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MRS. CARTER ATYOÜNOJ.W. OF L MISS WHDLE · wont' t¿ Big Moose Lake ,on Thursday, where-Gillette...

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The buying public all read Timeu-Dls* patch Want Ads. ' One cent (a word for .fímés-Dispatch Want Ads. THB TI.MIÍ8 f-OUNDBtt. »ÍÍ. '{'¦¦.; THE DIBl'ATdll l-'OUNMD 1880. WHOLE NUMBER 17,255. mCHMOND, VA.rSUNDAY, JULY 15,1906. PRICE FIVE OEM'; MRS. CARTER WEDS WILLIAM L. PAYNE; BELASCO UPSET MRS LESLIE CARTER. HABEAS EíIPUS lilTjMIEÖ Fertilizer Men Remanded By Judge Göff to the Tennessee'Court ¦'¦ >'*' '" '.¦¦^i'iW^iájli.'i-rt/.-t' -"vnW'tY'Stiijif APPEAL TAKEN TO HIÇHEST COURT Tinsley Case Settles Ten Others. All the Defendants'Give Bond in Sum of $5,000, Pending Appeal to'United ; States Supreme fl . ,¦< i Court; United Elates Senior- Circuit Judge j Nathan (¿oft yesterday afternoon, after! hearing lengthy arguaient on the petl-i tlon of James 0. Tinsley, one of the In¬ dicted iertlllier men, for a writ of habeas' corpus and discharge from custody, whero ¡' ha had been placed by tho; decree off Judge Waddlil,,of. the United S'ätes Dis- trlct Court. ..rendered a decision .dismiss-j, Ing the petition and remanding., the .petl- ;' tloner to. tho-custody- of .the United State8 Marshal to bo transferred, to tho Middle-. District of (TenncBseei there to be, tried f under an indictment foun.il. by.a United, States court grand .jury. ' »'';'*,.' »'., ¦. The decision -was rendered at 12:30 P. M., and Immediately counsel .for^-the de¬ fendant, Tinsley, and -all the defendants in the famous case of the-United» States of Amtyloa aKnliist'tho-'¦Virginia-Carolina Chemical .Company and others,, ga,ve.nor- tice of an 'appeal' to the Supreme Court of; tho United States. .'-, .', judge Goff g,\ve- counsel- until 4 o'clock to prepare and present'the'papers.'Coun¬ sel also announced That olherdefendants.-j ten In number, were -ready to: submit to! arrest- and'have- thofr cases toko the same course as Tlnsley's,: ' '.'. '¦¦'. .' They were accordingly arrested by United Spates, Marsha,! Morgan "Treat, on warrants Issued by judse-WadhiH!' ami In, tho afternoon, when Judge »Goff again '¦'¦ occupied the bench, the foihial proceed¬ ings of tho moving' the', case's up-to tho highest court In, the land 'were' gono through, with,' rind -ittíus, for" tho first tlrpe, the Sherm'an antl-trtlst law ,of 1890 and all tho other anti-trust' legislation of Congress wil] ..et .squarely' before) the Supreme Court of tho United .States, America, for a decision, to. thoir con¬ stitutionality... ». judge Goff tool;, his .sent at 40 o'clock yesterday morning, ond Immediately', Mr.. E, T. Sahford, special assistant ,ntlorney- general of the .United States, look the floor to .reply .to Mr,'Vertress, of ; Ten¬ nessee, who had spoken for-tho petitioner the afternoon before, u Mr. Sandford's argument was brief lint po|nt,ed,and brilliant, and this closed thu rasp for the government, Mr. Vertresù I replying, closed tho case'for tho petl» tjonor. While tho two speeches wore strong and very Interesting, no '.new points were brought out. Both speakers stuck closely to the old text, Mr. Sandford contending that tho voluminous indictment found In tho Middle District of Tennessee against tho petitioner ond others was sufficient evidence of prohuble guilt, and that on this evidence Judge Waddlil was right In ordering .removal to Tennessee for trial, and the. other side contending that testimony to -prove or disprove, the alle¬ gations .jn the: fenneseeo Indlotment, should bo admitted. 'before the order of cammltte.e could bo wad* \ The .p.eqision. Immediately upon thé conclusion of the ipeech of. Mr. Vertress, Judge Goff ren* ».-~-:---_'._.-.- (Contlnud on Seventh Page,) Actor - Manager's Plans of Many Years Dis-. . turbed by Marriage COUPLE KNEW EACH OTHER FEW DAYSi Left Hotel in Portsmouth Ostensi- bly to Visit Battleship and »¦i-t^^ji^ Later.Re joined Party - and Left for Boston. (Special, to The Times-Dispatch.) '¦. NEW YORK, July 11..The marriage of airs'. Leslie Carter and William Louis Payne astounded theatrical folk and the Intimate friends, of the,couple when the facts were, made public this 'morning. David Beinsco, Mrs, Carter's manager and. tutor, was', prostrated. Considerable '. mystery surrounds the hasty preparations for the wedding, and faets brought .to light during the day Indicate that when the full story Is told it will be found to contain oven more of interest, for Mrs, Carter had known tho actor only a few days. After briefly attesting to the .truth of tlic 'marriage, Mr. Belosco shut himself up In his working" studio and refused to lie seen.. Mr. Belasco is upset because the marrla.'ge of his,star may overthrow the fulfillment of plans of many years. Ho nnd- Mrs,'' Carter have) risen to the helghts-.-'of fame together. The author- mahagör. has for months been at work upon what he believes will prove to be his 'greatest ^Iraina. ..Mrs. Carter has worked over it with-him, and has given much time to studying her role. Now all these finally worked out plans may bc^ upset. >ir, Payne is under con¬ tract :-with' Charles ¦Prohmon, a member of the- theatrical .syndicate, which, Mr. Bolascoi says, Is trying to crush him. and.lt Is not Impossible that ho may wish his wife to Join him.- Mrs. Carter,Reticent. .',. (By. Associated Press.) BOSTON,, July- 14,-Mrs. Leslie Carter left .a hotel[In this ,clty to-day in an ou- .'(Cpntlmièd on Sixth Page.) ÜD MURDERER OF GIRL CAPTURED Declared to Have Cast Young Woman Overboard After Beat¬ ing Her on Head. I'- .'.,.'''>'' (By Associated Press.),1 UTICA,' N. Yi, July 1»..Chester Gil¬ lette,' of Coytland, -N.'