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M*fc3»-: •"<*:*." A^AA^ Elmirans Will Recite Rosary On Air Saturday "Rut Jhnanbr Basil© Kesacry Ptsagpw® ftwf Pewse wSt Iter* »*% epea Saterday sight. Oct. 20* ia tfe« Skrias a? S t Ajitfee&y at St itetfeoBfs G&excfe, Kimira. raider th* aftec** Hon of Rev. Albert S* £im«Wf.tt!, pastor. '5b* bswadeast will ostajtaate ov*r^Elmtr**» ssafita WBUtt These Diocesan wide bread* cast* wifl' be Mid sweaty Safar* day night « 10 o*»l«fc and * cordial isvttation hat betas •> wadei te tlia gfcnssal public ta be in atttndasee for reetsatfon. of the Rosary. Each week « layman (rem the St Christopher Iaifcar? Group To Seek Members Plana for th* J.95I4953! mess? bemhip iriva to he held Os*. IS through Nov. i5 were outlined st * meeting of the Beard of D& j various part*tie* to the IPiaira rectors of S t Chrlstspfaera L4-,area will tead the Rosary. The brary by Mm Charles U W&,teaugural broadest ^rlSl have Hams, mesntershlp chairman. Atohpji A. Ctruia of St. An- SutaoriptSffiQ esrds will be sent ! thoay*a as leader, to member* of the Library by> The following parishes and the chairman of each parish. The their leader* have been ached- card with the membership fee | uled : of $1 ia to be returned to the Oct » , St. Patrick**. Elmira, parish chairnam. Anyone not Frederick P. Btartakeve. receiving a subscription card and , Nov. S, St. Mary's, ESmira, wishing to Join the Library ts i BWBBI P. McCann. asked to contact hi* pariah 1 Nov, 10, St. Peter tad Paul'*, Chairman or to enroll- at the Li-' Eteira, F. 4. Sullivan, entry located in the Catholic Nov. 17, St. Cecilia's, E3mira» Daughters rooms at E. Church: Irvtas; T. Kline. and State Streets. : Nov. U, St. Caaliair'a, Etaurs, THE PRESIDENT, Miss Mary' • * * » « * WtntaekL Newaome. and the Board of r>i- Bcc » *• St < -*°hn the Baptist, rectors plan with Mrs. WOlianui I E l m ^ , Joseph Fischer. to increase the membership ****• •» Feast of the Iromacu- which numbered 600 during the , Vate Conception, Our Lady ot last year. > Lourdea, Creasy A. JMowrey. Parish chairmen who wfll tend \ ***• W, St. Charles Borromeo, out the cards are: Mrs. Peter, Elmira Heights, Joseph P. Frisk. Camblo, St Anthony's; Mrs. S. 8r - Podzal. St. Casimir's; Mrs. Wil- liam F Roberts. St. Cecilia's; Grace E. Miller. St. John's; Mrs. Ralph S. Cramer. Our Lady of Lourdes; Mrs. J P. OXeary, St. Mary's; Mrs. W. Underwood, Mrs. T. A. LaBreque, St Pat- rick's; Miss Babe Crowley. St. Peter and St. Paul's; Mrs, Wil- liam Danaher, St. Mary's, Horse- heads. Dinner flans Set By Elmira S £«$&«. feli».«. ' * J! '•* *< j > i *-*3r<..*"i « k a»" *w»3*WfWl y^J^ttk Parishes in the Elmira area will be represented in subse- quent broadcasts and leaders will be announced In the future. o Annual Supper Set For K of C-ND Party The annual Family Supper held each year In connection with the Lists of new books are being ; Notre Dame party at Columbus distributed at the meetings of ail Civic Center, U scheduled for Catholic groups to acquaint nan Saturday evening. Oct 27 at 7 members of the reading material o'clock, according to Grand Knight Joseph Elmira Council, lumbus. Herman Casaldy and Joseph Llmonceill have been named co- chairmen and will ba sided by a large committee. The supper is open to knights, H Berrlgan of Knights of Co- available at the Library. o Catholics Pray For Ailing King George London—(Radio, NO—Prayers for the safety of King George VI OUt the country recently. His Eminence Bernard Car- dinal Griffin. Archbishop of Westminster, on behalf of the LddlGM of Columbus Catholics of England and Wales, - «- ^. ft T.—.J—^. sent a message to Buckingham I *»!••? W « » tfe«iay Palace assuring the King "of| Reg*"" monthly meeting of Our heartfelt sympathy In your; *•>» Ladles of Columbus will be Bines* We shaU be constant In I hcld °n Tuesday evening. Octo- E rayer for the recovery of our ber 2a st 8 o'clock In Columbus (loved sovereign." Center. Elmira. Mrs. Edward A. Claua will have charge of the so- cial program and refreshments. fine program of entertainment hss been arranged to please both the youngsters and the adults, o Ditftmtmg OpHtim H. S. BENNETT l y e Examinations by targe LHitkay, Jr. Rtgtatnd Oftomutrist Tier Efts DiNrvt Thi lit* (•Milt UsforYtir Optical Nttds 110-112 E. GRAY ST. Dial 5720 Elmira 101 N. Main St.-Elmlra Ossaslte Mark Twain Asi*Ksta3*st« t&e «» «tea art- sajai 43saiir «l torn M » teM* oHe 3^tw% Sereto acta&ftg m tim Wat* *?mfa H«5iel Sotudsy, Oust. S9 *t f p m <mt* etm$&*& at m -mm ^etUttf of tjws S«*. PtteMtosl »^»*J?er Isr % 41* a«r w ® » tfe« 1l*«5f 1^, Ji^ife al lUklen O F J I , .