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Mountaineer ulletin · tiana Gasser, Ken District Governor desig-nate Sherry harles, and Kiwanis...

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1 West Virginia August 2013 Kiwanis Mountaineer Bullen Table of Contents: Page 1: New senior officers Page 2-3: Dues update Page 3: Edward Eiland Page 4: New member add fee update Page 5: Key Leader, Hunngton Page 6: Bridgeport Page 7: Internaonal Convenon Page 8: Charleston Young Professionals Page 9: ELIMINATE t-shirt Service Members Service Page 10: History, Vision, Convenons William “Bill” May to be Governor-elect for the 2013-14 Administrave Year On August 10, 2013, at the District Convenon held at Canaan Valley State Park and Resort, William “Bill” May was selected as the Governor elect for the 2013- 14 Administrave year. In his acceptance speech “Bill” proclaimed that “It is an honor for me to accept this nominaon.” Bill has been a Kiwanian for about 11 years having served in several capacies as a member of the Beckley Club including two terms as Presi- dent. Currently, he is serving his second term as Lt. Governor for Division 7. As a Lt. Governor, Bill has been acvely involved with the clubs in his division as well as the Key Clubs they serve. He has been involved in starng two new Kiwanis clubs. He has been instrumental in building one new Key Club and is involved in starng another in his division. He has been selected as “Kiwanian of the Year” three mes by the Beckley Club. Charles elected as Governor of the West Virginia District for the 2013-14 Administrave Year. Pictured at leſt are Chris- ana Gasser, Ken Charles, West Virginia District Governor desig- nate Sherry Charles, and Kiwanis Internaonal President designate, Dr. Gunter Gasser of the Austrian District. Dr. Gasser’s moo for the 2013-2014 Kiwanis year is We Build Bridges for Children to the Future.” Dr. Gasser and Mrs. Charles will take office October 1, 2013. Her Moo is, “Keep On, Keeping On!”
Page 1: Mountaineer ulletin · tiana Gasser, Ken District Governor desig-nate Sherry harles, and Kiwanis International President designate, Dr. Gunter Gasser of the Austrian District. Dr.


West Virginia August 2013

Kiwanis Mountaineer Bulletin

Table of Contents:

Page 1: New senior officers

Page 2-3: Dues update

Page 3: Edward Eiland

Page 4: New member add fee update

Page 5: Key Leader, Huntington

Page 6: Bridgeport

Page 7: International Convention

Page 8: Charleston Young


Page 9: ELIMINATE t-shirt

Service Members Service

Page 10: History, Vision, Conventions

William “Bill” May to be Governor-elect for the 2013-14

Administrative Year

On August 10, 2013, at the District Convention held at Canaan Valley State Park and Resort, William “Bill” May was selected as the Governor elect for the 2013-14 Administrative year. In his acceptance speech “Bill” proclaimed that “It is an honor for me to accept this nomination.” Bill has been a Kiwanian for about 11 years having served in several capacities as a member of the Beckley Club including two terms as Presi-dent. Currently, he is serving his second term as Lt. Governor for Division 7. As a Lt. Governor, Bill has been actively involved with the clubs in his division as well as the Key Clubs they serve. He has been involved in starting two new Kiwanis clubs. He has been instrumental in building one new Key Club and is involved in starting another in his division. He has been selected as “Kiwanian of the Year” three times by the Beckley Club.

Charles elected as Governor of the West Virginia District

for the 2013-14 Administrative Year.

Pictured at left are Chris-

tiana Gasser, Ken

Charles, West Virginia

District Governor desig-

nate Sherry Charles, and

Kiwanis International

President designate, Dr.

Gunter Gasser of the

Austrian District. Dr. Gasser’s motto for the 2013-2014 Kiwanis year is

“We Build Bridges for Children to the Future.” Dr. Gasser and

Mrs. Charles will take office October 1, 2013. Her Motto is, “Keep On,

Keeping On!”

Page 2: Mountaineer ulletin · tiana Gasser, Ken District Governor desig-nate Sherry harles, and Kiwanis International President designate, Dr. Gunter Gasser of the Austrian District. Dr.


