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Mudaraba Savings Account Opening Form

Date post: 31-Jan-2022
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cÖvwZôvwbK wnmve Organizational Account gy`vivev mÂqx wnmve (MSA-General) Mudaraba Savings Account (MSA-General) gy`vivev we‡kl †bvwUk mÂqx wnmve (MSNA) Mudaraba Special Notice Savings Account (MSNA) gy`vivev ˆe‡`wkK gy`ªv Rgv wnmve (MFCDA) Mudaraba Foreign Currency Deposit Account (MFCDA) gy`vivev dvg©vi&m mÂqx wnmve (MFSA) Mudaraba Farmer Savings Account (MFSA) gy`vivev cÖvqwiwU mÂqx wnmve (MPSA) Mudaraba Priority Savings Account (MPSA) F-2A (Revised) gy`vivev mÂqx wnmve †Lvjvi dig Mudaraba Savings Account Opening Form
Page 1: Mudaraba Savings Account Opening Form

cÖvwZôvwbK wnmve

Organizational Account

gy`vivev mÂqx wnmve (MSA-General) Mudaraba Savings Account (MSA-General)

gy`vivev we‡kl †bvwUk mÂqx wnmve (MSNA) Mudaraba Special Notice Savings Account (MSNA)

gy`vivev ˆe‡`wkK gy`ªv Rgv wnmve (MFCDA) Mudaraba Foreign Currency Deposit Account (MFCDA)

gy`vivev dvg©vi&m mÂqx wnmve (MFSA) Mudaraba Farmer Savings Account (MFSA)

gy`vivev cÖvqwiwU mÂqx wnmve (MPSA) Mudaraba Priority Savings Account (MPSA)

F-2A (Revised)

gy`vivev mÂqx wnmve †Lvjvi dig

Mudaraba Savings Account Opening Form

Page 2: Mudaraba Savings Account Opening Form

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1. wnmve †Lvjvi Av‡e`b cÎ hv cÖ‡Z¨K Av‡e`bKvix‡K c~iY I ¯^v¶i Ki‡Z n‡e| (AOF to be filled in and signed by each applicant)

2. cwiPqcÖ`vbKvixKZ©„KmZ¨vwqZcÖ‡Z¨KAv‡e`bKvixim¤cÖwZ†Zvjv2(`yB)Kwccvm‡cvU©mvB‡RiQwe|

2 (two) copies of passport size recent photograph attested by the introducer for each applicant.

3. RvZxqcwiPqcÎ/ˆeacvm‡cvU©/WªvBwfsjvB‡mÝ/A_evAb¨vb¨Qwem¤^wjZcwiPqc‡ÎiAbywjwc|

Copy of National ID Card/Valid Passport/Driving License/ or any other photo paste ID card .

4. Bmjvgxe¨vs‡Ki†h†KvbmÂqxA_evPjwZwnmveavixKZ©„KcwiwPwZcÖ`vb[cwiPq`vbKvixiwnmvewUwbqwgZn‡eGesKgc‡¶6gvma‡iwnmvecwiPvjbv

Ki‡Z n‡e]| Introduction by any Savings or Current Account holder of IBBL [who has been maintaining regular account for at least 6 months].

5. GKKgvwjKvaxbcÖwZôv‡bi†ÿ‡ÎbwgbxevbwgbxM‡Yiwe¯ÍvwiZweeiYIAv‡e`bKvixKZ©„KmZ¨vwqZcÖ‡Z¨‡Ki1(GK)Kwccvm‡cvU©mvB‡RiQwe|

Nominee’s(s’) details & 1(one) copy of passport size photograph for each nominee to be attested by the applicant.) in case Propritorship Account.

6. wnmvewVKvbvi¯^c‡¶mv¤cÖwZKBDwUwjwUwej(M¨vm,we`y¨r,Iqvmv,†Uwj‡dvb)GiAbywjwc(hw`_v‡K)|

Copy of recent utility bill (Gas, Electricity, WASA, Telephone) as a proof of mailing address (if any).

7. we‡`kxbvMwi‡Ki†¶‡Îcvm‡cvU©,ˆeawfmvIIqvK©cviwgUGiAbywjwc|Photocopy of Passport, valid VISA & Work Permit for foreign citizen.

8. nvjbvMv`wU.AvB.GbmvwU©wd‡K‡UiAbywjwc(hw`_v‡K)Photocopy of up-to-date TIN certificate (if any)

9. Av‡e`bKvixc`©vbkxbwkw¶Zgwnjvn‡je¨vs‡KiwbKUcwiwPZGgbMÖvnKKZ©„KcwiwPwZcÖ`vbKi‡Zn‡e|wbi¶igwnjvAv‡e`bKvixi†¶‡Î†PnvivD¤§y³

QwecÖ`vbKi‡Zn‡eGescÖ‡Z¨K†jb‡`‡bimgq†PnvivD¤§y³ivL‡Zn‡e|A Pordanshin woman, if educated, has to be introduced by the client known to the Bank and if illiterate, has to submit face exposed photograph and keep her face open at the time of each transaction.

1. hvPvBGi¯^v‡_©cÖ‡qvR‡bDc‡ivwjøwLZKvMRc‡Îig~jKwcDc¯’vcbKi‡Zn‡e(Original copy of above documents to be presented for verification).

