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    Chapter 1:

    Introduction to ProjectManagement

    Information Technology ProjectManagement, Sixth Edition

    Learning Objectives


    Memahami peningkatan kebutuhan akan manajemen proyek, khususnyaproyek TI Understand the growing need for better project management,especially for information technology projects

    Menjelaskan pengertianproyek,contoh proyek TI,jenis jenis atributsebuah proyek, dan menjelaskan triple constraint of projects Explainwhat a project is, provide examples of information technology projects, listvarious attributes of projects, and describe the triple constraint of projects

    Menjelaskan yang dimaksud denganproject management dan elemenkunci dariproject management framework,meliputiprojectstakeholders,project management knowledge areas, teknik dantools, besertakeberhasilan proyek Describe project management anddiscuss key elements of the project management framework, includingproject stakeholders, the project management knowledge areas, commontools and techniques, and project success

    Learning Objectives (continued)


    Mendiskusikan hubungan antara proyek, program, danportfoliomanagement serta kontribusinyaterhadap kesuksesan proyek Discussthe relationship between project, program, and portfolio management and thecontributions they each make to enterprise success

    Mengetahui peranproject managerdengan memahami tugasprojectmanager, keahlian yang dimiliki,dan bidang karir bagi informationtechnology project managers Understand the role of the project manager

    by describing what project managers do, what skills they need, and what thecareer field is like for information technology project managers

    Menjelaskan profesiproject management, meliputi sejarah, peranorganisasi profesional sepertiProject Management Institute (PMI),pentingnya etika dan sertifikasi,dan kemajuan dari softwareprojectmanagement Describe the project management profession, including its history,the role of professional organizations like the Project ManagementInstitute (PMI), theimportance of certification and ethics, and the advancement of project managementsoftware

    Introduction (continued)


    Dewasa ini banyak organisasiyang berminat dalamproject managementMany organizations today have a new or renewed interest in projectmanagement

    Hardware, software,jaringan,dan pemanfaatan ilmu pengetahuan serta

    kerja tim global secara drastis mempengaruhilingkungan kerjaComputer hardware, software, networks, and the use of interdisciplinaryand global work teams have radically changed the work environment

    Di seluruhdunia, rata-rata organisasimenghabiskan hampir $10 triliundari $40,7 triliun penghasilan bruto untuk segalajenis proyekThe worldas a whole spends nearly $10 trillion of its $40.7 trillion gross producton projects of all kinds

    Lebih dari16 juta penduduk menganggap manajemen proyeksebagaiprofesi mereka More than 16 million people regard project managementas their profession

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    Project Management Statistics


    Pada tahun 2008, total pengeluaran diseluruh dunia pada alat alat teknologi,layanan,dan staf untuk proyekmencapai$2,4 triliun, meningkat8% daritahun2007Total global spending on technology goods, services, and staff wasprojected to reach $2.4 tr illion in 2008, an 8 percent increase from 2007

    Di US jumlahtenagakerja dibidangTI mencapai 4 juta pada tahun 2008 In theU.S. the size of the IT workforce topped 4 million workers for the first time in2008

    Pada tahun 2007, total pendapatan untuk seorang manajer proyek senior di USmencapai $104,776 per tahun, di Australia mencapai $111,412 dan di UnitedKingdom mencapai $120,364 In 2007 the total compensation for the averagesenior project manager in U.S. dollars was $104,776 per year in the UnitedStates, $111,412 in Australia, and $120,364 in the United Kingdom

    Jumlah orang yang mendapat setifikasi pada Project ManagementProfessional (PMP) meningkat setiap tahunnyaThe number of people earningtheir Project Management Professional (PMP) certification continues toincrease

    Motivation for Studying Information

    Technology (IT) Project Management


    ProyekTI mempunyai track recordyang buruk,dijelaskan dengan WhatWent Wrong? IT Projects have a terrible track record, as described in theWhat Went Wrong?

