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MTN Group Limited Financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2017
Page 1: MTN Group Limited · Companies Act), which form an integral part of the annual financial statements. ... registration, cyber security and Mobile Money were key focus areas during

MTN Group LimitedFinancial statementsfor the year ended 31 December 2017

Page 2: MTN Group Limited · Companies Act), which form an integral part of the annual financial statements. ... registration, cyber security and Mobile Money were key focus areas during




01 Statement of directors’ responsibility02 Certificate by the company secretary03 Report of the audit committee06 Directors’ report10 Independent auditors’ report to the

shareholders of MTN Group Limited

Group annual financial statements20 Group income statement21 Group statement of comprehensive income22 Group statement of financial position23 Group statement of changes in equity24 Group statement of cash flows25 Index to the notes to the group financial


ContentsCompany annual financial statements144 Company statement of comprehensive

income144 Company statement of financial position145 Company statement of changes in equity145 Company statement of cash flows146 Notes to the company financial statements159 Financial definitions

Annexures161 Annexure 1 – Shareholders’ information

The group and company financial statements were audited in terms of the Companies Act, No 71 of 2008.

The group and company annual financial statements have been prepared by the MTN finance staff under the guidance of the group finance operations executive, N Rajmohamed, CA(SA), and were supervised by the group chief financial officer, RT Mupita, BScEng (Hons), MBA, GMP.

These annual financial statements were authorised on 7 March 2018 by the board of directors.

MTN Group Limited Financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2017

Page 3: MTN Group Limited · Companies Act), which form an integral part of the annual financial statements. ... registration, cyber security and Mobile Money were key focus areas during

Statement of directors’ responsibilityfor the year ended 31 December 2017

The directors are responsible for the integrity, preparation and fair presentation of the annual separate and consolidated financial statements of MTN Group Limited (the company), its subsidiaries, joint ventures, associates and structured entities (together, the group) in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) and Interpretations as issued by the IFRS Interpretations Committee (IFRIC), the SAICA Financial Reporting Guides as issued by the Accounting Practices Committee (APC), Financial Reporting Pronouncements as issued by the Financial Reporting Standards Council (FRSC), the JSE Listings Requirements and the requirements of the South African Companies Act, No 71 of 2008 (the Companies Act), which form an integral part of the annual financial statements.

The company also subscribes in all its activities to principles of best practice and corporate governance, as set out in the King Report on Corporate Governance.

The preparation of financial statements in conformity with IFRS requires management to consistently apply appropriate accounting policies, supported by reasonable and prudent judgements and estimates. The directors are of the opinion that the information contained in the annual financial statements fairly presents the financial position at year-end and the financial performance and cash flows of the group and the company for the year then ended.

The directors have responsibility for ensuring that accurate and complete accounting records are kept to enable the group and the company to satisfy their obligation with respect to the preparation of financial statements.

The directors are also responsible for the oversight of the group’s system of internal controls. This responsibility includes designing, implementing and maintaining internal controls relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.

The group operates in an established control environment, which is documented and regularly reviewed. This incorporates risk management and internal control procedures, which are designed to provide reasonable, but not absolute, assurance that assets are safeguarded and that the risks facing the business are controlled.

Nothing has come to the attention of the directors to indicate that any material breakdown in the functioning of these controls, procedures and systems has occurred during the year under review.

The group risk committee plays an integral role in risk management, as well as in overseeing the group’s internal audit function.

The group’s internal audit function, which operates unimpeded by operational management, and has unrestricted access to the group’s audit committee, assesses and, when necessary, recommends improvements in the system of internal control and accounting practices, based on audit plans that take cognisance of the relative degrees of risk of each function or aspect of the business.

The directors have reviewed the group and the company budgets and cash flow forecasts for the year to 31 December 2018. In light of this review, the current financial position and existing borrowing facilities, the going concern basis has been adopted in preparing the group and the company annual financial statements. The directors have no reason to believe that the company or its subsidiaries will not be going concerns in the year ahead. These financial statements support the viability of the group and the company.

The group’s external auditors, PricewaterhouseCoopers Incorporated and SizweNtsalubaGobodo Incorporated, jointly audited the group and the company annual financial statements and their unqualified audit report is presented on pages 10 to 19.

The external auditors were given unrestricted access to all financial records and related data, including minutes of all meetings of shareholders, the board of directors and committees of the board. The directors believe that all representations made to the independent auditors during their audit are valid and appropriate.

The group and the company annual financial statements which appear on pages 01 to 161 were approved for issue by the board of directors on 7 March 2018 and are signed on its behalf by:

RA ShuterGroup president and CEO

RT MupitaGroup chief financial officer


MTN Group Limited Financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2017 01

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Certificate by the company secretaryfor the year ended 31 December 2017

I certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, MTN Group Limited has filed all its returns and notices with the Registrar of Companies and Intellectual Property Commission for the year ended 31 December 2017, as required of a public company in terms of section 88(2)(e) of the Companies Act, No 71 of 2008, and that such returns and notices are true, correct and up to date.

SB MtshaliGroup secretary

Fairland7 March 2018

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Report of the audit committeefor the year ended 31 December 2017

The role of the audit committee has never been more fundamental in ensuring that trust and integrity are maintained over corporate reporting, entrenched by the efficiency of internal controls, the effectiveness of the internal audit function, the independence of external auditors and optimised through a combined assurance model.

The group has made substantial progress on  improvements in the internal control environment. Sustaining the actions initiated and maintaining the positive momentum remain a priority. Internal controls relating to subscriber registration, cyber security and Mobile Money were key focus areas during 2017.

The implementation of a revised second and third line assurance model will gear the organisation to deal with the challenges faced and strengthen the current combined assurance model. These actions will be supported by initiatives to standardise policies and procedures across the group.

Despite the progress noted to date, MTN faces challenges posed in conflict markets such as Syria, Afghanistan, South Sudan and Yemen, coupled with regulatory uncertainties in markets such as Benin and Cameroon.

TERMS OF REFERENCEThe audit committee assists the board in discharging its duties by monitoring the strength of the operational, financial and control processes. These include internal financial controls and ensuring that assurance services and functions enable an effective control environment and that these support the integrity of information produced in compliance with applicable legal and regulatory requirements.

MEMBERSHIP, MEETING ATTENDANCE AND EVALUATIONMembers of the committee are independent and are nominated annually by the board for re-election by shareholders. The individual members satisfy the requirements to serve as members of an audit committee as provided in section 94 of the Companies Act and have

adequate knowledge and experience. The composition of the committee and the attendance at the meetings by its members are set out below for the period January to December 2017:

Members Attendance

KC Ramon (chairman) 4/4NP Mageza 4/4J van Rooyen 4/4P Hanratty 4/4

The committee meets at least four times a year and members’ fees are included in the table of directors’ emoluments and related payments in note 10.2.

The committee also convened special audit committee meetings to discuss critical matters that arose during the period.

The group president and CEO, the group chief financial officer, the group business risk officer, joint external auditors and other assurance providers attend committee meetings by invitation. The committee also meets separately with the joint external auditors, internal auditors and senior management before or after every meeting.

The effectiveness of the individual members of the committee and of the committee as a whole is assessed on an annual basis.

EXECUTION OF FUNCTIONS OF THE AUDIT COMMITTEEThe committee is satisfied that, in respect of the period under review, it has conducted its affairs and discharged its duties and responsibilities in accordance with its terms of reference and the Companies Act.

The committee discharged the following responsibilities during the year under review:

External auditors • Considered and satisfied itself with the independence and objectivity of the joint external auditors and designated registered auditors and ensured that the scope of non-audit services rendered did not impair their independence.

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Report of the audit committee continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017

• Considered the Mandatory Audit Firm Rotation rule which is effective for financial periods commencing on or after 1 April 2023.

• Approved the non-audit-related services performed by the joint external auditors during the year in accordance with the policy established and approved by the board.

• Determined the joint external auditors’ terms of engagement and fees for 2017.

• Satisfied itself with the performance of the joint external auditors and designated registered auditors and further that they are accredited on the JSE’s list of auditors and advisers.

• Satisfied itself that the designated registered auditors are within their tenure and rotation requirements.

• The group’s joint external auditors are  PricewaterhouseCoopers Incorporated and  SizweNtsalubaGobodo Incorporated. PricewaterhouseCoopers is a global auditing firm and SizweNtsalubaGobodo is a local auditing firm. Both firms are level 1 BBBEE contributors. The external auditors have been auditing the group for 24 years and 15 years, respectively. Fees paid to auditors for the year under review are disclosed in note 2.4 of these annual financial statements.

• The committee recommends the reappointment of the joint external auditors at the annual general meeting.

Financial statements, accounting practices and other financial matters • Reviewed and approved the accounting policies and the annual financial statements of the group and the company for the year ended 31  December 2017, and based on the information provided to it, the committee considers that, in all material respects, they are appropriate and comply with the provisions of the Companies Act, IFRS, the SAICA Financial Reporting Guides as issued by the APC, Financial Reporting Pronouncements as issued by the FRSC, and the JSE Listings Requirements.

• Reviewed the processes in place for the reporting of concerns and complaints relating to reporting and accounting practices, internal audit, contents of the group’s and the company’s financial statements, internal financial controls

and any related matters. The committee can confirm that there were no such complaints of substance during the year under review.

• Considered the appropriateness of management judgement and the accounting treatment of significant transactions. These included judgement applied regarding the impairment of goodwill, the classification and measurement of the IHS available-for-sale investment and the election of a quoted foreign exchange rate in a multiple exchange rate environment for the purposes of converting transactions and balances and converting foreign entities in relation to Nigeria and Sudan, as well as judgement relating to uncertain tax and regulatory matters as described in notes 1.5 and 6.8. Significant transactions included the exercise of the IHS exchange right (note 2.3) and the valuation of the IHS investment (note 7.1.3) as well as the loss on derecognition of a long-term loan receivable (note 2.6).

• Reviewed group tax exposures and assessed the appropriateness of the group’s tax policies.

• Reviewed group treasury reports, group funding requirements, credit ratings and recommended financing proposals to the board.

• Reviewed progress on litigation and legal exposures and the related accounting applied and disclosure included in these annual financial statements.

• Received regular updates from management on the repatriation of funds from sanctioned territories.

Internal financial controls • Reviewed the written assessment, prepared by internal audit, on the effectiveness of the group’s system of internal control (including internal financial controls). This written assessment formed the basis of the committee’s recommendation to the board in this regard. The board’s report on the effectiveness of the system of internal controls, which the committee fully supports, is included in the directors’ report on page 09.

• Reviewed the reports of the external auditors detailing their concerns arising from their audit and considered the appropriateness of the responses from management.

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• Assessed the revenue assurance control environment and related revenue leakage exposure for the group.

• Reviewed fraud and whistleblowing reports and that appropriate management action is taken with regards to the control environment and consequence management.

Going concern status • Considered the going concern status of the group and the company on the basis of review of the annual financial statements and the information available to the committee and recommended such going concern status for adoption by the board. The board’s statement on the going concern status of the group and company is contained on page 06 of the directors’ report.

Internal audit • Considered the effectiveness of the internal audit function and monitored adherence to the annual internal audit plan.

• Reviewed the performance of the group business risk officer, Mr R Wessels, and was satisfied that he has the necessary expertise and experience to fulfil this role and that he had performed appropriately during the year under review. Mr R Wessels was appointed following the retirement of Mr S Sooklal who retired in May 2017.

Finance director and finance function • Reviewed the performance of the group chief financial officer, Mr RT Mupita, and was satisfied that he has the necessary expertise and experience to fulfil this role and that he had performed appropriately since his appointment on 3 April 2017.

• Considered, and has satisfied itself of the appropriateness of the expertise and experience of the finance function and adequacy of resources employed in this function.

SOLVENCY AND LIQUIDITY REVIEWThe committee is satisfied that the board has performed a solvency and liquidity test on the company in terms of section 46 of the Companies Act and has concluded that the company will satisfy the test after payment of the final dividend.

The committee also considered guarantees issued on behalf of subsidiaries.

KEY FOCUS AREAS FOR 2018 The committee has set the following key areas for management to focus on during 2018: • Implement a model to separate and strengthen the second and third lines of defence in the organisation.

• Further strengthen the internal control environment.

• Monitor regulatory compliance and further strengthen maturity of compliance structures.

• Review progress on adoption of new accounting standards.

• Consider the impact of the new leases accounting standard, applicable from 1 January 2019, on the existing accounting policies and contracts in place.

• Extract efficiencies of a combined assurance model.

• Continue to facilitate a fair and balanced approach to corporate reporting.

KC RamonAudit committee chairman

Fairland7 March 2018

Report of the audit committee continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017

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Directors’ reportfor the year ended 31 December 2017

NATURE OF BUSINESSMTN Group Limited (the company) incorporated in the Republic of South Africa on 23 November 1994 (company registration: 1994/009584/06) carries on the business of investing in the telecommunications industry through its subsidiary companies, joint ventures and associated companies. The group is listed on the JSE Limited.

The company’s registered address is 216 14th Avenue, Fairland, Roodepoort, Gauteng, 2195.

ACCOUNTING PRACTICESThe group and the company annual financial statements were prepared in accordance with IFRS as issued by the IASB and Interpretations as issued by the IFRIC and comply with the SAICA Financial Reporting Guides as issued by the APC and Financial Reporting Pronouncements as issued by the FRSC, the JSE Listings Requirements and the requirements of the Companies Act.

FINANCIAL RESULTSThe group recorded a profit after tax for the year ended 31 December 2017 of R4 541 million (2016: loss after tax of R3 103 million).

Full details of the financial results of the group and the company are set out in these annual financial statements and accompanying notes for the year ended 31 December 2017.

CAPITAL EXPENDITURECapital expenditure for the year ended 31 December 2017 totalled R31 461 million (2016: R35 268 million) which comprise the following:



Property, plant and equipment 28 004 32 095Land and buildings 474 186Leasehold improvements 165 62Network infrastructure 16 520 13 540Information systems, furniture and office equipment 1 317 1 630Capital work in progress/other1 9 423 16 594Vehicles 105 83Intangible assets 3 457 3 173Software 2 197 1 868Capital work in progress 1 260 1 305

31 461 35 2681 The majority of work in progress relates to long-term

network infrastructure projects.

Licences and spectrum acquired during the year:



Syria 12* 54*

Nigeria 14 1 396Scancom (MTN Ghana) 72 973Congo SA – 266Yemen – 468Sudan 567 –Other 34 141

699 3 298* Excluding the effects of hyperinflation.

RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONSDetails of related party transactions are set out in note 10 of these annual financial statements.

YEAR UNDER REVIEWThe results of the group and company have been set out in the attached financial statements.

BORROWING POWERSIn terms of the memorandum of incorporation (MOI), the borrowing powers of the company are unlimited. However, all borrowings by the company are subject to limitations set out in the treasury policy of the group. The details of borrowings are disclosed in note 6.1.

GOING CONCERNThe directors have reviewed the group’s and company’s budget and cash flow forecast for the year to 31 December 2018. On the basis of this review, and in light of the current financial position and existing borrowing facilities, the directors are satisfied that the company and the group have access to adequate resources to continue in operational existence for the foreseeable future, are going concerns, and have continued to adopt the going concern basis in preparing the annual financial statements.

SUBSIDIARY COMPANIES AND JOINT VENTURESDetails of subsidiaries and joint ventures in which the group has a direct or indirect interest are set out in note 9.1 of these annual financial statements.

All group entities have a year-end consistent to that of the company with the exception of Irancell Telecommunication Company Services (PJSC) (MTN Irancell), a joint venture of the group that has a year-end of 21 December.

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DISTRIBUTION TO SHAREHOLDERSBefore declaring dividends, the board: • Applied the solvency and liquidity test. • Reasonably concluded that the company would satisfy the solvency and liquidity test immediately after payment of the interim and final dividend.

The payments of future dividends will depend on the board’s ongoing assessment of the group’s earnings, financial position, cash needs, future earnings prospects and other future factors.

Final dividendNotice is hereby given that a gross final dividend of 450 cents per share for the period to 31 December 2017 has been declared payable to shareholders. The number of ordinary shares in issue at the date of this declaration is 1  884  269  758 (including 9 983 286 treasury shares held by MTN Holdings and 76 835 378 shares held by MTN Zakhele Futhi).

The dividend will be subject to a maximum local dividend tax rate of 20% which will result in a net dividend of 360 cents per share to those shareholders who bear the maximum rate of dividend withholding tax of 90 cents per share.

The company’s tax reference number is 9692/942/71/8. In compliance with the requirements of STRATE, the electronic settlement and custody system used by the JSE, the salient dates relating to the payment of the dividend are as follows:

Last day to trade cum dividend on the JSE

Monday, 26 March 2018

First trading day ex dividend on the JSE

Tuesday, 27 March 2018

Record dateThursday,

29 March 2018

Payment dateTuesday,

3 April 2018

No share certificates may be dematerialised or rematerialised between Tuesday, 27 March 2018 and Thursday, 29 March 2018, both days inclusive. On Tuesday, 3 April 2018, the dividend will be transferred electronically to the  bank

accounts of certificated shareholders who make use of this facility.

In respect of those who do not use this facility, cheques dated Tuesday, 3 April 2018 will be posted on or about that date. Shareholders who hold dematerialised shares will have their accounts held by the Central Securities Depository participant or broker credited on Tuesday, 3 April 2018.

The board confirms that the company will satisfy the solvency and liquidity test after the completion of the dividend distribution.

Interim dividendA gross dividend of 250 cents per share (2016: 250 cents per share) amounting to R4 494 million (2016: R4 585 million) in respect of the half-year period ended 30 June 2017 was declared on 3  August 2017 and paid to shareholders on 28 August 2017.

Shareholders on the South African register who dematerialised their ordinary shares receive payment for their dividend electronically, as provided for by STRATE. For those shareholders who have not yet dematerialised their shareholding in the company in certificated form, the company operates an electronic funds transmission service, whereby dividends may be electronically transferred to shareholders’ bank accounts. These shareholders are encouraged to mandate this method of payment for all future dividends by approaching the company’s share registrar, Computershare Investor Services Proprietary Limited, whose contact details are:

Computershare Investor Services Proprietary Limited Registration number: 2004/003647/07 Rosebank Towers, 15 Biermann Avenue, Rosebank, 2196PO Box 61051, Marshalltown, 2107

SHARE CAPITALAuthorised share capitalThere was no change in the authorised share capital of the company during the year under review. The authorised ordinary share capital of the company is 2,5 billion shares of 0,01 cents each.

Directors’ report continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017

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Directors’ report continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017

Issued share capitalThe issued share capital of the company is R188  427 (2016: R188 427) comprising 1 884 269 758 (2016: 1 884 269 758) ordinary shares of 0,01 cents each.

MTN Zakhele Futhi SchemeDetails of the MTN Zakhele Futhi Scheme are set out in note 8.1.

Details of participation in the MTN Zakhele Futhi Scheme by directors of the company, the group secretary, directors and the company secretaries of major subsidiaries are set out in note 10.2 of the annual financial statements.

CONTROL OF UNISSUED SHARE CAPITALThe unissued ordinary shares are the subject of a general authority granted to the directors in terms of section 38 of the Companies Act. As this general authority remains valid only until the next annual general meeting (AGM), shareholders will be asked at that meeting to consider an ordinary resolution placing the said unissued ordinary shares, to a maximum of 10% of the company’s issued share capital, under the control of the directors until the next AGM.

ACQUISITION OF THE COMPANY’S OWN SHARESAt the last AGM held on 25 May 2017, shareholders gave the company or any of its subsidiaries a general approval in terms of section 48 of the Companies Act, by way of special resolution, for the acquisition of its own shares. As this general approval remains valid only until the next AGM, to be held on 24 May 2018, shareholders will be asked at that meeting to consider a special resolution to renew this general authority until the next AGM, subject to a maximum extension of 15 months.

SHAREHOLDERS’ INTERESTDetails of shareholders’ interest and a shareholder spread analysis are disclosed in annexure 1 of these annual financial statements.

Details of the directors’ remuneration and shareholding are set out in note 10.2 of these annual financial statements.

RETIREMENT BY ROTATION OF DIRECTORSIn accordance with the company’s MOI, KC  Ramon, A Harper, NP Mageza and MLD Marole will retire at the forthcoming AGM. The retiring directors, being eligible, offer themselves for re-election.

In accordance with the policy adopted by the board and the MOI of the company, directors who have been in office for an aggregate period in excess of nine years are required to retire at the next AGM and at each AGM thereafter. Accordingly, AT Mikati, KP Kalyan and J  van Rooyen who have served on the board for an aggregate period in excess of nine years, retire at the forthcoming AGM and are eligible and offer themselves for re -election following an evaluation of their independence.

The profiles of the directors retiring by rotation and seeking re -election will be set out in the notice of the AGM.

APPOINTMENTS AND RESIGNATIONSRA Shuter was appointed as group president and CEO with effect from 13 March 2017 and RT Mupita as group chief financial officer with effect from 3 April 2017.

A van Biljon retired as a non-executive director on 31 December 2017.

There were no other director appointments or resignations other than those mentioned above during the year under review.

INTERESTS OF DIRECTORS AND PRESCRIBED OFFICERSDetails of the interests of directors and prescribed officers are provided in note 10.2.

DIRECTORS’ AND PRESCRIBED OFFICERS’ SHAREHOLDINGS AND DEALINGSDetails of the interests of directors’ and prescribed officers’ shareholdings and dealings are provided in note 10.2.

08 MTN Group Limited Financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2017

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Directors’ report continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017

EMPLOYEE SHARE SCHEMESDetails of the group’s share schemes are provided in note 8.4.

MERGERS AND ACQUISITIONSThere were no material changes in shareholding during the current or prior year.

EVENTS AFTER THE REPORTING PERIODDetails of events after the reporting period are set out in relevant notes within these financial statements.

AMERICAN DEPOSITORY RECEIPT (ADR)A sponsored ADR facility is in place. This facility is sponsored by the Bank of New York and details of the administrators are: Cusip No 62474M108 ADR.

ANNUAL GENERAL MEETINGThe AGM will be held on Thursday, 24 May 2018. Refer to the notice of the 23rd AGM, when issued, for further details of the ordinary and special business for consideration at the meeting.

INTERNAL FINANCIAL CONTROLSDuring the year under review, the board, through the audit committee, assessed the results of the formal documented review of the group’s system of internal controls and risk management, including the design, implementation and effectiveness of the internal financial controls conducted by internal audit and considered information and explanations given by management and discussions with the external

auditors on the results of the audit. Although certain weaknesses in financial controls, whether in design, implementation or execution were identified, the board does not consider these control weaknesses (individually or in combination with other weaknesses) to have resulted in actual material financial loss, fraud or material errors. Based on the above results, nothing has come to the attention of the board that caused it to believe that the group’s system of internal controls and risk management is not effective and that the internal financial controls do not form a sound basis for the preparation of reliable annual financial statements. The board’s opinion is supported by the audit committee.

AUDIT COMMITTEEThe report of the audit committee appears on pages 03 to 05 .

AUDITORSPricewaterhouseCoopers Incorporated and SizweNtsalubaGobodo Incorporated will continue in office as joint auditors in accordance with section 90 of the Companies Act.

The audit committee reviewed the independence of the auditors during the period under review and satisfied itself that the auditors were independent of the group.

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Independent auditors’ report to the shareholders of MTN Group Limitedfor the year ended 31 December 2017


Our opinionIn our opinion, the consolidated and separate financial statements present fairly, in all material respects the consolidated and separate financial position of MTN Group Limited (the Company) and its subsidiaries (together the Group) as at 31  December 2017, and its consolidated and separate financial performance and its consolidated and separate cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and the requirements of the Companies Act of South Africa.

WHAT WE HAVE AUDITEDMTN Group Limited’s consolidated and separate financial statements set out on pages 20 to 160 comprise: • the Group and Company statements of financial position as at 31 December 2017.

• the Group income statement for the year then ended.

• the Group and Company statements of comprehensive income for the year then ended.

• the Group and Company statements of changes in equity for the year then ended.

• the Group and Company statements of cash flows for the year then ended.

• the notes to the financial statements, which include a summary of significant accounting policies.

Basis for opinionWe conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (ISAs). Our responsibilities under those standards are

further described in the Auditors’ responsibilities for the audit of the consolidated and separate financial statements section of our report.

We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion.

INDEPENDENCEWe are independent of the Group in accordance with the Independent Regulatory Board for Auditors Code of Professional Conduct for Registered Auditors (IRBA Code) and other independence requirements applicable to performing audits of financial statements in South Africa. We have fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities in accordance with the IRBA Code and in accordance with other ethical requirements applicable to performing audits in South Africa. The IRBA Code is consistent with the International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants (Parts A and B).

Key audit mattersKey audit matters are those matters that, in our professional judgement, were of most significance in our audit of the consolidated and separate financial statements of the current period. These matters were addressed in the context of our audit of the consolidated and separate financial statements as a whole, and in forming our opinion thereon, and we do not provide a separate opinion on these matters. The key audit matters discussed in the table below relate to the consolidated financial statements. We have determined that there are no key audit matters to communicate in our report with regard to the audit of the separate financial statements of the Company for the current period.

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Independent auditors’ report to the shareholders of MTN Group Limited continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017

Key audit matter How our audit addressed the key audit matterInvestment held in IHS Holding Limited (‘IHS’) and subsequent assignment of shareholder loanExercise of ‘exchange right’ and valuation of the investment held in IHS

Exercise of ‘exchange right’ and valuation of the investment held in IHS

Refer to note 1.5.2: Critical accounting judgements, estimates and assumptions – IHS available-for-sale investment classification and measurement, note 2.3: Other income, note 7.1.3: Fair value estimation and note 7.2: Investments to the consolidated financial statements for the related disclosure.

As disclosed in these notes to the consolidated financial statements, the Group entered into an arrangement in terms of which it acquired an equity stake of approximately 15% in the class B shares issued by IHS during 2014.

As part of the tower sales transaction entered into by the Group with IHS in the same year, the Group obtained an exchange right whereby it was entitled to exchange its 51% non-controlling interest in Nigeria Tower InterCo B.V., the parent company of INT Towers Limited (INT), the Nigerian telecom tower operator, for an equity interest in the class A shares issued by IHS.

In January 2017, the Group exercised its aforementioned exchange right in return for additional shareholding in IHS (the ‘transaction’). As a result of the transaction, the Group’s economic interest in IHS increased from the previously held 15% class B non-voting shares to an economic interest of approximately 29%, comprising class A voting shares and class B non-voting shares.

With the assistance of our internal IFRS specialists, we considered whether or not the Group’s rights, as embedded in the underlying agreements which were inspected as part of the audit, constituted significant influence to participate in the financial and operating policy decisions of IHS and whether accounting for the investment in IHS as an available-for-sale financial instrument (as opposed to an investment in an associate) was appropriate. Based on the results of our procedures, we deemed the classification of the investment as an available-for-sale financial instrument to be appropriate.

We tested the mathematical accuracy of the valuation model and found no material exceptions. With the assistance of our internal valuation experts, we assessed the approach adopted by management in the valuation model used to value the investment in IHS at year-end and at the effective date of the exercise of the exchange right (‘respective dates’) against the applicable requirements of IFRS 13 Fair Value Measurement and found it to be consistent. We also performed reasonability assessments of the valuations performed by management with the assistance of our internal valuation experts on the respective dates through an independent assessment of appropriate EBITDA multiples to be applied to businesses of this nature, and deemed the multiples applied by management to be reasonable.

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Page 14: MTN Group Limited · Companies Act), which form an integral part of the annual financial statements. ... registration, cyber security and Mobile Money were key focus areas during

Independent auditors’ report to the shareholders of MTN Group Limited continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017

Key audit matter How our audit addressed the key audit matterInvestment held in IHS Holding Limited (‘IHS’) and subsequent assignment of shareholder loan continuedExercise of ‘exchange right’ and valuation of the investment held in IHS continued

Exercise of ‘exchange right’ and valuation of the investment held in IHS continued

Management has determined that neither the interest prior to, nor the interest obtained subsequent to the transaction will allow the Group to appoint a board member. In addition, IHS has the right to decide what strategic, financial and operational information is shared with the Group. As a result of these restrictions, the Group’s vote is limited to matters which relate to fundamental changes in the business or which apply in exceptional circumstances and are considered by management to be protective in nature.

At 31 December 2017, the absence of transactions between market participants resulted in the fair value of the investment held in IHS being determined using models considered to be appropriate by management. The fair value was calculated using industry earnings multiples applied to management’s estimates of earnings, less estimated net debt. The Group does not have access to the IHS Group business plans or 2017 actual financial information. Any estimated earnings used to derive the fair value are therefore solely determined by management, based on market estimates and assumptions on financial growth, currency movements, costs and performance.

We considered this to be a matter of most significance to the current year’s audit due to the significant judgements made by management and the complexity in respect of the classification and valuation of the investment, the calculation of the profit realised from the exercise of the exchange right and the fair value movement recorded in respect of the available-for-sale financial instrument at the end of the year.

We recalculated the profit on exercise of the exchange right on the effective date of the transaction which was determined as the difference between the fair value of the new interest obtained and the carrying amount of the equity-accounted interest in INT, after recycling the applicable portion of the foreign currency translation reserve to the consolidated income statement and we found no exceptions.

We agreed the share percentage held by the Group in IHS subsequent to the transaction to the IHS share register and did not find exceptions.

12 MTN Group Limited Financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2017

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Independent auditors’ report to the shareholders of MTN Group Limited continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017

Key audit matter How our audit addressed the key audit matter

Investment held in IHS Holding Limited (‘IHS’) and subsequent assignment of shareholder loan continued

Subsequent assignment of shareholder loan Subsequent assignment of shareholder loan

As disclosed in note 2.6: Loss on derecognition of long-term loan receivable to the consolidated financial statements, with effect from 27  December 2017 MTN Nigeria Towers SPV B.V. assigned its shareholder loan of R2  840  million to IHS Group. The shareholder loan arose as part of MTN Nigeria Communications Limited’s (‘MTN Nigeria’) tower transactions whereby MTN Nigeria sold a portfolio of towers to INT in 2014 and 2015 which, through Nigeria Tower Interco BV, was 51% owned by MTN Nigeria Towers SPV B.V. and 49% by IHS. When forming INT, MTN Group (through MTN Nigeria Towers SPV B.V.) as well as IHS, provided proportionate shareholder loans to INT. These loans were subordinated and due for repayment in 2024 and 2025 with interest capitalised until two years prior to repayment.

In return for the assignment of the loan, IHS has facilitated certain network volume commitments and provided more attractive terms for MTN Nigeria’s future network rollout, applicable from 2018 onwards. The cash flow benefits to be realised from the improved commercial terms of the future rollout have not been capitalised as a prepayment and will be accounted for as and when they are realised. This is due to the Group contractually not controlling the realisation of the future economic benefits referred to above. However, the Group believes it will obtain economic benefits through IHS being incentivised economically to transact with the Group under the current master services agreement. We regarded this matter to be a matter of most significance to the audit because significant judgement was applied by management, due to the complexity embedded in the loan agreement, in arriving at the conclusion that the loan should be written off without capitalising future benefits (as a prepayment) under IFRS. In addition, management exercised judgement in determining the nature of the loss for purposes of presentation thereof in the consolidated income statement. Management presented the loss under the finance section below the EBITDA line in the consolidated income statement.

We obtained and assessed the agreement entered into between the Group and IHS in order to obtain an understanding of the contractual terms and conditions embedded therein. With the assistance of our internal IFRS specialists we evaluated the terms of the agreement against IFRS to consider whether or not a portion of the loan, once assigned, should be capitalised as an asset (prepayment) in lieu of future benefits to be received. Based on the results of our procedures, we found management’s accounting treatment of the loss to be appropriate.

We evaluated the presentation of the loss on assignment of the loan in the consolidated income statement against the requirements of IFRS and deemed it to be appropriate.

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Independent auditors’ report to the shareholders of MTN Group Limited continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017

Key audit matter How our audit addressed the key audit matterImpairment assessment of goodwill arising from business combinations Due to the number of business combinations that the Group has historically entered into, the Group’s net assets include a significant amount of goodwill at the reporting date. Some of the businesses that these balances relate to operate in countries subject to political turmoil, worsening economic conditions, hyperinflation and various sanctions. There is a risk that these businesses may not trade in line with expectations and forecasts, resulting in a potential impairment of the carrying amount of goodwill allocated to these businesses.

Goodwill is tested annually for impairment at the opted date of 31 December and whenever there is an impairment indicator identified by management. Such indicators were identified by management at the time of preparation of the Group’s interim results for the period ended 30 June 2017 in its operations in Guinea-Bissau, Guinea-Conakry, Liberia, Ghana, Afghanistan, Sudan, Yemen and Syria, which indicators still prevailed at year-end.

This impairment assessment is considered to be a matter of most significance to the current year audit due to the significant judgements made by management regarding the discount rates, the terminal growth rates and cash flow forecasts included in the analyses used to perform the impairment assessments as well as the magnitude of impairments recognised during the year under review, as further outlined below.

Impairments recognised during the year under review include the following entities and amounts: • MTN Afghanistan and MTN Yemen, where goodwill impairments of R841 million and R807 million, respectively, were recognised.

• MTN Syria, where impairments of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets amounting to R1 348 million were recognised (as goodwill was previously fully impaired).

• MTN Sudan where a goodwill impairment of R983 million and an impairment of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets of R1 690 million were recognised. Goodwill is now fully impaired in this operation.

We tested the mathematical accuracy of the valuation models and found no material exceptions. We also considered the appropriateness of the valuation models applied by management. Based on procedures performed, we are satisfied that the approach adopted by management in the valuation models is principally in line with market practice and the applicable requirements of IAS 36 Impairment of Assets, which was also confirmed with our internal valuation expertise.

We performed stress testing on the valuation models as prepared by management which involved an assessment of management’s cash flow forecasts and assumptions by comparison to actual results, our understanding of the industry, the specific entity circumstances involved, in-country economic environment and other market conditions. Management’s cash flow forecasts were agreed to approved in-country budgets.

We further assessed the Group’s budgeting procedures (which form the basis of the cash flow forecasts) by comparing prior period budgets to actual results and held discussions with management on the reasonability of the forecasts used in the valuations where adjustments were made to the in-country budgets at Group level.

The terminal growth rates as used by management were compared to long-term inflation rates obtained from independent sources by our internal valuation experts. Where differences were noted between the respective growth rates, we obtained an understanding of the reasons and incorporated the PwC rates as part of our stress testing to assess the impact of the differences noted on the valuation results.

With the assistance of our valuation experts, we independently recalculated a weighted average cost of capital discount rate (which includes a country risk premium) for each territory in the Group taking into account independently obtained data such as the cost of debt, risk-free rates in the applicable market, market risk premiums, debt/equity ratios as well as the beta of comparable companies; which was compared to the discount rates used by management. Where differences were noted between the respective discount rates, we obtained an understanding of the reasons and incorporated the PwC rates as part of our stress testing to assess the impact of the differences noted on the valuation results.

14 MTN Group Limited Financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2017

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Independent auditors’ report to the shareholders of MTN Group Limited continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017

Key audit matter How our audit addressed the key audit matterImpairment assessment of goodwill arising from business combinations continuedThese matters are disclosed in the following notes to the consolidated financial statements: Note 1.5.1: Critical accounting judgements, estimates and assumptions – Impairment of goodwill, note 5.1: Property, plant and equipment and note 5.2.1: Goodwill.

We reperformed the value in use calculations as performed by management. We performed a stress test on the value in use calculations with focus on the discount rates, annual growth rates, terminal growth rates and the forecast cash flows for each entity. We recalculated a range of values and compared this to the value as calculated by management. We further performed sensitivity procedures to determine the maximum decline that would result in limited or no headroom being available and compared our results to that of management in order to identify those operations considered sensitive to a change in assumptions for disclosure purposes.

Accounting treatment of current, deferred and other taxes and regulatory exposures in the Group’s markets Tax-related mattersThe Group operates across multiple tax and regulatory jurisdictions and due to the inherent nature of exposures, rulings issued and assessments and sanctions by tax and regulatory authorities in developing markets, the Group recognised a significant amount of  tax and/or regulatory provisions and contingencies at year-end. Management applies its judgement to estimate the potential exposure where the interpretation of the applicable tax laws and regulations could be subjective.

We considered this to be a matter of most significance to the current year’s audit due to the magnitude, complexity and nature of these exposures together with a significant level of management judgement involved in interpreting specific acts, regulatory provisions or practices in determining the amounts of these liabilities.

We utilised our tax specialists to evaluate management’s assessment of tax exposures relating to income tax (including transfer pricing and controlled foreign company legislation), withholding tax, VAT and other taxes. Meetings were held between our tax specialists and the Group’s in-country internal tax experts and management to discuss the significant exposures and evaluate the reasonableness of management’s conclusions. In-country management’s tax assessment reports were also considered by our in-country tax specialists and at a Group level, as necessary, by our internal tax specialists to independently assess the conclusions reached by management. To corroborate management’s assessment, we also inspected correspondence received by management from the tax authorities and the Group’s tax advisors to evaluate the adequacy of provisions and disclosures made. Where required, we performed an independent recalculation of the tax exposures.

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Key audit matter How our audit addressed the key audit matterAccounting treatment of current, deferred and other taxes and regulatory exposures in the Group’s markets continuedThese matters are disclosed in the following notes to the consolidated financial statements: Note 1.5.4: Critical accounting judgements, estimates and assumptions – Income taxes, note 4.5: Trade and other payables, note 6.3: Provisions and note 6.8: Contingent liabilities.

Regulatory related mattersWe evaluated management’s assessment of regulatory exposures relating to applicable legislation and related regulations and requirements prevalent in each of the jurisdictions in which the Group operates. Meetings were held between ourselves and the Group’s local territories’ internal legal and regulatory experts and management to discuss the significant exposures and evaluate the reasonableness of management’s conclusions. In-country management’s assessments were also considered at a Group level through evaluation of reports provided and assessments performed by internal compliance and legal counsel at a Group level. Correspondence with external legal counsel was also inspected, as applicable. To corroborate management’s assessment against the requirements of IFRS, we also inspected correspondence received by management from the respective regulatory authorities and external counsel (where applicable), to evaluate the adequacy of provisions and disclosures made. Where required, we performed an independent recalculation of the regulatory exposures noted.

Independent auditors’ report to the shareholders of MTN Group Limited continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017

16 MTN Group Limited Financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2017

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Key audit matter How our audit addressed the key audit matter

Estimation of the date from which the Nigerian Autonomous Foreign Exchange Rate Fixing (‘NAFEX’) rate should be applied in consolidating the results of MTN NigeriaDuring April 2017, the Central Bank of Nigeria (‘CBN’) launched a new Foreign Exchange (‘FX’) window open to portfolio investors, exporters and end-users of FX, including the CBN, known as the Nigerian Autonomous Foreign Exchange Rate Fixing (‘NAFEX’)/Autonomous market (‘NAFEX’).

Following a review by management of the liquidity and sustainability of the newly introduced rate, the Group changed the rate applicable to the translation of the results, cash flows and financial position of MTN Nigeria to the NAFEX rate in the last quarter of 2017.

Management considers the NAFEX rate to represent more appropriately the rate at which dividends can be remitted from MTN Nigeria from this date onwards.

Management exercised significant judgement in determining the appropriate date from which the NAFEX rate should be applied for consolidation purposes.

We considered this to be a matter of most significance to the current year audit due to the significant contribution of MTN Nigeria to the  consolidated results of the Group and the amount of judgement required to determine the appropriate date from which the NAFEX rate should be applied for consolidation purposes.

These matters are disclosed in the following notes to the consolidated financial statements: Note 1.5.3: Critical accounting judgements, estimates and assumptions – Dual exchange rates and note 7.6: Exchange rates to South African rand.

We assessed the accounting treatment as well as the critical accounting judgements applied by management in determining the appropriate date from which the NAFEX rate should be applied for consolidation purposes, based on an evaluation of the reasonability of management’s policy in determining if and when to move to newly introduced official exchange rates in geographies where more than one official exchange rate is available.

This included an assessment of the relevant requirements of IAS 21 The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates with the assistance of our internal IFRS specialists, management’s assessment of data points as to when other market participants started applying the new rate, evidence regarding the rate applied when dividends are repatriated from Nigeria and insights obtained as to the period required to achieve sustainability of newly introduced foreign exchange markets in other global geographies subsequent to these being introduced.

The policy established by the Group stipulating from when the NAFEX rate should be applied was found to be in line with the audit evidence that we obtained. We verified that the appropriate rate was applied from the determined date in preparing the consolidated financial statements.

Independent auditors’ report to the shareholders of MTN Group Limited continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017

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OTHER INFORMATIONThe directors are responsible for the other information. The other information comprises the information included in the MTN Group Limited Financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2017, which includes the Directors’ report, the Report of the  audit committee and the Certificate by the company secretary as required by the Companies Act of South Africa, which we obtained prior to the date of this auditors’ report, and the MTN Group Limited Integrated report for the year ended 31 December 2017, which is expected to be made available to us after that date. Other information does not include the consolidated and separate financial statements and our auditors’ report thereon.

Our opinion on the consolidated and separate financial statements does not cover the other information and we do not and will not express an audit opinion or any form of assurance conclusion thereon.

In connection with our audit of the consolidated and separate financial statements, our responsibility is to read the other information identified above and, in doing so, consider whether the other information is materially inconsistent with the consolidated and separate financial statements or our knowledge obtained in the audit, or otherwise appears to be materially misstated.

If, based on the work we have performed on the other information that we obtained prior to the date of this auditors’ report, we conclude that there is a material misstatement of this other information, we are required to report that fact. We have nothing to report in this regard.

RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE DIRECTORS FOR THE CONSOLIDATED AND SEPARATE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSThe directors are responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of the consolidated and separate financial statements in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards and the requirements of the Companies Act of South Africa, and for such internal control as the directors determine is necessary to enable the preparation of consolidated and separate financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.

In preparing the consolidated and separate financial statements, the directors are responsible for assessing the Group and the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters related to going concern and using the going concern basis of accounting unless the directors either intend to liquidate the Group and/or the Company or to cease operations, or have no realistic alternative but to do so.

AUDITORS’ RESPONSIBILITIES FOR THE AUDIT OF THE CONSOLIDATED AND SEPARATE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSOur objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the consolidated and separate financial statements as a whole are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditors’ report that includes our opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with ISAs will always detect a material misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of these consolidated and separate financial statements.

As part of an audit in accordance with ISA, we exercise professional judgement and maintain professional scepticism throughout the audit. We also: • Identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the consolidated and separate financial statements, whether due to fraud or error, design and perform audit procedures responsive to those risks, and obtain audit evidence that is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. The risk of not detecting a material misstatement resulting from fraud is higher than for one resulting from error, as fraud may involve collusion, forgery, intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the override of internal control.

