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MPSC New Syllabus in 2012

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  • 8/3/2019 MPSC New Syllabus in 2012


  • 8/3/2019 MPSC New Syllabus in 2012


    EnrEggr amgodm w narjm 2012 gwYmarV AmgH$

    Q>S>r gH$c H$[aAa S>ohcn|Q> BpQ>Q>yQ / 2

    gmm AZ nona (1)

    B{Vhmg Am{U yJmob

    nonaMm XOm :nXdrH$mcmdYr 2 VmgEHy$U JwU : 150m :amR>r Am{U BJOrZmMo d$n :dVw{Z> ~hnmr

    gyMZm :1) no naYrc ZmMod$n Am{U XOmhm, EImm nXdrYa CoXdmamcm mZog~{YV {dfmMm {deof Amg

    Ho$cm ZgVmZmhr Cma XoVm oD$ eHo$c ,Aem H$maMm Agoc. ZmMm w Coe hUOo{d{dY {dfmg~YrEImm CoXdmamMr Agcocr OmJ$H$Vm VnmgUo.

    2) Co XdmamZm g~{YV {dfmVrc KQ>H$ Am{U CnKQ>H$m~m~V AcrH$S>m KS>mmoS>r VgoM JVr{dfr kmZAgUoAmd`H$ Amho.

    {d^mJ n{hcm B{Vhmg1) AmYw {ZH$ ^maVmMm _hmam>m`m {deof gX^mg{hV B{Vhmg

    ^maVmVrc - AmYw{ZH$ {ejU, dmno, aodo, nmoQ> d Q>o{cJm\$, CmoJYXo, O_rZ gwYmaUm d gm_m{OH$ dYm{_H$ gwYmaUm mMr gwdmV d `mMm g_mOmdarc n[aUm_.

    2) {~ {Q>e gmoMr ^maVm_ o WmnZm :_wI ^maVr` gmm`m {d wo, Imcgm Ymo aU, VZmVr \$mO Ymo aU, 1857 n VMr {~ {Q>e am`mMraMZm.

    3) gm_m{OH$-gmH${VH$ ~Xc : {MZ - Y_gmaH$mer gnH$, BJ Or {ejUmMo d ogMo AmJZ A{YH$V gm_m{OH$ gwYmaUmMo Cnm`(1828-1857), gm_m{OH$-Ym{_H$ gwYmaUm`m Midir : ~mmo g_mO, mWZm g_mO, g`emoYH$

    g_mO, Am g_mO. erI VgoM wcr YumVrc gwYmaUm Midir, {S>oS> cmgog {_eZ, ~mUoVaMidi Am{U OQ>rg nmQ>r.

    4) gm_m{OH$ Am{U Am{WH$ OmJVr ^maVr` am>dmX - 1857 Mm CR>md Am{U `mZVa, maVr` am>r` H$mJog 1885-1947, AmPmX qhX goZm,

    _hdm`m `$sMr y{_H$m, dmV`nyd^maVmVrc gm_m{OH$ OmJVr_ o dmno Am{U {ejUmMr y{_H$m.5) ^maVr` am>dmXmMr {Z{_Vr d dmT> :

    gm_m{OH$ nmd yr, am>r` gKQ>ZmMr WmnZm, eoVH$`mMo CR>md, ^maVr` am>r` H$mJogMr WmnZm, _dmiJQ>mMr dmT>, OhmcdmXmMr dmT>, _moc}-q_Q>mo gwYmaUm, hmo_$c Midi, cIZm H$ama, _mQ>\$moS>gwYmaUm.

    6) JmYr wJmVrc am>r` Midi :JmYrOtMo ZoVd Am{U {VH$mamMo Vd, JmYrOt`m cmoH$Midir, AghH$ma, g{dZ` H$m`Xo J, d`{$H$ g`mJh, McoOmd Midi.g`emoYH$ g_mO,JmYrOr Am{U An`VoMo CmQ>Z, S>m. ~r.Ama. Am~oS>H$amMm An`mZm go~m~VMm {>H$moZ, wcr

    amOH$maU Am{U dmV` Midi (ga g`X Ah_X ImZ Am{UA{cJS> Midi, wcr crJ Am{U Acr ~Yy, B~mc,

    {OZm), g w$ nj ( w{Z`{ZQ> nmQ>u) d H$fH$ Om nmQ>u, qhXy_hmg oMo amOH$maU, gm`dmXr ZoVo Am{U ^maVr` dmV`Midi, H$mJog g_mOdmXr nmQ>u, am>r` MidirV {`mMm

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    EnrEggr amgodm w narjm 2012 gwYmarV AmgH$

    Q>S>r gH$c H$[aAa S>ohcn|Q> BpQ>Q>yQ / 3

    gh^mJ, gWmZmVrc OZVoMr Midi, gm`dmXr (S>mdr)Midi - eoVH$ar Midi - Am{XdmgtMo CR>md, Q>oS>w{ZZ Midi, Am{XdmgtMr Midi.

    7) dmV`moma ^maV :\$miUrMo n[aUm_, gWmZmMo {dcrZrH$aU, ^mfmdmamVaMZm, Zoh$Mo A{cVmdmXmMo YmoaU.g`w$ _hmam> Midi `mV gh^mJr Agco`m_hdm`m `$s d amOH$s` nj.eoOmarc am>mer g~Y, AmVaam>r` amOH$maUm_ o^maVmMr y{_H$m.

    H$fr, CmoJYXo, {ejU, {dkmZ-VkmZ `m_ o JVr.B{Xam JmYr`m ZoVdmMm CX`, ~mJcm XoemMr _w$s, B{Xam JmYt`m H$mimVrc A{cVmdmX, KQ>H$ am`mVrcAmKmS>r gaH$mao, {dm`mVrc AgVmof, O` H$me Zmam`U Am{U AmUr~mUr, nOm~ d Amgm__Yrc


    ZjbdmX d mAmodmX, nmdaU Midi, {hbm Midi d dm{eH$ Midi.8) hmamQ >mVrb {ZdS>H$ g_mOgwYmaH$mMo {dMma d H$m` :Jmonmi JUoe AmJaH$a, _hm_m \w$co, _. Jmo. amZS>o, ~moYZH$ma R>mH$ao, _hfu H$d}, amOfu emh_hmamO, _hfu{d>c qeXo, ~m~mgmho~ Am~oS>H$a, cmoH$m {Q>iH$, hmm JmYr, {dZmo~m mdo, {dZmH$ gmdaH$a, AUm^mD$gmR>o, H$m{Vdra ZmZm nmQ>rc, chOr gmido, H$dra ^mD$amd nmQ>rc.

    9) _hmam >mMm gmH${VH$ dmagm (mMrZ Vo AmYw{ZH$ H$mimn V) H$coMo gmXarH$aU (Z `, ZmQ>H$, {MnQ>, gJrV Am{U nman[aH$ H$cm, cmdUr, Vmem, nmo dmS>m, ^m$S>Am{U BVa cmoH$Zo), ` H$cm (dmVwaMZm, {MH$cm d dmVw{en) Am{U Cgd.

    _hmam>m`m gm_m{OH$ Am{U _mZ{gH$ {dH$mgmda dmL>_`mMm n[aUm_ ^$s dmL>_`, X{cV dmL>_`, ZmJarAm{U Jm_rU dmL>_`.

    {d^mJ Xgam yJmob

    1) mH${VH$ yJmoc-ndrMo AVaJ - gKQ>Z d mH${VH$ OS>UKS>U.

    y{deof {dH$mgmda n[aUm_ H$aUmao KQ>H$.ynr` MH$mMr gH$nZm - y{_JV nm`m`m H$m`mZo, {Z{_V y{deof ewH$ dmVmdaUmZo (dmmZo), {h_ZXrZo

    {Z{V y{deof Am{U gmJar ynr`.^maVr` CnIS>mMr CH$mVr d ynr aMZm -_hdmMo ^mJmo{cH$ {d^mJ, nw amMr g_`m, _hmam>mMr^mJmo{cH$ d{eQ>o, hmam>mMr ynr aMZm.^maVmMo eoOmarc am>m`m gX^mV `mMo Q>Q>o {OH$ WmZ, qhXr _hmgmJamMr {H$Zman>r, Am{e`m d OJ

    `m`m gX^mV ^maVmMo ^mJmo{cH$ WmZ.2) Am{WH$ yJmoc

    I{ZOo Am{U D$Om gmYZ gnmr - _hmam>mVrc I{ZO gnmrMo {dVaU, hd d {dH$mg._hmam>mVrc n Q>Z - Ym{_ H$, dH$s` d n`mdaU{dfH$nQ>Z Am{U gmH${VH$ dmagm.amIrd dZo, hmam>mVrc A^mao, am>r` CmZo Am{U {H$o,`mK H$n.

    3) hmam >mMm _mZdr Am{U gm_m{OH$ yJmoc cmoH$g oMo WcmVa - H$maUo Am{U n[aUm, D$g VmoS>UrH$mJma - cmoH$g`m WcmVamMm moV d `m XoemVWcmVa hmoVo mdarc n[aUm_. _hmam>mVrc Jm_rU dVr. _hmam>mVrc ZmJar d Jm_rUd`m`m g_`m-n`mdaU, Jh{ZmU ({Zdmg), PmonS>n>r,nmUrnwadR>m d dN>Vm. ZmJar dmhVyH$ d XyfU.

