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Murcia Investment Guide 2012

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ESSENTIAL MURCIA GUIDE GROWTH WITH SECURITY Build a portfolio from £1995.00 Murcia: The World’s Best Real Estate Markets in 2012 Property Investor Magazine 2012 LEISURE GARDEN AREA p.46 HOTEL AND CASINO p.46 COASTER’S RIDE p.42 In-depth Analysis: 1.1 Billion Paramount Theme Park In-depth Analysis: 1.1 Billion Paramount Theme Park
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Build a portfolio from £1995.00

Murcia: The World’s Best Real Estate

Markets in 2012

Property Investor Magazine 2012


In-depth Analysis: 1.1 Billion € Paramount Theme Park

In-depth Analysis: 1.1 Billion € Paramount Theme Park

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I set up Prestige Brokers to capitalise on our strong network of contacts with European !nancial institutions. In the past year, strategic deal making and negotiating allowed Prestige Brokers to successfully create what the market acknowledged as some of 2011’s most attractive investment proposals. We did not only give our clients the chance to develop diverse BMV international portfolios but also coupled that together with minimal cash input.

After a highly successful !rst year of business we have developed a powerful standing and reputation in the European property and !nance sector. We are now constantly being approached with the latest projects and deals on the market. At Prestige Brokers however we refuse to take on anything less than the best, therefore, after extensive market research, visits to over 50 projects in 6 countries and 14 cities, I !nally hand-picked the relatively unknown town of Alhama de Murcia in Spain, which I believe is today ‘The Best Property Market in Europe’.

The most successful investors are those with vision and instinct, able to look further than what is before their eyes. With projects in excess of 6 Billion Euro’s under way, including a new airport, a high speed rail link connecting the town to the rest of Spain and the 1.1 Billion Euro Paramount Theme Park, this small town is set to transform into one of Europe’s major tourism hubs. To con!rm Murcia’s potential I held countless meetings with local authorities, developers, property agents/investors and senior level management at banks in the !nancial hub of Madrid, whom all con!rmed my excitement was with good reason. To further cement my con!dence not long into 2012 Murcia was named within ‘The World’s Best Real Estate Markets in 2012’ by the highly acclaimed International Living publication.

With full con!dence I would like to give all of our investors my stamp of approval and I recommend to those of you which do possess the capacity tode!nitely capitalise on this great opportunity.

Kind Regards,

[email protected]

Prestige Brokers UK Limited,Level 4, 26–28 Hammersmith Grove, W6 7BA, London.+44 (0) 208 834 1035www.prestigebrokers.co.uk

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Essential MurciaInvestment GuideThe contents of this giudeare fully protected by copyright and may not be reproduced without permission.

INTRODUCTION TO PRESTIGE BROKERSPrestige Brokers are committed to strengthening the standing of wealthy clients and those aspiring to become wealthier, through the procurement of secure property and alternativeinvestment opportunities. [...]

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100% "nance projects

The back bone of our operation is our con-sortium of investors. With their strength we are able to structure bespoke 100% !nance project’s that are cash "ow positive from the outset, allowing members the opportunity to develop large property portfolio’s with minimal cash outlay. Leveraging the power of our consortium we negotiate extremely favorable terms with developers and banks, delivering the most valued property and al-ternative investment service on the market. Within the UK we have identi!ed two key ar-eas of growth within the Student and Hotel sectors. Demand within the sectors is rapidly growing as investors enjoy the security of an investment in the established British market packaged with high rental yields.

“Growth with Security” is our motto and this is what we are delivering. Whether it be a high yield investment in the United King-dom or one of our signature 100% !nance projects, we strive to continuously deliver unparalleled product.