• Obtain an understanding of internal control relevant to the audit in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Group’s and the Company’s internal control.

Independent auditors’ report to the shareholders of MTN Group Limited continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017

18 MTN Group Limited Financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2017

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• Evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates and related disclosures made by the directors.

• Conclude on the appropriateness of the directors’ use of the going concern basis of accounting and, based on the audit evidence obtained, whether a material uncertainty exists related to events or conditions that may cast significant doubt on the Group’s and the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern. If we conclude that a material uncertainty exists, we are required to draw attention in our auditors’ report to the related disclosures in the consolidated and separate financial statements or, if such disclosures are inadequate, to modify our opinion. Our conclusions are based on the audit evidence obtained up to the date of our auditors’ report. However, future events or conditions may cause the Group and/or Company to cease to continue as a going concern.

• Evaluate the overall presentation, structure and content of the consolidated and separate financial statements, including the disclosures, and whether the consolidated and separate financial statements represent the underlying transactions and events in a manner that achieves fair presentation.

• Obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence regarding the financial information of the entities or business activities within the group to express an opinion on the consolidated financial statements. We are responsible for the direction, supervision and performance of the group audit. We remain solely responsible for our audit opinion.

We communicate with the directors regarding, among other matters, the planned scope and timing of the audit and significant audit findings, including any significant deficiencies in internal control that we identify during our audit.

We also provide the directors with a statement that we have complied with relevant ethical requirements regarding independence, and to communicate with them all relationships and other matters that may reasonably be thought to bear on our independence, and where applicable, related safeguards.

From the matters communicated with the directors, we determine those matters that were of most significance in the audit of the consolidated and separate financial statements of the current period and are therefore the key audit matters. We describe these matters in our auditors’ report unless law or regulation precludes public disclosure about the matter or  when, in extremely rare circumstances, we determine that a matter should not be communicated in our report because the adverse consequences of doing so would reasonably be expected to outweigh the public interest benefits of such communication.

REPORT ON OTHER LEGAL AND REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS In terms of the IRBA Rule published in Government Gazette Number 39475 dated 4 December 2015, we report that PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc. and SizweNtsalubaGobodo Inc. have been the auditors of MTN Group Limited for 24 years and 15 years, respectively.

PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc.Director: JR van HuyssteenRegistered Auditor

Johannesburg7 March 2018

SizweNtsalubaGobodo Inc.Director: DH MananaRegistered Auditor

Johannesburg7 March 2018

Independent auditors’ report to the shareholders of MTN Group Limited continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017

MTN Group Limited Financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2017 19

Page 22: MTN Group Limited · Companies Act), which form an integral part of the annual financial statements. ... registration, cyber security and Mobile Money were key focus areas during

Group income statementfor the year ended 31 December 2017




Revenue 2.2 132 815 147 920Other income 2.3 6 591 335Direct network and technology operating costs (25 077) (23 520)Costs of handsets and other accessories (10 764) (12 304)Interconnect and roaming (10 974) (13 393)Staff costs 2.4 (9 082) (9 152)Selling, distribution and marketing expenses (17 276) (19 172)Government and regulatory costs (5 150) (5 191)Other operating expenses (14 128) (14 273)

EBITDA before Nigeria regulatory fine 46 955 51 250Nigeria regulatory fine 1.5.8 – (10 499)

EBITDA 46 955 40 751Depreciation of property, plant and equipment 5.1 (19 277) (20 988)Amortisation of intangible assets 5.2 (4 490) (4 748)Impairment of goodwill 5.2 (2 631) (873)

Operating profit 2.4 20 557 14 142Finance income 2.5 3 488 4 424Finance costs 2.5 (12 755) (14 919)Loss on derecognition of long-term loan receivable 2.6 (2 840) –Net monetary gain 264 1 723Share of results of associates and joint ventures after tax 9.2 841 (127)

Profit before tax 9 555 5 243Income tax expense 3.1 (5 014) (8 346)

Profit/(loss) after tax 4 541 (3 103)

Attributable to:Equity holders of the company 4 414 (2 614)Non-controlling interests 127 (489)

4 541 (3 103)

Basic earnings/(loss) per share (cents) 2.7 246 (144)Diluted earnings/(loss) per share (cents) 2.7 241 (144)

20 MTN Group Limited Financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2017

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Group statement of comprehensive incomefor the year ended 31 December 2017



Profit/(loss) after tax 4 541 (3 103)Other comprehensive income after tax:Items that may be reclassified to profit or loss: (6 516) (22 122)Net investment hedges 1 421 (1 887)Foreign exchange movement on hedging instruments 1 963 (2 684)Deferred and current tax (542) 797Available-for-sale financial assets1, 2 4 439 2 672Gains arising during the year 4 439 2 672Exchange differences on translating foreign operations including the effect of hyperinflation1 (12 376) (22 907)Losses arising during the year (12 376) (22 907)

Items that have been reclassified to profit or lossReclassification of foreign currency translation differences on loss of significant influence1, 3 3 298 –Other comprehensive income for the year (3 218) (22 122)Attributable to equity holders of the company (2 664) (21 077)Attributable to non-controlling interests (554) (1 045)

Total comprehensive income for the year 1 323 (25 225)

Attributable to:Equity holders of the company 1 750 (23 691)Non-controlling interests (427) (1 534)

1 323 (25 225)1 This component of other comprehensive income does not attract any tax.2 The available-for-sale investment relates mainly to the group’s investment in IHS Holding Limited (IHS) (note 7.2).3 The reclassification to profit or loss relates to the exercise of the exchange right of IHS (note 2.3).

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Group statement of financial positionat 31 December 2017




ASSETSNon-current assets 182 515 189 089Property, plant and equipment 5.1 91 786 95 633Intangible assets and goodwill 5.2 38 330 46 473Investments 7.2 27 686 11 841Investment in associates and joint ventures 9.2 19 610 26 669Loans and other non-current receivables 7.3 3 510 7 366Deferred tax assets 3.2 1 593 1 107Current assets 59 900 79 611Inventories 4.1 3 000 3 972Trade and other receivables 4.2 30 022 37 363Taxation prepaid 3.3 2 736 2 019Current investments 7.4 5 552 7 858Derivative assets 7.5 205 4Restricted cash 4.3 2 376 1 020Cash and cash equivalents 4.4 16 009 27 375

Total assets 242 415 268 700

EQUITYOrdinary share capital and share premium 8.1 36 786 36 786Retained earnings 56 959 64 831Other reserves 8.2 (972) 763

Attributable to equity holders of the company 92 773 102 380Non-controlling interests 9.5 1 494 2 851

Total equity 94 267 105 231

LIABILITIESNon-current liabilities 83 032 85 743Borrowings 6.1 70 567 67 319Deferred tax liabilities 3.2 7 553 9 059Other non-current liabilities 6.2 4 503 8 985Provisions 6.3 409 380Current liabilities 65 116 77 726Trade and other payables 4.5 45 718 45 142Unearned income 5 775 6 449Provisions 6.3 2 030 2 229Taxation liabilities 3.3 2 322 4 213Borrowings 6.1 9 081 19 635Derivative liabilities 7.5 118 58Bank overdrafts 4.4 72 –

Total liabilities 148 148 163 469

Total equity and liabilities 242 415 268 700

22 MTN Group Limited Financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2017

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Group statement of changes in equityfor the year ended 31 December 2017

Attributable to equity holders of the company








Other reserves






Total equity


Balance at 1 January 2016 * 40 248 87 526 18 595 146 369 5 469 151 838Opening reserve adjustment for impact of hyperinflation 1.5.7 – – (123) – (123) – (123)Adjusted balance at 1 January 2016 * 40 248 87 403 18 595 146 246 5 469 151 715Total comprehensive income – – (2 614) (21 077) (23 691) (1 534) (25 225)Loss after tax – – (2 614) – (2 614) (489) (3 103)Other comprehensive income – – – (21 077) (21 077) (1 045) (22 122)Transactions with shareholdersShares cancelled (*) – – – (*) – (*)Treasury shares * – – – * – *Share buy-back from MTN Zakhele (*) (3 462) – – (3 462) – (3 462)Share-based payment transactions – Zakhele Futhi 8.1 – – – 2 919 2 919 – 2 919Share-based payment transactions – other – – – 1 1 – 1Dividends declared 8.3 – – (19 816) – (19 816) (1 053) (20 869)Other movements – – (142) 325 183 (31) 152

Balance at 31 December 2016 * 36 786 64 831 763 102 380 2 851 105 231Balance at 1 January 2017 * 36 786 64 831 763 102 380 2 851 105 231Total comprehensive income – – 4 414 (2 664) 1 750 (427) 1 323Profit after tax – – 4 414 – 4 414 127 4 541Other comprehensive income – – – (2 664) (2 664) (554) (3 218)Transactions with shareholdersShare-based payment transactions – Zakhele Futhi 8.1 – – – 921 921 – 921Share-based payment transactions – other – – – 237 237 – 237Dividends declared 8.3 – – (12 572) – (12 572) (1 029) (13 601)Other movements – – 286 (229) 57 99 156

Balance at 31 December 2017 * 36 786 56 959 (972) 92 773 1 494 94 267

Note 8.1 8.1 8.2* Amount less than R1 million.

MTN Group Limited Financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2017 23

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Group statement of cash flowsfor the year ended 31 December 2017




CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIESCash generated from operations 2.8 38 484 55 681Finance income received 2 607 1 985Finance costs paid (3 409) (4 968)Income tax paid 3.3 (7 596) (11 704)Dividends paid to equity holders of the company (12 565) (19 792)Dividends paid to non-controlling interests (956) (1 178)Dividends received from associates 213 205Dividends received from joint ventures 6 916 487

Net cash generated from operating activities 23 694 20 716

CASH FLOWS USED IN INVESTING ACTIVITIESAcquisition of property, plant and equipment (23 861) (29 899)Acquisition of intangible assets (2 800) (5 348)Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets 74 388Increase in non-current investments (820) (2 199)Acquisition of businesses, net of cash acquired – (882)Loans granted (56) (52)Increase in investment in insurance cell captives (200) (90)Realisation/(purchase) of bonds, treasury bills and foreign deposits 1 849 (2 704)(Increase)/decrease in restricted cash (1 727) 309Other investing activities (44) 69

Net cash used in investing activities (27 585) (40 408)CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIESProceeds from borrowings 2.9 23 287 59 647Repayment of borrowings 2.9 (24 606) (35 169)Interest paid on borrowings 2.9 (3 828) (2 042)1

Buy-back of shares from MTN Zakhele – (2 645)Premium received on option issued to MTN Zakhele Futhi 192 1 185Other financing activities 36 (25)

Net cash (used in)/from financing activities (4 919) 20 951Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents (8 810) 1 259Net cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year 27 375 34 139Exchange losses on cash and cash equivalents (2 664) (8 192)Net monetary gain on cash and cash equivalents 36 169

Net cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year 4.4 15 937 27 3751 Interest paid on borrowings previously included as part of repayment of borrowings.

24 MTN Group Limited Financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2017

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1 Accounting framework and critical judgements

1.1 Basis of preparation 261.2 Going concern 261.3 Principal accounting policies 261.4 New accounting pronouncements 321.5 Critical accounting judgements, estimates

and assumptions35

2 Results of operations2.1 Operating segments 402.2 Revenue 442.3 Other income 452.4 Operating profit 462.5 Finance income and finance costs 482.6 Loss on derecognition of long-term loan


2.7 Earnings per ordinary share 492.8 Cash generated from operations 512.9 Reconciliation of cash flows arising from

financing activities related to borrowings52

3 Taxation3.1 Income tax expense 533.2 Deferred taxes 563.3 Income tax paid 56

4 Working capital4.1 Inventories 584.2 Trade and other receivables 594.3 Restricted cash 594.4 Cash and cash equivalents 604.5 Trade and other payables 60

5 Infrastructure investments5.1 Property, plant and equipment 615.2 Intangible assets and goodwill 65

6 Financing structure and commitments

6.1 Borrowings 756.2 Other non-current liabilities 796.3 Provisions 806.4 Capital commitments 826.5 Operating lease commitments 826.6 Finance lease commitments 836.7 Commercial commitments 846.8 Contingent liabilities 84

Index to the notes to the group financial statements

7 Financial risk7.1 Financial risk management and financial


7.2 Investments 1057.3 Loans and other non-current receivables 1057.4 Current investments 1067.5 Derivatives and hedges 1077.6 Exchange rates to South African rand 108

8 Equity structure8.1 Ordinary share capital and share premium 1098.2 Other reserves 1128.3 Dividends 1138.4 Share-based payments 113

9 Group composition9.1 Interests in subsidiaries and joint ventures 1189.2 Investment in associates and joint ventures 1209.3 Changes in shareholding 1319.4 Joint operations 1319.5 Interest in subsidiaries 132

10 Related parties10.1 Related party transactions 13510.2 Emoluments, equity compensation and dealings

in ordinary shares 136

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Notes to the group financial statementsfor the year ended 31 December 2017


The group financial statements of MTN Group Limited (the company) comprise the company and its subsidiaries and the group’s interest in associates and joint ventures (together referred to as the group and individually as group entities).

The group financial statements and company financial statements have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) and Interpretations as issued by the IFRS Interpretations Committee (IFRIC), and comply with the SAICA Financial Reporting Guides as issued by the Accounting Practices Committee, Financial Reporting Pronouncements as issued by the Financial Reporting Standards Council (FRSC), the JSE Listings Requirements and the requirements of the South African Companies Act, No 71 of 2008. The group and the company have adopted all new accounting pronouncements that became effective in the current reporting period, none of which had a material impact on the group or the company, except for the amendment to IAS 7 Statement of Cash Flows, which requires additional disclosure, comprising a reconciliation of the year-on-year movement in liabilities arising from financing activities.

The financial statements have been prepared on the historical cost basis adjusted for the effects of inflation where entities operate in hyperinflationary economies and for certain financial instruments that have been measured at fair value, where applicable.

The South Sudanese and Syrian economies have been considered to be hyperinflationary. Accordingly, the results, cash flows and financial position of the group’s subsidiaries, MTN South Sudan Limited and MTN Syria (JSC) have been expressed in terms of the measuring unit current at the reporting date.

Sudan ceased being regarded as a hyperinflationary economy during 2016, resulting in hyperinflation accounting relating to MTN Sudan Company Limited not being applied from 1 July 2016 onward. The methods used to measure fair value and the adjustments made to account for the group’s entities that operate in hyperinflationary economies are discussed further in the accounting policies and in the respective notes.

Amounts are rounded to the nearest million with the exception of earnings per share and the related number of shares (note 2.7), number of ordinary shares (note 8.1), share -based payments (note 8.4) and directors’ emoluments and interests (note 10.2).

The preparation of financial statements in conformity with IFRS requires management to make judgements, estimates and assumptions that affect the application of accounting policies and the reported amounts of assets, liabilities, income and expenses. Actual results may differ from these estimates. Information about significant areas of estimation uncertainty and critical judgements in applying accounting policies that have the most significant effect on the amounts recognised in the financial statements are included in note 1.5.

1.2 Going concernThe group’s and the company’s forecasts and projections, taking account of reasonably possible changes in trading performance, show that the group and the company should be able to operate within their current funding levels into the foreseeable future.

After making enquiries, the directors have a reasonable expectation that the company and its subsidiaries have adequate resources to continue in operational existence for the foreseeable future. The financial statements therefore have been prepared on a going concern basis.

1.3 Principal accounting policies1

The principal accounting policies applied in the preparation of these financial statements are set out on the following page and in the related notes to the group financial statements, and should be read in conjunction with the financial definitions disclosed on pages 159 and 160 of the financial statements. The principal accounting policies applied are consistent with those adopted in the prior year, unless otherwise stated.

1 Where applicable, the principal accounting policies applied in the company financial statements are consistent with those applied in the group financial statements.

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Notes to the group financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017


1.3 Principal accounting policies1 (continued)

1.3.1 ConsolidationBusiness combinationsThe group accounts for business combinations using the acquisition method when control is obtained by the group. A business is defined as an integrated set of activities and assets that are capable of being conducted and managed for the purposes of providing a return directly to investors or other owners, members or participants. The consideration transferred is measured at the fair value of the assets given, equity instruments issued and liabilities incurred or assumed at the acquisition date. The consideration transferred includes the fair value of any asset or liability resulting from a contingent consideration arrangement. Acquisition-related costs are recognised in profit or loss. Identifiable assets acquired and liabilities and contingent liabilities assumed in a business combination are measured initially at their fair values at the acquisition date, irrespective of the extent of any non-controlling interests.

Goodwill is measured as the excess of the sum of the consideration transferred, the amount of any non -controlling interests in the acquiree, and the fair value of the acquirer’s previously held equity interest in the acquiree (if any) over the net of the acquisition date fair values of the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed. If, after reassessment, this amount is negative, such negative amount is recognised immediately in profit or loss as a gain on bargain purchase.

An obligation to pay contingent consideration is classified as either a financial liability or equity based on the respective definitions set out in IAS 32 Financial Instruments: Presentation. The group classifies any rights to the return of consideration previously transferred as a financial asset. Contingent consideration that is classified as an asset or a liability is remeasured at subsequent reporting dates in accordance with IAS 39 Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement, with the corresponding gain or loss recognised in profit or loss. Contingent consideration that is classified as equity is not remeasured after the acquisition date.

Any changes resulting from additional and new information about events and circumstances that existed at the acquisition date and, if known, would have affected the measurement of the amount recognised at that date, are considered to be measurement period adjustments. The group retrospectively adjusts the amounts recognised for measurement period adjustments. The measurement period ends when the acquirer receives all the information they were seeking about the facts and circumstances that existed at the acquisition date or learns that information cannot be obtained. The measurement period shall, however, not exceed one year from the acquisition date. To the extent that changes in the fair value relate to post-acquisition events, these changes are recognised in accordance with the IFRS applicable to the specific asset or liability.

When the group ceases to have control over a subsidiary, it derecognises the assets and liabilities of the subsidiary, and any related non-controlling interests. Any retained interest in the entity is remeasured to its fair value. Any resulting gain or loss is recognised in profit or loss. The fair value is the initial carrying amount for the purposes of subsequently accounting for the retained interest as an associate, joint venture or financial asset. In addition, any amounts previously recognised in other comprehensive income in respect of that entity are accounted for as if the group had directly disposed of the related assets or liabilities. This may mean that amounts previously recognised in other comprehensive income are reclassified to profit or loss.

1 Where applicable, the principal accounting policies applied in the company financial statements are consistent with those applied in the group financial statements.

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Notes to the group financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017


1.3 Principal accounting policies1 (continued)

1.3.1 Consolidation (continued)

Consolidation of subsidiariesThe group financial statements incorporate the financial statements of MTN Group Limited and all its subsidiaries and controlled structured entities (SEs) for the reporting date 31 December 2017 on the basis outlined below.

Subsidiaries are fully consolidated from the date on which control is transferred to the group (acquisition date) and are deconsolidated from the date that control ceases (disposal date). The group controls an entity when it is exposed or has rights to variable returns from its involvement with the entity and has the ability to affect those returns through its power over the entity. When assessing whether control exists, the group considers all existing substantive rights that result in the current ability to direct relevant activities.

All intercompany transactions, balances and unrealised gains or losses on transactions between group companies are eliminated on consolidation. Unrealised losses are considered an impairment indicator of the asset transferred.

Where necessary, adjustments are made to the financial statements of subsidiaries to align any difference in accounting policies with those of the group.

The group does not consolidate entities where it owns more than half of the issued ordinary share capital where the contractual agreements are such that other shareholders have substantive rights that provide authority over the relevant activities of the entities.

The company accounts for investments in subsidiaries at cost, less accumulated impairment losses.

Non-controlling interestOn an acquisition-by-acquisition basis, non-controlling interests in the acquiree may initially be measured either at fair value, or at the non -controlling shareholders’ proportion of the net identifiable assets acquired and liabilities and contingent liabilities assumed.

Non-controlling shareholders are treated as equity participants; therefore, all acquisitions of non-controlling interests or disposals by the group of its interests in subsidiaries, where control is maintained subsequent to the disposal, are accounted for as equity transactions. Consequently, the difference between the fair value of the consideration transferred and the carrying amount of a non-controlling interest purchased or disposed of, is recorded in equity.

Non -controlling interests in the net assets of consolidated subsidiaries are identified separately from the group’s equity.

Total comprehensive income is attributed to non-controlling interests even if this results in the non-controlling interests having a deficit balance.

1 Where applicable, the principal accounting policies applied in the company financial statements are consistent with those applied in the group financial statements.

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Notes to the group financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017


1.3 Principal accounting policies1 (continued)

1.3.2 Foreign currencyFunctional and presentation currencyItems included in the financial statements of each entity in the group are measured using the entity’s functional currency. The group financial statements are presented in South African rand, which is the functional and presentation currency of the company.

Transactions and balancesForeign currency transactions are translated into the functional currency using the exchange rates at the dates of the transactions. Foreign exchange gains or losses resulting from the settlement of such transactions and from the translation at reporting date exchange rates of monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are recognised in profit or loss.

Translation of foreign operationsThe results, cash flows and financial position of group entities which are not accounted for as entities operating in hyperinflationary economies and that have a functional currency different from the presentation currency of the group are translated into the presentation currency as follows: • Assets and liabilities, including goodwill and fair value adjustments arising on acquisition, are translated at rates of exchange ruling at the reporting date.

• Specific transactions in equity are translated at rates of exchange ruling at the transaction dates.

• Income and expenditure and cash flow items are translated at weighted average exchange rates for the period or translated at exchange rates at the date of the transaction, where applicable.

• Foreign exchange translation differences are recognised as other comprehensive income and accumulated in the foreign currency translation reserve, except to the extent the difference is allocated to non-controlling interests.

The results, cash flows and financial position of the group entities which are accounted for as entities operating in hyperinflationary economies and that have functional currencies different from the presentation currency of the group are translated into the presentation currency of its immediate parent at rates of exchange ruling at the reporting date. As the presentation currency of the group or that of the immediate parent is that of a non-hyperinflationary economy, comparative amounts are not adjusted for changes in the price level or exchange rates in the current year.

An entity may have a monetary item that is receivable from a foreign operation. An item for which settlement is neither planned nor likely to occur in the foreseeable future is, in substance, a part of the entity’s net investment in that foreign operation. On consolidation, exchange differences arising from the translation of the net investment in foreign operations are taken to other comprehensive income and accumulated in the foreign currency translation reserve.

The exchange rates relevant to the group are disclosed in note 7.6.

Disposal of foreign operationsOn disposal of a foreign operation, all exchange differences accumulated in equity in respect of that operation attributable to the equity holders of the group are reclassified to profit or loss.

Exchange differences accumulated in equity in respect of a monetary item that is part of the group’s net investment in a foreign operation, are not reclassified to profit or loss on settlement of the monetary item.

In the case of a partial disposal that does not result in the group losing control over a subsidiary that includes a foreign operation, the proportionate share of accumulated exchange differences is reattributed to non-controlling interests and is not recognised in profit or loss. For all other partial disposals, the proportionate share of the accumulated exchange differences is reclassified to profit or loss.

For more details on judgements applied in the selection of exchange rates in countries operating in dual exchange rate economies please refer to note 1.5.3.

1 Where applicable, the principal accounting policies applied in the company financial statements are consistent with those applied in the group financial statements.

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Notes to the group financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017


1.3 Principal accounting policies1 (continued)

1.3.3 HyperinflationThe financial statements (including comparative amounts) of the group entities whose functional currencies are the currencies of hyperinflationary economies are adjusted in terms of the measuring unit current at the end of the reporting period.

As the presentation currency of the group is that of a non-hyperinflationary economy, comparative amounts are not adjusted for changes in the price level or exchange rates in the current year. Differences between these comparative amounts and current year hyperinflation adjusted equity balances are recognised in other comprehensive income.

The carrying amounts of non-monetary assets and liabilities are adjusted to reflect the change in the general price index from the date of acquisition to the end of the reporting period. An impairment loss is recognised in profit or loss if the restated amount of a non-monetary item exceeds its estimated recoverable amount.

Gains or losses on the net monetary position are recognised in profit or loss.

All items recognised in the income statement are restated by applying the change in the general price index from the dates when the items of income and expenses were initially earned or incurred.

At the beginning of the first period of application, the components of equity, except retained earnings, are restated by applying a general price index from the dates the components were contributed or otherwise arose. These restatements are recognised directly in equity as an adjustment to opening retained earnings. Restated retained earnings are derived from all other amounts in the restated statement of financial position. At the end of the first period and in subsequent periods, all components of equity are restated by applying a general price index from the beginning of the period or the date of contribution, if later.

All items in the statement of cash flows are expressed in terms of the general price index at the end of the reporting period.

The South Sudanese and Syrian economies have been classified as hyperinflationary. Accordingly, the results, cash flows and financial position of the group’s subsidiaries, MTN South Sudan Limited and MTN Syria (JSC), have been expressed in terms of the measuring unit current at the reporting date. For further details, refer to note 1.5.7. Sudan ceased being regarded as a hyperinflationary economy during 2016, resulting in hyperinflation accounting relating to MTN Sudan Company Limited not being applied from 1 July 2016 onward.

1 Where applicable, the principal accounting policies applied in the company financial statements are consistent with those applied in the group financial statements.

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Notes to the group financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017


1.3 Principal accounting policies1 (continued)

1.3.4 Measurement principlesKey assets and liabilities shown in the statement of financial position are subsequently measured as follows:

Items included in the statement of financial position Measurement principle

Items included in the statement of financial position Measurement principle

ASSETSNon-current assets

LIABILITIESNon-current liabilities

Property, plant and equipment

Historical cost, less accumulated depreciation and impairment losses

Borrowings Amortised cost

Intangible assets Historical cost, less accumulated amortisation and impairment losses

Deferred tax liabilities

Undiscounted amount measured at the tax rates that have been enacted or substantively enacted and are expected to apply to the period when the liability is settled

Investments Amortised cost/fair value Provisions Present value of the best estimate of the settlement amount

Goodwill Historical cost, less impairment losses

Investment in associates and joint ventures

Cost adjusted for share of movements in net assets, less impairment losses

Loans and other non-current receivables

Amortised cost

Deferred tax assets Undiscounted amount measured at the tax rates that have been enacted or substantively enacted and are expected to apply to the period when the asset is realised

Current assets Current liabilitiesInventories Lower of cost and net

realisable valueTrade and other payables

Amortised cost

Trade receivables Amortised cost Unearned income Nominal valueTaxation prepaid Amounts paid in advance to

the tax authorities, using tax rates that have been enacted or substantively enacted at the reporting date

Provisions Present value of the best estimate of the settlement amount

Current investments

Amortised cost/fair value Taxation liabilities Amount expected to be paid to the tax authorities, using tax rates that have been enacted or substantively enacted at the reporting date

Derivative assets Fair value Borrowings Amortised costRestricted cash Amortised cost Derivative

liabilitiesFair value

Cash and cashequivalents

Amortised cost Bank overdrafts Amortised cost

1 Where applicable, the principal accounting policies applied in the company financial statements are consistent with those applied in the group financial statements.

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Notes to the group financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017


1.4 New accounting pronouncementsThe pronouncements listed below will be effective in future reporting periods and are considered significant to the group. The group has elected not to early adopt the new pronouncements. It is expected that the group will adopt the new pronouncements on their effective dates in accordance with the requirements of the pronouncements.

Topic Key requirements Effective date

IFRS 16 Leases

IFRS 16 specifies the recognition, measurement, presentation and disclosure of leases. The standard provides a single lessee accounting model, requiring lessees to recognise assets and liabilities for all leases unless the lease term is 12 months or less or the underlying asset has a low value. Lessors continue to classify leases as operating or finance, with IFRS 16’s approach to lessor accounting substantially unchanged from its predecessor, IAS 17 Leases.

The group expects that the most significant impact of the new standard will result from its current property and network site operating leases.

For the year ended 31 December 2017 the group has recognised lease expenses of R13,4 billion (refer to note  2.4) and non-cancellable operating lease commitments (undiscounted) of R95 billion (refer to note 6.5).

On adoption of IFRS 16 operating lease costs will no longer be recognised as operating expenses. The extent of the reduction in lease expenses is dependent on the application of the practical expedients in IFRS 16 regarding the separation of lease and non-lease components and the impact of the application of the low-value asset exemption.

The new standard will require the recognition of lease liabilities and corresponding right-of-use assets. The group will recognise depreciation on the right-of-use assets and interest on the lease liabilities over the lease term in profit or loss.

The initial lease liabilities and right-of-use assets recognised upon transition to IFRS 16 would likely be representative of the non-cancellable lease commitments, discounted at an appropriate rate as applicable to the operation in which the lease arises, after taking into account the impact of the practical expedients and transitional elections applied by the group.

It is anticipated that while the EBITDA and the related EBITDA margin will improve significantly, depreciation and finance charges will also increase significantly. Due to the impact of reducing finance charges over the life of the lease, the impact on earnings will initially be dilutive, before being accretive in later periods. Furthermore, leases denominated in currencies that are not the functional currency of the operation will increase foreign exchange exposure.

Application of IFRS 16 will therefore also impact the EBITDA:net interest, net debt and net debt:EBITDA ratios significantly.

IFRS 16 permits multiple transition methods, and the group is yet to determine which transition method would be the most appropriate.

1 January 2019

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Notes to the group financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017


1.4 New accounting pronouncements (continued)

Topic Key requirements Effective date

IFRS 15Revenue from Contracts with Customers

IFRS 15 replaces the two main revenue recognition standards, IAS 18 Revenue and IAS 11 Construction Contracts and their related interpretations.IFRS 15 provides a single control-based revenue recognition model and clarifies the principles for recognising revenue from contracts with customers. The core principle is that an entity should recognise revenue to depict the transfer of promised goods or services to customers at an amount that reflects the consideration to which the entity expects to be entitled in exchange for those goods or services. Revenue is recognised when a customer obtains control of a good or service. A customer obtains control when it has the ability to direct the use of and obtain the benefits from the good or service.IFRS 15 also includes comprehensive disclosure requirements that will provide users with information about the nature, amount, timing and uncertainty of revenue and cash flows arising from the entity’s contracts with customers.The group has performed a preliminary assessment of the impact of IFRS 15 and the following is expected: • A change in the timing of the recognition of subscriber acquisition costs, which is currently expensed on inception of the contract but will be capitalised and expensed over the average customer life in accordance with IFRS 15. These costs include agent’s commission on postpaid contracts and SIM activation costs on prepaid contracts.

• Earlier recognition of revenue in respect of services acquired that are not expected to be utilised (breakage).

• Recognition of interest income and a reduction in handset revenue on transactions with a significant financing component where the period between the transfer of handsets and the subscriber payment period exceeds 12 months.

• The group previously anticipated early contract upgrades and based the subscriber contract period on the expected term and accounted for any consideration received beyond the anticipated upgrade period as revenue as it was earned (mainly in its South African operation). Following the adoption of IFRS 15 the group will base the subscriber contract period on the contractual term and account for early upgrades as contract modifications that reduce revenue from the subsequent contract.

• The impact on earnings is being finalised by management to enable a retrospective transitional approach to be adopted and initial indications are that it is not expected to be significant.

1 January 2018

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Notes to the group financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017


1.4 New accounting pronouncements (continued)

Topic Key requirements Effective date

IFRS 9 Financial Instruments

IFRS 9 replaces IAS 39. It addresses the classification, measurement and derecognition of financial assets and financial liabilities, introduces new rules for hedge accounting and a new impairment model for financial assets.

The adoption of IFRS 9 will require a review of the current classification of financial assets and liabilities. The categories for financial assets changed from IAS 39 to IFRS 9. The IAS 39 held-to-maturity, loans and receivables and available-for-sale categories have been replaced by fair value through other comprehensive income, fair value through profit or loss and measured at amortised cost. A preliminary assessment of MTN’s business model indicates that items classified as loans and receivables are likely to be classified as measured at amortised cost. The remaining classification categories are still being finalised.

The hedge accounting requirements are not expected to have a significant impact on the financial results of the group.

The group has determined that the application of an expected credit loss model is likely to result in an earlier recognition of credit losses, in particular on postpaid, interconnect and enterprise business unit receivables. A preliminary impact assessment which is being finalised by management indicated that the application of the expected credit loss model is unlikely to result in material adjustments.

The group has determined that retrospective restatement would require the application of hindsight. The group has therefore decided not to restate comparatives.

The date of initial application of IFRS 9 for the group is 1 January 2018.

1 January 2018

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Notes to the group financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017


1.5 Critical accounting judgements, estimates and assumptions The group makes judgements, estimates and assumptions concerning the future when preparing its financial statements. Actual results may differ from these estimates. Estimates and underlying assumptions are reviewed on an ongoing basis. Revisions to accounting estimates are recognised in the period in which the estimates are revised and in any future periods affected. The judgements, estimates and assumptions that have a significant risk of causing a material adjustment to the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities within the next financial year are discussed below and on the following pages.

The ‘Critical accounting judgements, estimates and assumptions’ note should be read in conjunction with the ‘Principal accounting policies’ disclosed in note 1.3.

1.5.1 Impairment of goodwill and property, plant and equipmentThe group tests goodwill for impairment on an annual basis, in accordance with the accounting policy disclosed in note 5.2. The group tests property, plant and equipment for impairment when there is an indication of impairment, in accordance with the accounting policy disclosed in note 5.1. The recoverable amounts of cash-generating units (CGU) have been determined based on value-in-use calculations. These calculations are performed internally by the group and require the use of estimates and assumptions.

The input factors most sensitive to change are management estimates of future cash flows based on budgets and forecasts, growth rates and discount rates. Further detail on these assumptions has been disclosed in note 5.2. The group has performed a sensitivity analysis by varying these input factors by a reasonably possible margin and assessing whether the changes in input factors result in any of the goodwill allocated to an appropriate CGU, being  impaired. Goodwill impairment in the current year amounted to R2 631 million (2016: R873 million), refer to note 5.2. Property, plant and equipment impairment in the current year amounted to R2 518 million (2016: R175 million), refer to note 5.1.

1.5.2 IHS available-for-sale investment classification and measurementIn January 2017, the group exchanged its 51% interest in Nigeria Tower InterCo B.V., the parent company of INT Towers Limited (INT), the Nigerian telecom tower operator, for an additional shareholding in IHS Holding Limited (IHS Group) (the transaction). As a result of the transaction, the group’s economic interest in the IHS Group increased from approximately 15% class B non-voting shares to an economic interest of approximately 29% comprising class A voting shares and class B non-voting shares.

An investor is presumed to have significant influence over an investee when it owns 20% of the investee, unless it can be clearly demonstrated that this is not the case. The original IHS Group shareholders’ agreement remains in place and there are no changes to IHS Group’s independence as an operator. Neither the interest prior to, nor the interest obtained subsequent to the transaction will allow the group to appoint a board member. In addition, IHS Group has the right to decide what strategic, financial and operational information is shared with the group.

As a result of these restrictions, the group’s vote is limited to matters which relate to fundamental changes in the business or which apply in exceptional circumstances and are considered to be protective in nature. The group’s rights do not constitute significant influence to participate in the financial and operating policy decisions of IHS Group. Consequently, the group continues to account for its investment in IHS Group as an available-for-sale financial instrument (note 7.2).

Available-for-sale instruments are measured at fair value through other comprehensive income.

Given the confidentiality restrictions in the shareholders’ agreement with IHS Group, MTN does not have access to the IHS Group business plans or 2017 actual financial information. Any estimated earnings used to derive the existing fair value are therefore solely based on MTN management assumptions and market estimates on financial growth, currency movements, costs and performance. The investment has therefore been transferred from level 2 to level 3 of the fair value hierarchy for the current reporting period. An increase of one in the low and high end of the multiple range, keeping other inputs constant, would have resulted in an increase in the fair value of R2 148 million and a decrease of one in the low and high end of the multiple range, keeping other inputs constant, would have resulted in a decrease in the fair value by R2 148 million as at 31 December 2017. An increase of 10% in the estimated earnings used, keeping other inputs constant, would have resulted in an increase in the fair value of R3 201 million and a decrease of 10% in the estimated earnings used, keeping other inputs constant, would have resulted in a decrease in the fair value of R3 201 million as at 31 December 2017 (note 7.1.3).

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Notes to the group financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017


1.5 Critical accounting judgements, estimates and assumptions (continued)

1.5.3 Dual exchange ratesThe group operates in a number of foreign jurisdictions that have multiple quoted exchange rates. When several quoted exchange rates are available in a foreign jurisdiction, the group uses judgement to determine the rate at which the future cash flows represented by foreign denominated transactions or balances could have been settled if those cash flows had occurred at the measurement date in these foreign entities. For the translation of the results, cash flows and financial position of the foreign entities into the presentation currency of the group, the group uses the rate at which dividends can be remitted. If exchangeability between two currencies is temporarily lacking, the rate used is the first subsequent rate at which exchanges could be made.

Following a review of the liquidity and sustainability of quoted exchange rates introduced in Nigeria and Sudan, the group changed the rates applicable to the relevant transactions and balances as well as the translation of the results, cash flows and financial position of these operations in the last quarter of 2017. The new quoted rates applied are considered to represent more appropriately the rate at which the future cash flows on foreign denominated transaction or balance could have been settled if those cash flows had occurred at the measurement date or the rate at which dividends can be remitted in respect of the translation of foreign entities.

Further information on the relevant exchange rates is provided in note 7.6.

1.5.4 Income taxesThe group is subject to income taxes in numerous jurisdictions. As a result, significant judgement is required in determining the group’s provision for income taxes. There are numerous calculations and transactions for which the ultimate tax position is uncertain during the ordinary course of business. The group recognises tax liabilities for anticipated tax issues based on estimates of whether additional taxes will be payable. In determining whether an interpretation and/or application of the various tax rules may result in a dispute of which the outcome may not be favourable to the group, the group seeks, where relevant, expert advice to determine whether an unfavourable outcome is probable or possible. Where payment is determined to be possible but not probable the tax exposure is disclosed as a contingent liability, refer to note 6.8. Where the final outcome of these matters is different from the amounts that were initially recorded, such differences will impact the current and deferred tax in the period in which such determination is made.

Deferred tax assetsDeferred tax assets are recognised for unused tax losses, unused tax credits and deductible temporary differences (as applicable) to the extent that it is probable that future taxable profits will be available against which the deferred tax assets can be used. The group applies judgement in assessing whether future taxable profits will be available. Future taxable profits are determined based on business plans for individual subsidiaries in the group and the probable reversal of taxable temporary differences in future. Deferred tax assets are reviewed at each reporting date and are reduced to the extent that it is no longer probable that the related tax benefit will be realised. Such reductions are reversed when the probability of future taxable profits improves. The group’s deferred tax assets for the current year amounted to R1 593 million (2016: R1 107 million). Refer to note 3.2.

1.5.5 Determining whether an arrangement contains a leaseThe group applies the principles of IFRIC 4 Determining whether an Arrangement contains a Lease in order to assess whether its arrangements constitute or contain leases. The requirements to be met in order to conclude that an arrangement constitutes or contains a lease are as follows: • The provision of a service in terms of the arrangement should be dependent on the use of one or more specific assets.

• The arrangement must convey a right to use these assets.

All other arrangements that do not constitute or contain leases are treated as service level agreements; the costs are expensed as incurred.

For the purpose of applying IFRIC 4 on tower space lease arrangements, the group considers the tower asset as a whole in assessing whether the arrangement contains a lease. This is consistent with the guidance on determining a component of an asset in IAS 16 Property, Plant and Equipment. The group has resolved that an arrangement contains a lease as defined in IAS 17 Leases where the arrangement provides an exclusive right to use specific tower space which is more than an insignificant part of the tower asset.

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1.5 Critical accounting judgements, estimates and assumptions (continued)

1.5.6 Determining whether an arrangement qualifies as an operating lease or a finance leaseThe group applies its principal accounting policies for leases to account for arrangements which constitute or contain leases and follows the guidance of IAS 17 to determine the classification of leases as either operating or finance leases.

During previous years the group entered into sale and leaseback transactions with IHS that resulted in the sale of its mobile network towers in Nigeria.

The critical elements that the group considered with respect to the classification of the lease transaction were: • whether the lease terms are for the major part of the economic life of the tower assets; and • whether, at inception of the leases, the present value of the minimum lease payments amounts to at least substantially all of the fair value of the tower assets.

The group estimated that the lease term of the tower assets is not for a major part of the economic life of the tower assets, taking into account the non-cancellable period for which the group has contracted, and any options to renew such period where it is reasonably certain that the group will exercise the option.

The minimum lease payments were determined by separating the payments required by the lease arrangements into those pertaining to the lease and those pertaining to other elements such as services and cost of inputs on the basis of their relative fair values. Management exercised judgement in estimating the fair value of the other elements by reference to comparable cost structures of the group and other independent tower operators. The discount rate used in calculating the present value of the minimum lease payments reflects the rate of interest MTN Nigeria Communications Limited would incur in borrowing the funds necessary to purchase similar assets.

The fair value of the tower assets was determined by reference to the amounts at which the tower assets were sold which represents the prices at which the assets could be sold in an orderly transaction between market participants under current market conditions. The group determined that the present value of the minimum lease payments did not equal substantially all the fair value of the underlying tower assets.

Following the group’s assessment, the leaseback transactions were classified as operating leases.

1.5.7 HyperinflationThe group exercises significant judgement in determining the onset of hyperinflation in countries in which it operates and whether the functional currency of its subsidiaries, associates or joint ventures is the currency of a hyperinflationary economy.

Various characteristics of the economic environment of each country are taken into account.

These characteristics include, but are not limited to, whether: • the general population prefers to keep its wealth in non-monetary assets or in a relatively stable foreign currency;

• prices are quoted in a relatively stable foreign currency; • sales or purchase prices take expected losses of purchasing power during a short credit period into account;

• interest rates, wages and prices are linked to a price index; and • the cumulative inflation rate over three years is approaching, or exceeds, 100%.

Management exercises judgement as to when a restatement of the financial statements of a group entity becomes necessary. Following management’s assessment, the group’s subsidiaries, MTN South Sudan Company Limited and MTN Syria (JSC), have been accounted for as entities operating in hyperinflationary economies. The results, cash flows and financial positions of MTN South Sudan Company Limited and MTN Syria (JSC) have been expressed in terms of the measuring units current at the reporting date.

MTN South Sudan Company LimitedThe economy of South Sudan was assessed to be hyperinflationary effective 1 January 2016 and hyperinflation accounting was applied for the year ended 31 December 2016. Upon first application of hyperinflation, prior period losses of R123 million arising from the net monetary position were recognised directly in equity. As at 31 December 2017 and 2016, the property, plant and equipment of South Sudan was fully impaired, resulting in no hyperinflation adjustment on capital expenditure (capex) for the respective year.

