 00

BiaaUBsT tiollee. In rradlnr-mxller type, A lineaer (a*_a Bl: H> Barnie i«\x.k<1 7.1 cctita.lara el rales for nacre apace inrnlilie.! en app'l-

cai .*________

All Miers a«<1 teleSTifet must be a-lalrrteefl Ka

_|!K HIM'ATI ll <i'MI'AXY.n*_f-fir*l cfvaiBi«nlc»i:,ani will nest ls- return. 1.


Sectional tasnoB.Ib reproducing and commenting up.n

tbe unfriendly utterancee of northern Ita-

publtrsn Journal* concerning iii ol thcMouth, we bate Iwo object* in mind,

1. As we copy the snides from our ex-

chsnges. sud kBOM that our comment a willlie seer, by those unfriendly northern edi¬tors, we write these cnmmrnU to let themknow Ibat they ure daniarrin;. their own

cause In lins section. We hope thu. to

open their eve* lo the Impalley of de¬nouncing the southern people, aud altohope Ibu* to indue.- Diem to refrain fromabusing us. We seek to lead ibem bl dofor politic nason* what they seem not tolie willing to do for better nason*.

8. We strive to let our own jaeople knowthat they eannoi safely nor wisely eutrusttheir interests info lite keeping of a partywhose orators sud organs lu (benoni).rnSlates habitually bring thc most unjuttitia-Ide charge* against the peopl* ol nil thesouthern Hate*, t'p la the BRM winn

Geneisl laJAMsBB determined to make capl-t;d i Uh. r for or with the north' rn Kcpubli-cans by pleading Hie DaUvflte tmu'.le* nfIsat yisrns thc tulse nf hi* inglorious dc'eslin Virgin.*, ut the BRBM year, tlie Demo¬crats ol Virginia bad usually been cx-

irupied from Um eunsnu of easphiriagellhrr force or fi ind in order to carry theilections; sud i ven now we notice thatVirgin's I* MM always included aaaasg theStatis which Blsj mule tim subj,-ts m'north, rn stectloaeailBg lit el*. Hut stillit is true Hint \ irgtala li toe alica tactadedwiih them. Lei ii* tay, bowever, thatVirginia doe* md wish to eninv an BX-

emption nut accnnled lu her s'stef B0_th-cru State* so lang a* she beli.-v.-* ihein telie ss guilds** i* herself of suv tavaatouof the lights of Bm negro voter*.Am! bflRf appear.* th- BflUns Of nil our

trotibbs. It is Bm ih _;rn. Knr Mkaaflvi sr* Ihe norlin rn Itejaii'ili. iii press Bascoolly assumed that He fut thal a rotor NB ne.no is proof unsltfTa that BS i< a Be>publban.surely a poor reason, and, be*Kldes, a sorry compliment to the negri.t'lM.n this :.*»i'iii!'ti"ii are based moat o(tbe chart,-.'* which are brought BBRjafll theBillilli rn I »t i:uui ut* wlu-nev ra pre-l.l.ii-liai * lection, or a ei.in.-i. ssional election, or

an Important State election, is paadlngWas lier such Injustice heard of, Vptm(bis asvumpdon i* based Bm claim that tueMates cf I.diiisima, Suuth Caruliiia, Missis¬sippi, sud I luiidi are undeniably I.cpu!.li¬e-in. And what 1* Ibe teaching of this as¬

sumption:'' It teaches that the negro lsunlit to be entrusted with Ibu bsllot. lt isas clear a cballeng ol bis right to v >te as

wa* ever made by Hie most prejudice I "f.. Hom bun* " It Implies that all aJetuBoSMought to lie dune away with In theSlates named, and that tip-l!< publican can-

dul.-tei or iia.iiilnie* for public offices ofeverygn.de ou^ht to be d*-elar*-(I in 80-88not elect, d to them, fur Ihe c.-.u-iiptinnI, fat elictinis are RaneeflflflBiry, TheI ruieh chamber of licpulies SSMS ( r par-liai * nure than once) declared Itself cn r>«r-

BBARsfljjM, Tlie Long Parliament in l.ng-land acted as ll it vi a* entitled lu an luimnr-talily ur>on earth. s-o In Louisiana. Flor¬ida, Sa,nth Carolina, and Mi-.sis.ippl thoI'.-'iiblii'-ans uiight ta dei Inc (hem*, iv. -

BSSnSBSM nt ly in cilice if their assiiinpli rn

Ik- true Ibat those S"-..tcx are l.cpiihlican byrearon of the race, color,and UawTtoBR B0B>dltlon ol a majority of their vuters.For these reasons BM coiiadiile lint we

are doing a patriotic work win ti we showBBSS He K.-publi.an party lin- upon pra-IBbMbRB engendered liv a iBBta of war. an JIbat if a genuine ira of i*ood feeling I* aver

lo dawn upon thi* country again, it mustIsp iish*n-d in I y (heetorttoa nf a Iiciip, ra!to bc rresldint ol the United (rtotffKorry ure ari nial any uotttofl nf Bmpoutbr rn people should Join bunds wiihtlie unju-t (tepid.ii.SUM *if tbe North,finally would we prefer that the lottie,white i"ml bink, nnrtlicrti and smithern,f.cpiihllcan and I), moa at ic, should divideupon any oilier line than that al seetiuiial-irni. Hut we of lin BUBRA: are not to becm-ure-d f)r the existing ei.nditi.m ofthings, lt ls a clear cw lhat the weak r

tectlon lt not going to Ih- the first In at¬tempt lo carry n election upon sectteaalBuMBa. Let ti- hoi* tJkM the BtawSRBM Ben-li' n will be taught next November that thewhole 1'nion ls stronger than any one partol Ibe I'uinn.


Delusive Hopes.Thc Providence (lt. Ll Jaaarmal s-.vs

.tbe Richmond Dispatch Ihiiik* the Val¬ley Virginian is Winn,' winn lt Hay* thatthe Itcpiildlcan* have ten thousand mdnrityc-I Ibe rolers of Virginia, but Hie D_4*aa._s.(ail. tn adduce svidemBJ to show the falsityof tbeisseitlon.*' Kvideni'c* Win ev ut BM1* si. ph ntifili as ld ii kl.cn ie*. Th. BftoBteIieU that the wtiite voter* ol the Stitetrrgel; outnumber the eolon-d voters; thataiia-e the det-t *|U**H..n ha* BCBO ellmtnatedfrom our jml i: ie* the whites un- united, a*

demor.stn.ted kt BBS BnJ election, and thattbe msjnrby of the K-publican |aarly are

negitaea, afford, we tamk, evidence sutll-ctent. Hut spi-uking ol BVlisMlM, there j.

pretty goed evidence thal tbe .lourntt onlytook the JUtjxitch up in order to work it-sell up tn Ibe blowing off point. Li-ten:

.. Tbe Bepublicans are certainly imtwithout ie in.nat h- hops ol Cstrrylug tbeold IKiiuinlon, and, with an t-trna.«. 11-

vato and a tull and uutntim'.date.l vote,'Virvt'illi ought to give a suhnttntlal ms-Jerliy lor Itlaine and Logan. Su.ii a r*ault would be a H Luke lu the Bourbon fiu--lloi). w lilcb lu* at.that,,red to restrain tbeb'.-ovsnt snd prt'greisive element in ticsnetent OoaMtMmwealtb, to amut'ier lbs lib¬eral s'litimcut of the maj iriiv. and tRislnl.'.H Hie pr. d.'iiiiii inc. of arialoeiatic

*- and oligarchical Ideat and priadple..¦_ Viigini-i "intered too much in Hie war toMohr governed now by tbe ghost* .>! ih. h.u »

mWde, UU ,1 Ly ihe war. Ker people can sesaetr Into Baa with Hu-great BRBtotet* Hie N .rt'.,

ixdlHeally ss well tut industrially, aiid Wslieiiive tint they will. As for Weat Vir-Finis. every frr-l.ng of gratitude Bad of in-l.r.si ougbt to bind that mouutaii) state toMM Kt-piiblii-jii party, and il. alHbaliuiiwith tbe jany of slavery and of rebeUioflha* berti one of tbe |>otit Ii- tl ph* nniiPti 1 ofthe see. The l.ep.ihllcaii* appear to beeonddent of mk-ci %. in Weat Virginia, andtbey have at least good eau*, for hope ii.Ibe .Dottier Commonwealth."Bow we re*|*eliu.ly auteuil that such

-.taresakias m "a full aud uulntluiidi.cdtote," * to smother the liberal Mntimt*nt afthe mBjorlty," ..the parly of .lavery andletMlliou,'' i.e., tn wry ugly. Iu fact,they make cbargM by Implication that haveno teund-tion. Yet, esu*emiog tbe Jourunim we do for Ita many gemd qualities, weeitrsct eouaolation from the remark ofUm good old Jr'ricod who hesrd s younje