|>»iM^}iai «*' ffe; &3Bav*.ntttre'* t?niv»fsity ibap- ing t&e ipeajang istogram with ' of {Ux&mter.' Attorney fSaniel J. Boiafes«, geneyai chairman of the ditiner designated attorney £ Jicmaid FmwSey as awiataast i*a«*ffiaii- : and Mn. Putsl XL Donovan. Mir. and Mrs. James Goodwin and Miss Margaret Kennedy as co- chainnen of the tfeaset esirsinft- tee. Assisting are; Miss Frances Battersby, Mr. and Mr* P««r Beach. Mr, and Mrs. Albert Bo. gardua, Mr. and Mrs. Dougtas Breed. Mr. and Mrs. Julian Cas- ter. Mr. and Mrs. James Collins, Mr. and Mm. Timothy Connelh!, Mr. and Mr*. Bernard Costello. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Crelgh- fc ton, Mr. and Mrs. William Danaher, Mr. and Mrs. Henry FarreS. Mr. and Mrs Edward Frawley, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gaffey, Misses Leone and Helen Giney. Mr. ! and Mrs. Arthur Garvey, Mr. and Mrs. Clement Knutfi. Miss Claire Laeey. Mr. and Mrs. T. F. McCarthy. Mr. and Mrs. John McNamara. Mr. and Mrs. J. Bernard Malone, Miss Qenevievo Mexur, Mis* Grace Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Fran- cis Mockler, Mr. and Mrs. J. Harry Mullany. Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. John Murtaugh. Mr. and Mrs. Louis DcMott, Mr. end Mrs. Joseph E. Rice, Mr. snd Mrs. Anthony J. Roaal, Mr. and Mrs. WUlaro Bheehan, Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Sullivsn, Mrs. Wilfred Underwood. Advance sale of tickets has been promising snd it Is urged that reservations be made at an early dats either with s member of the Committee or st the Cath- olic Family Service office at 312 Lake Street as the ticket aale will be stopped when the hotel capacity has been reached. ..— Aides Appointed For PTA Dinner IMMOI — T h e Smorgasbord planned by the Immaculate Con- ception School Parent-Teacher Association of Ithaca will be held In Parish Hall on Thursday, Oct 29, from 5:30 to 8:00 p.m. Mrs, Anthony Spano and Mrs. Edward Ratkoskl are co-chair- men. Tickets may be obtained by calling Mrs. Frank Egan. 3-136L or in Pariah Hall neat Sunday after all the Masses. At this time, also, all holders of tickets should make returns to the committee. Mrs. Theodore Purvtn snd Mrs. Arthur Blerce are in charge of the Food Committee snd Mrs. Cosmo Sfllamino will srrange to pick up food which members cannot eft to Parish Hall by 5:00 pm. on the daj of ths dinner. Table arrangements are in charge of Mrs. Carl Yengo. The following rassneers of ths PTA. are aasistins the co- chair- men- Mp*damea Walter O'Brien. Michael Mahool. John McCarthy, John Scacord, Domingo Aguilar, George Bossack, George Hagin, John Bangs. Dominic Msncuso, John Van Gorder, Donald Ken- erson, Hflen Hillick. John Mul- cahy, John Kelly. James Bero, Alvah Terry. Ralph De Long, John Bowman, Dennis Joyce. George Bond, Dtno Scalit. Paul Scott. mmmmm MUMttlW" tfWBttfltW 1 . ! Bishop Kearney ! Elmira Chest avxctikwy BUM* Jteanty * t f t M frmWmm tjg mnm tpaMe* •sstts»j Otit MRVMBMT MRWI AT TH F1MT sodal gattaltaf af KaWVesk College and M. Jlotm iasker staseaU kxM at the women's osUeg» M«Mn4ay aftsrsstaa, Wt ExceUsncy Bishop Kearney saeahs la star**** Moora, claaa of 'S5. Nsiareth Callese and Larry eaasa at H^L ML 2aW flsfcif ilsfc tel» wtHi «***r K«s« Aaf ala, P**JMtM' WWHUITBSI twifi^w 9)Ml MNI IWWft w ^ i l H W~v V^f/ftlfm. sfS-Alsl HUB *m gM&BtasTS AaaaJsl adsUsv ^M^M^^tL .£l%^Kt§im ' Staff !*•«*}, *• " '*i*aswsi.meaia>aaeewseiasa|iijwsii ynwtjmjU^mspmmmi^fmpX Christmas Novena Slated At St. Anthony's, Elmira Tht wauil Cltttatimi Novt«» fa Jjd»er ^ | 0*t» Ls«> *f h'.tlm* tad St. Anthony will open in Ui. Sfcriw o< i t An- thony, St, Anthony'i church,fchnJra,en Tw*i*y,.^M MMMlMlia mm* l]jilU»iiiiyiiri|jifil|ji Mtata*. XaAlM) ¥tl ^ss^^ssj ^V^pjp^^ ^P - ^s^^si^i^^i^ss^^py- JswaF wi^j Of •a^^M ^a^ata^aV a^k^^k^LJL^ULjtja) 4L^g^ Mrs. D. B. Crew Heads Rosary Unit At Lourdes Members of Our Lady al Lourdes Rosary Altar Society at Elmira held their annual Com- munion breakfast last Sunday at the Mark Twain Hotel follow- ing reception of Holy Commun- ion by the group at the 9 o'clock Mass. At the conclusion of the break- fast Mrs, Gewld Hatpin, retiring president instilled the newly des- ignated officers. They arc, Mrs. D. B. Crew, president; lira. Don- ald Ludsn and Mrs. Carl Marka, vice presidents; Miss Jane Stow- elL secretary; Miss Ann Graham, treasurer. Miss Grace Miller, guest speak- er, outlined the work being done by the local Christopher Library and cited the many addition of new books thst hsve been re- cently received. Mrs. Jamas A Mark read a history of the 10 years' achieve. menta of the group. Rev. Lao G. Schwab, pastor, also gave s brief talk aad expressed his ap- preciation tor the fine support given tht parish in providing care and decorations for the altars. Rev. L Emmett Davis, assistant pastor, also gave s short address. oM i r ? .