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Motivational Workshop with Lily Newman

Date post: 13-Apr-2017
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‘Has Your Get Up & Go, Got Up and GONE?’ One of the biggest challenges that we have to overcome in business and in life, is getting rid of those life limiting scripts that tell us we’re not; “….clever enough, organised enough, funny enough, intelligent enough, wealthy enough or ‘anything’ enough to achieve what we feel we really could, if only we had the chance!” SO... Take control and truly live a life of purpose? Stop letting opportunities pass you by and re-build your confidence? Take steps to make sure your job or career is a fulfilling one? Get rid of the unhelpful behaviours that are hindering relationships? Find out how making small changes can make a big difference to your health and well-being? Ignite your motivational motor to find and maintain personal happiness? This workshop will get you out of the passenger seat and into the driving seat of your life. It’s time to unleash a happier, healthier, more motivated you! remember ..... life comes at the end of your comfort zone! BOOK NOW!
Page 1: Motivational Workshop with Lily Newman

‘Has Your Get Up & Go, Got Up and GONE?’

One of the biggest challenges that we have to overcome in business and in life, is getting rid of those life limiting scripts that tell us we’re not;

“….clever enough, organised enough, funny enough, intelligent enough, wealthy enough or ‘anything’ enough to achieve what we feel we really could, if only we had the chance!”

SO...• Take control and truly live a life of purpose?• Stop letting opportunities pass you by and re-buildyourconfidence?• Take steps to make sure your job or career isafulfillingone?• Get rid of the unhelpful behaviours that are hindering relationships?• Find out how making small changes can makeabigdifferencetoyourhealthand well-being?• Igniteyourmotivationalmotortofindand maintain personal happiness?

This workshop will get you out of the passenger seat and into the driving seat of your life. It’s time to unleash a happier, healthier, more motivated you!

remember..... life comes at the end of your comfort zone!


Page 2: Motivational Workshop with Lily Newman

Motivational workshop with Lily NewmanTuesday 7th October 2014Marriott Hotel, Worsley 9.30am - 4.30pm


For more Information please call 0844 815 4817 or email [email protected]

Total Excellence Centre | Damhouse | Astley Hall Drive | Manchester M29 7TX

“Lily Newman gave a masterclass on

motivation to my Forward Ladies networking

group and it was so different and entertaining

– an absolute breath of fresh air! I host

around 50 events with speakers every year

and Lily stood out with her passionate,

informative style which kept the audience

enthralled throughout the whole session.

We have had some fantastic feedback.

There is no finer feeling for an event

organiser than to look around the room at the

guests and see that they are totally enjoying

the event that you have provided and this

was my experience with Lily. The women who

attended were from a complete cross section

of industries and professions yet they were

all motivated to improve some aspect of their

lives and their common response was to tell

me that Lily was inspirational. I would have

no hesitation in recommending her for your

conference or event or booking her again!”

Sue France, Forward Ladies

“She’s far too pretty and skinny. If she wasn’t so ******* lovely, you’d have her put in a box. Seriously you can trust Lily to deliver the best. She’s bloody brilliant at what she does.Jo Brand, Comedian, Television Presenter, Author

“One of the most challenging, inspiring

and life changing women’s events that we

have ever held at Spectrum. Truly powerful.

Thank-you Lily for bringing everything back

to basics and helping us to re-focus on

what’s important in life.”

Wendy Jenkins, HR Advisor,

Spectrum Housing

“Lily is a motivational speaker, a coach and supporter who keeps on giving. Not only has she expertly facilitated the conversion of my lifetime of management into a series of speeches and articles to help others but she has continuously supported me in the journey by following up, providing prompts and insightful help and making sure I achieve the goals I defined. She is a friend for life, a confident and tutor who gives you the tools to be the best version of you that you can possibly be.”

Kevin Gaskell, Global Explorer, Business Coach, Motivational Speaker

Come along and see for yourself why these people say the following:

Total Excellence Centre presents:



£99+VATper person

(if booked before 7th Sept)


COST £149.00 + VAT
