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Mtuth CHILDREN three FROM - Library of Congress...HEtiL-t-vpvi-KNEWi>triPHI.fitIHMA.N"WAV BACK Pi...

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Mtuth rescues three rinn I lUI CHILDREN FROM flllt Weather Tonight and Thursday: oc- casional rain; fresh easterly wind*. Tm»pfmtino 1 j*j»t *1 11 our* Maximum. 11. Minimum, U Today noun, 4*. On the Issue of Americanism There Can Be No Compromise The Seattle Star 7late H EDITION \u25a0»i.r»4 u c\»ml MMtar M.r t. Ifft, >1 Ik. r-mMtUm >? BMtlta. W»»h.. AM mt Contra*. M.rrti I, I If! Fx Tnr, br Mall. II I* ft VOLUME 23 Paul Bunyan The Downcutter. Salt in the Oeean. Drowning of a Dog. Chipmunks as Tigers. ??r ? « It ia only aofwriaj IhAt the aaiata of i*lK»d akoaJrf ah m ure the rpir ftonre ?; Paul Hnnyon. fc»*o of Ihe tail ttm- Irr. The Star boa prt*trri tctfhoul queitton the atorvi at has iwntwi Tk« failn areaaaalatma of Hnnyan lettera mhc ijt ind'*' man* from those %ch'f knor Htr yrnil man t* prrtom . Vko irorM ar«t» him «ad are lm- tatoi hi/ uxfiuiWc rrporia. Today The Star u aHc lo print aiaraiftmal and other data gathered at ftrit hand, Cert.ua tartifrafa 4a fka life Of Fuui hair hern many times repeated in the letter* When the Hone a art cat, it ia to atwJ rrprtitioa. KVKN HA NT \ run nmnics IN I'All. BIN\AN IJMiKM) Editor The star: I have »*»n aoma biff ama about Paul Hunyin in your paper that are not »o. but you wlab to know nnia fai'ta about Paul. If I undrratand It right. When hla bin* o* «aa full frown, ha waa *even ax- han.l!., brtwwn tb* ajraa and « a*- h*rwl>« between th* tlpa of the kwTia, and hla track* In the "oft dirt waff ao and biff that If a (allow fall into one of them. »m« one hail to bring htrn a long atrp UdJer to get him out Paul had It Iff Ole nrnke him a bi« Manning marhut*- They railed U the down-cutter. iia woukt bitch the blue ox to the tnarhln* and go ?round eight townafeipa of timber and cut a awath $OO feat wide The amallaat man in Paul'* new «ai(hed too pound*. They railed jjtei the Kid. The last I heard of nal. be was loanting at th* North Poiaand gub CJaoa wa* bringing (been (rub. O. A. JOHNSON, f cnalaaka. Wash. jaorvT ra inter %TA» A GOPHKK KNfMJ, Editor The Mar: I take th* lib- ' ?rtjr *t tbl* Ittti' to rise up In de-j fWtm of tM DMfl. my old Fftul Bunyan. Tint which ha* t*»n written tor The BUr ha* heen writ- ten from kMmy. mxl not by dim who wan on th* §roun<l at th# Urn* Paul brought hi* bit* ox to tin P* ; etflc for th« purpon of digging th* Sound. At tha* Uim Mount Kalnkr wa* a gopher kW»D and th* Hound wa# a muakra' (tough, and th*r* wa* no ?alt In th* Pacta* o***n Th* rau»* frrr th* aalt I*ll* th*r» now la th* 4ralnag* from th* kitchen sink In Paul a camp, what* t fr'*ba»*d "alt pork for th* bean*. Th* winter of th* bin* anow th* Blu* Ox wa* strained from trying to pull th* croofca out of 1* mil** of logging road. He cast a *ho* at th* tlm* and It wa* thrown a mil* and killed right Swede* that w*r* clear- ing a roltway landing. Sow the** ar* th* fact* that ?hmild b* handed down to poaterity, and not the ravlnga from some dla *a**d mind, with hi* date* mixed, to- gether. with hi* notaa written from hearsay. Hoping that nothing but th* truth \u25a0will appear In th* columns of Th* Star in the future regarding Paul Bunyan and hi* Hoe Ox. I wt*h to gtate further that he ne T*r owned a full-ffrown dog. Hl* dog drowned when a ptlppy. In I-ah* Superior, breaking thru four feet of Ice. Youra for the truth. ROONET M'NABB. tiL- t-vpvi- i>tri fit "WAV HE KNEW PH I. IHMA.N BACK Pi MICHIGAN r- i * >Pka Utor- T bfuiv T»«a 111 Editor Th* Star: I knew Paul Bunyan In Kow-ommnn county, Mich- igan. wh*n he wa* logging for Write A Kelchum. He had 100 men In hi* eamp Ninety nine of them wer* from Peterborough. Canada. They jr#»r® ?Trfl f«*t aeron th# ahotiWlera, Bit te+l arroa* the hip* and 11 f««et tall. Th* other on* wa* the ehor* boy, of medium nlz*. who weighed pounda. Bt had a tough* tim*. fcecau*<» th« Canadiana played catch with him In the evening Thoae t>a*>d 22 pound, double bitted axee, with 12 to 14 feet of rope, *o they could chop both *vaya. tripped all the and aent ths whole in. Prune pita from the rook *banty were baled and taken to the wooda, whw fhipmunka ate them until they were ao big people ahot thern for flger* A barrel eat on the table, full of four-foot wood for toothpick*. If any on* doubt* thl* *tory, he ran find out the truth by Kiln* to Hoarommon county. near HlicKln* take. *h'r« Paul had a ramp, d'lß a W'll 1H feet and *l* inche* deep Tiley pulled the curb up when lie left and the lairt time T w»* thorp the Hand had blown away and left the bole *tl>k!n(? up In the air 80 ftwt. A man from bio I,akk WASH German Planes to New York Halted BKKLIN, Nor. 24.?The entente *lr mliwlon haa halted a shipment of German all rrietnl plane* to Ih>\u25a0 Ijir- \u25a0en Co. in New York. Tb» ml**lon d"rn'tnd''d that 11 me- fehlne* of th<- ahlpment be iflven to the alll'*. The manufacturer* de- elare/1 thl* violated a**urancc* pre- TloUMly given that there would be DO Interference with the tranxactlon plnce the plan';* were not for mili- tary uaua. SEATTLE, WASH., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1920. INDICT 31 IN BOOZE QUIZ SLAYER IS CAUGHT ON WAY HERE Kills Everett Officer Almost Instantly When Accosted WIDE VARIATION IN PRICE OF TURKEYS UP ANO DOWN COAST Wit!# variation In lh« prk» of turktjri vm thown by report* from Psi'lfic cuaat dtii« today In th* juHcmi ranrwl from to §7 <«nt» In Um An r*t«« lh# Thank**!*! ng UirtU w+rn r#Ulllng for 17 centa. Han Frmnelaro had tha hlfhMt pric#. Turfcryu were welling at ?l renta a pound, with v*ry few tvaUabto under 70 re rata. In iHarttand It t.