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Multi-core Compilation an Industrial Approach

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Multi-core Compilation an Industrial Approach. Alastair F. Donaldson EPSRC Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Oxford Formerly at Codeplay Software Ltd. Thanks to the Codeplay Sieve team: Pete Cooper, Uwe Dolinsky, Andrew Richards, Colin Riley, George Russell. Coverage. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
Codeplay Software Ltd 2 nd Floor, 45 York Place Edinburgh, EH1 3HP United Kingdom Tel: +44(0)131 466 0506 www.codeplay.com Multi-core Compilation an Industrial Approach Alastair F. Donaldson EPSRC Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Oxford Formerly at Codeplay Software Ltd. Thanks to the Codeplay Sieve team: Pete Cooper, Uwe Dolinsky, Andrew Richards, Colin Riley, George Russell
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Codeplay Software Ltd2nd Floor, 45 York PlaceEdinburgh, EH1 3HPUnited KingdomTel: +44(0)131 466 0506www.codeplay.com

Multi-core Compilationan Industrial Approach

Alastair F. DonaldsonEPSRC Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of

OxfordFormerly at Codeplay Software Ltd.

Thanks to the Codeplay Sieve team: Pete Cooper, Uwe Dolinsky, Andrew Richards, Colin Riley, George Russell

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Multi-core Compilation – an Industrial Approach


• Limits of automatic parallelisation

• Programming heterogeneous multi-core processors

• Codeplay Sieve Threads approach– Like pthreads for accelerator processors

• The promises and limitations of OpenCL

Laboratory session: Sieve Partitioning System for Cell Linux – a Practical


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Multi-core Compilation – an Industrial Approach

Limits of automatic parallelisation

• Part of why this has not been achieved– C/C++, pointers, function pointers, multiple

source files, precompiled libraries• Why this will never be achieved

– Many parallelisable programs require ingenuity to parallelise!

• State-of-the-art: we are good at parallelising regular loops, when we can see all the code

Dream: a tool which takes a serial program, finds opportunities for parallelism, produces parallel code optimized for target processor, preserves determinism

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Multi-core Compilation – an Industrial Approach

Example: Floyd-Steinberg error diffusion

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Multi-core Compilation – an Industrial Approach

Example: Floyd-Steinberg error diffusion

255 22

64 180



Threshold = 128

22 < 128 so set pixel value to 0

error = old – new = 22

255 0

64 180


55 3/16 5/16



error255 0

68 187



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Multi-core Compilation – an Industrial Approach

Error diffusion can be parallelised

1 2 3







1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30







3/16 5/16




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Multi-core Compilation – an Industrial Approach

Error diffusion can be parallelised

• ...but approach is problem-specific and requires human ingenuity– Panafiotis Metaxas: Parallel Digital Halftoning by

Error-Diffusion, PCK50 (2003)• Previously believed to be non-parallelisable:

“[the Floyd-Steinberg algorithm] is an inherently serial method; the value of [the pixel in the lower right corner of the image] depends on all m.n entries of [the input]”

– Donald Knuth: Digital Halftones by Dot Diffusion, ACM Transactions on Graphics (1987)

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Multi-core Compilation – an Industrial Approach

Another example: collision response

void apply_collisions(GameWorld* world, CollisionPair* collisions, int num_collisions) { for(int i=0; i<num_collisions; i++) { world -> update_velocities(collisions[i].first, collisions[i].second); }}

• Can process (a, b) and (c, d) in either order• If { a, b } intersects { c, d } then cannot process

(a, b) and (c, d) simultaneously• How should we deal with this?

– Locks? Transactional memory? Data preprocessing?

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Multi-core Compilation – an Industrial Approach

Our perspective

• Let's nail auto-parallelisation for special cases• In general, we are stuck with multi-threading• Let's design sophisticated tools to help with multi-

threaded programming• Modern problem: multi-threaded programming for

heterogeneous multi-core is very hard

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Multi-core Compilation – an Industrial Approach

Heterogeneous architectures








Main memory

x86 PC

Power Processing Element

Synergistic Processing Element, GPU, FPGA, etc.

