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MPub Last Class: pulling it together

Date post: 12-Jan-2015
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Review of the theory and practical aspects we discussed in class related to integrating offline and online marketing.
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Marketing for Publishers Putting it all together by Monique Trottier
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Marketing for PublishersPutting it all together

by Monique Trottier

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[email protected]: @boxcarmarketing

Marketing is how we relate to each other and how we relate to the organizations that serve us.

• Conversation

• Collaboration

• Community

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[email protected]: @boxcarmarketing

It’s not the tools, it’s how we use them

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[email protected]: @boxcarmarketing

The Culture of the Web

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If we believe Clay Shirky ... that the web is a network of people who organize themselves

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Monique Trottier@BoxcarMarketing

• Markets are conversations.

• Markets are networks of people.

• Markets make buying decisions by talking amongst each other.

• Companies are networks of people.

• Companies should use a human voice instead of corporate-speak.

The Cluetrain Manifesto

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Monique Trottier@BoxcarMarketing

Open Brand

• On-demand: Brands need to be accessible, immediate, & findable.

• Personal: Brands need to build relationships with consumers.

• Engaging: Brands need to be interactive and provide meaningful experiences that foster relationships.

• Networked: Brands need to leverage the potential of word-of-mouth marketing – market to ‘true fans’ who will spread the word for them.

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Monique Trottier@BoxcarMarketing

Positioning Statement Exercise

1. For (who is the customer?)

2. Who need (what is their pain?)

3. Product X is (what is your product?)

4. That provides (how does it solve the pain?)

5. Unlike competitors (what competes with your product?)

6. Our product (what makes your product superior?)

7. The company also provides (what added punch is provided to seal the deal?)

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Monique Trottier@BoxcarMarketing

7-Sentence Marketing Plan

Sentence 1: What is the purpose of your marketing? (1, 2, 5, 7)

Sentence 2: How will you accomplish your purpose?

Sentence 3: Who is your target market?

Sentence 4: What is your niche in the marketplace? (4, 6)

Sentence 5: What tools and tactics will you use to carry out your marketing?

Sentence 6: What is your business identity?

Sentence 7: How will you measure success and allocate time and budget?

Goals > Actions > Response > KPIs

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Monique Trottier@BoxcarMarketing

Remember all the math

• Profit and Loss Statement

• Click through rate (CTR)

• Conversion rate, abandonment rate


• Cost per lead (action), cost per conversion (sale)

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What haven’t I told you yet?

1. Start early

2. Market longer

3. Engage authors

4. Connect directly with readers

5. Collaborate with partners to kickstart new channels

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1. Start earlier. 2. Do it longer.

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1. Start earlier. Do it longer.

Stretch your marketing program:

• Start planning in acquisitions

• Digitize as much as you can

• Release early, release often

• Author, author, author

• Partner, partner, partner

• Leverage everything

• Focus resources

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3. Engage Authors

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4. Connect directly with readers

• Make available everywhere

• Cultivate your communities of interest

• Give something of value

• The real risk is being ignored

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5. Collaborate to open up new channels

• Open new channels to the market

• Create new platforms for books

• Find non-industry partners

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Monique Trottier@BoxcarMarketing

Collaborate to kickstart new channels

• Try different models.

• Search for Freakers on kickstarter.com

• Watch TOC interview with Harvard Common Press Associate Publisher. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rk-9cWGgyUI&feature=youtu.be

• Watch for people who get technology (first adopters, advocates) and have experience (work experience, experience rallying different stakeholders across an org, experience leading teams, experience in social media)

• Watch for people who are multi-disciplinary and can wear many hats

• Watch for people will to take risks and understand rewards (KPIs, goals)

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Monique Trottier@BoxcarMarketing

Understand the Tools and How to Select Them

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[email protected]: @boxcarmarketing

Online Public RelationsPRWeb, PRLeap

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[email protected]: @boxcarmarketing

Content SharingSocialCollider.com

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Monique Trottier@BoxcarMarketing

Facebook & Twitter

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Facebook Case Study: Scholastic

