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HAL Id: hal-00763565 https://hal.inria.fr/hal-00763565 Submitted on 19 Dec 2019 HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of sci- entific research documents, whether they are pub- lished or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or from public or private research centers. L’archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est destinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documents scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, émanant des établissements d’enseignement et de recherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoires publics ou privés. Multithreaded clustering for multi-level hypergraph partitioning Umit Catalyurek, Mehmet Deveci, Kamer Kaya, Bora Uçar To cite this version: Umit Catalyurek, Mehmet Deveci, Kamer Kaya, Bora Uçar. Multithreaded clustering for multi-level hypergraph partitioning. 26th IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, IPDPS 2012„ May 2012, Shanghai, China. pp.848–859, 10.1109/IPDPS.2012.81. hal-00763565
Page 1: Multithreaded clustering for multi-level hypergraph ... · multithreaded versions of the algorithms is a crucial tasks. The most successful partitioning tools are based on the multi-level

HAL Id: hal-00763565https://hal.inria.fr/hal-00763565

Submitted on 19 Dec 2019

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L’archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, estdestinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documentsscientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non,émanant des établissements d’enseignement et derecherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoirespublics ou privés.

Multithreaded clustering for multi-level hypergraphpartitioning

Umit Catalyurek, Mehmet Deveci, Kamer Kaya, Bora Uçar

To cite this version:Umit Catalyurek, Mehmet Deveci, Kamer Kaya, Bora Uçar. Multithreaded clustering for multi-levelhypergraph partitioning. 26th IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium,IPDPS 2012„ May 2012, Shanghai, China. pp.848–859, �10.1109/IPDPS.2012.81�. �hal-00763565�

Page 2: Multithreaded clustering for multi-level hypergraph ... · multithreaded versions of the algorithms is a crucial tasks. The most successful partitioning tools are based on the multi-level

Multithreaded Clustering for Multi-level Hypergraph Partitioning

Umit V. Catalyurek, Mehmet Deveci, Kamer KayaThe Ohio State University

Dept. of Biomedical Informatics{umit,mdeveci,kamer}@bmi.osu.edu

Bora UcarCNRS and LIP, ENS Lyon

Lyon 69364, [email protected]

Abstract—Requirements for efficient parallelization of manycomplex and irregular applications can be cast as a hy-pergraph partitioning problem. The current-state-of-the artsoftware libraries that provide tool support for the hypergraphpartitioning problem are designed and implemented beforethe game-changing advancements in multi-core computing.Hence, analyzing the structure of those tools for designingmultithreaded versions of the algorithms is a crucial tasks. Themost successful partitioning tools are based on the multi-levelapproach. In this approach, a given hypergraph is coarsened toa much smaller one, a partition is obtained on the the smallesthypergraph, and that partition is projected to the originalhypergraph while refining it on the intermediate hypergraphs.The coarsening operation corresponds to clustering the verticesof a hypergraph and is the most time consuming task in a multi-level partitioning tool. We present three efficient multithreadedclustering algorithms which are very suited for multi-levelpartitioners. We compare their performance with that of theones currently used in today’s hypergraph partitioners. Weshow on a large number of real life hypergraphs that ourimplementations, integrated into a commonly used partitioninglibrary PaToH, achieve good speedups without reducing theclustering quality.

Keywords-Multi-level hypergraph partitioning; coarsening;multithreaded clustering algorithms; multicore programming


Hypergraph partitioning is an important problem widelyencountered in parallelization of complex and irregular ap-plications from various domains including VLSI design [1],parallel scientific computing [2], [3], sparse matrix reorder-ing [4], static and dynamic load balancing [5], softwareengineering [6], cryptosystem analysis [7], and databasedesign [8], [9], [10]. Being such an important problem, con-siderable effort has been put in providing tool support, seehMeTiS [11], MLpart [12], Mondriaan [13], Parkway [14],PaToH [15], and Zoltan [16].

All the tools above follow the multi-level approach. Thisapproach consists of three phases: coarsening, initial par-titioning, and uncoarsening. In the coarsening phase, theoriginal hypergraph is reduced to a much smaller hypergraphafter a series of coarsening levels. At each level, vertices thatare deemed to be similar are grouped to form vertex clusters,and a new hypergraph is formed by unifying a cluster as asingle vertex. That is, the clusters become the vertices forthe next level. In the initial partitioning phase, the coarsest

hypergraph is partitioned. In the uncoarsening phase, thepartition found in the second phase is projected back to theoriginal hypergraph where the partition is locally refined onthe hypergraphs associated with each coarsening level.

The coarsening phase is the most important phase of themulti-level approach. This is for the following three reasons.First, the worst-case running time complexity of this phaseis higher than the other two phases (initial partitioning anduncoarsening phases have, in most common implementa-tions, linear worst-case running time complexity). Second,as the uncoarsening level performs local improvements, thequality of a partition is highly affected by the quality ofthe coarsening phase. For example, given a hypergraph,a coarsening algorithm, a conventional initial partitioningalgorithm and a refinement algorithm based on the mostcommon ones, very slight variations on vertex similaritymetrics can effect the performance quite significantly (seefor example the start of Section 5.1 of [17]). Third, it isusually the case that the better the coarsening, the faster theuncoarsening phase is. Therefore, the coarsening phase alsoaffects the running time of the other phases.

