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Moxy Running eBook

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1 Using Moxy for Walking and Running
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Using Moxy for Walking and Running

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What is Muscle Oxygenation? ....................................................

What can it tell us about how the body is adapted to exercise?.....

How can we use Moxy to guide future training? ........................

Benefits of Moxy ......................................................................

MOXY Assessment Protocols........................................................

Equipment Needed ....................................................................

Sensor Attachment ....................................................................

Optional Data Collection ............................................................

5-Minute Incremental Step Test ................................................

Assessment Protocols ...........................................................

Zoning ...............................................................................

Psysiological Assessment of Homeostatic Disruption ...................

Assessment Protocols ............................................................

Zoning .................................................................................

Moxy Training Methodologies ......................................................

Long Slow Distance .....................................................................

Interval .......................................................................................

Recovery .....................................................................................

Competition Preparation .............................................................

Table of Contents




















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We invite you to refer to our sport-specific eBooks at www.moxymonitor.com

for practical information on how to Train with Moxy.

Using Moxy for

Walking and Running

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Muscle Oxygenation is a measurement of how much hemoglobin is carrying oxygen in the capillaries of the muscle. It is expressed as a percentage from 0 to 100 and it referenced by the abbreviation SmO2.

Oxygenated hemoglobin + myoglobin

total amount of hemoglobin + myoglobin

X 100 = Oxygen Saturation(


What is Muscle Oxygenation?

A localized measurement, muscle oxygenation depends on exertion level, blood flow, and changes in the hemoglobin dissociation curve.Muscle oxygenation is measured optically with near infrared light, so it is completely non-invasive. The differing absorption spectra of the infrared light passing through the muscular tissue can identify the relative amount of hemoglobin that is carrying oxygen compared to the amount that is not.

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Oxygen transportation and utilization plays a critical role in the endurance capacity of an athlete. Much athletic assessment, for the last several decades, revolves around the notion of VO2 as a determinant of oxygen transportation and utilization. VO2, or oxygen consumption, is a measure of the volume of oxygen that is used by the body when we convert food to energy. VO2 can be calculated using the Fick equation, which states that VO2 is a product of cardiac output and the arteriovenous oxygen difference.

What can it tell us about how the body adapts to exercise?

In the Fick equation, the arteriovenous difference is calculated from the flow across the pulmonary system, so it is rarely directly measured due to the invasive nature of the measurement; instead, arteriovensous difference can be estimated using the change in oxygen content of inhaled air in relation to exhaled air. The maximum possible oxygen consumption that a person can achieve at a specific moment is VO2 peak. There are various methods that can be used to calculate VO2 peak. Each method will yield different results. For example, an individual who is evaluated on a treadmill and bicycle will usually record different VO2 peak values. The reason for this is that a higher VO2 peak indicates a higher capacity to use oxygen to produce energy for that specific sport. This is where Moxy can provide a more practical measurement, because it is a direct and non-invasive measure of oxygen utilization in the muscle. The adaptations in muscle oxygen dynamics as a result of training can be monitored with Moxy; as such, improvements or setbacks can also be monitored.

Oxygen Consumption = Cardiac Output x (a-v) O2 Difference.


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How can we use Moxy to guide future training?

Muscle oxygenation dynamics precisely reflect changes in muscular metabolism and can be used to guide different exercise sessions. The purpose of Moxy during endurance training is to help the user achieve and maintain a training intensity that reflects the desired profile of improvement. Muscle oxygen saturation (SmO2) reflects changes in oxygen utilization and transportation. It is used to acquire non-invasive, direct bio-feedback on the trends in oxygenation and deoxygenation, which coaches and athletes can use for the design of training intensities, and to determine load, recovery, and workout duration.

It can be employed during strength training, interval training, or other forms of high-intensity training. However, with these examples the focus shifts from intensity control to recovery control. In other words, Moxy uses SmO2 as an indicator of recovery- to identify when the desired level of recovery has been reached and when the next set should begin.

The purpose of Moxy during endurance training is to help the user achieve and maintain a training intensity that reflects the desired profile of improvement.


