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Mountain Living - Kicking Horse Resort

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Mountain Living HOMEOWNER NEWSLETTER - AUGUST 2015 MOUNTAIN LIVING 1 on unƟl September 27th! As of July 17, Columbia Basin Trust funding has been conrmed for the new mulƟ‐use, yearround trail connecƟng Kicking Horse Mountain Resort and the Cedar Lake recreaƟon area. Work will begin with an iniƟal survey and trail rouƟng opƟons, quickly followed by machine clearing . A trail corridor for winter use should be cleared by the middle of September, with the nal trail in place no later than June of 2016! The Golden Outdoor RecreaƟon AssociaƟon has worked hard to bring all stakeholders together to support the funding of the trail and we would like to thank all of the homeowners who helped to secure the grant. This trail will be a great asset to our mountain , and we couldn’t have done it without you. The new Cedars development has everybody talking. These semidetached CLIMBERS ON THE VIA FERRATA Well, this summer has already proven to be a very exciƟng one, with the addiƟon of the Via Ferrata, the new assisted climbing route up Terminator Ridge. Homeowners will get 10% oof the price of this new aƩracƟon with their Loyalty card! See more about the Via Ferrata and an interview with one of the guides on page 3. Our extended summer hours are allowing more people to enjoy the Grizzly Bear Refuge, Gondola Sightseeing and dining at Eagle’s Eye restaurant. All this plus the downhill biking will be going Happy riders on opening day Message from Hans & Mike townhomes are the best and latest in quality and design, with very energy ecient construcƟon. The builder can provide customizaƟon for the clients to make every property unique. The disclosure statement and pricing are now out. Get the latest news and picture on page 4 and don’t forget to drop by the Discovery center for more informaƟon. Upcoming!! The Harvest Weekend is almost here… Check out page 5 for a preview of the acƟviƟes. Tickets on sale soon! Read all about how Boo is doing on Page 2. The results for the Western Open B.C. Cup are posted on page 4. We would once again like to thank Homeowners for their conƟnued support and passion for our mountain. Please enjoy these last few weeks of the summer season. Hans Nieuwenhuis Chief Development Ocer
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  Mountain Living 



on un l September 27th! 


  As of July 17,  Columbia  Basin Trust funding has been 

confirmed for the new  mul ‐use, year‐round trail connec ng  Kicking Horse Mountain Resort and the  Cedar Lake recrea on area. Work will begin with an  

ini al survey and trail rou ng op ons, quickly followed by machine clearing . A trail  corridor for winter use should be cleared by the middle of September, with 

the final trail in place no later than June of 2016! The

Golden Outdoor Recrea on Associa on has worked hard

to bring all stakeholders together to support the

funding of the trail and we would like to thank all of the homeowners who helped to

secure the grant. This trail will be a great asset to our mountain , and we couldn’t have done it without you.  


The new Cedars  development has everybody talking. These semi‐detached 





  Well, this summer has  already proven to be a very 

exci ng one, with the addi on of the Via Ferrata, the new  assisted climbing route up  

Terminator Ridge. 

 Homeowners will get 10% off of the price of this new  

a rac on with their Loyalty card!  See more about the Via Ferrata and an interview with one of the guides on page 3.  

Our extended  summer hours are allowing more people to enjoy the Grizzly Bear Refuge, 

Gondola Sightseeing and  dining at Eagle’s Eye  

restaurant. All this plus the downhill biking will be going 

Happy riders on opening day

Message from Hans & Mike townhomes are the best and latest in quality and design, with very energy efficient  

construc on. The builder can provide customiza on for the clients to make every property 

unique. The disclosure  statement and pricing are now out. Get the latest news and picture on page 4 and don’t 

forget to drop by the  Discovery center for more  

informa on.  

Upcoming!! The Harvest Weekend is almost here…

Check out page 5 for a  preview of the ac vi es.  Tickets on sale soon!  

Read all about how Boo is  doing on Page 2. 

The results for the Western Open B.C. Cup are posted on 

page 4.  

We would once again like to thank Homeowners for their 

con nued support and  passion for our mountain. Please enjoy these last few 

weeks of the summer season. 

Hans Nieuwenhuis  

Chief Development Officer 

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  Boo is looking fantas c and is currently weighing 

610lbs.  It seems that Boo is ac vely pu ng on  

20‐25lbs each week.  His daily calories have also  

increased slightly & Boo is receiving a few more  

supplements for breakfast and dinner.  With  

hyperphagia around the corner, Boo will now steadily 

increase his daily calories.  Once he enters his  

hyperphagia state Boo will ingest 40,000 calories each 

day un l it is  me to enter is hiberna on state.  The 

berries have all been abundant in Boo’s enclosure and 

he has wasted no  me capitalizing on that natural 

food source to assist him with his ever impressive  

annual weight gain.  It has been remarkable to  

observe how long Boo has been spending foraging 

these days.  Naps are far and few between, Boo  

understands berry season is a short season so there is 

no  me to waste napping.  With two months le  in 

our summer season, come check out Boo and watch 

him gain weight over August and September.   