Our aim in this paper is to efficiently parallelize thecoarsening phase of PaToH, a well-known and commonlyused hypergraph partitioning tool. The algorithmic kernelof this phase is a clustering algorithm that marks similarvertices to be coalesced. There are two classes of clusteringalgorithms in PaToH. The algorithms in the first classallow at most two vertices in a cluster. These algorithmsare called matching-based or matching algorithms in short.The algorithms in the second class, called agglomerativealgorithms, allow any number of vertices to become togetherto form a cluster. The most effective clustering algorithms inPaToH are agglomerative ones whereas the fastest ones arematching based. We propose efficient parallelization of thesetwo classes of algorithms (Section III). We report practicalexperiments with PaToH (and its coarsening phase alone) ona recent multicore architecture (Section IV). Our techniquesare easily applicable to some other sequential hypergraphpartitioners, since they use the same multilevel approach andhave similar data structures.

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A. Hypergraph Partitioning

A hypergraph H= (V,N ) is defined as a set of verticesV and a set of nets (hyperedges) N among those vertices. Anet n ∈ N is a subset of vertices, and the vertices in n arecalled its pins . The size of a net is the number of its pins,and the degree of a vertex is equal to the number of nets thatcontain it. Graph is a special instance of hypergraph suchthat each net has size two. We use pins[n] and nets[v]to represent the pins of a net n, and the set of nets thatcontain vertex v, respectively. Vertices can be associatedwith weights, denoted with w[·], and nets can be associatedwith costs, denoted with c[·].

A K-way partition of a hypergraph H is denoted as Π={V1,V2, . . . ,VK} where• parts are pairwise disjoint, i.e., Vk ∩ V` = ∅ for all

1 ≤ k < ` ≤ K,• each part Vk is a nonempty subset of V , i.e., Vk ⊆ V

and Vk 6= ∅ for 1 ≤ k ≤ K,• union of K parts is equal to V , i.e.,

⋃Kk=1 Vk =V .

In a partition Π, a net that has at least one pin (vertex)in a part is said to connect that part. The number of partsconnected by a net n, i.e., connectivity, is denoted as λn.A net n is said to be uncut (internal) if it connects exactlyone part (i.e., λn = 1), and cut (external), otherwise (i.e.,λn > 1).

Let Wk denote the total vertex weight in Vk (i.e., Wk =∑v∈Vkw[v]) and Wavg denote the weight of each part when

the total vertex weight is equally distributed (i.e., Wavg =(∑

v∈V w[v])/K). If each part Vk ∈ Π satisfies the balancecriterion

Wk ≤Wavg(1 + ε), for k = 1, 2, . . . ,K (1)

we say that Π is balanced where ε represents the maximumallowed imbalance ratio.

The set of external nets of a partition Π is denoted asNE . Let χ(Π) denote the cost, i.e., cutsize, of a partition Π.There are various cutsize definitions [1] such as:

χ(Π) =∑


c[n] (2)

χ(Π) =∑n∈N

c[n](λn − 1) . (3)

In (2) and (3), each cut net n contributes c[n] andc[n](λn − 1) to the cutsize, respectively. The cutsize metricgiven in (2) will be referred to here as cut-net metric and theone in (3) will be referred as connectivity metric. Given εand an integer K > 1, the hypergraph partitioning problemcan be defined as the task of finding a balanced partition Πwith K parts such that χ(Π) is minimized. The hypergraphpartitioning problem is NP-hard [1].

B. Clustering algorithms for hypergraph partitioning

As said before, there are two classes of clustering algo-rithms: matching-based ones and agglomerative ones. Thematching-based ones put at most two similar vertices in acluster whereas the agglomerative ones allow any numberof similar vertices. There are various similarity metrics—seefor example [2], [18], [19]. All these metrics are defined ontwo adjacent vertices (one of them can be a vertex cluster).Two vertices are adjacent if they share a net, i.e., the verticesu and v are matchable if Nuv = nets[u] ∩ nets[v] 6= ∅.In order to find a given vertex u’s adjacent vertices, oneneeds to visit each net n ∈ nets[u] and then visit eachvertex v ∈ pins[n]. Therefore, the computational complexityof the clustering algorithms is at least in the order of∑

n∈N |pins[n]|2. As mentioned in the introduction, theother two phases of the multi-level approach have a lineartime worst case time complexity. As

∑n∈N |pins[n]|2 is

most likely to be the bottleneck, an effective clusteringalgorithm’s worst case running time should not pass thislimit for the algorithm to be efficient as well.

The sequential implementations of the clustering algo-rithms in PaToH proceed in the following way to have arunning time proportional to

∑n∈N |pins[n]|2. The vertices

are visited in a given (possibly random) order and eachvertex u, if not clustered yet, is tried to be clustered with themost similar vertex or cluster. In the matching-based ones,the current vertex u if not matched yet, chooses one of itsunmatched adjacent vertices according to a criterion. If sucha vertex v exists, the matched pair u and v are marked as acluster of size two. If there is no unmatched adjacent vertexof u, then vertex u remains as a singleton cluster. In theagglomerative ones, the current vertex u, if not marked tobe in a cluster yet, can choose a cluster to join (thus forminga cluster of size at least three), or can create another clusterwith one of its unmatched adjacent vertices (thus forminga cluster of size two). Hence in agglomerative clustering,vertex u never remains as a singleton, as long as it is notisolated (i.e., not connected to any net).

For the clustering algorithms in this paper, there exists arepresentative vertex for each cluster. When a vertex u ∈ Vis put into a cluster, we set rep[u] to the representative ofthis group. When a singleton vertex u chooses another onev, we choose one as the representative and set rep[u] andrep[v] accordingly. For all the algorithms, we assume thatrep[u] is initially null for all u ∈ V . This will also be trueif u remains singleton at the end of the algorithm.