^ K Auburn On November 4 Our Lady, Cmr Lady of Lourdes c , i . i » * a s m parish, Elmira, hold their annual [ "nw « r r t u l s s n t n t s h*V« b e e n COBiplltJal ^pf ftft *5Xem» Hallowe'en party on Wednesday Plications cf the Fourth DcfTee of th* Knifhittof Colufflbttl evening. Oct. 24, in the church! on Sunday, Nov. 4 in Auburn, hall. Cathode stsdents of high < The dass Is being named In school age are welcome to al-, honor of Rt Rev. Msgr. John A. sad «o«tlni*a sath Twtday wntil Dec It, As ta th* past, tJWH aaaJtlnf the Novena will be mcowra|fd to effar this Novena at a 101111* uaj ChFJetma* Gift lot »onm« par- ticular friend er reiatlw. •P1CIAL XOV»rA Chrlitmaa emrda will be grren to aalgnlfy the fee that the raclpltnt was the benefaewr et this Novena, There will ba two Novena e»rv- leas each Tuatday at 1X.*15 an the morning and at TiSO In tha evening. Services will Include ipedal Novena prayari, Bwnerflo- tfon of * e Blessed Sacrammt and Veneration of the redle of S t Anthony. Those usable ta attend Ot» No- vens rosy obtain th* tpectal No- vena booklet and Chrfitmas card by writing direct to ihe Jhrlne of at Anthony, Emlra. Froy the Rcfory For WarW F*ac» taff ^^^a|i^Aaa^aa* -'fte^asBssssssst ~"^t^s>- 'i^A 4 mJfa^M V^Ag^ysaaaAslk- x| tasai' ri|ha^B^gaatsas^a^aA ^BafiAeaV ^"•PP* W W ^ | i ^ ^ p ' i ™ aiPj^^P|Ps^Bw ,aWs^T VasHV aYssaUai aaal. ilssatl 'Ajt^fjaM^^UkgLr d*aaaju| aaJP ^Saaa Atfsaa^tfssaiaWeta% fBJ^Ja^a^BssaS jf^W^^ m |PPsV_ HnaPP^PiraHR^iPPJI saTflHafPPPpl ' J^eAa^aatsttssaat t^aWi$ '^aaaatt K '~WHL •™ess^^P^^WPt^|^i) IR^lnKp aWPwPl PFj» JaPw* Saa^sfaL MFatssssL aaaaa#tssa«9 aaa%A a M a U ^ b - -^Jf ^W>m^f nPftmy PP^ssWs^pij| P^P9J( wnr^Ps* wjl 0 e 4 11*4.. ' .'__.._^. :i . ^™^WP^HJJs^^p» Jb^PPXw '^^PPJI pPjnP(PPPr|» aaja%Vasaaa a\^fe jbB«^si a"S^_^^^H^_^^^* ^^g^ P»VJPWP ^W iPHaV *^BBPJfl^PPPlP' VPn rather Lam'a fieag* * waKiili BJatW^MI OVr awjaaWPPai ^Hes^awPPPp ^PW the RefotriMtoty nurfaahiii if MM HeaslgiMHr ta \H% _^ M ^ mwW ^Ws»M»JJ^ Hffal WPff* ^P^|pi| attaaJm AaWsaaaUsss4assdla\ al^aaa j^mt^^^utt mvcmnn aviiwv^iiwiil WPMR' jpjppjsjBlsfy ssaaaW WeaPsWP B^B^^WWPPITPTPS HRg ^PJPP, ^^Wwasi aeeTsf PMnAMNsPs) HP wWPaJBj(PWPsJHiTw about U, KCTo Confer 4th Degree ITS SURE AS SHOOTIHG WHIN YOUR RICilPT iS A CANCILUO MIDLAND ECONOMY CHICK There i no disputing a "paid" Midlasd Icenomy check. It ipeoki lor'iftelf Enjoy this . safeguard, and five convenience an ctcooft* here offera ot smolf cost. 20 »»EI!SONAllZr-0 checks lor ( 2 , of 12 checks without your nam* for $1. No minimum balance required. ELMIRA BANKkTRUST COMPANY Mmtin MIIIII iiroin iminuci cei'tuttes Mass At Lourdes Marks 10th Year ; A Solemn High Mass of thanks-1 giving will be celebrated by Rev. I Leo G. Schwab, pastdr of Our' . Lady of Lourdes Church, on j (Sunday, Oct 2a at 11 o'clock. I I The Mass will mark the 10th j anniversary of the dedication of' ' the parish. Assuring Father, ! Schwab will be, Rev. L. Emmett' j Davis, deacon; Rev. DeSaJes j Standerwick. S.A., subdeacon. . Father Standerwick will preach at ail the Masses that day. tend William Vpdyke and Joan Con- nelly are cochiirmen ot arrange- ments. Paul Glomettl is In charge of publicity. - AT A MKETRVG held last night In Our Lady of Lourdes church hall, Elmira. Edward T. Lagonegro run* selected a Cub- master for trie coming term. Den Mothers to aerve are Mesdames Eugene Proalit Lawrence Ken- na. Richard Monahan and Galen Clark. Plana were discussed for the program to fee followed for the season. Forty Hoars Devotions of the Forty Hours will be conducted In churchea of the Diocese of Rochester as fol- lows. Sunday, Oct. 21—St. Boniface, St. Helen, Rochester: Unto* Spring*; St. Mary's. Corntag* Jimmim Jlngb Say: (ONL^TWE BESTVl "The best inorecSents ^-^ -* "The best inorecSents Or none"— That'* how mtr sMtrenaf e Was wen. CckasFerAli Occcrslom OtDEt NOW -'o i*sre ?-# AG &-~t TON r "! 