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Prishtina, March 2008



LOCAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF NOVOBËRDË 2008-2015 Published by: CARE INERNATIONAL KOSOVO, ICCED PRISHTINA Cooperation: Municipal Assembly (MA) of Novobërdë Prishtina, March 2008 Copies 500 pcs Editing: Bujar Hoxha, Acting Mision Director CARE Kosovo Alban Ibrahimi, REGS Manager CARE Kosovo Bajrush Ymeri, President of the Municipalit Assembly Novobërdë Contributions: Ramush Mehmeti, Vice President of the Municipal Assembly Coordinators: Sami Vllasaliu, Deputy Director of the Local Community Office Enver Krasniqi, LED Planning Coordinator, REGS CARE Kosovo Dejan Vulić, Director of the Department of Economy and Finance in MA of Novobërdë Focus Group:

• Municipal bodies 1. Bojan Cvetković – Director of Urban Planning and Public Work 2. Ramush Mehmeti – Director of Agriculture 3. Jelena Antić – Director of Administration 4. Fatos Ahmeti – Procurement Office 5. Siniša Marković – Director of Culture, Youth and Sports 6. Nazmije Bunjaku –Administration Clerk

• Civil society:

1. Agim Veliu – Director of QKMF in Novobërdë 2. Tatjana Mijatović – NGO “Sloboda” in Prekovc 3. Hazbije Mustafa – NGO “Bleta” in Llabjan 4. Dragan Marković – Business Association 5. Arbenita Llapashtica – NGO “Youth Voice” 6. Remzije Rexhepi – NGO “Ilirija” in Novobërdë

The Strategy was designed as a part of the project „Regional Economic Growth Stability Project” which is being implemented in four municipalities of Kosovo and five municipalities of Macedonia in order to increase the development of economy and tourism. The project is being implemented in cooperation with CARE International Kosovo, ICCED Prishtina-Kosovo and Epi Center of Macedonia. This project was funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs.




1. Description, Introduction, Purpose, Methodology, Partners, SWOT 6 1.1 Description of the strategy............................................................................... 6 1.2 Introduction...................................................................................................... 6 1.3 Purpose of the Strategy.................................................................................... 6 1.4 Methodology.................................................................................................... 7 1.5 Implementing Partners..................................................................................... 7 1.6 SWOT Analysis............................................................................................... 7 2. Municipal profile……………………………………................................... 9 2.1 Short History of Novobërdë............................................................................ 9 2.2 Physical and demographical features of the municipal territory..................... 9 2.3 Environment protection................................................................................... 15 2.4 Political context and safety............................................................................. 16 2.5 Economic features of the territory of Novobërdë............................................ 17 2.5.1 Employment..................................................................................................... 17 2.5.2 Economy ......................................................................................................... 18 2.5.3 Agriculture, livestock breeding, beekeeping, forestry, forest fruits................ 22 2.5.4 Construction activities..................................................................................... 27 2.5.5 Trade................................................................................................................ 27 2.5.6 Energy.............................................................................................................. 27 2.6 Infrastructure and public services.................................................................... 28 2.6.1 Drinking water supply system and sewage..................................................... 28 2.6.2 Roads and bridges............................................................................................ 29 2.6.3 Urban planning, housing and ownership issues............................................... 30 2.6.4 Public services................................................................................................. 30 2.7 Social services................................................................................................. 31 2.7.1 Education and educational system................................................................... 31 2.7.2 Health and social system................................................................................. 33 2.7.3 Social welfare.................................................................................................. 34 2.8 Culture, Youth, Sports and Media................................................................... 33 2.8.1 Cultural heritage and monuments.................................................................... 34 2.9 Gender issues................................................................................................... 36 2.10 Ethnic communities......................................................................................... 37 2.11 Nongovernmental organizations...................................................................... 38 2.12 Local governance............................................................................................. 38 3. Potential of Local Economic Development in the municipality of

Novobërdë ...................................................................................................... 42

3.1 Strategic orientation of local economic development..................................... 42 3.2 Local economic development resources ......................................................... 44 3.2.1 Agricultural development resources ............................................................... 44 3.2.2 Reactivation of the Mine – SME Development .............................................. 45 3.3 Strategy for the development of localities and community participation …... 46 3.4 Building of local capacities ............................................................................ 46 3.5 Strategy implementation ................................................................................. 46 4. Vision, aims, objectives of developing rural tourism.................................. 47 4.1 Aims and objectives......................................................................................... 47 5. From vision to projects.................................................................................. Annex

6. Annex



Map of Kosovo municipalities






I. DESCRIPTION, INTRODUCTION, METHODOLOGY AND SWOT 1.1 Description of the strategy The local economic development strategy in the municipality of Novobërdë is a document that emphasizes municipal resources and assets which results with concrete projects for implementation. Preparation of the local economic development strategy aims to serve as an instrument for planning of the processes of comprehensive local development, planning of the municipal budget, mobilizing financial resources, as well as coordinating aid at both levels, local and central. Moreover, it will enable the administration and the population to formulate a medium-term local economic development strategy in the territory of the municipality for the time period 2008-2015. The local economic development strategy is comprised of six parts, the first part deals with the following topics: Description, Introduction, Main Elements of the Methodology and the SWOT analysis of developing resources for local economic development on the municipality. The second part deals with topics on the municipal profile, main information that are required to plan economic issues, interventions and conclusions according to economic sectors. The third part presents the picture of the potential for local economic development, economic resources and the strategic orientations for local economic development. The fourth part deals with the vision, strategic aims and short-, medium- and long-term objectives of the local economic development. The fifth part includes the process of local economic development, from strategic aims to programs and projects designated for the local economic development. The sixth part includes projects, budget and funding sources, implementation period and key implementation stakeholders. 1.2 Introduction CARE International is implementing the project for the development of rural municipalities in Kosovo and Macedonia (REGS Project) which supports the preparation of the local strategy for local economic development which is developed by implementing partners ICCED Prishtina-Kosovo and Epi Center Skopje-Macedonia based on modern trends on the improvement of economic development the regional and European level. The purpose of the local economic development is the increase of income for families and the community in general, in order to have some impact in the prevention of migration of the youth from Novobërdë to other parts of Kosovo. Local economic development will have a great impact on the increase of income of communities (villages). The strategy is a document for medium- and long-term development of municipal plans and for local economic development which aim is to attract investments from international and domestic donors. 1.3 Purpose of the Strategy The purpose of drawing-up this strategy is to develop and improve the life of the broad community of the Novobërdë municipality and, furthermore, to create a perspective of cooperation with other communities in the neighboring places and the region. This document will make the work of all local government institutions easier, as well the work of other stakeholders that operate in the Novobërdë municipality. It will also serve as an orientation document for the institutions of central government and international donors’ that support the development of Kosovo. Given that the Strategy determines development indicators, it will serve as a basis for the monitoring and evaluation of the progress of its implementation. This progress will, at the same



time, be an indicator of the quality of the work of all local stakeholders and, in particular, of local government structures. 1.4 Methodology CARE International and ICCED have worked in the form of democratic participation and decision-making by communities, by establishing the focus group comprised of 12 members, where participants have provided all information and ideas for local economic development in the territory of the municipality. CARE International has also cooperated closely with this group since all of them come from different sectors and they have enabled the establishment of the Vision for local economic development in the municipality. CARE International and ICCED have also worked very closely with the Municipal Directorate for Planning and together with them have managed to provide a lot of information on the municipal profile. At the same time, also with the members of the focus group, they have managed, during training events and workshops, through the SWOT analysis to better analyze Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats as well as to establish the Vision on strategic fields for local economic development, the list projects, the implementation timeline as well as prospect partners or donors. 1.5 Implementing partners Focus group The focus group represents the community and is established by the Coordination Office together with ICCED representatives and counts a total of 12 members and two project coordinators. At the same time all members represent various sectors, institutional and civil society: municipal institutions, businesses, women and youth non-governmental organizations etc. Therefore, the selection of this group was made by involving persons who will be directly linked with the sector of local economic development. ICCED International centre for the development of businesses and communities (ICCED) has established and trained the focus group regarding the preparation of the local economic development strategy. Also in cooperation with CARE International study tours to Macedonia will be organized, in order to see more closely how local economic development is implemented in this country. 1.6 Competitive analysis-SWOT

Strengths Weaknesses

Calm and sustainable situation in the municipality.

Good interethnic relations among communities,

NGOs’ of youth, women, multiethnic business associations,

Lack of a processing industry for agricultural products

Poor financial situation of the population,

Lack of knowledge to apply for projects,

1 Reference: Strategy for the development of rural tourism 2008-2015



Population’s willingness to cooperate in multiethnic projects,

Large pasture areas for livestock production, Farmers’ tradition for livestock production

and existing farmers’ associations, Clean environment that provides bio products

and organic food, Clean environment and sufficient food that

enables beekeeping, High number of beekeepers and beehives, Forest fruits, medicinal plants and collection

centers established for this purpose, Populations’ willingness for the development

of fruit and vegetable production (strawberries),

High number of greenhouses, High potential of tourism represented by the

development of rural tourism1 Mineral resources – Novobërdë Mine, Tradition of the population to work in mines, Two existing factory units – Production of

radiators in Prekovce and the factory of rugs in Jasenovik,

Two agricultural cooperatives, Agricultural businesses, Association of women for the production of

soaps and various teas and medicinal plants, Beekeeping businesses, Processing businesses (wood, plastics,

beehives etc.)

Lack of municipal funds for agricultural experimental plots,

Pubic transportation currently co-funded,

Lack of physical infrastructure (roads, water, sewage etc.)