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1.5 Critical accounting judgements, estimates and assumptions (continued)

1.5.7 Hyperinflation (continued)

MTN South Sudan Company Limited (continued)

The general price index used as published by the International Monetary Fund is as follows:

Date Base year General price index Inflation rate (%)

31 December 2017 2016 4 372 111

The cumulative inflation rate over three years as at 31 December 2017 is 2 472%. The average adjustment factor used for 2017 was 1,6.

MTN Syria (JSC)The economy of Syria was assessed to be hyperinflationary effective 1 January 2014, and hyperinflation accounting has been applied since. Reliable inflation data could not be obtained on the inflation rate in Syria. The general price index set out below was calculated by reference to the change in the United States dollar (US$):Syrian pound (SYP) exchange rate.

Until 30 June 2017, hyperinflation accounting was applied by estimating Syria’s inflation rate using the change in the US$:SYP exchange rate. The SYP started strengthening against the US$ from October 2017 onwards. Syria’s 2017 estimated inflation rate using the change in US$:SYP exchange rate, after the SYP strengthened, was negative, i.e. there was deflation in the second half of 2017.

However, the characteristics of Syria’s economy continue to indicate that Syria’s economy is hyperinflationary. Recognising deflation in the second half of 2017 was not considered appropriate, due to lack of sufficient available information at 31 December 2017. Therefore, a hyperinflation adjustment factor of 1 was applied from 1 July 2017 to 31 December 2017.

Date Base year General price index Inflation rate (%)

31 December 2017 2014 220 (16)

The cumulative inflation rate over three years as at 31 December 2017 is 120%. The average adjustment factor used for 2017 was 1,04.

As at 31 December 2017, R1 348 million of assets previously written up for hyperinflation have been impaired with the impact being included in EBITDA during the year under review.

MTN Sudan Company Limited and Irancell Telecommunication Company Services (PJSC) The economy of Sudan was assessed to no longer be hyperinflationary, effective 1 July 2016, and hyperinflation accounting was discontinued from this date onwards. Accordingly, the amounts expressed in terms of the measuring unit at 30 June 2016 were treated as the basis for the carrying amounts with no further hyperinflation adjustments being passed from 1 July 2016 onwards. As at 31 December 2017, the historical increase in the asset value as a result of hyperinflation accounting has been fully impaired, which resulted in a R1 690 million decrease in EBITDA in the current financial year.

In 2015, the Iranian economy was assessed to no longer be hyperinflationary and hyperinflation accounting was discontinued effective 1 July 2015 on the same basis as for MTN Sudan Company Limited with no further hyperinflation adjustments being passed from 1 July 2015 onwards. The group’s results from Iran includes expenses resulting from the discontinuation of hyperinflation accounting mainly relating to the subsequent depreciation of assets that were historically written up under hyperinflation accounting. The additional income statement charge reduced equity-accounted earnings from Iran by R1 328 million for the year ended 31 December 2017 (31 December 2016: R1 853 million).

The cumulative impact of adjusting the group’s results for the effects of hyperinflation is set out below:



Income statementIncrease in revenue 504 1 026(Decrease)/increase in EBITDA (2 948) 246Net monetary gain 264 1 723Decrease in share of results of associates and joint ventures after tax (1 328) (1 853)Decrease in profit after tax (4 925) (480)

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1.5 Critical accounting judgements, estimates and assumptions (continued)

1.5.8 Accounting for the Nigeria fineDuring October 2015, the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) imposed a fine on MTN Nigeria Communications Limited (MTN Nigeria). This fine related to the timing of the disconnection of 5,1 million MTN Nigeria subscribers who were disconnected in August and September 2015. On 10 June 2016, MTN Nigeria resolved the matter with the Federal Government of Nigeria (FGN) after the completion of an extensive negotiation process. In terms of the agreement reached, MTN Nigeria agreed to pay a total cash amount of N330 billion over three years (R25,1 billion2) to the FGN as full and final settlement of the matter in accordance with the payment terms as set out below.

The N50 billion (R4 billion1) paid in good faith and without prejudice by MTN Nigeria on 24 February 2016 formed part of the monetary component of the settlement which resulted in a cash balance of N280 billion (R21,3 billion2) outstanding on 10 June 2016, to be discharged as follows: • N30 billion on 8 July 2016 • N30 billion on 31 March 2017 • N55 billion on 31 March 2018 • N55 billion on 31 December 2018 • N55 billion on 31 March 2019 • N55 billion on 31 May 2019

The group reclassified the provision on 10 June 2016 to a financial liability of N212,5 billion, the equivalent of R16,2 billion2, for the outstanding cash payments using a discount rate of 14,71%. Management exercised judgement in determining an appropriate discount rate that represents the incremental borrowing rate for MTN Nigeria for a liability with similar cash flows. The regulatory fine was fully expensed in the prior years with an additional expense recognised in the income statement amounting to R10,5 billion for the year ended 31 December 2016. A discount unwind of R1,0 billion (2016: R1,0 billion) was recognised in finance costs during the current year relating to the outstanding liability. The balance of the liability at 31 December 2017 amounts to R6,6 billion (2016: R8,7 billion) after taking into account the payment of N30 billion (R1,3 billion3).1 Amount translated at an exchange rate on 24 February 2016 of R1 = N12,55.2 Amount translated on 10 June 2016 at an exchange rate of R1 = N13,15.3 Amount translated at the March 2017 average rate R1 = N23,68.

1.5.9 Consolidation of MTN Zakhele FuthiMTN implemented its new BBBEE transaction through a separate legal entity, MTN Zakhele Futhi (RF) Limited (MTN Zakhele Futhi) during the prior financial year. MTN Zakhele Futhi is a structured entity with the sole business of holding shares of MTN Group Limited and administering the associated funding of these shares. The group was involved in structuring MTN Zakhele Futhi, determining the level of its debt and negotiating the related debt covenants. In addition, the group holds a call option which, if exercised on the occurrence of a trigger event, entitles it to settle MTN Zakhele Futhi’s debt with the third -party funders. This gives the group the ability to manage the credit risk of MTN Zakhele Futhi and consequently, the related BBBEE credentials which are dependent on the continued success of MTN Zakhele Futhi. As these activities are considered to be the relevant activities of MTN Zakhele Futhi, it is consolidated by the group.

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2 RESULTS OF OPERATIONS2.1 Operating segments

The group has identified reportable segments that are used by the group executive committee (chief operating decision maker (CODM)) to make key operating decisions, allocate resources and assess performance. The reportable segments are largely grouped according to their geographic locations and reporting lines to the CODM.

The group’s underlying operations are now clustered as follows: • South Africa • Nigeria • South and East Africa and Ghana (SEAGHA) • West and Central Africa (WECA) • Middle East and North Africa (MENA)

The following changes to the group’s segment presentation were made during 2017: • The results for MTN South Africa and MTN Nigeria are reported separately. These results were previously reported in the SEA (now SEAGHA) and WECA regions respectively. The group appointed regional vice-presidents in 2017 to manage the rest of the operations in the three regions as part of its strategy to bolster leadership in each region.

• The group reallocated its operations in Ghana, which was previously included in the WECA region, to the SEA region and subsequently renamed this regional grouping SEAGHA. The reallocation was performed to balance the operational requirements of each region under each vice-president to further optimise the oversight responsibilities of the regional vice- presidents.

• In addition, during 2017, management changed the way it presents segment results for South Africa. Previously, the South African operating segment included the results of the MTN South Africa sub-group of companies. In 2017, the segment results presented for South Africa only include the results of the MTN South Africa operating company.

Comparative numbers have been restated accordingly.

Operating results are reported and reviewed regularly by the CODM and include items directly attributable to a segment as well as those that are attributed on a reasonable basis, whether from external transactions or from transactions with other group segments.

The measure of reporting profit for each segment, that also represents the basis on which the CODM reviews segment results, is EBITDA. EBITDA is defined as earnings before interest (which includes gains and losses on foreign exchange transactions), tax, depreciation and amortisation, and is also presented before recognising the following items: • Impairment of goodwill • Loss on derecognition of a long-term loan receivable • Net monetary gain resulting from the application of hyperinflation • Share of results of associates and joint ventures after tax

For the purposes of the review of segment results by the CODM, EBITDA also excludes the following items: • Hyperinflation (note 1.5.7) • Tower sale profits (note 2.3) • Nigeria regulatory fine (note 1.5.8) • MTN Zakhele Futhi share-based payment expense (note 8.1) • Exchange right profit on IHS investment (note 2.3)

These exclusions have remained unchanged from the prior year, apart from the exchange right profit on the IHS investment that occurred during the year.

Irancell Telecommunication Company Services’ (PJSC) (Iran) proportionate results are included in the segment analysis as reviewed by the CODM and excluded from IFRS reported results for revenue, EBITDA and capex due to equity accounting for joint ventures. The results of Iran in the segment analysis exclude the impact of hyperinflation accounting.

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2.1 Operating segments (continued)




South Africa 42 542 41 303Nigeria 36 005 47 122SEAGHA 20 133 20 511Ghana 10 382 10 291Uganda 5 193 5 465Other SEAGHA 4 558 4 755WECA 20 951 23 242Cameroon 5 373 6 189Ivory Coast 7 421 7 176Other WECA 8 157 9 877MENA 12 716 14 288Syria 2 007 2 123Sudan 4 540 4 585Other MENA 6 169 7 580Major joint venture – Iran 16 503 16 536Head office companies and eliminations (36) 428Hyperinflation impact 504 1 026Iran revenue exclusion (16 503) (16 536)

Consolidated revenue 132 815 147 9201 Restated to reflect the segments reallocated.

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2.1 Operating segments (continued)




South Africa2 14 728 13 451Nigeria 14 041 21 854SEAGHA 6 835 6 741Ghana 4 116 4 184Uganda 1 794 1 620Other SEAGHA 925 937WECA 5 336 7 007Cameroon 1 304 2 065Ivory Coast 2 347 2 333Other WECA 1 685 2 609MENA 3 802 4 657Syria 601 689Sudan 1 592 1 471Other MENA 1 609 2 497Major joint venture – Iran 5 881 6 455Head office companies and eliminations3 (449) (1 729)Hyperinflation impact (2 948) 246Nigeria regulatory fine – (10 499)Tower sale profits 27 31Profit on exercise of exchange right of IHS 6 017 –MTN Zakhele Futhi share-based payment expense (434) (1 008)Iran EBITDA exclusion (5 881) (6 455)

EBITDA 46 955 40 751Depreciation, amortisation and impairment of goodwill (26 398) (26 609)Net finance cost (9 267) (10 495)Net monetary gain 264 1 723Loss on derecognition of long-term loan receivable (2 840) –Share of results of joint ventures and associates after tax 841 (127)

Profit before tax 9 555 5 2431 Restated to reflect the segments reallocated.2 Excluding MTN Zakhele Futhi expense of R434 million (2016: R1 008 million).3 Head office companies and eliminations consist mainly of the group’s central financing activities, management fees,

professional and consulting fees and dividends received from segments as well as intersegment eliminations.

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2.1 Operating segments (continued)

Capital expenditure incurred2017



South Africa 11 470 10 982Nigeria 8 953 8 701SEAGHA 3 794 4 246Ghana 2 196 2 435Uganda 909 758Other SEAGHA 689 1 053WECA 3 696 6 189Cameroon 976 2 166Ivory Coast 1 203 1 721Other WECA 1 517 2 302MENA 2 294 3 310Syria 951 1 049Sudan 545 1 549Other MENA 798 712Major joint venture – Iran 9 274 5 138Head office companies and eliminations 1 173 1 492Hyperinflation impact 81 348Iran capex exclusion (9 274) (5 138)

31 461 35 2681 Restated to reflect the segments reallocated.

The impact of hyperinflation on the segment analysis is as follows:


Revenue EBITDA Capex

Syria 384 (1 227) 81Sudan – (1 690) –South Sudan (included in other SEAGHA) 120 (31) –

504 (2 948) 81Iran – major joint venture – 69 –


Revenue EBITDA Capex

Syria 484 164 310Sudan 122 41 38South Sudan (included in other SEAGHA) 420 41 –

1 026 246 348Iran – major joint venture – (294) 326

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2.2 RevenueRevenue is measured at the fair value of the consideration received or receivable from the sale of goods and services in the ordinary course of the group’s activities. Revenue is presented net of indirect taxes, estimated returns and trade discounts.

Revenue from the sale of goods and the rendering of services is recognised when it is probable that the economic benefits associated with the transaction will flow to the group and the amount of revenue, and associated costs incurred or to be incurred, can be measured reliably. The amount of revenue is not considered to be reliably measurable until all contingencies relating to the sale have been resolved.

Postpaid products typically include the sale of a handset, activation fee and a service contract; and prepaid products include a subscriber identification module (SIM) card and airtime.

Multiple element (or bundled) arrangements are divided into separate units of accounting, and revenue is recognised through the application of the relative fair value method, resulting in the proportionate allocation of any discount to all elements in the bundle.

The group operates loyalty programmes in certain entities where customers accumulate points for purchases made, which entitle them to discounts on future purchases. The reward points are recognised as a separately identifiable component of the initial sale transaction by allocating the consideration received or receivable between the reward points and the other components of the sale such that the reward points are initially recognised as deferred income at their fair value. Revenue from the reward points is recognised when the points are redeemed. Breakage (forfeiture of points) is recognised when redemption becomes remote.

The main categories of revenue and the bases of recognition are as follows:

Airtime and subscription, data, digital and SMS • Airtime, data and SMS: revenue is recognised on the usage basis commencing on the date of activation;

• Subscription: revenue is recognised over the period that enables the customer to access network services; and

• Digital: revenue is recognised on the usage basis, and includes services such as value-added services, content, mobile money, etc.

The terms and conditions of postpaid bundled airtime products may allow for the carry over of unused value or minutes. The revenue related to the unused value or minutes is deferred and recognised when utilised by the customer or on termination of the contract. Breakage (forfeiture of unused value or minutes) is recognised when the unused value or minutes expire or when usage thereof becomes remote.

Revenue received on prepaid contracts is deferred and recognised when services are utilised by the customer or on termination of the customer relationship. Breakage is recognised when the prepaid credit expires or when utilisation thereof becomes remote.

Interconnect/roamingInterconnect/roaming revenue is recognised on a usage basis, unless it is not probable on the transaction date that the interconnect revenue will be received, in which case interconnect revenue is recognised only when the cash is received or where a right of set-off exists with interconnect parties in settling outstanding amounts.

DevicesRevenue on the sale of devices to third parties is recognised only when risks and rewards of ownership are transferred to the buyer.

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2.2 Revenue (continued)




Airtime and subscription 64 633 79 300Interconnect and roaming 12 396 15 476Data 28 212 23 627Digital 13 048 14 022SMS 2 701 3 264Devices 8 406 8 490Other 3 419 3 741

132 815 147 9201 In 2017, the group changed the categories of revenue that are presented to align with the way the group manages

and reports data, digital and devices revenue internally. The comparatives have been updated accordingly.

The group’s unearned income at the end of the year amounts to R5 775 million (2016: R6 449 million).

2.3 Other incomeOther income is recognised when the risks and rewards of ownership of the assets are transferred to the buyer.



Realisation of deferred gain on Ghana tower sale1 27 31Gain on dilution of investment in joint venture (note 9.2) 28 277Profit on exercise of exchange right of IHS 6 017 –Gain on modification of financial liabilities2 323 –Other 196 27

6 591 3351 In 2011, Scancom Limited (MTN Ghana) concluded a transaction with American Tower Company (ATC), which

involved the sale of MTN Ghana’s base transceiver station (BTS) sites to Ghana Tower InterCo B.V. which is an associate of the group. Profit was eliminated to the extent of the group’s interest in the associate. Such unrealised profit is realised by the group as the underlying assets are depreciated by the associate.

2 In December 2017, MTN (Dubai) Limited (MTN Dubai) entered into individual agreements with various vendors of Areeba Guinea S.A. (MTN Guinea-Conakry) and Lonestar Communications Corporation LLC (MTN Liberia), in terms of which MTN Dubai purchased receivables (owing from MTN Guinea-Conakry and MTN Liberia to the respective vendors), at a discounted price. The group has accounted for this transaction as a modification of a financial liability, as the group has contractually agreed to modify the payment terms of the vendor liabilities. The group has recognised the difference between the fair value of the modified financial liabilities and the carrying amount of the original financial liabilities as a gain in profit or loss.

Profit on exercise of exchange right of IHSIn January 2017, the group exchanged its 51% interest in Nigeria Tower InterCo B.V., the parent company of INT Towers Limited (INT), the Nigerian telecom tower operator, for an additional shareholding in IHS Holding Limited (IHS Group) (the transaction). The transaction, which closed on 23 February 2017, has been accounted for as a disposal of the group’s equity-accounted interest in INT and an acquisition of an additional investment in the IHS Group. The net impact on profit before tax is R6 017 million, which was determined as the difference between the fair value of the new interest obtained and the carrying value of the equity- accounted interest in INT and after recycling the applicable amount included in the foreign currency translation reserve (FCTR) (note 8.2) to the income statement. This resulted in a decrease of R4 452 million in investments in associates (note 9.2) and an increase of R13 767 million in available-for-sale investments (note 7.2).

The transaction had no tax impact.

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2.4 Operating profit

Employee benefitsShort-term employee benefitsSalaries and wages, including non-monetary benefits and accumulated leave pay (remuneration), that are expected to be settled wholly within 12 months after the end of the period in which the employees render the related service, are recognised as a liability and are measured at the amounts expected to be paid when the liabilities are settled. Remuneration to employees in respect of services rendered during a reporting period is expensed in that reporting period.

A liability for bonuses is recognised when there is no realistic alternative other than to settle the liability, and at least one of the following conditions is met: • There is a formal plan and the amounts to be paid can be reliably estimated; or • Achievement of previously agreed bonus criteria has created a valid expectation by employees that they will receive a bonus and the amount can be reliably estimated.

Post-employment benefitsGroup companies operate various defined contribution plans. Contributions to defined contribution plans in respect of services rendered during a period are recognised as an employee benefit expense as the related service is provided. Prepaid contributions are recognised as an asset to the extent that a cash refund or a reduction in the future payments is available.

Share-based payment transactionsThe group operates a number of share incentive schemes. For further details, refer to note 8.4.

Termination benefitsTermination benefits may be payable when an employee’s employment is terminated before the normal retirement date due to retrenchment or whenever an employee accepts voluntary redundancy in exchange for these benefits.

The group recognises termination benefits at the earlier of the following dates: • When the group can no longer withdraw the offer of those benefits. • When the group recognises costs for a restructuring that is within the scope of IAS 37 Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets that includes the payment of termination benefits.

In the case of an offer made to encourage voluntary redundancy, the termination benefits are measured based on the number of employees expected to accept the offer. Benefits falling due more than 12 months after the reporting date are discounted to their present value.

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2.4 Operating profit (continued)



Staff costs (9 082) (9 152)Salaries and wages (6 929) (7 297)Post-employment benefits (362) (388)Share options granted to directors and employees (note 8.4) (193) 40Training (252) (238)Other (1 346) (1 269)The following disclosable items have been included in arriving at operating profit:Auditors’ remuneration (116) (138)Audit fees (106) (118)Fees for other services (5) (15)Expenses (5) (5)Emoluments to directors and prescribed officers (note 10.1 and 10.2) (269) (229)Operating lease rentals (13 394) (12 165)Network sites and property (13 302) (12 082)Equipment and vehicles (92) (83)

Research and development costs (8) (34)

Gain on disposal of property, plant equipment and intangible assets 8 43Impairment loss on property, plant and equipment (note 5.1) (2 518) (175)Net impairment loss on licences, software and other (note 5.2) (527) (30)Write-down of inventories to net realisable value (note 4.1) (162) (39)Impairment of trade receivables (note 4.2) (836) (459)Professional and consulting fees1 (3 484) (5 426)Loss on dilution of investment in joint venture (note 9.2) – (626)Share-based payment transaction with MTN Zakhele Futhi (note 8.1) (434) (1 008)1 Included in professional and consulting fees are professional fees incurred relating to the settlement of the Nigeria

regulatory fine amounting to R1 324 million in 2016 (note 1.5.8).

In addition, the group incurred legal and other professional consulting fees of R735 million in relation to the listing of MTN Nigeria and the MTN Zakhele Futhi transaction in 2016.

Certain of the fees relating to the listing of MTN Nigeria have been paid based on underlying agreements for which services will be rendered until the listing, which is estimated to occur within 12 months after the reporting date. Such fees are amortised over the period to listing. Fees to date have been expensed as part of other operating expenses as the fees are not considered incremental to the issuance of equity instruments. Fees incurred in the future for the issuance of new shares will be accounted for directly against equity.

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2.5 Finance income and finance costs

Finance incomeFinance income comprises interest income on funds invested, changes in the fair value of financial assets at fair value through profit or loss, net foreign exchange gains and any gains on hedging instruments that are recognised in profit or loss. Interest income is recognised as it accrues in profit or loss, using the effective interest method.

Finance costsFinance costs comprise interest expenses on borrowings, unwinding of the discount on provisions, fair value movements, net foreign exchange losses and any losses on hedging instruments that are recognised in profit or loss. All borrowing costs are recognised in profit or loss using the effective interest method, unless the borrowing costs are directly attributable to the acquisition, construction or production or qualifying assets, in which case the directly attributable borrowing costs are capitalised.



Interest income on loans and receivables 2 109 2 462Interest income on bank deposits 1 379 1 962

Finance income 3 488 4 424Interest expense on financial liabilities measured at amortised cost1 (8 400) (9 020)Net foreign exchange losses (4 355) (5 899)

Finance costs (12 755) (14 919)

Net finance costs recognised in profit or loss (9 267) (10 495)1 R1,0 billion (2016: R1,0 billion) relates to the discount unwind on the MTN Nigeria regulatory fine liability.

2.6 Loss on derecognition of long-term loan receivableWith effect from 27 December 2017 MTN Nigeria Towers SPV B.V. assigned its shareholder loan of R2 840 million to IHS Group. The shareholder loan arose as part of MTN Nigeria’s tower transactions whereby MTN Nigeria sold a portfolio of towers to INT Towers (Nigeria) (INT) in 2014 and 2015 which, through Nigeria Tower Interco B.V., was 51% owned by MTN Nigeria Towers SPV B.V. and 49% by IHS Group. When forming INT, MTN Group (through MTN Nigeria Towers SPV B.V.) as well as IHS, provided proportionate shareholder loans to INT. These loans were subordinated and due for repayment in 2024 and 2025 with interest capitalised until two years prior to repayment. In return for the assignment of the loan, IHS has facilitated certain network volume commitments and provided more attractive terms for MTN Nigeria’s future network rollout, applicable from 2018 onwards.

The cash flow benefits to be realised from the improved commercial terms of the future rollout have not been capitalised as a prepayment and will be accounted for as and when they are realised. This is due to MTN contractually not controlling the realisation of the future economic benefits referred to above. However, the group believes it will obtain economic benefits through IHS being incentivised economically to transact with MTN under the current master services agreement.

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2.7 Earnings per ordinary share

Basic earnings per shareEarnings per share is calculated using the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the period and is based on the profit after tax attributable to ordinary shareholders. For the purpose of calculating earnings per share, treasury shares are deducted from the number of ordinary shares in issue.

Diluted earnings per share is calculated by adjusting the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding to assume conversion of all dilutive potential ordinary shares and is based on the net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders, adjusted for the after-tax dilutive effect. The company has dilutive potential ordinary shares which comprise share options and share rights issued in terms of the group’s share schemes, performance share plan and the MTN Zakhele Futhi transaction (note 8.1).

Headline earnings per share Headline earnings per share is calculated using the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the period and is based on the earnings attributable to ordinary shareholders, after excluding those items as required by Circular 2/2015 issued by the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA).



Weighted average number of shares (excluding treasury shares) for calculation of basic earnings per share 1 797 414 1 819 974Adjusted for:– Share options – MTN Zakhele Futhi 28 536 42 509– Share appreciation rights 32 75– Performance share plan 3 028 967– Employee share ownership plan 5 –

Weighted average number of shares for calculation of diluted earnings per share 1 829 015 1 863 525

Refer to note 8.1 for a reconciliation of total shares in issue.

During 2016, the group implemented a new BBBEE transaction, structured through MTN  Zakhele Futhi (RF) Limited (MTN Zakhele Futhi) (note 8.1). The shares held by MTN Zakhele Futhi, although legally issued, are not deemed to be issued in terms of IFRS as the MTN Zakhele Futhi transaction has the substance of an option. As at 31 December 2016, 42 508 806 potential ordinary shares held by MTN Zakhele Futhi were not included in the calculation of diluted loss per share as they are antidilutive. In addition, as at 31 December 2016, 1 042 243 potential ordinary shares in the form of share options and share rights issued in terms of the group’s share schemes and performance share plan were excluded from the calculation of diluted loss per share due to being antidilutive.

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for the year ended 31 December 2017


2.7 Earnings per ordinary share (continued)

Reconciliation between net profit/(loss) attributable to the equity holders of the company and headline earnings/(loss):

2017 2016Gross





Profit/(loss) after tax 4 414 (2 614)Adjusted for:(Profit)/loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment (11) (15) (1) 4– Subsidiaries (IAS 16) (8) (13) 4 8– Joint ventures (IAS 28) (3) (2) (5) (4)Profit on disposal of intangible assets – – (47) (59)– Subsidiaries (IAS 38) – – (47) (59)Impairment of goodwill (IAS 36) 2 631 2 631 873 873Net impairment loss on property, plant and equipment and intangible assets (IAS 36) 3 045 2 319 205 199Net (gain)/loss on dilution of investment in joint venture (IAS 28) (28) (28) 349 349Realisation of deferred gain on disposal of non-current assets held for sale (IFRS 5) (27) (27) (31) (31)Profit on disposal of subsidiary (IFRS 10) – – (130) (130)Profit on derecognition of equity-accounted investment (IAS 28) (6 017) (6 017) – –

Headline earnings/(loss) 3 277 (1 409)

2017 2016

Earnings/(loss) per ordinary share (cents)– Basic 246 (144) – Basic headline 182 (77) – Diluted 241 (144)– Diluted headline 179 (77)1 Amounts are measured after taking into account non-controlling interests and tax.

Headline earnings/(loss) is calculated in accordance with the circular titled ‘Headline Earnings’  as issued by the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants, as amended from time to time and as required by the JSE Limited.

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for the year ended 31 December 2017


2.8 Cash generated from operations



Profit before tax 9 555 5 243Adjusted for:Finance costs (note 2.5) 12 755 14 919Finance income (note 2.5) (3 488) (4 424)Depreciation of property, plant and equipment (note 5.1) 19 277 20 988Amortisation of intangible assets (note 5.2) 4 490 4 748Gain on disposal of property, plant, equipment and intangible assets (note 2.4) (8) (43)Loss on disposal of joint venture (note 9.2) – 626Gain on disposal of subsidiary – (130)Gain on dilution of investment in joint venture (note 2.3) (28) (277)Share of results of associates and joint ventures after tax (note 9.2) (841) 127Increase/(decrease) in provisions 982 (5 674)Write-down of inventories (note 4.1) 162 39Impairment of goodwill (note 5.2) 2 631 873Impairment loss on property, plant and equipment (note 5.1) 2 518 175Net impairment loss on licences, software and other (note 5.2) 527 30Impairment of trade receivables (note 4.2) 836 459Realisation of previously deferred gain on Ghana tower sale (note 2.3) (27) (31)Share-based payment transactions (note 8.4) 193 (40)Net monetary gain (264) (1 723)Share-based payment transaction with MTN Zakhele Futhi (note 8.1) 434 1 008Gain on exercise of exchange right of IHS (note 2.3) (6 017) –Loss on derecognition of long-term loan receivable (note 2.6) 2 840 –Gain on modification of financial liabilities (note 2.3) (323) –Other (299) (44)

45 905 36 849Changes in working capital (7 421) 18 832Decrease in inventories 485 1 119Decrease in unearned income (23) (423)(Increase)/decrease in receivables and prepayments (2 301) 4 032(Decrease)/increase in trade and other payables (5 582) 14 104

Cash generated from operations 38 484 55 681

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for the year ended 31 December 2017


2.9 Reconciliation of cash flows arising from financing activities related to borrowings


Borrowings at the beginning of the year 86 954– Current 19 635– Non-current 67 319Cash flows (5 147)– Proceeds from borrowings raised 23 287– Repayment of borrowings (24 606)– Interest paid on borrowings (3 828)Non-cash flow movements (2 159)Effects of changes in foreign exchange rates (6 300)Interest accrued 4 156Other non-cash movements (15)Borrowings at the end of the year 79 648Comprising:– Current 9 081– Non-current 70 567

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for the year ended 31 December 2017

3 TAXATION3.1 Income tax expense

The tax expense for the period comprises current, deferred and withholding tax. Tax is recognised in profit or loss, except to the extent that it relates to items recognised in other comprehensive income or items recognised directly in equity. For these items the tax is also recognised in other comprehensive income or directly in equity, respectively.

Current taxCurrent tax is the expected tax payable on taxable income for the year, using tax rates enacted or substantively enacted at the reporting date in the countries where the company and its subsidiaries operate and generate taxable income, and any adjustment to tax payable in respect of previous years. Management periodically evaluates positions taken in tax returns with respect to situations in which applicable tax regulations are subject to interpretation and establishes provisions where appropriate on the basis of amounts expected to be paid to the tax authorities.

Deferred taxDeferred tax is recognised using the liability method, providing for temporary differences arising between the tax bases of assets and liabilities and their carrying amounts in the consolidated financial statements for financial reporting purposes. Deferred tax is not recognised if the temporary difference arises from goodwill or from the initial recognition of an asset or liability in a transaction (other than a business combination) that at the time of the transaction affects neither accounting nor taxable profit or loss. Deferred tax is measured at tax rates (and laws) that have been enacted or substantively enacted at the reporting date and are expected to apply to temporary differences when they reverse.

Deferred tax is not provided on temporary differences arising on investments in subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures where the timing of the reversal of the temporary differences is controlled by the group and it is probable that the temporary difference will not reverse in the foreseeable future.

A deferred tax asset is recognised for unused tax losses or deductible temporary differences only to the extent that it is probable that future taxable profit will be available against which the temporary differences can be utilised. Deferred tax assets are reviewed at each reporting date and are reduced to the extent that it is no longer probable that the related tax benefit will be realised.

As the functional currencies of MTN South Sudan Company Limited and MTN Syria (JSC) are currencies of hyperinflationary economies, deferred tax relating to these subsidiaries is recognised using the liability method, providing for temporary differences arising between the tax bases of assets and liabilities and their restated carrying amounts.

Withholding taxWithholding tax is payable at different rates varying between 0% and 25% on amounts paid to the group companies by certain of their subsidiaries as dividends, interest and management fees.



Analysis of income tax expense for the yearNormal tax (4 990) (8 427)Current year (4 845) (8 648)Adjustments in respect of the prior year (145) 221Deferred tax (note 3.2) 845 1 115Current year 719 806Adjustments in respect of the prior year 126 309Foreign income and withholding taxes (869) (1 034)

(5 014) (8 346)

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for the year ended 31 December 2017

3 TAXATION (continued)

3.1 Income tax expense (continued)

The table below explains the differences between the expected tax expense on continuing operations, at the South African statutory rate of 28% and the group’s total tax expense for each year.

The group’s effective tax rate is reconciled to the South African statutory rate as follows:



Tax rate reconciliationTax at statutory tax rate 28 28Expenses not allowed 50,75 129,81Nigeria regulatory fine and related expenses1 4,53 63,47Sudan non-deductible expenses 10,98 22,21MTN Zakhele Futhi share-based payment expense 1,27 5,38Assessed loss on which deferred tax was not recognised 2,78 12,07Disallowed interest expenses 2,56 5,87Goodwill impairment 7,71 4,66Controlled foreign company legislation imputation 1,90 4,88Loss on derecognition of long-term loan receivable 8,32 –Other 10,70 11,27Effect of different tax rates in other countries (7,23) (9,39)Income not subject to tax (19,27) (5,14)Exempt income (1,13) (5,40)Tower sales income – non-taxable – 0,34Gain on exchange right exercised (18,14) –Profit on sale of shares/towers/assets – (0,08)Share of results of associates and joint ventures (2,46) 0,68Foreign income and withholding taxes 9,09 19,73Other (6,40) (4,50)

Effective tax rate 52,48 159,191 This line item includes unwinding interest on the Nigeria fine liability and the amortisation of fees related to the

listing of MTN Nigeria (note 1.5.8 and note 2.4).

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for the year ended 31 December 2017

3 TAXATION (continued)

3.1 Income tax expense (continued)

The following are the corporate tax rates applicable to the various jurisdictions in which the group operates:

Corporate tax rate




Afghanistan 20 20Benin1 30 30Cameroon 33 33Congo2 15 30Ivory Coast 30 30Cyprus 12,5 12,5Ethiopia 30 30Ghana 25 25Guinea-Bissau 25 25Guinea 35 35Kenya 30 30Liberia 25 25Namibia 32 32Netherlands 25 25Nigeria 30 30Rwanda 30 30South Africa 28 28South Sudan 20 20Sudan 5 5Syria 14 14Uganda 30 30Yemen 50 50Zambia 40 401 The entity was granted a tax holiday until 31 December 2016.2 The entity was granted a tax holiday until April 2016. From April 2016 the entity was granted a 50% reduction on its

corporate tax rate as a result of its investment agreement with the government. In terms of this agreement, the reduction in the corporate tax rate is valid for five years.

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for the year ended 31 December 2017

3 TAXATION (continued)

3.2 Deferred taxesDeferred tax is accounted for in accordance with the accounting policy disclosed in note 3.1.

1 January 2016


Recognised in profit

or lossRm

Recognised in other



Exchange and other



31 December2016


Recognisedin profit

or lossRm

Recognised in other



Exchangeand other



31 December2017


Provisions 770 822 – (84) 1 508 338 – 74 1 920Tax loss carried forward 352 (138) – 5 219 189 – (7) 401Arising due to fair value adjustments on business combinations/revaluations (1 164) (178) – 28 (1 314) 35 – (129) (1 408)Working capital allowances 162 260 – 455 877 493 – 46 1 416Tax allowances in excess of depreciation (12 368) (280) – 3 650 (8 998) (998) – 1 521 (8 475)Losses on net investment – – 797 – 797 – (6) – 791Other temporary differences (251) 629 – (1 419) (1 041) 788 – (352) (605)

Net deferred tax liability (12 499) 1 115 797 2 635 (7 952) 845 (6) 1 153 (5 960)

Comprising:Deferred tax assets 542 1 107 1 593Deferred tax liabilities (13 041) (9 059) (7 553)

(12 499) (7 952) (5 960)1 Including the effect of hyperinflation.

There were deductible temporary differences and unused tax losses of R5 065 million (2016: R4 115 million) for which no deferred tax asset has been recognised in the statement of financial position in the current or prior year.

3.3 Income tax paid



At the beginning of the year (2 194) (8 682)Amount recognised in profit or loss (note 3.1) (5 014) (8 346)Deferred tax charge (note 3.1) (845) (1 115)Effect of movements in exchange rates 322 3 177Other1 549 1 068At the end of the year (414) 2 194Taxation prepaid (2 736) (2 019)Taxation liabilities 2 322 4 213

Total tax paid (7 596) (11 704)1 Mainly comprises tax credits relating to withholding tax.

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for the year ended 31 December 2017

3 TAXATION (continued)

3.2 Deferred taxesDeferred tax is accounted for in accordance with the accounting policy disclosed in note 3.1.

1 January 2016


Recognised in profit

or lossRm

Recognised in other



Exchange and other



31 December2016


Recognisedin profit

or lossRm

Recognised in other



Exchangeand other



31 December2017


Provisions 770 822 – (84) 1 508 338 – 74 1 920Tax loss carried forward 352 (138) – 5 219 189 – (7) 401Arising due to fair value adjustments on business combinations/revaluations (1 164) (178) – 28 (1 314) 35 – (129) (1 408)Working capital allowances 162 260 – 455 877 493 – 46 1 416Tax allowances in excess of depreciation (12 368) (280) – 3 650 (8 998) (998) – 1 521 (8 475)Losses on net investment – – 797 – 797 – (6) – 791Other temporary differences (251) 629 – (1 419) (1 041) 788 – (352) (605)

Net deferred tax liability (12 499) 1 115 797 2 635 (7 952) 845 (6) 1 153 (5 960)

Comprising:Deferred tax assets 542 1 107 1 593Deferred tax liabilities (13 041) (9 059) (7 553)

(12 499) (7 952) (5 960)1 Including the effect of hyperinflation.

There were deductible temporary differences and unused tax losses of R5 065 million (2016: R4 115 million) for which no deferred tax asset has been recognised in the statement of financial position in the current or prior year.

3.3 Income tax paid



At the beginning of the year (2 194) (8 682)Amount recognised in profit or loss (note 3.1) (5 014) (8 346)Deferred tax charge (note 3.1) (845) (1 115)Effect of movements in exchange rates 322 3 177Other1 549 1 068At the end of the year (414) 2 194Taxation prepaid (2 736) (2 019)Taxation liabilities 2 322 4 213

Total tax paid (7 596) (11 704)1 Mainly comprises tax credits relating to withholding tax.

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for the year ended 31 December 2017

4 WORKING CAPITAL4.1 Inventories

Inventories mainly comprise handsets, SIM cards, accessories held for sale and consumable items.

Inventories are measured at the lower of cost and net realisable value. The cost of inventory is determined using the weighted average method. Cost comprises direct materials and, where applicable, overheads that have been incurred in bringing the inventories to their present location and condition. Net realisable value represents the estimated selling price in the ordinary course of business, less applicable variable selling expenses.

As the functional currencies of MTN South Sudan Limited and MTN Syria (JSC) are the currencies of hyperinflationary economies, inventories relating to these subsidiaries are measured at the lower of the restated cost and net realisable value.



Finished goods – at cost 3 840 5 053Handsets 2 658 3 110SIM cards and accessories 1 182 1 943Consumables 61 71Less: Write-down to net realisable value1 (901) (1 152)

3 000 3 972¹ The write-down of inventories to net realisable value mainly relates to handsets.

Scancom Limited (MTN Ghana) has secured facilities through the pledge of its inventories amounting to R56 million (2016: R227 million) (note 6.1).

Reconciliation of write-down of finished goods

At thebeginning

of the year





Exchange and other


At the end

of the year


2017Movement in write-down (1 152) (297) 135 376 37 (901)

2016Movement in write-down (1 190) (303) 264 58 19 (1 152)1 A net write-down on inventories of R162 million (2016: R39 million) was recognised in the current year. This amount

is included in other operating expenses in profit or loss (note 2.4).

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for the year ended 31 December 2017

4 WORKING CAPITAL (continued)

4.2 Trade and other receivables

Trade receivables are amounts due from customers for merchandise sold or services rendered in the ordinary course of business and are accounted for as loans and receivables in accordance with the accounting policy disclosed in note 7.1.

Prepayments and other receivables are stated at their nominal values.

As the functional currencies of MTN South Sudan Limited and MTN Syria (JSC) are currencies of hyperinflationary economies, prepayments relating to these subsidiaries are restated by applying the change in the general price indices from the date of payment to the current reporting date.



Trade receivables (note 7.1.4) 19 402 19 828Less: Allowance for impairment of trade receivables (note 7.1.4) (2 753) (2 538)Net trade receivables 16 649 17 290Loan to Irancell Telecommunication Company Services (PJSC)1 2 071 1 954Receivable from Irancell Telecommunication Company Services (PJSC)2 3 355 9 930Prepayments and other receivables3 3 085 4 188Sundry debtors and advances4 4 862 4 001

30 022 37 363¹ This balance relates to a loan receivable from Irancell and attracts interest at 12% per annum. The loan was due in

a bullet payment on 30 September 2017 but remains outstanding at year-end, and engagements on repatriation are ongoing with the Organisation for Investment, Economic and Technical Assistance of Iran (OIETAI) and the Central Bank of Iran (CBI).

² With effect from 25 August 2015, MTN Mauritius and Irancell agreed for the unpaid dividends to bear interest at 8% per annum. R6 509 million of the outstanding balance was received during the current financial year.

³ Prepayments and other receivables include prepayments for base transceiver station (BTS) sites and other property leases.

⁴ Sundry debtors and advances include advances to suppliers.

An impairment loss of R836 million (2016: R459 million) was incurred in the current year. This amount is included in other operating expenses in profit or loss (note 2.4).

Scancom Limited (MTN Ghana) has secured facilities through the pledge of its trade and other receivables amounting to R1 055 million (2016: R1 047 million) (note 6.1).

The group does not hold any collateral for trade and other receivables.

The group’s exposure to credit and currency risk relating to trade and other receivables is disclosed in note 7.1.

4.3 Restricted cashRestricted cash comprises short-term deposits that are not highly liquid and are accounted for as loans and receivables in accordance with the accounting policy disclosed in note 7.1.



Restricted cash deposits 2 376 1 020

Restricted cash deposits include amounts of R182 million (2016: R55 million) and R1 427 million (2016: R757 million) relating to the Syrian and Nigerian operations respectively, which are not available for use by the group.

In respect of Syria, this was due to exchange control regulations and deposits required to secure letters of credit. The restricted cash balance is considered to represent excess cash not required for payment of Syrian pound denominated liabilities.

Other restricted cash deposits (mainly relating to MTN Nigeria) consist of funds placed on deposit to secure letters of credit, which were undrawn and not freely available at the reporting date. Restricted cash balances in MTN Nigeria also consisted of R17 million at 31 December 2017 (2016: R392 million), retained in an escrow account, relating to the acquisition of Visafone Communications Limited in 2015.

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for the year ended 31 December 2017

4 WORKING CAPITAL (continued)

4.4 Cash and cash equivalents

Cash and cash equivalents are accounted for as loans and receivables and bank overdrafts are accounted for as financial liabilities in accordance with the accounting policy disclosed in note 7.1.

Cash and cash equivalents comprise cash on hand and deposits held on call, all of which are available for use by the group. Bank overdrafts are included within current liabilities on the statement of financial position, unless the group has a current legally enforceable right to set off the amounts and intends to settle on a net basis, or realise the asset and settle the liability simultaneously, in which case it is netted off against cash and cash equivalents on the statement of financial position.

For the purposes of the statement of cash flows, cash and cash equivalents comprise the following:



Cash at bank and on hand 16 009 27 375Bank overdrafts (72) –

Net cash and cash equivalents 15 937 27 375

Scancom Limited (MTN Ghana) has secured facilities through the pledge of its cash and cash equivalents amounting to R542 million (2016: R487 million) (refer to note 6.1).