5SS H MAfH ST 1 IIMIJU'KY Conway, V.F., Dean of that Aub- urn Deanery. Candidates Cor the honors of the Patriotic Degree win corns from sll parts of the Diocese. Ritualistic eeremonlfs w4Il be held In Holy FaraDy Audltsorium and will commence at 2:96 p.m. Candidates art to report at the Auditorium promptly st i pm VtSrnSO AND local ladles will be entertained at a Dessert Bridge to be held from 2:30 until 4 P-m, at the Osborne Hotel. Mrs. Frederick J. Welch, general tSbilr. man will be assisted by Mrs- dames John Welch, Gerald Mul- len. John drr. A banquet will be held act 7:20 pm. In the Osborne Howie at which Supreme Director "rUHsIs •E. Burke of UUca will be the guest speaker, tickets lor the banquet m»y be obtained from officers of an Assemblies or Council secretaries, John Orr of Auburn Is banquet dulrnsan. •ias*aswiii iiiaa^aliaiisjawpsjati aU*9ssl«Sav^^^p9r^PrVai ConiiiiiM Althougl* tfw teresweay *4 Fatima Owt. U wiatkamn last major rsaeikeat *f Has Holy Vear, bkea^ewees gnawlf ed by HU KoU)***. r e p e Mag XII for tte Holy Ymt mtr fct gabied antai C*riete*as lim lie l, it WM aald at she Cltatv eery today. VWI* Id Ike dtarcttes ataa* tgaated by fOs K*ee»eisey Wshop Kearney, faHHflaf sfta r««iBl«m*«ls of Confeasisi and Holy Coetamnnloei and re» fitting tit* pfoecrilwd s^ayaea are nreeasarytoel^aasdag -MM InduJgenees. ^P*s*y'P^P?f :^b^P^eew^ r% ~t .cWsat tat laaTTreur *P^r^W ^^PHP^ IsSer |_te ^A4a^fc "^s^aXJia^'' a^asaaasM 4asaaaat * J^A_» BssssVsniaa# r^^ifSfflBalLs^sSRssSSS sPPP™^ ^^Mf.' •^PPP'P^^jP^Pa; jPPfWK-.'aiPTPla (ar^SsF ^P3p jaaak^ 'IJBai^^^'VdK^aiL^ ataa ajLja^^J^ ~~i^*jj£ ^sa T^^^.'^j^s^pTv.*" Wj^^^^aaa_ a^asy ja^ss^assssi^pv^ 7P^rw^ ^^_^t^^^_^ a^jt .•aaskai 'ibaasaas^s^BBi -.ji^yu^^ -^^^_W^J_^^ ^L^TT '^^^^K^H^u^^^^^b^a. ^aAt 'aasa^st. x4 sfcJ|^^iaaT •'Psrsaaa a^Ba^aai ~^^^^M- .taujya^Mf. ,^^^^_^j _* "TBTTPJT "STBSHP^^T^^^PWP ^PeW^sP^^PPPjrTt ^PPTP^sPf Jhallill ** rt *** W> * > sa^iial-1aa*aMrJtf M>J»fc a^Jassai '^^L^aa^te'-^^fl^^^B^ua j b t K -^aa<s£ Ssffaaasaw' ^^*P^~PP^» ^*^PPP^TW-"^^^PP^PfT™ ^ ^ ^ ^^PW '^PPPP^^ •ass^^BsasassseyrsBSJBSSBMPIw'1% ' • • •' tM w»i.ia •<s>i»n'wu»iitij»it. |H|p#^|afl|Sk^ sssnewsi ^wtffaW wr%t^^t^^&^ K^' ^r^' ^WP^P^ p^^ffBaifffaB^ Wl^WfW PwAm*|» J«RPs^((i»»JPjPP*" _ flBarwkr ' T ^ V * i^PaPsffi ^J^w WsPjT 4pasPWWPp &%p %r^EwPjp^BrP^( ka>t w#efcv Uri,- JTIII laajs eliaJnnaii s^-stao'rWrtaili' inwiki 'liiattMflii ' •* ' * aw SMiasjaw sswaejasa^fsirw^^ppe, aa^F" ?aew^M(PPaw PsWsa 1 aflPJftf -PPw^PPaP^Ppj - -TTTP^P- Pflfft: S^JK«|BT M|. 3WW» e'jl WmMiML sealsiiant tsta^sr est •sittlaeS CfSiat :*^^' - -,, rn(HiK^WaawTlta^aai&~ 1lsMS# JJIBasty^ 'Mplhjl'' SsstrlW/" jXf 1 ; W^MQ aaajissjpsF Jlspit ^ppaaaa'iCsn* J^W^^B. ' ^ * ' S ^ ' I : *(ak#< (HO-WMMI ^ip^'pjav'*spT valilwlW: fiwE»iki' «^p^t P^- •YW^BWK Wip^ WPWF" ."wls|t, PpHf-.'sPj, saaSaa^nuNiWaaM- W ^^^^A^ 1^- ^yi^^^kt^^t -^|td- ' ~ ,; waffe^a^ffsp J ssa^^ Pgs< wPle^cp^PflWe ^^HP^IP^pp^PPJp|-:JPH PP**P ,T^PJB% WPPw j^fflWPPS." /ffP^WpP*" Vk^*tl«t :tl t * f Uw •< 'fHp..' JJlTTtt\r't~tttMJN1kWi ,fftf IJaflJ' .MHM^WPIfP iaiAflJtMsa; ' - THrwPawlPF e/tih a^sssV4>ss*»i".-' _;, |w#rw 'jlPPsTiWaf <- *". ••' -*' .' '"'• •' . ' ^ >:".' tsfflPJKAIfCPPf'' •' •^i^sp'P^ifr" * TP^^P?sp*s^p?pjjii | pj-w DttJJMNlIl Stsjflr Scntlaary Hew Wentmleier, Heiifc* Csf umWa-fNC) - The *rchd*>e*. san Seminary of Chrht the Kinf is functioning iar tint first ««• as * Major JSemlnary her*. for ffii« llroctr!** MEATS VIOFTAILES fHOP AT SCHMIDT'S POOD MARKET «sL^j^ja^> jaMyji>_JL^^^ •F^se^s^sal^r Bsalatb^BBT^asar ar JAMfS A. KHMD7 * I0«J, m* 51i»iwAa«»htH. , K«i2-ir« mmmifintmitmm 1mm ni«pV SPECIAL •OSCW. HI muft I'lwip-iiiiiii: % 0m 8s*Vc«f heM* Utt'*H rV4HV> e^_^a} jfee-js^^^^ da j*^^^^^^^^,^, af^a^ait -KMJsjkajB ^sasnHsaV pjlwff fpPJswPJPIjr ^ %#PPjP^PPJP^fT?j*s»»«a^ * > *PP , | R | ^B¥PJP7ir . yfcfcgjft fct CHAM ' •Mali ,s?S 4 Ij^Jjijgat K WasaaaWkssst JEsaL 'WW- ^P^»»5IPP- " ? T F ^P"P^^PrP^P]P'^^^^' fW^"- -" r, _ • - * .». javrtfi/mfiffriig 'TaaaWtf atst tti it w CLOTH fsie^e*rj^i>^ .• - ft ^-; WCHAtiS-IToWM* 4asasa flsssPssssa^Bl te*ktesfdasBsT "P^PW WP^^IsPPrw 'r^Pg'^P^Ppi- ^J^^-«jMakJuafeC, ti-w JaVntr4ssafi pRIVf wl^^nw'fPPPJPII'WFPjsTfJPIWi! aaatal taaaat;p4st aaaatsaat saaPaal' ^a^rip-PP^PPw'Pffw PPJPP^PPa* ^^P^w i SWPIPPHI wrW fJ^P#pp> JPJPJsWsfMP^PTIwil -4aWs%f aasaaVsUiaalaafe Mi "^•wajpi *5 -i* 4 .••' r . ," Ji -M m OiAJKpf AeTCOUNTI . $, >• v i«»w#awsy> FRANKS Q( i * j*^^^*yfe I ^pjfePP*"*'^pf JP»aa|P.AT a^ 1 *! ^ ^» ' , 3* 9 r u -M , i)igj.mii|,n.toj«iiwii l i<in(i/iij>.iiii(itnij(iiii|»i 4 f V-, V 3^ « j-^KtnN L y. '-SZJ£t?".,'L. \ '4H&.7 *•!.& ^^•Vv^*i ^1", r4f •Vt _ .+ JM
Page 1: MUMttlW - lib.catholiccourier.comlib.catholiccourier.com/1951-august-1952-january-catholic-courier... · ov*r^Elmtr**» ssafita WBUtt These Diocesan wide bread* cast* wifl' be Mid