Algorithm 1 presents one of the matching-based clusteringalgorithms that are available in PaToH. In this algorithm,the vertex u (if not matched yet) is matched with currentlyunmatched neighbor v with the maximum connectivity,where the connectivity refers to the sum of the costs of thecommon nets. This matching algorithm is called as HeavyConnectivity Matching (HCM) in PaToH [2], and Inner

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Algorithm 1: Sequential greedy matching (HCM)Data: H = (V,N ), rep

1 for each vertex u ∈ V in a given order doif rep[u] = null then

2 adju ← {}for each net n ∈ nets[u] do

for each vertex v ∈ pins[n] doif rep[v] 6= null then

3 pins[n] ← pins[n] \{v}else

4 if v /∈ adju then5 adju ← adju ∪ {v}6 conn[v] ← conn[v] + c[n]

v∗ ← uconn∗ ← 0for each vertex v ∈ adju do

if conn[v] > conn∗ and v 6= u thenconn∗ ← conn[v]v∗ ← v

conn[v] ← 0

if u 6= v∗ thenrep[v∗ ]← urep[u]← u

Product Matching (IPM) in Zoltan [20] and Mondriaan [13].One can have different variations of this algorithm bychanging the vertex visit order (line 1) and/or using differentscaling schemes while computing the contribution of eachnet to its pins (line 6). The array conn[·] of size |V| isnecessary to compute the connectivity of the vertex u andall its adjacent vertices in time linearly proportional to thenumber of adjacent vertices. The operation at line 3 is againfor efficiency. It removes the matched vertices from pins[n],hence the next searches on pins[n] will take less time.

Algorithm 2 presents one of the agglomerative clusteringalgorithms that are available in PaToH. Similar to thesequential HCM algorithm, vertices are again visited in agiven order. If a vertex u has already been clustered, it isskipped. However, an unclustered vertex u can choose to joinan existing cluster, can start a new cluster with a vertex,or stay as a singleton cluster. Therefore, compared to theprevious algorithm, all adjacent vertices of the current vertexu are considered for selection. In order to avoid building anextremely large cluster (which would cause load balanceproblem in initial partitioning and refinement phases), wealso enforce that weight of a cluster must be smaller thana given value maxW . Our experience shows that suchrestriction is not needed in matching based clustering, sinceat each level only at most two vertices can be clusteredtogether.

In Algorithm 2, we use the total shared net cost (heavyconnectivity clustering) as the similarity metric. In practice

Algorithm 2: Sequential agglomer. clustering (HCC)Data: H = (V,N ), maxW , repfor each vertex u ∈ V in a given order do

if rep[u] = null thenadju ← {}for each net n ∈ nets[u] do

for each vertex v ∈ pins[n] doif v /∈ adju then

adju ← adju ∪ {v}

conn[v] ← conn[v] + c[n]v∗ ← uconn∗ ← 0for each vertex v ∈ adju do

if u = v thencontinue

vr ←rep[v]if vr = null then

vr ← v

if vr 6= v thenconn[vr] ← conn[vr] + conn[v]conn[v] ← 0adju ← adju ∪ {vr} \ {v}

1 totW ← w[u] + w[vr]if conn[vr] > conn∗ then

if totW < maxW thenconn∗ ← conn[vr]v∗ ← vr

for each vertex v ∈ adju doconn[v] ← 0

if u 6= v∗ thenrep[v∗ ] ← v∗

rep[u]← v∗

w[v∗ ] ← w[v∗ ] + w[u]

(and in our experiments), we use the absorption clusteringmetric (implemented in PaToH) which divides the contribu-tion of each net to the number of its pins. That is, a netn contributes c[n]/|pins[n]| to the similarity value insteadof c[n]. This metric favors clustering vertices connectedvia nets of small sizes. The sequential code in PaToH alsodivides the overall similarity score between two vertices bythe weight of the cluster which will contain u (the valuetotW at line 1). Hence, to compare the performance ofour multithreaded clustering algorithms with PaToH, we alsouse this modified similarity metric in our implementations.However, for simplicity, we will continue to use the heavyconnectivity clustering metric in the paper.

C. Metrics

We define the metrics of cardinality and quality to com-pare different clustering methods. The cardinality is definedas the number of clustering decisions taken by an algorithm,i.e.,

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cardinality =∑

u∈V,rep[u] 6=null

(|{v ∈ V : rep[v] = u}| − 1) .

In the multi-level framework, this represents the reduction onthe number of vertices between two consecutive coarseninglevels. The quality of a clustering is defined as the sum ofthe similarities between each vertex pair which resides inthe same cluster, i.e.,

quality =∑u∈V





where Cu = {v ∈ V \ {u} : rep[v] = rep[u] and rep[v] 6=null} is the set of vertices which are in the same clusterwith u, and Nuv is the set of nets shared by u and v.

Although the definitions are generic to be used for bothmatching-based and agglomerative clustering, we do notuse these criteria to compare a matching-based clusteringheuristic with an agglomerative one, since the latter has anobvious advantage.

D. Related work

For a given hypergraph H=(V,N ), let A be the vertex-net incidence matrix, i.e., the rows of A correspond to thevertices of H, and the columns of A correspond to the netsof H such that avn = 1 iff v ∈ pins[n]. Consider now thesymmetric matrix M = AAT − diag(AAT ). The matrix Mcan be effectively represented by an undirected graph G(M)with |V| vertices and having an edge of weight muv betweentwo vertices u and v if muv 6= 0. That is, there is a one-to-one correspondence between the vertices of H and G(M).As muv 6= 0 iff the vertices u and v of H are adjacent, thecorrespondence implies that a matching among the verticesof H corresponds to a matching on the vertices of G(M).Therefore, various matching algorithms and heuristics forgraphs can be used on G(M) to find a matching among thevertices of H.