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    EnrEggr amgodm w narjm 2012 gwYmarV AmgH$

    Q>S>r gH$c H$[aAa S>ohcn|Q> BpQ>Q>yQ / 4

    4) hdm_mZ dmVmdaU - aMZm Am{U KQ>H$.

    gma CgOZ d AmpUH$ (CUVm) gVwcZ.hdmmZmMo KQ>H$ - Vmn_mZ, dm wXm~, Jhr` d Wm{ZH$ dmao,_mgyZ, dmXio, dm wamer, gr_m (fonts) Am{U AmdV}.^maVr _mgyZm {Z{_VrMo V, _mgyZMm AXmO, nO`mMo

    {dVaU, AdfU d nya, Am{U hdm_mZ {d^mJ.hmam>mVrc nO`_mZmMo {dVaU : WcmH$ (spatial)d H$mcdmMH$ (temporal) {dVaU._hmam>mMo H$fr dm yhdm_mZ {d^mJ - XwH$mi Am{U nm`m`mXw{ joMr g_`m, S>rnrEnr (XH$midU Xoe H$mH$) -

    no`Oc nwadR>mMr g_`m, H$fr, Ammo{JH$ Am{U KaJw Vr jomgmR>r nm`m`m _mJUrMr g_`m.O_rZ _hmam>mVrc O{_ZrMr PrO Am{U {VMm H$g Zmhrgm hmo`mMr g_`m.

    5) n`mdaU yJmocem

    n[apWVrH$sem d n[agWm - D$Omdmh, `mMo MH$, AgmIir d AOmir.n`mdaU AdZVr Am{U gYmaU, OmJ{VH$ n[apWVrH$sMo AgVwcZ - XyfU Am{U h[aVJh n[aUm_, Co2

    Am{U {WoZMr h[aVJh n[aUmmVrc y{H$m.OmJ{VH$ Vmn_mZ dmT>, Od{d{dYVoVrc KQ> Am{U dZmMm hmg.n`mdaU gajUmgmR>rMo _w` H$m`Xo d n`mdaU n md narjU.moQ>mo moQ>moH$mc Am{U H$m~Z Ho${S>Q>, ZmJar H$Mam dWmnZ, CRZ I dCRZZ II

    6) cmoH$g`m yJmoc hmam>mm {deof gX^mg{hV WcmVamMr H$maUo d n[aUm_Jm_rU d ZmJar d`m - WmZ (n[aga), n[apWVr (Situation), H$ma, AmH$ma, AVJV aMZm d ynrd$n (Morphology).ZmJarH$aU - {H$`m Am{U g_`m.

    Jm_rU - ZmJar gH$_Un>m d ehamMo ^md jo d nmdXoemXo {eH$ AgVwcZ7) [amoQ> gopgJ [amoQ> gopgJMr gH$nZm. B{S>Z [amoQ> gopgJ (IRS) CnJh. {Vm - IRS CnmXZo,

    MSS ~S>g - {Zio, {hado, Vm~S>o Am{U B$maoS>, $mg H$ca H$mnmo{PeZ (FCC), Zg{JH$ gmYZgnmrgmR>r[amoQ> gopgJMm dmna {OAmoJm{$g B$m}eZ {gpQ> (GIS) d cmo~c nmo{PeqZJ {gpQ>Mo AmJZ.

    8) OcdWmnZ gpWVr, OcqgMZmm nVr d hd. Oc XOm mUHo$, ^maVmVrc Zm OmoS> H$n, aoZdm Q>a hmd}pQ> Jm nman[aH$ d Anma n[aH$ nVr. yOc dWmnZ - Vm {H$ d gmm{OH$~mOy, H${ yOc [aMmO(nwZ aU)m nVr, nmUcmoQ> jomMr gH$nZm d nmUcmoQ> jo dWmnZ.

    1. HISTORY

    1.1 History of Modern India particularly Maharashtra: Introduction of modern education

    - Press, Railway, Post and Telegraph, Industries, Land reforms and Socio-religious reforms

    Its impact on society.1.2 Establishment of British Rule in India: Wars

    against major Indian powers, Policy of

    subsidiary alliance, Doctrine of Lapse, Structure of

    British Raj upto 1857.

    1.3 Socio-Cultural Changes: Contacts with Christian

    Missions, coming of English education and the

    Press, Official-social reform measures (1828 to

    1857). Socio-religious reform movements: Brahmo

    Samaj, Prarthana Samaj, Satyashodhak Samaj, Arya

    Samaj. Reform movements among the Sikhs and the

    Muslims, Depressed Classes Mission, Non-Brahmin

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    movement and Justice Party.

    1.4 Social and economic awakening: Indian Nationalism

    - 1857 revolt and after, Indian National Congress (1885 -

    1947), Azad Hind Sena, Role of important personalities,

    Role of Press and Education in social awakening in pre-independent India.

    1.5 Emergence and growth of Indian nationalism :

    Social background, formation of National Associations,

    Peasant uprisings, foundation of Indian National Congress,

    the moderate phase, growth of extremism, Morley-Minto

    reforms, Home Rule movement, Lucknow pact, Mont-Ford


    1.6 National movement in Gandhi Era: Gandhijis

    leadership and ideology of resistance,

    Gandhian mass movements, Non-cooperation, Civil Disobedience, individual Satyagraha,

    Quit India movement. Satyashodhak Samaj, Gandhiji and removal of untouchability, Dr.

    B.R.Ambedakars approach to problem of untouchability, Muslim politics and Freedom

    movement (Sir Syed Ahmed Khan and Aligarh movement, Muslim League and Ali Brothers,

    Iqbal, Jinnah), Unionist Party and Krishak Praja Party, Politics of Hindu Mahasabha,

    Communists and the Indian freedom struggle, Congress Socialist Party, Women in the

    National movement, States Peoples movements, Leftist Movement Peseant Movement

    - Tribal uprising, Trade Union Movement and Adivasi Movement.

    1.7 India after Independence: Consequences of Partition, Integration of Princely states,

    Linguistic reorganisation of states, Nehrus Policy of Non-alignment. Samyukta Maharashtra

    movement: major political parties and personalities involved therein, Relations with

    neighbouring countries, Indias role in International Politics. Progress in Agriculture,

    Industry, Education, Science and Technology. Emergence of Indira Gandhis Leadership,

    Liberation of Bangladesh, Non-Alignment under Indira Gandhi, Coalition Governments in

    States; Students unrest, Jayaprakash Narayan and Emergency. Terrorism in Punjab and Assam.

    Naxalism and Maosim, Environmental Movement, Womens Movement and EthnicMovement.

    1.8 Selected Social Reformers of Maharashtra- their ideology and work: Gopal Ganesh

    Agarkar, Mahatma Phule, M.G. Ranade, Prabodhankar Thakare, Maharshi Karve, Rajarshi

    Shahu Maharaj, Maharshi Vitthal Shinde, Babasaheb Ambedkar, Lokmanya Tilak, Mahatma

    Gandhi, Vinoba Bhave, Vinayak D. Sawarkar, Annabhau Sathe, Krantiveer Nana Patil, Lahuji

    Salve, Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil.

    1.9 Cultural Heritage of Maharashtra (Ancient to Modern) : Performing Arts (Dance,

    Drama, Films, Music and Folk Arts, Lavani, Tamasha, Povada, Bharud, and other folk dances),

    Visual Arts (Architecture, Painting and Sculpture) and Festivals. Impact of Literature on

    socio - psychological development of Maharashtra: Bhakti, Dalit, Urban and Rural Literature.


    2.1 Phy si ca l Ge og ra phy : Interior of the earth-

    composition and physical conditions. Factors

    controlling landform development. Concept of

    geomorphic cycles- landforms associated with

    fluvial, arid, glacial, and coastal cycle. Evolution

    and Geomorphology of the Indian Subcontinent-

    Major physiographic regions - Problems of floods

    - Physiographic details of Maharashtra. Geomorphic

    features of Maharashtra. Indias strategic location

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    with reference to her neighbours, Indian Ocean Rim, Asia

    and the World.

    2.2 Economic Geography of Maharashtra: Minerals

    and Energy Resources: Their distribution, importance and

    development in Maharashtra. Tourism in Maharashtra Religious Tourism, Medicinal Tourism, Eco-Tourism and

    Cultural Heritage. Reserved forests, Animal sanctuaries,

    National Parks and Forts in Maharashtra, Tiger Project.

    2.3 Human and Social Geography of Maharashtra:

    Migration of population, causes and effects, sugarcane

    cutting labourers - effects of migration on source and

    destination areas. Rural settlements in Maharashtra.

    Problems of Urban and Rural Settlements Environmental,

    Housing, Slum, Water Supply and Sanitation, Urban Traffic and Pollution.

    2.4 Climate and soils: Atmosphere- composition and structure. Solar radiation and heat balance.

    Weather elements- temperature, pressure, planetary and local winds, monsoon, air masses

    and fronts and cyclones. Mechanism of Indian monsoon, monsoon forecast, distribution of

    rainfall, cyclones, droughts and floods, and climatic regions. Distribution of Rainfall in

    Maharashtra - spatial and temporal variability - Agroclimatic zones of Maharashtra -

    Problem of Drought and scarcity, DPAP (Draught Prone Area Programme) Water

    requirement in Agricultural, Industrial and Domestic Sectors. Problem of Drinking Water.

    Soils: problems of soil erosion and degradation in Maharashtra.

    2.5 Environmental Geography: Ecology and Ecosystem- energy flow, material cycle, food

    chain and webs. Environmental degradation and conservation, global ecological imbalances-

    pollution and Greenhouse effect, role of CO2 and methane in greenhouse effect, global

    warming, reduction in bio-diversity and depletion of forests. Environmental laws and

    environmental impact assessment. Kyoto protocol and Carbon credits. Urban waste

    management. CRZ I and CRZ II.

    2.6 Population Geography (with reference to Maharashtra): Causes and consequences of

    migration. Rural and Urban settlements- site, situation, types, size, spacing and morphology.Urbanisation- process and problems. Rural Urban Fringe, and sphere of urban influence.

    Regional imbalances.