    Pada tahun 1995, Standish Group menemukan hanya 16,2% dari proyekTI menemukan kesepakatan scope, time,dan cost goal; lebih dari 31%dari proyekTI dibatalkan sebelum berhasil diselesaikan A 1995 StandishGroup study (CHAOS) found that only 16.2% of IT projects weresuccessful in meeting scope, time, and cost goals; over 31% of IT projectswere canceled before completion

    PricewaterhouseCoopersmenemukan secara keseluruhan, sebagianproyek gagal diselesaikan dan hanya 2,5% konsisten menemukan targetmerekadari segi scope, time,dan cost goaluntuk semua tipe proyekAPricewaterhouseCoopers study found that overall, half of all projects failand only 2.5% of corporations consistently meet their targets for scope,time, and cost goals for all types of project

    Advantages of Using Formal

    Project Management


    Kontrol yang baik terhadap pembiayaan,fisik,dan sumber dayamanusia Better control of financial, physical, and humanresources

    Meningkatkan hubungan pelanggan Improved customer relations Waktu pemgembangan yang singkat Shorter development times

    Biaya yang rendah Lower costs

    Meningkatkan kualitas dan dapat dipercaya Higher quality andincreased reliability

    Meningkatkan laba Higher profit margins

    Meningkatkan produktifitas Improved productivity

    Koordinasi yang lebih baik Better internal coordination

    Meningkatkan moral kerja Higher worker morale

    What Is a Project?


    Aproject is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create aunique product, service, or result (PMBOK Guide, FourthEdition, 2008, p. 5)

    Operations is work done to sustain the business

    Difference between Project and Operations? (20 point)

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    Proyek berakhir jika tujuan proyek telah dicapai atau proyekdihentikan. Projects end when their objectives have been

    reached or the project has been terminated

    Proyek dapat berukuran besar atau kecil sehingga waktu yangdiperlukan untuk menyelesaikan proyek bisa singkat ataulama. Projects can be large or small and take a short or longtime to complete

    What Is a Project?Examples of IT Projects


    A technician replaces ten laptops for a small department

    A small software development team adds a new feature to

    an internal software application for the financedepartment

    A college campus upgrades its technology infrastructure toprovide wireless Internet access across the whole campus

    A Company develops a new system to increase sales forceproductivity and customer relationship management

    A government group develops a system to track childimmunizations

    Top Strategic Technologies for 2008




    Green IT

    Unified communications

    Business process modeling

    Virtualization 2.0

    Social software

    Media Snapshot: Where IT Matters


    In 2006, Baseline Magazine published Where I.T. Matters:How 10 Technologies Transformed 10 Industries as a retort toNicholas Carrs ideas (author of IT Doesnt Matter)

    VoIP has transformed the telecommunications industry andbroadband Internet access

    Global Positioning Systems (GPS) has changed the farmingindustry

    Digital supply chain has changed the entertainment industrysdistribution system

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    Media Snapshot: Where IT Matters


    Nicholas Carr publish his expose IT Doesnt Matter in theMay 2003 issue ofharvard Business Review

    Carr suggested that information technology has followed apattern similar to earlier infrastructure technologies likerailroads and electric power. Carr menyarankan bahwa teknologiinformasi telah mengikuti pola yang sama dengan infrastuktur teknologi

    sebelumnya seperti rel kereta api dan listrik.

    Carr argued, information technology can no longer providecompanies with a competitive advantage.Carr berpendapat,teknologi informasi tidak bisa lagi menyediakan perusahaan dengan

    keunggulan kompetitif.

    Project Attributes


    Proyek:1. Mempunyai tujuan yang unik Has a unique purpose

    2. Bersifat sementara Is temporary

    3. Dikembangkan dengan menggunakanprogressiveelaboration Is developed using progressive elaboration4. Memerlukan sumber daya, seringkali dari berbagai sumber

    Requires resources, often from various areas5. Harus mempunyai sponsor utama Should have a primary

    customer or sponsor Project sponsorbiasanya menyediakan pengawasan dan pendanaan

    proyek The project sponsor usually provides the direction andfunding for the project

    6. Meliputi ketidakpastian Involves uncertainty1. Define objectives, estimate time, determine cost, external factors.

    Progressive elaboration


    Progressive elaboration is a continuous iterative process ofrefining and further detailing the product characteristics

    based on more detailed information and insight that becomes

    available as the project progresses. (projectmanagementlexicon) proses berulang terus menerus dalam menyempurnakan dan merinci karakteristik produk

    berdasarkan informasi danwawasanyang lebih rinci sehingga dapatdipakai dalamproyek

    yang sedang berlangsung.

    Generally applied to scope and estimates, it results in more detailed and well -defined scope and estimates. Umumnyaditerapkan pada ruang lingkup dan perkiraan,sehinggadapat menghasilkan lingkup dan perkiraan yang lebih rinci danterdefinisi

    dengan baik.

