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Multiple Integrals 1 Double Integrals Definite integrals appear when one solves Area problem. Find the area A of the region R bounded above by the curve y = f (x), below by the x-axis, and on the sides by x = a and x = b. A = ˆ b a f (x) dx = lim max Δx i 0 n X k=1 f (x * k x k Mass problem. Find the mass M of a rod of length L whose linear density (the mass per unit length) is a function δ (x), where x is the distance from a point of the rod to one of the rod’s ends. M = ˆ L 0 δ (x) dx 1
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Multiple Integrals

1 Double Integrals

Definite integrals appear when one solves

Area problem. Find the area A of the region R bounded above by

the curve y = f (x), below by the x-axis, and on the sides by x = a

and x = b.

A =

ˆ b


f (x) dx = limmax ∆xi→0


f (x∗k)∆xk

Mass problem. Find the mass M of a rod of length L whose linear

density (the mass per unit length) is a function δ(x), where x is the

distance from a point of the rod to one of the rod’s ends.

M =

ˆ L


δ(x) dx


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Double integrals appear when one solves

Volume problem. Find the volume

V of the solid G enclosed between

the surface z = f (x, y) and a region R

in the xy-plane where f (x, y) is

continuous and nonnegative on R.

Mass problem. Find the mass M of

a lamina (a region R in the xy-plane)

whose density (the mass per unit area)

is a continuous nonnegative function

δ(x, y) defined as

δ(x, y) = lim∆A→0



where ∆M is the mass of the small

rectangle of area ∆A

which contains (x, y).


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Let us consider the volume problem.

1. Divide the rectangle enclosing R into subrectangles, and exclude

all those rectangles that contain points outside of R. Let n be the

number of all the rectangles inside R, and let ∆Ak = ∆xk∆yk be

the area of the k-th subrectangle.

2. Choose any point (x∗k, y∗k) in the k-th subrectangle. The volume

of a rectangular parallelepiped with base area ∆Ak and height

f (x∗k, y∗k) is ∆Vk = f (x∗k, y

∗k)∆Ak. Thus,

V ≈n∑k=1

∆Vk =


f (x∗k, y∗k)∆Ak =


f (x∗k, y∗k)∆xk∆yk

This sum is called the Riemann sum.

3. Take the sides of all the subrectangles to 0, and therefore the num-

ber of them to infinity, and get

V = limmax ∆xi,∆yi→0


f (x∗k, y∗k)∆Ak =


f (x, y) dA

The last term is the notation for the limit of the Riemann sum,

and it is called the double integral of f (x, y) over R.


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In what follows we identify

limmax ∆xi,∆yi→0


· · · ≡ limn→∞


· · ·

If f is continuous but not nonnegative on R then the limit represents

a difference of volumes – above and below the xy-plane. It is called

the net signed volume between R and the surface z = f (x, y), and

it is given by the limit of the corresponding Riemann sum that is the

double integral of f (x, y) over R


f (x, y) dA = limn→∞


f (x∗k, y∗k)∆Ak = lim



f (x∗k, y∗k)∆xk∆yk

Similarly, the mass M of a lamina with density δ(x, y) is

M =


δ(x, y) dA


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Properties of double integrals

1. If f, g are continuous on R, and c, d are constants, then


(c f (x, y) + d g(x, y)

)dA = c


f (x, y) dA + d


g(x, y) dA

2. If R is divided into two regions R1 and R2, then


f (x, y) dA =


f (x, y) dA +


f (x, y) dA

The volume of the entire solid

is the sum of the volumes of

the solids above R1 and R2.


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Double integrals over rectangular regions

The symbolsˆ b


f (x, y) dx and

ˆ d


f (x, y) dy

where in the first integral y is fixed while in the second integral x is

fixed, denote partial definite integrals.



ˆ 2


sin(2x− 3y) dx , (ii)

ˆ 1


sin(2x− 3y) dy .

We can then integrate the resulting functions of y and x with respect

to y and x, respectively. This two-stage integration process is called

iterated or repeated integration.

Notation ˆ d


ˆ b


f (x, y) dx dy =

ˆ d


[ˆ b


f (x, y) dx


ˆ b


ˆ d


f (x, y) dy dx =

ˆ b


[ˆ d


f (x, y) dy


These integrals are called iterated integrals.



