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mSNBBM - DigiFind-It€¦ · 1 CV VQ III n Ilium,, w^p . . . ., - avenue, near Kgan avenue,' Fords,...

Date post: 12-Oct-2020
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GRADE CROSSINGS M'dST Gt) ! 1 THE WOODBRIDGE LEADER AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN THE INTEREST OF WOODBRIDGE TOWNSHIP GRADE CROSSINGS MUST GO ! ! TWENTY-FIRST YEAB Woodbridge, N. J., Friday, S«ptc«ib«r 5, l«3O THREE CENTS PER COPY IGNORANCE OFKfSM'HEALTHBOARD 0F ™* SSm- 4 ""^ AS "wfWnSn ^PESSK n ..iiirncmi< l e ^ ^ T E ATWUWI00D| «..„„„.«-..« aOT J!S?fKKs.™ OTADCPPAQU Tn REGAIN HEALTH IS BURIED II OWNERSHIP IS A POOR EXCUSE Defense Offered by Four Men Caught Dismantling Auto not Accepted by Judge. "W«' didn't know that the «ar he- lDiin«'d "' anyone," This was the defense offered by four youths, Charles Wnnko, ' 19. Sairatore Jerry, 25, Joseph Peters 'l(T and Emit Josephs, 24, all of Klijabeth, who "Were arraigned be- fore Judge B, W. Votfel, In the po- evenlng on a Officer Celes vvmiuiL, l\l TTlLilSTI V W CONVENTION TOMORROW Tln> Wnndlii idRfl Host Drum ahd e COIJIH, ul the American Le- . Is ail se| iowin the big prise ii the Slate Convention of the .Miiencan L<Ktiin/-it Wlidwood to- moirow. The local corps.has b«en practicing the entire week (it the Woodhrldge l'iirk, and tjiey .have their new marching manemiveiii down to perfection. Among those who are to take part in the competition are: Drum Major IN. Darwyn Giilluf), Louis Zelner. Schreiner, Selmar Christen MAY CONDEMN FORDS HOUSE TWEEJIPESTED 3 CARS CRASH REGAINmm Calling slot machines a "m«na?e to the community", Judgf 11. W. Vog( I, lined Mnrris DeUtHCh, 41. John FarroWi .**. «•"« Manner, 42. all uf>IsellOi 160 and costs, Tu<* Poor Plumbing Fills New- y -—»-' f0 ;: r - tn v Brunswick Avenue House machines in their possession «mi m .... , r f, I diipratlon. With Sewer Gas. ATHOPELAWN Minor Accidents in Township mi I- 1 _. I I _i ippratlon. i The three men were arrmtwl by _. . ' Officer Joseph* Lvwlti, who visited If no acilnn Is taken within aj their rstabltlhjbiHifsjind foiind^the I'monlli to correct the plumbing de- machines " ' '"" fectu in a house on New Brunswick noon. lice court, Tuesday petty larceny charge. uimei^Bi™- tine Romond, |old the court that he found the men dismantling a car which had been left on the highway by some driver who evidently had had some motor trouble. The li- cense plates were gone, but Officer Homond said that he found the bat- tery in the car owned by Josephs. When he asked themen what they were doing, Officer Komond said • IU,. i they dertWJ taking anything at first hut When they were confronted with the stolen battery, they admit- ted the theft but said that they "didp't know it belonged to any one." a reminder that all things be- long to someone, Judse Vogel fined each man |16 and costs or 30 days in i«Tl. Wading Pool ' in New Park Complet rjugtsne riciireiiier, oeuunr ijunsu'n- sen, William Messick, Anthony.8lla- koiikle, Charles Anness, William Holohan, Vincent Weaver, Alfred Viola, Leroy LlttS, ' Riymond R. Moore, Russell McBlrOy, Tlinnme Katb, Fred Wltheridge, Raymond vJerlty, Edward J. McLeod, ThomaR Dunn. Edward Planigan, Lewli Swlt- zer, John llergeh, Walter Stoll, Leon B. McKlroy, David Carpenter, Joseph J. ftllii., Charles Kuhlmafc. 1 CV VQ III n Ilium,, w^p . . . . , - avenue, near Kgan avenue,' Fords, owned by a Mrs. Casey, of Philadel- phia and tiniter the care of. a real, estate agent, H. O. McClean, ot I KordK, the. building: will be con- demned at mint to live In, accord- ing to the decision of tlte members of the Hoard of Health, at a meet- Ing held Tuesday evening ut Memorial Municipal Building, cording to Ben Jensen, the plumb-1 Ing la hooked up with "~ - In play, Saturday ThtfVmarhlnea were pot" t}'P<'. tlw Over Week-end and Labor Day. Several automobile accidental li tin Hiwnshtp marred the otherwise - • • -"J .1. ««,! hlnl Clarence R. Woyitand, 60, of uarron <af»nu«, a llfe-tont r«t' of Woodbrldt., dl«d laat nl|_ his hone after a llaj«rlat llisess tiV«r>« year. IMewtljr, M». W j;and wai feeling much bKlar and hqp*> wan held out for hit recover) 'neumonla, however, »M In, and death c»me lam night when hln PII- [tlre family was at his bedside. Mr. Weyjand Is' tnrvlved by his J N the Ac- HEAVY TRAFnC WELL HANDLED IN TOWNSHIP many were it nd „. holiday wsek-eiid. were Injured and those Not that HUGGING WHILE STEERING LANDS MAN IN COURT Dickerson Allowed Car to Zigzag All Over Road, Falls Into Hands of law. p the sewer I u « Murphy and His Men Kept Btuy and no Serious Accidents Are Reported. were injurru >un iuv« ..... rc'celvd moatly minor Injuries were allowed to Kb to theli loiiiep After treatment It both tht rtahwiiy nnd 1'«Tth >niboy hospital! Kour year old WUllum Hornsby. of S Oreen street. Woodbrld#t, wa» . lifchtly iiijtii'fu .. en hrDIl Struck by a car driven by Robert Temple I of 1500 Dloomneld street, Hoboken ut the Intersection of Rahway ave nne and (ireen street, " '•• IS BURIED IN PERTHAMBOY u" B T.r Mn. Louii R.H Id.ntiKe. f wife. ioal«, a son, Allen: daugh ter Margaret, and a brother, John, all of Woodbrldg*. Hs was a mem _ *. . * t »J—& MA 1 n7S Man Killed H«re as Her Husband. Vuneral »ervice». 41, an automobile for l.oiiix Ratt, mec'imiic. who 41, an autoiiiuitiia mec'iumc. wh was killed bv un automoiiile on Am boy avwiue Wnodbrldg* «/n Augus oodbrtd ber of R«hwsy P. O. E. Although comHele ts h lot funersl «r- d llUUHt! IM llJUllMuauj ,.,.^- sewer KM«. nKiklng It'"" « nnt l |lilce ,n which to live. Jacob Orausain, then made a motion, that Mr. Me Clean be notineA».to s<t In touch with Mis. Casey and tell her that T |,,, local P«li''e ft"' *» ^™": she will begiven a month in which ^ululated for tin- manner In which to put the house In a healthful c<in-, tll ,,v handled truilta throughout the d i t , on Township ovt-r the week-end and A motion was made.and carried holiday. Although the trafllc that the Improvement committee of the heaviest that ever went the Township Committee be notified the main highways Inthe l ,„ „, (i, Q oowpraire tanks theiv wore si-rlous i was to Inspect the sewerage throughout the Township, as highway in the Township, tanks there wore ss-rlous accidents, many Except for a few minor collisions Accused of driving a car withonj hand, and hugging his sweetheart with the other arm, Clarence Dlck- ersoii, 23, of Avenel, waa fined flvt dollars and coats Tuesday morning, by Judne H. W. Vogel, onthe com- Margaret PinReld, ol who claimed that thi over 'the road The new health has been drawn up by Health At torney Andrew ~ ~ * placed In. committee >.. u ..... . . _ at the next regular meeting. ness on m e p a n m ui>-v. u , ^... ordinance which | week-end WW not marred by any U| . », .thing serious, D, Desmond, was| police officer were stationed and al In a .steady stream. The fac' defendant drove all The new wading pool in (he play- an d almost caused ground section of the Woodbrldge According to Mi Park system has been completed ,, ra on was driving very and the water was turned on for thi flrit time last evening In the pres •nee ot Mayor William A. Ryan. As t h T water• •hot up In the air, the car . Mr». piM ™*™Z7™M ChlldreB who were drawn to the .irgument .ensued until they reacn !!? ^^^•fo B r aV t e he tt , 1U b t at h fi %£% (JS'^A ^ the next regular meeting. , H u In i .steady *ir»m. •"' >™ Health inspector Peter Peterson's, tnat there were no more• wcWmto report for the month of August war to surprising as practical y even ie|iuii iu, .... inta frnm office «,i..i,..f»./ nf Imnm-Unce In the fliaic report for the monm m nuguov „„., 18 BUI| , I1 . H1B as follows: Total receipts from office highway" of li for A lit! ust, 161.50; plumbing per- goeg through r. ........ rformito 18; wayside; io pass him, he tried to ditch her car. Mrs. Plnfleld sawthat a little and ran home ior meir um..i.. B piameu "•"""' *r,:hicker«on ----- children vogel told ayin i - att«nt|0B J»rU[MV ^M unl en 'unhappy. :. TUtWUAJ i u v » » . . e , - there were about twenty children VoKel told lne defendant "that an mmng and splashing in the pool. ar d,, ous courtship was eonimsnclabl. «nlle watching the children, bm' that paying att«nt|0B to : l*(»or By«n said. "There Is no '"'.P. • . .11 dmnt but what this park will be popular with the kiddies of the TowMhip. 1 hope they get as much pleMvre oat of this i s I do of W»tehi»« thtoi." Work h a s ' W o progresslngly rap M\y In *• p*rh. "V%n of the roller Ittrtttg '»y«m*1liw»teen ' completed' and the/work onthe tennis courts la almost done. the Township. ,f birth, 3;'copies of ftath, 2,^con- tagious diseases reported: tubercu-, -Mis. 3; measles, 1; mirse*' repo home visits, 800; dtale «ttBntan«. 128; new cases, 20; defects detect ed. 2*; defects corrected 12, vital «u,tlstics. births, 32; deaths, 11. marriages, 8. ^ GUARDIANGIVES TO CAMP FIRE to P r e s i d e at Endeavor Meet noon. The buy was taken lo tn'e i flee of Dr. C. Howard itoUituxs. >,, treated him for lnu.se» on the I'jri head and left clieeK ami for i»ii tiisslon of Ihv' left ulniulin-r, f. .v .inn and li. nd. Kred Jonlcr, of May utriel, Hupe awn, drtviTiK a ear east un New itrunswlck avenue, near Kl'.en stieil, lnjiilawn, collided w.tii a nuuiiini driven by William Warren, of Cut- ter . avenue, Fords, early Sunday' monilnKl Johler was Injured uboui the fale. Frit* llauer, of t'.iUl Btreet, MVds, who was ridtntt with Johler, wha^cut over the right eye, and William WrW.n sustained cuth on the head. All were treated at th.» rth Amboy City Hospital. A triple accident occurred Sun- Jay noon oil St. GeorgeH avenue, Van Huron street, when a cai .Irtvcn by Sam CamprlBe, suddenly ,iuppeil in tr. illc und caused car .irlven by I'ettr Gallo, of l.lndeu. and a car driven by !Ved 1'leiro, ol Delaware, Pa,, to crash Into each other. A Miss 1'roinplon, of Mu maroueck, N. Y., dllvlng with Pie tro, wa»\reated for u l)i«i tut oil l«' liead, by Dr. C. Howard Rothfuas. Although cointw* ' umr " 1 •• ran»fm«ts have •« been made, tr rangemeau have M«n m*4» to hold the fun*r»» service! at *:J0 Sunday afternoon at the house and Hue* o'olbek at the Trinity Episcopal church, R»v. J. B. My«rs. will offl- date. interment will he In thf Umlly plot in the Trinity •hurchynrd. HI Him DV llll miiouiuinir un nu. .boy avenue, WdodbridKt. «/n Au«ust Udce, No. 1.075.Ill and who »«» Identld^d late Vn- 'day afternoon i>y his wife,, (larban R*ti, wer« held Tttttdar ifternooa from Gundrum» rnn«rtl Home,. Ptrth Amboy Interment w«« la Lady of HunKiuv. eemetery, IVrllt Amboy. Mrt. Ratt, told Coroner Lawrence A. Kenny, Unit hac husband left their home in ClevwUnd, Ohio, about 16 months aijo, sfter the told | him thai »he »as about to become a mother. H»r smi It now about a yearold. Mr. and Mrs. ItaU were married in IVrth AIUIMIV. At that time, : itiiti was employed in the Durarit Motor Co, plain In Elisabeth. Lat- er, they went west and ho worked ,for the Ktehi'i Automobile Body Company. I After Rut 7. deserted her, Mw, Hati returned to Perth Amboy and OFFICER MEYER LARSON IS HURT iWHILE ON DUTY M A t«,»<..>/.l n rnlliJAa With!™ade her holm »l 73t Mary Btreel. ;Motorcycle Lollidei witn Bhe uhUln(1(1 ,. mi)loym< , nt ' » t a Auto of N. Y. Doctor on ' Avenel Street. She obtained ,,..,,„.,... I'erth Amboy cin.r factory. Neigh- bors, havlnj; i I'm! of a man killed In WoodbrldK'. notified Mrs. Kats, as they beHevnl Um description In the newspapoin fltttid that of her missing husband. ' Mrs. Itali went to the Gundrum Funeral Parlors where she viewed the body, Friday morning. Al- though she was almost certain that' the body wait that of her husband, i she did not care to say positively that It was until some of her hus- e nport, Offlcei i band's relatives viewed the body. IB on Avenel str d She returned Friday otternoon with the suner-lil^hwav I some of the missing man's relations, ' - *—' • ii—• ika hnriv was Motorcycle Officer *Ueyei ljkrson W«s slightly injures Wednedav soon, while on duty, when the mo- torcycle he was driving on Avenel street, collided with » iur driven >>. Edwin Smith, of \i\ W r.tbtii >t, New York and owned by Dr lames H. Ravewll. of 187 W. street, Uw York. AccoYfthlf; to the irport, Offlcei Larson wivj^dl and had reachel tut* pum»-n>a uliin tht trafte l||ht was red. He who .. _• 1_ ,„.!,«„„„ nnd that 0^| GIRLS ARMY RECRUITING^ B AGAIN OPENED rtv AT PERTH AMBOY A ramp Fire room, at the. nf Sim, Herbert Silvermaun, suar- •lian of tliB local ^i-oupH, Wns pre- sinlml lo the members of the 1-yo- tii iitul Uo-koii-jiKgrougB of €uiup Miss Claire l'lelffer, a iiieiiil)*i' ot the Christian Kixleavor of tht Woodliridge rresbyterian church, und president of the Middlesex County ChriatUn Endeavor Union, -will preside <v chairman over tlw nieflinge to be held at tlie I'reaby- terlan Church, of New Brunswick, by Dr. C. Howard Rothtuss. wh«re th« tr»«e U|ht was reo. nc ... \ second triple accident occurred lwalted ( o rl h et | Kn n B t0 c h»nite and .that of noon the next day. at the cornti when , hey tur04d Rr( . en he gt artP d .1 Amboy avenue and Main street, acroM| M l h e M m e U mem m ... when a car driven, hy Carl ficlmel- ohlne oame , outh on th(1 ni K hw nj and Officer Larson's motorcycle struck the rear of the car. He wan thrown off the motorcycle and hi* - • ..-- .... w»u He wn -. .... declared that t f l Rati. the body arl Schnei Irvmiuon, b |der, ot Leslie Place, struck a. car owned and driven hy William Goodwin, of Washington avenue, Clifton, who In turn col- lided with a car parked on Atnbo) avenue, owned by John Dobernilllef, of Jacques avenue, Runway. Mri A, Eckehouser, of Leslie roa4 IrvhiKton, riding with Scvhnelder. was taken to, thi Perth Amboy C ty Hospital where the wna treated for ing minuu.i, » .»»»» r the annual Stute convention to b< held In NeW_ 'Irunswlck., (Xlobii lactrutloiiB rtek. Phyllj ere she wus t of the head and le Unlttil States Arnij- Uecruil- lint; Station tor this si'ciiuu which I lias been cloned tor several months, vURIrJlilEi I nas be«n re-opeued at Perth Amboy IN FLOWER SHOW ' n Mn ThiB " V S T n S BuuilW. This serve Woodbiidge tlieft-olfAlBe fall meet- held S to 12. ,been attending the World's jt Haiti Endeavor Convention In *' lit' U1UO.MV « . . vr . ._„, inn Wedneuday afternoon. During the. business seusion, it' lain a«uB»jr», v>««._ I was decided to hold a lummagK sale wlu arrive today InNew _ Saturday morning September 'JU, in Tn " locul committee has ucr, the iiar.nh tiouat of tut 1'resbynsrliiii B«CC B K9'U1 »» arranging an attractiv musical program for the conventior who ha Chv.s- Berlin York. been of the skull, when aim fell out of u ii-uck owned by her father, while driving in Ha^amun Heights, Siitui- will adja- 4he Woman's Club will hold their annual fall Bower show Sep- tMlber IT, at the Municipal audl- 111 ..... . u .«._»_..,, I'erth Amboy and cent dlle» and towns. The recruiting aeijieant staleb that" he nan several good openings tor Panama, Hawaii and the states '*•-'" •" «nrt New of general c n u i u . . ...^ , r _^ ,„ be announced al a later date. lg aD d 3%. The rules are as follow*'. Only amateurs may compete, viriTIAM CDAT6 ADC Exhibit must be In position by V ALA I ION 0FIH0 AKL U VMM!i baskets and cbntalnersj LAUDED BY ROTARIANS must be turnUhed by the exnlbltor. | ' Flowers and containers cannot be! |.'i»h stories, and vacation hobbies removed until closing of show. ••' The show will be open to the pub FOUR INJURED IN .CRASH ON HIGHWAY WlUle. trying to pass a bus on the new sujie.r-niguwuy, near the Lafay- tte garage, Muxwcll H. Mund, ofi 1107 .Low street, IJaltitiioie, Md., driving north 011 th«highway, col- lided with a car su'nj; south, driven by Stanley Iluj intiilH, of TO!) l'fiui i»treet, Cauiden, which In turn, cur dfiven by Albert .... parmli Hou»t of tut 1'resUyiBi'iiiii B " cceB9IU ' "' """S'-B - c lj Urc ), musical program for the convention Rev. Paul H. Conrad, pastor of tin Stelton Baptist church, will be tlie muBieal director. He has sectirtu the services »f Miss Janet Dlckson of Vlnelaud. N. J., anorganist and the famous Harmony Trumpeters. Newark. PORT READING FIREMEN PLAN ANNUAL DANCE ' Woodbrid,, Uotary C ub held 1 the He at 2 P. M. The following awarded prites; I yesterday noun be ,-Hotel. ary Club the Middlesex a cur dviven oj- niui-n. .. lOhurch street, Rahway, Sunday eve-," 16 . I held nlng. cl< 1 Plaus have boon Shufer, otl" 16 annua ' dunce of the Port (m» 'F| re Company, which will at the School Auditorium avenui 13, of 30 stained Merce sevcrui pital In the Raveaell car and war treated for juries to the head and lift urm. Stveral X-,IIVH have, beer taken to determine tin ruem of hi Injuries. CATHOUODAUGHTERS 1 PUN C&RD PARTY Double Funeral Held for Auto Crash Victims FIFTEENTH g in Hagaman Heinlita, Sat murning. The girl hatl been it th door, which The girl waK ( day leaning against the suddenly flew open. ...... „... [treated by Dr. Samuel Messinger, Carteret. Copper Thieves Visit Heyden Chemical Co. A copper coil, valued at 176, and 1 - 1 - -«•*.»«,. nine uroy A public card party to be Monday ('veiling Septi-mlier " dahlias, rows, and non-residents - Mrm. classes will be-H»ul. ^ , lia « B? ne •Mrs. Flounce Mrjewe^twe^ and HUBI, .. luLulM...«..»». '^S 1 -X't ty ^morlal Hospital. «nty and Hugh KiHy ,1*",^ %nn!y\- were towed to the-Lafayrt Jewel, his vacation in tie, lower v > _ _ for ;ad b' Tlie injured, all pasBeuger^ .In the | w ? ai avK " U1 ' I'ort' Heading on Sat ..eynolda' cur, were: Reynolds, i tt ..urday evenu.K, September 13. Jack ceratlons of left hand; Carl Harv«.v> ulal1 tt " a hl f , Radio orchestra Have iti, of Himstreet, Camden, cut on be ?n engaged for the occasion. lip; John Foster, V|ne strum, Cam- Several special features have been ,den, lit, treated lor shock; Pinker arranged tur the affair and loving| '0. Smith, Elm street, 'Cain'den, la-|cups will lie awarded to the flrt- pipe, wan en iron. i... ow—. CUem'eaJ Fowls, sometime Saturday night ' made by the police, Tues niadu of two inch copper Htnleii from the Heyden I Co., F , ..... ' "-'- according to a report forimian to the, local morning. held Monday eveiuiii; .i,-,^ [the Colniublan Club, on Main street, was planned last evening ut a meet- ing of Court Mercedes, Catholic PuughlerB of America. The follow- ing wem appointed to serve on the luiWse lux the acalri jf%r, Michael Conole, chairman 1 Mri, I. Barron Levl, Mrs. Micliael DfcrJby; Mrs. George Finn, MTB. % Lattgan, Mm. J. Blnhorn, Mrs. K. Einliorn, MSHS MurgaTet Gerlty, Mrs. ••-- u v n \ ov Mm. T. Double funeral services for Jo- seph Deak. 20, of Pords, and Jo- seph Deak, 19. of Keaabey. cousins, 'who were instantly killed In an au- tomobile crash ut Elktou Md., art Saturday, when their sedan rolled down an embankmeat after Wins: struck by another machine, were held Wednesday afternoon at three o'clock at the Hungarian Reform ^erth Amboy. Rev. Charles ' ir of 4 ^ Magyar Re- Elnhorn, 'A. Ernst, Mrs M H. Koley, Mrs. T. ^r'^West^Jtomond, Mrs. Mrs. ivOertty, Miss-Roue Oerlty Patrick Murphy, Mrs. A. tormed church. u U ^,». u ment was in the Magyar Reformed cemetery, -Perth Amboy. According to the report ol the. ac- cident, the two buys, and Stephen Deak aHfl James Deak, of Fords, brothers ol one of the dead youths, and Joseph Churko, of Keasbey,, i were on a week-end holiday trip.. They were riding along the highway near Blkton, When lho '""it wheel of another machln HOPELAWN FIRE CO. WINS FIRST PRIZE AT WASHINGTON, D. ' uiudeii, la-1 cups win uv a»«, lu . u They were| c °nlpany having the largfest number i..f niomhHis nresent, to the fire com Tlie, nieiuhurfl of the Hopelawn '. spent Uie week-end Mrs. ramuiv u . ,,. VI |Thomp6on, Mrs. M. P. Dunlgan, Mrs. S. Mayo, Mian Susan Murphy, Mrs. T. Levl und Mrs. A. Coley. Th« member!) of the court, also jiuide plans to hold .their second Molt tournament on LanganV golf course, next Thursday r evening. Members are reiiuested to' meet al ithe course at 8:i!0. After the tour- In the wheel the front wheel ., which came up rear, locked into the rear of their car, causing it to wntwi ui iuu. — . , - turn over and topple over the en- bankment on the xlde of the road. J the two D«ak hoys were killed^ Instantly. Stephen Deak. received a broken leg and broken arm; James Deak, escaped serious Injury when he Jumped from the car; Joseph ff Churko's right mm WBB brokeu In ' '"• several places. Ctiurko und Stephen -* >- .... viuinn Hosnttal. the llah- aald that lie spent mSNBBM row afternpon. t at,^ Br MrS ROB-H . ._:—.„ ,, m rn the ert .AlsiUi.oriui Hospital. The towed to the .Lafayette Garage. "HAYSEED" COSTUMES. TO BE FEAtURE AT AVENEL BARN DANCE The second annual ba.ru dance Hie William I', Cujupbell Associa- iof membur.s ( present, pany 'coining the farthest dlstanc and, f01.the winners of a prize waltz ^rconniiatee in charge of - at 'asiunnion, u. ^., where they tuok first prize in one of the divi- sions of the National Firemen's pa- rade on Labor Day. Those who Molt course, '-••haveclui^e of the'evening not serious. . •X 'made th*- trip, were: J.rkaslua, «• ' n o k T h b * ^ MCNulty. James Toner. l s . siilch und J. Saboy. ,1) 'MfUimnfil, a»<i Benjamin Mai- Una. TO COLUSION ( >r HOPELAWN MAN HELD FOUR CHARGES Andrew Novack, 24, street, Hope! of Iti May L'liiihylviUilii avenue, Al nuioi BJDV.-^., ... ••, WftB held for Uie orchestra has )>een engaged for lne! grand jury in $4,o6o ball, on the occasion. William Russell, chair-j charge of ;issault and battery and man of thtj altalr, requests that,for impersonating an officer, by The total eniollmuit fur th« tour , teen schoolu in Weodbrldge Town ! Hhip ,n(,lH in Wwdnnoge i»«-i i^ans fur the >"lrd annual bazaar sniy 10 u,»>-, -- - • - year's enrollment, 5,b*»- tweed avenue may last ev same headquarters. COSTA'S Famous Ice Cream All FUVOM , , . quart moaphere. g 111 uw";'l "' In police court In Tuesday nluht. Qf nbdQIlll Ullf bat- 60 cents SO cents 18 cent* . haU pint HARDIMAN'S PHARMACY Rahway Ave * Green St. Woodbridge HARDIMAN'S PHARMACY Ed. L. Hardiman, formerly geamau's Perth Amboy Prescriptions ~ - ^ «t . Patou was treated for a cui uu ...>. I I right left and MIHS Vatou was treat- led for cuts on the head by Dr. Sell. I ST. JAMES' SCHOOL WILL fOPEN MONDAY^ MORNING LOCAL ORGANIZATION TO HOLD CARD PARTY Then^^uT^ntofth^ride st social evom ui „.„ . of New Jersey Council, Sons and Daughters of Liberty, for the fall, will be a public card party to be ' ..unlnir Sell The churl's ot amiauii ».. u .._. I tery were brought against the ToWti- Iship manIn Jennie and Fred Neiire, of 622 I8U1 avenue, and Lulu Wit- tell, of Siii'ingfleld avenue, all of Newark. 'Hie women claim t lift I Novack stnuk them, while walking in the woods near tlae gounty Voca- tional Sctiooi. When Neure went to -•-i~. n j thai Nrfvack tional S their aid told him tie St. James' l>a •Wednesday inor Classes will morning and 17, according lo iimuo ......... „. \l 'OlUiui«i*»t nieel ' nK held Wediienday evening at ithe CraftBinen's Club. All-the'usual chlal school opened W' ll » 8 wl J} J«"ln ulay and attractive '-.. ..uuiui,-itlon 'PrUes will be awarded. •' ••— • M lensen. was appointed for , o ..i next cgietratlon Monday be time. .»' is ex- will bu about Cor. and Grew t !ontinuwTat that peclu d that •n.'" 1 n y^h«n 'r^rt W --teher 8 having jheen engaged. ^ | I Mr. a.id"T.. B John B j l r and Molnar, New an^ [™»™ nt we«k will leave oft 1««««^ ° he w i U e n- ^rC«ni«m'M.^ryAcad«my_ HAW your modelled at up ratH. Avou th Amboy Avrhfct, phon« 8<077f be asslBted by Mia. u », c , Mm, Chui'leB Nelson, Mrs, E. Nelson, Mrs. Georglana HobertB, Mrs. J. Mrs. t'ederitone. u. Mrs. J. M. Jensen, was appointed chairman of the ut'l'ulr, and she will i'—..«iui u rf hvMrs. George Bernard, , claimed that was an officer. n). A.R.T0 , OPEN SEASON SOON at police services for Michael Finn, 71, a lifelong resident of Woodbrldge, who died Friday morn- ing at St. Peter's Hospital, New Brunswick, after a lingering Illness. held Monday morning at 10 -i-i—..1. :were made by tin- Hulldeia 1 Society, tlit- lownr in-nnes *• o f t n e Methodist EpjBCO|ial church, 're Zt made (in all " the re B ular montllly mi!etlnt! held 10 meet t e cowde Wednesday afternoon at the home ~,JI L , hiltv nit, ol Mr8 - E ' W.'Valentine, of Tlsdale thirty Funeral 71, of M place. . The opening devotlonals wave led by Mr*, Madalifuts J. Duval, after which planit weiv made for a food sale to be held Saturday afternoon, September 13. Mrs. Godfrey BJorn- ^y o l hflftn ()t ar " O'CIOCK, ttl o». -- . _. bridge. Retf #kbard J, O'Farrell was the celeOTant at the high mass. Interment was in St. James' ceme- The bearers were the six nephews tery. fijinwi WOMEN * OPEN SEASON WITH 'September ia. aim. w-u..^ _, COVERED DISH L l W C H j ^ ^ ^ 01 "'^ chafrnlanQf Refreshments were skived during e social hour by Mrs.fc.W. Valen- tine, Mine Bthel Valentine, Mrs. The Woman's their Club, of Avenel, with a coverei diali ,«»-. _ Tearooin, Wednesday afternoon, tearoom wax decorated most artis- tically with baskets of cut flowers I and a most a.ppetizlng menu was served by the hospitality chairman '' J ...I. ton Prank Me McCultach. The nearer* i « c ...„ _. of the deceased, Joseph Alexander. John, William, George, Gus, and Arthur Finn. The late Mr. Finn is survived by a slater, Mrs. Thomas P. Dunlin. iDiece tt0U u. eu „. ,and two brothers, William H. |t>d ! " l * C * S?"h " ' (Howard J. Finn, all of Wpodbrldge 1"' _».\ ,„" thft * the and committee. The' aurpHae,, came when' preuldent, Mrs. P. J. llonato, wai asked to unveil the master canter ld Vale, M and Mrp. Oeorge October meeting local the held at "zzn.'&r'SZ iss Vannee will Revolution, will be home of Mrs. John Monday afternoon, Plans for the ensu- be made. .. PerionaH •- ing pool for the kiddies of Avenel, Ih! Woman's Club goal for 831 I Mr, and Mra, John Futkos quietly I celebrated the fourteenth annlversay of their 21« Vulton at their honw, on Wednesday. ^ Ur a y nd M M a rt: A 6.Hargl.Pran.and Fair, ,on Wedne»day. the club. Mrs. members 101 u » n n . vw [ports were then given from the vari ous department fh«iriuen. their thanked the kindness. Re- will be held at the home of MrB. J. J. Llvlngood, of Upper Main street. — DALAS ltAftpttKY ——•«- . ^ Dalas Baru&ky, aged 57, who t'e- sided alone In u Htnall bungalow at Kordu, dted in the City Hospital, at Perth Amboy, a few hours after he' was admitted on -Tuesday. The man, had not been seen ou tlie streets at\ for two or three days ani'j - »• of tlvo/" made ... __ found^ and hadf" " ' to <>>»- nosnital, where In Dirje, "you ItKNT extrV large a'red tiop. •'..|jii or ' it 1 ii'i-'n - - 'i; C'i^h 1 ?*
Page 1: mSNBBM - DigiFind-It€¦ · 1 CV VQ III n Ilium,, w^p . . . ., - avenue, near Kgan avenue,' Fords, owned by a Mrs. Casey, of Philadel-phia and tiniter the care of. a real, estate