    Project and Program Managers


    Project managersbekerja sama denganproject sponsors,projectteam, dan orang orang yang terlibat dalam proyekuntuk mencapaitujuan proyek. Project managers work with project sponsors, theproject team, and other people involved in a project to meet projectgoals

    Program: sekumpulan proyekyang berkaitandan diaturdengancarayang terkoordinasi untuk mendapatkan manfaat dan kontrol yangtidak akan didapatkan jika dikelola secara individual. Program:group of related projects managed in a coordinated way to obtain

    benefits and control not available from managing them individually(PMBOK Guide, Fourth Edition, 2008, p. 9)

    Program managers mengawasi program; seringkai bertindak sebagaiatasan dari manajer proyek.Program managers oversee programs;often act as bosses for project managers

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    Figure 1-1 The Triple Constraint of

    Project Management


    Successful projectmanagement meansmeeting all threegoals (scope, time,and cost)andsatisfying theprojects sponsor!

    The Triple Constraint of Project



    Scope goal Pekerjaanapa yang akan diselesaikan sebagaibagian proyek?

    Produk, servis,atau hasilyang diharapkan oleh sponsor? Bagaimana scope dapatdiverifikasi?

    Time goal Berapalama proyek selesai? Jadwal pelaksanaan proyek? Bagaimana jadwal di terapkan? Siapa yg berwenang menyetujuiperubahan dari jadwal proyek

    Cost goal Berapabiaya yang dikeluarkanuntuk penyelesaian proyek? Bagaimana biaya diterapkan? Siapa yang menyetujuibudget?

    The Triple Constraint of Project Management


    Experienced project managers know dan must decide whichaspect of the triple constraint is most important

    If time > then change the initial scope or the cost goal

    If Scope > then adjust time or goal

    Quality also a key factor in projects such like customer orsponsor satisfaction. Some people refer that to theQuadruple Constraint of Project Management (Scope,Time, Cost, and Quality)

    What is Project Management?


    Project management adalah penerapan dari pengetahuan,keterampilan (skill), tooldan teknik untuk kegiatan proyek danmemenuhi persyaratan proyek (PMBOK Guide, FourthEdition, 2008, p. 6) Project management is the applicationof knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to project activities tomeet project requirements (PMBOK Guide, Fourth Edition,2008, p. 6)

    Project managersberusaha untuk memenuhi tripleconstraint dengan menyeimbangkanproject scope, time,dancost goals Project managers strive to meet the tripleconstraintby balancing project scope, time, and cost goals

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    Figure 1-2 Project Management



    Project Stakeholders


    Stakeholders ialah orang orang terlibat atau mempengaruhidalam kegiatan proyek Stakeholders are the people involvedin or affected by project activities

    Stakeholders mencakup: The project sponsor

    The project manager

    The project team

    Support staff


    Users Suppliers

    Opponents to the project

    9 Project Management Knowledge Areas


    Knowledge areas menjelaskan kunci kompetensi yang harusdikembangkan oleh seorangproject manajer 4 core knowledge areas lead to specific project objectivesProject Scope Management

    Project Time Management

    Project Cost Management

    Project Quality Management

    4 facilitating knowledge areas are the means through which the projectobjectives are achievedProject Human Resources Management

    Project Communication Management

    Project Risk Management

    Project Procurement Management

    1 knowledge area affects and is affected by all of the other knowledge areasProject Integration Management

    All knowledge areas are important!

    9 Project Management Knowledge Areas



    Project Scope Management, meliputi menentukan dan mengelolasemua kegiatan yang dikerjakan sampai dengan selesainya proyek

    Project Time Management, meliputi: Perkiraanberapa lama proyek akan selesai dikerjakan

    Mengembangkan jadwal proyek Meyakinkan penyelesaian proyek tepat waktu

    Project Cost Management, terdiri dari menyiapkan dan mengelolabudget untuk proyek

    Project Quality Management, meninjau kembali apakah proyektelah memuaskan / memenuhi kebutuhan yang telah ditetapkan

    Project Human Resources Management, memperhatikan keefektifanpemanfaatan sumber daya manusia yang terlibat dalam proyek

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    Super Tools


    Super tools adalah toolyang memiliki nilai guna tinggi (high use)dan sangatpotensial(high potential) untuk meningkatkan kesuksesanproyek,seperti: Software for task scheduling (such as project management software)

    Scope statements Requirements analyses

    Lessons-learned reports

    Tool yang sangat luas digunakan untuk meningkatkan proyek terdiridari:Tools already extensively used that have been found to improveproject importance include: Progress reports

    Kick-off meetings

    Gantt charts

    Change requests

    What Went Right? Improved

    Project Performance

    The Standish Groups CHAOS menunjukkan kemajuan dalamProyekTI pada beberapa dekade yang lalu:

    Jumlah ProyekTI yang sukses mengalami peningkatan, dari16%di tahun 1994 menjadi35% di tahun 2006

    Jumlah proyek gagal mengalami penurunan dari 31% di tahun1994 menjadi19% di tahun 2006

    Di United States, ProyekTI menghabiskan biaya pada tahun2006 sebesar $346 milyar dan tahun 1994 sebesar $250 milyar,tetapi jumlah biaya yang habis terbuang pada proyek gagalmengalami penurunan di tahun 2006 sebesar $53 milyardibandingkan sebesar $140 milyar di tahun 1994.


    What Went Right? Improved Project



    Why the Improvements?

    Alasan peningkatan proyekyang sukses sangatbervariasi. Biaya rata rataproyek yang dikeluarkan lebih hematdari setengah totalbiaya proyek.Dengan

    memanfaatkan tool yang tepat serta kemampuan yang dimiliki projectmanagers akan menciptakanproses manajemen yang lebih baik.Kenyataannya keberadaansuatu proses merupakan hal yang penting dalamkeberhasilan proyek itu sendiri.

    "The reasons for the increase in successful projects vary. First, the average costof a project has been more than cut in half. Better tools have been created tomonitor and control progress and better skilled project managers withbetter management processes are being used. The fact that there areprocesses is significant in itself.*

    *Standish Group, "CHAOS 2001: A Recipe for Success" (2001).

    Project Success


    Terdapat beberapa cara untuk menetapkan kesuksesan proyek:There are several ways to define project success:

    Proyek memenuhi scope goals, time goals, and cost goals Theproject met scope, time, and cost goals

    Proyek memuaskan pelanggan / sponsorThe project satisfied thecustomer/sponsor

    Hasil akhir proyek memenuhi tujuan utamanya, seperti membuatatau menghemat sejumlah uang tertentu, menyediakan ROI yang

    bagus, atau sekedar memenuhi keinginan sponsorThe results ofthe project met its main objective, such as making or saving acertain amount of money, providing a good return oninvestment, or simply making the sponsors happy

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    Source: The Standish Group, Extreme CHAOS, (2001)

    1 Executive support

    2 User involvement

    3 Experienced project manager

    4 Clear business objectives5 Minimized scope

    6 Standart software infrastructure

    7 Firm basic requirement

    8 Formal Methodology

    9 Reliable estimates

    10 Other criteria, such as small milestones, proper

    planning, competent staff, and ownership

    Table 1-2 What helps projects succeed? What the Winners Do


    Hasil penelitian menunjukkanperusahaan mengatasi kesanggupandalam menyelesaikan proyek:Recent research findings show thatcompanies that excel in project delivery capability:

    Gunakan toolbox manajemen proyek yang terintegrasi (gunakan tool

    yang standar / banyak template) Use an integrated projectmanagement toolbox (use standard/advanced PM tools, lots oftemplates)

    Mengembangkan kemampuan manajer proyek, dengan fokus padaketerampilan bisnis. Grow project leaders, emphasizing business andsoft skills

    Proses penyerahan (delivery) proyek yang singkat. Develop astreamlined project delivery process

    Ukur perkembangan proyek dengan menggunakan matriks, seperti:kepuasan pelanggan atau ROI Measure project health using metrics,like customer satisfaction or return on investment

    Program and Project Portfolio



    Program: sekumpulan proyekyang berkaitan dandiatur dengancarayang terkoordinasi untuk mendapatkan manfaat dan kontrol yang tidakakan didapatkan jika dikelola secara individual.Program: group ofrelated projects managed in a coordinated way to obtain benefits and

    control not available from managing them individually (PMBOKGuide, Fourth Edition, 2008, p. 9)

    Program manager memberikan kepemimpinan dan arahan kepadaproject managers .A program manager provides leadership anddirection for the project managers heading the projects within theprogram

    Contohprogram dalam bidang IT meliputi infrastruktur,pengembangan aplikasi,dan dukungan user Examples of commonprograms in the IT field include infrastructure, applicationsdevelopment, and user support

    Project Portfolio Management


    Project portfolio management (biasanya disebutportfoliomanagement),

    As part ofproject portfolio management, organizationsgroup and manage projects and programs as a portfolio of

    investments that contribute to the entire enterpr ises success Portfolio managers membantu organisasi membuat keputusan

    investasi yang bijaksana dengan mambantu memilih danmenganalisis proyek dari sudut pandang strategis. Portfoliomanagers help their organizations make wise investmentdecisions by helping to select and analyze projects from astrategic perspective

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    Figure 1-3. Project Management Compared

    to Project Portfolio Management


    Figure 1-4. Sample Project Portfolio



    Sample Project Portfolio Approach


    Nondiscretionary costs

    The Company has no choice in whether to fund theseprojects; they must fund them to stay in business.