Poor agricultural machinery, Associations not active enough – lack

of activities (associations of beekeepers and hunters),

Poor promotion of rural tourism, Small investment capabilities of local

people for the development of agriculture and rural tourism,

Poor cultural and recreational life, Poor maintenance and cleaning of

waste. Undefined property issues of SOEs’ –

slow privatization, Non-payment of taxes, Lack of food control and other food

products Very poor municipality with a small


Opportunities Threats Internationals working & living in Kosovo, Central government, International NGO-s in Kosovo, Foreign investments, Training funds from international donors, Investments by the Diaspora in the

Municipality, Great possibilities for investments in the

development of agriculture, rural tourism etc, Funds from donors and the Ministry of

Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development

Limited municipal funds for investments in various economic sectors,

Insufficient institutional support for the development of other sectors such as: Agriculture, Tourism, SME-s etc.

Insufficient donations for the development of potential economic sectors in the municipality,



II. MUNICIPAL PROFILE 2.1. Background Based on many historical sources, the territory of the municipality of Novobërdë has been populated since the early signs of human kind. Novobërdë becomes an important centre especially in the medieval period when mining was developing rapidly. According to some records, in the XV century, Novobërdë had 45,000 inhabitants. The culmination of economic and political development was reached with the development of the Mine of Novobërdë which was very rich in minerals of gold, silver, lead and zinc. According to some records from that period, in 1450 The Mine of Novobërdë used to produce around 6,000 kgs of silver per year. The wealth of the mine which was the most known mine in the Europe at that time was used by various empires such as the Roman, Byzantine and Turkish Empire. At that time, Novobërdë had its factory of coins and jewelry made of gold and silver. These periods of existence of the town have left many archaeological vestiges. For this reason, in 1994, The Institute of Monuments and the Regional Museum of Prishtina, in order to protect the monuments of Novobërdë have made a topographic determination of the location of the medieval town and archaeological localities around town, where except from the medieval castle other dwellings were included in a territory of around 130 hectares such as; cult buildings, religious buildings, cemeteries, furnace for melting ore etc. In the territory of around 130 ha, and in the vicinity of the castle, no construction or digging is allowed without the permit of the Municipal Assembly. 2.2. Physical and demographical features of the territory Geographical position The municipality of Novobërdë according to the ”Statute of the Municipality” is comprised of 10 dwellings, out of which the urban plan included Novobërdë, Bostan and Llabjan2 whilst other dwellings are scattered in hilly and mountainous parts of the territory. The territory of the municipality of Novobërdë is situated in the southeast of Prishtina and covers a small area of 91.6 km2 or 9,163 ha. In the northern side and north-east this municipality is bordered with the municipality of Prishtina, in south with the municipality of Gjilan, in west with the municipality of Lipjan and in the east with the municipality of Kamenica. The territory of the municipality of Novobërdë is characterized with a hilly and mountainous landscape. The elevation is from 680 meters in the lowlands up to the highest peak of “Mali i Madh” which elevation is 1,260metres. In other words, the difference in height is 600 meters. The major part of the landscape is comprised of numerous hills that continue through the range of plateaus. Out of the total area of the municipality 56% is comprised of elevations between 800-900 meters; 5% of the area is over 1,000 meters, whilst 38% is below 700 meters.

2 Source: Statute of the Municipality of Novobërdë



Photo: View of the village Bostane where the building of the Municipality of Novobërdë is located Climate The territory of the municipality of Novobërdë is predominated by a medium continental climate, although, because of the high elevation in some parts of the municipality predominates the mountain climate. The regular flow of the thermal regime does not depend from the elevation, therefore temperatures are minimal in January and maximal in July and August. Average annual precipitation reaches 703.6 mm3. Number of rainy days (days with precipitation) does not depend only from elevation but also from the terrain position and set-out, but the amount of rainfall is increased with the increase of elevation. It can be said that there are a lot of winds in the territory of the municipality. Mainly, winds blow from northwest but the strongest are from southeast. Snow may fall in these areas from October to May whilst good weather sometimes predominates from July to September. Paedological characteristics The territory of the municipality is characterized by these types of soil paedological coverage: Rendezina (Type of soil*) Brown soil Meadows with clay (Semgleji). Soil fertility The overall structure of agricultural land is mainly made of poor cadastral quality soil between classes V – VIII which makes 73% of the amount which requires a greater amount of fertilizers. Soil belonging to classes II to IV makes only 27% of the total amount of land. According to

3 Source: Geological Institute of the Federation - Belgrade 1964-1975



these data we should bear in mind the hilly terrain of the municipality which makes the cultivation of crops and the application of agro-technical measures difficult.

Photo: Curved River

Water resources This municipality is characterized by rivers with small water capacities which means that there is a lack water resources in the municipality. For the time being, there are a large number of sources which meet the needs for water supply in the nearby dwellings. In terms of hydro-economy the most interesting flow is the so-called “Curved River“ and that the possibility for accumulation is at the border or outside the municipal territory.

Forest resources The municipality of Novobërdë has 1,823 ha of forests in the private sector and 1,463 ha in the SOE sector with 20 types of cultivated trees. Most important types of trees are: bungu, qarri, birch (white pine), beech, fir etc. Since the beginning of the war until now 50% of the SOE forests have been destroyed. From 2001 until 2003 60 hectares have been forested and afforested with pine in the villages Llabjan and Muraj. Suitable terrains for forests cover around 52 km2 respectively 59% of the territory of the municipality. Most forests of the private sector are low forests with low economic value and are mainly used as firewood. Thus, it can be concluded that the Novobërdë municipality is in a great need for assistance in the forestation of unfertile land and protection of existing forests. Flora and Fauna The municipality of Novobërdë is rich with flora and fauna. It is also rich with deciduous and coniferous forests. Forests are divided according to the elevation position. The stripe of forests with beech trees, white poplars and fir (lowest stripe) The stripe of forests with beech, hornbeam, qarr and ash tree, The stripe of forests with hilly bung, The stripe of forests with forest bung (highest stripe) We can also mention edible mushrooms, medicinal plants, forest fruits etc. Terrain configuration, greenness and mountainous ravines enable the life of various wild animals in the forests and fields of this municipality. Nowadays, in the municipality of Novobërdë there are also wild animals such as: wild boars, deer, wolves, foxes, rabbits, badgers and squirrels, and birds such as grouses, pinfeathers (pupëza), wild pigeons, falcons, black ravens and hawks etc.



Photo: The so-called “Polish” horizon

Mineral resources These areas are known since the medieval period for their mines and mineral resources of the ore such as lead (PB), zinc (Zn), silver (Ag), gold (Au) and ore of Pirit. This means that the exploitation of ore from the territory of Novobërdë has taken place since ancient times. Existing equipment for mine exploitation were build after the second world war in the sixties and the overall stagnation in mining occurred in the nineties. Currently, the Mine of Novobërdë is only being maintained and according to some experts in this field it is one of the first mines that can start with production and has a large capacity of ore deposits.

Demographic data The data estimated in the census that took place in 1991 shows that Novobërdë has had around 5,500 inhabitants whilst according to the data estimated by UNHCR and OSCE in 1998, the population of Novobërdë was less than 5,000 inhabitants. Before the war in 1999 the majority population in this municipality was Serbian with 54% whilst now the majority population is Albanian with 59%. According to the current data estimated by various sources in the municipality of Novobërdë there are around 3,572 inhabitants. The number of families in the territory of the municipality is 530 (incomplete data taken from electricity users) whilst the number of families in the data from 1981 is 846. Annual rate of the population increase in the period 1948-1981 was only 0.7%, which is very low compared to other parts of Kosovo. This is a result of the high emigration of people of these areas especially in the last 30 years. Based on the data from the 1981 census, the population up to 14 years old comprises 35% of the total number, working population around 59% and older than 65 around 6%. A little more than 50% of the population of Novobërdë are women. Dwellings Dwellings of the municipality of Novobërdë are scattered hilly dwellings, however, according to the ”Statute of the Municipality“ the following dwellings exist:



Photo: View of Pllavica

Novobërdë Vllasali Llabjani Muraj Bunjak Boqevisht Bostane Prekovce Izvor Zebince Manishince Trniçevce Jasenovik Klobukare Tullar Urban dwellings according to the plan are Novobërdë, Bostane and Llabjan.

.Each of the dwellings has a large number of streets and neighborhoods. Dwellings of the municipality of Novobërdë occur as incomplete local centers with divided functions which were developed mainly along the regional road which also is the main junction knot of the communication net in the municipality. The poor communication link, isolation, landscape and lack of development have conditioned the intensive process of emigration and depopulation caused by economic factors, desire for education and a better life. These are the main reasons for the existence of a network of relatively underdeveloped dwellings in this municipality. Because of small spatial opportunities and because of set natural borders and those created for population in Novobërdë (mines, steep terrain, landscape) the previous administration before the war considered that economic development as well as infrastructure should be oriented towards the dwelling Bostane, which with its spatial position (valley) provides a good basis for the development of the municipal centre4. For this reason, the municipal building was built in Bostane which was completed only after the war. Novobërdë municipality is different from all other municipalities with its various streets and neighborhoods as follows: Izvor: Tanki Zabije, Dimoviqi, Milkovci, Gashalce, Shumati Rid, Antanaskovci, Kopilaci, Svaraqak, Marinkovci, Qestak. Zebince: Sllatina, Dolina, Xhurina, Padina, Manuta Stojanovce, Bugari, Bubanci, Svillanovce. Llabijani: Hamdiovit, Talovit, Hagjiovit, Behovit Mustafajt, Zeqirovit, Degellajt, Salkaj, Abaza,Gjorgovci. Prekovce: Lagja e re, Zabeli, Quka, Zherovi, Malenovce, Terinqani. 4 Source: “Action Plan Scheme of the Municipality of Novo Brdo” Institute for development, Belgrade 1995