TWENTY-FIRST YEAB Woodbridge, N. J., Friday, S«ptc«ib«r 5, l«3OTHREE CENTS PER COPY

IGNORANCE OFKfSM'HEALTHBOARD 0F™*SSm- 4 " " ^ AS " w f W n S n ^ P E S S Kn . . i i i r n c m i < l e ^ ^ T E ATWUWI00D| « . . „ „ „ . « - . . « aOTJ!S?fKKs.™ OTADCPPAQU Tn REGAIN HEALTH IS BURIED IIOWNERSHIP ISA POOR EXCUSEDefense Offered by Four Men

Caught Dismantling Autonot Accepted by Judge.

"W«' didn't know that the «ar he-lDiin«'d "' anyone,"

This was the defense offered byfour youths, Charles Wnnko, ' 19.Sairatore Jerry, 25, Joseph Peters'l(T and Emit Josephs, 24, all ofKlijabeth, who "Were arraigned be-fore Judge B, W. Votfel, In the po-

evenlng on aOfficer Celes

vvmiuiL, l\l TTlLilSTI VW

CONVENTION TOMORROWTln> Wnndlii idRfl Host Drum ahd

e COIJIH, ul the American Le-. Is ail se| io win the big prise

ii the Slate Convention of the.Miiencan L<Ktiin/-it Wlidwood to-moirow. The local corps.has b«enpracticing the entire week (it theWoodhrldge l'iirk, and tjiey .havetheir new marching manemiveiiidown to perfection.

Among those who are to take partin the competition are: Drum Major

IN. Darwyn Giilluf), Louis Zelner.Schreiner, Selmar Christen


TWEEJIPESTED 3 CARS CRASH ™ REGAIN m mCalling slot machines a "m«na?e

to the community", Judgf 11. W.Vog( I, lined Mnrris DeUtHCh, 41.John FarroWi .**. «•"« Manner, 42.all uf> IsellOi 160 and costs, Tu<*Poor Plumbing Fills N e w - y - — » - ' f 0 ; : r - t n v

Brunswick Avenue House machines in their possession «mi m. . . . , r f, I diipratlon.

With Sewer Gas.

ATHOPELAWNMinor Accidents in Township

*» mi I- 1 _. I I _i

ippratlon.i The three men were arrmtwl by

_ . . ' Officer Joseph* Lvwlti, who visitedIf no acilnn Is taken within a j their rstabltlhjbiHifsjind foiind^the

I'monlli to correct the plumbing de- machines " ' '""fectu in a house on New Brunswick noon.

lice court, Tuesdaypetty larceny charge. uimei^Bi™-tine Romond, |old the court that hefound the men dismantling a carwhich had been left on the highwayby some driver who evidently hadhad some motor trouble. The li-cense plates were gone, but OfficerHomond said that he found the bat-tery in the car owned by Josephs.

When he asked the men what theywere doing, Officer Komond said

• IU,. i they dertWJ taking anything atfirst hut When they were confrontedwith the stolen battery, they admit-ted the theft but said that they"didp't know it belonged to anyone."

A» a reminder that all things be-long to someone, Judse Vogel finedeach man |16 and costs or 30 daysin i«Tl.

Wading Pool' in New Park


rjugtsne riciireiiier, oeuunr ijunsu'n-sen, William Messick, Anthony.8lla-koiikle, Charles Anness, WilliamHolohan, Vincent Weaver, AlfredViola, Leroy LlttS, ' Riymond R.Moore, Russell McBlrOy, TlinnmeKatb, Fred Wltheridge, RaymondvJerlty, Edward J. McLeod, ThomaRDunn. Edward Planigan, Lewli Swlt-zer, John llergeh, Walter Stoll,Leon B. McKlroy, David Carpenter,Joseph J. ftllii., Charles Kuhlmafc.

1 C V VQ III n I l i u m , , w^p . . . . , -

avenue, near Kgan avenue,' Fords,owned by a Mrs. Casey, of Philadel-phia and tiniter the care of. a real,estate agent, H. O. McClean, ot IKordK, the. building: will be con-demned at mint to live In, accord-ing to the decision of tlte membersof the Hoard of Health, at a meet-Ing held Tuesday evening utMemorial Municipal Building,cording to Ben Jensen, the plumb-1Ing la hooked up with "~ -

In play, SaturdayThtfVmarhlnea were

pot" t}'P<'.


Over Week-end and LaborDay.

Several automobile accidental litin Hiwnshtp marred the otherwise

- • • -"J • .1. ««,! hlnl

Clarence R. Woyitand, 60, ofuarron <af»nu«, a llfe-tont r«t'of Woodbrldt., dl«d laat n l | _his hone after a llaj«rlat llisesstiV«r>« year. IMewtljr, M». Wj;and wai feeling much bKlar andhqp*> wan held out for hit recover)'neumonla, however, »M In, and

death c»me lam night when hln PII-[tlre family was at his bedside.

Mr. Weyjand Is' tnrvlved by his




manywereit nd

„. holiday wsek-eiid.were Injured and those



Zigzag All Over Road,Falls Into Hands of law.

pthe sewer I

u« Murphy and His MenKept Btuy and no SeriousAccidents Are Reported.

were injurru >un iuv« . . . . .rc'celvd moatly minor Injurieswere allowed to Kb to theli

loiiiep After treatment I t both thtrtahwiiy nnd 1'«Tth >niboy hospital!

Kour year old WUllum Hornsby.of S Oreen street. Woodbrld#t, wa». lifchtly iiijtii'fu .. en h r D I l Struckby a car driven by Robert Temple

I of 1500 Dloomneld street, Hobokenut the Intersection of Rahway avenne and (ireen street, " '••


u"BT.r Mn. Louii R.H Id.ntiKe.f

wife. ioal«, a son, Allen: • daughter Margaret, and a brother, John,all of Woodbrldg*. Hs was a mem

_ *. . * t »J—& M A 1 n7S

Man Killed H«re as HerHusband.

Vuneral »ervice».41, an automobile

for l.oiiix Ratt,mec'imiic. who41, an autoiiiuitiia mec'iumc. wh

was killed bv un automoiiile on Amboy avwiue Wnodbrldg* «/n Augusoodbrtd

ber of R«hwsyP. O. E.

Although comHelets h lot

funersl «r-d

llUUHt! IM l lJUl lMuauj , . , .^ -sewer KM«. nKiklng It'"" « n n t l | l i l c e

,n which to live. Jacob Orausain,then made a motion, that Mr. MeClean be notineA».to s<t In touchwith Mis. Casey and tell her that T|,,, local P«li''e ft"' *» ™":she will be given a month in which ^ululated for tin- manner In whichto put the house In a healthful c<in-,tll,,v handled truilta throughout thed i t , o n Township ovt-r the week-end and

A motion was made.and carried holiday. Although the trafllcthat the Improvement committee of the heaviest that ever wentthe Township Committee be notified the main highways In the l

,„ „, (i,Q oowpraire tanks theiv wore n» si-rlous i


to Inspect the seweragethroughout the Township, as

highway in the Township,tanks there wore n» ss-rlous accidents,many Except for a few minor collisions

Accused of driving a car with onjhand, and hugging his sweetheartwith the other arm, Clarence Dlck-ersoii, 23, of Avenel, waa fined flvtdollars and coats Tuesday morning,by Judne H. W. Vogel, on the com-

Margaret PinReld, olwho claimed that thi

over 'the road

The new healthhas been drawn up by Health Attorney Andrew ~ ~ *placed In.committee >..u ..... . . _at the next regular meeting.

n e s s on m e p a n m u i > - v . u , ^...ordinance which | week-end WW not marred by any

U|. », .thing serious,D, Desmond, was| police officer were stationed


In a .steady stream. The fac'

defendant drove allThe new wading pool in (he play- a nd almost caused

ground section of the Woodbrldge According to MiPark system has been completed ,,raon was driving veryand the water was turned on for thiflrit time last evening In the pres•nee ot Mayor William A. Ryan. Ast h T water• •hot up In the air, the c a r . Mr». piM™*™Z7™MChlldreB who were drawn to the .irgument .ensued until they reacn

!!? ^^^•foBraVtehett,1Ubtathfi %£% ( J S ' ^ A ^

the next regular meeting. , H u In i .steady *ir»m. •"' >™Health inspector Peter Peterson's, t n a t there were no more• wcWmto

report for the month of August war to surprising as practical y evenie | iui i iu, ....inta frnm office «,i..i,..f»./ nf Imnm-Unce In the fliaicreport for the monm m nuguov „„., 18 BUI | , I1 .H1Bas follows: Total receipts from office highway" of lifor A lit! ust, 161.50; plumbing per- g o e g through

• • r. . . . . . . . . rformito 18; wayside;

io pass him, he tried to ditch hercar. Mrs. Plnfleld saw that a little

and ran home ior meir um..i..B piameu ™ "•"""' *r,:hicker«on

----- children vogel told



- att«nt|0BJ»rU[MV

^ M unl


:. TUtWUAJ iuv»». . e , -there were about twenty children V o K e l t o l d l n e defendant "that anm m n g and splashing in the pool. a r d , , o u s courtship was eonimsnclabl.

« n l l e watching the children, bm' that paying att«nt|0B to :l*(»or By«n said. "There Is no ' " ' . P . • . .11dmnt but what this park will bepopular with the kiddies of theTowMhip. 1 hope they get as muchpleMvre oat of this i s I do ofW»tehi»« thtoi."

Work h a s ' W o progresslngly rapM\y In * • p*rh. "V%n of the rollerIttrtttg '»y«m*1liw»teen ' completed'and the/work on the tennis courtsla almost done.

the Township.

,f birth, 3;'copies of ftath, 2,^con-tagious diseases reported: tubercu-,-Mis. 3; measles, 1; mirse*' repohome visits, 800; dtale «ttBntan«.128; new cases, 20; defects detected. 2*; defects corrected 12, vital«u,tlstics. births, 32; deaths, 11.marriages, 8. ^


to P r e s i d e atEndeavor Meet

noon. The buy was taken lo tn'e iflee of Dr. C. Howard itoUituxs. >,,treated him for lnu.se» on the I'jrihead and left clieeK ami for i»iitiisslon of Ihv' left ulniulin-r, f. .v.inn and li. nd.

Kred Jonlcr, of May utriel, Hupeawn, drtviTiK a ear east un Newitrunswlck avenue, near Kl'.en stieil,lnjiilawn, collided w.tii a nuuiiini

driven by William Warren, of Cut-ter . avenue, Fords, early Sunday'monilnKl Johler was Injured ubouithe fale. Frit* llauer, of t'.iUlBtreet, MVds, who was ridtntt withJohler, wha^cut over the right eye,and William WrW.n sustained cuthon the head. All were treated at th.»

rth Amboy City Hospital.A triple accident occurred Sun-

Jay noon oil St. GeorgeH avenue,Van Huron street, when a cai

.Irtvcn by Sam CamprlBe, suddenly,iuppeil in tr. illc und caused • car.irlven by I'ettr Gallo, of l.lndeu.and a car driven by !Ved 1'leiro, olDelaware, Pa,, to crash Into eachother. A Miss 1'roinplon, of Mumaroueck, N. Y., dllvlng with Pietro, wa»\reated for u l)i«i tut oil l«'liead, by Dr. C. Howard Rothfuas.

Although cointw* ' u m r " 1 ••ran»fm«ts have • « been made, trrangemeau have M«n m*4» to holdthe fun*r»» service! at *:J0 Sundayafternoon at the house and Hue*o'olbek at the Trinity Episcopalchurch, R»v. J. B. My«rs. will offl-date. interment will he In thfUmlly plot in the Trinity•hurchynrd.

H I H i m DV llll miiouiuinir un nu..boy avenue, WdodbridKt. «/n Au«ust

U d c e , No. 1.075.Ill and who »«» Identld^d late Vn-'day afternoon i>y his wife,, (larbanR*ti, wer« held Tttttdar ifternooafrom Gundrum» rnn«rtl Home,.Ptrth Amboy Interment w«« laLady of HunKiuv. eemetery, IVrlltAmboy.

Mrt. Ratt, told Coroner LawrenceA. Kenny, Unit hac husband lefttheir home in ClevwUnd, Ohio,about 16 months aijo, sfter the told

| him thai »he »as about to become amother. H»r smi It now about ayear old.

Mr. and Mrs. ItaU were marriedin IVrth AIUIMIV. At that time,

: itiiti was employed in the DuraritMotor Co, plain In Elisabeth. Lat-er, they went west and ho worked

,for the Ktehi'i Automobile BodyCompany.

I After Rut 7. deserted her, Mw,Hati returned to Perth Amboy and


MAt«,»<..>/.ln rn l l iJAa With!™ade her holm »l 73t Mary Btreel.

;Motorcycle Lollidei witn B h e uhUln(1(1 ,.mi)loym<,nt' »t a

Auto of N. Y. Doctor on 'Avenel Street.

