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Mrunal Eco - Wpi Cpi

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  • 7/26/2019 Mrunal Eco - Wpi Cpi



    Chapter 4: Prices and Monetary Management. Three subparts

    Monetary management, measures of money supply, Urjit Patel

    Indees! Theory: "PI, CPI, IIP, #er$ices inde and others

    Indees! Current: #ur$ey obser$ations on "PI, CPI % IIP, &o' to combat inflation.

    "ait('hat happened to remaining chapters) Ch. * to + published as articles.

    Chapter + to - to / a$ailable aspo'erpointand$ideos. 0"ill release them as articles after prelims and its 1unofficial2


    [Act 1] WHO calculates W I, C I, II ?

    "PI 5ffice of the 6conomic 7d$iser

    In 8IPP 8epartment of Industrial Policy and Promotion

    In Ministry of Commerce % Industry.

    CPI Central #tatistics 5ffice 0C#5

    Ministry of #tatistics and Programme Implementation 0M5#PI

    IIP #ame as CPI

    [Act 2] WHEN they publish W I, C I, II ?

    "PI data publication

    "ee3ly 6$ery Thursday: Primary 7rticles and 9uel roup

    If Thursday is holiday then net 'or3ing day

    Monthly +4th of 6$ery month: all commodities

    9inal 7bo$e t'o are 1pro$isional2 because some prices are not a$ailable.

    9inal list released t'o months 0;6I&T 'ee3s. "hen they get authentic price data for all


    If holiday, then "PI data released net 'or3ing day.

    CPI and IIP: When published?

    CPI Monthly basis: for urban, rural, all India.

    7nnual: 'ith lag of one month.

  • 7/26/2019 Mrunal Eco - Wpi Cpi


    #tate of the necessary data.

    IIP monthly basis 'ith the time lag of si 'ee3s from the reference month.

    7lthough IIP just a short term indicator. The actual result come along 'ith 7nnual #ur$ey of Industries


    [Act ] WHE!E "o they get "ata #or W I,

    C I, II ?#o far 'e 3no', 'ho ma3es the inde, and 'hen they release it. ?ut "&6@6 do they get the statistical inputs)

    W I $ata Collectio%

    Primary articles @especti$e ministries, dept, P#U, #tate o$ernments

    9uel and po'er #ame as abo$e

    Manufactured products Aeading manufacturing units

    total B/B items

    Problems in Data collection

    +. #ince the collection of prices is on $oluntary basis, the flo' of price data, especially from manufacturing units, becomes

    irregular leading to problems in compilation of "holesale price inde.

    . 6conomic 7d$iser has created a 'ebportal, so factory o'ners can directly supply data. ?ut momentum not pic3ed up

    yet. #eems they!re too busy changing profile pics on faceboo3.

    . Therefore, 6conomic 7d$isors has made arrangement 'ith D##5 to collect price data from the manufacturing units, until

    'ebportal becomes popular.

    C I $ata collectio%

    Who gives data for Consumer price index (CPI)?

    Urban areas D##5 officials sur$ey. 8ata entered into DIC 'eb portal.

    @ural areas D##5 officials E Postal 5fficials 0if D##5 can!t reach. Dot all $illages sur$eyed, only ;+== $illages.

    II $ata Collectio%

    Who gives data for Index of Industrial production (IIP)?

    IIP information Supplier Items

    8IPP: 8ept of Industrial Policy % Promotion 4=

    Indian ?ureau of Mines B+

    Iron % #teel Foint Committee 4/

    Chem. % Petrochemicals 8ept. 4/

    Tetile Commissioner 44

    Ganaspati 8irectorate ++

    Fute Commissioner ++

    Petroleum ministry ++

    @ail'ay ?oard B

  • 7/26/2019 Mrunal Eco - Wpi Cpi


    9ertiliHer 8epartment B

    Coal Controller

    8irectorate of #ugar +

    #alt Commissioner +

    Tea ?oard +

    Coffee ?oard +

    Central 6lectricity 7uthority 0po'er Min. +

    Total items B*

    [Act &] WHA' are the co(po%e%ts o# W I,

    C I, II ?