Direct memory access (DMA)

data bus


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Multi-core Compilation – an Industrial Approach

Example: Cell Broadband Engine

PPE = Power Processing Element (Host)

SPE = Synergistic Processing Element (Accelerator)










128-bit SIMD processor (3.2 GHz)

256 KB RAM

SPEs access main memory via DMA interface

Dual hyperthreaded PowerPC core, connected to main memory

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Multi-core Compilation – an Industrial Approach

Programming heterogeneous machines

• Write separate programs for host and accelerator• Lots of “glue” code

– launch accelerators– orchestrate data movement– clear down accelerators

• Can achieve great performance, but:– Time consuming– Non portable– Error prone (limited scope for static checking)– Multiple source files for logically related


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Multi-core Compilation – an Industrial Approach

Illustrative example

#define HEIGHT ...#define WIDTH ...

unsigned char mand(int, int);

void computeMandelbrot(unsigned char* pixels) { for(int y = 0; y < HEIGHT; ++y ) { for(int x = 0; x < WIDTH; ++x) { pixels[y*WIDTH + x] = mand(x, y); } }}

• Serial code for Mandelbrot loops

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Multi-core Compilation – an Industrial Approach

Illustrative example (continued)#define HEIGHT ...#define WIDTH ...

typedef struct { int row; int length; unsigned char* dest; int padding; } context;

// PPE uses this handle to run SPE codeextern spe_program_handle_t speComputeMandelbrot;

void ppeComputeMandelbrot(unsigned char* pixels) {

speid_t spe_ids[8]; context ctxs[8] __attribute__ ((aligned (16))); const int count = HEIGHT / 8;

for(int i=0, offset=0; i<8; i++, offset += count) {

ctxs[i].length = (i==7) ? HEIGHT - offset : count; ctxs[i].dest = & (pixels[offset*WIDTH]); ctxs[i].row = offset;

spe_ids[i] = spe_create_thread( &speComputeMandelbrot, &ctxs[i]); }

for(int i=0; i<8; i++) { spe_wait(spe_ids[i]); }}

unsigned char mand(int, int);

#define BLOCK ...

volatile unsigned char myPixels[BLOCK] __attribute__ ((aligned (16)));

volatile context ctx __attribute__ ((aligned (16)));

int main(unsigned long long spu_id, unsigned long long ctxAddress) {

spu_mfcdma32(&ctx, ctxAddress, sizeof(context), MFC_GET_CMD);


for(int y=0; y<ctx.length; y++) {

for(int x=0; x<WIDTH; x+=BLOCK) {

int N = (WIDTH-x < BLOCK ? WIDTH-x : BLOCK); for(int k=0; k < N; k++) { myPixels[k] = mand(x+k, ctx.row + y); }

spu_mfcdma32(myPixels, ctx.dest+y*WIDTH+x, N*sizeof(unsigned char), MFC_PUT_CMD); spu_mfcstat(MFC_TAG_UPDATE_ALL); } } return 0;}

PPE Code SPE Code

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Multi-core Compilation – an Industrial Approach

Why bother with heterogeneous architectures?

• Homogeneous multi-threading relatively easier– Every thread running on same type of processor– All methods compiled as usual– No need for explicit data movement code– Minimal start-up code: pthread_create(...)

• Heterogeneous architectures can give better performance– Scratchpad memory => contention-free local access– Accelerator faster than host at e.g. vector processing

PlayStation is a registered trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.

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Multi-core Compilation – an Industrial Approach

#include <libsieve>

void GameWorld::doFrame(...){ // Suppose calculateStrategy and // detectCollisions are independent this->calculateStrategy(...);


this->updateEntities(); this->renderFrame();}

Codeplay Sieve Thread approach• Wrap code inside sievethread block to say“run this code asynchronously on accelerator”

#include <libsieve>

void GameWorld::doFrame(...){ int handle = sievethread(...) { this->calculateStrategy(...); } this->detectCollisions(); sieveThreadJoin(handle); this->updateEntities(); this->renderFrame();}

Offload to accelerator – non-blocking

Call graph for calculateStrategy compiled for accelerator

Host can wait for sievethread to complete

• Full implementation for Cell. Sievethread runs on SPE.

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Multi-core Compilation – an Industrial Approach

Parameters to sievethread block#include <libsieve>

void start_accelerators(int* handles){ for(int i=0; i<NUM_SPES; i++) { handles[i] = sievethread { do_work(i); }; }}

void wait_for_accelerators(int* handles){ for(int i=0; i<NUM_SPES; i++) { sieveThreadJoin(handles[i]); }}

Illegal: i may change, or disappear!