.Y.. was arrested at Arrowhead, In the Adirondack Moun¬ tains, to-day. and chimed with the înur- dor of Miss Grace Brown, daughter of Krank Brown, of Otsollc, N. V., whose body, was found In Big Moose. LRke on 'I'hursilay, Gillette and Miss Brown had been acquainted for six months. They wont' t¿ Big Moose Lake ,on Thursday, where-Gillette registered under another name, and the two wont for a vow on tlie lake. Subsequently their boat was found overturned, ami Miss Brown's body was found in tho lake, lier head bearing several brulse.u. Gillette was not found until to-day, when he was Identified as tlie man- who took Miss Brown out In tlin boat. No motive for tho" alleged murder- Is* known. Gilletlo came, to Courtland two years ago from Seattle, "Wash., and was em», ployed with Miss Brown in a factory, In a recent conversation with him,' by telephone, she was heard accuse him of being false to, l»er, and to demand that he keep some promise, ;. \ | Declares War Against Guatemala and Begins Attack at Once. f TROUBLE BREWING POR MANY YEARS Looks' Like General Clash of Arms Among Central Ameri¬ can Republics.United States Exerting Good Offices to Prevent Bloodshed. (Ey Associated Press.) PANAMA, July 14.A telegram re¬ ceived here from San Salvador says that Honduras declared War against Guate¬ mala to-day, According to this same message the following proclamation has been circulated In Salvador: "General Bonilla, commanding the Salvadorean army, has ..repelled, the Guatemalan forces at Metapam, In Salvador, ten miles east of the Gua¬ temalan frontier. The victorious army of Salvador retained, the posi¬ tions captured from the enemy," Looks Like General War. The declaration of war by Honduras upon Guatemala-brings i third State',ac- tlvely Into the Central American trouble, which has been progressing with more or less severe fighting and bloodshed for a month or more. Honduras and Salva¬ dor are now arrayed against tljelr neigh-, bot on the West. .Nicaragua and Costa Blca are the only two countries still pas¬ sive, and It has been said that the former is about to take part'ln tlie ..fighting. UP to to-day Honduras had seemingly taken no part in the difficulty between her-neighbors. Recent reports, however, declared her territory had been- Invaded hy Guatemalan troops In pursuit of fugi¬ tives from the army of General .Regalado, the Salvadorean commander, who was killed in the fighting at Jicarq. Brewing Long Time. - The present trouble In Central America has been brewing for a long time. P^or tlie past five years the revolutionists have -been planning. Intriguing and preparing for the overthrow of President. Cabrera, and In their'efforts to, this end they have not failed to 4nppeal."for support-to ,cer¬ tain' elements in "Honduras 'and. Salvador,, working" on the. "national,. Jealousies for', firstrplacé nmpngtrtë seveml StateA* form¬ ing Central America.1 President'Cabrera has been,harshly criticized byhlaenetrties. They declare hè'r'uies^wltl^'extrem'e'dés- potlpró 'arid" that no' man's'life -Is', safo under his administration,; and the 'coun¬ try, .morally and'economically. Is going to the^dôgs'iinder his unwise and ill-advised 'course: Oh the other-hand, President Cabrera has declared that this, revolutionary movcj. ment Is inconsequential, and that the. government would promptly put It down. .; President Cabrera's term of. office,'in fact, expired' In 1805'"'He has Insisted, however, oh "holding office. No News Received. (By Associated Press') WASHINGTON, D. * C. July 14..The State Department' has no ..information concerning the declaration of war by Honduras against Guatemala, but no sur¬ prise In manifested, as the frontier or Honduras Is in the' disturbed district. That no advices have been receive«! on the subject Is not 'surprising, as the Unit¬ ed States representative to ;tlie -country nlso- représents Guatemala, and lives In the latter country. I While the" United States has consular offices In Honduras, they may not find It easy to. communicate with".the American minister in Guatemala or with the State Department, United States at Work. (By Associated Press.) OYSTER BAY, L. I., July 14..In ex¬ tending the good offices of the United States,, in -conjunction with Mexico, to end the dispute between Guatemala and Salvador, "President Roosevelt has no program of action outlined,- The United States'will follow the suggestion of tho contending governments, If they indicate a desire to accept the-mediation offered, The. mediation might take, the form-of a Joint arbitration tribunal representing Mexico and, the, United States, to which Guatemala and Salvador could present their respective eases. Again, Guatemala and Salvador might-act through'a peace commission composed of representatives from their, two government«. No reply has as yet been made to the offer, which was extended yesterday through the-state-department under in¬ structions from President Roosevelt. The official announcement of this' action was made here to-day. ATLANTIC CITY CROWD WOULD LYNCH KIDNAPPER ¦" (By Associated Press.) ATLANTIC CITY,. N. J. July 14.An'' alleged attempt of an Italian, Joseph Contdra, to kidnap flve-year-old Edward .Teafy on the boardwalk to-day came near reuniting seriously* for' Contora at the hands of an Infuriated crowd.-. The Italian picked up the lad, and started off on a run with him | In his arms. A big crowd was soon'In pursuit, A policeman overtook the would-be kid¬ napper, knocked him down and rescued the boy. Two additional .policemen and several life guards with dlfl}oulty¿ held the mob back while thé Italian was being escorted to prison, To Distribute Models. (From Our Begu'lur Correspondent,) WASHINGTON, D. C. July 14,-The Commissioner of Patents announced to¬ day' that lO.UOO models of patents stored in the office would bo gotten rid of In the course of the next month or two. The Commissioner stated that schools tjnä col¬ leges would be supplied with such models us they might desire, provided applica¬ tion was. made In timo-". Private, indi» vidual*» may obtain, .models -upon pay¬ ment o? á nominal sum. : THE RIVER AT LAST GIVES UP BODY OF YOÜNOJ.W. GORDON; BURIA L OF MISS SATTERFIELD Accompanying cuts were made from photographs of Mr. John W, Gordon, Jr. and of the scene on -the river, Where and Miss 3atterflel_ met their death Thursday night. Tireless Searchers Re¬ warded After Forty- Eight Hours Labor. WAS FLOATING IN MIDDLE OF STREAM With Face in Repose Miss Satter- field Was Found Early Yes¬ terday Morning. Funeral Took Place in After¬ noon.Long and .Anxious Search. The river has at last given up Its dead.. The body of Mr. John W. Gordon, Jr., was found at 11 o'clock last night, and that of Mlsç Rose M. Satterfleld early yesterday morning. After the. recovery of Miss Satterfleld's remains efforts were, redoubled-to- bring; those of Miv Gordon t.o the surface. But It-wsb; not}until- laatn'Bht. that two; flrer loss searchers, Willie .