2. NlvgvRv/KvUvKvwUi †¶‡Î Av‡e`bKvixi c~Y© ¯^v¶i w`‡q cÖZ¨vwqZ Ki‡Z n‡e (In case of overwriting/cutting,it will be authenticated by the applicant’s full signature)

2. mKjKvMRcÎBs‡iwRevevOjvfvlvqn‡Zn‡e|Ab¨‡Kvbfvlvi†Kvbbw__vK‡jZvAby‡gvw`ZAbyev`KvixKZ©„KBs‡iRxevevsjvfvlvqAbyev`K‡iRgvw`‡Z

n‡e| (All the above documents submitted must be in English or Bangla. If the Documents are in other language, it has to be translated into English or Bangla.)

MÖvnK‡`i Rb¨ cÖ‡qvRbxq KvMRcÎ (Documents Required for Customers)

`ªóe¨ (Notes)

cÖwZôvb‡f‡` AwZwi³ KvMRcÎ (Additional documents as per Institution)

GKK gvwjKvbvaxb cÖwZôvb n‡j (For proprietorship Firm) cÖwZôvb Uªv÷ n‡j (For Trust Firm)1. nvjbvMv`†UªWjvB‡mÝ(Uptodate Trade License)2. wnmve cwiPvjbvi Rb¨ Aby‡gv`bK…Z KvMR cÖwZôv‡bi †jUvi †nW c¨v‡W mxjmn Dc¯’vcb

Ki‡Z n‡e (Authorized papers must be submitted in the letter head pad of the firm with Seal) 3. cÖwZôvbKZ…©KAby‡gvw`ZwnmvecwiPvjbvKvixi¯^vÿ‡iicÖZ¨qbcÎ(Signature of authorized

operator certified by Firm)

1. wWWAeUªv÷GimvwU©dvBWKwc(Certified copy of Deed of Trust).2. Uªvw÷ †ev‡W©i m`‡m¨i c~Y© cwiwPwZ (Full identity of the Trustee Board

Member) 3. Av‡e`bc‡ÎmKjUªvw÷i¯^vÿi_vK‡Zn‡e|(The account opening form

must be signed by all the trustees)4. wnmve †Lvjvi †iRy‡jkb (Resolution for opening account)

Askx`vix cÖwZôvb n‡j (For Partnership Firm) cÖwZôvb K¬ve I †mvmvBwU n‡j (For Club & Society)1. Askx`vix`wjj(Partnership Deed) GesnvjbvMv`†UªWjvB‡mÝUptodate Trade License.2. Askx`viMYGKKfv‡e(Ab¨vb¨Askx`viKZ©„Kh_vh_fv‡eAby‡gvw`Z)wnmvecwiPvjbvKi‡Z


(Partners can operate the account individually or jointly as authorized by other partners)

1. Constitution/bye-laws & certificate of registration (If registered).2. Awdmweqvivi‡`iZvwjKv(wVKvbvmn) List of Office bearers (with address) 3. Aby‡gvw`Z e¨w³/e¨w³MYKZ©„K wnmvewU †Lvjv IcwiPvwjZ n‡eGB g‡g©

h_vh_ KZ…©c‡ÿi M„nxZ wm×v‡šÍi Abywjwc (Photocopy of Resolution of proper authority authorizing operator can open and operate the account)

cÖwZôvb wjwg‡UW †Kv¤úvbx n‡j (For Limited Company)1. †g‡gv‡iÛvgGÛAvwU©‡KjmAeG‡mvwm‡qkbGimZ¨vwqZAbywjwc (Attested photocopy of

Memorendum & Articles of Association) 2. mvwU©wd‡KUAeBbK‡c©v‡ikbGiAbywjwc(Photocopy of Certificate of Incorporation) 3. mvwU©wd‡KU Ae K‡g݇g›U Ae weR‡bm Gi Abywjwc (cvewjK wjwg‡UW †Kv¤úvbxi †ÿ‡Î

cÖ‡hvR¨) (Photocopy of Certificate of Commencement of Business for Public Limited Company)

4. Aby‡gvw`Ze¨w³/e¨w³MYKZ©„KwnmvewU†LvjvIcwiPvwjZn‡eGBg‡g©†Kv¤úvbxicwiPvjbv

cl©` KZ©„K M„nxZ wm×v‡šÍi Abywjwc (Photocopy of Resolution of the Board of Directors authorizing operator can open and operate the account)

5. G‡R›UKZ©„Kwnmve†LvjvGescwiPvjbviRb¨G‡R‡›Uimv‡_Pzw³iAbywjwc(Photocopy of Agreement with Agent with regard to opening & operating the account by the Agent)