, iii '¦ rmi if "i .1" ' '*"

aaa tasBihttig if softs very blghh*eolor-ed hagiitsr. " It ls tetter sot ot thee thanto thee," hs said. Periodically the Jour¬nal geaerites . ipecluc imount ol venom

against tue South, and If lt did not get ridof lt lhere would !.*. an explosion. How-tvcr, as usiiil, tho Journal's pt*.lin re¬

coil* upon IL It come* with a very Indgr*.** from any organ of Hie Republicanpity, ind ptidcularly from the Journal,to talk about thc ghosts of tatura decidedby the war. In every campaign since tin-close of thc brm H,e BBRRfttflfff party hasts-en rlghllnfr the, war over. Kvcrv limeIhe ives) le of tho South have endeavored t

lay the gho«'« thc Journal refer* to, our

I'rovidcr.ce coutcnntiorary sud other Stibv'sri |)tper* baye pasSRSaRaf ff raise them

ly ii nvlng thcbliody shirt and Indulgiii*in certain political inctntstlon* oil-u-Isicel ls hie the northern heart. Itlt rretty well established that JffCeA. l.ooAM was put upon the Republics:,tlckft cn account of his supplied powerto (all (hem up. Certainly hi* Maurils*.mmi ns nest Incnntatton blink vcr.ic as

nnyibin-.'in modern literature.Aa to Ibf-liopo* of thc Republican* sfssr*

rylng Virgltiiatiid West Virginia, wc wouldsay to thc ./. Bras. Itel never wen- hope*likf ly lo prove more delusive. If thc/ournafw ill ( xainino tin- facia and BfOrSSlB OOttStatis for ilielf, and nive unprejudicedjudgment, if raaaot bat agrss with Bmfjjfsj Bsa) on Iiii* point at lc;t*t.

Mahone's Petition.Thc l'hilndclphls Time.* ot y.stordii BM

thc follow lng article :

In the Ttln.-t nf ali tte excitement alioutdu- ( cattaiutid yesterday two Aguie* werepoahef through thc Bintb-ttreet eatraaeewhieb nit flied d noe- attention. Tbs s-oMkteiiificniit ti: tn cf tte two wm GsaeralMahmie, of Vlrgtah The other oas OreenH Baan, ox-i oa-B-lsshaer of latoraajRevel lie. Roth TQftllSTSn tfd wore *cii!in rooms (.n tte first lloor. Very BSOflIbereiifbr Mahotic we* in (-(imul'tfltiou,willi S(nat'.r Don OSMSSBB snd Baum,with senile of Mr. Maim'» liianasror*. Theobjeel of Oeeetal Msbnaii*i ti*lt wm loj re»cnt lae sit'i-tioii in Virginia le tteleaders af tte partv. Bs stw tte atadl.dato and all tte Wadim, and both Cameron.-.pd Haiim s|Kiko for bate, What MshoBlsaid to nil of them may batt h) InferredTit .iii what BS said I the 'Timi's:"Yes, OM Iniic l .'O'ul ("hitlio I carr.'

IBS State ht HI tine. Oue batt tbs t-ffoi-.nntl money apeotea bobm Bortharn -Bat,put toto Virginia would Insure Ita ci el m!volo is tte Republican nonlneee, 1 bareih va r soi n our people i. better eoodltloanr Btore dst, iiiiino.i t> w in a victor*.".'How Bavay coagreatlooal dlatricUwill

you curry*""WoullL'ht !.. hllio lit OUt Of th) I').

nm! cniihi, pct timt BttRiber ll the Nationali oiBflttttes ii nu d take proper hold of tbelunation. We will -,'. t f.uir In any event."

.. w hat di.,-- ti,, (resend nf and Wiliam hick amount tor"

'. Nilibili--. '1 hoy h iv Leen acting withthe I>e|]ine|-'it:e party fat taroo V MIS BBhove in. indium e. Tip- discord imi beof tip her, i* a great deal nore importantthsn in lae Mni -. We are getting morem-nnN troM tbs DeOMHrTStlC pirti dunthere aro prodhals from os. We an- _¦ lin¬ing around and htre a good ch nice. Yir--ililit is nun h lin.!", Ih in a doub-fttl St i!¦-."Moaeyl Money I Moser I Bu! lu-won'!

get lt. Mr. Joass und Mr, i.'ik!*.*- knowino will the state of thin,'* in Virginia tolie misled by (ii ni ral MABOBS'SStatofl-Cat-:hi'i!<f lbs i'. ni'si ii.mi "haden" Mr.I'M- i* tte h.ad-ana, of Nabobs'!tantlldalc, Ii-r "lii.-n s*,not moro Hi iii twowill bs i-l(cte,l, ws ire raa-adent, 'i']-'ir*t, Third, Fifth, sixth, thveotb,Eighth,r.nd in-think ive tiny m.vi add thc Vnthtad TSBlh dialri'!- aro safe for tbs Deno-crHts. fad as to tte food ebanee tbe Mi-teoettsa profeM to tera fur carrying vii--

gish for Rf.aim-', it i. all bosh. Tho Demo,erst* will carry the State by twenty, thirty,or j i rteffl forty thousand Majority,Bead: "Oas batt IteafAttl sod MONBT

-pt nt nu Koine northern state* put IntoVtrgtah mciilil insure if* electoral vote totin ld publican it iininees " |Was svrar saab boasting heard ot? Tes,

('ilieral M--BORB, ts IfBB, |Ott before thlj.r.-id. iiti.il (lcc1ii.ii. at which hi* ticketrees hen only lt.0_fi vote*, tagged his Baststoa jxijier s.tiiii- forth that In* ticketwould cirri" tho Mite of Virginia. Tbsotter twa Uehxti sot respectively taLfOOmid SI,(HM) vadis!

Federal Interlerence.The Democrat- of the whole c-iuiitry

mayas well in.iko up llioir minds lintonor bi-forc tte 4tli dav of BoWB-tef next

tiny will everywhere have ttl submit tn tbsISOM humiliation* la which tte Republicanoii'i* ia!- tera already sB-drc-ted the electionu coi* in Now Ortesos, m ihown In our

BRSM Bl yesterday. Mr, BsBRSTBB, th)stale elcction-oiiioer. wa.- arrested by theesR,.pablhan otBcislsoa aaa_Bdavt< obargloghim with bh-tterlng sod prareatlBg thenfrom fftf attendiince st the place of ri_ri--triition of voters in tte psrishof Oilcan*,and from a frc- oxtininution BBd Inspect toaof the ncon'-imuk- of such res*btrathn<nnd frniii makin.,' true mid correct liststherefrom, and fruin verifying tbs sun-.

and from peifuinlBgsetsrcqalred of thena* such sapsrThar* of eteetha by tbs hwiSi tte 1 nit'd Spites.Thc jieoji'c of Bl-hS-Ond iitiU-r-1 uni ex¬

actly ivliat all that nn-aii*. Two yean agosome of our oleotluti-nllie rs wile arro.todnu a fiivnlniis ebsrge, sad arri -ted, loo, islbs middle of thc day of ehetton sadmari bod ott a mile or nore te 1.i-amiiieii " by other RepuhChan oftehb onIhat Mv-bhas ebsrge, These eteetiou-Hilels lo whom wo nf.r were reooiviii-"

votes ut IBS precinct iv hi-ll nive* a lar,'(-rwhite majiTity than any other precinct inlin- eily.Turn SOt the party which bueaponslbh

for these sufinges,Mr. Randall.

Wc sro vlad that the Cleveland. Hen-dricks, ami Daniel chili of Lynchburg,purpose to visit BsMBSMB) (ill :ls a body "ii

MM Mil (>f October ti hear Mr. I.tsntii.sjiak. Thc distinguished l'olipsvll alli in

i.a* mt tilt d all tte boaon thal tte psophrf tte 1 'lided States could bSBtOW UpOSLim. Particuhiriy dues thc South owe hima ddt of |*ratttod* whieb can Bern bc paidi.ur i von tiiiiilnisli'-d.

Air. IUM'ai.i. I* a man of tine jin* .ncc.

He i* thc foreum-i paTltanitBtarlSB bl tteworld, wc suppose; and, therefore, liutiri-vallcd ss a " S'le-nko, " 'willi a <. ijiit il S). Ruta* a s*,M-aker (with a small *) ho is inferior toeevcral of our Vir.-it:ta oratora, We mean

BMSSt] Iii 1'ollit ed BUBUMT. nd Battler,We mean that BS i* uni putioulark clo(|in-nt; sml yet hs doe* not nek ii int is

i ulled .' liia.iiotiMP." And M I ) ral merit,hi-. *| co-la, will comjiarc favorably withtfSRM cf any MSB i:, the I'liitcil Mat BS,Ile can .tStS a BtwfOSitiSfl of-l ind as clear-li i* any nliui niau can st_to HM sam- inwriting.Os sud heir tte hlitelB|n|B18 Rammi.i..

¦te BRM tir-t eba ted to (iMttfTSM tvvcntv-BfttySSnsffO] who has nil, i iH-t-n out ofthat bash ktOSS BS Vfl Irtt sent there:ulm wa* Mart biforc Hi um: iva*, and li i*

remained lhere for year* alter Hi.ainu's r,

tirement, but who is now pearn tealsrayiwas.