-Young,- of No, 1Ö7 Denny Street, and John'Thompson, .No. 17 Denny'Street,' Fulton, were successful. They were rowing'"slowly*- along the Rich-*'. riiond' bank' about one-quarter of a mile below the rock quarry, tho point "oppo¬ site which the tragedy occurred Thurs¬ day night, when the light'of their "re¬ flector", fell upon the corpse floating down stream, right shoulder and'head exposed.- ,>"" ',-.; Not far away were their companions, Clarence Parker, 108 Orleans Street, and Robert McCnlley, 381S Second Street, Ful¬ ton,'and these came at once to their call. The four- men quickly lifted the lifeless form Into one of- the boats, an'd as-rapidly as possible rowed back to the eitv.' The boat was tied at the city wharf, and the body remained there until the' funeral director removed It to his rooms to prepare it for burial. Colonel Gordon spent the night nt home last night, and will not'be notified of the finding of his son until this morning. Mr. Dabney Carr represented the family among the searchers on the river .last night. /.'¦' ', First to the Surface. The body of Miss SatteMleld was recovered yesterday morning nt *>:&'¦ o'clock by "Watchers Bob McCauley and Cloyd Young,who had all night long been. patroling the river in a small row boat.' It Is singular that the discovery was made nearly a mile below the point where all those who weer present at the time of the accident sald.lt occurred. Ever since Friday morning at daybreak, a small fleet of boats had beno dragging the river near the stone quarry wharf, op¬ posite Jetty No. 26,.'but;-it was opppslte Jetty No. 56, a mile below, that Miss Satterfleld's' body was "found. It Is explained by the',river.men' that' it would have been Impossible for', the. body to have floated tho distance'without dis¬ covery, especially as the tide hád'not long gone out. They. say. that .there. Is a light on shore at Jetty No. 66, Just as there Is at the stone quarry wharf, and th'at'those In the launch mistook thellghtB. When the.body was first seen. Ifwas-. half out of the water, head up. The Old Dominion steamship Brandon, on her way to Rich¬ mond passed It shortly > before 6 o'clock and notified those on the tug "Thomas Cunningham, Sr., that the body was floating in the channel at Jetty No. 56. Several row boats at once pulled down t_-1.!-j_j-:-:-:.: . (Continued on Sixth» Page.) PIRATES ATTACK SHIP AND KILL MISSIONARY Engineer Hid Behind Boiler and Was Nearly Burned to Death. (By Associated Press,) SHANGHAI, July H.-Tho British steamer Salntim was attacked by Chin¬ ese pirates last evening at a point ('fly miles from Wuchow. The Rev, Dr, Mac- Donald was shot and killed. The captain of .the. steamer was badly. woup.iled¡ the englnder saved himself by hiding behind the boiler. He was, however, badly burn¬ ed. A Chinese passenger also was killed. Tho pirates escaped In a Junk, }'. M. £. Moorhen has. h-ft for trip .scene. Dr. MacDonalri uiid his .wife .were slu- tlonedtat Wuchpw In the- Interests of the Wesleyan Missionary 'Society. ¦-. THREAT TO íl IRTJE Woman Who.;Testified 'for De- fendant Commanded to Leave Town at.Once. GUARDED BY DETECTIVES PITTSBURG, PA!.' July 14;.It was learned tb-nlght. that'threatening letters have been written to' witnesses, for Mrs. Hartje. As a result, Mrs.. Alexander W. Slocum, who Is said to be Mrs. Hortje's closest woman friend,'-is closel attended toy ,a physician and is also guarded by two private detectives. Early In the Hartje case Mrs.- Slocum was called to the stand to testify as to'. Mrs.. Hartje's liab'ta'and character, and slricevher testimony Bhé has-been .Mrs.. Hartje's constant attendant. ''«. I To-day Mrs, Slocum -received a letter commanding¦'. her to leave Plttsburg,',re¬ tract' her testimony given In favor of Mr«. Hartje, or she would be .shot.. Hearing'Postponed. Postponement"'., until Wednesday, July 25th, was the'result of the hearing of the charges of 'conspiracy against Augustus Hartje, his friend, John L.' Welshons, and Clifford "Hboe, A negro- and former', coachman, who is in Jail awaiting tr'al on. the charges of perjury brought against him In connection with the .divorce case. The charges of conspiracy against.these men were taken up by Assistant District- Attorney Robb last,week, and the hear- Ing was set for to-day, ! Hartje and Welshons appeared before the aldermen with the HarUo counsel, Ferguson,- Rogers and Marron/ "but Mr. Rol>h did not appear. "He had asked by telephone that a postponement he grant¬ ed, but the Hartje counsel protested, und Mr, Robb appeared post-haste. He ex¬ plained to tho alderman that when Hooo'h cobo was put over by Judgo Evans, It was understood that all eases growing out of the Hartje case would be taken up after décision in the divorce ease. The llarljo counsel protested and threatened legal pi'ot!0edlngs to force tho henrlng, but Alderman King granted, the post¬ ponement. More Disclosures. The trial of'the divorce cane will bo resumed Monday or - Tuesday, but In the meantime there are indien» tIon's that the sensational disclosures uro | not at an cud. It wits said to-night tlii't Miss Id« Scott, sister of Mr«, "Mary Scott 'Hartje. will ,go on the wlM~"oj"u stand ! next week and sweur that she wrote exhibit No. 34. the env'-donn which was | (Continued on Sixth Page.) The Idea, a Little Pamphlet, Criticizes the Newspapers and City Government! CARTER GLASS ATTACKED (Special to- The Tlmes-Dlspatch.) LY'NCHBURG, VA.. July. l-l.-.ongress- nni.ii Carter 'Glass, through. Leo and ¦Howard, Cnsklo and Coleman, and Wll- son and Manson, his attorneys, this af¬ ternoon instituted suit in tho Corporation Court against the J. P. Bell Publishing Company for $25.000 for damages foi» air leged trespass on'tho case. The specific grounds for the", litigation Is that the de¬ fendant company printed In its publica¬ tion.house here a day or two ago,a smull pamphlet named "The Idea,"' In winch the1 plaintiff alleges that he¦ had been damaged to tho extent of the' amount shed for on acount of tho alleged Illwlous t--_.,.;.