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MU Vichakarn 2020 Activity name: Tales to Tell held by ...

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MU Vichakarn 2020 Activity name: Tales to Tell held by Faculty of Liberal Arts Mahidol University Nov 25, 2020 12:30 PM Bangkok Register in advance for this meeting: Zoom link (Click this link) https ://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMqdO2rrjgpGdGlIh0sCXEmZTjHrT8ROkGp Meeting ID 97734303335 Passcode 208831 25/11/63 1 copyright by Onsiri

MU Vichakarn 2020Activity name: Tales to Tell

held byFaculty of Liberal Arts

Mahidol UniversityNov 25, 2020 12:30 PM Bangkok

Register in advance for this meeting:

Zoom link (Click this link)

https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMqdO2rrjgpGdGlIh0sCXEmZTjHrT8ROkGpMeeting ID 97734303335

Passcode 208831

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• Objectives of the contest• To understand and write a fable like Aesop’s

• To build your confidence in writing

• To gain some knowledge, that is, writing techniques and content about writing a fable

• To improve reading and writing skills through learning how to write a fable

• To teach morals to others via your own fable

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Answer the question.

What is a fable?Then watch the video clip,

The Fisherman and His Wife




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Introduction to Fables &

Aesop’s the Dog and His Bone

• Watch a video clip about the Introduction to Fables


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Read and watch Aesop’s Fable

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Read the Aesop’s story The Fox and the Goat and compare with the video.

The Æsop for Children http://www.read.gov/aesop/019.html

1. Who are the main characters?/ Are the characters animals or humans?

2. What is the story about? Give a 2-3 sentence plot or summary?

3. What is the setting?/ Where did it happen?

4. What do they have in common and what are their differences? /What are the characters like?

5. What is the moral of the story?/ Explain the moral.

Then watch the video of the same story and compare it with the reading one.


Guideline questions

1. Is it the same setting?

2. Which scenes are added from the Aesop’s story? Why?

See Aesop’s Fables https://iep.utm.edu/aesop/


• Beginning: Introduce the characters at the beginning with clear and straight forward narration.

• Instructions: Find the errors and change the verbs as appropriate. Use modal verbs where necessary.

A fox (fall) into a well, and though it (be) not very deep, it (find) that it (not get out) again.

A wolf prowled near a village one evening (meet) a Dog.

A very young Fox, who (never before see) a Lion, (happen) to meet one in the forest.

Check the answers from http://read.gov/aesop/001.html

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• Ending: The story usually ends in tragic consequence, sometimes with sorrow, pain, or death presenting the character’s thought and turning points. Direct quotations are sometimes used in present tense form.

Instructions: Find the errors and change the verbs as appropriate. Use modal verbs where necessary.

• Neither would (give) way, and so they both (fall), to (sweep away) by the roar torrent below.

• The wind redouble in fury, and all at once the great tree fall, tear up by the roots, and lie among the pity Reeds.

• “A fellow that blow hot and cold in same breath not be friends with me!“

Check the answers from http://read.gov/aesop/001.html

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Definition:• Morals are standards of behaviour; principles of right and wrong.


• A moral is a lesson that a fable teaches. To figure out the moral, look at the moral look for key details the characters do and say. The moral of a fable is usually found at the end of the story. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ruX6oQeLC3M

You can find out the definition of a moral, morals, and Aesop’s morals from other websites.

See the list of Aesop’s Fables from https://www.litscape.com/indexes/Aesop/Morals.html

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Guess which story the moral belongs to. Match the morals with the fables. After that, check the answer from http://read.gov/aesop/013.html. Read the stories later to write the summary. The first story is done as an example. (See the next slide.)

The title of the fable can include one, two, or three characters.

• One character: The Quack Toad

• Two characters: The Fisherman & the Little Fish, The Fox & the Grapes

• Three characters: The Bees & Wasps, & the Hornet


A small gain is worth more than a large promise.

Ability proves itself by deeds.

There are many who pretend to despise and belittle that which is beyond their reach.

Those who would mend others, should first mend themselves.25/11/63 copyright by Onsiri 9


• Title: The Fisherman & the Little Fish

• Summary: A fisherman catches the fish which tries to ask him to let it go and promises to be his meal when it gets bigger. The fisherman refuses because he thinks getting a small fish is better than nothing.