    2.7 Remote Sensing: Concept of remote sensing. Indian Remote Sensing (IRS) satellites.

    Imageries- IRS products, MSS bands- blue, green, red and near infra red, False Colour

    Composite (FCC). Application of remote sensing in natural resources. Introduction to

    Geographical Information System (GIS) and Global Positioning System (GPS).

    2.8 Water management: Present scenario, Methods and importance of water conservation.

    Water quality standards. Interlinking of rivers in India. Conventional and non-conventional

    methods of rainwater harvesting. Groundwater management- technical and social aspects,

    Methods of artificial groundwater recharge. Concept of watershed and watershed


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    gmm AZ nona (2)

    ^maVr amKQ>Zm d ^maVr amOH$maU(hmam>mm {deof gX^mg{hV) Am{U {dYrnonaMm XOm :nXdrH$mcmdYr 2 VmgEHy$U JwU : 150m :amR>r Am{U BJOrZmMo d$n :dVw {Z> ~hnmr

    gyMZm :1) no naYrc ZmMod$n Am{U XOmhm, EImm nXdrYa CoXdmamcm mZog~{YV {dfmMm {deof Amg

    Ho$cm ZgVmZmhr Cma XoVm oD$ eHo$c ,Aem H$maMm Agoc. ZmMm w Coe hUOo{d{dY {dfmg~Yr

    EImm CoXdmamMr Agcocr OmJH$Vm VnmgUo.2) Co XdmamZm g~{YV {dfmVrc KQ>H$ Am{U CnKQ>H$m~m~V AcrH$S>m KS>mmoS>r VgoM JVr{dfr kmZAgUoAmdH$H$ Amho.

    1) ^maVmMr am`KQ>Zm am`KQ>ZoMr {Z{_Vr, am`KQ>ZoMr _hdmMr d{eQ>ogaZm`m_mJMo VdkmZ - (Y_{ZanojVm, cmoH$emhr d gmOdmXr), _yc yV h$ d H$V oam` YmoaUmMr _mJXeH$ Vdo -_mo\$V d g$sMo mW{_H$ {ejU, g_mZ ZmJar H$m`Xm, dV `m`mc`rZ Um Am{U _yc yV H$V o.H|$-am` g~YAm{U ZdrZ KQ>H$am`mMr WmnZmdV mdWm

    KQ>ZmXwVrMr {H$`m d _hdm`m KQ>ZmXw`m -am`KQ>Zo Mm AWcmd`mgmR>r Cn w $ R>acoco_hdmMo {ZH$mc._hdmMo Am`moJ d g{_`mMr aMZm Am{U H$m }- {ZdS>UyH$ Am`moJ, gK d am cmoH$godm Am`moJ, am>r`_{hcm Am`moJ, _mZdr h$ Am`moJ, am>r` Ang`mH$ Am`moJ, amQ>r AZwgy{MV OmVr d OmVr Am`moJ,ZXr-Oc {ddmX {ZdmaU _S>i, B`mXr

    2) amOH$s` Um (emgZmMr aMZm, A{YH$ma d H$m }) ^maVr gKam w{Z`ZMo d$n d am {d{YS>i, H$mH$mar S>i d mUm.

    H|$-am g~Y - emgH$s, H$mH$mar d {dmr g~Y, dYm{ZH$ gmoMo {dVaU, {df.1) H|$ gaH$ma -H|$r` H$m H$mar _S>i am>nVr, Cnam>nVr, nVYmZ d _{_ S>i - ^maVmMm

    hmA{Yd$m, ^maVmMm _hmcoIm narjH$.2) H|$r` {d{Y_S>i - ggX, g^mnVr d Cng^mnVr, ggXr` g{_`m, H$m H$mar _S>imdarc ggXoMo

    {Z`U3) `m`mc`rZ `Um `m`mc`mMo gKQ>Z - EHo$ar

    `m`mc`rZ `dWm, H$m - gdm} `m`mc` d C`m`mc`mMr y {_H$m d A{YH$ma - H${Z> `m`mc` -cmoH$nmc, cmoH$m`w$ d cmoH$ `m`mc` - ^maVmMram`KQ>Zm, am`KQ>ZoMo d$n d aMZm mMo gajU H$VmhUyZ `m`mc`mMr ^y{_H$m - `m`mc`rZ g{H$`Vm.OZ{hVmWm{MH$m (PIL).

    3) am` gaH$ma Am{U emgZ (_hmam >m`m {deofgX^mg{hV) :

    _hmam> am`mMr {Z{Vr Am{U nwZaMZm, am`nmc, _w`_r,

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    {S>i, _w` g{Md, am` g{Mdmc`, gMmcZmc o, {dYmZg^m,{dYmZn[afX - A{YH$ma, H$m}d y{H$m, {d{YS>i g{m, _w~BMmeoar\$.4) {Ohm emgZ :

    {Ohm emgZmMr CH$mVr, {Ohm H$coQ>a`m y{_Ho$Vrc~Xc H$m`Xm d gw`dWm, H$m H$mar Im`mer g~Y, {Ohm emgZd nMm`VamO gWm, Cn{d^mJr` A{YH$m`mMr y{_H$m Am{U H$m o5) Jm_rU Am{U ZmJar Wm{ZH$ dam` gWm : 73 d 74 m

    KQ>ZmXVrMo hd, Wm{ZH$ emgZmMo g~crH$aU d {dH$mgmVrcmMr y{H$m.

    01) J m_rU Wm{ZH$ dam` gWm :{Ohm n[afX,nMm`V g{_Vr Am{U Jm_ nMm`VrMr aMZm, A{YH$ma H$m}. _hmam>mVrc nMm`V amO gWoMr Imgd{eQ>o, 73dr KQ>ZmXwVrMr _hdmMr d{eQ>o. nMm`VamO gWm`m pWVrMm Ahdmc d `m`mH$m`m Mm AmT>mdm. `m `m A _c~OmdUrVrc AS>MUr, _hdm`m J m_rU d ZmJar {dH$mg `moOZm

    Am{U `mMo `dWmnZ.02) ZmJar Wm{ZH$ dam` gWm _hmZJanm{cH$m, ZJan[afXm d H$Q>H$ _S>io `mMo d$n d H$m o.aMZm, nXm{YH$mar, moV, A{YH$ma-H$m}d {ZU. 74 `m KQ>ZmXwVrMr _hdmMr d{eQ>o A_c~OmdUrVrc g_`m, _hdmMo ZmJar {dH$mg H$m H$_ d `mMr A_c~OmdUr

    6) ej{UH$ gWm am`m`m YmoaUmMr _mJXeH$ Vdo Am{U {ejU, gm_m{OH$Q>m Cno{jV KQ>H$m`m ej{UH$ g_`m -AZwgy{MV OmVr, AZwgy{MV O_mVr, wcr Y_u` Am{U _{hcm, {ejUmMo ImOJrH$aU - {ejU CncYr

    g~YrMo KQ>H$, JwUdmm, XOmAm{U gm_m{OH$ `m`, OZac AJr_|Q> AmZ Q>oS> BZ gphgog (JQ>g) Am{U`m g~YrMo _wo, g`m`m C {ejU nVrg_moarc AmhmZo. gd{ejm A{^mZ, m{H$ {ejm A{^mZ

    7) amOH$s nj Am{U X~md JQ> nj nVrMo d$n - am>r` njmMr y{_H$m - {dMmaUmcr, gKQ>Z d {ZdS>UwH$sVrc H$m_{Jar. amOH$s

    nj d mMm gmm{OH$ AmYma.mXo{eH$ dmX - mXo {eH$ nj-{dMma-Umcr, gKQ>Z Am{U {ZdS>UwH$sVrc H$m_{Jar._hmam>mVrc _hdmMo X~md JQ> Am{U {dMma JQ> - `mMr y{_H$m Am{U emgH$s` YmoaU {Z{_Vrda `mMmn[aUm_.hmam>mVrc gmm{OH$ H$mU CnH$ {hcm d ~mcHo$, H$mJma Am{U wdH$, {~Ja gaH$mar gWm(NGO) Am{U gmm{OH$ H$mUmVrc mMr y{H$m.

    8) ngma_m`_o N>nmB d BcoQ>m {ZH$ - emgH$s` Ymo aU {Z{_ VrV `mMm ^md, cmo H$_V Am{U cmo H${ejU dmT>{d`mVAm{U ~Xcd`mV `mMr y{_H$m. og H$m[gc Am$ B{S>m, maVmgmam Y{Zanoj XoemV mg {{S>mgmR>rAmMmag{hVm. mg {{S>mm w dmhmVrc {hcmMo XeZ dVwpWVr d mUHo$. ^mfU d {dMma

    dmV d mdarc mXm.

    9) {ZdS>Uy H$ {H$`m {ZdS>UyH$ {H $ oMr _hdmMr d{eQ>o - EH$ C_oXdma mXo{eH$_VXma gK - X~c KQ>H$mgmR>r amIrd VXmagK. mT> _VXma- {ZdS>Uy H$ Am`moJmMr y {_H$m - gd gmYmaU {ZdS>UwH$m -

    _hdmMo H$c - _VXmZmMm H$c - _VXm`m`m dVZmdan[aUm_ H$aUmao KQ>H$ Am{U dmh - ^`_w$ Am{U {Z `{ZdS>UwH$m nma nmS>`mVrc AS>MUr Am{U g_`m - {ZdS>UyH$gwYmaUm. BcoQ>m{ZH$ hmoqQ>J erg.

    10) emgH$s H$m`Xo :H$m`mMo am`, emgH$s` doN>m {ZU d mMo {Z`_Z Am{U`mMo `m`mc`rZ nwZ{dcmoH$Z, emgH$s cdmX, mMr aMZm

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    Q>S>r gH$c H$[aAa S>ohcn|Q> BpQ>Q>yQ / 9

    d H$m}, Zg{JH$ `m`mMr Vdo.11) H|$r` Am{U amOH$s` emgH$s` {deofm{YH$ma :

    ^maVr` nwam`m`m H$m`mMo H$c H$. 123, emgH$s`JmonZr`VoMm H$m`Xm, AmaQ>rAm d mMm JmonZr H$mmdarcn[aUm.