GQvov †Kv¤úvwbim‡e©v”P †kqviavix b~¨bZg5RbcwiPvjKev †hme †ÿ‡Î5R‡biKg

†m‡ÿ‡ÎmK‡ji/Ab¨vb¨cÖ‡hvR¨ †ÿ‡Î wbe©vnxKwgwUim`m¨M‡Yie¨w³msµvšÍZ_¨msMÖn

Ki‡Zn‡e|(†Kv¤úvwbievZvicwiPvjKM‡bi wel‡qcÖ‡qvR‡bZ_¨vw`imwVKZvhvPvB‡qi

j‡ÿ¨ †iwR÷ªviAeR‡q›U÷K †Kv¤úvwbRGÛdvg©m& Gimvnvh¨ MÖnYKiv †h‡Zcv‡i|

evsjv‡`‡kievB‡i wbewÜZ †Kv¤úvwbi †ÿ‡Î wbeÜb`wjjvw` †h¯’vb n‡ZBmy¨K…Z n‡q‡Q,


mgevq mwgwZ/wjwgwUW †mvmvBwU n‡j (For co-operative/Limited Society)1. ‡Kv-Acv‡iwUfKg©KZ©vKZ©„KmZ¨vwqZevB-jR (bye-laws attested by Co-

operative Officer) 2. Awdm Kg©KZ©v‡`i (office bearers) weeiY

3. wnmve†Lvjviwel‡qwm×všÍ(resolution regarding account opening)4. mvwU©wd‡KUAe †iwR‡÷ªkbBZ¨vw`mnmswkøó wnmvecwiPvjbvKvixi wel‡q


†emiKvix ¯‹zj, K‡jR, gv`ªvmvi wnmve n‡j

(for non-government School, College & Madrashsa)1. Mfwb©sewWevg¨v‡bwRsKwgwUim`m¨M‡Yic~Y©cwiwPwZ (Full identity of the

members of the Governing body/managing commitee) 2. wnmve†Lvjviwel‡qwm×všÍ(resolution regarding account opening) BZ¨vw`mn


Ki‡Z n‡e|

Page 3: Mudaraba Savings Account Opening Form

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gy`vivev mÂqx wnmve †Lvjvi dig

cÖvwZôvwbK wnmve (Organizational Account)

1| wnmvecwiPvjbvKvixibvg(evsjvq):.......................................................................................................................

In English (Block Letter):...........................................................................................................

2| Rb¥ZvwiL:....................................................................Rb¥¯’vb:...............................................

3| wcZvibvg:...............................................................................................................................

4| gvZvibvg:...............................................................................................................................

5| ¯^vgx/¯¿xibvg:............................................................................ˆeevwnKAe¯’v:...........................

6| RvZxqZv:.....................................7|wj½:[wUK(√)w`b cyiæl gwnjv Z…Zxqwj½


8| †iwm‡W›U÷¨vUvm[wUK(√)w`b] †iwm‡W›U bb-†iwm‡W›U


9| †ckv(we¯ÍvwiZ):............................................................................cÖwZôv‡bimv‡_m¤úK©(c`ex).............................

10| U¨v·AvBwW(eTIN)hw`_v‡K:...............................................................................................................................

11| MÖvnKFATCA cwicvj‡biRb¨†hvM¨wKbv[wUK(√)w`b] n¨uv bv|

DËinu¨vn‡j FATCA cwicvjbAek¨BwbwðZKi‡Zn‡e|MÖvnK/wnmvecwiPvjbvKvixi Proof of Address Gi¯^c‡ÿWKz‡g›UmmsMÖnKi‡Zn‡e|

12| (K)eZ©gvbwVKvbv(Avevm¯’j):moK/MÖvg:...........................................†cv:..............................._vbv:..........................


(L)̄ ’vqxwVKvbv:moK/MÖvg:............................................................†cv:..............................._vbv:...........................


13|cwiwPwZc‡ÎiAbywjwc[wUK(√)w`b]: RvZxq cwiPqcÎ cvm‡cvU© Rb¥wbeÜbm`bcÎ

*cwiwPwZcÎhvPvBKivn‡q‡QwKbv[wUK(√)w`b] n¨uv bv|





e¨w³ msµvšÍ Z_¨vw`


(Customer Information)


m`¨‡Zvjv cvm‡cvU©


Recent passport size photograph

(Duly attested bythe Introducer)


The ManagerBmjvgxe¨vsKevsjv‡`kwjwg‡UW

Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited........................................ kvLv (Branch)wcÖqg‡nv`q(Dear sir),AvmmvjvgyAvjvBKzg(Assalamu Alaikum.),Avwg/AvgivAvcbvikvLvqGKwUwnmve†LvjviRb¨Av‡e`bKiwQ|Avgvi/Avgv‡`i,cÖwZôv‡biGeswnmv‡eiwe¯ÍvwiZZ_¨wb‡¤œcÖ`vb





wnmve †Lvjvi mv‡_ mswkøó Kg©KZ©vi ¯^vÿi/Aby¯^vÿi

1. wnmvecwiPvjbvKvixGKvwaKn‡jcÖ‡Z¨‡Kie¨w³msµvšÍZ_¨vw`c„_Kfv‡emsjMœxwn‡m‡ehy³Ki‡Zn‡e|


Page 4: Mudaraba Savings Account Opening Form

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wnmve msµvšÍ Z_¨vw` (Accounts Information)

gy`vivev mÂqx wnmve †Lvjvi dig (cÖvwZôvwbK)





1| wnmv‡eiwk‡ivbvg(evsjvq):(Title of Account) ........................................................................................................

Bs‡iRx‡Z(In English Block Letter):......................................................................................................................

