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Multicultural group displays differences but not as barriers for unity. They are good harmonization...

Date post: 03-Jan-2016
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Multicultural group displays differences but not as barriers for

unity. They are good harmonization of individual talents, language,

culture, attitude, color, sex, ideas.

Collaborative effort must be always


Working with happiness is a positive sign of success.

Unity of the group must always be considered.

Team work is one of the modern ways

of facilitating leadership.

Benchmarking in the international standard won’t be difficult if we have international contacts. Having them as a part of the team is an advantage.

The world is a never ending challenge. Leaders should be active and creative participants of change. Decentralization of power is a must to have better achievement. Everyone must participate and play vital roles in the process of change.

As leaders, we should be

physically fit to perform these

repetitive and sometimes

tiring duties. But even in

our ups and downs, there’s

always good future awaiting.

The green world of hope is


Strive hard, as the goal is sooner be achieved.

You are not alone in your struggle, people are

backing you up. Strive harder. Don’t look

back, be focused. People will look you up

when you’re already there. Aim high! These are

the qualities of a winner. Leaders should be winners too. It’s not easy but try to enjoy the experience and

joy of beautiful fight.

The rocky mountain is sometimes discouraging but the feeling of surviving these unexpected trials adds the self confidence and be able to face a bigger and more complicated trails of leadership experience. Others have already passed and survived the same route, so as we. Determination and courage can make us successful.

Self confidence and ability to believe in our own ability are the keys for others

trust. They will believe us if we

ourselves do so. As active leaders we

need also to update ourselves with the

modern technology and use them as

tools for our development and


The love for continuous learning allow us to a more accurate decision makings. Collaborative thinking is always better, “two heads are better than one”. With the help of others, life flows smother and happier. Be participative.

“Aim High-Achieve high” To be No. 1 must be the

goal of our leadership. Number one in terms of

management, product, profit, achievement, and

satisfaction of all. Allowing individual’s development

and progress would help in the attainment of the goal.

Success is always possible for someone who seeks for


It’s not easy to be No.1. It needs a lot of effort and trainings in order to achieve it. Leaders should have a very wide and clear vision of the organization. Specific and effective program of actions must be implemented. Leaders must not forget the vital roles of being initiative, competent, innovative, and with winner ideas. Ability to face and solve problems and make changes are important assets for leaders.

Authoritarianism is not the only solution

for the world’s crises. The more we demand – the more

we loose. Participative

leadership is more applicable and more

healthy in the implementation of

power. Shared responsibility

and authentic decentralization

should be encouraged.

Leaders must learn how to listen. Demands , problems, insecurities, anxiety, and recourse of the members must be heard and settled. Or else leadership won’t ever be effective.

Celebrate the success. Good leaders include everyone

in the success of a company. Leader must possess an

effective communication skill in making everybody participates in

the run. Power of convincing makes things move.

Team work is Power. Unity in ideas can block the storm of problems and create a peaceful but strong group. Everyone’s willingness to fight against negative or undesirable side can be easily overcome if we are together. UNITED WE STAND –DIVIDED WE LOOSE.

There are always competitions in leadership. But whoever succeeded in the throne must be supported even by the opponents. There are lots of satisfaction derived from being a leader such as prestige and power, better money, better chance to help others, being in on, better opportunity for personal and professional advancement, etc.

Take every good opportunities that will knock on your door,

do the screening later. Compete fairly and

accept the result positively.

No hurt feelings and not boastful.

Fight like a man.

Go For The Goal. Don’t be slow to act.

Or else you’re loosing the chance to get it.

Think one step higher. Sometimes being different

among the members the group give the impression of being alone and lonely.

Fighting without any purpose. Others don’t

understand our objectives and we have to go by

ourselves. Sad but true. In a long run, you will see

that there is a brighter and wider world. Just wait until

you reach the top. Sacrifices and lots of

courage are necessary.

As you climb, you are just facing in to one direction which often times are not too pleasant but in reality around you are better and more attractive scenery. You need to continue… don’t stop… You will see the fullness of the world reaching the highest ground of success. You will be a better visionary who could explain what the world is all about.

Leaders must be good fighters too. We should know the rules of the battle,

the strategies of a good fight,

our strengths and weaknesses and

so do the enemies’. We should

use strong and powerful weapons

to win the fight.

Discipline, courage, chain of command, trust, love and devotion, presence of mind, being calm in the most turbulent time, and most important of all is knowing your enemy are the characteristics of a leader fighter.