ˆ 1


ˆ 2


sin(2x− 3y) dx dy , (ii)

ˆ 2


ˆ 1


sin(2x− 3y) dy dx


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Theorem. Let R be the rectangle a ≤ x ≤ b, c ≤ y ≤ d. If f (x, y)

is continuous on R then¨R

f (x, y) dA =

ˆ d


ˆ b


f (x, y) dx dy =

ˆ b


ˆ d


f (x, y) dy dx

Example. Use a double integral

to find V under the surface

z = 3πex sin y + e−x

and over the rectangle

R = {(x, y) : 0 ≤ x ≤ ln 3 , 0 ≤ y ≤ π}

V =38

3π ≈ 39.7935 > 0


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2 Double integrals over nonrectangular regions

ˆ b


ˆ d


f (x, y) dy dx =

ˆ b


[ˆ d


f (x, y) dy


Replace c→ g1(x), d→ g2(x). Then

ˆ b


ˆ g2(x)


f (x, y) dy dx =

ˆ b


[ˆ g2(x)


f (x, y) dy


a x b





a x b

y = g2(x)

y = g1(x)



Figure 1: The rectangle becomes a type I region: g2(x) ≥ g1(x).

c→g1, d→g2−−−−−−→

Theorem. If R is a type I region on which f (x, y) is continuous, then


f (x, y) dA =

ˆ b


ˆ g2(x)


f (x, y) dy dx

Example. Find the volume V of the solid enclosed by the surfaces

z = 0, y2 = x, and x + z = 1.

V =8



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Similarly, inˆ d


ˆ b


f (x, y) dx dy =

ˆ d


[ˆ b


f (x, y) dx


we replace a→ h1(y), b→ h2(y). Then

ˆ d


ˆ h2(y)


f (x, y) dx dy =

ˆ d


[ˆ h2(y)


f (x, y) dx


a b








cx = h2(y)x = h1(y)



Figure 2: The rectangle becomes a type II region: h2(y) ≥ h1(y).

a→h1, b→h2−−−−−−→

Theorem. IfR is a type II region on which f (x, y) is continuous, then


f (x, y) dA =

ˆ d


ˆ h2(y)


f (x, y) dx dy

Example. Find the volume V of the solid enclosed by the surfaces

z = 0, y2 = x, and x + z = 1.


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Some regions belong to both type I and II, e.g. the region from the

previous example, a disc and a triangle.

Reversing the order of integration. Example.ˆ 4


ˆ 2


ex3dx dy =



(e8 − 1


Area calculated as a double integral

The solid enclosed between

the plane z = 1, and a region R

is a right cylinder with base R,

height h = 1, and with

cross-sectional area A equal

to the area of R.

Its volume is

V = Ah = A =


1 dA


Area of R =


1 dA =



Example. Find A of R enclosed between

y = xm and y = xn.

y = xm

y = xn

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0








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3 Double integrals in polar coordinates

Polar coordinates

Figure 3: x = r cos θ , y = r sin θ , r2 = x2 + y2 , tan θ = yx .

We identify (r, θ + 2πn) ∼ (r, θ) , n = ±1 , ±2 , . . .

and (−r, θ) ∼ (r, θ + π)

because they give the same x, y coordinates.

The graph of r = a is the circle of radius a centred at O.

The graph of θ = α, r ≥ 0 is the ray making an angle of α with the

polar axis.





0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0






A polar rectangle is a region enclosed

between two rays, θ = α, θ = β, and

two circles r = a, r = b.

Its area is

A = 12b

2(β − α)− 12a

2(β − α)

= 12(b + a)(b− a)(β − α)

= r∆r∆θ, where r = 12(b + a),

∆r = b− a is the radial thickness, ∆θ = β −α is the central angle.


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A simple polar region

is a region enclosed between

two rays, θ = α, θ = β, and

two continuous polar curves

r = r1(θ), r = r2(θ) which satisfy

(i) α ≤ β,

(ii) β − α ≤ 2π,

(iii) 0 ≤ r1(θ) ≤ r2(θ).



r = r2(θ)

-1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0







Figure 4: r1(θ) = 0 and β − α < 2π

r1(θ) = 0 and β − α = 2π r1(θ) 6= 0 and β − α = 2π


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Let us consider the volume problem in polar coordinates.

1. Divide the rectangle enclosing R into polar subrectangles, and

exclude all those rectangles that contain points outside of R. Let

n be the number of all the rectangles inside R, and let

∆Ak = rk ∆rk ∆θk be the area of the k-th polar subrectangle.