2| wnmv‡eicÖK…wZ(wUK(√)w`b):

gy`vivev mÂqx wnmve (MSA-General)

gy`vivev we‡kl †bvwUk mÂqx wnmve (MSNA) Nature of Account (please tick): Mudaraba Savings Account (MSA-General) Mudaraba Special Notice Savings Account (MSNA)

gy`vivev ˆe‡`wkK gy`ªv Rgv wnmve (MFCDA)

gy`vivev dvg©vim mÂqx wnmve (MFSA) Mudaraba Foreign Currency Deposit Account (MFCDA) Mudaraba Farmers Savings Account (MFSA)

gy`vivev cÖvqwiwU mÂqx wnmve (MPSA)


Mudaraba Priority Savings Account (MPSA) Others

3| gy`ªv (Currency) [wUK(√)w`b]:

UvKv Wjvi BD‡iv cvDÛ Ab¨vb¨ ....................

4| wnmvecwiPvjbvc×wZ[wUK(√)w`b]:




5| AvaywbKe¨vswKsmyweav[wUK(√)w`b]. Online Service ATM Service i-Banking SMS Service Others (Modern Banking Facility)

6| cÖv_wgKRgvicwigvY(As‡K)..........................................(K_vq).............................................................................

7| we‡klwb‡`©kbv(hw`_v‡K).....................................................................................................................................

cÖwZôvb msµvšÍ Z_¨vw` (Organizational Information)

1| cÖwZôv‡bibvg(evsjvq):......................................................................................................................................

In English (Block Letter):...................................................................................................................................

2| †UªWjvB‡mÝb¤^i:........................................ZvwiL:..........................Bmy¨KvixKZ©„cÿ............................................

3| wbeÜbb¤^i:................................................ZvwiL:..........................wbeÜbKZ©„cÿI†`k.....................................


4| f¨vU†iwR‡óªkbb¤^i/BIN:....................................................................................................................................

5| U¨v·AvBwWb¤^i(e-TIN)hw`_v‡K:.......................................................................................................................

6| e¨emv¯’j/Awd‡miwVKvbv:....................................................................................................................................

7| KviLvbv/wkícÖwZôv‡biwVKvbv:..............................................................................................................................

8| cÖwZôv‡biaiY[wUK(√)w`b]:












9| e¨emviaiY:





10| e¨emvicÖK…wZ(we¯ÍvwiZ):....................................................................................................................................

11| evwl©KUvY©Ifvi:........................................................................

wnmve †Lvjvi mv‡_ mswkøó Kg©KZ©vi ¯^vÿi/Aby¯^vÿi


Page 5: Mudaraba Savings Account Opening Form

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bgybv ¯^vÿi KvW© (Specimen Signature Card)


Account No :

A/C No :

Title of Account : ....................................................................................................................................................................................

¯^vÿiKvixic~Y©bvg (Full Name of the Signatory) bgybv¯^vÿi (Specimen Signature)




we‡klwb‡`©kbv(hw`_v‡K) Special Instruction (if any) :

m`¨‡Zvjv cvm‡cvU©


Recent passportsize photograph(Duly attested

by the Introducer)

Signature Admitted by Authorized Officer / ManagerDate : ...................................

†jb‡`‡bi AbywgZ gvÎv (Transaction Profile)



w`b (Day) gvm (Month) eQi(Year)wnmv‡eibvg(Title of Account):..................................................................

m¤¢ve¨ Rgv (Probable Deposit)Rgvi cÖK…wZ

(Nature of deposit)gvwmK Rgvi msL¨v

(No. of monthly deposit)GKK Rgvi m‡e©v”P cwigvY

(Maximum amount of a single deposit)†gvU gvwmK Rgvi cwigvY

(Total Monthly Deposti)bM`Rgv(wb‡R/A‡b¨iØviv) (Cash deposit by self/ others)

†PK/Bb÷ªy‡g›UGigva¨‡gUªvÝdvi (Transfer by cheque/others Instrument)

B‡j±ªwbKGesB›Uvi‡bUe¨vswKsGigva¨‡gRgv (Deposit through Electronic & i-banking)

ˆe‡`wkK†iwg‡UÝ/Avg`vbx/ißvbx/ cuywRevRvi n‡Z Rgv

(Deposit from F. Remittance Import/Export/Capital Market

Ab¨vb¨Drm†_‡KRgv(wbw`©óKiæb)(Deposit from other sources specify)

†gvUm¤¢ve¨Rgv(gvwmK)Total probable Deposit (Monthly)

m¤¢ve¨ D‡Ëvjb (Probable Withdrawal)D‡Ëvj‡bi cÖK…wZ

(Nature of Withdrawal)gvwmK D‡Ëvj‡bi msL¨v

(No. of monthly Withdrawal)GKK D‡Ëvj‡bi m‡e©v”P cwigvY

(Maximum amount of a single Withdrawal)†gvU gvwmK D‡Ëvj‡bi cwigvY

(Total Monthly Withdrawal)bM`D‡Ëvjbwb‡R/A‡b¨iØviv)(Cash Withdrawal by self/others)

†PK/Bb÷ªy‡g›UGigva¨‡gUªvÝdvi (Transfer by cheque/others Instrument)