GoalsActions that will achieve

the goalWhy

Desired Audience Response


• Connect with existing community of teachers and parents

• Support a long-term, loyal base of brand ambassadors

• Share resources with core fans

• Increase sales

• Introduce new community to existing community

• Give loyal email subscribers the sneak peak at FB

• Giveaway incentive to generate excitement

• Share exclusive content

• Teachers and parents are brand ambassadors; recommendation between friends is stronger than from Scholastic directly

• Reward the existing base with previews and promotions

• Great content encourages repeat visits

• Supporting fan base leads to them supporting Scholastic through sales

• Email subscribers also become FB fans

• Share FB page with friends

• Actively engage on the page; supporting each other

• Redeem promotions• Sales

• Initial # fans notified about FB

• # FB fans during initial campaign period

• # page impressions• # shares to other

friends• # referrals to online

store• # sales• Average order value• Lifetime value of


Goals > Actions > Response > KPIGoals (#1) > Actions (#2, 5, 6) > Response (#3, 4) > KPI (#7)

Read a full case study:http://smartblogs.com/socialmedia/2010/12/23/andys-answers-how-scholastic-is-using-facebook-to-create-loyal-brand-ambassadors/

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Monique Trottier@BoxcarMarketing

Social Media Best Practices• Post helpful, valuable information

• Give your fans a reason to become fans

• Create conversation: Use updates to ask questions and elicit responses

• Have an editorial strategy

• Be fan-centric not brand-centric

• Integrate Online Offers with Offline Experiences

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Monique Trottier@BoxcarMarketing

Justalilhype! is on online magazine on the street culture of Vancouver, Montreal and Toronto.

Integrate Offline & Online

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Monique Trottier@BoxcarMarketing

Start with a solid base.

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[email protected]: @boxcarmarketing

Create an ecosystem. Use tools to bring your audience back to your base

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Monique Trottier@BoxcarMarketing


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[email protected]: @boxcarmarketing

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[email protected]: @boxcarmarketing

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[email protected]: @boxcarmarketing

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Monique Trottier@BoxcarMarketing


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Monique Trottier@BoxcarMarketing

Embed Code

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[email protected]: @boxcarmarketing

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[email protected]: @boxcarmarketing

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[email protected]: @boxcarmarketing

Other Marketing TacticsFacebook ads, Eventbrite, QR Codes

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Monique Trottier@BoxcarMarketing

Online / Offline Tactics

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[email protected]: @boxcarmarketing

Ecommerce StoreBigCartel.com

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Monique Trottier@BoxcarMarketing


AcquisitionWhat can we do to acquire Visitors to the site?

ActivationDo Visitors take action, like follow us, friend us, subscribe?

Retention Can we retain visitors attention?

Referral Do they like us enough to recommend us?

Revenue Do they buy something?

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[email protected]: @boxcarmarketing

AcquisitionWebsite Visitors, time on site, referral traffic from YouTube, Flickr and other social media

Activation Number of pageviews, repeat visits, subscription (email, blog), Fan/Follower

Retention Email Opens, Click-throughs, Repeat visits, Unsubscribes

ReferralPress Mention, Likes & Shares, Retweets, Refers 1+visitors to the site; Refers 1+ visitors who activate

Goals > KPI > Tools(Sentence #1) (Sentence #7) (Sentence #5)

Revenue Event tickets, eCommerce purchases

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• P&L scenario: tell me X (i.e., calculate net profit or ROI) • Write subject line for email newsletter, tweet, FB status • Write press release or blogger outreach letter • Based on a given scenario, write a 7 Sentence Plan

EMAIL REVISED 7 SENTENCE PLAN (Oct 7, 5 pm) [email protected]

OPTIONAL READINGSTop 10 Facebook Pages and Why They’re Successfulhttp://www.socialmediaexaminer.com/top-10-facebook-pages/

An Insider’s Guide to Social Media Etiquettehttp://www.chrisbrogan.com/socialmediaetiquette/

Presentation on Metrics with Audio: http://blip.tv/file/5079381

Olivier Blanchard’s Basics of Social Media ROIhttp://www.slideshare.net/thebrandbuilder/olivier-blanchard-basics-of-social-media-roi

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