2. Choose any point (r∗k, θ∗k) in the k-th subrectangle. The volume

of a right cylinder with base area ∆Ak and height f (r∗k, θ∗k) is

∆Vk = f (r∗k, θ∗k)∆Ak. Thus,

V ≈n∑k=1

∆Vk =


f (r∗k, θ∗k)∆Ak =


f (r∗k, θ∗k) rk ∆rk ∆θk

This sum is called the polar Riemann sum.

3. Take the sides of all the subrectangles to 0, and therefore the num-

ber of them to infinity, and get

V = limn→∞


f (r∗k, θ∗k)∆Ak =


f (r, θ) dA

The last term is the notation for the limit of the Riemann sum,

and it is called the polar double integral of f (r, θ) over R.


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The limit of the polar Riemann sum is the same for any choice of

points (r∗k, θ∗k). Let us choose (r∗k, θ

∗k) to be the centre of the k-th polar

rectangle, that is r∗k = rk, θ∗k = θk = 1

2(θk−1 + θk). Then, the polar

double integral is given by


f (r, θ) dA = limn→∞


f (rk, θk) rk ∆rk ∆θk

This formula is similar to the one for the double integral in rectangular

coordinates, and it is valid for any region R.

Theorem. If R is a simple polar region enclosed between two rays,

θ = α, θ = β, and two continuous polar curves r = r1(θ), r = r2(θ),

and if f (r, θ is continuous on R, then


f (r, θ) dA =

ˆ β


ˆ r2(θ)


f (r, θ) r dr dθ

Example. Find the volume of the solid below z = 1−x2− y2, inside

of x2 + y2 − x = 0, and above z = 0. Answer : V = 5π/32

Area of R =


dA =

ˆ β


ˆ r2(θ)


r dr dθ =1


ˆ β




Example. Find A of R in the first quadrant that is outside r = 2

and inside the cardioid r = 2(1 + cos θ). Answer : A = 4 + π/2

Example. Find A enclosed by the three-petaled rose r = cos 3θ.

Answer : A = π/4


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Converting double integrals from rectangular to

polar coordinates


f (x, y) dA =



f (r cos θ, r sin θ) r dr dθ

It is especially useful if f (x, y) = g(x2 + y2) = g(r)

or f (x, y) = g(y/x) = g(tan θ)

Example. ˆ 1


ˆ √1−x2


(x2 + y2)3/2 dy dx =π



ˆ 1


ˆ √4−x2


x√x2 + y2

dy dx +

ˆ 2


ˆ √4−x2


x√x2 + y2

dy dx =3


Example. ˆ ∞−∞

e−x2dx =



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4 Parametric surfaces

A curve: x = x(t) , y = y(t) , z = z(t) , t0 ≤ t ≤ t1


tb x






A surface: x = x(u, v) , y = y(u, v) , z = z(u, v) , (u, v) ∈ R


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Example. z = 4− x2 − y2

Rectangular coordinates: x = u, y = v, z = 4− u2 − v2

Polar coordinates: x = r cos θ, y = r sin θ, z = 4− r2


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1 2 3 4 5 6x








Polar coordinates are useful for

surfaces of revolution

generated by revolving a curve

z = f (x), x ≥ 0 in the xz-plane,

or, equivalently, a curve

z = f (y), y ≥ 0 in the yz-plane

about the z-axis.

These surfaces are graphs of

functions z = f (√x2 + y2),

and can be parametrised as

x = r cos θ, y = r sin θ, z = f (r)

Example. A right cone of height h and base radius a oriented along

the z-axis, with vertex pointing up, and with the base located at z = 0.

x = r cos θ , y = r sin θ , z = h(1− r

a) , 0 ≤ r ≤ a , 0 ≤ θ ≤ 2π


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Cylindrical coordinates

x = r cos θ , y = r sin θ , z

r ≥ 0 , 0 ≤ θ ≤ 2π

Plane: z = const

Circular cylinder: r = const

Half-plane: θ = const

1 2 3 4 5 6x







zCylindrical coordinates are useful for

surfaces of revolution generated

by revolving a curve x = f (z)

in the xz-plane or, equivalently,

a curve y = f (z) in the yz-plane

about the z-axis.