*>k only #0 ?«mi to perauad* Ihe turkey own #r to part with a pound. CONSOLIDATION BILL FINISHED EVERETT, Nor. J4.?Fotlowin* a revolver duel on Iha atraet h«» M night. Charles Harris, 21, waa being held today In th* Snohomish county Jail accussed of th* murder of Detective J. H. Fox, lit la wM to hart confessed to Sheriff John Mc- Culloch. City-County Merger to Go to Legislature Koi «» shot to death br ? fooV (mil. MontllM u llarrta, who had Iks huMini up pedt-atrlana at l&Ui at- and liroadway. Completion of the fen tat Ira Mil providing for th* oonw.Udatioa of city and roomy government* waa an nounred Wedneaday by Corporation Counael Walter E. Meier and Vivian Carkeak, wha> have been arorklng on th* meaaura fur aeverai month*. Sent to the arena of tha bold up*, arrt.mpti filed by Detective H. J. Miller, wboa* nhootlng arm waa In a ?Ung. Pag accoated a auapact. Intend- ing to quaation him. Immediately tlw> nnpwl opened' fir* on Km, ** th* latter dr*w hi* gun. Hit sbota wer* fired In quick ' \u25a0Marin. Rnd I*** dronwd. with; the cry; Th* bill, which was prepared at th* trqiml of prwslaml d*ic organiaa turns, will b* praai nt*d to th* state mum W wipui vy tflat LfiKfTt wftl -HW OOT ME; TAKE MK TO HIHII'ITAir b* submitted to ft voir of th* people at th* wit geaeral election la No vc-nber l»M Th* bill will iwqolr* ian amendment of Artie!* XI of Ui* present stale oonatltutton. Th* primary object* to b* gained |ln th* proposed m«rg*r «if city no l [ rounty government* ar* economy 'and efficiency. nr. iv riiih 11/U4 "H*'a got me. Uk« ID* to lb* ho*- pitj I. quick!" Th* aiay*r fled a* To* wa* hreath- Ing hi# laat. Pox's revolver ahow*d b* hjd fired only on* cartridge. Sheriff Ucc'ullatl) threw out a cordon of drputlM *outb of th* city, In whk;h direction th* mur- derer had disappeared, and Harris walked Into th* trap. 11* wa* armed with a Cog* revofver wh*n Deputl** N. H tierridg* and Jam** Myrick stopped him on th* lntri urban track* aouth of town. Copies of th* bin har* been sub- mitted to moat of th* tart* organiaa- tion* of th* dty. THREE DEAD IN BOILER BLOWUP On reaching th* *herlff* office they **nt for Detective Miller and th* latt*r positively Identified Har- ris a* th* alayer of Kox Th* prisoner wa* clooetod with Sheriff McOulloch for Home I Im*. When th* eonferenoe *nded th* *herlff an- nounced that Harrl* had "com* clean." rrOL'GHTOPf. Wla., Nor. 14. Three Ji.*r*«n* were killed and two other* probably fatally Injured In th* \u2666ipkxtion of a l*>il*r at th* Stotigh- ton Marketing company plant today. Th* blaat ocrurr*d while th* boll*r waa being tented Th* entlr* hollar wa* bkiwn thru th* wall of Uv* creamery plant 1M yard* away. M il HAVE POIJCE RKOIKD IX HKATTUK Others who win be asked If they ram identify Harris as the man who held them up Just before the shoot- ing laat night are: (}. f. Ahmert. IHI !»mh*rd ave., and J. CJ. Folks, liOS Broadway. HE SELLS DOPE TO AN OFFICER A young woman *t*nograph*r. whose name has not been disclosed, was at th* scene of the shooting. Harris ha* a long pollc* record, according to Seattle pollc*. He I* tie- lleyed to hav* been arrested In Sent- tie In 1911 and sent to Walla Walla for on* to 15 year* for grand larceny. Patrolman P E Knapp. In plain clothe*, stood at Third ave. S. and Washington St.. Tuesday afternoon with his cap pulled <k>wn over his eyes, his coat collar turned up, flng ertng a dollar and looking nervously about. Suit Tran»f erred to Federal Court Charlie Chlnn, J«, a Chinaman stepped up to Knapp, looked greedily at th* dollar and snld: Suit brought by Eddie Gorman. Seattle boilerworker, againat the Western Union Telegraph Co. for In- juries alleged to have been sustained when hit by one of the telegraph fompany'i cara, wa* transferred from superior to federal court Wed neaday. "Juat a minute; I'H get eome '* When t*hin returned with a pack- age of "dope" he waa arressted by Knapp and Lieut. G. V. Hasselblad. He ia charged with poaeeMving nar- cttica. (iorman rlaima to have auffered a amaahed Jeic and other Injurle* due to th« alleged careiea#m«*flN of the comjwiny'a driver. He aaka $5,000 damage* and $1,192 coata. AUTO UPSETS; TWO UNDER IT Nearly Half of "U" Students Freshmen Cautfht underneafh their over, turned auto at I>exter aw and Hoy at., at * a. rn Wednewl&y. Robert Becker, *406 (lir>nwtmd ave., and John Lundquist BXJ6 Klirhth ave. N. W.. ri«iiped with brulnoa and nllcht cut*. Their auto collided with that of T. C. Miller. 4157 47th nvo, H. W. Of 5,191 student* enrolled In the university, 2,083 are In their frenh- man year, according to Heeretary Hteven*. "KIDNAPED CHILD" IS FOUND HAPPILY BLOWING BUBBLES IDENTIFY AUTO IN SHOOTING Hint! Kidnaper*, maybe! 80 Matt Starwich deputy sher- Iff wont forth Tuesday afternoon with R. F. Lindh, 141 N. 76th at., to help find the latter'* 2 year-old baby, which bad dlaappearod dur Ing the morning Th*y found the child making bubble* in Green lake and wading happily in the mud, none the worae for having mlaaed lta morning nap and a good meal A neighbor reported arcing the tot fttrike out from homo with alarming independence houra be« fore the dimi ppea ranee waa noted. The auto uki d by Elwood Cox, 21, ahot by Motorcycle Patrolman C. V. Harvey at Klrst ave. H. and Hor- ton *t. the nlicht of Novemt»er 4. h»a been Identified by Detective W. E. Worsham atolen from (luy Hoa- well, Milton apartment*, October 20. The engine number ha* be*n dl*- flKured, but Wlrehum Identified it by the number* on the tire. Co* *M "hot when he tried to e*. cape after belnic arre*ted by Haj-vey followloK a jtui *tatlnn holdup. Cox in «tIU In city UoMpitui, | CHICAGO IS LAUKCHDIG BIG DRIVE Six Police Sergeants Includ- ed in List of Men Named in Whisky Probe CHICAOOt Not M.?"Mlka 1m Tntlar and M othara, all««*d matntora of tIM Unnat bom ring oparaun* In Iha country, w*r* Iri- dlct«l by U»a r>d«nl Jury bar* today on ch«rr« of mavlnK} to vtolata lha prohibition taws. Among Una Indlrtal ««? «tr Chl- rajro polloa arrcanta. O. H. Caliban, an etllrkl of tba D! 4 (Jramklad ItUllllary <"o, of and W. I) Knabrtkomp. owner nf the Aiwrtmn Aa ?octatlon ba*eban <-lub, aiao wee* rum! in Ux Indictment® rracttaat ly all of the other* charged with ton to from w altham w*i"»ho«u». M tlot>M, Kjr.. to <-hlca*.