-¿.;.:-i- (Continued or. Sixth .Pairo.) IS GROUND UP Il SM CRUSHER Fellow Workman Said They Tied Him to Machine as "Joke." (By Associated FreBS.) NEW YORK, July 14,.Prank Getaner, a workman employe,} at tha Windsor Plaster Mills, at New Brighton, Stuten (Bland, was run through a stone crusher last night and his body was ground to IjIih. When- to-day eight of OeUnor'a fellow workmen wore arrosled, charged with causing their companion's death, they said that, n3 a Joko, thoy tied him while usloop, and that whan tho machine started unexpectedly tho man's hody was [allied through tho 'crustier, Fragments of bono und p'cecs of clothing wore found among gi'ound stone under one of tho crushers. Tho police do not uocopt the prisoners' explanation of Getsuer'a death. _i_t_._-.-,- SLAUGHTER OF WHDLE_ Awful Murder of Isaac Lyerly, Wife and Children. FIENDS SLAY , f THE/vl WITH AXÉ Two Little Girls Sleeping in a Upper Story Alone Escape the Axe of Intruders.Rob- bery Their Purpose. Posse in Pur¬ suit. (Especial to The Times-Dispatch, SALISBURY, X. '"'C, July rU.'-Thej' family of. Isaac Lyerly, a prominent farmer, at¦ Barber J'unctlon.'Rowan coun¬ ty,,was practically exterminated by mur¬ derers at midnight last night. The dead are: Jsaao Lyerly, aged slxt*?- elgrrî; Mrs. Isaac Lyerly, aged forty: John Lyerly, a son, aged ton; Alice. ! Lyërly, a daughter, aged, six. Two daugh». ters-of the first named, Mary and Addle,' aged fourteen and nine, respectively,' who. were sleeping lit a room' on the secontl floor of the home, escaped; the murderers': axe. .thereby. .;-,.". .Suspected of being guilty of the horrible,' crime, five colored tenants on the.Lyerly; farm have been arrested and jailed In-, Salisbury.. Their names are ..Mitchell '. Graham and wife, Jack, Dilllngham 'and wife, John Jordan; All protest Innocence/ hut the circumstantial evidence against the entire crowd .Is strong. " ¦¦« ', ' An Awful Scene. The Lyerly family, residing one mlle; west' of Earlier, retired,-at the. usual; hour last night. ,- Shortly .after midnight. Miss Mary Lyerly. detected smoke In her, room on the upper f'.rior, and she, .with) her young sister,. Addle, descended'tha, ¡.stairs to ascertain the trouble. The; deathly scene that mot their gaze as they entered their parents' room, beggars de- scription. On one bed lay the father and brother, cold in death, their foreheads, having been crusned by a heavy Mow.; from an axe. '... .' ,'V In another part of the same room'.lay¦¦'¦'. the lifeless form of the mother of tha'. household, -her skull' likewise crushed' with an axe. On the same bed,' Alice, .'. aged six, with'her brains oozing but'of:-'; a deathly wound-.made', by. .the sama- weapon. ".''',. ¦. ', './,'."¦' .-. Bed Set Afire. Added to the. horror of the tragedy tho (hedupoù which the bodies of Mrs. Lyerly .and son lay was found: tobm oh fire, the'' bedding- having been .saturated with oil; and fired by; the murderers;- in an' effort- v to burn .the dwelling ; In order to hide;"- their crime. Both bodies were badly burned before V the flames were extinguished by the -.two' .'.'. girls, who. fought bravely to save the'- lifeless-romalhs of their loved oneB., .. All of the bodies, were dragged by .the ;-¦ girls to a'place of safety, arid the un-;; conscious form of Alice, thebabay,- shoul- dered by her olédest sister Mary,_;was car¬ ried n mll'ë through the darkness to th$;M, homo of a nelghboty iwhere. death fol-'y';, lowed. ."! 4 ... i-i^iS Tho alarm was Riven and a summons?' sent to Sheriff Julian, of Salisbury, who . left Immediately with a posse of, fifty.: citizens, for the scene of the tragedy,¦'{.'¦ the blackest in the history of this .part', of North Carolina.' Suspicion soon fastened upon^the .tenants ¦'-.» on the farm, who had threatened the., life of Mr. Lylcrly because he harvested the wheat crop neglected by them..."s- Feeling runs extremely high here, though there Is little prospect of a lynch» ing, ns Governor Glenn has Instructed tha sheriff to-call out tho Rowan rifles In ;. the event of trouble. Governor Takes Action. (Special to Tho Tlmes-Dlapatph.) RALEIGH, N. C July H..Orders wer« Issued from the Governor's office to-day for the Bending of hounds from the pen¬ itentiary to track the murderers of the Lyerly family, but It was found that tho Institution had only two, these being young and untrained as yet. Besides, they 'are at this time on the, Halifax county State farm. Although .unable to. provide the hounds, a proclamation was promptly Issued from the Governor.'* office offering *"360 reward for the arrest of tho murderers. The Crime Fixed. (Special to The Times-DiBpatch.) :!.'.'' CHRLOTTE, N. C, July H.-Sherlff Ju¬ lian, of Rowan county, to-night brought to this city for safe-keeping" Nell! Gllles- ple, his son, John Glllesple; Jack Dil¬ llngham and wife, George Erwin and Henry Lee. negroes charged with the murder of laaao Lyerly, his wife and two children, near Barber's Junction, last night. There was nothing to indicate a lynching at Salisbury, but the sherltt. thought best to move the prisoners. Tha coroner's jury to-night fastened tha crime upon all the prisoners. PILLOW FIGHT ENDS IN DEATH IN HOSPITAL (By Associated Press.) PHILADELPHIA, July »..Death re¬ sulted from a pillow fight In a ward for nervous patients In Philadelphia Hos- pltal. Samuel Young,_aged rifty»slx years, and Theodore J'löThe, aged fifty- seven years, Inmates, who were not on friendly terms, ongaged in a fight with pillows, and Young was knocked down. In ¦falling, ills head struck one of the iron cots and ho died almost instantly, Horn» has been placed under surveillance and will be «Ivan a heaving when his con¬ dition warrants his removal from the h<"*>- pltal, i «.'¦' "¦"... Miner Nominated for Congress, (Fly Associated Tress,) SOILV.NTON. PA.. July 14..Thomas U. .N'U-holU, president of District No. 1, Unit¬ ed Mine Workers of America, was UMay nominated for Congress' from the Blev- oiith District, by the Lackawanna county Democratic convention. .. OUTING TOURS CONTEST XX COUPON MONDAY. JULY 16th.