She obtained , , . . , ,„. , . . .I'erth Amboy cin.r factory. Neigh-bors, havlnj; i I'm! of a man killedIn WoodbrldK'. notified Mrs. Kats,as they beHevnl Um description Inthe newspapoin fltttid that of hermissing husband. • '

Mrs. Itali went to the GundrumFuneral Parlors where she viewedthe body, Friday morning. Al-though she was almost certain that'the body wait that of her husband,

i she did not care to say positivelythat It was until some of her hus-

e n port, Offlcei i band's relatives viewed the body.IB on Avenel str d She returned Friday otternoon withthe suner-lil^hwav I some of the missing man's relations,

' - *—' • ii—• ika hnriv was

Motorcycle Officer *Ueyei ljkrsonW«s slightly injures Wednedavsoon, while on duty, when the mo-torcycle he was driving on Avenelstreet, collided with » iur driven >>..Edwin Smith, of \i\ W r.tbtii

>t, New York and owned by Drlames H. Ravewll. of 187 W.

street, Uw York.AccoYfthlf; to the irport, Offlcei

Larson wivj^dland had reachel tut* pum»-n>auliin tht trafte l||ht was red. He who

.. _• 1_ ,„ .!,«„„„ nnd that

0 ^ |GIRLS



A ramp Fire room, at the.nf Sim, Herbert Silvermaun, suar-•lian of tliB local i-oupH, Wns pre-sinlml lo the members o f the 1-yo-

tii iitul Uo-koii-jiKgrougB of €uiup

Miss Claire l'lelffer, a iiieiiil)*i' otthe Christian Kixleavor of thtWoodliridge rresbyterian church,und president of the MiddlesexCounty ChriatUn Endeavor Union,-will preside <v chairman over tlwnieflinge to be held at tlie I'reaby-terlan Church, of New Brunswick,

by Dr. C. Howard Rothtuss. wh«re th« tr»«e U|ht was reo. nc ...\ second triple accident occurred l w a l t e d ( o r l h e t | K n n B t 0 ch»nite and .that ofnoon the next day. at the cornti w h e n , h e y t u r 0 4 d R r ( .e n h e gta r t Pd

.1 Amboy avenue and Main street, a c r o M | M l h e M m e U m e m m...when a car driven, hy Carl ficlmel- o h l n e o a m e , o u t h o n th(1 niKhwnj

and Officer Larson's motorcyclestruck the rear of the car. He wanthrown off the motorcycle and hi*

- • • . . - - . . . .w»u He wn

-. ....declared thatt f l Rati.

the body

arl SchneiIrvmiuon,

b|der, ot Leslie Place,struck a. car owned and driven hyWilliam Goodwin, of Washingtonavenue, Clifton, who In turn col-lided with a car parked on Atnbo)avenue, owned by John Dobernilllef,of Jacques avenue, Runway. MriA, Eckehouser, of Leslie roa4IrvhiKton, riding with Scvhnelder.was taken to, thi Perth Amboy C tyHospital where the wna treated for

ing minuu.i, » .»»»» rthe annual Stute convention to b<held In NeW_ 'Irunswlck., (Xlobii



ere she wus tof the head and

le Unlttil States Arnij- Uecruil-lint; Station tor this si'ciiuu whichI lias been cloned tor several months,

vURIrJlilEi I nas be«n re-opeued at Perth Amboy

IN FLOWER SHOW ' n Mn ThiB"VSTnS BuuilW. Thisserve Woodbiidge

tlieft-olfAlBe fall meet-

heldS to 12.,been attending the World's

jt Haiti Endeavor Convention In*' lit' U1UO.MV « . . v r . ._„,

inn Wedneuday afternoon.During the. business seusion, i t ' l a i n a«uB»jr», v>««._

I was decided to hold a lummagK sale w l u arrive today In New _Saturday morning September 'JU, in T n " l o c u l committee has ucr,the iiar.nh tiouat of tut 1'resbynsrliiii B«CCBK9'U1 »» arranging an attractiv

musical program for the conventior

who haChv.s-



of the skull, when aim fell out of uii-uck owned by her father, whiledriving in Ha^amun Heights, Siitui-

will adja-

4he Woman's Club will holdtheir annual fall Bower show Sep-tMlber IT, at the Municipal audl-

111 . . . . . . u.« ._»_. . , , I'erth Amboy andcent dlle» and towns.

The recruiting aeijieant stalebthat" he nan several good openingstor Panama, Hawaii and the states

'*•-'" •" « n r t N e wof

general c n u i u . . ...^ ,r_^ ,„be announced al a later date. lg aDd 3%.

The rules are as follow*'.Only amateurs may compete, v i r i T I A M CDAT6 ADCExhibit must be In position by V ALA I ION 0 F I H 0 AKL

UVMM!i baskets and cbntalnersj LAUDED BY ROTARIANSmust be turnUhed by the exnlbltor. | '

Flowers and containers cannot be! |.'i»h stories, and vacation hobbiesremoved until closing of show. ••'

The show will be open to the pub


WlUle. trying to pass a bus on thenew sujie.r-niguwuy, near the Lafay-

tte garage, Muxwcll H. Mund, ofi1107 .Low street, IJaltitiioie, Md.,driving north 011 th« highway, col-lided with a car su'nj; south, drivenby Stanley Iluj intiilH, of TO!) l'fiui

i»treet, Cauiden, which In turn,cur dfiven by Albert

.... parmli Hou»t of tut 1'resUyiBi'iiiii B"cceB9IU' "' " " " S ' - B — -cljUrc), musical program for the convention

Rev. Paul H. Conrad, pastor of tinStelton Baptist church, will be tliemuBieal director. He has sectirtuthe services »f Miss Janet Dlcksonof Vlnelaud. N. J., an organist andthe famous Harmony Trumpeters.



' Woodbrid,, Uotary C ub held1 the

He at 2 P. M.The following

awarded prites;

I yesterday nounbe ,-Hotel.

ary Clubthe Middlesex

a cur dviven oj- niui-n. ..lOhurch street, Rahway, Sunday eve- ," 1 6 .

I heldnlng.

cl< 1 Plaus have boonShufer, ot l" 1 6 a n n u a ' dunce of the Port

(m» 'F|r e Company, which willat the School Auditoriumavenui

13, of 30stained


pital In the Raveaell car and wartreated for j u r i e s to the head andlift urm. Stveral X-,IIVH have, beertaken to determine tin ruem of hiInjuries.


Double FuneralHeld for Auto

Crash Victims


g in Hagaman Heinlita, Satmurning. The girl hatl been

i t th door, whichThe girl waK


dayleaning against thesuddenly flew open. ...... „...

[treated by Dr. Samuel Messinger,Carteret.

Copper Thieves VisitHeyden Chemical Co.

A copper coil, valued at 176, and1 -1- -«•*.»«,. nine uroy

A public card party to beMonday ('veiling Septi-mlier "

dahlias, rows,and non-residents

- Mrm.

classes will be-H»ul. ^ , lia« B ?ne

•Mrs. Flounce M r j e w e ^ t w e ^ and HUBI,.. luLulM...«..»». ' ^ S 1 -X't t y ^morlal Hospital.

« n t y and Hugh KiHy , 1 * " , ^ %nn!y\- were towed to the-LafayrtJewel, his vacation in tie, lower v > _ _



Tlie injured, all pasBeuger^ .In the | w ? a i avK"U1' I'ort' Heading on Sat..eynolda' cur, were: Reynolds, itt..urday evenu.K, September 13. Jackceratlons of left hand; Carl Harv« .v> u l a l 1 tt"a hlf , R a d i o orchestra Haveiti, of Him street, Camden, cut on b e?n engaged for the occasion.lip; John Foster, V|ne strum, Cam- Several special features have been,den, lit, treated lor shock; Pinker arranged tur the affair and loving|'0. Smith, Elm street, 'Cain'den, la-|cups will lie awarded to the flrt-

pipe, wan

en iron. i . . . o w — . CUem'eaJFowls, sometime Saturday night

' made by thepolice, Tues

niadu of two inch copperHtnleii from the Heyden

I Co., F , . . . . . ' "-'-according to a reportforimian to the, local



Monday eveiuiii; .i,-,^[the Colniublan Club, on Main street,was planned last evening ut a meet-ing of Court Mercedes, CatholicPuughlerB of America. The follow-ing wem appointed to serve on the

luiWse lux the acalrijf%r, Michael Conole, chairman 1

Mri, I. Barron Levl, Mrs. MicliaelDfcrJby; Mrs. George Finn, MTB. %Lattgan, Mm. J. Blnhorn, Mrs. K.Einliorn, MSHS MurgaTet Gerlty, Mrs.

••-- u vn\ov Mm. T.

Double funeral services for Jo-seph Deak. 20, of Pords, and Jo-

seph Deak, 19. of Keaabey. cousins,'who were instantly killed In an au-tomobile crash ut Elktou Md., artSaturday, when their sedan rolleddown an embankmeat after Wins:struck by another machine, wereheld Wednesday afternoon at threeo'clock at the Hungarian Reform

^erth Amboy. Rev. Charles' ir of4 Magyar Re-

Elnhorn,'A. Ernst, Mrs

MH. Koley, Mrs. T.


ivOertty, Miss-Roue OerltyPatrick Murphy, Mrs. A.

tormed church. u U ^,» . u

ment was in the Magyar Reformedcemetery, -Perth Amboy.• According to the report ol the. ac-cident, the two buys, and StephenDeak aHfl James Deak, of Fords,brothers ol one of the dead youths,and Joseph Churko, of Keasbey,,

i were on a week-end holiday trip..They were riding along the highwaynear Blkton, When l h o '""it wheelof another machln



uiudeii, la-1 cups win uv a»« , l u . uThey were|c°nlpany having the largfest number

• i..f niomhHis nresent, to the fire com

Tlie, nieiuhurfl of the Hopelawn'. spent Uie week-end

Mrs. ramuiv .» u . ,,.VI|Thomp6on, Mrs. M. P. Dunlgan,Mrs. S. Mayo, Mian Susan Murphy,Mrs. T. Levl und Mrs. A. Coley.

Th« member!) of the court, alsojiuide plans to hold .their secondMolt tournament on LanganV golfcourse, next Thursday r evening.Members are reiiuested to' meet al

ithe course at 8:i!0. After the tour-

In thewheel

the front wheel., which came up

rear, locked into the rearof their car, causing it to

wntwi ui i uu . — . , -turn over and topple over the en-bankment on the xlde of the road. J

the two D«ak hoys were kil led^Instantly. Stephen Deak. received abroken leg and broken arm; JamesDeak, escaped serious Injury whenhe Jumped from the car; Joseph f fChurko's right mm WBB brokeu In ' '"•several places. Ctiurko und Stephen

• -* >- .... viuinn Hosnttal.

the llah-

aald that lie spent

mSNBBMrow afternpon.tat,^Br MrS ROB-H . . _ : — . „ , , m r ntheert

.AlsiUi.oriui Hospital. Thetowed to the .Lafayette Garage.


Hie William I', Cujupbell Associa-

iof membur.s( present, .«pany 'coining the farthest dlstancand, f01.the winners of a prize waltz^rconni iatee in charge of -

at'asiunnion, u. ^., where they

tuok first prize in one of the divi-sions of the National Firemen's pa-rade on Labor Day. Those who


' - • • h a v e c l u i ^ e of the'evening not serious. .


'made th*- trip, were: J.rkaslua, «•

' n o k T h b * ^ MCNulty. James Toner. l s . siilch und J. Saboy.,1) 'MfUimnfil, a»<i Benjamin Mai-Una.



Andrew Novack, 24,street, Hope!

o f I t i M a y

L ' l i i i h y l v i U i l i i a v e n u e , A l n u i o i B J D V . - ^ . , . . . ••, WftB h e l d f o r U i eorchestra has )>een engaged for lne! grand jury in $4,o6o ball, on theoccasion. William Russell, chair-j charge of ;issault and battery andman of thtj altalr, requests that,for impersonating an officer, by

The total eniollmuit fur th« tour, teen schoolu in Weodbrldge Town! Hhip

,n(,lH in W w d n n o g e i » « - i i^ans fur the >"lrd annual bazaar

s n i y 10 u , » > - , - - — - • -year's enrollment, 5,b*»-



last evsame


COSTA'SFamous Ice Cream


, , . quart


g 111 uw"; ' l " 'In police court In

Tuesday nluht.Qf nbdQIlll Ullf bat-

60 centsSO cents18 cent* . haU pint


Rahway Ave * Green St.Woodbridge


Ed. L. Hardiman, formerlygeamau's Perth Amboy

Prescriptions~ - ^ «t .

Patou was treated for a cui uu ...>.

I I right left and MIHS Vatou was treat-led for cuts on the head by Dr. Sell.



Then^^uT^ntofth^ridest social evom ui „.„ .of New Jersey Council, Sons andDaughters of Liberty, for the fall,will be a public card party to be

' ..unlnir Sell

The churl's ot amiauii »..u .._.I tery were brought against the ToWti-Iship man In Jennie and Fred Neiire,of 622 I8U1 avenue, and Lulu Wit-tell, of Siii'ingfleld avenue, all ofNewark. 'Hie women claim t lift INovack stnuk them, while walkingin the woods near tlae gounty Voca-tional Sctiooi. When Neure went to

-•-i~.nj thai Nrfvacktional Stheir aidtold him tie

St. James' l>a•Wednesday inorClasses willmorning and

17, according lo iimuo ......... „.\l ' O l U i u i « i * » t n i e e l ' n K h e l d Wediienday evening at

ithe CraftBinen's Club. All-the'usualchlal school opened W'll»8 wlJ} J«"ln ulay and attractive

'-.. ..uuiui,-itlon 'PrUes will be awarded.•' ••— • M lensen. was appointedfor

,o..i nextcgietratlon


time. . » ' is ex-will bu about

Cor.and Grew

t!ontinuwTat thatpeclud that •n.'"1 n y ^ h « n '»' r^r t W - - t eher 8 havingjheen engaged. ^ |

I Mr. a.id"T..B John B j l r and

Molnar, New a n ^ [ ™ » ™ n t we«kwill leave oft 1 ««««^° h e w i U en-^rC«ni«m'M.^ryAcad«my_

HAW yourmodelled at upratH. Avou th

Amboy Avrhfct,phon« 8<077f

be asslBted by Mia. u » , c ,Mm, Chui'leB Nelson, Mrs, E. Nelson,Mrs. Georglana HobertB, Mrs. J.Mrs.t'ederitone.

u.Mrs. J. M. Jensen, was appointed

chairman of the ut'l'ulr, and she willi'—..«iuiurf hv Mrs. George Bernard,

, claimed thatwas an officer.


at police

services for MichaelFinn, 71, a lifelong resident ofWoodbrldge, who died Friday morn-ing at St. Peter's Hospital, NewBrunswick, after a lingering Illness.

held Monday morning at 10• -i-i—..1.

:were made by tin- Hulldeia1 Society,

tlit- lownr in-nnes *• o f t n e Methodist EpjBCO|ial church,' re Z t made (in all " t h e r e B u l a r m o n t l l l y m i ! e t l n t ! h e l d

10 meet t e cowde Wednesday afternoon at the home~ , J I L , h i l t v nit, ol Mr8- E' W.'Valentine, of Tlsdale



of Mplace. .

The opening devotlonals wave ledby Mr*, Madalifuts J. Duval, afterwhich planit • weiv made for a foodsale to be held Saturday afternoon,September 13. Mrs. Godfrey BJorn-

^ y o l hflftn ()t ar"

O'CIOCK, ttl o». - - . _.bridge. Retf #kbard J, O'Farrellwas the celeOTant at the high mass.Interment was in St. James' ceme-

The bearers were the six nephewstery.

fijinwi WOMEN *OPEN SEASON W I T H 'September ia. aim. w-u. .^ _,

COVERED DISH L l W C H j ^ ^ ^ 0 1 " ' ^ chafrnlan Qf

Refreshments were skived duringe social hour by Mrs. fc. W. Valen-

tine, Mine Bthel Valentine, Mrs.The Woman's

theirClub, of Avenel,

with a

coverei diali ,«»-. _Tearooin, Wednesday afternoon,tearoom wax decorated most artis-tically with baskets of cut flowers

I and a most a.ppetizlng menu wasserved by the hospitality chairman

' ' J . . . I . t o n

Prank MeMcCultach.

The nearer* i « c ...„ _.of the deceased, Joseph Alexander.John, William, George, Gus, andArthur Finn.

The late Mr. Finn is survived bya slater, Mrs. Thomas P. Dunlin. iDiece tt0Uu.eu „.

,and two brothers, William H. |t>d!"l*C* S?"h " '(Howard J. Finn, all of Wpodbrldge 1 " ' _».\ ,„" thft*

theand committee.The' aurpHae,, came when'

preuldent, Mrs. P. J. llonato, waiasked to unveil the master canter


V a l e , Mand Mrp. OeorgeOctober meeting

localtheheld at



Revolution, will behome of Mrs. John

Monday afternoon,Plans for the ensu-

be made.

.. PerionaH •-

ing pool for the kiddies of Avenel,Ih! Woman's Club goal for 831

I Mr, and Mra, John Futkos quietlyI celebrated the fourteenth annlversayof their21« Vulton

at their honw,on Wednesday.


Fair, ,on Wedne»day.

the club. Mrs.members 101 u»n n . v w

[ports were then given from the various department fh«iriuen.

theirthanked the

kindness. Re-

will be held at the home of MrB. J.J. Llvlngood, of Upper Main street.

— DALAS ltAftpttKY ————•«- . ^

Dalas Baru&ky, aged 57, who t'e-sided alone In u Htnall bungalow atKordu, dted in the City Hospital, atPerth Amboy, a few hours after he 'was admitted on -Tuesday. The man,had not been seen ou tlie streets a t \

for two or three days ani'j- »• of tlvo/"

made... __ found^and had f" " '

to <>>»- nosnital, where

In Dirje,"you ItKNT

extrV large



•'..|jii o r' it1

ii'i-'n- - 'i;

C'i^h 1?*

Page 2: mSNBBM - DigiFind-It€¦ · 1 CV VQ III n Ilium,, w^p . . . ., - avenue, near Kgan avenue,' Fords, owned by a Mrs. Casey, of Philadel-phia and tiniter the care of. a real, estate


Labor Day DanceDraws Crowd to

Sewaren ChibOn' huiidr' and ntee tun:

w,.r, r«-<ii' al lh# Labor D»>d«(ir.' *hlrh was held at the *••war*r, 1-and and Water Club, Moii-day evenlnt. Vl<* Commodore anJMr» p I- Wiswell were bo«t andboot***. •

Among thov prcatat, wert:Mr » d Mr*. Chtrlo L*wl».

Mtw>e« Emil) and Mae Lf*» . Mrand Mm. V rT Ferd. ValuifiwHrown. Ron- ValenUa*. Mr andMrs E. s WbeeJer. Mn. OHara.William Ediar. Hum r'lorenci

\Brown. W*M« Seeeem. Mart Mejen>.Mr and MrV H D. Clark. Mr. andMrs. Charts Acker. Mr. see Mr.. H.B Ranain. rommeeer* aajt Mrs, F.H. TuWr, Mn Walter Omt, MIM D, u ,h l .

Eunice Verily. Mrs. mat ™|» |^ .Kred Turner. Jr . Mrs. J. B

Republicans ofTowmbip Held

k SundayThe Joint jrtentc held hy th*

•and Third Ward Republican Clubt.'at Dlcns Palm, on Suodajr after-noon, van attended by a larj*«rowd•i nd an fnju*able time was had.

InTltatioon wer« teat to all of theprominent Republican* tn tfce Slate,Inriudlnc Ooreraor Larson, and anumber pf Middles** Obuaty politi-cian* were oa bend, lrviaf Dtmer-eci. e n d Ida te for State Senatorfrom this district, was tbe only


J. B


plmln In 6f Alfred E.. of Avrnel. «ho on Tuesdayat a reception ?t»en by the

*rs of America, of N*»ark. at. entertained very deHght-

d Turner, jr . mwm. s. D . « , » . , - Hl* »election> were rewlxwlW O'Dell. John B. Meyert. Jr., Him with R,IT«I applaud Mr. Smith UEdith Best. Jam*. MeLaaghlln. Mr. socially active in Aweel / beingand Mn Wllllass Batrew, Him Seouimaner of the Bey SeootTheodosla Bartow, Mlas Jane Bree- Troop •'«» Si»p«rinteiid«it ol tbeloWen, Mr and Mra. I. J. Relmen. IT*»byi«rlan Sunday Sehool and un-Miss Ethel Cha«, CUatee Keaaady, '" rwnUjr was tenor tololst at theMr and Mrs. (leoree Merrill. ,ehureta there.

Dr. and Mm Jesepn ReUmann,' While atUodlng school In New.Mr Carmen. Misa Appleby, Mr. aad York, he waa boy soprano of theMrs 0 B Am**. Mr. aad Mn. Paul juvenile chorus of the MetropolitanPaulson. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Plrcr, Opera under the supervision of Se-

WViant. Lola Dayer, Mr. aad,nor Istri At present he la singingIt Zimmerman. Mr. and Mr«. In the First Presbyterian church

t'irard. Mr. and Mn. Jame* choir, of Perth Am boy and I* tenor', E r Zimmerman. Mr. and solotet of the Berkeley Hour broad-julian Crow, Mr. and Mn casting orer the radio. He ha*

Mark D. McClain. Mr. and .Mn. W. ceveral engagements tor the coming* Hall. William Vincent and Mils fall season la Belleville, KearneyHernice Weaver. Mr. and Mn. Wll-'and Newark.Ham Westertaard. Mr. and Mn. E. —— !—M. Williamson Mr. and Mrs. Merrill. Bicycle TakenMoshfr, Mrs Virginia Miller, Dr.' •—-—Irfiuif Weiierborir. Mr. and Mn. Roy, Alfred Tyrrell, of 503 TisdaleE Anderson, Mr. and Mn. D. V. pita*. Woodbridge. reported to theHu h. Mr ami Mrs. J. W. Klein, Dr. local police that his Roolfaat blfyand Mr*. \V H MCConniek. Mr. and cle was stolen froro his yard «ome-ilrs K Drake. Miss. Florence Keas- time Sunday night. The biertle^iirs*ncr. Robert Trask. Miss Dorothy painted red with white stripes, hadCraske, Edward Daryea, Mr. and new I" S. tires and nickle platedMrs* Ren*- de. Rus»y. rims.

Low Pricesfor Telechron Cloaks

r OR the remainder of tDaylight Saving schedule,the Kitchenette, right timefor the kitchen, and theTudor, right time for theliving room, have been re-duced in price. Now

Carroon 'efcslmen o( theB*a a B«e pro-



wltt toe Stftttftplleate irtiag the ewaers eaa* as aae»a ea the last is* d«i»ik»«. toje,ajrJHIT i m e •.• .^>_.i ih« utte oa said frst day et July, l l l r , as torn

- W a S : t£?^*1STJS££f& S U - -be «»e. Km «o rU« at .a, -owest ra« * MM m m1?i 33 tthV ZS2-* «o ..-dp., He- M M . ^ J, »-. M i ^ W - — * , - - - *«*•» ™ lit.and to the right of Interred partlea te teeeet-'wltkit'tke ttait "«..•* ty law.

'nui it


Whites, waa a bit' feature. TbeWnltes, heeded by Jim Witte. won

[by a score of 4«-««. Leon McEI-roy headed the lowrs. WUllanTreoa sprained Ms inkle while slid-ing Into base. Tbe three-legged

'race created a totj^tan.I ' A good oresMstHtatlabed aauslcfor the daa^rs i B W h * •e-aflelng

i contest recalled In a tie betweentwo couple*. Tbe price. $5.00 do-nated by Mark McClain, was divided

ibetweea th eouplee.I Mrs. Mary befller had charge of| the culinary department and servedan Atcellent chicken dinner.



"Are you Interested in buy-Ins or renting a home in Se-waren T Several unu»ual op-portunities at present."

Kor Appointmentx Pttoite• K-OTlSt-fMMSfl

Sewaren, N. J.




The Kitchrmttehelps to kerpnra's on schedule.