Vllasali: Zahidaj, Hasimaj, Shaqiraj, Zymeraj, Tahiraj, Asllanaj. Manishince: Korqini, Selishte, Repovak. Terniqevce: Todorci, Shapriqi. Bostan: Pllavica, Ljeshtarci, Qylkoviti, Shumaci, Kameriqi, Veriqi, Mendollak, Kolonia e re, Kolonia e vjetër. Bunjak: Mustafaj, Gerbeshaj, Ferataj. Jasenovik: Filipovac, Paunovci, Kuzhlovci, Utimanci, Ankovac, Lazaroviqi, Denoviqi, Manisance, Beli breg, Boshnjak, Vllajkovci, Goroshanci, Llaushevci. Koznice: Ahmetaj, Zymeraj, Nuhijaj,Behovit. Kalaja: Novobërdalijajt Tullari: Mustafajt, Maliqajt, Selmanajt, Murataj. Ethnical structure According to estimations made by OSCE and UNHCR the Novobërdë municipality before the ware has had less than 5000 inhabitants. Current number of inhabitants according to the same sources has declined to 3572 inhabitants. Before the war in 1999 most inhabitants were Serbs, respectively 54%, whilst after the war the majority is Albanian, respectively 59%. There are also tens of Roma families in the municipality. Population according to ethnicity including IDPs’ Population Albanians Serbs Other Total Number % Number % Number % Number % 19915 2,802 50.4 2,676 48.2 75 1.3 5.553 100 1998 2,158 43.9 2,680 54.4 86 1.7 4.924 100 Aug 2003 2,300 61.3 1400 37.3 51 1.3 3,751 100 20066 2,115 59,2 1,407 39.4 50 1,4 3,572 100 Migration and Emigration In the municipality of Novobërdë, we have extraordinary data, for a difference from demographic data of other Kosovo municipalities. Hence, we have a high migration rate of both ethnicities, Albanian and Serbian, which has been going on for decades. Because of the lack of basic facilities for education, culture, sports and economy the young people once they go to study never come back in their municipality. Also the poor livelihoods make families migrate towards larger centers or towns. 5 Source: These are estimated data since no official census has taken place 6 Source: For other years, data were taken from OSCE’s “Municipal Profile” May, 2006



Analysis and conclusion The municipality of Novobërdë is one of the most stabile regions with a very low percentage of crime, which makes the area safer for economic, business and tourism development. Large agricultural areas covering meadows and forests in hilly and mountainous areas provide opportunities for the development of livestock production, beekeeping, forest fruits, medicinal plants and agriculture in general. Typical characteristics of this municipality are: low density of the population (around 39.1 inhabitants/km2), depopulation, poor road infrastructure that links villages, streets and neighborhoods, lack of tangible resources for employment, full stagnation of industry, great opportunities for the development of livestock production, beekeeping and local economic development but without an initial capital and other sources of funds. Necessary investments are required for local economic development, agricultural production, and especially in livestock production and beekeeping as well as the stimulation of the population for the development of small businesses through the distribution of loans with favorable conditions and the possibility to attract donations from the Government and various internal and external Donors. 2.3. Environment protection - ecology Difficult access and the isolation of the territory of Novobërdë, as well as non-functioning of this existing industry combined with poor population are the main characteristics which have had an impact in the protection of environment. It can be said that the air in this territory is not polluted, because there are no pollution sources in this territory. The closest pollution source is the power plant in Obiliq which is 30 km far. One of the problems is in spring when because of the amount of rainfall we have a soil erosion. Raging river in this period are rivers in Llabjan, Trniçevc, Prekovce and the one in Bostane.

Further environmental planning is oriented towards the systemization of illegal dumping sites and the building of the sewage system for the whole of Novobërdë.

Forestation is planned in the region of Mendelak and Muraj(Koznica). The building of respective equipment (collectors) is planned in the location where

water derives from the mine to the curved river which is causing pollution in this river with highly suspensive acids.

Regulation of the quart called Kolonia e re in Novobërdë (preventing further soil erosion and the cleaning up of illegal dumping sites).

Kuvendi Komunal Novobërdë • Agjenda Zhvillimore Pollution (chemical and biological) Because of the rinsing of the terrain in the mine and the suspensive-material which flows out from the mine, in the previous analyses conducted some ten years ago it was concluded that there was a contamination caused by the heavy metals in one of the ravines. Water resources are endangered. In terms of bacteriology, the greatest problem is caused by the sewage system, i.e. septic wholes are not being maintained.



Conclusion The municipality is aware of the problems with the sewage system. Many projects have been prepared for the building of the sewage system in Vllasali, Mehmeti, Bostane, Prekovc dhe Tërniçevc. Lack of funds for infrastructure is increasing intensive emigration and the de population. People are pursuing education, employment and better living standards.

Photo: Afforestation in Muraj/KoznicëWhile talking about concrete actions for the protection of environment it may be said that in 2001 and 2003 an afforestation of the mountain wasteland in Muraj (Koznicë) was done in around 60 ha of land, than also in the part of Mendelak 40 ha of pines were sown as well as around 20 ha with acacia.

2.4. Political context and safety In the elections held on 26th October 2002 municipal governance was transferred from Albanians to Serbs. Local membership of the PDK and LDK (political parties) had firmly opposed election results, by expressing doubts of the correctness of voting, in particular in the voting that took place outside Kosovo. Objections when the winners of elections were taking an oath and the tensions have continued throughout the winter 2002-2003. Now, the municipality is functioning well in terms of solving socio-economic and other problems7. In the territory of the Novobërdë municipality there is a police station which was established as an independent station in May 2006. In the police station of Novobërdë there are 38 KPS members employed, respectively 32 policemen and 6 civilian members in service. There are 18 Serbs, 12 Albanians, one Turk and one Roma, including three women (2 Albanian and one Serbian woman). Civilian members of KPS are ethnic Albanians8. American KFOR covers this area, thus, their presence ads to the safety of this municipality. Judicial system The municipality of Novobërdë is one of the few municipalities in Kosovo without a municipal court. Judicial cases are solved by the municipal court in Prishtina. The Ministry of Justice has agreed to establish a judicial office for liaison which would be in the service of the citizens of this municipality. This office mainly enables the transportation of people to the court in Prishtina which cases are processed according to their weight.

7 Source: OSCE Municipal profile May 2006 8 Source: Data taken from the commander of the police station, lieutenant Boban Todorović and deputy sergeant Feriz Bunjaku



2. 5. ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS OF THE TERRITORY OF NOVOBËRDË 2.5.1 Employment The municipality of has 358 people employed in total, out of which 50 in the private sector, 171 in the budgetary sector, 132 in the Novobërdë Mine and five in the civilian registration office. Employees in the municipality of Novobërdë in different sectors

Numri i të punësuarëve sipas sektorëve


5 50


Të Punësuar nëMinjerëSipas bizneseve tëregjistruaraZyra përregjistrimin CivilNë sektorinbugjetor

Numri i të punësuarëve në sektorin buxhetor




80 Arsimi


Organet komunale


Unemployment The municipality of Novobërdë before the war had only three industrial facilities and two agricultural cooperatives. This fact shows that unemployment in this municipality is quite high. According to the municipal adviser on employment issues, until 2007, the total number of registered jobseekers from towns and villages of the municipality reaches the total of 1,016 jobseekers. In reality, this number is considered to be even higher, since many jobseekers do not register in this centre, given that they have lost hope for employment through state intervention. The table below shows statistics for jobseekers in April 2007. The number of unemployed according to qualifications and gender in April 2007


19 21 47 1 0


90 55 193 2 0






Të pakual. Gjys. tëkual.

Tëkulaif ikuar

Shk. tëmesëm

Me shkollimtë lartë

Me fakultet


Sipas kualifikimit dhe gjinisë





Number of unemployed according to age-groups.

431 406





Mosha 16-24 25-39 40-54 Mbi 55 vjet

Sipas grupmoshave

Mosha 16-2425-3940-54Mbi 55 vjet

Number of unemployed according to ethnicity.












Gjithsejt Shqiptar Serb Romë

Sipas Etnitetit


2.5.2 Economy The social sector in the municipality of Novobërdë is dealing with a lot of problems because of great losses that occurred in the pre-war period and also because of the economic transformation after 1999. Main obstacles are the lack of working capital, lack of investments, loss of markets, slow privatization process etc.



In terms of economic branches, industry and especially mining were the main sector of employment in the municipality. Even though, currently, the mine is not working properly it continues to be the main sector of employment in the municipality after the public sector (education and health). There are 132 workers employed, mainly in the maintenance of the mine which provides a source of income for most families in Novobërdë. The full reactivation of this mine would be a great driver of economic development, as well as it would alleviate unemployment in Novobërdë and the surrounding area.

Photo: Horizon -V- of the Mine The Novobërdë municipality has two other industrial facilities: the factory of rugs/carpets in Jasenovik and the unfinished factory of radiators in Prekovce. The mine of Novobërdë ”Joint Flotation - Kishnica and Novobërdë” in Badovc village, is a part of the industrial giant KXMK “Trepça”. As a mine, it is said to be known since the medieval period, but the production had started in 1960. The maximum number of workers in this mine was 680. The daily production during the 90’s was 2,500 tons of raw ore. After this year, the production and number of workers was always declining. The ore in this mine contained zinc, lead, silver, gold, copper and brass and was very rich, or expressed in percentages it was 25% (The mine in Hajvalia 15%, Kishnica 5 %)9.

9 Data provided from Mehmet Gashi, former secretary of the Flotation “Kishnicë Novobërdë”.



According to some assessments conducted by English and American experts there are ore deposits for another 25 years (conclusion of mining experts from the US Government that visited the mine in July 2003). Currently, this mine employs 132 workers mainly in maintenance of the Mine. According to conclusions made by the employees the mine is still in a relatively good condition.

