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Muscles Revision Questions

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  • 8/9/2019 Muscles Revision Questions


    1. The diagram represents actin and myosin in a muscle cell.

    O f f

    O n

    M y o s i n

    M y o s i n h e a d

    S w i t c h p r o t e i n( t r o p o m y o s i n )

    B i n d i n g s i t e o na c t i n m o l e c u l e

    A c t i n

    (a) With reference to the diagram:

    (i) descrie the part played y calcium ions in muscle contraction!





    Cranford Community College 1

  • 8/9/2019 Muscles Revision Questions


    (ii) e"plain how the muscle cell contracts.






    () #escrie how AT$ is used in muscle contraction.




    (Total 5 marks)

    2. Muscles contract when some of their cells ecome shorter in length. This shortening is rought

    aout when myosin and actin filaments in the cytoplasm of muscle cells slide o%er each other.

    &"plain how AT$ and calcium ions ('a) help the myosin and actin filaments to slide o%er eachother during the shortening of a muscle cell.

    AT$ ......................................................................................................................................




    'a .......................................................................................................................................




    (Total 4 marks)

    Cranford Community College 2

  • 8/9/2019 Muscles Revision Questions


    3. The diagram shows the appearance of part of a myofiril from a s*eletal muscle fire when

    %iewed with a light microscope.

    +, o n e


    a n d

    A a n d

    a n d

    (a) The muscle fire is rela"ed. When the muscle contracts/ what happens to the appearanceof:

    (i) the A and!.......................................................................................................

    (ii) the and!.........................................................................................................

    (iii) the + ,one0.......................................................................................................(2)

    () n which of the regions laelled in the diagram would the following e present0

    (i) Myosin.............................................................................................................

    (ii) Actin.................................................................................................................(2)

    (c) #escrie the role of calcium ions in muscle contraction.





    (Total 6 marks)

    Cranford Community College 3

  • 8/9/2019 Muscles Revision Questions


    4. S*eletal muscle is made of undles of fires.

    (a) #escrie the roles of calcium ions/ AT$ and phosphocreatine in producing contraction of

    a muscle fire.









    S () The tale shows some properties of slow and fast muscle fires.

    Property of fibre Type I (slow fibres) Type II (fat fibres)

    1umer of mitochondria per fire Many 2ew

    'oncentration of en,ymes

    regulating glycolysis

    Moderate +igh

    3esistance to fatigue +igh 4ow

    Cranford Community College 4

  • 8/9/2019 Muscles Revision Questions


    &ndurance athletes/ such as marathon runners/ nearly always ha%e a high proportion of

    slow fires in their muscles. &"plain the enefit of this.













    (c) #uring e"ercise/ much heat is generated. #escrie the homeostatic mechanisms that

    restore normal ody temperature following %igorous e"ercise.










    (Total 15 marks)

    Cranford Community College 5

  • 8/9/2019 Muscles Revision Questions


    5. The diagram shows the arrangement of some of the proteins in a myofiril from a s*eletal

    muscle. The myofiril is shown in the rela"ed state.

    5 l i n e

    A a n d . a n d

    + , o n e

    S a r c o m e r e

    (a) 1ame the protein found in the + ,one.


    () When the muscle contracts/ what happens to the width of

    (i) the A and! .......................................................................................................

    (ii) the and0 ........................................................................................................(2)

    Cranford Community College 6

  • 8/9/2019 Muscles Revision Questions


    S (c) The distance etween two 5 lines in a myofiril is 6.7 m. 'alculate the magnification of

    the diagram. Show your wor*ing.

    Answer ........................................................................................................................(2)

    (Total 5 marks)

    6. (a) Figre 1 shows part of a myofiril from s*eletal muscle.

    5 l i n e 5 l i n e5 l i n e

    T h i c * f i l a m e n t T h i n f i l a m e n t

    A a n d A a n d

    S a r c o m e r e S a r c o m e r e

    Figre 1

    Cranford Community College 7

  • 8/9/2019 Muscles Revision Questions


    (i) #escrie two features/ %isile in the diagram/ which show that the myofiril is


    6 .........................................................................................................................




    (ii) &"plain the role of calcium ions and AT$ in ringing aout contraction of a muscle


    'alcium ions ..............................................................................................88



    AT$ ....................................................................................................................



    Cranford Community College 8

  • 8/9/2019 Muscles Revision Questions


    () Figre 2shows the structure of a neuromuscular 9unction. The %esicles contain


    M o t o rn e u r o n e

    $ r e s y n a p t i cm e m r a n e

    S y n a p t i cc l e f t

    M e m r a n e o f m u s c l e f i r e

    : e s i c l e s

    Figre 2

    (i) An action potential is generated at the cell ody of the motor neurone.

    &"plain how this action potential passes along the motor neurone to the

    neuromuscular 9unction.








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  • 8/9/2019 Muscles Revision Questions


    (ii) When the action potential arri%es at the neuromuscular 9unction/ it results in the

    secretion of acetylcholine into the synaptic cleft. &"plain how.







    (c) Between the ages of ; and ;. Assume that the rate of muscle loss in each age

    range is constant.


    (ii) &"plain why e"plosi%e e"ercises/ such as sprinting and weightlifting/ will e more

    Cranford Community College 10

  • 8/9/2019 Muscles Revision Questions


    affected y this muscle loss than aeroic e"ercises/ such as 9ogging.



    (Total 15 marks)

    !. Figre 1 shows part of a single myofiril from a s*eletal muscle fire as it appears under an

    optical microscope.

    5 @ l i n e 5 @ l i n e

    5 @ l i n e5 @ l i n e

    F i g r e 1

    Figre 2

    (a) (i) 'omplete Figre 2 to show the arrangement of actin and myosin filaments in thispart of the myofiril as they would appear under an electron microscope.

