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Mr. Major Pres Shimon Peres Nobel Peace Prize 1994 (“Shimon Peres”) (“Jewish Flag”)

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ISRAE L Mr. Major Pres Shimon Peres Nobel Peace Prize 1994 (“Shimon Peres”) (“Jewish Flag”)
Page 1: Mr. Major Pres Shimon Peres Nobel Peace Prize 1994 (“Shimon Peres”) (“Jewish Flag”)


Mr. Major

Pres Shimon PeresNobel Peace Prize 1994

(“Shimon Peres”)

(“Jewish Flag”)

Page 2: Mr. Major Pres Shimon Peres Nobel Peace Prize 1994 (“Shimon Peres”) (“Jewish Flag”)
Page 3: Mr. Major Pres Shimon Peres Nobel Peace Prize 1994 (“Shimon Peres”) (“Jewish Flag”)

The Beginning of Israel1992 B.C.

Birth of Judaism and Israel The Call of Abraham - Gen 12:1, Heb 11:8 The Abrahamic Covenant – Gen 12: 3-4 Great Nation - Israel Great Name Land – The Royal Grant Earth Blesser “I will bless them that bless you And curse them that curse you.”

Enemies of IsraelEgyptBabylonAmalek, EdomPhilistinesRussiaTurkeyEgyptSyria JordanIraq IranSaudi ArabiaLebanon

Friends of Israel England America

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The Birth of Israel’s Enemies

1906 B.C. Birth of the Illegitimate son – Ishmael Gen 16:12

And he will be a wild man; his hand will be

against every man, and every man's hand against him; and he shall dwell in

the presence of all his brethren.

The Descendents of Ishmael1 Chron 1:29, Gen 25: 16

The Arabs

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The Promised Son & The 12 tribes

1892 B.C1832 B.C..

ISAAC is bornJacob (Israel) is born Jacob has 12 sonsIsrael dwells in EgyptThe ExodusWandering WildernessThe Promised LandSplit Kingdom Captivity Captivity of Israel Captivity of JudahReturn from Captivity

1440 B.C.

721 B.C.586 B.C.

519 B.C.

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Israel rejects self-governmentunder the messiah

The Destruction of JerusalemJudea renamed Palestina – Jews banned from JerusalemPersians conquer JerusalemArabs conquer JerusalemChristian Crusaders conquer JerusalemSaladin –Powerful Islamic leader - conquers JerusalemOttomans conquer Jerusalem

70 A.D.133 A.D.

614 A.D.638 A.D.

1099 A.D.1187 A.D.

1517 A.D.

The Promised Messiah comes unto His ownAnd His own receive Him not. John 1:11

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Summary History of Israel

1900 BC – 586 BC

Birth of Judaism and Israel The Call of Abraham - Gen 12:1, Heb 11:8 The Abrahamic Covenant – Gem 12: 3-4

586 BC – 150 BC

Babylonian, Persian & Greek rule

174 BC – 64 BC

Restoration of Jewish Rule

64 BC – 330 AD

Roman Rule

330 AD – 631 AD

Byzantine (Christian Roman) Rule

636 AD - 1099 AD

Arab Rule

1099 AD – 1291 AD

Crusader Rule

1260 AD – 1517 AD

Mamluk (Egyptian –Islamic) Rule

1517 AD – 1917 AD

Ottoman (Turkish – Islamic) Rule (“Historical Timeline”)

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Israel becomes a Nation

1897 - 1917

The Zionist Revolution -400 years of Ottoman rule ended by British conquest -British Foreign Minister Balfour pledges support for establishment of a "Jewish national home in Palestine". contenderministries.org/middleeast/timeline.php

Napoleon’s Proclamation of a Jewish StateFirst Zionist SettlementFirst Zionist CongressFirst Zionist Congress (Switzerland) – Zionist Organization Founded

1897 A.D.

1799 A.D.1878 A.D.1897 A.D.

Nov. 2, 1917The Balfour Declaration

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Israel becomes a nation

British Rule: The Jewish National Home

The League of Nations Mandate Britain granted Mandate for Palestine (Land of Israel) by League of Nations Arab Resistance & Immigration Restrictions1939 White Paper & The Holocaust Jewish Uprising against British RuleThe U.N. partitions Palestine

The Declaration of Israel as a Jewish State

The British leave Palestine.Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Jordan,

Saudi Arabia, declare WAR on Israel.