The Tudor a at-tractive and a per-\tct time -keeper.


or $10.25 etch

if payment isinto ten parts

Lulike the sundial that re-cords only the sunny hours,Telechron clocks accurate-ly record every hour, min-u;e and second. The Tele-chron .clock keeps time onany etrctric outlet and re-quires no winding oiliniorregulating.

Peter Milano'sSCHOOL OF


ItntrtmenUI Music Store

Instruction Given on

Tap, Acrobatic and BallroomDancing; Guitar, Banjo. Uke-lele, Hawaiian Guitar, Mando-

lin, Etc.

Music FurnishedFor All Occasions by

Peter Milano'sChateau Ritz Orchertra

or His

Radio String EnsemblePHONE 8-1447 .

1« Main 8tffeet WovtfbTid$e

Wm. F. MurphySHEET METAL WORKTin - Copper -- Sheet IronBooing A Hot Air Beating

99 WEDGEWOOD AVE.Tel." WoodbrUge 8-07R7-W

t tYour Home.Distinctive New Ideas for It —

• •»* FRMBCharming little cottages . . . lUtely colniak

with eight to ten rooms . . . glimpses of t$Af,American interiors . . . English garden fences*

You toutt see these Thirty-Four pages of alto. •ing pictures of lovely homes—some Mtually )Mwfand YntA in—some original designs.

"For Home Lovers", s colorful new book ofhomes, is yours for the asking. Phonerequest, drop a note in the mail, or, better stiaVcall et our office—well see that you get your «sf£


I W N B 8-0124




Wooabfldge, N. J.


W o o d b r i d g e

8-05381M Main St. Woodbridge



RUIN THAT TIREA permanent repair is

as cheap as a temporary -one.

Bring It Down and-

LET US FIX IT RIGHT!(All Wort Guaranteed)

: Repair Shop at

24 Green Street

Block 600A600A

600A v600A«00A600A600A600A600A600A600A600A600A600B600B600B600B600B600B600B600C600C600C600D600D600D600D600D600D600D600D600D600D600D600D600D600D600D600E600E600E600E •600E600E600E600E600E600E600E600B-600E6006600E,600E'600E •600E600E600E600E600F600F600F600F600F600F600F600F600F600F600F600F600F600F.600F600F600F600G600G600G600G600G600H600?6001600160016001600J600J600J600J600J600J600J600J600J600J600J690J600J600J600K

Lots 1 & 2" 3 & 4" 5 & 6' " 7 * 8" 9 & 10* 11 4 12" 13 A 14" 15 A 16n 17 & 18» 21 & 22" 23 & 24" 25 & 26" 27 & 28" 29 & 30" 1 & 2" 3 & 4" 5 & 6" 7 & 8" 9 & 10" 11 & 12" 13 & 14

& 2& 46 & 7



PUone P. A. 86Q9 • 1SI1


I & 2& 46 6

7 & 89 & 10II & 1213 & 1417 & 1819 & 2021 & 2223 & 2425 & 2627 & 2829 AV 3031 & 321 & 23 & 45 & 67 & 89, 10 & 1112 & 1314 & 1516 & 1718, 19 & 2027 & 2829 & 30&t & 3233 & 3435 & 3637 & 3839, 40 & 41

" 44 & 4546 & 4748 & 4950, 51 & 52I & 236 45 & 67& 89 & 10II & 1213 & 1431 & 3233 & 3435 & 3611 & 38fo, 40 $ 4142 & 4344 & 45 •46 & 4748 & 4950,51 & 525 & 67 & 89 & 1011 & 1218 & 14 *6, 7 & 8

1 ' « A 7

:. ao * ii ." U 4 & 151 - 2 2 * '' \ 23 to 26' 22 & 23' 26 & 27' 30 & 31' 34 & 35' 36 & 37' 38 & 39' 40 & 41' 42 & 43' 44 & 45,1 46 & 47' 48 to 50' 51 & 52' 53 & 54' 55 & 66' 1 to 4 1

9 &11 £

600K. 600K600K600K600K600K600KBOOK600K

' 600K' 600K



13 4 1415 & 1817 to 1920 & 2122 & 23

t24 A 2526 & 21


& 474ft


" 640K" 6«OK

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60 to 6816&1798 ft 29

Lf on SLLyon SLLyon SLU SL

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Crescent SLCrescent SLCrescent St.Sylvia PlaceSyivia PlaceSylvia PlaceSylvia PlaceSyivia PlaceSy.via PlaceSylvia Place

BucKnell Ave.Bucknell Ave.Buc knell "Ave.Bucknell Ave.Bucknell Ave.Bucknell Ave.Bucknell Ave.

Crescent St.Crescent St.Crescent St.Crescent St.

"Orescent St.Crescent St.Crescent St.Crescent St.

LocKwood Ave.Lockwood Ave.Lock wood Ave.Lock wood Ave.Lockwood Ave.Lockwood Ave;Lockwood Ave.Lockwood Ave.Lockwood Ave,Ridgedale Ave.Ridgedale Ave.Bucknell Ave.Bucknell Ave.Bucknell Ave.Bucknell Ave.Bucknell Ave.

Bucknell Ave.Buckneli Ave.Bucknell Ave.Bucknell Ave.Hillside Ave. 'Hillside Ave.Hillside Ave.Hillside Ave.Hillside Ave. •Hillside Ave.Hillside Ave.

Lockwood Ave.Lockwood Ave.Lookwood Ave.Lockwood Ave.Lockwood Ave.Lockwood Ave.Lockwood Ave.Lockwood Ave.Lockwood Ave."Lockwood Ave.

Court St.Court St.Court St.Court St.Court St. .,

Hillside Ave.Hillside' Ave. •Hillside Ave.Hillside AVe.'Hillside Ave.Rahway Ave.Hillside Ave.Hillside Ave.Hillside Ave.Rahway Ave.Rahway Ave.Rahway- Aye.

Lockwood Avje.^ood Avk


ood Ave.^Lockwood Ave.Lockwood Ave.Lockwood Ave. 'Lockwood Ave.Ridgedale Ave.Ridgedale Ave.Lockwood Ave.Lockwood Ave.Lockwood Ave. .Lockwood Ave.Lockwood Ave.Lockwood Ave.Lockwood Ave.Lockwood Ave.Lockwood Ave.Lockwood Ave.Lockwood Ave.Rattway Ave.Bucknell Ave.Bucknwll Ave.Bucknall Aye.Buckneir Ate.Bucknel) MM.Buctai«ir

%V - 1 *

Buekaelt ABuckruU Ave.Rabw«y Ave.

£ S K J B S KS co : -... j«»j» nutrSritan Trust Co 169.86 174.46

Irr^uhr lUritan Trust Co - JJJ.JJ 174.46Irregutar Karitan Trust Co. - 169.86 174.46KSuiar Raritan Trust Co. - - J6J.86 74.46Irreauter llaritan Trust Co. ill'li : I 4 4 6

J S u E r Raritan Trust Co ^ — 169.86 174.46Regular Rariton Trust Co 169.86 174.4,£ S u b r Raritan Trust Co l«»-8« "4.46KSStar Haritan Trust Co «J.|« 174.4626xlOOEa Raritan Trust Co 169.84 174.4425xl00Ea Rariten Trust Co 1W.84 174.4426xlOOEa Karitan Trust Co 169.88 174.432Bxl50E» Raritan Trust Co 169.84 174.4425xl50Ea Karitan Trust Co. 169.84 174.4425xl50Ea Haritan Trust Co. 169.83 174.43Irregular Karitan Trust Co 134.26 138.32lrregu ar Raritan Trust Co 169.84 174.4425VlO0Ea UariUn Trust Co 169.88 174.4325xlO0Ea Raritan Trust Co 254.76 260.6625xlOOEa Raritan^Trust Co. ..-.- 169.84 174.4425xI00Ea Raritan Trust Co - - 169.84 174.4125x1 OOEa Raritan Trust Co 1 6 S < 8 1 1 7 4 4 i25xl00Ea Raritan Trust Co. - 18».8B» 174.4525xlOOEa Raritan Trust Co 169.85 174.4525xlOOEa Raritan Trust Co - — 169.86 174.4625xl00Ea Raritan Trust Co - 169.85 174.4526X100EB Raritan Trust Co r ~~ 169.86 174.4625xl00Ea Raritan Trust Co — 169.85 174.4525xlO0Ea Karitan Trust Co 169.83 174.4326xl00Ea Raritan Trust Co 169.88 174.435J5xlO0Ea Raritan Trust Co. 169.84 174.4425xl00Ea Raritan Trust Co _ 169.84 174.4425xl00Ea Raritan Trust Co. 169.83 174.4325xl00Ea Raritan Trust Co 169.83 174.4325xlO0Ea Raritan Trust Co - 169.84 174.44*25xl00Ea Raritan Trus,t Co 169.84 174.4425xl00Ea Raritan' Trust Co „.. 169.84 174.4425xl00Ea Raritan Trust Co 169.83 174.4325xlOOEa Raritan Trust Co 254.76 260.66afixlOOEa Raritan Trust Co. _ ~ 169J3 174.4325xl00Ea Raritan Trust Co. - 169.88 174.4325xlOOEa Raritan Trust Co : _...,., 169.83 174.4325xl00Ea Raritan Trust Co. 254.75 260.6525xl00Ea Raritan Trust Co . . . 180 .90 185.6726xlO0Ea Raritan Trust Co 180.90 185.672&X1«0EA , Raritan Trust Co. .'.. 1W.86 174.4625xlOOEa Raritan Trust Co 169.86 174.4625xlOOEa Raritan Trust Co. _ 169.85 174.4525xlOQEa Raritan Trust Co 169.84 174.4425xlU0Ea Raritan Trust Co. 254.76 ,260.6626xl00Ea Raritan Tru$t Co L. _16f.84 174.44^5i'Id6Ea Raritan Trust Co fg9.84«~ i74.4"425xlOOEa Raritart Trust Co „ 169.84 v 174.4425xl00Ea Raritan Trust Co. 169.83 174.4325xl00Ea Raritan Trust Co 254.74 260.6425xl00Ea Baritan Trust Co. 169.83 174.4325xl00Ea JUiitan Trust Co _ 169.84 174.4428xlO0Ea Jfcaritan Trust Co. 169.83 174.4325xl00Ea Raritan Trust Co - 169.83 174.4326xl00Ea Baritan Trust Co. .: 169.83/ 174.4325xlOOEa Raritan Trust Co. , 169.85 . 174.4525xlOOEa Raritan Trust Co _.. 169.84 174.44

\25xl00Ea feritan Trust Co - 169.86 1T4.46\25xlOOEa E&ritan Trust Co .. .169.86 174.462&xl00Ea - 'Tlaritan Trubt Co. .„ 169.85 174.4526xl00Ea Raritan Trust Co. _ 166v8& 174.4525xlQ0Ea RariUn Trust Co. 254J7 260.6725xl00Ea Raritan Trust Co : _ 169.84 174.4425xl00Ea Raritan Trust Co. - 169.84 174.4425xl00Ea Raritan Trust Co. . .„..' 169.84 174.4425xl00Ea Raritan Trust Co. • :. 169.83 174.4325xT00Ea Raritan Trust CoV':::.;::v.::::::.".:;r.v.::"2iH7rr"""ii:260.64'25xl00Ea Raritan/Trust Co. „... 169.84 174.4425xl00Ea Raritan Trust Co 169.84 174.4425xJi00Ea Raritan Trust Co. 169.84 174.4425xl00Ea RariUn Trust Co ___. 169.84 ' 174.4425xlOOEa Raritan Trust Co. , „ _ 169.85 ' 174.45InregulaT.Y Raritan Trust Co.-...- _ .'671.81 683,57Irregular \ Raritan Trust Co. 169.83 174.43Irregular \ Raritan TrustiCo ..:. 169.83 1,74.43IrrtftUar Raritan Trust'Co.' j£%83 174.43

. toeltttUl! Karitan Trust Co ' W.94 • 88.24' Irregular Raritan Trust Co. „ 562.44 571.52

^Xl0flEavw. Baritan Trust Co. ...:. 169.83 174.43• 26xl00Ei|. Raritan Trust Co '.... 169.88 174.4:5

25xlO0Ba\ Baritan Trust Co.! 169.86 174.45Irregular Raritan Trust Co. . 281.22 236.76Irfefwkr Raritan Trust Co. 281.22 236.76Irregular Raritan Trust Co „„„. 211.22 236.7625xl00Ea Raritan Trust Co. ........I.. 169.84 174.4425xl00Ea Raritan Trust Co. 109.84 -174.4125x1 OOEa ' garitan Trust Co. ,„.. 1*9.84 174.4425xlOOEa RariUn TruBt.Co _ 169.88 174.43,26xl00Ea Raritan Trust Co. _. ' 254.76 260.6625xlOOBa Raritan Trust Co. 169.84 174.4426xlO0Ea Raritan Trust Co 169.88 174.4326xlOOEa Raritan Trust C.. 1M.88 174.43

,25xl00Ea Rax-iUn Trust Ca L. § 6 1 M 369.3425xl00Ea Raritan Trust Cn 18090 185.6725xlQ0Ea Raritan Trust,Co. . , XUfM 174.44

•25xlO0Ea . Raritan Trust c 169 W 174-4425xl00Ea Raritan Trust Co \w %% 174.4325xl00Ea . Raritan Trust Co. ' 169 88 174.4325xlO0Ea Raritan Trust Co. 254711 260.6626xlOOJEa RariUn Trust Co. ...... 169JB4 174.4125xl00Ea RariUn Trust Cov . igftgi 174 4125xl00Ea Raritan Trust Co igo'S 174.4125xlOOEa Raritan Trust Co. _ lfiflSS 174.4:;25xl60Ea RariUn Trust Co. : illu 174 4425xl00Ea BariUn Trust Co. . Z I69r85 174.45Irregular RariUn Trust Co 187 72 141.83

• !,!&!& g8"^"TruBt co. : ::;;::::;;;;;.JJtJJ..'. 199,622fixlOOEa Raritan Trust Co. lfotA 174.4125xl00Ba Baritan Trust Co AWM 174.452H100|a RariUn Trust Co. .....~. i j o g a 174.43

• 25xlOOEa RariUn (Trust Co ; I " S B ! i" 174.442f400ga •5ar!t*n Trust CQ ^IZ'^SlSJ I1"-44

5 M & iarit*« 3>wt Co. ,,. „ ;. m& 174.4425xl00Ea RariUn Trust Co. ^ ^ 11984 174.44

OB pS*K1lar R a r i t e n f*** Co. .„.::::::::: $ m 236.76

Page 3: mSNBBM - DigiFind-It€¦ · 1 CV VQ III n Ilium,, w^p . . . ., - avenue, near Kgan avenue,' Fords, owned by a Mrs. Casey, of Philadel-phia and tiniter the care of. a real, estate


Rosary SocietyWill Hold Card

Party at FordsTl,,. Itosury Socli'ly of Our Udy

,,, ii-.n-f (Jnurch, FiirdH, will holdcard pftfij l n t l l f l "iidltorlum c>i

',„,. c.iiiivh on HeptiMiiliiM- H. Mrs.n ih-Miuond and Mfi. A. Quadt are, I,,. otinirnien'. The following IH the

itnitiee in charge:.,1™. Uarburetta, Mrs. BUncliard,

,\I,M. Handerhan, Mrs. Nany, Allan(iiiunwi, Mrs. jMogttuly, Mrs. u h>i.>,MTH. Uarnoki Mm. ityan, Mr». K.i,ml[i, Mra. dianchard, Mm. Manton,vira. Fee, Miss Walsh, Mrs. Uoetsi'huiB, Mrs. Kattierine Hobercoru,Alias fclgan, Mlis M. Vgun, Mrs, J.Kuan. Hr-< *lrs, >». uiisan, jr., writ, u.K«an, Mrs. Cotinors, Mra. O'Rielly,M.urt u itielly, Mr*. A, uelUug, IVUH.It, (ittitilig.'Mrt. Joyce, Ming H,johnsun, Mrs. A. Herner, tyra. A.,\,,Luiiieti€|t, Mm. . itoniur. Mis. A;i\,irlck, Mr*. Asprocolas, Ma-», Ar-scnauUi Mrt. W. C.ear, -Mra. J.Clear, Mrs. Dunbach, Mrs, Schuildt,Mrs. J. Sundqulit, Mia.' C. Suml-(|u,nt, Mr«. Pn»pact, MTB. D. Hyan,Mis. A. Schmidt, Mrs. Klsh, Mm.lhilton, Mrs. Kovacs, Mrs. Collins,MIH Kovalskt, Mrtf,'-J. Vilosky, Mm.Mis. rtlofT, Mrt. (M.! Hchlcker, Mia.Aiwiuie, Mrs. burns, Mrn. Spencer,S,., Mrs. Spencer, Jr., Mm. Hqlybrlc,Mfg. (Julie, Mrs. Ralajczak, M(iockel, Mm. l"'rey, Mra. A. Schlcker,Mr«. Levendoakl, Mrs. Vosel, Mrs.Schlerman, Mr;. La lloiiue and Mrs.MrDeruiott.


Flat Furs Are Favored

Rev. R. J. O'FaiTcll, pastorMasses at 7:30, 9:1)0 and 10:3V

Vclock.Sunday School after 9:00 o'clock

Mass.Baptisms at 3:00 P. M.

M K \ t H | N T. Pan HrotUIi (itMTtidn Krlwl


| < '•offeeCan broiled chops art> cooked In

JII hut frying pan, a heavy iron oneiiiffcrably. I!, at It thoroughly,

.then put chops In without anyrni. l.i-i them acar on on* side.

turn, gear on the other side,turn the ttcc down and letKradually,, cook through. sea-

K them as M *

i hen

THIS WEEK H RECIPES(^'rnum tYlcd Potatoee—Prepare,

slic and crisp raw potatoes. Thor-oughly drain. AJil enough fit to

•iki . i . i id well cover bottom. Whenl« hot, add potatoes. 'Cook,

frequently until brown onImiii sides. Season with salt and|n|i|icr. Then cover und reduce theii'mpcnilnre and cook ilnwly iintltinder (about 15 minutes),

, < itrrfX. OttblMRV N*l«4~-0ne packUK!' lemon flavored gelatin, one pin|"),I,»K water, ^wo tablespoons vine-car, one teaspoon salt, one cup raw1'im'ots, grated or finely choppedone cup raw cabbage, finely utired

[iled. Dissolve flavored gelatin Inboiling water. Add ylnegar andaa >. When slightR thickened, fold

| in carrots and cabbage. Turn Intoindividual molds.Unnmld on crlap lettuce. Garnish, and whu Ima awith mayonnaise. Serve* six to;by all im-aim

| eight.

, Pink Pajamas Woman Whom Love Has PawedEven Though Mate Is Infatuated


I t" you have a diumliler. sister or„ sweetheart wlui l« R college Klrl

engpmble lilimncil with black caracal; right,HIKI white poln coat with bfl|[e gslyak oolUr


JLAT furs arc fashion's favoritefor both coats

Day Services—Masses 5:f0 o'clock.

rur season, aceoiding to presenttrends, with both coats and ensem-

heavlly and sonietlmt>H ulabo-

Huently to trim the all black coat orsuit.

At the lert above Is a suit withthree-quarters coat, which showsthis vogue Tor elaborate -fur trim-ming with flat furs. It Is an allblack suit, with rolling collar ofblack caracul which continues to the

«{iemoons and evenings 3 to 6 and' Coat budlceH. us well'as collars,7 to 9 o'clock. Eves o( Klrst Fridays cuffs and hems, ure lavishly deco«nd all Holy Days of Obligation a« rated In sonic uf the models fromon Saturdays.

Puish flodetlei

the I'arlB housw. Decorated sleevesare also an Important part of thenewer mode. Elbow cuffs of fur

Rosary Soctoty; Communion First | a n d o t h | i r decorative manipulationB" T " * . —A - of the pelts are almost universal.

Second! Large, rather than narrow, collarsjof fur IH another trend noticed.

Sunday of month.Holy Name: Communion

Sunday ot month.

blrlInlay very HOOII,Klve In i II xp

pajaiiiu suit and ^nm herF'Ji the college Klrl sliniily Mt'STI

Pe»r IMad—Use either fresh or'have n stunnliiK pajama loun(5lnn'canned pe«rs. If fresh, pare and cut! suit In which to Ionise and chat, to,In half, take out the core and nil wear at Intimate feminine teas, and! ' l n u « }° ' e l "™ "'*;,t


u ,„ J'the centers With cream c h e w . : a m , to niudy -\n. No wardrobe 18 " d of him who continues to doServe with a bit of tart Jelly. Fresh complete without It.'pears sliced and combined with I me suit pictured Is of black andmelon balls and peaches, with a bit pink crepe de chine with large

DK\lt VIRGINIA I.KK I am itmiirrlod w o B b with two

rlillilren and a hjp*nd who I*only half as afWtlonntr unitHiouKhtfiil an he *t»» two yearn

"Then there Is ^SfUfd person.i wire an old as mjWMf. The firstvi'ir of the pan|mo I consider*i lie little Inci-dents that hap-1l>enrd J u s tmlldwlld iftfaUnation and took I! li >' in jbklngly , |with no thought.Thin pant year Itlino r o m p towhere hi* upendsevery in In u t I1

possible with herVIT> K«nprouslysupplying h e (with nwtM'1 talkunri 'love pulB,ii f I i1 ti walking •v i l"* '" ' *.KKtin- length of u block with hlx armlumind her, holding hunilir. mak-ing ao many business den IK US[.oinlhU- toljp togetH^, They-can-not be together without this 'hill-Ing and cooing/

"She HkWTfr,and he think* itIn necessary for hpr to have it.'I nm rather tired of It. Out-aiders are Joking me about It. Ithurts deep. 1 don't dare say any-thing because he says 1 nm ONLYJealous.

"What right HAS a wife?o you think of HKIt to con-

n •oman fe«| young and at-tractive. It restores Mr M*§d«B0«

herselfIts all > bit pitiful, In't It? Ton,

ho hive had a lover, M 4 tusband and rhlldrM MMlilie with her i litttt, W f t

If It does hurt to h i t *usb«nd thr onr wh« "Mil* MdH»" over her,What can you dor Nothltu tat

ak<-' a fuss over h«r fUtMU a»dIve |,lni plent> of I w N H t U f . Islit mother llvtmeT It tot, 1w MtTtnply he puttlnit thb WO««l> fe»er place snd nettlnr fT«n MT thelotherly affection h« tntm. mad If>. you can take the d(W«hUrlT atll-nle toward her.

tf It is really it ant of a youaiti»n,, birotiilnn Infttuaftd with aaUler woman, yon mutt still make •usn over her and Ke«p your hurt toimraelt, althouxh ybu cannot po»-Ibly respect her.