    )1* W I co(po%e%ts o# Wholesale price i%"e+

    6conomic 7d$isor, Aespeyer!s formula,

    ?ase year ==4.

    hree categories! in descending order of Weight

    WPI components "eight

    Manufactured ProductsInternal "eight:Chemical metal food B4.J/

    Primary 7rticlesinternal "eight:9ood Donfood Mineral =.+

    9uel % Po'erinternal "eight:Mineral oil 6lectricity Coal +4.J+

    total 'eight +==

    These three categories are further subdi$ided into picture 'orth +=== 'ords.

  • 7/26/2019 Mrunal Eco - Wpi Cpi


    What is Hea"li%e i%#latio% W I?

    Dumber 'e get from all components $iH. primary, fuel and mfg.

    What is Core i%#latio% W I?

  • 7/26/2019 Mrunal Eco - Wpi Cpi


    core means, 'e should ignore food and fuel part.

    #o, core inflation K 5nly "PI of DonLfood manufacturing industries.

    &eadline "PI 0primary E fuel E food mfg. industries

    )2* C I co(po%e%ts o# Co%su(er rice


    C#5 calculates using Aespeyer!s formula,

    ?ase year =+=

    9i$e category of items. I!$e arranged them

    in descending order of "6I&T

    0Combined 7ll India

    CPI components #ural $rban Combined

    9ood, be$erages, tobacco J.+ /.+ 4J./+

    Misc.&ealth edu etc. 4.J+ * B.+

    &ousing D7 . J.//

    9uel, light +=.4 *.4 J.4J

    Clothing,bedding,foot'ear .B .J+ 4./

    Total +== +== +==

    %ind it: @ural

    CPI doesn!t



    Subcategories #an&ing: CPI (Combined)

    @an3ing 'ithin that highest 'eightage gi$en to

    food, be$., tobacco Cereal Mil3 Geggies (..#ugar 0lo'est

    9uel and light no subgroup

    clothing, bedding, foot'are 0ClothingLbedding 9oot'are

    &ousing Do subgroup.

    Misc. Transport Medcare &ousehold reNuisites(@ecreation 0lo'est

  • 7/26/2019 Mrunal Eco - Wpi Cpi


    What is Hea"li%e C I i%#latio%?

    The number you get from combined data of abo$e categories.

    What is Core C I i%#latio%?

    Core CPI K&eadline CPI MIDU# 0food and fuel components.

    Co%su(er oo" rice I%"e+ -C I.

    ?y the same good fol3s 'ho calculate CPI 0KC#5L'alla

    Using same Aaspeyre formula

    Using same base year: =+=

    If total 'eight of CPI K +==, then 9ood price inde K ;> of its 'eight

    Components in descending order

    Components #ural $rban Combined

    Cereals and products B./+ *.+ 4.+B

    Mil3 and products +B. +.J +*.+

    Gegetables +.B4 +.J +./4

    5ils and fats *.J* J.44 J.+

    6gg, fish and meat B. /.* B.//

    Pulses and products B. B.++ B.

    #ugar etc. 4.B4 4.++ 4.4/

    9ruits .B B.+4 4.4

    Condiments and spices 4.+ ./J 4

    Total +== +== +==

    #o far 'e are done 'ith components of "PI, CPI and food inflation. Mo$ing on

    )* II * /ector0ise Co(po%e%ts?

  • 7/26/2019 Mrunal Eco - Wpi Cpi


    Weight: %fg '' %ining '' lectricit

    sector "eight items itemgroups

    Manufacturing /./ B= J/

    Mining +4+./ B+ +

    6lectricity +=.+B + +

    total +=== B* JJ

    Mind it: Total 'eight is +===. #o, if you 'ant percentage 'eight, then shift decimal one point to left.

    9or eample: manufacturing 'eight K /.>

    II * oo"s0ise Co(po%e%ts?