1917 - 1948

May 15, 1948

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Israeli Current events

May 15, 1948Israeli War of IndependenceArmistice Israel gained 50% more land than the U.N. Partition Plan

April 3, 1949

Oct 29, 1956 Suez Campaign – Suez Canal was closed to Israeli shipping.Israel invades Sinai with collaboration from France & Britain.

May 1964 PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization) is founded With the aim of the destruction of Israel.PLO National Charter calls for the liquidation of Israel.1968

May 1967 Straits of Tiran closed to Israel by Egypt.

6 Day War – Israel destroys Egyptian Air Force Conquers/occupies Sinai/Gaza, West Bank from Jordan , Golan Heights from SyriaU.N. Resolution 242 – calls for Israeli withdrawal & the establishment of peace.Secret offer to Syria & Egypt –return territories for peace.

June 5-10, 1967

June 19, 1967

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Israeli Current eventsOct 6, 1973Yom Kippur War -Surprise attack on Israel by Egypt (Suez Canal)

& Syria (Golan Heights). Israel pushed back Egypt and Syria.

PEACE TREATY – signed between Israel & Egypt.March 26, 1979

June 6, 1982

Sept 13, 1993Oslo Declaration of Principles  Israel and PLO agree to mutual recognition.Oslo Interim Agreement signed. Palestinian Authority to be established.

Sept 28, 1995

Jan 18, 1997Israel and Palestinians reach agreement on Israeli redeployment in the West-Bank city of Hebron

HAMAS-radical Islamists take over Palestinian Legislature. Vows never to recognize Israel.

Jan 26, 2006

June 12, 2006

Massive Israeli invasion of Lebanon to fight PLO.

Second Lebanon War – Hezbollah terrorists attack Israel. Israel bombs Lebanon. Hezbollah bomb Northern Israel & hit a ship off the coast of Beirut.

Aug, 2006 U.N. Resolution 1701 – Lebanon War Cease-Fire.

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Israeli Current events

June 2007 Hamas ousts Fatah from Gaza in bloody coup.

Dec 27, 2008 - Jan 18, 2009

Address by President Obama in Cairo, Historic speech of rapprochement with the Arab and Muslim world also has direct implications for Israeli.Palestinian conflict, since the President calls for an end to Israeli construction of settlements in the occupied territories, as well as Arab recognition of Israel and a two state solution.

June 4, 2009

Operation Cast Lead - Israeli operation in Gaza to stop Hamas rocket attacks. Over 1,000 Palestinian casualties.

Palestinian Unity Agreement in Mecca. Hamas & Fatah sharePalestinian Power agreeing never to recognize Israel.U.S. & Israel demand the right of Israel to exist, the cessation& disarmament of Palestinian Terrorist groups, and agreement To end the policy of violence toward Israel.

Feb 8, 2007

QuickTime Player.lnk

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Iran’s Nuclear threat “The nuclear program of Iran was launched in the 1950s with

the help of the United States as part of the Atoms for Peace program. The support, encouragement and participation of the United States and Western European governments in Iran's nuclear program continued until the1979 Islamic revolution that toppled the Shah of Iran.”

“Iran’s current nuclear program is headed by the President, the commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Gaurd Corps (IRGC), the head of the Defense Industries Organization, and the head of Iran's Atomic Energy Organization (IAEO). These leaders continue the pursuit of WMD's and support Chemical, Biological, and Nuclear programs against all pressures from the United States and its allies.”

“Many Arab countries believe it is unfair that Israel has nuclear weapons. If Arab countries, notably Saudi Arabia but also Egypt and possibly Syria, found themselves caught between a nuclear-armed Israel and a nuclear-armed Iran, it would greatly increase pressures to pursue their own nuclear options. This could result in a regional arms race in the Middle East which is likely to be quite destabilizing, given the number and intensity of conflicts and instabilities in the region.”

(“Weapons of Mass Destruction”)

“Israel must be wiped out from the map of the world.” (“Iranian Leader”)

Oct 27, 2005 Mahmoud Ahmadinejad 

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World View Analysis Israel’s government is very much like that of

the U.S. with 3 branches; The President, The Legislative Branch, The Judicial branch. (“Israel’s Government”)

Citizens can choose a religious Court (Jewish, Islamic, Christian, or Druze) or Government court It is a multi-party parliamentary system. The Foundation of Israel’s Law System English Common Law American Constitutional Law

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WorldView Analysis – 28 Principles

1. Natural Law2. The Role of the Creator3. The Role of Revealed Law4. Virtuous People5. Virtuous Leaders6. Role of Religion - Religious Courts (Tamir)7. All Men are Created Equal (Tamir)8. Equal Rights, not Equal Things

(Tamir)9. Man’s Unalienable Rights (Tamir)10. Sovereignty of the People (Navot)11. Who can altar the Government?

