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Mrs. Olde’s Class Procedures/Survival Guide Back to School Strength * Tolerance * Responsibility *...

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Mrs. Olde’s Class Procedures/Survival Guide Back to School Strength * Tolerance * Responsibility * Integrity * Knowledge * Empathy
Page 1: Mrs. Olde’s Class Procedures/Survival Guide Back to School Strength * Tolerance * Responsibility * Integrity * Knowledge * Empathy.

Mrs. Olde’sClass Procedures/Survival


Back to School

Strength * Tolerance * Responsibility * Integrity * Knowledge * Empathy

Page 2: Mrs. Olde’s Class Procedures/Survival Guide Back to School Strength * Tolerance * Responsibility * Integrity * Knowledge * Empathy.

Class Code Of Conduct

RESPECT: Everyone and everything

EVERYONE: Must participateALWAYS: Come prepared

Page 3: Mrs. Olde’s Class Procedures/Survival Guide Back to School Strength * Tolerance * Responsibility * Integrity * Knowledge * Empathy.

Entering The Classroom•Please line up outside the classroom and wait to be greeted by your teacher. You MAY NOT enter the room until your teacher has opened the classroom door.

•Have your signature page out and open as you enter the room.

•Once you have been greeted, quietly enter the classroom and sit in your assigned seat.

•The first thing you need to do is take out your planner to write down the homework assignment.

•Homework will almost ALWAYS be collected at the beginning of class.

•Begin working on Warm-up or Opener.

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Asking A Question• Raise your hand before speaking.

• Wait to be called on to answer.

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We Need Your Attention….

• Classroom quiet signal: 5-4-3-2-1 countdown!

• Stop…Look…Listen

• All Eyes On Me!

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Directions For Assignments• Directions for all assignments will be

given by the teacher and/or written on the board, and most directions will also posted on our team website and Edmodo.

• Always reread directions before beginning an assignment.

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Heading On Papers

In the upper right hand corner of all papers, please write the following:

• First and last name• Date

• Class period

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Upon Completion of an Assignment

Check Your Work Before Turning It In!

• Ask yourself is it……….– Complete– Correct– Neat– Does it have the correct heading?– Did you show pride in your work?– Is it your own work?

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Academic Integrity Cheating/Plagiarism Policy

• Cheating will result in the following consequences:– Student will receive a zero.– Phone call home will be made.– A drop in citizenship grade.* The person who allows someone to copy

their work is just as guilty of cheating as the person who copies the work.

Use INTEGRITY and this will not be an issue you have to worry about!

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Obtaining Your Absent Work• If you are absent, it is your responsibility to get the

makeup work.• You must come in on your own time. That means;

before school, advisory, during lunch, or after school.

• Do not ask for absent work during class time.• Students have one additional day for each day of

an excused absence to turn in assignments per Washoe County School District Policy.

Page 11: Mrs. Olde’s Class Procedures/Survival Guide Back to School Strength * Tolerance * Responsibility * Integrity * Knowledge * Empathy.

Late Work Policy

• Homework is expected to be turned in on time; usually at the beginning of class.

• Late assignments will be accepted under the following conditions:– Turned in prior to unit test/assessment

for 60%– Homework pass is being used properly

BEFORE unit test/assessment

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Page 13: Mrs. Olde’s Class Procedures/Survival Guide Back to School Strength * Tolerance * Responsibility * Integrity * Knowledge * Empathy.

Class Discussions“Accountable Talk” will be used for most

class discussions.

General rules for accountable talk:• For a given question, only the first student

may say, “I believe….because”.• After that, everyone has to respond by

agreeing, disagreeing, building upon, or questioning the responses of others.

• The teacher may call on students or help to clarify a student’s ideas.

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Accountable Talk

• I believe_____because…• I want to agree with ____because…• I would like to build on what ___said…• I would like to disagree with what ___said..• I need clarification on…• In other words, what you said was…• Can you give me an example?• I can give you an example of that…

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Leaving The Classroom – Sign Out Sheet

• During class, all students must obtain permission before leaving the classroom.

• Once permission is given, complete the “Pass Log” located at the bottom of your planner for that day.

• Have the teacher sign your pass.• Complete the sign out sheet located in

the classroom.• Sign back in upon your return to class.• Violations of the sign out procedures will

result in a loss of privileges.

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Getting Needed Materials/Sharpening Pencils

• Students will have the privilege of sharpening their pencil or obtaining needed materials while working independently in class.

• Students may only get out of their seats at the appropriate time.

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When A School Wide Announcement Is Made

• All talking and noise stops.

• Upon completion of the announcement all students will return to their work.

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Fire Drills

• When the alarm sounds all talking/noise stops.• Quietly line up at the classroom door.• Exit the classroom in an appropriate manner.• Proceed to our designated area and line up on

the basketball courts – north side of building.• Stand quietly in line while attendance is being


• Any inappropriate behaviors will result in an automatic referral to the office!

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Substitute in Class…

• Your very best behavior is expected!• Follow the class code of conduct and

live the words in the “Strike” Matrix.• Consequences of inappropriate

behavior:– Phone call home– Drop in social conduct– Office referral– Loss of reward trips and special class


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Planners and ID

• You are expected to bring your planner and ID everyday to every class.

• At the beginning of class, your teacher will expect you to write the homework in your planner in the Language Arts box.

• If there is no homework, you will write No Homework.

• You must have your planner to leave the classroom on a pass.

• You must have your planner to receive a S.T.R.I.K.E. Signature.

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Leaving the Classroom

• Quietly clean up around your area – including table trays.

• Put away any materials/resources you may have used.

• Check to make sure you have all your belongings.

• Stand behind your chairs pushed in.• I know how to tell time, so wait to be

dismissed by me!

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S..T..R..I..K..E..Strength…We have self-confidence and

determination to succeed.Tolerance…We respect others and accept

differences.Responsibility..We own our actions, decisions,

and their outcomes.

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S..T..R..I..K..E..Integrity…We do the right thing even when

no one else is watching.Knowledge…We are active participants in our

education.Empathy..We seek to understand the

feelings of others.

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Mrs. Olde reserves the right to change or add

policies/procedures when necessary

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