    IIP data released in t'o formats

    +. #ector 'ise: Mining, mfg, electricity 0that 'e just sa' abo$e.

    . oods category 'ise using the same components as abo$e, but data presented for goods category 'ise(.as sho'n belo'.

    ?asic oods 7ny bul3 ra' material

  • 7/26/2019 Mrunal Eco - Wpi Cpi



    can!t be used for long periods. 9ruit Pulp, edible oil, mil3 po'der, tea, Cigarettes, 7pparels, De'spapers,7ntibiotics etc.

    *oods"ise "eight! In decreasing order:

    IIP Weight

    ?asic oods 4B.*

    Consumer nonLdurable +.4/

    Intermediate oods +B.*B

    Capital oods **.

    Consumer durable *4.B

    total 'eight +===

    II 3 core i%"ustries

    +. "ithin IIP, follo'ing * are core industries because they!$e impact on almost all other economic acti$ities:

    . Coal, fertiliHer, electricity, crude oil, natural gas, refinery products, steel, and cement.

    II $e#latio%

    IIP is a Nuantitati$e inde, the productions of items are being epressed in physical terms.

    ?ut for some items, the information is recei$ed in 1Galue2 term rather than Nuantity or $olume.

    #o, C#5 uses "PI as a deflator to con$ert that 1price2 into 1$olume2.

    [Act &] WH4 !E5I/E W I, C I, II series?

    Do' time for a 19A7#&?7CO2 in this mo$ie

    index ne" series effective from

    CPI =++, Fanuary

    "PI =+=, #eptember

    IIP =++, Fune

    #o if these are the ne' series 'e tal3ed about then 'hat 'as the system before that)

    !e6isio% o# Wholesale rice I%"e+ -W I.

    The "PI series has to be re$ised often, because of t'o reasons:

    +,: base ear

    Inflation is a 1relati$e2 concept. "hen 'e say there is inflation it means things used to be cheaper at some pre$ious year.

    #o, to calculate "PI, 'e need a base year. ?ase year should be re$ised once in a 'hile.

    +-: product mix

    "PI calculates inflation using Aaspeyres formula for 'eighted arithmetic mean.

    ?ut this formula fails to capture the dynamic changes in product mi and structure of the economy o$er time.

    9or eample, + years ago, price of GC@ and magnetic tape cassettes 'ould ha$e mattered. ?ut no one uses them anymore.

    #ame 'ay, + years ago, people did not buy that much moisturiHer creams and perfumes. &ence 'e!$e to 3eep changing the components.

    .ased /bhi0it Sen Committee

    .12# /1# Sen Committee! WPI reform

  • 7/26/2019 Mrunal Eco - Wpi Cpi


    De' system #tarted from =+=, #ep

    ?ase year +JJ ==4

    4 items B/B

    Increased no. of price Nuotations

    +. If factory directly eports, then don!t count that $alue in "PI. If factory directly imports an item, don!t count it in "PI.

    7dded ne' items.

    W I* Ne0 ite(s a""e"*

    Aist not ehausti$e

    Primary articles

    Aemon, aur #eed, @ose, Fasmine, Marigold

    Crude petroleum, Copper 5re, Qinc Concentrate

    Manufactured items

    Computer #tationery, UP#, #MP#, GC8 player

    8ish 7ntenna, 9ibre 5ptic Cable

    Perfume, #cent Cream, MoisturiHer, ?ody Po'der

    Aeather lo$es, jac3ets, garments, bags

    9ootball, Toothbrush

    /au(itra Chau"huri Co((ittee o% W I

    Current WPI Saumitra recommends

    B/B items ;+== items.

    ++ $egetables +/

    6pected to be operational from net year

    Collect prices from more centres, to get better estimate.

    @educe 'eight of primary food items. Increase 'eight of mfg. items

    ?ase year ==4 ==J, 7nd then to =++

    6nough of "PI, mo$ing on

    !e6isio% o# Co%su(er price i%"e+ series -C I.