The buying publicall read Timeu-Dls*patch Want Ads. '

One cent (a word for

.fímés-Dispatch WantAds.






FertilizerMen RemandedBy Judge Göff to theTennessee'Court

¦'¦ >'*' '" '.¦¦^i'iW^iájli.'i-rt/.-t' -"vnW'tY'Stiijif


Tinsley Case Settles Ten Others.All the Defendants'Give Bond

in Sum of $5,000, PendingAppeal to'United

; States Supremefl . ,¦< i Court;

United Elates Senior- Circuit Judge jNathan (¿oft yesterday afternoon, after!

hearing lengthy arguaient on the petl-itlon of James 0. Tinsley, one of the In¬

dicted iertlllier men, for a writ of habeas'corpus and discharge from custody, whero ¡'ha had been placed by tho; decree offJudge Waddlil,,of. the United S'ätes Dis-trlct Court. ..rendered a decision .dismiss-j,Ing the petition and remanding., the .petl- ;'tloner to. tho-custody- of .the United State8Marshal to bo transferred, to tho Middle-.District of (TenncBseei there to be, tried funder an indictment foun.il. by.a United,States court grand .jury.

' »'';'*,.' »'., ¦.

The decision -was rendered at 12:30 P.M., and Immediately counsel .for^-the de¬fendant, Tinsley, and -all the defendantsin the famous case of the-United» Statesof Amtyloa aKnliist'tho-'¦Virginia-CarolinaChemical .Company and others,, ga,ve.nor-tice of an 'appeal' to the Supreme Courtof; tho United States. .'-, .',judge Goff g,\ve- counsel- until 4 o'clock

to prepare and present'the'papers.'Coun¬sel also announced That olherdefendants.-jten In number, were -ready to: submit to!arrest- and'have- thofr cases toko thesame course as Tlnsley's,: ' '.'. '¦¦'. .'They were accordingly arrested by

United Spates, Marsha,! Morgan "Treat, onwarrants Issued by judse-WadhiH!' amiIn, tho afternoon, when Judge »Goff again '¦'¦occupied the bench, the foihial proceed¬ings of tho moving' the', case's up-to thohighest court In, the land 'were' gonothrough, with,' rind -ittíus, for" tho firsttlrpe, the Sherm'an antl-trtlst law ,of 1890and all tho other anti-trust' legislationof Congress wil] ..et .squarely' before) theSupreme Court of tho United .States, oÇAmerica, for a decision, a» to. thoir con¬

stitutionality... ».

judge Goff tool;, his .sent at 40 o'clockyesterday morning, ond Immediately', Mr..E, T. Sahford, special assistant ,ntlorney-general of the .United States, look thefloor to .reply .to Mr,'Vertress, of ; Ten¬nessee, who had spoken for-tho petitionerthe afternoon before, u

Mr. Sandford's argument was brief lintpo|nt,ed,and brilliant, and this closed thurasp for the government, Mr. Vertresù Ireplying, closed tho case'for tho petl»tjonor.While tho two speeches wore strong and

very Interesting, no '.new points werebrought out. Both speakers stuck closelyto the old text, Mr. Sandford contendingthat tho voluminous indictment found Intho Middle District of Tennessee againsttho petitioner ond others was sufficientevidence of prohuble guilt, and that onthis evidence Judge Waddlil was rightIn ordering .removal to Tennessee fortrial, and the. other side contending thattestimony to -prove or disprove, the alle¬gations .jn the: fenneseeo Indlotment,should bo admitted. 'before the order ofcammltte.e could bo wad*

\ The .p.eqision.Immediately upon thé conclusion of the

ipeech of. Mr. Vertress, Judge Goff ren*».-~-:---_'._.-.-

(Contlnud on Seventh Page,)

Actor - Manager's Plansof Many Years Dis-. .

turbed by MarriageCOUPLE KNEW EACH

OTHER FEW DAYSiLeft Hotel in Portsmouth Ostensi-

bly to Visit Battleship and

»¦i-t^^ji^Later.Rejoined Party -

and Left forBoston.

(Special, to The Times-Dispatch.) '¦.

NEW YORK, July 11..The marriageof airs'. Leslie Carter and William LouisPayne astounded theatrical folk and theIntimate friends, of the,couple when thefacts were, made public this 'morning.David Beinsco, Mrs, Carter's managerand. tutor, was', prostrated.Considerable '. mystery surrounds the

hasty preparations for the wedding, andfaets brought .to light during the dayIndicate that when the full story Is toldit will be found to contain oven moreof interest, for Mrs, Carter had knowntho actor only a few days.After briefly attesting to the .truth of

tlic 'marriage, Mr. Belosco shut himselfup In his working" studio and refused tolie seen.. Mr. Belasco is upset becausethe marrla.'ge of his,star may overthrowthe fulfillment of plans of many years.Ho nnd- Mrs,'' Carter have) risen to thehelghts-.-'of fame together. The author-mahagör. has for months been at workupon what he believes will prove to behis 'greatest ^Iraina. ..Mrs. Carter hasworked over it with-him, and has givenmuch time to studying her role.Now all these finally worked out plans

may bc^ upset. >ir, Payne is under con¬

tract :-with' Charles ¦Prohmon, a memberof the- theatrical .syndicate, which, Mr.Bolascoi says, Is trying to crush him.and.lt Is not Impossible that ho may wishhis wife to Join him.-

Mrs. Carter,Reticent..',. (By. Associated Press.)

BOSTON,, July- 14,-Mrs. Leslie Carterleft .a hotel[In this ,clty to-day in an ou-

.'(Cpntlmièd on Sixth Page.)