Photo: Horizon –VI- of the mine The factory unit of carpets in Jasenovik was a part of the textile industry “Integj” in Gjilan. Before the war it employed around 30 workers mainly women. Since after the war, this factory unit is not working because of the lack of many machine parts and to restart the work a lot of funds are required. There were tendencies to restart the production and employ 50 Albanian and Serbian women. For this, in the period 2002/03 the municipality from its own budget had invested €9,300 especially for the maintenance of the Building. However, it was estimated that an amount of €50,000 to €100,000 are needed to restart the work, which as it seems, may be expected only after the privatization of the mine takes place. The factory unit of radiators in Prekovce is a part of the factory of radiators in Gjilan and was established several months before the war and it never had the chance to start the production. Now, it has a modern building and is in a quite good condition but is empty and without equipment. 50 people were supposed to be employed. Business activities and financial institutions As in other parts of Kosovo, in the municipality of Novobërdë retail trade is quite developed as well as other services. According to the list of registered businesses in the Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI), there are 69 businesses registered in the municipality of Novobërdë which employ 163 people. However, according to the records in the municipal office for businesses many of these businesses are not active since they were registered with the sole purpose of obtaining loans or grants from different donors. Whilst according to the municipal office for businesses the number of active businesses is around 35 and the number of employed persons is around 50.



Bizneset sipas veprimtarisë



8% 6%


Source: Business registration office in Novobërdë and the focus group for the Strategy Out of 69 businesses registered until 31.05.2007, 67% are retail and wholesale trade businesses, 19% are construction businesses and 8% are agricultural and production businesses. Out of these businesses, there are three women owners or 2.5%. Based on statistical data it can be seen that despite the very small number of businesses there is a key fact which shows the trends of development in the region and of the social condition of inhabitants in the municipality and that is because the majority of them are trade businesses in the form of retail food grocery shops which supply the local population with basic consumption goods. The municipality of Novobërdë has a potential for the development of production businesses and especially agro-businesses, which would create new jobs and automatically many families would have income generated indirectly by selling the raw material to these businesses, i.e. selling their agricultural and livestock products to these businesses. Banks In the territory of the municipality of Novobërdë until the current, there are no banks or branches of banks. The Credit Bank of Prishtina (now bankrupted) in April 2004 had opened an office through its branch in Gjilan but later was closed for known reasons. We hope that in the future there will be a bank or branch opened which would provide services to the citizens of this municipality.



2.5.3 Agriculture, Livestock Production, Beekeeping, Forestry, Forest Fruits The territory of the Municipality of Novobërdë is mainly hills and mountains. From the total area of 9,163 ha, 97.9% or 8,972 ha are fertile land whilst 2.1% or 191 ha are unfertile.

Photo: Cereals in Jasenovik Land use - in hectares

Shfrytëzimi i tokave sipas kulturave bujqësore

2391 ha26.1%

3286 ha35.9%


1399 ha 15.2 %

1896 ha apo 20.6%

AraLivadheKullosaPyjeTokë jopjellore

Structure of land use according to ownership In the overall structure of fertile land there is more land which belongs to low quality land of Classes V-VII which is around 73% that has an impact in the low productivity of crop production, whilst Classes II-IV which are more fertile comprise 27%. Agjenda h
















Ara Livadhe Pyje

Shfrytëzimi I tokës sipas pronësisë në %





Use of unfertile land

The area in which buildings are build and their yards comprise 22 ha or 11.5% of the unfertile land, with roads there are around 39 ha or 20.5% of the unfertile land, rocks cover 98.7 ha or 51.6% of the unfertile land and swamps comprise 31.3 ha or 16.4% of the overall unfertile land. The following table shows terrains which are convenient according to the use/purpose in the municipality of Novobërdë10.

Use/Purpose Terrain suitability Area in km2 Participation Terrains suitable for forests 53.7 58.6 Forests Terrains cond. suitable for forests 19.8 21.6

Terrains suitable for meadows and pastures 12.2 13.3 Terrains suitable for fruit production 1.2 1.3 Terrains suitable for arable fields 2.7 2.9

Unfertile land 0.9 1.0 Other Construction 1.1 1.3

Total 91.6 km2 100 % Table of terrains suitable according to different purposes in Novobërdë Fruits and vegetables Fruits are cultivated in a total area of 58 hectares among which mainly: apples, plums, pears, quince, apricot, sour cherry etc. A large number of fruits in the private sector is sown individually in gardens, alongside roads, fences etc. Vegetables are cultivated mainly in house gardens for family needs. The total area with cultivated vegetables is 38 hectares. Climatic conditions and the poor quality of land have an impact in the low yield of vegetables in this municipality. Recently, vegetables are being cultivated in greenhouses which produce higher yields. The territory of the municipality of Novobërdë is ideal for the cultivation of leguminous crops. The largest parts of gardens in the private sector were sown with this type of crops. Livestock production Livestock production is an important sector which not only that supports the families in villages in terms of their livelihoods, but they can also sell their surplus of livestock products in the market or to the meat and dairy processing industry in the municipalities of Gjilan or Prishtina. There are three enterprises in this municipality registered for cattle rearing and, breeding and for milk production which employ seven people.

10 Source: “Action Plan Scheme of the Municipality of Novo Brdo” (Plan of the Novobërdë Municipality)



High potential for livestock production

The municipality of Novobërdë has a large area of pastures and meadows, respectively 3,790 hectares which make a very good basis for the development of livestock production. It is also worth mentioning that most parts of this area belong to the SOE sector. The overall livestock fund in the municipality of Novobërdë is presented in the following graph and table:

Numri i Bagëtive dhe shpezëve

8100 2340 985

920 8152350


Source: Municipal Department of Agriculture, May 2007 It should also be mentioned that during 1989-1992 2,500 - 3,000 liers of milk were delivered daily from the Agricultural Cooperative of Prekovce to the Dairy Processing Plant in Fushë Kosova, which had the highest fat content in the region. Now the amount of milk available is 1,500 liters per day. There are initiatives for a mini dairy-processing plant in the region. Agrobusiness, Agricultural cooperatives, Farmers’ NGOs In the list of registered businesses there are three agricultural businesses. There used to be two agricultural cooperatives as well, one in Prekovce and one in Novobërdë. Agricultural cooperative in Prekovce was established in 1980. It had 25 workers and 75 individual associates. The cooperative owned no land but it owned two trucks, one with a



trailer, one vehicle type Renault 18, a combine and a petrol pump for its members. Currently this cooperative is inactive. Agricultural cooperative in Novobërdë was established around 1991-92. It owned no land but it had 10 workers, one truck and 8 individual associates. Currently, this cooperative is inactive as well. There are also two registered farmers’ associations in the municipality: Farmers’ association “Agroprodukt-2005“ based in Prekovce which is multiethnic 50/50% and the farmers’ association „AGRO-EKO 06“ based in Izvor and is multiethnic. • Agjenda Zhvillimore Veterinary advisory services This service established in 2006 works in the cattle market in Llabjan village. The municipality provides the building free of charge, whilst the Ministry of Agriculture – The Veterinary Agency of Kosovo has allocated a donation in a value of 3,260€, equipment and medicine. Also, from Tirol in Austria they received a container with 500 doses for the insemination of cows. Services are paid privately but with reasonable prices for farmers. Beekeeping Rich flora and clean environment without the use of insecticides and other chemicals offer a great opportunity for beekeeping and the production of high quality honey. In the territory of Kosovo there are 480 beehives (families) which produce 8,160 kgs of honey per year. They are represented by an association of beekeepers which counts 45 members. Natural conditions for the development of beekeeping are very suitable, however there is a lack of sufficient assistance in this respect. Forestry The municipality of Novobërdë has 1,823 ha of forests in the private sector and 1,463 ha of forests in the SOE sector were 20 types of trees are grown. The most important types of trees are: bungu, qarri, birch (white pine), beech, fir etc. From the beginning of the conflict until now around 50% of the forests in the SOE sector are destroyed.



Photo: Picturesque spots in Jasenovik

From 2001 to 2003 60 hectares have been forested and aforested with pine in the areas with no trees in Llabjan and Muraj villages. Suitable terrains for forests cover around 54km2, respectively 59% of the territory of the municipality. Most forests in the private sector are low forests with low economic value and are used mainly for firewood. The municipality of Novobërdë needs assistance in the forestation of unfertile land and in the protection of existing forests.

Forest fruits and medicinal plants The municipality of Novobërdë is very rich with forest fruits such as mushrooms, juniper, roseberries, fruits and various forest tees. It seems this is quite a profitable activity and for this reason many collection centers from other municipalities have moved their activities in this area. A research conducted in June 2006 by CARE/REGS Project shows that in this municipality around 194 tones of various types of mushrooms are collected each year, which is a quite good income for the population in this area. Lately, an activation of the population is noticed, especially of women, for the collection and use of various medicinal plants.

Photo: Medicinal plants

Conclusions The population of this municipality makes its living from agriculture to a great extent, respectively 80%. Agricultural production is extensive and land is mainly utilized with old methods and machinery. In order to advance agricultural production, respective municipal structures should be engaged, and through different NGO’s and the Ministry of Agriculture to support farmers with various professional training, productive seeds and modern agricultural machinery. A large part of the population in this municipality also deals with livestock production mainly with low-productive cattle breeds. This plan should anticipate profit



through cattle which are the most known world breeds and a milk collection centre which has existed in the past in the village Llabjan but which is now not working for unknown reasons. This would enable a higher production of milk and generation of income for many families of this area. Beekeeping in the future may be a potential for development in this municipality taking into account climatic conditions and the rich natural environment that dominates in this area. Elevation and the terrain are very suitable for the development of livestock production in the municipality of Novobërdë. Meadows and pastures comprise 42.2% of the total area of the municipality and are a quite important factor for the development of livestock production.