West Virginia District of Kiwanis

International takes a step

into the future at the 94th Annual


The West Virginia District of Kiwanis International took a step into the future at the 94th Annual

Convention. On Saturday (August 10, 2013) at the House of Delegates’ session, the delegates present vot-

ed to increase the annual District dues by $8 per annum per member. This increase is effective with the

start of the new Kiwanis year, October 1, 2013. A 2/3rd (66%) majority vote was needed for passage. After

a forthright discussion, the Amendment was passed by an 84% majority vote. With continued growth

within the District, it is hoped that it will be at least 10 years before another dues increase would even be


Your 2012-13 and your new 2013-14 District Boards thank you for your vote of confidence in our ability to

control spending. With inflation and a decline in membership from ten years ago—although we have

turned the steady decline around in the last few years, we are still down almost 250 members from 10

years ago— your Boards have found it increasingly difficult to reinvest in the growth and stability of the

District. This $8 increase will allow your Boards to fund present and future growth.

An example: Each new club we start faces an immediate financial crunch. By creating a line item in the

budget for growth, your Boards will be able to help with startup funds for these new clubs. This year we

have assisted two new clubs. HOWEVER, the funds came by depleting our District’s reserve, NOT from our

operating budget. Henceforth, these funds can come from the operating budget. Right now, we could

have as many as three new clubs needing this assistance before the end of this fiscal year.

How do clubs pay for the rapidly approaching annual dues billing? There are probably as many options as

there are clubs. My own club sells tickets at our local fair. We place the proceeds from this event into our

Administrative account. Thus, members who work two shifts receive one-quarter of their annual dues.

After this initial jump, it takes $0.67 (67 cents) per month to be ready for the next dues cycle in 2014.

Another option, which is not one of my favorites, but will work, is to pay what you can by November 1,

2013, and pay the rest by January 1, 2014. This option gives your club some time to accumulate the addi-

tional funds. Then, you have a year to either increase the dues your club collects from each member or

find another source of revenue which can legitimately be directed into you Administrative account.

Your district Boards and I are really proud of the grit shown by the delegates at this 94th Convention. The

discussion following the motion to increase the dues and the 2nd really showed the depth of our

Page 3: Mountaineer ulletin · tiana Gasser, Ken District Governor desig-nate Sherry harles, and Kiwanis International President designate, Dr. Gunter Gasser of the Austrian District. Dr.


Kiwanians. Clarification questions were asked and addressed. Board members were called upon to justify

the need.

Several members expressed concern about our approaching the $100 dues mark. We currently pay $62 to

International and $22 to the District making a total of $84 in International and District dues. With the pas-

sage of this Amendment, the total International and District dues will now be $92 per member per annum.

The interesting thing is that this dues increase is significantly smaller than the dues increase from 10 years

ago. We went from $15 to $22, plus an International dues increase all in the same year. We weathered that

storm and we will weather this one.

Your new Governor for 2013-14, Sherry Charles, and your new Governor-elect for 2013-14, William May, are

strong believers in fiscal responsibility. They will carefully watch over your money and make sure that it is

used in ways which will enhance our great District.

Your support by building your home clubs and by assisting in the creation of new clubs is essential. After Oc-

tober 1, 2013, it is the intent of the Board to be able to help your club with needed local advertisements

when you do a membership drive. Mostly you can get free Community News but sometimes you need to

pay. With sufficient advance notice, the board may be able to reinvest in your club with needed financial as-


Again, the 2012-13 and 2013-14 Boards thank you for your trust.

Bridge named after Kiwanian

Edward Eiland thought he was going to a Kiwanis Club meeting. But he soon found out there was something bigger planned in his honor. The 93-year-old World War II veteran soon learned his family and friends were waiting for him to name a bridge after him. Eiland served with the 4th Marine Division. He has also lived and worked as an attorney in Logan for decades. The bridge near his home in Middleburg was officially named the Edward Eiland bridge. "This man is a recipient of the Silver Star and what he did to get that, we can't even begin to imagine," said Richard Ojeda, one of many community leaders there for the presentation, speaking to Eiland. "I think it is a tremendous honor. It is an honor that you are from Logan County. It is an honor that you have lived your life to elevate this county to where it deserves to be." Some of Eiland's family traveled from out of state to attend. People he has worked with in the city and county government were there along with members of the many community groups he has been part of over the years. "I was born here and spent my career here," Eiland said about the community he calls home. "I will die here."