    12) H$mhr Cn w $ H$m`Xo :1) n`mdaU-gajH$ H$m`Xm, 1986 - Um d mVrc

    VaVwXr.2) JmhH$ gajU H$m`Xm, 1986 - `m`m, JmhH$mMo dmX

    gmoS>{dUmar Um.3) _m{hVr`m A{YH$mamMm H$m`Xm, 2005 - AOXmamMo

    h$ Am{U A{YH$m`mMr H$V o.4) _m{hVr VkmZ H$m`Xm, 2000 (gm`~a-H$m`Xm) `m`m, A{YH$mar, Jwho.5) >mMma {V~Y H$mXm.

    6) m{hVrMm A{YH$ma H$mXm, 2005.13) gm_m{OH$ H$`mU d gm_m{OH$ H$m`Xo (co{OcoeZ):gm_m[OH$ n[adVZmMo EH$ h`ma gm_m{OH$ H$m`Xo hUyZ _mZdr h$.

    14) gmdO{ZH$ godm :A{Ic ^maVr` godm, `mMo KQ>Zm_H$ WmZ, y{_H$m d H$m .

    H|$r` godm d$n Am{U H$m .gKcmoH$godm Am`moJ, am` godm d _hmam> cmoH$godm Am`moJ.emgZm`m gX^mV {ejUmMo ~XcVo d$n - `eXm, cmc~hmXya emr AH$S>_r Am\$ AS>{_{ZQ>oeZ,gaXma d^^mBnQ>oc ZeZc nmocrg AH$mX_r.

    15) gmdO{ZH$ IMmdarc {Z U : ggXr` {Z`U, AXmO g{_Vr, cmoH$coIm g{_Vr, gmdO{ZH$ CnH$_ g{_Vr, ^maV gaH$mam

    _hmcoImnmcmMo (GAG) H$m`mc`, McZ d {dmr` YmoaUmVrc {dm _mc`mMr y{_H$m, _hmam>m`m AH$mQ>Q>OZacMr aMZm Am{U H$m .{hcmMo gajU ^maVr amKQ>Zm, {H${Zc mo{gOa H$moS>, KaJwVr qhgmMma {V~Y H$mXm, ZmJar h$gajU H$mXm 1955, AZwgy{MV OmVr d OmVr AmMma {V~Y H$mXm, 1989 d m{hVrMm A{YH$maH$mXm 2005.

    1. The Constitution of India:

    Making of the Constitution, Salient Features of the Constitution.

    Philosophy of the Preamble - (Secular democratic and socialist), Fundamental Rights

    and Duties

    Directive Principles of State Policy, Free and Compulsory primary education, Uniform

    Civil Code, and Fundamental Duties.

    Centre - State relations and Formation of NewStates.

    Independent Judiciary. Amendment Procedure and

    Major Amendments to the Constitution: Landmark

    Judgments used for interpreting the Constitution.

    Structure and Functions of major Commissions

    and Boards: Election Commission, Union and State

    Public Service Commissions, National Womens

    Commission, Human Rights Commission, National

    Minorities S.C./S.T. Commission - River Water Dis-

    pute Settlements Board etc.

    2. The Political System (Structure, Powers and

    Functions of Governments):

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    Q>S>r gH$c H$[aAa S>ohcn|Q> BpQ>Q>yQ / 12

    gmm AZ nona (3)

    mZdr gmYZgnmr d mZdr h$

    nonaMm XOm :nXdrH$mcmdYr 2 VmgEHy$U JwU : 150m :amR>r Am{U BJOrZmMo d$n : dVw{Z> ~hnmr

    gyMZm :1) no naYrc ZmMod$n Am{U XOmhm, EImm nXdrYa CoXdmamcm mZog~{YV {dfmMm {deof Amg

    Ho$cm ZgVmZmhr Cma XoVm oD$ eHo$c ,Aem H$maMm Agoc. ZmMm w Coe hUOo{d{dY {dfmg~YrEImm CoXdmamMr Agcocr OmJH$Vm VnmgUo.

    2) Co XdmamZm g~{YV {dfmVrc KQ>H$ Am{U CnKQ>H$m~m~V AcrH$S>m KS>mmoS>r VgoM JVr{dfr kmZAgUoAmdH$H$ Amho.

    {d^mJ n{hcm mZdr gmYZgnmr1) ^maVmVrc _mZdr gmYZ gnmrMm {dH$mg

    ^maVr` cmoH$g oMr g n[apWVrVrc g`m_H$ (AmH$ma d dr - qcJ, d`, ZmJar d J m_rU) dJwUm_H$ ({ejU, Amamo`) d{eQ>o. cmoH$g`m YmoaU Am{U 2050 gmcmn VMo `mVrc H$c. AmYw{ZH$g_mOmVrc _mZdr gmYZgnmrMo {Z`moOZ H$a`mMr JaO Am{U `mMo _hd. _mZdr gmYZgnmrMo {Z`moOZH$a`mg Cn w$ KQ>H$ d gmYZo . maVmVrc ~oH$marMo d$n, H$ma d g_`m. maVm`m amoOJma {Z{_VrVrcn dmh, ^maVm`m {d{dY jo mVrc d XoemVrc Hw$ec _mZdr gmYZg nmrm AmdH$VoMm AXmO d

    CncYVm. _mZdr gmYZgnmr`m {dH$mgmgmR>r H$m aV Agmm`m gaH$mar d {~Ja gaH$mar gWm CXm.NCERT, NIEPA, UGC,_w$ {dmnrR>, AICTE NCTE, ITIs, NCVT, IMC,B._mZdr gmYZgnmr`m {dH$mgmer g~{YV g_`m d _hdm`m ~m~r - gaH$maMo amoOJma YmoaU, ~oH$mard AY~oH$mar H$_r H$a`mgmR>r Cn w$ `moOZm.

    2) {ejU _mZdr gmYZ gnmrMm {dH$mg Am{U gm_m{OH$ n[adVZmMm {ejU hm EH$ _hdmMm KQ>H$.^maVmVrc {ejU nVr (nyd mW{_H$ Vo C {ejUmn V) -g_`m d ~m~r ({ejUmMo gmdrH$aUAm{U {ejUmMo `dgm`rH$aU `mg g~ {YV ~m~r d g_`m). nwT>rc KQ>H$mMo {ejU - ej{UH$ XOmd

    JwUdmm {dH$mg, emim gmoS>`mMr g_`m, _{hcm, gm_m{OH$ d Am{WH$ Q>m A_mJmgdJ, AnJ,Ang`mH$, Q>c|Q>, gM, B.) gaH$mar ej{UH$ YmoaU, {ejUmg~Yr doJdoJ`m `moOZm d Umcr.AmnMm[aH$, AZmnMm[aH$ {ejU d mT> {ejU - `mMo {Z U, n dojU d gma H$aUmm gaH$mar d {~Ja

    gaH$mar gWm. B-c{Z J, OmJ{VH$sH$aU d ImOJrH$aUmMm^maVr` {ejUmdarc n[aUm_. am>r kmZ AmmoJ, C {ejU

    d gemoYZmgmR>r am>r AmmoJ, IITS, IIMS, NITS.3) `mdgm{ H$ {ejU

    _mZdr gmYZgnmr`m {dH$mgmMo _hdmMo gmYZ, `mdgm{`H$/ Vm{H$ {ejU, gpWVr - ^maVmVrc {deofV

    _hmam>mVrc {ejU d {ejU nVr. gaH$mar YmoaU, `moOZmd H$m H$_ - g_`m, ~m~r d mda mV H$amMo XmZ.`mdgm{`H$ d Vm {H$ {ejUmMm gma {Z`Z H$aUm`m dmVm XoUm`m {d{dY gWm.

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    Q>S>r gH$c H$[aAa S>ohcn|Q> BpQ>Q>yQ / 13

    4) Amamo` _mZdr gmYZ - gnmrVrc hm EH$ Amd`H$ Am{U _hdmMm

    KQ>H$, gmdO{ZH$ Amamo`{df`H$ _hdmMr AmH$S>odmar, OmJ{VH$Amamo ` gKQ>Zm - C{>o, aMZm, H$m } d {V`m `moOZm, gaH$marAmamo` H$m H$_, `moOZm Am{U YmoaUo. ^maVmVrc Amamo`m`m {d{dY

    nVr, ^maVmVrc Amamo `mer g~ {YV _hdm`m ~m~r, g_`m d`m gmoS>{d`mMo Cnm`. OZZr ~mcgwajm moOZm, am>r JmrU Amamo{eZ.5) Jm_rU {dH$mg

    nMm`V amO nVrMo T>rH$aU, JmnMmV d Jm_rU {dH$mgmVrc {VMr y {_H$m, O_rZ gwYmaUm Am{U {dH$mg, Jm_rU

    {dH$mgmV ghH$mar gWmMr y{_H$m, Jm_rU {dH$mgmV JwVcom {dmr` gWm, Jm_rU amoOJmam`m `moOZm,Jm_rU no Oc nwadR>m Am{U gmdO{ZH$ dN>VoMo H$m H$_. nmm yV gaMZoMm {dH$mg - CXm. D$Om, dmhVyH$,Jh {Z{_Vr Am{U XiUdiUm`m gmo`r. am>r amoOJma hr moOZm (NREGS).