Prestige Brokers are committed to strengthening the standing of wealthy cli-ents and those aspiring to become wealthier, through the procurement of secure property and alternative investment opportunities. We understand that wealth is more than money; it means something di#erent to everyone and each individual has their own goals, ambitions and requirements.


is our motto and this is what we are delivering




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Introduction to Prestige BrokersMessage from CEOContentsSpain

OverviewMoving forward




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Essential MurciaInvestment Guide

The main artery of the park, the great Paramount Promenade, will have an essence of the di!erent themes within the park. As the cornerstone it divides the park in two, connecting the lifestyle centre and the Theme Park area.

Destination MurciaCorvera International AirportHigh Speed AVE Rail LinkParamount Theme Pak


Paramount Promenade Adventure CityRango’s WestWoodland FantasyPlaza Future Life Style CenterSummaryContacts


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Why invest in MURCIA?

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Spain’s capitalist mixed economy is the twelfth largest in the world and the Eurozone’s fourth largest. It is regarded as the world’s 20th most developed country.


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Spain’s capitalist mixed economy is the twelfth largest in the world and the Eurozone’s fourth largest. It is regarded as the world’s 20th most developed country.

The centre-right government of former Prime Minister José María Aznar worked successfully to gain admission to the group of countries launching the euro in 1999. Unemployment stood at 7.6% in October 2006, a rate that compared favorably to many other European countries, and especially with the early 1990s when it stood at over 20%.

The most recent economic growth bene!ted greatly from the global real estate boom, with construction represent-ing an astonishing 16% of GDP and 12% of employment in its !nal year.

During the last four decades the Spanish tourism industry has grown to become the second biggest in the world, worth approximately 40 billion Euros, about 5% of GDP, in 2006. Today, the climate of Spain, historical and cultural monuments and its geographic position together with its facilities make tourism one of Spain’s main national indus-tries and a large source of stable employment and develop-ment.

With growth of 17.4% to 185.799 million euros in sales, the export sector has recovered to pre-crisis levels, according to data released by the Ministry of Industry. With a contribution of 1.1% to Gross Domestic Product (GDP), the export sector has brought stability to the Spanish economy. The improve-ment in exports including emerging countries, has allowed the trade de!cit is not increased because of rising global en-ergy prices. The OECD puts Spain in !fth place in the ranking, with estimated exports of goods and services 9.9%. Spain is placed after Germany and Slovakia, which will increase its sales abroad by 10.4%.

According to calculations by the German newspaper Die Welt in 2007, Spain was on course to overtake Germany in per capita income by 2011.

The 2008/2009 credit crunch and world recession mani-fested itself in Spain through a massive downturn in the property sector. Fortunately, Spain’s banks and !nancial services avoided the more severe problems of their coun-terparts in the USA and UK, due mainly to a stringently enforced conservative !nancial regulatory regime. The Spanish !nancial authorities had not forgotten the coun-try’s own banking crisis of 1979 and an earlier real-estate-precipitated banking crisis of 1993. Indeed, Spain’s largest bank, Banco Santander, participated in the UK govern-ment’s bail-out of part of the UK banking sector.

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5% of GDP 2006

Moving ForwardDespite doom and gloom in the media important points to be noted are that at the beginning of 2010, Spain’s public debt as a percentage of GDP was still less than those of Britain, France or Germany.

Research about quality of life by the Economist Intelligence Unit’s quality of life survey placed Spain as the country among the top 10 best quality of life in the world for 2005, ahead of other economically and technologically advanced countries like France, Germany, the United Kingdom and South Korea.

Before the current crisis, the Spanish economy was credited for having avoided the virtual zero growth rate of some of its largest partners in the EU. In fact, the country’s economy created more than half of all the new jobs in the European Union over the !ve years ending 2005.

The Spanish economy is still regarded as one of the most dy-namic within the EU, attracting signi"cant amounts of foreign investment.

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Murcia a city in south-eastern Spain, is the capital and most populous city of the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia, and the seventh largest city in the country, with a population of 689,591 in 2010. It is located on the Segura River, in the Southeast of the Iberian Peninsula, noted by a mild climate with hot summers, tepid winters and scarce precipitation.