Soldiers may die but the principles and honor will remain…so as the good


Powerful command of language in communication is the only way to influence

others. That’s the most effective leadership tool. Strategic anecdotes and

metaphors can make others to embrace our own

philosophies and beliefs. The ability to make others move through the leader’s charismatic personality of

speaking is really an inborn talent that a good leader

can get.

The way a leader dressed and move are another personalities that a leader should possess. These add the charm that gives special influence for a leader. Leaders are just like actors and actresses on stage. Everyone is watching to every single details of our words and actions positively and negatively. Being careful of the single word we say is a way of protecting our status and power.

Expert Power enables us to

influence others through our

expertise -skills and talents.

These abilities attract others to

listen and believe.

Consultation is a good way of participative leadership. Considering the consensus of the group and allowing everyone to be heard is a good sign of democratic leadership.

It’s sometimes a long process but worth of doing to give a chance to feel that they are parts of the institution.

Listening is a skill that every leader should develop. It’s a learning skill without it we will be like birds without wings.

Active participation of the members mirrors our zealousness to collaboration. Respect to individual’s opinions and rights are positive traits of a leader must acquire. This set up of meeting shows that the leader welcomes suggestions and opinions from the group.

Happily, everyone is freely discussing and exchanging ideas on

something. They know how to listen when given a chance. Definitely they

create the atmosphere of being happy.

Leaders are the direction givers and they guide and take good care of each member. They set

the criteria of success and failure. They work for the group and not for themselves.

Harmonious sound can be produced by a well skilled

conductor. Everyone is important in a group.

The mistake of one is a mistake of the group.

Action speaks louder than word. A single gesture of a good leader means a lot for the group. It’s a command that everyone

must perform.

The trust of everyone is directly manifested in the performed actions. The conductor himself is not facing the audience to give the fame to

its members and not for him.

As skilled leaders we must not

under estimate low profile

employees but give them support

to improve and chance to show their capability.

Aim to be “better than the best”. As leaders

we should look forward to improvement.

We shouldn’t stop thinking, planning and

doing in finding perfection though in a real sense nobody is

perfect. But we can develop ourselves to be

a better individual and to be a better leader.

High achievers are those high thinkers. Leaders must be competitive enough to attain this chart of progression. Quality product with a quality service would get quality customers to give us a quality time and profit. Then Quality life would be possible.

Joint Accountabilities. Success of the

organization depends on the collaboration of each members. Goals can be easily achieved if we are

helping each other to plan, to think and to act

as a team.

Multicultural Group. Globalization pushes us to think in a wider scale. We should consider the other parts of the globe. Racism, Sexist, and superiority complex should be abolished in order to think internationally and to solve problems together. Let’s join hands to save the world.

Leading initiates change. Changes will only happen

if we know what is there that need to be changed.

Leader as the agent of change must have a clear

vision on how to implement the program of actions. Reaching the top

position is the only way to help others to adapt


Hardships sometimes discourage us to keep on going because we cannot see the top goal of our destiny. Sometime we decide wrongly of turning back which in fact we are almost there. Lack of motivation and inspiration are some of the causes of our retreat.


Every problems has corresponding solutions. It’s not made by single individual but by groups of executives. Different people perceive the solutions differently , some enjoy them but others thinks hard about them.

Losers see problems in every solutions but Winners see solutions in every problems.

Tree - a symbol of hope and good future – relies on the magical hands of the care giver. It needs especial caring, water, fertilizer, good soil and loving care to grow as

expected. Providing all of these would mean a better future for the organization and the world as a whole.

The future lies in our hands.

Control and power are sometimes dominated by single individual or group. Bizarre but true. This control doesn’t help us to naturally grow. We always depend on that particular person/group to nourish us, in fact we can grow naturally without them. They treat like immature creatures that cannot support ourselves. LET US GROW IN OUR OWN SIMPLE WAY!

Vision is wider viewed in its bird’s eye. The best way to see what’s inside is just to be out of it and be on a

higher ground. Leaders as visionaries can maximize

their horizon in an open wide infinity of nature.

One of leader’s frustrations is the feeling of being alone. It’s really hard to get an intimate relationship with the subordinate. We want to protect the

status so we sacrifice the personal need of socialization.

Putting oneself in an extremely high–unreachable position tends to separate us from the real world. Failure would mean death. Reach the unreachable with your hands but keep your feet on the ground.