These surfaces are parametrised as

x = f (ζ) cos θ, y = f (ζ) sin θ, z = ζ

Example. A right cone of height h

and base radius a oriented along the z-axis, with vertex pointing up,

and with the base located at z = 0.

x = (1−ζh

)a cos θ , y = (1−ζh

)a sin θ , z = ζ , 0 ≤ ζ ≤ h , 0 ≤ θ ≤ 2π


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Spherical coordinates

x = ρ sinφ cos θ ,

y = ρ sinφ sin θ ,

z = ρ cosφ ,

ρ ≥ 0 , 0 ≤ θ ≤ 2π ,

0 ≤ φ ≤ π .

Sphere: r = const

Half-plane: θ = const

Cone: φ = const

Example. x2 + y2 + z2 = 9 ⇒ ρ = 3

x = 3 sinφ cos θ , y = 3 sinφ sin θ , z = 3 cosφ ,

0 ≤ θ ≤ 2π , 0 ≤ φ ≤ π .

The constant φ-curves are the lines of latitude.

The constant θ-curves are the lines of longitude.

Example. z =√


3 ⇒ φ = π3

x =√

32 ρ cos θ , y =


2 ρ sin θ , z = 12ρ ,

ρ ≥ 0 , 0 ≤ θ ≤ 2π .

The constant ρ-curves are circles.

The constant θ-curves are half-lines.


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1 2 3 4x







zSphere is an example of a

surface of revolution generated by

revolving a parametric curve

x = f (t), z = g(t) or, equivalently,

a parametric curve y = f (t), z = g(t)

about the z-axis.

Such a surface is parametrised as

x = f (t) cos θ , y = f (t) sin θ , z = g(t) .

Example. Torus.

Similarly, we can get surfaces of revolution by

revolving a parametric curve

y = f (u), x = g(u) or, equivalently,

a parametric curve z = f (u), x = g(u)

about the x-axis.

They are parametrised as

x = g(u) ,

y = f (u) cos v ,

z = f (u) sin v

Finally, we can get surfaces of

revolution by revolving a parametric curve z = f (u), y = g(u) or,

equivalently, a parametric curve x = f (u), y = g(u) about the y-axis.

They are parametrised as

x = f (u) sin v , y = g(u) , z = f (u) cos v


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Vector-valued functions of two variables

The vector form of parametric eqs for a surface

~r = ~r(u, v) = x(u, v)~i + y(u, v)~j + z(u, v)~k

~r(u, v) is a vector-valued functions of two variables.

Partial derivatives

~ru =∂~r


∂u~i +


∂u~j +



~rv =∂~r


∂v~i +


∂v~j +



Tangent planes to parametric surfaces

Let σ be a parametric surface in 3-space.

Definition. A plane is said to be tangent to σ at P0 provided a line

through P0 lies in the plane if and only if it is a tangent line at P0 to

a curve on σ.

σ : ~r(u, v) , P0(a, b, c) ∈ σa = x(u0, v0) , b = y(u0, v0) , c = z(u0, v0)

If ∂~r∂u 6= 0 then it is tangent to the constant v-curve.

If ∂~r∂v 6= 0 then it is tangent to the constant u-curve.

Thus, if ∂~r∂u ×

∂~r∂v 6= 0 at (u0, v0) then it is orthogonal to both tangent

vectors and is normal to the tangent plane and the surface at P0.


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~n =∂~r∂u ×


∂u ×∂~r∂v

∣∣is called the principle normal vector

to the surface ~r = ~r(u, v) at (u0, v0).

Thus, the tangent plane equation is

~n · (~r − ~r0) = 0

Example. Tangent plane to

x = uv , y = u , z = v2 at (2,−1)

Figure 5: Whitney’s umbrella.

Answer : x + y + z = 1


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Surface area

Let ~r = x(u, v)~i + y(u, v)~j + z(u, v)~k be a smooth parametric

surface on a region R of the uv-plane, that is ∂~r∂u ×

∂~r∂v 6= 0 on R, and

therefore there is a tangent plane for every (u, v) ∈ R.

Rk : ∆Ak = ∆uk∆vk

∆Sk ≈ Area of parallelogram =

∣∣∣∣∂~r∂u∆uk ×∂~r



∣∣∣∣∂~r∂u × ∂~r


∣∣∣∣∆uk∆vk =

∣∣∣∣∂~r∂u × ∂~r




S ≈n∑k=1

∣∣∣∣∂~r∂u × ∂~r



In the limit n→∞

S =


∣∣∣∣∂~r∂u × ∂~r


∣∣∣∣ dAExamples. Surfaces of revolution: Sphere, cone, torus


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Surface area of surfaces of the form z = f (x, y)

x = u , y = v , z = f (u, v) , ~r = u~i + v~j + z ~k


∂u=~i +


∂u~k ,


∂v= ~j +




∂u× ∂~r

∂v= ~k − ∂z

∂v~j − ∂z


∣∣∣∣∂~r∂u × ∂~r


∣∣∣∣ =

√1 +








S =


√1 +









Example. S of z = x2 + y2 below z = 1.