4.5 Trade and other payables

Trade payables, sundry creditors and accrued expenses are obligations to pay for goods or services that have been acquired in the ordinary course of business from suppliers. They are accounted for as financial liabilities in accordance with the accounting policy disclosed in note 7.1.

Other payables are stated at their nominal values.



Trade payables 11 126 16 186Sundry creditors 3 674 3 447Accrued expenses1 21 999 19 866Nigeria regulatory fine2 3 481 1 311Other payables3 5 438 4 332

45 718 45 1421 Includes accruals for operating expenses, inventories and capital expenditure for which supplier invoices are

outstanding at year-end.2 The accrual for the Nigeria regulatory fine comprises N110 billion (2016: N30 billion) discounted at 14,71% per

annum and translated at the 31 December 2017 closing rate of R1 = N29,05 (2016: R1 = N22,81). The amount of N110 billion is payable in two instalments of N55 billion on 31 March 2018 and 31 December 2018 (note 1.5.8).

3 Includes dealer commissions, withholding taxes and VAT payable.

MTN Benin frequency feesOn 30 March 2017, the government of Benin issued MTN Benin frequency fees invoices for an  amount equivalent to approximately US$213 million for the period March 2016 to December 2017. MTN Benin’s licence agreement provides that frequency fees should take into account regional benchmarks, international practices and the local economy. MTN Benin has contested this amount on the basis that, inter alia, the amount is excessive, which has been confirmed by an independent benchmark report commissioned in terms of MTN Benin’s licence. MTN Benin will continue to engage with the regulatory authorities in Benin to find an amicable solution to this matter.

The group has recognised a contractual liability in respect of this matter based on the independent benchmark report commissioned.

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Notes to the group financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017

5 INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENTS5.1 Property, plant and equipment

Property, plant and equipment are measured at historical cost less accumulated depreciation and impairment losses. Property, plant and equipment acquired through business combinations are initially shown at fair value (based on replacement cost) and are subsequently carried at the initially determined fair value less accumulated depreciation and impairment losses.

Property, plant and equipment under construction (capital work in progress) are measured at initial cost and depreciation commences from the date the assets are transferred to an appropriate category of property, plant and equipment, i.e. when commissioned and ready for their intended use. Purchased software that is integral to the functionality of the related equipment is capitalised as part of the equipment. The group capitalises general and specific borrowing costs directly attributable to the acquisition, construction or production of a qualifying asset as part of the cost of that asset. Other borrowing costs are expensed in profit or loss.

The present value of the expected cost for the decommissioning of an asset after its use is included in the cost of the respective asset if the recognition criteria for a provision are met. Refer to provisions (note 6.3) for further information about the recognised decommissioning provision and the accounting judgements, estimates and assumptions made.

In circumstances whereby the group enters into an exchange transaction, the group determines whether such an exchange has commercial substance. Property, plant and equipment acquired in an exchange transaction are measured at fair value unless the exchange transaction lacks commercial substance or the fair value of neither the asset received nor the asset given up is reliably measurable. If the acquired item is not measured at fair value, its cost is measured at the carrying amount of the asset given up. Any consideration paid or payable is included in the cost of the asset received. Property, plant and equipment received for no consideration are accounted for at zero value.

As the functional currencies of MTN South Sudan Company Limited and MTN Syria (JSC) are currencies of hyperinflationary economies, property, plant and equipment relating to these subsidiaries are restated by applying the change in the general price indices from the date of acquisition to the current reporting date.

When parts of an item of property, plant and equipment have different useful lives, they are accounted for as separate items (major components) of property, plant and equipment.

Depreciation is calculated on a straight-line basis to write off the cost of the assets to their residual values over their estimated useful lives. Depreciation relating to the property, plant and equipment of MTN South Sudan Company Limited and MTN Syria (JSC) is based on the restated amounts, which have been adjusted for the effects of hyperinflation.

Useful lives and residual values are reviewed on an annual basis and the effect of any changes in estimate is accounted for on a prospective basis.

In determining residual values, the group uses historical sales and management’s best estimate based on market prices of similar items.

Useful lives of property, plant and equipment are based on management estimates and take into account historical experience with similar assets, the expected usage of the asset, physical wear and tear, technical or commercial obsolescence and legal restrictions on the use of the assets.

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Notes to the group financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017

5 INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENTS5.1 Property, plant and equipment (continued)

The estimated useful lives of property, plant and equipment are as follows:



Buildings – owned 5 – 50 5 – 50Buildings – leased 1 – 20 1 – 20Network infrastructure 2 – 20 2 – 20Information systems equipment 1 – 10 1 – 10Furniture and fittings 3 – 15 3 – 15Leasehold improvements 2 – 15 2 – 15Office equipment 2 – 12 2 – 12Motor vehicles 3 – 10 3 – 10

Land is not depreciated. Assets held under finance leases are depreciated over their expected useful lives on the same basis as owned assets or, where shorter, the expected term of the relevant lease.

Subsequent costs are included in the asset’s carrying amount or recognised as a separate asset, only when it is probable that future economic benefits associated with the item will flow to the group and the cost of the item can be measured reliably. The carrying amount of the replaced part is derecognised. Repairs and maintenance costs are included in profit or loss during the financial period in which they are incurred. The gain or loss arising on the disposal or retirement of an asset is included in profit or loss.

ImpairmentAn impairment loss is recognised in profit or loss if the carrying amount of an asset or a CGU exceeds its estimated recoverable amount. For the purpose of impairment testing, assets are grouped together into CGUs. The recoverable amount of an asset or CGU is the greater of its value in use and its fair value less costs of disposal. In assessing value in use, the estimated future cash flows are discounted to their present value using a pre-tax discount rate that reflects current market assessments of the time value of money and the  risks specific to the asset. Goodwill arising from business combinations is allocated to CGUs or the group of CGUs that are expected to benefit from the synergies of the combination.

Impairment losses recognised in respect of CGUs are allocated first to reduce the carrying amount of any goodwill allocated to the units, and then to reduce the carrying amounts of the other assets in the unit (group of units) on a pro rata basis.

An impairment loss is subsequently reversed only to the extent that the asset or CGU’s carrying amount does not exceed the carrying amount that would have been determined had no impairment loss been recognised. A reversal of an impairment loss is recognised immediately in profit or loss.

The group annually reviews the carrying amounts of its property, plant and equipment in order to determine whether there is any indication of impairment. If any such indication exists, the recoverable amounts of the assets are estimated in order to determine the extent, if any, of the impairment loss.

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Notes to the group financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017


5.1 Property, plant and equipment (continued)

Land and







Information systems, furniture

and office equipment


Capital work in




RmCarrying amount at 1 January 2016 7 038 1 433 80 787 4 222 12 683 539 106 702Acquisitions throughbusiness combinations – – 157 – 1 – 158Additions 186 62 13 383 1 630 16 593 83 31 937Disposals – (1) (205) (6) (63) (34) (309)Reallocations3 226 137 13 567 1 033 (15 358) 40 (355)Depreciation for the year (449) (298) (17 871) (1 840) (334) (196) (20 988)Impairment loss – (9) (147) (6) (12) (1) (175)Other movements (10) (4) 234 (64) 19 (2) 173Effect of movements in exchange rates4 (765) (244) (17 025) (897) (2 466) (113) (21 510)

Carrying amount at 31 December 2016 6 226 1 076 72 880 4 072 11 063 316 95 633

Comprising:Cost 9 021 3 194 159 615 13 244 12 444 971 198 489Accumulated depreciation and impairment losses (2 795) (2 118) (86 735) (9 172) (1 381) (655) (102 856)

6 226 1 076 72 880 4 072 11 063 316 95 633

Carrying amount at 1 January 2017 6 226 1 076 72 880 4 072 11 063 316 95 633Additions 474 165 16 520 1 317 9 423 105 28 004Disposals – (2) (105) (3) (38) – (148)Reallocations 166 391 8 331 551 (9 729) 88 (202)Depreciation for the year (417) (256) (16 471) (1 663) (314) (156) (19 277)Impairment loss (49) (11) (1 673) (40) (742) (3) (2 518)Other movements – 1 4 8 130 6 149Effect of movements in exchange rates4 (307) (81) (7 949) (342) (1 144) (32) (9 855)

Carrying amount at 31 December 2017 6 093 1 283 71 537 3 900 8 649 324 91 786

Comprising:Cost 9 136 3 459 160 983 13 359 10 701 955 198 593Accumulated depreciation and impairment losses (3 043) (2 176) (89 446) (9 459) (2 052) (631) (106 807)

6 093 1 283 71 537 3 900 8 649 324 91 7861 Included in land and buildings are leased assets with a carrying amount of R128 million (2016: R144 million).2 Included in vehicles are leased assets with a carrying amount of R47 million (2016: R60 million).3 Reallocations in 2016 include an amount of R69 million relating to property, plant and equipment reallocated to

non-current assets held for sale which were disposed of in 2016.4 Includes the effect of hyperinflation.

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Notes to the group financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017


5.1 Property, plant and equipment (continued)

5.1.1 Impairment lossThe following entities recognised impairment losses/(reversals) in other operating expenses in profit or loss:



MTN Nigeria Communications Limited (31) 4MTN South Sudan Limited 16 139MTN Afghanistan Limited 21 –MTN Sudan Company Limited 1 518 –MTN Syria (JSC) 994 –MTN Yemen – 32

2 518 175

MTN Sudan was operating in a hyperinflationary economy up to 30 June 2016 while MTN Syria (JSC) continues to operate in a hyperinflationary economy. Hyperinflation accounting resulted in the write up of non-monetary assets and a resulting increase in the carrying value of these operations. The value in use of these assets did not exceed the hyperinflated carrying values resulting in the non-monetary assets being impaired, as the goodwill relating to MTN Sudan Company Limited and MTN Syria (JSC) was fully impaired. Further information is disclosed in note 5.2.1.

5.1.2 Leased property, plant and equipmentThe group leases various premises and sites which have varying terms, escalation clauses and renewal rights. The carrying amount of the leased items of property, plant and equipment is disclosed in note 5.1.

Finance lease commitments are disclosed in note 6.6.

5.1.3 Capital work in progressThere are various capital work in progress projects under way within the group, a summary of which is set out below:



Mobile Telephone Networks Proprietary Limited (South Africa) 151 800Scancom Limited (Ghana) 676 833MTN Sudan Company Limited 9 767MTN Nigeria Communications Limited 519 620Areeba Guinea S.A. 111 122MTN Côte d’Ivoire S.A. 100 132Spacetel Benin S.A. 158 259MTN (Dubai) Limited 168 205MTN Yemen 186 312MTN Syria (JSC) 873 1 266MTN Congo S.A. 315 263MTN Cameroon Limited 728 456Lonestar Communications Corporation LLC 153 107MTN Zambia Limited1 80 50MTN Uganda Limited1 103 16MTN Cyprus Limited1 53 25Spacetel Guinea-Bissau S.A.1 15 90Other 128 143

4 526 6 4661 Previously included in other.

64 MTN Group Limited Financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2017

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Notes to the group financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017


5.1 Property, plant and equipment (continued)

5.1.4 Changes in estimatesThere were no material changes in the depreciation method, residual values or useful lives for any of the categories of property, plant and equipment during the current or prior year.

5.1.5 EncumbrancesBorrowings (note 6.1) are secured by various categories of property, plant and equipment with the following carrying amounts:



Scancom Limited (Ghana) 6 226 5 973MTN Sudan Company Limited 1 325 4 786MTN Congo S.A. – 4

7 551 10 763

5.2 Intangible assets and goodwill

GoodwillGoodwill is measured at cost less accumulated impairment losses and is not amortised but tested for impairment annually.

As the functional currencies of MTN South Sudan Company Limited and MTN Syria (JSC) are currencies of hyperinflationary economies, goodwill relating to these subsidiaries is restated by applying the change in the general price indices from the date of acquisition to the current reporting date.

Goodwill arising on the acquisition of subsidiaries is included in intangible assets. Goodwill arising on the acquisition of an associate or joint venture is included in ‘Investment in associates and joint ventures’, and is tested for impairment as part of the overall balance.

Gains or losses on the disposal of an entity include the carrying amount of goodwill allocated to the entity sold.

The group annually reviews the carrying amounts of intangible assets with indefinite useful lives for impairments. The recoverable amounts of the assets are estimated in order to determine the extent, if any, of the impairment loss.

Intangible assets with finite useful livesThe group’s intangible assets with finite useful lives are as follows: • Licences; • Customer relationships; • Computer software; and • Other intangible assets.

Intangible assets with finite useful lives are measured at historical cost less accumulated amortisation and impairment losses. Intangible assets acquired through business combinations are initially shown at fair value and are subsequently carried at the initially determined fair value less accumulated amortisation and impairment losses. The initial cost incurred in respect of licences is capitalised. Contingent licence fees are expensed as they are incurred.

As the functional currencies of MTN South Sudan Company Limited and MTN Syria (JSC) are currencies of hyperinflationary economies, intangible assets relating to these subsidiaries are restated by applying the change in the general price indices from the date of acquisition to the current reporting date.

Amortisation is calculated on a straight-line basis to write off the cost of intangible assets over their estimated useful lives. Amortisation relating to MTN South Sudan Company Limited and MTN Syria (JSC) is based on the restated amounts, which have been adjusted for the effects of hyperinflation.

Useful lives are reviewed on an annual basis with the effects of any changes in estimate accounted for on a prospective basis. The residual values of intangible assets are assumed to be zero.

MTN Group Limited Financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2017 65

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Notes to the group financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017


5.2 Intangible assets and goodwill (continued)

Intangible assets with finite useful lives (continued)

The bases for determining the useful lives for the various categories of intangible assets is as follows:

LicencesThe useful lives are determined primarily with reference to the unexpired licence period.

Customer relationshipsThe useful life principally reflects management’s view of the average economic life of the customer base and is assessed by reference to factors such as customer churn rates. An increase in churn rates may lead to a reduction in the estimated useful life.

SoftwareThe useful life is determined with reference to the licence term of the computer software. For unique software products controlled by the group, the useful life is based on historical experience with similar assets as well as anticipation of future events such as technological changes, which may impact the useful life.

Other intangible assetsUseful lives are based on management’s estimates and take into account historical experience as well as future events which may impact the useful lives.

The estimated useful lives of intangible assets with finite useful lives are as follows:



Licences 3 – 20 3 – 20Customer relationships 5 – 10 5 – 10Software 3 – 6 3 – 6Other intangible assets 3 – 10 3 – 10

The gain or loss arising on the disposal or retirement of an intangible asset is included in profit or loss.

Development costs that are directly attributable to the design and testing of identifiable and unique software products controlled by the group are recognised as intangible assets when the following criteria are met: • it is technically feasible to complete the software so that it will be available for use; • management intends to complete the software and use or sell it; • there is an ability to use or sell the software; • it can be demonstrated how the software will generate probable future economic benefits; • adequate technical, financial and other resources to complete the development and to use or sell the software are available; and

• the expenditure attributable to the software during its development can be reliably measured.

Directly attributable costs that are capitalised as part of the software include employee costs and an appropriate portion of relevant overheads. Capitalised development costs are recorded as intangible assets and amortised from the point at which the asset is ready for use.

Costs associated with maintaining software programs are recognised as an expense as incurred. Research and development expenditure that does not meet the criteria above is recognised as an expense as incurred. Development costs previously recognised as an expense are not recognised as an asset in a subsequent period.

Expenditure that enhances or extends the performance of intangible assets beyond their original specifications is recognised as a capital improvement and capitalised to the original cost of the assets. Expenditure on research activities is recognised as an expense in the period in which it is incurred.

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Notes to the group financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017


5.2 Intangible assets and goodwill (continued)

Determination of fair valuesThe fair value of customer relationships acquired in a business combination is determined using the multi-period excess earnings method, whereby the subject asset is valued after deducting a fair return on all other assets that are part of creating the related cash flows.

The fair value of patents and trademarks acquired in a business combination is based on the discounted estimated royalty payments that have been avoided as a result of the patent or trademark being owned.

The fair values of all other intangible assets acquired in a business combination applicable to the group are based on the discounted cash flows expected to be derived from the use and eventual sale of the assets.

ImpairmentAn impairment loss is recognised in profit or loss if the carrying amount of an asset or a CGU exceeds its estimated recoverable amount. For the purpose of impairment testing, assets are grouped together into CGUs. The recoverable amount of an asset or CGU is the higher of its value in use and its fair value less costs of disposal. In assessing value in use, the estimated future cash flows are discounted to their present value using a pre-tax discount rate that reflects current market assessments of the time value of money and the risks specific to the asset.

Impairment losses recognised in respect of CGUs are allocated first to reduce the carrying amount of any goodwill allocated to the units and then to reduce the carrying amounts of the other assets in the unit (group of units) on a pro rata basis.

An impairment loss is subsequently reversed only to the extent that the asset or CGU’s carrying amount does not exceed the carrying amount that would have been determined had no impairment loss been recognised. A reversal of an impairment loss is recognised immediately in profit or loss.

An impairment loss in respect of goodwill is not reversed.

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Notes to the group financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017


5.2 Intangible assets and goodwill (continued)










Capitalwork in



Carrying amount at1 January 2016 27 231 19 100 664 8 169 484 239 55 887Additions2, 5 – 3 298 12 1 867 7 1 305 6 489Acquisitions throughbusiness combinations 229 – 455 1 – – 685Disposals (117) (15) – – – – (132)Reallocations4 – (37) (49) 957 (205) (634) 32Amortisation for the year – (1 798) (206) (2 733) (11) – (4 748)Impairment loss (873) – – (30) – – (903)Other movements 49 (169) 9 262 (9) (7) 135Effect of movements in exchange rates3 (4 451) (5 564) (2) (892) (16) (47) (10 972)Carrying amount at31 December 2016 22 068 14 815 883 7 601 250 856 46 473Comprising:Cost 25 478 23 746 1 341 17 949 5 413 856 74 783Accumulated amortisation and impairment losses (3 410) (8 931) (458) (10 348) (5 163) – (28 310)

22 068 14 815 883 7 601 250 856 46 473

Carrying amount at1 January 2017 22 068 14 815 883 7 601 250 856 46 473Additions2, 5 – 699 – 2 197 9 1 260 4 165Disposals – – – – – – –Reallocations – 105 – 1 355 – (1 258) 202Amortisation for the year – (1 703) (205) (2 579) (3) – (4 490)(Impairment loss)/impairment loss reversal6 (2 631) (533) – (17) 23 – (3 158)Other movements – – – – (25) 1 (24)Effect of movements in exchange rates3 (2 799) (1 672) (1) (365) 3 (4) (4 838)

Carrying amount at 31 December 2017 16 638 11 711 677 8 192 257 855 38 330Comprising: Cost 22 679 21 045 1 341 20 074 5 375 855 71 369Accumulated amortisation and impairment losses (6 041) (9 334) (664) (11 882) (5 118) – (33 039)

16 638 11 711 677 8 192 257 855 38 3301 Included in software are leased assets with a carrying amount of R690 million (2016: R739 million).2 Included in additions are capitalised borrowing costs of R11 million (2016: R25 million). The capitalisation rate for the

year was 8,6% (2016: 8,6%).3 Includes the effect of hyperinflation.4 Included in reallocations is an amount of R254 million relating to intangible assets reallocated to non- current assets

held for sale which were disposed of in 2016.5 Included in additions is internally generated software amounting to R701 million (2016: R1 134 million).6 The impairment loss in respect of licences included an amount of R172 million and R354 million relating to MTN Sudan

and MTN Syria, respectively, for the current financial year.

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Notes to the group financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017


5.2 Intangible assets and goodwill (continued)

5.2.1 GoodwillA summary of the goodwill allocation and related assumptions applied for impairment testing purposes is presented below:

2017 2016Growth




Carrying amount


Growth rate




Carrying amount


MTN Côte d’Ivoire S.A. 2,0 9,7 2 682 2,0 11,4 2 678Scancom Limited (MTN Ghana) 6,0 17,5 4 330 6,0 20,0 5 293MTN Sudan Company Limited 14,0 39,0 – 13,7 32,9 1 214MTN Yemen 9,0 31,7 1 202 9,0 23,9 2 950MTN Afghanistan Limited 6,0 17,6 490 7,0 20,2 1 482MTN Uganda Limited 5,0 15,1 551 5,0 17,3 618MTN Congo S.A. 2,4 16,0 909 3,6 17,0 891MTN Syria (JSC) 15,0 41,9 – 15,0 35,5 –MTN Cyprus Limited 2,0 10,1 787 1,9 9,5 759Spacetel Benin S.A. 2,0 24,7 1 192 2,3 11,3 1 190Areeba Guinea S.A. 7,9 22,0 – 5,0 22,7 –Mobile Telephone NetworksProprietary Limited (South Africa) 5,5 12,0 2 583 5,5 13,3 2 583Lonestar CommunicationsCorporation LLC (Liberia) 7,1 25,0 312 7,5 23,4 350MTN Rwandacell 5,0 15,1 313 5,0 17,3 361MTN Nigeria Communications Limited (Visafone) 14,5 25,5 345 9,1 20,6 439MTN Zambia 8,0 19,2 204 5,0 18,2 228Spacetel Guinea-Bissau S.A. 2,5 13,6 322 3,0 13,7 321Other 416 711

Total 16 638 22 068

Goodwill is tested annually for impairment. The recoverable amounts of CGUs were determined based on value in use calculations. The calculations mainly used cash flow projections based on financial budgets approved by management covering a three to five-year (2016: three to 10- year) period. Management is confident that projections covering periods longer than three years (MTN Yemen) (2016: MTN Syria (JSC) and MTN Sudan Company Limited) are appropriate in order for terminal values to be determined using steady state cash flows. Cash flows beyond the above period were extrapolated using the estimated growth rates as mentioned above. These growth rates are in line with industry norms.

The following key assumptions were used for the value in use calculations: • Growth rates: the group used steady growth rates to extrapolate revenues beyond the budget period cash flows. The growth rates were consistent with publicly available information relating to long-term average growth rates for each of the markets in which the respective CGU operated. The  average growth rates used ranged from 2% to 15,0% (2016: 1,9% to 15,0%); and

• Discount rates: discount rates ranged from 9,7% to 41,9% (2016: 9,5% to 35,5%). Discount rates used reflect both time value of money and other specific risks relating to the relevant CGU.

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Notes to the group financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017


5.2 Intangible assets and goodwill (continued)

5.2.1 Goodwill (continued)

Goodwill impairmentImpairment losses were recognised relating to the following entities:

Impairment losses Recoverable amount1





MTN Afghanistan 841 – 2 317 –MTN Yemen 807 – 1 769 –MTN Sudan Company Limited 983 – 2 963 6 117MTN Syria (JSC) – 269 2 888 3 426Areeba Guinea S.A. (Conakry) – 402 – 578Afrihost Proprietary Limited – 202 – 325

2 631 873 9 937 10 4461 This includes any minority portion of the recoverable amount of the CGU.

In a number of the group’s operations in the MENA region the socio-political instability experienced in these markets resulted in suppressed revenue growth and lower operating margins in the current year, resulting in decreased forecast cash flows at 30 June 2017. This necessitated impairment reviews being performed on the group’s operations in Guinea-Bissau, Guinea-Conakry, Liberia, Ghana, Afghanistan, Sudan, Yemen and Syria where the carrying amounts of these cash-generating units were compared to their respective recoverable amounts.

The goodwill of MTN Syria and MTN Sudan was fully impaired as at 31 December 2016 and 30  June 2017, respectively. The remaining goodwill in MTN Afghanistan and MTN Yemen amount to R490 million and R1 202 million at 31 December 2017, respectively.

The group performed the annual impairment assessments on all goodwill balances at 31 December 2017 and have not identified any further impairments at that date.

Areeba Guinea S.A. (Conakry)During 2016, Areeba Guinea S.A. (Conakry) experienced a decline in EBITDA and Guinea-Conakry experienced poor economic performance countrywide. Consequently, a review of the recoverable amount of Conakry was undertaken subsequent to which an impairment loss was recognised. The recognition of the impairment loss resulted in the goodwill for Conakry being fully impaired.

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Notes to the group financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017


5.2 Intangible assets and goodwill (continued)

5.2.1 Goodwill (continued)

Goodwill impairment (continued)

Afrihost Proprietary LimitedBased on an agreement concluded by the group to sell its 50,02% investment in Afrihost Proprietary Limited (Afrihost) for R325 million, a goodwill impairment loss was recognised at 30 June 2016 on the remeasurement of assets to fair value less costs to sell in accordance with IFRS 5 Non-current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations. The investment was disposed of in 2016.

Recoverable amounts are represented by a CGU’s value in use. A specific change in the discount and growth rates (see below) would result in the recoverable amount being equal to the carrying amount of the net assets of the following CGUs:

2017 2016Change to



Change togrowth


Change todiscount


Change to growth


MTN Afghanistan 5,25 (1,50) – –MTN Liberia 3,45 (3,10) – –MTN Sudan Company Limited – – 10,89 (1,79)MTN Yemen * * 6,34 (0,54)* A minimal change in the discount and growth rates at 31 December 2017 would result in the recoverable amount being equal to the carrying amount of the net assets of MTN Yemen.

5.2.2 EncumbrancesBorrowings are secured by intangible assets of Scancom Limited (MTN Ghana) with a carrying amount of R934 million (2016: R1 083 million) (note 6.1).

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Notes to the group financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017


5.2 Intangible assets and goodwill (continued)

5.2.3 Licences

Licence agreements TypeGranted/renewed Term

Mobile Telephone Networks ECS licence 15/01/2009 15 yearsProprietary Limited (South Africa) ECNS licence 15/01/2009 20 years

900MHz 29/01/2003 Renewable annually1 800MHz 29/10/2004 Renewable annually2 100MHz 02/02/2005 Renewable annually

6GHz 14/06/2010 Renewable annually7GHz 14/06/2010 Renewable annually8Ghz 14/06/2010 Renewable annually

10,5GHz 07/02/2006 Renewable annually11GHz 23/03/2009 Renewable annually13GHz 06/04/2009 Renewable annually15GHz 21/10/2005 Renewable annually18GHz 14/06/2010 Renewable annually23GHz 14/06/2010 Renewable annually

26GHz Sub 17 21/10/2005 Renewable annually26GHz Sub 18 07/02/2006 Renewable annually

28GHz 12/04/2012 Renewable annually38GHz 07/10/2005 Renewable annually

MTN Uganda Limited 900MHz 15/04/1998 20 years1 800MHz 15/04/1998 20 years

MTN Rwandacell Limited GSM 01/07/2008 13 yearsSNO 30/06/2006 15 years

MTN Zambia LimitedNational

service licence 31/08/2010 15 yearsInternational

network licence 31/08/2010 15 yearsMTN Nigeria Communications Limited 1 800MHz 03/11/2015 5 years

900MHz 03/11/2015 5 years3G spectrum

licence 01/05/2007 15 yearsUnified access


international gateway) 01/09/2006 15 years

WACS 01/01/2010 20 yearsWiMax 3,5GHz

spectrum 2007 Renewable annuallyMicrowave

spectrum8GHz – 26GHz 2001 Renewable annually

Digital terrestrial TV

broadcasting licence 12/08/2015 10 years

800MHz spectrum (Visafone) 01/01/2015 10 years

2,6GHz spectrum 01/08/2016 10 years

Unified access1


(Visafone) 01/07/2007 10 years1 The unified access service licence (Visafone) has expired and renewal of the licence is under discussion.

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Notes to the group financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017


5.2 Intangible assets and goodwill (continued)

5.2.3 Licences (continued)

Licence agreements TypeGranted/renewed Term

Scancom Limited (MTN Ghana) 900MHz 02/12/2004 15 years

1 800MHz 02/12/2004 15 years3G 23/01/2009 15 years

Fixed access service of

unified access 06/07/2015 4 yearsInternational

gateway 08/11/2014 5 years4G (LTE)

spectrum 01/06/2016 15 yearsMobile Telephone Networks 2G 15/02/2015 15 yearsCameroon Limited 3G 15/02/2015 15 years

4G 15/02/2015 15 yearsMTN Côte d’Ivoire S.A.1 3G/UMTS

1,9/2,1GHz 31/05/2012 10 yearsUniversal networks 04/01/2016 17 years

Spacetel Benin S.A. 900MHz 19/10/2007 25 years1 800MHz 19/10/2007 25 years

Universal licence 10/08/2012 20 yearsAreeba Guinea S.A. 900MHz 31/08/2005 18 years

1 800MHz 31/08/2005 18 years3G 14/08/2013 10 years

WiMax 04/08/2014 5 yearsMTN Congo S.A. 900MHz 25/11/2011 15 years

1 800MHz 25/11/2011 15 yearsOptical

fibre licence 02/04/2010 15 years3G 25/11/2011 17 years2G 25/11/2011 15 years

International gateway by

optical fibre 03/06/2013 10 yearsLTE spectrum 09/12/2016 15 years

Lonestar CommunicationsCorporation LLC (Liberia)


licence (Novafone) 04/08/2015 15 years

WiMax 24/03/2009 15 years3G 19/02/2013 10 years

Spacetel Guinea-Bissau S.A. 900MHz 23/05/2014 10 years1 800MHz 23/05/2014 10 years

3G 17/07/2015 10 years4G 17/07/2015 10 years

MTN Syria (JSC) Freehold licence2 01/01/2015 20 years

900MHz 01/01/2016 19 years1 800MHz 01/01/2016 19 years2 000MHz 01/01/2016 19 years

Additional frequency 1 800MHz 07/01/2017 17,5 years

1 The WiMax 2,5GHz – 3,5GHz licence became obsolete (no longer in use) and was derecognised in 2016.2 The 900MHz, 1 800MHz and 3G licences from 2015 were replaced during the prior year upon termination of the BOT

arrangement and entering into a freehold arrangement.

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Notes to the group financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017


5.2 Intangible assets and goodwill (continued)

5.2.3 Licences (continued)

Licence agreements TypeGranted/renewed Term

MTN Sudan Company Limited 2G +3G 25/10/2003 20 years

Transmission 25/10/2003 20 yearsVSAT gateway 25/10/2003 20 years

VSAT hub 25/10/2003 20 yearsVSAT terminal 25/10/2003 20 yearsFrequency 4G 25/10/2017 7 years

MTN Afghanistan Limited 3G unified licence 01/07/2012 15 years

New number range RTU 31/10/2012 15 years

New number range RTU 25/08/2013 14 years

New number range RTU 31/10/2014 13 years

New number

range RTU 31/05/2015 12 years

MTN Yemen 900MHz1 01/08/2015 2 years and 5 months1 800MHz1 01/08/2015 2 years and 5 months

MTN Cyprus Limited 900MHz 01/12/2003 20 years1 800MHz 01/12/2003 20 years

4G (LTE) 2 100MHz 01/12/2003 20 years

800MHz 05/09/2016 12 years2 600MHz 05/09/2016 12 years

1 These licences expired during the year and are still under negotiation for renewal.

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Notes to the group financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017


Borrowings are accounted for as financial liabilities in accordance with the accounting policy disclosed in note 7.1.

Fees paid on the establishment of loan facilities are recognised as transaction costs and capitalised to the extent that it is probable that some or all of the facility will be drawn down. When the draw down is made, the transaction costs are amortised to profit or loss using the effective interest method. To the extent that there is no evidence that it is probable that some or all of the facility will be drawn down, the fee is capitalised as a prepayment for liquidity services and amortised over the period of the facility to which it relates.

Details of the group’s significant unsecured borrowings are provided below:

2017 Rm

2016 Rm



Nominal interest



UnsecuredMobile Telephone Networks Holdings Limited 28 785 27 657

– 3 117 ZAR2, 3 9,1 Semi-annual December 20171 493 – ZAR1, 2 9,2 Quarterly December 20205 535 5 532 ZAR1, 2 9,1 Quarterly February 20212 811 2 808 ZAR1, 2 9,4 Quarterly August 20213 656 4 034 US$1, 2, 3 3,6 Quarterly August 20211 502 – ZAR2, 3 9,4 Quarterly October 2022

– 1 372 ZAR4, 5 10,1 Semi-annual July 2017– 481 ZAR4, 5 9,2 Annual March 2017

201 204 ZAR4, 5 10,1 Quarterly April 2019– 2 000 ZAR2, 6 8,5 Quarterly May 2017

1 447 1 508 ZAR2, 6 9,7 Quarterly August 20212 601 2 559 ZAR2, 3 9,1 Quarterly February 20213 009 991 ZAR2, 3 9,6 Monthly February 2021

– 778 ZAR2, 7 8,7 Quarterly January 2017652 1 008 ZAR2, 7 7,8 Monthly January 2018

– 298 ZAR2, 4 8,6 Annual March 2017978 967 ZAR2, 4 8,9 Quarterly April 2019

1 529 – ZAR2, 4 8,8 Quarterly July 20201 020 – ZAR2, 4 9,0 Quarterly July 2022

310 – ZAR2, 4 8,1 Quarterly May 2018463 – ZAR2, 4 8,7 Quarterly October 2020540 – ZAR2, 4 8,9 Quarterly October 2022

1 038 – ZAR2, 4 9,2 Quarterly October 2024

1 Syndicated term loan facility 2 Variable interest rate 3 Revolving credit facility 4 Domestic medium-term notes5 Fixed interest rate 6 Bilateral term loan facility 7 General bank facility 8 Export credit facility9 Vendor finance facility 10 Senior unsecured notes 11 Bank borrowings 12 Bridge finance13 Preference shares

* Contractual interest rates on loans as at 31 December 2017.

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Notes to the group financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017


6.1 Borrowings (continued)

Details of the group’s significant unsecured borrowings are provided below:

2017 Rm

2016 Rm



Nominal interest



MTN Nigeria Communications Limited 8 792 12 709

4 326 8 254 NGN1, 2 21,4 QuarterlyNovember 2019

1 012 1 914 US$1, 2 4,4 Semi-annual April 2019608 1 036 US$2, 8 2,5 Semi-annual August 2019406 691 US$5, 8 1,7 Semi-annual August 2019504 814 US$2, 8 4,5 Semi-annual June 2022862 – US$2, 8 7,2 Semi-annual March 2022931 – US$2, 8 2,6 Semi-annual December 2019

143 – US$2, 3 6,9Repayment on demand

Repayment on demand

MTN International (Mauritius) Limited 6 816 7 547

1 239 1 372 US$2, 3 2,5 Quarterly November 2019

5 577 6 175 US$1, 2 3,6 Quarterly August 2021MTN (Mauritius) Investments Limited 21 765 24 059

9 297 10 354 US$5, 10 4,8 Semi-annual November 2024

6 239 6 849 US$5, 10 5,4 Semi-annual February 20226 229 6 856 US$5, 10 6,5 Semi-annual October 2026

MTN Zambia Limited 993 1 241

248 458 US$2, 11 5,0 Semi-annual June 2019

526 537 ZAR2, 11 11,0 QuarterlySeptember 2018

219 246 ZMK2, 6 15,2 Quarterly June 2018MTN Uganda Limited 1 174 1 538

399 564 UGX1, 2 12,4 Quarterly February 2021446 601 US$1, 2 5,2 Quarterly February 2021329 373 UGX1, 2, 3 12,3 Quarterly February 2021

Spacetel Benin S.A. 935 794

495 659 CFA1, 5 7,3 Semi-annual June 2020

– 135 CFA5, 6 7,5 Semi-annual September 2019

440 – CFA1, 5 7,3 Semi-annual April 2022

1 Syndicated term loan facility 2 Variable interest rate 3 Revolving credit facility 4 Domestic medium-term notes5 Fixed interest rate 6 Bilateral term loan facility 7 General bank facility 8 Export credit facility9 Vendor finance facility 10 Senior unsecured notes 11 Bank borrowings 12 Bridge finance13 Preference shares

* Contractual interest rates on loans as at 31 December 2017.

76 MTN Group Limited Financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2017

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Notes to the group financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017


6.1 Borrowings (continued)

Details of the group’s significant unsecured borrowings are provided below:

2017 Rm

2016 Rm



Nominal interest



MTN Côte d’Ivoire S.A. 2 928 2 525 CFA1, 5 6,0 Quarterly June 2023MTN Cyprus Limited 724 804

578 618 EUR2, 6 4,9 Semi-annual October 2020146 186 EUR2, 6 5,5 Quarterly June 2020

Mobile TelephoneNetworks CameroonLimited 2 560 2 234

1 097 1 241 XAF1, 5 4,3 Semi-annual July 20201 350 993 XAF1, 5 5,0 Semi-annual July 2020

113 – XAF5, 11 5,0 Monthly March 2018MTN Congo S.A. 1 097 1 323 CFA CB1, 5 4,8 Quarterly March 2021MTN Zakhele Futhi (RF) Limited 1 785 2 179 ZAR2, 13 7,7 Semi-annual

November 2021

Other unsecured borrowings 146 206

Total unsecured borrowings 78 500 84 8161 Syndicated term loan facility 2 Variable interest rate 3 Revolving credit facility 4 Domestic medium-term notes5 Fixed interest rate 6 Bilateral term loan facility 7 General bank facility 8 Export credit facility9 Vendor finance facility 10 Senior unsecured notes 11 Bank borrowings 12 Bridge finance13 Preference shares

* Contractual interest rates on loans as at 31 December 2017.

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Notes to the group financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017


6.1 Borrowings (continued)

Details of the group’s significant secured borrowings are provided below:

2017 Rm

2016 Rm



Nominal interest



Security collateral

SecuredMTN Sudan Company Limited 202 1 618

– 458 EUR2, 9 6,0 Quarterly June 2020

Pledge of network and capital work in progress assets

97# 373 US$5, 9 10,0 QuarterlySeptember 2017

Pledge of network and capital work in progress assets

– 787 EUR2, 94,0 – 6,0 Quarterly June 2020

Pledge of network and capital work in progress assets

105 – US$5, 9 8,5 Annual September 2019

Pledge of network and capital work in progress assets

Scancom Limited (MTN Ghana) 946 516

– 218 GHS1, 2 23,3 Semi-annual May 2017

Floating charge on company assets

– 195 GHS1, 2 20,9 Quarterly May 2017

Floating charge on company assets

– 103 US$1, 2 0,9 Semi-annual May 2017

Floating charge on company assets

946 – GHS1, 2 18,6 Semi-annual

December 2022

Floating charge on company assets

Other secured borrowings – 4Total secured borrowings 1 148 2 138Total unsecured borrowings 78 500 84 816

Total borrowings 79 648 86 9541 Syndicated term loan facility 2 Variable interest rate 3 Revolving credit facility 4 Domestic medium-term notes5 Fixed interest rate 6 Bilateral term loan facility 7 General bank facility 8 Export credit facility9 Vendor finance facility 10 Senior unsecured notes 11 Bank borrowings 12 Bridge finance13 Preference shares

* Contractual interest rates on loans as at 31 December 2017.# This balance relates to unpaid interest on the loan at year-end.

78 MTN Group Limited Financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2017

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Notes to the group financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017


6.1 Borrowings (continued)



The classification of the group’s borrowings is as follows:Current 9 081 19 635Non-current 70 567 67 319

79 648 86 954The carrying amounts of the group’s borrowings are denominated in the following currencies:Nigerian naira 4 326 8 254United States dollar 37 599 41 630South African rand 27 440 26 321Euro 724 2 049Benin Communauté Financière Africaine franc 935 794Côte d’Ivoire Communauté Financière Africaine franc 2 928 2 525Zambian kwacha 219 246Congo-Brazzaville Communauté Financière Africaine franc 1 097 1 323Ugandan shilling 728 937Cameroon Communauté Financière Africaine franc 2 560 2 234Other currencies 1 092 641

79 648 86 954The group has the following undrawn committed facilities:Floating rate 43 396 43 945Fixed rate 16 107 18 452

59 503 62 397

6.2 Other non-current liabilities

Finance leases are accounted for in accordance with the accounting policy disclosed in note 6.6, deferred income is accounted for in accordance with the policy disclosed in note 2.2 and other liabilities are accounted for in accordance with the accounting policy disclosed in note 7.1.



Finance lease obligations (note 6.6) 645 673Deferred income1 270 382Licence renewal liability – 172Other 432 389Nigeria regulatory fine2 3 156 7 369

4 503 8 9851 Relates to the deferred gain for tower sales and IRU swap transactions which occurred in previous years. The

amounts are amortised to the income statement on a monthly basis.2 At 31 December 2017 the accrual for the Nigeria regulatory fine comprises N110 billion (2016: N220 billion)

discounted at 14,71% (2016: 14,71%) per annum and translated at the 31 December 2017 closing rate of R1 = N29,05 (2016: R1 = N22,81).

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Notes to the group financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017


6.3 Provisions

A provision is recognised when there is a present legal or constructive obligation as a result of a past event for which it is more likely than not that an outflow of resources will be required to settle the obligation and a reliable estimate can be made of the amount of the obligation. A provision to pay a levy is not recognised until the obligating event specified in the legislation occurs, even if there is no realistic opportunity to avoid the obligation. Provisions are not recognised for future operating losses.

Where there are a number of similar obligations, the likelihood that an outflow will be required in settlement is determined by considering the class of obligations as a whole. A provision is recognised even if the likelihood of an outflow with respect to any one item included in the same class of obligations may be small.

Provisions are measured at the present value of the expected outflow of resources required to settle the obligation using a pre-tax rate that reflects current market assessments of the time value of money and the risks specific to the obligation. The increase in the provision due to the passage of time is recognised as a finance cost.

At the beginning

of the year


Rm Reversals

Rm Utilised


Exchange and

other move-ments1


At the end

of the year


2017Non-currentDecommissioning provision 245 38 – (13) (26) 244Other provisions 135 26 (18) (7) 29 165

380 64 (18) (20) 3 409CurrentBonus provision 622 928 (67) (423) (92) 968Decommissioningprovision 2 – – – (1) 1Licence obligations 130 – – (39) – 91Other provisions 1 475 621 (472) (374) (280) 970

2 229 1 549 (539) (836) (373) 2 0301 Includes the effect of hyperinflation.

80 MTN Group Limited Financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2017

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Notes to the group financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017


6.3 Provisions (continued)

At the beginning

of the yearRm



Reclassi-fication to

financial instruments



Net monetary


Exchange and other



At the end of

the year Rm

2016Non-currentDecommissioning provision 293 81 (112) – – – (17) 245Licence obligations 77 – – – – – (77) –Nigeria provision for regulatory fine 4 104 – – (4 237) – – 133 –Other provisions 150 32 (27) – (20) – – 135

4 624 113 (139) (4 237) (20) – 39 380

CurrentBonus provision 790 646 (263) – (403) 1 (149) 622Decommissioning provision 6 – – – – – (4) 2Licence obligations 94 – – – (87) – 123 130Nigeria provision for regulatory fine 5 183 – – (1 421) (3 983) – 221 –Other provisions 1 920 553 (909) – (205) – 116 1 475

7 993 1 199 (1 172) (1 421) (4 678) 1 307 2 2291 Includes the effect of hyperinflation.