Birch (white pine) near ‘Kolonia e re’

On of the development branches is forestry. As it is mentioned before the elevation and characteristics of the field as well as the climate are suitable for the development of forestry. The reason why forestry needs more attention is also the poor soil fertility (Classes of soil from II-IV comprise 27% whilst classes from V-VIII comprise 73%) which also requires a greater use of fertilizers in agriculture whilst the soil fertility in forestry is corresponding.

2.5.4 Construction activities According to the businesses registered in the municipality of Novobërdë there are 11 small enterprises with 14 people employed mainly in construction, handicraft and service activities. Main construction projects were the following: the municipal building, the fire-fighters building, the building of the social welfare centers and the one which is currently being build, the training and information centre in Bostane funded by CARE International. 2.5.5 Trade Trade in the Novobërdë municipality went through a rapid development for a very short period of time. Immediately after the war, in a very short period of time many enterprises and shops were established. According to businesses registered in 30.06.2007 in this municipality there are 24 registered trade businesses where most of them are grocery shops. The number of employed people according to the business registration office is 34. 2.5.6 Energy The municipality of Novobërdë as well as other parts of Kosovo is facing with the insufficient supply of electricity. Electricity cut-offs after the war have been frequent and in duration of several hours per day. This has had a negative impact in the activities of the population, especially in economic activities of the private and SOE sector. The municipality of Novobërdë is supplied with electricity from the station in Gjilan which capacity is 110 KV and from the station of Kishnica with the capacity of 35 KV.



The municipal electricity-supply network also has 4 supply-stations of 2.5 MVA and 17 supply-stations mainly 100 KVA. The electricity-supply network covers 15 dwellings of Novobërdë. The same electricity-supply network also covers eight some dwellings of the Prishtina municipality and village Parallovë in the Gjilan municipality. This network of LP 10KV is 36km long whilst the network LP 04 KV is 58km long. The number of public users of electricity is 24 whilst the number of households is 530. Novobërdë, respectively Kolonia e re and Kolonia e vjetër has public lights which are not working because of the inability of the municipality to pay.

2.6. INFRASTRUCTURE AND PUBLIC SERVICES 2.6.1 Drinking water-supply system and sewage Drinking water supply system There are many water supply systems in use in the Municipality of Novobërdë, but among the most frequently used ones is the pumping system especially in the public network.

Photo: Great water resources - Trniçevc

In most villages we have individuals water supply systems, supplying with water from natural flows as well individual wells. Dwellings that have drinking water supply system are: the town of Novobërdë, the old town of Kalajë, village Vllasali, Pllavicë neighborhood and Mehmetaj neighborhood. We can conclude that the water supply system covers only 25-30% of the territory of the Municipality. The length of the primary grid is 8 km long whilst the secondary grid reaches 7 km in length. The amount of water per head goes up to 50 liters per day. It is worth mentioning the realized project of the water supply system in villages Llabjan and Koznica wich was completed in three stages.

Sewage system In this municipality there are 6 public sewage systems in total, including the one in Kolonia e vjetër and Kolonia e re, (miner dwellings employed in Novobërdë Mines), Vllasali, Prekovc, Tërniqevc, Bostane and all of these systems can be considered fairly moderate regarding their system of tubes and respective treatment of each system. The overall length of the primary and secondary sewage system goes to 12.5 km, with 263 households attached to this sewage system. Conclusion



Even after investments made by various donors, institutions and the municipality itself, the need for investments in this field are still great. Investments are required in order to provide basic services to the inhabitants of this municipality such as the supply of drinking-water and sewage systems. The existing water-supply network needs maintenance as well as expansion as in some parts people carry the water from far distances. Also, the needs for sewage are great. There is plan to build a sewage for all villages of the municipality: Llabjan, Jasenovik/Tullar, Muraj/Koznicë, Zebinc as well as in some other parts of the municipality. 2.6.2. Roads and bridges The territory of Novobërdë municipality has a total of 65 km of roads connecting the town with its surrounding villages. Asphalt length in km


25 Rrugë lokaleRrugë magjistraleRrugë regjionale

Kuvendi Komunal Novobërdë • Agjenda Zhvillimore The condition of the roads is a very grave one, considering that many of these roads are not paved, many of them are paved only in gravel waiting to be asphalted and thus can be damaged as time passes by. The road drainage is good to a certain extent since a year ago a company for road maintenance has done the cleaning near roads and has repaired the damaged asphalt. “Tali Company” from Gjilan maintains the national and regional roads and removes the snow during winter. Bridges There are three bridges in the municipality, one in Novobërdë, one in Prekovce and one in Bostane. The length of these bridges 50 meters and all are made of steel-reinforced concrete. All of them are passable but there are no fences which endangers the lives of people. Until now no investments have been made for this purpose. Bridges as well, are maintained by the company for road maintenance from Gjilan. The fences in the bridge are very much needed in the following period. Kuvendi Komunal Novobërdë • Agjenda Zhvillimore Conclusion As it is known, communication and movements are the basis for sustainable economic development and the overall development of the society which mostly depends on the



condition of roads. As it was mentioned earlier, the Novobërdë municipality is extremely poor and the road infrastructure is very poor. Because of this reason the municipality considers the improvement of roads a priority. Because of lack of funds the roads are being maintained with gravel and rocks. Funds are required in order to have better roads for the future. The municipality expects support from the central government as well as from prospect donors since its limited budget does not allow the planning of even a single kilometer of asphalt roads. 2.6.3. Urban planning, housing Urban planning During the last 10 years, there has been no significant development in urban planning, on the contrary many of the existing building have sustained damages. Even though, an urban plan was approved of in 1989, due to lack of financial resources and other issues from the past it was never implemented as an urban plan for this municipality. Regarding the transformation of the land from its agricultural use to being used for construction purposes we can say with absolute certainty that there has been very little or no sign at all of this phenomena considering that a very small number of new construction activities took place. As far as the new urban planning is considered, this Municipality to this day doesn’t have one, although there have been some talks with certain companies involved in this field, but since the municipality has no sufficient budget there has been no progress achieved regarding this issue until the required financial means are provided for the preparation of the municipal development and spatial planning. Therefore, as mentioned above, there have been only a few new building erected during this period but, the efforts for the legalization of these ones have been even fewer. Housing and construction The number of flats in the municipality is 95 whilst the number of houses is 750. The number of houses destroyed during the war is 32 under categories IV, III, II. The number of unrepaired houses is 86 under categories V, IV, III and II. The number of flats reconstructed after the war is 18 and of houses is 38. Organizations that were involved in reconstruction were: MPDL, AER. ARC, UNHCR, CARITAS (Italian), UNDP, UNOPS, SHHBNT, CDF, CRIC, UMCOR and DRC. The number of new constructions after the war is as follows: a petrol pump, two business facilities and several houses build recently. Except the petrol pump the other ones are pending to be legalized. The number of families without shelter is 47. Conclusion Priority needs are the formulation of new regulations regarding the construction, prevention of new illegal constructions in agricultural land, reconstruction of houses damaged during the war and the construction of houses for families without shelter for those that receive social assistance and for displaced families. 2.6.4. Public services Public Transport



In September, a public bus started to circulate in the municipality after a long break. Amongst the registered businesses until July 2007, there are only two taxi-vans registered as public transport. Water-supply system, sewage and waste management In Novobërdë municipality in the past existed a company named „Hidrohigjiena“, that was charged with the maintenance of the water supply system, sewage and waste management. During the process of integration of local public companies into the regional ones that was run by KTA, for a number of technical reasons the integration or the transformation into a regional company did not take place, and due to this the company went bankrupted by which the municipality was obliged to take over the management of these matters. Fire Department In village Bostane, in the vicinity of the newly constructed Municipal building also was erected the fire department station. The fire department in Gjilan wich functions within the directorate in charge of civil defense and emergency situations has organized an 80 hour long training for the fire fighters, 16 of which came from this municipality. Local markets As far as local markets is concerned, there is a livestock market in Llabjan and a green market in Prekovc. The livestock in Llabjan is opened on Sundays, whilst the green market is opened on Thursdays. Maintaining municipal cemeteries In the municipality the cemeteries are maintained by the people themselves in the place where cemeteries are located. Apart from recent cemeteries there are ancient cemeteries from the middle ages which are an archeological value and cultural wealth of Novobërdë, but because of lack of funds no research has taken place. In 2005 a regulation on the maintenance of cemeteries has been approved. 2.7. SOCIAL SERVICES 2.7.1. Education and education system Directorate for Education, Health Care, Culture, Youth and Sports is in charge of the education issues in municipal level. Education system is organized in the elementary level (there is a lack of the adequate preschool premises and premises for higher education). Education in Albanian language is carried on according to the 5+4+3 system whilst the education in Serbian language follows a 4+4+4 system. Education process is carried on in 5 (main) schools and 6 separate classes attended by 486 pupils. For the moment, there are 322 Albanian pupils and 164 Serbian pupils attending school. Pre-school education In the Novobërdë municipality there is no pre-school education but lately there are some activities in that direction and further positive movements are planned. In the Serbian part pre-school education works. Elementary Education



As mentioned above, the elementary education is carried on 5 schools and 6 separate classes attended by 486 pupils. In this process are included 56 teachers and 5 leading officers and assistants, as well as 19 maintenance service personnel. The overall number of the employed personnel in this process is 80. All school premises are relatively of a new date, but the education process is carried on in the absence of the required equipment. Unfortunately, the municipality has no sufficient funds all these investments. The Spanish Red Cross has supported the rehabilitation of three schools whilst other schools have received small amounts of funds from various donors and the Ministry. Education background of the teachers in the Novobërdë municipality is the following; University - 7 workers, High school 29 workers. Secondary school 30 workers. Primary school 14 workers. Secondary Education Until a year ago, Novobërdë municipality had no secondary schools whilst now there is an ongoing project, a donation by the British Office in Prishtina, for the construction of a secondary multiethnic school in village Bostane, which is nearly finished, whilst on the other hand there are ongoing plans and programs in search of directions to be held in this school, in the future it is expected that in this school will have a branch related with the sector of tourism. This school will have 73 students, 55 of which will be Albanians and 18 Serbs. University education Students of Novobërdë municipality attend university studies in university centers – Albanian students attend the University of Prishtina whilst Serbian students attend the displaced faculties of the University of Prishtina in Northern Mitrovica and other faculties in Serbia. Illiteracy Based on available statistics the number of illiterate people in the municipality is very low, they are mainly older people and a number of women, There are 40 illiterate people in total. Data from the primary school show that all the youth of recent generations have finished primary school. Other types of education -Training for the unemployed NGO’s in the Novobërdë have organized various training for the people of the municipality such as:

- On dairy farming, - Repairing electrical equipment, - Metal engraving, - Catering services, - Construction,

These training events were mainly organized by the NGO “Europian Perspektive”, solely for the Serbian community.