Bisseling and Manne [21] propose a distributed memory,1/2-approximate algorithm to find weighted matchings ingraphs. Building on this work, Catalyurek et al. [22] presentefficient distributed-memory parallel algorithms and scalableimplementations. Halappanavar et al. [23] present an effi-cient shared-memory implementations for computing 1/2-approximate weighted matchings. For maximum cardinalitymatching problem, in a recent work, Patwary et al. [24]propose a distributed memory, sub-optimal algorithm.

There are a number of reasons why we cannot useaforementioned algorithms. First and foremost, storing thegraph G(M) requires a large memory. The time requiredto compute this graph is about as costly as computing amatching in H in a sequential execution. Second, it is ourexperience (with the coarsening algorithms within the multi-level partitioner PaToH) that one does not need a maximum

weighted matching, nor a maximum cardinality one, nor anapproximation guarantee to find helpful coarsening schemes.Third, while matching the vertices of a hypergraph, wesometimes need to avoid matched vertices become too big,or favor vertex clusters with smaller weights (due to multi-level nature of the partitioning algorithm), and verticesthat are mostly related via nets of smaller size. Thesemodifications can be incorporated into the graph G(M) byadjusting the edge weights (or by leaving some edges out).This will help reduce the memory requirements of the graphmatching based algorithms. However, the computational costof constructing the graph remains the same. Almost all of themost effective sequential clustering algorithms implementedin PaToH for coarsening purposes has the same worstcase time complexity but are much faster in practice. We,therefore, cannot afford building the graph G(M) or its mod-ified versions and call existing graph matching algorithms.Furthermore, agglomerative clustering algorithms cannot beaccomplished by using the aforementioned algorithms.

We highlight that the matching-based clustering algo-rithms considered in this paper can be perceived as agraph matching algorithm adjusted to work on an implicitrepresentation of the graph G(M) or its modified versions.However, to the best of our knowledge, there is no immediateparallel graph-matching based algorithm that is analogous tothe agglomerative clustering algorithms considered in thiswork (although variants of agglomerative coarsening forgraphs exist, see for example [25] and [26]).

As a sanity check, we implemented a modified version ofthe sequential 1/2-approximation algorithm of Halappanavaret al. [23] which works directly on hypergraphs. In otherwords, instead of explicitly constructing the graph G(M),adjacencies of vertices are constructed on the fly, likeAlgorithm 1. We compared the quality and cardinality ofthis algorithm with that of the greedy sequential matchingHCM. The approximation algorithm obtained matchingswith better quality by 14% while the cardinalities werethe same. However, this good performance comes witha significant execution time overhead, yielding 6.5 timesslower execution. When we integrated the 1/2-approximationalgorithm into the coarsening phase of PaToH, we observedthat better matching quality helps the partitioner to obtainbetter cutsize. For example, when the partitioner is executed10 times with random seeds, the average cutsize of 1/2-approximation algorithm is 8% better than the one obtainedby using HCM. However, when we compare the minimumof these cutsizes, HCM outperforms the approximationalgorithm by 2%. Moreover, the difference between theminimum cut obtained by using HCM with the averagecut obtained by using the approximation algorithm is 14%in favor of HCM. After these preliminary experiments, wedecided to parallelize HCM and HCC, since they are muchfaster, and one can obtain better cutsize by using them.

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In this section, we will present three novel parallel greedyclustering algorithms. The first two are matching-based andthe third one is a greedy agglomerative clustering method.

A. Multithreaded matching algorithms

To adapt the greedy sequential matching algorithmfor multithreaded architectures, we use two different ap-proaches. In the first one, we employ a locking mechanismwhich prevents inconsistent matching decisions between thethreads. In the second approach, we let the algorithm runalmost without any modifications and then use a conflictresolution mechanism to create a consistent matching.

The lock-based algorithm is given in Algorithm 3. Thestructure of the algorithm is similar to the sequential one ex-cept the lines 2 and 5, where we use the atomic CHECKAND-LOCK operation. To lock a vertex u, this operation firstchecks if u is already locked or not. If not, it locks itand returns true. Otherwise, it returns false. Its atomicityguarantees that a locked vertex is never considered for amatching. That is, both the visited vertex u (at line 1) andthe adjacent vertex v must not be locked to consider thematching of u and v. If they are, and if the similarity ofv is bigger than the current best (at line 3), the algorithmkeeps v as the best candidate v∗. When a better candidateis found, the old one is UNLOCKed to make it available forother threads (line 6), and to construct better matchings interms of cardinality and quality.

Algorithm 3: Parallel lock-based matchingData: H = (V,N ), rep

1 for each vertex u ∈ V in parallel do2 if CHECKANDLOCK(u) then

adju ← {}for each net n ∈ nets[u] do

for each vertex v ∈ pins[n] doif v /∈ adju then

adju ← adju ∪ {v}conn[v] ← conn[v] + c[n]

v∗ ← uconn∗ ← 0

3 for each vertex v ∈ adju do4 if conn[v] > conn∗ then5 if CHECKANDLOCK(v) then

if u 6= v∗ then6 UNLOCK(v∗)

conn∗ ← conn[v]v∗ ← v

conn[v] ← 0

if u 6= v∗ thenrep[u]← urep[v∗ ] ← u

As a different approach without a lock mechanism, wemodify the sequential code slightly and execute it in amultithreaded environment. If the for loop at line 1 ofAlgorithm 1 is executed in parallel, different threads mayset rep[u] to different values for a vertex u. Hence, therep array will contain inconsistent decisions. To solve thisissue, one can make each thread use a private rep array andstore all of its matching decisions locally. Then, a consistentmatching can be devised from this information in anotherphase. Another idea is keeping the sequential code (almost)as is, letting the threads create conflicts, and resolving theconflicts later. Our preliminary experiments show that thereis not much difference between the performances of thesetwo approaches in terms of the cardinality and the quality.However, the first one requires more memory: one rep arrayper thread compared to a shared one. Hence, we followedthe second idea and use a conflict resolution scheme withO(|V|) complexity. Algorithm 4 shows the pseudocode ofour parallel resolution-based algorithm.