    4ael the actin and myosin filaments.(2)

    Cranford Community College 11

  • 8/9/2019 Muscles Revision Questions


    (ii) Why are the details you ha%e drawn in Figre 2 %isile under the electron

    microscope ut not under the optical microscope0



    () The myofiril in Figre 1 is magnified >;;;. A muscle fire is ?; m in diameter.

    'alculate the numer of myofirils which would fit side y side across the diameter of

    the muscle fire. Show your wor*ing.

    Answer .............................................. myofirils.(2)

    (Total 5 marks)

    ". The diagram shows part of a myofiril from a rela"ed muscle fire.

    A a n d a n d + , o n e

    6 . ; m

    5 l i n e

    Cranford Community College 12

  • 8/9/2019 Muscles Revision Questions


    (a) When the muscle fire contracts/ which of the A and/ and and + ,one

    (i) remain unchanged in length/ ....................................................................................(1)

    (ii) decrease in length0 ...................................................................................................(1)

    () &"plain what caused the decrease in length in part (a)(ii).





    (c) The whole muscle fire is C; mm long when rela"ed. &ach sarcomere is .< m long

    when contracted. Dse the scale gi%en on the diagram to calculate the length of the

    contracted muscle fire in millimetres.

    4ength of contracted fire E ...................................... mm(2)

    (d) The tale gi%es some properties of the two different types of muscle fire found in

    s*eletal muscle.

    (i) 'omplete the tale y writing the words FhighG or FlowG for the remaining three

    properties of each type of muscle fire.

    Type of ms#le fibre

    Type 1 Type 2

    Speed of contraction high low

    2orce generated high low

    Acti%ity of the en,ymes of glycolysis high low

    1umer of mitochondria

    Acti%ity of Hres cycle en,ymes

    3ate of fatigue


    Cranford Community College 13

  • 8/9/2019 Muscles Revision Questions


    (ii) The myosin@AT$ase of type 1 muscle fires has a faster rate of reaction than that in

    type 2 fires. Dse your *nowledge of the mechanism of muscle contraction to

    e"plain how this will help type 1 muscle fires to contract faster than type 2.









    S (iii) The lood lea%ing an acti%e muscle with a high percentage of type 1 muscle fires

    contained a higher concentration of lactate than that lea%ing a muscle with a high

    percentage of type 2 muscle fires. &"plain why.





    (Total 15 marks)

    Cranford Community College 14

  • 8/9/2019 Muscles Revision Questions


    $. The flow chart outlines an in%estigation to determine from where the calcium ions in%ol%ed in

    muscle contraction are released.

    'alcium ion transport proteins were

    isolated from human tissue.

    These proteins were in9ected into a rait.

    The rait formed antiodies to the

    proteins. These antiodies were collected

    and laelled with gold particles.

    Muscle tissue was treated with the

    laelled antiodies and e"amined with an

    electron microscope. +igh concentrations

    of gold particles were oser%ed attached

    to the sarcoplasmic reticulum.

    S (a) 4aelled antiodies and an electron microscope can e used to produce images locating

    proteins on the surface of organelles/ ut cannot e used to oser%e cross ridge cycling

    in muscle cells. &"plain why.











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  • 8/9/2019 Muscles Revision Questions


    () #escrie the role of calcium ions and AT$ in muscle contraction.











    (Total 1% marks)

    Cranford Community College 16

  • 8/9/2019 Muscles Revision Questions


    1%. The diagram shows four stages in the cycle of actinImyosin cross ridge formation which

    results in contraction of a muscle.

    S t a g e &

    S t a g e '

    S t a g e (

    S t a g e )

    + e a d o f m y o s i nm o l e c u l e a t t a c h e dt o a c t i n

    A c t i n f i l a m e n t / m a d eu p o f a c t i n m o l e c u l e s9 o i n e d t o g e t h e r



    A T $

    (a) 1ame molecule * and ion +.

    * ..........................................................

    + ..........................................................(1)

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  • 8/9/2019 Muscles Revision Questions


    () Dse the information in the diagram to e"plain how actin mo%es past myosin. n your

    answer/ refer to the stages &/ '/ and . (A description of the roles of calcium ions and

    tropomysin is not reJuired.)









    (c) After an animal dies/ respiration stops and no more AT$ is made. The muscles ecome

    rigid and fi"ed in their length. Dse the information in the diagram to suggest an

    e"planation for this.




    (Total 6 marks)

    Cranford Community College 18

  • 8/9/2019 Muscles Revision Questions


    11. The diagram shows the stages in one cycle that results in mo%ement of an actin filament in a

    muscle sarcomere.

    M y o s i n h e a dF r e c o c * s G

    u s i n g e n e r g yf r o m A T $

    M y o s i n

    A c t i n

    A T $ i n d sM y o s i n h e a dr o t a t e s

    M y o s i nh e a d i n d s

    M y o s i n h e a dd e t a c h e s

    (a) #escrie how stimulation of a muscle y a ner%e impulse starts the cycle shown in thediagram.







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  • 8/9/2019 Muscles Revision Questions


    () &ach cycle reJuires hydrolysis of one molecule of AT$ and mo%es one actin filament

    ?; nm. #uring contraction of a muscle sarcomere/ a single actin filament mo%es ;.7 m.

    'alculate how many molecules of AT$ are reJuired to produce this mo%ement.

    Answer ................................................................(2)

    (c) After death/ cross ridges etween actin and myosin remain firmly ound resulting in

    rigor mortis. Dsing information in the diagram/ e"plain what causes the cross ridges to

    remain firmly ound.





    (Total ! marks)