Swimming Biking Running

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Benefits of Moxy

While there are many different devices available for performance diagnostic and training guidance, Moxy offers a host of benefits that other devices simply cannot. Moxy is compact, wireless, and non-invasive - all vital properties for physiological application in the field. This differs from many devices that either are immobile, wired, or invasive in nature. With SmO2, Moxy provides a critical physiological measurement that gives the athlete a real-time view of muscle oxygen utilization and delivery in the active muscle areas. By contrast, other physiological metrics such as blood lactate are invasive, have extended lag times and are systemic in nature rather than muscle specific. Lastly, in comparison to other high-tech physiological tools for athletes, Moxy is very affordable.

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Moxy Assessment Protocols

Equipment Needed:

The following assessments require a Moxy Muscle Oxygen Monitor and a device that measures speed. Several options are available for measuring speed, including:

Sensor Attachment:

For running assessments, the Moxy Sensor should be attached to the side of the quadriceps (on the muscle belly of the vastus lateralis) halfway between greater trochanter and lateral femoral epicondyle. As with any NIRS device, ambient light intrusion needs to be minimized, so make sure that the Sensor is properly covered by dark material if used in direct sunlight.

• A treadmill with a speed indicator; • A designated lap distance with a pace-keeper; and • A GPS speedometer.

Vastus Lateralis

Vastus Lateralis

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Optional Data Collection:

More information can be inferred from the Moxy assessment protocols if additional data is recorded. This additional data might include:

Muscle Oxygenation provides insight into the working muscle and the rate of oxygen delivery and utilisation; however, the view is limited to the working muscle being measured. This means even though the human body is a system that works together to create performance, the SmO2 measurement does not provide a direct indication of limitations in cardiac function, respiratory function, and other vital systems. For this reason, further physiological measurements are needed to maximize the understanding of our physiological system, especially at an individual level.

• Heart Rate

• Stroke Volume

• Cardiac Output

• Respiratory Frequency

• Tidal Volume

• VO2

• Blood Lactate measurements

• Stride Rate

• Respiratory Exchange Ratio

Moxy Assessment Protocols

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5-Minute Incremental Step Test:

Assessment Protocol:

The 5-Minute Incremental Step Test is a simple assessment protocol that can be performed with a speed measurement device and a Moxy Sensor. Start the test at a low intensity, for example 8 km/h, and maintain this intensity for 5 minutes. After 5 minutes, increase your intensity by approximately 1 km/h – 2 km/h, and maintain this new intensity for 5 minutes. Continue this increase of 1 km/h – 2 km/h per step, every 5 minutes, until you see a continuous and sharp decline in SmO2 on your Moxy Monitor. Once you see this decline, the test is complete, and you are ready to analyze the data.

The examples presented are for running, but can be adapted for walking. If completing an assessment on a treadmill, we would suggest using a 1% incline to act as wind resistance. For a walking assessment, we would suggest starting with a walking speed that you feel comfortable with and increasing incline rather than speed.

IMPORTANT: The athlete should begin the test WITHOUT warming up. It is important to capture the warm-up as a part of this test.

During endurance training, it is crucial to understand how the body produces energy in order to ensure the appropriate training protocols are applied for the athlete to achieve appropriate gains. SmO2 can help identify changes in oxygen delivery and utilization, which are key determining factors in energy production. General trends in SmO2 will reveal changes in energy metabolism. These trends can be identified through a simple testing protocol which will give you basic zonings for endurance sports.

It is important to note that assessments are sport specific: a running assessment will yield zones for running but will not necessarily be accurate for cycling or other sports.

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The 5-Minute Incremental Step Test will allow to you create three or four zones. The four possible zones are visually depicted in the graph below. To identify these zones, look at the trend SmO2 takes during your 5-minute steps. An increasing trend at the beginning identifies the Active Recovery (AR) zone indicated by the color green (if you do not have an increase at the beginning of your test you should redo the test, starting at a lower intensity). The plateau at the highest point of SmO2 identifies the Structural Endurance Intensity (STEI) zone indicated by the color yellow. A second SmO2 plateau is possible at a lower SmO2 value but may not necessarily be seen; this would be the Functional Endurance Intensity (FEI) zone indicated by the color orange. A clear and continuous decrease in SmO2 identifies the High Intensity (HI) zone indicated by the color red. The following graph provides an example of how zoning can be established and reflected.