Declared to Have Cast YoungWoman Overboard After Beat¬

ing Her on Head.I'- .'.,.'''>'' (By Associated Press.),1UTICA,' N. Yi, July 1»..Chester Gil¬

lette,' of Coytland, -N.'.Y.. was arrested atArrowhead, In the Adirondack Moun¬tains, to-day. and chimed with the înur-dor of Miss Grace Brown, daughter ofKrank Brown, of Otsollc, N. V., whosebody, was found In Big Moose. LRke on

'I'hursilay, Gillette and Miss Brown hadbeen acquainted for six months. Theywont' t¿ Big Moose Lake ,on Thursday,where-Gillette registered under anothername, and the two wont for a vow ontlie lake. Subsequently their boat was

found overturned, ami Miss Brown's bodywas found in tho lake, lier head bearingseveral brulse.u. Gillette was not founduntil to-day, when he was Identified astlie man- who took Miss Brown out Intlin boat. No motive for tho" allegedmurder- Is* known.

Gilletlo came, to Courtland two yearsago from Seattle, "Wash., and was em»,ployed with Miss Brown in a factory,In a recent conversation with him,' bytelephone, she was heard tö accuse himof being false to, l»er, and to demandthat he keep some promise, ;. \ |

Declares War AgainstGuatemala and Begins

Attack at Once.f


Looks' Like General Clash ofArms Among Central Ameri¬

can Republics.UnitedStates Exerting GoodOffices to Prevent


(Ey Associated Press.)PANAMA, July 14.A telegram re¬

ceived here from San Salvador says thatHonduras declared War against Guate¬mala to-day, According to this samemessage the following proclamation hasbeen circulated In Salvador:

"General Bonilla, commanding theSalvadorean army, has ..repelled, theGuatemalan forces at Metapam, InSalvador, ten miles east of the Gua¬temalan frontier. The victoriousarmy of Salvador retained, the posi¬tions captured from the enemy,"Looks Like General War.

The declaration of war by Hondurasupon Guatemala-brings i third State',ac-tlvely Into the Central American trouble,which has been progressing with more

or less severe fighting and bloodshed fora month or more. Honduras and Salva¬dor are now arrayed against tljelr neigh-,bot on the West. .Nicaragua and CostaBlca are the only two countries still pas¬sive, and It has been said that the formeris about to take part'ln tlie ..fighting.UP to to-day Honduras had seemingly

taken no part in the difficulty betweenher-neighbors. Recent reports, however,declared her territory had been- Invadedhy Guatemalan troops In pursuit of fugi¬tives from the army of General .Regalado,the Salvadorean commander, who was

killed in the fighting at Jicarq.Brewing Long Time. -

The present trouble In Central Americahas been brewing for a long time. P^ortlie past five years the revolutionists have-been planning. Intriguing and preparingfor the overthrow of President. Cabrera,and In their'efforts to, this end they havenot failed to 4nppeal."for support-to ,cer¬tain' elements in "Honduras 'and. Salvador,,working" on the. "national,. Jealousies for',firstrplacé nmpngtrtë seveml StateA* form¬ing Central America.1 President'Cabrerahas been,harshly criticized byhlaenetrties.They declare hè'r'uies^wltl^'extrem'e'dés-potlpró 'arid" that no' man's'life -Is', safounder his administration,; and the 'coun¬try, .morally and'economically. Is going tothe^dôgs'iinder his unwise and ill-advised'course:

Oh the other-hand, President Cabrerahas declared that this, revolutionary movcj.ment Is inconsequential, and that the.government would promptly put It down.

.; President Cabrera's term of. office,'infact, expired' In 1805'"'He has Insisted,however, oh "holding office.

No News Received.(By Associated Press')

WASHINGTON, D. * C. July 14..TheState Department' has no ..informationconcerning the declaration of war byHonduras against Guatemala, but no sur¬

prise In manifested, as the frontier or

Honduras Is in the' disturbed district.That no advices have been receive«! on

the subject Is not 'surprising, as the Unit¬ed States representative to ;tlie -countrynlso- représents Guatemala, and lives Inthe latter country. IWhile the" United States has consular

offices In Honduras, they may not find Iteasy to. communicate with".the Americanminister in Guatemala or with the StateDepartment,

United States at Work.(By Associated Press.)

OYSTER BAY, L. I., July 14..In ex¬

tending the good offices of the UnitedStates,, in -conjunction with Mexico, toend the dispute between Guatemala andSalvador, "President Roosevelt has no

program of action outlined,- The UnitedStates'will follow the suggestion of thocontending governments, If they indicatea desire to accept the-mediation offered,The. mediation might take, the form-of

a Joint arbitration tribunal representingMexico and, the, United States, to whichGuatemala and Salvador could presenttheir respective eases. Again, Guatemalaand Salvador might-act through'a peacecommission composed of representativesfrom their, two government«.No reply has as yet been made to the

offer, which was extended yesterdaythrough the-state-department under in¬structions from President Roosevelt. Theofficial announcement of this' action wasmade here to-day.


¦" (By Associated Press.)ATLANTIC CITY,. N. J. July 14.An''

alleged attempt of an Italian, JosephContdra, to kidnap flve-year-old Edward.Teafy on the boardwalk to-day came

near reuniting seriously* for' Contora atthe hands of an Infuriated crowd.-.The Italian picked up the lad, and

started off on a run with him | In hisarms. A big crowd was soon'In pursuit,A policeman overtook the would-be kid¬napper, knocked him down and rescuedthe boy. Two additional .policemen andseveral life guards with dlfl}oulty¿ heldthe mob back while thé Italian was beingescorted to prison,

To Distribute Models.(From Our Begu'lur Correspondent,)WASHINGTON, D. C. July 14,-The

Commissioner of Patents announced to¬day' that lO.UOO models of patents storedin the office would bo gotten rid of In thecourse of the next month or two. TheCommissioner stated that schools tjnä col¬leges would be supplied with such modelsus they might desire, provided applica¬tion was. made In timo-". Private, indi»vidual*» may obtain, .models -upon pay¬ment o? á nominal sum. :



Accompanying cuts were made from

photographs of Mr. John W, Gordon, Jr.and of the scene on -the river, Where h«and Miss 3atterflel_ met their deathThursday night.

Tireless Searchers Re¬warded After Forty-Eight Hours Labor.


With Face in Repose Miss Satter-field Was Found Early Yes¬

terday Morning.FuneralTook Place in After¬noon.Long and.Anxious Search.