(Navot)12. Advantages of a Republic

(“Jewish”)13. Protection Against Human Frailty (Navot)14. Property Rights Essential to

Liberty (“Property”)

15.Free Market Economics (“Economy”)

16.The Separation of Powers (“Sysyem”)

17.Checks and Balances (Navot)18.Written Constitution (Navot)19.Limited Gov’t Powers

(“Inspired”)20.Majority Rule, Minority Rights

(“Electoral”)21.Strong Local Government

(“System”)22.Gov’t by Law, Not Men (Navot)23.An Educated Electorate

(“Electoral”)24.Peace Through Strength

(“Foundation”)25.Avoid Entangling Alliances 26.Family (“Israel”)27.Avoiding Debt (“Economy”)28.Manifest Destiny (“Declaration”)

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My Opinion The Middle East is a volatile region of religious conflict centered

around Jerusalem. The conflict was prophesied as a result of the illegitimate son of

Abraham, the descendents of Ishmael, the Arabs. Gen 16:12 Currently, the Arab Nations feel that they are the true first born heirs

of the Abrahamic Covenant Royal Land Grant and also feel cheated by Western nations as a result of the Balfour agreement as well as the broken promises of WW I.

Even though many pragmatic solutions and peaceful agreements to the Middle East tension have been sought, considered, and even signed into a treaty, nothing has subsided the Arab terrorist aggression toward Israel even though Israel has made many concessions and agreements in good faith.

I personally believe that the Middle East Tension has no human solution as long as the Arab Nations continue to hate Israel. This condition will only be resolved when the Lord returns and Israel receives their inherited land from the Lord himself.

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Reasoning Question Iran insists on their right to develop Nuclear

Power Plants and missiles ignoring U.N. resolutions and the threats of a World trade sanctions. Iran’s leadership has continually threatened Israel’s right to exist and is a constant destabilizing force to Middle East peace.

What actions do you think Western Countries could take to promote a peaceful resolution to this volatile situation?

Websites to consult on this issue. http://military.rightpundits.com/2009/12/17/irans-nuclear-

test/ http://www.jewishmag.com/97mag/iran/iran.htm http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?


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Works CitedAbrahamic Covenant Chart. Agape Bible Study. 1/2/10


Balfour Declaration. 1/2/10. http://www.mfa.gov.il/MFA/Peace%20Process/Guide%20to%20the%20Peace%20Process/The%20Balfour%20Declaration

Blank, Wayne. Daily Bible Study. 1/2/10 http://www.keyway.ca/htm2002/ishmael.htm

Historical Timeline of Israel. http://www.contenderministries.org/middleeast/timeline.php

Iranian Leader: Wipe Out Israel. 1/4/10 http://www.cnn.com/2005/WORLD/meast/10/26/ahmadinejad/index.html

Israel. Aug. 2009, 1999 Maps.com http://www.ontheissues.org/images/Israel_Map.gif

Israel’s Government. 1/2/10. http://www.science.co.il/Government.asp

Jewish Flag. Aug, 2009. Fotosearch.com

P.C. Study Bible V5. . Copyright © 1994, 2003, 2006 Biblesoft, Inc. and International Bible Translators, Inc.

Shimon Peres. Jewish Vitual Library . 1/2/10 http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/biography/peres.html

TimeLine (Chronology) of Zionism and the History of Israel


Weapons of Mass Destruction. Iran’s Nuclear Program. http://www.globalsecurity.org/wmd/world/iran/nuke.htm

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Works Cited – Governmental Principles

Declaration of the Establishment of the State of Israel. Proclamation of Independence. 1/13/10


Economy of Israel . 1/13/10


Electoral System in Israel. 1/13/10. http://www.knesset.gov.il/elections16/eng/about/electoral_system_eng.htm

Foundation for the Defense of Democracies. The Value of Peace through Strength. 1/13/10.


Inspired Constitution. The Elders of Israel and the Constitution. 1/13/10.


Israel Family Patterns. 1/13/10. http://family.jrank.org/pages/975/Israel-Family-Patterns.html

Israel Science and Technology Homepage. System of Government. 1/13/10


Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs. JINSA Report #907. 1/13/10.


Navot, Suzie. The Constitutional Law of Israel. 1/13/10.


Property Rights Index – Israel Compared to other Middle East Countries. 1/13/10


Tamir, Michael, A Guide to Legal Research in Israel, Globalex. 1/13/10.