> vta l*i*U, 111, fed- eral ag**nta claim. Continuing their irufuv on tho IV legal booge bu*i»eea In the <-ny. fed tral authority today obtained In Junction* from Wml Judge l-andl* d«« >n atght of Chhago'e largaet caharet* Ttie pUu-e* mail remain ctaaed for a year ur»W the Vclnt»< art. Itnhn It ran he eh<»wn they war# not sard for the liquor buetnem. \u25a0tilt* aaklng clootng of 11 «h« place* *!«.. wer» filed William tjorman. a nephew of the preetdent of the Chi<**» A Rock la land railway, waa indicted, it wan learned. PROHIBI MAN IS ACCUSED IN S. F. BOOZE CASE tMM ANOKI«KH. Not. 24 V Itay Orovea. eecretary of the California democratic xtaio central committee; Italph Urovni. hl« brother, a former prohibition enforcement officer, and another brother. B C. Urove*. were named In an Indictment returned lata yenlerdny by Ihe federal grand Jury Investigating bootlegging actlvltlea, It became known today The three brother*, accuaed of vlo latin* the Volet end act. were prepar- ing to appear today In Ihe I'nlted Mtatee district court In rrepnnae to bench * »rranU for I heir arrest. Another man high In etate political circle* la reported to have been named with them All are charged with having roneplred to violate the VoUtead law. T?DIT PAPER IN \u25a0E' DRESS SUITS Pledgf* to Hlgma Delta C!hl, hon- orary Journalism fratirnlly at the university, published Wfdnndnjr'i Issue of the IJ Dally. The neophltas were gart>ed In full dress, null* for their day's labor. The makMip of Wednesday's I>aily wo* modeled after the f*hl<Ji*o Herald Kiamlnnr. Former Kaiser in It Now Nearing Death AMHTKUDAM, Nov. 24.?'The for mer Kalserln Aufiwtlo* Victoria'" children gathered around her cit Doom today in what they feared was their laet vtnlt to her. The former empreoff' f over was high and specialists held little hope for recovery. The former Princ«wa Victoria Ix>ulse and har husband, the duke of Hrunswlrk. the former Crown Prince and Kltel Krledrlch and Albert arrived tottay. WANTED?PAIR OF vv 4-LEGGED ELK When the Kast could not produce a pair of elks for advertising pur- poses. C. A. Taylor, of 4 Clinton* Ave., Albany, N. Y,, decided to go to the frontier of America for them, and his georgraphy designating Seattle as the spot, he writes to the Chamber lof Commerce, asking that body to put him In communication with someone who knows where there Is a couple of elks, four legged ones, t running looao. SAVES FAMILY FROM FIRE Mrs. Anna R. Johnson, who tossed her three children out a window to save them from fire. Below are (left) Elmer, aped five, and Jackie, the baby, f»"o months. At the right is Ar- thur, aped ft. Photos of the children by Carter of Cress-Dale. Man Whose Job Is Averting Divorce Divorces Couple In keeping with hla duties aa di- vorce prortor to maintain pears tie- tween warring spouses, Charles C. Dalton, acting its superior Judge In the cane of Katherine M. Peterson against Charles M Peterson, an- nounced Wedoesday that the dlvoriw would be granted to both partlaa. BY HAL ARMSTRONG Without the slightest premonition that »h« would be called upon to rink ' her life In blinding, choking smoke and flame* four hour* later to nave her three little ones from being burn- ' id to death, Mr*. Anna 11. Johnson. STABS VAUGHN, CUBS' PITCHER Chicago Player Wounded by Father-in-Law KENOSHA. Wis., Nov. S4 James (Hippo) Vaughn, star pitcher of the Chicago Cubs baseball team, was In the city hospital here today suffer- ing from wounds received when his father-in law, Harry De Bold, la al- iened to have stabbed him during an argument at the Vaughn home. The stabbing followed settlement of the divorce proceedings of the Vaughns, which was scheduled for hearing yesterday. De Bold Is said to have become angered over charges made by Vaughn against bla wife. "Furthermore, *? said Col. Dalton, speaking from the bench, "I have chalked up my rulings on objections mad*' by Attorney* to the submission of evident* during the cane and I find that each side ha* been sustain ed an equal number of times." By a "gentlemen's agreement" dur- ing the progress of the case, alleged lucrative bootlegging activities of the husband were referred to a* "business operations." Pending the colonel*! decision on the distribution of the property he Itran tec] Mm. Peterson $2OO out of her husband's wirnings from "bust ness operations." In order that ax many of our employes an possible may enjoy the holiday tomorrow, only three editions of The Star will be issued?the First, Fifth and Final. MOONSHINE AT iVA $5O A GALLON Vaughn and hU wife arranged a reconciliation before the case came up for hearing. Vaughn wa« cut about three inches deep in the ab- domen Altho the Vaughns had been recon- ciled and decided to live together, Mr». Vaughn and their nine-year- old son were In Chicago at the time of the quarrel. Iteuauee of the publicly given their domestic troubles in Kenosha, they planned to move to Chicago and Mrs. Vaughn waa making ar- rangements for the