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Multi-core Compilation – an Industrial Approach

Parameters to sievethread block#include <libsieve>

void start_accelerators(int* handles){ for(int i=0; i<NUM_SPES; i++) { handles[i] = sievethread(i) { do_work(i); }; }}

void wait_for_accelerators(int* handles){ for(int i=0; i<NUM_SPES; i++) { sieveThreadJoin(handles[i]); }}

Solution – pass i by value as a parameter to sievethread block

Parameters and handles omitted from many of the following examples

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Multi-core Compilation – an Industrial Approach

Working with multiple threading libraries

#ifdef __WIN32__

#include <windows.h>#define thread_handle_t WinThreadHandle_t#define createThread(context, program) WinThreadCreate(context, program)


#ifdef __LINUX__

#include <pthread.h>#define thread_handle_t pthread_t#define createThread(context, program) pthread_create(context, program)


#ifdef __SIEVE_THREADS__

#include <sievethread.h>#define thread_handle_t SieveThreadHandle_t#define createThread(context, program) sievethread(context) { \\ program(context); \\ }


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Multi-core Compilation – an Industrial Approach

Pointer recap

int * p; // pointer to integer

*p = 5 // assign location pointed to by p to 5

int x;

p = &x // p is address of x

const int* p; // pointer to constant integer

int const* p; // means same thing

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Multi-core Compilation – an Industrial Approach

Pointer types

• Separate pointers into two categories:– Pointer to host data: marked with __outer qualifier– Pointer to accelerator data: not marked

5int* x

int __outer * y

int __outer * __outer * z

int __outer * * w


Accelerator memory (kilobytes)

Host memory (gigabytes)

Not supported

Similar to const, volatile.

“__” is common in C++

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Multi-core Compilation – an Industrial Approach

Pointer types

• Pointers outside sievethread context: implicitly __outer

• On accelerator, dereferencing __outer pointer => DMA transfer

• Illegal to assign between local and outer pointers– For sensible code, can statically eliminate

attempts to dereference host address as if it were accelerator address, and vice versa

– C++ => programmer can always get their way if they really want!

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Multi-core Compilation – an Industrial Approach

Pointer types: examplefloat f_out = 3.0f;float* out_ptr; // Implicitly __outer pointer

sievethread {

float f_in = 5.0f; float* in_ptr;

in_ptr = &f_in;

out_ptr = &f_out;

*in_ptr = *out_ptr; // DMA: Host -> Accelerator

out_ptr = in_ptr; // ILLEGAL







Accelerator Host



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Multi-core Compilation – an Industrial Approach

Method duplication

• Method has pointer/reference parameters

• Called from sievethread context with mixture of outer and local pointers/references

• For each accelerator calling context, compile separate version of method

void func(float* x, int* y) { ... }

int x;sievethread { float y; func(&y, &x); // signature: void (float*, __outer int*)}

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Multi-core Compilation – an Industrial Approach

Method duplication exampleclass Circle { ...public: static bool collides(Circle* c1, Circle* c2)

{ ... }};

void my_func() {

Circle out_circ_1, out_circ_2;

sievethread { Circle in_circ_1, in_circ_2;

if( collides( &out_circ_1, &out_circ_2) && collides( &out_circ_1, &in_circ_2) && collides( &in_circ_1, &out_circ_2) && collides( &in_circ_1, &in_circ_2) ) { ... } }}

collides duplicated:bool collides( __outer Circle*, __outer Circle*)collides duplicated:bool collides(__outer Circle*, Circle*)

collides duplicated:bool collides(Circle*, __outer Circle*)

collides duplicated:bool collides(Circle*, Circle*)

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Multi-core Compilation – an Industrial Approach


• Function pointers, virtual methods• Method duplication across multiple compilation

units• Silent deduction of __outer (type inference)

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Multi-core Compilation – an Industrial Approach

Function pointers• Given function type:

typedef void (* int_to_void) (int);

• + methodsvoid meth1(int);void meth2(int);

• + function pointer:

int_to_void f_ptr;

• + call in sievethread context

sievethread { f_ptr(25); ... }

• Don’t know until runtime which method is called– How do we know what to duplicate?

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Multi-core Compilation – an Industrial Approach

Possible solutions

Compile and load all matching methodsMay be hundreds: Long compilation time Large code size

Compile all methods, load on demandSlow compilationSignificant runtime overhead

Compile methods on demandProhibitive runtime overheadRequires access to compiler at runtime

Delegate call to hostDefeats point of offloadingWould only work if all pointers are __outerUseful as a fallback

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Multi-core Compilation – an Industrial Approach

Our solution – function domains

• Sievethread block equipped with domain of functions OK to call via pointers

typedef void (* int_to_void) (int);

void meth1(int x) { ... }void meth2(int x) { ... }void meth3(int x) { ... }

int_to_void f_ptr;...

sievethread [ meth1, meth3 ]{ f_ptr(25);}

Duplicate call graphs for meth1 and meth3, have methods loaded and ready to call

Runtime exception if f_ptr == meth2

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Multi-core Compilation – an Industrial Approach

Domains in practice

// 2d table of methodscollisionFunction collisionFunctions[3][3] = { fix_fix, fix_mov, ..., dead_dead };

sievethread [ fix_fix, fix_mov, ..., dead_dead ] { for(...i, j...) { // Apply function according to objects’ status collisionFunctions [ status[i] ] [ status[j] ] (...); }}

• Virtual methods handled similarly

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Multi-core Compilation – an Industrial Approach

Method duplication across compilation units


// Implementation of ‘collides’bool Box::collides(Entity &){ ... }


class Box {public: bool collides(Entity &); ...