Murcia was founded by the emir of Cordoba Abd ar-Rahman II in 825 AD with the name and is now mainly a services city and a university town. Highlights for visitors include the Cathedral of Murcia and a number of baroque buildings, re-nowned local cuisine, Holy Week processions, works of art by the famous Murcia sculptor Francisco Salzillo, and the Fiestas de Primavera (Spring Festival).

The city, as the capital of the comarca Huerta de Murcia is called Europe’s orchard due to its long agricultural tradition and as a fruits, vegetables and "owers producer and exporter.

TransportMurcia-San Javier Airport (MJV) is located on the edge of the Mar Menor close to the town of San Javier, 45 kilometres southeast of Murcia. There is also an airport at the neighbor-ing city of Alicante 70 kilometres from Murcia.

Furthermore, there is a new 1 Billion Euro airport under de-velopment in Corvera which will be operational as of summer 2012. The new International airport of the Region de Murcia will be privately owned, and be directed mainly at low-cost airlines anticipated to cater to 6 million passengers per annum when fully operational.

EconomyMurcia serves as a major producer of agricultural products; it is common to !nd Murcia’s tomatoes and lettuce, and espe-cially lemons and oranges, in European supermarkets. Mur-cia is a producer of wines, with about 100,000 acres devoted to grape vineyards. Most of the vineyards are located in Ric-ote and Jumilla. Jumilla is a plateau where the vineyards are surrounded by mountains.

Murcia is a centre for industry, with many British and Ameri-can companies choosing it as a location for satellite factories, such as Henry Milward & Sons, American !rms like General Electric and Paramount Park Studios.

Recently, the economy of the region is turning towards “resi-dential tourism” in which people from northern European countries have a second home in the area.

The economy of Murcia is supported by fairs and congresses, museums, theatres, cinema, music, aquariums, bull!ghting, restaurants, hotels, camping, sports, foreign students, and tourism.

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ClimateMurcia has a hot semi-arid Mediterranean climate. Given its proximity to the Mediterranean Sea, it is commonly referred to as a “semi-arid Mediterranean climate”, with mild winters and warm to hot summers.

It averages more than 300 days of sun per year. Occasionally, Murcia has heavy rains where the precipitation for the entire year will fall over the course of a few days.

During winter, the average daily temperature range is a high of 16 °C during the day and a low of 4 °C at night. In summer, the range goes from 34 °C during the day to 20 °C at night. Temperatures almost always reach or exceed 40 °C on at least one or two days per year. In fact, Murcia holds temperature re-cords close to the highest recorded in southern Europe since reliable meteorological records commenced in 1950.





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3. Paramount Theme Park

Total investment of 1.1 Billion Euro

– First Paramount Theme Park in Europe– Will attract 3 Million visitor per annum – 22,600 jobs to generated

Murcia is experiencing an economic boom, a growth that is not going on anywhere else in Spain. Recognised as one of 25 within ‘The World’s Best Real Estate Markets in 2012’ by the highly acclaimed International Living publication, Murcia is Spain’s most dynamic region with government and private investment exceeding 6 Billion Euros between now and 2015, there has never been a better time to invest in Murcia.

1. Corvera International Airport

– Total investment of 1 Billion Euro – 20 minutes from La Isla de Conadado– Operational April 2012

2. High-Speed AVE Rail Link

– Total investment of 2.5 Billion Euro– Terminal at Corvera International Airport– Connect Murcia to AVE network and major Spanish cities– Travel time to Madrid only 4 – 5 hours

For it’s part, the new Corvera International Airport is expected to become fully operational by quarter 1 2013, with the arrival of the AVE High Speed railway link being !nalised in 2014. Finally, the Paramount Pictures theme park will be operational for the summer season of 2015.

The combination of these projects- together with numerous other, smaller projects – have left a great feeling of optimism within the tourism sector and the regional economy as a whole, which is count-ing on Murcia’s rapid growth.