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As per an Amendment at the

98th Kiwanis International Convention at Vancouver

New member enrollment fee changing Oct. 1 for Kiwanis International

Effective October 1, 2013, clubs will pay a fixed fee for each new member, regardless of the date the mem-

ber joins Kiwanis International.

The new-member enrollment fee will continue to be tiered. Clubs in tier A nations will pay US$50 for each

new enrollee; tier B, US$25; and tier C, US$15.

Why is Kiwanis making this change? Kiwanis’ graduated enrollment fee has been in place since April

2010. When it was instituted, it was assumed that a discounted fee would help recruit many more new

members later in the year. This has not been the case. Over the past three years, the number of new mem-

bers added in the latter part of the year has remained the same as when the fee was a flat USD$50.

As a result of these findings, and with the desire to restore an important revenue stream and balance the

budget without levying a dues increase, the fixed new-member enrollment fee will be reinstated for existing


Kiwanis clubs that add new members to their rosters before October 1 will continue to pay the graduated

enrollment fee as follows: US$12 in August and US$6 in September.

New Member Enrollment fee for the West Virginia District

will continue to be a graduated fee as per the schedule below:

New members enrolling: Combined fee: KI + WV Kiwanis

Oct. – Dec. $30 $80

January $27 $77

February $24 $74

March $21 $71

April $18 $68

May $15 $65

June $12 $62

July $9 $59

August $6 $56

September $3 $53

Note: This applies only to new member adds during the course of the year.

Page 5: Mountaineer ulletin · tiana Gasser, Ken District Governor desig-nate Sherry harles, and Kiwanis International President designate, Dr. Gunter Gasser of the Austrian District. Dr.


Key Leader Opportunity returns to the West Virginia District

Key Leader changes lives! Key Leader is a program for today’s emerging leaders. This life-changing event

focuses on service leadership as the first, most meaningful leadership development experience. A Key Leader will learn the most important lesson of leadership— leadership comes from helping others succeed.

Participation in the program begins with attending a Key Leader conference, which is a weekend retreat for teens age 14–18. Workshops, lectures and team-building activities take place over the course of the week-end, providing opportunities to grow in confidence, make new friends and learn skills that can be taken back to the school community. Positive interaction with other Key Leader “graduates” can offer continuing rein-forcement, encouragement and growth of leadership skills. Since 2005, there have been more than 16,000 graduates throughout the United States, Canada, Grand Cayman, Brazil, El Salvador, Singapore and Malaysia.

We have a great opportunity to join the PA District in a Key Leader event to be held October 4-6, 2013, at Camp Allegheny, Ellwood, PA. Registration is done through www.key-leader.org. You can find the event through the search. The general cost is $200, but it is $175 for Key Club members. However, the PA Kiwanis Foundation is providing a $50 scholarship for each attendee because this is the first year of this event at this camp, and they want to promote attendance. So a $75 discount for Key Club members. You must use a code when registering in order to get the $50 discount. The code is PKF50. If people apply for and are accepted as Student Facilitators, then the cost is even less, but only 3-4 attendees will be selected to fill those slots.

We really need to lobby clubs, especially in Divisions 1-4, to come. This camp is just north of Pittsburg near I-79, so it's very easy to get to, and we are hoping that between the Key Club Board and also clubs like Weir, Parkersburg, Bridgeport and Notre Dame, that we can get 30-40 people to attend.

Note: Students have to register themselves online, and they MUST put in the discount code in order to get the $50 PA Kiwanis subsidy and the Key Club member $25 discount, if appropriate..

Kiwanis Club of Huntington News—Sandra Mauk

July 2: We packed the backpacks for the KDCC. This simple project will ensure that up to 20 children from

the KDCC will have food on the weekends when they are away from the Day Care.

July 9 - Important thoughts for all clubs: We had a lively discussion about membership. We all know that

we need to continue growing our club. We have each been challenged to find “one new member.” We have

all been challenged to invite “friends and family.” To help open other possibilities, we’ve scheduled a

meeting for July 16 to review some of the resources available from Kiwanis International. In the meantime,

remember that we need to have good programs to attract new members and we need to have our speakers

on the calendar so that we can invite interested guests.

July 22: We talked about making our club significant. What are signs of a town where Kiwanis is significant?

What are the key events in our community? Are we part of them? Do people recognize that we are there?