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Physiological Assessment of Homeostatic Disruption:

Much like the 5-Minute Incremental Step Test, this protocol uses SmO2 to track differences in oxygen delivery and utilization in order to determine changes in energy metabolism. The key difference is that the purpose of this protocol is to identify homeostatic disruption during changes in exercise intensity. The theory behind this test originates in the established “Fight or Flight” theory of Walter Canon. The commencement of exercise will create an overshoot of the physiological response, which, if the intensity is sustainable, will result in a return to some kind of homeostasis. If exercise intensity is too high, the body will be unable to return to homeostasis and exhaustion will occur. The identification of different levels of homeostasis, along with the eventual inability to return to homeostasis, will help in the establishment of training zones.

Assessment Protocol:

The Homeostatic Disruption protocol includes a series of steps in a pattern of 5 minutes of activity followed by 1 minute of rest, and so on (see graph below). Each binary step in the protocol repeats a given speed before a new step is started at a greater speed. In the graph below, the first step has a speed of 8 km/h and lasts 5 minutes; it is followed by a 1-minute break, which completes the first half of the binary step. In the second half, the same speed is replicated, namely 8 km/h for another 5 minutes followed by a 1-minute break; together, these two parts make up one binary step. The next binary step follows the same formula but with an increase in speed of 2 km/h (or other appropriate incremental increase). The difficulty with this kind of test, given the extended number of steps and long duration per step, is time frame. For this reason, unlike other testing or assessment protocols, it is more important to correctly judge starting speed and adjust speed increases on an individual basis.

In order to do this, an athlete or coach should have an understanding of how the SmO2 of the individual being tested may react, perhaps gleaning knowledge from prior tests or different protocols. The first binary step should begin at an intensity that will show an increase in SmO2 during activity. The second binary step should increase to an intensity where SmO2 has reached and maintains a maximum plateau.

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The increase of intensity between binary steps should be of the same value: if you increase speed by 2 km/h from binary step one to binary step two, the same increase should occur from binary step two to binary step three.

The protocol is completed when a clear and continuous decrease in SmO2 is measured during exercise. This also means that the athlete does not have to complete both parts of the final binary step if that is not practical.


The Homeostatic Disruption protocol will also allow you to create three or four zones. The four possible zones are visually depicted in the graph below. The increased complexity of this assessment makes the interpretation of the results more difficult, and a greater degree of expertise is needed. However, the resulting analysis can yield more information and a greater degree of accuracy.

The basic zoning operates in a similar fashion to the 5-Minute Incremental Step Test in that, to identify the different zones, you must look at the trend SmO2 takes during your binary steps. An increasing trend identifies the Active Recovery (AR) zone indicated by the color green (if you do not have an increase at the beginning of your test, you should redo the test, starting at a lower intensity). The plateau at the highest point of SmO2 identifies the Structural Endurance Intensity (STEI) zone indicated by the color yellow. A second SmO2 plateau is possible at a lower SmO2 value, but may not necessarily be seen; this would be the Functional Endurance Intensity (FEI) zone indicated by the color orange. A clear and continuous decrease in SmO2 identifies the High Intensity (HI) zone indicated by the color red; this reflects the point at which homeostasis can no longer be achieved. The following graph provides an example of how zoning can be established.

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One difficulty with interpretation occurs when different SmO2 dynamics are measured within a binary step. An example of this is when a plateau of SmO2 is established in the first part of the binary step, but a continuous decrease in SmO2 is noted in the second part. This would actually indicate a failure to return to homeostasis even though a plateau is established in the first part of the binary step. In this scenario, the athlete can self-check the results by repeating the binary step. As a general rule, if the second part of the binary step does not match the first, the second is prioritized.

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Having reviewed how to establish different intensity zones, we will now examine some common training methodologies and how each can be applied to these zones. This section will not tell you how to train but will provide some useful and practical guidance for the application of Moxy in training.