Algorithm 4: Parallel resolution-based matchingData: H = (V,N ), repfor each vertex u ∈ V in parallel do

if rep[u] = null thenadju ← {}for each net n ∈ nets[u] do

for each vertex v ∈ pins[n] doif v /∈ adju then

adju ← adju ∪ {v}conn[v] ← conn[v] + c[n]

v∗ ← uconn∗ ← 0for each vertex v ∈ adju do

1 if rep[v] = null thenif conn[v] > conn∗ then

if u 6= v thenconn∗ ← conn[v]v∗ ← v

conn[v] ← 0

2 if rep[u] = rep[v] = null then3 rep[u] ← v∗

4 rep[v∗ ] ← u

5 for each vertex u ∈ V in parallel dov ← rep[u]if v 6= null and u 6= rep[v] then

rep[u] ← null

for each vertex u ∈ V in parallel dov ← rep[u]if v 6= null and u < v then

rep[u] ← u

Our conflict resolution scheme starts at line 5 of Algo-rithm 4. Note that instead of setting a fixed representative

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for the matched vertices u and v∗, we set their rep valuesto each other. This bidirectional information is then usedin our resolution scheme to check if the rep array containsinconsistent information. That is if u 6= rep[rep[u]] for avertex u, we know that at least two threads matched either uor v with different vertices. If this is the case, the resolutionscheme acts greedily and aggressively sets rep[u] to nullindicating u will be unmatched. After the first loop at line 5,which is executed in parallel, the rep array will contain thematching decisions consistent with each other. Then, withthe last parallel loop, we set the representatives for eachmatched pair.

The proposed resolution scheme is sufficient to obtain avalid matching in the multithreaded setting. However, weslightly modify Algorithm 1 to obtain better matchings.Since each conflict will probably cost a pair, and losinga pair reduces matching cardinality and hence, quality,we desire lesser conflicts. To avoid them, at line 1 ofAlgorithm 4, we check if a vertex v adjacent to u is alreadymatched. If we detect an already matched candidate, we donot consider it as a possible mate for u. Furthermore, atline 2, we again verify if u and v are already matched rightbefore matching them. This check is necessary since eitherof them could have been matched by another thread afterthe current one starts considering them.

B. Multithreaded agglomerative clustering

To adapt the sequential agglomerative clustering algo-rithm to multithreaded setting, we use the same lock-basedapproach integrated to Algorithm 3. The pseudocode ofthe parallel agglomerative clustering algorithm is given inAlgorithm 5. The algorithm visits the vertices in parallel,and when a thread visits a vertex u, it tries to lock u. If u isalready locked the thread skips u and visits the next vertex.If u is not locked but is already a member of a cluster, thethread unlocks u. Since a cluster cannot be the source ofa new cluster, this is necessary. On the other hand, if u isa singleton vertex, the thread continues by computing thesimilarity values for each adjacent vertex and then traversesthe adjacency list adju along the same lines as the sequentialalgorithm. The main difference here is the locking requestfor vr (line 1) which is either set to v if v is singleton,or to the representative of the cluster that v resides in.Before considering vr as a matching candidate, this lockis necessary. However, if vr is already the best candidate, itis not so (since the thread has already grabbed vr). Whenthe lock is granted, the thread checks if the adjacent vertexv, which was singleton before, has been assigned to a clusterby another thread. If this is the case, the thread unlocks therepresentative and continues with the next adjacent vertex.Otherwise, it recomputes the total weight of u and vr (line 3)since new vertices might have been inserted to vr’s clusterby other threads. Since insertions can only increase w[vr]and conn[vr], we do not need to compare conn[vr] with

conn∗ again. On the other hand, since we cannot constructclusters with large weights, we need to check if totW is stillsmaller than maxW (line 4). When the best candidate v∗ isfound, we put u in the cluster v∗ represents and update therep and w arrays accordingly. Unlike the matching basedalgorithms, a cluster is allowed to be a candidate more thanonce throughout the execution. Hence, at the end of theiteration (lines 5 and 6) we unlock all the vertices that arelocked during this iteration.

C. Implementation Details

To obtain lock functionality for the multithreaded clus-tering algorithms described in the previous section, weuse the compare and exchange CPU instruction whichexists in x86 and Itanium architectures. We first allo-cate a lock array of length |V| and initialize all entriesto 0. For each call of the corresponding function in C,__sync_bool_compare_and_swap, the entry relatedwith the lock request is compared with 0. In case of equality,it is set to 1, and the function returns true. On the other hand,if the entry is not 0 then it returns false. To unlock a vertex,we simply set the related entry in the lock array to 0.