September there will be a contest to guess Boo’s 

weight on the 27th which is our final day of our  

summer opera ng season.  Contest will open  

September 1st, 

make sure to stop 

by & enter for a 

chance to win.  

Prize to be  


Nicole Gangnon,

Refuge Ranger

Boo Update

Goodbye From Yasmin: 

What a wonderful last two ‐and‐a‐half years it has been! I’ve loved ge ng to know all of the amazing Homeowners 

here at Kicking Horse. 

Though I’m very much looking forward to my new  challenge of becoming a mother for the first  me, please know I will miss you all dearly. That being said, I am more than confident in Lisa’s abili es in taking on Homeowner Rela ons and am so excited for you all to get to know her. 

She is a great addi on to our team.  

I will be taking a year‐long maternity leave but will remain in Golden, so I hope to bump into you. Therefore, rather than saying “Goodbye”, I’d like to say “See you soon”. 

All the best! 





                              Introduc on to Lisa: 

Hi Everyone! I will be the new Real Estate Development Coordinator while Yasmin is on leave.  I am very excited to be joining the team here at the resort and would like to extend my apprecia on to everyone who has supported me, and especially to Hans and Yasmin who have worked very hard to make this transi on as smooth as possible.  

Congratula ons Yasmin, I wish you all the  best! 

I look forward to ge ng to know as many Homeowners as I possibly can, so  please drop in at the Discovery Center at any  me. I would love to hear from you, and get to know each of you , and how I can make your experience here 

the best it can be!  



Real Estate Discovery Center Update:

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We caught up with Lisa Roddick, one

of the Via Ferrata guides to find out

the latest news and why our Home-

owners are going to love this new


First of all , we would like to get to know you. How long have you been

at KHMR? I have been at the resort for 5 winter seasons as Patrol. This is my first  summer. I'm happy to be spending the summer in the cool alpine. In the past I was ra  guiding spending most of my summers down in the valley and on the water. This is a welcome 


Where are you from, and what do you like to do with your spare me? I am from Burlington, Ontario. I have been in Golden for 6 years now.  I am 

a kayaker, biker and skier.   

 What does your posi on involve?

Each morning we do a Route Check which involves; checking the cables and anchors for integrity or damage, 

checking boulders which we've marked to ensure they're not moving or shi ing and cleaning up any rock fall on our route. Then we come back, 

gear up our guests and orientate them to the system they will be using before we hike over to the beginning of both routes which is the Hanging Glory Suspension Bridge. During the 

climb we try to help manage  everyone's energy and we stop to chat and learn about the Columbia Valley as we go.  A er each tour we 

check the integrity of the gear used, clean it and record it all.  

 You have been with the resort

throughout the installa on. Can you share what that was like?   

During the installa on we were spending 8 ‐ 10 hours a day in  harness, hanging on the rock  

working. We had so much different gear hanging from our harnesses in order to move around, drill and clean holes and glue the elements into them, as well as lunch, water and extra layers. With all this gear  

hanging off of me and using it while  exhausted and hanging on the wall I dropped many things, some I was 

able to recover, others not so much.   

Can you tell us something about the Via Ferrata that the Homeowners

may not know?  Our system is only the 2nd in the 

whole world to be opera ng with the Aeroligne system which was  

developed by Prisme, the company who designed and installed our 

routes. The Aeroligne system has a steel link which is similar to a  

carabiner which slides onto the cable and then does not come off at any point un l you finish the route. This 

makes people  very safe, being  constantly connected, it also lowers the probability of human error while 

moving along the cable.  

What would you tell someone who is new to climbing if they wanted to experience the route, but were nerv-

ous? Absolutely no experience is needed. Just a moderate level of fitness and an interest in new adventures and 

STAFF SPOTLIGHT: Lisa Roddick—Via Ferrata Guide

challenges. We are not on a  meline and we are not in any rush. There are plenty of opportuni es to take breaks, 

enjoy the scenery and just "hang around". 

 What do you like best about your

job?  So far my 2 favourite things about my new job are mee ng new, like‐minded people and helping many overcome fears and challenges to make it 

through our Ascension or Discovery Routes.  

 Can you tell us about the routes? Now that the Via Ferrata is finished and we have had  me to take some tours through both routes we have a be er understanding of how it all 

works. The Ascension Route is about 465m long and the Discovery Route is 330m long. It is impossible to assign me limits to the routes. Each group is different with how fast they want to 

charge through the route or how much they want to enjoy it, take their  me and enjoy the view. Everyone who has 

joined us so far has had a great  experience, really enjoyed their climb and is just about as stoked about the 

Via Ferrata as we are!               