    P#23% .efore S23$I24 /fter

    #tarted from =++, Fanuary

    base year =+=

    #pecific groups only.0?aseyear inbrac3et

    Industrial 'or3ers 0==+

    agricultural laborers


    rural laborers 0+J*B

    ProblemK doesn!t gi$e1'hole2 picture

    +. @ural. Urban. combined 0E state

  • 7/26/2019 Mrunal Eco - Wpi Cpi


    D##5!s =++ sur$ey.

    %ind it: this doesn!t mean they no longer calculate CPI for industrial 'or3ers- 7gro % rural laborers. They still do


    !e6isio% o# I%"ustrial I%"e+ pro"uctio% -II .

    6ach IIP item should ha$e certain minimum contribution to national production.

    9or eample GC@ industry!s contribution in Today!s economy K =>

    Therefore, need to update list 'ith based on technological changes, economic reforms and consumption patterns of the


    IIP .efore IIP /fter

    C.P. Chandrase3har Committee

    ?ase year: +JJ ==4

    7dded ne' items: 7pparels, ems and Fe'ellery, De'spapers, pasteurised Mil3, "riting % PrintingPaper, 7yur$edic Medicaments, "oollen Carpets, "ood 9urniture, Terry To'el, Coir Mats % Mattings,Polythene ?ags, Instant 9ood Mies, 9ruit Pulp etc.

    Informationsource agencies:+


    M#M6 dropped as a source agency.

    Chemical and 9ertiliHer 8epartment added

    #o E minus + K + increase

    DICL+J*/ Items used from Dational Industrial Classification 0DICL==4

    Increased 'eight gi$en to mining and electricity

    8ecreased the 'eight gi$en to manufacturing

    7s3ed M#M6 ministry to de$elop a separate inde for M#M6 sector

    Co(pariso%* W I, C I, II

    What did "e learn so far?

    5$SI24 WPI CPI IIP

    &5") Aespeyre!s formula same same

    "&5) 6conomic ad$isor C#5 C#5

    "&6D) 'ee3ly % monthly monthly monthly

    "&6@6 they get data) ministries, dept., industries D##5 and Postal 'or3ers ministries, dept, bodies

    Components : M9 Primary 9uel categories : M9 Mining electricity

    types only one "PI @ural, urban, combined #ector 'ise and goods Usage 'ise.

    items B/B B*

    base year ==4 =+= ==4

    C5@6 nonLfood manufacturing headline 0foodEfuel * industries

    [Act 7] WH4 W I, C I, II i(porta%t?

    Res, 'hy bother calculating "PI, CPI and IIP in the first placeS)

    Why is W I i(porta%t?

    Monitors the dynamic mo$ement of prices.

  • 7/26/2019 Mrunal Eco - Wpi Cpi


    "ho "hy they use "PI)

    o$ernment To design trade, fiscal and other economic policies

    @?I To design monetary policy, under Multiple indicator method: @?I used "PI. 0?ut @ajan started using CPIfor this purpose, since 7pril =+4, on Urjit patel recommendation.

    ?usinessmen In the business contractL to calculate price escalation clauses in the supply of ra' materials, machineryand construction 'or3.

    Why C I i(porta%t?

    Measures the price of goods that households consume.

    o$ernment Monitoring price stability.

    Calculating 8earness 7llo'ance

    Using as 1869A7T5@2 in national accounting

    @?I To design monetary policy from 7pril =+4 on'ards, based on Urjit Patel recommendation.

    ?usinessmen Calculating 8earness 7llo'ance

    Why II i(porta%t?

    +. The IIP measures $olume changes in the production of an economy

    . Pro$ides a measurement that is freeof influences of price changes

    . 8ata used in o$ernment policy planning purposes, Industrial 7ssociations, @esearch Institutes and 7cademicians.

    [Act 8] Other i%"e+es

    /er6ice per#or(a%ce i%"ices -/ I.