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AbrahamThe Father of Many Nations

Genesis 12:1-3 El Shaddai [God] initiated His covenant with Abram when he was living in Ur of the Chaldeans, promising land, descendants, and a world- wide blessing. Genesis 12:4, 5 Abram went with his family to Haran, lived there until he left at the age of 75 for the land of Canaan with his wife and nephew Lot.Genesis 13:14-17 Lot and Abram separate; God again promises the land to Abram and his descendants Genesis 15:1-21 The Covenant is ratified when God passes between the three kinds of animals that Abram sacrificed and laid before El Shaddai. Genesis 17:1-27 When Abram is 99 the covenant is renewed and his name is changed from Abram [exalted father] to Abraham [father of a multitude]. God promises a son by Sarah through whom the covenant will extend. The sign of the covenant as circumcision is established for all males from the 8th day of birth. Genesis 22:15-18 The Binding of Isaac: confirmation of the covenant through Abraham's obedience: "in your descendants all the nations of the earth shall find blessing..." (“Abrahamic Covenant Chart”)

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Ishmael Ishmael, from the Hebrew word meaning God hears, was the son of Abraham and 

Hagar, the Egyptian maid of his wife Sarah. When Sarah had found herself not having children, she arranged to have a child with Abraham by Hagar acting as a surrogate mother (Genesis 16:1-4), even though God had specifically stated that a child would be born to Sarah in due time (see Isaac). The result was bitter conflict between Ishmael and Isaac, and their descendants, that has gone on right to the present day.

Ishmael was born at Mamre, when Abraham was 86, 11 years after Abraham's arrival in what would become the land of Israel (Genesis 16:3). He grew up to be a man of the desert wilderness, with a wild and hostile attitude toward people, exactly as God described him to his mother before he was born:

When a feast was held to celebrate the weaning of Isaac, who was born 13 years later, Ishmael caused trouble by insulting and mocking his little brother (Genesis 21:8-9). After Sarah, who by then had come to dislike both Hagar and Ishmael, saw what he was doing, she said to Abraham "Cast out this slave woman with her son; for the son of this slave woman shall not be heir with my son Isaac." (Genesis 21:10 RSV)

Ishmael lived 137 years (Genesis 25:17). He had 12 sons, who became the founders of Ishmaelite tribes that spread from Egypt to what is today Iraq. Many of the modern-day Arab peoples correctly recognize that they are the descendants of Ishmael, while the Jews, and the rest of the Israelites, are descendants of Isaac - butall are descended from Abraham.


The Father of the Arabian People

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President Shimon Peres Shimon Peres is Israel’s 8th & 12th Prime Minister, and 9th

President. He was born in Poland in 1923 and migrated to Israel with his parents at the age of 11. He worked on several Kibbutz’s as a farmer and shepherd. In 1947 he began work in the military, and later became the head of Israel’s Navy and the Director of Defense Minister to the U.S., Deputy Defense Minister, and Minister of Defense of Israel. “Peres has also served as the Minister of Foreign Affairs where heconducted negotiations that led to the signing of the Declaration of Principles with the PLO in September 1993 - which won him the 1994 Nobel Peace Prize, together with Rabin and Arafat.” Mr. Peres has always strove for peace in the Middle East and in 1996 he founded The Peres Center for Peace. On June 13, 2007, the Knesset elected Shimon Peres to serve as the Ninth President of Israel.

Shimon Peres has authored ten books, including The Next Step (1965); David's Sling; Entebbe Diary (1991), The New Middle East,For the Future of Israel and Battling for Peace; A Memoir.

(“Jewish Virtual Library”)

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The Balfour DeclarationThe Balfour Declaration

November 2, 1917During the First World War, British policy became gradually committed to the idea of

establishing a Jewish home in Palestine (Eretz Yisrael). After discussions in the British Cabinet, and consultation with Zionist leaders, the decision was made known in the form of a letter by Arthur James Lord Balfour to Lord Rothschild. The letter represents the first political recognition of Zionist aims by a Great Power.

Foreign OfficeNovember 2nd, 1917

Dear Lord Rothschild,I have much pleasure in conveying to you, on behalf of His Majesty's Government,

the following declaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations which has been submitted to, and approved by, the Cabinet.

"His Majesty's Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country."

I should be grateful if you would bring this declaration to the knowledge of the Zionist Federation.

Yours sincerely,Arthur James Balfour

(“The Balfour Declaration”)

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The Royal Land Grant Promised in the Abrahamic Covenant compared to Israel Today