                                                     Lisa Roddick having

fun on the Job! 


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Even with the weather turning ugly on the  weekend of the Western  Open B.C. Cup  downhill bike races, everyone who came out had a great  me, and spirits 

were high.  Congratula ons to all those who  came out to brave the elements and make this  event a huge success!  


Photo by Danielle Baker  

Here are the results…. 

Elite Women's podium - Clair Buchar (1st), Michelle Griffiths (2nd), and Britany Methot (3rd).

Junior Expert Men's podium - Jack Almond (1st), Adam Woodhouse (2nd), Alex Silverthorne (3rd), and Dillon

Morrison (4th).

Elite Men's podium; Chris Kovarik (1st), Rob Fraser (2nd), Anthony Evans (3rd), Cody Macarthur (4th), and Nick

Grimm (5th).

Western Open Recap

Max Cre ne, Director of Business

Development & Guest Services

The Cedars

Launched in June, the Cedars development is the 

newest at Kicking Horse Mountain Resort. These 


semi‐detached homes are now becoming available, 

and we are happy to announce that 

Units 1 and 2 are now complete, with building for 

Units 7 and 8 finishing in the fall of 2015.   

When you are interested in seeing the showhome, it 

is available for viewing. Contact Hans or Lisa at the 

Real Estate  

Discovery Center.  







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2015 Homeowner's Harvest Weekend Friday, August 28 

Mission Hill Winemaker’s Dinner at Eagle’s Eye

Join us at Eagle’s Eye for the summer’s hottest event – the Mission Hill winemaker’s dinner. Stay tuned on the KHMR webpage for the menu and further details!

Saturday, August 29  

Welcome Reception Brunch. 11:00 am to 12:30 pm 

A hearty brunch buffet at the Golden Golf Course Clubhouse starts the first full day of activities! The brunch menu includes :

Selection of Juices Seasonal Sliced Fruit

Selection of Breakfast Pastries Quinoa Breakfast Bowl with Toppings

Sliced Deli Meats & Cheeses Scrambled Eggs or Frittata

Buttermilk Blueberry Pancakes Breakfast Potatoes, Bacon & Sausage

Freshly Brewed Seattle’s Best Blend Coffee and Tazo teas

Your Choice! Choose between one of two Activity Options as part of your ticket.  

Op on #1 Our annual Classic  18 hole tournament. Texas Scramble. 11:00 am (registra on) ‐5:30 pm Op on #2 Family Whitewater Ra ing. Join us for an amazing family‐friendly whitewater ra ing trip on the 

Kicking Horse River. Restricted to 90 lbs or more.   Arrive at 2pm for a 2:30 departure.   

Sunday August 30 

Homeowner Exclusive Grizzly Bear Tour 9:00 a.m. –10:00 a.m.  Every par cipant will receive a gift from the Kicking Horse Grizzly Bear Society. Meet at Catamount base at 8:45 for uploading.

Rock Climbing Clinic at the Dogtooth Climbing Gym 11:45 p.m.—2:00 p.m. Kids will have lots of exploring and climbing at their own pace. Please arrive on time to sign waivers for your child. Limited availability!   

Family Adventure Center 11:00 am – 3:00 am Family fun for everyone at the new activity center next to the pump track. Volleyball, horseshoes, badminton and beach tennis. $30

deposit for safe return of equipment is required at the Kicking Horse General store.

Via Ferrata 2 Hour tours departs at 10:30 a.m. 12:30 a.m. or 2:00 p.m. 4 hour tour departs at 1:30 Get vertical at the most exhilarating Via Ferrata in Western Canada! Tickets sold separately with a special discount for the weekend.

Reservations necessary. Please arrive 30 minutes early to sign waivers and get tickets.

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Kicking Horse Mountain Resort Bulle n Board

A Message from Eagle’s Eye

As always, remember to let our staff at Eagle’s Eye 

and the Golden Eagle Grill know when you join us for 

a meal, as all KHMR homeowners are en tled to 10% 

discount (not including pre‐packaged food or  

alcohol) at all our Food &Beverage outlets.  Thanks 

again for your con nued support of our 

 restaurants.  Please feel free to contact me directly 

with any ques ons or concerns! 

Brian Siff 

Food & Beverage Manager 

Kicking Horse Mountain Resort Photo By Danielle Baker 

Rambler Hikes!

Don’t forget to put on your hiking boots and join us for a guided hike during our Rambler Hikes

Series. Hikes are FREE and are great for the whole family! Details here.


Under Our Feet: Geology of the Trench

 How and when did this valley get shaped? Local specialist Gideon Smith will share his extensive knowledge of 

the region for the most interes ng hike of the summer. 

August 29

Take Nothing But Photos

A local professional photographer will host a master class at 7’700 . Learn how to capture the essence of your 

natural environment with  meless photographs. Take a piece home without leaving a trace! 