B‡j±ªwbKGesB›Uvi‡bUe¨vswKsGigva¨‡gD‡Ëvjb (Withdrawal through electronic & i-banking)


(Withdrawal from F. Remittance Import/Export/Capital Market

Ab¨vb¨Dr‡migva¨‡gD‡Ëvjb(wbw`©óKiæb)(Withdrawal through other media Specify)

†gvUm¤¢ve¨D‡Ëvjb(gvwmK)Total Probable Withdrawal Monthly)


cÖ‡qvRb‡ev‡aAvwg/Avgivm¤¢ve¨†jb‡`‡biAbywgZgvÎvms‡kvab/nvjbvMv`Kie| I/We, the undersigned, confirm that the above transaction profile is my/our normal/real transactions. I/We, further assure that I/we will update the same from time to time, if required.

MÖvn‡Ki bvg (Customer’s Name) :

¯^v¶i (Signature) :

ZvwiL (Date) :m¤¢ve¨ †jb‡`‡bi AbywgZ gvÎv MÖnYKvix e¨vsK Kg©KZ©vi bvghy³ mxj I c`exmn ¯^vÿi


Page 6: Mudaraba Savings Account Opening Form

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1| bwgwbmsµvšÍZ_¨vejx: (Nominee Information)Avwg/Avgiv G wnmv‡eiA_© Avgvi/Avgv‡`i g„Zz¨i ci wb‡¤œ ewY©Z e¨w³/e¨w³MY‡KcÖ`v‡biRb¨ g‡bvbxZKijvg|Avwg/Avgiv




K) bwgwbibvg:..............................................Rb¥ZvwiL:.......................Rb¥¯’vb..........................




O) wnmveaviximv‡_m¤úK©:...........................................................................................................

P) RvZxqcwiPqcÎb¤^i/cvm‡cvU©b¤^i/Rb¥wbeÜbb¤^i/Ab¨vb¨(wbw`©ófv‡eb¤^imnD‡jøLKi‡Zn‡e):...............................


2| bwgwbbvevjKn‡jZvi/Zv‡`ibvevjK_vKvAe¯’vqwnmveavix/wnmveavixM‡Yig„Zz¨i†ÿ‡Îe¨vsK†Kv¤úvbxAvBb1991Gi103(2)






[bwgwb msµvšÍ Z_¨vw`


(Information of Nominee)]

wnmveavix KZ©„K




[†NvlYv I ¯^vÿi (Declaration and Signature)]

[ e¨vs‡Ki e¨env‡ii Rb¨ (For Bank’s use only) ]


Av‡e`bKvix(MY) Gi bvg, ¯^vÿi I ZvwiL (mxjmn):

1| ............................................. 2| ............................................. 3| .............................................. 4| ............................................

............................................. .............................................. .............................................. ...........................................

............................................. .............................................. .............................................. ...........................................


Aby‡gv`bKvix Kg©KZv©i

(bvghy³ mxjmn ¯^vÿi I ZvwiL)

wnmve †Lvjvi mv‡_ mswkøó Kg©KZ©v

(bvghy³ mxjmn ¯^vÿi I ZvwiL)



2. bwgwbGKvwaKn‡jdi‡giGBAskd‡UvKwcK‡ig~jAs‡kimv‡_mshy³Ki‡Zn‡e(GKKgvwjKvbv/Askx`vixcÖwZôv‡bi†ÿ‡ÎcÖ‡hvR¨)|

Page 7: Mudaraba Savings Account Opening Form

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kZ©vejx (Conditions)1. GwUwnmveavixMÖvnKGesBmjvgxe¨vsKevsjv‡`kwjwg‡U‡Wig‡a¨m¤úvw`ZBmjvgxkixqvnwfwËKGKwUgy`vivevPyw³(This is a Mudaraba contract based on Islamic Shariah

accomplished between the account holder and Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited)

K. GLv‡bwnmveavixMÖvnKn‡”QÒmvwneAvj-gvjÓ(A‡_©igvwjK)Gese¨vsKn‡”QÒgy`vwieÓ(KvievimsMVK) [In the contract, the account holder is called “ Shaheb Al Maal” (Owner of the fund) and the Bank is “ Mudarib”(Entrepreneur/Business Organizer)

L. BmjvgxkixqvnewY©ZbxwZgvjviwfwˇZe¨vsKGBA_©RgvMÖnYK‡iGesRgvK…ZA_©kya~gvÎBmjvgxkixqvn&m¤§Zfv‡ewewb‡qvMK‡i(Bank receives the fund based on Islamic Principle and invests the same in accordance with the guidance of Islamic Shariah).

M. e¨vsKgy`vivevZnwej wewb‡qvMK‡icÖvßAv‡qiKgc‡¶kZKiv65fvMgy`vivev wnmveavix‡`ig‡a¨I‡q‡UR wfwˇZe›UbK‡i| wewb‡qvM †jvKmvbn‡jgy`vivev

wnmveavixMYZvenbK‡i(Bank distributes minimum 65% of its earned income based on weightage to the Mudaraba account holders through the investment of Mudaraba fund. Loss will be born by Mudaraba account holders).