Bonus provision The bonus provision consists of a performance-based bonus, which is determined by reference to the overall Group entity’s performance with regard to a set of predetermined key performance measures. Bonuses are payable annually after the group annual results have been approved.

Decommissioning provision This provision relates to the estimate of the cost of dismantling and removing an item of property, plant and equipment and restoring the site on which the item was located to its original condition. The group provides for the anticipated costs associated with the restoration of leasehold property to its original condition at inception of the lease, including removal of items included in property, plant and equipment that are erected on leased land.

The group only recognises these decommissioning costs for the proportion of its overall number of sites for which it expects decommissioning to take place. The expected percentage has been based on actual experience in the respective operations.

Licence obligations The licence obligations provision represents the estimated costs to be incurred in fulfilling the Universal Services Obligation (USO) in South Africa. USOs are governed by the Electronic Communications Act.

Other provisionsThe group is involved in various regulatory and direct and indirect tax matters specific to the respective jurisdictions in which the group operates. These matters may not necessarily be resolved in a manner that is favourable to the group. The group has therefore recognised provisions in respect of these matters based on estimates and the probability of an outflow of economic benefits and should not be construed as an admission of legal liability.

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Notes to the group financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017


6.4 Capital commitments

Commitments for the acquisition of property, plant and equipment and software:



Capital expenditure authorised not yet incurred at the reporting date is as follows:Contracted 6 958 11 458– Property, plant and equipment 6 519 10 883– Software 439 575Not contracted 20 789 23 295– Property, plant and equipment 17 787 18 992– Software 3 002 4 303

Total commitments for property, plant, equipment and software 27 747 34 753

Capital expenditure will be funded from operating cash flows, existing borrowing facilities and, where necessary, by raising additional facilities.

6.5 Operating lease commitments

Leases, where substantially all of the risks and rewards of ownership are retained by the lessor, are classified as operating leases. Rentals payable under operating leases are charged to profit or loss on a straight-line basis over the term of the relevant lease.

Sub-lease income is recognised in profit or loss on a straight-line basis over the term of the lease.

In all significant operating lease arrangements in place during the year, the group acted as the lessee.

The group leases various premises and sites under non-cancellable/cancellable operating lease agreements. The leases have varying terms, escalation clauses and renewal rights. Penalties are chargeable on certain leases should they be cancelled before the end of the agreement.



The future aggregate minimum lease payments undernon-cancellable operating lease arrangements are as follows:Not later than one year 9 066 10 712Later than one year but no later than five years 34 576 59 919Later than five years 51 335 53 462

94 977 124 093

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Notes to the group financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017


6.6 Finance lease commitments

Assets held under finance leases are capitalised at the lower of the fair value of the leased asset and the estimated present value of the minimum lease payments at the inception of the lease. The corresponding liability to the lessor, net of finance charges, is included in the statement of financial position under other non-current/current liabilities. Each lease payment is allocated between the liability and finance charges. Finance charges, which represent the difference between the total lease commitments and fair value of the assets acquired, are charged to profit or loss over the term of the relevant lease so as to produce a constant periodic rate of interest on the remaining balance of the obligation for each accounting period.

In all significant finance lease arrangements in place during the period, the group acted as the lessee.

At the reporting date, the group had outstanding commitments under non-cancellable finance leases which fall due as follows:

Minimum lease

payments Rm

Future finance

charges Rm

Present value


2017CurrentNot later than one year 85 (31) 54Non-current (note 6.2) 809 (164) 645Later than one year but no later than five years 361 (95) 266Later than five years 448 (69) 379

894 (195) 699

2016CurrentNot later than one year 86 (33) 53Non-current (note 6.2) 871 (198) 673Later than one year but no later than five years 407 (118) 289Later than five years 464 (80) 384

957 (231) 726

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Notes to the group financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017


6.7 Commercial commitmentsIncentives for handset upgradesThe group’s present policy is to pay incentives to service providers (SPs) for handset upgrades. These upgrades are only payable once the subscribers have completed a 21-month period with the SP since the initial commencement of their contract or previous upgrade and the eligible subscribers have exercised their rights to receive upgrades for new postpaid contracts with minimum terms. The value of the obligation may vary depending on the prevailing business rules at the time of the upgrade. The total number of eligible subscribers who had not yet exercised their right to upgrade at 31 December 2017 was 853 562 (2016: 572 235) and the estimated commitment in respect of these incentives amounts to R583 million (2016: R677 million).

6.8 Contingent liabilities

The group does not recognise contingent liabilities in the statement of financial position until future events indicate that it is probable that an outflow of resources will take place and a reliable estimate can be made, at which time a provision is recognised.

2017 Rm

2016 Rm

Contingent liabilities 9 847 8 127Uncertain tax exposure 8 667 7 611Legal and regulatory matters 1 180 516

Uncertain tax exposuresThe group operates in numerous tax jurisdictions and the group’s interpretation and application of the various tax rules applied in direct and indirect tax filings may result in disputes between the group and the relevant tax authority. The outcome of such disputes may not be favourable to the group. At year-end, there were a number of tax disputes ongoing in various of the group’s operating entities, the most significant of which relates to a transfer pricing dispute which the group is contesting.

The group has applied its judgement and has recognised liabilities based on whether additional amounts will be payable and has included contingent liabilities where economic outflows are considered possible but not probable.

Legal and regulatory mattersThe group is involved in various legal and regulatory matters, the outcome of which may not be favourable to the group and none of which are considered individually material. The group has applied its judgement and has recognised liabilities based on whether additional amounts will be payable and has included contingent liabilities where economic outflows are considered possible but not probable.

84 MTN Group Limited Financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2017

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Notes to the group financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017

7 FINANCIAL RISK7.1 Financial risk management and financial instruments

Accounting for financial instrumentsFinancial assets and liabilities are recognised in the group’s statement of financial position when the group becomes a party to the contractual provisions of the instruments.

All financial assets and liabilities are initially measured at fair value, including transaction costs, except for those classified as at fair value through profit or loss which are initially measured at fair value excluding transaction costs. Transaction costs directly attributable to the acquisition of financial assets or financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss are recognised immediately in profit or loss. Financial assets are recognised/(derecognised) on the date the group commits to purchase/(sell) the instruments (trade date accounting).

Financial assets and liabilities are classified as current if expected to be realised or settled within 12 months; if not, they are classified as non-current.

Offsetting financial instrumentsOffsetting of financial assets and liabilities is applied when there is a legally enforceable right to offset the recognised amounts and there is an intention to settle on a net basis, or realise the asset and settle the liability simultaneously. The net amount is reported in the statement of financial position.

Financial instrument classificationThe group classifies its financial instruments into the following categories: • Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss. • Loans and receivables. • Held-to-maturity investments. • Available-for-sale. • Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss. • Financial liabilities at amortised cost.

The classification is dependent on the purpose for which the financial instruments were acquired. Management determines the classification of financial instruments at initial recognition.

Financial instruments comprise investments in equity and debt securities, loans receivable, trade and other receivables (excluding prepayments), investments in self-insurance cell captives, cash and cash equivalents, restricted cash, borrowings, other non-current liabilities (excluding provisions and deferred income), bank overdrafts, derivatives and trade and other payables.

Subsequent measurementSubsequent to initial recognition, financial instruments are measured as described below.

Financial assets at fair value through profit or lossFinancial instruments at fair value through profit or loss are subsequently measured at fair value and changes therein are recognised in profit or loss. Derivatives are also categorised as held for trading unless they are designated as hedging instruments.

Loans and receivablesThe group’s loans and receivables comprise loans and other receivables, certain of its investments, trade and other receivables (excluding prepayments), restricted cash and cash and cash equivalents. Loans and receivables are subsequently measured at amortised cost using the effective interest method, less any impairment losses.

Interest income is recognised by applying the effective interest rate, except for short-term receivables when the recognition of interest would be immaterial.

Held-to-maturity investmentsHeld-to-maturity investments are subsequently measured at amortised cost using the effective interest method, less any impairment losses.

Available-for-saleAvailable-for-sale financial assets are included in non-current assets unless the investment matures or management intends to dispose of it within 12 months of the end of the reporting period. Available-for-sale financial assets are subsequently measured at fair value and changes therein, other than impairment losses and foreign currency differences on debt instruments, are recognised in other comprehensive income.

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Notes to the group financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017

7 FINANCIAL RISK (continued)

7.1 Financial risk management and financial instruments (continued)

Subsequent measurement (continued)Financial liabilitiesFinancial liabilities comprise trade and other payables, bank overdrafts, borrowings, derivative liabilities and other non-current liabilities (excluding provisions and deferred income).

All financial liabilities, excluding derivative liabilities, are subsequently measured at amortised cost using the effective interest method. Derivative liabilities are subsequently measured at fair value and changes therein are recognised in profit or loss.

DerecognitionFinancial assets are derecognised when the rights to receive cash flows from the assets have expired or have been transferred and the group has transferred substantially all risks and rewards of ownership. Financial liabilities are derecognised when the obligations specified in the contracts are discharged, cancelled or expire.

Substantial modificationA substantial modification of the terms of an existing debt instrument or part of it is accounted for as an extinguishment of the original debt instrument and the recognition of a new debt instrument.

ImpairmentThe group assesses at the end of each reporting period whether there is any objective evidence that a financial asset is impaired. A financial asset or group of financial assets is impaired if objective evidence indicates that one or more events have had a negative effect on the estimated future cash flows of that asset. In the case of equity investments classified as available-for-sale, a significant or prolonged decline in the fair value of the security below cost is also evidence that the assets are impaired. If any such evidence exists for available-for-sale financial assets, the cumulative loss – measured as the difference between the acquisition cost and the current fair value, less any impairment loss on that financial asset previously recognised in profit or loss – is removed from equity and recognised in profit or loss. Impairment losses recognised in profit or loss on equity instruments are not reversed through profit or loss. An impairment of trade receivables is established when there is objective evidence that the group will not be able to collect all amounts due according to the original terms of the receivables. Significant financial difficulties of the debtor, probability that the debtor will enter bankruptcy or financial reorganisation and default or delinquency in payments are considered indicators that the trade receivable is impaired.

An impairment loss in respect of a financial asset measured at amortised cost is calculated as the difference between its carrying amount and its recoverable amount, being the present value of the estimated future cash flows discounted at the original effective interest rate.

When a loan or receivable is impaired, the group reduces the carrying amount to its recoverable amount, and continues unwinding the discount as interest income. Interest income on impaired loans and receivables is recognised using the effective interest rate. The carrying amount of the trade receivable is reduced through the use of an allowance account and the amount of the loss is recognised in profit or loss. When a trade receivable is uncollectible, it is written off against the allowance account for trade receivables. Subsequent recoveries of amounts previously written off are credited to profit or loss.

Significant financial assets are tested for impairment on an individual basis. The financial assets that are not impaired or are not individually significant are collectively assessed for impairment in groups that share similar credit risk characteristics. All impairment losses are recognised in profit or loss. An impairment loss is reversed if the reversal can be related objectively to an event occurring after the impairment loss was recognised.

Gains or losses arising on modification of debt instrumentsGains or losses arising from the modification of the terms of a debt instrument are recognised immediately in profit or loss where the modification does not result in the derecognition of the existing instrument.

86 MTN Group Limited Financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2017

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Notes to the group financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017

7 FINANCIAL RISK (continued)

7.1 Financial risk management and financial instruments (continued)

Risk managementIntroductionThe group has exposure to the following risks from its use of financial instruments: credit risk, liquidity risk and market risk (foreign exchange, interest rate and price risk). This note presents information about the group’s exposure to each of the above risks, the group’s objectives, policies and processes for measuring and managing risk, and the group’s management of capital. Further quantitative disclosures are included throughout these consolidated financial statements.

Risk profileThe group’s overall risk management programme focuses on the unpredictability of financial markets and seeks to minimise potential adverse effects on the financial performance of the group. The group considers natural hedges that may exist and, in addition, where possible, uses derivative financial instruments such as forward exchange contracts to hedge exposures. As a matter of principle, the group does not enter into derivative contracts for speculative purposes. The group applies hedge accounting to manage its risk of currency exchange rate volatility associated with certain of its investments in foreign operations.

Risk management is carried out under policies approved by the board of directors of the group and of relevant subsidiaries. The MTN Group treasury committee identifies, evaluates and hedges financial risks in cooperation with the group’s operating units. The board provides written principles for overall risk management, as well as for specific areas such as foreign exchange risk, interest rate risk, credit risk, use of derivative financial instruments, and investing cash. Group treasury is responsible for managing the group’s exposure to financial risk within the policies set by the board of directors, under the guidance of the group CFO and group board audit and risk committees.

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Notes to the group financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017

7 FINANCIAL RISK (continued)

7.1 Financial risk management and financial instruments (continued)

7.1.1 Categories of financial instruments

Assets Liabilities

Loans and




throughprofit or



Held to maturity






throughprofit or



Totalcarrying amount

Rm2017Non-current financial assetsLoans and other non-current receivables 2 574 – – – – – 2 574Investments – – – 27 686 – – 27 686Current financial assetsTrade and other receivables 26 368 – – – – – 26 368Current investments 2 040 1 669 1 500 343 – – 5 552Derivative assets – 205 – – – – 205Restricted cash 2 376 – – – – – 2 376Cash and cash equivalents 16 009 – – – – – 16 009

49 367 1 874 1 500 28 029 – – 80 770Non-current financial liabilitiesBorrowings – – – – 70 567 – 70 567Nigeria regulatory fine – – – – 3 156 – 3 156Other non-current liabilities – – – – 964 2 966Current financial liabilitiesTrade and other payables – – – – 40 345 – 40 345Nigeria regulatory fine – – – – 3 481 – 3 481Borrowings – – – – 9 081 – 9 081Derivative liabilities – – – – – 118 118Bank overdrafts – – – – 72 – 72

– – – – 127 666 120 127 7861 All financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss are held for trading.

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Notes to the group financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017

7 FINANCIAL RISK (continued)

7.1 Financial risk management and financial instruments (continued)

7.1.1 Categories of financial instruments (continued)

Assets Liabilities

Loans and




throughprofit or



Held tomaturity






throughprofit or



Totalcarrying amount

Rm2016Non-current financial assetsLoans and other non-current receivables 6 249 – – – – – 6 249Investments – – 221 11 620 – – 11 841Current financial assetsTrade and other receivables 32 297 – – – – – 32 297Current investments 619 1 870 5 087 282 – – 7 858Derivative assets – 4 – – – – 4Restricted cash 1 020 – – – – – 1 020Cash and cash equivalents 27 375 – – – – – 27 375

67 560 1 874 5 308 11 902 – – 86 644Non-current financial liabilitiesBorrowings – – – – 67 319 – 67 319Nigeria regulatory fine – – – – 7 369 – 7 369Other non-current liabilities – – – – 1 122 – 1 122Current financial liabilitiesTrade and other payables – – – – 42 243 – 42 243Nigeria regulatory fine – – – – 1 311 – 1 311Borrowings – – – – 19 635 – 19 635Derivative liabilities – – – – – 58 58

– – – – 138 999 58 139 0571 All financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss are held for trading.

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Notes to the group financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017

7 FINANCIAL RISK (continued)

7.1 Financial risk management and financial instruments (continued)

7.1.2 Financial assets and liabilities subject to offsettingThe following table presents the group’s financial assets and liabilities that are subject to offsetting:

Gross amount


Amount offset


Net amount


2017Current financial assetsTrade and other receivables 3 839 (1 714) 2 125Current financial liabilitiesTrade and other payables 4 525 (1 714) 2 8112016Current financial assetsTrade and other receivables 4 004 (1 395) 2 609Current financial liabilitiesTrade and other payables 1 446 (1 395) 51

The amounts subject to offsetting include interconnect receivables and payables as well as sundry receivables and payables. The group has entered into agreements with the respective counterparties which permit it to offset any payables owing to the counterparty against receivables owing to the group. This right to offset exists in all circumstances and the group intends to settle on a net basis.

7.1.3 Fair value estimationA number of the group’s accounting policies and disclosures require the measurement of fair values. The group uses valuation techniques that are appropriate in the circumstances and for which sufficient data are available to measure fair value, maximising the use of relevant observable inputs and minimising the use of unobservable inputs.

The table on the next page presents the group’s assets and liabilities that are measured at fair value. The classification into different levels is based on the extent that quoted prices are used in the calculation of fair value and the levels have been defined as follows: • level 1: fair value based on quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets or liabilities;

• level 2: fair value based on inputs other than quoted prices included within level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability, either directly (that is, as prices) or indirectly (that is, derived from prices); or

• level 3: fair value based on inputs for the asset or liability that are not based on observable market data (that is, unobservable inputs).

90 MTN Group Limited Financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2017

Page 93: MTN Group Limited · Companies Act), which form an integral part of the annual financial statements. ... registration, cyber security and Mobile Money were key focus areas during

Notes to the group financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017

7 FINANCIAL RISK (continued)

7.1 Financial risk management and financial instruments (continued)

7.1.3 Fair value estimation (continued)

The following table presents the fair value measurement hierarchy of the group’s assets and liabilities measured at fair value:

Level 1Rm

Level 2 Rm

Level 3 Rm


2017Financial assetsInvestment in IHS – – 27 045 27 045Unlisted equity investments – – 641 641Investment in treasury bills classified as at fair value through profit or loss 307 – – 307Investment in treasury bills classified as available-for-sale 343 – – 343Investment in cell captives – – 1 362 1 362Forward exchange options – 205 – 205

Total assets 650 205 29 048 29 903Financial liabilitiesFair value through profit or loss – – 2 2Derivative liabilities – 118 – 118

Total liabilities – 118 2 120

2016Financial assetsInvestment in IHS – 11 240 – 11 240Unlisted equity investments – – 380 380Investment in treasury bills classified as at fair value through profit or loss 669 – – 669Investment in treasury bills classified as available-for-sale 282 – – 282Investment in cell captives – – 1 201 1 201Forward exchange contracts – 4 – 4

Total assets 951 11 244 1 581 13 776Financial liabilitiesDerivative liabilities – 58 – 58

Total liabilities – 58 – 58

MTN Group Limited Financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2017 91

Page 94: MTN Group Limited · Companies Act), which form an integral part of the annual financial statements. ... registration, cyber security and Mobile Money were key focus areas during

Notes to the group financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017

7 FINANCIAL RISK (continued)

7.1 Financial risk management and financial instruments (continued)

7.1.3 Fair value estimation (continued)

Valuation methods and assumptionsThe following methods and assumptions were used to estimate the respective fair values:IHS unlisted equity investment – The fair value of the investment at 31 December 2016 was determined with reference to recent transactions between market participants and consequently the investment was categorised within level 2 of the fair value hierarchy. At 31 December 2017, the absence of transactions between market participants resulted in the fair value being determined using models considered to be appropriate by management. The fair value was calculated using an earnings multiple technique and was based on unobservable market inputs including tower industry earnings multiples of between 13x to 17x applied to MTN management’s estimates of earnings, less estimated net debt.

Given the confidentiality restrictions in the shareholders’ agreement with IHS Group, MTN does not have access to the IHS Group business plans or 2017 actual financial information. Any estimated earnings used to derive the existing fair value are therefore solely based on MTN management assumptions and market estimates on financial growth, currency movements, costs and performance. The investment has therefore been transferred from level 2 to level 3 of the fair value hierarchy for the current reporting period. An increase of one in the low and high end of the multiple range, keeping other inputs constant, would have resulted in an increase in the fair value of R2 148 million and a decrease of one in the low and high end of the multiple range, keeping other inputs constant, would have resulted in a decrease in the fair value by R2 148 million as at 31 December 2017. An increase of 10% in the estimated earnings used, keeping other inputs constant, would have resulted in an increase in the fair value of R3 201 million and a decrease of 10% in the estimated earnings used, keeping other inputs constant, would have resulted in a decrease in the fair value of R3 201 million as at 31 December 2017.

An increase of R4 249 million (December 2016: R2 672 million) has been recognised for the year under review in other comprehensive income resulting from the change in fair value.

Other unlisted equity investments – Fair values have been estimated using a discounted cash flow model. The discounted cash flow model requires management to make assumptions about the model inputs, including forecast cash flows, the discount rate, credit risk and volatility. The probabilities of the various estimates within the range can be reasonably assessed and are used in management’s estimate of fair value for these unquoted equity investments.

Derivatives – The group enters into derivative financial instruments with various counterparties. Interest rate swaps, foreign exchange contracts and equity derivatives are valued using valuation techniques, which employ the use of market observable inputs. The most frequently applied valuation techniques include forward pricing and swap models using present value calculations. The models incorporate various inputs including the credit quality of counterparties, foreign exchange spot and forward rates, yield curves of the respective currencies, currency basis spreads between the respective currencies and interest rate curves.

Investment in insurance cell captives – The fair value of the investment in cell captives is determined based on the net asset value of the cell captive at the reporting date. The net asset value is determined from statements received from the insurer in respect of the net assets of the cell.

Investment in treasury bills – The fair value of these investments is determined by reference to published price quotations in an active market.

Fair value measurements for financial instruments not measured at fair valueLoans and receivables and financial liabilities at amortised cost – The carrying value of current receivables and liabilities measured at amortised cost approximates their fair value.

The fair values of the majority of the non-current receivables and liabilities measured at amortised cost, other than for the instruments listed below, are also not significantly different to their carrying values.

The group has listed long-term fixed interest rate senior unsecured notes in issue which were issued in prior years, with a carrying amount of R9 297 million at 31 December 2017 (2016: R10 354 million) and a fair value of R9 284 million (2016: R9 494 million). The notes are listed on the Irish bond market and the fair values of these instruments are determined by reference to quoted prices in this market. The market for these bonds is not liquid and consequently the fair value measurement is categorised within level 2 of the fair value hierarchy.

92 MTN Group Limited Financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2017

Page 95: MTN Group Limited · Companies Act), which form an integral part of the annual financial statements. ... registration, cyber security and Mobile Money were key focus areas during

Notes to the group financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017

7 FINANCIAL RISK (continued)

7.1 Financial risk management and financial instruments (continued)

7.1.3 Fair value estimation (continued)

Fair value measurements for financial instruments not measured at fair value (continued)

During the 2016 year, the group issued US$1 billion listed long-term fixed interest rate unsecured notes. Notes with a face value of US$500 million are redeemable in 2022 (the 2022 notes), with the remaining US$500 million redeemable in 2026 (the 2026 notes). At  31  December 2017, the carrying amount of the 2022 notes is R6 239 million (2016: R6 849 million) and the fair value is R6 432 million (2016: R6 958 million); and the carrying amount of the 2026 notes is R6 229 million (2016: R6 856 million) and the fair value is R6 718 million (2016: R6 727 million). The notes are listed on the Irish bond market and the fair value of these instruments is determined by reference to quoted prices in this market. The market for these bonds is not considered to be liquid and consequently the fair value measurement is categorised within level 2 of the fair value hierarchy.

Reconciliation of level 3 financial assetsThe table below sets out the reconciliation of financial assets that are measured at fair value based on inputs that are not based on observable market data (level 3):

Cell captives


Balance at 1 January 2016 1 187Contributions paid to insurance cell captives 527Claims received by cell captives (617) Gain recognised in profit or loss 104

Balance at 31 December 2016 1 201

Balance at 1 January 2017 1 201Contributions paid to insurance cell captives 409Claims received by cell captives (209)Loss recognised in profit or loss (39)

Balance at 31 December 2017 1 362


Balance at 1 January 2016 9 707Transfers to level 2 (IHS)1 (9 250) Acquisitions 61Foreign exchange differences (138)

Balance at 31 December 2016 380

Balance at 1 January 2017 380Transfers from level 2 (IHS)1 11 240Acquisition 132Exchange right exercise (IHS) 13 767Gain on available-for-sale investment 4 439Foreign exchange differences (2 272)

Balance at 31 December 2017 27 686

¹ The group considers transfers between fair value hierarchy levels to have occurred at the beginning of the year.

MTN Group Limited Financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2017 93

Page 96: MTN Group Limited · Companies Act), which form an integral part of the annual financial statements. ... registration, cyber security and Mobile Money were key focus areas during

Notes to the group financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017

7 FINANCIAL RISK (continued)

7.1 Financial risk management and financial instruments (continued)

7.1.4 Credit riskCredit risk, or the risk of financial loss to the group due to customers or counterparties not meeting their contractual obligations, is managed through the application of credit approvals, limits and monitoring procedures.

The group’s maximum exposure to credit risk is represented by the carrying amount of the financial assets that are exposed to credit risk.

The group considers its maximum exposure per class, without taking into account any collateral and financial guarantees, to be as follows:

2017 Rm

2016 Rm

Loans and other non-current receivables 2 574 6 249Investments – 221Trade and other receivables 26 368 32 297 Current investments 5 552 7 858Derivative assets 205 4Restricted cash 2 376 1 020Cash and cash equivalents – net of overdraft 15 937 27 375

53 012 75 024

Cash and cash equivalents and current investmentsThe group determines appropriate internal credit limits for each counterparty. In determining these limits, the group considers the counterparty’s credit rating established by an accredited ratings agency and performs internal risk assessments. The group manages its exposure to a single counterparty by spreading transactions among approved financial institutions. The group treasury committee regularly reviews and monitors the group’s credit exposure.

The operations in Nigeria, Dubai and South Africa (including head office entities) hold their cash balances in financial institutions with a rating range from B- to AA- (2016: B- to AA+).

Given these credit ratings, management does not expect any counterparty to fail to meet its obligations.

Investment in cell captivesThe group has exposure to the credit risk of the insurance company through its investment in preference shares in its cell captive arrangements. However, the group has access to the assets of the cell which reduces this risk.

Trade receivablesA large portion of the group’s postpaid market revenues are generated in South Africa. There are no other significant concentrations of credit risk, since the other operations within the group operate largely within the prepaid market. The group has policies in place to ensure that retail sales of products and services are made to customers with an appropriate credit history. Before credit is granted to a customer, the group performs credit risk assessments through credit bureaus. The group insures some of its trade receivables in its South African operation, in which instance the credit risk assessments are performed by the credit insurer prior to the granting of credit by the group. In terms of this arrangement, R7,9 billion has been insured for which the group’s risk is limited to R25 million. In addition, some entities within the group require potential customers to obtain guarantees from banks before credit is granted.

The recoverability of interconnect receivables in certain international operations is uncertain; however, this is actively managed within acceptable limits and has been incorporated in the assessment of an appropriate revenue recognition policy (note 2.2) and the impairment of trade receivables where applicable. In addition, in certain countries there exists a right of set-off with interconnect parties to enable collection of outstanding amounts.

94 MTN Group Limited Financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2017

Page 97: MTN Group Limited · Companies Act), which form an integral part of the annual financial statements. ... registration, cyber security and Mobile Money were key focus areas during

Notes to the group financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017

7 FINANCIAL RISK (continued)

7.1 Financial risk management and financial instruments (continued)

7.1.4 Credit risk (continued)

Trade receivables (continued)

Ageing and impairment analysis

2017 2016Gross


RmNet Rm




Fully performing trade receivables 10 713 – 10 713 10 390 – 10 390Interconnect receivables 1 528 – 1 528 1 034 – 1 034Contract receivables 1 311 – 1 311 1 979 – 1 979Other receivables 7 874 – 7 874 7 377 – 7 377Past due trade receivables 8 689 (2 753) 5 936 9 438 (2 538) 6 900Interconnect receivables 2 845 (773) 2 072 2 827 (736) 2 0910 to 3 months 567 (17) 550 673 (1) 6723 to 6 months 610 (94) 516 394 (39) 3556 to 9 months 296 (33) 263 416 (96) 3209 to 12 months 1 372 (629) 743 1 344 (600) 744Contract receivables 2 042 (1 217) 825 2 984 (1 361) 1 6230 to 3 months 756 (396) 360 977 (46) 9313 to 6 months 322 (215) 107 989 (583) 4066 to 9 months 111 (50) 61 183 (132) 519 to 12 months 853 (556) 297 835 (600) 235Other receivables 3 802 (763) 3 039 3 627 (441) 3 1860 to 3 months 1 297 (147) 1 150 1 875 (16) 1 8593 to 6 months 1 486 (347) 1 139 979 (353) 6266 to 9 months 121 (91) 30 109 (27) 829 to 12 months 898 (178) 720 664 (45) 619

Total 19 402 (2 753) 16 649 19 828 (2 538) 17 290

MTN Group Limited Financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2017 95

Page 98: MTN Group Limited · Companies Act), which form an integral part of the annual financial statements. ... registration, cyber security and Mobile Money were key focus areas during

Notes to the group financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017

7 FINANCIAL RISK (continued)

7.1 Financial risk management and financial instruments (continued)

7.1.4 Credit risk (continued)

Trade receivables (continued)

Total past due per significant operation

Interconnect receivables


Contract receivables


Other receivables



2017MTN South Africa 72 689 1 687 2 448MTN Nigeria 769 344 98 1 211MTN Côte d’Ivoire 61 292 322 675MTN Yemen 405 75 39 519MTN Cameroon 88 49 375 512MTN Benin 342 288 138 768Other operations 1 108 305 1 143 2 556

2 845 2 042 3 802 8 689

2016MTN South Africa 158 1 300 2 002 3 460MTN Nigeria 718 473 – 1 191MTN Côte d’Ivoire 356 252 237 845MTN Yemen 504 118 37 659MTN Cameroon 100 196 – 296MTN Benin 193 37 146 376Other operations 798 608 1 205 2 611

2 827 2 984 3 627 9 438

Allowance for impairment of trade receivables

At the beginning

of the year



Rm Utilised

Net monetary

gain Rm

Exchange differences

and other movements2


At the end

of the year


2017Allowance for impairment of trade receivables (2 538) (857) 21 442 2 177 (2 753)

2016Allowance for impairment of trade receivables (3 459) (1 001) 542 625 18 737 (2 538)¹ A net impairment loss of R836 million (2016: R459 million) was recognised during the year. This amount is included

in other operating expenses in profit or loss (note 2.4).² Including the effect of hyperinflation.

The group does not hold any collateral for trade receivables.

96 MTN Group Limited Financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2017

Page 99: MTN Group Limited · Companies Act), which form an integral part of the annual financial statements. ... registration, cyber security and Mobile Money were key focus areas during

Notes to the group financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017

7 FINANCIAL RISK (continued)

7.1 Financial risk management and financial instruments (continued)

7.1.5 Liquidity riskLiquidity risk is the risk that an entity in the group will be unable to meet its obligations as they become due.

The group’s approach to managing liquidity risk is to ensure that sufficient liquidity is available to meet its liabilities when due under both normal and stressed conditions, without incurring unacceptable losses or risking damage to the group’s reputation.

Group treasury develops strategies to ensure that the group has sufficient cash on demand or access to facilities to meet expected operational expenses, and to service financial obligations. This excludes the potential impact of extreme circumstances that cannot reasonably be predicted, such as natural disasters. Group treasury performs regular cash flow forecasts, monitors cash holdings of the group, negotiates lines of credit and sets policies for maturity profiles of loans.

The following liquid resources are available:2017



Trade and other receivables 26 368 32 297Current investments 5 552 2 771Cash and cash equivalents, net of overdrafts 15 937 27 375

47 857 62 443

The group’s undrawn borrowing facilities are disclosed in note 6.1.

Although cash held by MTN Nigeria, MTN Sudan, MTN South Sudan and Areeba Guinea S.A. is available to settle liabilities denominated in the local currency in the respective country of operation, access to foreign currency in the country is constrained.

MTN Group Limited Financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2017 97

Page 100: MTN Group Limited · Companies Act), which form an integral part of the annual financial statements. ... registration, cyber security and Mobile Money were key focus areas during

Notes to the group financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017

7 FINANCIAL RISK (continued)

7.1 Financial risk management and financial instruments (continued)

7.1.5 Liquidity risk (continued)

The following are the undiscounted contractual cash flows of financial liabilities:

Carrying amount



Payable within one

month or on


More than one

month but not

exceeding three


More than three

months but not

exceeding one year


More than

one year but not

exceeding two years


More than

two years but not

exceeding five years


More than five


2017Borrowings 79 648 91 945 2 438 1 469 9 433 9 825 50 898 17 882Other non-current liabilities 966 1 139 – – – 153 252 734Nigeria regulatory fine 6 637 7 576 – 1 894 1 894 3 788 – –Trade and other payables 40 345 40 345 23 634 9 997 6 714 – – –Derivative liabilities 118 118 68 – 50 – – –Bank overdrafts 72 72 – 72 – – – –

127 786 141 195 26 140 13 432 18 091 13 766 51 150 18 616

2016Borrowings 86 954 97 982 4 142 1 785 17 291 9 000 41 284 24 480Other non-current liabilities 1 122 1 185 – – – 361 211 613Nigeria regulatory fine 8 680 10 961 – 1 315 – 4 823 4 823 –Trade and other payables 42 243 42 245 26 288 10 892 5 065 – – –Derivative liabilities 58 58 36 22 – – – –

139 057 152 431 30 466 14 014 22 356 14 184 46 318 25 093

98 MTN Group Limited Financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2017

Page 101: MTN Group Limited · Companies Act), which form an integral part of the annual financial statements. ... registration, cyber security and Mobile Money were key focus areas during

Notes to the group financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017

7 FINANCIAL RISK (continued)

7.1 Financial risk management and financial instruments (continued)

7.1.6 Market riskMarket risk is the risk that changes in market prices (such as interest rates, foreign currencies and equity prices) will affect the group’s income or the value of its financial instruments. The objective of market risk management is to manage and control market risk exposures within acceptable parameters, while optimising the return.

Derivatives are entered into solely for risk management purposes and not as speculative investments. The group treasury policy specifies approved instruments which may be used to economically hedge the group’s exposure to variability in interest rates and foreign currency and to manage and maintain market risk exposures within the parameters set by the group’s board of directors. Interest rate riskInterest rate risk is the risk that arises on an interest-bearing asset or liability, due to variability of interest rates.

Financial assets and liabilities that are sensitive to interest rate risk are cash and cash equivalents, restricted cash, trade and other receivables/payables, loans receivable/payable, borrowings, bank overdrafts and other non-current liabilities. The interest rates applicable to these financial instruments are a combination of floating and fixed rates in line with those currently available in the market.

The group’s interest rate risk arises from the repricing of the group’s floating rate debt, incremental funding or new borrowings, the refinancing of existing borrowings and the magnitude of the cash balances which exist. The group aims to maintain its mix of fixed and floating rate debt within internally determined parameters, however, this depends on the market conditions in the geographies where the group operates.

Holding companies’ (as disclosed in note 9.1), including MTN (Mauritius) Investments Limited, debt is managed on an optimal fixed versus floating interest rate basis, in line with the approved group treasury policy.

Debt in the majority of the group’s non-South African operations is mainly at floating interest rates. This is due to the environment and availability of funding in the market in which the entity operates. The group continues to monitor developments which may create opportunities as these markets evolve in order to align each underlying operation with the group treasury policy. Group treasury reports on the interest rate profile, in particular that of the holding companies, to the group treasury, board, audit and risk committees on a regular basis.

Where appropriate, the group uses interest rate derivatives and other suitable hedging tools as a way to manage interest rate risk. The group does not apply hedge accounting to these derivatives.

MTN Group Limited Financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2017 99

Page 102: MTN Group Limited · Companies Act), which form an integral part of the annual financial statements. ... registration, cyber security and Mobile Money were key focus areas during

Notes to the group financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017

7 FINANCIAL RISK (continued)

7.1 Financial risk management and financial instruments (continued)

7.1.6 Market risk (continued) Interest rate risk (continued)

ProfileAt the reporting date the interest rate profile of the group’s interest-bearing financial instruments was:

2017 2016Fixed rate


Variable rateinstruments


Fixed rateinstruments


Variable rateinstruments


Non-current financial assetsLoans and other non-current receivables 1 357 – 3 914 1 099Investments – – 221 –Current financial assetsTrade and other receivables 5 670 1 457 10 084 2 028Current investments 4 190 – 6 657 –Restricted cash 273 183 44 142Cash and cash equivalents 4 215 4 937 11 570 9 174

15 705 6 577 32 490 12 443Non-current financial liabilitiesBorrowings 28 017 42 550 31 704 35 808Other non-current liabilities 704 250 909 185Current financial liabilitiesTrade and other payables 2 423 1 255 3 234 1 008Borrowings 2 125 6 859 4 523 14 623Bank overdrafts 72 – – –

33 341 50 914 40 370 51 624

100 MTN Group Limited Financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2017

Page 103: MTN Group Limited · Companies Act), which form an integral part of the annual financial statements. ... registration, cyber security and Mobile Money were key focus areas during

Notes to the group financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017

7 FINANCIAL RISK (continued)

7.1 Financial risk management and financial instruments (continued)

7.1.6 Market risk (continued) Sensitivity analysisThe group has used a sensitivity analysis technique that measures the estimated change to profit or loss of an instantaneous increase or decrease of 1% (100 basis points) in market interest rates, from the rate applicable at 31 December, for each class of financial instrument with all other variables remaining constant. This analysis is for illustrative purposes only, as in practice market rates rarely change in isolation.

The group is mainly exposed to fluctuations in the following market interest rates: JIBAR, LIBOR, NIBOR, prime, EURIBOR and money market rates. Changes in market interest rates affect the interest income or expense of floating rate financial instruments.

A change in the above market interest rates at the reporting date would have increased/(decreased) profit before tax by the amounts shown below.

The analysis has been performed on the basis of the change occurring at the start of the reporting period and assumes that all other variables, in particular foreign currency rates, remain constant. The analysis is performed on the same basis as was used for 2016.

2017 2016(Decrease)/increase in

profit before tax(Decrease)/increase in

profit before tax

Change in interest

rate %

Upward change in

interest rate Rm

Downward change in

interest rate Rm

Change in interest

rate %

Upward change in

interest rate Rm

Downward change in

interest rate Rm

JIBAR 1 (262,9) 262,9 1 (199,6) 199,6LIBOR 1 (132,3) 132,3 1 (122,2) 122,2Three-month LIBOR 1 1,9 (1,9) 1 (0,6) 0,6NIBOR 1 (70,9) 70,9 1 (82,5) 82,5EURIBOR 1 (5,0) 5,0 1 (18,7) 18,7Money market 1 8,3 (8,3) 1 6,9 (6,9)Prime 1 38,4 (38,4) 1 73,1 (73,1)Other 1 (9,3) 9,3 1 (28,7) 28,7

MTN Group Limited Financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2017 101

Page 104: MTN Group Limited · Companies Act), which form an integral part of the annual financial statements. ... registration, cyber security and Mobile Money were key focus areas during

Notes to the group financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017

7 FINANCIAL RISK (continued)

7.1 Financial risk management and financial instruments (continued)

7.1.6 Market risk (continued) Currency riskCurrency risk is the exposure to exchange rate fluctuations that have an impact on cash flows and financing activities.

Currency risk arises on recognised financial assets and liabilities which are denominated in a currency that is not the entity’s functional currency. The group aims to maintain its foreign currency exposure within internally determined parameters, however, this depends on the market conditions in the geographies where the group operates. Group treasury reports on the status of foreign currency positions or derivatives to the group treasury committee on a regular basis.

Where possible, entities in the group use forward contracts to hedge their actual exposure to foreign currency. Refer to note 7.5 for the group’s outstanding foreign exchange contracts.

Sensitivity analysisThe group has used a sensitivity analysis technique that measures the estimated change to profit or loss and to equity, of an instantaneous 10% strengthening or weakening in the rand against all other currencies, from the rate applicable at 31 December, for each class of financial instrument with all other variables remaining constant. This analysis is for illustrative purposes only, as in practice, market rates rarely change in isolation.

The group is mainly exposed to fluctuations in foreign exchange rates in respect of the US  dollar, euro and Iranian rial. This analysis considers the impact of changes in foreign exchange rates on profit or loss and equity.

The analysis excludes foreign exchange translation differences resulting from the translation of group entities that have functional currencies different from the presentation currency, into the group’s presentation currency, which are recognised in the foreign currency translation reserve.

The analysis has been performed on the basis of the change occurring at the start of the reporting period and assumes that all other variables, in particular interest rates, remain constant.

The group has changed the presentation to indicate the impact of the foreign exchange exposure on both profit or loss before tax and equity. Intercompany balances that are denominated in a currency other than the functional currency of the entity are reflected as either impacting profit or loss before tax, or equity in the case of loans that are not repayable in the foreseeable future.

102 MTN Group Limited Financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2017

Page 105: MTN Group Limited · Companies Act), which form an integral part of the annual financial statements. ... registration, cyber security and Mobile Money were key focus areas during

Notes to the group financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017

7 FINANCIAL RISK (continued)

7.1 Financial risk management and financial instruments (continued)

7.1.6 Market risk (continued) Currency risk (continued)

Sensitivity analysis (continued)

A change in the foreign exchange rates to which the group is exposed at the reporting date would have increased/(decreased) profit before tax or equity by the amounts shown below.

Increase/(decrease) in profit before tax, or (increase)/decrease in loss before tax Increase/(decrease) in equity

Denominated:functional currency

Net assets/(liabilities)

denominatedin foreign currency

Change in exchange





Strength-ening in



Change in exchange





Strength-ening in



2017US$:ZAR1 2 259 10 226,0 (226,0) 10 – –US$:SYP (522) 10 (0,4) 0,4 10 (51,8) 51,8US$:SDG (993) 10 195,7 (195,7) 10 (295,0) 295,0US$:SSP (4 654) 10 (21,9) 21,9 10 (443,5) 443,5US$:NGN1 (5 352) 10 (535,2) 535,2 10 – –EUR:SDG (1 491) 10 (149,1) 149,1 10 – –EUR:US$ 873 10 87,3 (87,3) 10 – –US$:GNF (2 457) 10 (30,7) 30,7 10 (215,0) 215,0US$:ZMK (618) 10 (61,8) 61,8 10 – –IRR:ZAR 5 425 10 542,5 (542,5) 10 – –EUR:ZAR (812) 10 (81,2) 81,2 10 – –2016US$:ZAR1 1 669 10 166,9 (166,9) 10 – –US$:SYP (452) 10 (2,2) 2,2 10 (43,0) 43,0US$:SDG (1 386) 10 (21,2) 21,2 10 (117,4) 117,4US$:SSP (4 909) 10 (25,2) 25,2 10 (465,7) 465,7US$:NGN1 (4 036) 10 (403,6) 403,6 10 – –EUR:SDG (1 850) 10 (185,0) 185,0 10 – –EUR:US$ 1 592 10 159,2 (159,2) 10 – –US$:GNF (2 674) 10 (38,8) 38,8 10 (228,6) 228,6US$:ZMK (792) 10 (79,2) 79,2 10 – –IRR:ZAR 11 752 10 1 175,2 (1 175,2) 10 – –EUR:ZAR (1 845) 10 (184,5) 184,5 10 – –

¹ Reduced by the impact of the net investment hedge as disclosed in note 7.5.