Who are the key people in our area? Who are the movers and shakers in our town that we need to intro-

duce to Kiwanis? How do we spotlight our club, draw attention to our service projects? Who are the poten-

tial members for our club? Businesses in the downtown area are part of our pool. People who buy Poinsetti-

as from us or Spaghetti Dinner tickets are also there. Businesses that donate goods for our events are there.

How do we grow these relationships, how do we educate them about Kiwanis? We each need to work on

forming personal relationships where we can introduce new people to the significance of Kiwanis.

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Bridgeport Kiwanis News:

August 12: Sherry Charles reported on the Kiwanis District Convention which was held at Canaan Resort in Tucker County. She was officially sworn in as the new District Governor and will begin her duties on October 1. And, she reported the next International Kiwanis Convention will take place in Tokyo, Japan next year.

The Bridgeport Kiwanis, along with the BHS Key Club, are still working hard to get a Builders Club at Bridgeport Middle School. Lewis County's Kiwanis are still looking for a Key Club teacher sponsor at the high school and to starting a Builders Club at the middle school there. She also report that International Project Eliminate (wiping out maternal/neonatal tetanus) has made major strides. The BHS Key Club is very busy helping with the start to the school year. Charles added: “We are looking forward to working hand in hand with the BHS Key Club again this school year, as we have in the past.”

New Bridgeport Mayor Mario Blount congratulates Bridgeport Kiwanis president Sherry Charles for being named Kiwanis West Virginia District Governor-elect. She will take over her duties in October. Charles congratulates Blount on his recent election as mayor. Taken at the August 12, 2013, meeting of the Bridgeport Kiwanis at Panera Bread Cafe, in Clarksburg.

Photo: Front row. L to R. Mallory Rinker; Key Club district Lt. Governor, Soofia Lateef; 13-14 president BHS Key Club, Jenna Hooks; 12-13 BHS Key Club bulletin editor, recent BHS grad, Page Sakaesi, Olivia Robey; 3rd place winner, Alex Blankenship; 2nd place, Tyrig Wright; 2013 fishing derby Champion, Rich Bailey; Bridge-port Kiwanis P.R. back row: L to R Sam Biafore; BHS Key Club, Richard "Dink" Yurko; BHS secretary and dis-trict Kiwanis Key Club chairman, Susan Lawrence; Bridgeport Kiwanis fishing derby chairperson, Mr. Byard, Callia Byard, Zane Byard.

The Annual Benedum Festival Fish Derby registration began at 7 a.m. at Deegan Lake pavilion, fFish-ing derby competition continued until 9 a.m. Catches were counted and weighed. "We had a successful derby again this year. Although the water was high and muddy, these kids, 12 and under, caught fish, won prizes, and enjoyed the summer morning with their parents." commented Susan Lawrence, Benedum Festi-val fishing derby chair. Lu Bush put together the goodie bags. All participants received a prize.

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International Convention

Kiwanians held their 98th International Convention in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, from June 26-29. Members from the West Virginia District of Kiwanis International spent these several days exploring new ways to improve Kiwanis and to better the world. Each person had a unique experience as a variety of speakers and workshops were available. The opening session emphasized the six objects of Kiwanis and our global impact. Several West Virginia District Kiwanians were on stage during the opening session. Pete Bi from the Charleston Young Professional Kiwanis Club read the 4th object of Kiwanis: To develop, by precept and example, a more intelligent, aggressive and serviceable citizenship. Kahlen Browning, WV Key Club Governor, was given the honor of presenting the Cana-dian flag. Both Kevin Dean with wife Larissa and Connie Baker represented WV on stage, too.

A workshop on our Service Leadership Programs highlighted the importance of reaching out to "These Kids Today". An introduction to the Key Leader program excited participants about organizing a Key Leader experience for high school students in their own area. Alice McGinty enticed Kiwanians to open the world to children with books. You can find follow-up PowerPoints and notes from the workshops online at http://community.kiwanisone.org/media/g/ki_2013/default.aspx

Pete Bi from the Charleston Young Professional Kiwanis Club spoke at the Faith & Hu-

mor breakfast about reaching out through Kiwanis to assist in a time of tragedy.

By—Blake Williams, President Kiwanis Club of Wheeling

"Blake sincerely thanks the Kiwanis Club of Wheeling for their support."

Former Governors Robert Hammer and Ray

Richardson with former first lady Amy Richard-

son at the International Convention in Vancou-

ver, BC. All three were delegates to the Con-

vention and were involved in the voting and

election process.