    {d^mJ Xgam mZdr h$1) mZdr h$mMm gmd{H$ OmhraZmm (UDHR 1948) -

    AmVaam>r` _mZdr h$mMo _mZH$, ^maVr` am`KQ>ZoVrc `m~m~V`m VaVwXr, ^maVmVrc _mZdr h$ dH$V`mMo gajU d A_c~OmdUr H$aUmar Um, ^maVmVrc _mZdr h$ {dH$mg Midi, _mZdr h$mMm JH$aUm`m {H$`m d g_`m. Xm[a, {ZajaVm, ~oH$mar, gm_m{OH$-gmH${VH$-Ym{_H$ AYlm d nanam, qhgm, >mMma, XheVdmX, H$m_JmamMo emofU, nmocrg H$moR>S>rVrc Jwho, BmXr. cmoH$emhr Umcr_ oEH$_oH$mMo h$ d _mZdr {V>m `mMr JaO, _hd d `mMm AmXa H$a`mgmR>r {ejU. OmJ{VH$sH$aU d`mMo ^maVr` g_mOmVrc {d{dY KQ>H$mda Pmcoco n[aUm_. mZdr {dH$mg {ZX}emH$, ~mcyXa, qcJ JwUmoma.

    2) ~mc H$`mU g_`m d ~m~r (~mc_ y, Hw$nmofU, ~mcH$m_Jma, ~mc{ejU, BmXr) - gaH$mar YmoaU, H$`mUH$mar CnH$_ d {dH$mg `moOZm - AmVaam>r` gWm, d godr gKQ>Zm, g_wXm` ggmYZo `mMr

    y{_H$m - ~mbH$m`m H$mUmV {H$ oV OZVoMm gh^mJ.3) _{hcm {dH$mg g_`m d ~m~r (c{JH$ {df_Vm, _{hcm{dMo A`mMma Am{U qhgm, ~m{cH$m yUh`m,

    _{hcmMo g~crH$aU BmXr). gaH$mar YmoaU, H$`mUH$mar CnH$_, g~crH$aU d {dH$mg `moOZm -AmVaam>r` gWm, d godr gKQ>Zm, g_wXm` ggmYZo `mMr y{_H$m - _{hbm`m H$mUm~m~V OZVoMm

    gh^mJ.4) w dm H$`mU g_`m d ~m~r (~o H$mar, AemVVm, `gZmYrZVm BmXr) gaH$mar YmoaU, H$`mUH$mar

    CnH$_ d {dH$mg moOZm - AmVaam>r` gWm, d godr gKQ>Zm, g_wXm` ggmYZo `mMr y{_H$m - wdH$m`mH$mUm~m~V OZVoMm gh^mJ.

    5) Am{Xdmgr {dH$mg g_`m Am{U ~m~r (Hw$nmofU, {dcJrH$aU, EH$m_rH$aU Am{U {dH$mg, B.) - Am{Xdmgr{dH$mg - gaH$mar YmoaU, H$`mUH$mar CnH$_ d {dH$mg `moOZm - AmVaam>r` gWm, d godr gKQ>Zm,g_wXm` ggmYZo `mMr y{_H$m - Am{Xdmgt`m H$mUm~m~V OZVoMm gh^mJ.

    6) gm_m{OH$Q>m Cno{jV dJmMm {dH$mg (SC, ST, DT/NT, OBC, B.) - g_`m Am{U ~m~r ({d{dYgYrVrc {df_Vm B.) - gaH$mar YmoaU, H$`mUH$mar CnH$_d {dH$mg moOZm - AmVaam>r` gWm, d godr gKQ>Zm `mMr

    y{_H$m - ggmYZ moVmMm dmna d g_wXm` gh^mJ.7) o> ZmJ[aH$mMo H$`mU g_`m Am{U ~m~r -gaH$mar

    YmoaU, H$`mUH$mar CnH$_ d {dH$mg `moOZm -AmVaam>r` gWm d d godr gKQ>Zm `mMr y{_H$m - `m`m

    {dH$mgmV g_wXm`mMm gh^mJ - {dH$mg CnH$_mV `o>ZmJ[aH$m`m godmMm dmna.

    8) H$m_Jma H$`mU g_`m Am{U ~m~r (H$m_m`m {R>H$mUMrpWVr, doVZ, Amamo` Am{U gK{Q>V Am{U AgK{Q>V jomVrcg_`m) - gaH$mar Ymo aU, H$`mUH$mar CnH$_ d {dH$mg

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    Q>S>r gH$c H$[aAa S>ohcn|Q> BpQ>Q>yQ / 14

    `moOZm - AmVaam>r` g Wm, d godr gKQ>Zm d g_wXm`mMr^y{_H$m.9) AnJmMo H$`mU g_`m d ~m~r ({ejU d amoOJmamVrc

    gYrVrc {dfVm, B.) - gaH$mar Ymo aU, H$`mU H$mar CnH$_ d {dH$mg `moOZm - AmVaam>r` gWm d d godr gKQ>Zm `mMrAnJmgmR>r amoOJma {Z{_Vr d nwZdgZmVrb y{_H$m-`m`m {dH$mgmV

    g_wXm`mMm gh^mJ.10) AmnmrJVmMo nwZdgZ ({dH$mg H$n d Zg{JH$ AmnmrZo~m{YV bmoH$mMo): YmoaU d `mo OZm - H$m`Xoera VaVwXr -Am{WH$,gmH${VH$, gm_m{OH$, _mZ{gH$ `mgma`m ~m~rMm {dMma11) AmVaam>r d mXo{eH$ gKQ>Zm UNDP, ICJ, ILO,

    UNICEF, EU, APEC, ASEAN, OPEC, OAU, SAARC, NAM,am>Hw$c wamo{nZ w{ZZ,AQ>m S>, w EZS>rnr, w{Zgo \$, AmVaam>r` H$m_Jma g KQ>Zm. gmH$, Am{e`mZ, A{c am> g KQ>Zm Am{U

    wamo{n`Z w{Z`Z.

    12) JmhH$ gajU- JmhH$ gajUm`m g~Yr`m g`m`m H$m`mVrc _hdm`m VaVwXr,JmhH$mMo h$, JmhH$ {d{dY Am{U `mMr {ZdmaU H$aUmar Um, JmhH$ g_`m {ZdmaUmMr doJdoJio \$moa_ -`mMr C{Q>o, A{YH$ma, H$V o, {H$`m Am{U JmhH$ H$`mU {ZYr.

    13) _y o d Z{VH$Vm - Hw$Qw>~, Y_, {ejU d gma_m`_o `mgma`m AmnMm[aH$ d AZmnMm[aH$ gWmmaogm_m{OH$ _mUHo$, _y o d nanam `mMr dr.

    1. HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT1.1 Human Resource Development in India - Present status of population in India -

    quantitative aspect (size and growth - Sex, Age, Urban and Rural) and qualitative as-

    pects (Education and Healthcare). Population policy and projection upto 2050. Im-

    portance and need of Human Resource planning in modern society. Components and

    factors involved in planning of Human Resources. Nature, types and problems of un-

    employment in India, Trends of Employment in India, Demand estimate of skilledmanpower in different Sectors and Areas. Governmental and Voluntary Institution en-

    gaged in development of manpower e.g. NCERT, NIEPA, UGC, Open Universities,

    AICTE, NCTE, ITIs, NCVT, IMC, etc. Problems and issues related to HRD. Govt.

    employment policy, various schemes to reduce unemployment and underemployment.

    1.2 Education: Education as a tool of HR development and social change. Education

    (Pre-primary to Higher Education) system in India. Problems and issues (Universali-

    sation of education, vocationalisation of education, Quality improvement, Dropout

    rate etc.) Education for Girls, Socially and Economically underprivileged classes,

    Handicapped, Minorities, Talent Search etc. Govt. policies, Schemes and programms

    for Education. Govt. and Voluntary Agencies involved in promoting, regulating and

    monitoring Formal, Non-formal and Adult education. e-Learning. Impact of globali-

    sation and privatisation on Indian education.National Knowledge Commission, National

    Commission for Higher Education and

    Resaearch, IITs, IIMs, NITs.

    1.3 Vocational Education: As a tool of HR de-

    velopment. Vocational/Technical Education-

    Present status, systems and training in India

    particularly in Maharashtra. Govt. policies,

    schemes and programs Problems, issues and

    efforts to overcome them. Institutes involved

    in promoting, regulating, accrediting voca-

    tional and Technical Education.

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    Q>S>r gH$c H$[aAa S>ohcn|Q> BpQ>Q>yQ / 15

    1.4 Health: As an essential and major component of

    HRD, Vital Statistics, World Health Organisation (WHO)

    - objectives, structure, functions and its programmes. Govt.

    Health policies, schemes and programmes, Healthcare sys-

    tem in India. Problems and issues related to Healthcare andefforts to overcome them. Janani-Bal Suraksha Yojana. Na-

    tional Rural Health Mission.

    1.5 Rural Development: Empowerment of panchayat

    Raj system. Village Panchayat and its role in Rural devel-

    opment, Land reforms and development, Role of coopera-

    tive institutes in Rural Development, Financial Institutes

    involved in Rural Development, Rural Employment

    Schemes, Rural Water Supply and Sanitation programs. In-

    frastructure development e.g. Energy, Transportation, Housing and communication in

    rural area. National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (NREGS).

    2. HUMAN RIGHTS2.1 Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR 1948)- International human rights

    standards, its reflections in Indian constitution, mechanism to enforce and protect

    Human Rights in India. Human Rights Movement in India. Problems related to human

    rights deprivations such as poverty, illiteracy, unemployment, social-cultural-religious

    practices, violence, corruption, terrorism, exploitation of labour, custodial crimes

    etc. Need, for training in and practising of human rights and human dignity in a demo-

    cratic set up. Globalisation and its impact on different sections of Indian Society.

    Human Development Index, Infant Mortality Ratio, Sex Ratio.

