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Moving unstructured FrameMaker content to structure

Date post: 18-Feb-2017
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Planning and implementing conversion of legacy files to XML/DITA compliancy Bernard Aschwanden www.publishingsmarter.com [email protected] Migrating to XML with FrameMaker Conversion Tables 23:39 1 @publishsmarter
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Planning and implementing conversion of legacy files to XML/DITA

compl iancy

Bernard Aschwanden

www.publ ishingsmarter.com

bernard@pub l i sh ingsmar te r. com

Migrating to XML withFrameMaker Conversion



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The agenda



Convert content from unstructured to structuredEDD, conversion table, and a structured templateUsing basic examples to get you started, this

session: Convert files with content such as character tags and

paragraph tags Add support for images and tables Demo converting unstructured to structured using

conversion tablesSamples are easy to recreate, but complex and

powerful in functionality

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Housekeeping and note taking


3Not all slides or topics are

equally weightedUse some, discard othersSlide speed varies as this is

a QUICK sessionQuestions? Ask along the


I’d love to claim errors/typos is on purpose… they isn’t, ain’t, and weren’t never; however, I’ll fix ‘em as I can…

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About your speaker


4Publishing Smarter: PresidentContent strategist, publishing

technologies expert, author, and geek-enough

Certified Technical Trainer DITA Content management Topic-based writing

Society for Technical Communication (www.stc.org) President STC Associate Fellow

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Standard disclaimer



In the interest of brevity I will make some blanket statements to keep it simple

It’s not all 100% “the truth”, but I’ll stay close

Purists may complain And they are wrong! (except when they are


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Major disclaimer



This is a quick sessionThere are LOTS of

samples in slides or FrameMaker

Simple samplesStill complex ideasTricky to set things up

Happy to share files

To review/apply this Watch the recording Jot down “time

stamps” Cool item at 17:23 Excel formulas 18:57 Word updates 26:33

Then watch it again Pause it, rewind, try it Do this at your own

pace Slowly test with your


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Before you structure content


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Legacy content and document review



Include analysis of legacy files Identify what can stay and what needs to go. Approach with flexibility

What structure to use? Decide on the overall structural environment you want

to work with Could include S1000D, DocBook and DITA Can also build your own

Develop your FrameMaker support materials EDD, conversion table, and a template at the least

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ID a rule set



Use existing rules If rules already exist, you have a solid starting point Learn the rules and adapt your content to them

Build your own rules If no rules exist, you can set your own from the start Learn how to create the rules and build all the components

Hybrid approach If you see a set of rules that look promising, learn about

them Find out how you need to adapt your content to match the

rules If that does not work, then consider adapting the rules

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Not chaos, but it’s at least unstructured and needs work


Create structure from chaos10

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Method 1—Manually, element by element



Apply structural rules to your contentManually wrap content such as text ranges

and tablesContinue to manually wrap contents of

paragraphs together in Para elementsThen wrap sequences of Head and Para

elements in Section elementsAnd so on until entire document is wrapped in

single highest-level element

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Method 2—Automatically



Similar to adding structure manually Apply rules to document objects below paragraph level Then at paragraph level and through successively higher

levels Stops at root element, or no more rules exist

Automatic wrapping requires a conversion table Provides table of mappings to automate task of adding

structure to unstructured documents Uses paragraph and character tags, and object types (such

as equations or footnotes), to identify how to wrap document components in elements

Also specifies how to wrap child elements in parent elements

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Let’s dive into it


Conversion tables13

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Conversion Table—Overview



Conversion table: rules for mapping content in unstructured files to structured content. Conversion table can be split up into several tables

with text or graphics in between for comments Cannot have any tables other than conversion tables Must be saved at least once before it can be used Allows for iterative testing though Can be in structured or unstructured document

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Conversion Table—Organization



Organization of conversion table: Regular table, with at least 3 columns and 1 body row Additional columns and heading/footing rows can hold

comments Each body row holds 1 ruleColumn 1 Column 2 Column 3specifies document object, child element, or sequence to wrap

specifies element in which to wrap

specifies optional qualifier (“nickname”) to use as temporary label

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Conversion Table—Sample



Wrap this object In this element With this qualifierP:Bullet Item UnorderedP:Numbered Item Ordered

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3specifies document object, child element, or sequence to wrap

names the element in which to wrap

specifies optional qualifier (“nickname”) to use as temporary label

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Manually or automatical ly


Ways to create conversion tables


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Conversion Table Production: Manual



You have full control. No automatically inserted content. All the rules are specific to what you tell the system. However, you have to be explicit. (I am not a fan)Wrap this object In this element With this qualifierP:Head1 Head1P:Head2 Head2P:Body BodyP:Code CodeSV:Current Date CurrentDateC:Code cCodeTC: CELLTR: ROW

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Conversion Table Production: Automatic



Autogenerated content , then develop more rules or tweak as needed. Rules based on content used in source files. (I like this a lot more)