• Moral: A small gain is worth more than a large promise.

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How to write a fable : Step 1

Who is your target audience/reader? (kids at age 3-7)

Step 1: Determine the Moral of the Story

Moral:Plodding wins the race

Illustration retrieved from cartoonresearch.comhttps://www.masterclass.com/articles/how-to-write-a-fable-in-5-steps

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How to write a fable : Step 2

Step 2: Pick Your Characters: forest creatures e.g. lions, mice, bears, foxes; non-animal characters such as the wind, the sun, or an object like a pot. All the characters do not need names.


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How to write a fable : Step 3

Step 3:Pick Your Characters’ Traits e.g. a crafty (cunning) fox. Study the symbolism of the Aesop’s animals.

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https://www.masterclass.com/articles/how-to-write-a-fable-in-5-steps https://www.etsy.com/sg-en/listing/475899086/big-bad-wolf-disney-cartoon-character

How to write a fable : Step 4

Step 4 : Shape the Conflict based on the character traits e.gthe foolish goat and the cunning fox

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How to write a fable : Step 5

Step 5: Write• Short and concise e.g. The Fox and the Goat 185 words

• Use verse, rhyme and meter to make your fable memorable and fun

• Write in a narrative style

• Use a precise and concise sentences; however with different structure (simple, compound, and complex)

• Use verbs in the past tenses

• Preferably give the main characters as the title and the moral at the end.

• Use pronouns he or she for animals

• Use capital letters for the animals; no specific name


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Aesop’s writing styles

The Fisherman & the Little FishA FISHERMAN who lived on the produce of his nets, one day caught a single small Fish as the result of his day's labor. The Fish, panting convulsively, thus entreated for his life: O Sir, what good can I be to you, and how little am I worth? I am not yet come to my full size. Pray spare my life, and put me back into the sea. I shall soon become a large fish, fit for the tables of the rich; and then you can catch me again, and make a handsome profit of me. The Fisherman replied: I should be a very simple fellow, if I were to forego my certain gain for an uncertain profit.


A poor Fisherman, who lived on the fish he caught, had bad luck one day and caught nothing but a very small fry. The Fisherman was about to put it in his basket when the little Fish said:

"Please spare me, Mr. Fisherman! I am so small it is not worth while to carry me home. When I am bigger, I shall make you a much better meal."

But the Fisherman quickly put the fish into his basket.

"How foolish I should be," he said, "to throw you back. However small you may be, you are better than nothing at all."


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Writing ContestLA Tales To Tell 2020

Step 1 Look at the picture, the moral, and the cue or key words (to be given in the contest).

Step 2 Write a fable of no more than 250 words, in English language. You have one hour to finish your fable.

Step 3 Revise and edit your fable using the following criteria adapted from the following website:


See the next slide.

Step 4 Send the file of your fable in word file to the required e-mail address (to be given in the contest).

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Criteria เกณฑก์ารใหค้ะแนน

1. เนือ้เรือ่งน่าสนใจ2. เนือ้เรือ่งสอดคลอ้งกบัภาพและคติสอนใจ (moral)ที่ให้3. เนือ้เรือ่งมีจ านวนค าไมเ่กิน 250 ค าตามก าหนด4. เนือ้เรือ่ง อา่นเขา้ใจงา่ยโดยเฉพาะกบัเด็กอาย ุ7-12 ขวบที่อา่นเอง หรอืผูใ้หญ่อา่นใหเ้ด็กฟัง5. การเรยีงล าดบัเหตกุารณเ์หมาะสม6. การใชค้ าเหมาะสมกบัเนือ้เรือ่งนอกเหนือจากค าที่ก าหนดให้7. การสะกดค าถกูตอ้ง8. การใชเ้ครือ่งหมายวรรคตอน เชน่ , . : ? ถกูตอ้ง9. การใชไ้วยากรณถ์กูตอ้ง เชน่ กรยิา 10. การใชป้ระโยคเหมาะสม เชน่ ไมส่ัน้เกินไปหรอืไมย่าวเกินไป รูปประโยคหลากหลาย มีทัง้ประโยคใจความเดียว หรอืประโยคที่มีค าเชื่อม

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Moral for students

“It’s best to be prepared”

Aesop’s the Ant and the Grasshopper

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