family. Vaughn called constantly for his wife and boy and Mrs. Vaughn was requested today to hurry to her hus- band's bedside. "tTATTY" IS ON r WAY ACROSS Joe Garnett changed a former pica of not guilty of liquor transpor- tation charges to guilty, when he appeared in federal court Wednes- day, and was fined |250 by Federal Judge Neterer. Five gallons of moon- shine in an auto was the evidence against Joe, Bandit* Escape With $75,000 in Booze NEW YORK, Nov. 24.?When the steamer Aqultanla sailed from here. It was noticed she hud a decided list to starboard- This was ex- plained when it was learned that "Fatty" Arbuckle was a passenger for Kurope. riOUGLAS FLIRTED u ONCE TOO OFTEN ASTOMA.?Qus Rufinlgh. S5, of Rrookflehl, Ore., killed by accidental discharge of gun In hands of Charlca Balsberg. CItICAOO, Nov. 14. Bandits as- caped with 175,000 worth of liquor when they robbed the Haulers' ware- house here early today. Tlw watch nuui was bound. Call Main 600 When you have something which has outlived its useful- ness to you. A small want ad will very likely reach the party who can use It, nnd you will havo the price of something you desire. Try It Today NKW YORK. Nov. 24.?Douglas Cmlckshnnk flirted with a middle- aged woman on an "t" train I»ater lie discovered she was the wife ha deserted 14 years ago. Now he Is paying $lO n week bauk all tuouy to bor and their daughter. PLUCKY WOMAN CHEATS FLUES Of THEIR TOY Plunges Thru Scorching Heat and Snatches Tots From Blazing Beds; Throws Them Out Window a plurky little rirwmnuUcr living at 12* Vine Ht_. went to bod at 11 o'clock last nix tit utterly exhauaMd from a day and half a night of fatiguing toll. At 1 o'clock thin morning she w*a awakened by the acreams of bar eldest. S year-old eon. In the room adjoining her*. Bhe went thru tbo ordeal that followed In total diar*> gard of her own : erll, rescuing all three children by heroic effort, attfc- gle handed, and wna herself draggod from the burning home by a neigfe- bor woman after she had r nil*pall Inside a smoke-filled room. night's episode was fhm <A> ma* of a H#ng series of misfortßOSa that have filled Mrs. Johnson's llfo with sorrow and dtsappolntmest. "I AM VKRY KORTVNATK," HIIK MOANH "But lam a rery fortnaato an." she moaned, aa later today ate lay with her baby clasped to har breast. She waa suffering terrtflo pain from a burned forearm and badly wrenched right shoulder. "Jumt think. It was the first thrae I had ever been In a fire, and we might all hare been burned to death!" Mrs. Johnson ma Mt a »liw with two baby aonx on her hands a few years ago. r>da( Um world prut Mii yirfliw. atw iuDg oat a sown Mm. "ITessmftklflg." SIM was struggling bravfljr. mnldßf a m»|tr living, when a second IBM rams Into her Ufa. She dutM him. abandoned her. ptar to Van- couver, B. C.. and two months ags the third tittle son was born, adding another burden. Johnson has writ- ten to her twice, she naya. Mean- while she has resumed her work of dressmaking. VESTKROAY WAS HAKD DAY TOR ÜBS Yesterday was It hard day for Mrs. Johnson. She had her usual work to do, and. besides, found it neeea sary to spend most of the afternoon downtown. Returning home, she got her children's supper and prepared to put in the evening at sewing. Bh| also had a washing to do. Several neighbor women cams to call on her after supper. They re- mained until about t o'clock. With a smile snd a cheerful "good night," "he closed the door when they da- parted. and turned again to her work. Arthur, her I year-old. and Elfrer, 8, she put to bed on a davenport in the living room of her small apart- ment. liable Jackie wan restless and needed attention, but wften 11 o'clock came she had finished her washing and hung It on a line stretched across from the stove to the opposite wall over the davenport. Then she retired to her own room off the living room, closed the door an< went to bed with Jackie snuggled beside her. "When I woke up." she explained. "1 heard Arthur screaming. Mother, mother, I am choking to deathf My own room was full of smoke. There was no electric light bulb In the socket. I was in the dark and couldn't see. HKAT SO STRONG HUB KYEBAIXB BURN "My flrKt thought waa 1* gft Arthur and Klmer out of thare. I oi«ened the door. More smoke putt' ed Into my room. It wag so hot and thick it almost knocked ma down. The clot hen on the lina had caught fire and the davenport VU smoking. "I couldn't keep mr eyes open la there; it whs so hot and the amok* burnt my eyeballs so. I felt my way over to the davenport and flrat I got hold of Arthur. I carried him into my room and opened the win- dow. Then I tossed him out. It waa only a few feet to the ground. "Elmer was crying and I ran back after him. I couldn't have left him in there to burn to death?not If I had died. Just as I took htm out the mattress caught fire on tha davenport. It was burning all around him. ? ? ? Oh, my shoulder hurts so! 1 don't mind the burn on my arm. but my shoulder pains ma terrible. ? ? ? Then I threw Klmar nut the same window 1 had put Arthur thru. "I Picked up baby. He was in my bed and wns crying, too. I couldn't see. I had to throw him out just like the older boys. I won trying to climb out thru the window my- self. A woman grabbed me. Sh» pulled me thru and we both fell, she on top of me. That's all. I'm glad I had the strength. ? ? ? Brave? Do yo uthlnk so? ? ? ? And. Just think, none of them were horned] CTuru I* rap & OnlniM J) TWO CENTS IN SEATTLE
Page 1: Mtuth CHILDREN three FROM - Library of Congress...HEtiL-t-vpvi-KNEWi>triPHI.fitIHMA.N"WAV BACK Pi MICHIGAN r- i * >Pka Utor-Editor Th* Star: TI knewbfuiv T»«aPaul 111 Bunyan In Kow-ommnn