The Ctntrat Presbyterian ol thl* week isfull tf anti-evolu'ioti ttfRtflBaff, .. M."who claim* to bc only one of thc unlearned.bi ile. an article which even Dr. Woon¬ton might with beuetR ponder. Tho dis¬cus.pm which bal grown out of Dr. WffttsKow'h teSSfBanfftel proved that HM CVnfrafPresbyterian ls a w atchmun upon the Ijwer.Ita .. science " tells now.We do not know that there- ls any State

a titi) can boast of religions BfBffl NfM*rior to these of th's city.

Non ho.sinim tantas ctmponere lites.But lt is (.oiernor C'AMKitus'b. It is his to'..ettie the bash " of Hm pt. lt 1* withinhit power to put an end to Mahonb'h ma¬chine politics by t-tkiug the stump foi thenan who hut for thc Governor* counte-

iBtt.ee end tnrwuraasjnMaiwould protjaMvbe now delivering letters and p^pari in

Peteisbnrg Instead of delivering srrei-lieito tbs «. colored troops" of tbe Fourth d!«*

IriPt._Tonrgee'a Latest Exploit.

If Bri lt I iIA.vpi.lb really deal rei to doIhe Bepuhllctn porty a service he will sendIhe Bear nnd thc Thetis In search of a de¬fender of Mr. Ui.AiMt who ha* no record.Judge IwSBnjSJfl sffordsthe latest ll lu itr.i-

lion of Ihe fsct Hint such RB expedllbnwou',1 be dcslrsble. A few days ag), at

Dunkirk. N. Y. Ibe Judge appeared asa

BURBS champion In a Jolatdiseusdoii withColonel Fas I ona, al New York, who ad-vocal ed (i.ivm.ANii. TotuoKi. ip.kelii-tand at lenrth. Fallows followed, andduring his speech read an edilorial publ-Ved In the Continent, TounoflK's magazineIn that article Tohruee sUrtMl off with thenat* inert Hint "if the Kcpubllcan party¦ k* to commit hari-kari, the ajntalMI I Bfl

«i:i.-t iinihed fur it to do soi* by fie nom¬ination o! lAMMd. aaUWBlBf the lire,i-demy." This was followed by the state-

m. nt ihaf'bl* dlsabilitl**s a.* a candidateire radlc.'.l and incurable." Thin cam.* a

bill of particulars, opening with this: '. InIke tirst pliee, lie ls the Incarnation of nfl the

reprehensible element* of the K'-pu'dicanuarfy, itel* apoBtieten in Hu- low bbuss inwhich theterm i* u-ed. To hi* mind *tati--

in:iii*!ilp I* synonymous with trickery."Tin Sprint'tlebl RepiJAicin says Hu'Hie

worthy aliidge " WM obliged to retire fromthe (rntest wor-ted and amid the derisive-I., er* and laughter of the audience." Th"

nepnblioin does not state where Bfl retiredto, bul the presumption is Hut aftf-rindiilg-lag in such B " Foul* Krrand " and SUek an

uttMiipi to aaake.«Brleka wlthonl straw,'-li, sought (I.vvvi.KV, IIo.vh, and Tc*BB-PB-.'ilie MclioNAii), and (ell OB their benURMBad want


A Straw.The New York Timi | *avs that among

Ihe unusual devetepnients <.f Um ra^esenlpolitical eaayaM i* te be noted the reeo_u>baa of the .M*thndist Cnnfareaw of Illinoislo give Its support a* a body to Sr. Joi is

and DaBIBL,This being true, it Insures tip- el. ii,..

of ('Aimil ii.vitiiisns to be QoTernor andsecures the electoral rote af Illinois furlu vi pam. if th''*" ate northern bfetbo-di*ts, ol Whoa nine tenth* iii- Bepubll-BUS,Hut thi* movctneal i* a straw thal Bkowi

how the wind i- Idewiii'.' In Ohio, Indi mi,

Killi-..-. Iowa, Bfld Wi-iiiii-in, m well a-

iiiinuis. We ii iv c nut recorded a riiore en¬couraging "devi..j iiiepi " ttoce the cnn-t rif_ii open. d. Burrah for ("i.::vi:i.am. an IBl KUBICSB.

TbM dd niblin, or clowa, or whslever( Ne yen i linu-e lo eal! hitn. l!.'ii*t BtTTLSBrec. eily Mid in a public speech"Pul anything like a man In tbe presW

dent lal chair and there would bc n .suchthing a* a I lui ville or copiili tn tasacre, sn.very n.aii engaged in one would iaprison."

Well. BtTTLKfl i* a* little 'Mik:' a lil in"


any other paadldate tbs! could be found laIbe Initial Ma!,*. Be i- a n.misler luv. iv resp. el

Hendricks cannot biol out hi* dlslovali.e.id. Be wm m disloyal m .1:1. Davis.('.i-i inna ¦¦ nette.Twenty gran after the war ead d. tnt

is tbe kind ol talk which northern Bepub-ileani Indulge In a* Ihe best means of

getting vniis for Bepublleau nominees.And tin-re are Virginians who are workingfor thc siieei -s ol the Bepublican pirtv.

HOB.TBQM-1 8. Huiiii K eilli'd ll'* Mi in

ye*1( rd..v.lite Hrs! mm we ever lie ir.1make b i>isi>ii<- speccb, and who then BM te'une ni the mn*t efTectlve we have everlistened t". There are few sn 'li oraton a*

BocncBWM lu hi* prtaM. Long may bsbc spari .11" ii- native State,

The Cincinnati Cnmmnrci,il'G<netl<' ofSeptember ___(! publisbM the Mn.muanletters. It tunk oar Buckeye oontemp .-

rai) a long time to screw* it* courage il]) tothe publishing pniiit.

Rea Hook.A NaturaHsfs Rammttt About Home, Hych im.ks C. Abbott. New York: D.Aiii.nnN A- Co. issi.The price is imt-tated, but the hoik i*

worth whatever is a.*ked for lt. It isaI.k nf what used to ho elle,1 " Anim it

Nature," *,r Nat nial Blstorv. Mr. Abbottwii'.s rn), an,,.rv concerning opoMums,' ird-, vvii-.is. iniiik-, Ac. Ac. He writes

fl*om actual personal knowl-ul:-e. and Iii*i--:.vs are a* Interesting a, stell essaysoould be made,For sale by Wk*t, John-ids a) (!o,


Celine.- ieut is losing h.-r prestige.Thiie bu-iii been a myMerioui murder tathe State for a month.

'I h.- best way fur BELVA LOCAWOOO toget support i* to condini ber campaignwit!: a Bl ii' * ol feint-.

"l.AitnicHiiiK maka |10B,fajo a rear ontnf Truth." The Blasts organ, might1 retlt by this InformaMon.

Tin- Philadelphia Press preaeats a pfc>hire nf "Mr. Blaisb wi iewing the paradein thal eily." Mr. iii.um. ibouldsuetbcPrtst for lil.i 1.

Wlthonl expreMlng anv opinion a- to tbemerits of tbe conflict between Mayor Cab*him.nv nil Councilman Bowin, vv thinktbs hiter ls to bs Mntnaended for gettlni.a* deep into the mud a* tbe workmen werein the mire.

A Phil-nidi bia oontemporary, irieaklngOl thc Hi.aink iliiiiuiistralinii in thal city.Mys Mr. Blairs wa* mular the electriclight. We hud thought that Mr. Hi.usi;wa* under the electric light all over Up¬country.

" Thc mure I told them I had." say*(icm ral Hi tl.ti:, "the iin.i',' they told UMtoots* out." Ya-, Bbtot. it wa* nu banns]crowd, and lhere i- supp- question ii, tnbow you -rut iii..«t ..( yours.silverwareparticularly." Nut the lens! ebeering *i'.'ht in fronl of

the l nioii Lea|tte las* nigh! wm thespee-tac'i ol Jambs <¦. B-abm quietly beatingHine willi lils loot In Hu- Ullisi,- nf thflbinni." vv s ii,,, h;iij,i phrytng the Multi-gas Qnardaf

The IJaliiinnri ARMTlOIB .»:iy-: "T!i-(.(.ininiiin uti, n ti..in Bon. Gnoaos Blipublished in our Hews e.,hunns tin, i.i.ni-

tag, refntoa r*oaehitlrely the charge thalhas Leen linnie that Judge Foi.uki: wa* hus-tile to Mr. Hi.aisk'* candida-y." VTheBHu- .lH.iM'cin *. ii!.,.lnwn to the arel-of¦JftttBfl of a pice of frito satire ii ii

lally Mieii'd-.