MTN Group Limited Financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2017 103

Page 106: MTN Group Limited · Companies Act), which form an integral part of the annual financial statements. ... registration, cyber security and Mobile Money were key focus areas during

Notes to the group financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017

7 FINANCIAL RISK (continued)

7.1 Financial risk management and financial instruments (continued)

7.1.6 Market risk (continued) Price riskThe group is exposed to equity price risk, which arises from available-for-sale investments (see note 7.2).

Refer to note 7.1.3 for disclosure of the sensitivity of the fair values of the investments to a change in the inputs used to determine their fair values. Other comprehensive income (before tax) will be affected by the amounts disclosed in respect of these investments in note 7.1.3.

7.1.7 Capital managementThe group’s policy is to borrow using a mixture of long-term and short-term borrowing facilities to meet anticipated funding requirements. Borrowings are managed within the group’s established debt:equity ratios. The group seeks to maximise borrowings at an operating company level, on a non-recourse basis, within an acceptable level of debt for the maturity of the local company.

Management regularly monitors and reviews net debt:EBITDA, and net interest:EBITDA ratios.

Under the terms of the major borrowing facilities, the group is required to comply with financial covenants relating to net debt:EBITDA and net interest:EBITDA. The group has complied with all externally imposed covenants during the current and prior year.

The group’s net debt:EBITDA, net debt:equity and net interest:EBITDA at the end of the year are set out below. Net debt is defined as borrowings and bank overdrafts less cash and cash equivalents, restricted cash and current investments (excluding investments in cell captives). Equity approximates share capital and reserves. Net interest comprises finance costs less finance income and EBITDA is defined as earnings before interest (which includes gains and losses on foreign exchange transactions), tax, depreciation and amortisation and is also presented before recognising the following items: • Impairment of goodwill. • Loss in derecognition of long-term loan receivable. • Net monetary gain resulting from the application of hyperinflation. • Share of results of associates and joint ventures after tax.

2017 2016

Net debt:EBITDABorrowings and bank overdrafts (Rm) 79 720 86 954Less: Cash and cash equivalents, restricted cash and current investments (Rm) (22 575) (35 052)

Net debt (Rm) 57 145 51 902EBITDA (Rm) 46 955 40 751Net debt:EBITDA ratio 1,2 1,3Net debt:total equityNet debt (Rm) 57 145 51 902Total equity (Rm) 94 267 105 231Net debt:total equity (%) 60,6 49,3Net interest:EBITDANet finance costs (Rm) (9 267) (10 495)EBITDA (Rm) 46 955 40 751Net interest:EBITDA (%) (19,7) (25,8)

104 MTN Group Limited Financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2017

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Notes to the group financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017

7 FINANCIAL RISK (continued)

7.2 Investments

Investments consist of held-to-maturity and available-for-sale financial assets that are accounted for in accordance with the accounting policy disclosed in note 7.1.



Held-to-maturity financial assetsTreasury bills and bonds with fixed rates of 4,5% to 6,3% and maturity dates between 2018 and 20191 – 221Available-for-sale financial assetsInvestment in IHS2 27 045 11 240Unlisted equity investment 641 380

27 686 11 8411 Denominated in Côte d’Ivoire Communauté Financière Africaine franc.2 The investment in IHS mainly increased during the current year due to the exchange of the group’s 51% interest in

Nigeria Tower InterCo B.V. the parent company of INT Towers Limited (INT), the Nigerian telecom tower operator, for an additional shareholding in IHS Holding Limited (notes 2.3 and 7.1.3).

The recoverability of the investments was assessed at the reporting date and was found not to be impaired.

7.3 Loans and other non-current receivables

Loans and other non-current receivables are accounted for as loans and receivables in accordance with the accounting policy disclosed in note 7.1.

Prepayments include costs paid relating to subsequent financial years and are stated at nominal value.



Loan to Uganda Tower InterCo B.V.1 452 1 099Loan to Ghana Tower InterCo B.V.2 905 1 051Loan to Nigeria Tower InterCo B.V.3 – 2 863Non-current interconnect receivables 124 224Other non-current receivables 1 276 1 253Non-current prepayments4 753 876

3 510 7 3661 During the current year, the group converted its variable interest loan to its associate, Uganda Tower InterCo B.V.

with a balance of US$80,1 million, into additional equity of US$48,3 million and a replacement note in Ugandan shillings for the remaining balance. The replacement note attracts interest at a fixed rate of 16,8% per annum, and is repayable in 2023. The original note attracted interest at LIBOR + 5,3% per annum and was repayable in 2019.

2 The loan to Ghana Tower InterCo B.V. attracts interest at a fixed interest rate of 21,87% per annum. The loan is repayable in 2019.

3 The loan to INT Towers attracted interest at a fixed interest rate of 10% per annum, subject to review, and was repayable in 2024 and 2025. This loan was assigned to IHS on 27 December 2017. Refer to note 2.6 for further information.

4 Includes prepaid rent and Global Carrier Services cables.

The recoverability of the loans was assessed at the reporting date and was found not to be impaired.

No impairment was recognised in the current or prior year.

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for the year ended 31 December 2017

7 FINANCIAL RISK (continued)

7.4 Current investmentsCurrent investments consist of loans and receivables, available-for-sale financial assets, financial assets held at fair value through profit or loss and held-to-maturity financial assets that are accounted for in accordance with the accounting policy disclosed in note 7.1.



Loans and receivablesForeign currency fixed deposits with fixed interest rates of 0,4% to 8% (2016: 4,7% to 10%)1 1 759 340Commercial paper with fixed interest rates of 4,7% to 10%2 – 262Foreign currency fixed deposits with a fixed interest rate of 9%3 – 17Foreign currency fixed deposits with a fixed interest rate of 0,03%4 281 –

2 040 619Financial assets held at fair value through profit or lossInvestment in insurance cell captives – Guardrisk (note 7.1.3) 1 362 1 201Treasury bills with fixed interest rates of 17,7% to 17,8% (2016: 17,8% to 18,5%) and maturity dates between May and June 2018 (2016: June and December 2017)2 307 669

1 669 1 870Held-to-maturity financial assetsTreasury bills with fixed interest rates of 17,8% to 18,6% (2016: 12,7% to 22,7%) and maturity dates between January and May 2018 (2016: February and November 2017)2 1 468 5 087Treasury bill with a fixed interest rate of 10,5% and a maturity date of June 20183 32 –

1 500 5 087Available-for-saleTreasury bills with fixed interest rates of 14,9% to 18,6% (2016: 18,5%) and maturity dates between February and August 2018 (2016: August and December 2017)2 343 282

Total current investments 5 552 7 8581 Denominated in United States dollar.2 Denominated in Nigerian naira.3 Denominated in Rwandan franc.4 Denominated in euro.

No allowance for impairment has been recognised as at the reporting date as all investments are considered to be fully performing.

There were no significant disposals of held-to-maturity financial assets during 2017 or 2016.

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Notes to the group financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017

7 FINANCIAL RISK (continued)

7.5 Derivatives and hedgesThe group uses derivative financial instruments, such as forward exchange contracts and interest rate swaps, to hedge its foreign currency risks, and interest rate risks, respectively. Such derivative financial instruments are initially recognised at fair value on the date on which a derivative contract is entered into and are subsequently remeasured at fair value. Derivatives are carried as financial assets when the fair value is positive and as financial liabilities when the fair value is negative.

All gains and losses from changes in the fair value of derivatives that do not qualify for hedge accounting are recognised immediately in profit or loss.



Derivatives held for tradingCurrent assetsForward exchange options 205 4

205 4Current liabilitiesForward exchange contracts (118) (58)

87 (54)Gains/(losses) accounted for directly in profit or loss 51 (39)Notional principal amount (US$ forward exchange contracts) 84 335

Net investment hedgesDuring 2016 and for the year ended 31 December 2017, the group hedged a designated portion of its dollar net assets in MTN (Dubai) Limited (MTN Dubai) for forex exposure arising between the US$ and ZAR as part of the group’s risk management objectives. The group designated external borrowings (Eurobonds) denominated in US$ held by MTN (Mauritius) Investments Limited with a value of R22,4 billion (December 2016: R23,2 billion) and external borrowings denominated in US$ held by MTN Nigeria Communications Limited with a value of R2,6 billion (December 2016: R4,5 billion) as hedging instruments.

For the period of the hedge relationship, foreign exchange movements on these hedging instruments are recognised in other comprehensive income as part of the foreign currency translation reserve (FCTR), offsetting the exchange differences recognised in other comprehensive income, arising on translation of the designated dollar net assets of MTN Dubai to ZAR. The cumulative forex movement recognised in other comprehensive income will only be reclassified to profit or loss upon loss of control over MTN Dubai. There was no hedge ineffectiveness recognised in profit or loss during the current or prior years.

The fair value of the financial liabilities designated as net investment hedges are:



US$ denominated bonds held by MTN (Mauritius) Investments Limited 22 434 23 179US$ denominated loans held by MTN Nigeria Communications Limited 2 612 4 455

There was no hedge ineffectiveness recognised in profit or loss during the current or prior year.

The determination of fair value of these liabilities is disclosed in note 7.1.3.

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Notes to the group financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017

7 FINANCIAL RISK (continued)

7.6 Exchange rates to South African rand

Closing rates Average rates

2017 2016 2017 2016

United States dollar US$ 0,08 0,07 0,07 0,07Uganda shilling UGX 293,68 261,73 270,09 232,52Rwanda franc RWF 68,34 59,15 61,68 53,10Cameroon Communauté Financière Africaine franc XAF 44,44 45,34 44,06 40,23Nigerian naira NGN 29,05 22,81 24,61 18,28Iranian rial IRR 2 893,16 2 355,36 2 493,01 2 119,83Botswana pula BWP 0,80 0,78 0,78 0,75Côte d’Ivoire Communauté Financière Africaine franc CFA 45,50 45,56 43,92 40,55Congo-Brazzaville Communauté Financière Africaine franc XAF 44,44 45,56 44,11 40,30Zambian kwacha ZMK 0,81 0,72 0,71 0,70Swaziland lilangeni E 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00Afghanistan afghani AFN 5,62 4,87 5,08 4,66Euro EUR 0,07 0,07 0,07 0,06Ghanaian cedi GHS 0,36 0,31 0,33 0,27Benin Communauté Financière Africaine franc XOF 45,50 45,56 44,97 40,17Guinean franc GNF 726,65 667,63 680,92 626,24Sudanese pound SDG 1,61 0,48 0,55 0,43Syrian pound1 SYP 35,18 37,71 37,76 32,41Guinea-Bissau Communauté Financière Africaine franc XOF 45,50 45,56 43,96 40,96Yemen rial YER 31,71 18,25 20,51 16,17Ethiopian birr ETB 2,20 1,60 1,74 1,47South Sudanese pound1 SSP 10,51 6,19 8,98 2,621 The financial results, positions and cash flows of foreign operations trading in hyperinflationary economies are

translated as set out in note 1.3.2.

Subsidiaries operating in dual exchange rate economiesFollowing a review of the liquidity and sustainability of quoted exchange rates introduced in Nigeria and Sudan, the group changed the rates applicable to the relevant transactions and balances as well as the translation of the results, cash flows and financial position of these operations in the last quarter of 2017.

In MTN Nigeria the group changed its reference rate from the Interbank rate to the Nigeria Autonomous Foreign Exchange (NAFEX) rate and in MTN Sudan the group changed from the Central Bank rate to the Margin Resource Incentive rate.

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Notes to the group financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017

8 EQUITY STRUCTURE8.1 Ordinary share capital and share premium

Ordinary shares are classified as equity. Incremental external costs directly attributable to the issue of new ordinary shares or share options are recognised in equity as a deduction (net of tax) from the proceeds.

Where any group company purchases the company’s equity share capital (treasury shares), the consideration paid, including any directly attributable incremental external costs (net of tax), is deducted from equity attributable to the company’s equity holders until the shares are cancelled or reissued. Where such ordinary shares are subsequently reissued, any consideration received, net of any directly attributable incremental transaction costs and the related income tax effects, is included in equity attributable to the company’s equity holders.

Ordinary share capital (par value of 0,01 cents)

2017Number of


2016Number of

sharesAuthorised 2 500 000 000 2 500 000 000Issued (fully paid up) 1 884 269 758 1 884 269 758In issue at the beginning of the year 1 884 269 758 1 845 493 245MTN Zakhele shares cancelled and delisted4 – (38 058 865)Shares issued to MTN Zakhele Futhi¹ – 76 835 378In issue at the end of the year 1 884 269 758 1 884 269 758Treasury shares2 (9 983 286) (10 206 255)Options held by MTN Zakhele Futhi¹ (76 835 378) (76 835 378)

In issue at the end of the year – excluding MTN Zakhele Futhi transactions and treasury shares3 1 797 451 094 1 797 228 1251 These shares, although legally issued to MTN Zakhele Futhi, are not deemed to be issued in terms of IFRS as the

MTN Zakhele Futhi transaction has the substance of an option and are shown as such in the share capital reconciliation.

2 Treasury shares held by MTN Holdings Limited.3 There are no restrictions, rights or preferences including restrictions on dividend distributions attached to these

shares.4 Included in shares cancelled and delisted are 1 444 172 shares acquired in 2015 and delisted in 2016.



Share capitalBalance at the beginning of the year * *Treasury shares * *Shares cancelled – (*)Share buy-back – (*)

Balance at the end of the year * *Share premiumBalance at the beginning of the year 36 786 40 248Shares repurchased from MTN Zakhele – (3 462)

Balance at the end of the year 36 786 36 786

* Amounts less than R1 million.

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Notes to the group financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017

8 EQUITY STRUCTURE (continued)

8.1 Ordinary share capital and share premium (continued)

MTN Zakhele Futhi and unwind of MTN ZakheleThe group unwound its BBBEE transaction ‘MTN Zakhele’ during November 2016. On unwind, the company cancelled and delisted the following shares received from MTN Zakhele: • 5 882 100 shares delivered to the company in settlement of the outstanding NVF funding of R662 million;

• 23 479 083 shares repurchased by the company for cash; and • 7 253 510 shares to facilitate the reinvestment by existing MTN Zakhele shareholders into the new BBBEE vehicle of the group, as described below.

As a consequence of the unwind of MTN Zakhele, a new BBBEE transaction was structured through a separate legal entity, MTN Zakhele Futhi (RF) Limited (hereafter referred to as MTN Zakhele Futhi). MTN Zakhele Futhi is consolidated by MTN. The transaction is designed to provide long-term, sustainable benefits to all BBBEE participants and will run for a period of eight years.

MTN Zakhele Futhi acquired 76 835 378 of the company’s shares at a price of R128,50 per share. The acquisition of 35 747 139 shares (and transaction costs of R36 million incurred by MTN Zakhele Futhi) was funded using equity raised from the allotment of MTN Zakhele Futhi shares totalling R1 651 million (including R557 million obtained from the group for the purchase of MTN Zakhele Futhi shares in terms of its underwrite option); reinvestment of R817 million from the existing MTN Zakhele shareholders and third-party preference share funding of R2 161 million. The acquisition of 15 367 075 shares was funded through a donation of shares to the amount of R1 975 million received from the group. The company also issued 25 721 164 notional vendor finance shares (NVF shares) at par value to MTN Zakhele Futhi amounting to approximately R3 305 million.

MTN Zakhele Futhi is a structured entity with the sole business of holding shares of MTN Group Limited and administering the associated funding of these shares. The group was involved in structuring MTN Zakhele Futhi, determining the level of its debt and negotiating the related debt covenants. In addition, the group holds a call option which, if exercised on the occurrence of a trigger event, entitles it to settle MTN Zakhele Futhi’s debt with the third -party funders. This gives the group the ability to manage the credit risk of MTN Zakhele Futhi and consequently, the related BBBEE credentials which are dependent on the continued success of MTN Zakhele Futhi. As these activities are considered to be the relevant activities of MTN Zakhele Futhi, it is consolidated by the group.

MTN Zakhele Futhi must repay the preference shares and NVF before the company’s shares held by it become unencumbered, while the company’s shares are the only security offered by MTN Zakhele Futhi for the debt funding obtained. Until the company’s shares held by MTN Zakhele Futhi become unencumbered, the ordinary shareholders of MTN Zakhele Futhi are exposed to the gains on the company’s shares, while their exposure to downside risk or risk of loss is limited to their equity contributions (i.e. the purchase price paid by them for the MTN Zakhele Futhi shares). Consequently, the company does not recognise its shares issued to MTN Zakhele Futhi and does not recognise the NVF as outstanding but treats it as an option for accounting purposes.

Further, no non-controlling interest is recognised in respect of the shares held by the ordinary shareholders of MTN Zakhele Futhi. From a consolidated perspective, their equity contributions (comprising cash received from new investors and the reinvestment by existing MTN Zakhele shareholders in MTN Zakhele Futhi) are in substance treated as a premium paid for the option to acquire the company’s shares in future.

During the 2017 year, an additional 24 388 294 MTN Zakhele Futhi shares were sold to external parties, that were previously acquired by the company in terms of the underwrite option during the allotment of MTN Zakhele Futhi shares in 2016. The shares were sold in four tranches on different grant dates for a total consideration of R487 million. The total increase in equity resulting from these share-based payment transactions amounted to R921 million of which R434 million (2016: R1 008 million) relates to the share-based payment expense, included in other operating expenses, and R487 million relates to the option premium on the shares sold during the year.

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Notes to the group financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017

8 EQUITY STRUCTURE (continued)

8.1 Ordinary share capital and share premium (continued)

Share-based payment expense in respect of MTN Zakhele FuthiThe current year sale of the different tranches occurred on multiple grant dates (2016: 23 November). The fair value of the share-based payment at grant date was determined using a Monte Carlo valuation model.

The significant inputs into the Monte Carlo valuation model were as follows:

20172 2016

Price per share (R) 113,00 – 135,24 114,1NVF balance (Rm) 3 473 – 3 619 3 305Preference share liability balance (Rm) 1 770 – 1 914 2 161Shares issued to MTN Zakhele Futhi (number) – 76 835 378Volatility (%) 31,03 – 31,26 33,05Dividend yield1 (%) 4,66 6,04Expected option life (years) 7 8Annual risk-free rate (%) 7,59 – 7,72 8,42Contribution from equity participants and MTN underwrite (Rm) 2 468 2 4681 Calculated based on a risk adjusted MTN share price of R113,00 to R135,24 (2016: R114,10) at the date of valuation.

The term structure dividend yield is based on dividend market forecasts obtained from Bloomberg. A fixed dividend forecast of 700 cents per share was applied in the 2016 valuation.

2 A range of significant inputs for the various tranches has been provided.

Third-party preference share funding obtained by MTN Zakhele FuthiA reconciliation of the third-party preference share funding obtained by MTN Zakhele Futhi to purchase shares of the company is provided below:



Class A cumulative redeemable non-participating preference sharesBalance at the beginning of the year 2 179 –Preference shares issued – 2 161Interest accrued at the effective interest rate 140 18Accrued interest paid (135) –Redemption of preference shares during the year (399) –

Balance at the end of the year 1 785 2 179

The class A preference shares are held by Jabisan 04 Proprietary Limited. The preference shares are mandatorily redeemable five years following the date of issue. Dividends are paid semi-annually on 30 April and 30 September. The preference share dividend rate is 75% of prime.

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Notes to the group financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017

8 EQUITY STRUCTURE (continued)

8.2 Other reserves



Balance at the beginning of the year 763 18 595Share-based payment transactions 1 158 2 920Exchange differences on translating foreign operations (8 524) (21 862)Foreign exchange movement on hedging instruments 1 421 (1 887)Net change in fair value of available-for-sale investments 4 439 2 672Other (229) 325

Balance at the end of the year (972) 763Consisting of:Contingency reserve (as required by insurance regulations)1 4 4Statutory reserve (as required by Rwanda and Congo-Brazzaville legislation)2 211 211Transactions with non-controlling interests3 (11 396) (11 396)Share-based payment transactions4 7 124 5 966Foreign currency translation reserve5 (4 029) 3 074Available-for-sale reserve6 7 111 2 672Other 3 232

(972) 7631 A contingency reserve has been created in terms of the Short-term Insurance Act, 1988. Transfers to the contingency

reserve are treated as an appropriation of income, and the balance of the reserve is disclosed in the statement of financial position as a non-distributable reserve, forming part of shareholders’ funds. On dissolution of the structured entities to which the reserve relates, they will become available for distribution.

2 A statutory reserve has been created in terms of local legislation. Transfers to the statutory reserve are treated as an appropriation of income, and the balance of the reserve is disclosed in the statement of financial position as a non-distributable reserve, forming part of the shareholders’ funds.

3 Non-controlling shareholders are treated as equity participants and, therefore, all acquisitions of non-controlling interests or disposals by the group of its interests in subsidiary companies where control is maintained subsequent to the disposal are accounted for as equity transactions. Consequently, the difference between the fair value of the consideration transferred and the carrying amount of a non-controlling interest purchased is recorded in equity. All profits or losses arising as a result of the disposal of interests in subsidiaries to non-controlling shareholders, where control is maintained subsequent to the disposal, are also recorded in equity.

4 Refer to the accounting policy in note 8.4 with regard to equity-settled share-based payments.5 Refer to the translation and disposal of foreign operations sections in accounting policy 1.3.2 foreign currency. The

group’s functional and presentation currency is rand. The strengthening of the closing rate of the rand against the functional currencies of the group’s largest operations contributed significantly to the decrease in assets and liabilities and the resulting foreign currency translation reserve net reduction of R8 524 million (2016: R21 862 million) since 31 December 2016. The amount also comprises foreign currency gains arising on the translation of financial liabilities designated as net investment hedges in a foreign operation of R1 421 million (2016: R1 887 million losses). Following the exercise of the exchange right in INT Towers Limited (note 2.3 other income), a foreign currency translation loss of R3 298 million was released to the income statement.

6 This comprises all fair value adjustments on all financial assets that have been classified as available-for-sale. On the disposal or impairment of available-for-sale financial assets, the cumulative gains recognised on these instruments are recognised in profit or loss.

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Notes to the group financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017

8 EQUITY STRUCTURE (continued)

8.3 Dividends Dividends declared to the company’s shareholders are recognised as a liability in the group’s financial statements in the period in which the dividends are approved by the company’s directors.

2017 2016

Dividends declared during the yearCents per

share RmCents per

share Rm

Final dividend paid in respect of the prior year 450 8 0782 830 15 2312

Interim dividend paid in respect of the current year 250 4 4942 250 4 5852

12 572 19 816

Dividends declared after year-endApproved after the reporting date and not recognised as a liability 4501 8 0892 450 8 0882

1 Declared at the board meeting on 7 March 2018.2 Excluding 9 983 286 (2016: 10 206 255) treasury shares held by MTN Holdings and 76 835 378 (2016: 76 835 378)

shares held by MTN Zakhele Futhi.

8.4 Share-based payments

Equity-settled share-based paymentsThe schemes described on the following page are accounted for as equity-settled share-based payments to employees. Equity-settled share-based payments are measured at fair value (excluding the effect of service or non-market-based vesting conditions) at the grant date. The fair value is measured using a stochastic model. The expected life used in the model has been adjusted, based on management’s best estimate, for the effects of non-transferability, exercise restrictions and behavioural considerations, where applicable. The fair value determined at the grant date of the equity-settled share-based options or rights is expensed on a straight-line basis over the vesting period, with a corresponding increase in equity, based on the group’s estimate of the shares that will eventually vest. The expense is adjusted to reflect the actual number of options and share rights for which the related service and non-market-based vesting conditions are met.

Where employees exercise options or share rights in terms of the rules and regulations of the schemes, new shares are issued to participants as beneficial owners. The directors procure a listing of these shares on the JSE Limited, the securities exchange on which the company’s shares are listed. In terms of the Share Option Scheme, participants entitled to share options pay a consideration equal to the option price when the options are exercised. The nominal value of shares issued is credited to share capital and the difference between the nominal value and the option price is credited to share premium. Settlement of the performance share plan (PSP) awards are done through the acquisition of shares in the open market and the subsequent delivery to participants.

Cash-settled share-based paymentsThe fair value of the amount payable to employees in respect of cash-settled share-based payments is recognised as an expense with a corresponding increase in liabilities, over the period during which the employees become unconditionally entitled to payment. The liability is remeasured to fair value at each reporting date and at settlement date. Any changes in the liability are recognised in profit or loss.

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Notes to the group financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017

8 EQUITY STRUCTURE (continued)

8.4 Share-based payments (continued)

The MTN Group Share Options, Share Appreciation Rights and Share Rights Schemes and Performance Share PlanThe group operates a number of equity-settled share-based payment schemes for the benefit of eligible employees, including executive directors, in accordance with the schemes’ rules. The schemes are designed to retain and recognise the contributions of executive directors and eligible employees and to provide additional incentives to contribute to the group’s continued growth.

The performance share plan is the active scheme which superseded the Share Option Scheme, the Share Appreciation Rights and the Share Rights Scheme. The superseded schemes will be wound up once all unvested and/or unexercised awards previously made have run their remaining course.

The vesting periods under the Share Rights Scheme, Share Option Scheme and Share Appreciation Rights Scheme are as follows: 20%, 20%, 30% and 30% on the anniversary of the second, third, fourth and fifth years, respectively, after the grant date. The strike price for these schemes is determined as the closing market price for the MTN Group Limited shares on the day prior to the date of allocation. Unexercised options and rights lapse 10 years from the date of grant and are forfeited if the employee leaves the group before they vest.

The vesting period for the Performance Share Plan is three years and the awards vest in full based on set performance targets. Employees are not entitled to receive dividends on the shares during the vesting period.

The total number of shares which may be allocated for the purposes of the schemes shall not exceed 5% of the total issued ordinary share capital of the company, being 94 213 488 shares as approved by shareholders in 2001.

MTN Group Share Appreciation Rights Scheme and Share Rights Scheme (the rights schemes)The Share Appreciation Rights Scheme was implemented on 31 May 2006.

On 26 August 2008, the board approved the Share Rights Scheme, which superseded the Share Appreciation Rights Scheme. Both the rights schemes operate under the same provisions with the exception that the Share Rights Scheme was extended to allow participation by junior managers.

Share rights under the rights schemes are granted to eligible employees by the relevant employer subsidiary company.

Exercised rights are equity settled whereby the relevant subsidiary purchases the required MTN shares in the open market.

Details of the outstanding Share Appreciation Rights are as follows:

Strike price


Number outstanding

at 31 December


Forfeited during


Exercised during


Number outstanding

at 31 December


Offer date22 June 2007 96,00 12 240 – (12 240) –19 March 2008 126,99 52 400 – – 52 400

Total 64 640 – (12 240) 52 400

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Notes to the group financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017

8 EQUITY STRUCTURE (continued)

8.4 Share-based payments (continued)

Details of the outstanding share rights are as follows:

Strike price


Number outstanding

at 31 December


Forfeited during


Exercised during


Number outstanding

at 31 December


Offer date1 September 2008 118,64 102 090 (4 300) (10 980) 86 81028 June 2010 107,49 284 110 (1 000) (63 060) 220 050

Total 386 200 (5 300) (74 040) 306 860

The share rights and share appreciation rights outstanding at the end of the year have a weighted average remaining contractual life of two years (2016: two years).

There were no new grants during the current and prior years.

MTN performance share plan (PSP)During prior financial years the group granted eligible employees share rights under the PSP, established in 2010. The rights were granted to employees on levels 3, 4, 5 and 6. The PSP was established in order to attract, retain and reward selected employees who are able to contribute to the business of the employer companies and to stimulate their personal involvement thereby encouraging their continued service and encouraging them to advance the interests of the relevant employer company and the group in general.

The share rights generally vest after three years from date of grant. For the grants made between 2014 and 2016, the following performance conditions must be fulfilled to qualify for the percentage of the shares granted as stated in the table below:

Proportion of grant

Employee level3 – 4


Employee level5 – 6


Vesting conditions for shares grantedTotal shareholder return 37,5 50,0Adjusted free cash flow growth 37,5 50,0Individual retention (guaranteed, subject to remaining on the PSP for the duration of the award fulfilment period) 25,0 –

For the total shareholder return vesting condition, vesting is based on a sliding scale that ranges from 25% vesting at the median to 100% vesting at the 75th percentile of the performance of a comparable group of companies listed on the JSE. For the adjusted free cash flow vesting condition, vesting is based on a sliding scale between 6% and 10% compound annual growth in the adjusted free cash flow for the three years before the grant date compared to the three years after the grant date, for all grants made in 2014 and thereafter. The individual return retention condition is guaranteed subject to the employee remaining employed by the group for the duration of the vesting period.

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Notes to the group financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017

8 EQUITY STRUCTURE (continued)

8.4 Share-based payments (continued)

The performance conditions were revised during the year and apply to new grants on and after 29 September 2017. The following performance conditions must be fulfilled to qualify for the percentage of the shares granted as stated in the table below:

Proportion of grant

Employee level3 – 4


Employee level5 – 6


Vesting conditions for shares grantedTotal shareholder return 25,0 25,0Cumulative operating free cash flow 25,0 25,0Individual retention (guaranteed, subject to remaining on the PSP for the duration of the award fulfilment period) 25,0 25,0Return on average capital employed 25,0 8,33 – 25,0Compliance to the dti and ICASA – 8,33 – 12,5Black economic empowerment – 8,33

For the total shareholder return vesting condition, vesting is based on a sliding scale that ranges from 25% vesting at the median to 100% vesting at the 75th percentile of the performance of the MSCI Emerging Markets Telecoms Index comparator group. For the cumulative operating free cash flow vesting condition, vesting is based on a sliding scale that ranges from 25% vesting at 90% of the target to 100% vesting at 110% of the target cumulative operating free cash flow over the measurement period. The individual return retention condition is guaranteed subject to the employee remaining employed by the group for the duration of the vesting period. The return on average capital employed is based on a sliding scale that ranges from 25% vesting at 90% of the budget to 100% vesting at 100% of the budgeted return on average capital employed. The vesting conditions with regards to compliance to the dti and ICASA are based on reasonable efforts made to ensure compliance with the relevant targets and codes. For the black economic empowerment vesting condition, vesting is based on the achievement of previously agreed upon deliverables as applicable in South Africa.

Details of the outstanding equity-settled performance share plan rights are as follows:

Number outstanding

at31 December

2016 Offered Forfeited

Exercised during


Number outstanding

at 31 December


Offer date20 December 20131 1 521 513 – (1 298 419) (223 094) –19 December 2014 1 658 396 – (111 643) – 1 546 75330 June 2016 3 627 038 – (372 822) – 3 254 21628 December 2016 5 549 103 – (567 659) – 4 981 4449 March 2017 – 66 500 – – 66 50029 September 2017 – 213 600 – – 213 60018 December 2017 – 6 025 000 (5 300) – 6 019 700

Total 12 356 050 6 305 100 (2 355 843) (223 094) 16 082 2131 The options granted in 2013 were forfeited due to the applicable conditions not being met.

116 MTN Group Limited Financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2017

Page 119: MTN Group Limited · Companies Act), which form an integral part of the annual financial statements. ... registration, cyber security and Mobile Money were key focus areas during

Notes to the group financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017

8 EQUITY STRUCTURE (continued)

8.4 Share-based payments (continued)

A valuation has been prepared using a stochastic model to determine the fair value of the performance share plan and the expense to be recognised for share rights granted during the current and prior year.

The range of inputs into the stochastic model used for rights granted during the year was as follows:

March 2017


December 2017

Share price (R) 120,80 124,38 134,46Expected life 3 years 2 years 3 yearsRisk-free rate 7,36% – 7,57% 7,09% – 7,93% 7,60% – 7,93%Expected volatility 32,55% – 36,55% 26,14% – 35,44% 24,08% – 32,88%Dividend yield 9,17% 7,16% 6,33%


December 2016

Share price (R) 144,09 126,17Expected life 3 years 3 yearsRisk-free rate 7,45% – 7,83% 7,88% – 8,01%Expected volatility 31,80% – 43,19% 32,10% – 37,65%Dividend yield 8,58% 9,43%

The risk-free rate was estimated using the nominal bond curve as compiled by the JSE of South Africa and obtained from I-Net Bridge (2016: the risk-free rate was estimated using the implied yield on SA zero-coupon government bonds).

Volatility was estimated using annualised standard deviation of the continuously compounded rates of return of the share and the daily dividend yield was provided by I-Net Bridge (2016: volatility was estimated using the weekly closing share price and the dividend yield was estimated by using a one-year moving average of the dividend yield at valuation date).

Employee share ownership programmeOn 1 December 2017 approximately 2 million shares were granted to qualifying employees for no consideration and subject to a service condition. The shares will vest in three tranches, i.e. a third will vest on the third, fourth and fifth anniversary of the grant date respectively. The plan is facilitated through a structured entity (the 2016 MTN ESOP trust). MTN will provide shares and funding to the 2016 MTN ESOP trust to enable the trust to satisfy its objectives.

Cash-settled share-based payment transactionsDuring the year, the group granted newly appointed executives cash-settled onboarding incentives to compensate the executives in respect of the actualised pre-tax amount of stocks or equity relinquished by the executives with their previous employers. The value of each incentive will be determined based on the market value of the specified number of ordinary listed shares in MTN Group Limited at the end of the incentive period for each respective executive. The remaining incentive period at 31 December 2017 is approximately two years. The total number of MTN Group shares on which the incentives are based is 837 664. The fair value of these incentives was determined as at 31 December 2017 using a Black-Scholes valuation methodology and a cash-settled share-based payment expense of R30 million was accounted for. None of the incentives granted have been forfeited since the respective grant dates. In addition, throughout the group there are various notional share schemes. The total income recorded for these schemes in the current year is R74 million (2016: R41 million), arising from the reversal of previously recorded expenses.



Expense arising from equity-settled share-based payment transactions 237 1Income arising from cash-settled share-based payment transactions (44) (41)

Total (note 2.4)1 193 (40)1 The expense/(income) has fluctuated due to non-market vesting conditions not being met and termination of

employment before the vesting date.

MTN Group Limited Financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2017 117

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Notes to the group financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017

1 Joint venture.2 Subsidiary acquired during 2016.3 Effective shareholding of 66,8% (see note 9.5).4 Incorporated during the year.5 Effective shareholding of 80% (see note 9.5).

There were no changes in the effective holding in any of the group’s subsidiaries during the year unless otherwise indicated.

Holding Companies

Mobile Telephone Networks Holdings Limited

South Africa100%

MTN International Proprietary Limited

South Africa100%

MTN International (Mauritius) Limited



mTn group


MTN Network Solutions

Proprietary Limited South Africa

MTN Media Holdings Proprietary

Limited South Africa

Smart Village Proprietary Limited2

MTN Business Solutions Botswana Proprietary Limited


MTN Business Limited (Kenya)


MTN Business Kenya Limited


Satellite Data Networks Mauritius Proprietary Limited


MTN Business Solutions Namibia Proprietary Limited


Cell Place

Proprietary Limited South Africa

iTalk Cellular

Proprietary Limited South Africa

Mobile Telephone Networks

Proprietary Limited South Africa

MTN Business Solutions

Proprietary Limited South Africa

Swazi MTN Limited1



Holding CompanyTeleCommuniCaTion/isp

Mascom Wireless Botswana Proprietary Limited1


Irancell Telecommunication Company Services

(PJSC)1 Iran49%

MTN Publicom

Limited Uganda


Mobile Telephone Networks

Cameroon Limited Cameroon5

MTN Network

Solutions Limited Cameroon5

Afnet Côte d’Ivoire3

Arobase Côte d’Ivoire3

MTN Côte d’Ivoire

S.A. Côte d’Ivoire3

MTN Nigeria Communications

Limited Nigeria

XS Broadband

Limited Nigeria

MTN Uganda

Limited Uganda

MTN (Zambia)

Limited Zambia

Holding Companies

MTN Group Management Services Proprietary Limited

South Africa100%

managemenT serviCes

eleCTroniC serviCes

MTN Mobile Money Limited


Electronic Funds Transfer Operations

Nigeria Limited50%

eleCTroniC serviCes

Africa Internet Holding GmbH1 Berlin


MTN Propco Proprietary Limited

South Africa100%

Aconcagua 11 Proprietary Limited

South Africa100%

sTruCTured enTiTy

MTN (Mauritius) Investments Limited


Munyati Buffalo Zambia Limited



Botswana Limited


Deci Investments Proprietary

Limited1 Botswana


Cotel Holdings Limited Zambia100%

Econet Wireless Citizens Limited


MTN Rwandacell

Limited Rwanda


MTN Congo S.A.

Republic of the Congo


Visafone Communications

Limited Nigeria2


9 group ComposiTion9.1 interest in subsidiaries and joint ventures
























118 MTN Group Limited Financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2017

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Notes to the group financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017

MTN (Dubai) Limited


mTn group

Holding Companies proCuremenT

9 group ComposiTion (continued)

9.1 interest in subsidiaries and joint ventures (continued)

Investcom Mobile Benin Limited

British Virgin Islands

Investcom Mobile Communications

LimitedBritish Virgin Islands

Investcom Telecommunications Afghanistan Limited British Virgin Islands

99% 100% 100%



MTN (Netherlands) BV


MTN (Netherlands)

Co-Op UANetherlands

100% 100% 100%

Galactic Engineering Projects SA


Vernis Associates SA


Starcom Global Limited

British Virgin Islands

78% 100% 89%

Investcom Global LimitedBritish Virgin


Fourteenth Avenue Investment

Holding LimitedUAE

99% 100%

Servico SALLebanon


Global Trading Company LLC



Global Sourcing Company LLC



Telecom Sourcing Services FZ-LLC


MTN Investments Limited


MTN SEA Shared Services Limited



inTernaTional business

Interserve Overseas LimitedBritish Virgin Islands


managemenT serviCes


Inteltec Offshore SALLebanon



MTN YemenYemen


Easynet Search LimitedGhana


MTN ICT Services PLC



MTN Nigeria Towers

SPV B.V.Netherlands


Investcom Telecommunications

Yemen Limited British Virgin Islands


MTN Sudan Company Limited



Lonestar Communications Corporation LLC


MTN Cyprus Limited



MTN Afghanistan Limited



MTN South Sudan Limited

South Sudan


Scancom LimitedGhana


Spacetel Guinea-

Bissau S.A.Guinea-Bissau


MTN Syria (JSC)



Areeba Guinea S.A.



Spacetel Benin SA



eleCTroniC serviCes

MTN Mobile Money Benin4


Middle East

Internet Holding SARL1 Luxembourg


aYo Holdings1, 2 Limited


TravelLab1, 2

AB (Travelstart) Sweden39,1%

Amadeus IV Digital 1


Novafone Incorporated2



Investcom Telecommunications

Guinea (Conakry) Limited British Virgin


Easy Dial International

LimitedBritish Virgin


99% 99%

Investcom Consortium Holding S.A.

British Virgin Islands


MTN Group Limited Financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2017 119

Page 122: MTN Group Limited · Companies Act), which form an integral part of the annual financial statements. ... registration, cyber security and Mobile Money were key focus areas during

Notes to the group financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017

9 group ComposiTion (continued)

9.2 investment in associates and joint ventures

Associates and joint ventures are accounted for using the equity method and are recognised initially at cost.

The group’s investment in associates and joint ventures includes goodwill identified on acquisition, net of any accumulated impairment losses. The consolidated financial statements include the group’s share of post-acquisition accumulated profits or losses of associated companies and joint ventures in the carrying amount of the investments, which are generally determined from their latest audited annual financial statements or management accounts and the annual profit attributable to the group is recognised in profit or loss. The group’s share of any post-acquisition movement in reserves is recognised in other comprehensive income. The cumulative post-acquisition movements are adjusted against the carrying amount of the investment.

Where an associate or joint venture’s functional currency is the currency of a hyperinflationary economy, the results and financial position of the associate or joint venture are restated in order to calculate the group’s share of net assets and profit or loss.

The carrying amount of the group’s investments in associates and joint ventures is reduced to recognise any potential impairment in the value of individual investments. When the group’s share of losses in an associate or joint venture equals or exceeds its interest in the associate or joint venture, the group does not recognise further losses, unless the group has an obligation, issued guarantees or made payments on behalf of the associate or joint venture.

Dilution gains or losses arising on investments in associates and joint ventures are recognised in profit or loss. If the ownership interest in an associate or joint venture is reduced but significant influence is retained, only a proportionate share of the amounts previously recognised in other comprehensive income is reclassified to profit or loss. Profits or losses resulting from upstream and downstream transactions between the group and its associates and joint ventures are recognised in the group’s financial statements only to the extent of unrelated investors’ interests in the associates and joint ventures. Unrealised losses are eliminated unless the transaction provides evidence of an impairment of the asset transferred.

Adjustments have been made where necessary to bring the accounting policies of the associates and joint ventures in line with those of the group.

2017 Rm

2016 Rm

Investment in associates 2 634 6 369Investment in joint ventures 16 976 20 300

Total investment in associates and joint ventures 19 610 26 669Share of results of associates after tax 33 (1 988)Share of results of joint ventures after tax 808 1 861

Total share of results of associates and joint ventures after tax 841 (127)

120 MTN Group Limited Financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2017

Page 123: MTN Group Limited · Companies Act), which form an integral part of the annual financial statements. ... registration, cyber security and Mobile Money were key focus areas during

Notes to the group financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017

9 group ComposiTion (continued)

9.2 investment in associates and joint ventures (continued)

Investment in associatesSignificant judgementThe group, together with another shareholder, hold the shares in Uganda Tower InterCo B.V. and Ghana Tower InterCo B.V. The group does not have substantive rights that give it power over the relevant activities of these entities. However, the group participates in the significant financial and operating decisions and consequently it has determined that it has significant influence over these entities, resulting in them being classified as associates of the group.

Unless otherwise stated, the group’s associates’ countries of incorporation are also their principal place of operation.