You must brln* vour9 sense of ho-nor to the fore, work It hatd, forour own defense When ouUlders

loko you about your husband"a eld-erly ftirl friend. Ittifh with tbenf

nd conceal your r«al fMllnsa aamuch as possible I don't Imafin*t will last. 8ooner or later h* will

compare h « ajn- nnd yo«« , «ap«-clally It you keep \ourttlf SWMI indisposition and attrattWe In person.You wilt regain your husband, butthe will lose her lovsr and probablynever, have another chance to feelbeloved and desired.

Yes, 1 think ymi can afford totake the affair rather lightly andpity her, can't yen?

of mint Jelly, make n. fine dessert.

S U (1 (I B S T I O HSliced Cucumber Pickles

One quart cucumber slices, onecup vinegar, 'three-fourths cup su-gar, one-half cup ohopped pimen-toes, two 8mall onions sliced, one

so? Isn't there such a thiiiK as! difference between betn ; sensible; and JealoiiH? WOKKIKD."; 1 hope I Interprets! your lettearlKht, Worried. 1 did not net Ih

iiiienning.at first, and tried to prln'it so it would he cliar to the readera. Your husband Is In love, or at

" , least he makes love, to a womanThe following^ list of, births was t W | W v o u r a R P i , l n a t i t ?

tressed belt »nd sleevelesscoat lined with the [link.


Personals -Joseph Thomson, ot Ttldgedale

avenue, spent the week-end In Boa-ton, Mass. A.

Mrs. H. W. Von llrrtnen, of Fre*rman street, Is visiting relatWefl fnWHmiiiftton, Del.

recoraed at the Hoard of Health of-;teaspoon salt, one teuspoon dry mus- " c e «urlnK the past ween:lard, one-half teaspoon turmeric. A son, Ottilia Kenneth, was born

I'robably the woman in the caseQW Q^ ^Qg^ unfortunate souls

longed for. love und been666

wamtline, elbow loiifcth cuffs In grad- i"ge large cueumbers and slice about to Mr. and Mrs. Ottilia Mena, of', denied. So she grasps «t this ap--•"' '-—* "•- " half an inch thick, Heat all to boll- Benjamin street, lselin, on Thurs-ip u r e n t infatuation of your IniifJ u i s ty l and almost the en

lire skirt of the. Jacket fashioned ofthe iur.

The skiH of the suit is cut witha slight flare, and with it Is wornaccessories of black felt hat andblack kid pumps which are edgedwith gray lizard.

At the right la pictured a greenland white polo coat,. smartly tailord ith r t d b k cuff

Sodall'y ot Bltssed Tirgln Mary: Graduated bandn of fur, starting inCommunion Third Sunday ot month, a large collar, narrowing at the

Girls of the Parish: Conmunion waistline and gradually flaring for

,. yored, with narrow turned back cuffs

Fourth Sunday of month.

Prdbyterimi ler. BrnMt Abbott, pastor

of self material and collared lngalyak. It is a smart model

either town or country wear,

h a aing point and can This amountjday, August 14.

kmakeH one quart, lousy and good.

Amusem-nt for Itainy DaysBuy a 10-cent box of paper clips

and see how much entertainment tr&children will get out ot them. T h e y . u u . u ^ mi. u u v mican print names and make animals |ward Eak, of 119and objects.

Use Linoleum

sy for either town or country weartoward the hem, are often noticed ( lxnci i s One of those serviceable gar

Have you ever thought to line! Mr. and Mrs. Milton Auston, of

band's and enjoys It, silencing herA son, Sylvester 1'asqtiale, was ] conscience by the thought that you

born to Mr. and Mrs, Sylvester Al-: will not take It serlounly becausefonso I'alo, of 501 Railway avenue, i she is so much older. Such an affairWoodbrldge, on Monduy, August 19.

A son, -Francis Edward, Jr., wasborn to Mr. and Mrs. Francis Ed-

, . . Main strett,jWoodbridge, on Wednesday, Au-gust 20.

A son, Milton, Jr., was born

lWUeve* » HmtUwhe or N«wal-Kla In 80 rnlniih-*, check! aCold the first ilny, and checksMaiarU In thrw day*.

666 alto in TableU

styllngB on full length coati. ments that may be worn in the in-All black In sponsored as ot prime between days o{ early fall, when a

importance In (he winter mode, coat is needed, hut it la not yet coolblack Persian lamb being uaed fre- enough for the heavy winter wrap.

Sermon by tha pastor.8:00 P. M.—Juilor and Interme-;—. . . _,. ^ * . ,

siate Christian Bndeavor. The Load That Peter t a m e d1:45 P. H.—Senior Christian En- ,DUSY believed that every



your broom closet floor with a pleceJAlbert street, Woodbrldge, on Satur-of left over linoleum? It 1B much!dayr August 23.more easily cleaned than a painted i A daughter, Antoinette Anne, wassurface. Linoleum Is also good to born to Mr. and Mrs. I'asnualecover the shelf holding the heavy Mark, ot RemBen avenue, Aveuel,cooking utensils; It will not mark'on Sunday, Ajugust 31.as will oilcloth. „ I A daughter, Theresa Margaret,

was born to Mr. and Mrs. John MePartland, of McLean Btre.et, lselin,

Ion Tuesday, August 26.

B"Don't worry.

. t .thing I can'tA n t i Peter. "Here,

8 h ° . u l d d ° h e ^ iu\?' .bw tp I I l ' s »»«« heavy for you. I'll tuck Itr e o n or other he felt wrry J ^M w Vniin* Pennlii i "" 8 h ° . u l d d ° h e ^ iu\?' .bw t p I I l s »»«« heavy for you. I lM. - ^ Young People* some reason or other, he felt wrry u n d e r o n e a J m a n f l h e r e . 8

f N !for Nurse.

deavor.«:45 P

Chnreli. -^t ;*5 P. M.-T^U4JEvening Serv-

ice of the Pall. ISarmon by the Deen working dreadfully hard to be a

pastor. " • I so tuckered out," said she. "Keep an QArry\Wednesday at 8:00 P. M.—Regu-'

lar mld-we«k Mrvlees. DevotionalService.

Troop 31, Boy Scouts of America,will meet In the Paris* House Frl-"*iy "evrnW i t «'Otloc*. •

1 won't start any-flnlsh!" promised

give me that egg.

egg to tnck under I &MU

Announce Marriage

ina t ' s the load that I can

Announcement is made of themarriage of MIBS Mary Kath, of Se-| Eldgar Love, of Green street', haswaren, to Henry Hesse, of Railway, returned to hla duties as a memberwhich took place ln New York City, of the signal corps at Fort Mon-Saturday afternoon. The attendants mouth.were Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bonker, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Harned, andot Roselle. Uaon their return from Mr.* and < 1*t»r'«Leoi*'-H»rned antt

Cd f i l f G t t h. . ^ o B S iu 1 U U I u . . u e . i ^ w n , , , , -*... ot Roselle. Uaon their return from Mr. and 1 * t » r L e o i * n e d tt

Poor* old tMfK! _ She'WuSfiflfve; h a v e t w o hands free. Four eggs at a wedding trip to Canada, the family, of Green Btreet, have re-couple will make their home

! I,lnden.In turned (fom a three weeks' vacation

at Twin Lakes, New Hampshire.

J. P. GERITY&CO.Real EstateIWpreMlittng

Private Sales, Appraisals, Ex-p e r t Testimony. MortgageLoans, Business Brokerage,Economical Management ofProperty a Specialty

Bpnds it Mortgage*


Life, Fire, Burglary, Accidentand Health, Teams, Boilers,Druggists', Employes', Land-lords', and Contractors' Liabil-ity, Marine, To.urlst, Salesmenand Transit Insurance, Auto-mobile Fire and Liability Com-panies and Plan Slasn

I 93 Main Straet Telephone 8-0283


Woodbridf e


R«T, Wm. V- D-

10:15 A. M.—Sunday School.•11 A. M. — Morning Worship.

Sermon by the pastor.7 p . y.—ChristUn Endeavor.T145 P, M. — Evening WurBhlp.Monday at 7:30 P. M. — BlbW-

School orchestra.O. B. T. Club meet* the first Mon-

dayi of the month at 8:00 P. M.. | l | m » Alpfca Phi Sorority wUlmeat at the home of Mrs. A G.Brawn, Monday evening, at 7:30.

t a e r t a y at 1:45 - O. i. Society,at the home of Mrs. Arthur G

l l w 2 i n e » d a y at ' 7 . 3 0 P. M.-Mld-

"ftrna "regular 'weekly meetings of« . Udlea ' AswclatloB. will be dl«-eontlnued until .the Fall.

(.continued on page tour)

eve open, hoy, and make sure thatnone ot the tribe come back to findNurtie alaeep at her post. Let theworkers find her snoozing and theymight not wait to find out why orstop to notice we were guarding theeggs in her stead. That Bhe wasasleep when she was supposed to beon guard would be, enough to mad-den thetu^und likely they would flyat her and tear her to pieces beforewe had a khance to explain. In amoment I'will wake her up. Say.jboy, how many ot these eggs do youthlnk\you can carry?"

Pe.t«r lifted one of the roundwhite'.things and felf IU Weight,

' "Well, this egg 1s not as light as1 thought It would he," whispered

i Peter. "But I rather think I can' manage three at a time, maybe four,;two under each arm."

"FV>r mercy's sake, dpn't take ai (chance!" warned B u s y , VI could notI wave you from the result of your| W n folly it you dropped an egg andsmashed it!"








3RIMN ST. • B M M O H AVBTel. WoodbrUge 8-*J<4

Miss Anna Johnson, of ^Gstreet, is' vacationing at Danby. vt .

M l i Ruth Love, of Green -Street,apent Labor Day weok-end at OceanGrove. "'' ^

_ MIH. UfAen M, Donobue —

funeral servic^sMor Mrs. HelenM. Donohue, 36, wife of James W

Well Lead You a HOOVEH-for a Week-

duriag House ClearviagXXOOVER-clean your nigs, upholstered fiixniture, draperies,pillows, mattresses, Lei Hoover tools remove the dust fromtop of doors and window (frames and from under radiators.Hoover-clean stair carpets,

You will find your Hoover-cleaned rugs fresh altd entirely

free from dirt, for the Hoover gently performs the three fc»seri«

tials of all thorough rug cleaning, namely—heating, ewepirfg,

suction cleaning. \

See how fresh furniture |nd draperies look—how "puffy" \

the pillows and mattresses. ' i •

' Telegbone or write the Public Servicestore neatest you for a Hoover, 1930model,* and its duttjnjg tools. Learn whytwice-a-week use of the Hoover ends theneed of semwiBqiial housecleaniugB. Askfor your Hoover today. No obligation.

i iThere are t vo Hoover models—the Hoover deluxe , . . $79.50

the popular priced Hoover 63ujQj

Either modej may, be purbhased

at slightly higher cost on terms of

K Who* Qy156160 Smith St Ruth Amboy.NJl

wa« a mem






* •









\ down

and *5 a mo ttth



Htatinj and Coding Appliance!

R u i Automatic and Storage Water Htattn

Ng* Praccn Gfj

Cfij)»»tit Radiant Lofi

T«k()hoi€ 3510 Perth Amboy

Page 4: mSNBBM - DigiFind-It€¦ · 1 CV VQ III n Ilium,, w^p . . . ., - avenue, near Kgan avenue,' Fords, owned by a Mrs. Casey, of Philadel-phia and tiniter the care of. a real, estate

, KEPT. B. 1*30


i )!' 'iDDDI il>OK PRINTKKV. Inc.UlO S i*t. Wondbrldgi1. N. J.

.I j - P J. Office at WoodbrlrtdP. N. J.,, . s . cond Class Mill

\ i

PHONE WOODBRIDGE 81409- s . Rppubllcatlon o( news sad edllorUIi l A ( U l l matter In these columns Is-permit-

• n o ted provided credit Is given to Th>Leader.

• from readers, expressing opinions 01.topic* ui .iiM'M art invited, but' no anonymous lett(*r« win i" i"ii'itPhed.


Woodbridge, N. J., Friday, September 8t 1130

CHAMBERS OF COMMERCEAn active chamber of commerce, with suAelent

ftciunoi P to provide (or • (rained, energetic secretary,and Hiiltnbic office*, will prove a valuable and essen-tlal adjiinci to any community, whose future lies U>t)n> direction nt Industrial development. v

WoiKilirirt-'' Township certainly falls tnto thatclass hv rUht of geographical location and by virtueor ftp ninny miicr adrsntsges to prospective Industrie*.

Former "chambers of commerce" and "business-incns .iHnnrlanon*" have gone under, not to muchberausi of tin'lr personnel or because of lack of hot-tnnny. Th«•>• died because of Improper organisationand larh of funds.

Tlni-e nt us who have thrown our lot with Wood*bridge Township, who have made our homes, or es-tat>llKli)>d mil business or Industry here, must becomefully mutt-tons of a common purpose;namely: to con-tribute tn Mi' growth, expansion, and prosperity ofour town nm only for our own financial security, buttoward -the end 'that future generations will And thina IM.UT. Nnu place In which to live and work.

A piopcr start, In that direction wan made-somyi'iirR ttno, wh'ihft'more bUBineBslIke, progresBlvfl ad-uiiiiiHtratinn of municipal affairs WBB Initiated. As aresult ui lliiii change, Woodhrldise Township now pn-Jojs the inviiilile distinction of being one of the Best

ti-n-ri rmnmuri'kles In the state.-

IIK function. In piscine the flval fu-ture of tlif township r.n i safe and sane foundation,anil Initiation Improvements, (he administration Hwlfran do little In the way of promoting industrialirowth, without ormtopplng the limit* fixed by lawand precedent. .

It I* therefore obviously the tuty of the ciUtensti.t>m«elv«>« to form an organisation with a commonpurpose toward business and Industrial growth. Thelaborer, ofllee wottter. professional man, merchant,.iinn facturef. bulkder, realtor, ad hare a eomnfon In-*r«t In future industry.

It means More assured employment at home. Itmesiai a more modern business district making shop-ping more agreeable, at a saving of t ine and moseyo the shopper.

As Industries grow, those who have tt*t*t«l theirwrings in taetory,' business an* residential sites willreap the dirtd«tda of their faith & ta« home town.

There Is 00 reason why Woodbrldge Townshipihwi'd not hare a eentralry located chamber of eom«

mucti-to-be-dssired, change for the'lieNer:Too long Woodbrldge has thought of Uself as de-

,M>ndent upon surrounding communities. It has been

jteai of It* own. It has identified its self with theirwelfare and business, lite, and neglecting Its own.

With the proper foundation, appropriate sup-port. Intelligent management, a Woodbrldge Cham-ber ot,'C'jnmere» wonld be a


PDQB R O A D C A S T I N GSchool Days are here again.

Donteha wish you were a kid again?The gang started off early Wednes-day morning. By 8:30 they wereall in line at No. 1 School. Next


convincing parents f f promising .00-1springs that they feftgid not park Iff*the * " ' " -

d | r a ( < : r o H And weren't those kidsglad to see Ben again They must

tugged al his sleere snd the older*o n ? , contented themoelvra with an]"Hello Ben". And. Jf n^n remem-'

srarle. As one boy remarked, "Greatguy, Ben ls.".+- <ft for the life ofa columnist. One man who's name

W'.iat s shock that* Ohio m o , who had been deaffor thirteen years, must have had when he recoveredUs b.aring In a talkie1.— Philadelphia Inquirer.

Divorces are grttlng quicker and quicker, but the)it<TH will lUver be perfect uiiti' it is possible to get

une In time to stop an argument.—Vlrglnlan-Pilot.

hornet's nest oat of these days.OUCH- — A number of people havesent "wlsh-you-wtWhcre" cards toSgt. Fred Lanen ttnring the sum-;mer and every one nf them had a;picture of a flsh on It.—The tomatoplants hidden behind th<> shrubberyat ye town hall are yielding a good-

of nice rtd tomatoes. —

Once the Chinese were considered the most truth-i>«ople on earth, but now they have started playing

f. -Kay Features.

Wives are like fishermen, both think that theJ...A blgwitt Kot away.

CHURCH NEWS(Continued from Page 3)

First Church ot Christ,ScientistSEW A REN

A Branch of The Mother Church,The First Church of Christ.

Scientist, In Boston, Mass. :Sunday Service—11:00 A. M. ]Sunday School—9:30 A. M.Wednesday Testimony Meeting —

« 0 0 P. M.Thursday Reading Room — 3:00B:QO P. M

Dancing Instructor


St. Andrew11.(AVBNBL)

Rev. II. J. O'FarreU, pastorService* at Public School.

at } A. M. Sunday morning.Mas*

Views and Reviews"What The) Say Whether ltlKht

or Wrong"

Ington Fair Labor Day.—The drumand bugle corps of the American Le-gibn has been practicing in the new.park. Every night they appear, alarge crowd, both ajoot and in cars,gather to hear the "band concert".

The water was opened In the newwading pool In the playground andthe kids donned their tights rightaway. Mayor Billy was present towatoh the festivities. — Joe Eln-horn ;i;id "Chick" Ktan. of Kords.have ctone in for aviation. Theyhopped off in Joe's Clievy yesterdayfoi> Millinctnn to se tin1 rares.

Hill We*xl, newspaper eorres-IKmiltUl who vihkeu Haiti:

" i i i ' ihltl Veauon IIU.T ueeli one(if pure aelf Interest at the expeii:*-• i i . i i . m i mu'_'peiun-'iu e" uim t e n .toiiul sovereignty."

.lumes ,1. Davi.H, Secretary of Labor:I never mei u man wnu lum

l a i ic l ii»d u ui) the hal t ie field WHOwas not in favor of wiping out war

(Simon I), tVNs, chairman, Republi-can National Conimmee:

' "Prolribiiion is not un issue intlie Ui'pubLlnau party, and 1 don'tbelieve it is in (.He D

VDU.Y0UR CARWDTHL walk, and remain standing until —

iirtfii is snown. 0 Funeral

•til. TheseAmber Lights

St. Cecilia't(I8ELIN)

Rev. EL C. qrlffen, pwt<MChurch on Oak Tree Road. Mass

at 10 A. M. 3undmy morning,

Avenel PresbyterianRev. C. A. Morrow, Pastor

10:00 A. M.—Sunday Schort.11:00 A. M.—Mornlng Worship.

Sermon lopic: "Broken Cistern".7:16 P. M-—Christian Endeavor.

Another KnV |lar«*l"Do you know, ' said th»

fill Hliopk({fix r 'pompously, "that ,Istarted life an a barefoot boy?"

"Well," pnid the new assistant,"1 wann't burn with boots onneither."—Nottingham News.

Methodist EpiscopalUev. H. It. nrelwh, Pastor

9:45 A .M.—Sunday School.11:00 A. M.—Morning Worship.

Holy Communion.7:45 V, M.—First Evening Serv-

ice ot the Fall. Sermon by "thepastor.

Oar Redeemer(FOBDS)

Kev. A. L. KreyUng, pastor

Evangelical Lutheran, Fords Ave-aue and Fourth Street

8:30 A. M.—Sunday School./'•HO:46 A. M.—Morning Worship.

Mlwt Mil «m HUT), of Si-wnrcn,who will fijH'ii her School ofDitiu'inj;, thiN month.

I I t e m n i i b i ' r , T o o • - • • • • ; - - •

1910—Cnstontvr — I'd Ilk- a dime ';•

wb'flij of clipese, plea«e. .Proprietor—Oscar, get the .gentle-

man a half pound of cheese/ ••In 1930— -ICI

CuBtonnv — I'd like ft :d!iiite'fw o r t h o f cliei ':-«f. ••* . ' i . i i i T . "

Proprietor - Oscar, lft th>v gentle-man sin II the rli est. •—IIS; WStandard. * ' "

Phel|tH H. Adams, newspaper man,WHO has made a stuuy of thea..iu. ,,i.ng situation:

"Liquor suij6^ung organizations,1,>re |u .eiiiiny organised and

than, ever before, are di-bettSA fid(1 irhlslriiis' and

..'iiieti along the eastern coa*t at u.rate of at least 10.000 gallrms aJay."

William (ii'ei-n, Pnsldent American•"•••• Federation -of• i*bor!

"The unnual inatea4 of the dailywast' would bi1 a Ri'eat a'ep for •'•aniIn providing markets for varlonB..inuutts of which BUrpluseaare nowproduced."

Hiu'fiiz Zelgfelri, beauty pudge, mu-sical show producer:

"No woman Is truly beautlfurhe.i sin- in half starved or angular

or bony."

No provisions ,6f New Jersey'straffic and motor'Vehicle laws hascreated more confusion In the mindsof motorists than it he article deal-ing with the ambW light. Or, per-l\a,ps tt would he Better to say thatthis is merely another part ot thelaw with which motorists have neg-letted to -taotytyttse themselves.For the l a ^ ltse,l( ,ls perfectly clear

;and is easift understood If carefully;r..ad. r

: Properly observed by nntorl:>tsthe amber light if a most useful de-

ivlew. -U. ri.11 help, .prevent t.raficsnarls and reduc« the pedentvlandeath toll and property damage re-sulting from collisions.

" The State traffic act provides fora three-color light system, red, am-ber and green. Green, of course,K'i permission for traffic to go. sub-;jefcli tq the safety of other's or the,specific directions of an officer. Icedmeans that traffic,must stop beloreentering the intersection or cross'

A Tiny Home For Just Two People

C. Qalassi, pastor

ron Wojdbrldge Avenue6:30 \ M. and 9:30 A. M

' morning. ,.Service, 7:45 P, M.

Oar lady of Pence(POlfDS)

C. U. Kcanan,



on Sunday morning at No o'clock. Sunday School ful

first Mass.dally at 8 o'clock.v.sary Society meets the

t^ ai'h month. ;m Blessed Virgin

'tlje third Monday of, . • I

Society meets the »ec-:nduy of the month at •• '

Amber means that vehicles amistreet cars must stop before enter-ing the Intersection or crosswalk,"unless when the amber so appearsthe vehicle or street car Is so closeto the intersection that It cannot beslopped within Hfty feet."

Then follows a provision In thelaw on the amber light that few mo-torists seem to understand. If thevehicle is within fifty feet of an In-tersection when the light turns am-ber, the law says "lite vehicle or,ntreet car may proceed u.-ross itu:intersection, or mane right or leftturns." |

It is further provided that "no;vihides or street cars shall eater;the intersection or crosswalk If nut'within this distance of fifty feet'while the amber IB displayed, but ImuBt wait for the green to appear}alone."

To repeat, amber means "stop",or "prepare to stop." It nevermeans, "go". . TSift if a motorist iswithin fifty fieti'or, as intersectionwhen the light turns amber he mayproceed across.

The amber tight'.Is primarily in-tended to give pedestrians an opportunlty to cross a street in safety andit - eliminate* - Ihe situation round 1where two-light systems are used in iwhich a pedestrian Is frequently!marooned dangerously in mid-streetby a change of HghtB.

The amber light also makes un-necessary abrupt stopB by vehicles,and thug eliminates the danger ofrear, end crashes.