Mtuth rescues three rinnIlUICHILDREN FROM flllt

WeatherTonight and Thursday: oc-

casional rain; fresheasterly wind*.

Tm»pfmtino 1 j*j»t *1 11our*

Maximum. 11. Minimum, UToday noun, 4*.

On the Issue of Americanism There Can Be No Compromise

The Seattle Star 7lateH EDITION

\u25a0»i.r»4 u c\»ml MMtar M.r t. Ifft, >1 Ik. r-mMtUm >? BMtlta. W»»h.. AM mt Contra*. M.rrti I, I If! Fx Tnr, br Mall. II I* ft



The Downcutter.Salt in the Oeean.Drowning of a Dog.Chipmunks as Tigers.

??r? «

It ia only aofwriaj IhAt the aaiata ofi*lK»d akoaJrf ah m ure the rpir ftonre?; Paul Hnnyon. fc»*o of Ihe tail ttm-

Irr. The Star boa prt*trri tctfhoulqueitton the atorvi at has iwntwiTk« failn areaaaalatma of Hnnyan

lettera mhc ijt ind'*' man* from those%ch'f knor Htr yrnil man t* prrtom .

Vko irorM ar«t» him «ad are lm-tatoi hi/ uxfiuiWc rrporia. Today

The Star u aHc lo print aiaraiftmaland other data gathered at

ftrit hand,Cert.ua tartifrafa 4a fka life Of

Fuui hair hern many times repeated

in the letter* When the Hone a art

cat, it ia to atwJ rrprtitioa.

KVKN HANT\ run nmnicsIN I'All.BIN\AN IJMiKM)

Editor The star: I have »*»n aomabiff ama about Paul Hunyin in yourpaper that are not »o. but you wlabto know nnia fai'ta about Paul. If Iundrratand It right. When hla bin*o* «aa full frown, ha waa *even ax-han.l!., brtwwn tb* ajraa and « a*-

h*rwl>« between th* tlpa of thekwTia, and hla track* In the "oft dirtwaff ao and biff that If a (allow

fall into one of them. »m« one hailto bring htrn a long atrp UdJer toget him out

Paul had ItIff Ole nrnke him a bi«Manning marhut*- They railed U the

down-cutter. iia woukt bitch theblue ox to the tnarhln* and go

?round eight townafeipa of timberand cut a awath $OO feat wide

The amallaat man in Paul'* new«ai(hed too pound*. They railedjjtei the Kid. The last I heard ofnal. be was loanting at th* North

Poiaand gub CJaoa wa* bringing

(been (rub. O. A. JOHNSON,

f cnalaaka. Wash.

jaorvT ra inter%TA» A GOPHKK KNfMJ,

Editor The Mar: I take th* lib- '?rtjr *t tbl* Ittti' to rise up In de-jfWtm of tM DMfl. my oldFftul Bunyan. Tint which ha* t*»nwritten tor The BUr ha* heen writ-ten from kMmy. mxl not by dim

who wan on th* §roun<l at th# Urn*Paul brought hi* bit* ox to tin P* ;etflc for th« purpon of digging th*

Sound.At tha* Uim Mount Kalnkr wa* a

gopher kW»D and th* Hound wa# amuakra' (tough, and th*r* wa* no?alt In th* Pacta* o***n Th* rau»*

frrr th* aalt I*ll*th*r» now la th*4ralnag* from th* kitchen sink In

Paul a camp, what* t fr'*ba»*d "altpork for th* bean*.

Th* winter of th* bin* anow th*

Blu* Ox wa* strained from trying

to pull th* croofca out of 1* mil** oflogging road. He cast a *ho* at th*tlm* and It wa* thrown a mil* andkilled right Swede* that w*r* clear-ing a roltway landing.

Sow the** ar* th* fact* that?hmild b* handed down to poaterity,

and not the ravlnga from some dla*a**d mind, with hi* date* mixed, to-gether. with hi* notaa written fromhearsay.

Hoping that nothing but th* truth

\u25a0will appear In th* columns of Th*Star in the future regarding PaulBunyan and hi* Hoe Ox. I wt*h togtate further that he ne T*r owneda full-ffrown dog. Hl* dog drownedwhen a ptlppy. In I-ah* Superior,breaking thru four feet of Ice. Yourafor the truth.

ROONET M'NABB.tiL- t-vpvi- i>tri fit"WAVHE KNEW PH I. IHMA.N


>Pka Utor-T bfuiv T»«a 111

Editor Th* Star: I knew PaulBunyan In Kow-ommnn county, Mich-igan. wh*n he wa* logging for WriteA Kelchum. He had 100 men In hi*eamp Ninety nine of them wer*

from Peterborough. Canada. They

jr#»r® ?Trfl f«*t aeron th# ahotiWlera,Bit te+l arroa* the hip* and 11 f««ettall. Th* other on* wa* the ehor*boy, of medium nlz*. who weighed

pounda. Bt had a tough* tim*.fcecau*<» th« Canadiana played catchwith him In the evening Thoaet>a*>d 22 pound, double bitted axee,with 12 to 14 feet of rope, *o they

could chop both *vaya. tripped

all the and aent ths wholein. Prune pita from the rook *banty

were baled and taken to the wooda,whw fhipmunka ate them until they

were ao big people ahot thern forflger* A barrel eat on the table, fullof four-foot wood for toothpick*.