Feraonal.The Bafsaael .state of the hate BMtoD

Sin.|ispn i* slated to be Tallied al irO.l.iJS.!.Cnn rn! Mae Adam*, who ls thought fn

11 Bm Bated .. Number One," kan rcit.Medst. Loni* (rom aRJBwpe.Father Hyacinthe, on bis return to Purl*

wiih his American m\m%\ wa. yelled andli.,, .1 at on hi* first appi-iranee in tbe pul-pi I ly a party af Paris rough*, who wantedbim lo "divide."A statue ol John Harvard, the benefactor

ol Harvard University, will be unveiledshortly al the college. It i« a bronze IgiSSau J has cost BVLUtXi. The bronze will Ik*

rmi In place on a base west of MemorialDil at Cambridge.Sarah Wlnncniiiera, daughter of a chief

of the Plutee, recently jrave a lecture ntVirginia City, Nevada, on "People I Metlull..- Kant." She wai dressed in Indi tncosiume. Not an Indian attended tbe lec¬ture. Thc Plutos are said to think that she

7%gTo%^tMLtr --R>*- -fvi-k-'rn

-Mi -¦ a iass*"' ¦**¦ ¦ ¦'" .¦¦¦-¦"

has descended in the tchotslvtltsiUon hywearing usually Hie ooatuSte of Williewomen. Hbe ls laboilngio fft money tocsiabllih *n Independent Indian scoool at

Pyramid Reservation.Ephraim Reiser, a voimr ardtt. who ic

home i* In BilHinurc. but who i* now InKt me, liss beef designated by Mr. I- relm-,-.biiivn ssthe wulplorof tbe monument tolls'roii Da Kalb, to Ik* ercct-d In Annapolisunder the net i-f Congress ot 18S.1.

Balor William DtekeT. who was a mem¬ber of Hie Maine LSfbilttSTI In lill lo.

foic ssfaf morttls of this dav and BSB-IB-Hon were Itorn. ls Ih* "Father of th-Hollie" now. Ile goes to Augusta In thewtnti r ss a Democrat of the hickory air..

Professor Dr. Foster, the wcll-.nnwnKut.H'h'1 iBtiBRahtttt,artedMdst Aix-li-( haisl'e. MM ti collection of lilied* winch.flem it* jwrfeclinn sad bSflOty, stiu,I* al¬li ssl unrivalled, the insect* not only _S)Bafpit pared in th* MB*f useful mumer, Im;ah** cn wetly dssnttksl in accordance wltisi icr.tiflc rules.


Ktiirlt of IB* BIBI* Prssis.Sum Ik Ht rolil: lt dies.. lifer* are illiM-

tratlons of what he (Blaine) did oath(tpesterof tba Boom, what would bs notm.a.* E-resMeal of tte Baited state**

I.jrcldmrg .Vrir.*.- The control w',i. hMr. Ulallie ba* over one set of hi- .. in¬stinctive slit inkings" HW the controlwhich untidier set nf hi* " InStlactlvasin inkings" ha* over dim arc truly rc-iniilkiible.Nfdfolk ljrth;er: The ikies aro hn.-ht

and brfghirniiig. and. if flfS du Bot ri 11 iv

nvor-conti'hnoo to Ix-trav BS into tho He¬

eled of those thin.'* (hat are absolutely11 *-:iry for lacOi -, vv. ihstl Steel our

presidential ticket, irn-i'- SM MU majorityIn thc House of HojtrosciiLi'ivos, and takecharge of die Senate.

I.vnolii urg Virginian: Wc see a rep<*tf-Hoi.'of lld* his'nrv, iv lii.h i- .. phil..* .;,iy-fi aching by oxatiiplo." in tte course of theIndependent (tepBlnlatas ol to-day. whoprefer tbe beoett Ooreiaorof Bew ToriUl tte bririaiit man sf their own party,vvhniii they di-'rus! bsCBOM of hi* uiir.il(inokidnes*. It is enough tu know thllJbbm-sG, Btt-hf mil never be tenta intith) "tltidolioo of lif'l-fnill" llli,linn* ol pf >.

j i,-. and i linn, i bo President Bf tbs UnitedStates, brilliant tteogh bs he.


BafMctas io OM Law nt frtaeilaa ttgaaBRM Views of Ihe Halter.

A PilBeetoii iN. J.) spcefal Myi: Tbsfaculty and tnttteeeof the college tor sometine have I.,, ii cushion:,- tin- expediencyi f m:.I.in-: a emir h tin- gymnasium com¬pulsory tor tte student*. To-day it wasl.l illloed thal tte nile WOUld bc ¦¦tlf.ro I,and tte Irnbmen and sophoaiaBn will be¬gin work tn-ipiifrmi. Atnbers! wassmontthe i.i-t of .inn icm Institutions to takiii:i**itp in physical disctpHas, white In-petut totbe nov, men! wm given bj Prlnc .-

tonycansgo. In If70,woes ttegynna-«iiiiii WM built herc, a law WM in TOglln ((niling each atud. Bl to ip ad anumber ol basin s weal working h tbsbuilding, under the direction "f Br,(ioltlin, ibo Issttuctor. lor Mrerslyearstho arrangement, on tte who!", Stalisfactory. A proper Istercal vv i* no!lacking,: ml do n was bo particular ditli-nin- IngeUing il .¦ undenrr iduates t-i con-

form to Un reguhtiof. Just al dii- juno,inn- tho attoiiiiincc ii college rsi greatly

I,;, d. and then tbe ace intnodatl oi*

of the a] mnatiun were hun to be In ide-quote. Tbe hw, however, wm not rei)rel, altbough Itt efficacy had been p -r n i-

neatly balked, Tbe decision of the Is |In rgaln putting Hm compulsory hw inloreeervated nueb surprise. It wm wellt.i mvp ibat il re wa* sot roon ta thcbuilding for tte four ola-*--, and ¦*) tbe« i.,!. nts argue d that thc scheme would hilIII., II tl.i* fuel wa* lillee Ulldel'st'i'id. i'llf nin. bowen e. '"iiii'inmisod tbe natterhy making th ir decision -feel onlj tbe two(OW, I ol -,--, -.

A gr I iii niau ulm is'i'iihii-il I ip th OBIbetabjictssld: "TbeadTantegei ifcon-I'l'l-ni > exercises of tbli kind .¦ nnotl'-iiisiuil. To lome thc Idea larepnlslvc.'lin'< doubthM srlses fu-n thc fact tbhuman naturi-, and especially younghumannature, panrain a deep-rooted di-lik.-tibeing ii'id ll wiwf do anything, Tte aetionnf tte college otfenh ott so nuch h i',favor Ibat tl detent** a cheerful respoaill is -aid th i! nen a ill -eek and li ni exi .

che a* iln-y feel lt- Bord. Anongthoseiinw in college tin re areprobably ons hun¬dred of whom thia nigh! lie truthfully as--' Hi d. Hut to MSUne that it il true of allis ibaord. Tbs gynoaslun i» open be*Iwein toa lu,ur* of ll and i. .', aad ii.nnd during lteie iniii val* the teudcaey isto losf. A* a rah tbe tine hi 'hu* ip nt oroccupied hi r< itiliiiL'; sonctimes, per-uuM.In Bsbottiv.dk, which i* i: real phjttcaj, xerdon. This pjrognnBM !. followed oulby two thirds of tte -indents, while lherear* many who donut *,.- Hi in. Ide nf th"gynnaslun inure ihan ad,«/' ii tineas view,Tbe faculty, ai last, have bosm tu knowthese beta. Vigorous, vet aol rtohttt, ex-eia-i-i- insures -'nnd health, -itid grtally re-duels th,- ebsneesof sttudent'i luffertogfrom tte slab nlary life which i* alni .*'

thrust upon bim. Tb* faculty, I dunk,have utod llln*t ll i---'y."While tin re is lbs general feeling thal

flu- new law i* just, ii i* aaactted in" tomethat tho faculty lm* bo right ti Duke workin tte gynnasluo- extra work. Tbej ttythal tho sell, (lull-nf recitation requlrea acertain number ot Innis i wuk fur lec¬ture*, atudy, etc., and thal du- is all tin-is mi 'in o iiini ibotdd I"- m.uh' unless the

Bunbrrof redtttioni i- reduced.


be Pr rems (iel cn a Spree with it sm.I tin-Linii- Obs lirips if,, ip.