There h»s been, much discussionof the amber light, but 1 feel Itserves a most valuable purpose, Itcan be made Increasingly useful* asthe motoring public obtains a great-er understanding of its meaning!

l'uiieral services for EleanorFralse, three month old daunhnr.of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fralne, ofThompson street, Woodbrldge, whodied Sunday, were held Mondaymorning. Interment was In St.James' cemetery.

Personals -

Ltoy iftout Troop No. 33, willmeet'tonight at the Trinity Eplsai-pal Parish House, to prepare for theCourt of Honor, which will be held.some, time this month.

— Walter H. Higgfaw

Funeral services for Walter H.HigglnS. $1, a resident of Wood-orid);e for the past 35 years, who'died Saturday afternoon after a'lirief illness, were held Wednesdayafternoon at 2:30 at the GreiderI'uneral Home, on Green street, withthe Manonic Order in charge. TheElk ritual was held the previouseven.UK. Interment was held In themmily plot in the Evergreen reme-tcry. Hlizubeth. . '

The deceaseil was a nitmb'T ofAmeiicus Chapter. A. & V. M., andivrth Ambny Lodte, D. 1>. O. E. Heis aurvlver by his wife, Hasalba..aiida brother, Oswald, of Detrlot, Mich,



HATS-HATS*' • 1 1 r '

Latest StylesAll ColorsAll Sizes

P r i c e s\M ... $2.95 ...

$4.00 and $5.00



tritrinityItev. i. B. Myers, pastor \

8 A. M.—Celebration of Holy Eu ,charlBt

•10 A. M—Church School. i10:15 A, M—Morning Prayer, i

' 11 A. M—First ami third Suodayot each month, celebration of fylBucliarlst and-sermon; secon4.fourth Sundays, morning prayersermon; fifth Sunday, morprayer, litany and sermon. >

4 P. M—Ewnsong. « ,',Monday afternoon — Woman's,

Auxiliary Study Class. IMonday night, at 8 P. If. VjMtry!

meeting. , !Monday night. Meeting of the!

Fleur de U B . !Monday night, mstUng ot the gt. I

Margaret's Unit. IThursdjw aj«bt, choir practlee a |;

t Vf it, • , . ijf*. . . ••. , • . IFriday >nrti«—U*Mr , » 4 «4'

«r«os. ' ' , ; !Troop No. n^Bojr, ttmti,

is the Pwlfh Hl It f!tl

NLY the smallest of familiesmay safely consider t h ebungalow with but one

sleeping room, which is all thisDM provides. In all other respectsIt quite m e a n n s up to. the aver-age requirement. For the familyn two it it Ample and so conveni-ently arranged that to keep it in

" order will b* • task of no greathardship ev«jr. And it is capableif being drisssrl most charmingly.

It hsi all the modern bungalow•conwnltness from living porch to.••rvice porch in the ror. The liv-ing room li comfortably ample inis site. The dining room, with its[built-in chiaa closets, is roomy and|Well lighted, and the kitchen is un-usually large for so small a house.An inclosed entry porch aceommo-dat«s the is* box aad offers pantryrtorage, while there is a Urgebasement The bath is convenl-sntiy placed tMtWetn kitchen aad

..iure than if built of frame con-struction. It is easily within ,thereach of the man of most moderatemeans and income. And built ofbrick, its up-keep cost will be neg-ligible.

This little borne would servemost admirably for .the summerouting on the lake shore, any-where, and' its cost might be ma-terially reduced if the heatingsystem and basement' were elimi-nated.

The Economy Wall consists ofa 4-inch thickness of brick, roughcoated with mortar on the insideas it is laid up, and strengthenedby brick pilasters, eight by eightinches, built up at Intervals offrom four to six feet It is backedwith the usual two by-four stud-ding which are Uthod for the plas-ter cost*. By laying tbe brick in or-djuary ranning bond the Aiaaonrycost is reduced to the minimumajad the wall ^as in a somber ofloeaUtUabesatwnatobeaseheapand oceasioaaSy cheaper than

far * t o



SATURDAY SEPTEMBER, 6th.Bring This Circular for Opening Specials


Bring your old shoes in and learn how quickly theycan he made like new, hy our expert workmanship ata small cost.

Champion Shoe Repair Shop530 AMBOY AVE. <SAM MRCE. prep.) WOODBRIDGE




Page 5: mSNBBM - DigiFind-It€¦ · 1 CV VQ III n Ilium,, w^p . . . ., - avenue, near Kgan avenue,' Fords, owned by a Mrs. Casey, of Philadel-phia and tiniter the care of. a real, estate

t'.lock 600L821824859B859B859B859B

Notice of Tax Sale Township of Woodbridge


& 31801 & 22 & 34 to 67 & 89 & 10U 4 1213 to 1520 to 2212 & _4 & 56 & 78 & 912 & 18

• if it


859N859N859N859N869N859N859N859N85908590859085908590859085.0-8590860 ,860 .860860860860862862862862865863863863


to 89 & 1011 4 1213 & 1417 & __19 & 2021 to 23241 & 23 & «-'5 & 67 to 910 & 1112 & 13

& 15& 17& 19




24 to 261 to 3I to 34 & 512 & 13-0 &2122 & 2330 &


48 & 493 & 49 & 10II & 1218 & 1415 & 1627 & 2829 & 3031 & 3233 & 3435 & 3623 & 2425 & 26




859J869J '869K.869K1859K*859K859K859K'M9K869K

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, " < 859M" . .859M" 859M|" 859M•• 859M ," 85.9M11 8B9M

2729313335 &I & 28 & 45 & 6II & 1213 & 14



15172327293133»& 910 to 12.16 & 1718 to 2021 to 2324 & 2526 & 2728 & 29

& 31&

3032 & 3334 & 3536,to 383 & 4 '5 &67 to 912 & 1818 & 1920 & 212? & 2324 to 2#27 &


& 34&IS7t6 40



1223 & 2425 & 2629 4 3035 & 3637 & 3839 & 40

t 24




R&hway A) Lord St.Ziegler Av_4Avenel St.Avenel St.Avenel St,A l 8

(continued tram pagt two)

3 &7 £'89 & 1014,& 15161 £ 1718 & 1920 to 2231 & 3288, & 3487 & 3841 & 4248 & 4463 to 55

& 262884

&S6.21 & 2223 to 25

1 '& 2731

Cwtrell St.Cornell St.

Haward Ave.Harvard Ave.Harvard Ave.Harvard Ave.Harvard Ave.

Cornell St.Cornell St*Yale Ave.Yale Ave;Yale Ave. '"Yale Ave. 1.Cornell St.)

* Cornell St.Cornell St,

Lehigh AveLehigh AveLehijhUhigh . . . .'Lehigh Ave*<Lehigh Ave$Lenigh Ave>Lehigh Ave.Cornell St,Cornell St,Cornell St..Cornell St.

Dartmouth Ave.Dartmouth Aye.Dartm6uth Ave.Dartmouth Ave.Dartmouth AVe.

Trinity PlaceTrinity PlaciTrinity PlacJ .Trinity Place

Dni'tmouth Ave.Cornell St. :Cornell St. •Cornell St. • 'Cornell St,Cornell St, -Cornell St.Cornell St.Cornell St,Cornell St.

Oak St.Dartmouth Ave.Dartmouth Ave«

* Dartmouth Ave.Dartmouth Ave.

Lehigh Ave.'Lehigh Ave.

1 Lehigh Ave.Lehigh Ave.Lehigh Ave.Cornell St.Cornell St.Yale Ave.f>f >Yale Aver :Yale Ave.Yale Ave.Yale Ave.

Oak St.Oak St.Oak St. J

Yale Ave.' Yale Ave..

Yale Ave.Yale Ave., , 'Cornell St: .*s

Harvard Ave.1 Harvard Ave: -

Harvard Ave.Harvard AvelHarvard Aye.Harvard Ave.

Cornell St?.Cornell St.Avenel St.Avenel St.Avenel St.Avenel St.Avenel St.AVenel St.AVenel St. f ;.Avenel St. ^

Rahway Av.e.Rahway Ave. ,.Rahway Ave.Harvard Ave.>Harvard Ave. •Harvard' Ave.

Oak St. 'OakSL.

AveneJSt-Avenel St.Avenel St.Aveuel "St.

.'(Avenel St.Avenel St.Avenei St.

Rahway Ave.Yale Ave.

Oak. St.Oak St.

Harvard I Ave.Harvard Ave. -Harvard Ave.Harvard Ave.Rahway lAve.Rahway Ave.

Yale Av|; •-Yale" AvfYale Ave.Yale Ave.

Oak St.cOak St.

Dartmouth Ave.Trinity PlaceTrinity Place.Trinity PlaceTrinity PlaceTrinity Place

Dartmouth Ave.Dartmouth. Ave,

Oak St.Oak St.

Walnut St. '





Dartmouth Ave.Dartmouth Ave.Dartmouth Ave,

Maple St.Maple St.

Rahway Ave.Rahwuy

Raritan Trust Co a l l .22_ 1


• «


Owner UnknownSamuel Mitchell ,Raritan Trurt CoRaritan Trust Co. ,.„.Raritan Trurt Co ...Raritan Trurt Co _...Raritan Trurt Co ~...Raritan"Trurt Co.Raritan Trurt Co ..;„ 261.80Raritan Trurt Co — _ 88.90Raritan Trurt Co. _.. - . - , U9.&3Rarty-i Trust Co. -.. 169.68Rarltatl Trait Co. - 169.58







Raritart Trurt Co.Raritan Trust Co.Raritan Trurt Co.Raritan Trurt Co.Raritan Trurt Co,Raritan Trurt Co.Raritan Trurt Co.Raritan Trust Co.Raritan Trurt Co.

69.68, 161.71

__ .84.77,...._- 169.52

169.62.. $64.28





Raritan Trurt Co ...- -,.i»... 169.52- i l 6 9 . 6 t,... S54.29




Raritan Trust Go.Raritan Trurt Co:Rantan Trurt Co.Karitan Truit Co - 169,52Raritan Trurt Co 169.56Raritan Trurt Co. .~. - 169.52Raritan Trurt Co - 254.29Raritan Trurt Co - 169.52Raritan Trust Co - 1H9.52Raritan Trust Co ~ 1B9.5.Raritan Trurt Co - 169.52Raritan Trurt Co -' 169.52Raritan Trurt Co «. 169.62Raritan Trust Co - 169.52Raritan Trust Co. ~ 254.29Raritan Trust Co 254.29Raritan Trust Co. - 254.29Raritan Trust Co - 169.51Raritan Trust Co 169.53Raritan Trust Co 1G9.5JRaritan Trust Co. lt>9,68Raritan Trust Co 169.52Raritan Trust Co 169.52Raritan Trust Co.Raritan Trust Co.Rantan Trust Co.Raritan Trust Co.Raritan Trust Co.Raritan Trust Co.Raritan Trust Co.





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l 6 7 O



91.48178.98178.881173.88!269.83173.88173.88173.88Ii-178.88178.88173.88259.83259.83259.83 MIDDI.KSEX173.87173.89',178.89173.89'173:88173.88173.88173.88173.88173.8898.8823.8723.87173.89173.88173.88173,88

/lletwten NATIONAL KKAl.TV k

M O U I G A U K OOMI'ANY, ., rorpor*-Oompl»ln_m, tnd LI.OTD IV

JOHNSON. «t »l... DvfrndittU.To JOKQ M. J( i i«n kiid R u b d

Jensen, h b wife:Uy v>rtQ% o( an order o( th«

Court ot Chaac*>rv vt N«w J*TMJ,m«id« on the 4«ir ut the <Ut« IIM*-it In i ckutc wm Kin t|i« Nttlon.lHvjuy ft Morls-RP Oomitany I* com!>i_lni_i _Qd you, John M. Jenxoand Rachel Jcttien, hl« wife, aUU.,ira defenduta. You »re r*4utralh> tppwr, pt«*d, »n«wtr or d«mutlb III* Mil ot the NU4 eampMuAtn o* fetor* M N Hl«th day of Ottober next, or th« Mid bill will b.taken at eonfwMd tgalntt you.

Tha Mid bill Ii -led to tereelwta mortgage gtom by Join H-ltn•en and Kaohil Jei_*n, hli wlt«, tuthe National R«ilt> k MortRM1

Company toted J\lfte<4?; l t l l Onlands' In the Towmhlp of Woodbridge, Mlddtwex County, and youJohn M. JenMn are mad« a defend'am bWkuac xgu own the i - ld land«tnd you Rachel Jrnaen an made adefendant ._KIUM> you the the wffiot John M. Jvnsen «nd claim an Inchoate right ot courteny In aaldlands.

THOMAS 1, "HANSON.1 . Solicitor of Complainant,

I H Smith BtrectPerlh An>boy,aN.

Dated, Auguit 4, 15S0..To be _d*ertl«fd AHRUBI 15th.

1930. August 22nd.. 1930, Angus'IDth., 1630 and September 5th1930.

om J e n . P. WMtergaanl, »t. all.,tPtl Dw~nnbfr 4, lftoft nn«t nrord-M«rtH 2S. 1910.

TRACT XJWBelni; l.oi No 8."Map 6f I)»*ey Tt>rr»«•*," »no

trtfc nrtw* p»r1icu;»rl> rttiirrlbed u>dcwd from Victor W Miin to

.Smith Retltjr A Improvrmrnt Com-pany dated AuguM 1. 1<us. »nd re-

rd«d III MM* «3J uf Dwdt



Rurltan Trust Company of PertAmhoy, Plaintiff, v». Smtth Reaty & Improvement Co. and Lauritz W. Smllli, Individually antradlnu a» Smith & OstPrna

s. Kl Ka for salep dated July 7, 1930—New Jersey Supreme Court1'crth Amboy Building mid U>aiAssociation. Plaintiff v», SmltlRealty i impTovempnt Compiinand LaurlU W. Smith, Defenants. PI Pa for gale ot mortgagepremises dated July 7, 1930.By virtue of the above stated writ

to me dlrectd and delivered, 1 willexpose to sale at public vendue on

and appnrt*nanc«i » - - • - - . . . - -lonjlng or In anywlM a p u t t t j l i l i i


Tit ACT X1U—Bfflnnlns at a•*•_• ptentrd oa th» northrrly •!_«

b Amboy Tvrnpik*, dutanir« hunartd t*«*ty-two trti wtmi-

fltly from rt« MWUiWMt corner ofad« of JD-A Hottab). dcc»ufd, on

*ld l.r_plk« thM«« (1) N. i t ' 15W thr*t haodral twenty-tour anublrty-tvd oAt-nuodrtdthii ( i l l . i t )

(HI to a festal *%kk l> OM hun1««t toittk of.,SM-IHq- ATC-

- • ; ' l h « « » (3> 4jw»rly, paralt-llth Hamilton A I M W » , (ortT-t*o41) t««t; ttie.ee t>) northerly a'ftht anglt* or ne»rly no to Hamtl

on ATM«t, on* bubdr-d (100 > t««,to th* •outherlr « d e ot Hamilton

f th*nrc (4 ) eaaterlyhe iouth«rly ald« O( Hamilton Av<~u». i l s twn ( I I ) r««t; th«ne«

•ovrtherly. par all*! with the thirdm u m , oa* hu_dr«d (100) f ^ t ;

wnte t l ) at«l> easterly, parallelUK Hamilton Avtfiue one hundreil

nrty.twV d i l l ft«t; thm«« (1)parallel with the Brit d«-<

wrtb«d eourtr, on* hundred wreny-lour and thirty-two on«-hun

dndttiit tIT4.32) fMt to a polnMrh It one huodwd fifty t w

north ot Perth . Amboy TurnpikeUi-ne* ( l | weai«rly parallel withh* .RotpierrV ald« ot Perth Amboy

Turnpike, one huftdr*d (100) («ethencp (h »n»ln aoutherly, parallel

with the Unit «d»*#lbed courw. omhundred fitly (ISO) (eel to tinnortherly ilde ot Perth Amboy Turnpike thence (10) weatcrly along thnortherly ilde of Perth Amboy Turnpike, one hundred ( loo t twt to th<point or plarp ot HECINNINC.

THACT XIV—BEGINNING atpoint on the northerly nide of thIVrtli Ambny Turnpike, dlatant loihundred twenty-two' feel wwterl

X)IHS t'. SKI.I.YEI.i (t.os solicitor.To be ad v e n t e d Aacuat ^

»10. Augun 29th , l»10. 8*ptt -r_«r 6th., 1110 and September l l hIMS.



from the southwest cunii'r of land*

N CHANCERY OP NOTBftwcw l!p-to-the-IU_ttt* BnM4-IBI and lAttn AatoeUtloo, Coa-plal-aat, and WlllUm T_rao«.• t sto., r>fetnja_ta. f l tk tmMlt - I mortjaiPd tmtMmf4*UtMr u, i»3o. ?' " w " ,By virtue of the »b4+f »t_led wrH

o we directed and delivered. I willxpoM to »»le at public -endue o*



at on* o'clock standard Tlme( twsicloek Daylight sarlng Time) l »he afternoon of w d day at UK

Sheriff* Olkee in the City of NewBruniwlck, N. J. i

Ail tract or parcel ot lands Mdpremlaes altuate. Ulnf u d belp« \mthe Townahlp of WoodbH-ae. ID Ik*County of M i d d l e * and 9t»t» o»New Jersey.

And more fullv deKTtbi-d on •certain map emlil>-d "Map ot prop-erty belonging to Radio Aosoclntea.tltuated at • U l m . Woodbhda*Townahlp. Middlcsvx County,* NewJeney, surveyed and mapped byLarten A Fox, Surveyot-. No. 176Smith Street, Piiih Amboy, N«wJeney," which nmp has b<>cn ncre-tofore filed In the ufflw ot the Clerkof Middle* . Coumy, which lota areknown and di'sUnmed on Mid raa»as to t s 1, 2 ami 3,with bui lding midthereon erected.

Decree anitmni inti00


mately 12.700.

»Block 442U,


to approxi-

ot John Hornnby, dect>a»«d. on salili Toiiethor with .ill andprlv.l-TiM, hereditamenW





at 1 o'clock Standardo'clock Daylight Savln«



y,turnpike, then-c i\) N. 26v 15', onluiiulvrrt fifty |15O) ti'i't to' a point;llionrt' (21 custody, parallel withPerth Attibny Turnplk'', fifty (501frrt; thence 13) goutlicrly parallelwith th« ttrst rourie, one hundredfifty (IRQ) feet to thi> mild norther-ly, line ot Perth Amboy Turnpike;thence (4) westerly, alons thenortherly line ot Perth Amboy Turn-pike, fifty (50) feet to the point orplace or HKCINNiNO.

The above two trnotB belnR theline vrt-n>U>e" conveyed to the aaldinlth Realty & Improvement Com-

f deeds from Victor Wted March 1, 1917, and re-,ln Rook 602 of Deeds Ine^ allo on page 648.

amountlnK to approxl-,800.

with all and

Ihcand appurtenunn'4 thcrtupto ba>longlnK or In amwtae appprlalnlng


MAXWELL M. PI.OTKJS.I IS.4 8 Solicitor.

To !»• udviTti i l August 22nd.,1930. August 2!Mh.\J930. Septenk-ber 5th., 1930, uml September 12th.,1980.


, 173.88ITAM173.88173.88259.82173.88259.83816.78518.78518.78518.78518.785J8.78518.78816.78244.40244.40365.60173.8817S.88173.88173.88

i 259.83* 559.56


the afternoon of »ald day at theSheriffs Office in the City of NewBrunswick. N. J.

All the right, tltlft and Interest ofthe defendants, Smith Realty & Im-provement Gotnpany and Launtz W.Smith, of, In and to all the follow-ing described premises, to wit:

Premises, WoodbrtdRe TownshipMiddlesex County, New Jersey.

TRACT I--^8ald premises begin-ning at » point on the line dividinglands of Lehigh Valley Railroad andSt. Stephen's Cemetery Co., and being more particularly described atSecond Tract In * deed from VictorW. M«_k"tO"Hi-Uk lU^lty t Liuprovemetit Company, dated September ii, 1924 .and recorded In Book781 of Deeds, page 561.

TRACT II—Being Lots Nos. 16and 17 on "Map of Fords 1'arkSection 4, property of John HansonJuly 1912", and more particularlydescribed in a d«ed to Smith Realty& inmruveiueut.Company, from JohnHanson et. ux., dated Pebr'iiary '1914 and recorded In Book 541Deeds, page 338.

TRACT III—Being Lot No. 21 on"Map of Kords Park, belonglng^toJohn Hanson, November 11,and more particularly described Ina deed from John HanBOQ, et, ifc.to Raymond Lalng, et. ux., datedJanuary 29, 1915 and recorded InBook 560 of Deeds, page 341, amlater conveyed by the said RaymondM. Laing, et. ux., to the SmlttRealty & Improvement Company.

TRACT IV—Premises In the west-erly line ot Grant Avenue, fifty tealsouth of Hall Avenue, atad mor(particularly described to a deed t(the Smith Realty &. ImprovemenCompany from Peter Dall, ot., ux.dat.d October 1^,1916 and recordcd in Book 59G of Deeds, page

TRACT V—Lot No. 22,onof .Kurds l'ark belonging to JohHantp'n, November 23, 1909,". ambeLnK the sume *• premises convoye<t,j Liu1 Smith Realty & Improvemen

liv deed from Rayinoni


518.78 ,m)IKt

777.17' 488.30244.40

pn'miBus",conveyed toM. i.:..ing by deed from

n ,d:itr.| Noyi-mltfr, 26,k BOO f


of Dveda

-LMiAI. lf>\ KltTISKMKNT—•

privileges, hereditamentsh b


78,330Between NAT1UMAL REALTY ft

MORTGAGE COMPANY, a corpora-tion, Complainant, and JENS H.

singular SORENSON. et als., DefendanU.

tenanyln anyw


(hereunto beBB appertalnlnK-M. GANNON,




be ad.Ve»tlied August5th.. 1930,


To John M.his wife,man:By virtue

Jensen, Rachel JenMli,and Alexander Boxer-

of an order of theCourt of Chancery of New Jersey,made on the date of the date hereofIn a cause wherein the Nation*!Realty A Mortgage Company Is com-

l i d J hand

9th., 1930.


plalnant and you, John M. JenM_.September: Rachel Jensen, his wile, Alexander

Boxerman, etuis., are defendant*,, — iyou are required to appear, plead,

—MOGAI, ADVICBTIHKHBKiX--' ] answer or demur to the bill of the_ - - — said complainants, oh or before MM

3lxth day of October next, or th»said bill will be taken as contestedagainst you.

The laid bill IT fkttO to fftredoMa mortgage given by John M. Jen-sen and Rachel Jensen, his wife, tothe National Really & MortgageCompany dated May 29, 1929, onlands In* the Township of Wood-bridge, Middlesex County, and youAlexander Boxerman are made a de-fendant because you claim to hold

IMweeh N-ATIONAL REALTY AMORTGAGE COMPANY, a corporatlon, Complainant, versus JQHN M.