With the support of the Ministry of Agriculture, several training events were conducted for all communities living in the municipality by helping them to manage various farms and at the same time advisory services were provide during a one year period. Also the Regional Centre of Employment in Prishtina has conducted several training events for the labor market, such as:

• in 2005 4 women and two men were trained for bakery business; • in 2006 six men were trained on administration, computers and business

administration. • ILO has trained through companies/businesses two women and four men in

administration and accounting. Conclusion One of the priorities of the municipality is the opening of first pre-school education classes in the existing school buildings where possible. Also, the new education system 5 + 4 + 3 requires new education programs in schools and qualified people. As it was said earlier a new secondary school is being built. Among other problems related to this issue is the transportation of pupils from these villages which are being transported as well as pupils from two villages that still walk 4 km to go to school. Thus, the municipality has a minibus for this purpose but which cannot meet all the needs in the municipality. 2.7.2. Health care and social sector Health care Health Care in Municipality of Novobërdë, is organized through the main Center for Family Medicine (QKMF) in Novobërdë, QMF in Prekovc, Llabijan and Jasenovik. Health services are offered to the citizens by a doctor of general practice, a pediatrician specialist, a cardiology specialist, 7 medical technicians, a driver and four other employees. Ethnic structure in health-care is comprised of 60% Albanians and 40% Serbs. It is worth mentioning that ambulances in Prekovc and Jasenovik exist and the parallel health structure has 18 people employed including: one general practitioner, a pediatrician, a pharmacy technician, a laboratory technician, 10 medicinal technicians and four support staff. Health-care buildings Health-care buildings in the Novobërdë municipality are in a good condition since the health-care centre is now completely renovated including the new central heating system. Until now, €55,000 have been invested for the building and €7,900 for the fence. The ambulance building in Prekovce is in a good condition since it is a donation of the “Coordination Center of Kosova” (center is established by the Serbian Government). An additional building was built but without associated technical equipment which cannot be covered by the municipality. Buildings in Llabijan and Jasenovik/Tullar are at a desired level even though they require certain renovations in order for the people to have better health-care services. Health condition of the people



The health condition of the people of Novobërdë is not at a desired level because of their socio-economic conditions as well as hygiene-sanitary conditions, poor nutrition and the lack of knowledge on health issues. People that need dialyze-treatment have to go to other centers such as Prishtina, Gjilan and Graçanica. Conclusions From this data we can see that 14 medical personnel mainly with secondary education background is in charge of taking care for the health of 3.600 of its inhabitants (1 medical worker in 225 inhabitants). We should also mention that there is a lack of specialized personnel such as: gynecologist, dentist etc. 2.7.3 Social welfare The social welfare service in the Novobërdë municipality is led by the center for social welfare in Novobërdë. The center has four employees that are in charge for needs of people. There two Albanians and two Serbs. The social program includes the most vulnerable/needy people.

- Category I covers 61 families that receive €35-75. - Category II covers unemployed parents with children under 5. There are 83 families

which receive €35-75. The total number of people with special needs is 16. These are included in the social welfare program. The total number of orphans is 24 which are also included in this social welfare program. There are no single people that live on their own in the whole territory of Novobërdë. 2.8. CULTURE, YOUTH, SPORTS AND MEDIA Culture Before the ware there were two libraries whilst now there are four of them, two for Albanians and two for the Serbs. Libraries are located in Novobërdë, Llabijan, Prekovc and Bostane with a fund of 9,019 books in Albanian language, 7,779 in the Serbian language and 151 in other languages. Users of libraries are the pupils of primary and secondary schools, students and older people of various ages. These libraries employ for persons, two women and two men. 2.8.1. Cultural heritage and cultural monuments Registered cultural monuments are:



Photo: A view of “Kalaja” - Fortress "Kalaja"

- Cathedral - St. Mary’s Church – Sas tribe’s

Church - St. John’s Church - Mosque – which is still in use - Archeological artifacts - Mausoleum (Tyrbja) close to the

Fortress - Turkish cemetery in Novobërdë.

Photo: “Cathedral”

Amongst other buildings in Novobërdë municipality of valuable cultural importance are also:

• Orthodox church in Bostane village

dating from XVIII century, • Cemetery in Boljevc village, • Gumnishte locality • Spring (flow) of Monastery in

Kllokoq • Mausoleum (Tyrbja) in Buqe • "Rrethi i Nikshës" locality

Within the protection of cultural heritage in 2004 a church was restored which is located near the church of Sas.



Photos: Ruins of the Sas tribe’s Church Photo: Remains of a church discovered in 2004, it’s

origin and the time of erection still remains to be determined by archeologists.

As far as the sports activities are concerned there are is no sports club in the whole territory of Novobërdë municipality. Sports manifestations are organized within schools during physical education classes as well as other manifestations such as various sports tournaments in voluntary basis organized by the youth. The hunters’ association “Dreri”- Jelen hass 50 members and has a 30 years old tradition. The club is inactive since 1999. Many young people express their interest in these activities but due to the lack of funds the municipality can not come to their aid and thus every youth initiative ends unsuccessfully. Because of the lack of these youth activities everyone is in loss, the municipality and the society as whole, therefore in the next period we should probably think about fund allocation especially for the establishment of sports club in the territory of Novobërdë municipality. Media In Novobërdë Municipality there is only one active radio station which began working one year ago, a donation by Italian Caritas, employing 4 persons from both communities, whilst the program is arranged in the way that enables the presentation of program in Albanian, Serbian and Roma languages (www.radioyouthvoice.blogspot.com/91.9 FM). The main problem for the people of Novobërdë is that no daily newspapers arrive here Also there is a need for a better network of Kosovare TV stations, public and private. Some parts of the municipality do not get any signals at all. Conclusions In order to revive cultural and sport activities, greater engagements are required, first of all the renovation of the house of culture and its supply with the required means for the development of cultural activities, than the equipment (film projector) for projections and theatric shows. Also, other associated means are required for investments in new books and illustrated publications. Komunal Novobërdë • Agjenda Zhvillimore Also, new sport terrains are also required in schools and outside schools where citizens would have a better access to various activities. This would motivate the youth to get more engaged in sport activities. A sports club would also have a positive impact on the youth in general.



The municipality also has some terrains that could be used for summer and winter sports. Future investments are possible in order to build walking paths for pedestrians and related activities etc. Investments for this purpose cannot be expected by the municipality for the time being, rather, this is to be expected from other donors and the Ministry for Culture and Sports. The Fortress in Novobërdë with its historical, cultural and religious values offers a chance for Novobërdë to become a touristic center. These investments would enable the development of Rural Tourism11 the buildings could be visited regularly in an organized way by various visitors who even now visit the castle. These activities would generate income for the municipality. Kuvendi Komunal Novobërdë • Agjenda Zhvillimore 2.9. ÇËSHTJET GJINORE As already mentioned in the Chapter on Population, around half of the overall number of the inhabitants of the Novobërdë municipality are women which are involved in all walks of life. However, the status of women especially those living in villages is not at a desired level. Women comprise over 50% of the population which makes a great socio-economic and intellectual potential for the development of democratic processes, further emancipation and the building of a democratic and multiethnic society.















Arsimi Shëndetësi Biznese Admin.komunale

Dr.dhe Zëv. Dr. Dep.

Asamble kom.

Numri I pjesëmarrjes së grave në punësim dhe Vendim marrje sipas sektorëve


Source: Municipal office for gender issues NGOs’ involved with advancement of the role of women in this municipality are “Iliria” and “Sloboda” in Novobërdë. The participation of girls and women in the activities of the associations is constantly increasing on daily basis. These women associations have 50 members in total. Various donors such as the Swedish Government, German NGO “MALTESER”, OXFAM, UNHCR, IRC, ARC, CARE, MERCY CORPS etc. have implemented various projects in the field of education, beekeeping, production of bio-soaps mountainous fruits and medicinal plants, handcrafts and sewing/tailoring, gardening, hairdressing, coffee baking, bread making etc. Also, there were projects in agriculture and livestock production, family businesses as well as lectures on the topic “Woman and Rights in the Municipality” in order for women to get familiar with municipal bodies. Among other topics was “Political parties support women” in order to identify the link between government 11 Reference: Rural Tourism Development Strategy 2008-2015