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Major projects in the area:

Murcia: The World’s Best Real Estate Markets in 2012’

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The 0.75 Billion Corvera International airport, scheduled to open in quarter 1 of 2013, is located 2kms outside the town of Corvera in the Region of Murcia.

Recent investment in the region, notably the Paramount Theme Park Murcia Spa, which is located close by, and the Polaris World Golf resorts, have led to a signi!cant improve-ments to the infrastructure leading to and from the airport. This includes additional motorways connecting the airport to the surrounding region and much anticipated connections to the national AVE high speed rail network.

The Airport is situated less than 10 minutes from the La Isla de Condado Resort and 15 minutes from the site of the Para-mount theme park. Original estimates were that the aiport would cater to 3 Million passengers per annum but with re-cent developments, regional authorities estimate that when fully operational, Corvera International Airport will cater for as many as 6 Million passengers every year.

Whilst there has been a Military airport at nearby San Javier for many years, there have been plans to build a commercial facility on the newly aqcuired site at Corvera for some time. It was only as recently as 2007 that the project to build Corvera International Airport was !nally approved and planning and construction work was able to commence.

Unlike El Altet and San Javier airports, which are owned and operated by the Spanish Airports Authority - AENA - Corvera International airport will be owned and operated by the Re-gion of Murcia, and as such will e#ectively be in competition with other airports.The Corvera Murcia International will serve all the airlines of-fering "ights to the new Paramount Resort from its inception in 2015.


Connecting the capital, Madrid, with several of Spain’s largest cities, the !ve lines are named according to their terminus cities. The !rst line to open was the Madrid–Se-ville high-speed rail line, followed by the Madrid–Vallado-lid high-speed rail line, the Córdoba–Málaga high-speed rail line, the Madrid–Barcelona high-speed rail line, and the Madrid–Valencia high-speed rail line. The network is to be greatly expanded during the next decade with most of the Spanish peninsula being connected.

Renfe have recently commenced works to connect Murcia to the AVE line. With plans con!rmed and moving swiftly forward for the Paramount Theme Park in Alhama de Mur-cia an additional link has been added to the new Corvera International Airport.

Alta Velocidad Espa-ñola (AVE) is a service of high-speed rail in Spain operated by Renfe, the Spanish na-tional railway company, at speeds of up to 310 km/h. It currently consists of "ve dedicated passenger train main lines. The total length of the network currently stands at 2,665 km, making it the longest in Europe, and the second in the world after China.

The 0.75 Billion Corvera Interna-tional airport, scheduled to open in quarter 1 of 2013, is located 2kms outside the town of Corvera in the Region of Murcia.

Corvera International Airport

High Speed AVE Rail Link

Construction has also been streamlined for the Murcia link at a cost of

2.5 Billion Euros and services will begin

in 2014 ahead of the launch of the Paramount Theme Park in 2015.


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CONDADO DE ALHAMA Buy a Luxury 2 bedroom apartment on a PGA standard golf course minutes away from the 1.1 Billion Euro ”Paramount Theme Park’’ for only £1995.00

Total Capital Outlay only £1995

built around a Signature 18 hole Jack Niklaus golf course

‘1.1 Billion Euro ParamountTheme Park’ (less than 2.5 miles)

For our brochure CALL NOW + 44 (0)208 834 1035or EMAIL US [email protected]


Major projects in the area: New 1 Billion Euro International

Airport (Summer 2012 opening) 2.5 Billion Euro AVE High-Speed

Rail Link (Summer 2014 opening) Billion Euro Paramount "eme Park

(Spring 2015 opening)

Why Murcia?

Murcia is widely regarded as Spain’s most dynamicregion, with estimated government and privateinvestment in major projects alone to exceed 6 Billion Euros between 2011 and 2015, Murcia is experiencing

economic boomEuros in the pipeline to be delivered over the next 3 years.