Current District Secretary,

and former Governor and

former KI Trustee, Bernard

Knott and Adele Knott

standing in front of the

Olympic Torch outside of

the Convention Center in


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Charleston Young Professionals

The recently-formed Charleston Young Professionals Kiwanis Club raised over $2,600 in just a few days for the family

of one of the victims of the recent Boston Marathon bombing after learning that she was a friend and classmate of

one of the Club’s board members. Started in January by a group of young professionals in the Charleston area, the

Charleston Young Professionals is the fastest-growing club in the West Virginia Kiwanis District, with 49 members.

The club hosted a well-attended charter celebration on Saturday, April 20, at the Appalachian Power Park Clubhouse,

and plans to hold many future volunteer and social events throughout the year.

“Our club’s primary focus is on community service,” said Jenny Grant, club president. “In addition to the marathon

fundraiser, we have already volunteered with Habitat for Humanity, hosted a fundraiser for the Piedmont Elementary

PTO, and are planning many more service activities. We also are a place to connect with other young professionals

interested in service.”

The club’s officers are: Jenny Grant, Senior Associate with Gibbons & Kawash, A.C., President; Emma Case, Attorney at

the West Virginia Legislature, President-Elect; Jennifer Thacker, Executive Director of West Virginia Alliance for Sus-

tainable Families, Vice President; Emily Facemyer, Manager with Gibbons & Kawash, A.C., Treasurer; Megan Kirk, Pay-

roll Administrator with the West Virginia State Tax Department.

For more information, visit www.charlestonypkiwanis.org/ or email [email protected]

Kiwanis International is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to changing the world, one child and one com-

munity at a time.

Emily Facemyer (left), CYPK Treasurer & Nathan Poling (right), CYPK Board Member, registering guests

Emma Case (middle), CYPK President-Elect & former Morgantown Kiwanian w/ her parents, Bill Case (left) & Susan Case (right)

Boston Marathan Fundraiser display

Jenny Grant, CYPK President presenting a gift to WV District Governor Connie Baker, as a "thank you" for attending the event

Anita Kirk (middle), event guest & winner of the event raffle (a WV themed gift basket that included WV made products and donations from local businesses) and her daughters Angel Welch (left), CYPK Club Mem-ber, & Megan Kirk (right), CYPK Secretary

By: Megan E. Kirk, MPA, Club Secretary, Charleston Young Professional Kiwanis

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(front) (back)

Shirts are $15 each; all proceeds go to the Eliminate project; sold through The Kiwanis Club of East Huntington. Make checks paya-ble to: East Huntington Kiwanis & reference “Eliminate” in memo. Contact us at [email protected] or 304-733-5388

NAME SIZE ADDRESS (shirts will be mailed)

Page 10: Mountaineer ulletin · tiana Gasser, Ken District Governor desig-nate Sherry harles, and Kiwanis International President designate, Dr. Gunter Gasser of the Austrian District. Dr.


Kiwanis is a global organization

of volunteers dedicated to

changing the world one child

and one community at a time

Convention Dates:

District Dates:

March 7-9, 2014 Charleston (pending)

August 8-10, 2014 Huntington - Pullman Plaza

March 6-8, 2015 Parkersburg (pending)

August 7-9, 2015 Pipestem (pending)

International Dates

Chiba, Japan, July 17-20, 2014

Indianapolis, IN, June 25-28, 2015

Toronto, Canada, June 24-27, 2016

West Virginia Kiwanians, visit the website for

up-to-date items from around the District!


Coming up in the next issue ?!?

We need your articles!!!!!!

Submit to: [email protected]

Kiwanis History made at the

98th International Convention

Susan A. Petrisin of the Michigan District

elected as the first woman Vice President of

Kiwanis International.

Congratulations Sue!

Keys to Excellence The Key Leader program is built on five essential principles. These principles reflect our mission to inspire young people to achieve their personal best through service leadership:

Personal Integrity: Doing the right thing Personal Growth: Developing in mind, body, and spirit Respect: Showing consideration for self, others, and property Building Community: Developing relationships to achieve positive goal Pursuit of Excellence: Expecting and achieving the best October 4-6, 2013, Camp Alleghany, Ellwood, PA www.key-leader.org to register