N. e¨vsKwb‡¤œewY©Zwbq‡gRgvK…ZA_©Igybvdv†dircÖ`vbKi‡e(Bank will return deposited fund and profit in the ways stated below).

O. GQvovBmjvgxkixqvn&ewY©Zgy`vivevPzw³iAb¨vb¨kZ©vejxcÖ‡hvR¨n‡e(The other conditions of Mudaraba principle stated in the Islamic Shariah will also be applicable in this contract).

wnmve cwiPvjbvi wbqgvejx (Operational rules for Accounts) MSA, MSNA, SMSA, MFSA, MFCDA:

2. b~b¨Zgw¯’wZ,cÖv_wgKRgvIcÖ‡`qjv‡fikZ©(Conditions for Minimum balance, initial deposit as well as distributable profit):


(Particular)gy`vivev mÂqx

(Mudaraba Savings)gy`vivev we‡kl †bvwUk

(Mudaraba Special Notice)(gy`vivev dvg©vim mÂqx)

(Mudaraba Farmers Savings)gy`vivev ‰e‡`wkK gy`ªv Rgv

(Mudaraba Foreign Currency Deposit)


(Minimum initial deposit)500 UvKv

(Tk.500)25000 UvKv

(Tk.25,000)10 UvKv


(USD 1000)


(Required balance for distributable profit)



(Minimum balace from the 6th to the last day of the month)


(Daily balance as per notice)‰`wbKw¯’wZ100/-UvKviKgn‡j


(Daily balance will not be considered for distribution of profit, if the balance is less than Tk.100/-)


(It has to be maintained for 30 days)


(Notice for withdrawal)4evievw¯’wZi1/4Askev


(4 times or 1/4 forth of the balance or more than Tk.50,000)


cwigv‡Yi Rb¨

(7 days notice is required for any amount)



(4 times or l/4th of the balance or more than Tk.50,000)



(7 days notice applicable for withdrawl of more than 2 times or more than l/4th of the balance)

`ªóe¨:cÖ‡hvR¨nv‡ib~b¨ZgmiKvixï‡éimgcwigvYUvKviw¯’wZmsi¶YKi‡Znq,Ab¨_vqe¨vsK†PK†dir†`qviAwaKvimsi¶YK‡i(N.B: Customer has to maintain a minimum balance with the required amount of govt. tax, otherwise, Bank reserves the right to return the cheque) |

3. MPSAwnmvewU†Kvbe¨w³iwnmvebq|ïaygvÎNational or Multinational Corporate/Business Houses/Govt./Semi Govt./Autonomus Bodies wnmvewU Lyj‡Z cvi‡e|

4. D³wnmvemg~‡neQ‡i`yBevi(RybGeswW‡m¤^igv‡m)mvgwqK(Provisional) nv‡ijvfcÖ`vbKivnq,hvevwl©KPzovšÍjvf/‡jvKmvbwnmv‡eiwfwˇZmgš^q/wb®úbœKivnq(Profit is distributed twice in a year (June and December) at the provisional rate, which is adjusted based on annual profit/loss of the Bank).

5. evwl©Kjvf†jvKmvbwnmvePzovšÍnIqvic~‡e©wnmveeÜKi‡jmvgwqKnv‡ijvfcÖ`vbKivnq,cieZ©xKv‡jgybvdviP~ovšÍnvi†NvlYvic‡i†NvwlZPzovšÍnvimvgwqKnv‡ii†P‡q

‡ekx n‡j wnmveaviK‡K Zv cÖ`vb Kiv nq (If any account is closed before finalization of annual profit-loss of the bank, profit is distributed at higher rate to the account holder when final declared profit rate would be greater than provisional rate).

6. D³wnmvemg~‡ni†¶‡Îgv‡mi†h†KvbZvwi‡L†jb‡`bPjvKvjxbmg‡qA_©RgvKivhvq|Z‡egv‡mi6ZvwiL†_‡K†klZvwi‡Lig‡a¨msiw¶Zme©wb¤œw¯’wZjvfcÖ`v‡bi

wbwg‡Ë†mgv‡miRgvwn‡m‡ewe‡ewPZn‡e(Fund can be deposited at any date of the month in the Accounts. But the lowest of the balance kept/maintained from 6th to the last day of the month, will be considered for distribution of profit).

7. wnmv‡eigvwjK‡KPvwn`v†gvZv‡eKwnmveweeiYxcÖ`vbKivnq|30(wÎk)w`‡big‡a¨wjwLZ†KvbAwf‡hvMbv†c‡jwnmv‡eiw¯’wZmwVKAv‡Qe‡ja‡i†bqvn‡e(Account statement will be provided as per demand of the Account holder. The balance of the account will be considered correct, if no written complaint is lodged within 30 days).

8. e¨vsKKZ©„KBmy¨K…Z(Cheque/ATM Card/ i-Banking Ges Online/m-Cash Service/Cellfin Gigva¨‡gUvKv†Zvjv/¯’vbvšÍiKivhvq|ZvQvovSMS/Online/m-cash ServiceGigva¨‡gwewfbœZ_¨Rvbvhvq(Money can be withdrawn/transferred by cheque/ATM Card/i-Banking and Online/m-Cash service issued by Bank. Besides, customer can get access to various information related to banking through the SMS/Online/m-cash Service/Cellfin.