The river has at last given up Its

dead.. The body of Mr. John W. Gordon,Jr., was found at 11 o'clock last night,and that of Mlsç Rose M. Satterfleld earlyyesterday morning.After the. recovery of Miss Satterfleld's

remains efforts were, redoubled-to- bring;those of Miv Gordon t.o the surface. But

It-wsb; not}until- laatn'Bht. that two; flrerloss searchers, Willie .-Young,- of No, 1Ö7Denny Street, and John'Thompson, .No.17 Denny'Street,' Fulton, were successful.They were rowing'"slowly*- along the Rich-*'.riiond' bank' about one-quarter of a milebelow the rock quarry, tho point "oppo¬site which the tragedy occurred Thurs¬day night, when the light'of their "re¬flector", fell upon the corpse floatingdown stream, right shoulder and'headexposed.- ,>"" ',-.;Not far away were their companions,

Clarence Parker, 108 Orleans Street, andRobert McCnlley, 381S Second Street, Ful¬

ton,'and these came at once to theircall. The four- men quickly lifted thelifeless form Into one of- the boats, an'd

as-rapidly as possible rowed back to theeitv.' The boat was tied at the citywharf, and the body remained there untilthe' funeral director removed It to his

rooms to prepare it for burial.Colonel Gordon spent the night nt home

last night, and will not'be notified of thefinding of his son until this morning.Mr. Dabney Carr represented the familyamong the searchers on the river .last

night. /.'¦' ',First to the Surface.

The body of Miss SatteMleld was

recovered yesterday morning nt *>:&'¦o'clock by "Watchers Bob McCauley andCloyd Young,who had all night longbeen. patroling the river in a small row

boat.' It Is singular that the discoverywas made nearly a mile below the pointwhere all those who weer present at thetime of the accident sald.lt occurred.Ever since Friday morning at daybreak,

a small fleet of boats had beno draggingthe river near the stone quarry wharf, op¬posite Jetty No. 26,.'but;-it was opppslteJetty No. 56, a mile below, that MissSatterfleld's' body was "found.It Is explained by the',river.men' that' it

would have been Impossible for', the. bodyto have floated tho distance'without dis¬covery, especially as the tide hád'not longgone out. They. say. that .there. Is a lighton shore at Jetty No. 66, Just as there Isat the stone quarry wharf, and th'at'thoseIn the launch mistook thellghtB. Whenthe.body was first seen. Ifwas-.half outof the water, head up. The Old Dominionsteamship Brandon, on her way to Rich¬mond passed It shortly > before 6 o'clockand notified those on the tug "ThomasCunningham, Sr., that the body was

floating in the channel at Jetty No. 56.Several row boats at once pulled downt_-1.!-j_j-:-:-:.:

. (Continued on Sixth» Page.)


Engineer Hid Behind Boiler andWas Nearly Burned to

Death.(By Associated Press,)

SHANGHAI, July H.-Tho Britishsteamer Salntim was attacked by Chin¬ese pirates last evening at a point ('flymiles from Wuchow. The Rev, Dr, Mac-Donald was shot and killed. The captainof .the. steamer was badly. woup.iled¡ theenglnder saved himself by hiding behindthe boiler. He was, however, badly burn¬ed. A Chinese passenger also was killed.Tho pirates escaped In a Junk, }'. M. £.Moorhen has. h-ft for trip .scene.Dr. MacDonalri uiid his .wife .were slu-

tlonedtat Wuchpw In the- Interests ofthe Wesleyan Missionary 'Society. ¦-.


Woman Who.;Testified 'for De-fendant Commanded to Leave

Town at.Once.


PITTSBURG, PA!.' July 14;.It was

learned tb-nlght. that'threatening letters

have been written to' witnesses, for Mrs.

Hartje. As a result, Mrs.. Alexander W.Slocum, who Is said to be Mrs. Hortje'sclosest woman friend,'-is closel attendedtoy ,a physician and is also guarded bytwo private detectives.Early In the Hartje case Mrs.- Slocum

was called to the stand to testify as to'.Mrs.. Hartje's liab'ta'and character, andslricevher testimony Bhé has-been .Mrs..Hartje's constant attendant. ''«.I To-day Mrs, Slocum -received a lettercommanding¦'. her to leave Plttsburg,',re¬tract' her testimony given In favor ofMr«. Hartje, or she would be .shot..

Hearing'Postponed.Postponement"'., until Wednesday, July

25th, was the'result of the hearing of thecharges of 'conspiracy against AugustusHartje, his friend, John L.' Welshons,and Clifford "Hboe, A negro- and former',coachman, who is in Jail awaiting tr'alon. the charges of perjury brought againsthim In connection with the .divorce case.The charges of conspiracy against.these

men were taken up by Assistant District-Attorney Robb last,week, and the hear-Ing was set for to-day,! Hartje and Welshons appeared beforethe aldermen with the HarUo counsel,Ferguson,- Rogers and Marron/ "but Mr.

Rol>h did not appear. "He had asked bytelephone that a postponement he grant¬ed, but the Hartje counsel protested, und

Mr, Robb appeared post-haste. He ex¬

plained to tho alderman that when Hooo'hcobo was put over by Judgo Evans, Itwas understood that all eases growingout of the Hartje case would be takenup after décision in the divorce ease. Thellarljo counsel protested and threatenedlegal pi'ot!0edlngs to force tho henrlng,but Alderman King granted, the post¬ponement.

More Disclosures.The trial of'the divorce cane will

bo resumed Monday or - Tuesday,but In the meantime there are indien»tIon's that the sensational disclosures uro |not at an cud. It wits said to-night tlii't

Miss Id« Scott, sister of Mr«, "Mary Scott

'Hartje. will ,go on the wlM~"oj"u stand !next week and sweur that she wrote

exhibit No. 34. the env'-donn which was |(Continued on Sixth Page.)

The Idea, a Little Pamphlet,Criticizes the Newspapers and

City Government!


(Special to- The Tlmes-Dlspatch.)LY'NCHBURG, VA.. July. l-l.-.ongress-

nni.ii Carter 'Glass, through. Leo and

¦Howard, Cnsklo and Coleman, and Wll-son and Manson, his attorneys, this af¬ternoon instituted suit in tho CorporationCourt against the J. P. Bell PublishingCompany for $25.000 for damages foi» airleged trespass on'tho case. The specificgrounds for the", litigation Is that the de¬fendant company printed In its publica¬tion.house here a day or two ago,a smullpamphlet named "The Idea,"' In winchthe1 plaintiff alleges that he¦ had beendamaged to tho extent of the' amountshed for on acount of tho alleged Illwlous

t--_.,.;.-¿.;.:-i-(Continued or. Sixth .Pairo.)