ENSEN, et aln., Defendants.To John M, Jensen and Rae Jensen,

his wife;llv virtue of an order of the

oui't of Chancery of View Jersey,on the dut« ot the date here

of in a cause wnereTtnhe NatioitiirRealtyplainant and

Company Is com-you. John M. Jensenp y

and'Rae Jensen. Ills wife, etals. ,ar«defendants. You are . required toappear,-plead, answer or demur toHe bill of the said cotapl-lnant, on

or before the Sixth day of- Octobernext, or tlio said bit! will be takenjis confessed againBt you.

Tf)e Aid bill is filed to forecloseSc - s l v e n by. John M. Jen

sen undRji j Jensen, his wife, to theNatlowTKeiiHy & MortKage Company S _ t « r March 25, 1929 on

l \ - . JW Townnhip of Wpod-OQ^leaes County, und you

en are made a defend-JOAI own <{khe aald lands

pJenBtn are made a de-i you ate the wife of

n »~d cl*>li» »» '"•f cdurtesy In said

W s . sJohn M.(im beand yotl

fco encumbrance on said lands, a»dytfu JoTln M. Jensen art; made a « Vtendant because you own said landsand you Rachel Jensen are made »defendant because you are the wlftoof John M. Jensen and claim an In-choate right ot courtesy In saidlands. •

THOMAS L. HANSON,Solicitor of Complainant,

214 Smith Street, ' 'Perth Amboy, N. J .

Dated. August 4, 1930.To be advertised August 15th..

1930. August 22nd., 1930. Augu*»29th.. 1930 and September 5tU,.1930.


John JchoiUe

Itaritan Trust Co , m . 7 0Raritan Trust Co 109.52 173.88Raritan Trust Co.Baritan Trust Co.Raritan Trust Co.

i9.62 .173.88



169.52'Raritan trust Co '. 169.52Raritan Trust Co. 169.52Raritan Trust Co __ 238.98Raritan Trust Co 888.98Raritan Trust Co W9.52

aritan-'Trust Co ,. 169.62Raritan Trust Co 169.52Raritan Trust Co ,. 169.52Raritan Trust Co. A69.52Itaritan Trust Co 264.28Raritan Triut Co 4 | 9 - 5 3

Raritaa Jrust Co J70.20Raritai TrW Co 470.22Raritail Trust Co ....: 170.1,9Rawtan Trust Co JL 1TO.19Raritan Trust Co 255.30Raritan Trust Co 169.02Raritan Trust Co. -15?'5«Raritan Trust Co , lSx-22Raritan Trust Co -_. 189.52Raritan Trust CoRaritan Trust CoRaritan Trust Co 169.53Raritan Trurt CoRaritan Tru»t Co. -•Raritatt»Trwt Co.




518.78tHan.-on ,and incorduil ill Uook GOOuage 365.

TRACT Vl-^Iteing Lota NOB. 249itnu 250 on "-Map of Mail ) l t' | ) a l k > "and beliiK the same (prcmhieH con-veyed to the said Bmlth Realty &hiirirovt>mnnt. CimipanyVby deed dat-ed Kebruany 15, 1917 and recordedIn Book G19 of Deeds, page 230.

TRACT VII—B*lug Lot* No. 272and 273 on "Map of Forda Park,owned by John Hanson, November23 1!IO9" and being the Bame prem-ises conveyed to the Bald SmithRealty £ Improvement Company bydeed from Enevold Jeremlassen, et.ux bearing, date February 8, 1918,and recorded In Bo(bk 621, page

599TRACT VIII—Being the norther-

ly part of Lot No. 7 on "Map ofDewey Terrace" and being moreparticularly described In a deed tothe Smith Realty & ImprovementCompany from Margaret Alexander,widow, dated May 27, 1920 and

Tol i ' . lO ,

2jltI i . ,930.



i 259.83173.89173.88173.88174,65260.84


Between. MODERN HUH4DINGAND LOAN ASSOCIATION, 11 cor-poration of New Jera<iy, Com-plainant, and JOBEPH pANTEKand MAlijY J.VNTEK, DefendantsKl t'a for stile ut mortgaged prem-lnt)H dated Auttutt 1, 1930.Ity virtue of the above Stated writ

to me directed m\d delivered, I willexpose to sale ut public venilue on



o'clock Standard Time (two

corded In Hook 673 ot Deeds.

TRACT IX -Being Lots Nos. 8686, 87, 88 on "Map ot Forfo ParkSection S. belonging to John Man-

July 1912," and being moreparticularly described In a deed tothe Smith Realty ft ImprovemenCompany from John Hanson, wldower, dated July It, 1928 and recorded In Book 749 ot Dee^s, pagi429 J

TRACT X—Beltfe Loti Nos. (4to 561 Inclusive, and.575, 574, oil"Mao of Avenel Park, Section

lowned and developed byRealty


"4Lots Nos.

8 on 'Tlan 0! IS UU %tud by Jeu* P. WMtwgaard

ObiUtlan fw tmt t r t . ! »

THOMAS I.. HANSON,Solicitor of Complainant,

•JU Smith Street,I'erth Amhoy, N. J.

Ausiist 1, 1930.IK; udwrti^Bil AUKuat, 15th.,'August ^-nd., 1930, August

1U30 itntl September, 5th.,

—I.RtiAT. ADVKft'TWRMljKt—


nctwuen MODERN RUILDINOAND LOAN ASSOCIATION, a cor-jioratlun of Nt'w Jerstey, Coni-phdnant, and ANTHONY PETER-ZKNEC. it alH.. D( ffiulants. PIKu for suit1 of moftKn^i'd prem-ises dlftfd'AUSUBl I, 1930.By virtue of the ahovB,ptiit<rd tfrft

to me directed ftnri dj-liv^rtMl. I willexpose to sale nt public venrtue on



at one o'clock .Standard Time (tw»o'eluck DayllgUt Saving, Time) In\w afternoon of ithi' said day ut theiherlff'a Office In tho City of NewJruneVlok, H- J,-

All that certain lot. tract or par-iel ot land and pruuilses situate, ly-ng and being In the Township bt

Woodbrldgfe. In the County of Mid-dlesex andiState of New Jersey, and

articularly described as follows:Beginning at a point on the North

lido ot Coley street said point beng 432.72'feet Westerly trom th».

Westerly side of \Fulton Streetthence Northerly at right anglf-^with Coley Street 117.65 feet to Ian •ot Stew Lengyen " - " u " «"-">"'

it one.'clock Daylight Saving Time) Inhe afternoon of the Wild day at the

Sheriff's Office in the City of NewBrunswick. N. J.

All the following tract or parcelof land and preml«ss hereinafterparticularly deucrlbed, situate, lyingand being In the Township of Woodbridge, In tlw County ot Mlddlese:and State ot New Jewey.

Being known and designated Mlot No. 8 on a map entitled.. "Mapof Kordi Park, Section Number 3.Woodbrldge Townahlp, MiddlesexCounty, New Jersey, the property ofJohn Hanson. Ksa." Surveyed andmaimed. July, 1913, Larson ftcivil engineers, 1»,7 Bmith Street,ferth Amhoy. N. J., »nd flled foirecord In the C\et%'» .0B«e of Mid41-MX County, N. J.

Decree amountlfl to approxl

thencealong lands ot Lengyen 101.75 feelto the Easterly line ot proposed ©»•enslop of William Street, thence

Southerly along said street 91.51feet to the Northerly line of ColejStreet, thence Easterly along th»Northerly line of Celey Street, 80feet to tfie point or place of Begin-

11Being lot 26 and 26 on map pi

lands of the estate ot James Vale_«tine.. ' .

Decrees umountlng to a p p r o *mately 113,790.00. . .

Together with ail and singular,the rlghU. privileges, h e r e d i t a m e tand appurtenances thereunto.

LOUIS F.1*100 .

T" be adTerttaed1930 Auguat SStb.,

«w.-vs_» __*,»«,•

Page 6: mSNBBM - DigiFind-It€¦ · 1 CV VQ III n Ilium,, w^p . . . ., - avenue, near Kgan avenue,' Fords, owned by a Mrs. Casey, of Philadel-phia and tiniter the care of. a real, estate



THISShort story of the cavity that grew and f rew and

grew into result! that will never do.

Don't wait. Have it attended to before it aches.When it doifc,. it is about ready for the, forceps.'

Broken plates with or without mitting teeth, aqund-ly repaired within four hours. Smile spajea filled'innicely with fixed or removable bridgework.

Porcelain technic — The last thing in Dental Re-storations— cannot be differentiated from the naturalteeth.

Consultation and Examination , t


Dining Room Furniture to match the teoth you havelost. Full or partial >et>. .

The Lady Dentist, Dr. Sylvia Moss, will attend topatients by appointment only, Call P. A. 1778.


Delicious MealsAre Served at

Rainbow I n nThe Rainbow Inn, on Amboy ave-

nue. Woodbridge. has been underthe management of Harry Clevelandfor the past three mom tin, and dur-ing that time patron* have b<«>n en-Joylnx ttm very good food that Istanned, there.

Special.chicken and steak dinners,may be arranged by phone appoint-ment. Parties can t>p, arranged oni one day natjfe

Mr. Cleveland has been a chef fora number of yearn and his mealsare serred on the home cookingplan. Mr. Cleveland lav lies you todine at ts« lUJttbow Inn, where the

[service Is coufteOus and pleasingAll kinds of soft drinks, Ice cream

and ice cream sodas, are obtainable


A One of ten dnlljr.- unil costwas Imposed lin'ofi S Leoliiencla, 4.oi 6:M Siale Mreii. Perth Alubo>by Judge B. W. Vo^el, Tuesda.morning. fofc s|>i>dlnn. OfBceiGeorge BtUajc who issued the sum-mons, fold tl!e conn that the defendanl was *rawlin« at the rate o>56 imi*s an.Kour bn New Brunswickarenne.


i at the Tnn, for the convenienceI automoblllsts. Be oure totWopdbrldge 8-1255 for dinner, party appointments.




—Between WOECOTT HOLDINOCQ., et als., Complainants, andHENftY W. 8CHMALE, et als..Defendants. Ti Fa tor sale otmortgaged premises dated August5, 1930.By'virtue 6f the above stated writ

to me directed and delivered, I willexpose to sal* at public vendue onWEDNESDAY, THE FIRST DAY OF


at two o'clock Standard Time in the

I;l7 StnUli S lrwl IMIIHIV I'. A. 177H


Honi'N 0 In I)


MAN $7.60 AS FINEDriving in a reckless manner cost

Joseph Wedlnach, 4 3, a laborer, of| New ntreet, New Brunswick, 17.60.

11 The fine was imposed by Judge B.I'W. Venel in police court Tuesday|'morning, after Officer Ceorge Ballnt

told Hie .court that Wedlnach did. not seem to have control of his car

lant Sunday and was skidding allover the road.

Car Stolen

afternoon, of the said day at theSheriff's Office In the City of NewBrunswick, N. J.

FIRST: All those certain lots,tracts or parcels 6f land and prem-ises hereinafter particularlyscribed, situate, lylns and beingthe Township of Woodbridge, in theCounty of Middlesex and State ofNew Jersey:

Being tots Nos. 20. 21. 22. 23. 21.26 and 26 In Block "A"; lotB Nos,222. 226, 217. 228 and 229 In Block"D": lots NOB. 64E and 647 in Block"O"; lots Nos. 115fl. 1160 in Block"K", as Bhown w a map of lojsowned by the Sewkren Realty & In-vestment Company, located at Se-waren in the Township of Wood-

i«»'s h - i i ' i n a f K T p a r t i c u l a r l y « , -srnlKMi s i l t irttr . I j l l i s a n d beinK " ^be Township of Woodbndpe, in tm

County of Middlesex and Slate oiSew Jersey:

lielii;. lot* Nos. 1, I, 17. 38. 2'Jmd 3u In Hlock "A", lots Nos. 104o 114 bulb inclusive in Block "IV,ots Nos. i;l.-13« both inclusive li.aiock "C' ; loU Nos. 1B0-263, botlinduslve, -6»-i6» In Block "D i,oU, tsot. 6S1-566 both Inclusive inBlock "r"; lot No. 14* Iri BlockO" as shown on a map of lot*

jwnea by tne Sewaren Realty * In-vestment Company, located at Se-waren, in- the Township of Wood-bridge, County of Middles** amiState of New Jersey, surveyed Marcn23. 1910, by Mason * SmiUi, C. h

Decree amounting to approxi-mately IJ6.S78.OO. *

Together with all and siaauuir.the rights, privileges, hereditamentsand appurtenanees thereunto b>-longing or In anywise appertaining.


HARRY LEVIN,szti.&g Solicitor.

To be advertised September 5th.,1980, September 12th.. 1 W . tfe(>tember isth., 1930 and Septemberitfilh., 1<J3O.


HERBERT'S GARAGEIf V o w < « r .Iimil>» ••""> T h l t —

Don't Fontrt We Make It Hun \* Smooth A« a X<'W C*r

New Ilnmswiek Avr. Phono P. A. 2643 Fords, N. J.


S e a l e d | ) r o i ) O M l l p w l M b e r

Township ofsey, for theoi concretefront of

WuoUuridge, Nt-\VTJ<excavating andon Avenel Street, Inwuel.* Public School.

Avene., Woodbridjse Townsltl|>. .>i'»Jersey. '

Bids shall be made out in r.ni'i-supplied for that purpose and ........be delivered to the Clerk of n.Board, E. C. Enslgl, at his resi-dence, Woodbridge, N*« Jersey, or

Vr Stolen . waren in i n . l o " 1 1 8 ' ^ " ' " ,"A; presented in person atSabo, of Hopelawn. re- bridge County of M«<""« " * l l 0 be held In the Highle local police that some- S<«te of New Jersey surveyed March Wnodhrid

Mrs. Bported to the local police v..-v =-.— - — -•>ne stole her Graham-Paige sedan 23, 1919. by Mason & Smith, C. E.

house, s6me- SECOND: All those certain lots.tracts or parcels of land and prem-

from In front of her, time Sunday evening.

Thoughtful Service

(Free Tire Service on All Miller Tires)


Tires H I L L E i L Tuljes

Anto Aroetworieti and Supplies

271 AM BOY AVENl'Ii WOODBUIDGE, N. J.Phone Woodbriilge 8-06S3


New Ygrk

r^>» , . . . . • •

•"branch factory at Garfleld, N. J,


Chicago . LOB Angeles

Manufacturers to • ' '""





Phone P. A. 81iW

Telephone P. A. 1073


W. A. J E N S E NGeneral Contractor



Phone 8-0178 Woodbridge


By the Bunders of the World's Best TiresV-" r


FORD SIZE 30x4.50 With Tube |6.97 'CHEVROLET 6 SIZE 29x4.50 With Tube |«,87

JERSEY TIRE COMPANY147 New Brunswick Ave. .Phone 1775-1776 Perth Amboy


Visit Our New Plant and See the Care

We Tak,e of Your Most Delicate t"abrics

Bar-ron Avenue, Woodbridge. Nesey,' on the evtning of15th., 1930, at eight o'clock,light Saving Tune.

All work shall be done in ucCbrd-ance with plans and specification!)prepared for same by*J. K. Jensenand A. RasmuBsen, Architects,Woodbridge and Perth Amboy, NewJersey.*

Plans and specifications may beobtained at the office of the Archi-tect*, First National Bank Building,corner of Maple and Smith Streets.Perth Amboy, New Jersey, untilsame are exhausted, but at all timesa set of plans and specifications willbe open for inspection and estimat-ing during business -hours on anybusiness day.

Plans and specifications must bireturned with bid, otherwise bid willnot be considered.

All bids must be accompanied bycertified check upon a National or

!tate B..nk' drawn to the order ofhe Board . of Education. Wood-iridge, New Jersey In the amount of150.00, binding the successful bid-ler or bidders to execute ' the con-ract It awarded to him or them,rod If he or they fail to do so with-in ten days after being awarded thecontract or contracts, .the amount ofthe certified check shall De Tor feltedas liquidated damages and placedto the eredlt of the Board of Educa-tion.

The successful bidder will be re-quired to furnish a Surety Bond intue Statutory farm, satisfactory mthe Board of Education for the fullamount of his contract, within tendays after the contract is awarded,for the full completion of the work,according to plans and specifications.

The Board of Education reserveshe right to reject' any or all bids.

Signed, BOARD OF EDUCATION,Woodbridge, New Jersey

, By M. H. CLUM, President,Attest: E. C. Ensign,

District ClerkTo be advertised September' 5th.

1930, and September 12th., 1930.


' intone r. A.




HAJnLTON LAUNDRY• * Incorporated; a,f



20-30 Hamlltoa Street Rahwaj

P H O N E S :Woodbridge 8-0836 ' Rahway 7-1515Emerson '2-1614 Plainfleld 6-0237

RAINBOW INNMetis Served at All Hoar*



. . PfcwcfelfM

MAPLE LEAF FARMAlways Boosting

Middlesex County

- LOCATE IN AVENEL-Enterpriser Community of 3,000 Pi

A New Town With N*ew Ideas on the New HighwayBuilding Sites Hometi Already Built

Super-Highway Frontage


Fuone Woodbridge 8-2149-JPERTH AMBOY

or Perth Amboy 1710


"Service That Is Dlfrified and DisiinetiW!


i1 • '


NOTICE TO C0XTBACT0K8•ie-J *t proposals for the construi'

tfon o f Berry' Street Dock on Woodbridge Creek. , Woodbridge Township, Middlesex County, New Jerseywill be received by the Townshiilommluee, IVoodbridge, New Jerey, until 3:30 P. M. (Daylight 8av

lug Time), September 8th., 1930, aivhich time they will be publiclyopened and read In the MemorialMunicipal Building, WoodbridgeNe,w Jersey.

The work consists of approximatey 142 Iln. ft Dock; 35 lin. ft;Bulklead; .100 cu. yds. 7111; 450 sq

yds. Bituminoas Macadam.Plans . and specifications for th

proposed work, prepared by Georg<U, Merrill, Towsuhip Engineer, havbeen filed In t i e office of «aid En-gineer, In the Municipal BuildingWoodbridge Township, New Jerseysad may be Inspected by prospectivebidders during business hours.

The standard proposal forms an?Utaotied to the specifications, copiesuf which may be obtained upon ap-plication to the Engineer.

Plans and specifications will bfurafihed to prospective bidders upon;payment of Ten (|10.00) Dollars, whicb ftmeunl will be refundupon rejurn'ofjjkps and specificslions before the" Time specified foithe opening of bids.

Bids must be made on the standard proposal forms In the nianuedesignated therein and required bthe specifications; must be enclose*In sealed envelopes, bearing thname and address of the bidder andname of-proposed work on the out-side, adfressed to the TownshiCommittee, Woodbridge TownshipNew Jersey, and must be accompa-nied by a certified check for a sumof 10% of the amount bid withouiConditional endorsement, providesaid check shall not be less than1500.00, payable to the order of thTownship Treasurer, and a SuretCompany certificate stating thaSurety Company will provide th<bidder wttb the required bond antmust be delivered at the plaoe anbefore the hour shove mentioned

The Township Committee reservesthe rifbt to rejeet any or all bidsII deemed to the best interest of theTownship so to do,

8 . J. DUNIQAN,Township .Clerk

Dated Ailxust t l t h 1B11Advertlseil a U u s t J9th.,

pp»wi • fwmnwMi^H| • 'Wfwimtf 4 f OV«

Modern Equipment

Experienced Attention


THE FUNERAL HOMEA. P. Orelner R. A. Hlrner

- Established 1004





I'hone Perth .Ambny 12(10 For Your Snpply



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-\11 Kinds ot Machfne Work - Re-bdre or Re-grind Cylinder Blocks


(OWNER) ' .


I'hone S-O««7

'Don't Ne»Uet Your Eyet" - They Cannot B« R*p\»fi*d


I. MANN & SONanl OptJcUng

Lenses Ground on «he Premtae. _ H e . t o i - . e s - Readta, Ola*K*| invisible Bifocal Lenses

Completely Enulpped Modern Optical Practice a. Baretofore

77 Smith Street, l-erth A r a b o , _ 3 o<**n i * , o w Qor Old Address




P. A.


• t - . i 1 ' . - •' • ; '

Page 7: mSNBBM - DigiFind-It€¦ · 1 CV VQ III n Ilium,, w^p . . . ., - avenue, near Kgan avenue,' Fords, owned by a Mrs. Casey, of Philadel-phia and tiniter the care of. a real, estate

Jersey City ManGets Leg Brokenin Avenel Crash

Hu''<' people were Injured early;...ii«y morning, wlien.a car driven

Harold Corcoran, of 33 Virginia,.„,„>. Jersey City, south on th,e,

; ,,..r hiKhway, near Avenel rtrwt,'. , n,A. ran into the rear of a truckanil by Coward Brothers, o( Vlne-n,i N J., and drives by WJllltm

, .micrman, of 417 Oxford street,;rn'land.Corcoran received a compound

. .l(<,i re of the left arm, while Ma-, i nark wold, of 181 Myrtle avenue,

i,,,;,-y City and Bofhjto Joselowlti,Hayonne, N. J., piMtngers in the

. ,,,.,iran car, auitalned bruise*....mi the body. All were treated at,,, naliway Hospital.

Mi and Mrs. John Euan, ofr,,rrt», intended the opening of ihen,.,iinn Fair, Labor Day.




vs. AAHON KAUFMAN, and JEN-NIK KAUFMAN, Defendants. Ftl'ii for Bale of premised dated Au-mint », m o .iiy virtue of the above stated writ

n nie directed and delivered, I will• xpufH! to »ale at public veudue onWEDNESDAY, THE FIRST DAY OF


ni two o'clock Standard Time In theafternoon of the wild day at thesnerlff's OHlce In the City ot NewBrunswick, N- J.

All the rignt, tine and interest ofilie defendant*, Aaron Kaufman andjt-nnte Kaufman, of, In and to allme following described pmnUes, to

FIRST TRACT: All that tract orparcel of Umd situate in the City ofivrth Anibey-, County of Middlesexand State ol New Jersey:

On the-westerly side of StateStreet between Market Street onthe North and Gordon Street on theSouth—Beginning at the distance or!iO' southerly along the westerly lineof State Street from the intersectionthereof with the southerly line ofMarket Street and from tnence run-ning soutnerly along said westerly'line ot State Street 42' more or lesn, Iin front on State Street and tliename in the rear, and extendingfrom said westerly line of StaleStreet westerly by lines at A rightangle OP nearly so, to State Street,120' In depth on each of the othertwo sides, carrying the width alon&(be entire depth.