>. iv Tort ih rsl 1.1. 'orom r liv,ui .vu- rural toned to bo! I an

nquesl yesterday al Cteppaqui upon thedeath ol a four-year-old -mi ol Du id Bee,a .-hut maker, and th re be "Iii j h.i thdead bi dj he hand Blas Gabrielle Gre* ley,thc only -inliving daughter ol ll iraGreeter. She wai irranglnj. wUd flowersaround th corpse, which liv In a long pracbox, tbe parents being too poor . providea cidliii. Tte child bad died ..f tuc ibollsm,and tte Interest evinced bi .Mi** Greelev intte little ons wm nuteo br tbe fae! tintlbs WM ill godmother, .'ind tbs littleboy's lister Emma, ten yean old, waah.. in'.or of the Sunda] tt-bool ch a of whichMias Greeley i*a tJjaeher.Tho stnry told by thi- littl,- g\r\ before

tte coroner's j ..ry brought f.-sr* to theeynnf -lino ,,i ihe-lalwiirt jurvin-ii. She Baldthat un Saturday her father und mertberwo nt in While Phiaa sad easts boa*- verydraak, carrying s kerosene csa Oiled witsalcohol. .. All tiny Minday." abs -lil,.. papa and nianiii.it and Hiram Torkidrankileonol and -jot very drunk, snd I took laecaa sad hld it np-.fair* In tte coner bimy little bed. 1 hid tte licobol liecaoso.dithi'i srsol papa and Luanna to eli ink bb*illino. Mv little brother fouud tte caaaaddrank BOOM of tte SteOOOt, I MW himcoaM doors -tain, sod bs rttggered aero**lbs room and fell ea my Inp. 1 smelle_alcohol on hi* breath. 1 'raised him Up OBmv lip, .alni in nj *n.di be .pi! down todfell on tte ii'inr. Be went to steep therelilli! lieu I1 linke ||[ ."M-MGreeky took tte rsastiasof tteehM

to thc cid (irt-eliy f inii-lpaus vosterdiv if-fornccn. nm! the fiimr:.! will take placefrom Ibera to-dsy,Tte oiiniur's jurv rendered a rerdlci

i entunag the pr, ntl for criminal eai. --. rad a* Mn. Bee i* In rt detlesl eondl-lion ihe oas fldrissd to go lione to her

i' i. which -he will do to-dsy. Mi**(.rn ley will take ebsrge of tbe tarimalting children.caa a hauy, twa an l iball ti .in I'ld; i igbl yean,mid kinma, ag, d -..- and will lend th rnto sch o'.

< IteSSfBBf n lo rt ii ne ofB'.-'iO.OOO.A Hartford .< te i.) ip elsi sn -: Th ire

is il L n at -Hr BBMHlgtbe CuBBiagbant, ofHartford, eu account of a reper! that i for-loaeol a'1'iaiter nf aniUlondolbur i*ioe,lii idi d muong tte faitii'y. An adTrr-

!:«i n.eit appeared is s tVovldsn -.- pap r ifew months ago nkhg laforatittoa coo-eerahg the bein ol BstoCaBBtogbtu*, who(liiignited si,ii,,-yt ar* ago from Wsteriord,Irehnd, to Auttnlfai and reeeaUy died.hii'iig an .slit.-.,t i-.-iO.iKM). It st em- th ittte < nnninsbam hnily, nf Hard ird, eass*(iriL-itiallv Iron Waterford, and Inve-tig.i-1i< u h: d* then lo -BUSTS thal they ar.- therightful hers of the Amfrallun widow.Bte separated from lier husband and u-KBged in ttesbnp whlBf BfriBOM in Au«tr.dia, by which menu* she ann**,.<! her for¬tune anil died without heir*. One of the('.innipgliams, of Windsor, t onn., went totreated taJa-Mtlre into tbs rtSatiosshipbut bs gained no satisfactory infuromtion.Ti., Hartford branch will make every effortto -i.il'li-h their cl lim*.

T«ta«-1 A raoul In tba Rsa All Richi.A flaMMS) tpccisl »ays: On Saturdty Isit

a Ptuiii'.'iiese started in an open In nt, aboutfifteen feet long, from New Redford for Cut¬tyhunk, to tell another Portuguese, engagedIn lobstering, that hi* child in New Redfordwai drud. On hil way down thc boat waieai'ghi in a mjuall about 7 o'clock and cip-sl/eil. hut did not sink, and the man clungto tbe craft Hil the came tgalutt tbe outerstakes ot fleury Alteu'i tiihtrapi ott the

harbor s« NMbawena. The. .... .latin* fana( ll,. ,11....

FOILED BY I HF SHERIFF.A (lever Jail liVllsrif |. Raeklaad CeBtity

llrlrrlrd |D ih<< -.Irk of Tlmr.AMo'lMoor (New York) SfMSWH sass:

In the tittle barnie! nf >,,.., ,.,,,-. w!li .., j,th*-cnnnly town of Boekrand .'-oiiiily, arethecoiiniy building.. eoastettag af a eon-tr,i building, te iii.1 floor and bn-m-.itof which I* u-"l ni tba rsridaaoe af thettertft', and Hie Bflcead floor a, the ci-'i-t-i.i.iii. on iii- north i* x wing t aa storiesin height which i- flied ax i jul; on thexi.nih I* Hu- new wini.-, in which are.itu .nd Hie e..un!y OUMM and siirr.-C.iliN Coull, lil the J tri t!p,r,. ure Bl;i -.nt some pieven priaoaers, amonganani arc tames r -n, who wai <imta vv.ck;.'-" st Moase- byBtaMT IL John-fan, A r.lerehilit ttl -illYen, WhOM M t

lad Imii br. k' ii lalo aa robb il br M u>pan; Mitel Bovie, wbo is to be traianslBUgbler in earning the death of a tel-I'.w-lalionr in ;. lu '-v .'-I MBtonv Polnlbv striking bim un tbe bead wltbaoord-v pal sii'k lu Alu us! Ii,t. and Knl.-.i M ,r.

mv. who mm eaughl ia cu- c itnmlaslon of* bnrghuT al the b* um "f Hr. .v. H. .1 wk-11 an. in Nvmk, un the '.'.'hi of A H'.-n-t li,t.1 I,.re are several then Who are e iiiiu Inu vii ii- ehar.'. *, iTim-ipilly drunk an Idisorderly.

l-'or Meerai dayi thc theriif, Jahn ,v.llniriiig. had noticed a growing intimacybetween Brassil, Murray, and _toyte,aadp. caine -uti-c. .1 (bal (he wounds of Reagsawell lint th- ell!', OBUM "f tin* a-sidu '-

aympatby dtspisyed, and thal bb old j ni-hlrvTl of ihe experience of li-' ena ism veryllki ;> io batch some ptel thal would resiiflin causing irnubic Far a few days theshel ii! kepi a careful a:d unsuspected- ali '1' 11 tl"' workings "t thens three w rr-(Mes,and suljeequeul eventi hive -'1 ex

t'ii hi* prudence did uni displayItself loo boob. Puring tbe absence.Of tl.e -lpn.r nil Sllll.liv ]. i'liliar ll.is ,

u. re h.:.rd like (he gn iwlngol rats, whichri I.- ri ported to tbe tbi riff on hi, rel ira,and lu-'. doubt, d bli ex. rti ins to peeve il¦i > m.. ri ob the |Mii el the m -

i.ui_; irs tad iiu;i'!'fi' from ky-tdlnr tosuccess. Everytbing wm qui. until1:80 .-'ci.. I, mi iiie,.lay morning, whenthe mv-i. r-nii- gnawins of rats wm agunb. srd, ind a -. ere! wal -ii n 1* se! oa Ibepi I. in vv i,ieii Murray and !'¦ ij le a ere co .-

tned. Abeu! I o'clock (bo cell-do r swunge|" 11 noiselessl) on n- bin rcs, snd Murrayl.-it (be .-ell. followed bv Boyle. Ilraised the (-rating from tbe register-pipe,inn1, arefully folding bil .'"at in tbeolpcsn as not i" scratch bli body, prepare 1to slide in the cellar and prospective

m. At this nc.':.- ni the sheriff 0tb. "in do* inri tl di* ipnointed |.1- oiled f'-r their cell Ukefrlghl rats.Ii iv-, found -hal Ihej tl li ... .11 someno -t. 1: -us w iy, -up;.li.-d with a b wc indiel a.f taws, fl i'i which Ur j ii id saweP.-lill.!-!-!,uli'-it.ell bull Which f l-l it'd thedoor ol ihe cell. The prisoner* have be in

placed in a. in te .-!;- and are to li-' lu¬ll) (h. grand Jory, noa In -

Although ll .ur .ii i- till suffering levere-|y from lu h."itii i-"-, ii is thought Iwould lu,ve attempted to mak hi-1vaiiii the ntl,1: t'.i " i tbe pipe.

