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multiple intelligences

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OBJECTIVES:• Recall the different learning/ thinking styles

and multiple intelligences of the learners

• Discuss principles of teaching and learning as applied in the English and Filipino subjects

• Cite applications of these principles in language teaching

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BY Queenie Ann Y. Ku

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“Every child

is a potential genius”

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• Intelligence is fixed

• Intelligence was measured by number

• Intelligence was unitary


• Intelligence can be developed

• Intelligence is not numerically quantifiable and is exhibited during a performance or problem-solving process

• Intelligence can be exhibited in many ways- multiple intelligences


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• Intelligence was measured in isolation

• Intelligence was used to sort students and predict their success


• Intelligence is measured in context/ real-life situations

• Intelligence is used to understand human capacities and the many varied ways students can achieve


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• Howard Gardner was born on July 11, 1943 in Scranton, Pennsylvania. He completed his post-secondary education at Harvard, earning his undergraduate degree in 1965 and his Ph.D. in 1971.

• While he had originally planned to study law, he was inspired by the works of Jean Piaget to study developmental psychology. He also cited the mentoring he received from the famous psychoanalyst Erik Erikson as part of the reason why he set his sights on psychology

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• "My mind was really opened when I went to Harvard College and had the opportunity to study under individuals—such as psychoanalyst Erik Erikson, sociologist David Riesman, and cognitive psychologist Jerome Bruner—who were creating knowledge about human beings. That helped set me on the course of investigating human nature, particularly how human beings think,"

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• After spending time working with two very different groups, normal and gifted children and brain-damaged adults, Gardner began developing a theory designed to synthesize his research and observations. In 1983, he published Frames of Mind which outlined his theory of multiple intelligences

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• Gardner's theory has perhaps had the greatest impact within the field of education, where it has received considerable attention and use. His conceptualization of intelligence as more than a single, solitary quality has opened the doors for further research and different ways of thinking about human intelligence.

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MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES• The theory of multiple intelligences (MI) was

first described by Howard Gardner in Frames of Mind (1983)

• Gardner defines intelligence as “ an ability or set of abilities that allows a person to solve a problem or fashion a product that is valued in one or more cultures

• Gardner believes that different intelligences may be independent abilities- a person can be low in one domain area but high in another

• All of us possess the intelligences but in varying degrees of strength and skill

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Verbal- Linguistic

(Word smart)

• Learning through the spoken and written word. This intelligence was always valued in the traditional classroom and in traditional assessments of intelligence and achievement

• Sensitivity to the sounds, meanings, structures, and styles of language

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Verbal- Linguistic

(Word smart)

• Inclination for listening, speaking, reading, writing

• Ability to speak effectively ( teacher, religious leader, politician) of write effectively ( poet, journalist, book author)

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Mathematical-Logical (Number/Logic Smart)

• Learning through reasoning and problem solving. Also highly valued in the traditional classroom, where students were asked to adapt to logical sequenced delivery of instruction

• Sensitivity to patterns, numbers & numerical data, causes & effects, objective & quantitative reasoning


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Mathematical-Logical (Number/Logic Smart)

• Inclination for finding patterns, making calculations, forming and testing hypotheses, using the scientific method, deductive & inductive reasoning

• Ability to work effectively with numbers ( accountant, engineer, economist) and reason effectively ( scientist, computer programmer)

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Spatial (Picture Smart)

• Learning visually and organizing ideas spatially. Seeing concepts in action in order to understand them. The ability to “see” things in one’s mind in planning to create a product or solve a problem

• Sensitivity to colors, shapes, visual puzzles, symmetry, lines, images

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• Inclination for representing ideas visually, creating mental images, noticing visual details, drawing & sketching

• Ability to create visually ( artist, photographer, decorator) and visualize accurately ( tour guide, ranger, scout)

Spatial (Picture Smart)

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Bodily-Kinesthetic (Body Smart)

• Learning through interaction with one’s environment. This intelligence is not the domain of “overly active” learners. It promotes understanding through concrete experience

• Sensitivity to touch, movement, physical self, athleticism

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Bodily-Kinesthetic (Body Smart)

• Inclination for activities requiring strength, speed, flexibility, hand-eye coordination, and balance

• Ability to use hands to fix or create (mechanic, carpenter, sculptor) and use the body expressively ( dancer, athlete, actor)

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(Music Smart)

• Learning through patterns, rhythms and music. This includes not only auditory learning but the identification of patterns through all senses

• Sensitivity to tone, beat, tempo, melody, pitch, sound

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Musical (Music Smart)

• Inclination for listening, singing, playing an instrument

• Ability to create music ( songwriter, composer, musician) and analyze music ( music critic)

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Interpersonal (People Smart)

• Learning through interaction with others. Not the domain of children who are simply “talkative” or “overly social.” This intelligence promotes collaboration and working cooperatively with others

• Sensitivity to body language, moods, voice, feelings


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Interpersonal (People Smart)

• Inclination for noticing & responding to other people’s feelings & personalities

• Ability to work with people (administrators, managers, consultants, teachers) and help identify and overcome problems (therapists, psychologists)

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Intrapersonal (Self Smart)

• Learning through feelings, values, and attitudes. This is decidedly affective component of learning through which students place value on what they learn and take ownership for their learning

• Sensitivity to one’s own strength, weaknesses, goals and desires

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Intrapersonal (Self Smart)

• Inclination for setting goals, assessing personal abilities & liabilities, monitoring one’s own thinking

• Ability to meditate, reflect, exhibit self-discipline, maintain composure, and get the most out of oneself

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Naturalist (Nature Smart)

• Learning through classification, categories, and hierarchies. The naturalist intelligence picks up on subtle differences in meaning. It is not simply the study of nature; it can be used in all areas of study

• Sensitivity to natural objects, plants, animals, naturally occurring patterns, ecological issues

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Naturalist (Nature Smart)

• Inclination for identifying and classifying living & natural objects

• Ability to analyze ecological and natural situations & data ( ecologists, rangers), learn from living things ( zoologist, botanist, veterinarian), and work in natural settings ( hunter, scout)

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Existential (Spirit Smart)

• Learning by see their role in the big picture more easily than others and this is very important to them. They question the meaning of life and seek the answers; most of the time this is done through some form of religion

• Sensitivity to and capacity to tackle deep questions about human existence, such as the meaning of life, why do we die, and how did we get here

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“Anything that is worth teaching can be presented in many different ways. These multiple ways can make use of our multiple intelligences.” -Howard Gardner

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