    Inde 8oes it co$er ser$ice sector inflation)

    "PI Dope

    CPI Partially e.g. education, healthcare

    IIP It doesn!t capture 1inflation2. It captures increase < decrease in 1production2.

    ?ut here too, #er$ice sector production not counted.

    7ny'ays, 6conomic 7d$isor started ser$ices price indices 0#PI. 0recall he also does the "PI.

    5n eperimental basis.

    To capture inflation in follo'ing ser$ice sectors:


    freight and passenger ser$ices


    ser$ices for 'hich ban3s charge fees, commissions, bro3erage, etc.

    @?I gets them data from + ban3s 0+ sar3aari, 4 pri$ate, foreign, + cooperati$e and + @@?.


    only 8epartment of Posts.

  • 7/26/2019 Mrunal Eco - Wpi Cpi


    &ardly tells anything, because it ID5@6# follo'ing:

    Pri$ate courier companies

    postal ser$ice to armed forces 0for national security issue

    money transfer $ia "estern union, IP5, money order- re$enue stamps.


    only for cellular ser$ices on the basis T@7I report. uarterly basis.

    7ll of them use same Aaspeyre!s formula.

    9altic $ry i%"e+

    Aondon based ?altic 6change, releases this inde number on daily basis.

    Measures cost to transport ra' materials by sea.

    ro"ucer rice I%"e+ - I.

    measures price change from the perspecti$e of the seller.

    i.e. a$erage change in selling prices recei$ed by domestic producers for their output.

    Co$ers both goods E ser$ices. 0"PI only co$ers goods

    #ellers! and purchasers! prices differ due to go$ernment subsidies, taes and distribution costs. Therefore, better to use PPI.

    ?coH CPI doesn!t co$er this.

    Majority of the 56C8 countries measure inflation based on Producer Price Inde 0PPI

    "PI has been replaced in most countries by Producer Price Inde 0PPI due to the broader co$erage pro$ided by the PPI in

    terms of products and industries

    PPI has more concordance 'ith system the national account. 0compared to "PI

    Therefore, 5ffice of the 6conomic 7d$iser 0567 has ta3en up the initiati$e for constructing a Producer Price Inde 0PPI

    for India.

    #ome notable countries

    Ireland uses ?5T& "PI and PPI

    2nl WPI 2nl PPI

    Fapan, 7ustralia, reece, Dor'ay and Tur3ey Canada, U#7 , 7ussies, #.Oorea, UO, #pain, Italy

    /o(e (ore i%"e+es

    @?I Inflation epectation sur$ey of households.

    9or three months and + year ahead periods.

    5?ICU# 5rder ?oo3s, In$entories and Capacity UtiliHation #ur$ey 05?ICU#

    ?y @eser$e ?an3 of India 0@?I

    To assess consumption and in$estment demand

    #ur$eying ;== companies in manufacturing sector

    Timeframe: Nuarterly

    If .altic number meaning

    Increases More ra' material shipped. "orld economy gro'ing

    "as highest in May ==* 0;++,*==.

    8ecreases @e$erse impact on economy.

    7fter ==*, 7fter that continuous decline due to subprime, and euroHone crisis.

    Ao'est May =+4 0J*

  • 7/26/2019 Mrunal Eco - Wpi Cpi


    7#I 7nnual sur$ey of Industries

    ?y D##5 under #tatistical ministry

    To sur$ey manufacturing sector!s gro'th and structure

    #ur$eying e$ery mfg. unit employing += 'or3ers or more.


    ?C India Manufacturing Purchase Managers! Indices 0PMI.

    Monthly basis

    D66@@66@ 'ill see them 'hen I publish articles for chB and *(.in the meantime you may refer tothepo'erpointor lecture$ideos..

    [Act :] ;aspeyre, compared to the prices in base year ==4.

    In =+, If I get the number +*=K*=> inflation than base year 0==4

    ?ut compared to =+4, the =+!s year on inflation 'ould be 0+*=L+/=.

    #tatistically 'e can epress 'ith this formula:

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