M*fc3»-: •"<*:*." A ^ A A ^

Elmirans Will Recite Rosary On Air Saturday

"Rut Jhnanbr Basil© Kesacry Ptsagpw® ftwf Pewse wSt Iter* » * % epea Saterday sight. Oct. 20* ia tfe« Skrias a? St Ajitfee&y at St itetfeoBf s G&excfe, Kimira. raider th* aftec**

Hon of Rev. Albert S* £im«Wf.tt!, pastor.

'5b* bswadeast will ostajtaate ov*r^Elmtr**» ssafita WBUtt

These Diocesan wide bread* cast* wifl' be Mid sweaty Safar* day night « 10 o*»l«fc and * cordial isvttation hat betas • > wadei te tlia gfcnssal public ta be in atttndasee for reetsatfon. of the Rosary.

Each week « layman (rem the

St Christopher Iaifcar? Group To Seek Members

Plana for th* J.95I4953! mess? bemhip iriva to he held Os*. IS through Nov. i5 were outlined st * meeting of the Beard of D& j various part*tie* to the IPiaira rectors of S t Chrlstspfaera L4-,area will tead the Rosary. The brary by Mm Charles U W&,teaugural broadest rlSl have Hams, mesntershlp chairman. Atohpji A. Ctruia of St. An-

SutaoriptSffiQ esrds will be sent ! thoay*a as leader, to member* of the Library by> The following parishes and the chairman of each parish. The their leader* have been ached-card with the membership fee | uled : of $1 ia to be returned to the Oct » , St. Patrick**. Elmira, parish chairnam. Anyone not Frederick P. Btartakeve. receiving a subscription card and , Nov. S, St. Mary's, ESmira, wishing to Join the Library ts i B W B B I P. McCann. asked to contact hi* pariah 1 Nov, 10, St. Peter tad Paul'*, Chairman or to enroll- at the Li-' Eteira, F. 4. Sullivan, entry located in the Catholic Nov. 17, St. Cecilia's, E3mira» Daughters rooms at E. Church: Irvtas; T. Kline. and State Streets. : Nov. U, St. Caaliair'a, Etaurs,

THE PRESIDENT, Miss Mary' • * * » « * WtntaekL Newaome. and the Board of r>i- B c c » *• St< -*°hn the Baptist, rectors plan with Mrs. WOlianui I E l m ^ , Joseph Fischer. to increase the membership ****• •» Feast of the Iromacu-which numbered 600 during the ,Vate Conception, Our Lady ot last year. > Lourdea, Creasy A. JMowrey.