    Discretionary costs

    The Company can use its own discretion or judgment indeciding whether or not to fund them

    The risk, value, and timing of projects normally increase as wemove from Core to Growth to Venture

    Suggested Skills for Project Managers


    Project managers membutuhkan kemampuan yang sangatbervariasi . Need a wide variety of skills

    They should:

    Nyaman denganperubahan.Be comfortable with change Memahami organisasi tempat mereka bekerja dan dengan siapa mereka

    bekerja sama. Understand the organizations they work in and with

    Mampu memimpin tim untuk menyelesaikan tujuan proyek. Be able tolead teams to accomplish project goals

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    The Role of the Project Manager


    Deskripsi pekerjaan yang berbeda beda, tetapi kebanyakanmeliputi tanggung jawab seperti perencanaan, penjadwalan, dan

    bekerja sama untuk mencapai tujuan proyek.Job descriptions

    vary, but most include responsibilitie s like planning, scheduling,coordinating, and working with people to achieve project goals

    Perlu diingat bahwa 97% proyek yang sukses dipimpin olehproject manageryang berpengalaman, seseorang yang selalumenjadi faktor kesuksesan proyek. Remember that 97% ofsuccessful projects were led by experienced project managers,who can often help influence success factors

    Suggested Skills for Project Managers


    The Project Management Body of Knowledge

    Application area knowledge, standards, and regulations

    Project environment knowledge

    General management knowledge and skills

    Soft skills or human relations skills


    1 People skills

    2 Leadership

    3 Listening

    4 Integrity, ethical behavior, consistent

    5 Strong at building trust

    6 Verbal communication

    7 Strong at building teams

    8 Conflict resolution, conflict management

    9 Critical thinking, problem solving

    10 Understands, balance priorities

    Table 1-3 Ten most important skills and

    competencies for project managers

    Different Skills Needed in Different



    Large projects / Proyek besar: leadership, relevant priorexperience, planning, people skills, verbal communication, andteam-building skills were most important

    High uncertainty projects / Proyek yg memiliki ketidakpastian:risk management, expectation management, leadership, peopleskills, and planning skills were most important

    Very novel projects / Proyek Baru: leadership, people skills,having vision and goals, self confidence, expectationsmanagement, and listening skills were most important

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    Importance of Leadership Skills


    Effective project managers provide leadership by example

    A leader focuses on long-term goals and big-pictureobjectives while inspiring people to reach those goals

    A manager deals with the day-to-day details of meetingspecific goals

    Project managers often take on the role of both leader andmanager

    Manager do things right, and leader do the r ight things

    Leaders determine the vision, and manager achieve the vision

    Careers for IT Project Managers


    Pada 2006 survei yang dilakukan oleh CIO.com, eksekutif TImenetapkan peringkat keahlian yang banyak diminati untuk 2sampai 5 tahun kedepan. Hasilnya dapat dilihatpada tabel


    In a 2006 survey by CIO.com, IT executives ranked the skillsthat would be the most in demand in the next two to five years


    Skill Percentage of Respondents

    Project / program management 60%

    Business process management 55%

    Business analysis 53%

    Aplication development 52%

    Database management 49%

    Security 42%

    Enterprise architect 41%

    Strategist / internal consultant 40%System analyst 39%

    Relationship management 39%

    Web services 33%

    Help desk / user support 32%

    Netwoking 32%

    Web site development 30%

    QA / testing 28%

    IT finance 28%

    Vendor management / procurement 27%

    IT HR 21%

    Other 3%

    Table 1-4

    Top information



    Carolyn Johnson, 2006 Midyear Staffing Updates, CIO Research Reports, October 2, 2006

    The Project Management Profession


    Profesi project management bertumbuh sangat cepat.Theprofession of project management is g rowing at a very rapid pace

    Akan sangat membantu jika kita mengerti sejarah, peran ProjectManagement Institute (PMI), dan perkembanganproject

    management software. It is helpful to understand the history ofthe field, the role of professional societies like the ProjectManagement Institute, and the growth in project managementsoftware

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    History of Project Management


    Menurut pendapat beberapa orang,Piramida di Mesirmerupakan sebuah proyek, seperti pembangunanTembok Besardi China Some people argue that building the Egyptian pyramids

    was a project, as was building the Great Wall of China Beberapa orang beranggapan bahwa Manhattan Project

    merupakan proyek pertama yang menggunakan modernproject management. Most people consider the ManhattanProject to be the first project to use modern projectmanagement

    This Project lasted about three-year, cost $2 billion (in 1946dollars), project had a separate project manager and a technicalmanager

    Gantt Chart


    In 1917, Henry Gantt develop the famous Gantt char t forscheduling work.