If any on* doubt* thl* *tory, heran find out the truth by Kiln* to

Hoarommon county. near HlicKln*take. *h'r« Paul had a ramp,d'lß a W'll 1H feet and *l* inche*deep Tiley pulled the curb up whenlie left and the lairt time T w»* thorp

the Hand had blown away and leftthe bole *tl>k!n(? up In the air 80ftwt.A man from bio I,akk WASH

German Planes toNew York Halted

BKKLIN, Nor. 24.?The entente*lr mliwlon haa halted a shipment ofGerman all rrietnl plane* to Ih>\u25a0 Ijir-

\u25a0en Co. in New York.Tb» ml**lon d"rn'tnd''d that 11 me-

fehlne* of th<- ahlpment be iflven tothe alll'*. The manufacturer* de-

elare/1 thl* violated a**urancc* pre-TloUMly given that there would be

DO Interference with the tranxactlonplnce the plan';* were not for mili-tary uaua.



Kills Everett Officer AlmostInstantly When



UP ANO DOWN COASTWit!# variation In lh« prk» of

turktjri vm thown by report*from Psi'lfic cuaat dtii« today

In th* juHcmi ranrwlfrom to §7 <«nt» In Um Anr*t«« lh# Thank**!*!ng UirtUw+rn r#Ulllng for 17 centa.

Han Frmnelaro had tha hlfhMtpric#. Turfcryu were welling at?l renta a pound, with v*ry fewtvaUabto under 70 re rata.

In iHarttand It t.*>k only #0?«mi to perauad* Ihe turkey own

#r to part with a pound.


EVERETT, Nor. J4.?Fotlowin* a

revolver duel on Iha atraet h«» Mnight. Charles Harris, 21, waa being

held today In th* Snohomish countyJail accussed of th* murder ofDetective J. H. Fox, lit la wM tohart confessed to Sheriff John Mc-Culloch.

City-County Merger to Goto Legislature

Koi «» shot to death br ? fooV(mil. MontllM u llarrta, who hadIks huMini up pedt-atrlana at l&Uiat- and liroadway.

Completion of the fen tat Ira Milproviding for th* oonw.Udatioa ofcity and roomy government* waa announred Wedneaday by CorporationCounael Walter E. Meier and VivianCarkeak, wha> have been arorklng onth* meaaura fur aeverai month*.

Sent to the arena of tha bold up*,arrt.mpti filed by Detective H. J.Miller, wboa* nhootlng arm waa In a?Ung. Pag accoated a auapact. Intend-ing to quaation him.

Immediately tlw> nnpwl opened'fir* on Km, ** th* latter dr*w hi*gun. Hit sbota wer* fired In quick '\u25a0Marin. Rnd I*** dronwd. with;the cry;

Th* bill,which was prepared at th*trqiml of prwslaml d*ic organiaaturns, will b* praai nt*d to th* state

mum W wipui vy tflat LfiKfTt wftl


b* submitted to ft voir of th* peopleat th* wit geaeral election la Novc-nber l»M Th* bill will iwqolr*

ian amendment of Artie!* XI of Ui*present stale oonatltutton.

Th* primary object* to b* gained

|ln th* proposed m«rg*r «if city no l[ rounty government* ar* economy'and efficiency.

nr. iv riiih11/U4

"H*'a got me. Uk« ID* to lb* ho*-pitjI. quick!"

Th* aiay*r fled a* To* wa* hreath-Ing hi# laat. Pox's revolver ahow*db* hjd fired only on* cartridge.

Sheriff Ucc'ullatl) threw out acordon of drputlM *outb of th*city, In whk;h direction th* mur-derer had disappeared, and Harriswalked Into th* trap. 11* wa* armedwith a Cog* revofver wh*n Deputl**N. H tierridg* and Jam** Myrickstopped him on th* lntriurban track*aouth of town.

Copies of th* bin har* been sub-mitted to moat of th* tart* organiaa-

tion* of th* dty.

THREE DEAD INBOILER BLOWUPOn reaching th* *herlff* office

they **nt for Detective Miller andth* latt*r positively Identified Har-ris a* th* alayer of Kox Th*prisoner wa* clooetod with SheriffMcOulloch for Home I Im*. When th*eonferenoe *nded th* *herlff an-nounced that Harrl* had "com*clean."

rrOL'GHTOPf. Wla., Nor. 14.Three Ji.*r*«n* were killed and twoother* probably fatally Injured In th*\u2666ipkxtion of a l*>il*rat th* Stotigh-ton Marketing company plant today.Th* blaat ocrurr*d while th* boll*rwaa being tented Th* entlr* hollarwa* bkiwn thru th* wall of Uv*creamery plant 1M yard* away.


Others who win be asked If theyram identify Harris as the man whoheld them up Just before the shoot-ing laat night are: (}. f. Ahmert.IHI !»mh*rd ave., and J. CJ. Folks,liOS Broadway. HE SELLS DOPE

TO AN OFFICERA young woman *t*nograph*r.whose name has not been disclosed,

was at th* scene of the shooting.

Harris ha* a long pollc* record,according to Seattle pollc*. He I* tie-lleyed to hav* been arrested In Sent-tie In 1911 and sent to Walla Wallafor on* to 15 year* for grand larceny.

Patrolman P E Knapp. In plainclothe*, stood at Third ave. S. andWashington St.. Tuesday afternoonwith his cap pulled <k>wn over hiseyes, his coat collar turned up, flng

ertng a dollar and looking nervouslyabout.Suit Tran»f erred

to Federal CourtCharlie Chlnn, J«, a Chinaman

stepped up to Knapp, looked greedilyat th* dollar and snld:Suit brought by Eddie Gorman.

Seattle boilerworker, againat theWestern Union Telegraph Co. for In-juries alleged to have been sustainedwhen hit by one of the telegraphfompany'i cara, wa* transferredfrom superior to federal court Wedneaday.

"Juat a minute; I'H get eome '*

When t*hin returned with a pack-age of "dope" he waa arressted byKnapp and Lieut. G. V. Hasselblad.He ia charged with poaeeMving nar-cttica.

(iorman rlaima to have auffered aamaahed Jeic and other Injurle* dueto th« alleged careiea#m«*flN of thecomjwiny'a driver. He aaka $5,000damage* and $1,192 coata.


Nearly Half of "U"Students Freshmen

Cautfht underneafh their over,

turned auto at I>exter aw and Hoyat., at * a. rn Wednewl&y. RobertBecker, *406 (lir>nwtmd ave., andJohn Lundquist BXJ6 Klirhth ave. N.W.. ri«iiped with brulnoa and nllchtcut*. Their auto collided with thatof T. C. Miller. 4157 47th nvo, H. W.