The group has the following effective interests in associates:Effective % interest in issued ordinary share


Associate Principal activityCountry of incorporation 2017 2016

Belgacom InternationalCarrier Services SA (BICS)

Telecommunications Belgium 20 20

Nigeria Tower InterCo B.V.1 Management of telecommunication infrastructure

Netherlands – 51

Uganda Tower InterCo B.V. Management of telecommunication infrastructure

Netherlands 49 49

Ghana Tower InterCo B.V. Management of telecommunication infrastructure

Netherlands 49 49

Number Portability Proprietary Limited

Porting South Africa 20 20

Content Connect Africa Proprietary Limited

Telecommunications South Africa 36 36

International Digital Services Middle East Limited (iME)2

Telecommunications United Arab Emirates

33,3 *

1 In January 2017, the group exchanged its 51% interest in Nigeria Tower InterCo B.V., the parent company of INT, the Nigerian telecom tower operator, for an additional shareholding in the IHS Group. Refer to note 2.3 for additional information on this exchange transaction.

2 The entity operates in Iran.* In January 2017, MTN Irancell (a joint venture of the group) acquired a 33,3% interest in iME, which resulted in a

dilution of the interest held directly by MTN Dubai from 50% to 33,3%. Due to this loss of joint control, the interest in iME has since been reclassified as an associate.

MTN Group Limited Financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2017 121

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Notes to the group financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017

9 group ComposiTion (continued)

9.2 investment in associates and joint ventures (continued)

Investment in associates (continued)

Significant judgement (continued)

Belgacom Inter-

national Carrier

Services SA (BICS)


Uganda Tower

InterCo B.V. Rm

Ghana Tower

InterCo B.V. Rm

Nigeria Tower

InterCo B.V.1




Middle East





2016balance at the beginning of the year 1 989 48 – 10 582 – 5 12 624Other income (note 2.3) – – 31 – – – 31Share of results after tax 273 (8) (29) (2 227) – 3 (1 988)Dividend income (205) – – – – – (205)Other equity movements – – (31) – – – (31)Effect of movements in exchange rates (287) (40) 29 (3 765) – 1 (4 062)

balance at the end of the year 1 770 – – 4 590 – 9 6 369

2017balance at the beginning of the year 1 770 – – 4 590 – 9 6 369Reclassification from joint venture – – – – 375 – 375Other income (note 2.3) – – 27 – – – 27Disposal1 – – – (7 880) – – (7 880)Additional investment3 – 641 – – – – 641Share of results after tax 235 (66) 26 (8) (157) 3 33Dividend income (213) – – – – – (213)Effect of movements in exchange rates 21 (42) (53) 3 298 59 (1) 3 282

balance at the end of the year 1 813 533 – – 277 11 2 6341 In January 2017, the group exchanged its 51% interest in Nigeria Tower InterCo B.V., the parent company of INT, the

Nigerian telecom tower operator, for an additional shareholding in IHS Group. Please refer to note 2.3 for additional information on this exchange transaction.

2 Previously classified as a joint venture.3 The additional investment in Uganda Tower Interco B.V. arose from the conversion of the loan to Uganda Tower

Interco B.V. into additional equity of US$48,3 million and a replacement note in Uganda shillings for the remaining balance (note 7.3).

122 MTN Group Limited Financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2017

Page 125: MTN Group Limited · Companies Act), which form an integral part of the annual financial statements. ... registration, cyber security and Mobile Money were key focus areas during

Notes to the group financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017

9 group ComposiTion (continued)

9.2 investment in associates and joint ventures (continued)

Summarised financial information of associates Set out below is the summarised financial information of each associate that is material to the group. The summarised financial information is adjusted to reflect adjustments made by the group when applying the equity method, including fair value adjustments at acquisition and modifications for differences in accounting policy.

Belgacom International Carrier Services SA

(BICS)Uganda Tower

InterCo B.V.


Digital Services

Middle East

Limited (iME)1

2017 Rm

2016 Rm

2017 Rm

2016 Rm

2017 Rm

summarised statement of financial positionTotal assets 15 129 12 499 2 522 2 660 302Non-current assets 5 936 2 140 1 732 2 015 40Current assets 9 193 10 359 790 645 262Total liabilities 11 596 9 110 1 513 2 799 161Non-current liabilities 2 824 96 924 2 264 8Current liabilities 8 772 9 014 589 535 153

net assets 3 533 3 389 1 009 (139) 141% ownership interest held 20 20 49 49 33,33Interest in associate 707 678 494 (68) 47Goodwill 1 106 1 092 – – 212Adjustment up to 31 December2 – – – – 18Accumulated unrecognised share of losses from associate – – – 29 –Forex losses on net investment loan recorded in equity – – 39 39 –balance at the end of the year 1 813 1 770 533 – 277

summarised income statementRevenue 20 023 23 647 729 847 718EBITDA 2 103 2 419 252 380 (496)Profit/(loss) before tax 1 364 1 831 (75) (156) (505)Income tax expense (190) (466) – – –

profit/(loss) after tax 1 174 1 365 (75) (156) (505)% ownership interest held 20 20 49 49 33,33Share of results after tax 235 273 (37) (76) (185)1

Unrecognised share of losses from associate – – (29) 29 –Forex losses on net investment loan recorded in equity – – – 39 –

share of results after tax 235 273 (66) (8) (185)1

1 iME was reclassified to an associate in January 2017 after the loss of joint control in the company. The losses presented includes R28 million 50% share of results as a joint venture in January 2017 and R157 million 33,33% share of results as an associate for the rest of the year.

2 Summarised financial information presented with regard to the group’s interest in iME is as per the latest available management accounts at 30 November 2017. Preparation of financial statements at 31 December 2017 by iME was impracticable. Appropriate adjustments have been made to the group’s interest and share of results for the effects of significant transactions and events that occurred for the one month up to the reporting date.

MTN Group Limited Financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2017 123

Page 126: MTN Group Limited · Companies Act), which form an integral part of the annual financial statements. ... registration, cyber security and Mobile Money were key focus areas during

Notes to the group financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017

9 group ComposiTion (continued)

9.2 investment in associates and joint ventures (continued)

Summarised financial information of associates (continued)


InterCo B.V.Ghana Tower InterCo B.V.

2016 Rm

2017 Rm

2016 Rm

summarised statement of financial positionTotal assets 12 965 2 280 2 308Non-current assets 12 965 198 566Current assets – 2 082 1 742Total liabilities 3 966 2 454 2 744Non-current liabilities 3 956 1 713 2 058Current liabilities 10 741 686

net assets 8 999 (174) (436)% ownership interest held 51 49 49Interest in associate excluding goodwill 4 590 (85) (214)Accumulated unrecognised share of losses from associate1 – 10 49Accumulated unrecognised share of other comprehensive income from associate1 – 75 165

Balance at the end of the year 4 590 – –

summarised income statementRevenue 4 624 1 505 1 695EBITDA (1 692) 666 526Profit/(loss) before tax (5 658) 133 (131)Income tax expense 1 291 (1) (29)profit/(loss) after tax (4 367) 132 (160)% ownership interest held 51 49 49Share of results after tax (2 227) 65 (78)Unrecognised share of losses from associate – (39) 49

share of (loss)/profit of associates after tax (2 227) 26 (29)¹ Translated at rates of exchange ruling at the reporting date.

There are no significant contingent liabilities relating to the group’s interests in these associates at the end of the current or prior year.

124 MTN Group Limited Financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2017

Page 127: MTN Group Limited · Companies Act), which form an integral part of the annual financial statements. ... registration, cyber security and Mobile Money were key focus areas during

Notes to the group financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017

9 group ComposiTion (continued)

9.2 investment in associates and joint ventures (continued)

Investment in joint venturesClassification of significant joint arrangementsJoint arrangements are all arrangements where two or more parties contractually agree to share control of the arrangement, which only exists when decisions about the relevant activities require unanimous consent of the parties sharing control. Joint ventures are joint arrangements whereby the parties that have joint control of the arrangement have rights to the net assets of the arrangement.

The group exercises judgement in determining the classification of its joint arrangements. The group’s joint arrangements provide the group and the other parties to the agreements with rights to the net assets of the entities. The group has joint control over these arrangements as, under the contractual arrangements, unanimous consent is required for all decisions made with regards to the relevant activities. Judgement has been applied in determining that the following entities should be classified as joint ventures of the group: • Irancell Telecommunication Company Services (PJSC) (49%) • Mascom Wireless Botswana Proprietary Limited (Mascom) (53,11%) • Middle East Internet Holding SARL (MEIH) (50%) • Africa Internet Holding GmbH (AIH) (31,28%)

The group has the following effective interests in joint ventures:Effective % interest in issued ordinary share


Joint venture Principal activityCountry ofincorporation 2017 2016

Irancell Telecommunication Company Services (PJSC) Network operator Iran 49 49Mascom Wireless Botswana Proprietary Limited Network operator Botswana 53,1 53,1Swazi MTN Limited Network operator Swaziland 30 30Deci Investments Proprietary Limited Holding company Botswana 33,3 33,3Middle East Internet Holding SARL (MEIH)1 Telecommunications Luxembourg 50 50Africa Internet Holding GmbH (AIH)2 Telecommunications Germany 31,28 31,28International Digital Services Middle East Limited (iME)3 Telecommunications

United Arab Emirates * 50

aYo Holdings Limited Mobile insurance Mauritius 50 50TravelLab Global AB (Travelstart) Online travel services Sweden 37,16 37,161 The entity operates in various countries across the Middle East.2 The entity operates in various countries across Africa.3 The entity operates in Iran.* In January 2017, MTN Irancell acquired a 33,3% interest in iME, which resulted in a dilution of the interest held

directly by MTN Dubai from 50% to 33,3%. Due to this loss of joint control, the interest in iME has since been reclassified as an associate.

The joint ventures listed above are unlisted and their countries of incorporation are also their principal place of operation unless otherwise indicated.

All joint ventures have a year-end consistent with that of the company with the exception of Irancell Telecommunication Company Services (PJSC) that has a year-end of 21 December, in line with statutory requirements in Iran.

MTN Group Limited Financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2017 125

Page 128: MTN Group Limited · Companies Act), which form an integral part of the annual financial statements. ... registration, cyber security and Mobile Money were key focus areas during

Notes to the group financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017

9 group ComposiTion (continued)

9.2 investment in associates and joint ventures (continued)

Investment in joint ventures (continued)


munication Company Services




Limited Rm



(AIH) Rm

Middle East

Internet Holdings




Middle East




AB3 Rm

Other Rm

Total Rm

2016balance at the beginning of the year 17 274 1 351 2 267 1 145 578 – 313 22 928Additions – – 2 312 109 – 405 22 2 848Share of results after tax 2 073 398 (478) (121) (110) (6) 105 1 861Dividend income (2 797) (400) – – – – (87) (3 284)Other equity movements – 15 (246) – – – – (231)Other comprehensive income and effect of movements in exchange rates including the effect of hyperinflation1 (2 968) (92) (526) (157) (65) (13) (1) (3 822)

balance at the end of the year 13 582 1 272 3 329 976 403 386 352 20 300

2017balance at the beginning of the year 13 582 1 272 3 329 976 403 386 352 20 300Additions – – – – – – 113 113Share of results after tax 931 439 (456) (145) (28) (14) 81 808Dividend income (1 321) (340) – – – – (103) (1 764)Reclassification to associate – – – – (375) – – (375)Other equity movements 3 279 – 119 – – – 401Other comprehensive income and effect of movements in exchange rates including the effect of hyperinflation1 (2 438) 88 (139) 28 – (39) (7) (2 507)

balance at the end of the year 10 757 1 738 2 734 978 – 333 436 16 976 1 Refer to note 1.3.3 for the group’s accounting policy with regard to those entities whose functional currency is the

currency of a hyperinflationary economy.2 iME was reclassified to an associate in January 2017 after the loss of joint control in the company. The losses

presented include R28 million 50% share of results as a joint venture in January 2017 and R157 million 33,33% share of results as an associate for the rest of the year.

3 On 22 January 2016, the group made an investment in TravelLab Global AB (Travelstart) amounting to US$27 million. Travelstart is an online travel agency focused on emerging markets. MTN Group jointly controls Travelstart through funds managed by its venture capital manager, Amadeus Capital Partners.

126 MTN Group Limited Financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2017

Page 129: MTN Group Limited · Companies Act), which form an integral part of the annual financial statements. ... registration, cyber security and Mobile Money were key focus areas during

Notes to the group financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017

9 group ComposiTion (continued)9.2 investment in associates and joint ventures (continued)

Summarised financial information of joint venturesSet out below is the summarised financial information of each joint venture that is material to the group. The summarised financial information is adjusted to reflect adjustments made by the group when applying the equity method including fair value adjustments at acquisition and modifications for differences in accounting policy.

Irancell Telecommunication Company Services


Africa Internet Holdings

GmbH (AIH)1

Mascom Wireless Botswana Proprietary








summarised statement of financial positionasseTsnon-current assets 46 221 45 693 3 280 5 396 1 255 1 355Property, plant and equipment 40 179 38 858 51 63 1 110 1 123Intangible assets 4 542 6 319 9 7 144 210Loans and other non-current receivables 180 227 3 217 5 326 – –Investment in associate 508 89 – – 1 1Investments 537 – – – – –Deferred tax assets 275 200 3 – – 21Current assets 13 350 23 489 1 370 749 1 822 323Inventories 70 160 265 74 5 9Trade and other receivables 7 431 9 058 309 286 194 111Restricted cash 32 52 – – – –Cash and cash equivalents 5 817 14 219 690 318 1 612 203Other current assets – – 106 71 11 –

Total assets 59 571 69 182 4 650 6 145 3 077 1 678liabiliTiesnon-current liabilities 3 533 5 253 – – 114 161Deferred tax liabilities 3 216 4 956 – – 110 111Provisions 309 291 – – – –Other non-current liabilities 8 6 – – 4 50Current liabilities 34 212 36 299 1 128 813 1 261 717Trade and other payables 26 591 21 492 798 526 1 221 618Unearned income 1 654 1 764 90 29 10 –Provisions 305 338 13 11 – –Taxation liabilities 1 143 1 351 227 228 30 14Borrowings 1 731 1 971 – 19 – 85Dividends declared 2 788 9 383 – – – –

Total liabilities 37 745 41 552 1 128 813 1 375 878net assets 21 826 27 630 3 522 5 332 1 702 800non-controlling interests – – 551 962 – –Total net assets 21 826 27 630 4 073 6 294 1 702 800% ownership interest held 49 49 31,28 31,28 53,1 53,1Interest in joint venture excluding goodwill 10 695 13 539 1 274 1 969 904 425adjustment up to 31 december1 – – 313 242 – – Other comprehensive adjustments to equity 9 – – – – –Goodwill 53 43 1 147 1 118 834 847balance at the end of the year 10 757 13 582 2 734 3 329 1 738 1 2721 Summarised financial information presented with regard to the group’s interest in AIH is as per the latest available

management accounts at 30 November 2017 (2016: 30 September 2016). Preparation of financial statements at 31 December 2017 by AIH was impracticable. Appropriate adjustments have been made to the group’s interest and share of results for the effects of significant transactions and events that occurred for the one month up to the reporting date.

MTN Group Limited Financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2017 127

Page 130: MTN Group Limited · Companies Act), which form an integral part of the annual financial statements. ... registration, cyber security and Mobile Money were key focus areas during

Notes to the group financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017

9 group ComposiTion (continued)

9.2 investment in associates and joint ventures (continued)

Summarised financial information of joint ventures (continued)

Irancell Telecommunication Company Services


Africa Internet Holdings

GmbH (AIH)1

Mascom Wireless Botswana Proprietary


2017 Rm

2016 Rm

2017 Rm

2016 Rm

2017 Rm

2016 Rm

summarised income statementRevenue 33 680 33 746 1 503 1 381 2 899 1 891Other income 6 – – – 18 –Operating expenses (21 543) (21 174) (3 518) (2 909) (1 445) (772)ebiTda 12 143 12 572 (2 015) (1 528) 1 472 1 119Depreciation of property, plant and equipment (8 552) (7 742) (31) – (178) (200)Amortisation of intangible assets (1 491) (1 718) – – (176) (7)operating profit/(loss) 2 100 3 112 (2 046) (1 528) 1 118 912Finance income 1 172 3 320 19 – 28 22Finance costs (614) (1 556) – – (9) (3)Share results of associates after tax (149) – – – – –profit/(loss) before tax 2 509 4 876 (2 027) (1 528) 1 137 931Income tax expense (610) (646) (79) – (311) (182)profit/(loss) after tax 1 899 4 230 (2 106) (1 528) 826 749Non-controlling interests – – (647) (290) – –Profit/(loss) attributable to equity holders of the company 1 899 4 230 (1 459) (1 238) 826 749% ownership interest held 49 49 31,28 31,28 53,1 53,1

share of results after tax 931 2 073 (456) (478) 439 3981 Summarised financial information presented with regard to the group’s interest in AIH is as per the latest available

management accounts at 30 November 2017 (2016: 30 September 2016). Preparation of financial statements at 31 December 2017 by AIH was impracticable. Appropriate adjustments have been made to the group’s interest and share of results for the effects of significant transactions and events that occurred for the one month up to the reporting date.

A receivable of R3 355 million (2016: R9 930 million) from Irancell Telecommunication Company Services (PJSC) has not been received by the group as at 31 December 2017, but is still considered recoverable, as the financial sanctions in Iran have been lifted.

The group’s investment of R2 312 million in AIH, made in terms of the rights obtained in 2015, became effective during March 2016. This additional investment increased the group’s interest in this joint venture from 33,3% to 41,4%. Subsequently, AIH received additional investments from new investors which became effective during April, May, June and July 2016. These additional investments diluted the group’s investment in AIH from 41,4% to 31,28%. Following a share swap transaction during 2016 with non-controlling interest (NCI) of Africa eCommerce Holdings GmbH (AEH), a subsidiary of AIH, AEH became a wholly owned subsidiary of AIH and the NCI received shares in AIH in exchange. The group recognised a net dilution loss of R349 million (comprising a gain of R277 million and a loss of R626 million) in 2016. The group retains joint control over AIH.

128 MTN Group Limited Financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2017

Page 131: MTN Group Limited · Companies Act), which form an integral part of the annual financial statements. ... registration, cyber security and Mobile Money were key focus areas during

Notes to the group financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017

9 group ComposiTion (continued)

9.2 investment in associates and joint ventures (continued)

Summarised financial information of joint ventures (continued)

Middle East Internet Holdings SARL TravelLab Global AB


Digital Services

Middle East

Limited (iME)2






summarised statement of financial positionasseTsnon-current assets 233 587 593 548 86Current assets 674 574 102 251 111

Total assets 907 1 161 695 799 197

liabiliTiesnon-current liabilities 2 9 487 505 4Current liabilities 222 118 61 41 30

Total liabilities 224 127 548 546 34net assets 683 1 034 147 253 163non-controlling interest 193 12 – – –Total net assets 876 1 046 147 253 163% ownership interest held 50 50 37,16 37,16 50Interest in joint venture excluding goodwill 438 523 55 94 82Adjustment up to 31 December1 (24) (97) – – 11Goodwill 564 550 278 292 310

balance at the end of the year 978 976 333 386 403summarised income statementRevenue 679 487 340 300 112Other income – – – – –Operating expenses (195) (729) (299) (319) (332)

ebiTda 484 (242) 41 (19) (220)profit before tax (291) (242) (13) (19) (220)income tax expense – – (25) 3 –profit after tax (291) (242) (38) (16) (220)% ownership interest held 50 50 37,16 37,16 50,00

share of results after tax (145) (121) (14) (6) (110)¹ Summarised financial information presented with regard to the group’s interest in MEIH and iME is as per the latest

available management accounts at 30 November 2017 (2016: 30 September 2016). Preparation of financial statements at 31 December 2017 by MEIH and iME was impracticable. Appropriate adjustments have been made to the group’s interest and share of results for the effects of significant transactions and events that occurred for the one month up to the reporting date.

2 Reclassified to an associate in the current year. Please refer to summarised financial information of associates for current year information.

MTN Group Limited Financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2017 129

Page 132: MTN Group Limited · Companies Act), which form an integral part of the annual financial statements. ... registration, cyber security and Mobile Money were key focus areas during

Notes to the group financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017

9 group ComposiTion (continued)

9.2 investment in associates and joint ventures (continued)

Commitments relating to joint venturesCommercial commitmentsIrancell Telecommunication Company Services (PJSC)The investment in Irancell is subject to a number of sovereign, regulatory and commercial risks, which could result in the group failing to realise full market value of its investment should it be required to dispose of any portion thereof. In this regard, 21% of Irancell is required to be offered to members of the Iranian public within approximately three years from the date of the licence. Such offering could have a proportional dilutory effect on the company’s 49% shareholding, effectively reducing its shareholding by 10,3% to 38,7%. Local management together with the shareholders continue to engage the regulator on this matter.

2017 Rm

2016 Rm

Capital commitmentsShare of capital commitments of joint ventures not yet incurred at the reporting date:Contracted 2 084 2 819– Property, plant and equipment 2 043 2 819– Software 41 –Authorised but not contracted 2 744 2 884– Property, plant and equipment 2 437 1 542– Software 307 1 342

4 828 5 703

operating lease commitmentsThe group’s share of future aggregate minimum lease payments under non-cancellable operating lease arrangements are as follows:Not later than one year 1 2Later than one year and no later than five years 1 1

2 3

Contingent liabilities relating to joint venturesThere are no significant contingent liabilities relating to the group’s interests in its joint ventures during the current or prior year.

LicencesLicences awarded to the joint ventures are set out below:

Licence agreements TypeGranted/renewed Term

Irancell Telecommunication Company Services (PSJC) 2G 07/09/2006 15 years

WiMax1 28/02/2009 6 years3G 17/08/2014 7 years

LTE 23/08/2015 6 years

Mascom Wireless Botswana 900MHz1 800MHz 13/06/2013 15 years2 100MHz

Swazi MTN Limited 900MHz1 800MHz 28/11/2008 10 years2 100MHz 26/09/2011 7 years

4G LTE 3/11/2016 3 years1 Renewal application lodged in 2016.

130 MTN Group Limited Financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2017

Page 133: MTN Group Limited · Companies Act), which form an integral part of the annual financial statements. ... registration, cyber security and Mobile Money were key focus areas during

Notes to the group financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017

9 group ComposiTion (continued)

9.3 Changes in shareholding

Changes in shareholding of subsidiaries are transactions that result in increases or reductions in the interest held in a subsidiary of the group, but which do not result in a loss of control and are accounted for as transactions with non-controlling shareholders as disclosed in note 1.3.1.

9.3.1 Current year changes in shareholdingThere were no material changes in shareholding during the current year.

9.3.2 Prior year changes in shareholdingThere were no material changes in shareholding during 2016.

9.4 Joint operations

In respect of its interest in joint operations, the group recognises in its financial statements its share of the assets jointly held, classified according to the nature of the assets, any liabilities that it has incurred, its share of any liabilities incurred jointly with the other joint operators in relation to the joint operation, any income from the sale or use of its share of the output of the joint operation, together with its share of any expenses incurred by the joint operation and any expenses that it has incurred in respect of its interest in the joint operation.

When the group acquires an interest in a joint operation in which the activity of the joint operation constitutes a business, identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed are measured initially at their fair values at the acquisition date. Acquisition-related costs are  recognised in profit or loss. Goodwill is measured as the excess of the sum of the consideration transferred over the net of the acquisition date amounts of the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed.

When the group increases its interest in a joint operation in which the activity of the joint operation constitutes a business, by acquiring an additional interest in the joint operation, the group’s previously held interests in the joint operation are not remeasured if the joint operator retains joint control.

The group has entered into agreements with several other companies to construct high-capacity fibre-optic submarine cable systems.

The group has the following interests in jointly controlled operations:

Ownership interest held

2017 %

2016 %

Joint operationEurope India Gateway Submarine Cable System 6,89 6,89West Africa Cable System 11,06 11,06Eassy Cable System 16,26 16,26Africa Coast to Europe Cable System 8,67 8,67

The following table presents, on a condensed basis, the group’s share of assets and liabilities, revenue and expenses of the jointly controlled operations which are included in the consolidated statement of financial position and income statement:

2017 Rm

2016 Rm

Revenue 95 39Expenses (346) (304)Total assets 2 348 2 791Total liabilities (excluding unearned income) (130) (169)Unearned income (110) (122)

MTN Group Limited Financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2017 131

Page 134: MTN Group Limited · Companies Act), which form an integral part of the annual financial statements. ... registration, cyber security and Mobile Money were key focus areas during

Notes to the group financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017

9 group ComposiTion (continued)

9.5 interest in subsidiariesThe subsidiaries in which MTN Group Limited has direct and indirect interests are set out in note 9.1. A summary of the group’s subsidiaries with material non-controlling interests is presented below.

Non-controlling interests

Principal place of business

2017 Rm

2016 Rm

subsidiaryMTN Nigeria Communications Limited Nigeria 793 725MTN Côte d’Ivoire S.A. Côte d’Ivoire 995 983Spacetel Benin S.A. Benin 61 172Mobile Telephone Networks Cameroon Limited Cameroon 302 396MTN Sudan Company Limited Sudan (793) 36Other 136 539

1 494 2 851

132 MTN Group Limited Financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2017

Page 135: MTN Group Limited · Companies Act), which form an integral part of the annual financial statements. ... registration, cyber security and Mobile Money were key focus areas during

Notes to the group financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017

9 group ComposiTion (continued)

9.5 interest in subsidiaries (continued)

Summarised financial information of subsidiaries with material non-controlling interestsSet out below and on the next page is the summarised financial information for each subsidiary that has non-controlling interests that are material to the group. Unless otherwise stated, the group’s subsidiaries’ countries of incorporation are also their principal places of operation. The summarised financial information presented is before intercompany eliminations.

MTN Nigeria Communications Limited MTN Côte d’Ivoire S.A.





% ownership interest held by non-controlling interests 21,17 21,17 33,171 33,171

summarised statement of financial positionNon-current assets 25 226 28 704 8 091 8 070Current assets 8 809 16 493 1 426 2 003

Total assets 34 035 45 197 9 517 10 073Non-current liabilities 10 849 19 855 2 665 2 702Current liabilities 19 439 21 916 3 852 4 408

Total liabilities 30 288 41 771 6 517 7 110summarised income statementRevenue 36 005 47 122 7 421 7 176EBITDA 14 041 11 355 2 347 2 333Profit/(loss) before tax 4 772 (947)2 922 1 004Income tax expense (1 206) (3 156) (212) (230)

profit/(loss) after tax 3 566 (4 103)2 710 774Profit/(loss) attributable to non-controlling interests 756 (869)2 236 257Dividends attributable to non-controlling interests 425 – 269 527summarised statement of cash flows Net cash generated from operating activities 5 680 13 692 674 755Net cash used in investing activities (5 844) (11 165) (1 241) (748)Net cash (used in)/from financing activities (2 123) (5 034) 412 41net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents (2 287) (2 507) (155) 48net cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year 6 412 15 577 445 430Exchange (loss)/gains on cash and cash equivalents (1 035) (6 658) 1 (33)

net cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year 3 090 6 412 291 4451 The non-controlling interests hold 41,17% of the issued ordinary share capital of MTN Côte d’Ivoire S.A. However,

the effective ownership for accounting purposes is 33,17% due to outstanding funding provided by the group to the non-controlling interests to acquire ordinary share capital in MTN Côte d’Ivoire.

2 The summarised financial information is restated to reflect the timing of the recognition of the regulatory fine for all income statement line items affected in accordance with the financial period in which MTN Group recognised the fine.

MTN Group Limited Financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2017 133

Page 136: MTN Group Limited · Companies Act), which form an integral part of the annual financial statements. ... registration, cyber security and Mobile Money were key focus areas during

Notes to the group financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017

9 group ComposiTion (continued)

9.5 interest in subsidiaries (continued)

Summarised financial information of subsidiaries with material non-controlling interests (continued)

Spacetel Benin S.A.

Mobile Telephone Networks

Cameroon LimitedMTN Sudan Co








% ownership interest held by non-controlling interests 25 25 201 201 15 15summarised statement of financial positionNon-current assets 2 587 2 434 6 335 6 347 1 624 8 532Current assets 2 278 1 721 1 988 2 362 894 1 284

Total assets 4 865 4 155 8 323 8 709 2 518 9 816Non-current liabilities 771 563 2 330 1 253 2 202 866Current liabilities 3 852 2 906 4 484 5 478 2 104 4 817

Total liabilities 4 623 3 469 6 814 6 731 4 306 5 683

summarised income statementRevenue 3 470 4 012 5 373 6 189 4 540 4 707EBITDA 655 1 038 1 304 2 065 (98) 1 512Profit/(loss) before tax 48 478 94 830 (1 640)2 (572)Income tax (45) 1 (179) (297) (177) (179)

profit/(loss) after tax 3 479 (85) 533 (1 817) (751)Profit/(loss) attributable to non-controlling interests * 120 (17) 107 (273) (113)Dividends attributable to non-controlling interests 120 300 84 110 – –summarised statement of cash flowsNet cash generated from/(used in) operating activities 329 612 (47) 900 1 188 1 374Net cash used in investing activities (489) (573) (573) (2 222) (547) (883)Net cash from/(used in) financing activities 269 (173) 25 1 701 627 (405)net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 109 (134) (595) 379 1 268 86Net cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year 747 970 944 644 370 546Exchange (loss)/gains on cash and cash equivalents (4) (89) 38 (79) (1 184) (262)

net cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year 852 747 387 944 454 3701 The non-controlling interests hold 30% of the issued ordinary share capital of Mobile Telephone Networks Cameroon.

However, the effective ownership for accounting purposes is 20% due to outstanding funding provided by the group to the non-controlling interests to acquire ordinary share capital in Mobile Telephone Networks Cameroon during prior years.

2 The significant devaluation in the Sudanese pound resulted in a large foreign exchange loss on loan balances. These balances are classified as part of the net investment in MTN Sudan Company Limited and is therefore accounted for in the foreign currency translation reserve in the MTN Group results.

* Amounts less than R1 million.

134 MTN Group Limited Financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2017

Page 137: MTN Group Limited · Companies Act), which form an integral part of the annual financial statements. ... registration, cyber security and Mobile Money were key focus areas during

Notes to the group financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017

10 relaTed parTies10.1 related party transactions

Related party transactions constitute the transfer of resources, services or obligations between the group and a party related to the group, regardless of whether a price is charged. For the purposes of defining related party transactions with key management, key management has been defined as directors and the group’s executive committee and includes close members of their families and entities controlled or jointly controlled by these individuals.

2017 Rm

2016 Rm

Key management compensationSalaries and other short-term employee benefits 123 112Post-employment benefits 7 5Other benefits 26 61Bonuses 113 47Compensation for loss of office – 4

Total 269 229

Details of directors’ remuneration are disclosed in note 10.2 of the financial statements.

SubsidiariesDetails of investments in subsidiaries are disclosed in note 9.1 of the financial statements.

Changes in shareholdingThere were no material transactions with non-controlling shareholders or changes in shareholding in any of the group’s subsidiaries during the current or prior years (note 9.3).

Joint ventures and associatesDetails of the group’s investments in and share of results and dividend income from its joint ventures and associates are disclosed in note 9.2 of the financial statements.

Details of other transactions and balances with joint ventures and associates are set out below:

Joint ventures Associates

2017 Rm

2016 Rm

2017 Rm

2016 Rm

balances outstanding at 31 decemberTrade and other payables owing to joint ventures/associates 233 216 156 145Loan receivable from joint ventures/associates 5 426 11 884 1 357 5 013Trade and other receivables from joint ventures/associates 773 696 250 242Capital call commitments payable to joint ventures/associates 1 195 1 934 – – Transactions for the year ended 31 decemberDividends declared by joint ventures/associates 1 764 3 284 213 205Interest income 213 1 142 298 230Capital call notices paid 892 1 098 – –Repayment of loan receivable from joint venture 6 509 6 478 – –

MTN Group Limited Financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2017 135

Page 138: MTN Group Limited · Companies Act), which form an integral part of the annual financial statements. ... registration, cyber security and Mobile Money were key focus areas during

Notes to the group financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017

10 relaTed parTies (continued)

10.1 related party transactions (continued)

Transactions between members of the groupScancom Limited (MTN Ghana) entered into operating lease agreements with Ghana Tower InterCo B.V. in prior years. The operating lease commitments amount to R8 446 million at 31 December 2017 (2016: R6 795 million). The expense recorded amounted to R627 million for the 2017 financial year (2016: R532 million). The rental amounts escalate every year by inflation and the initial term is 10 years, followed by four times five-year renewal periods.

MTN Uganda Limited entered into operating lease agreements with Uganda Tower InterCo B.V. in prior years. The operating lease commitments amount to R1 636 million at 31 December 2017 (2016: R2 187 million). The expense recorded amounted to R558 million for the 2017 financial year (2016: R432 million). The rental amounts escalate every year by inflation and the initial term is 10 years, followed by four times five-year renewal periods.

MTN Nigeria Communications Limited entered into operating lease agreements with INT Towers Limited in prior years, a wholly owned subsidiary of Nigeria Tower InterCo B.V. INT Towers Limited is no longer part of MTN Group from 31 January 2017, refer to note 9.2 and 2.3. The operating lease commitments amounted to R85 810 million as at 31 December 2016. The expense recorded amounted to R464 million for the 2017 financial year (2016: R4  254  million) representing one month’s lease costs to January 2017. The initial term is 10 years (extended to 15 years in 2016), followed by four times five-year renewal periods.

Transactions with an entity associated with a directorOn 28 December 2017, 14 750 000 MTN Zakhele Futhi shares, acquired by the group in terms of the 2016 MTN Zakhele Futhi underwrite option, were sold for a total consideration of R295 million. The shares were purchased by Main Street 1561 Proprietary Limited, a wholly owned company of PF Nhleko, non-executive chairman of MTN Group.

ShareholdersThe principal shareholders of the company are disclosed in annexure 1, which is unaudited.

10.2 emoluments, equity compensation and dealings in ordinary sharesDirectors’ emoluments and related payments

Date appointed



ment benefits









2017executive directorsRA Shuter# 13/03/2017 11 528 1 225 10 581 17 122 40 456 – 40 456RT Mupita 03/04/2017 5 944 673 384 10 672 17 673 – 17 673PF Nhleko^^^∞@ 09/11/2015 19 950 – – 22 477 42 427 – 42 427

Total 37 422 1 898 10 965 50 271 100 556 – 100 556* Includes medical aid and unemployment insurance fund.^^^ Fees paid to Captrust Investments Proprietary Limited.∞ Contractual service fees and bonus in accordance with the agreement between the group and Captrust

Investments Proprietary Limited.@ Executive director until 12/03/2017.# Other benefits include an amount paid in lieu of forfeited benefits from previous employer.

136 MTN Group Limited Financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2017

Page 139: MTN Group Limited · Companies Act), which form an integral part of the annual financial statements. ... registration, cyber security and Mobile Money were key focus areas during

Notes to the group financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017

10 relaTed parTies (continued)

10.2 emoluments, equity compensation and dealings in ordinary shares (continued)

Directors’ emoluments and related payments (continued)

Date appointed

Retainer# R000

Attend-ance# R000

Specialboard R000



Ad hoc work R000

Total R000

2017non-executive directorsKC Ramon@ 01/06/2014 385 489 12 106 44 1 036KP Kalyan 13/06/2006 449 433 12 106 – 1 000AT Mikati*† 18/07/2006 823 387 11 221 62 1 504AF van Biljon** 01/11/2002 212 226 12 106 60 616J van Rooyen 18/07/2006 397 661 12 106 52 1 228MLD Marole 01/01/2010 370 597 12 106 – 1 085NP Mageza 01/01/2010 408 577 – – – 985A Harper* 01/01/2010 932 497 11 222 4 1 666S Kheradpir* 08/07/2015 961 306 7 228 19 1 521PF Nhleko^ 28/05/2013 2 694 1 042 12 280 – 4 028PB Hanratty* 01/08/2016 986 457 11 236 65 1 755SP Miller* 01/08/2016 855 352 11 229 27 1 474NL Sowazi 01/08/2016 324 359 12 106 – 801

Total 9 796 6 383 135 2 052 333 18 699^ Fees paid to Captrust Investments Proprietary Limited.@ Fees paid to AngloGold Ashanti Limited.* Fees have been paid in euro.† Fees are paid to M1 Limited.# Retainer and attendance fees for board and committee representation and meetings.** Resigned on 31 December 2017.


Salaries R000




Other benefits*






2016executive directorsRS Dabengwa^ 1/10/2001 – – 19 564± – 19 564 – 19 564BD Goschen^^ 22/07/2013 5 975 716 3 458 – 10 149 – 10 149PF Nhleko^^^∞ 9/11/2015 30 000 – – 38 191 68 191 – 68 191

Total 35 975 716 23 022 38 191 97 904 – 97 904* Includes medical aid and unemployment insurance fund.^ Resigned 09/11/2015.^^ Resigned 30/09/2016.^^^ Fees paid to Captrust Investments Proprietary Limited.± Represents compensation for loss of office comprising notice pay and a restraint of trade payment.∞ Contractual service fees and bonus in accordance with the agreement between MTN and Captrust Investments

Proprietary Limited.

MTN Group Limited Financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2017 137

Page 140: MTN Group Limited · Companies Act), which form an integral part of the annual financial statements. ... registration, cyber security and Mobile Money were key focus areas during

Notes to the group financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017

10 relaTed parTies 10.2 emoluments, equity compensation and dealings in ordinary shares (continued)

Directors’ emoluments and related payments (continued)

Date appointed





Special board R000



Ad hoc work R000

Total R000

2016non-executive directorsPF Nhleko^ 28/05/2013 2 568 638 351 420 – 3 977KC Ramon@ 01/06/2014 325 429 174 159 – 1 087KP Kalyan 13/06/2006 346 451 178 159 – 1 134AT Mikati*† 18/07/2006 1 302 764 295 368 480 3 209MJN Njeke˜ 13/06/2006 130 219 20 54 – 423JHN Strydom˜ 11/03/2004 125 241 28 54 – 448AF van Biljon 01/11/2002 213 267 178 159 120 937J van Rooyen 18/07/2006 373 486 166 159 120 1 304MLD Marole 01/01/2010 349 644 178 159 – 1 330NP Mageza 01/01/2010 408 547 166 159 – 1 280A Harper* 01/01/2010 1 304 696 291 368 763 3 422NL Sowazi& 01/08/2016 107 122 73 – – 302SP Miller*& 01/08/2016 485 256 247 – – 988PB Hanratty*& 01/08/2016 488 264 251 – – 1 003S Kheradpir* 08/07/2015 1 275 565 138 239 1 166 3 383Total 9 798 6 589 2 734 2 457 2 649 24 227^ Fees paid to Captrust Investments Proprietary Limited.@ Fees paid to AngloGold Ashanti Limited.* Fees have been paid in euro.† Fees are paid to M1 Limited.˜ Retired on 25/05/2016.& Appointed on 01/08/2016.# Retainer and attendance fees for board and committee representation and meetings.

Prescribed officers’ emoluments and related payments

Salaries R000


ment benefits


Other benefits#





Share gains R000

Total R000

2017prescribed officersPD Norman 5 232 616 3 920@ 5 090 14 858 – 14 858J Schulte-Bockum* 8 218 876 303 10 492 19 889 – 19 889E Asante** 1 451 113 329 2 744 4 637 – 4 637G Motsa*** 6 384 722 5 294## 6 409 18 809 – 18 809F Sekha^ 3 440 389 183 1 884 5 896 – 5 896M Fleischer 6 706 789 478 6 204 14 177 – 14 177M Nyati^^ 765 87 694 – 1 546 – 1 546I Jaroudi 10 481 – 1 517@ 6 686 18 684 – 18 684K Toriola 6 236 72 1 178 3 781 11 267 – 11 267F Moolman 9 032 448 518 7 604 17 602 – 17 602S van Coller 7 723 874 612 10 276 19 485 – 19 485G Engling∞ 1 092 124 294 1 200 2 710 – 2 710JA Desai+ 526 – – – 526 – 526

Total 67 286 5 110 15 320 62 370 150 086 – 150 086* Appointed on 16/01/2017.** Appointed on 01/10/2017.*** Appointed on 01/01/2017.^ Appointed on 01/06/2017.^^ Resigned on 10/03/2017.∞ Ceased to be prescribed officer on 03/04/2017.+ Ceased to be prescribed officer on 16/01/2017.@ Other benefits include compensation in lieu of employment agreement amendments in respect of revised notice

period and restraint of trade.## Other benefits include a retention payment made in lieu of forfeiture of performance bonus from previous

employer. Payment to be spread over three years.# Includes medical aid and Unemployment Insurance Fund.

138 MTN Group Limited Financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2017

Page 141: MTN Group Limited · Companies Act), which form an integral part of the annual financial statements. ... registration, cyber security and Mobile Money were key focus areas during

Notes to the group financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017

10 relaTed parTies (continued)

10.2 emoluments, equity compensation and dealings in ordinary shares (continued)

Prescribed officers’ emoluments and related payments (continued)

Salaries R000


ment benefits


Other benefits#



for loss of office R000

Bonuses R000



Share gains R000

Total R000

2016prescribed officersJA Desai 10 783 1 078 2 225 – – 14 086 – 14 086PD Norman 4 731 564 286 – – 5 581 – 5 581MD Fleischer1 6 089 710 10 454 – – 17 253 – 17 253M Nyati 3 855 444 3 584 – – 7 883 – 7 883I Jaroudi 11 083 – 1 418 – 6 353 18 854 – 18 854K Toriola 6 017 695 4 838 – 1 969 13 519 – 13 519F Moolman 6 700 548 2 882 – – 10 130 – 10 130S van Coller2, 3 1 846 208 13 071 – – 15 125 – 15 125G Engling4 687 64 26 – – 777 – 777M Ikpoki5 – – – 4 064 – 4 064 – 4 064

Total 51 791 4 311 38 784 4 064 8 322 107 272 – 107 2721 Other benefits include a long-term retention amount of R10 million, of which a portion is forfeitable.2 Appointed on 01/10/2016.3 Other benefits include an amount of R13 million paid in lieu of forfeited benefits from previous employer.4 Appointed on 01/10/2016.5 Mutual separation on 31/12/2015.# Includes medical aid and Unemployment Insurance Fund.

MTN Group Limited Financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2017 139

Page 142: MTN Group Limited · Companies Act), which form an integral part of the annual financial statements. ... registration, cyber security and Mobile Money were key focus areas during

Notes to the group financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017

10 relaTed parTies (continued)

10.2 emoluments, equity compensation and dealings in ordinary shares (continued)

Directors, prescribed officers, company secretary of the MTN Group and directors and company secretaries of major subsidiaries’ shareholding and dealings in ordinary shares


December 2016 Beneficial

NP Mageza 400 400 IndirectPD Norman#* 300 970 300 970 DirectPD Norman#* 10 000 – IndirectS Ntsele# 6 000 6 000 DirectKC Ramon 3 244 3 244 DirectKC Ramon 9 901 9 901 IndirectKP Kalyan 1 373 1 373 DirectSB Mtshali 3 199 3 199 DirectBD Goschen@ – 44 393 DirectMJN Njeke^ – 10 DirectRT Mupita#* 41 670 – DirectRT Mupita#* 680 – IndirectG Motsa#* 269 – Direct

Total 377 706 369 490* Prescribed officer.# Major subsidiary director.^ Retired on 25/05/2016.@ Resigned on 30/09/2016.