Von *ii.:;..*¦ nt l!.t_r-t*.Vt iii lie!'' village ol Ba il :, dtuati

il Hie . hw Mid X'ii'il lille Ol I'.Ul'V iv.an iu i,':" anton "f st. G iii, tb. r i- so-


ki, wu. *.iv* a (.cn,-vi correspondenl ¦>( theLondon Daily Netts. Marshal von Moltke111,'. il iii Switz, rimd a feworder thal be mig it teki th w itenfinn-.-. Bag it/ -:-ri 11 ¦. iii- onlyconsist, d of two Ml ts, Hibi, personal hsggagc mlgh! easily haveLien li.ni .I in .t child's whe. i.irroa, vLondon morning papei recently state I thaith.' ri ieiiT.il fn lunn ttrategisl wa* men-II x xml physically broken np. This islui tbe ca-e. for, -ave in those dgni whichtonis! :.mpaaj etgbty-four ie u-, ol ...'

he having b.. n born on tb Sri li nf 0 *©¦i..r. 1*.hi.( ..lint ron Moltks pres.nts nosjiciai symptoms "f decay, while bi* Int l«ii ci i, lienr, briflbL and unimpaired. A tilllunn, xii. vv bal bon e I, with a rugge I (ac -,I., en, il<. p»sel ye*overhung by sb iggy eye.brows, n.-.s-ire forehead, and a ii r.n. - il-dierly tread, von Moltke would bec. nspicu-niix vin among tbotuandi of other eon*.picuoufl (Jgurr*. lu bi, manner an Ihahn* Usiis taiiijjple and frugal as vv.;- iii -great "On!.'- of LVelllngton, un I li" has aborrer cf b. lng made a 1bow of. N iturailylacliuru, ll ls seldom he enters i'i eon-rersalton, especially with strjngers, andin.-, t bim win 11 you will he alway. 1.to he wrapped ta thought. Ile use-inly,md gm , 11n.it!' ndi d to t1. (Juellenh if,when the waler* are .Iran;., li iv In?I iii"i(he Brst gi ian, a* by mle pretcribe 1. hefolds bi* bands behind bis back andI ncc* up ind down, walebing with keen In-i.iast the wiiier-iirink.-r*, and .miling oc¬casion! Ill ss mme lyre t iking hi- Hrs! d <¦¦¦

puckers bil Ieee up in dlsgusi m the strongsulpburous fumes. These water- rise intin Pfsffer'i gorge, three mil- away, ltis one of tl. markahle gorges Inthe wi, le d Sn ii/, lani. The fiil'i' ul* riverTannin, lia* carved a waj for Itself througha -tup. ml. i- di Bl -. [fl no place i* tlilichasm mon than twelve yal ;, wide, whin..verb, ad tbe ns ..- mea t, 1 fi sj op.lure ami il.' rc admitting the li.'lit. H .-

;..vv the river bolls with Incredible fury,and *" i' rrtflc .1 ,1 un. uthly »eeon thenui*a', oa ing to the rea. rbei it lo .-

e. be. -. tii.t ii visitor 1 d' tbe _rs( tim canv n press .1 (. ling o( alarm.

one -ide ni tbi, weird r ivi rn 1 wooltralb ry bImhi! rlghti j inti In length basi",i ti built, "lin .' -111-.* utetl bj ni rn, ifimii black. 1- li I Into tbe p rp. n licularwall ol rock. Be wbo would traverse thi*

1. with dry skin mus! "lethe him* -iffmui bead t" fool in mackintosh, fortbs irater pours down (rom shovein endleu -11.ii.1-. The bot i|bubble Bp fl .HI) tin- ll ,,r ul' :, c i-vern at tin- end ol tl. gallery, and run Intoin enormous mervoir. Tbs cavern Ismin-! and the fun -1 i the sulphur -.. strong(bat tbe purioui vi-it.,,-. beta tpprebensivenf :.-j.ii\ Mi. in a! -1 -ji edy retreat. Fromthc gorge tbe watei are conveyed by

1::-'.'.,'iiiii -; 0 the v diane, and,owinglo tho ( real talland tbi rapidity with whichIbe winer flows, ii arrives at Its destinationwilli tin iou ol only 1 f .v degree* ol b iLli i-av.r.i nowt ifni lulpburaudlrona iter,j in I ls said to vvnrk mindel lue 1 ol rheu¬matism snd gout. Th'- village of Bigatzi- ilia.tiihceiiHy -lin! I in ac ,- llIrue Alpine grandeur, li itands l.ltJ-J foe!al,nve Hm- -1 a. and lo* (0 th< ip(he Tallinn i Bbine. lt- n ttu-ral ultra.-tiutis and Hi. repute ol Its watersannually Bttreel Bb n ten thousand .tran-_. i.. Conni viii Mo Ike bat been In thI.: lil .f visiting Bagatz for tome v. ,r-. IIgeneral.] srrives unexpectedli iii takestbe plainest bed-aroom he can geL for any-tbiag tike luxury be totally Mcti n

Vi n Melik.. i- an exec -dingly frugal.1. r, wine be »iid'.ni touches, but bow and

agata be takes a little beer, Hs i- a goodWilkel' -till ill spite nf hi* lulu,'' .!¦(our years, lie promenades al..ne, andwi'.l.eut even tbe BMlsteaee of a ttl ,.

Bit habitual attitude is with hi hands be¬hind I..I.'. I!'- walks stewly, ind with h -

th beni f irward. in the eve¬ning, lei ditiiii r, be spends sn boar in t .-

s lon ol Ibe i'm Hetih"!. where daaetag and-au - -tv ii 'ml.-' d iii. and though be I iki -

no art. in- manifests greal Interest in allIbat goM "... At 'i o'clock li" returns toi,1- hot. I, and hall au hour Later retktbe n'ghL

ll -,...-..1'* lire.-..I l*ri'2>ar_t!onit ibe cheapest baktag powder mtde.'1 iv it.

VI MlUlAl.l.a.vMu.Hs.'N- mill)-vi in ie i. mi the I8ih.sl

il, reildeoceof the h'lde, r»y itu- in r.4.., e. a,U i- li.A VSI)KH*iiS"...l thli ci:-.. ID air.i-.vi I. Bl l-l',, r vv.. Starry, vii. *

\| s|i>V-l)i)lV HTS.-Mirri.-], by ll,.- I.-.-,.r. ¦-¦ iii -I iy .< alfir. -- :. -. aber

i.i. I«,e4. at Ute n-uh la.-e of tbe bride's f*'.l-«r.lr ii,HS IL ALS Ii .%'. nf 11 .clim -ii I. I/a , aadMis IMII V ANN HOW L...V rilciiti ,,


pi,wu: -IMajsLatUM rrsi hil,.r Ita BVaatVii tl st .a!--, -liiiiies W.Neilin). .. Vlmiln, ,.

ii.|f)...in iniiiiiy. SeplemlH-r 88, Issi, |.i(_li-H!|. Ix VV.. Jr.. mill child r,f Kr-lcrl k VV uniM"l. ra ll. Pow, r; ajo-il Ave year, anal aeveu

*"i tfei BSllS (i.lldreu MSSSM bbM Mi!,fjrof.i.rii i- ii.* lianasa- of Masesa."Sm P.ll and I yiuiihttrir pip-rs pl.-a-ar enpy..al VIITIX. .ld*"!. Sepleinh.r .1 1.1, ItORKHTA

HANLVl .Nl'hKL. infant ilauxiiler of Haltia- -.am! Waller K. Marda.

fruneral at thc ruahttticr or her parent*. No. 8wail iranKiln .hui, Till* MoHMjUl at u

O'cOlt^_I_ .

.«¦.¦-..¦...}¦"¦^.¦.¦a^aaaaawa.aaaa.ll wiifk ni til H.

\V. PK'KltELL, LDMBBB-DBAL-Z_. w. ricaKEi.L.

Tara! oracr Brja.l aarl Lstuel iirva.-ts.iv(J-3-u

LJ-SJC-jTsB ' e«t7t 1CO*.



O 0 T AAA 1.OO T t AI.UJ

8BB a «¦ * '"ii w .iou

BBB t A KK [IS KIHII B AAA K K Bf RN'" OOtill *« -UN "* .»¦


i'll' o o w w w w n dis sssPO 5) WW WW 1) O V R H.-F oo w w dod mn a..

w li:MM.a.

Alf T1IE MBMBERsi OF M Ht. 'ivi 1 IV! ri ('Kv clan n. MBtt-

. ,- VivMill ar' DSMiiCKVTIC Cl.CH.

i d'a'f, .'.. in ,., V, io-auler* f.-rlli,. an ..Her-

,ii, n tic mi. -a-o * wt"- b.vj sot c't-

.¦.iJn't.e.ri.smJ.wi.l -..'ea.'- atSBI-«a.-,.of ,i,e ( lab al H.. lr hall. B '*, '''!',- ir....,.... w hall asd ( ny. 1.114.' . ,,.' fTr|.;V»MM..'iM'.'.»' e.-c:.A. *rl]_2^,^n,rt',.i Vcr Hi, l-i, no te,! ..Hi.r I'U.i"'-, -.1 Imf) ri-

s!,"r.'",V ,'..,...! ... Lei every DsMto et'" il"1 "i'"1 '.''' '"'¦

">¦¦.¦¦¦"¦. I'"'"!",':{,!KSH.TIV'.I)H..e.r.-ft

AV NH I'.KM: I'HI.Mi ABD SO-I f Cl VI. -iKlKTl .-(.Ulcers and monti-irs ..r

. ,,.,r-',..t.il-.'-..'i'-a'i'|- *»;¦.""_merlina *. L*u»»'s ll'"i .'':""*-,v, '*,:,.,,ll,, ad-'.,-ia. THURSDAY 1 -lt V My- *'"lujr, l. al -* o'ttottt. IcU B "I iBMBrS *»'l

". P.ir- '-"-I- .,.,

ttosattetv. af rrj

1./AWI Sl.WIHT*.