Although this function provides great support and flexibil-ity for concurrency, our preliminary experiments show that itcan also reduce the efficiency of a multithreaded algorithm.To alleviate this, we try reduce the number of calls on thisfunction by adding an if statement before each lock requestwhich helps us to see if the lock is really necessary. Weobserve significant improvements on the execution times dueto these additional if statements. For example, the parallellock-based matching algorithm described in the previoussection should be implemented as in Algorithm 6 to makeit much faster. We stress that the if statements at lines 1and 3 do not change anything in the execution flow. That isif a vertex is not locked, it cannot be also matched since amatched vertex always stays locked. Hence everything thatcan pass the lock requests (lines 2 and 4) can also pass theprevious if statements. However, the opposite is not true.

We used the same hypergraph data structure with PaToH.We store the ids of the vertices of each net n, that is its pins,consecutively in an array ids of size

∑n∈N |pins[n]|. We

also keep another array xids of size |N | + 1, which stores thestart index of each net’s pins. Hence, in our implementation,the pins of a net n, denoted by pins[n] in the pseudocodes,are stored in ids[xids[n]] through ids[xids[n+ 1]− 1].

With the data structures above, the computational com-plexity of the clustering algorithms in this paper are inthe order of

∑n∈N |pins[n]|2, since all non-loop lines in

their pseudocodes have O(1) complexity. For example, inAlgorithm 1, to remove matched vertices from pins[n](line 3), we keep a pointer array netend of size N wherenetend[n] initially points to the last vertex in pins[n] forall n ∈ N . Then, to execute pins[n] ← pins[n] \{v}, weonly decrease netend[n] and swap v with the vertex in the

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Algorithm 5: Parallel agglomerative clusteringData: H = (V,N ), maxW , repfor each vertex u ∈ V in parallel do

if CHECKANDLOCK(u) thenif rep[u] 6= null then


adju ← {}for each net n ∈ nets[u] do

for each vertex v ∈ pins[n] doif v /∈ adju then

adju ← adju ∪ {v}

conn[v] ← conn[v] + c[n]v∗ ← uconn∗ ← 0for each vertex v ∈ adju do

if u = v thencontinue

vr ←rep[v]if vr = null then

vr ← v

if vr 6= v thenconn[vr] ← conn[vr] + conn[v]#replace v with vr

conn[v] ← 0adju ← adju ∪ {vr} \ {v}

totW ← w[u] + w[vr]if conn[vr] > conn∗and totW < maxW then

1 if vr = v∗or CHECKANDLOCK(vr) then2 if rep[v] 6= vr and rep[v] 6= null then


3 totW ← w[u] + w[vr]4 if totW < maxW then

conn∗ ← conn[vr]v∗ ← vr

if u 6= v∗ thenUNLOCK(v∗)


for each vertex v ∈ adju doconn[v] ← 0

if u 6= v∗ thenrep[v∗ ] ← v∗

rep[u]← v∗

w[v∗ ] ← w[v∗ ] + w[u]5 UNLOCK(v∗)


Algorithm 6: Parallel lock-based matching: modifiedfor each vertex u ∈ V in parallel do

1 if rep[v] = null then2 if CHECKANDLOCK(u) then

· · ·for · · · do· · ·if · · · then

3 if rep[v] = null then4 if CHECKANDLOCK(v) then

· · ·

· · ·· · ·

new location. In this way, we also keep the list of verticesconnected to each net unchanged since we only reorderthem.

In the actual implementation of Algorithm 1, the set adjucorresponds to an array of maximum size |V|, and an integerwhich keeps the number of adjacent vertices in the array.With this pair, the vertex addition (line 5) and reset (line2) operations take constant time. Furthermore, to find if avertex v is a member of adju (line 4), we use conn[v] sincethe edge costs are positive, and conn[v] > 0 if and only ifv ∈ adju. The implementation of these lines are the samefor other algorithms.


The algorithms are tested on a computer with 2.27GHzdual quad-core Intel Xeon CPUs with 2-way hyper-threadingenabled, and 48GB main memory. All of the algorithms areimplemented in C and OpenMP. The compiler is icc version11.1 and -O3 optimization flag is used.

To generate our hypergraphs, we used real life matricesfrom the University of Florida (UFL) Sparse Matrix Collec-tion (http://www.cise.ufl.edu/research/sparse/matrices). Werandomly choose 70 large, square matrices from the libraryand create corresponding hypergraphs using the column-nethypergraph model [2]. An overall summary of the propertiesof these hypergraphs is given in Table I. The complete listof matrices is at http://bmi.osu.edu/∼kamer/multi coarsematrices.txt.


min max average# vertices 256,000 9,845,725 1,089,073# pins 786,396 57,156,537 6,175,717


1.91 39.53 6.61

Page 9: Multithreaded clustering for multi-level hypergraph ... · multithreaded versions of the algorithms is a crucial tasks. The most successful partitioning tools are based on the multi-level

A. Individual performance of the algorithms

We first compare the performance of the multithreadedclustering algorithms with respect to the cardinality, qualityand speedup as standalone clustering algorithms.

1) Performance on cardinality and quality: For matchingbased clustering, a matching with the best quality canbe found by first constructing the matrix M = AAT −diag(AAT ) where A is the vertex-net incidence matrix.Then a maximum weighted matching in G(M), the asso-ciated weighted graph of M , is also the maximum qualitymatching.

We use Gabow’s maximum weighted matching algo-rithm [27]—implemented by Rothberg and available as apart of The First DIMACS Implementation Challenge (avail-able at ftp://dimacs.rutgers.edu/pub/netflow). This algorithmhas a time complexity of O(|V|3) for a graph on |V| verticesand finds a maximum weighted matching in the graph, notnecessarily among the maximum cardinality ones.