    2.2 Child Development: problems and issues (Infant mortality, Malnutrition, Child la-

    bour, Children education etc.) - Government Policies, welfare schemes and programs

    - Role of international agencies, Voluntary Organisations Community resources. People

    participation in their Welfare.2.3 Women Development - problems and issues (Gender inequality, Violence against

    women, Girl child Infanticide/Foeticide, Empowerment of Women etc.)- Govern-

    ment Policy, schemes and programs for development / welfare and empowerment -

    Role of international agencies, Voluntary Organisations and Community resources.

    Peoples participation in their development. AASHA.

    2.4 Youth Development: problems and issues (Unemployment, unrest, drug addiction

    etc.) - Government Policy - development schemes and programs - Role of interna-

    tional agencies, Voluntary Organisations and Community resources. Peoples partici-

    pation in their development.

    2.5 Tribal Development: problems and issues (Malnutrition, isolation, integration and

    development etc.) - Tribal movement - Government Policy, welfare schemes and pro-

    grams- Role of international agencies, Voluntary Organisations and Community re-

    sources. Peoples participation in their Wel-fare.

    2.6 Development for Socially deprived classes

    (SC, ST, DT/NT, OBC etc. ) - problems and

    issues (inequality in opportunity etc.) - Gov-

    ernment Policy, welfare schemes and devel-

    opment programs - Role of international agen-

    cies, Voluntary Organisations and Resource

    mobilsation and Community participation.

    2.7 Welfare for aged People- problems and is-

    sues - Government Policy - welfare schemes

    and programs - Role of international agencies,

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    Voluntary Organisations and Community participation for

    their development. Utilisation of their services in devel-

    opmental activities.

    2.8 Labour Welfare - problems and issues (working

    conditions, wages, health and problems related to organ-ised and unorganised sectors) - Government Policy, wel-

    fare schemes and programs - Role of international agen-

    cies, community and Voluntary Organisations.

    2.9 Welfare of disabled persons - problems and is-

    sues (inequality in educational and employment opportu-

    nity etc.) - Government Policy, welfare schemes and pro-

    grams - Role of international agencies, Voluntary Organi-

    sations in employment and rehabilitation.

    2.10 Peoples Rehabilitations - (People affected by Development projects and Natural

    Calamities.) Strategy and programs Legal Provisions Consideration of different

    aspects like economic, cultural, social, psychological etc.

    2.11 International and Regional Organisations: United Nations and its specialised agen-


    OPEC, OAU, SAARC, NAM, Commonwealth of Nations and European Union.

    2.12 Consumer Protection: Salient features of the existing act- Rights of consumers-

    Consumer disputes and redressal machinery, Different kinds of Forums- Objectives,

    Powers, functions, procedures, Consumer Welfare Fund.

    2.13 Values and Ethics: Fostering of social norms, values, ethics through formal and in-

    formal agencies such as family, religion, education, media etc.

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    gmm AZ nona (4)

    AWdWm d {ZmoOZ, {dH$mgmMoAWem,{dkmZ d VkmZ {dH$mg

    nonaMm XOm :nXdrH$mcmdYr 2 VmgEHy$U JwU : 150m :amR>r Am{U BJOrZmMo d$n :dVw {Z> ~hnmr

    gyMZm :1) no naYrc ZmMod$n Am{U XOmhm, EImm nXdrYa CoXdmamcm mZog~{YV {dfmMm {deof Amg

    Ho$cm ZgVmZmhr Cma XoVm oD$ eHo$c ,Aem H$maMm Agoc. ZmMm w Coe hUOo{d{dY {dfmg~YrEImm CoXdmamMr Agcocr OmJH$Vm VnmgUo.

    2) Co XdmamZm g~{YV {dfmVrc KQ>H$ Am{U CnKQ>H$m~m~V AcrH$S>m KS>mmoS>r VgoM JVr{dfr kmZAgUoAmdH$H$ Amho.

    {d^mJ n{hcm AWdWm d {ZmoOZ1) ^maVr` AW`dWm - ^maVr` AW`dWoVrc AmhmZo - Xm[a, ~oH$mar Am{U mXo{eH$ Ag_Vmoc.

    {Z`moOZ {H$`m - H$ma - n{hcr Vo Xhmdr nMdm{fH$ `moOZmMo nwZ{dcmoH$Z. _y`_mnZ.gm_m{OH$ Am{U Am{WH$ {dH$mgmMo {ZX}emH$.am` Am{U Wm{ZH$ nmVirdaMo {Z`moOZ. {dH|$rH$aU - 73 dr Am{U 74 dr KQ>ZmXwVr.

    2) ZmJar Am{U Jm_rU nm`m yV gaMZoMm {dH$mg

    JaO Am{U _hd. nwT>rc Am{WH$ Am{U nm`m yV gaMZoMm {dH$mg Am{U dr - D$Om, OcnwadR>m d dN>Vm,Jh {Z{_Vr, dmhVyH$ (aVo, ~Xao B.), XiUdiU ( nmoQ> Am{U Q>o{cJm\$, XyagMma), ao{S>Amo Omio, Q>rhr,BQ>aZoQ>.^maVmVrc nm`m yV gaMZo`m {dH$mgmer g~{YV g_`m Am{U ~m~r. n`m`r YmoaU - gmdO{ZH$ d ImOJrjomVrc ghH$m (PPP), `j naH$s` JwVdUyH$ (FDI) Am{U nm`m yV gaMZoMm {dH$mg - nm`m yV gaMZo

    {dH$mgmMo ImOJrH$aU. H|$ Am{U am` gaH$mam Mr nm`m yV gaMZo {dH$mgmMr YmoaUo. dmhVyH$ Am{U Jh{Z{_Vr (ZmJar d Jm_rU), jom`m {dH$mgmVrc g_`m. H|$ Am{U am` gaH$maMm nwT>mH$ma Am{U `moOZm.BOLT dBOT`moOZm.

    3) CmoJ Am{WH$ Am{U gm_m{OH$ {dH$mgmVrc CmoJmMr y{_H$m, hd Am{U JaO.

    _hmam>m`m gX^mV ^maVmVrc _moR>m CmoJmMr aMZm Am{U drVrc dmh.

    cKyCmoJ, Hw$Q>ra CmoJ Am{U Jm_momoJ, g_`m d ^{dV`,CXmarH$aU, ImOJrH$aU d OmJ{VH$sH$aUmMm cKyCmoJmdarc(SSIs) n[aUm_. _hmam>m`m gX^mV cKwCmoJmZm mogmhZ,

    {Z`Z Am{U {dH$mgm~m~VMo H$m H$_, Cnm` Am{U YmoaU.cKwCmoJ Am{U Hw$Q>ramomoJmMr {Z`mV j_Vm. SEZs, SPVs.

    4) ghH$ma g H$nZm, AW, C{Q>o, ghH$mamMr OwZo Am{U Zdr Vdo.^maVmVrc ghH$mar MidirMr dmT> Am{U {d^rH$aU,

    _hmam>mVrc ghH$mar gWm - H$ma ^y{_H$m, Am{U{d^rH$aUmMo _hd, am` YmoaU Am{U ghH$ma jo - H$m`Xo,n dojU, coIm Am{U _XV. _hmam>mVrc ghH$mar MidirVrc

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    g_`m, OmJ{VH$ nY}`m `wJmV ghH$ma MidirMo ^{dV`._hmam>mVrc ghH$ma MidirMm AmT>mdm, gwYmaUm Am{U ^{dV`.H$fr {dnUZmgmR>r n`m`r YmoaUmMr gwdmV, amoOJma h_r, `moOZm.5) Am{WH$ gwYmaUm

    nmd y_r, CXmarH$aU, OmJ{VH$sH$aU, ImOJrH$aU - (gH$nZm,AW, d$n d _`mXm) H|$ Am{U KQ>H$am`m`m nmVirdarc Am{WH$

    gwYmaUm. OmJ{VH$ `mnma gKQ>ZoMr(WTO) Um - `mVrc VaVwXrAm{U ^maVr` AW`dWoVrc `mMo n[aUm_ - ~m~r Am{U g_`m.6) AmVaam>r` `mnma Am{U AmVaam>r` ^mS>dcmMr hmcMmc

    OmJ{VH$sH$aUmVrc Z`mZo {Z_mU hmoUmao dmh, ^maVm`m naH$s``mnmamMr dr, aMZm Am{U {Xem. ^maVmMo naH$s` `mnmar YmoaU -

    {Z`mV mogmhZ. OmJ{VH$ `mnma gKQ>Zm(WTO) Am{U AmVaam>r` `mnma. naH$s` ^mS>dcmMm dmh -aMZm Am{U dr - `j naH$s` JwVdUyH$ (FDI). B-H$m_g, ~ham>r` H$n`mMr y{_H$m-AmVaam>r`{dmr` gWm- AmVaam>r` ZmUo {ZYr, OmJ{VH$ ~H$ (IBRD), AmVaam>r` {dH$mg gWm(IDA), AmVaam>r`

    nV{ZX}emH$.7) Xm[a{df`H$ _moO_mn d AXmO -Xm[a {Z_ycZmMo Cnm` - maVmVrc Xm[a aofm gH$nZm d dVwpWVr, BPL OZZj_Vm, {ddmh pWVr,_ yMo _mU, AmOmar OZVoMo _mU, - c{JH$ g~crH$aUmMo YmoaU.

    8) amoOJma {ZX}eZmMo KQ>H$ -~oH$marMo _moO_mn - Cn, Xm[a Am{U amoOJma mVrc nana g~Y - {dVaU d gm_m{OH$ `m`m`m ~m~r.