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OverviewThe privileged Region of Murcia and in particular the spectacular area of Alhama de Murcia has been chosen as the home of Europe’s premiere Leisure and Lifestyle destination, The Paramount Theme Park. An emblematic area focused on the history and produc-tions of the well-known movie studio Paramount couples with a beautiful Mediterranean climate will make this theme park, a must visit destination and the choice of millions of local and international tourists to be a part of Paramount and experience it’s movies spectacles in a new dimension.

The Paramount Theme Park, Alhama de Murcia, will be the !rst Paramount theme park ever built in Europe. The entire project budget is 1.1 billion Euros and it will have a major impact on regional tourism with more than 3 mil-lion visitors expected annually, comprised of both Spanish and international tourists. The project covers a total devel-opment area of 1,580,000 square meters with the theme park is sized at 550,000 square meters and an adjacent, state-of-the-art business and leisure complex is sized at 1,030,000 square meters.

The Theme Park has been designed with state-of-the-art technologies and will include 2 themed hotels. The park will be divided in 4 di#erentiated areas including the fa-mous Paramount Promenade which will also serve as the access point to the park.

Within the park, Hollywood movies will be brought to life extracting movies out of the screen so visitors can enjoy themed rides and attractions according to movies and genres of their choice. The park will be the !rst of its kind in Europe, unrivaled in the entire continent.

This project, which is one of the pil-lars of the development strategy of the Murcian Region, will generate a total of 22,600 jobs through direct and indirect employment (16,500 during the construction phase and 6,100 during operation).

The opening of the Paramount Theme Park is forecasted for April 2015, together with the Lifestyle Center’s !rst phase.

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Paramount Theme Park

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Europe’s premiere: Leisure and Lifestyle destination, The Paramount Theme Park

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DeveloperThe theme park and the LifeStyle Center is being developer by Proyectos Em-blemáticos Murcianos S.A. (PREMURSA), established in Murcia, Avenida Juan Carlos with an established capital stock of 1,000,000 Euros. Shareholders include:

(INFO), with the remaining 10%.

PREMURSA has entered into an exclusive long-term li-cense with Paramount Licensing Inc. for the development and operation of a theme park in Spain. While not an in-vestor, Paramount is actively engaged with the developer in the design of the park.

Location“Paramount chose the Region of Murcia for this project because of the exceptional qualities that make it a popular tourist destination. The support from the re-gional and local governments as well as PREMURSA is remarkable and we look forward to creating a world-class destina-tion,” Michael Bartok Executive Vice Presi-dent - Paramount.

Alhama de Murcia has been chosen for the development of the !rst Paramount Themed Park in Europe because of its outstanding and unique geographic, historic and cli-matic characteristics. The region is ideal for many reasons, including its 300 sunny days per year, its beaches less than 30 minutes away, its amazing natural and cultural herit-age, and its outstanding transportation infrastructure. Two airports, the new Corvera International Airport and San Javier Airport will provide easy access by air and there is also an excellent road network between Madrid and the Mediterranean area. A new High Speed Train line is ex-pected to open in 2014 connecting Murcia with the main Spanish capitals. Locally, Alhama de Murcia is perfectly positioned between the main cities of the Region (Murcia, Cartagena and Lorca), at a distance of less than 50 km by highway.

Other factors:

infra structure underway.

The Park will be opened 282 days per year, with an opening schedule in High Season from 10.00 to 22.00

Source: ProForma Advisors LCC

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Michael Bartok - Executive Vice President - Paramount.


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Paramount Promenade provides a grand entrance to the ex-perience and serves as the main artery through the park. In addition to an enticing collection of retail and restaurant of-ferings, this is where Paramount Live, a live-stage-spectacular will be found.


The Paramount Theme Park Alhama de Murcia, will become a major destination attraction with a completely immersive theme park that brings the legendary !lms of Paramount to life.The park, designed with exciting state-of-the-art technolo-gies, will include over 30 attractions designed to appeal to a broad spectrum of ages and interests. There will also be 2 themed hotels located within the park’s boundaries as well as themed stores and restaurants that will be based on Para-mount properties. This story-driven park will quickly become one of the most compelling theme parks in Europe.