Parish chairmen who wfll tend \ ***• W, St. Charles Borromeo, out the cards are: Mrs. Peter, Elmira Heights, Joseph P. Frisk. Camblo, St Anthony's; Mrs. S. 8r-Podzal. St. Casimir's; Mrs. Wil­liam F Roberts. St. Cecilia's; Grace E. Miller. St. John's; Mrs. Ralph S. Cramer. Our Lady of Lourdes; Mrs. J P. OXeary, St. Mary's; Mrs. W. Underwood, Mrs. T. A. LaBreque, St Pat­rick's; Miss Babe Crowley. St. Peter and St. Paul's; Mrs, Wil­liam Danaher, St. Mary's, Horse-heads.

Dinner flans Set By Elmira


£«$&«. feli».«.

' * J! ' • *


« k a»" *w»3*WfWl y^J^ttk

Parishes in the Elmira area will be represented in subse­quent broadcasts and leaders will be announced In the future.


Annual Supper Set For K of C-ND Party

The annual Family Supper held each year In connection with the

Lists of new books are being ; Notre Dame party at Columbus distributed at the meetings of ail Civic Center, U scheduled for Catholic groups to acquaint nan Saturday evening. Oct 27 at 7 members of the reading material o'clock, according to Grand

Knight Joseph Elmira Council, lumbus.

Herman Casaldy and Joseph Llmonceill have been named co-chairmen and will ba sided by a large committee.

The supper is open to knights,

H Berrlgan of Knights of Co-

available at the Library. o

Catholics Pray For Ailing King George

London—(Radio, NO—Prayers for the safety of King George VI

OUt the country recently. His Eminence Bernard Car­

dinal Griffin. Archbishop of Westminster, on behalf of the LddlGM of C o l u m b u s Catholics of England and Wales, - « - ^ . ft„ T . — . J — ^ . sent a message to Buckingham I * ° * » ! • • ? W « » tfe«iay Palace assuring the King "of| Reg*"" monthly meeting of Our heartfelt sympathy In your; *•>» Ladles of Columbus will be Bines* We shaU be constant In I h c l d °n Tuesday evening. Octo-

Erayer for the recovery of our ber 2a st 8 o'clock In Columbus (loved sovereign." Center. Elmira. Mrs. Edward A.

Claua will have charge of the so­cial program and refreshments.

fine program of entertainment hss been arranged to please both the youngsters and the adults,


Ditftmtmg OpHtim


l y e Examinations by

targe LHitkay, Jr. Rtgtatnd Oftomutrist

Tier Efts DiNrvt Thi lit*

(•Milt Us for Ytir Optical Nttds

110-112 E. GRAY ST.

Dial 5720 Elmira 101 N. Main St.-Elmlra

Ossaslte Mark Twain

Asi*Ksta3*st« t&e « » «tea art-sajai 43saiir « l torn M » teM* oHe 3^tw% Sereto acta&ftg m tim Wat* *?mfa H«5iel Sotudsy, Oust. S9 *t f p m <mt* etm$&*& at m -mm ^etUttf of tjws S«*.

PtteMtosl »^»*J?er Isr % 4 1 * a«r w ® » tfe« 1l*«5f 1 ^ , Ji^ife al lUklen O F J I , .|>»iM^}iai «*' ffe; &3Bav*.ntttre'* t?niv»fsity ibap-ing t&e ipeajang istogram with '

of {Ux&mter.' Attorney fSaniel J. Boiafes«,

geneyai chairman of the ditiner designated attorney £ Jicmaid FmwSey as awiataast i*a«*ffiaii-:

and Mn. Putsl XL Donovan. Mir. and Mrs. James Goodwin and Miss Margaret Kennedy as co-chainnen of the tfeaset esirsinft-tee.

Assisting are; Miss Frances Battersby, Mr. and Mr* P««r Beach. Mr, and Mrs. Albert Bo. gardua, Mr. and Mrs. Dougtas Breed. Mr. and Mrs. Julian Cas­ter. Mr. and Mrs. James Collins, Mr. and Mm. Timothy Connelh!, Mr. and Mr*. Bernard Costello. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Crelgh-

fcton, Mr. and Mrs. William Danaher,

Mr. and Mrs. Henry FarreS. Mr. and Mrs Edward Frawley, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gaffey, Misses Leone and Helen Giney. Mr.

! and Mrs. Arthur Garvey, Mr. and Mrs. Clement Knutfi. Miss Claire Laeey.

Mr. and Mrs. T. F. McCarthy. Mr. and Mrs. John McNamara. Mr. and Mrs. J. Bernard Malone, Miss Qenevievo Mexur, Mis* Grace Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Fran­cis Mockler, Mr. and Mrs. J. Harry Mullany. Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. John Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. John Murtaugh. Mr. and Mrs. Louis DcMott, Mr. end Mrs. Joseph E. Rice, Mr. snd Mrs. Anthony J. Roaal, Mr. and Mrs. WUlaro Bheehan, Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Sullivsn, Mrs. Wilfred Underwood.

Advance sale of tickets has been promising snd it Is urged that reservations be made at an early dats either with s member of the Committee or st the Cath­olic Family Service office at 312 Lake Street as the ticket aale will be stopped when the hotel capacity has been reached.