    9) _hmam >mMr AW`dWm -H$fr, CmoJYXo Am{U godmjomMr d{eQ>o - _hmam>mVrc XwH$mimMo `dWmnZ - _hmam>mVrc naH$s`JwVdUyH$ (FDI)

    {d^mJ X gam {dH$mgmMo AWem1) Wy c AWem :

    am>r` Cn _mnZm`m nVr.nemMr H$m }- nm`m yV ngm - C e$sMm ngm - nem`m amerMr Cnnmr - nemMm JwUH$_hmJmBMm _m{H$ d A_m{H$ {gmV - _hmJmBMo {Z U _m{H$, {dmr` d `j Cnm`.

    2) cmoH${dm Am{U {dmr` gWm :cmoH${dmmMo, ~mOmanoR>r` AW`dWoVrc y{_H$m-gmdO{ZH$ JwVdUwH$sMo {ZH$fnm dVyd gmdO{ZH$ dVy(Merit goods and Public goods)hgwcr O_m d IM(H|$ d am`)- H$a d AZw_mZmMo H$ma d `m~m~V`m KQ>Zm d n[aUm_.H$a, {~Ja H$a_hgyc d H|$ Am{U am` gaH$maMo gmdO{ZH$ H$O.gmdO{ZH$ IM (H|$ d KQ>H$am`) - dr d H$maUogmdO{ZH$ IM gwYmaUm-na\$m_g ~oS> ~OoqQ>J Am{U ey`mYmarV AWgH$n.ey`mYmarV AWgH$n - AWgH$nmVrc VwQ>rMo H$ma - AVJV d ~{hJV CYmar. H|$ d am`mVrc H$a gwYmaUmMo nwZ{dcmoH$Z -am`nmVirdarc H$a gwYmaUm(VAT)gmdO{ZH$ H$O -dr, aMZm Am{U ^a, am`mVcm H$OmMmH|$mdarc X~md -{dmr` VyQ> - gH$nZm, VwQ>rdarc {Z U - H|$, am` Am{U[aPh~Ho$Mm nwT>mH$ma.^maVmVrc amOH$mofr` (fiscal) gwYmaUm - H|$ d am`

    nmVirdarc AmT>mdm. {dmr` jomVrc gwYmaUm-~qH$J_`o ZdrZ nVr-dmV{dH$ d Zm__m `mOXa-aonmo d [ahgaonmo `dhma

    3) dr, {dH$mg Am{U AmVaam>r` AWem :

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    1) {dH$mgmMo {ZX}emH$ - emdV {dH$mg - {dH$mg d n`mdaU -h[aV OrS>rnr(Green GDP)2) Am{W H$ {dH$mgmMo KQ>H$ Zg{JH$ gmYZo, cmoH$g`m, _mZdr^mS>dc, nm`m yV gaMZm - cmoH$g`m gH$_UmMm {gmV - _mZdr

    {dH$mg {ZX}em H$ - _mZdr Xm[a {ZX}em H$- c {JH$ g~crH$aUmMoCnm`.3) naH$s` mS>dc Am{U VkmZmMr {dH$mgmVrc y{_H$m - ~ham>r`

    H$n`m.4) {dH$mgmMo BOrZ hUyZ AmVaam>r` `mnma - AmVaam>r` `mnmamMo

    {gmV.5) IMF-IBRD-WTO - mXo {eH$ `mnma H$ama - SAARC -


    4) ^maVr` H$fr, Jm_rU {dH$mg Am{U ghH$ma :1) Am{WH$ {dH$mgmVrc H$fr jomMr y{_H$m - H$fr, CmoJYXo Am{U godm jomVrc nana g~Y - H$ama

    eoVr - n[aew eoVr(Prevision farming)

    - H$mnm}aoQ> eoVr - g|{` eoVr.2) O_rZYmaUoMm AmH$ma d CnmXH$Vm - h[aVH$mVr d Vm{H$ ~Xc - H$fr {H$_Vr d `mnmam`m eVu -H$fr AZwXmZ - gmdO{ZH$ {dVaU nVr(PDS) - AYm` gwa{jVVm.3) ^maVm`m H$fr {dH$mgmVrc mXo {eH$ {df_Vm- H$fr CmoJ d OmJ{VH$ {dnUZ- ^maVmVrc H$fr

    nVnwadR>m.4) OcqgMZmMo moV d qgMZ`dWm - newgdYZ d CnmXH$Vm - YdcH$mVr, _``dgm`,

    Hw$w$Q>nmcZ, dZ{dH$mg, \$cmonmXZ d \w$cmonmXZ jom_Yrc ^maVmVrc Am{U _hmam>mVrc {dH$mg.5) `moOZm H$mimVrc Jm_rU [dH$mgmMr YmoaUo - Jm_rU nm`m yV gaMZm (gm_m{OH$ Am{U Am{WH$).6) WTO Am{U H$fr - eoVH$`mMo d gH$aU H$aUm`mMo h$ - O{dH$ ~h{dYVm - GM VkmZ.

    5) ^maVr` CmoJ, nm`m yV gaMZm d godmjo :1) ^maVmVrc CmoJ, nm`m yV gaMZm d godmjomMr aMZm, dr d dmh,

    ^maVmVrc gmdO{ZH$, ImOJr Am{U ghH$mar jomMr y{_H$m - cKyAm{U Hw${Q>amomoJ. BPO2) CXmarH$aU Am{U ^maVr` CmoJjomdarc `mMo n[aUm_ - Ammo{JH$ AmOmanU.

    {d^mJ {Vgam {dkmZ d VkmZ {dH$mg1) D$Om

    nman[aH$ d Anman[aH$ D$OmmoV - gma D$Om, ndZ D$Om, Od D$Om, ~m`mo_mg D$Om, yJ D$OmAm{UBVa nwZZdrH$aU D$OmmoVmMr j_Vm.gma CnH$aUmMo AmJ_Z, _w`do - gmoca Hw$H$a - dmQ>a hrQ>a, B`mXr.~m`moJg {Z{_Vr {H$`m d Vdo. D$Omg_`m, D$Om{Z{_VrMo gaH$mar H$m H$_, AmpdH$ D$OmH$m H$_,AmpUH$ D$OmH$m H$_, Oc{dwV {Z{_Vr CnH$_. drO {dVaU Am{U ZeZc JrS>. D$Omgwajm nwa{d`mg

    gh^mJr AgUm`m gWm d g{_`m, `mMo gemoYZ Am{U {dH$mg.2) gJUH$ d _m{hVr VkmZ

    AmYw{ZH$ g_mOmVrc gJUH$mMr ^y{_H$m, gm_Jr, dhZ,ZoQ>d{H$J Am{U do~ VkmZ `mgma`m XZ{XZ OrdZmerg~{YV {d{dY jomVrc gJUH$mMm dmna. gm`~a Jwho Am{U`mg {V~Y.{d{dY godm B`mXr _m{hVr VkmZmMm dmna, gaH$mar CnH$_,{_S>r>`m c~ Am{e`m, {dmdm{hZr, kmZdm{hZr, H$`w{ZQ>rB\$m_}eZ g|Q>a B`mXr. _m{hVr VkmZ CmoJmer _hdm`m~m~r d `mMo ^{dV`.

    3) AdH$me VkmZ ^maVmMm AdH$me H$m H$_, ^maVmMo H${_ CnJh d `mMm

    dmna - XyagMma, XyaXeZ, {ejU, gmaU, hdm_mZ AXmO,

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    OrnrEg, Zg{JH$ Amnmr gyMZm. ^maVmMm jonUm {dH$mg H$m H$_,B`mXr. XyagdoXr VkmZ d OrAm`Eg Am{U `mMm dmna - hdm_mZAXmO, Zg{JH$ Amnmr gy MZm, Ocgnmr, _Xm g nmr, I{ZO

    gnmrMm {dH$mg, H$fr Am{U _` `dgm`mMm {dH$mg, ZmJar{Z`moOZ, n`mdaU A`mg, OrEg Am{U OrAm`Eg.4) Od A{^`m{H$s

    H$fr Am{U Ammo{JH$ {dH$mg VgoM amoOJma {Z{_Vrmao am>r`AW`dWm Am{U _mZdr OrdZ gwYma`mMr Od A{^`m{H$s

    VkmZmMr j_Vm. Zg{JH$ gmYZgnmrMm {dH$mg H$aUmao EH$_hdmMo Am{U Amd`H$ gmYZ hUyZ Od A{^`m{H$sMo WmZ. OdA{^`m{H$s`m dmnamMr joo - H$fr, newgdYZ d newAmamo`, AmfY

    dH$em, _mZdr Amamo `, AYm` VkmZ, D$Om {Z{_Vr, n`mdaU gajU VkmZ. XoemVrc OdA{^`m{H$sMm {dH$mg, {Z U Am{U mogmhZ H$a`mV gaH$maMr y{_H$m. OdVkmZm`m {dH$mgmer

    g~{YV gmH${VH$, gm_m{OH$ Am{U H$m`Xoera ~m~r; VgoM `mMm OdA{^`m{H$s`m {dH$mgmdarc A{Z>

    n[aUm_.5) ^maVmMo Ad YmoaU _hdmMr d{eQ>o. D$O}Mm moV hUyZ AUwD$Omd dN> D$Om{_i{d`mgmR>rMo `mMo _hd. AUwH$M`mMrg_`m, ^maVmVrc AUwD$OmH$n Am{U {dwV {Z{_VrVrc `mMo `moJXmZ.Ad MmM`m R>a{dUmao KQ>H$ - nmoIaU EH$ (1974), nmoIaU XmoZ (1998).Ad YmoaUmVrc AcrH$S>Mo dmh - EZnrQ>r ( ypcAa ZmZ m{c\$aoeZ {Q>Q>r, grQ>r~rQ>r (H$mphopgh

    Q>oQ> ~H$ {Q>Q>r)6) Amnmr `dWmnZ

    AmnmrMr `m`m, d$n, H$ma.Zg{JH$ Amnmr H$maUm_H$, KQ>H$ Am{U Vo Zmhrgo H$a`mMo Cnm`(mitigation). nya, yH$n, gwZm_r,B`mXr. {Q>rJoeZ Cnm`mda n[aUm_ H$aUmao KQ>H$.