bodies and the broad base of citizens. Currently, there are several ongoing projects on agriculture and livestock production, family businesses and lectures on various fields. There is also a plan with assistance projects for returnees. 2.10. ETHNIC COMMUNITIES The Novobërdë municipality is comprised of Albanians, Serbs and a small number of Roma which are equally represented in the municipal bodies and services. There are two types of mixed villages, Albanian and Serbs or Serbian and Roma. The situation of security and freedom of movement is reasonably is good. Multi-ethnic projects until the current were about water-supply and the cattle market in Llabjan as well as the reconstruction of roads in villages Izvor and Prekovc. These projects and a certain number of other projects are mainly a donation of European agencies. Projects related to the organized returns Based on the information provided by UNHCR from 2000 until now 268 Serbs have returned, 13 Roma and 57 Albanians. In the Kllobukar village until now four “go and see” visits and three dialogues have been conducted. The municipality is trying to provide funds for the returns project in Kllobukar village. They have drawn-up the draft document as well as projects for water-supply and electric-supply network for the village (currently Kllobukar village is totally abandoned, around 70 Serb houses are burned and destroyed after the war). Municipal working group for returns (MWG) is established and meets regularly on monthly basis. Meetings are followed by the President of the municipality, representatives of displaced persons, NGOs involved in return projects as well as UNHCR. Each year the Novobërdë municipality adopts the returns strategy. There are also working groups on returns in Izvor, Prekovce and Bostane12. Municipal community office in Prekovce (MCO) has a budget of €8,383.60 and 4 employees. The budget of this office is used for small projects. One of the projects that is implemented each year is the project for the provision of fire-wood for 40 vulnerable families. The municipal community office has a budget of €6,245.60 and two people employed, one Albanian and one Serbian. Kuvendi Komunal Novobërdë • Agjenda Zhvillimore 2.11. NONGOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS Within Municipal territory are several registered NGO’s. One of them “Shoqata Nëna Terezë” (MTS) well known through out Kosovo is involved in humanitarian work whilst other NGO’s are form this area, such as NGO “Iliria”, NGO “Sloboda”, NGO “Bleta” which is involved in gender equity issues and the advancement of the womens’ role in the society have successfully implemented several low budget projects involving a large number of activists. During 2004 has been established “Youth Voice” (Zëri Rinor), a multiethnic NGO. Currently within this municipality is active another multiethnic NGO “Rrjeti Rinor”. Amongst active Foreign Nongovernmental Organizations in this Municipality: MERCY CORPS, CARE, DRC, IOM as well as USAID. The main offices of all these NGO’s are located in Prishtina or Gjilan. 12 Burimi: OSCE “Municipal profilie” May 2006



2.12. LOCAL GOVERNANCE Municipality of Novobërdë has been established in 1989, till then it was within structures of Prishtina Municipality. Novobërdë municipality is comprised of 14 villages, and a large number of neighborhoods. After the installment of the UN mission in Kosovo, local government was directed by PDK, which held the majority of seats in Municipal Assembly (2000-2002). After October 2002 local elections, local governance was transferred into the hands of Serbian community. In accordance with the Article 11.1 of the UNMIK Regulations 2000/45 dating from 11.08.2008 on municipal self-government, Novobërdë Municipal Assembly on its regular meeting held on 29.03.2001 has approved the “Municipal Statute”. According to the municipal statute, article 13, local communities are: - Llabjan local community which includes Llabjan, Muraj and Boqevishta. - Novobërdë local community which includes Novobërdë, Vllasali and Bunjakë. - Bostane local community which includes Bostan, Trnjiçevc, - Prekovce local community which includes Prekovce, Izvor, Zebince and Manishince. - Jasenovik local community which includes Jasenovik, Tullar and Klobukare. After the elections of October 26th in 2002 the municipal government previously run by Serbs was taken over by Albanians. Local membership of political parties PDK and LDK had decisively rejected election results by expressing doubts on the fairness of voting, especially voting “outside Kosova”. The rejection of taking the oath and tensions have continued during all winter 2002 - 2003. Now the municipality is working well in the solving socio-economic and other problems. Municipal Assembly is comprised of 17 seats allocated according to the voting percentages: N.B.: The elections of 17 November 2007 were boycotted by the Serbian community and as a result the executive decision No.2007/63 was made by the SRSG which does not certify local elections for the municipal assembly but only for the president of the municipality. For the municipal assembly, the Serbian side appoints 10 (ten) former members of the municipal assembly whilst the Albanian side appoints 7 (seven).

Asambleja komunale sipas subjekteve politike

5.8% ose1 ulëse

11.7% ose 2 ulëse

17.6% ose 3 ulëse

23.5% ose 4 vende

17.6% ose 3 vende

23.5% ose 4 vende




The President of the Municipality was elected directly - Mr. Bajrush Ymeri (LDK) on the meeting of Municipal Assembly held January 18, 2008. Mr. Ramush Mehmeti (LDD) was elected as a Vice-president. The Vice-president from Serbian side was not elected because of their absence. Commission on Politics and Finance, Bajrush Ymeri/LDK Commission on Mediation Commission on Communities N.B.: Because of the absence of the Serbian community, the Municipal Assembly is not in a full composition therefore these commissions are not established yet. Municipal budget Code Mun. budget Employed 2006 Employed 200765410 Total budget 68 318,549 64 251,12465412 ZLK 4 9,182 4 8,383.60

Returns office 2 6,008 2 6,245.6065440 Education 84 226,300 80 198,06365450 Health 16 40,250 16 39,970.4065470 Firefighters 5 12,405 5 11,391

Total budget 179 612,694 171 515,178

Municipal budget 2007

Code DescriptionSalaries & wages

Goods & services Services

Capital investments

Own-source rev Total

65410 Mun. budget 199,154 16081.4 5000 17,889 13,000 251,12465412 ZLK 7383.6 1000 0 8383.6

Returns office 5745.6 500 0 0 0 6245.665440 Education 180963 13100 4000 0 0 19806365450 Health 32936.4 3034 2000 2000 39970.465470 Fire fighters 9891 1000 500 11391

436,074 33715.4 11500 17,889 15,000 515,178Mun. budget

(* Data provided by the Directorate on Economy and Finance). Municipal revenues from taxes on property and services The municipality should undertake active measures for the realization of the plan on own-source revenues and than use these to cover daily and administrative expenses. For 2007 €15,000 are expected to be collected. Planning of revenues according to sectors in 2007

No. Revenue sectors Planned amount

1 Business licenses 5002 Construction licenses 5003 Rent on municipal property 1,3004 Certificates and official documents 4,2005 Property tax 3,0006 Other revenues 1,500I. Total: Direct income (fees and charges) 11,000



Indirect revenues (traffic fines) 2,000II Total direct and indirect 13,000 Health-care services 2,000 Total own-source revenues 15,000

An opening of a bank filial in Novobërdë and the engagement of all political entities would create conditions to collect revenues in this municipality. The Directorate on Economy and Finance regularly submits quarterly and biannual reports to the Ministry of Economy and finance regarding the income collection as well as regarding the pension contributes of employees in the Kosovo Pension Trust.



Organigram of the Novobërdë Municipality

President of the Novobërdë Municipal Assembly - Mr. Bajrush Ymeri

(Serbian Community) Vice President of the Municipal Assembly

Vice President of the Municipal Assembly Mr. Ramush Mehmeti

Chief of Administration and Personnel Mr. Sreten Ivanović

Directorate for Education, Culture, Youth and Sports – Mr. Adem Abazi

Chief of the Community Office Mrs. Jelena Antić

Dir. For Urban Planning, Cadastre and the Environ Protecn - Mr. Svetisllav I i

Directorate of Finance, Economy and Development – Mr. Gani Mustafa

Directorate of Health Care an Social Welfare -Mr. Xhemajl Novobërdaliu

Chief of Section Zhivorad Filić

Chief Deputy Mr. Sami Vllasaliu

Chief of Section Mr. Ivica Živković

Chief of Section Mr. Selatin Beqiri

Chief of Section Mr. Dejan Vulić

Chief Deputy Mr. Veli Vllasaliu




3.1. STRATEGIC ORIENTATIONS OF TOURISM DEVELOPMENT According to the Initial Draft of the Kosovo Development Strategy and Plan in the period 2008-2015 the following development priorities exist:

1. Governance and capacity building:

• Building of a democratic state, comprehensive and effective, • Internal safety and the rule of law, • Effective protection of minority rights.

2. Development of the private sector and economic infrastructure:

• Creation of a business environment, competitive financial markets and SME development,

• Completion of privatization and rapid revival of existing capacities, • Developing infrastructure and environment protection.

3. Development of human resources and social cohesion:

• Improving employment and managing migration , • Improving the education system and facilitating the access to technology and

innovations, • Sustainable health-care systems and social cohesion.

4. Externalities (positive or negative side effects) and cross-cutting definitions:

• Water and energy, • Water for irrigation and agriculture, • Energy and SMEs’, • Mining, energy and transportation.

5. Overview of political priorities and related fiscal consistency – which includes the

determination of priorities for public expenses according to above defined political priorities.

Development of employment and the inclusion of active population in the development process are as important as the development of national income per capita. In Novobërdë municipality, the plan on employment is to be implemented through the development of SMEs’ in the fields of rural tourism development as well as development of agriculture in general. Lately, international NGOs’ as well as the Government in general seem to be more active concerning the development of poorer communities.