Of 5,191 student* enrolled In theuniversity, 2,083 are In their frenh-man year, according to HeeretaryHteven*.



80 Matt Starwich deputy sher-Iff wont forth Tuesday afternoonwith R. F. Lindh, 141 N. 76th at.,to help find the latter'* 2 year-oldbaby, which bad dlaappearod durIng the morning

Th*y found the child makingbubble* in Green lake and wadinghappily in the mud, none theworae for having mlaaed ltamorning nap and a good meal

A neighbor reported arcing thetot fttrike out from homo withalarming independence houra be«fore the dimi ppea ranee waa noted.

The auto uki d by Elwood Cox,21, ahot by Motorcycle Patrolman C.V. Harvey at Klrst ave. H. and Hor-ton *t. the nlicht of Novemt»er 4. h»abeen Identified by Detective W. E.Worsham a« atolen from (luy Hoa-well, Milton apartment*, October 20.

The engine number ha* be*n dl*-flKured, but Wlrehum Identified itby the number* on the tire.

Co* *M "hot when he tried to e*.cape after belnic arre*ted by Haj-veyfollowloK a jtui *tatlnn holdup. Coxin «tIU In city UoMpitui, |


Six Police Sergeants Includ-ed in List of Men Named

in Whisky ProbeCHICAOOt Not M.?"Mlka 1m

Tntlar and M othara, all««*dmatntora of tIM Unnat bom ring

oparaun* In Iha country, w*r* Iri-dlct«l by U»a r>d«nl Jury bar* today

on ch«rr« of mavlnK} to vtolatalha prohibition taws.

Among Una Indlrtal ««? «tr Chl-

rajro polloa arrcanta.O. H. Caliban, an etllrkl of tba

D! 4 (Jramklad ItUllllary <"o, of

and W. I) Knabrtkomp.

owner nf the Aiwrtmn Aa?octatlon ba*eban <-lub, aiao wee* ?»

rum! in Ux Indictment® rracttaatly all of the other* charged with ton

tofrom waltham w*i"»ho«u». M tlot>M,Kjr.. to <-hlca*.> vta l*i*U,111, fed-eral ag**nta claim.

Continuing their irufuv on tho IVlegal booge bu*i»eea In the <-ny. fedtral authority today obtained InJunction* from Wml Judge l-andl*d«« >n atght of Chhago'e largaetcaharet* Ttie pUu-e* mail remainctaaed for a year ur»W the Vclnt»<art. Itnhn It ran he eh<»wn they war#

not sard for the liquor buetnem.\u25a0tilt* aaklng clootng of 11 «h«

place* *!«.. wer» filedWilliam tjorman. a nephew of the

preetdent of the Chi<**» A Rock laland railway, waa indicted, it wanlearned.


tMM ANOKI«KH. Not. 24 V ItayOrovea. eecretary of the Californiademocratic xtaio central committee;

Italph Urovni. hl« brother, a formerprohibition enforcement officer, andanother brother. B C. Urove*. werenamed In an Indictment returned latayenlerdny by Ihe federal grand JuryInvestigating bootlegging actlvltlea,

It became known today

The three brother*, accuaed of vlolatin* the Volet end act. were prepar-ing to appear today In Ihe I'nltedMtatee district court In rrepnnae tobench *»rranU for Iheir arrest.

Another man high In etate political

circle* la reported to have beennamed with them All are charged

with having roneplred to violate theVoUtead law.


Pledgf* to Hlgma Delta C!hl, hon-orary Journalism fratirnlly at theuniversity, published Wfdnndnjr'i

Issue of the IJ Dally. The neophltas

were gart>ed In full dress, null* fortheir day's labor. The makMip ofWednesday's I>aily wo* modeledafter the f*hl<Ji*o Herald Kiamlnnr.

Former Kaiser in ItNow Nearing Death

AMHTKUDAM, Nov. 24.?'The former Kalserln Aufiwtlo* Victoria'"children gathered around her citDoom today in what they fearedwas their laet vtnlt to her. Theformer empreoff' fover was high

and specialists held little hope forrecovery.

The former Princ«wa VictoriaIx>ulse and har husband, the dukeof Hrunswlrk. the former CrownPrince and Kltel Krledrlch andAlbert arrived tottay.

WANTED?PAIR OFvv 4-LEGGED ELKWhen the Kast could not produce

a pair of elks for advertising pur-poses. C. A. Taylor, of 4 Clinton* Ave.,Albany, N. Y,, decided to go to thefrontier of America for them, andhis georgraphy designating Seattle asthe spot, he writes to the Chamber

lof Commerce, asking that bodyto put him In communication withsomeone who knows where thereIs a couple of elks, four legged ones,

t running looao.


Mrs. Anna R. Johnson, who tossed her three children out awindow to save them from fire. Below are (left) Elmer, apedfive, and Jackie, the baby, f»"o months. At the right is Ar-thur, aped ft. Photos of the children by Carter of Cress-Dale.

Man Whose Job IsAverting Divorce

Divorces CoupleIn keeping with hla duties aa di-

vorce prortor to maintain pears tie-

tween warring spouses, Charles C.Dalton, acting its superior Judge In

the cane of Katherine M. Petersonagainst Charles M Peterson, an-nounced Wedoesday that the dlvoriwwould be granted to both partlaa.

BY HAL ARMSTRONGWithout the slightest premonition

that »h« would be called upon to rink' her life In blinding, choking smoke

and flame* four hour* later to naveher three little ones from being burn-

' id to death, Mr*. Anna 11. Johnson.


Chicago Player Wounded byFather-in-Law

KENOSHA. Wis., Nov. S4 James(Hippo) Vaughn, star pitcher of theChicago Cubs baseball team, was Inthe city hospital here today suffer-

ing from wounds received when hisfather-in law, Harry De Bold, la al-iened to have stabbed him duringan argument at the Vaughn home.

The stabbing followed settlementof the divorce proceedings of theVaughns, which was scheduled forhearing yesterday. De Bold Is saidto have become angered over charges

made by Vaughn against bla wife.

"Furthermore, *? said Col. Dalton,speaking from the bench, "I havechalked up my rulings on objectionsmad*' by Attorney* to the submission

of evident* during the cane and Ifind that each side ha* been sustained an equal number of times."