Answer : π6(5√

5− 1) ≈ 5.330


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5 Triple Integrals

Mass problem. Find the mass

M of a solid G whose density

(the mass per unit volume)

is a continuous nonnegative

function δ(x, y, z).

1. Divide the box enclosing G into

subboxes, and exclude all those

subboxes that contain points

outside of G. Let n be the number

of all the subboxes inside G, and

let ∆Vk = ∆xk∆yk∆zk be the volume of the k-th subbox.

2. Choose any point (x∗k, y∗k, z∗k) in the k-th subbox. The mass of the

k-th subbox is ∆Mk ≈ δ(x∗k, y∗k, z∗k)∆Vk. Thus,

M ≈n∑k=1

∆Mk =


δ(x∗k, y∗k, z∗k)∆Vk =


δ(x∗k, y∗k, z∗k)∆xk∆yk∆zk

This sum is called the Riemann sum.

3. Take the sides of all the subboxes to 0, and therefore the number

of them to infinity, and get

M = limn→∞


δ(x∗k, y∗k, z∗k)∆Vk =


δ(x, y, z) dV

The last term is the notation for the limit of the Riemann sum,

and it is called the triple integral of δ(x, y, z) over G.


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Properties of triple integrals

1. If f, g are continuous on G, and c, d are constants, then


(c f (x, y, z) + d g(x, y, z)

)dV = c


f (x, y, z) dV

+ d


g(x, y, z) dV

2. If G is divided into two solids G1 and G2, then


f (x, y, z) dV =


f (x, y, z) dV +


f (x, y, z) dV

The mass of the entire solid

is the sum of the masses of

the solids G1 and G2.


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Evaluating triple integrals over rectangular boxes

a ≤ x ≤ b , c ≤ y ≤ d , k ≤ z ≤ l


f (x, y, z) dV =

ˆ b


ˆ d


ˆ l


f (x, y, z) dz dy dx

or any permutation, e.g.


f (x, y, z) dV =

ˆ d


ˆ l


ˆ b


f (x, y, z) dx dz dy

Example. Find the mass of the box


3≤ x ≤ 1

2, 0 ≤ y ≤ π , 0 ≤ z ≤ 1

if its density is

δ(x, y, z) = xz sin(xy)

Answer : M = 112 +


4π −1

2π ≈ 0.0620106


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Evaluating triple integrals over simple xy-, xz-, yz-solids

A solid G is called a simple xy-solid

if it is bounded above by a surface

z = g2(x, y), below by a surface

z = g1(x, y), and its projection

on the xy plane is a region R.


f (x, y, z) dV =


[ˆ g2(x,y)


f (x, y, z) dz


Example. Find the mass of the solid G defined by the inequalities


6≤ y ≤ π

2, y ≤ x ≤ π

2, 0 ≤ z ≤ xy

if its density is

δ(x, y, z) = cos(z/y)

Answer : M = 5π12 −


2 ≈ 0.442972


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Volume of G =



Example. Find V of G bounded by the surfaces

y = x2 , y + z = 4 , z = 0

Answer : V = 25615

Integration in other orders

A simple xz-solid˚G

f (x, y, z) dV =


[ˆ g2(x,z)


f (x, y, z) dy


A simple yz-solid˚G

f (x, y, z) dV =


[ˆ g2(y,z)


f (x, y, z) dx



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6 Centre of gravity and centroid

Mass, centre of gravity and centroid of a lamina

Recall that a lamina is an idealised flat object that is thin enough to

be viewed as a 2-d plane region R.