SECOND TRACT: AU that' tractor parcel ot land situate In theTowiuulp of Woodbridge, County ofMiddlesex and State of Hew Jersey:

The most easier^ half of lot 4 inbloek &83J and lots 6 ,to 22 Inclu-sive In Bloek 563 J, except lotB 9and 10. alt of which lots are shownand designated an a map entitled,"Map of CentralW'ark, the Hub ofWoodbridga," situate in WoodbrldgeTotwehlp, County of Middlesex, N.J., surveyed an& mapped by LouisI". Boot, Jr., Engineer ft Surveyor,Perth Amboy, N. J., on file In theOffice of the Clerk of MiddlesexCounty, N. J.

Judgment amounting to approxi-

Tujyther with all and singular,"1

the rlghU, privilege*, hereditamentsand appurtenance* thereunto be-longing or in aiiywlse appertaining.


HENRY ST. C.' LAVIN,$27.30 Attorney.

To be advertised September Gtti.,1930, September 13th., 1930, Sep-

r 19th,, 1930, and September



—Between Slna Weisman, Com-plainant, and William Weater-gaard and Sarah E. Westereaard.hia wife, Defendants Fi Fa forsale ol mortgaged premises dated:July *. l»30. • -

By virtue Of the above stated writ:to me directed-a.nd delivered I will:exporte to sale at public vendue onWBDNBSDAY THE FIRST DAY OFi


at tiro o'clock Standard Time, in the,afternoon ot said day, at theSheriff's Office In the City of NewBrunswick, N. J.

AW the following tract or parcel!of land and premise* hereinafter {particularly described, situate, lyingund being In the Township of Wood-bridge, In the County of Middlesexand State of New Jersey..

BEGINNING at a point In thenortherly line of Fifth Street, dis-tant one hundred eight and ninety-six one-hundredths 1108.96) feetwesterly from the corner farmed bythe intersection of the northerly lineof Fifth Street with the westerlyline of Grant Avenue; thende run-jnlng. (1) northerly, parallel with|Grant Avfenue, a distance ot onehundred fifty- two and fifty-two one-hundTedlhs (162.52) feet to a point;thence running (2) westerly, paral-lel, or nearly so, with Fifth Street,a distance, of fifty and nine one-hundredths (50.09) feot to a point;Ihence running (3) southerly, paral-lel with the first described course, adistance of ojw^hundred forty-nineand flf ty-oife off* -1} U n d r edthsU49.51) feet to a point In thenortherly line of Fifth Street;tlieuce running (4) easterly, alongUrn northerly line of Fifth Street, ainstance of fifty (60) feet to thepolut or place of BEGINNING.

mini; known and designated a*Lot No. 101, Block No. 140 onSketch of property belonging to SinaW«lsiuan, situated in the Township"£ Woodbrldge, Middlesex -County,N. J., made by Larson & F"oic, CivilEngineers.

Decree amounting to a^yroiil-mately $3,490.

Together with all and alngulaxthe rights, privileges, hereditament*and appurtenances ther«U,nto be-,longing or In anywise appertaining.


SolWiorj 6 t

$26,46, 6To be advertised Bepte

19S0, September l»tn.,tt-mber l»th., 1980,, and2tith., WJ0. \t


Fore and Ah! !




EHA KEH H<kDi»eBitli«i|HiiUtDwk!t,-.i By PAUL ROB1NSOW

HIGH PRESSURE FETE Whaddaya Mean, Nothing's Too Good (or Her? By SWAM

U«W- stoJ vHne oottK



f IG SISTER No Time for Fooling &y LE)S FORGRAVE

' * • — ' , I OetJfKMOKJCOMATtW^ vl l,1 UOtD. IP H e f A AlVAC

suracx.v coMe pftePAftto ROR



of* ~iue uxwe FO^ A QIT.


«P W6













: ' • ' H

Page 8: mSNBBM - DigiFind-It€¦ · 1 CV VQ III n Ilium,, w^p . . . ., - avenue, near Kgan avenue,' Fords, owned by a Mrs. Casey, of Philadel-phia and tiniter the care of. a real, estate


LEADER SPORTSCampbell Asso. First Game in

Defeats Girls'Team at Avenel

;i'ti. S* w York Illoomt'i (Mrls mrive I ii< Sii'tl Ki|iii|p|ii"iit diamond...\v<-inl. Sunday i i l tmioun . liilnus-tlircf |i|avi-r», pltohfr. entetiHi anilhrsl l.;i.-> man, ur I) in I basewoman

ivrnA, of the William I'.Association JLeani, withthe Blooiner Girls were

engage In content,I d

CHIII|II)«-.Iwhich elnl)•chedult-d W g gloaned in.' visitors. I'erry [or moundduly, Van Camp, to do. the eatclriHI; iind Slieeti Tor first base.

Tn<- K-iin-e w u an Interesting oneand in'- M I U dispiuyed consul* rublecievirin'ss botli at the bat and InHie i i. Hie Anal score WUH 10-5with William P. Cumpbell ASSOCIBlion on Hie Winning end.

Dining the game, a prize (if (10in i.i awarded

lutny tichtt.B

to iioiiit tKred Kuyser,y

Building Inspector, WHSIin- winner and he at once donatedto io tin- baseball uHMociallun.

Tin1 Imx score:HkMUlU'l <«ifln

Alt. It. H.

Big Series atFords Sunday

A baseball series that In fx_«Tti-l jto outshine any QWier Hporiliis »-v»-tn iat Keanbey, this year, will atari ai |the Fords Park Sunday afternoon jwhen the Keasbey'K.'C. piloted l» |William MeGrsw, and the h'ords VC, under the leadership of Stevr"Hookitm" Anthony, meet to do lintUP in th* first Pjme of their annual .home and home series. Fana lmvebeen anxiously awaiting the start ofthis annual Berles and anticipation*are that all attendance records lor ;a baseball Rantc In these parts will ]be broken before tflf series Is ended

Both teams have been going great 1this season, the Keasbeyltes losingbut one contest out ol twenty startnwhile the Kordsltes are having oneof their most uccesifnl seasons thic jyear. ,

The game will start promptly ai \3.30. -

Sords Pol TitsJoe Tinker "Comes Home" A?ain

.\n»s Kuliler, 88.Miss Kin rowa, !ib.I't-rry. i .'.Miss Murlany, 2b., anMiss SinnlU. rfAlien t-'uiloD. Cf ...„.-Van Camp, .c,.*.:>« Curus, II "..fjaeels, lb

WlUlNn I'.


Great controversy him been HH,-'tului^ liiv uLliriwwt perfi'tl liar-1iiiiniy of imm inoiiiituui farms mil1- Iln& the last week. j

31 5 12 ,. lew days a^u nine sheep wtrelouud dead on au upland pasture hv

Alt. K. H.lulu Man L.)mau, .WHO lives on aStophen, ss. -McArdle, lbI'omtroy, 3b. .......... 4Cruwley, cf'. . 3

„,,.. 4_ 4

Lokey. 2 bPetris, It.Nier, rf 4


Trasco, c. ...„KopperwatU, p,

35 10 16The score by innings:

Bloomer Girls 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 2 1— 5Campbells 0 0 6 4 0 U U 1 x—10

drawn Into the

Sedlak Expectsto Throw County

Champ TonightLady> of Mt. Carmel auditorium,

Am boy avenue, will no doubt, bepacked tonight with1 followers of thewrestling game. Woodhrid(;e sport-Iwt traternlty will be there to cheerfor George Sedlak, representativeof Woodbrldge on the mat andPerth Amboy will send a big dele-gation along with Pany Terio,whose bouts have won for him thetitle ol championCounty. Terio la

of Middlesexknown as the

"Steam "Roller" because of-the wayhe has been laying his opponentsflat on the mat. Sedlak has right-fully earned the title of "HumanBone Crusher", for George, once hewinds his arms about an opponent,he generally leaves said opponentsuffering from broken bones and hesays that when Pany leaves the

I'umtut'lalile Urui at the foot otCrossett Hill. It is. the old question

Who killed Cotk "Robin?"S.ime say U wa» bt»r, others say

it was a I)if; stray po|J,ce dog thaihas been running .wyjd and wolflshuthrough the iuou,ui»ina and hasbeen terrorizing the. h/ilUolk in tinsvicinity.

We were a bit timid about being

were inclinedwild dog

controversy, butto believe that the

to blame,; as we haunever heard or bear killing sheep Inthe siinnuvr time. We have, outWest, seen the remain^ of scores ofwinter-killed deer, deer that foun-dred in tlie heavy snow, and wereKilled and consumed by grizzles anduruwn bear which had not holed-upfor the winter.

Our skepticism drew the fire of andid mountaineer, who expressed hisknowledge of bear and sheep In nouncertain terms.

"Well, Bir," he said, "I've seenmany a sheep that's been killed bybar. Bar is powerfully fond oftheir luuttgn. Wau't more thanthree yaJs»go over Scrabble HillWay when IICDH thvee »he#p klUeddead by a black bar In August.Mebbe it's the heat . uittkes 'eiuvicious.

"Yesslr, thar lay the carcass ofthe sheep, and skiunwj .as neat as awhistle. Your b'ax .can take thepelt off a sheep as n«$t,jlis any man.H l bi ft th J ^ b th

y,above the

^ ,^ andthen peel off. the pelt an'd roll it toone side. When be'*, .done with all

He'll bite oft the . J ^ ,knees, an' bite oft t ieth l off th lt a

thut, he'll pturt. on-. f^ .mutton."It sounded fantastic, and remind-

i ' Jed us strongly ui.i

Mill, N. J.,g y , ^evenings gpent fin, tlie flowering-

ring, he will be a case tor the sur- bean screened porch , of Pop Wil-geons and Woodbridge Township Hams. But, on second consideration,will have the championship In Its mere may have been trtnne truth topossession, with a man named Sed- the story. After all, bears dp alak as the citizen who brought It great many thin&B that are almosthere. human. They'll turn over rocks,

There are several other wrestling looking for ants and grubs, just asbouts on the program; also a few a trout fisherman In the early springboxing bouts. . will look lor angle-worms. They

-——, ;-slap trout Attd salinou out of theP AMPRCl I T P AM Tf l ' streams with a motion that is al-IJUUrDIJLJ* ICJVn t u most Iniraan,' and otten they stand

up and walk about, or reach torberries, like large ape*. They are

Jalso very fpnd Of sweets, and willEND SEASON SEPT.

iell A»aoclaA»aocla-; y fpn ,

Ramblers Loseto Braves in an

11 Inning Game

For Sandy Hook, rv .1. Tim'1.Meridian 75 «W. FlpiiM'* In li'uv>fated type indicate 1'. .M. tides.Heights arc reckoned from menulow wtter, a) determined by aoiwiiings ot V. S. Coaat ft Geodetic Sur-

Woodbridge IsWinner in Third

Game of Seriesvey charts

The and (he!- nt



Ramblersfor 11

'ir.ilue A. A. Field on Momliiywhen It was a'll over, (in:were victorious by a sr >re of 9-8.Jack Kltxpatrlck pitched the entiregame for lh« Braves and Nemaswent the route for the Ramblers.Gerlty led Jt* stickers* with foursolid hl ts . , jP •

. The box »eq*e:tUmbkre

AB. K. H.Lengel, 3b -... *Kallna, c _ 4Nemas, p 4S. Prlstas, ss :. 4



2bJ. Prlstas, lb _(lullas, rf .._ ^Mayo, If.u..iiy. cf „


2 Sept.110©!II

36 8 10

AH. It. H.

Fords WildcatsAre Tame After

Meeting Pirates

In a sensational battle mi s.afti'rnoon at Kordu, tlu< Womli.A. A., took the measure m i

o'l Kleld Club, by a score of ?,.•>0.4 came was the third of H sen,"•"'five arrajiKed between th<> i,g'^'for the championship of wl_'u I bridge Township. Th« lirci02'second games went to Rord*.0.4! Joe BaranowBkt, Bul'ont , i r

0.4'and considered one of tin. ;,.,,.0.5 j twlrlers in Middlesex Coum0 5 ion the mound for Woodlin<l_.O.It pitched a clever game. Hi; u 11..

night hits but lightened ;,,pinches. Mllchlck was hit Imitimes, but the Woodbrldtsi- 1,.landed on the pill when hi 1.1runs.

The box score:A. A.

I*. Zick ss . „ _ 4; Walsh, 3b ..._._ 4'(J.rity, lb 4J. Zick, rf. 4

' lUrcel ona. cf. _ „ •. 4;Klsh, If 4Campion, 2b 4Poster, c _ 4

, K.ttp&irick, p. 4

: . • , ^ > 36 9 21! The score by innings:' « ubk . s ..... 0 1 0 2 1 1 0 3 0 0 0—8i J . t t . i 2 1 0.1 0 0 1 2 1 0 1—9

1, an rent, cf. -*-..,tii rlty. 3b, •Dainetsch, ss -

The Wildcats from Tindc were1, Joe Parsler. 2b „...very tame against the Hopelawn l'l- Sandbeck, If. .—~rates, at Hni>elawn, on Tuesday and Mulllns, lb. _ _when It was all over, the Pirates Uartlsh, rf _had 9 runs and the Wildcats had 2.! Collins, c »


The box score:Hoitelawn IMrates

A U. H.j

Haranoskl, p.Dun 114111. rf. ..



Sandles, 2b.Kuplen, 3h.Kocun, c .Halnes, cf.Bayuk, lb.Sago, IfSimon, as.Fedor, rf,^...Ko*ma, 'iCT

IMunn, cfBackus, rf.

A double-header Is on the cardI Sunday for the Rover Boys, of, Hopelawn. Sunday morning, they 1 Anthony, c, .,..-I meet the Hopelawn Klremen In the 'gtewensen, 2b

V. C.

f .Fords Wildcat*9 11

Hri'howakl, U. -Joe Homer, If. _Rodner, 2b. —_.-Gloft, 3bJim Romer, cf. ...Burke, lb.Jacobs, rf.Joe Parsler, c. . -Mllchlck, p.


AH. H. II.. 4 M „. . .4 1 •... 4 ii i

^rst of a three game series and inmember th**.. Joe was a Cub for the afternoon, they travel to Perththree or Jour years before he began J Amboy, where they will meet the

Whirlwinds, at Washington Park.

Hy JACK SOKDSCentral !"it*s Sports Artist

IOE TINKER, one of the greatest to inake a ri»we for himself. _J shortstops of all time, is one* Joe Joined, the Cubs in 1902 and' _n the first game against the firemore back where he belongs—In the by 190« he pas a full-fledged star. !„„___, the batteries for the Rover*thick of a baseball campaign. In thuse days, [rum 1906 io laut>.w_ii be, Waldman and MacLeod, th

The new manager of the Jersey th« Cubs wgre a might.? machine, smoke-eaters will probably ha.City International League team, one of the, best ball clubs of all|K__mtnsky on the hill and Sabo bv-

AB. It. H.4 0



Wargo, p - •» 0Ylnker, lb. ...., » 1Gadya, cf - 3 1

I Jerry, If h 3 0Riley. rf .-3. 3 0Perint, ss - 3 0Elko, 30* . - . ._ - 3 0

once more returned to baseball after «t>me. .a 10-year absence, is taking one! Joe played with the Chicagos un _ __„„ _, _,. _,.._ u v _„„more crack at the game in winch he • til 1!»12 when he went to the Cin-.gecond meeting between the Hope-

cinnaii Reda,. Whfin the Reds tried'lawn nine and the Whirlwinds,kl J it

hind the plate.The second contest will be the

won fame.n fame.With Jersey City,'Tinker, one ot;to &,,._> liim, to Brooklyn, Joe Quit

the three heroes of that old, linnior- and went (w»r to the new Federaltal Qhicago Cub Infield of "Tinker-to tongue as' njnaBer of the ChifedsEvere-to-Chance" fame, has a golden He m i s s e d , ^ p g gopportunity to show what he can do.'nant in the new' league by the Bllm

h h l t f r g l t lf a game in 1914 His

of the Chifeds.Cuicago a pen

Hopelawn took the first game by thespore of 7-3.

Torn on the HeatFirst Chorus Girl—And he's

The score by Innings:Woodbridge A. A. 010 000 >ni. .Fords P. C. 000 101 ••«>•> - :

T h e s u m m a r y : Three base ims,1 John Parsler, Oloff. Two base \M,21 J o e Romer . s t r u c k out. i» luuni-Mowskl , 2 ; by Mtlchlck. 6. Has,- ,;,0 balrs, oft Baranowskl , 2; off Mil.0 _,


' .>- » Pelt.29 2 ft|

The score by Innings:Pirates '..'. - 13 2 012 0—9

chick, 1. Hit by pitcher, Burski, 2. Umpire*, Bader and

Wildcats 0 0 0 0 0 0 2—2Play TJUJO^ Games Sunday

! The Woodbridge A. C. will |.l..> ,Games 1 double hMdar_gw Sunday. \ \

TBe'Jiltt Social A. A. baseball; o'clock. in th*7»(ternoon thfr-wiiiteam ie • without an opponent tor meet th* AjroTr^ A. A., and at tinSunday aurtls anxious to either book jconcluslan $t th»t game there A ill

u | . r - . .__ . .^ — ..,. — - - . ;. . . . _ — „ „ .. „ „ .a traveling or "a home contest (be a short r v t period after whichto prove that he has lost none ofmiargln of «a»r a game in 1914. His a serious-minded boy. Always tell- Teams In PertW Amboy, South A m : the locals will engage In a imttiet l_ . . . . . . . - ^ ^ ^ _.--•„ W.^H.. , . . . « . » - ^« n .h» «»nn,ni . ^ —. , .._ \ fQTia Woodbrldge, Metuchenjwlth Riverside A. C, another iTili

and Carteret, are asked to get in;Amhoy team.

ne o f g g ehis baseball cunning which made Windy Uty.pr.ew won the pennant ^ g m e to put something away for a!boy. Fords

l f th f l l i g year by the almost i dhis baseball cunning which a y y phim one of the smartest players of the following year by the almostIlls l lbie ' ' - - • +eauaUi'Alini margin of a game.

The Skeeters have bounced The year 19"16 saw Tinker re-around the lower regions of th*' turning to Ms first love, the Cubs.International circuit for years un- He piloted the Baby Bears for a

bought an interest

Second C. G. — Well, aren't you j touch with Manager Buster Hapya.jhis letters.—Exchange. ,by calling P. A. 8316. \ U«NM1 The beftder

der a number of managers, none' season audof whom seemed able to get the club in the Coluwbus American Associaout of the rut. Tinker thinks he (tlon team, acting as manager andjcan and he's been given the chance then president of that club for jto prove It. .several aeasoj*

Joe's return to baseball this year I Joe'sold out his Columbus inter-1was with the Buffalo Club 0. the'eats. In ,192; a |d retired from really Isame league. When Nick Allen [active inttrr-* '- " " —— "—"••>gave up the lob Of managing the j he managedg p l o g gSkeeters. Joe jumped at the chance [in his s.to riin the outfit. * -

Though most baseball .fans

thoughOrlando, Fla., Club[

._ - , _ „ moments, snatched}{from his netMnterest, the real *s- |

arijtate business. He quit that busi-'familiar with the part Tinker played |ness this spring and returned toin that historic Cub-infield, few re- j baseball




ahead for the month of September. "-v ,teta.rmg. . . .

On Sunday, the team will go to Just t"<">r»Sht spolNewark, where St. Benedicts will be

Worrie Nots Get Sewaren TigersTrimming From j Tie Series WithWoodbridge A. C. Mullen's Murphys

i 1

The Worrie Nots. of Westfield, a Tbt Sewaren Tigers and Mullens'baseball team that cam*? liere on La- Murphys infet . on Monday at Se-1

rotting shell at ; b Q r ^ ^ w l t l v ^ t o n g gtr_ng of vlc-'waren in th* fourth of a five same

SPEED*Newark, where St. Benedicts will bemet on Celluold field. The follow-

There .has been talk abouttorles, did not' worry the Wood- series and Sewaren was victorious

"•bridge A. C, tor the home boys by a 5-1 score. This evens th

ing*sV*£y'r8eptemiier 14*,"they" wi i l |* l i e e ^T_ . j . . . __,... the |Cautlo

Canada or Bay Lyn*. killing loose | w e n , r i g l l t o u l a m l gra^_bed off the series, each, learn now having won

wtlTba their opponents at Belmar,! P^rance untilSeptember %\ and on Sunday, Sep-jwl len t hf snow Istember | l , ' ^ s o n *»l ^^1 1 t h ^ ^ * » d e w o o d

Whltehouse A. C, •« I tftk t | l g ^ ^ ^ t h e h m t of the|E-

but the lynx Is a very. any.'contest by a score of »-4. Tlie win- two games.:(

personality. Like Cal 1 ning 'rvns were Bnadei.Jn the nintli played on*Btpones its ap-'juujng . k \ ,Boyntonelection time, T h B j , o x ^1 ; The box

on the ground, WootibrU)gv A. C.

'little wood folk, because the lynx


Regular exercise andhealthful recreationwill keep you physi-cally and mentally"on your toes"

BOWLINGis the ideal indoorsport for men andand women of all ages



Hunt, lb.

AB. It. H.4 1b :


Delaney, ss „.... 5Budnar, p. — S

acrofcl aid It can travel swiftly and Yap, 3b...„„ ,. 4Bllently ove* the deep snow, while! Murtagh Zb, _ ...... (4eer, fefxes, ai)d other animals slnk|fe6*. w. __ ._ r — PIn. . I: Anderson, rf. « _

We hqpe to see the mysterysolved, belore we return to clvllUa-tlon.

rundy, \Lw.

ie final game will b<iBday afternoon at

TigerBAU. K. H.

4 1 1


Play GoHon Nick Langan's


GoH Course<4>rner

«ad Avboy AvenueMew Tnulweia't

26 Cmto Ior 1$

.Brienen, as.Lomx, rf. JRefuffle, rf. _V. Peterson, 3ba". McDede. p-.C. KfuHer/ll. _ .H. Peterson, pA. McDedt, »b,lliabun, cf.

jN. Rfuffer, lb

41 9 11Nots

AB. K. H.

2 Trelder, ss.3,Hall, cf. _ wOiOftrrison, lfc;0 A. Andereh, e; --ljCheslak, p. ~*.l ! Cotter, If. r r J _ l

C; And^rch, 3b.Casey, rf. . ^ —Murphy, r l , ^ —

36 4 6The score by Innings:

I Worrie Nots ' 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 -'W'db'due A. C 1 1 0 * 0 1 1 0 5-

K*VMI Ttie LtMMler, IteguUrly

Molten'* Mnrphys35 5 14

Ramock, si. 4Cunningham, ef. _ — 4H»»tk,e, 3b, 4OtaesUk, 2bi._*_ - 4Coqmertak, p. —,Banaa, c. ±—i, Zehar. lb.-.^R Zeher, * . ; v - ~Anderch, if? ,Henney, rt.; — ,

AB. It. II.

TWO - 25 - MILE EVENTSFIVE - SPRINT - RACESClassiest Field of the Year

SUN. SEPT.. 14



. • 31 1 7

Cecil Roberts, of Freeman street,spent the holiday week-end in Leo-ralngster, Maw.




SUN. SEPT., 21SUN. SEPT., 28