    _hdm`m yH$n d gw Zm_r`m Ho$g Q>S>rO - {H$mar yH$n (1993), wO (2001), {g$s_ Zonmi(2011), ~Xm Amemo-gw_mm (2004), \w$Hw${e_m- OnmZ (2011)._hmam> _w~BVrc _hmny a 2005, {S>g|~a 1993, OyZ 2006, Zmoh|~a 2009, Owc 2011, _w~BVrc~m~\$moQ> Am{U A{VaoH$s hm Am{U `mMm n[aUm_.

    1. ECONOMY AND PLANNING1.1 Indian Economy - Challenges in Indian Economy - Poverty, Unemployment and Re-

    gional Imbalances. Planning: Process - Types - Review of Indias First to Tenth Five

    year Plans. Evaluation. Social and Economic Indicators of Development. State and

    Local Level Planning. Decentralisation - 73rd and 74th Constitutional Amendments.

    1.2 Urban and Rural Infrastructure Development: Need and Significance. Growth and

    Development of Social and economic infrastructure such as Energy, Water supply

    and sanitation, Housing, Transport (Road, Ports etc.), Communications (Post and Tel-

    egraphs, Telecommunication), Network ofRadio, TV, Internet. Crises, problems related

    to Infrastructure in India. Policy alternatives-

    Public-Private Sector Partnership (PPP). FDI

    and Infrastructure Development- Privatisation

    of infrastructure development. Centre and

    State Government Policies for Infrastructure

    Development. Transport and Housing (Urban

    and Rural). Problems - Centre and State Gov-

    ernment initiatives and programmes. BOLT and

    BOT schemes.

    1.3 Industry: Need - importance and role of in-

    dustries in economic and social development,

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    Growth Pattern, Structure of Large-scale Industries in In-

    dia with special reference to Maharashtra. Small-scale,

    Cottage and Village industries, their problems and pros-

    pects. Impact of liberalisation, privatisation and

    globalisation on SSIs. Maharashtras Policy, measures andprogrammes for development, promotion and monitoring

    of SSIs. Export Potential of Small scale and cottage indus-

    tries. SEZs, SPVs.

    1.4 Co-operation: Concept, Meaning, Objec-

    tives, Old and new principles of co-operation. Growth and

    diversification of co-operative movement in India. Co-op-

    erative institution in Maharashtra types, role, importance

    and diversification. State policy and Co-operative sector -

    Legislation, Supervision, Audit and Aid. Problems of Co-operatives in Maharashtra.

    Prospects of Cooperatives in the era of global competition. Review, reforms and pros-

    pects of cooperative movement in Maharashtra Alternative policy initiatives in agri-

    cultural marketing- Employment Guarantee Scheme.

    1.5 Economic reforms: Background, Liberalisation, Privatisation and Globalisation

    (concept, meaning, scope and limitations). Economic Reforms at Centre and State

    Level. WTO Regime - Provisions and its implications and impact on Indian Economy,

    issues and problems.

    1.6 International Trade and International Capital Movements: Emerging Trends in

    era of globalisation. Growth, Composition and Direction of Indias Foreign Trade.

    Foreign trade policy of India - Export Promotion. WTO and International Trade. For-

    eign Capital Inflows - Composition and Growth - FDI. e-Commerce. Role of Multi-

    nationals - International Financing Agencies (IMF, World Bank and IDA). Interna-

    tional Credit Ratings.

    1.7 Measurement and estimate of poverty Poverty line: concept and facts, BPL, pov-

    erty eradication measures fertility, nuptiality, mortality and morbidity in India -

    gender empowerment policies.1.8 Factors determining employment - measures of unemployment - relation between

    income, poverty and employment - issues of distributional and social justice.

    1.9 Economy of Maharashtra: salient features of agriculture, industry and service sec-

    tors - drought management in Maharashtra - FDI in Maharashtra.

    2. ECONOMICS OF DEVELOPMENT2.1 Macro Economics: Methods of national income accounting. Functions of money -

    base money - high-power money - quantity theory of money - money multiplier. Mon-

    etary and nonmonetary theories of inflation - control of inflation: monetary,

    fiscal and direct measures.

    2.2 Public Finance and Financial Institutions: Role of public finance in market

    economy - Criteria for public investment.Merit goods and public goods- sources of

    revenue and expenditure (Centre and State) -

    forms of taxes and subsidies and their incidence

    and effects.- tax, non-tax and public debt of

    Centre and States in India. Public Expenditure

    (Centre and States) - Growth and causes. Pub-

    lic Expenditure Reform - Performance

    Based Budgeting and Zero Based Budgeting.

    Zero-base budgeting - types of budget defi-

    cits - internal and external borrowings. Review

    of Tax Reforms at national and State level. VAT.

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    Public debt - Growth, Composition and Burden. Problem

    of States Indebtedness to Centre. Fiscal Deficits - Con-

    cepts, Control of Deficits - Centre, State and RBI Initia-

    tives. Fiscal Reforms in India - Review at Centre and State

    Level. Financial sector reforms - new trends in banking -real and nominal interest rates - repo and reverse repo trans-


    2.3 Growth, Development and International Eco-


    (1) Indicators of development- sustainable develop-

    ment- development and environment - Green GDP.

    (2) Factors of economic development: natural re-

    source, population, human capital, infrastructure - theory

    of demographic transition- Human development index - human poverty index gen-

    der empowerment measure

    (3) Role of foreign capital and technology in growth - multi-national corporations.

    (4) International trade as an engine of growth - theories of international trade

    (5) IMF-IBRD-WTO - Regional Trade Agreements - SAARC - ASEAN. 2.4 Indian Agri-

    culture, Rural Development and Cooperation:

    (1) Role of agriculture in economic development - interrelationship between agri-

    culture, industry and services sectors - contract farming - precision farming

    corporate farming organic farming.

    (2) Size of land holding and productivity - Green Revolution and technological change

    - agricultural prices and terms of trade- farm subsidiesPublic Distribution Sys-

    tem - food security.

    (3) Regional disparities in agricultural growth in Indiaagri-business and global mar-

    keting - agricultural credit in India.

    (4) Sources of irrigation and water management - live-stock resource and their pro-

    ductivity - White Revolution, fisheries, poultry, forestry, horticulture and flori-

    culture development in India and Maharashtra.(5) Strategies of rural development during the plan period-rural infrastructure (so-

    cial and economic)

    (6) W.T.O. and agriculture - Farmers and Breeders Rights - biodiversity - GM tech-


    2.5 Indian Industry, Infrastructure and Services Sector:

    (1) Trends, composition and growth of industries, infrastructure and services sector in

    India - role of public, private and cooperative sectors in India - small and cottage

    industries. BPO.

    (2) Liberalisation and its effects on Indian industries - industrial sickness.


    3.1 Energy: Conventional and non-conventional

    energy sources - Potential of Solar, Wind,

    Biogas, Biomass, Geothermal and other re-

    newable energy sources. Introduction to solar

    gadgets viz solar cooker, water heater etc.

    Biogas- principle, and process. Problems of

    Energy Crises, Govt. Policies and programs for

    power generation. Nuclear Power Program,

    Thermal Power Program, Hydroelectric Power

    program, Power distribution and National Grid.

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    Agencies and Institutions engaged in Energy security, Re-

    search and development.

    3.2 Computer and Information Technology: Role

    of computer in modern society, its applications in various

    spheres of life such as data communication, networkingand web technologies, Cyber crime and its prevention. Use

    of I.T. in various services, Govt. programs such as Media

    Lab Asia, Vidya Vahini, Gyan Vahini, Community Informa-

    tion Centre etc. Major issues in IT industry - its prospects.

    3.3 Space Technology: Indian space programmes,

    Indian Artificial satellites for telecommunication, televi-

    sion, education, broadcasting, weather forecasting, GPS,

    disaster warning. Indian missile program etc., Remote sens-

    ing, GIS and its application in weather forecasting, Disaster warning, water, soil, min-

    eral resources development, agriculture and fisheries development, urban planning,

    ecological studies, GS and GIS.

    3.4 Biotechnology: Its potential to improve human life and national economy through

    agricultural, industrial development and employment generation. Biotechnology as

    an essential and important tool of natural resource development. Areas of application

    - Agriculture, Animal breeding and Veterinary health-care, Pharmaceutics, Human

    healthcare, Food technology, energy generation, environment protection etc. Role

    and efforts of government in promoting, regulating and developing biotechnology in

    country. Ethical, Social, Legal issues related to biotechnological development, pos-

    sible adverse effects of biotechnological development.

    3.5 Nuclear Policy of India: Salient features. Nuclear Power as source of energy and its

    significance as clean energy. Problems of nuclear waste. Nuclear thermal power gen-

    eration in India, its contribution to total power generation. Determinants of Nuclear

    Tests: Pokhran I(1974) and Pokhran II (1998). Recent Trends in Nuclear Policy such

    as NPT (Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty) and CTBT (Comprehensive Test Ban

    Treaty). INDO-US Nuclear Treaty of 2009.3.6 Disaster Management: Definition, nature, types and classification of disasters,

    Natural Hazards: Causative factors and mitigation measures. Floods, earthquakes,

    tsunamis, landslides, etc., Factors affecting mitigation measures- Case studies of

    major earthquakes and tsunamis such as Killari (1993), Bhuj (2001), Sikkim-Nepal

    (2011) earthquakes, Banda Ache (2004) (Sumatra), Fukushima (2011) (Japan) earth-

    quakes and Tsunami. Maharashtra: Mumbai floods of 2005. December 1993, June

    2006, November 2009, July 2011 bomb blasts and terrorist attacks, their impact.