Long Slow Distance:

Long slow distance training is standard for most endurance sports, such as running, and involves long-duration training sessions that maintain a desired intensity. The purpose of long slow distance is to increase endurance. Training at the correct intensities will help maximize the efficiency of the oxygen-dependant energy system. The Structural Endurance Intensity (STEI) is an intensity that ensures maximal oxygen availability for energy production, which is exactly what we are looking for during long slow distance training sessions. A typical long slow distance training resembles the graph below, which reflects a training session exceeding 50 minutes in length and maintaining a consistent intensity in the STEI zone. To control this intensity, keep an eye on SmO2; it should be similar to a maximum value seen during assessment in the STEI and should remain relatively stable there.

Moxy Training Methodologies:

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Interval training is a type of training that has been used for many years to increase endurance and power. There are numerous variations of interval training, and the graph below is an example of just one. The idea behind interval training is to have intermittent bouts of high-intensity work followed by periods or rest or low-intensity work. This is where your High Intensity (HI) zone may come into play in conjunction with your Active Recovery (AR) zone. As shown in the graph below, 90 seconds of low intensity in your Active Recovery (AR) zone is followed by 30 seconds of high intensity in your High Intensity (HI) zone or above. This pattern is repeated as you keep an eye on your SmO2, especially on how it recovers during the recovery phases of low intensity. As demarcated by the red recovery line, you can see that during the recovery phases, SmO2 returns to its baseline value at the recovery line. Once this is no longer the case, the interval training is over.

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The Active Recovery (AR) zone is very important, and with Moxy we do not use this term to apply to a “cool down” after training or competition. Instead, it is applied to the intensity one would use to recover in-between intervals, tempo efforts or strenuous training that is to be followed by further strenuous efforts. It can also be applied to the intensity desired during a warm up. In the Active Recovery (AR) zone, SmO2 is always increasing to a maximum value, ensuring that the supply of oxygen exceeds demand and minimizing stress on the active muscle. During such exercise, cardiac and respiratory functions are increased, bringing blood to the working muscles at an expedited rate.

Final Comments:

Individual physiologic systems have an ability to adapt when the appropriate stimulus is applied. Moxy use permits an effective and ongoing assessment of training stimuli through the reflection of adaptation effects. If adaptations are absent, training stimuli require modification regardless of which part of the training cycle or season the athlete is in. Moxy facilitates ongoing assessment and reassessment. It is well known that some athletes adapt to the same training stimulus faster than others; therefore, there may be reason to shift from one area of training to another regardless of temporal location in the cycle, season or schedule. Moxy provides the data needed to guide these decisions.

Competition Preparation

The goal of competition preparation is to maximize functional endurance by optimizing structural potential, which can be accomplished through quick neurological and enzymatic adaptations. This is usually accomplished by training at the maximal end of an individual’s Functional Endurance Intensity (FEI). The idea behind this type of training is to attempt a competition distance that is at the maximal end of your Functional Endurance Intensity (FEI) zone for the entire distance.

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What is Moxy monitor?

Fortiori Design has developed the Moxy Muscle Oxygen Monitor system to measure the oxygen levels of muscles in athletes while they exercise. Its accurate, real time measurements are fundamental to athletic performance. Oxygen is the fuel that drives the muscles, and muscle oxygen levels are constantly changing with exercise intensity.

Moxy provides the feedback on exercise intensity that athletes are looking for. Our technology is superior to existing measurements because it is completely mobile, continuously recording, and totally non-invasive.

Why Moxy monitor?

Moxy is Accurate: Its sensor utilizes cutting-edge medical device technology to produce accurate and consistent readings of Sm02 muscle oxygen levels.

Moxy is Easy to Use: Its small sensor and strap can be easily fitted to measure virtually any muscle group.

Moxy is Durable: Its water resistant, lightweight industrail design is built to withstand the rigors of elite training.

Moxy is Fully Mobile: Sensor data is displayed on a wristwatch, so athletes can monitor their muscle oxygen throughout each workout.

Moxy is Affordable: With a price point similar to a GPS heart rate monitor, it is accessible to individual athletes.