. . — .©

Aides Appointed For PTA Dinner

IMMOI — T h e Smorgasbord planned by the Immaculate Con­ception School Parent-Teacher Association of Ithaca will be held In Parish Hall on Thursday, Oct 29, from 5:30 to 8:00 p.m.

Mrs, Anthony Spano and Mrs. Edward Ratkoskl are co-chair­men. Tickets may be obtained by calling Mrs. Frank Egan. 3-136L or in Pariah Hall neat Sunday after all the Masses. At this time, also, all holders of tickets should make returns to the committee.

Mrs. Theodore Purvtn snd Mrs. Arthur Blerce are in charge of the Food Committee snd Mrs. Cosmo Sfllamino will srrange to pick up food which members cannot eft to Parish Hall by 5:00 pm. on the daj of ths dinner. Table arrangements are in charge of Mrs. Carl Yengo.

The following rassneers of ths PTA. are aasistins the co- chair­men- Mp*damea Walter O'Brien. Michael Mahool. John McCarthy, John Scacord, Domingo Aguilar, George Bossack, George Hagin, John Bangs. Dominic Msncuso, John Van Gorder, Donald Ken-erson, Hflen Hillick. John Mul-cahy, John Kelly. James Bero, Alvah Terry. Ralph De Long, John Bowman, Dennis Joyce. George Bond, Dtno Scalit. Paul Scott.

mmmmm MUMttlW"

tfWBttfltW1 .

! Bishop Kearney ! Elmira Chest

• avxctikwy BUM* Jteanty * t f t M frmWmm tjg mnm tpaMe* •sstts»j Otit MRVMBMT MRWI

AT T H F1MT sodal gattaltaf af KaWVesk College and M. Jlotm iasker staseaU kxM at the women's osUeg» M«Mn4ay aftsrsstaa, Wt ExceUsncy Bishop Kearney saeahs la star**** Moora, claaa of 'S5. Nsiareth Callese and Larry

eaasa at H^L ML 2aW flsfcif ilsfc tel» wtHi «***r K«s« A a f ala, P * * J M t M ' W W H U I T B S I t w i f i ^ w 9 ) M l MNI IWWft w ^ i l H W~v V^f/ftlfm. s fS-Als l H U B * m gM&BtasTS AaaaJsl adsUsv ^M^M^^tL .£l%^Kt§im '

Staff !*•«*}, *• " '*i*aswsi.meaia>aaeewseiasa|iijwsii ynwtjmjU^mspmmmi^fmpX

Christmas Novena Slated At St. Anthony's, Elmira

Tht wauil Cltttatimi Novt«» fa Jjd»er ^| 0*t» Ls«> *f h'.tlm* tad St. Anthony will open in Ui. Sfcriw o< i t An­thony, St, Anthony'i church, fchnJra, en Tw*i*y,.^M

MMMlMlia mm* l]jilU»iiiiyiiri|jifil|ji

Mtata*. XaAlM) ¥t l ^ss^^ssj V^p jp^^ ^P- ^s^^si^i^^i^ss^^py- JswaF w i ^ j


•a^^M ^a^ata^aV a^k^^k^LJL^ULjtja) 4L^g^

Mrs. D. B. Crew Heads Rosary Unit At Lourdes

Members of Our Lady al Lourdes Rosary Altar Society at Elmira held their annual Com­munion breakfast last Sunday at the Mark Twain Hotel follow­ing reception of Holy Commun­ion by the group at the 9 o'clock Mass.

At the conclusion of the break­fast Mrs, Gewld Hatpin, retiring president instilled the newly des­ignated officers. They arc, Mrs. D. B. Crew, president; lira. Don­ald Ludsn and Mrs. Carl Marka, vice presidents; Miss Jane Stow-elL secretary; Miss Ann Graham, treasurer.

Miss Grace Miller, guest speak­er, outlined the work being done by the local Christopher Library and cited the many addition of new books thst hsve been re­cently received.

Mrs. Jamas A Mark read a history of the 10 years' achieve. menta of the group. Rev. Lao G. Schwab, pastor, also gave s brief talk aad expressed his ap­preciation tor the fine support given tht parish in providing care and decorations for the altars. Rev. L Emmett Davis, assistant pastor, also gave s short address.

o M ™ i r ? . ^ K [« Auburn On November 4 Our Lady, Cmr Lady of Lourdes c , i . i » * a s m parish, Elmira, hold their annual [ " n w «rrtu l ssntnts h*V« been COBiplltJal ^pf ftft *5Xem» Hallowe'en party on Wednesday Pl icat ions c f the Fourth DcfTee o f th* Knifhittof Colufflbttl evening. Oct. 24, in the church! on Sunday, Nov. 4 in Auburn, hall. Cathode stsdents of high < The dass Is being named In school age are welcome to al-, honor of Rt Rev. Msgr. John A.

sad «o«tlni*a sath Twtday wntil Dec It,

As ta th * past, tJWH aaaJtlnf the Novena will be mcowra|fd to effar this Novena at a 101111* uaj ChFJetma* Gift lot »onm« par­ticular friend er reiatlw.

•P1CIAL XOV»rA Chrlitmaa emrda will be grren to aalgnlfy the fee that the raclpltnt was the benefaewr et this Novena,

There will ba two Novena e»rv-leas each Tuatday at 1X.*15 an the morning and at TiSO In tha evening. Services will Include ipedal Novena prayari, Bwnerflo-tfon of * e Blessed Sacrammt and Veneration of the redle of St Anthony.

Those usable ta attend Ot» No-vens rosy obtain th* tpectal No­vena booklet and Chrfitmas card by writing direct to ihe Jhrlne of a t Anthony, Emlra.