Use if you already have an unstructured document Scans body page flows to ID every object that can be structured Lists object type and format tag (if any) used in document Maps object to element Element tag named same as format tag If object does not have format, element tag is a default name

for example: CELL or BODY Removes parentheses and other characters to create valid element tag

Object type identifier in lowercase is prepended to duplicate tagsDeveloper adds additional rules to:

Wrap elements in higher-level elements Set attributes as elements are created Wrap all elements in root element (by using root RE or by making elements wrap

up properly)

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Number of conversion tables you need



Based on types of high level elements and amount/quality of content

If documents are clear and short, with a single highest level Create unique conversion table for each document type and convert in bulk

For example if your documents are already clearly defined as task, reference or concept you can apply one of three conversion tables to groups of files

If documents are clear, but long and with multiple highest level Create a single conversion table that covers as much as possible and then

divide up content as required, or; Reorganize first, then you have clear, short files with one highest level

If documents are scattered with content Create a single conversion table that does initial work and then manually

rework the structure as needed, or; Rewrite and reorganize first to have clear, short files with one highest level

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Generate conversion tables21

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Your first conversion table



1. Open document with objects you want to structure

2. Structure Tools > Generate Conversion Table3. From the Generate Conversion Table dialog

box, select Generate New Conversion Table4. Click Generate

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Expected results



Unnamed conversion table appears with rules based on objects in document and element tags based on format tags (tags used in the file, not all in catalog)Wrap this object In this element With this qualifierP:Title TitleP:Body BodyP:Heading1 Heading1P:Heading2 Heading2P:Heading3 Heading3C:Emphasis EmphasisX:See Heading SeeHeadingM:Index IndexM:Cross-Ref Cross-Ref

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Update a conversion table



Do so for a more complete list of objects (for example, after a chapter is parsed, a more complete one is found)1. Open document with objects you want to structure2. Structure Tools > Generate Conversion Table3. From the Generate Conversion Table dialog box,

select Update Conversion Table4. From Update Conversion Table popup menu, choose a

previously saved and open conversion table to update

5. Click Generate

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Rules to be aware of25

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Rule Syntax—Character Restrictions



Case-Sensitivity in Tags Format and element tags must be specified as defined in catalogs Qualifier tags are case-sensitive; two occurrences of one qualifier

must match exactlySpecial characters in Tags include ( ) & | , * + ? % [ ] : \

In format tags and qualifier tags—allowed but must be preceded by backslash (\) in table

In element tags—not allowedA space character in tags does not need to be preceded

with backslash (you can write tag Format A)Wildcard character (%) in Tags

Use % as in format or element tag to match zero, one, or more characters (similar to * in general rule)(you can write P:%Body matches paragraphs with format tag Body, FirstBody, or BulletBody)

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Rule Syntax—Specifying What to Wrap



In Column 1 of the Conversion Table 1 or 2 letter

code to ID item type

Type format name to narrow definitions

Object Code Additional Info After Code ExampleParagraph P: Paragraph format tag P:BodyText range C: Character format tag C:EmphasisTable T: Table format tag T:Format ATable title TT: (none) TT:Table heading TH: (none) TH:Table body TB: (none) TB:Table row TR: (none) TR:Table cell TC: (none) TC:System variable SV: Variable format name SV:Current DateUser variable UV: Variable format name UV:CompanyNameGraphic G: (none) G:Footnote F: Location of footnote3 F:FlowMarker M: Marker type M:IndexCross-reference X: Cross-reference format X:Heading OnlyText Inset TI: (none) TI:

Equation Q:Equation size: Small, Medium, or Large Q:Medium

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Rule Syntax—Specifying the Wrapper



In Column 2 of the conversion table Type object

identifier E: (optional)

Followed by element tag

Wrap this object In this element With this qualifierP:Body ParaC:ReportName ReportT:Format Part PartsTableTT: TableTitleTH: TableHeadingTB: TableBodyTR: PartsRowTC: PartNameSV:Current Date \(Long\) DateUV:Customer CustomerG: GraphicF:Flow FootnoteM:Index IndexEntryX:ElemNumTextPage XRefTI: ParaQ:Large EQ

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Rule Syntax—Specifying a Qualifier



In Column 3, type qualifier (optional) for new element tag

Wrap this object In this element With this qualifierP:Bullet Item BulletP:StepRestart Item Step1P:Step Item Step

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Rule Syntax—Identifying Sequence to Wrap



In Column 1 of the conversion table Type E: for

element, then the element tag

Type qualifier (optional) in brackets

Add more element tags with code identifiers and connectors (as in EDD)

Symbol MeaningPlus sign (+) Item is required and can occur more than onceQuestion mark (?) Item is optional and can occur onceAsterisk (*) Item is optional and can occur more than onceComma (,) Items must occur in order givenVertical bar (|) Any one of items in sequence can occurParentheses Beginning and end of sequence