Box b, c;

sievethread { if (b.collides(c)) { … }}

A B #include

Need to duplicate collides, but don’t have source code

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Multi-core Compilation – an Industrial Approach

Method duplication across compilation units

• Current solution: – Mark externally called functions to be duplicated

bool collides(Entity &) __attribute((__duplicate( bool (__outer Entity &) __outer )));

• Possible automatic solution: – Build up “compilation conditions” while

processing files– Repeatedly process files until conditions are


• If collides calls other functions in its compilation unit these will be automatically duplicated

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Multi-core Compilation – an Industrial Approach

Silent deduction of __outer

__outer short* x;__outer int* y;

// z is given type ‘__outer int*’ due to initializerint* z = x;

// OK to use ‘short*’ rather than ‘__outer short*’ in castx = (short*) y;

• Two simple relaxations help with automatic method duplication

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Multi-core Compilation – an Industrial Approach

Other features

• Mark method sievethread: only compile for accelerator (can then be hand-optimized)

• Overloading based on __outer• Facility for accelerator to invoke method on host

– e.g. to allocate a lot of memory• Sieve Partitioning System comes with libraries to

help optimize data movement• Compiler generates advice to suggest how to use

these libraries

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Multi-core Compilation – an Industrial Approach

Development approach

• Identify code to offload (manually, using profiler)• Enclose in sievethread block (fix a few __outer

issues)• Basic offload may not yield optimal performance

– ...but any offloading frees up host• Incremental performance improvements

– Overload core functions with sievethread versions optimized for accelerator

– Compiler advice guides optimization

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Multi-core Compilation – an Industrial Approach


• Results on PS3 (image processing, raytracing, fractals): – Linear scaling– With 6 SPEs, speedup between 3x and 14x over

host, after some optimization

• Possible to hand-optimize as much as desired• Tradeoff: hand-optimization increases performance at

expense of portability

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Multi-core Compilation – an Industrial Approach


• Language and API from Khronos group for programming heterogeneous multicore systems– Codeplay is a contributing member

• Motivation: unify bespoke languages for programming CPUs, GPUs and Cell BE-like systems

• Host code: C/C++ with API calls to launch kernels to run on devices

• Kernels written in OpenCL C – C99 with some restrictions and some extensions

• OpenCL is portable, but too low level for large applications

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Multi-core Compilation – an Industrial Approach

Sievethreads → OpenCL

C++ application

Hot spot 1

OpenCL kernel for hot spot 1

C++ application

Hot spots replaced by kernel calls

Automatic translation

Low level OpenCL code for data movement automatically generated

Runs on host

Runs on accelerator(s)

Hot spots enclosed in sievethread blocks

Hot spot 2

Hot spot 3

OpenCL kernel for hot spot 2OpenCL kernel for hot spot 3

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Multi-core Compilation – an Industrial Approach

Sievethreads → OpenCL - challenges

• Various limitations in OpenCL 1.0 (e.g. no recursion, no function pointers) which will probably go away

• Severe (prohibitive?) limitation: accelerator cannot randomly access host memory

void some_method(__outer int* x){ ... = *x; // Read from “who knows where?” in host memory


• On Cell processor, DMA from host on demand is fine

• OpenCL does not support this (due to limitations of GPUs)

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Multi-core Compilation – an Industrial Approach

Related work

• Hera-JVM (University of Glasgow) - Java virtual machine on Cell SPEs

• CUDA (NVIDIA), Brook+ (AMD) - somewhat subsumed by OpenCL

• Cilk++ (Cilk Arts) - shared memory only• OpenMP (IBM have an implementation for Cell)• PS-Algol (Atkinson, Chisholm, Cockshott) –

pointers to memory vs. pointers to disk is analogous to local vs. outer pointers

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Multi-core Compilation – an Industrial Approach


• Sievethreads: practical way get C++ code running on heterogeneous systems

• Can co-exist with other threading methods• Core technology: method duplication• Main area for future work: data movement

– Data movement optimizations– Declarative language for specifying data

movement patterns

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Multi-core Compilation – an Industrial Approach

Thank you!

After the break, come back and use the Sieve Partitioning System!

Codeplay are interested in academic collaborations, e.g. student project applying sievethreads to a large open-source application