Due to the running time complexity of the maximumquality matching algorithm, it is impractical to obtain therelative performance of the clustering algorithms on ouroriginal dataset. We therefore use an additional data setcontaining considerably small matrices. The new datasetcontains all 289 square matrices in the UFL sparse matrixcollection with at least 3, 000 and at most 10, 000 rows. Weconstruct the hypergraphs for each of these matrices and findthe maximum quality matching on them.



Quality Cardinalitymin max gmean min max gmean

Sequential 0.24 1.00 0.81 0.85 1.68 1.02Lock-based 0.32 1.00 0.83 0.74 1.65 1.02Resolution-based 0.25 0.99 0.74 0.77 1.78 0.99

The relative performance of an algorithm is computedby dividing its cardinality and quality scores to those ofGabow’s quality matching algorithm. Table II shows theminimum, the maximum, and the geometric mean of all289 relative performance for each algorithm. As the tableshows, the sequential algorithm and its parallel lock-basedvariant are only 17–19% far from the optimal in terms ofquality and almost equal in terms of cardinality. Consideringthe difference in computational complexities, we can arguethat their relative performance is reasonably good. The lock-based algorithm performs slightly better than the sequentialone. This demonstrates that while reducing the executiontime, the proposed lock-based parallelization does not ham-per the performance of the sequential matching algorithm interms of both cardinality and quality. For this experiment,the parallel algorithms were executed with 8 threads.

Figure 1 shows the performance profiles generated to

Figure 1. Performance profiles for sequential and multithreaded matchingalgorithms with respect to the maximum quality matchings. A point (x, y)in the profile graph means that with y probability, the quality of thematching found by an algorithm is larger than max/x where max is themaximum quality for that instance.

analyze the results in more detail. A point (x, y) in theprofile graph means that with y probability, the quality ofthe matching found by an algorithm is more than max/xwhere max is the maximum quality for that instance. Thefigure shows that for this data set, the resolution-basedalgorithm performs worse than the other algorithms. Thelock-based algorithm obtains matchings which are at most1.25 times less than max with 74% probability. However,the resolution-based matching has this performance only for45% probability. While obtaining matchings having at most15% worse quality than the optimum, the probabilities are56% and 28% for the lock- and resolution-based algorithms,respectively. Hence, the former performs two times betterthan the latter.

For the original data set with large hypergraphs, the rela-tive performance of the multithreaded algorithms are givenwith respect to that of their sequential versions. Table IIIshows the statistics for this experiment.



Quality Cardinalitymin max gmean min max gmean

Lock-based 0.79 1.1 0.99 0.99 1.01 1.01Resolution-based 0.63 1.1 0.91 0.78 1.01 0.97Agglomerative 0.56 1.3 1.01 0.94 1.03 0.99

Table III shows that the multithreaded versions of lock-based and agglomerative algorithms perform as good astheir sequential versions in terms of cardinality and quality.Hence, once again, we can conclude that parallelizationvia locks does not diminish the performance of the multi-threaded algorithms. On the other hand, the resolution-basedalgorithm is outperformed by other algorithms in terms ofquality.

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Figure 2. Speedups for matching and clustering: For the lock- andresolution-based algorithms, speedup is computed by using the executiontimes of sequential greedy matching algorithm. For the parallel agglomer-ative one, its sequential version is used.

Table IV shows the average numbers of matched verticesand conflicts for the proposed resolution-based algorithmwith respect to the number of threads. To compute theaverages, we execute the algorithm on each hypergraphten times and report the geometric mean of these results.As expected, the number of the conflicts increases withthe number of threads. However, when compared with thecardinality of the matching, the conflicts are at most 0.7%of the total match count for a single graph instance. Thisshows that the probability of a conflict is very low evenwith 8 threads.



Thread # #match #conflict #conflict#match

1 290206.9 0.0 0.0000002 290103.6 17.8 0.0000614 290052.9 18.9 0.0000658 289965.9 24.1 0.000083

2) Speedup: Figure 2 shows the speedups achieved bythe multithreaded algorithms. On the average, the algorithmsobtain decent speedups compared to their sequential versionsup to 8 threads. In 8-thread experiments, the resolution-basedalgorithm has the highest speedup of 5.87, which is followedby the parallel agglomerative algorithm with a speedup of5.82. The lock-based algorithm has the least speedup of 5.23in this category. However, this is still decent especially whenwe consider the 5–7% overhead due to OpenMP and atomicoperations.

To analyze the scalability of the algorithms from a closerpoint of view, we draw the speedup profiles in Figure 3.The resolution-based algorithm has better scalability ingeneral. For example, with 4 threads, the probability thatthe resolution-based algorithm obtains a speedup of at least3.2 is 83%. The same probabilities for the lock-based andparallel agglomerative algorithms are 54% and 65%, respec-tively. With 8 threads, the resolution-based version achieves

at least 6.6 speedup for 33% the hypergraphs. However, thelock-based and parallel agglomerative algorithms achieve thesame speedup only in for 16% and 20% of them. Hence,the resolution-based algorithm is the best among the onesproposed in this paper in terms of scalability.

B. Multi-level performance of the algorithms

As mentioned in the introduction, we integrated ouralgorithms into the coarsening phase of PaToH [15]. In thissection, we first investigate how our algorithms scale for theclustering operations inside PaToH. The overall performanceof a clustering algorithm in such a setting can be differentfrom the standalone performance of the same algorithm,since in the multi-level framework, the hypergraphs arecoarsened until the coarsest hypergraph is considerably small(for example, until the number vertices reduces below 100).

Figure 4 shows that the speedups on the multi-levelclustering part are slightly worse than that of the standaloneclustering. For example, the average speedups for the 8(4)threads case, are 5.25(3.22), 5.56(3.40), and 5.47(3.23) forthe lock-based, resolution-based, and parallel agglomerativealgorithms, respectively.