H UMONDMOZAB.'A." IATIOB.The rrsa-tt waskly soiree allljtoke

M./ar-. Il.lllllh (thursday) VKrsTMo-. .- .¦ I- ¦¦.lr »y iii-i'i'' .¦''¦¦;- " .

rltaU'iii-eanb. which moil I"- presented si tn-

.;, , vp |. ra rall bl III billi BlnB-rir.il "a

inn m c. i v'r";;\vT jsin-ct.ur KV*-'* Av 1,01 j Rata ''.'.'. " -.' "



ma n » -loee, Mais stbbbt, i:i ins >*n-

tRl 0BPOR i run in l-sff,

ASH CAPITA!.Wi\,n:i> niiii.i.!M.-.-i'».:*.:-. Mi i: ll is'-


bbb! ii' .

Illina nut-:

j. p. in. -., Preil

i. ui Mci ¦¦

,i n i: -M u. iiaxj , Jambs Ai rasn **o.*ss,

BO. RH I'll:!' ."'*. JOH a B. OB \v- '¦'.

V nv'll

ll. i.. ".] '. i Bol

hm Bli rn all ii"- prom

HOPE.i vri;v rm. "".. -ii it ni: wi- i

e. rmriM


CARI V VI". I!'-.

lind tli-' l-l t¦¦

JOHN' lilli I)-.t ..i lu. ! tu, ,v


.;. Im Nave*, a v..inn.- maui near here.had seas--.-.ali -, h id i eil

pail ,,i lil* iiii*-., and iva, v.tca ,,,,_ np tn Illsv.... v ,' I"- vr*., pul

sj, rilli lin Iv enrol bi n. H.- s

I* all hew led ll.'-h and hi.I, .-.I'll I* .\o la l.t. |l,.'li."l'rl*v r

W. r". t KUM!.Kl . M. H .

v. ii 16,1881. (i-lctli.rp--... i.


riMlE RHANCIJ OFFICE OF THE1 v MNBU I DBI '. SET r.v.is,. ,'.l-I'lNI eli n red frsi 1 IO -flt h *-. v.-n-l,

ill! MAIN s rK.:i r. * He Bank'¦eon can be Iad ll eta. * tn

tim wink* ni ill perrnaa liailn* b-alti-ntwA. M. tn ii I'. J.

¦ii., i iv nm:., hit. vMir cm;ini; t impa-vv. » mi iii, a r*.-.un.-...Uirlr lion-and Ile pu reaeratly. at the low-tat prti ' llr.rsl. I' -t -.

r.Dglh**. Ilnllrra, Ks*- .".! (irlsrM.II*, ll-um.t a

r inri tenrnl Mtrhli erv .v!w.,i _ tings nf eve-,v let' i.tlnn. Wnrl « ...

nail* >¦¦¦ l's ,-. i e-li. r. yr. nlnj pi the a*.- ia

_:. ile, '. ( ats! a.__. I.'.-'. ¦>.

VI ILLI Ml r I \ *4*-.ll. ltvi ii.i in ):. Itu;i iii.' \ '.mu i: li, i. m.'. , r nhmdsoli-ii'iH:-* lt mn.RI I'All: V ORK SOLICITED.Iw ALL nin:;: tiC.vi: fsTKCIi.

cOI.lt I'.-OIL.

101 l'.vii:;'- OLI) _. OIL.IV. I,-i re !"-i re -lt.-1 fr un stesmee a

i REBII LOT ul- TH'* CKLBBR vl.'.ii m.lVK-mi..

We hare mid rilli (in. for many year*] -. vv-Hauni. ri ,r 'pi tiny i, a* reentallieod-*"il '.. ol

-. fori.uI'HlII- 1-8 "I.IVI--CI,..

ni I .' .- .-il.:¦; lt LL, LAUD Jmi, Te n :, ilesale Dr-inn-ts.


CIIOOL- B no li .-.

v.. .;.. i :, r -ii-.iit ii.,- towan priees-s fall Um >f

¦ATHOOL-BOOKSpublic and pr!*,li

nr,:.i*. -ii,, iu -I tad r mptly tilca led p>.

WfsT, ii ill',-, Ti is iii,¦ ll 'Jil Main *lr-i.

I VT. BABDOLFU & EBGLlsTI.-4 i-i Mtreet, i. ildst IH Hi* BO 'Kr,

.- ie. Bm i-'i'.iii- aaa prtvsle sclt., beat luiw UV* Mrgetl a-,. rUu-iti lu Virginia.,: mv." ARD OLD in. >i. * la-van 'tpin-i-iu"i nt, i uiire.

fiea.ll ¦-.;.. IBO, malledtoani li .. Mfa

S_i HOOL BOOKS.i~We hat, ii' in Tiff ii"' - ass la Bi ibbS-

INiVBll -, hoolai c Bli iel price*, e Invite the at-

¦!' p-iriii,., I.-I. li. i. m.! pBECKWITH ,v lil'! m.

Mil.:.:.-ni mc.

la.Mii: I.i-Ml SIC.sri .*! Mi ck fa lix Hy. Uberal dlseooati to

les se I.. , alain)C. T.JOHR8TOX,

¦al* Mala rect,


I PollTtVf ( ii."i: ros lin.uni. kkvi'UAND AliC):-C.uit.il!,sii...1,ii,.|l,... ,r,..l,- ,.- .-,v

ouiip.ain.l-. Im- sal,. py BODEKRHBROTHERS mid otBtt 'ir,i,.i,u :vt .;,) esau par

''!"'-_.__»u '.' i*«.w|mII ALI'S IMPBOVBD CLEANIBGlt RhAM.rorreeovsilBB etotlw*, remuvlDc*.."'...' " i vlrtis-jtliu .mt dealer* aen.rttlV. 1.. | hoi ,-. H.iDKKLlt lllt.iTIII li's.

I ADl^.Peooyroysl PlUs (MChhtes.t J n -t¦.* i DxUah 'ii,ie vtau th tpe,- w,.l<ul ,. r,.,,lui' ;. t, t:- ..1 ii--, le. iiu,-i....r (.-hetaiesi Col111. V eiram-.|,.i,e, l*lillii,|,.|,,tl,,.

"r,u,0*» -»-l

_._,_»u sf-Ts, I h.Sa.VSu 1 o,itV Lilli. AM) ItliAIN ritKATMEN-7!'II lt.: t.l.lVKvr-'.I'MtvNIKHl-iiK. llMl I*kept Iii stock f.ir mill ll,,- wl,.|..,,|e audr...Will adel) IMIDEKJIR B-tOTHERs, 1414 llsln

mrm* sa'J I

lOII.KT ARI14LK*.'Vv/Af\

11 Ml: Hill -lil's.fff Wff f-RfJ .IMKIHCAN-.

tjf-fAT VAHIKTV (» STYLK sj-iilAI.lt yMT'CKH.K.

I.H.ill-Hin-in.s (IMBBBBR BM MtMBSlI sr.- -,1,1111,.ll un,I,- |. our .^^.ij ,|,,n|K-HIM siiri.,,,w .ti!.., plain and MBBMOMMIlilli.!« in. I'clVHKIl-HOXKS,P.iVVDKKl-l'Krt*te*** J- BLAIR, Draff|.i,

¦* ._tor^r Ninth and Broad .trivet*.

.l..\^l_S_sU>A,TU« Ws»AtCff l-Rt.NT-jm. inlett.

Bn«IA&MI|fM^^Vsyxers/^ialsTolJ)-EHTABLISBED HU-M



,, T( A*l(MKBKl*,lB Bil colnr_.Btl«V.»rwa

l£$$M,nWAW't\W*~^tfWllf.te fn^^-*__*..|l,,^w"-H,v,v.-e..s.Bn,.y.,f.!*'.>w.th.n!..Us,stel.VJA a isair wutil. S- I ....^¦iv,^^!,vrn,:-vn;ni:^.v,.rn.w..yi--.^V^rvvA'sirVoi-Lis .i av- ar-r-

.ZT&arJ t,. ie. ism. "'.....-*». .<- .** ¦

,.,-/.',.',., ri.ARWF.LSM(Bi.B*»Bs*snS#xMalnfr;i',;,'ni,tv,--,:iUVMi,r.l1*'«rrn^S-F.''"^- *'HV.SL<»i,rV'n'l -<""

n\i itu-: ki inf i. Alli.;i,';:A,:.iH.V,'^..M^^vll.^^!Hal^e.w,,t..MtH-atrSLIN KK lit* .< ISB- firmerlVa-MtA^V&Mi* I. Cl FICHOB, B**"" ."''