Wrap this object In this element With this qualifierP:Bullet Item BulletP:StepRestart Item Step1P:Step Item StepE:Item[Bullet]+ ListE:Item[Step1], E:Item[Step]+ ListE:Head, (Para | List)+ Section

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Rule Syntax—Adding Attributes to Elements



Optional in Column 2 of the Conversion Table Type attribute name and value in brackets after

element tag Separate name and value with equal sign, and enclose

value in double quotation marksWrap this object In this element With this qualifierP:Bullet Item BullP:StepRestart Item Step1P:Step Item StepE:Item[Bull]+ List [Type = “Bulleted”]E:Item[Step1], E:Item[Step]+ List [Type = “Numbered”]E:Head, (Para | List)+ Section

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Rule Syntax—Promoting Anchored Object



When user adds structure to document, table or graphic becomes child of paragraph with anchor

FrameMaker can break table or graphic out of its paragraph and promote element to be sibling of paragraphs:

In Column 2: Type element tag for table or graphic Add keyword “promote” in parentheses after element

tagWrap this object In this element With this qualifierT:Format A ProcedureTable (promote)

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Rule Syntax—Flagging Format Overrides



Provides a valuable set of elements related to instances when the Paragraph or Character Designer was used to make formatting changes without saving to catalog format. This adds an attribute called Override with value Yes.

In Column 1: Add rule “flag paragraph format overrides” Add rule “flag character format overrides”Wrap this object In this element With this qualifierflag paragraph format overridesflag character format overrides

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Rule Syntax—Wrapping Untagged Text



To wrap untagged formatted text: In Column 1, add rule “untagged character formatting” In Column 2, add element tagWrap this object In this element With this qualifieruntagged character formatting UntaggedText

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Structuring a file (or set of files) with a conversion table


Converting files35

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Procedure: Structuring Current Unstructured Docs



1. Open conversion table and unstructured document2. In unstructured doc, import element definitions from existing

structured template or EDD Makes elements available in Element Catalog If you do not perform this step, next steps produce elements in Element

Catalog defined by rules specified in conversion table Can always import element definitions after generating structure

3. In unstructured file, StructureTools > Utilities > Structure Current Document

4. From Conversion Table Document popup menu, choose open conversion table file

5. Click Add Structure. A new document appears with content wrapped into elements as defined in rules of conversion table

6. Validate, correct errors, save file

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Procedure: Structuring Group of Unstructured Files



1. Place files to convert in separate directory2. Open a conversion table file3. StructureTools > Utilities > Structure Documents and

the Structure Documents dialog box appears4. From Conversion Table Document popup menu, choose

the conversion table5. Under Input Unstructured Files, set directory to

structure6. Optionally, if files have unique extension, in Suffix text

box, type extension (otherwise, all files in directory will be structured)

7. Under Output Structured Files, set directory to write to

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1. Turn on Allow Existing Files to Be Overwritten As documents are structured, resulting files might have same names as

some existing files in directory specified for storing structured files When on, overwrites older versions When off, skips over files with existing matching filenames and presents

log file2. Click Add Structure3. When the “Operation completed normally” alert appears, click

OK to dismiss alert (structured files appear in output directory with filenames matching those in input directory)

4. Open each file and import element definitions from any existing structured template or EDD (makes elements in Element Catalog match those in structured template or EDD)

5. Validate, correct errors, save files

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Structuring book documents with a conversion table


Converting books39

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Procedure: Structuring Unstructured Book



1. Open saved conversion table file2. Open unstructured book3. In unstructured book, import element definitions

from any structured template or EDD Makes elements available in Element Catalog If you do not perform this step, next steps produce elements

in Element Catalog defined by rules specified in conversion table

Can always import element definitions after generating structure

4. Select StructureTools > Utilities > Structure Current Book (the Structure Book dialog box appears)

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1. From Conversion Table Document popup menu, choose saved conversion table file

2. In Output Directory text box, type directory for saving structured files or choose from Browse

3. Turn on Allow Existing Files to Be Overwritten As you add structure to documents, resulting files might have same names

as some existing files in specified directory for storing structured files When on, overwrites older versions When off, skips over files with existing matching filenames and presents

log file4. Click Add Structure (structured book and files appear in output

directory with filenames matching those in input directory)5. Validate, correct errors, save

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Summing up the discussion,and options to continue it.



Conclusion and contact

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About this session

Convert content from unstructured to structuredEDD, conversion table, and a structured templateUsing basic examples to get you started, this

session: Convert files with content such as character tags and

paragraph tags Add support for images and tables Demo converting unstructured to structured using

conversion tablesSamples are easy to recreate, but complex and

powerful in functionality

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My request



Please suggest this session to othersIf there are any problems with slides, please

let me knowRemember my disclaimer at the beginning

Not all slides are equal: Use some, discard others In the interest of brevity I make some blanket

statements It’s not all 100% “the truth”, but I’ll stay close Purists may complain

And they are wrong! (except when they are right)

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Solving business problems through communication



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Follow up contact information



905 833 8448 (Eastern Time)

[email protected]