Since we only parallelize the clustering operations insidethe partitioner, the speedups we obtain on the overall execu-tion time cannot be equal to the number of threads, even inthe ideal case. To find the ideal speedups, we use Amdahl’slaw [28]:

speedupideal =1

(1− r) + r#threads


where r is the ratio of the total clustering time to the totaltime of a sequential execution. To find the ideal speedup onthe average, we compute (4) for each hypergraph and thentake the geometric mean since we do the same for actualspeedups.

Figure 5 shows the ideal and actual speedups of the multi-threaded algorithms. Since the ideal speedup lines (in dashedstyle) are drawn by using different sequential algorithmsfor the matching-based and agglomerative clustering, weseparated these two cases and draw two different charts.On the average, all the algorithms obtain speedups close tothe ideal. Among the matching-based algorithms, the lock-based one is more efficient since its speedup is closer to theideal. This is interesting since according to Figure 4, it hasless speedup on the total clustering time. At first sight, thislooks like an anomaly because this is the only part that hasbeen parallelized. However, the since lock-based algorithm’squality is better (Table III), there is probably less workremaining for the refinement heuristics in the uncoarseningphase. Hence, in total, one can achieve better speedup byusing the lock-based algorithm rather than the resolution-based one.

We also obtain good speedups with the parallel agglomer-ative algorithm. For 2, 4, and 8 threads, the algorithm makes

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(a) #threads = 4 (b) #threads = 8

Figure 3. Speedup profiles for the multithreaded algorithms: A point (x, y) in the profile graph means that with y probability, the speedup obtained bythe parallel algorithm will be more than x.

Figure 4. Speedups on the time spent by the clustering algorithms in themulti-level approach.

PaToH only 6%, 6% and 10% slower, respectively, than thebest possible parallel execution time.

Parallelization of both matching-based and agglomerativeclustering algorithm reduces the total execution time sig-nificantly. As mentioned before, matching-based algorithmsare faster than the agglomerative ones. However, Figure 6shows that PaToH is 20–30% faster when an agglomerativealgorithm is used in the coarsening phase rather than amatching based one. According to our experiments, thecoarsening phase is indeed 25% slower with the agglomera-tive clustering algorithm. However, the total execution timeis 13% less. The difference comes from the reduction onthe time of initial partitioning and uncoarsening/refinementphases. The initial partitioning takes less time because thecoarsest hypergraph has fewer number of vertices withan agglomerative algorithm. In addition, the agglomerativeclustering results in 25% less cutsize compared to thematching-based clustering. Hence, we can claim that it ismore suitable for the cutsize definition given in (3).

When equipped with the multithreaded clustering algo-rithms, the cutsize of the partition found by PaToH is almostequal to the original cutsize obtained by using the sequentialversions. For the agglomerative case, the cutsize changes

only up to 1%. This is also true with the lock-based matchingalgorithm when compared with sequential greedy matching.For the resolution-based matching algorithm, there is at most3% percent increase in the cutsize on average. On the otherhand, as shown above the algorithms scale reasonably well.


Clustering algorithms are the most time consuming part ofthe current-state-of-the-art hypergraph partitioning tools thatfollow the multi-level framework. We have investigated thematching-based and agglomerative clustering algorithms. Wehave argued that the matching-based clustering algorithmscan be perceived as a matching algorithm on an implicitlyrepresented undirected, edge weighted graph, whereas thereis no immediate equivalent algorithm for the agglomerativeones.

We have proposed two different multithreaded implemen-tations of the matching-based clustering algorithms. Thefirst one uses atomic lock operations to prevent inconsistentmatching decisions made by two different threads. The sec-ond one lets the threads perform matchings as they would doin a sequential setting and then later on resolves the conflictsthat would arise. We have also proposed a multithreadedagglomerative clustering algorithm. This algorithm also useslocks to prevent conflicts.

We have presented different sets of experiments on a largenumber of hypergraphs. Our experiments have demonstratedthat the multithreaded clustering algorithms perform almostas good as their sequential counter parts, sometimes evenbetter in terms of clustering quality and cardinality. Theexperiments have also shown that our algorithms achievedecent speedups (the best was 5.87 with 8 threads).

We integrated our algorithms to a well-known hypergraphpartitioner PaToH. This integration makes PaToH 1.85 timesfaster where the ideal speedup is 2.07. In addition, it doesnot worsen the cutsizes obtained.

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(a) Matching-based clustering (b) Agglomerative clustering

Figure 5. Overall speedup on the total execution time of PaToH. The ideal speedup line is drawn by using Amdahl’s law.

(a) Minimum cutsize found by PaToH (b) Total execution time

Figure 6. The minimum cut and execution time of PaToH when equipped with the clustering algorithms in this paper. The numbers are normalized withrespect to that of agglomerative clustering algorithm.

We observed that clusterings with better quality helps thepartitioner to obtain better cuts. Fortunately, the multi-levelframework may tolerate slower algorithms which generatebetter clusterings in terms of cardinality and quality. Thisis because of the fact that such clusterings will reduce thetime required for the initial partitioning and uncoarseningphases. However, there is a limit with this tolerance. If thealgorithm is too slow, one can execute the partitioner severaltimes with a faster, parallelizable algorithm that generatesclusterings with acceptable quality and achieve even bettercutsizes.


This work was supported in parts by the DOE grantDE-FC02-06ER2775 and by the NSF grants CNS-0643969,OCI-0904809, and OCI-0904802.


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