M^^T.H.Vu.C^iv/^^-^a''^''''L.^r.^|,| I ... I *' 1.1 tl' ww"

nt ".. t;|.'¦<¦ V.'.';*¦.-ahini) bebe*!¦.¦«-i'^;^'e,v:^v.l.r.:u,,:r,v'u'ii^''-''-'1^.i-Jv^-'-iivvv^^iltV''--''-7-'..^riM'-i'i'. KKlThtD VVHUSTKH

KB^'fetfg^**^....,.. ... ... ml I"1 hi- HT-

t;< rjr*\\\,'.V'\v.^::-VM.%i:w.-..Ki.:viM;i/,,V^.iv^s1v:-i:'';-.V,,\;.,n'i-:vvr:-

i,.V^r^^h!-n,.v,i.''.' ;..,

TjT-THAi.iit-Mi:it MOTHBBal

paT,.! ...-ii r-c Iv:... l"'ils"<

NEW ami DI -H.'VLi.i: ..'»'»i)s

. sad am aaa rsa-tito rarer

llei p.i rn . -I "'

ni!''. "". kRD 8 '. LBS



P t\ IS:,;' iii' JK ? hooS aAa ii E !. Sun «FAf-:

RRR H <.'¦'¦ B*^Il K ll I '. "

KUI: U te|HUI .

lt K UTJ «, ". h:».s\

DOD HUH I' I" " '

ii :> i: ii c (1 '¦ '¦ RIii Bimi, rc o gu j1) ii h. UL' r I. i.e. (. (.'i ilDM. il il L'U OOO (MW Kl !' I 'V-aS

cute, i.i.1 h.-liig i"

l x.|i:i MM OW FIOUBI -.

CARPI 11 V ni AND LAID Al »!l Mil

v.ii i. i:.

, DRESS (."'H*. DBBS8 li" "H-.

ir, Mi. rtlE SI .v vmmii -ii: IBLEkTTLES,


I. VI!..1 I'll! li V i I. MH*

ll. ll

1.1 H( 1'-, ill. VU ')!.i.-xi.,)')!)*-

I-..!.xl ¦!"' S

va. ii IX x.

VI.VM Xl V, Bl Vi.l's.

Ci: Mi - IS (illili A! li* H. M VI VU l's V

LOWER FIG BF.8 in vs kv;::.

J KKK BRU ."als III V Y gSBfl., H il ¦. .,

B B V Y 5 ¦.' KK BRR SSS PK VY '-,s_.

j .i r ii ii . ,i! y _~2 m

J.1J KKK lt il ¦VS-' KKK V "ss"' _,

A 1 Mn.i LIM. vi I'H.i RI -\i!

EQUALLED.-ii -, -ii. ¦.-. -iii-.

IN Hi Vi i. ISH ( ll "ll! H.

I. M l STOCK,aarl S .VRL-

.1 n> I"ii I. vi: I'i:!'

in .LUIMER iiipiiiti BS',- 2 - i.i uAI ' 'vi*.

ni i'd f. mm; isjBMI v

(.1.(1 xl",, ii 1 F. I! xvi. ll iii, lr ia.|K-U ii :-- il 1848.1


.Vii mt,



Ofltecs In .-.ll Ihe piMal - Cai tata; la Lund a,Coulta, nra, ai.i .v. mallan com ¦.

V"Ii vuM 1-sM Ki> QUARTI BLT.Sheet! f Chant. semi-werklv. Constant rev

t ri ll.u-le lawyer, wu., nuke collei ti ni -i".

Ita null Italill.-r 11 ii .i

.. .' an.I limier a.na- m ,..,.

Tan :.u respectful!] invltealt.reit.Bate. anSll HU.'. -'. il. Billillirea.

lin BMORDOrm I B. .1018M vi*, * n.i i i.

J.H. WHIT IV.¦S 7 rliiteiialeiit.

valwin SlnOMIa

Jil.Al lil I 1. UlLT-BDOE WOOD.Bl .1, and ros xviii my it.

i'" M., U..u|l,.i.,,I I'livK.all kind-.Elba C. -ii-v Plas ,trrei«.

vv. -. i-ii h: i:, u LT.i

I WILL ( M.N11M i; TO SELL BEST1 vv un: vi n ken ii. u 13 par I ,,,: sTLIS i.a) I. '.. In *i.e' M.I r ii Ml*. 13.40 t. st.:-'..ali klnitSOl Vlllill) eel 1V..IM ..ii,-i prleeafor eaab. Broad .*_4 Mottoa a..-J j-'.'.

t. Telephuuc ld,',,ie -MCIIARLEB li. I'Vi.i

( '¦MAI. Il IV Aim;:.,1 V..Ii! OMI. FROM S. ll. ll WV KV,,. M.-M.l V Vin!!. CLI-AN COAL! * I t v VI

hi M*Ll M. FACTOBY! VV..,, savx. aual ipUlanv ila. ,,r li nilli mr kindling.-. tl. il IW fr¬

ill, p',1,,nc .',7. i m,e, Kl*.-!, ti* ulli ant rarv-t:'- I. -."il


din an.r vird and tlu,r,tuxlily BtrBtaM Isefnre ala-llvety to e.:-i.m.. r.. Ii. puull. I, invilr-1 I., cal!alDraw-Brlatet,fool of BevvtBlraatb -irc-i, aadWill i¦-, Hie >.| crail.ie, and .1." I., ptirchise Meir.I.i-pix ..rc.iaL. with ile aasiirsBcr of .¦etna -alt*-faetoallv H. !'. I ATHKOI* A .'.).

1'iirelas.r, will bs f.ir. .sl.cd slrrel-r.illwa) t. .'It¬el- P. rel urn. .eflc.') -sr. Tin: BBIUHT-#QF-/n;Ol). / tJ.lnil'K U4II.VV ayom-tO. / OPANT bara decided ui-flier tarli Ki.K.u: x TKXiUBATE COAL at88-78 per '..a.. -I, ,t«,¦,,. i. f,*Ile mouth of itrpteSfber, This li the L-ai andctsBBPa.t arate lael sear a_asM BS cnuxiiiiier* of.: ii. Kif liinond. Wc Kiuruntni y.>u Mtlafaa-Unaor Daa ".ale.

i.d.|.|...,ie Meas, SIS ard 177. OSaas. T08 SSS!vi.in .turi. li.i.i.i.i N. KORTHEM.E. ... THAW. ¦awWBBlPUl

I uiiinierrlal Aaetlt._ar.4-.Oe8/AL'klBBBLAND (OAL.-I am rjreaafi 1\j la BU erOers for heal iioalliy (1KOROUSCRE1K CCMHF.lLAM) COAL ba'll,,: cantu er111 Int* fn,tri l.-n ,. nriy p.ti, at llallliivirr a tdi,i..r«.lnwii ,|Uailatl>its. AN MIK Vt UK COALall na*! WISC V 111..IMA «l'I.INl' and CLO-V KL -HILL Mill' COAL ftirnlxrie.1 si Inweelmarket rate*. WIBT BOBEHTS.otBce anil yard coruer 1sevBUUs_ilU au'l CarsiUwt* TtkphDuo Ko., Ill, ly io-3m

_,__a_BS__Bfl *rrW.I»«'*'H'U'''U<..HSSMABBorttSBT. wmtmut,mt |>art*w.

-poTHBtlT A CO..


rasn a. IR'"T**<*ENT mMm


ia*fBf c««)WDED rKon bRWalfRJ tua

NlMlir. AND AIL (.rlTTIM.


Rewcmhet, we wl'l-eily-'..»"' "

0»t y>« may -ard.lu-h "

itrnitckk. c.ttnvi-. 'i.i.-is'inn

ci i.s. ISO .1 '.'.**.

et .otb low rf-U k* AMI -""lici-.

uiat bm ."« te' "'i"11""1 l »af <¦ " * ..! **.

f,*xU and lesrnl-it nor '.-rm*. Wi aft I

Of Ci"'J'-, sc-l MB**


, all tnt rs .no fi '".¦ ns co.



IC LEA I Etti in PRK Bf 1 '. ' ri BM*.- i

nu iti i¦-1 I U-i ;.i:ii-:irHY I !."-! Ll I INI..M IN' IM)

ii.I 1 IPI s


I I.NI l ,:


-l iLMl N -.

l.t.r I UK "M. I -!. U IH tl

vt,il. oNVINi lti H

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A **,,,; ...4-iiilttlit ,ef ARTIST ll PPsit DIBS. .. i i


J.1KM.Y C. Jo.M.-. i). D. s. grmDssta: "I .1. a: tl iv, ll i * ,1.*;ar _,,,.

HU*, i I,i.ur- !.¦ u. IA. Mat* c. ¦ M*.,-_.


(.' "n.r f WsTSf " iSs-TilOrrie t: asl Mst* ea sntii aa

tevsalB. Richmond. Va. -i

Wood .t (owAR!'IN sfjjm,bave rein,.i

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JOSEPH IV. I u (iiJfCltMelllN.. I SDRRTAR.RBcob.n.b vm*r ino Bs.iADatsBsra,

WWI) AMI UK."mm; BCKUI.-i !-__,and..u!,">'H> ****«- "'' *«Trleee. , !¦'"-O''si'i'MU at LBWBS * ITI*.Tdetraptilc aud cuuutrv ortUn wlJctle.!.

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