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Mr. Van Schenck's Webpage · Web viewWhy it Matters~ While many Americans wanted to stay out of...

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Jones Magnet Middle School USII.7 The World War Two Era The United States at War <<<Tuskegee Airman protecting American bombers over Italy Why it Matters~ While many Americans wanted to stay out of this war, the Japanese made up everyone’s minds by attacking the American Pacific fleet at ___________________ on ______________ Moving Toward In 1940, FDR easily wins his third term (a first since George Washington) with the War~ promise to remain ______________ and keep us out of the war. Lend-Lease Act~ England, ______________ argued, needed American help. FDR knew any aid from the US would violate the ___________________. Congress agreed that any military hardware sent to England would have to be paid for, but England was going _________ and would soon fall to Germany. So, the US decided to allow the Allies, _________________________ to borrow weapons under the new ______________________. Soon American weapons flowed to the ____________. America had become the great “_______________ of democracy.” Military Buildup~ American began to _____________ for war, calling up a ___________, spending more on the military and even “testing” African-Americans in the toughest job in the military……fighter pilots. They became known as the __________________ and fought well against German and Italian pilots later on. Page 1 of 5 document.docx

Jones Magnet Middle School


The World War Two Era

The United States at War


Why it Matters~ While many Americans wanted to stay out of this war, the Japanese made up everyone’s minds by attacking the American Pacific fleet at ___________________ on ______________

Moving TowardIn 1940, FDR easily wins his third term (a first since George Washington) with the

War~promise to remain ______________ and keep us out of the war.

Lend-Lease Act~England, ______________ argued, needed American help. FDR knew any aid from the US would violate the ___________________. Congress agreed that any military hardware sent to England would have to be paid for, but England was going _________ and would soon fall to Germany. So, the US decided to allow the Allies, _________________________ to borrow weapons under the new ______________________. Soon American weapons flowed to the ____________.

America had become the great “_______________ of democracy.”

Military Buildup~ American began to _____________ for war, calling up a ___________, spending more on the military and even “testing” African-Americans in the toughest job in the military……fighter pilots. They became known as the __________________ and fought well against German and Italian pilots later on.

Atlantic Charter~ In August of 1941, Roosevelt and Churchill met to discuss stuff……they came up with the Atlantic Charter:




The US Enters the War~Japanese aggression in the _____________ caused FDR to call on a restriction of exports to Japan. Smelling the winds of conflict, Japan decided to act first and decided on a target, the ___________________.

The US Pacific fleet was a good choice since it could ___________________

Pearl Harbor~ On December __________, the Japanese struck at _________________________ sinking numerous ships and crippling the Pacific Fleet. The next day, FDR asks Congress to __________________________ by stating

“Yesterday, Dec. 7, 1941 - a date which will live in _____________ - the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan.”

Japan’s _______________friends were quick to declare war on the US. The US would join the other ________________ and fight.

Japanese Admiral, ________________ who had planned the Pearl Harbor attack knew what the Americans were capable of. Predicting the mistake of attacking the United States, Yamamoto declared that the Japanese had _________________________. He know that the American’s _____________ would soon build produce so many weapons, ships and other war goods, they Japanese would we ruined. Boy……..was he right!

A Global Conflict~The two sides were clear……..the __________ versus the __________.

Axis Powers included:

Allied Powers included:

Europe andIn Europe, the Germans and Italians controlled _____________________________

North Africa~

The German army was able to push deep inside of the ____________ killing millions of Soviet soldiers and civilians.

But the tide of war was turning against the Axis. Hitler had bitten off more than he could chew by attacking the _____________________

The SovietsHitler expected the Soviets to

Resist~collapse quickly, but aided by an _______________________, the Soviet Army was able to stop the Germans cold….literally.

Within site of ___________, the Soviet capital, the German Army was stopped. In the north, a second German Army failed to take the city of _____________ after an 872 day siege. In the south, an entire Germany army surrendered at _____________

In 1942, the Red Army began to drive towards __________ and victory.

Tide Turns inIn North Africa, German General Erwin __________,

North Africa~known as the Desert Fox, ruled the sands. But in October,

1942, English tank forces led by

Bernard Montgomery defeated

Rommel at _______________

Around this time, Rommel’s forces began to feel the pinch of

newly arriving Americans under the command of General Dwight D. ___________________. With no place to go, Rommel is recalled to Germany and his ______________ surrenders. North Africa is lost by the Axis. (woot)

In the Pacific, the _____________ had swept aside everyone.

Philippines Fall~ Shortly after Pearl Harbor, Japan attacked the _______________, which controlled by the United States (remember: the _________________War!!)

Faced with superior Japanese forces, American General ______________ was ordered to leave the islands to fall to the Japanese. Promising “____________________” MacArthur was spared the horrors of the Philippine Island defenders, the ________________________.

Bataan Death March~ At ___________ in the Philippines, the Japanese captured ____________ soldiers. Forced to march over 65 miles in the tropical heat without food and water, many died. The Japanese also _________ thousands.

Coral Sea and The tide began to turn against the Japanese

Midway~at the Battle of _______________ and the

Battle of ___________. At the Battle of Midway, the _____________ of the Pacific, the Japanese lost _______________________. Japan no longer ruled the _________. The Americans can now take the war to the _______________ homeland.

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USII.7ab Allied Victories.Docx