By a "gentlemen's agreement" dur-ing the progress of the case, allegedlucrative bootlegging activities ofthe husband were referred to a*"business operations."

Pending the colonel*! decision onthe distribution of the property heItran tec] Mm. Peterson $2OO out ofher husband's wirnings from "bustness operations."

In order that ax many of our employes an possiblemay enjoy the holiday tomorrow, only three editionsof The Star will be issued?the First, Fifth and Final.


Vaughn and hU wife arranged areconciliation before the case cameup for hearing. Vaughn wa« cutabout three inches deep in the ab-domen

Altho the Vaughns had been recon-ciled and decided to live together,Mr». Vaughn and their nine-year-old son were In Chicago at the timeof the quarrel.

Iteuauee of the publicly giventheir domestic troubles in Kenosha,they planned to move to Chicagoand Mrs. Vaughn waa making ar-rangements for the family.

Vaughn called constantly for hiswife and boy and Mrs. Vaughn wasrequested today to hurry to her hus-band's bedside.

"tTATTY" IS ONr WAY ACROSSJoe Garnett changed a former

pica of not guilty of liquor transpor-tation charges to guilty, when heappeared in federal court Wednes-day, and was fined |250 by FederalJudge Neterer. Five gallons of moon-shine in an auto was the evidenceagainst Joe,

Bandit* Escape With$75,000 in Booze

NEW YORK, Nov. 24.?When thesteamer Aqultanla sailed from here.It was noticed she hud a decidedlist to starboard- This was ex-plained when it was learned that"Fatty" Arbuckle was a passengerfor Kurope.


ASTOMA.?Qus Rufinlgh. S5, ofRrookflehl, Ore., killed by accidentaldischarge of gun In hands of CharlcaBalsberg.

CItICAOO, Nov. 14. Bandits as-caped with 175,000 worth of liquorwhen they robbed the Haulers' ware-house here early today. Tlw watchnuui was bound.

Call Main 600When you have somethingwhich has outlived its useful-ness to you.

A small want ad will verylikely reach the party whocan use It, nnd you will havothe price of something youdesire.

Try It Today

NKW YORK. Nov. 24.?DouglasCmlckshnnk flirted with a middle-aged woman on an "t" trainI»ater lie discovered she was thewife ha deserted 14 years ago. Nowhe Is paying $lO n week bauk alltuouy to bor and their daughter.


Of THEIR TOYPlunges Thru Scorching Heat and

Snatches Tots From Blazing Beds;Throws Them Out Window

a plurky little rirwmnuUcr livingat12* Vine Ht_. went to bod at 11o'clock last nixtit utterly exhauaMdfrom a day and half a night offatiguing toll.

At 1 o'clock thin morning she w*aawakened by the acreams of bareldest. S year-old eon. In the roomadjoining her*. Bhe went thru tboordeal that followed In total diar*>gard of her own : erll, rescuing allthree children by heroic effort, attfc-gle handed, and wna herself draggodfrom the burning home by a neigfe-bor woman after she had r nil*pallInside a smoke-filled room.

night's episode was fhm <A>ma* of a H#ng series of misfortßOSathat have filled Mrs. Johnson's llfowith sorrow and dtsappolntmest.


"But lam a rery fortnaatoan." she moaned, aa later today atelay with her baby clasped to harbreast. She waa suffering terrtflopain from a burned forearm andbadly wrenched right shoulder. "Jumtthink. It was the first thrae I hadever been In a fire, and we mightall hare been burned to death!"

Mrs. Johnson ma Mt a »liwwith two baby aonx on her hands afew years ago. r>da( Um worldprutMii yirfliw. atw iuDg oata sown Mm. "ITessmftklflg." SIMwas struggling bravfljr. mnldßf am»|tr living, when a second IBMrams Into her Ufa. She dutMhim.

H« abandoned her. ptar to Van-couver, B. C.. and two months agsthe third tittle son was born, addinganother burden. Johnson has writ-ten to her twice, she naya. Mean-while she has resumed her work ofdressmaking.


Yesterday was It hard day for Mrs.Johnson. She had her usual workto do, and. besides, found it neeeasary to spend most of the afternoondowntown. Returning home, she gother children's supper and preparedto put in the evening at sewing. Bh|also had a washing to do.

Several neighbor women cams tocall on her after supper. They re-mained until about t o'clock. Witha smile snd a cheerful "good night,""he closed the door when they da-parted. and turned again to herwork.

Arthur, her Iyear-old. and Elfrer,8, she put to bed on a davenport inthe living room of her small apart-ment. liable Jackie wan restless andneeded attention, but wften 11 o'clockcame she had finished her washingand hung It on a line stretchedacross from the stove to the oppositewall over the davenport. Then sheretired to her own room off theliving room, closed the door an<went to bed with Jackie snuggledbeside her.

"When I woke up." she explained."1 heard Arthur screaming. Mother,mother, I am choking to deathf Myown room was full of smoke. Therewas no electric light bulb In thesocket. I was in the dark andcouldn't see.


"My flrKt thought waa 1* gftArthur and Klmer out of thare. Ioi«ened the door. More smoke putt'ed Into my room. It wag so hotand thick it almost knocked madown. The clot hen on the lina hadcaught fire and the davenport VUsmoking.

"I couldn't keep mr eyes open lathere; it whs so hot and the amok*burnt my eyeballs so. I felt my wayover to the davenport and flrat Igot hold of Arthur. I carried himinto my room and opened the win-dow. Then I tossed him out. Itwaaonly a few feet to the ground.

"Elmer was crying and I ran backafter him. I couldn't have left himin there to burn to death?not If Ihad died. Just as I took htm outthe mattress caught fire on thadavenport. It was burning allaround him. ? ? ? Oh, my shoulderhurts so! 1 don't mind the burn onmy arm. but my shoulder pains materrible. ? ? ? Then I threw Klmarnut the same window 1 had putArthur thru.

"I Picked up baby. He was in mybed and wns crying, too. I couldn'tsee. I had to throw him out justlike the older boys. I won tryingto climb out thru the window my-self. A woman grabbed me. Sh»pulled me thru and we both fell,she on top of me. That's all. I'mglad I had the strength. ? ? ? Brave?Do yo uthlnk so? ? ? ? And. Justthink, none of them were horned]

CTuru I*rap & OnlniM J)