    A Gantt chart is a standard format for displaying projectschedule information by listing project activities and theircorresponding start and finish dates in a calender format.

    Todays project managers still use Gantt chart as the pr imarytool to communicate project schedule information, but withthe aid of computers.

    Figure 1-6. Sample Gantt Chart Created with Project 2007


    Network Diagrams


    Members of the U.S. Navy Polaris missile/submarine projectfirst used Network diagrams in 1958

    These Diagram helped managers model the relationshipsamong project tasks, which allowed them to create schedulethat were more realistic.

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    Figure 1-7. Sample Network Diagram in

    Microsoft Project


    The Project Management Institute


    Project Management Institute (PMI) merupakan organisasiinternasional untuk project manager yang didirikan tahun 1969TheProject Management Institute (PMI) is an internationalprofessional society for project managers founded in 1969

    Jumlah anggotanya mencapai 277.221 orang pada 31 agustus 2008PMI has continued to attract and retain members, reporting 277,221members worldwide by August 31, 2008

    Terdiri dari beberapa bidang minatseperti: engineering,financialservices, health care, IT dan lainyaThere are specific interest groupsin many areas, like engineering, financial services, health care, IT,etc.

    Penelitian dan sertifikasiproject management terus berkembangProject management research and certification programs continue togrow

    Mahasiswa dapat bergabungke PMIdi www.pmi.org Students canjoin PMI at a reduced fee (see www.pmi.org for details)

    Project Management Certification


    PMI provides certification as a Project ManagementProfessional (PMP)

    A PMP has documented sufficient project experience, agreed tofollow a code of ethics, and passed the PMP exam

    The number of people earning PMP certification is increasingquickly

    PMI and other organizations offer additional certificationprograms (see Appendix B)

    Figure 1-8. Growth in PMP Certification, 1993-2008


    years, 1993, 1,000years, 1994, 1,900years, 1995, 2,800years, 1996, 4,400years, 1997, 6,415years, 1998, 10,086

    years, 1999, 18,184years, 2000, 27,052

    years, 2001, 40,343

    years, 2002, 52,443

    years, 2003, 76,550

    years, 2004, 102,047

    years, 2005, 175,194

    years, 2006, 221,144

    years, 2007, 267,367

    years, 2008, 318,289



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    Ethics in Project Management


    Etika dalam manajemen proyek ialah kumpulan dasar untuk memandupengambilan keputusan berdasarkan nilai benardan salah Ethics,loosely defined, is a set of principles that guide our decision making

    based on personal values of what is right and wrong

    Project manager selalu menghadapi dilema etika Project managersoften face ethical dilemmas

    Agar memperoleh PMP certification, si palamar harus menyetujuiPMIs Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct In order to earnPMP certification, applicants must agree to PMIs Code of Ethics andProfessional Conduct

    Pertanyaan pada ujian PMP berhubungan dengantanggung jawabprofesional,mencakup etika Several questions on the PMP exam arerelated to professional responsibility, including ethics

    Project Management Software


    Banyak produk software yang berbeda yang membantu pelaksanaanproject management There are hundreds of different products toassist in performing project management

    Terdapat 3 kategori toolproject management:Three maincategories of tools: Low-end tools: menangani proyek berukuran kecil, dengan baiaya

    dibawah $200 per user

    Midrange tools: menangani multiple projects and users, denganbiaya $200-600 per user, Project2007 most popular

    High-end tools: disebut juga enterprise project managementsoftware, biasanya berlisensi per user, seperti VPMi EnterpriseOnline (www.vcsonline.com)

    Chapter Summary


    A project is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a uniqueproduct, service, or result

    Project management is the application of knowledge, skills, tools,and techniques to project activities to meet project requirements

    A program is a group of related projects managed in acoordinated way

    Project portfolio management involves organizing and managingprojects and programs as a portfolio of investments

    Project managers play a key role in helping projects andorganizations succeed

    The project management profession continues to grow andmature