9. wnmveaviKAe¨eüZ†PKeB†dirw`‡qh_vh_fv‡eAv‡e`bK‡iwnmveeÜKiYeve`wba©vwiZwdmw`‡qwnmveeÜKi‡Zcv‡ib(Account holder can close his account applying in prescribed application form as well as returning unused cheque book and paying required fees for closing the Account).

10. e¨vsK†KvbiƒcKviY`k©v‡bve¨ZxZ†h†KvbwnmveeÜKi‡Zcvi‡eGesGRb¨†Kvb†bvwUkcÖ`vbKivnqbv(Bank can close any account without showing any reason to the Account holder, in this regard Bank is not required to issue any notice).

11. wnmveavi‡KiwVKvbvi†KvbcwieZ©bn‡jAwej‡¤^Zve¨vsK‡KRvbv‡Zn‡e|e¨vsKmvaviYZtWvK/Kzwiqvi†hv‡Mwnmvegvwj‡Kimv‡_†hvMv‡hvMi¶vK‡i|WvK/Kzwiqvi†hv‡M

†cÖwiZ†KvbwPwVcÎh_vmg‡qevAv‡`Šwewjbvn‡je¨vsK`vqx_vK‡ebv(The customer must inform the Bank immediately, if any change occurs in the address of the account holder. Bank generally communicates with the Account Holder through postal/courier service. Bank will not be held responsible, if no letters/documents are delivered in time or at all through postal/courier service).

12. wnmve†Lvjvimgq`yBKwccvm‡cvU©mvBRQwe,cvm‡cvU©/RvZxqcwiPqcÎ/IqvW©KvDwÝjiwKsevBDwbqbcwil`†Pqvig¨vbKZ©„KcÖ`ËbvMwiKZ¡mb`(Qwehy³)evwb‡qvMKZ©v

KZ©„KcÖ`ËcwiwPwZcÎ(Qwehy³)A_eve¨vsK/Avw_©KcÖwZôv‡biwbKUMÖnY‡hvM¨e¨w³KZ©„KcÖ`ËcÖZ¨qbcÎ(Qwehy³)cÖ`vbKi‡Zn‡e|(Account holder is required to submit two copies of passport size photograph, Passport/National ID Card/Nationality certificate (with photograph) issued by Ward councilor or Chairman of Union Council or Identity card (with photograph) issued by employer or certificate (with photograph) issued by a person acceptable to the Bank/Financial institution).

13. D³wnmve†_‡KmiKvixwbqgAbyhvqxf¨vU,KievïéGese¨vs‡Kiwbqgvbyhvqxlvb¥vwmKwfwˇZcwiPvjbvwdGesAb¨vb¨cÖ‡hvR¨wd/PvR©KZ©bKivnB‡e(VAT/Tax or tariff and operating fees as well as other charges/fees of the Bank will be realized on half yearly basis as per Govt. rules and rules of the Bank).

14. 1991mv‡jie¨vsK†Kv¤úvbxAvBbAbyhvqx10(`k)eQiIZ`yaŸ©†gqv`ch©šÍ—†Kvbwnmv‡e†jb‡`bbvn‡jmswkøównmvewUA`vweK…Z(Unclaimed) wnmv‡eMY¨K‡iD³wnmv‡eiw¯’wZevsjv‡`ke¨vs‡K¯’vbvšÍiKivnq (No transaction is seen in an account for 10 years or more than that, then the account will be treated as an unclaimed Account as per Bank Company Act-1991 and the balance of that particular Account will be transferred to the Bangladesh Bank).

15. †KvbRgviDciMÖvn‡Kiwnmve†_‡Ke¨vsKhvKvZcÖ`vbK‡ibv|MÖvnK‡KwbR`vwq‡Z¡hvKvZcÖ`vbKi‡Zn‡e(Bank does not pay “Zakat” from any customer’s deposit Account. The customer himself will be responsibile for payment of “Zakat” from his/her Account).

16. †hŠ_wnmv‡ei†¶‡Îhw`GKR‡big„Zz¨nqGeswnmvewUwe‡klwb‡`©kbvqD‡jøL_v‡K†h,†h†KvbGKRbevRxweZe¨w³(Either or survivor can operate the Account) wnmvewU


Ki‡Z cvi‡eb (In case of death of any constituents of joint Account and if it is mentioned in the special instruction that “Either or survivor can operate the account”, in such situation, survivor can operate the account and he/she can withdraw the remaining balance from the account without succession certificate).

cÖ‡hvR¨ wbqgvejx (Applicable Rules)

Page 8: Mudaraba Savings Account Opening Form

17. †hŠ_wnmv‡ei†¶‡Îhw`†hŠ_¯^v¶‡icwiPvjbviwb‡`©k_v‡KA_evwe‡klwb‡`©kbvqejv_v‡K†h,†h†KvbGKRbwnmvecwiPvjbvKi‡Zcvi‡e(Any one operate the Account) ZLb†h†KvbGKR‡big„Zz¨imv‡_mv‡_mswkøównmvewU‡Z†jb‡`beÜn‡qhv‡e|G‡¶‡ÎIqvW©KvDwÝji/BDwbqbcwil`†Pqvig¨vbKZ©„KcÖ`ËIqvwikvbmb‡`igva¨‡g