The Project in Figures




TOTAL INVESTMENT: 1.093.800.000 €


Forecasted investment Paramount Themed ParkForecasted investment Life

Induced by the Project

489.100.000 $407.100.000 $

188.600.000 $



57.700.000 $27.600.000 $



291.800.000 $160.000.000 $

Exploitation Phase

Exploitation cost Exploitation cost

TOTAL: 451.800.000 € TOTAL: 84.300.000 €







Construction Phase of the Project

TOTAL: 16.500 TOTAL: 6.101

Exploitation Phase of the Project


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The main artery of the park, the great Paramount Prom-enade, will have an essence of the di#erent themes within the park. As the cornerstone it divides the park in two, connecting the lifestyle centre and the Theme Park area.

Along the promenade you will !nd souvenir stores, an a array of food and beverage outlets, catering to the entire family.



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A breath taking entrance that re!ects the legendary theme of the park, will captivate visitors once they enter this unparalleled world.

Besides the Paramount Promenade will be the main stage for the live spectacles that will take place within the park.One of the most important and eye-catching spectacles on this main artery of the park will be the School of Rock.

Live music will be played through the day and into the evening giving visitors the opportunity to dance to the best rock and roll of Paramount movies.

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Adventure City

The Mission Impossible saga will have a privileged loca-tion within the theme park area. This 4D virtual attraction will mix the best scenes of the movie and its most stun-ning special e#ects, with a similar set as the one from Tom Cruise’s blockbusters movies.

In this area of the park, adventure will be present at every moment, including at lunch time. Osteria Corleone will be the ideal restaurant asthe main characters of The Godfather will revive its plots. Apart from enjoying the great food, visitors will enjoy the ambience of typical food Italian food establishments looked like during the 40’s in the United States.

With no doubt, one of the most renown movies over the years from Paramount Studios is Grease. John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John’s big success has inspired Grease

What would Adventure City be without the legendary Titanic, one of the big-gest box o!ce successes in history. The exhibition will recreate the wonderful ocean liner that tragecially crashed into an iceberg through all types of souve-nirs, 4D virtual attractions, special ef-fects and showings. Of course Jack and rose will have an outstanding position.



In Adventure City, action lovers will be able to live in person vibrating scenes of the most adventurous movies of Paramount.


Lightning, an attraction where cars will have the leading role. Classic bumper cars are updates in this spectacular en-tertainment for all ages, without losing the es-sense of the most famous musical movie of all time.

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A perfect place for all of them that have been always attracted by one of the most legendary periods within American history, in which they can go for a walk through the window of history, eat and get dressed as their heroes from the big screen.

Rango the Sheri# is the main character in How the West was Sung, and attraction in which visitors must help this iconic character to restore order in the city and the 4D scene will bring us into a world !lled with legendary char-acter from Paramount’s classic western blockbusters.

Water is the key element in the Ragin’ Rapids, a rafting trip specially indicated for the most adventurous visitors. On board each raft visitors shall have to overcome random obstacle they will !nd on their way, unless they want to get soaking wet by the end of it.

If after the rafting trip, visitors still have an appetite for thrills then their next stop should be the Spirit of the West Mine roller coaster. De!nitely not one for the faint hearted a traditional American western train will take you on a trip around various landscapes at breath taking speeds of up to 80 MPH.

The shooting gallery, allows visitors to become the Sheri# and practice their shooting skills !rst hand. Just another one of the various attractions for the whole family to enjoy at Rango’s West.




The Wild West is the theme of this parallel world created within the Paramount Park. Within this world, a combination of perfor-mances, attractions, shops and restaurants will recall the Wild West era. Anybody visiting this world of cowboys and Indians will have access to an enormous array of adventures and break taking activities.