Froy the Rcfory For WarW F*ac»

taff ^ ^ ^ a | i ^ A a a ^ a a * -'fte^asBssssssst ~"^t^s>- ' i ^ A 4

mJfa^M V^Ag^ysaaaAslk- x|tasai' ri|ha^B^gaatsas^a^aA ^BafiAeaV

"•PP* WW^| i^^p ' i™ aiPj ^P|Ps^Bw ,aWs^T V a s H V aYssaUai aaal. ilssatl 'Ajt^fjaM^^UkgLr d * a a a j u | aaJP ^Saaa Atfsaa^tfssaiaWeta% fBJ Ja a BssaS

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rather Lam'a fieag* * waKiili B J a t W ^ M I OVr awjaaWPPai ^Hes^awPPPp ^PW

the RefotriMtoty nurfaahiii i f MM HeaslgiMHr ta \H% _^M^

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mvcmnn aviiwv^iiwiil WPMR' jpjppjsjBlsfy ssaaaW WeaPsWP B ^ B ^ ^ W W P P I T P T P S HRg ^PJPP,

^^Wwas i aeeTsf PMnAMNsPs) H P wWPaJBj(PWPsJHiTw

about U,

KCTo Confer 4th Degree




There i no disputing a "paid" Midlasd Icenomy check. It ipeoki lor'iftelf Enjoy this . safeguard, and five convenience an ctcooft* here off era ot smolf cost. 20 »»EI!SONAllZr-0 checks lor ( 2 , of 12 checks without your nam* for $1. No minimum balance required.

ELMIRA BANKkTRUST COMPANY M m t i n M I I I I I i i r o i n i m i n u c i c e i ' t u t t e s

Mass At Lourdes Marks 10th Year ;

A Solemn High Mass of thanks-1 giving will be celebrated by Rev. I

• Leo G. Schwab, pastdr of Our' . Lady of Lourdes Church, on j (Sunday, Oct 2a at 11 o'clock. I I The Mass will mark the 10th j anniversary of the dedication of'

' the parish. Assuring Father, ! Schwab will be, Rev. L. Emmett' j Davis, deacon; Rev. DeSaJes j Standerwick. S.A., subdeacon. . Father Standerwick will preach at ail the Masses that day.

tend William Vpdyke and Joan Con­

nelly are cochiirmen ot arrange­ments. Paul Glomettl is In charge of publicity.

- AT A MKETRVG held last night In Our Lady of Lourdes church hall, Elmira. Edward T. Lagonegro run* selected a Cub-master for trie coming term. Den Mothers to aerve are Mesdames Eugene Proalit Lawrence Ken-na. Richard Monahan and Galen Clark.

Plana were discussed for the program to fee followed for the season.

Forty Hoars Devotions of the Forty Hours

will be conducted In churchea of the Diocese of Rochester as fol­lows.

Sunday, Oct. 21—St. Boniface, St. Helen, Rochester: Unto* Spring*; St. Mary's. Corntag*

Jimmim Jlngb Say: (ONL^TWE BESTVl "The best inorecSents ^ - ^ -* "The best inorecSents

Or none"— That'* how mtr sMtrenaf e

Was wen.

CckasFerAli Occcrslom


-'o i*sre ?-# AG &-~t TON r


Conway, V.F., Dean of that Aub­urn Deanery. Candidates Cor the honors of the Patriotic Degree win corns from sll parts of the Diocese.

Ritualistic eeremonlfs w4Il be held In Holy FaraDy Audltsorium and will commence at 2:96 p.m. Candidates art to report at the Auditorium promptly st i p m

VtSrnSO AND local ladles will be entertained at a Dessert Bridge to be held from 2:30 until 4 P-m, at the Osborne Hotel. Mrs. Frederick J. Welch, general tSbilr. man will be assisted by Mrs-dames John Welch, Gerald Mul­len. John drr.

A banquet will be held act 7:20 pm. In the Osborne Howie at which Supreme Director "rUHsIs •E. Burke of UUca will be the guest speaker, tickets lor the banquet m»y be obtained from officers of an Assemblies or Council secretaries, John Orr of Auburn Is banquet dulrnsan.

•ias*aswiii iiiaa^aliaiisjawpsjati

a U * 9 s s l « S a v ^ ^ ^ p 9 r ^ P r V a i

ConiiiiiM Althougl* tfw teresweay *4

Fatima a« Owt. U wiatkamn last major rsaeikeat *f Has Holy Vear, bkea^ewees gnawlf ed by HU KoU)***. repe Mag XII f or t te Holy Ymt mtr fct gabied antai C*riete*as l i m l ie l, it WM aald at she Cltatv eery today.

VWI* Id Ike dtarcttes ataa* tgaated by fOs K*ee»eisey Wshop Kearney, faHHflaf sfta r««iBl«m*«ls of Confeasisi and Holy Coetamnnloei and re» fitting tit* pfoecrilwd s^ayaea are nreeasary toe l aasdag -MM InduJgenees.

^P*s*y'P^P?f :^b^P^eew^ r% ~t

.cWsat tat laaTTreur *P^r^W ^ ^ P H P ^

IsSer |_te ^A4a^fc "^s^aXJia '' a^asaaasM 4asaaaat * J^A_» BssssVsniaa#

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inwiki 'liiattMflii ' • •* ' * aw SMiasjaw sswaejasa^fsirw^^ppe, ™

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Stsjflr Scntlaary Hew Wentmleier, Heiifc* Csf

umWa-fNC) - The *rchd*>e*. san Seminary of Chrht the Kinf is functioning iar tint first « « • as * Major JSemlnary her*.

for ffii« llroctr!**




« s L ^ j ^ j a ^ > j a M y j i > _ J L ^ ^ ^ •F^se^s^sal^r Bsalatb^BBT asar ar

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