For this reason we have an illustrated example of the level of employment in Novobërdë which is oriented towards reforms or a more intensive development of this region, which is considered as the most underdeveloped region of Kosovo. Therefore this demonstrates the importance of development and promotion of the private sector, especially of small and medium businesses, which will be the main driving force of employment generation. The following table shows some paradoxes related to the level of unemployment. Whilst the current level of unemployment in the national level is 28 %, in the Novobërdë municipality is 55.2%. Table: level of unemployment in the Novobërdë municipality13

Populations/Years 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Growth rate (+ 1.7 %)

3572 3632 3694 3757 3820 3885 3951 4019

Labor force (+ 2 %)

1786 1822 1858 1895 1933 1972 2011 2052

Employment (+3 %)

358 369 380 391 403 415 427 440

Unemployment ( -1 %)

1016 1006 996 986 976 966 957 947

Unemployment level

56.9 55.2 53.6 52.0 50.5 49.0 47.6 46.2

Based on this scenario, it is assumed that the annual growth rate of GDP in the period 2007-2013 will be 4.3% in average, with a special emphasis in the development of SMEs’ which will increase the employment for 3%. The average population growth will be 1.7% whilst the average growth of labor force will be 2%. Thus, this will enable the decline of the unemployment level per year by 1%. As a result, the unemployment level according to this projection for 2007-2013 will decline by 10.7%. 13 Scenario from Kosovo Economic Development Strategy and Plan 2008-2015/Pro Reforma



3.2 Resources of economic development of Novobërdë Based on sector analyses and the consultations with municipal officials we conclude that the main driving force of future economic development of the Novobërdë municipality will be:

1. Tourism, a an highly important economic branch (rural tourism, eco-tourism, cultural tourism, sport & recreational tourism, and mountainous tourism14

2. Agriculture (livestock production, beekeeping, fruits, mountainous fruits) and 3. Mining and SME development

3.2.1 Resources of agricultural development Agriculture/Livestock production Agriculture, respectively livestock production is underdeveloped, however, the amount of land with meadows and pastures which is 3,790 ha or 42.2 % of the total territory offers very good conditions for the development of this agricultural branch. It is worth mentioning that prior to 1999 this region use to collect around 3000 liters of milk per day for the dairy processing plant in Fushë Kosova. With investments on returning the livestock fund, according to the Municipal Directorate for Agriculture, and the building of mini-farms for cattle, sheep and goats, this region would be developed enough in terms of agrobusiness and would employ a significant number of people. A very important fact for the livestock development is that the area of SOE pastures and meadows is quite large, 79.4%. Because of great resources of pastures and meadows, the Municipal Directorate for Agriculture for the period 2007- 2013 plans to build cattle mini-farms in six villages of Novobërdë municipality. Also, the plan included the building of sheep mini-farms in four localities and goat mini-farms in five villages of the municipality. Beekeeping Beekeeping is a very important sector for the development of Novobërdë. Currently, there are at least 480 beehives or bee families which produce high quality honey, respectively 8,160 kgs per year. Climatic conditions and rich natural environment give great possibilities for the development of livestock-production in this municipality. According to the Directorate of Agriculture the growth of this branch is planned by adding the number of beehives in most villages of this area, respectively 40 beekeepers will benefit 5 bee-families each. Honey producers should be merged and organized in order to gain a greater portion of the market for marketing of their products. Mountain fruits Novobërdë municipality is quite rich with forest fruits such as mushrooms, juniper, roseberries, fruits and various forest teas. A survey conducted in June 2006 by the Project CARE/REGS shows that in this municipality around 194 tons of various types of mushrooms are collected each year, which means a significant amount of money for the population of this area. Lately an activation of the population is noticed, especially among women, for the collection and use of various medicinal plants. Some time ago, women associations have also started with the production of bio-soap which is made of plants. The promotion and marketing 14 Reference: Rural Tourism Development Strategy 2008-2015



of these products enables a greater employment of the population especially women which, through the production of soap and other decorative works, would generate more income for their families and improve their willingness in general. In the period 2008-2015 a series of projects is planned, which will enable the re-qualification and employment of women in greenhouses, mini-farms, agricultural and food bio-products, collection of forest fruits and medicinal plants which will have an impact in the promotion of gender equality through employment and the increase of the population’s well-being in general. Now, there are also some enterprises which deal with the collection and drying of other plant fruits such as mushrooms, roseberries, juniper and other medicinal plants, activities that will enable a higher employment of the population of this municipality. For the time being, three fruit collectors in the municipality have received from CARE International dryers for forest fruits. Fruit production This municipality has potential for the development of new plantations of apple, pear, sour cherry, raspberries, plums, etc. The Directorate of Agriculture plans six new plantations with apple, five plantations with pears, five with sour cherry and four with raspberries. In the future, a factory for the processing and conservation of fruits in this area is planned, for which there is a project idea and which will be implemented in the planned period. An activity that must be mentioned is strawberry cultivation which has started this year as a donation of CARE International. Currently, there are three strawberry growers which have received donations. The results of these strawberry plantations are expected to be seen in the next period. The scheme of strawberry plantations is planned to be expanded with other growers in the future. Further development of agriculture and agrobusiness requires a more favorable environment in terms of law formulation, advisory services, financial policies that are in favor of beneficial agricultural policies as well as the structural change of rural economy. All these factors do not depend only from municipalities but also from central institutions of Kosovo. Even though, in the recent years, a tendency is notices of the change of economic policies on agriculture and domestic products but in the future even greater changes are expected. 3.2.2 Reactivation of the Mine – SME development The mine in the past has been a great potential of development and employment in the Novobërdë municipality. Its reactivation would be of great importance for the future of the municipality because it has been concluded that out of all mines in Kosovo this one has the most favorable conditions for the exploitation of ore. Privatization of two sections of other companies, radiator factory in Prekovce and carpet factory in Jasenovik together with the application of special operational policies would enable a greater employment and an overall development of this area. Apart fro these three SOEs’, Novobërdë also has small and medium-sized enterprises (SME). They play a great role in terms of local economic development and employment especially construction companies (5 companies), processing companies (1) agriculture, hunting and forestry (2). In the period 2008-2015 a water-processing factory in Trniçevc is planned since there are great water resources in this locality. It should be mentioned that according to the Municipal



sources the donors are interested to build wind-power plants but prior to this the amount of annual winds should be measured. 3.3 Locality development strategy and community participation Through this Strategy the municipality plans to implement many projects for the development of public infrastructure and the asphalting of main and secondary roads, expansion of the water-supply system and sewage system in villages and in town, expansion of family medicine and the expansion of school infrastructure, the attraction of investments by the central governments and various donors. Since Novobërdë is known as one of the most calm multiethnic environments, international NGOs are willing to invest in infrastructure and in small businesses to enable the return of displaced people and the well-being of the population in general. 3.4 Local capacity building The development of the local administration capacities and of other domestic institutions is very important for the successful implementation of this development strategy. The implementation of the program of the Ministry of Agriculture for agricultural advisory services is also important in this municipality, since agriculture is one of the main sectors/drivers of municipal development. Advisory programs and various training implemented in agriculture and businesses through NGOs (CARE, IOM, DRC, MERCY CORPS etc.) are of great importance in terms of local capacity building. 3.5 Implementation of the Strategy The Novobërdë municipality considers the monitoring and implementation of this Strategy as very important. According to the structure of the executive body this task should be the responsibility of the DPZHRSHP, which should implement this agenda under the coordination and management of the CEO. Also, this sector is responsible is to update this Strategy on annual basis. The primary task of this sector remains under the management of the Chief Executive, who in cooperation with the municipal working group should draft an action plan for the implementation of the agenda. Here, it is important to emphasize that this directorate as well as other municipal officers need capacity building for the implementation f the plan.



IV. Vision, aims, objectives of developing rural tourism Vision

4.1 Aims and Objectives S1: Repaired urban and rural infrastructure that enables clean environment as well as local economic development according to the plan and current trends S1-O1: Drafting and approving Rural Tourism Development Strategy for the

Municipality by October 2008 S1-O2: Drafting and approving Local Economic Development Strategy for the

Municipality by October 2008. S1-O3: Drafting and approving Rural-Economic Development Strategy for the

Municipality by December 2008. S1-O4: Improving 70% of urban and rural infrastructure, road networks, water supply

and sewage system, including the equipment placements for environment polluters, by the end of 2013.

S1-O5: Drafting and approving Urban and Spatial Plan for the Municipality by the end of 2009.

S2: Local administrative capacity building to offer professional and favorable services for citizens and business communities S2-O1: Capacity building for 70% of municipal staff to implement Local

Development Strategies by the end of 2010. S2-O2: Local government cooperation with ministries and relevant partners to

enhance professional qualities especially in fields like IT, statistics, finance, marketing in order to train further around 90% of trained staff by the end of 2015.

The Novobërdë municipality will have an efficient local government with an improved urban and rural infrastructure; a clean and healthy environment; a developed infrastructure or rural tourism, agricultural bio-products and a developed mining sector with developed SMEs’; all these together will provide to the citizens better living conditions thanks to additional income generated through the development of these sectors of economy.



S2O3: Drafting an action plan by the end of 2008 which will improve the payment of municipal taxes up to 75%.

S3: Improving citizens position to have equal opportunities for training and

employment S3-O1: Re-qualifying and employing 50% of women from rural areas by Employment

Centre and other donors with aim to improve their position by employing them into green houses, mini farms, handicrafts, collecting forest fruits and medical plants during period 2008-2015.

S3-O2: Training and qualifying 50% of unemployed people on rural tourism and agriculture food bio-products by the end of 2010.

S4: Creating suitable conditions that will attract investments from local and

international private sector. S4-O1: Municipal governance from year 2008 will create real favorable conditions to

develop production enterprises and rural tourism services and agriculture food bio-products

S4-O2: Intensive start-up and development of Agriculture, Livestock, Beekeeping, Forest Fruits, Medical Plants for 70% during 2008-2015. S4-O3: By the end of 2015, around 90% of enterprises will be included in different business associations.

S4-O4: Further development of the industrial potential that enables the absorption of investments and generation of employment during 2008-201

S5: To further the education and health systems, as well as culture, youth and sport in order to improve the living standard of the population. S5-O1: To reform the education system and profile by the end of 2015 that will

ensure staff re-training on municipal economic needs based on market demand. S5-O2: Increasing school space based on requests and needs as well as solving the

transportation of pupils from distant places during 2008-2015. S5-O3: Increasing the quality of primary health-care services continuously according

to the requirements and needs of the people in urban and rural areas by the end of 2015.

S5-O4: Increasing the development of culture, youth and sports in the Municipality of Novobërdë in order to fulfill the general needs of 70% of the population.