Fellow Workman Said They TiedHim to Machine as

"Joke."(By Associated FreBS.)

NEW YORK, July 14,.Prank Getaner,a workman employe,} at tha WindsorPlaster Mills, at New Brighton, Stuten

(Bland, was run through a stone crusher

last night and his body was ground toIjIih. When- to-day eight of OeUnor'afellow workmen wore arrosled, chargedwith causing their companion's death,they said that, n3 a Joko, thoy tied himwhile usloop, and that whan tho machinestarted unexpectedly tho man's hody was

[allied through tho 'crustier, Fragmentsof bono und p'cecs of clothing wore foundamong gi'ound stone under one of thocrushers. Tho police do not uocopt the

prisoners' explanation of Getsuer'a death._i_t_._-.-,-


Awful Murder of IsaacLyerly, Wife and



Two Little Girls Sleeping in a

Upper Story Alone Escape theAxe of Intruders.Rob-bery Their Purpose.

Posse in Pur¬suit.

(Especial to The Times-Dispatch,SALISBURY, X. '"'C, July rU.'-Thej'

family of. Isaac Lyerly, a prominentfarmer, at¦ Barber J'unctlon.'Rowan coun¬

ty,,was practically exterminated by mur¬derers at midnight last night.The dead are: Jsaao Lyerly, aged slxt*?-

elgrrî; Mrs. Isaac Lyerly, aged forty:John Lyerly, a son, aged ton; Alice.

! Lyërly, a daughter, aged, six. Two daugh».ters-of the first named, Mary and Addle,'aged fourteen and nine, respectively,' who.were sleeping lit a room' on the secontlfloor of the home, escaped; the murderers':axe. .thereby. .;-,."..Suspected of being guilty of the horrible,'

crime, five colored tenants on the.Lyerly;farm have been arrested and jailed In-,Salisbury.. Their names are ..Mitchell'.

Graham and wife, Jack, Dilllngham 'andwife, John Jordan; All protest Innocence/hut the circumstantial evidence againstthe entire crowd .Is strong. "

¦¦« ', '

An Awful Scene.The Lyerly family, residing one mlle;

west' of Earlier, retired,-at the. usual;hour last night. ,- Shortly .after midnight.Miss Mary Lyerly. detected smoke In her,room on the upper f'.rior, and she, .with)her young sister,. Addle, descended'tha,

¡.stairs to ascertain the trouble. The;deathly scene that mot their gaze as theyentered their parents' room, beggars de-scription. On one bed lay the father andbrother, cold in death, their foreheads,having been crusned by a heavy Mow.;from an axe. '... .' ,'V

In another part of the same room'.lay ¦¦'¦'.the lifeless form of the mother of tha'.household, -her skull' likewise crushed'with an axe. On the same bed,' Alice, .'.

aged six, with'her brains oozing but'of:-';a deathly wound-.made', by. .the sama-

weapon. ".''',. ¦. ', './,'."¦'.-. Bed Set Afire.

Added to the. horror of the tragedy tho(hedupoù which the bodies of Mrs. Lyerly.and son lay was found: tobm oh fire, the''bedding- having been .saturated with oil;and fired by; the murderers;- in an' effort- vto burn .the dwelling ; In order to hide;"-their crime.Both bodies were badly burned before V

the flames were extinguished by the -.two' .'.'.girls, who. fought bravely to save the'-lifeless-romalhs of their loved oneB., ..

All of the bodies, were dragged by .the ;-¦girls to a'place of safety, arid the un-;;conscious form of Alice, thebabay,- shoul- '¦

dered by her olédest sister Mary,_;was car¬ried n mll'ë through the darkness to th$;M,homo of a nelghboty iwhere. death fol-'y';,lowed. ."! 4

... i-i^iSTho alarm was Riven and a summons?'

sent to Sheriff Julian, of Salisbury, who .

left Immediately with a posse of, fifty.:citizens, for the scene of the tragedy,¦'{.'¦the blackest in the history of this .part',of North Carolina.'Suspicion soon fastened upon^the .tenants ¦'-.»

on the farm, who had threatened the.,life of Mr. Lylcrly because he harvestedthe wheat crop neglected by them..."s-Feeling runs extremely high here,

though there Is little prospect of a lynch»ing, ns Governor Glenn has Instructed thasheriff to-call out tho Rowan rifles In ;.the event of trouble.

Governor Takes Action.(Special to Tho Tlmes-Dlapatph.)

RALEIGH, N. C July H..Orders wer«Issued from the Governor's office to-dayfor the Bending of hounds from the pen¬itentiary to track the murderers of theLyerly family, but It was found thattho Institution had only two, these beingyoung and untrained as yet. Besides,they 'are at this time on the, Halifaxcounty State farm. Although .unable to.provide the hounds, a proclamation was

promptly Issued from the Governor.'*office offering *"360 reward for the arrestof tho murderers.

The Crime Fixed.(Special to The Times-DiBpatch.) :!.'.''

CHRLOTTE, N. C, July H.-Sherlff Ju¬lian, of Rowan county, to-night broughtto this city for safe-keeping" Nell! Gllles-ple, his son, John Glllesple; Jack Dil¬llngham and wife, George Erwin andHenry Lee. negroes charged with themurder of laaao Lyerly, his wife andtwo children, near Barber's Junction, lastnight. There was nothing to indicate alynching at Salisbury, but the sherltt.thought best to move the prisoners. Thacoroner's jury to-night fastened thacrime upon all the prisoners.


PHILADELPHIA, July »..Death re¬sulted from a pillow fight In a ward fornervous patients In Philadelphia Hos-pltal. Samuel Young,_aged rifty»slxyears, and Theodore J'löThe, aged fifty-seven years, Inmates, who were not on

friendly terms, ongaged in a fight withpillows, and Young was knocked down. In¦falling, ills head struck one of the ironcots and ho died almost instantly, Horn»has been placed under surveillance andwill be «Ivan a heaving when his con¬dition warrants his removal from the h<"*>-pltal,

i «.'¦' "¦"...

Miner Nominated for Congress,(Fly Associated Tress,)

SOILV.NTON. PA.. July 14..Thomas U..N'U-holU, president of District No. 1, Unit¬ed Mine Workers of America, was UMaynominated for Congress' from the Blev-oiith District, by the Lackawanna countyDemocratic convention. ..