Av`vj‡Ziwb‡`©kQvovBD³wnmv†eMw”QZA_©RxweZe¨w³g„Ze¨w³iIqvwik‡`imv‡_†hŠ_fv‡eAv‡e`bKivmv‡c‡¶D‡ËvjbKi‡Zcvi‡eb(If there is any instruction to operate a joint account in joint signature or it is said in the special instruction that ‘ Any one can operate the account’ in such case the transaction will be stopped instantly after getting the news of death of the account holder. In that case, survivor as well as successor of the deceased person can withdraw the remaining balance through submitting a joing application along with submission of succession certificate issued by Ward Councilor/Chairman of Union Parishad without court order).

18. GKKbv‡gcwiPvwjZwnmv‡ewe‡klwb‡`©‡khw`bwgbxwnmv‡e†Kvbe¨w³‡Kg‡bvbxZKivnq,Z‡eHe¨w³wnmvewUcwiPvjbvKvixe¨w³ig„Zz¨icimswkøównmv‡eMw”QZA_©


bZzbwnmveLyj‡Zn‡e(If any person is nominated as nominee as per special instruction of the account, operated as individual account, the nominee can be allowed to withdraw the remaining balance of the account as per rules assuring proper identification. But the account will be closed after withdrawal of the remaining balance. If nominee intends to continue the account, he/she is required to open a new Account).

19. wnmveavixKZ©„KZvig„Zz¨iciRgvK…ZUvKvcÖ`v‡biRb¨bwgbxg‡bvbxZKi‡Zcvi‡eb|wnmveavi‡Kig„Zz¨icimswkøównmv‡eiRgvK…ZA_©D‡Ëvj‡biRb¨bwgbxKZ…©KZvi



m¤§vwbZMÖvnKA_eve¨vs‡Ki`yBRbKg©KZ©vA_ev¯’vbxqBDwbqbcwil`†Pqvig¨vb/wmwUK‡c©v‡ikbev wgDwbwmc¨vwjwUiIqvW©KvDwÝjiKZ©„KcÖ`Ëmb`cÎ|(M)bwgbxi

cvm‡cvU©AvKv‡iimZ¨vwqZQwe|(N)bwgbxKZ©„KB‡ÛgwbwUeÛcÖ`vb|(The Account holder can nominate a nominee to withdraw the remaining balance of those Accounts after the death of the constituent(s). The following documents as well as application as per nomination must be submitted by the nominee at the time of withdrawal of the remaining balance of the concerned account. In such case, the nominee is not required to produce succession certificate issued by the Court (a) Death certificate of the Account holder. In case of death in the foreign land, Death Certificate signed by the Bangladesh Embassy of the concerned country must be produced) (b) Certificate in favour of nominee issued by two valued customers or two officials of the Bank or Chairman of Union Parishad/City Corporation or Ward Councilor of Municipality) (c) Attested passport size photograph of nominee) (d) Indemnity Bond to be signed by the nominee).

20. gvwbjÛvwiscÖwZ‡ivaAvBb2012(2015Gims‡kvabxmn),mš¿vmwe‡ivaxAvBb2009(2012-2013Gims‡kvabxmn)Iwewagvjv2013I‡`kx-we‡`kxdvBb¨vwÝqvjB‡›Uwj‡RÝ

BDwbU (weGdAvBBD),evsjv‡`ke¨vsKKZ©„Kmg‡qmg‡qRvixK…ZmvK©yjvi/bxwZgvjvAbyhvqxMÖvnKe¨vs‡KiPvwn`v †gvZv‡eK †h †KvbZ_¨mieivnKi‡Zeva¨_vK‡eb|

e¨vsK†h†Kvb†i¸‡jUixA_wiwUiPvwn`vAbyhvqxZ_¨cÖ`vbKi‡Zcvi‡e(Customer is obliged to submit any information as per demand of the Money Laundering Prevention Act-2012(amended 2015), Anti Terrorism Act-2009(amended 2012-2013),Rules -2013, Local/Foreign Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) and Circulars/Rules issued time to time by Bangladesh Bank)| The Bank can provide the account information to the Regulary Authority, on demand.

21. e¨vsK†h†Kvbmghe¨vsKwnmvemsµvšÍ†h†KvbwbhgvejxcwieZ©b,cwiea©b,ms‡kvabevevwZjKi‡Zcv‡iGeswnmveavixZv†g‡bPj‡Zeva¨_vK‡eb(The Bank can change, add, amend or nullify any rules related to account and the account holder is obliged to abide by the instruction made by the Bank in this regard at any time).

AvgivDfqcÿD³wbqgvejxGesGZ`msµvšÍcÖPwjZmKjAvBb†g‡bPj‡ZivRxn‡qwb‡¤œ¯^vÿiK‡iAÎPzw³bvgvm¤úv`bKijvg(We, the undersigned, are agreed to accomplish this contact standing for all aforementioned conditions & prevailing laws regarding the matter).


(Name of the account holder(s), Signature & Date with seal)





(Signature of theconcerned official and date (Seal with name)