Subsequent to year-end there were no changes in the directors’ beneficial interest in MTN Group.

Directors, prescribed officers, company secretary of the MTN Group and directors and company secretaries of major subsidiaries’ shareholding relating to MTN Zakhele FuthiThe following persons, being directors of MTN Group Limited and its major subsidiaries and the company secretary, were allocated the following number of MTN Zakhele Futhi shares which has a shareholding in MTN Group Limited shares:



2016 Beneficial

KP Kalyan 83 967 83 967 DirectNP Mageza 155 870 155 870 IndirectSB Mtshali 39 703 39 703 IndirectJ van Rooyen 500 500 IndirectKC Ramon 23 500 23 500 DirectLWC Phalatse 5 000 5 000 DirectLWC Phalatse 5 000 5 000 IndirectSA Fakie 6 061 1 000 DirectSA Fakie 13 031 2 000 IndirectRT Mupita 33 562 – Indirect

Total 366 194 316 540

Subsequent to year-end there were no changes in the directors’ beneficial interest in MTN Zakhele Futhi.

140 MTN Group Limited Financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2017

Page 143: MTN Group Limited · Companies Act), which form an integral part of the annual financial statements. ... registration, cyber security and Mobile Money were key focus areas during

Notes to the group financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017

10 relaTed parTies (continued)

10.2 emoluments, equity compensation and dealings in ordinary shares (continued)

Equity compensation benefits for executive directors and directors of major subsidiaries in respect of the share appreciation rights and share rights schemes

Offer date

Strike price



Number outstanding

as at 31 December


2017 ForfeitedExercise


Exercise price


Number outstanding

as at 31 December

2017F moolman19/03/2008 126,99 19/03/2010 10 200 – – – – 10 20019/03/2008 126,99 19/03/2011 10 200 – – – – 10 20019/03/2008 126,99 19/03/2012 15 300 – – – – 15 30019/03/2008 126,99 19/03/2013 15 300 – – – – 15 300

Total 51 000 – – – – 51 000

Equity compensation benefits for executive directors, prescribed officers, company secretary of the MTN Group and directors of major subsidiaries in respect of the performance share plan

Offer dateVesting


Number outstanding

as at 31 December

2016 Offered Exercised ForfeitedExercise


Exercise price


Number outstanding

as at 31 December

2017pd norman20/12/2013 19/12/2016 28 400 – – (28 400) – – –19/12/2014 18/12/2017 27 000 – – – – – 27 00029/06/2016 29/12/2018 46 100 – – – – – 46 10028/12/2016 28/12/2019 56 300 – – – – – 56 30018/12/2017 18/12/2020 – 57 700 – – – – 57 700Total 157 800 57 700 – (28 400) – – 187 100ra shuter*

29/09/2017 31/12/2019 – 213 600 – – – – 213 60018/12/2017 18/12/2020 – 200 200 – – – – 200 200Total – 413 800 – – – – 413 800rT mupita**

18/12/2017 18/12/2020 – 118 300 – – – – 118 300Total – 118 300 – – – – 118 300J schulte-bockum***

18/12/2017 18/12/2020 – 125 500 – – – – 125 500Total – 125 500 – – – – 125 500g motsa^^

09/03/2017 28/12/2019 – 66 500 – – – – 66 50018/12/2017 18/12/2020 – 69 700 – – – – 69 700Total – 136 200 – – – – 136 200F sekha#

28/12/2016 28/12/2019 27 200 – – – – – 27 20018/12/2017 18/12/2020 – 40 400 – – – – 40 400Total 27 200 40 400 – – – – 67 600m nyati^

19/12/2014 18/12/2017 21 900 – – (21 900) – – –29/06/2016 29/12/2018 37 500 – – (37 500) – – –28/12/2016 28/12/2019 45 800 – – (45 800) – – –Total 105 200 – – (105 200) – – –* Appointed on 13/03/2017. On appointment, RA Shuter was granted a cash-settled share-based payment incentive in lieu of

unvested stocks or equity relinquished upon resignation from previous employment. The value of the incentive will be determined based on the market value of 327 214 ordinary listed shares in MTN Group Limited. The incentive will be paid on 12/03/2020.

** Appointed on 03/04/2017. On appointment, RT Mupita was granted a cash-settled share-based payment incentive in lieu of unvested stocks or equity relinquished upon resignation from previous employment. The value of the incentive will be determined based on the market value of 446 027 ordinary listed shares in MTN Group Limited. The incentive will be paid on 28/10/2019.

*** Appointed on 16/01/2017. On appointment, J Schulte-Bockum was granted a cash-settled share-based payment incentive in lieu of unvested stocks or equity relinquished upon resignation from previous employment. The value of the incentive will be determined based on the market value of 64 423 ordinary listed shares in MTN Group Limited. The incentive will be paid on 15/01/2020.

^^ Appointed on 01/01/2017.# Appointed on 01/06/2017.^ Resigned on 10/03/2017.

MTN Group Limited Financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2017 141

Page 144: MTN Group Limited · Companies Act), which form an integral part of the annual financial statements. ... registration, cyber security and Mobile Money were key focus areas during

Notes to the group financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017

10 relaTed parTies (continued)

10.2 emoluments, equity compensation and dealings in ordinary shares (continued)

Equity compensation benefits for executive directors, prescribed officers, company secretary of the MTN Group and directors of major subsidiaries in respect of the performance share plan (continued)

Offer dateVesting


Number outstanding

as at 31 December

2016 Offered Exercised ForfeitedExercise


Exercise price


Number outstanding

as at 31 December

2017Ja desai*

20/12/2013 19/12/2016 44 400 – – (44 400) – – –19/12/2014 18/12/2017 44 500 – – (3 208) – – 41 29229/06/2016 29/12/2018 90 400 – – (45 003) – – 45 39728/12/2016 28/12/2019 107 300 – – (80 182) – – 27 118

Total 286 600 – – (172 793) – – 113 807m Fleischer19/12/2014 18/12/2017 30 400 – – – – – 30 40029/06/2016 29/12/2018 51 900 – – – – – 51 90028/12/2016 28/12/2019 75 200 – – – – – 75 20018/12/2017 18/12/2020 – 73 000 – – – 73 000

Total 157 500 73 000 – – – – 230 500F moolman20/12/2013 19/12/2016 15 700 – – (15 700) – – –19/12/2014 18/12/2017 15 700 – – – – – 15 70029/06/2016 29/12/2018 44 700 – – – – – 44 70028/12/2016 28/12/2019 66 400@ – – – – – 66 40018/12/2017 18/12/2020 – 66 100 – – – – 66 100

Total 142 500 66 100 – (15 700) – – 192 900sb mtshali20/12/2013 19/12/2016 6 000 – (1 500) (4 500) 14/03/2017 122,23 –19/12/2014 18/12/2017 5 800 – – – – – 5 80029/06/2016 29/12/2018 10 100 – – – – – 10 10028/12/2016 28/12/2019 12 800 – – – – – 12 80018/12/2017 18/12/2020 – 12 600 – – – – 12 600

Total 34 700 12 600 (1 500) (4 500) – – 41 300* Retired on 16/01/2017.@ Restated. 28/12/2016 award reduced by 200.

142 MTN Group Limited Financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2017

Page 145: MTN Group Limited · Companies Act), which form an integral part of the annual financial statements. ... registration, cyber security and Mobile Money were key focus areas during

Notes to the group financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017

10 relaTed parTies (continued)

10.2 emoluments, equity compensation and dealings in ordinary shares (continued)

Equity compensation benefits for executive directors, prescribed officers, company secretary of the MTN Group and directors of major subsidiaries in respect of the performance share plan (continued)

Offer dateVesting


Number outstanding

as at 31 December

2016 Offered Exercised ForfeitedExercise


Exercise price


Number outstanding

as at 31 December

2017s ntsele20/12/2013 19/12/2016 5 300 – (1 325) (3 975) 14/03/2017 122,23 –19/12/2014 18/12/2017 5 000 – – – – – 5 00029/06/2016 29/12/2018 25 500 – – – – – 25 50028/12/2016 28/12/2019 31 400 – – – – – 31 40018/12/2017 18/12/2020 – 30 700 – – – – 30 700

Total 67 200 30 700 (1 325) (3 975) – – 92 600K Toriola20/12/2013 19/12/2016 15 500 – – (15 500) – – –19/12/2014 18/12/2017 22 300 – – – – – 22 30029/06/2016 29/12/2018 54 700 – – – – – 54 70028/12/2016 28/12/2019 55 900 – – – – – 55 90018/12/2017 18/12/2020 – 69 100 – – – – 69 100

Total 148 400 69 100 – (15 500) – – 202 000s van Coller28/12/2016 28/12/2019 100 800 – – – – – 100 80018/12/2017 18/12/2020 – 108 600 – – – 108 600

Total 100 800 108 600 – – – – 209 400g engling*

20/12/2013 19/12/2016 10 700 – – (10 700) – – –19/12/2014 18/12/2017 10 000 – – – – – 10 00029/06/2016 29/12/2018 28 800 – – – – – 28 80028/12/2016 28/12/2019 21 400 – – – – – 21 400

Total 70 900 – – (10 700) – – 60 200i Jaroudi20/12/2013 19/12/2016 19 600 – – (19 600) – – –19/12/2014 18/12/2017 24 600 – – – – – 24 60029/06/2016 29/12/2018 60 000 – – – – – 60 00028/12/2016 28/12/2019 89 000 – – – – – 89 00018/12/2017 18/12/2020 – 77 600 – – – – 77 600

Total 193 200 77 600 – (19 600) – – 251 200* Ceased to be a prescribed officer on 03/04/2017.

MTN Group Limited Financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2017 143

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Company statement of comprehensive incomefor the year ended 31 December 2017

Company statement of financial positionat 31 December 2017




Dividend income 1 12 500 20 200Management fees received 1 208 163Finance income 2 894 531Other income 1 –Operating expenses 3 (278) (394)profit before tax 13 325 20 500Income tax expense 4 (10) (1)

profit and total comprehensive income for the year 13 315 20 499




asseTsnon-current assets 23 758 23 325Investment in subsidiaries 5 23 758 23 325Current assets 889 1 609Trade and other receivables 6 509 242Cash and cash equivalents 7 380 1 367

Total assets 24 647 24 934

sHareHolders’ eQuiTyOrdinary share capital and share premium 8 37 040 37 040Accumulated loss (22 923) (23 058)Other reserves 7 619 6 698

Total equity 21 736 20 680

liabiliTiesCurrent liabilities 2 911 4 254Taxation liability 11 1 5Trade and other payables 9 279 750Financial guarantee contracts 13 2 631 3 499

Total liabilities 2 911 4 254

Total equity and liabilities 24 647 24 934

144 MTN Group Limited Financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2017

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Company statement of changes in equityfor the year ended 31 December 2017

Share capital





losses Rm

Other reserves1



balance at 1 January 2016 * 40 502 (23 633) 1 662 18 531Profit and total comprehensive income – – 20 499 – 20 499Transactions with shareholdersShares cancelled (*) – – – (*)Share buy-back from MTN Zakhele (note 8) (*) (3 462) – – (3 462)Share-based payment transaction – MTNZakhele Futhi transaction (note 8) – – – 5 034 5 034Dividends declared# – – (19 928) – (19 928)Other movements – – 4 2 6

balance at 31 december 2016 * 37 040 (23 058) 6 698 20 680

balance at 1 January 2017 * 37 040 (23 058) 6 698 20 680Profit and total comprehensive income – – 13 315 – 13 315Transactions with shareholdersShare-based payment transaction – MTNZakhele Futhi transaction (note 8) – – – 921 921Dividends declared# – – (13 180) – (13 180)

balance at 31 december 2017 * 37 040 (22 923) 7 619 21 736

Note 8 81 Share-based payment reserve.* Amounts less than R1 million.# Refer to note 8.3 of the group financial statements for the dividends per share declared during the current and prior year.

Company statement of cash flowsfor the year ended 31 December 2017




CasH FloWs From operaTing aCTiviTiesCash (utilised in)/generated from operations 10 (523) 399Finance income received 31 16Income tax paid 11 (14) (49)Dividends paid (13 173) (19 904)Dividends received 1 12 500 20 200

net cash (utilised in)/generated from operating activities (1 179) 662

CasH FloWs From FinanCing aCTiviTiesBuy-back of shares from MTN Zakhele – (2 645)Premium received on option issued to MTN Zakhele Futhi 192 3 209

net cash generated from financing activities 192 564Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents (987) 1 226Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year 1 367 141

Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year 7 380 1 367

MTN Group Limited Financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2017 145

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Notes to the company financial statementsfor the year ended 31 December 2017

1 revenue

Revenue comprises dividend income and management fees received. Dividend income is recognised when the right to receive payment is established. Management fees received are recognised as and when the services are rendered.

2017 Rm

2016 Rm

Dividend income 12 500 20 200Management fees received 208 163

12 708 20 363

2 FinanCe inCome

Finance incomeFinance income mainly comprises amortisation of the financial guarantee contracts and the related net foreign exchange gains.

2017 Rm

2016 Rm

Interest income on bank deposits 31 23Amortisation of financial guarantee contracts 581 296Net foreign exchange gains 282 212

Finance income 894 531

3 operaTing eXpenses

The following disclosable items have been included in arriving at profit before tax:

2017 Rm

2016 Rm

Directors’ emoluments (19) (24)Fees paid for services (227) (323)– Professional fees (38) (175)– Management fees paid (189) (148)Auditors’ remuneration (8) (9)– Audit fees (8) (9)

146 MTN Group Limited Financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2017

Page 149: MTN Group Limited · Companies Act), which form an integral part of the annual financial statements. ... registration, cyber security and Mobile Money were key focus areas during

Notes to the company financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017

4 inCome TaX eXpense

Refer to note 3.1 of the group financial statements for the applicable accounting policy.

2017 Rm

2016 Rm

Normal tax – current year (10) (1)

South African normal taxation is calculated at 28% (2016: 28%) of the estimated taxable income for the year.

2017 %

2016 %

Tax rate reconciliationThe charge for the year can be reconciled to the effective rate of taxation in South Africa as follows:Tax at statutory tax rate 28 28Income not subject to tax (28,8) (28,8)Expenses not allowed 0,9 0,8

effective tax rate 0,1 ** Percentage less than 0,1%.

5 invesTmenT in subsidiaries

The company accounts for investments in subsidiaries at cost, less accumulated impairment losses. Interest-free loans owing to the company by its subsidiaries, with no repayment terms, are included in the cost of the investment.

The group structure and company’s subsidiaries are disclosed in note 9.1 of the group financial statements.

2017 Rm

2016 Rm

Total interest in Mobile Telephone Networks Holdings Limited1 22 260 22 260Total interest in MTN Group Management Services Proprietary Limited 57 57Total interest in Mobile Telephone Networks Proprietary Limited2 1 441 1 008

Total interest in subsidiary companies 23 758 23 3251 During the 2016 year, the company provided guarantees to Mobile Telephone Networks Holdings Limited for no

compensation and the fair values thereof have been recognised as part of the cost of the investment.2 The increase in the investment in Mobile Telephone Networks Proprietary Limited during 2017 relates to the share-

based payment transaction undertaken by the group with MTN Zakhele Futhi (note 8).

MTN Group Limited Financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2017 147

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6 Trade and oTHer reCeivables

Refer to note 4.2 of the group financial statements for the applicable accounting policy.

2017 Rm

2016 Rm

Trade receivables due from related parties 491 223Prepayments and other receivables 1 4Sundry debtors and advances 17 15

509 242

7 CasH and CasH eQuivalenTs

Refer to note 4.4 of the group financial statements for the applicable accounting policy.

2017 Rm

2016 Rm

Cash at bank 380 1 367

8 ordinary sHare CapiTal and sHare premium

Refer to note 8.1 of the group financial statements for the applicable accounting policy.

2017 Number of


2016 Number of


ordinary share capital (par value of 0,01 cents)Authorised 2 500 000 000 2 500 000 000Issued (fully paid up) 1 884 269 758 1 884 269 758In issue at the beginning of the year 1 884 269 758 1 845 493 245MTN Zakhele shares cancelled and delisted1 – (38 058 865)Shares issued to MTN Zakhele Futhi – 76 835 378in issue at the end of the year 1 884 269 758 1 884 269 758options held by mTn Zakhele Futhi2 (76 835 378) (76 835 378)

in issue at the end of the year – excluding mTn Zakhele Futhi 1 807 434 380 1 807 434 3801 Included in the shares cancelled are 1 444 172 shares acquired in 2015 and delisted in 2016.2 These shares, although legally issued to MTN Zakhele Futhi, are not deemed to be issued in terms of IFRS and are

shown as such in the share capital reconciliation.

Notes to the company financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017

148 MTN Group Limited Financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2017

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8 ordinary sHare CapiTal and sHare premium (continued)

2017 Rm


share capitalBalance at the beginning of the year * *Shares cancelled – (*)Share buy-back – (*)

balance at the end of the year * *share premiumBalance at the beginning of the year 37 040 40 502Share buy-back – (3 462)

balance at the end of the year 37 040 37 040*Amounts less than R1 million.

share-based payment transactionThe group unwound its broad-based black economic empowerment (BBBEE) transaction ‘MTN Zakhele’ during November 2016. As a consequence of the unwind of MTN Zakhele, the group concluded a new BBBEE transaction. The new BBBEE transaction was structured through a separate legal entity, MTN Zakhele Futhi (RF) Limited (hereafter referred to as MTN Zakhele Futhi). The transaction is designed to provide long-term, sustainable benefits to all BBBEE participants and will run for a period of eight years.

MTN Zakhele Futhi acquired 76 835 378 of the company’s shares at a price of R128,50 per share. The acquisition of 35 747 139 shares (and transaction costs of R36 million incurred by MTN Zakhele Futhi) was funded using equity raised from the allotment of MTN Zakhele Futhi shares totalling R1 651 million (including R557 million obtained from the group for the purchase of MTN Zakhele Futhi shares in terms of its underwrite option), reinvestment of R817 million from the existing MTN Zakhele shareholders and third-party preference share funding of R2 161 million. The acquisition of 15 367 075 shares was funded through a donation of R1 975 million received from the group. The company also issued 25 721 164 notional vendor finance shares (NVF shares) at par value to MTN Zakhele Futhi amounting to approximately R3 305 million.

The BBBEE transaction with MTN Zakhele Futhi has the substance of an option for accounting purposes. MTN Zakhele Futhi must repay the preference shares and NVF before the company’s shares held by it become unencumbered, while the company’s shares are the only security offered by MTN Zakhele Futhi for the debt funding obtained. Until the company’s shares held by MTN Zakhele Futhi become unencumbered, the ordinary shareholders of MTN Zakhele Futhi are exposed to the gains on the company’s shares, while their exposure to downside risk or risk of loss is limited to their equity contributions (i.e. the purchase price paid by them for the MTN Zakhele Futhi shares). Consequently, although legally issued, the company does not recognise its shares issued to MTN Zakhele Futhi and does not recognise the NVF as outstanding for accounting purposes. Equity contributions from external parties comprising cash received from new investors (including amounts funded from the preference shares) and the reinvestment by existing MTN Zakhele shareholders, are in substance a premium paid for the option to acquire the company’s shares in future. The resultant premium recognised by the company in the share-based payment reserve is R4 036 million. Securities transfer tax of R10 million was paid by MTN on the acquisition of shares from MTN Zakhele, which was recognised in the share-based payment reserve.

The transaction with MTN Zakhele Futhi’s shareholders is an equity-settled share-based payment transaction among group entities in terms of which the company will issue shares in future to MTN Zakhele Futhi’s shareholders in exchange for BBBEE benefits received by Mobile Telephone Networks Proprietary Limited (note 5).

During the 2017 year, an additional 24 388 294 MTN Zakhele Futhi shares were sold to external parties, that were previously acquired by the company in terms of the underwrite option during the allotment of MTN Zakhele Futhi shares in 2016. The shares were sold in four tranches on different grant dates for a total consideration of R487 million. The total increase in equity resulting from these share-based payment transactions amounted to R921 million of which R434 million (2016: R1 008 million) relates to the share-based payment expense capitalised as part of the investment in subsidiaries and R487 million relates to the option premium on the shares sold during the year.

Notes to the company financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017

MTN Group Limited Financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2017 149

Page 152: MTN Group Limited · Companies Act), which form an integral part of the annual financial statements. ... registration, cyber security and Mobile Money were key focus areas during

Notes to the company financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017

9 Trade and oTHer payables

Refer to note 4.5 of the group financial statements for the applicable accounting policy.

2017 Rm


Payables due to related parties 99 560Accrued expenses and other payables 180 190

279 750

10 CasH (uTilised in)/generaTed From operaTions

2017 Rm


Profit before tax 13 325 20 500Adjusted for:Dividend Income (note 1) (12 500) (20 200)Finance income (note 2) (894) (531)

(69) (231)Changes in working capital (454) 630Decrease in trade and other receivables 27 70(Decrease)/increase in trade and other payables (481) 560

(523) 399

11 inCome TaX paid

2017 Rm


balance at the beginning of the year (5) (52)Amounts recognised in profit or loss (note 4) (10) (1)Other – (1)Balance at the end of the year 1 5

Total tax paid (14) (49)

150 MTN Group Limited Financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2017

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12 relaTed parTy TransaCTions

Refer to note 10.1 of the group financial statements for the applicable accounting policy.

Various transactions were entered into by the company during the year with related parties.

The following is a summary of significant transactions with subsidiaries during the year and significant balances at the reporting date:

2017 Rm


dividends paid– Mobile Telephone Networks Holdings Limited (70) (112)– MTN Zakhele Futhi (RF) Limited (538) –dividends received– Mobile Telephone Networks Holdings Limited 12 500 20 200management fees paid– MTN Group Management Services Proprietary Limited (189) (148)management fees received– MTN International Proprietary Limited 208 163professional fees paid– MTN Group Management Services Proprietary Limited – (2)receivables– Mobile Telephone Networks Holdings Limited 93 111– MTN Group Management Services Proprietary Limited 29 6– Mobile Telephone Networks Proprietary Limited 7 3– MTN (Dubai) Limited1 * 33– MTN International Proprietary Limited 66 55– MTN Zakhele Futhi (RF) Limited2 – 13– MTN (Mauritius) Investments Limited3 * 2– MTN International (Mauritius) Limited * –payables– MTN Group Management Services Proprietary Limited (68) (14)– MTN (Dubai) Limited1 (31) (8)– Mobile Telephone Networks Holdings Limited – (538)share dealings– Main Street 1561 Proprietary Limited4 295 –1 The balances result from transactions whereby MTN Dubai Limited and the company extinguished liabilities on

behalf of each other.2 The balance arose from the MTN Zakhele Futhi transaction (note 8).3 The balance results from transactions whereby the company extinguished liabilities on behalf of MTN (Mauritius)

Investments Limited.4 On 28 December 2017, 14 750 000 MTN Zakhele Futhi shares, acquired by the company in terms of the 2016 MTN

Zakhele Futhi underwrite option (note 8), were sold for a total consideration of R295 million. The shares were purchased by Main Street 1561 Proprietary Limited, a wholly owned company of PF Nhleko, non-executive chairman of MTN Group.

* Amounts less than R1 million.

Financial guarantee contractsDetails of financial guarantee contracts are disclosed in note 13 of the company financial statements.

directorsDetails of directors’ remuneration are disclosed in note 3 of the company financial statements and note 10.2 of the group financial statements.

shareholdersThe principal shareholders of the company are disclosed in annexure 1 which is unaudited.

Notes to the company financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017

MTN Group Limited Financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2017 151

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13 FinanCial guaranTee ConTraCTs

A financial guarantee contract is a contract that requires the issuer to make specified payments to reimburse the holder for a loss it incurs because a specified debtor fails to make payments when due in accordance with the terms of a debt instrument.

Financial guarantee contracts issued by the company are initially measured at their fair values and are subsequently measured at the higher of: • The amount of the obligation under the contract, as determined in accordance with IAS 37 Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets; and

• The amount initially recognised less, where appropriate, cumulative amortisation recognised in accordance with IAS 18 Revenue.

Where guarantees in relation to loans to related parties are provided for no compensation, the fair values are accounted for as capital contributions and recognised as part of the cost of the investment.

The company along with other subsidiaries has guaranteed the bonds, revolving credit facilities and general banking facilities of Mobile Telephone Networks Holdings Limited and MTN (Mauritius) Investments Limited under the terms of the guarantee. The company will make payments to reimburse the lenders upon failure of the guaranteed entity to make payments when due.

Face value Drawn down balance2

2017 Rm

2016 Rm

2017 Rm

2016 Rm

bond guaranteesBonds1 and commercial paper 20 000 20 000 5 957 3 259syndicated and other loan facilitiesZAR long-term loan 23 738 23 800 18 238 18 615US$ long-term loan 24 748 27 445 10 518 11 676general banking facilitiesZAR facilities 2 000 3 000 – 778

70 486 74 245 34 713 34 3281 These bonds are listed on the Bond Exchange of South Africa.2 Includes interest accrued.

In addition, the company has provided unrestricted suretyship with regards to the cash management facility of Mobile Telephone Networks Holdings Limited and suretyship to the amount of R5 850 million (2016: R5 850 million) with regard to the banking facilities of Mobile  Telephone Networks Proprietary Limited, MTN International (Mauritius) Limited, MTN International Proprietary Limited, Mobile Telephone Networks Holdings Limited and MTN Service Provider Proprietary Limited.

The company together with other subsidiaries in the MTN Group guaranteed senior unsecured notes issued by MTN (Mauritius) Investments Limited on the Irish Stock Exchange amounting to US$1 750 million (2016: US$1 750 million). A financial liability was recognised at the fair value of the guarantees issued. A fee was not charged by the company providing the guarantee and therefore the benefit provided by the company to its subsidiaries was recognised as a capital contribution.

The company, together with other subsidiaries in the group, guaranteed US$ syndicated loan facilities with Citibank amounting to US$1 billion (2016: US$1 billion). An amount of US$450 million was drawn down by MTN International (Mauritius) Limited during the prior year. A financial liability was initially recognised at the fair value of the guarantee issued. A fee was not charged by the company providing the guarantee and therefore the benefit provided by the company to its subsidiaries was recognised as a capital contribution.

The company’s financial liability relating to financial guarantee contracts amounts to R2  631  million (2016: R3 499 million) as at 31 December 2017 and R581 million (2016: R296 million) was amortised to profit or loss for the year.

Notes to the company financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017

152 MTN Group Limited Financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2017

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Notes to the company financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017

14 FinanCial risK managemenT and FinanCial insTrumenTs

Refer to note 7.1 of the group financial statements for the applicable accounting policy.

14.1 Categories of financial instruments

Loans and receivables


Amortised cost Rm

Total carryingamount


Fair value


2017Trade and other receivables 508 – 508 #

Cash and cash equivalents 380 – 380 #

888 – 888 #

Trade and other payables – 279 279 #

Financial guarantee contracts – 2 631 2 631 1 432

– 2 910 2 910 1 432

2016Trade and other receivables 238 – 238 #

Cash and cash equivalents 1 367 – 1 367 #

1 605 – 1 605 #

Trade and other payables – 750 750 #

Financial guarantee contracts – 3 499 3 499 3 194

– 4 249 4 249 3 194# The carrying amount of the financial instrument approximates its fair value.

14.1.1 Fair value estimation

Refer to note 7.1.3 of the group financial statements for the applicable accounting policy.

The following table presents the fair value measurement hierarchy of the company’s liabilities that are materially different from the carrying amount:

Level 1 Rm

Level 2 Rm

Level 3 Rm

Total Rm

2017Current financial liabilitiesFinancial guarantee contracts – – 1 432 1 432

2016Current financial liabilitiesFinancial guarantee contracts – – 3 194 3 194

MTN Group Limited Financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2017 153

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Notes to the company financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017

14 FinanCial risK managemenT and FinanCial insTrumenTs (continued)

14.1 Categories of financial instruments (continued)

14.1.1 Fair value estimation (continued)

Valuation methods and assumptionsThe following methods and assumptions were used to estimate the fair values:

Citibank 1The fair value of the financial guarantee contract is determined using the discounted cash flow method. The valuation requires management to make certain assumptions about the model inputs, which include the probability of default and the maximum recovery amount.

Citibank 2The fair value of the financial guarantee contract is determined using the fixed exposure method. The valuation requires management to make certain assumptions about the model inputs, which include the probability of default, the maximum recovery and interest rate curve.

EurobondsThe fair value of the financial guarantee contract is determined using the relative valuation method. The valuation requires management to make certain assumptions about the model inputs, which include the probability of default, the maximum recovery and interest rate curve.

14.2 Credit risk

Refer to note 7.1.4 of the group financial statements for an explanation on credit risk and how it is managed.

The company considers its maximum exposure per class, without taking into account any collateral and financial guarantees, to be as follows:

2017 Rm

2016 Rm

Cash and cash equivalents 380 1 367Trade and other receivables 508 238Financial guarantee contracts 34 713 34 328

35 601 35 933

Credit risk is mitigated to the extent that the majority of trade receivables consist of related party receivables of R491 million (2016: R223 million).

The company holds its cash balances in financial institutions with a rating of AA-. Given this rating, management does not expect the counterparty to fail to meet its obligations.

154 MTN Group Limited Financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2017

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Notes to the company financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017

14 FinanCial risK managemenT and FinanCial insTrumenTs (continued)

14.2 Credit risk (continued)

Trade and other receivablesAgeing and impairment analysis

2017 2016


Impaired Rm


Gross Rm



Fully performing other receivables 96 – 96 65 – 65Sundry debtors and advances – – – – – –Trade receivables due from related parties 96 – 96 65 – 65past due other receivables 412 – 412 173 – 173sundry debtors and advances 17 – 17 15 – 150 to 3 months 8 – 8 8 – 83 to 6 months – – – – – –6 to 9 months – – – – – –9 to 12 months 9 – 9 7 – 7Trade receivables due from related parties 395 – 395 158 – 1580 to 3 months 296 – 296 1 – 13 to 6 months 5 – 5 13 – 136 to 9 months 1 – 1 40 – 409 to 12 months 93 – 93 104 – 104

508 – 508 238 – 238

14.3 liquidity risk

Refer to note 7.1.5 of the group financial statements for an explanation on liquidity risk and how it is managed.

The following liquid resources are available:

2017 Rm

2016 Rm

Cash and cash equivalents 380 1 367Trade and other receivables 508 238

888 1 605

The company and other subsidiaries in the group have undrawn borrowing facilities of R19 730 million (2016: R16 100 million) available for use.

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Notes to the company financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017

14 FinanCial risK managemenT and FinanCial insTrumenTs (continued)

14.3 liquidity risk (continued)

The following are the contractual maturities of financial liabilities:

Carrying amount



Payable within

1 month or on demand


More than1 month but

not exceeding 3 months


More than 3 months

but not exceeding

1 year Rm

2017Trade and other payables 279 279 279 – –Financial guarantee contracts 34 713 34 713 34 713 – –

34 992 34 992 34 992 – –

2016Trade and other payables 750 750 750 – –Financial guarantee contracts 34 328 34 328 34 328 – –

35 078 35 078 35 078 – –

Further details of financial guarantee contracts are provided in note 13.

14.4 market risk14.4.1 Interest rate risk

Refer to note 7.1.6 of the group financial statements for an explanation on interest rate risk and how it is managed.

At the reporting date, the interest rate profile of the company’s interest-bearing financial instruments was:

Variable rate

instruments Rm

2017Financial assetsCash and cash equivalents 380Trade and other receivables 196


Financial liabilitiesTrade and other payables 99

2016Financial assetsCash and cash equivalents 1 367Trade and other receivables 223

1 590

Financial liabilitiesTrade and other payables 560

156 MTN Group Limited Financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2017

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Notes to the company financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017

14 FinanCial risK managemenT and FinanCial insTrumenTs (continued)

14.4 market risk (continued)

14.4.1 Interest rate risk (continued)

Sensitivity analysisThe company has used a sensitivity analysis technique that measures the estimated change to profit or loss of an instantaneous increase or decrease of 1% (100 basis points) in market interest rates, from the rate applicable at 31 December, for each class of financial instrument with all other variables remaining constant. This analysis is for illustrative purposes only, as in practice market rates rarely change in isolation.

The company is mainly exposed to fluctuations in the following market interest rates: JIBAR, prime and LIBOR rates. Changes in market interest rates affect the interest income or expense of floating rate financial instruments. Changes in market interest rates only affect profit or loss in relation to financial instruments with fixed interest rates if these financial instruments are subsequently measured at their fair value.

A change in the above market interest rates at the reporting date would have increased/(decreased) profit before tax by the amounts shown below.

The analysis has been performed on the basis of the change occurring at the start of the reporting period and assumes that all other variables, in particular foreign exchange rates, remain constant. The analysis is performed on the same basis as was used for 2016.

2017Increase/(decrease) in profit

before tax

2016Increase/(decrease) in profit

before tax

Change in interest

rate %

Upwardchange in

interest rate


Downward change in

interest rate Rm

Change ininterest

rate %

Upward change in

interest rate


Downward change in

interest rate Rm

JIBAR 1 1,3 (1,3) 1 (3,6) 3,6Prime 1 3,8 (3,8) 1 13,6 (13,6)LIBOR 1 (0,3) 0,3 1 – –

14.4.2 Currency risk

Refer to note of the group financial statements for an explanation on currency risk and how it is managed.

Included in the company statement of financial position are the following amounts denominated in currencies other than the functional currency of the company.

2017 Rm

2016 Rm

Current assetsUnited States dollar * 33Current liabilitiesUnited States dollar 2 662 3 507* Amounts less than R1 million.

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Notes to the company financial statements continued

for the year ended 31 December 2017

14 FinanCial risK managemenT and FinanCial insTrumenTs (continued)

14.4 market risk (continued)

14.4.2 Currency risk (continued)

Sensitivity analysis (continued)

A change in the foreign exchange rates to which the company is exposed at the reporting date would have (decreased)/increased profit before tax by the amounts shown below:

Denominated:functional currency

Change in exchange

rate %

Weakening in

functional currency


Strengthening in functional

currency Rm

2017US$:ZAR 10 (266) 2662016US$:ZAR 10 (347) 347

158 MTN Group Limited Financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2017

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Financial definitions

The following financial terms are used in the annual financial statements with the meanings specified:

Asset exchange transactions

Transactions where one or more items of property, plant and equipment are acquired in exchange for non-monetary assets, or a combination of monetary and non-monetary assets.

Associates All entities over which the group has significant influence, but not control, over the financial and operational policies.

Available-for-sale Non-derivative financial assets either designated as available for sale or not classified in any of the three categories of financial instruments.

Cash-generating unit

The smallest identifiable group of assets that generates cash inflows from continuing use that are largely independent of the cash inflows from other assets or group of assets.

Carrying amount Is the amount at which the asset is recognised after deducting any accumulated depreciation (amortisation) and accumulated impairment losses thereon.

Commercial substance

A transaction has commercial substance if the difference in either of the points below is significant relative to the fair value of the assets exchanged: • The configuration of the cash flows of the asset received differs from the configuration of the cash flows of the asset given up; or

• The entity-specific value of the part of the operations affected by the transaction changes as a result of the exchange.

Contingent liabilities

Represent possible obligations that arise from past events and whose existence will be confirmed only by the occurrence or non-occurrence of uncertain future events not wholly within the control of the group. Contingent liabilities also represent present obligations that arise from past events but are not recognised because an outflow of resources is not probable or a reliable estimate cannot be made.

Control When the group is exposed to, or has rights to, variable returns from its involvement with the entity and has the ability to affect those returns through its power over the entity. The group has power over an entity when it has existing rights that gives it the current ability to direct the relevant activities that significantly affect the entity’s returns.

Defined contribution plan

A post-employment benefit plan (such as a pension plan) under which the group pays a fixed percentage of employees’ remuneration as contributions into a separate entity (a fund), and will have no further legal or constructive obligations to pay additional contributions if the fund does not hold sufficient assets to pay all employee benefits relating to employee service in the current and prior periods.

dti Department of Trade and IndustryEBITDA Earnings before interest (which includes gains and losses on foreign exchange

transactions), tax, depreciation and amortisation and is also presented before recognising the following items: • Impairment of goodwill • Loss on derecognition of a long-term loan receivable • Net monetary gain resulting from the application of hyperinflation • Share of results of associates and joint ventures after tax

Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss

A financial asset that is held for trading (acquired principally for the purpose of selling the item in the short term) or designated upon initial recognition as at fair value through profit or loss.

Finance leases Leases over property, plant and equipment are classified as finance leases whenever the terms of the lease transfer substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership to the lessee.

Functional currency

The currency that best reflects the primary economic environment in which the entity operates.

Gain or loss on disposal of an asset

The difference between the proceeds from the disposal and the carrying amount of the asset.

Goodwill The excess of the sum of the consideration transferred, the amount of any non-controlling interests in the acquiree, and the fair value of the acquirer’s previously held equity interest in the acquiree (if any) over the net of the acquisition date amounts of the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed.

MTN Group Limited Financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2017 159

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Held-to-maturity investments

Non-derivative financial assets with fixed or determinable payments and fixed maturity that the group has the positive intention and ability to hold to maturity other than those that the group upon initial recognition designates as at fair value through profit or loss and those that are loans and receivables.

ICASA Independent Communications Authority of South AfricaInterconnect revenue

Revenue derived from other operators for local and international incoming voice minutes, short messaging service (SMS) and multimedia service (MMS).

Joint arrangement A contractual arrangement whereby the company and other parties undertake an economic activity which is subject to joint control.

Joint operation Joint arrangements whereby the parties that have joint control of the arrangement have rights to the assets and obligations for the liabilities, relating to the arrangement.

Joint ventures Joint arrangements whereby the parties that have joint control of the arrangement by unanimous consent have rights to the net asset of the arrangement.

Loans and receivables

Non-derivative financial assets with fixed or determinable payments that are not quoted in an active market.

Measurement period adjustment 

Adjustments that arise from additional information obtained during the ‘measurement period’ about facts and circumstances that existed at the acquisition date. The measurement period constitutes the period after the acquisition date during which the acquirer may adjust the provisional amounts recognised for a business combination. This period shall not exceed one year from the acquisition date.

Multiple element arrangements

Postpaid and prepaid products with multiple deliverables.

Non-controlling interests

The amount of those interests at the date of the business combination and the non-controlling interests’ share of changes in equity since the acquisition date.

Postpaid product The sale of a handset and a service contract.Prepaid product The sale of a subscriber identification module (SIM) card and airtime.Presentation currency

The currency in which the financial statements are presented.

Qualifying asset An asset which takes more than 12 months to acquire, construct or produce.Recoverable amount

The greater of an asset’s value in use and its fair value less costs to sell.

Relative fair value method

The allocation of the consideration received/receivable in a transaction to each element of a multiple element (or bundled) arrangement according to their standalone selling prices.

Revenue The gross inflow of economic benefits during the period arising in the course of the ordinary activities of an entity when those inflows result in increases in equity, other than increases relating to contributions from equity participants.

Roaming revenue Revenue generated from subscribers making calls when using other networks, including MTN networks outside the country of operation.

Significant influence

The power to participate in the financial and operating policy decisions of an entity. It is presumed to exist when the group holds between 20% and 50% of the voting power of an entity.

Structured entities (SEs)

Entities that have been designed so that voting or similar rights are not the dominant factor in deciding who controls the entities, such as when any voting rights relate to administrative tasks only and the relevant activities are directed by means of contractual arrangements.

Subsidiaries Subsidiaries are all entities (including structured entities) over which the group has control. The group controls an entity when the group is exposed to, or has rights to, variable returns from its involvement with the entity and has the ability to affect those returns through its power to direct the activities of the entity.

Termination benefits

Benefits that may be payable when an employee’s employment is terminated before the normal retirement date due to death or retrenchment or whenever an employee accepts voluntary redundancy in exchange for these benefits.

Value in use The present value of the future cash flows expected to be derived from an asset or cash-generating unit.

Financial definitions continued

160 MTN Group Limited Financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2017

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Annexure 1 – Shareholders’ information

Shareholder Spread

Number of share-

holders %Number of

shares %

1 – 1 000 shares 110 390 88,27 24 307 588 1,291 001 – 10 000 shares 12 433 9,94 32 480 025 1,7210 001 – 100 000 shares 1 408 1,13 46 672 967 2,48100 001 – 1 000 000 shares 640 0,51 198 710 600 10,551 000 001 shares and over 189 0,15 1 582 098 578 83,96

Total 125 060 100,00 1 884 269 758 100,00

NomiNeeS holdiNg ShareS iN exceSS of 5% of The iSSued ordiNary capiTal of The compaNy

2017 2016

Number of shares

% of issued share


of shares

% of issued share


Standard Bank Nominees (Tvl) Proprietary Limited 776 198 061 41,19 772 384 542 40,99Nedcor Bank Nominees Limited 155 482 281 8,25 136 004 278 7,22First National Nominees Proprietary Limited 132 429 927 7,03 323 267 810 17,16Goudstad Nominees 111 828 812 5,93 95 369 655 5,06

Spread of ordiNary ShareholderS

2017 2016

Number of share-

holdingsNumber of


% of issued share

capitalNumber of


% of issued share


Public 125 020 1 325 341 372 70,33 1 330 035 300 70,59Non-public 40 558 928 386 29,67 554 234 458 29,41Directors and associates of the company holdings 11 377 706 0,02 325 087 0,02MTN Zakhele Futhi (RF)Limited 1 76 835 378 4,08 76 835 378 4,08Lombard Odier DarierHentsch & Cie (M1 Limited) 7 189 330 000 10,05 185 657 322 9,85Government EmployeesPension Fund 20 282 402 016 14,99 281 210 416 14,92MTN Telephone NetworkHoldings Limited 1 9 983 286 0,53 10 206 255 0,54

Total 125 060 1 884 269 758 100,00 1 884 269 758 100,00

BeNeficial ShareholderS holdiNg 5% or more

2017 2016

Number of shares

% of issued share


of shares

% of issued share capital

Government Employees Pension Fund 282 402 016 14,99 281 210 416 14,92Lombard Odier Darier Hentsch & Cie (M1 Limited) 189 330 000 10,05 185 657 322 9,85

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