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Woodland FantasyIn this themed area, younger visitors will experience fantasies from their favourite movies. As in the rest of the Paramount galaxy, within Woodland Fantasy apart from the attractions there will be restaurants, shops and a wide array of leisure activities.

A realistic green, leafy vegetation theme will add to the magic and fantasy of the area.

Woodland Fantasy will become the premiere attraction for young fans of magic. Thanks to the Stardust’s Magician Workshop, visitors will be able to learn some of the most exciting tricks used in Hollywood. After the magic work-shop, they can ride the Spiderwick Chronicles, an interac-tive attraction in which visitors shall use their magic wand to play and win points.

Fantasy world will also include an array of water activi-ties such as the Fairy Tale Voyage. Visitors will travel on a raft into a magical world of 4D fairies on land and in the clouds.

The movie Sleepy Hollow will be the theme of a 4D attrac-tion where Headless Horseman from the movie will come to life in a thrilling adventure.




In Adventure City, action lovers will be able to live in person vibrating scenes of the most adventurous movies of Paramount.

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Plaza Future

There is no doubt, special e#ects will have a major role in each corner of this area spectacularly transporting visitors into the future.

Star Trek and The War of the Worlds are the themes around which the two major attractions of this area will be based. The special e#ects and 4D technology will transport visi-tors into a virtual battle against aliens in order to save the world.

The signature attraction of the any theme park is the ul-timate roller coaster, which in the Paramount Park will be located in Plaza Future. The roller coaster will take visitors on board a spaceship for a thrilling ride to the space hole of Warp Speed. Younger visitors will also have the oppor-tunity to visit outer space within Quasar Force where they will become real life space heroes.




The fourth themed area within the park will be dedicat-ed to science "ction and the uncertain future that many blockbuster scripts have described.

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Life Style Center

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The theme park will also have an enclosed area called the “Life style center “, a com-plex that will become a core center for the business, cultural and leisure activity of the area throughout the year delivered at such a high level that is certain to become an economic engine for the Region of Murcia.

The Lifestyle Center can be divided into 3 main areas: hotel complex, leisure area and business area. The hotel complex will include 7 hotels, a convention area, with particular appeal for business travelers and event hostings; and !nally, a 5-star casino resort hotel for the most demanding clientele, adding an attractive nightlife component to the LifeStyle Center.

Leisure will be another appealing part of this complex. The commercial area will be integrated into a Street Mall of 150,000 m%; where the restaurant and night leisure area will include space for night clubs and bars. In addition, the LifeStyle Center will allow the exhibition of major cultural events in its auditorium, exhibition room and large convention area -- a collection of venues and high-level infrastructure that is not currently o#ered in Murcia.

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Summary In just 3 years, April 2015 the town of Alhama de Murcia will become a real movie set when it opens its doors of the Paramount Park complex and, the Life Style Center , in what will be the "rst theme park of this type in Europe.

Once visitors cross the threshold into Paramount, everything will be a virtual dream in movie land. The initiative for this project came from the Government of the Region of Murcia and the company Premursa (Murcianos Great projects) will be responsible for carrying it out.

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Zeeshaan Shah - Chief Executive O#cerDirect Line: +44 (0) 208 899 [email protected]

Pubudu Hewage - Head of FinanceDirect Line: +44 (0) 208 899 [email protected]

Stephen Killick - Sales DirectorDirect Line: +44 (0) 208 899 [email protected]

Mariam Zaidi - Head of Client RelationsDirect Line: +44 (0) 208 899 [email protected]

Raj Sharma - Portfolio ManagerDirect Line: +44 (0) 208 899 [email protected]

Emrah Emir - Portfolio ManagerDirect Line: +44 (0) 208 899 [email protected]

Individual contacts


Page 27: Murcia Investment Guide 2012

Prestige Brokers UK Limited,Level 4, 26–28 Hammersmith Grove, W6 7BA, London.

+44 (0) 208 834 1035www.prestigebrokers.co.uk