The mass M of a lamina with density δ(x, y) is

M =


δ(x, y) dA

The centre of gravity of

a lamina is a unique point (x, y)

such that the effect of gravity

on the lamina is equivalent to

that of a single force acting

at the point (x, y)

x =1



x δ(x, y) dA , y =1



y δ(x, y) dA

Example. Find the centre of gravity of a lamina with density

δ(x, y) = x + 1 bounded by x2 + (y + 1)2 = 1

Answer : M = π , x = 1/4 , y = −1


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For a homogeneous lamina with δ(x, y) = const,

the centre of gravity is called the centroid of the lamina

or the centroid of the region R

because it does not depend on δ(x, y) = const.

x =1



x dA , y =1



y dA , A =



Example. Find the centroid of a region bounded by

(x− 1)2 + y2 = 1 , and (x− 2)2 + y2 = 4

Answer : A = 3π , x = 7/3 , y = 0


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Mass, centre of gravity and centroid of a solid

The centre of gravity of a solid G with density δ(x, y, z) is a unique

point (x, y, z) such that the effect of gravity on the solid is equivalent

to that of a single force acting at the point (x, y, z)

x =1



x δ(x, y, z) dV , y =1



y δ(x, y, z) dV

z =1



z δ(x, y, z) dV , M =


δ(x, y, z) dV

Example. Find the centre of gravity of a solid G bounded by the

surfaces x2 + y2 = 1 and x2 + y2 = 4, above by the surface z =

5− x2 − y2, and below by the surface z = 0 with the density

δ(x, y, z) = e5−x2−y2−z

Answer : M = π(e4 − e− 3) ≈ 153.561 , z = 2e4−2e−21

2(e4−e−3)≈ 0.85

For a homogeneous solid with δ(x, y) = const, the centre of gravity

is called the centroid of the solid.

x =1



x dV , y =1



y dV

z =1



z dV , V =



Example. Find the centroid of the solid below z = 10 − x2 − y2,

inside of x2 + y2 = 1, and above z = 0

Answer : V = 19π/2 , x = 0 , y = 0 , z = 271/57 ≈ 4.75439


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7 Triple integrals in cylindrical and spherical coordi-


Cylindrical coordinates

Cylindrical wedge or

cylindrical element of volume

is interior of intersection of

two cylinders: r = r1 , r = r2

two half-planes: θ = θ1 , θ = θ2

two planes: z = z1 , z = z2

The dimensions: θ2−θ1 , r2−r1 , z2−z1 are called the central angle,

thickness and height of the wedge.

Divide G by cylindrical wedges


f (r, θ, z) dV = limn→∞


f (r∗k, θ∗k, z∗k)∆Vk

∆Vk = [ area of base ] · [ height ]

= r∗k∆rk∆θk∆zk


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Let G be a solid whose upper suface is

z = g2(r, θ) and whose lower suface is

z = g1(r, θ) in cylindrical coordinates.

If projection of G on the xy-plane is

a simple polar region R, and

if f (r, θ, z) is continuous on G, then


f (r, θ, z) dV =


[ˆ g2(r,θ)


f (r, θ, z) dz



ˆ θ2


ˆ r2(θ)


ˆ g2(r,θ)


f (r, θ, z) r dz dr dθ

Example. V and centroid of G bounded above by

z =√

25− x2 − y2, below by z = 0, and laterally by x2 + y2 = 9.

Answer : V = 122π/3 , z = 1107/488

Converting triple integrals from rectangular to cylindrical



f (x, y, z) dV =



f (r cos θ, r sin θ, z) r dz dr dθ


ˆ 3


ˆ √9−x2



ˆ 9−x2−y2


x2 dz dy dx =243


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Spherical coordinates

Spherical wedge or

spherical element of volume

is interior of intersection of

two spheres: ρ = ρ1 , ρ = ρ2

two half-planes: θ = θ1 , θ = θ2

nappes of two right circular

cones: φ = φ1 , φ = φ2

The numbers:

θ2 − θ1 , ρ2 − ρ1 , φ2 − φ1

are the dimensions of the wedge.

Divide G by spherical wedges


f (r, θ, φ) dV = limn→∞


f (r∗k, θ∗k, φ


∆Vk = (ρ∗k)2 sinφ∗k∆ρk∆φk∆θk


f (r, θ, φ) dV =



f (r, θ, φ) ρ2 sinφ dρ dφ dθ


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Example. V and centroid of G bounded above by

x2 + y2 + z2 = 16 and below by z =√x2 + y2.

Answer : V = 64(2−√

2)π/3 > 0 , z = 3/2(2−√

2) ≈ 2.56

Converting triple integrals from rectangular to spherical



f (x, y, z) dV =



f (ρ sinφ cos θ, ρ sinφ sin θ, ρ cosφ) ρ2 sinφ dρ dφ dθ


ˆ 2


ˆ √4−x2



ˆ √4−x2−y2


z2√x2 + y2 + z2 dz dy dx =


